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I : The elephant train 1I1veii vl8lUng IIluwnl a tour of the Chico State campus. Slopogesl6-17for homecoming game photos. ( I "\,


I \ . I , I I ',I' ··,Iil Volume 17 No. 4 California St~te University Chico October 1, 1986' Red Barn has bar cycle despite warnings ,{ , by Kcart'lD RaglJhanti " Lambrix /lald htl Willi ploll6e& Vlith lIl1'goet social !Itudi!llt o:'gIlnizlltion Accordh!.~ .. to "'Kistier lind the " 'Staff Writer Red Barn'/I hOD03ty Ilt the mooting with me~bers totaling 200. Tho club highwllY patrol, the main party on . when BryaD Kistler, the is not affiliated with, the Greek Nord Avenue went lluiootWy. One ',\ organizations presid~nt admittod he system. , . neighbor complained about nollie, but !) , LlIst SlIturallY, a 45().person bar ' hod not contacted Moals on Wheels Participant8 in II bar cycle podol to refused to file II formal complaint and 'cycle WIIS hosted by Red Born, a , llbout the donlltion, olthough he hlld lI!lOries of stops where they consume agrood to contact Red Born officers if J, Chico State social orgllllization, intended to do so. alcoholic beverllges. the noise becamoa problem IIgain. i despite firm wlll'llings by the Chico .' Kistler said Liambrix encourllged Red Barn modified ito trllditional One young woman was arrested for Police Department and Chico State,' him to contact the Chico Enterprise­ bill' cycle format in response to the riding under the influence when the and public uproar. ' Record and ask the paper to print II local pressure. ohoriffs department cleared the party Conflict concorning the bar cycle retrllction, since the chllrity informod Alcohol was not provided at the IIbout 4:30 p.m. arooe 108t Thursday when a story in a Red Born they could not accept the first stop, but directions were given Kiotler criticized the officers for local newspaper printed the time, money for othlco1 reasons. to II second stop on North Cedar inwrfering with Red Born's efforts to location and description of the event. Ed McLaughlin, vice-president of Street and Fourth Avenue, where trllnsport people home sllfely. The article also mentioned that Red Mothers Against Drunk Driving in wine coolers were served. At this According to ICMler, Red Barn Barn intended to donate its profits Chico and president of Chico Velo point, Kistler mode announcements ,provided froo Chico Clipper services to Meals on Wheels. Cycling, Club, sald he was surprised concerning the restructured pillns and sober Red Bo'm volunteers to Officer Mike Lambrix, of the Chico to soo Meals on Wheels particiPllting and the rellBons for them. drive home those too drunk to ride. Police Department, said he received in such an event. To confirm the Bar cyclists were then moved in Tho II bruptnes8 of the sheriff's orders sevorltl phone calls 'l'hursdayevening informlltion, McLllughlincontacted groups of 20 to II final stop on Nord to disperse caused people who should and FridllY 1l)orning from citliens Meals OD Wheels, who denied any Avenue botween Eighth and East hllve waited for a ride to loove. he concerned about the event. kriowledge of receiving II donlltion IIvenues. Twenty kegs of beer, 12 Bald. In response to, the rising public 'from Red Bom. kegs of mixed drinks, 400 froo Lnmbrix said Red Barn WIIS not concern, Lambrix called a meeting "Sometimes sloazy outfits will do hamburgers, lind two live bands, the singled out to set an eXJlmple. He with ,Red Barn officer8 and this,giving their event II charity Funnols and the Bier Nutz, were lidded thllt 'future bar cycles will be ' university officials on Friday to nllture when it r0811y isn't," he said. provided.' dealt with in tWs same manner. discuss the repercussions of holding McLaughlin, who does not IIpprove the rood· bound party. ' , of bar cyclllll, previously had II blld Lambrix informed Red Barn that experience with, Red Barn. He legal action would be token 'against received !lOvern!' complaints from the organization if laws were broken People who IIssuined his cycling club In the Orion during the bar cycle. WI\II responsible for lost spring's bar His OIlIDples included ~bstructing cycle, with which he hlld no in· traffic by riding IIOveral abrOllst volvement. '. through the streets, serving alcohol He said he is writing 'letters to . LocaI ...... ,...... ,.. ·...... 12 Arts lind Leiaure ...... ,18 without a licenllO or to minors, and ' BudweillOr distributors oDd rlldio Campul Quotee ...... :s C.lcndor ...... J22 riding under the influence of alcohol. station KNVR to inform them of the i AS Newl ...... u ...... ilO Sports ...... n ...... ,24 Rick Roes and Herman Ellis of cycling club's opinion that they 29 Chico State's student activities office crellted neglltive'public relations by , News BriCIS ...... jlO Cros8word· .. ·...... •...... ·.... i olso informed Red Barn that certain sponsoring the event. He inwnds to Opinions ...... :14 C18881f1cd8f1"fI" ...... ~SO university privileges could, be urge Mother", Agllinot Drunk revoked if organization members, Driving to do the slime. acted unwillely. Red Barn ill onll of Chico Stete's , .',', ~ ~ " ,'.' ... ',' 2 ______0ctoberl,198 6 -LOCAL Alpha Gamma Rho named in lawsuit· Hussllr, who sat in front of the Il1ld Emery no longer live , by Marianne Foglia fraternity lit the rodeo, claims to Chico. Staff Writer have sustained injuries to her "Emery is down south shakin' head,limbsand body. pistachios and I don't think he However, Tom DI Grazla, even, knows about it," Wilsie Two former members of Alpha manager of Silverdollnr said. Gamma Rho fraternity have Fairgrounds, said he had not Finsler claims to have been been named in a lawsuit for the heard about the IICcident until it playing racquetball before the' Injury of a young woman during was in the newspaper. rodeo IlDd said," I WIIS not oJ; the Pioneer Days Rodeo last "An Enloe trll1lsport unit was noxiously drunk, nor had I been April. never called, an accident report drinking prior to the' event." The plaintiff, Traci Hussar, was never flied, and the, Finsler said he saw Hussar the ' claims she was injured when fairgrounds never received any' following day and she showed no Gary Finsler and Daniel Emery doctor bills," said Di Grazla. sign of injury. of Alpha Gamma Rho were Fred Ithurburn, Hussar's Hussar was unavailable for , '."J'AWi~h 'f:aetlltv:B""u.on~II'~ml1 pushed, fell or jumped on her attorney, !lllid he is seeking' comment, and Ithurbum refused back. "reasonable, special IlDd ad· to r,elaase' any medical in· Hussar alleges that the ditional damages" to com- formation. However, Ithurburn defendants are wrongfully, pensatehisclient. said he believes this is an open negligen tly and legally "He's looking for a deep and shut case of liability. , responsible for her injuries. pocket, II sold Reeo. ' The State Board of Control ' Among the defendllDts listed Mike Davis, Alpha Gllmma rejected the claim, and Hussar : OhlilltiW, in the case are the State of Rho's president, said the must now seek compensation ' California, Butte , and fraternity has yet to hire an through the courts. Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. attorney. "Why we're in this law Rees estimates that the court Rick Roos, director (If student euit is beyond me, II he sold. proceeding could toke two to activities, believes there is no three' "ysars. correlation between the incident Mike Wilsie, a member of He thinks the charges will be and Alpha Gamma Rho. Alpha Gamma Rho, sold Finsler dropped against the fraternity. " Pollster says vote,.~s don't ~a,re by David Hawkins Staff Writer

Voter turnout in CalifornIa depends more on economic status thll1l concern for issues, and minorities are increasingly ( , underrepresented, said pollster Mervin Field to a Chico State audience Monday night. "There Is pressure on elected officials to focus on the views of voters rather thllD non· voters, ,,' stated Field. "Private polls end up determining the Issues that candidates will use during their campaigns." Figures cj,ted by Field indicate that people earning over $50,000 a year represent 17 percent of the state's population but IIC­ count for a third of all voters. Additionally those between tbe agell of 18·29 comprise nearly 28 percent of the population, but only half of that number actually vote. Pollster Mervin Field speaks to a Chico audience Minorities are a11l0 becoming Increaalngly dillenfranchlaed IIdvertilllng and con8umer terellteci In toplCl! candidates are from the political Ilystem, groups, pubUc officials, and talking about - but they want comprilling over a third of the federal lind stllte agenclea. His them to talk about them population while only accounting' Field Research Corporlltlon Is anyway," oaid Field. for II fifth of all voters. one of the nation's largest And; Field also had comments to, ."liIllIIIII..... "Getting people to vote on most respected, polling " share about the state'll gubor-' election day - expeclally those organizations. " nfttorlal race, and the campaign , who haven't voted In the paot - When asked about President 'to unseat state Supreme Court 10 extremely difficult," 811ld Reagan's popularity, despite Chief Justice Rose Bird and Field. polls indicating people are opo. Justices Cruz Reynoso and Field has been called "the polled to his policies, Field Mid JosephGrodin. , olnglo most powerful"man lri 'rellBlll'ch shows Reagan Is liked, ; "Tho opp~8ItJon.Jto the, California politics." He hllo been becaUIIB "be looks and actslikeG. 'Supeme' CoUrt justices) doelln't Involved in public opinion pres!dent." surveYIl for fifty years involving "The pubUc Is much leas In- ' See Field Page 6 ,. " " October 1,1986,------"-----,-3 LOCAL Cyclist's death spurs group to question parle safety and end at 11 a.m. on both North by Sue Sanguinetti one· year study on safety I Staff Writer measuros for the park, and Pro­ Park lind South Park drives. I park intends to be actively in­ Currently, only the south side I' Chico State counselor Cynthia volved in this master plan study, of the park is closed to traffic I Degen died from massive head said McCracken. from 11 p.m. to 9 a.m.' "We want injuries when a motorcyclist hit In the meantime, Pro-Park is to extend that. We thought that I her as she was bicycling through advocating' that immediate was a good compromise for ,.I Bidwell Park last May. measures be taken by the city to now, " said McCracken. Her death prompted the decrease the chances of future Scott Tapley, a Chico cyclist, would like to eee the park closod formation of Pro-Park (People accidents. 11 Advocating Respect and Caution "The group doesn't want to to cars. He sees the park in Bidwell Park), a group whose see anyone get killed in the next becoming a training ground for goal is the establishment of a year while the study Is being cyclists. "It is one of the few permanent means to separate conducted," says McCracken. places to escape from cars while motorized and non·motorized A proposal submitted to the biking," he sllyS. traffic in Bidwell Park. City Park Commission was McCracken decided to stllrt "Our overall long-term goal is unanimously approved on Aug. Pro·Parkwhile visiting Degen in not to close the park to caro," 25. This proposal regarding the hospital after the accident. said Kate McCracken, founder restricted hours for vehicle use is She and two friends held a first ': 'I , awaiting City Council approvul meeting because they wanted to , \ and leader of Pro-Park. Yet, she , In a hearing scheduled for Oct. 7. find out if there was larger in· , does believe a compromise must , I be made - cars, bikes and people' ,I t proposes' that the existing terest in making the park safe. , I need to be separate. motor vehicle restriction policy , I' The City of Chico is planning a be extended to begin at 11 p.m. See Cyclist Page 13 Kate McCracken, founder and leader of Pro-Pork , :1 Accidents and 'games' on Chico train tracks by Paul Moreno The hospital reported that she There have been no other near Chico State. -pedestrians, bicycles, mopeds Staff Writer . was r,eleased from the intensive reported incidents of injury "Engineers frequently see lind cars that cross the lowered cure unit Sept. 24. involving trains in Chico since objects such as shopping carts bllrriers before an oncoming The engineer of the train was January of 1985, sllys Michael on, tpe tracks in Chico. One train." On Sept. 19, Dana Vasquez, a unawure of the incident until Lambra, crime prevention. of· engineer reported a couch with a \ Lambrix says that crossing Chico State student from Grass Chico police notified Southern ficer for Chico city police. mannequin on it across the between the lowered train Valley, was struck in the face by Pacific. Southern Pacific Railway Co. tracks one night. Another night, barriers is not only a traffic an unknown object sticking out Last June, Laura Anne Foote and Amtrak officials are also an enginoor saw a motorcyclist violation, but a dangerous from a passing freight train. She of Chico was kiiied instantly unaware of any other similar with a whiskey bottle in one practice as well. "Bicycles LInd was standing near the railroad when hit by an Amtrak accidents within the past five hand, racing ahead of the train moped tires frequently get stuck tracks just north of W. First passenger train near W. years. between the rails. Such in· in the tracks at a crossing, Ilnd Street, said Chico city police. Sacramento Avenue. An Amtrak official said that cidents are a hazard to people as the riders are often thrown down

Accorilliig to T. police reports; A friend of Foote, who was other than this summer's well to our trains," said onto the tracks. If a train is Vasquez waB standing with three with her when she was killed, fatality, enginccra have reported Ridgeway. approDching, one could very other young women when she told poliCe Foote was trying to no unusual incidents. "We have an Ilverage of 10 likely be killed or seriously in­ was hit, imd all four women were put a penny on the tracks as the However, Ray Ridgeway, a trairis running through Chico jured." knocked to the ground. southbound train approached. Southern Pacific official, says each dllY, and at all hours. Even He lidded that the chances of Vasquez was taken to Chico The engineer of the train told that engineers have reported an though train traffic has becoming stuck in the tracks Community Hospltul with severe police he saw a young woman increase in the number of in· decreased over past years, our may increase whilo passing lucerations to her face, and a come up to the tracks with her cidents and close accidents on engineers have reported an in· probable skull fracture. arm extended. the tracke in Chico, particularly creDse in the number of See Train Page 12

~ALL FACULTY ~v~O T8~Baar ~9o~d-1 Wednesday ~o« l-e -efunction -" 10·1·86 0;.. , Garden Walk Mdll UNIV. CENTER 225 Main St. There are two ballots: CFA recommends·' ~ !.ES 'on the 6.8% salary increase

NO on the esu contract proposal ~ - ' ••. t f • " •• ! • , . .! •• J' 4·tl.41····'·,,'····'· .. ·············'··W:"·r" .. ,. October 1,'1986 : -LOCAL °A place to eat, but Chico '8 homeless: .nowhere to call home by EVil Sllger 13, 7 and 5. The woman, involved," he claims. "But I'm Staff Writer who wishes to remain totally for a home for the anonymous, came to Chico a few homeless," he adds. weeks' ago from a larger town. Bud Lang, former City Council The line is long outside tha Last week she found a job, but member, Illso voted against the . Gospel Center on Seventh and has to wait two more weeks for Park Avenue proposal. "I did Normal streets. her first paycheck. "We would not feel that public funds should Mostly single men, but also starve without the free meals. be used. The community could some women and children, form For breakfast we go to the Jesus do a better job, and quicker." the line. It's shortly before 4 Center, and we come here for Lang is now one of the people p.m., and time for a free meal. dinner," she says. The family behind another attempt at Inside the kitchen, three has no home; they sleep in their establishing a shelter for the women are busy finishing the car. homeless, at the Samaritan Inn last arrangements for the dinner. Park estimates that at least 10 on Twelfth and Locust streets. Baked beans and rice with percen t of the dinner guests are A local church, the Jubilee turkey are already hot on the homeless. A lot of them sleep in Chapel, is in charge of the stove, and one of the volunteers Bidwell Park or makeshift project. adds the dressing to a big salad. shelters, he says. The Gospel The plan was to house single There is also coffee, whole wheat Center does not house tran· male transients up to seven bread and butter, and, for sients. "If we can, we'll refer, days, and male individuals with dessert, fruit cocktail. them to a cheap motel or to other ajob 60·90 days.

At 4 p.m. the doors open, and organizations. " But Monday night Pastor Ken ,.4#""· the crowd files in. "We serve at The Catholic Ladies Relief and Williams of the Jubilee Chapel least 100 persons per day," says the Salvation Army both offer decided to withdraw the use Bud Park, board member of the shelters. permit request from the Plan· free dinner program at the Catalyst provides emergency ning Commission. The main Gospel Center. short·term. housing to battered problem was some of the The food comes from con· woman, neighbors' complaints, says tributions and donations from "There is a definite need for a Lang. private companies, local farmers place for the homeless in Cl#,co," According to him, they were and county and state agencies. ,says Park. 1 ,,' concerned with theclientel~ that Chico students also help out. { Attempts have been made i,te would frequoht the Samaritan "Last year one of the fraternities establish shelters. Last spring, a Inn. I Chico Gospel Temple provides meals for needy helped out, and at Christmas proposal to use city funds to Lllng does not understand the time there was a big donation renovate a Park Avenue motel complaints. "Homeless people from the AS," says Park. and turn it into a refuge for the were already using that building. Srunaritnn is being circulated at adds. Although most of the dinner homeless was rejected by the The Samaritan Inn would just the Gospel center. "The shelter Meanwhile, colder, wetter guests are single men, there are City Council. have made it cleaner and more has got to be someplace," says weather is approaching. more families than before. There Ted Huberts was one of the orderly," he says. Park. are also more single mothers. City Council members voting Lang estimates the Chico The homeless aren't all regular And while the debate on where But they all havo at least one against the project: "It would homeless at approximately 30. "bums." They have varied to place a refuge for the needy is thing in common - they are have cost too much money, and "But it's not going to' decrease. backgrounds; many have lost hot, those sleeping outside, poor, he says. I don't believe that the city It would be wise to take care of their jobs or have been thrown huddled in sleeping bags or At one table sits a woman'in should be running that type of the problem now, before it gets au t in the street by a spouse, blankets, are cold. The homeless her thirties. She is keeping an operation. Things run Jess ef· any worse, " he says. says Park. "A rich man is no of Chico are still without a eye on her three children, aged ficiently when the government is A petition to save the better than a poor man," he shelter.

