Volkert, the Murder and the Media Storm P.12

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Volkert, the Murder and the Media Storm P.12 Hype-oriented, opportu- Do gays feel safe ‘A scientist doesn’t have nistic and too commercial in Wageningen? to be a nerd’ Thea Hilhorst wipes the fl oor Recent attack on Rooseveltweg Tanya Radoeva hopes to win student with the aid sector. | p.8 | seems isolated incident. | p.18 | contest with her beauty and brains. | p.24 | RESOURCEFor students and employees of Wageningen UR no 17 – 19 April 2012 – 6th Volume Looking back ten years on Volkert, the murder and the media storm p.12 (5(6SLQGG 2 >> liefdewerk >> HENK + SOUNDS OF NATURE Henk Meeuwsen, researcher at Geo-information systems, Alterra ‘It is so beautiful and so moving’ The minute he heard his fi rst nightingale, he was sold. ‘Sounds man’ Henk Meeuwsen records the sounds of nature. Mainly birds but also anything from running water to buzzing bees. This is a job for an early bird: birdlife is most active before dawn, when the surroundings are relatively quiet as well. CDs full of sounds with titles such as Blackbirds and More, Birds Top 100, or The Heath. Nice source of ringtones too, See: www.natuurgeluiden.nl. RK / Foto: Guy Ackermans RESOURCE — 19 April 2012 (5(6SLQGG ILLUSTRATION COVER: PASCAL TIEMAN >>CONTENTS no 17 – 6th Volume >> 9 >> 22 >> 28 FEWER VARIETIES OF WOODPECKER ALL PROFS TOGETHER CHANCE TO SEE THE QUEEN Climate change causes loss of genetic University is deserting the town ‘You can see the royal family from so variety, predicts computer model. centre. Is that a problem? close by’ AND MORE... SENSITIVE 2 Labour of love It seemed such a good idea to us at Resource. A feature looking back on the sounds of nature weeks following the murder of Pim Fortuyn, when Wageningen came under close 4 News and opinion scrutiny from the Dutch media. Camera crews swarmed through the town and a 8 Science note was displayed at Droevendaal: ‘Dear press, please stop pestering us.’ 11 Resource.wur.nl According to a Telegraaf journalist, prominent Wageningers such as Arthur Mol, 12 Features Simon Vink and Patrick Jansen were all part of Volkert’s network. 16 In the picture So let’s look back on that turbulent period, we thought. Not ourselves, but boat race through the eyes of those who were hounded by journalists or portrayed as 18 Features wrongheaded friends of Volkert. But most of the relevant people were loath to be 18 Features cited. I approached one of them in a busy pub. He stood up at once: ‘Wait a 22 IMO minute, let’s go and sit at a separate table.’ He then patiently explained why he opinion was only willing to talk off record (to protect an old acquaintance). 24 Student Sensitive stuff. Perhaps ten years on is still too soon. 29 Column 32 Typical Dutch Gaby van Caulil culture >> ‘Farmers don’t want reports’: successful innovation in practice at the pig innovation centre in Sterksel. | p20 | 19 April 2012 — RESOURCE (5(6SLQGG >> news %5((',1*&203$1,(6:$1772 %((5(9,(: 67,//+2/'6 &21&(175$7(5 '21&$0386 :$7(5 join forces in R&D activities. They mation from big and complex da- ð &RPSDQLHVMRLQIRUFHV will participate in the new innova- tabases for their breeding pro- ð *HQHWLFUHVHDUFKWREH tion programme Breed4Food, a grammes. ð 7KHGRVHVXVHGLQWKH6FLHQFH FRQFHQWUDWHGLQ:DJHQLQJHQ public-private joint venture with Whether the government will VWXGLHVèZHUHQRWUHDOLVWLFé the university’s Animal Breeding match this investment with public and Genomics Centre. Because of research funds is still uncertain. Four major breeding companies this close cooperation, the compa- The private sector has submitted The recent headline-grabbing bee want to bring their R&D activities nies seek to concentrate their R&D innovation plans totalling 184 mil- studies published in Science do together in a new centre on Wage- activities on the Wageningen UR lion euros to the Agrifood top sec- not change the conclusions ningen campus, states the innova- Campus. tor, but Minister Verhagen has on- reached in Tjeerd Blacquière’s bee tion contract of the Agrifood top ly 72 million euros of government review, says the Wageningen re- sector. The companies are CRV *(120,&6(/(&7,21 co-financing funds available. searcher. In the two studies, neo- (cattle), Hendrix Genetics (poultry Between them, the breeding com- The top sector and the Ministry of nicotinoids are expressly named as and pigs), Topigs (pigs) and Cobb panies will invest 10 million euros Economic Affairs, Agriculture and the main suspect in relation to the Europe (poultry). With a total per year on pre-competitive and Innovation have yet to decide global epidemic of mysterious bee annual expenditure of 40 million high-risk research. An example is which projects are eligible for co- deaths. Blacquière and his colle- euros in research & development, genomic selection, from which the finance. AS agues concluded that there was no these companies have decided to companies can obtain useful infor- evidence for this. Both the new publications are about field studies. In one study, bumble bees showed clear signs of ,65,&120$'6813$&.