16 May 2014

MEDIA RELEASE Priceless Artworks Return to This Summer

Watercolours and drawings by world famous artists including JMW Turner, Thomas Gainsborough, Samuel Palmer and David Jones will be on display alongside original manuscripts by William and Mary Wordsworth at two museums in South Wales this summer.

‘SITES OF INSPIRATION – Tintern Abbey and Llanthony Priory’ are two free exhibitions by Museum’s service. Museum’s gallery will display art, manuscripts and archaeology inspired by Tintern Abbey in the and will show work depicting Llanthony Priory in the Llanthony Valley.

“These spectacular historic sites on our doorsteps have inspired famous artists, writers and poets throughout the years” said Anne Rainsbury, curator at Chepstow Museum. “It’s the first time such comprehensive collections of artworks and artefacts have been brought back here, to the places where they were created and it’s tremendously exciting.”

The exhibitions have been funded by a Sharing Treasures grant from the Welsh Government and the Heritage Lottery Fund which enables Chepstow and Abergavenny museums to loan objects from galleries across Britain, including the Tate, British Museum, V&A, The Ashmolean, National Library of Wales, CADW and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales.

“This summer’s exhibitions at Chepstow and Abergavenny Museums are a once in a lifetime opportunity to see world class art and archaeology close to their sites of inspiration. We extend a warm welcome to everyone to come and find out how artists throughout the years have interpreted the beautiful landscape we live in” added Abergavenny Museum Curator Karin Molson.

The exhibitions will run from May 24th to September 28th 2014. A series of promotional events will also be held throughout the summer, including a ‘Walking with Wordsworth’ tour of the poet’s favourite spots and a number of activities at the sites themselves. For more information see http://www.monmouthshire.gov.uk/museums


Editor’s Note:

• This project is part of the ‘Sharing Treasures’ programme, financed by a grant from the Welsh Government and the Heritage Lottery Fund. • Sharing Treasures is a scheme designed to make the nation’s treasures more accessible to the public. • Ceridwen has been employed by Abergavenny and Chepstow Museum to deliver the community involvement in the Sharing Treasures project. • Members of the media can get more information or to arrange interviews by contacting [email protected] or calling 07970 792986. • Chepstow Museum, Gwy House, Bridge St, Chepstow, Gwent NP16 5EZ Tel: 01291 625981. Opening Times (including Bank Holidays): March, April, May, June, October: Monday – Saturday 11.00 am – 5.00 pm Sunday 2.00 – 5.00 pm July, August, September: Daily 10.30 am – 5.30 pm • Abergavenny Museum, The Castle, Castle Street, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. NP7 5EE Tel: 01873 854282 Opening hours (including Bank Holidays): Monday – Saturday: 11am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm (until 4pm in winter months) Sunday: 2pm – 5pm (open in summer months only)