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• I ',:" .. f·~,jl;r~" . -LOCAL '" '" • ~ , • , " " .' r. ,,!. " . Four-year graduation: a thing of the past? I by Keith Michaud complex society and varying life "Some toke heavier course college for more than four years Hatterus, N.C. to Palmer, Staff Writer style choices now afforded to loads or summer school, or do it anyway," he added. Alaska and several places in· students, which requires them to some other way to get the extra J an O'Donnell, program between, added, "The university exercise more control over their credit units." coordinator of social work in the system should waive more Taking more than four years to scheduling of education, work, Worth also says that Chico department of sociology and courses for practical experience complete undergraduate studies and social life, "he added. Stote students rank high in is designed to get students out in so students who have been is a nationwide, as well as a That more students getting their degrees more four years, if they know what working outside the university California State University throughout the California Stote quickly than students at some of they wont to do at the beginning can get out sooner." ,system, trend. University system are 'iiIBO' the other CSUs.. . of their. junior year. "The , "It's taken me more than four In a spring 1986 article, The taking more' than four years to Paul Morones, associate student who is searching around, years 'to get a degree because • Chronicle of Higher Education get bachelor's degrees is in· director of counseling at the however, probably won't make it sometimes you have to live in the indicated that the national dicated by a California stote office of counseling and career in four years," she said. ' Ireal world' and make a buck." average for students finishing study known as "Those Who planning, said economic factors "The more I think about it, the Finance major Todd JenBen their undergraduate studies is Stay." are probably a major reason for more students I know who have has discontinued his college five to six years. "The research seems to point some students taking more than' to take more than four years to education several times for The article also showed many to the conclusion that more four years. . get a degree. Some leave school different reasons. He is reasons for this trend, including students throughout the CSU "It's probably going to toke a to start families, while others presently in his sixth year of increased complexity .of . system are ,'stopping out,' .or \forking stlldent. longer to get . have t!1ken time off for other college ... programs, "double·majors" taking time away 'from college through school than someone on reasons such as financial cir. Jensen said he once "stopped needing more time to finish, for various reasons." a free ride," said Morones. "And cumstances. Others probably out" of school because he became I. increased need for remedial' "Stopping out seems to be .the if you add the responsibility of are just changing majors and are very frustrated with living in the instructioJl, time off for travel preferl'll

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" '" ., , \ ... . ~'I , ~ . ~ ,. .•..•' .. ".,." .. ,.) .. ·.,·,··,.,··:,.··'''I'\ .. ,~'.,'(~·.'J,····, •. ~ ... , .... "', .. ",.--~.""'- . October'1 ,1986 . i: .. , i ...... , i ...••• i ... i. "'0' '011'. f' I""'" J'" ,_,'7 ., t

r ------.. ------CD ,-, •. .1 WI -- -a -LOCAL •CHOCOLATE TRUFFJLES Center seel{s •I •I injunction I • I agamst I I picketers I I~----- 290 "If). ••9"4 ______Sf. ~_F,¢Uu ••••• 10-1-16 ____ J by Matt Olmstead .1 Staff Writer

11 Demonstrators have become a I familiar sight every Saturday Are You A"LETTERHEAD~? morning outside the Chico Aro you pan ollho over growing crowd 011010 nlghl? Do you broak oullnlo Q cold Feminist Women's Health swoal, unloss you gol your nightly doso 01 David? Do you Ihrlvo 10 soo whol bluaro Ihlng may hoppon nexl ••• II so, you must bo a "Lalo Nighl "LETTERHEAD~I Center. Since last November, pro-life demonstrators have picketed the center in protest of its abortion (==.~I.) ~ e: ~-. "$12~,§ services. o . ~ f'llslago & "It interferes with our f iii Handling. I business," says Shauna Heckert, ~ SHIRT COLOR: Oxlord Grey - 50% Collon/50% Polyoslor I clinic administrator. "Their /", , ~ Sizos/aly: D_SM. 0_ MED. D_LG. D~·LG. presence is harassing and in­ NAME timidating ,- it is stressful and ] ADDRESS upsetting for our clients." ~ CITY STATE_ZIP " II Amounl Enclosod $ Allow 4-6 wooks lor dollvory The center took the demon­ S.nd Choc/( or Money 0!!I0r to: Goon Brlzzy 5OilllVnlloy Forgo, N. Highlands, CA 95660 strators to court four weelts ~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~{ I .. "-- ~- - after the picketing began. "They Evonne Peterson pickets abortion services were taking pictures, following clients and handing out "We are active on a whole host women," according to the center, literature," says Heckert. of issues that they are against," they are taking the protestors , In February, a Superior Court says Heckert. "They are at­ back to court. . restraining order stated that tacking the clinic that has the The center is now seeking a . PIwZON'S ~~~R there could be no more than highest prome. " permanent injunction bantling seven protestors on Flume When asked for their opinion the demonstrators from Street at one time, they must not last Saturday, demonstrators picketing. stand closer than 10 feet to each offered "no comment" on the "An abortion is an extremely other, they cannot block the path issue due to court proceedings. personal and private matter and or take pictures of the center's The health center has to have picketers out there is a clients, and they can only give responded to the pickets not only tremendously difficult thing to one piece of literature to each with court action, but also with have to go through," says client. an escort service. Heckert .. "The only answer is to Although Planned Parenthood Community volunteers wallt end picketing on Saturday. in Chico also offers abortion the patients to and from their services, the Chico Feminist cars. "This gives support to the "They say they want freedom Women's Health Center is the clients and to the health center," of speech - I agree with that - only clinic being picketed in says Heckert, but I don't believe in in­ town. Because of what the center timidation and harassment," Heckert believes that this "calls a "blatant disregard" for says Heckert. selectivity is because the center the restraining order, and the The court date for the hearing is "pro-choice" and "pro­ fact that the demonstrators' is set for Oct. 27, at Oroville women." presence is "detrimental to the Superior Court. : ...... ~ : RENT 1 MOVIE : RAIN GEAR ~ ~ ~ Chico's Bes t Selection : GET 1 FREE t keep dry between classes f WITH THIS AD ~ i AINSUlTS· ~ ~, : GRANDE SELECCION DE PELICULAS t : EN ESPANOL e INGLES : ~ ~. ~ CARTOO~S $1.00 every day ~ ~ sn\~ iI. Select ey(~gla88 frames t '. ~e~'petolG2t ..- ii *Daily wear 50lt contacts include ~ ~tee O~ ~ :; exam, care kit, andlollow up care' "I l Dr. Richards, O.D f~~VIDEO l "I 949 Nord Ave. (Hwy. 32) iI 'i 34S-()363 891-4143 iI ." '~ . i "Next to Burger Hut" ~ \~ ( ~ ...... : , I (: \'1. T j, .,'''' _ i . October 1. 1986 . 8:-·,------.....---~ ..... ~ Campus Quotes by Becky Dunn ~ University News/ine

If you could live the life of your QUOTE OFTHE WEEK favorite fictional character 'But words are things and 0 small drop of ink, Falling like drew .upon a thought, produces that which mokes thousonds, perhaps for one day... ? mi1lIons, think.'

ELM AND EPTTESnNG students must hove completed Janice Lavenstein Spanish 1 or its equivalent by senior the time the progrom begins. liberal studies October 3 is the finol day to register for the fall ad­ Contact Richard Halman, at the ministration of the ELM and Center for International Studies, EPT to be held on October 18. 896-6880, for further in­ "I would be Cinderella's Fairy formotion. Godmother. I would grant to the Register in the Test Office, 1st world three wishes! peace, ond Ivy, 896-6218. success, and 0 potion to stay ORAD CHECK young forever." BCHOLARIHIP FDA RE· ENTRY lTUDEN18 If you're planning to graduate Applications are being ac­ in May 1897 you should apply cepted for the Moira Bounous for your grad check by October3. Memorilll Scholarship through 'rhe grad check is the 'official evllluation given to students who Dan McColgin October 20, 1986. This 8600 schollU'ship pays 8260 each pion to receive a bachelors senior degree. This check, which is Philosophy eemester and students must be enrolled full time in order to be done the eemester before you eligible. The schollU'ship is to be pion to graduate, informs you of any requirements you still need II I would be Sill PlU'adise from aWlU'ded to a female' re-entry student, preferably a single to complete before you can Jack Keroullc's novel On the graduate. Obtain a major Road. It's an account of the beat parent. Applications are availllble at the Office 'of the clearance form from your major generation. Theee poets were on department office,· an 'Ap­ the road traveling around the I' Provost, Kendllll Hall 106. If you j' have questions or desire ad­ plication For Grllduation' from country jUllt living for' the sake I the lobby in Sutter Hall, and if of experience. He was just ian ' . .. r ditional information about this ,. ..Y scholarship, contact Norma necessary, a minor clearance intenlle guy and he lived on the form from the Office of Ad­ edge. He lived for experience for Catchpole, Office of the Provost, 895-6101. missions and Records. Complete the sake of experience, the in­ these forms, pay the $14 tenee experience. He wall a great graduation fee at the Cashiers' writer and told a great story. He T.~&MOREUAPRDORAM Office in Kendall Hall, and turn was just a very authentic per­ ill the forms and the graduation son." The Latin American Studies feereceipt to the Office of Ad­ ,Program conducts this very missions ond Records. For Sarah Gravitz successful and' effective ex­ further informotion, contoct junior perience in intercultural un- your major department or the e:ccercise physiology o derstanding. Participonts are Office of Admissions and provided with an extremely rare Records In Sutter Hall. and valuable opportunity to "I would be the character Aylo learn the real and vital func­ ADD/DROP PROCEDURES in the book Clan of the Cave Bear tioning of a culture other than b6cause she lived in a time when their own. This is achieved by a Don't assumeon instructor will people respected and were more. process of total immersion in disenroll you just because you in touch with their natural en­ Mexicon culture, first through never attend class. If you don't vironment. They knew how to ten weeks of acodemic drop the closs you'll receive and . live off the lond effeciently so preporatlon ond orientation on "F' or a 'U' at the end of the they could still be surrounded by the Chico campus, and then semester. You're responsible for beauty instead of being through five weeks in Morelio, your schedule and all changes surrounded by toxic waste like Mexico, where participants live made to it. Review the Add/Drop the world oftoday." , with Mexican fomllies and hold procedures detailed on page 13 of on. internship in a Mexican the Class Schedule. business or social agency, coping Jeff Sharkey with the vogllries of everyday. DECEMBER 1888 senior life just os the Mexicons obout ORADUATION business marketing them. The courses included in the progrom fulfill Upper Division Generol' Studies October 8 is the last day to opply for a bochelor's degree Thematic requirements. While 0 "I would be Inspector expected in December 1985. Clouseau because he's a mon I've fluency in Sponish is .not 0 alwaYlllooked up to ond admired prerequisite for the progrom, for his brilliance and cunning os one of the greatest detectives of all time."

Prepared Oy: Office of Advising and Orientation Sutler Hall 102 095.5712

"( ... '

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Sunday Specials Include: section of • $2.50 1/4 lb. Hot Dogs &Beer $1.25 Bloody Marys Made with Absolute Peppar

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" r" " j ··1 I I • 'I., , . ~ 101 ______0ctobe r 1,1986 1 - NEWS BRIEFS Drug Gnd alcohol forum Oct. 7 Assemblyman Bates visits Chico The Homeless Emergency Runaway Effort (HERE) advisory The public is invited to hear Assemblyman Tom Botes (Dem. council will host a forum entitled"Drugs and Alcohol: What We Oakland) address the controversial issues surrounding National CanDo, "on Tuesday, October 7th, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at the Guard deployment to Central America at California State Butte County Library, located at 1108 Sherman Avenue in Chico. University, Chico, Thursday, October 2 at 7 p.m. in Ayres 120. Scheduled guest speakers are Marion Gage from Alcohol and Bates' visit is co-sponsored by Committee Organized for Drug Services and Mark Gordon from the Chico Police Depart­ Political Education, the Chico Peace Center, and Chico Com­ ment. munity in Solidarity with the People of EI Salvador. For in­ formation please call Chris Nelson at 345-7590. ' Tel-Med health messages available Free health counseling services Nearly 200 up-to-date taped health messages are available free, of charge to residents through Tel-Med, a telephone access The next promotion of health clinic will be held Friday, October program of Chico Community Hospital. 3, 1986, 12 - 1:30 p.m. in the University Center Lounge. Free The Tel-Med library is open from 1 to 8 p.m., Monday services including screeening for high blood pressure, will be through Friday. Tapes are from three to five minutes in length. available. Health counseling on lifestyle, exercise, nutritioD, For more information, call Tel-Med at 346-5186. substance abuse, and stress management are also provided.

, ' " ',' , • 0,:1: . ',~:.:. -AS NEWS . .)' .

Decrease in bookstore discounts Phi Kappa Tau requests review

The AS was informed of bookstore director Richard Bmnken­ Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity representative Mike Hansen ship's new internal policy decreasing student employee discounts. presented a formal request to the Student Organization Activity Employees previously received discounts of 20 per~nt, on ge,ne;al Commission for a review of the commission's procedure when I: merchandise and 10' percent on textbooks. The new policy,' , \ , suspending university privileges for the fraternity.· The SOAC provides a 10 percent discount on all bookstore items. Student , meeting is scheduled for Oct. 13 at 9a.m. in the BMU. employees must also redeem receipts on the first Tuesday of each month, instead of receiving the discount at the register. It is estimated that this policy will save the bookstore approximately $3,000 to $5,000 annually. Proposition 61 ~pposed by AS The AS board unanimously voted to approve opposition of proposition 61, the Gann initiative, and Proposition 64, the AIDS initiative at yesterday's board of directors meeting. Vice-president, for student affairs Betty Lou Raker stressed Vasconcellos and Swendiman speak that the opposition of these two proposals is only the AS board's stand, not the students. "There has been no referendum" she John Nock, director of community affairs; announced yesterday added. ' , that Assemblyman John Vasconcellos and Congressional Can­ The AS is not taking any action, they are only taking a stand on didate Steve Swendiman will speak on October 6 from 2:30 p.m. to Propositions 61 and 64, which will appear on California's 3 p.m. in room 107 of the BMU. November ballot.

Downtown curfew enforced for Chico youths

by Marianne Foglio to youths violating the 11 p.m. Force, in which 21 people were violate curfew range from Only the juveniles who are Staff Writer curfew. arrested for major drug written essays to informal "hanging around" need to worry Mark Gordon, the CPD's violations, said Gordon. probation periods. The depart­ about the curfew, Gordon said. youth services officer, said some "The drug problem in the City ment is also in the process of A group of youths held a youths are not only becoming Plaza alone speaks for itself. working on a community youth demonstration in Ringo park a The Chico Police Department suspects but victims of violent Something had to be done," he work program, Gordon said. week following the first sweep, in has cut down the number of crimes as t'empers flair when said. .. He estimated that 80 curfew protest of the 11 p.m. curfew. violent crimes committed by they interact with college violations have been processed Gordon thought they wanted juveniles through tighter en­ When a youth is arrested for to be arrested, but the police had students coming out of bars at 2 violating curfew, heis brought to through his office since the first forcement of an already existing a.m_ sweep on Aug. 15. Sweeps are no cause to interfere as the curfew law. the police station, cited for the youths were involved in a "The biggest thrust is that, misdemeanor, and released to his now conducted on a regular The municipal code ordinance basis, Gordon said. legitimate activity. . adopted in 1928 states that no these kids, as a whole, are not parents, Gordon explained. "As long as we are not hurting one under the age of 17 may bad people," Gordon said. In addition, parents who When daylight savings time anyone, then 'I think it is ok to loiter or remain anywhere During a sweep through the assist, aid, albeit or encourage a ends, curfew will be changed to stay out past curfew," said 15- downtown without an adult City Plaza two weeks ago, police teenager to disregard curfew are begin at 10 p.m. but will still end year-old Tammy Johnson, a guardian past 11 p.m. officers arrested 26 youths for, also in violation of the or­ at 5 a.m. sophomore at Chico High. An increase of juveniles in· curfew violation. dinance. However, the depart· The curfew does not apply to If a youth's parentslmow their volved in fights, assaults, sex The first sweep followed a raid' ment has not yet enforced this youths actively participating, children's whereabouts, then the crimes, and stabbings prompted through the plaza by the Butte section of the code. ' proceeding to, or returning from police should not be involved, the dppllrtment to issue citlltions Inter·agency Narcotics Task Penalties for teenagers who a legitimate activity she added.

,:-j October 1,1986i------,11 . . '. . . , -LOCAL' . ,: '.' ~, .'.. ',' ',., , Teaching's fair game for warden 1 by Alan Romerl I've taken enjoyment in en­ that they con take with them. 1~- Staff Writer forcing lows thot protect our They con gain good proctical \ wildlife." experience through the ride­ Taylor came to Butte County olong progrom, which 011 J Protecting noturol resources is 10 yearsogo ond hos no desire to students ore encouraged to take more thon just 0 hobby for leave. He hos turned down more partin. Goyland Taylor - it's 0 woy of than one proJDotion over the last The progrom entails going life. few years just to stay in the orea. along for 0 regular potrol with Toylor teaches 0 course in "I don't hove that feeling in Taylor. recreation resources low ot Chico the morning that I have to go to "It's interesting, because the State, ond he Is also employed by work. I reolly enjoy It because students never really know - the State of Colifornia as 0 fish I'm doing something I believe and neither do I - what kind of ond gome warden in Butte in." day it will be. The program is County. This is Tllylor's fifth flemester· the catalyst that makes the "My job requires vost of teaching at Chico State. As a closs." omounts of time, ond bosically student, he hod a misconception of whot law enforcement was, so On one occasion, recoils the closs offers me the op­ Taylor, a student come olong for portunity to get more people 'he thought thot by teoching the o two-hour ride that ended up os involved in the field," explained course ~e could help others a lO-hour dllY of chllsing Toylor. understand. pOllchers. Originolly from Southern Taylor tries to convey to the "I felt lousy, but the student Californio, Toylor groduoted fltudents that law enforcement is thought it wos greot." from Humboldt State with 0 just 0 tool thot recreation degree in fishery biology. He mllnagers are going to hove to His main concern while tnking worked os 0 marine biologist for use. a student on patrol is making o short time before taking 0 job "Thifl helps relieve some of the contact with people to show the os a fish and gome warden in fear and stigmotism toot bas positive Bide of the public. Ventura County. occompanied law enforcement. " Taylor wants his students to flOO "I took that job os a warden He attemptfl to. give the thot law enforcement can be because it deolt with fish and students some sort of accomplished without being II Gayland Taylor inspects deer for proper togs. gome, but through years of work bllckground in law enforcement totally neglltive experience.


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Ladies Night Your Choice­ All Well Cocktai Kamikaze or House Wines & Russian Apple Draft Beer Only: .154 each .60¢ each 6pm-12pm 6pm-12pm U-mit two in front of you at one time I 813 Nord Ave.-Near Sac. Ave.

I ,'" ",-:-",; .:.. ..:: ••• ~ 121l.------0ctober1,1986 -LOCAL Students learn art of good taste at San J~se winery

by Eva Sager Philippe Brousse, one of the bulk of the harvest in two weeks. says Brousse. StattWriter four students, is enjoying his At Mirassou, it takes two Bill Lerch, director of the stay at Mirassou. The idea of months," he says. Cooperative Education program discovering "new things" and Overall, Brousse is happy with at Chico State, is the coordinator French students are learning improving his English are the his American experience. He of the exchange program. "This the fine art of wine making at main reasons which brought says are "tres is the first year we have French Mirassou winery in San Jose. Brousse to a California winery. sympa" (very friendly). students over here," he says. Four French agriculture Another reason is money. "They are not as much in a Several Chico State students students are doing paid in· "The job is very well paid. At $7 hurry as we had imagined them have taken the opportunity to do ternships during this year's per hour it is more than double to be. But they live a lot in their paid internships in France. Last harvest at Mirassou. They will the minimum wage in France. It cars," he adds. summer two students went to spend a total of three months allows me to have a good time Brousse is also pleased with southern France; one of them there before returning to their here and pay for my round trip his living arrangements. He lived and worked with a cognac classes at the Purpan School of airfare," he says. shares an apartment in San Jose farmer, and the other with a wine Agriculture in Toulouse, France. What does a French student compete with them in the with the three other French·· maker, says Lerch. The internships are part of an think about California wines? future," says Brousse. students, three young women "To have a chllllce to be ac· exchange program between the "At the moment I don't think Brousse works mainly with the from the some agriculture school cepted for the internship in agriculture department at Chico California wines can compete crushing and fermentation at in Toulouse. France, you have to be on State and the university in with French wines. But I'm Mirassou. "Thanks to Bill Lerch at Chico agriculture student - and know Toulouse. . cerwin that we will have to "In France, we usually do the State we live very comfortably," some French," odds Lerch.

