[Last updated June 17, 2019]


Department of Political Science [email protected] w: 574-631-2793 2052 Jenkins Nanovic Halls h: 574-231-0220 Notre Dame, IN 46556

Education Harvard University, Ph.D., Government, June 1997.

Brown University, B.A., magna cum laude, Russian Studies and Political Science, Russian Studies Honors, Phi Beta Kappa, 1989.

Appointments Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame, 2009-present.

Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame, 2004-2009.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar in Health Policy Research, Harvard University, 2003-2005.

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Rice University, 2000-2004.

Kenneth Boulding Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2000.

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Davis Center for Russian Studies, Harvard University, 1999.

Social Science Research Analyst, Office of Research, United States Information Agency (now State Department), 1997-1999. Designed, conducted, and analyzed surveys of public and elite opinion in the former Soviet Union for the executive branch. Projects under my supervision included nationwide surveys in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan and surveys of regional elites (governors and parliament speakers) in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Refereed Work in Environmental Social Science Debra Javeline, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and Angela Chesler. 2019 (forthcoming). “Does It Matter if You “Believe” in ? Not for Coastal Home Vulnerability,” Climatic Change.

Debra Javeline and Sophia Chau. 2019 (forthcoming). “The Unexplored Politics of Climate Change Adaptation,” in David M. Konisky, ed. Handbook of U.S. Environmental Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 27.

Debra Javeline, Nives Dolšak, and Aseem Prakash. 2019. “Adapting to Water Impacts of Climate Change,” Introduction to Special Issue of Climatic Change 152, 2: 209-213. Debra Javeline

Debra Javeline and Sophia Chau. 2019. “Adaptation of Ecosystems in the Anthropocene,” in Carina H. Keskitalo and Benjamin Preston, eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Debra Javeline and Tracy Kijewski-Correa. 2019. “Coastal Homeowners in a Changing Climate,” Climatic Change, 152, 2: 259-274.

Debra Javeline, Jessica J. Hellmann, Jason M. McLachlan, Dov F. Sax, Mark W. Schwartz, and Rodrigo Castro Cornejo. 2015. “Expert Opinion on Extinction Risk and Climate Change Adaptation,” Elementa: Science for the Anthropocene, 3:000057.

Debra Javeline. 2014. “The Most Important Topic Political Scientists are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change.” Perspectives on Politics. 12, 2 (June): 420-434. Reprinted in Kent Worcester, ed. (forthcoming) Navigating Political Science: Useful Readings from APSA Journals. American Political Science Association.

Debra Javeline and Gregory Shufeldt. 2014. “Scientific Opinion in Policymaking: The Case of Climate Change Adaptation,” Policy Sciences 47, 2 (June): 121-139.

Debra Javeline, Jessica J. Hellmann, Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, and Gregory Shufeldt. 2013. “Expert Opinion on Climate Change and Threats to Biodiversity,” Bioscience. 63, 8 (August): 666-673.

Mark Schwartz, Jessica Hellmann, Jason McLachlan, Dov Sax, Justin Borevitz, Jean Brennan, Alex Camacho, Garardo Ceballos, Jamie Rappaport Clark, Holly Doremus, Regan Early, Julie Etterson, Dwight Fielder, Jacqueline Gill, Patrick Gonzalez, Nancy Green, Lee Hannah, Dale Jamieson, Debra Javeline, Ben Minteer, Jay Odenbaugh, Stephen Polasky, David Richardson, and Terry Root. 2012. “Managed Relocation: Integrating the Scientific, Regulatory, and Ethical Challenges,” Bioscience. 62, 8 (August): 732-743.

Refereed Work on Post-Soviet States Debra Javeline. 2003. Protest and the Politics of Blame: The Russian Response to Unpaid Wages. Ann Arbor: University of Press, 312 pages.

Debra Javeline and Sarah Lindemann-Komarova. 2019 (forthcoming). “Financing Russian Civil Society,” Europe-Asia Studies.

Anna Andreenkova and Debra Javeline. 2019. “Sensitive Questions in Comparative Surveys,” in Timothy P. Johnson, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke Stoop, and Brita Dorer, eds. Advances in Comparative Survey Methodology. John Wiley & Sons.

Debra Javeline and Vanessa A. Baird. 2013. “Institutional Persuasion to Support Minority Rights in Russia.” Demokratizatsiya 21, 1 (winter): 33-58.

