Rediscovering Our Purpose. Who are we?

By Edgar Solís

August 15, 2021


If we want to know the purpose of something, we need to know its origin; who created it and why? I want to show you four different things. I invite you to guess.

What is this, and what is its purpose?

#1 Roman Dodecahedron.

This thing was discovered in 1739. Since then, at least 116 similar objects have been found from Wales to and and to the east of , with most found in

Germany and . Experts have called them "Dodecahedrons." Ranging from 4 to 11 centimeters (1.6 to 4.3 in) in size. These Dodecahedrons have been found in contemporary accounts or pictures of the time. One speculated use is a candlestick holder (wax was found inside two examples) but this isn’t for sure. Experts cannot find the purpose of these artifacts. Smaller dodecahedra with the same features (holes and knobs) and made from gold have been found in Southeast Asia along the Maritime Silk

Road. They have been used for decorative purposes, and the earliest items appear to be from the Roman epoch.

What is this?

#2. Old Computer. #3. Ancient copper coffee machine. #4. Blue Dragon. "Glaucus

Atlanticus" 2

Just like trying to discover the identity and function of these items, since the beginning of human existence, people have tried to answer these questions: Who are we and what is the purpose of our existence?

If we have an explanation of why we exist, then we can find purpose to our life, but if we don't know from where we came or why we are here, then human life and the existence of all creation is pointless.

Today, I believe the church needs to address these existential questions and be sure that we have a consistent and coherent answer. If we have the conviction of where we come from and why we exist as individuals and as a church, we will have the assurance of purpose. Then we will be able to share the hope and faith that comes from God. We must believe that if we know that God has created us for a divine purpose, we will be able to share with conviction the good news of Jesus to the desperate humanity, people worldwide anxiously looking for direction and purpose. However, we cannot give something that we do not have.

God calls us to share the good news of Jesus Christ that gives hope, direction, and purpose to people. We need to find our purpose first. For people of faith, the ultimate explanation of human existence necessarily comes from God.

All creation comes from God.

To begin to find a theological explanation of our existence, it is essential to answer the following question. How did everything come to exist? To this cosmological question,

Christian Apologist William Lane Craig offers a very consistent philosophical argument. 3

“Why there is anything rather than nothing?” Craig says that typically Atheists have answered this question by saying that the universe is just eternal and uncaused.

Science has demonstrated that the universe began to exist at a defined time (13 billion years ago). Craig also says: “Think of what the universe is: all of space-time reality, including all matter and energy. So it follows that if the universe has a cause of its existence…the cause of the existence of the universe must be a transcendent mind, which is what believers understand God to be.”

Atheist Bertrand Russell said, “Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless.”

Our purpose comes from God

Let’s remember what the Bible says about how everything came to exist. In the epistle of Colossians 1:15-16 we read “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”

Without God, we are hopeless, and life turns into a meaningless experience. However, if we are God’s creation, we need to listen to what God says. We need to follow God’s commands, and we need to take the direction of God’s will in our lives.

But, what happens with those who say that they believe in God but don’t obey God’s commandments? Or what happens with those who say that they believe in God, but they cannot follow Jesus, the ultimate expression of God here on earth? Many people believe in God’s existence, but not all believers believe in what God had said. Therefore, 4 there are people in the world that can believe in God’s existence, but they don’t believe in His Word, they are believers without faith, religious people without God. Church attenders without a spiritual life. In this regard, I believe that Atheists are often more consistent than many believers because an Atheist denies the existence of God completely. However, many of them are people with sound moral values and integrity.

On the other hand, some people claim to believe in God but deny the presence or power of God in the world with their actions.

Dear church, the topic is enormously extended, but I want to let you know more than anything else that God has a purpose for your life, she has created you! Moreover, God is pleased with your existence; now, it is our goal to find out what our purpose is here on earth.

We are created to give glory to God.

This morning I want to say that as people of God, as people of faith, we must believe in

God’s existence and in God’s actions, plans, and purpose for every one of us. Moreover, we are called to believe that the purpose of our individual and communal exitance comes from God. God created you and your purpose in life comes from the eternal! A powerful way to know if we are conscious of our purpose in life is (believe it or not!) when we have our epitaph ready. Death, yes, the certainty of death can give us a powerful consciousness of our purpose in life. Have you thought about it? Epitaphs summarize a person’s life in a short phrase, do you have yours already?

Mark Twain said: “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” 5

Let’s look at some well-known historical figures in world history and see if they express the purpose of their life in some way.

Mel Blanc (the legendary voice of Porky Pig)

“That’s All Folks” Man of 1000 Voices, Beloved Father and Husband

Emily Dickinson

“Called back.”

Winston Churchill

“I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is ready for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty I’m free at last.”

If we have a purpose from God, beloved church, let us start finding it and living it!

You and I were created to honor God and give him glory! In conclusion, I want to share

4 simple practices to rediscover your purpose in God.

1. Get to know God. Get quiet. Turn off the radio and TV, step away from your

computer, put away your phone, and find a quiet spot to simply wait for God’s


2. Know God’s history through the Bible. Let’s go back to the Scriptures! Dedicate

time to READ your Bible, underline, highlight, or write out passages, verses,

phrases or words that speak to you. These are the gifts that keep on giving

when you need encouragement down the road. 6

3. Open your life to Jesus. Read, listen, meditate on messages, study the Bible.

Open your life to Jesus and surrender all to him.

4. Do something for someone else, without expecting anything in return.

If you still have the challenge of identifying your purpose in life, remember that God created you for his glory, so let’s start to enjoy who you are and what God can do through your life. May we all say as John Wesley, "I want the whole Christ for my

Savior, the whole Bible for my book, the whole Church for my fellowship, and the whole world for my mission field. Amen!"