Trainr~------__ __ continued from Page 3 save not waiting for the train to city police. Kim Sawyer, a Chico Stat

BOOKCASE BONANZA .' 11th Annual' CHICO Finished Oak Bookcases ,OKTOBERFEST Starting at $59.00 SILVER DOLLAR FAIRGROUNDS

Authentic German Dinner included in $10.00 entry fee SATURDA~OCTOBER11 4-12pm TICKETS AT UNIVERSITY BOX OFFICE 2nd & CHESTNUT

Chico Bavarian Band Jack Browne and his ALP HORN We've Got It AlII in the Bierha"e arewood Camtia Dance Ensemble B Beer; Wine " The furniture Company .. ,Dan~i;,g - Singing - Entertainment ~...... ~ ~ . 1449 Mangrove Ave. For Best Choice Dinner Hours· Chico. 891-4788 of get Your Tickets Early I I:~, .. " , .. , '.,",.,," •••••••••• _. __ •.• ______• ___ . _____ .______.__ .• (' .• ,,,,,.,.,.,,., ... \1"11',':- OClober1, 1986i------13 -LOCAL Peak year for Chico State's graduate program

by Dana Maahs others who are going for their could lead to a supplement for the program," said Schuler. residents, and many of them are Staff Writer teaching credentials. grades. Another exception is if a "Most students adjust well to former Chico State students. Schuler estimated that there student shows competency in his graduate school. The biggest "About half of the computer are about 700 students enrolled or her field. problem most students have is science majors are from over· The graduate program at in the Master's program at the "It depends on the individual. adjusting to the idea of having to seas," said Schuler. ·Chico Stllte may be looking at university. ·This program offers Some exceptions are made write a thesis," he added. One student who graduated one of the highest fall students a choice of 27 different depending on the program," said Once students are enrolled in a last year with a Bachelor's enrollments in years. programs, including special Schuler. program, they choose at least degree in physical education "All of the statistics aren't in majors. two faculty members to be on came back to get a Master's in yeti but we think this semester The graduate program was In order for a student to their committee. The committee exercise physiology. "I decided might be one of the highest fall developed at Chico State in 1949 receive a Master's degree he or then helps the students make to get my Master's degree enrollments iii the last five to and the first Master's degree she must complete 30 units of decisions about their theses. because I can't get the kind of seven years," said Peter Schuler, was awarded in 1950. 200/300 level classes in a given Some programs at Chico State job I want with a Bachelor's. I associate director of graduate The general requirements for a program, finish the program have a heavy enrollment, but enjoy my field immensely and admissions and evaluations. student to be accepted into the within seven years, show literacy none are impacted. "We haven't want to learn more about it," There are approximately 1,800 Master's program are a grade competence and complete a gotten to the point of telling said Tracy Dreyer, a first students enrolled in graduate point average of 3.0 for the last thesis, project.or comprehensive people there is no room after semester graduate student. school. However, not all of these 30 units and a 2.75 GPA for the exam. they have already applied. The "Our program allows students 'students are in the Master's last 60 units. However, there are "The percentage of students' real competition is with non· to further specialize in a given program. This number includes exceptions. graduating with' a Master's resident students," explained field. It provides students with students who have already If a student gets a high score (degree) is not that high. Shuler. an opportunity to become received a Bachelor's degree and on the Millers analogies test or Guessing,"Td oay about one­ The majority of students in the practitioners in their fields," are picking up extra classes and the graduate record exam, it third of the students complete graduate program are California said Schuler .. Cyclist------.;.------Chico for 20 years and it has have signed Pro-Park petitions, can II nue d from Page 3 group of walkers, J' oggers, friend, wh~ was not hit. wheelchair travelers, cyclists come up before. People see it as she says. " About 50 people attended Pro- and motorists as well as friends Degen's family has filed a $5 a black and white issue, cars or She urges those who want to Park's first meeting. Many of of Degen. million "wrongful death'~ suit no cars. There is a compromise," make the park safer to sign ;1 them did not know Degen. Degen was a marriage, family against the City of Chico, said she says. petitions available at various :i A steering committee was and child counselor at Chlco McCracken. downtown locations, write I, selected, and short· and long· State. She died four days after She believes the issue of safety McCracken believes there is letters to the present Clt.y term goals were discussed. she was struck head·on by a measures in Bidwell Park is one much support from the com· Councll members, and attend the Pro-Park represents a diverse motorcyclist while biking with a whose time is right. "I've been in munity. Hundreds of people Oct. 7 City Council meeting. L / Get To The Head 7099 Skyway Paradise. Cal. 077-3134 Of Your Class 185 Cohassel Road Chico. Cal. With an Afar; 520st or 7040st or a CommodoreiM£J~AL Computer. 343·4741 ,

BROASTED' BROASTED Afar; 520st CHICKEN DINNER DINNER MINI CHICKEN 112 Spllng ChICken DINNER Served Wllh Toss Green Salad ChOice of Potato SoUD. ChOice of Potato. H~t Soup or Salad Bread & Coffee or Tea ,®f HotDread 104st 3.85 2.95

Teryakl Steak ...... " ...... : .. 5 B5 Chicken Flied Steak Wlth Country Graw ...... : ...... 3.05 Breaded Veal With Country Gravy ...... 3.05 :~~~!:~~~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::J:~ for all ,our Computer needs. ~tSIrIo," of Beef. BrO'hn Gravy ...... ; ...... : ...... 3.95 :kS~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:&

BEVERACE DESSERTS Coffee ...... 40 Homemade Pies ...... 1.00 Pecan 1.25 Tea. Hat or COld ...... : .... 40 .50 Fresh Strawberry PIe [In seaSOn! " ..•...••..•. 1.25 Omni Computer Services Hot Chocolate ...... 50 Ice Cream or Wh,pped Cream ema .....••....55 Mill ...... 50 .65 Dish of ~e Cream ...... One SCooP .55 - .. . Buttermllk...... 50 65 Two5c00Pl.95 Mill Shakes ...... 125 Sundaes ...... 1.25 1201 Mln,.ov. Avenue 893·3451 '. I CollI Dnnll...... 45 .55 \1 .. ---...... - ...... ~ .. " • 14 ______, .' ••.•••• '.'.' .' .' .' .' .' ,' .• ' • i'.·. ," •. ' i .. ~. \ " " '. ' \ I I I I ( 1" .. , 1 ,,") f • j:' • , • I •• ,I',' • '\'.','.', ••••• ,'.', .~ " '. '.", .,. .... ' .• ,'" •.•..•;, .... " '0' ,I." ,. ,l'U;. 0,"/ 0ctober1,1986. ::' •• " ••• ," I,f,:' !

.' ,~.f, ,1 • I.r. '.' , i OPINIONS .,., '/ .. r ',' : '. ~, r' • • • • • , , : Students have the power

The deadline to register to vote for the November 4 statewide general election Is Monday, October 6, This Is not an election to be taken lightly. Our votes will decide whether a three-term Senator will be retained for another term, whether the first black Governor In the state will be elected, whether the only female California Supreme Court Justice will be reconfirmed, whether the state should prohibit the use of' funds for bilingual materials, and whether AIDS victims should be quarantined from the general public. Everyone seems to hold strong opinions about these Issues ' but the sad truth Is that student turn-out at the polls has steadily declined since we were granted the right to vote 15 years ago. Historically, the young have had quite different Ideals than their parents and grandparents. Yet, Mervin Field, a noted pollster who spoke on campus last Monday, said only half of those under 29 years of age vote'., _ If we don't vote we can't expect to see our choices win at the Letters polls, which Is the only place our choices will ultimately be Dear Editor: formation regarcUng voter heard. behavior ... "? You don't even need a A recent Orion column voiced one writer's opinion about In tbe Orion's Sept 24lesue was an pronoun ,herel Some non'lIOxist Opinion entitled "Education VI!. terms, Meurer holds, are !!.ltOllA!lDSe." , Supreme Court Justice Rose Bird and drew a lot of criticism Elperlence." As a female professor If he would spend ~retune~_ which we then printed In letters to the editor. here at Chico State, I wondered why thinking about hill writin he could this Is a good example of the way a free press runs, and our the author conaiatently ref8md to probably come up With 110m tel'- profes!Ol's IS "he," I chalked it up to nate terms that lIOund more-a~ , , \ hope Is that any emotional response will motivate students to I the new conlllll'Vatism of some ofoilr ceptAble. He thinks "councilpeiaO~" \ vote. current students. and "chairperson" are funny. Why For this reason we' can even stomach political smear cam­ I then went on to read Meurer's not "councilmember" and "chair" Mutteringa where the writer seems (that's what we UIHI in my depart. paigns like the radio advertisement Franklin Cibula Is running' to be trying to demonstrate the ment,? lnetead of "humankind," 'against Incumbent State Senator James Nielson. ' . impossibility of non-lIIlIist writing. why not "humanity?" The80 are just We, as students, must realize our power when It comes to ' He supports his idea with ai1ly, deweumples. .' voting. A few years ago the students at the University of ' trivia1,unnatural sounding III8Jllo I do not accept the argument that plea. non-llUiat writing is awkward. I California at Santa Cruz virtually swept the town's vote by , I don't /accept IlUiat writing from think if MeUrer would take • little bit merely showing up at the polls. We have the same power, If not . my lltudents and I contend that more time with hie writing, he could more; In Chico as our campus accollnts for the majority of the anyone' can write in a non-llUiat, " learn lIoinethinB about "the reality of :' naturalaounding mInner. Consider linguistic limitations," ,population. Meurer'lI eUmples~ Instead of "A Itls just a matter of something as small as picking up a ballot. candidate for governor of Illinole will , But to do that you must be registered, and the deadline Is warit to know how ehe is doing in TrICY McDoDild Chicago .... " why not "A candidate for'" ABiodate Profeesor , Monday. ' governor in Illinois will want in· , Department 01 Mlnlgement What did we talk about before drugs? wins.' ' Another point: oUf president, In' the Interests' of OU t th e (S~eaklng of ,old, Issues, remember EI Salvador? becoming an example to others, took a urine test to, That s the Central American country where, with the demonstrate his sincerity. But the resuits of his drug test Back Door assistance of U.S.-made adVisors, planes are In- haveneverbeen,andneverwlllbe,madepublic. dlscrlmlnately dropping U,S.-made bombs on the civilian So much for setting an example. population. This Is being done to keep In power a And what about alcohol abuse? Does Its legality make government that Indiscriminately murders the peoplc!' It any less a drug, whose abuse Is any less damaging? by thatthe bombs miss,. Oh well. !think not. This year to avoid other concerns (or lack of concern', David the Reagan Administration Oolned by countless others) Recenireports by the U.S. Alc~hol, Drug Abuse and has declared a War on Drugs. Mental Health Administration Indicate that the social Don't get me wrong, Ithlnllany drug abuse, especially costs of alcohol abuse ($1l7 billion a year) are nearly Hawkins twice that of all other drugs combined ($60 billion). In among children, 15 damaging to Individuals and society. i But I just don't understand the President's sudden In.' addition, tests used for determining the extent of alcohol terestln this cause. use are more accurate, and more, available, than anyi It's election year again, and during this time politicians Let me explain. known tests for other drugs. ' ! like to create Issues that will divert the populace's at­ PreSident Reagan, as the campaign's self-appointed But no maiter. Despite these apparent contradictions tention from other trying matters; I.e. a trillion 'dollar leader, has proposed spending $900 mUllon for anti­ the War on Drugs will continue at the forefront of defiCit, nuclear weapons negotiations, Nicaragua and EI drug efforts. But since 1980 he has continually cut the political Issues - at least until the elections are over. : Salvador. budget of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, and this, , I suppose It's too much to ask for a War on Poverty, or! The Idea of creating new Issues Is so people will forget new Inflow of money (being taken from programs for the II War on illiteracy, or a War on Dlscrlmlnailon and the old Issues, thus voting for the candidate of their poor) doesn't even come ciose to compensating what . Prejudice. choice. You see, the person with the most votes - has already been taken away. There just aren't enough votes to be found.

" ~ .' \ . " - --'-'~-'_ "'1---'-' .-•. _,", •..._-- I , ' ...... -.... -.... ~ ' .. , ,._ .. " . ~'... ~.' -.~ . .". "-.' .;,' - -October1,1986i------15...... ,.. .. ,,::'.: .. "".;, -OPINIONS Letters Dear Editor: Editor's Does Dave Meurer really exist, or Dear Editor: is he merely a figment of the Orion's imagination so as to lure a bit of Corner Matt Olmstead's article dealing controversy? Nonetheless, his with faculty Ph.D's is overly. sim· column in the Sept 24 issue of the plistic. He comes up short on Orion provokes some thought. research, thus providing us with a His attempt to ridiculo the at· , by Beth Miller story which borders on editorial tempts of enlightened people to '\ comment rather than objective remedy the injustice of sexism ns 1 reporting. Olmstead has left a gaping I applied to the English 'language, is I hole in his article by completely shallow and innappropriate. The ignoring a large number of faculty in English language is one based on a Buddy can you spare departments across this campus who patriarchal system which leaves out have BOTH professional experience half of the population. Words such a pair of Bandolinos? AND a . These professors as" chairman" are no longer realistic, devote summers, sabbatical leaves of yet Mr. Meurer, an apparent [ was OK until [ walked Into the North Valley Plaza shopping center and absence, weekends, etc. for the ex· traditionalist, insists on ignoring press purpose of getting "first·hand saw that pair of red Bandolinos beckoning to me from the size 8 sales rack In women once they have left their experience in the field" and/or to expected sphere and enter politics or the front of Johnson's Shoes. hone their skills. Olmstead dOllS a management, etc. Oh It hurt the day my roommate and [ had to sneak oilt of a restaurant after disservice to this sigfnificant and Although Mr. Meurer is obviously our walter had carefully placed wafer-thin lemon wedges In our Ice water and sizable number of faculty be choosing pained by the thought of "coun· to ignore thier existence. we had a chance to peruse the prices on the menu, but my heart nearly broke cilperson," as oPPofled to "coun· when [ spied those smashing slippers through the crowd. cilman" we are thankfully George Benson leaving the Stone Age as it applies to Foolish me, [couldn't stop. [knew much better than to risk the knowledge Dept. oC Communication Design women, and it would be advisable for , of a pe\'fect fit, but before [ knew It my feet had been transformed by the Mr. Meurer to discard hisNann· miracle of Italian leather. Dear Editor: derthal notions. The heel was just so high. The toes not overly narrow. The world would be In closing, we were wondering, Mr. Meurer, how do you deal with the at my f~et If only [ could possess them. This letter is in reference to the Sept 24 article "Low Cost for fact that your editor is 11 woman? My parents have heard It before. Student Exchange," written by Must be tough. My sisters understand. [r(lelda Marcos understands. Anyone with a Macy's Lealie Crouch. As an exchange from charge card understands. ' " e ; , the UnJv~rBity 'of Goorgia, I agreed l'. Only the cold splash of a zero balance In my checkbook could bring me to an interview with Leslie, to give Sincerely Cheryl HllJ1'Ison back to earth. my thoughts concerning the National, Student Exchange Program and GaylaJohnson Don't get me wrong, I've Srown used to being broke. Every student has. Chico State. In the article I am Denise Rosoles And [ don't really want to hear about those who haven't. quoted as saying, "I'm beginning to Staff of Education and Support Being broke accounts for almost 50 percent of a student's life. Twenty-five think 'is this a mistake?' By tho time Programs for Women (ESPW) percent happens at the beginning of the semester when you've spent all your I'm really settled in, it'll be time to go." I would like to voice my true hard-earned and barely saved summer money on rent, boolls and tuition, opinion and correct what I consider a Correction and are awaiting a OSL or Pell grant. misquote. As an NSE student I am And [ understand the maze of paperwork and red tape It takes for the on exchange for one semester - the In the Sept. 24 issue of the Orion a financial aid office to get that precious dinero. But It always seems to arrive equivalent of four months - that's paragraph was left out of the Front page story on sexual harassment and about three to four weeks too late. not long enough. Looking back, it seems to make more sense to ex­ assault when it jumped to page 10. OK, so It's never too late. It's just that time seems to move slower when PO change for a full year. My experience The paragraph that is missing was to & E and Ma Bell have disconnection notices made up In your name In ad­ with the NSE program hns been a go after the line concerning men who vance. very positive one, and I encourage rape and ask for another dato and before the paragraph about students Even Beethoven couldn't express the Hallelujah every student feels the day anyone Interested to pursue the program. It's a fantastic op­ filing hnrassment chnrges against his or her OSL arrIves: The gods are great. Life Is good and the world Is at portunityl professors. The two topics were thelrflngertlps. unrelated, and we are sorry if the For about a month or so. Suddenly It comes time to pay November's rent missing paragraph made this un· and the party Is over. C'est la vie, so long good-time Charlie, adios La Fonda Trlcla Eargle, clear. and hello La Comlda. The big stretch has just begun. And as usual It gets much worse before It gets better. By Thanksgiving, we become expert at guessing how long It takes a check ' to travel from each store In town to our bank accounts, and we leave just enough time to~CaII hom'land plead for mercy. Quick mercy that must be posted no later:#!n mldn,lt, and must be on an Interstate check. Edltor Productlon Mnnager Can It POS91~~ wo~~r All that stress heaped on top of tests and essays Beth Miller Scott Kirk , and deadlinesf7f~;f :.~~; , NewBEdltor Advertlslng Manager What abou(~.\'agu~!f0n my dad calls a budget? Sheila Rooney Barrie Paull , But budgets~it take~~ BimdQlinos or one-day only album sales or pink Elltertalnment Edltor Ad Salcs Manager polka-dot ha~~ds tha~~t more than the biology book [ didn't buy Into Kristl Hinchman Julie Mendes account. ". ' Sports Editor Classified Manager Oh well. So my car needs a new muffler. And clutch. And brakes. And . PhilMidling . Jeff Rouiller driver's wlndow .... So I need a new car. I'll get used to It. I am used to It. Photography Edltor Advisor I don't know how we do It, but somehow It almost seems fun. Well, almost. J,eahMcKean Don Fortune I' 16------0ctoberl,1966· .' Chico State Ho

Clockwlso from fBr left: The Wildcat mascot shows off his stuff. The crowd had much to cheer about in Chico State's 23·21 victory over Saint Mary's last Saturday night. The cheerleaders kept the crowd at a fever pitch most of the game. A member of Redding's Enterprise High School marching band _ joins nearly 400 other musicians from Chico State and area.high schoolB. Quarterback Craig Wallis receives congratulations after scoring a touchdown in the fourth qUBrter. Greg Branch and Greg Lynch pressure Saint Mary's quarterback, Tim ROllOnkranz. . Running back Ken Lawson eludes a Saint Mary's defender for PBrt of his 68 yards.

