226 CLASSIFIED LIST.-Continued. • la; ;c::: a 4 R' 7 tt'Pm" ' 'SS 'KrtSrt?'U PO 'RZrrz ' CC' a 5 ' 'W? '$' 1'(§ 15 y SPINNERS. Britannia Mill Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Britannia Mill, FLAX Broad Oak Manufacturing Co., Limited, Oak Vale, Accrin~n Birley ..John & Sons, Barnfield, Kirkham, Preston Bromiley Arthur & Co., Limited, Folds Mill, Folds road, L1ttle Bolton Hopefield Hemp Spinning Oo., Limited, Hall street, Adelphi, Salford, Brooks, W orrall & Co., Kenyon's Mill, Tottington, Bury_ Manchester JIJrookside Weaving Co.hLimited, Brookside and Dove Mills, Renshaw William & Co., Limited, Broughton Flax Mills, Broughton, Brotherton & Co., Mars Lane Mill, Prest&n Manchester Broughtoq H. & Co., Stone Bridge Mills, and Skelton Street Shed, Brown J. A. & Co., Hacken Mills, Darcy Lever, Bolton · Brown Robert, Foulsykes Mill, _ HOSIERY HANUFA.CTDRE::3.S. Brunton Alfr!'ld,Laneshaw Bridge Mill, Laneshaw Bridge, Colne Bulcock & Threlfall, Springfield Shed, Grimshaw Thomas & Sons, Sun Mill, Littleborough Bullough Adam, Waterside Mill, EcclesttiU, Darwen Hosiery Co., Limitedi Westhoughton, B~lton Burgess, Ledw~rd & Cq., 'V-ardley.,Mill, Walkden, Farnworth Lord Brothers. Rocks Mill, Smal briQ.ge, Roehdale Burnley Self·Help _Cotton Spinning & Manufacturing Society, Limited, Rothwell Hosiery Co., Limited, Victoria Mill, B:ridgeman street, Bolton Healey Royd Mills,