$*$,1 slowed growth after being fed a menu of pollen containing imida- cloprid. What is more, they almost stopped producing queen bees. A ‘worst case scenario’, says Blacqui- ère. Such a study gives a measura- ble effect, but is not realistic enough. Blacquière: ‘Out in the natural world, they would also be able to land on unpolluted flowers outside the field.’ In another experiment, bees ex- posed to nectar containing thia- methoxam (another neonicoti- noid) could no longer find their way back to the hive. Blacquière says the doses involved were not realistic. ‘The amount of thiame- thoxam the bees got at one go was 18 times as much as they would absorb with nectar. That is very close to a fatal dose.’ Only if you observe these kinds of negative effects at doses 10 or 20 times 6WHSKDQ0DQWHOKDVEHHQZRUNLQJIRU,VULFIRU\HDUV 0DQWHOKDVPL[HGIHHOLQJVDERXWDOOWKHVHPRYHVè'XL- lower than this do you really have a GXULQJZKLFKKHKDVPRYHGIRXUWLPHV7KDWLVQRWDEDG YHQGDDOPLJKWKDYHEHHQROGEXWLWZDVZHOOVXLWHGWR point. Then there would be impli- DYHUDJHEXWWKRVHIRXUPRYHVZHUHDOOLQWKHSDVWWZR RXUQHHGV$VIDUDVEXLOGLQJVJR,ZRXOGUDWKHUEHLQ cations for our review.’ Blacquière \HDUV7KHWUHNEHJDQDWWKHHQGRIZKHQWKH\VXG- 'XLYHQGDDOé0DQWHOWKLQNVWKHUHLVOHVVURRPLQ*DLD did the review for the ministry of GHQO\KDGWRYDFDWHWKHLUKRPHDW'XLYHQGDDO7KHQWKH %XWWKHUHDUHFRPSHQVDWLRQVè$WOHDVWZHDUHQRZDUHRQ EL&I. The board that authorizes :LVVHOJHERXZEXLOGLQJRQFDPSXVWXUQHGRXWWREHD FDPSXV+HUHZHDUHSDUWRIWKHZKROHFRPSOH[RI plant protection products has al- VWRSRYHUIRUWKHŊQDOGHVWLQDWLRQLQ*DLD+DUGO\KDG UHVHDUFKDQGWHDFKLQJ,VULFZLOOEHFRPHEHWWHUNQRZQ ready indicated that it does not WKH\XQSDFNHGWKHLUER[HVZKHQWKH\KDGWRPRYHDJDLQ RQFHWKHQHZEXLOGLQJZLWKWKHPXVHXPLVŊQLVKHG7KDW consider the Science publications WRWKH:LVVHOJHERXZ1RZWKHUHIXUELVKLQJZRUNDW*DLD FDQEHWKHLQVWLWXWHéVFDOOLQJFDUGWKH,VULFPDJQHWé to have serious implications. 5. DQG/XPHQLVGUDZLQJWRDFORVH,VULFZDVRQHRIWKH 5.IRWR*X\$FNHUPDQV ŊUVWWRPRYHLQWRWKHQHZSUHPLVHVODVWZHHN RESOURCE — 19 april 2012 (5(6SLQGG news << 5 81,9(56,7<:$1762873267,1;,$0(1 California and Xiamen University. offer bursaries. The next stage will net but lecturers will also be fl own ð &ROODERUDWLRQZLWK$PHULFDQ Rector Martin Kropff, board mem- be to develop a joint degree in in from Wageningen. XQLYHUVLW\ ber Tijs Breukink and education which students can choose Xiamen lies on the south coast ð /HFWXUHUVZLOOVRRQEHŋRZQLQ director Tiny van Boekel will be vi- whether to study in Xiamen, Cali- of China, opposite Taiwan. Wage- siting Xiamen in June for explora- fornia or Wageningen. If they ningen UR is already involved on tory talks. choose Wageningen, they will get a the campus of Xiamen University, Educating the Chinese in China: Initially an agrifood programme Wageningen degree, which will where a horticultural development this is the principle behind the will be set up at Xiamen University, make it easier to obtain a PhD po- centre was opened in April 2011. idea of founding a university cam- and this will need accreditation sition or a job in Europe or the US. The access road to the centre is pus in the Chinese province of Fu- and funding. The province seems The lecturers will be drawn from called Wageningen Road. *Y& jian. The plan is for a collaboration to be willing to fund the degree all three institutions. Some of the between Wageningen, UC Davis in programme and companies will teaching will be done on the inter- NRUW NjNj63257 NjNj&+,1$ %DWDYLHUHQUDFH 0LFKDHO0¾OOHUYLVLWLQJ The fortieth Batavieren race starts at SURIHVVRULQ1DQMLQJ midnight on 28 April. The biggest Dutch Nanjing agricultural university has ap- student relay race starts in Nijmegen, pointed Michael Müller as visiting pro- passes through Germany and the Achter- fessor. The professor of Nutrition, Meta- 6&+$0,1(ljlj hoek region, and ends at the university bolism and Genomics was in China last campus in Enschede. The 340 teams in- week where he was ceremonially instal- 'HYHORSPHQW$LG clude several from Wageningen. The uni- led. He also gave students a crash course In a comment on the current negotiations in the Dutch versity team actually thinks it has a good in nutrigenomics. What else the position cabinet, I read in the Volkskrant that there is broad sup- chance of winning as its main rival, Gro- will involve should become clear in due port among the Dutch population for a further cut of one ningen, is not in such good form as in course, says Müller. He will certainly be billion to the development aid budget. Further, because previous years. Last year the Wagenin- teaching and there will probably be an this amount was cut once when the cabinet took offi ce. gen team came sixth. /YG1 exchange of PhD students. Any joint The paper warns that this could do a lot of damage to the research will focus on the eff ect of nutri- Netherlands’ international reputation. I have to read the tion on the intestines. The appointment sentence twice. The words of Bill Gates have apparently is for a period of at least fi ve years and made little impression. The issue is not whether we allevi- is not linked directly to a research ate suffering in the world and reduce child deaths, for budget.
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