1·( L ':I, (' '" .. ··'·--...... "·~·.. " ...... '·,,t .. ·• .,.,~, ," .. ~. '," '. .,' ·Octoberl,1986,------' ..1 7_ mecoming '86

Photos by Joe Frax

Design by Keith Michaud, ., '-- ., .... " .. - '" -~ ...... \.' ~.:.;... ".; 1 1S ....______0ctober1, 1986 1 ! -ARTS AND LEISURE I .1 Shakespearean 'Tempest' comes to Chico like a huge voodoo doll, whose Ariel, the spirit who carries out wings quickly spanned the entire Prospero's spells, and it was stage. This scenery, along with nothing less than a creative the sound effects of steel drums success. Ariel seemed to be and island music, added a special everywhere on stage, as a spirit theatrical touch to the festivm's should be. Louis Lotorto and staging of this classic tale of Robin Nordli's combination exile, anger and forgiveness. performances of acting, singing Pro spero stirred up a "tern· and dancing were a fine display pest" - a storm - to shipwreck of well· rounded talent. his enemies, including his The choreography, music, brother, Antonio; Antonio's ally, special effects and acting served the King of Naples; and his son, as the strong parts of this Ferdinand, into his power. triumphant performance. Ferdinand was thought to Modern dance and magical have drowned, but Prospero chants from the islanders carried saved 'him for his daughter the performance. Smoke and fire Miranda, who fell madly in love and the reoccuring voodoo dolls with him. of all sizes constantly reminded The story followed with, the audience of the magical contributed Prospero weaving spell after realm of the enchanted island. I A lik at • d b b T T "spell over an assortment of This performance about love, , , voodoo-' e magic aura IS create y cast mem ers of" he empest villains, buffoons and lovers who magic and power had excellent 1 by Sua Sanguinetti innovative version of the play in with his daughter, Miranda. ,interact with one another on the direction by Tony Amendola. I Staff Writer Chico State's Laxson Their only companions were an musical Caribbean island. There was a constant interplay , Auditorium on Saturday island native, Caliban, who The acting in this play was with the audience and actors, evening. becomes Prospero's slave, and a exceptional. Prospero, Alonso which kept the audience caught The Berkeley Shakespeare "The Tempest" tells the storY restless spirit, Ariel, who and Ariel were the stronger up in the performance. Festival brought "The Tempest" of the rightful Duke of Milan, Prospero conjures up with his characters and actors. Prospero, Weak aspects in the troupe's J I to life with humor, song and Prospero, who has been banished magical powers. played by Tom Ramirez, was production include the overdoing i dance, creating a surprising and set adrift at sea by his Prospero's island was sot in believable and inspirational in of childlike songs and un· resonance with Shakespeare's scrupulous brother, Antonio. the Caribbean. ,The stage was his inner conflict with revenge necessary humor, which text. Prospero was shipwrecked on vibrant with' colorful 'masks, and forgiveness. , i " The festival performed its an enchanted island for 12 years giant puppets and special effects " Two people played the role of See Tempest Page 27

Yosemite and Sequoia nlltional parkB. The pillY represented an ex· An evening cerpt from Muir's life. It takes Opjra Ball a success place on Dec. 19; 1918, as Muir awaits word on the outcome of in the life Hetch·Hetchy Valley, his lllst environmentlll battle. 'Moonlight, Magic and Music' of John Muir Hetch:Hetchy was a valley located in Yosemite National Park. Muir fought legislation by Susan Inman Gwen Curatilo, director of Opera were performed by 'l'erry Brown by Dana Maahs that wanted to flood the valley Staff Writer WorkBhop. "Those receiving and members of the opera Staff Writer to a depth of 200 feet. The Raker scholarship funds will be workshop. Bill would authorize the con· awarded anywhere from $800 to Members' of the' workshop struction of II large dllm and $1,000, depending on personal "Moonlight, Magic, and include freshmlln to senior year Lee Stetson gave on out· reservoir. The purpose: to pipe Music," WIIS the theme for need." standing performllnce lost wllter to San Frllncisco. , college students, professors, and . FrIday night's Opera Bnllat the In IIddition to the musical even a high school student, Thursday night In the produc· As Muir awaits the deeislon of California Park Pavillion. portion of the ball, another t10n of "Converslltlon With A president Woodrow Wilson, he highlight of the evening was "Being a part of the Opera Bnll Tramp: An Evening with John shares his IIdventures in the Professional opera singer Terry Brown and members of dancing to the Sally Gaines is great fun, 1II0ng with good Muir." wilderness with the audience. vocal quartet and the George food and dancing -what morA The show was written and Stetson WIIS able to capture' Chico State'o Opera Workshop performed short operatic Bcenea Gellepes Band. could you ask for?" 8Ilid Paul performed by Stetson in the these adventures with such Halverson, a finance and HlIl'len Adllllls Theatre at Chico amazing detllil, thllt one nlmost to the music of Donlzettl, Verdi, The evening's menu began economics major. i State. It was sponsored by the thought he was Muir himself. Mozart, Pucclni, and Rossini In with hors d'ocuvres, then dinner I Butte Environmental Council When the bill Is PIISSed, the the first entertainment portion. and dessert from Chico's: Lori Burgess, a music major, and the Assoclated Students audience Is IIble to sympathize Chico's opera support group restaurants and bakeries WIIS admitted, "We spent about six Culturlll Affairs. with the disappointment, Muir gravo produced the fifth annual served throughout the program. hours per week ever since school StetSon, In his ono-mllll, two­ must hllve felt. Opera Ball. Benefits from the stlll'ted and about two Saturdays "All kinds of people come from rehearsing." act play, DUlWlged to captivate a Stetson hilS II uDique-iihiili'y to ball provided voice students at all over - some come from as far ,full house for almost two hours., Chico State with scholarships. tell stories. He makdi the· liS Sacrlllllento and San Frlln· The Opera WorkBhop WIIS He portroyOd John Muir, and in, audience forge" evernhlng, - Over .27;000 in scholarships cisco," said Pllt Burke, Opera Invited to perform two scenes for a storytelling fllshlon told of except what Is happening. the hllVe been awarded to voice Ball chair. the National Opera Association Muir'sUee. stage. Productlail such ",' this students from previous opera , convention from Nov. 11 to 14 in Muir, Is a large Plll't ot' make one realize bow m~ this balls" ThIs year more than "A ,lIt.tle over 175 people ,Los Angeles. tCalifornia h1atory. He was a society is misslrig when it 'Comes '7,000 is expected to be awar' bought tickets (e45 per person) , noted naturllllst, writer, founder for tonight's ball" added Burke. This falls opera workBhop i~ to roal entertainment. , ded. , production will be Mozart's' 'The of the Slerrll Club, lind belleved The play ends liS Stetson tells' "We lIl'e not working purely In the second half of opera Magic Flute," presented from 'in the pre8ervlltlon of nlltlonlll tho audiunce to go visit nature -: forentertlUunent reasons but entertllinmont; selections from Oct. 16 to 19 in Chico State's parks. He WIIS lllao, II strong "your CIIl'es will drop off like the rather for schol1ll'8hips," sald Mozart'8 "The Magic Flute" HlIl'lenAdamsTheatre, supporter in the crelltion of autumn loaves." ....


:.~ . .':'v, .. " •..~"'··;i;"~ .. -":"' ..... "'''''''''' _ .••..• -.-..• -.--..•.•. '" .. --.•...~- .."'-' ,~'"I' "''I ,'.1 : "\-: i·.(.':; .,.' .. -.", . '..,. -- ~ .- ... !.}~j ,;1~ oc'ob~;'l, 1~~6'-'."'." ."'.'.' .' '.,.'.' '.'.' '.'.'.' '." ...... ' .' '.'.' '.'.' .' '.'.' ".'." '.' ".' '.: ------'.,."'."'."." '"."." :.'''.'''.' ".. " ." .' '."."'..;"'..;.' "- .. ..;.'.. ,.;. ... ,;,;; ... ;,;.;,.,.;.' ;,.' ';';";";' ';';;"'-';";'-"';';''';';''';';';'-'19' '.,! :.' ~!~-ARTS AND LEISURE ~ , '

~VllLAG JChico's fun, easy way to travel ~"'.... We have apartment accomodations ~.~ ~~~ for singles, couples, and groups !~ {.~ ..,~~~ of up to four students. '~j $ 199/Mo II &~~ . [.~, "'4&'~ INCLUDES ALL ~" UTILITIES & CABLE : , 1325 Nord Ave. . It' !. 894·5250 ~ i Book NOID for ! Thank.giving and chriltma, i On Camp"' nut I to Paper 'Chaae SfO W. zrtt S4rrIt CIiiQ" c~ ml.6 (~}8M-ifn

, if you'd rather not drive,.just leave it to the'Chico pedicabs.

by Lori CampbeU The pcidicab IIel'Vice made its only a smaU ~rcentage of'people StaffWriur , debut last spring during Pioneer make special arran8ements for DaYII! Rose StouBh, alllO a co- rides beforehand. . owner of Inno-Biktl8, 8Ald many "Many people are easy A recent addition to, Chico's students used the cabs to show p&IIIIeJl88rll,"!lAid Emery. But downtown nightlife are the visititig, parents and friends BOme have left him with amusing pedicabs which, for a small fee, around town. memoritl8. "One girl 8At in the will pedal about town those who ' ,The pedicab drivers rent the back and Ilcted like a baby, 3355' Esplanade would rather not drive. cabs for a five- or 11m· hour shift pretending she wall hurt and 'nIe pedicabs are' the brain· and set their own ride rates. The sniffling just to get my at·, chlld of Kurt Stough, co-owner of ratell must' foUow guidelliies tention. I told her to be quiet. Dine in , Inno-Bike!!. Stough bulit the . pro~dM by Ipno-B~ell,: which She was pretty drunk," heaaid. ' fll'st bilte two ytllll': Mji\'I, witl: thll are ,lfj an hour,thougli theahort 'Driverll sign up for shiftll in Old WorldAtmosphere intention ofstarting a bUllintl8S. riclria .average about 'I, said the cabaabout a week in advance Entrees.' Shortly after he ventured out on Stough. ' Illld are obligated to cover those the streets with it, the bike was WesEmery has been a pedicab llhifts. "We don't let the driverlJ Steaks . stolen. From there, Stough built driver since May. He finds the sign up too far in advance .Lamb Loin Chops more pedfcabll to start the majority of bis customers by .because then they might forget Chicken service, and now has five cabs riding around town and asking . Prawns operating. , them if they want: rides. He AYS See Podlcabs Page 27 Steak & Quail : Steak & Prawns . fJ ~e ., '""" AU dinners include: Relish Tray LOOK Soup "'~M dt E'lt (!4IU Rolls & Butter Spt.aa/t4t4 lit Salad Pasta Chico 'Optometric Basquc Beans Clinic Potatoes Vcgclablt: Icc Cream $6.95 .. $12.95

J) ress Cod c: No short~ or Iillik lOpS. ~ Wed,·Sat. open at 5:30 Sunday 5:00·9:00 1279 E. 1st Ave, Chico. 342·7547 E===--__~8~!91~·5~'2~04L__. ____ .. _ ~...... • • ~. •. I'...... •...... 1,,'.,.. '. '.j'" ,•• 'oJ~ • •• ,,0... -. '"., I.U· .• ~." _ .. ( I." ,r •.. /0. •.• ' '14 ..... , ...... , ..." .... " •.• l... ,,; ...... '...; " ., ;,:.,' .\.; '" ,l.. , I •• , ~\ .~.', ,.,', ' ...... 6) •• ,..;.. ·t' •.•••. ; .,' .;, ..." ."I.;';,:~.,:J "':""" I" "" •• " .... ~ ~ •• ~'/ .. , : ...... ' .!, ,.'."" -'.'

2Q~1 ______October1, 1986

, I ., ., , ...... : --...... , :;. , , . \ -'/ -ARTS AND LEISURE sauteed sounded delectable, as pointing. The chicken was tempura batter, and prime rib at C,uli.lIIIrr.. CritiqlHl did the filet of mahi-mahi in an described as being stuffed with $14.95. almandine saute ($8.95). spinach and mushrooms, but All dinners are served with a Seafood specialities Yet, I opted for the butterflied trying to find a mushroo~' cup of soup of the day, a trip scampi sauteed in aleman butter proved to be an adventure m through a very fresh well- by SheilA Rooney are available to start the meal. d d . h Ii d itself. 'rhe deep-fried chicken stocked salad bar french bread . d sauce ouse Wit gar c an ed • , News Editor One can choose fr om deep- f rle wine. Although the shrimp were was topp wi~h chees~ ana and baked potato, rice pilaf, or zucchini and'mushrooms or a lukewarm, the flavor was very served WIth ~arhc butter, emon french fries. ,The Hatchcover restaurant generous portion of crispy and hollnndalse sauce.. .. caters to most seafood lovers' potato skins topped with melted good. The presentation of this dish: ~he sernce was qUick, and the fancies. cheddar cheese, bacon bits and For the meat eater, three cuts also lacked any discernablecolor. ,walter and ~usboy. were ex- The restaurant takea on a served with sour cream. Ap- of prime rib, porterhouse and The chicken was covered in a tremely attentIVe. _ . nautical look as seascape and petizer prices range from $2.75 teriyaki steak are a few available white sauce, placed in a white .Alth~ugh the prlce~ w~re a bit sailing pictures decorate the for a half order of potato skins choices. Meat entrees are priced ramekin atop a white plate with ~~h, dinner was satisfymg and walls, and aquariums filled with to $3.50 for tempting teriyaki between $8.25 and $13.95. a baked potato and a sprig of filling. tropical fish are located in the chicken bits. Other dinners include chicken parsley. Mixed vegetables or The Hatchcover is located at lobby and main dining area. Known for its seafood specials, cordon bleu, fettuccini. special, colorful garnishes would have 1720 Esplanade and the number A diverse crowd dines at the the Hatchcover serves a large with baby shrimp and chicken made the dish more appealing. for reservations is 345-5862. Hatchcover, with patrons variety of entrees. The Sicilian- breast Florentine, which my Stenk and seafood com- Dinner is served from 5 p.m.- ranging from college students to style calamari, dipped in a guest ordered. binations ranged from calamari I 9:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday and families and senior citizens. mixture of bread crumbs, par- The Florentine, however, and steak ($11.95) to shrimp' 5 p.m.-lO:30 p.m. on Friday and A wide variety of appetizers mesan cheese, herbs, and then .. proved to be somewhat disap- _~utterfly, deep-fried in a light i Saturday. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed :516/{. .. f IINOTlfCf? New Ir5118Oi1T HC~ II WIf~PPYl1 COMIC 5{f(/f ? 171111'1< IINOWRMi 5t~ r WANr! I .\ '. 11(1515 fJVT /.OVllfJt6 ..,....~ 1I(OKlON€. 5M1/f{T /lUCK, __~ CIlr" HAV!

('11~ ""~, / ~ /.~. ~- BEEN &tWE ~, . \'), \ .. 'r: \') - ~I ~

I ".,

Are you worried this is t~e greatest problem in you r life? WE AlE HERE TO HELP

Ray Charles has a disability. Yet Sign-up below to participate in the free; his abilities have ellriched liS all. ongoing workshop designed for students suffering from eating disorder bulimia "35 million disabled Americans want the Date: .Wed. Oct.8 same things you want Time: 3-5 , I out of life:' Place: Counseling Center • Contact Ginny Conger, , . We, want to use our abilities to the Because this is the Decade or 895-6345 .' . , rullest. We want to participate. That Disabled Persons, the National Organi- .. means being able to.get in arid out or zation on Disability urges us all to lend places you want to go iryou use awheel­ a hand right in our own community. :A11 conSultations are confidential. ' .. chair; having s'igns in braille; gelling ·let's put ourabilitiestogethersoall ~ extra help to do the job you really want. Americans gain. tt------..'.'.. '. . -~.--.... -.--~ .. -... ~ ..... ~ Name ______Phone _____ To find out how you can get Involved, call this telephone /lumber /lOW: \ , 1-800-248-ABLE Counseling,and Career Planning /' NATIONAl. ORGANIZATION ON f,· Bring in or Mail to: CSU Chico . DISAlILITY Chico Ca. 95929-0702 'i:\\ .~ qi.! ":v _,to ,... , , .' ~" .. " i,'·'-;-' ."":";..:.;~ ':..' ..•. - .. ~-.- ..,. ... -...... "'-.•. - .. ,.~ ...... , .... , .•.• "." .. , ...... --.,~---- ...... "...... ~. "'r.,,' ctoberl, 1986i------'"!------______:e.f ~ Campus Clubhouse

.Ski club offers trips, discounts and even condos

This week's campus clubhouse takes Members only pay $3 per night, and year, and this pays for the condo In How much ore these trips going to a look at the Chico State Ski Club. they may bring guests for no per Tahoe. Anyone interested in joining cost? John Waterhouse, vice-president, night. should attend our meetings at The answered our interviewer's Graduate every Wednesday of· The Mammoth trip is really still up in questions. What other benefits do members ternoon at 5 p.m. We sometimes the air. The Breckenridge trip gives receive? have raffles at the meetings, and you two choices, though. If you take show ski films. What excctly Is the Chico State Ski the bus, It will only cost 8288; if Club? Once in a while ski reps come to our you're going by air, it will be 8380. meetings, sellirig ski equipment at Are you going to offer any special We will stay in a beautiful condo Well this is a club for Chico State great discount rates. We also get trips this sellson? right on the base of the slopes. and Butte College students that ore discounts in several stores here in ski enthusiasts. It helps students of town. Yes, we are organizing a one-week all abilities to save money and ski. trip to Breckenridge, Colo. In How many members do you have? more often. How much does It cost to Join, and January. It is possible that we will How can they sllve money? where are meetings held? have another one in the spring, but Right now we have 180 members, but this one would just be a tbre&day there is a lot of space left for people We have a condo in Tahoe City. Membership is $30 for the entire trip to Mammoth. that might be interested In joining.

Jack's Family Restaurant Valley Scuba Open 24 Hours Expo Special' Know About SILVER DOLLAR FAIRGROUNDS 1)Only 6 Blocks From Campul Oct. 3,4,5 2)BrjCIkfa.t Anytime 3) Daily Speciall 4)Plenty of Free Parking 5)Food to go 343-8383 6)Falt, Friendly Service 7)Pride OUrielvel In Cleanlinell 8) We Cat.r to the Studenh

IDI Reg. and' B'c Special . The IDI Rep,will be present at-Expo to answer any questions about IDI Equipment Valley Scuba :147 Nord Avo. No.3 ' ChIco, CA. 95928 891·5041 Ropalr • Lo •• onl • SalOl .• Ronlal • Air • Travol 2Q~I-=------______October1, 1986

\ . . .' ,/ -ARTS AND LEISURE .. ' ' ~ . ,.,..,. j C,uli.narr. Criti~ sauteed sounded delectable, as pointing. The chicken was tempura batter, and prime rib at ~. did the filet of mahi·mahi in an described as being stuffed with $14.95. almondine saute ($8.95). spinach and mushrooms, but All dinners are served with a Seafood specialities Yet, I opted for the butterflied trying to find a mushroo~' cup of soup of the day, a trip scampi sauteed in a lemon butter proved to be on adventure In through a very fresh well· by She118 RooDey ure available to start tho meal d d I h I itself. The dee~fried chicken stocked salad bar french bread r i News Editor One can choose from doo"'fried sauce ouse w t gar Ic and t..",l 'th h d ' .. wino. Although the shrimp Wtlrtl was op~ WI. c eese on and baked potato, rice pilaf, or \ 1. zucchini and' mushrooms or a served With garlic butter, lemon french frios. ,'I'he Hatchcover restaurant generous portion of crispy lukewarm, tho flavor was very and hollandaise sauce.. " caters to most seafood lovers' potato skins topped with molted good. Tho presentation of this dish' ~he service was qUick, and the \ fancies. cheddar choose, bacon bits and For the meat eator, three cuts also lacked any discernable color. 'walter and ~usboy. were ex· f ( The restaurant takes on a served with sour cream. A~ of prime rib, porterhouse and The chicken was covered in a tremely attentive. . . I nautical look all seascape and petlzer., prices range from... 82 75 teriyaki steak are a few available white sauce, plnced I'n a white .Altho.ugh the prices. we.re a bit salling pictures decorate the for a half order of potato skins choices. Meat entrees are priced ramekin atop a white plate with ~I~h, dinner was satisfYing and walls, and aquariums filled with to $3.50' for tempting teriyaki between $8.25 and $13.95. a baked potato and a sprig of filling. l tropical fish are located in the chicken bits. Other dinners include chicken parsley. Mixed vegetables or The Hatchcover is located at I lobby and main dining area. Known for its seafood specials, cordon bleu, fettuccini. special, colorful garnishes would have 1720 Esplnnade and the number ! A diverse crowd dines at the the Hatchcover serves a illrge with baby shrimp and chicken made the dish more appealing. for reservations is 345-5862. Hatchcover, with patrons tI variety of entrees. The Sicilian- breast Florentine, which my Steak and seafood com- Dinner is served from 5 p.m.- (, ranging from college students to /, style calamari, dipped in a guest ordered. binations ranged from calnmari , 9:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday and i, families and oenior citizens. mixture of bread crumbs, par- The Florentine, however, and steak ($11.95) to shrimp 5 p.m.-10:30 p.m. on Friday and A wide variety of appetizers meson cheese, herbs, and then .. proved to be somewhat disap- _~utterfly, dee~fried in a light i Saturday. I: /' i' BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed / ' H£~ /I WIf~Pf)YI1 [ 7lflfrl< 6t~ r WANr' l t""~ CIlT3 HAVf i ",",.". ~ BEEN Pt1JE i . , ~, >-\')' \ '" •


Are you worried this is t~e greatest problem in your life? WE ARE HERE TO HELP

Ray ella I'll's lias a disability. Yl't Sign-up below to participate in the.free; IIis abilitil's have enriclled liS all. ongoing workshop designed for students suffering from eating disorder bulimia "35 million disabled Americans want the Date:'. Wed. Oct.S same things you want Time: 3-5 out of life!' Place: Counseli ng Center • Contact Ginny Conger,

We. want to use our abilities to the Because this is the Decade of .. 895-6345 " . , fullest. We want to participate. That Disabled Persons, the National Organi. .­ means being able to get in arid out of zation on Disability urges us all to lend places you want to go if you use a wheel­ a hand right in our own community. ~I conSultations are confidential. chair; having ~igns in braille; getting ,let's put ourabilitiestogethersoall }, ! I • ~ extra help to do the job you really waill. Americans gain...... ----_ .... /. -.------~------Name ______Phone ____ To nnd out how you can get involved, call this telephone number now:

.,~ "~., i 1-800-248-ABLE COunseling and Career Planning I.' I '.',',. Bring in or Mail to: CSU Chico· Chico Ca. 95929-0702

. ", ,'" .. , :.:,.~~ ..... ~ ...... -,' '-'~ --."

. _, '-_·_,,····'l-·---·· ...... _ •.•. _-_ . October1, 19B6------~------______0.11121 ~ Campus Clubhouse

,Skiclub offers trips, discounts and even condo~

This week '8 campus clubhouse takes Members only pay $3 per night, and year, and this pays for the condo in How much are these triPII going to a look at the Chico State Ski Club. they may bring guests for 810 per Tahoe. Anyone Interentod In joining cost? John Waterhouse, vice-president, night. should attend our meetings at Tho answered our interviewer's Gradunte every Wednesday af. The Mammoth trip is really still up In questions. What other benefits do members ternoon at 6 p.m. We sometimes the air. The Brockenrldge trip gives receive? have raffles at the meetings, and you two choices, though. If you take What clQctiy Is the Chico State Sid show Bki films. the bus, it will only cost 8288; If Club? Once in a while ski reps come to our you're going by air, It will be 8380. meetings, selling sid equipment at Are you going to offer any opeclal We will Btay in a bellutlful condo Well, this is a club for Chico State ~60t discount rates. We also ~t trips this season? right on the bnse of the slopes. and Butte College students that ore scounts In several Btores here 1D ski enthuslastB. H helps studentB of town. Yes, we are organizing a one-week all abilities to save money and ski trip to Breckenridge, Colo. In How many membtra do you have? more often. . How much doell It COllt to Join, and January. Itls possible thnt we will How can they Bave money? where are meetings held? have another one in the spring, but Right now we have 180 members, but this one would JUBt be a three-day there Is a lot of Spllce loft for peoplo We have a condo in Tahoe City. MemberBhip Is 830 for the entire trip to Mammoth. that might be Interested In joining.

Jack's Family Restaurant Valley Scuba Open 24 Hours . Expo Special SILVER DOLLAR FAIRGROUNDS 1)Onl, 6 Blocks From Campus Oct. 3,4,5 2)Br..eakfast Anytime 3) Daily Specials 4)PlentJ of Free Parking 5)Food to go 343-8383 6)Fast, Friendly Service 7)Prlde Ounelves In Cleanline.s 8) We Cater to the Students

IDI Reg. andB·C Special The IDI Rep. will be present at' Expo to answer' any questions about IDI Equipment Val1ey Scuba 3'7 Nord llva. No.3 ' Chico, Cll. 95928 891·5041 Ropalr • tollonl • SalOl .• Rontal • Air • Trani

>1· ..... ".,...,., .... 1",...... ,., .... """'" .' " ., , ..-:' """~.;-.-' ,,,\,,,~,, ".'~ ...:" .. h- .... .,...7:·.·-·.- ...... ; 22 ______0ctober1, 1986 t i I -CALENDAR l !: ,

Anthropology Forum Talkin' Dlnce featuring alme Volleyball Chico vs. UC Santa Unlverllty Film Serlll, Sugar .VJednesday that talk (Miocommunlcation in Thlory. V. &.lunch, Bllt from Cruz2p.m. . Baby Ayres 106, 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.to 1 a.m. In Melody employment interviews) ChIco JIZZ 80clety begins its Speaker: Professor Cheryl Hall behind J.B.'s Bar on Nooner with areg D'Auoem t Oct. 1 Mangrove and Vallambrosa. annual series of concerts today BMU top floor lounge, noon. l Ajirotutu in Ayres 120,4 p,m. . including the Jazz Societyis i Tickets $4.50 at the door. I house band and the Sally 80 you don't wlnt to tOlch ... I Theatrl Ind Dinci Parenti WHklnd Contact Gaines quartet at 1:30 p.m. at What cln you do Workshop, IntlrndlDflllI "lln.1 Club Worklhop I Production University Relations for more the Holiday Inn on Mangrove Placement office 7 to 9 p.m. wiI1 present a film in Butte 109 Chopin in Space and The In­ detailo 895-5297. and Cohasset; $2 for members, at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments sanity ofMary Girard 8:15 p.m. $4 for non-members. For more 1-______-1 I[ following. ALL MAJORS on Oct. 2 to Oct. 4 and 3 p.m. on information call 342-8422 or I. WELCOME! Oct. 5 in Wismer Arena Educltlon Ind Support' 342-7631. i Theotre(PAC 135) Progrlml for Womln Upcoming ", [E8PW) Shirlay Rush speaks Chico Expo '88 Silver Dollar t: Filid HocklY Chico vs. Fr. Conclrt featuring Bait in on the feminization of Fairgrounds, nil day. ,I: University of the Pacific 3 p.m. the Quad urea betwoon the loneliness at 7 p.m. in the j: BMU and Trinity Hollat noon. University Center next to NIlghblH'lln Hllplng (N.I.H.) Counllllny group for ( Mln'l Boeclr Chico vs. San Sylvester's Cafe-by-the-Creek. is holding a general mooting at Itudlntl with bullmli. j' Jose State 8 p.m. For more information call 7 p.m. For additional in­ Offered free by the Counseling ESPWat895-5724. formation call Jim at 343·5756 center on campus. Beginning Womln'l Boeclr Chico vs. or Chris at 342-6270. every Wednesday starting CoUfornia State University Friday Dr. AlY Klllir Dept. of ~------t October 8 from 3 to 5 p.m. Call Long Beach. -0' ·c--t.··· ·3--·- Zoology UC Berkeley, The Role 895-6345 to sign up. of Cell Rearrangement in Undergrldulte 8peclll PaIItICIII Film Slrlll Hearts Gastrulation (amphibians and Monday Mllor Dlldllne and Minds (Film on U.S. in· ~------I sea urchins) Holt 170,4 p.m. Friday, October 24th Is the volvement in Vietnam) Ayres Chico Expo '88 Silver Dollor deadline to submit your ap­ 1067 p.m. $2.00. Fairgrounds, all day. -"oc[-e plication/proposal to be con- sidered for an undergraduate IntlrnltlonllAaloolltlon of ObJlctlve Tilt Tlklng ~------r Special Major for Fall 1986. BUllnl.. Communlcltorl Meriam Library 226 2 to 3 p.m. For more information contact You can still join IABCI Come Saturday ae.dllne for voter Carloyn Vietti in Coiuea Hall to tonight's mooting in BMU Promotion of Health reulltrltlon is today for the 102 at 895-5802. 110 at 6 p.m. Guest speaker Progrllm University Center 12 November election. Noele Winans will be speaking to 1:30 p.m. Oct. 4 Forms can be picked up in Ski SWlP It th. Sliver Dollir about resumes. 1-______-1 BMU. For more information Fllrgroundl. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chlmber MUllc a.rla. PAC call 89-vote. Check in Saturday, October 11. 1348:15 p.m. Swap Sunday, October 12. Footballl Chico vs.' California 1-______-1 Everyone welcome. Turnlr Print Dlilery Exhibit: State University Sacramento,7 Monday through Friday 12 to 4 Fill NUrilry 8tock a.le p.m. p.m. Also open during Laxson today from 12 to 6 p.m. and auditorium events (through Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fliid Hockey Chico VB. Tuesday October 31). University Farm (Hegan , Alumni, 2 p.m. Ongoing Laneoff the Midway) Low -ocf"1 I------l prices, expert advice, and Advlnture Connectlon'e quality plants. NlPI Villey Bike TOl.lr/Wlne Thursday Taatlng For more information 1078 Giliery II exhibiting .-Iwlah Studtnt Union High call 895-4011 (through Oct. 5),' pllntlnga by Chico Irtlltl Intlrnitlonllllzetionof Clllf· Oct ""2- Holy Days Services at Temple .lIn Spencer Ind Dlr~lI, Beth Israel-14th an~ HemIdck Intlrnltlunll 8tudlntl Club ornll 8tlte Unlvlrllty Clrp.ntlr until Octoblr 12. 1------""'"'" Streets tonight at 7:45 p.m., Barbecue at one-mile recreation BYltem Ind Intlrnltlonll aliliry hOUri Irl TUIIdIY Saturday 10 a.m., and Sunday area at Ua.m. Bring your own Opport"nltlel for C8UC through Thul'ldlY 3 to 5:30 10 a.m. For more information meat and bread, and the club 8tudlntl Speaker: Dr. Dick p.m. Ind a.turdlY 2· to 15 Volleyball Chico vs. Sonoma call Shoshana 891-5588 or will provide the rest. All are Sutter, Ayres 106, 3:30 p.m., p.m. State University, 7:30 p.m. MicbaeI345·6903. welcome. free.

\ - If you have an event that you want DATE: publicized on our Calendar Page .- TIME: Just fill out ,~his form and bring - EJlENT: "'l it by the ORIO~ office, PLMS 001. I ;i .,. L' And we'll print 'it/or FREEl! , 1 i ':'" 1 Let Chico State· Students ,\ I , ' I' I .know what;shappenirtg!! . ISSUE DATES TO RUN: ,I( I , .~' , j " ~} 1Ii'~t .., I October 1, 1986,------______23 ARTS AND LEISURE Music Box Die with your boots on • • • political, anti-war album that 'contractual obligations. Rob Faulkner, director of Olmstead's article In last week's scored high on the charts and I have more than a feeling that Cultural Affairs, says Orion. The faculty Ph.D. story found a home among both "Third Stage" Is going to be a hit. negotiations are only In the could be seen as subjective. metalheads and punks alike. -. Its first single, "Amanda," Is preliminary stage, but he is However as a reader and I Sincerely hope the band will quickly climbing the charts, and hopeful. As, usual, the AS Is student, I draw my own stay together and fight the ~ust Sundance Records has already finding It difficult to secure a conclusions from Olmstead's adversity that has plagued sold out their entire first ship· promoterfor the occasion. piece. by Andrew Morrissey Metallica since Its Inception. ment of vinyl. More Importantly, however, Is Although they may not be top- This album finally answers a the fact that Cultural Affairs I agree that there are benefits . notch musicians, the group's long-standing prayer. Ne~ hasn't thrown In the towel. It's!~ having a professor with METALLICA: A sad story hit music and lyrics relay a classic Boston rock Is the sure-fire frustrating as hell when no one BOTH professlo~~1 experience the papers on Sunday. message. America's youth aren't answer to my losl)mnla crisis. It'll supports a rock 'n roll concert, AND a doctorate. But It Is my As If In response to Dlo's "Ole just going to sit back and watch blow my head off, so I won't but Rob and the gang haven't opinion that this was not the Young," the 24-year-old bassist while two world powers argue have to worry about sleeping. given up. They're willing to take angle of the story. . .. , of Metallica was tragically killed over a petty little game of "I So cool your engines, and a c:1ance, even though recent Although a teacher may be In an auto accident while Spy." hopefully I'll get a chance to unlverslty·supported rock shows highly Intellectual, he or she may travelling from Stockholm to Clifford Lee Burton died with review "Third Stage" In next have flopped. not have the communication Copenhagen. his boots on, and for many of us, week's Orion. Now let's hope that a serious skills that i)re necessary to get a Cliff Burton was fatally Injured that means a helluva lot. promoter Is willing to take the point across. In short, I am when the heavy metal group's PRETTY IN PINK: Rumor same gamble. saying that the doctoral egotist Is van crashed on an Icy road In IT'S ABOUT TIME: After has It that Cultural Affairs Is not uncommon at Chico State. southern Sweden. The eight years, the U.S. supergroup' taking a serious shot at bringing IN DISAGREEMENT: remaining members of the group Boston has finally released Its the Psychedelic Furs to town. Instead of writing a letter to the Professors should be judged received minor Injuries, but are long-awaited third album en- The Furs are scheduled to editor, I have decided to utilize on Individual teaching reportedly In good condition. titled, "Third Stage." appear In Davis soon, and my rebuttal rights as a columnist capabilities. A Ph.D. neuer Metallica hit It big last summer The band has been embroiled ,apparently, the group's concerning Dr. Benson's letter guarantees that students will stay with their highly successful third In a drawn-out legal battle with management Is trying to secure on the opinion pages. awake In class. In fact, I have album entitled, "Master of MCA Records due to a additional dates In the,~northern As a joumallst, I understand experienced quite the opposite. Puppets." The silsc Is a strongly disagreement concerning California 'area . why Benson Is frustrated by Matt

...... ," ...... ~~,- ~ ...... '.~. ,":" .•" r" '-", ...~ •••• ""4.- ...... ~".·.· .•' ~ ...... ' . "

II. , '4''.···.0/.·.··.',·.· ... ,'.'.· .... ',·'·'·.·1·'·'·.·1·.·'·1·""t"'I"'I'III""'I'I'I'I"'I'I"'I'I"~I't"'I'",',',"""'"','",'1'",,,',, ",', ., .. , ...... , I 2 , '.. , , .•.. , , . , , , ••• , •• , •••••••.••.• Oc'tober 1:'1'986', , . ' -SPORTS . ..' ~ ! r Grandma the greek Wildcats hold on to beat Gaels 23·21 by Phil Midling and Joe the feet by Craig Mott Stat/Writer The feet. They were the key to success. The foot were the quickest Bill Walsh had ever s~n on a quaterba~k. The feet would carry the San Francisco 4gers to two Super Bowl victories. The The Chico State' Wildcats feet would support perhaps the greatest offensive football team in escaped with a 23·21 I the history of the National Football League. homecoming victory over a Yes, the road to immortality depended upon a pair of feet. Joe stubborn St. Mary's team before Montana's. And they danced. In white Minudos. 3,812 fans at University Nice poetry for someone with a foot fetish, but I'm trying to Stadium. make a point here. Joe Montana's feet were special. They allowed St. Mary's trailed 23·6 with I only 4:34 remaining in the game, him to move in ways that the average Joe could not; ways that made number16 look like Fred Astaire on the fielci. while everyone but their refusal to give up else 100kM like they were dancing by numbers"or 'playing Twister. produced an exciting finish. Call it grace, or coordination, or God·given ability. Whatever it Two touchdown passes from was, it allowed the man to make the big play. In general, that St. Mary's freshman quar· meant coming through in the clutch; in specific, that meant the terback Tim Rosenkranz to wide 1982 NFC Championship Game against the Dallas Cowboys at receiver Warren Parker in a span Candlestick Park. Remember? of 1:10 turned an easy victory into a difficult one. I· The fog rolled in, Joe rolled out - and hit Dwight Clark for the game winner. 'The feet" hit 'the hands" for "the catch". The 4gers Wildcat quarterback Craig were on their way to Pontiac, and Joe Montana's life would never Wallis completed 22 of 32 passes be the same. for 235 yards, including two TD passes and one interception. Today however, the ,~gers are without their starting quar· terback for the first time in seven seasons. Joe Montana is "Wallis and the entire offense played a great second half," said i recuperating from the back surgery that, was proformed two r. head coach Mike Bellotti, after \ (, weeks ago at St. Mary's Hospital. That'spart of the game says Bill Walsh. Noone knows for sure if the man will ever dance again. he saw his team deadlocked in a I. So, whether you like Joe Montana or not, you gotta agree that 3·3 tie at halftime. Running .back John Oglesby scores Chico's first' he was somethin' special. At least his feet were. Yeah, the man St. Mary's led 6-3 in the third touchdown against St. Mary's could dance. Let's wish him well and hope he comes back 100 quarter, but the Chico State "Defensive tackle Paul percent. I offense finally started to click. kick, and just 1:10 later Parker' Wallis threw a five-yard TD caught a 3S·yard pass from Baricroft played a super game. Y Come on Joe, get back in tlle groove. The album is oniy half over. pass to running back John Rosenkranz for another TD. The whole defense played good. • Oglesby, giving the Wildcats a Dave Hunt's extra point cut the It seems lilte on their scores we either lo'st our composure and < Four weeks into the 1986 NFL season, I've decided to bless the 10·6 lead. Wallis completed all lead to 23·21. gave them good field position or . reader with my predictions. Yes, I know I have a head start, and four of his passes on the 52-yard, With all three of their timeouts Yes I know that these predictions are invalid because of it. six ploy drive. remaining, St. Mary's elected to they simply come up with a big In all honesty however, who really cares what I think, right? So The score remained the same kick off deep and hope their play, " he said. let's have some fun. until Wallis scored on a two·yard defense could hold the Wildcats. Chico State's next game is this ., In the NFC, the Rams, 4gers, Bears, Cowboys and Giants will run early in the final quarter. A But senior running bock Ken Saturday at 7 p.m. in.' University Stadium. They play all make the playoffs. Of course my grandmother could have told bad snap from center on the Lawson came to the rescue. you that. The 4gers and Giants will meet in the wild-card game, conversion attempt gave Chico Voted offensive player of the a fine Sacramento State team, : with the Giants winning (Without "the feet" theNinersjust aren't State a l6-Slead. game, Lawson carried the ball and Bellotti knows they will . the same). When Wallis threw a 26·yard six times for 21 yards to help run have to playa grent game in The OIanto will then travel to Chicago to play the Bears, while TD pass to wide receiver Willie out the clock. order to win. the Cowboys travel to Disneyland to play the Roms. Again, my Duncan, capping a 69-yard drive, Lawson finished the game with The Wildcats had three tur­ grandma nods her approval. Chico Stat.e held a commanding 68 yards on 15 attempts. novers against St. Mary's. They . From that point on however, it gets a little tough. 23·6 lead with 8:28 remaining in Bellotti praised Wallis, also had ten penalties, including The Giants appear to have arrived as a legitimate Super Bowl the game. Lawson, Duncan, and offensive one for too many men on the field contender. They have Phil Sims, a very good defense, and playoff St. Mary'S then changed tackles Rob Robinson and Scott and another for roughing the experience four out of the lost five years. But, they traded All-Pro quarterbacks, and four minutes Hodgkinson. kicker. Both were on field goal defensive back Mark Haynes, and wide-receiver Earnest Gray - later Rosenkranz threw 19 yards "They all played a great game, attempts. to Parker for a TD. A successful especially in the second half," "We can't. play this way and getting very little in return. They also have 11 tendency to make mistakes a t crucial times. two· point conversion made the he said. expect to beat Sacramento The Bears are great, no dOUbt. But, they'll have to work twice as score 23-14. Bellotti was also pleased with State. We'll probably have to hard this year as every team will try twice as hard to beat 'them St. Mary's recovered an onside his defense. play error free," he said. Defense wino games, however, and the Bears have the best ..: especially if free sufety Todd Bell returns. 'I'he Bear offense on tlie other hand, has never really impressed me. Walter Payton is Bellotti's Comments great, but the rest of the offense is overrated. And I'm sick of Lost week: "We played a sloppy game, but a Dave Panzer and strong safety Lorenzo Lynch seeing Jim McMahon's face. winisa win. I'll take it." are also grea t athletes." Dallas now hos Hershel Walker but so what? They've had Tony "We have to keep their defense off blllance. Dorsett the past six seasons and haven't made it to the Super This week: "This is our most difficult test since We'll also need to keep our composure and ploy Bowl. They may need a comolete overhaul. Danny White is not our .opener against Idaho Stllte. They pose Roger Staubac, and the defense is getting old •• problems for us both offensively and defensively. intelligent football." "Finally, we're going to have to ploy what I The Roms appear to be stronger wltn tne acquisition of Steve They have great size and speed. They have as call 'hardball.' This means we'll have to playa Bartkowski, but he's 34 years old. What is It with this team? On good on accl)mnlution of athletes as we will see during the season." physical game against a bigger team than us. paper, they may be the best team in the league until until you get Hopefully we will be healthy." . to the QB. Until the Rams get a talented quarterback who will "They have a gI;eat running. game with Injuries: Center Fred Posadas and defensive stick around for more than one senson, they won't get past the toilback Domild Hair and fullback Rob Harrison. tackle Paul Bancroft both have severe thumb NFC Championship Gllme "(As of this writing, the Rams signed We will have to contain them. " injuries and are questionable for Saturday's former Purdue All·America Jim Everett). So, the Bears will beat "They also have a great defense. Our number game. . I the Giants, the Rams will beat the Cowboys, and the Bears will , I one concern will be to protect our quarterback. Middle linebacker David Newquist missed last beat the Roms. Sound fami1la~? Grandma has fallen asleep .. "' . J They have two outstanding llinebnckers in Greg . (Next week: AFC predictions.) , week's game with a strained neck. He is also ~ ~ ,-Dockweiler and Tauto Mauga. Defensive tackle questionable this week.

'--,;",:""--:'1."~;'1"-' -_ ...... -- ...... '" Octoberl.,t,986.~!"!"'!'~~":"'!"l":"'!"l~!"'!"!"~~~-~-__~------2 -SPORTS Cross-country ,team believes success comes in a 'redshirt'

by David BOBsetti coach Kirk Freitas, redshirting expected to be the number one Sylvia Aguirre, the top runner on the team," said Freitas. Staff Writer is sometimes a necessity in order runner for Chico State this year. at the College of Notre Dame a Freshmen Chris True and to build a more competitive team Wilhemy, according to Freitas, year ago, provides both talent Kurtis Sullivan mayor may not for the future. runs toe to too with Davies. and experience. Aguirre is a compete in the 1986 S6llson, Like the typical trail a runner "Even if we didn't redshirt our Kelly Poo and Jennifer O'Neil, junior. according to Freitas. must endure, the Chico SLuw top runners it would ,be both freshmen, have been red· Renee Fontllno Ilnd Monica "This is a tough decision. I croBs·country team has its share unrealistic for us to win the shirtedon the womens' team. Jump Ilre also promlaing run· want' these kids (True and of bumps and curves to conference. Hayward, Hum· By not having some of the top ners. Fontano came to Chico Sullivan) to compete. They have negotiate. boldt and Davis have distance- runners compete this season, State with n~ previous cr?ss come a long way. I'll have to The bumps: four of the top oriented programs. They are Freitas will allow his younger country expenence. According wait Ilnd soo " said Freitas seven runners on the men's team simply too strong for us to runners to gain valuable ex· to Freitas, she started jogging , '. .' . and two highly touted runnbrs compete with right now. . perience. last year then trained in the ~n the two mVlt~tionol ~oots on the women's toom have been Hopefully, that will change," The women's number one summer, running 10 miles 0 day. this season, FrOltOfJ Billd his redshirted. said Freitas. runner is freshman Stacie Barker The men's toom features two teams ron well. The curves: since these Those on the list of redshirts from Redman, Ore. junior college transfers in juniors There were no team scores in athletes are not injured, and not for the men are Tom Davies, Bob "Stacie has had a successful Stacy VanHorn from Santa theSllcrllmento Invitational; but ineligible due to poor academic' Bright, John Wilhemy, Chris career as a runner. Last summer Rosos"Both Bllsinger and Chico State finishod fifth out of standings, there is question as to Markey, and Rich Dunn. Davies, she ran a race in China. She is Hastings run well and will only 10 schools in both the men's and whyaretheybeingredshlrted. who placed 23rd in the going to be awesome," said get better as time goos on. women's divisions in the Sonoma According to cross·country Region of the United States, was Freitas. Hastings is a greot guy to have Invitational. BLOOM COUNTY

r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I '.I I Now Serving I ~~ I any I DOWNTOWNER Breakfast I I I I I ~ I II I "t. I STUDENTS: ~. I J'~ I Start your day off before classes wit,h Ott" validated I a hearty breakfast. We were voted BEST 1 I, deli in Chico-try us for breakfast! I THE' I I COOKlE COMPANY I 142 BROADWAY 1 CHICO 1 /l I Mon.-Wed.9am-bpm offer good Mon-Sal 1 t', Thurs.-Sat.9am-9pm after 4pm and Sun. 11: 30am·5: 30pm all day Sundays ::I: , ,,(f"r '"plre. 10/31/86 I ~ ... --...... --.----...... -

..... t, 2.15· 0anDer1 •. 19B6 .... SPORTS ...... Field hockey team chClllengedby scholarship competition

mospbeRont!Eteamthisyett.~ zar::D:zi. today ami SbuifimJ.. whi:h was: says I.azmrlrd...... The team S5)'5.m:rfi:nranl8tKey Hall. "We wae too np~" 5e5Jl'l ambd ninth Ie. the:cati:D:t last. Imowswhatthey&avetodo.... "*Wepl!t,ymoreJl5I1. teImI tmit... HaD.. ""They"mourhig:rlvaL We JUr". Oct.. II,. 1iith otfrer Adds HalL "-Around this Semar midfielder Juliet be&:ttJenlJerekst.:JeU'.. .f:.I,.SJ{ gamEStofi.:llli:rllil'. Jea:gne:. M one respects us.. We Imagine the Chico State ~~'lrithHaII.~ tIiink there was sorue e::dZ!i. "'Weam·t;l3:;.upfonrJ]'bodj;.~ &avetoeamtlleirrespect.... footlJall team playingin a Ieegoe i!! lID 'star" GIl this team." says prewu-e.todoit-.m.-Wefutd ~------.... withStanford aDdUCBerkeIey_ 31 shots OD. guaL We~ need A1tI:mugh tlIis may be tme,. to reluiu thedrc2..~ 'lhec:frde Chico. understandably. coech-. I.a:n:arin:i .m her p1ayEn: isllllarm.~I6-~ A look at field hockey wouldn't fare .ell apiDst tho:!e agree OIl two of the top player:a frmntfe~~lI11JdJ.&ba Dimionlsc:holarship~ an the team: goalies Karin But Chiro State's &Id hockey pmaltybn:iD.~ Kolztesm:dJ'nlieStn!et... FEld Imd'te:,.. is .!!im:i5lr to Athletic: AssociatiDn adopted tam is iD that po5itian.. Cam­ Pe!::ral!:ie!l:dDetoan~ ~ IIlIIf,. wit&. respects to! ~ field 1tockq n:!es peting in the Northem Pacific ""'l'beT'R the best in the league, .. say Luzarini and 8JDioa:5 offazse eo imrt tfIe stmtegy.~ 'J'he-fi2ldis three years ago.. Amm1g the League with San J(lIIe State. the team apiu:st San .JG:!e, 5tEI:e;. 100 p:rds by- 60 jmk Gatnel clmnges= a team am sone from Universityof the PBdfic. and tile """"'- KoIDes .IlJld Street alternate ~ ..... mt'lOmi'nute5c-t.wu35mfmrte ~ on the field.. tBefgre,. aforementioned acbools. Chico's Neverth~es.s,. the telwt. &al&-.ithlIo~ one bad to be- in. the circle}.. pmes,. butthere'sllOlUIimosity. field bodrey team is the only remains poeitiwe.. CWr plIIyers 'IIEEe ICe II ~ on each Ho~, shots froID. OIl.tsidethe ""'Ihey".reVBysnpporth-eof~ Division 1 teomon campas.. wDom Lazzm:fn:i is impeseed sii;Ji!. am:o State's aJIIdz.. Ma:ry circle Dlll3t hit the boeni in the o~. They play differently and with inclwie soc&omate mif,. AIm l.azmrini. plays lier t.2I!m. goalie"'acaga. "1 like to think of it all a bow their roles on the team." fielderJulie~El:ldjlmilr­ with a. 4-3-3-1 1fue.tJp: funrfar- Anatf1er' clumge is in. sub- chaIlenge." mty:lI he&d coach sapI..azarini. .... tIm!e midfielders- f..- stitu:tWos.. PreviousJy a MmyAnnLazzarini. The team has struggled 'l.'nc,.-~~Ii funIard... "'Sbe's tfe type of "'Iii!b.~ as tlEy Jiok tbe defense- eotdd only substitute Despite their record (G-1-2). !IOmeWbat of&miveIy. t:DaII8gb:rg Ulzzarini is am6dent in hI!r ooIy ODe pol !by _ plqa- JOIl1ike to CIIKh. - SIQ'5 CD die o:ffeD:!!et. three l:Jaeb. IIJld players ~ fudf.. Nmro they can e.guelie:.. mhstitateii:ro:J:'. teIm'sahility. &perienceisthe &ward CoIIem. Watts) in three L.uzarlDL "l'hegoa&nets~n&etwide Penalt:ies:: if a de key this year, with i!!JII!Ve1 UnlihUXl5t wanic.y~ bD md: SImm feet: high. 'l'l!8e is pE!bIllty ocx:urs 1rithin the • returning IEIior3 on the 20- _ Lanariui "'"'" .... ODe h cut tram the tealI:. abo.lt beard pla£ed 18 inches off the oppoaing team gets. IDI!IIlber'C!5tnvel6ngtaquad. 0-0 tie at ~ (ranked 13th GIlly 2D wumen ~ aIthovgh tile ground m tile back of tile "comer." The:e is a lang comer; Add!lOftbaD!!Jtand.ont~ inthenatica)-- a plus, the 2·1 Ioss pete. ""B~ wfIo &a5 more age wfIich is" a. shot from near Hontze. a amior who has playm to San.l~ &ate was anything outisprac:tfciDgwithcfteteuD.-­ 'l'hegaalie·5cirde.ot"~ l5ide1ines..andashortcorner. fieldbodmy before., and the tam bo~ I.aDar:iniS!II!JS. ""'I'IIetumIs JlIOQIJ,.-- &-16 p:rds fuun tid! god w&idJ.is 10 yards from the gnal. bas IIlJOthI!r ~ com­ UWe ~ ~ We ~~~i':t==:r-g!d: areatothetGpaftLedrc1e.. '[""lie dBeDsecan pDu:e up to petitot. ~duwntotheirlevel.notup -.- The. Nationd CoHegiate ~in.thecircleona.eamer. "'Ibenr ill • mme DUltIae at- to our ~ ~ _ys I.e- Tltes:fleduleistoqb- UOP

Windham Hill Recording Artist 3 ___... ~ - __ --.... __ ...... T.y. "~'1W;i;jL?~ - E SCOtty'S Boat landing WORLDWII invites yeu to see world­ Montreux SAT. ElL1TEwfde sports coverage on the SPORTS SATELUTE Band VIEWIJIG Mike MarshaU • BOXIMG • FOOTBALL' BASEBAll FeaturIng • SOCCER • BOAt I. AUTO RACES • IIUNlIMG DorcIAnger aadllUlda.,mudl .....t Michael Manring Barbara Higbie bllaa.,At Uvein I I O·C!ober1;19B6------.f2.?~' Pedicabs------D-un-·n-g-t-h-e-sp-rm-· -g-an-d-s-wnm---e-r~b-ut~d~w~ro-n-oo~is--no--p-ro~b~le-m~if~$~2~,O~O~O~~~b-u~il~d-a-nd~~~i~n~w-na-n-c-e--o~~~"-8h~e-8-a~id~.------continued from Page 19 months, the cabs are out on the special arrangements are made, costs are low, says Stough. The The cabs are equipped with about the shifts," Stough said. streets more and for longer said Stough." biggest maintenance cost is two rear and two front lights and This also prevents one driver hours. But the Stoughs an- She said people have rented replacing the pedicabs' an· CB radios ~ keep the driver8 in from getting all the best t1cipate the business will slow the cabs for weddings, proms, tennas. "People get really drunk ~uch with each other. weekend shifts. down during the winter months. and bar cyles in the post Ilnd ond just rip the anteJUUts off the The cabs operaw Thursday that the. cabs will be at Chico bock of the cabo. They also fool The Stoughs' future plans through Sunday froUl 9 p.m. "Most of the business is done Expo this year transporting around with the quick release on include canopies for the cabs and until 2 or 3 a.m., when business . in the down~wn area, tran- people to Ilnd from their cars. the seat. The drivers ore always radios so that they can be radio­ slows down. sporting peopie between bars, . Each pedicab costs about having ~ tell them to knock it dispatched.

TennpeBt------~---ex~h~i'-lu-ra-~-in-e--wBP-e-6-C}-I--a-b-ou-t--i-BI-an-d-e-r8-I-oo--no-t-t-o-re-v-en-g-e~b-u-t--~B~e-r~k-e-le-y---S-h-a-k-e-s-p-ea-r-e--&~nc-e-,-a-n~d-s-p-oc~ia~l~ef~foc-t~s--to continued from Page 1B forgiving. to mercy and roconciliation, true Festival's "The Tempest" was mllke an innovative, creative detracted from the story. to . the spell and spirit of unquestionably a work of art Prospera closed the creative To his own surprise, his Shakespeare's "brave new which combined outstanding version of Shakespeare's story of Berkeley' production with an .powllrlf and domination over the world." acting, elaborate song and power . . AWORDFROM ''PYTHON"PISCOPO EXIWRESnm ABOUT MILLER LITE

,. " lHlRE'S ONLY 011 lITlBIR "DUH" *


,', ,.(

,I "(,,.

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.,1 -'SPORTS ; ~ .... _- .. ..,. I New linebacker coach hopes for permanence iii Chico , I" , by Alan Romeri Staff Writer left his position to earn his While a school such as Oregon I doctorate in physical education State has the luxury of spending In the world of physical from Oregon State. millions of doUars on athletics, education, Scott Johnson would Soon afterwards, his wife Chico State provides the best be considered a well· traveled ' landed a position at Chico State program possible with their veteran - yet he'd like nothing, in the education department and limited budget, says Johnson. they moved. better than to make Chico his' "Chico emphnsizes a good last stop. "r spent my first year in Chico doing research for my Ph.D. I balance between athletics and Johnson, a new addition to academics," he adds. Chico State's physical education: was studying the attributes of head football and baseball Since 1972, Johnson has department, is currently a part· limited his coaching to football time faculty member and an coaches as perceived by the' administration and alumni." only. He admits that football assistant coach for the football: His study was successful as he has always been his first love team. ! received his doctorate from and coaching has been a great "I "I want to become involved in! I Oregon State this past June. outlet over the years. I the physical education depart· ment here, hopefully with a more Johnson enjoys the location Yet he Is ready to take on a r;; and atmosphere of Chico, and ii' permanent position," says new challenge. I," praises the relationship between' ii, Johnson. "I want to teach the future Originally from Wyoming, the town and the college coaches instead of athletes. I I~, \ students. 1'1';, Johnson has boon a physical feel that too many people that "I don't think I would want to " educator for 26 years, the last 19 are trying to teach conches I at' thecciiIegiftiO level. He has live in a town that wasn't a aren't qualified." l': university town - I like the taught and coached in Wyoming, Currently, Johnson teaches a association with young people. II Nebraska, Colorado, Oregon, course in human movement, and now California. He's also impressed with how learning, and performance - a cooperative the physical separate funding, sepnrate athletics is taking these days, Prior to joining Chico State's everything. By philosophy, this with more emphasis toward course designed for prospective physical education department, education admlnistration is in physical educators. working with the athletic teams. (Chico State) is a healthier at­ athletics thnn ncademics. Johnson taught at Oregon State mosphere." "At times I miss the excellence "1 try to relate to the future where he also served ns "At Oregon State the coaching of nthletics that r saw at Oregon coaches of this country my linebacker coach, In 1964, after stllff Is separllte from the Johnson doesn't particulnrly Stnte - but the game is experiences in hopes of helping five yeara in the department, he physical education department; lJke the direction maj or college basically the same. II them understand their roles. II


'll"Ci,..oaIl1bUlI"... ~ ~ALIF~nNrA The men Of And ~COOLER~

The Fun Invite YouT 0: ...... s At • Wed,_ 1: GrQfflt I, Night ,.' Oct. 8pm (WeQr white and be ready to write) ,Ever~ .Thur~. Oct. 2: P. J.PQrty . ,'­ Night " I (8rlng your 'sleepl ng bag) , I, I i.: I.', .F rl . .O~.3 : Toga. , ' , , '.JI" I I L (Learn the true meaning of Greek) 4th if II Chestnut

,.... _. , . <",-'- ...... , "~. ,...... ,.. , ..... t •• , '.,J.,...... " ~. ,.~ ~. .,.. _... " ~~.' . , I' i' Oct6tier,j,198S·'.'------.;.' 2S;~ ,; _ARTS AND LEISURE

, collegiate crossword

ACROSS 53 Tree of the birch 13 Infertile family 16 Fred Astaire's 1 Dutch philosopher 55 French kings 'sister B Wonder of the world 56 French morning 21 - sign locale 58 Unsatisfactory 24 Ward (off) 14 Degree of quality product 26 Drive bOck 15 Boat race 60 Presidential 29 Taker of 17 EverythIng counted monogram dictation (2 wds.) 61 Put to use 31 Cleaning problem Answers' to 18 Gave forth 63 Hemophiliac 34 "The Prisoner 19 Prefix: wool 65 Merrymaker of -" . 20 Barbara and Sir 66 Molybdenum, e.g. 36 Racer Al or Bobby last week 8 puzzle' Anthony 67 Disavow again 38 Good-natured 22 Coast 68 Gnawing animals ridicule 23 Hs. Arden, et a1.· 40 One who scolds 25 Close to (poet.) DOWN 41 Fidgety s U A R I S II M I S S I T 27 Actor Jannings 42 Unclad C U R L I C U E .I! T H AN E 28 Avian abodes 1 Triangle with 44 lIalked on n A B B LA I S .S r E N N A 30 Shoe parts unequal sides 45 Apparent U V A. B NC r N A SUM 32 Cakes and - 2 Idle chatter 46 Gobi and Nojave s. F I! NIS.T I T U S.E K E S 33 Inferior sub- 3 Disease 47 Relative of the P R EIU D. D A N.a U R NT stitute " 4 Insect egg monkey _n 1 N I! T E R I D E 35 God of the sea' 5 Woodwind instrument 49 Organization o 37 Swerve: 6 Classmate of Dobi e component P R E S T I o I G r T A TOR 39 Hr. Connery G111 is 52 like a bathroom L E V I TE.O R E OS_ 40 Efleen or lIa lter 7 Eve and Enoch wa 11 AM I D 0.1 N E .N I /of E S 43 On the stock 8 Beforehand bargains 54 Comic strip C E o e.L A P E L.A I N E exchange , 9 - and haw character AD E D 0 /of I N U S. S D A 47 "light-horse Harry" 10 Spa'rtan king 57 Shade of green R I NT I N .T I! R A P H I /of 48 Hatred 11 Early-blooming 59 Exigency 50 Audacity (poet.) 62 Buddhist sect o A C I AN C R E A T I V E 51 Formef'ly, formerly 12 Empire or footstool 64 Scottish uncle S L E A Z Y .H YO R A TEO e Edward Julius Co~legiate C1'/83-4

FIRST INTERSTATE BANK will be holding an information session on October 2, 1986 6:00 '- 8:00 p.m. BMU222 ALL MAJORS INVITED, We're Setting the Pace, ! First ~J Interstate Bank ., ....

301------..------.------______,....;_---October 1, 1986 CLASSifiED -ForSalell - -Want Ads- Nancy, Thanks lor tho groat tlmo Friday STEVE (Deta) The Prosh AX In·houso gals- We can 1111 whon thore Is no wind' but REFRIDGERATOR/FRF.EZER, Sears, Night. Yau'ra a sup~r chick. Maybe wo Hare's to Limos, Luaus, champagno Boroll/Soda Springs Ski arm now wo can't sallawuy Irom frlandsll whHe, Excollont Condlllon, It's a 'taal at can go out again somotlmo. Surf's up and Long Islands. Really, I'm not a accepting appllcallonl lor lulHlmo or part­ Sugarbaby. I lava you .11· S75. Call Kurt 8t894·2992. lush.(1t was tho Dartonder) Thank·you lor time wlnler pOSitions In ski Ichool, ski two wild and wondorful weokonds. Pacchelll pltrol, ski shop, operatlonl, load Singlo Bod, 2 lola chairs S7.50 aach, 11ft Thota Chi-Thanks lor tho wild tlma boloro Lynollo SDrYlco, tlckots, rontlll, malntonanco, : Los· night Itand S5, Wltor bod S1S0(wil during and altar homocomlng. How about child caro, motol, and ",coptlonlsts. ; How about that 'two'. I'm r6~dy lor Inltall), 20 gal Aquarium complote $35, , 1st and 2nd quartorl Lots continue on Klzzy· Contact (916) 426-3666 M-F 10·4:30. Olillgans Island I youl 1I0vo you 15 gal Aquarium SIS, 10 spood S30, 20' Th8nks lor tho wild wookond. We only You know who? bike $20, Supor sturdy rodwood L'lhapo LovoPIPhb w:nt for 1 drlnk ... what happonod. Hores INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: A stop by bunkbod (2x6 construcllon) S125 to papor boy, russian apples and H~ VRG stop GUIDE TO GREEN CARD Irom F/J/H LYNN KAUTZ, Hoy, lot'l 90t Iltogathorflf compl81o. Blcycla pana·reatonably Juansl Vim. For dotalls, sand $1 To Our AX Fall '06 Plodga Classl prlcad. Loava mGlSage 343·9744. I min our lata night rap unions and IUlt love KB (Postago/Handllng): Immigration having you around. You aro doing a supor /Db. I am one Publications, Dept·g276, P.O. Box PROUD Plodgo Captain I Lot', hoar for King slzo watorbod, paddad ralls, lots of Lovo, ACD. Atn: HollyE. It 515991, Dalln, TX 75251. togothornOlllll oconomy hoalar. S100 or ball ollar. Call Hoy stranger· long tlmo no talk. /low's 091·4166...... \110 and school? Whan aro wo going lava, $60 par 100 onvalopol stulled. S240· EN'I T.K., Chuck, Karl, and Scott Thankl danclng?1 Dinner maybe??? Call mu or Clalra $4BD wookly. Homeworkorl neodod lor lor a lanlll\lc tlmo at yaur danco Friday QUEEN SIZE WATERBEDI $50?1? That's crulso by lorna tlma· ' Industrial prolact·stufflng onvolopos. Nlghll • PHI KAPPA TAU LITTLE StSTER right! Includal padollall, haatar, Irama, R.C.K. Guarontoad. Sand stampod loll ad· LaVa, Your Gamm Oatol. PLEDGES: mot1raul Groat buy.MattrDII worth S60 alonol Call Mark 343·3909. drmad onvolopo to JBK Mallcompany, •••••• Watch out fratornlty boys·Tho now local Congratulations and wolcoma to Phi P.O. Box 25·C, Castaic, CA. 91310. sorority Ttl Mu's Is on campul. Thanks Taus. We look forward to gonlng to know ------:------OX Orant, Bike For Sala·Rononablo Prlco you throughout tho somostor- It all slarts /fONDA SCOOTERS I Sigma Nu lor afun·fllled Mand M. Lam STUDENTS: MAKE EXTRA $$S$ EASILYfI S8 with pinning Thursday nlghl. ·Wo aro 1985 Aaro 50, rod, usad onlv 8 months, tho boar alonal Now mu~l·tovol con copt In popular book proud and honorod that lorty·two of you runs groal. Naw backfire. $500. 1984 Signed, What a 'B'I publishing. Ground lloor opportun~y. No Tats, hava cholan Chico's flncst and funnut Aero 50, bluD, /Ult lunad up, runl groat. INVENTORY·NO PRESSURE. FREE Our tonnls tDam Is noarly unhoatablo, fraternity. $400. Call PM's, Eric or Jim 343-5539. complota Inlormatlon package. No upaclally lv~h your IIna play. I have a TEDDYZ Sincaratv, ' . il obligation. No ana wUI call on you, your loollng that wo continuo as partnors Tho Man und Woman of Phi Kappa Tau locking 1001 box for small pick-up truck as Iii stamp ralmbursad whon you wrlto: M. lifo's Inlurmountable probloms wUI BROILER "I. 535 firm. Call Kovln 891·1345. I ,,',. Kawasaki, P.O. Box 578, Blggl, Ca dlllppaar. WEEKLY To my spacial buddy Sua ------. 95917. , LOVD Always, zns You lookod quite smashing It the 1979 5MB·Turbo, naw tllnsmlaslon, SPECIALS formal. I hUd a grout tlmo and looktng AM/FM storao casutta, sun rool, good I'm raally looking lor Mestar and SONant ( To Da~a Chi Brothor Mlka 'EVAN' lorward to mora graut tlmas. Maybo atrip con dillon· $1900 Flnal·must aolll Ploase tho whips and chalnl romtx) by DapaChD I cun't walt to lOG anothor doslgnar T· to tha mountains? Unlll wo maot again I Ilop by to sool W. 41h Chico (no 323 51., Shirt from you. Wo ara atl proud of your MONDA Y-Top Sirloin phono). Moda or This Is Tho Radio Clash by Tho lov~, Robort Clash tor rocordlng. Call B91·6782 Ask uccompllshmant during Rush Waok. Steak $2.99 lor Tarosa. . Bro. J.P. AX Kathy Combs· STUDENTS SAVE OIG w/glft $$$S TUESDAY-1I2 lb. Double Golla lava thoso Dellu Chi's. ThD chocks.Only $7. Savo ovor 5300. Just a To tho Ladles of Sigma Kappa: lootball glmo was a blasll Afterwords· fow of tho many morchants Inctudo: Tho Burger $1.99 looking lorward to our Rlp·Roorlng wall, how about soma bon bons. You aro eur, Togol, Carls Jr., O~ Voy Cala, HoV Raging Social Tomorrow. Prlctlco up on Juans, plus mlny, many moro. Tho WEDNESDAY-Broiled tho bost.Thankl for baing thare. your Chll/ollon. livings Irom 1 or 2 coupons paya lor tho Mol· Daddy alwaYI uld nothing good over LovoAX From tha GentlDmon 01 Lambda Chi Alpha Chicken Breast $1.99 onUro book. All pro coeds fa bono IN tho happonod .flor midnight .... Daddy was Sandi Guat. AdlPled P.E. Program·CSUC. For mora wrongl Wo owo you 3 midnights lur· THURSDAY-Pit Roasted PI Phi Plodgu: Hay'wlordo,' Inlo coli Kurt or Frod at 894·2992. prllOlli Juls, Jay, Lynn, and Chry.tal We hopo you aU on/Dyed your flowot Becf$2.69 I'm crazy about youl pinning. Thara', much mora lun to como. FRIDAY-Calamari Steak Tom f (' --Servlces_ JIm Burka: barcyclol,soclala,our ralroat,tho for· Thankl for tho 'talk'. lat'l do It Igaln mil ... We love you all baing a part 01 It. $1.99 To LIPPI and Cartney: , loon. Don't lorgol the 'vintage' wlnat loVD the Actlvaa. SATURDA Y-Quesadll1aB Mluod plrtylng with tho Bar Fly's 1111 11th ANNUAL Julia S. waokand. Lat'l mlka It up thll woekond , OKTOBERFEST J.ckson: Chrlltlnal. $.79 Inltud. Romembor Itay away from Congrats Blbyl Good luck and all Happy lito Birthday, I'm lorry I mlmd lOXual hlrraumont Ind going to ~II. Ihlt.... You're a grOlI frlond I tho big day. t hopa DVDrythlng gDta battor Moisen Goldens $,99 Wanna t.lk to Bob? MorrllDOlon. loon. Lat'. gat togathar loon Ind talk. Bud Pitchers $1.69 Ciao· 'Sat., Oct, 11, 1986, Silver P.S. 111111 hava tho P.J. 'II Love, J. Tho Planner

Dollar Fairgrounds, $10 To Rich; Why join Iho rasl whon you can /oln tho Becr-Wine-Salad Bor To tho Outragoously Spamd·OuI ZIIta Tau Buys Entry and Dinner. For Hoy buddyl Your a gralt Irlond ond bast? LAMBDA PI Is having thtlo lis tar 1031 Nord Ave 342·2199 Alpha, Jenny· your frlendl aro grut too. Lot'l party rUlh Thunday and Friday night Irom 9:00 Thinks so much for my Ipoclal, best Dinner Hours get aDlln loon. until wo Drop. Explore tho .hernatlvo to bro.klnt Inoak. But plouo, no mora Lovo ya, Ms. Bardon. malty lifo. Wa'ra locatod on tho corner 01 mopod ridOlI Holla. tickets soon lit University 3rd and Ivy. TO THE MEN OFTKE: lovo yaswaellol Jacklo Box Office. Plenty of ,Hoy JuliO PlIrcalll: Good luck with In; AS YOUR LIL' SISTERS, WE'LL , lorvlawlng thIs weak I I know you'll do Gabl SUPPORT YOU IN ALL THAT YOU DO. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE LAMBDA Dllnclng, Entertainment, groat I Lova Laura. Your ana hiln of a frland. Congratulatlonl SURe THERE ARE A FEW BAD APPLES tN CLASS OF LAMBDA CHI ALPHAII YOU Beer and Wine. on baing on AX plodgo. C.n't w.1t till our OUR BUNCH, BUT YOU DON'T IIAVE TO GUYS ARE TERRIFICI To Ihe Corn-Hu.ker·(Doh. Chi Dm): lunch dllo, 1\ we over havo ana. CUT DOWN TIlE TREE AS AWIIOLE. LOVE & HUGS Oklahoma may have Itl probl., but thuy LoVD, your pajama buddy mlrk LOVE, SOME (FALL '85) ACTIVES BUBBLES" CAR A UNDERGRADUATE SPECIAL MAJOR won't agalnat Nabrosk •• ,.' DEADLIIIE: FrIday, Octobor 241h Is Iho • ALOYAL Soonor- To my AX rommlas StaclaIH.L) and MORE FORTHEMEN DFTKE: doadllno to aubmlt your ap­ Suslo(M.S) WE LOVE AND RESPECT YOU AND WE K.J.D. pllcllion/proposal 10 be con.ldorod for an Marcy, Jonnllor, and Darin; So far It haa only baon 4 woaks In tho ARE PROUD TO.BE MEMBERS OF SUCH You oro the groutost! t always hava agroat Undorgradualo SpaCial Malor lar Fall , Is It a calor Dpuppy? Who catos, bUI houso and alraady wo aro out 01 control. AN OUTSTANDING ORGANtZATION. tfmo with you, (Movlo;or no movlo.) You 1986. Ploaso contact tho Spacial Major who 'I cloanlng 1\ up? Who should wo roll Tha rast 01 tho yoar could bo scaryl StDc, I CONGRATS ~EW PLEDGES AND aro alwaya on my mind. Coordinator, Carolyn E. Vlalli, In Colusa tonight? Darin got psychud for Nov. 3rd. think WD ovar did tha Pappormlnt WELCOMEt· Your IIUlo walrdo I Hall, room 102. 895-5002. Joannla Schnapps Sat. Nita. I hato 'jot·lag.' LOVE AGAIN, SOME (FALL '05) ACTIVES • I ------P.S. Big Chili anrono? , Lovo yo tons Glna(l. t) To tha Plodgoa of Lambda PI: , I " . ------I: FREE INFORMATION lor .ubstanUal oxtra P.S. Dlnnor Danca F'86 will ba lomothlng Hoy Glgl: You guys uro looking boUor ovarytlma wo / ; I:' Incomo. Provon molho~. No'soiling or To whom It mayconcorn: to remembor. Your a 10, and I'm In lava with your SOD you. Koop up tho good work and wo Ii mootlngs. Idoat lor studentl. Sond long Thank you lor your sympathy and 'goorgaDU! body. I haven 'I boen tha bost wlll soo you Ihls wookat 111110 sislarrush. soli addrossod stompDd ,envolopo. No' campaulon.·1 hopo all of you will IIva long' To tho woman 01 ZT A, Thinks lor a of frlandl latoly but I know that will Signod, Tho ACtlV610f Lambda PI 1<, . obllga\lon. Colonial Enterprises, Box' and happy llvos. Thank you lor sondlng fantastic pinning. How do you pronounco changa: -----,;....------_. 1336, ParadiSO, Ca. 95957. tho vory bast. T-A·U?I? Gay Marlo-Thanks lor tho groat lovo Mark 'spud' ' To my AX slstors ------Nick the Fish dancing. Naw mora than over wo nood' to pull LBt SCHOLASTIC RESEARCH Scholarship Stovo Wall and the Man 01 Sigma Nu. To my prosh AX plod go III sis TIIIy·cllps togothor. I lava you all and I wanl to seD matching sorvlce find the right finanCial To Falhor Mlchaol: ------. Wo will havo to mako up lor lost tlmo thot soma unity that wo all fait whllo on aid funding lor you·Mlnlmum 5 sourcos Thanks lor making tho masses so Delta Chi, Botas anuZetas: this waokondl tho champagno will hovo to rOlroald. mchollo· Wo'ro all behind you In gUl/antood. For IroD Inlo. call or wrno: groat! I can'l wan lor next sunday. Your Lot's gOI psyched for our bar cycle on wall ... but the fun has jU!t bogunl whatovor doclslon you mako. . SCHOLASTIC RESEARCH, 293 IIndrows a gr08t parson and I hopo you IIvD to bo . Saturday. LET'S GET CRAZY. I Lovo Ya· Tho unUy Is thore. Lot's moke It work. SI. Auburn, Ca. 95603.(916) 800.6468. . 1000 YDDrs young. PI BETA PHI Usa Joannle

. ' .• "h,l;.'>I •. ,,,c;.;l;;'• .;..::. ",,,,, .. HJl"!"~' ' ! ~('~ ::I~I.I.I 11.,/.:',1,:"'" '" ""," l' f' '" ".1 '-l.' '.!.ll:::; j :.:.'.:.r .•' ... ,..... ,',.... .1 ~·~·4·1·.I·t·I·, I l'j"'j"'~""'I"""'I'I'I"'I"'I"'J'I'I'l'I"'I',', '"1""""'1 tit' ,.~ ,'l't to ':.. .. ,. .. I. !.\ lor.'. '~':"'I ~ 'f , .'i l),lO'or 1, "" . • 31

il,,~$..f::.,t _ CLASsiFIED "~ AA~_~ Tho Brolhars of Sigma Nu, MonlcD, Brian Maglladl- .'.::,;~,:~ _Personals- Youaro all doing a grooljob and wo aro Thank you vary much lor making my Thank you lor lasl waokand. Soolng ., :1' vary proud of our now plodgD~1 Keep up Thankllor tho boaulllul flowm Ind a alllllalion a Imoolh ana. I'm looking S.F. at night, walking on Iha baoch and wondarlul eVDnlng. NaX! limo I promlao '. ~.'il':' ' tho good workl lorward 10 a graat samastor whh you guys jusl bolng whh you. Ramambar, I'm harD. not to gat lick. - TKE's Paul Greco and OKI Huntor: lova, Tho AX's up hero at Chico Slato. Lava your favorha Lambda Chi Alpha. LoVD Laura ,:t Thankl lor 011 Iho advlca and lor ------. Fraternally. Stm Wall 'i ' walchlng oul lor mo. Whal would I do Phi Kappa Tau PolO WUson· Wanlad: HEYDELKAI , r? Thanks for droppln' In (tho window) Iho Hav Water Sklors, Aprlnco Irom 'Tho Casllo', IntDrostDd? Hopa you had as much lun as I did on , ,j w/oul you IJIvo Ya, othar nlghl. If I know you worD comln' I Let's go kIck loma DUTT In S.D. and koop Plouoraply .... :,'if Toni would hava baked a cakal NaXilimo I'll tho DarnDr borcyclo, lush. Sorry aboul '", ______• sotmvalarmlor3:30am. our O.F.C. rapulatlon, 01 courlo. What Badhopper and Trlckturnor your 111110 accldonl·you havDn't bDan Iho say 101'1 go 10 Nationals?1 P.S. Sorry It look so long 10 raply to your same slncD you hit th.t parkad carll , ;" OollG Sigma PI: IJIvo yo, AX Gina Hollywood urgonl raquasl. Lovo you· Kalh '.I Had aGREAT limo aUho grallltli puny. P:.~~~~~~~~~~o~~ __• P.S.I Lovo You Tracl. ",i""',',f,l LOI'I do II agalnl Hoy 80th Millar: ,Good luck with your FLAMY: ~ Phi Chi Thota Dalta Chi's: LOll horo It for Jorry Burko EDDIE HASKEL, Intorvlows, roomlo. You'll do groat. LOVD ,~'J ______• for all tho holp, sup pan and oulragaous Hope ovarylhlng workl out lor you and Hey MOONPIG happy dlnday, I'm hungry Laura. 'soup'lI You know whoro I am II you jt JHM 12 BIBA Thursdayl LETS EAT SNAKEY FOOD AND 00 CRIME. wannalllkl Romombor I'm Sllll haro lor you· lot's ------. Atlontlon PI BE1'A PHI: , THE BEAV SAYS NO MORE ItERMIT Your EX-ROOI~IE·'Row Your 80at' 'f. talkl Don't bo ana of tho sorry on as who will DAYS, SO ALL US B.L.O FELONS AnE Ba roady for Iho Olllgans tsland social. , :','h1 AMW milS OKTOBERFEST. Dol your lickots MOONPIGOING. " Tho Sharks wUI ba pros ani. To our Slug Gall, . j ',i G----;------. D~~~~~~~~~:~I~:... __ • KERMIT ,From Iho mDn 01 THETA CHI Wo min you toni and can'l wah for 1 T Brolhl s, BOlton II Thosa Naw EnOlond mon boHar . ',I H ' t kl EvlCllng MY MICHIGAN MAN: Although yo won't "',t,'.,r oro s a a ragar waD They say h's your blnhday ... HEY SIGMA To our lavorlta bartDndar II Rlloys: watch out 'cauJa wo want anothor ~ unwantad parsons Irom Iha hOUSD " pool be able to road this firsthand, I wanl KAPPA MYSTERY DATES h's thall/mo 01 Wo IIkod It • lIay Mlkoyl lot's do It Thanksgiving trip 10 tho CarrlbOlnl if 01 Uhl's unsuspoctod succolSl Kaep It ovaryono In Chico to know that I LOVE year again, yas Ihal's rlghill'. going to bo agaIn soon. Thankl forlha Mldorla. IJIve, Joand Karan ~) upl Dolbor." Co. will lall hardl P.S. YGU CRENT POSER I Lovo Kitty. your blnhday on Friday Oct. 3rdll (Thai Tho 'CHEERS' buddlDS 'U Whara's Ivorzono? moanl you waro born undar a ponying P.S. What next? RanD Maybo? Chad, .•.. ,', Totho Man ofTKE, sign) Gat rudy 10 nigo and bring your Hoy CUIlDI Thanks lor making :1 Tho slstors of Alpha Chi aro oxcltod 'Botty Suo': puny hats. Groollngs Irom Mutar to Badhoppor, Thursdav and Sunday 10 much lun. It Thanks lor Iho wino and Chooz Wtz bUI aboul rollvlng Iho lIbony Colobratlon wllh IJIvo, EK Mystory Woman TrlcklurnDr, and grDlShoppor. you. Wo'ro hoping to sao flroworksl! WOUldn't hava bODn tho samo without you. ,i mosl 01 all, lor bolnglhoroll Hopo you had a blasl II lall wooks Love, a responllble Ir~nd. P.S. naX! Fralornhy Joo Lovo, Tho AX's STUDENT WANTED TO TRAVEL THROUGH ragolng partyl Wolcomo to Dlsnoyland tlmo you can olr up tho tlrosl MerrUao EUROPE JANUARY/FEBRUARY '86 North I f To Iho womon 01 1203c and Irlonds: Am I (APPROX. 6 WEEKS). IF YOUR IN· Now II your Chanco tD take AC· To AX Pladga Sonja· a good cook or whal? In mora ways than TERESTEO OR NEED MOnE INFORMATION Tracy Wlsoman·(AX) CUPRESSURE MASSADE. Mon Eva 7·10 I'm rully oxchod to be your big sillar anal Salurday nlghl will bo awosomol No PLEASE CONTACT BECKY AT 891·5284. HI Kldl Try nollo ItrOll and kaap Ihot moro naophytosl Glonn·Slgn up at CAVE 2nd and Chorry. Ihls waokl You'ro a dolll smile on your lacol Roban Hollman hu 11 yoars toachlng IJIvo, Kally DIana· Lava your soerot siS. expo Every body wolcomo. SIGMA KAPPA FALL '06 PLEDGE lIloklng lorward 10 ThufJday nlghl. Sorry To Toc,Phl Klppa Tau, CLASSIIIII Wo oro tho mall awnsomo J rushod things. Hopo wa can work Ihlngs Club Chico Man John Datal II ToanyTakal,· Hay big brolhorl How hlVD you boon? ,plodgo clllS with groat 'NASTY' 01· out lor tho bost. FellIn lovo whh you.1 club chlco'allrll Sorry lor FrIday night. If anyona was Hopo you aron 'I working too hard I lnudos. Mystory data will boa blastlll LDVO ya, J~ko. . ' partyl You Iro Iho saxlolt man aI/va In In town and SlW ma Irom 9:30pm 10 Your IIttlo.luV EK Slokod·SuSAn J. white T·shl~11 Wlnllo 'know' you reilly 6:00am Saturday night, plom toll me LIzzy CammlD·Boar loon. whall was doing. Omoga Chi Thola Katlo: Evon Ihough wo aln'l gOI monDy, I'm so In AIUltful woman. Paul No.581 AX 7th Stroot Dang: Nlco sllngl Nlco dato Sat. Nltol Thanks love whh you honoyl Thanks for all 01 your suppon In Iha lor raging whh mo ( as usual) Can't wah Horo'Sio Ron! Sam ATTENTION TROY BARTLE YOU HAVE lost couple olwooksl You guys havo boon lor Mlilionalros Balill Lovo, Nicholas That was tho 'lirsl' I saw you wlth·wasn'l THE HOTTEST DUNS IN CHICO I BUT OF tho basil lol's all go oUI and got wild on ' IJIvo ya·Klrston It? I IIko John Oonvor what aboul you? COURSE I LOVE YOU FOR YOUR MIND. Thurldayl AX Pled go Krlssy M.· ThIs could bo lunl SHERRY IJIvoK.P. To tho SWINGERS on Rumo St.: Tho I had a groal wook wllh youl t had fun Pam BELT Is In tho flower pol In fronl ollho al tho plnnlng·clovos, gum and panylng. 10 two Cartlln Botas who Ihlll remain Hoy Dalla Zotas: banklll Looking lorward 10 lunch Thurlday. AX OALS· LINDA AND ANNA· namoloss ...... NICE UMBRELLAS IN Arcn't our plOd gas AWESOME?I Our Lovo, No.2 Lovo you, AXLucy You guys ara Ihe lunnoll and dellnlloly YOUR EARS GENTLEMANl Luau· slstorhood Is vory Ipoclal ... lalll shinall iho lunnlelt. Thanx for always baing Shmuaul Oh, P.U. Markl Evorybody got psychod lor big and IIttla To Iho men 0180ta Thota PI· Thanks lor Iho Ihoro. You gUYlllo Iho graatall. slslorsll loallvo 1I0wor pinning. You gol somo IJIvo Sandi Guat. To tho New A.M. Class 01 Lambda Chi Lovo In Dalla Zota, great now plodgos. Can'l wall 10 party Alpha·LAMBDA CLASS. You havD lot Dul Aslltor who knows wo'ro' wllh you again. To tho Problom Chlldron: on a joumoy In which wo lrust you will bD lovo Tho Woman 01 AX THE' SIGMA SOCIETY: Congratulations I Wo mado It! We havo sucolllul. Good Luckl Goddosa finally grown· up and maturad. Wo aro , Tho Drolholl FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN roal. 1I0vo you guys. I'm bummad aboul thai activo. Hopo YOUR SERVICE CLUBI wa can calobrato your blnhday again. WIN Your Sigma Kappi Slllor, linda Lots hore nlor all thOla AX-Dona ChI TV Always and Foraver, Tho SIgma Nu $500 Shopping Spreo. Itars II Chlcos winning laolball game Sat. S.L. Oon'l mba Ihls chanco. SECOND MEETING Hay, Flancoo, Thank god lor Iho Pro Party so ovoryono ------,-- 1I0ro's 10 omnl, wino, and booutlful could '.Lomn up' for tho Nowsl OZ Pledga Lisa Laun: HI, I'm Oava, a Grad Itudonl, now'lo Ihe sunl8l1. What a groat woakond. Hopo you'ro having a groat limo aroa. I'm 30 6'3' 175lbs, blond with bluo SUNDAY OCT. 5th AT Your lambda PI Fllncoo TO OUR AWESOME PLEDGESl Lot's gol plodglng so lar· you'ro looking awosomol oyo$. My Inlarosts Includo Canoolng, psyched lor Iho COCKTAIL PARTY Koop up Iho good work, ahavo lun I Fishing, Camping, Guitar, DanCing, B!\KERS DOZEN 11:00 To olllholO Taka', Who losl raalhy on Wadnosday nlghl! We laVa you guys and Lava, Explarlng, olc. If yaur 25·35, like fun, S8I. night. Whll a time, thll'S Iruo can't wan so LET'S RADEl Your Big SI.III sun and shlrlng momonls, drop a loltor brothorhood (oUicarl). Koap up tho good IJIvo Irom tho Omoga Chi ACllvos. and pholo to 2089 Oro· ChIco Hwy., A.M. work and to aU br01harllol'l hlvo I grail SonIa, MillY, Fllppy aLisa· Durham, CA 95938. semellar and I'm looking Iorwlfd to Teka RED BARN Hara', 10 our now rollglon· Omlshl week. Thll was a grell b.rcycle. Hopo Oaha Chi's: ·Brothar 01 Ihe wook· Y.I.T.B. '09 oona lava iholO black .mackllhll hldo h evoryono had al much lu~ al wo did. Wo 1111 Whon dopronod, Ihlnk of Iho 5 .Congratulltlonl Matthlu for gottlng p.l. Good luck plodgol provod thoy couldn'l .top UI Irom p.r· prnchorilianding avor you· Yaa, thatl thlnga' goIng on SaturdlYs mooting, and KlmS., tyln'.Lot'lkoepHupl Ihotlckotl mlklng lura II was dona right. All rlghl Had an aWDSome limo Friday nlghl. Hopo To Ihowoman 01 ZTA, The Oln.,t 206 lovo, Simmy Ablolulo Oudo. you did 100. Lal'l hava din nor lomatlme? , Tho nlghl WII IIOtllly Iwuomo avonl. P.S. Sonl· Whll pJodgobaak? Lova Ya, Mark F. Ono 01 Ihe ball nowor pinnings 01 Iha ALPHA CHI yaar. Thlnkllorlhom.morIel. HEYTEKES P.S. Romambor you stiU owo mo I looking IDrwlrd 10 I wild nlghlln Iha AX PLEDOE LAURA BOGNI· loIs put our now galls Inlo leI/on. Champagno Brunch. The Men 01 Slgml Nu Big Appla. Hopo to leo lama Flreworkl. I'm 10 gild to hlVD you as my lomp. Productlva Ratroll, Holly fun. Soo ya In New YDrk. You'ro Iho blltut In Iho WOlIOlt. YITB No. 682 SIOS: Thanka for Inolhar mamorabla TKE Plul Oreco: TKE , Lova YILal1 flowor pinning. We hopa you all onjoyed It Old you mlkD It to tho wedding? Nino SlndlOull. B.B.---HIII II much as wa did. Thlnkl again. IJIva o'clock comu olrtyl WANTED: verutllo drummer lor rOCk', ------LOVD your (almosl plalonlc IrlDnd Iho Womon 01 PI Bata Phi. MerrNn jlZZY, lun, atc. eaK Cliff 894·6579 or Attontlon· Ron 893·8835. IJIII 'Bob' • II10und wandorlng plono AX Pladgo Corlnn Blackltock· . Karon and Clalro· SIgma Kappa Sunn Inmln, rolurn to a lall, allglblo, handlDmo, I'm ID glad you'ra my 111110 slllhis wjlakt Tho hard work, loars and dodlcltlon will· Congratulllloni Prall You'ra going to .~------" do a supor job. I'm looking lorwald 10 Omagl Chi Thall Lin Glrrotll , . ~ dobDnalr mala ID admlnillor TLC. It II gonna bo ona wild waokll Rumor has PlY Dllin tho long run. You both Ira doing Thankl IIlhal you hid a rlgln' lima al Iho Bola gloat. Yourlho bostroomlol. loolng ya on Wid. night. HIpPY Beillad Blnhdlyl You'ro doing I ,\ Floworplnnlng? tliliruoll Lava Ya, KB IJIva your haln .'1, grelljob Ind wo 10VD you I Your Slllor •• LaVa your Big SI1, Olna Unda '-- .r-.. ·.· "'. -~ ...... , ... _ ...... _: ... t~ .....- • .' •. ~ •.• ~ •.• :.::::.:.. ~... :--:.: ••• ~~::... _, .... _..:..~, .•":" •. '!::"~ ..• " •. ' ... ~:.; .•. ___ ~".: .... .-. ... : ..•• __ ,_•...•. ~...... _.. ~ ...... ,_. , ' ,'" '"'''' " . ", " ..•. , .. 'Octotierf, 1986 -.,. .32 STUDENT How five minutes .

, i r, an change thew~ (,;':1':., 'II, IL IEURIP 1:11 you move througli i 'II' . .college. .,' H 5 '(, J', , I:j The Student Leadership Seminar Is 8:00am -8:30am a one day skill session lor all active Registration, In the BMU Mall Level "I and potential student leaders of 1;1 campus organizations and 8:30am -9:00am ' ' I, Welcome & Keynote Speaker I, programs. The Seminar Is designed iI to help leaders Improve their group 9:00am -9:50am '.I, structure In a variety of areas. ii,' Campus Resources Workshop I" I' For more Information please contact 10:00am -10:50am 'I' the AS.Government Offices, upper Stress and Time Management 'I level of the Bell Memorial Union, !i;1: room 201,895-5701. A registration 11 :OOam - 11 :50am ' " deadline of October 8th Is necessary Conflict Resolution Workshop j ":,, because of the limited seating. 11 :50am -1 :OOpm I; Make this your opportunity to Complimentary Lunch ), Think of what you sharpen your leadership skills. 1:OOpm -1:50pm ':t'l Motivating Groups Workshop can do in five 11:: Saturday 2:00pm -2:50pm minutes. ....-- .... ; - ,I , Budgeting and Fundralsing " "Read three" ..-- , \ I' Oct. 11 th 8am-5pm 3:00pm- 3:50pm ' Absolutely Free!l Advertising and Publicity Workshop pages for 4:00pm -4:50 English.Write the Women and Power ~~i,.. AS.CffiCO folks for a few extra --.----.~-- .. -... ..~- !J'I bucks. Ma}be even get a .,t , burger at the student union. you work better, faster Or you could dramatically and smarter. I!': change the course of History. You'll also Economics. Biology. Ol'what-, quali~ to win I \~ ever else you may be stud~ng. aTrekt12-speed i: I' Just take part in adem­ touring bike. I' i,1 onstration of the , \'\Ihat's more, , I Macintosh'"personal you'll walk away with a

"I ! computer fromApple~ bicycle cap, Absolutely fi·ee'. You'll see how Macintosh can help And the knowledge that stud~ng so hard has never CliOlCE of SO~: been so easy, Or so much fun. Won TooMushroom Chicken Macintosh and Trek. 1l \ & sour o EN'1'REF.S: Both will do more than £,S5 DlfFEREN'1' help you get INCLUD & Snow Pell& . Cf1lb M~\~lln Beef \ ahead, Both will ' ll .. or Szee , . take you , & sour pork Sweet ChicketL anywhere you want to go. ~ or Lemon tI. , S eeiol ChoW 1lowll1'd s P ChW Meln or lUly other 0. .

Fried prawn& '.' .-. ~ ..... --. '" . pork Fried 1\i~e· , Fortune cookie '. Tea & 342-8727

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