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Debra Javeline and Elizabeth Brooks. 2012. “The Health Implications of Civic Association in Russia,” Social Science & Medicine 74, 9 (May): 1353-1361.

Debra Javeline and Vanessa A. Baird. 2011. “The Surprisingly Nonviolent Aftermath of the Beslan School Hostage Taking,” Problems of Post-Communism 58, 4-5 (July/August- September/October): 3-22.

Vanessa A. Baird and Debra Javeline. 2010. “The Effects of National and Local Funding on Judicial Performance: Perceptions of Russia’s Lawyers,” Law & Society Review 44, 2: 331-364.

Vanessa A. Baird and Debra Javeline. 2007. “The Persuasive Power of Russian Courts,” Political Research Quarterly 60, 3 (September): 429-442.

Debra Javeline and Vanessa A. Baird. 2007. “Who Sues Government? Evidence from the Moscow Theater Hostage Case,” Comparative Political Studies 40, 7 (July): 858-885.

Debra Javeline. 2003. “The Role of Blame in Collective Action: Evidence from Russia,” American Political Science Review 97, 1 (February): 107-121.

Debra Javeline. 2003. “Labor Challenges and the Problem of Quiescence,” in Stephen Wegren, ed. Russia’s Policy Challenges in the 21st Century. ME Sharpe.

Debra Javeline. 1999. “Response Effects in Polite Cultures: A Test of Acquiescence in Kazakhstan,” Public Opinion Quarterly 63 (spring): 1-28.

Invited Articles Debra Javeline and Sarah Lindemann-Komarova. 2010. “A Balanced Assessment of Russian Civil Society,” Journal of International Affairs 63, 2 (Spring/Summer): 171-188.

Book Reviews Debra Javeline. 2016. Perspectives on Politics 14, 2 (June): 603-605. (Ann Hironaka. 2014. Greening the Globe: World Society and Environmental Change. Cambridge University Press.)

Debra Javeline. 2014. Perspectives on Politics 12, 2 (June): 542-543. (Nil Disco and Eda Kranakis, eds. 2013. Cosmopolitan Commons: Sharing Resources and Risks across Borders. Cambridge: The MIT Press.)

Debra Javeline. 2004. Slavic Review (Sarah Ashwin and Simon Clarke. 2003. Russian Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Transition. Palgrave MacMillan.)

Debra Javeline. 2001. Political Science Quarterly 116, 3: 467-469. (Padma Desai and Todd Idson. 2001. Work Without Wages: Russia’s Nonpayment Crisis. Cambridge: The MIT Press.)

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Other Publications Debra Javeline and Sarah Lindemann-Komarova. 2017. “Indigenously Funded Russian Civil Society,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo, August.

Debra Javeline. 2014. “Anger and Prejudice after the Beslan School Hostage Taking,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo, August.

Debra Javeline. 2014. “Member Spotlight,” STEP Ahead (Newsletter of the Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics Section of the American Political Science Association), 12, 6 (November): 3-4.

Debra Javeline. 2014. “The Absence of Political Scientists on the Frontlines of Adapting to Climate Change,” Political Insight (blog of the Political Studies Association), 8 July.

Debra Javeline. 2013. “Climate Change and Political Scientists: Defining a Research Agenda,” The Monkey Cage, 12 July.

Debra Javeline. 2013. “How Policymakers Can Get a Rigorous Assessment of Scientific Opinion,” Scholars Strategy Network, December.

Debra Javeline and Sarah Lindemann-Komarova. 2008. “How We Assess Civil Society Developments: The Russia Example,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo, August.

Debra Javeline. 2004. “Improving Data Quality in Comparative Survey Research,” APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter, 15, 2: 22-25, summer.

Debra Javeline. 2004. “Political Passivity and Russia’s Health Crisis,” Kennan Institute Occasional Paper #287, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC.

Debra Javeline. 1998. “Suffering Without Protest in Kazakhstan,” Central Asia Monitor, 3: 27-29.

Manuscripts in Progress Debra Javeline. After Violence: The Beslan School Massacre and the Peace that Followed. (book; invited to revise and resubmit for Cambridge University Press)

Debra Javeline. Solutions: Science, Politics, and Saving the Planet. (book)

Debra Javeline. The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change. (book)

Angela Chesler, Debra Javeline, Kimberly Peh, and Shana Scogin. “Is Democracy the Answer to Intractable Climate Change?” (article)

Debra Javeline, Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, and Jessica J. Hellmann. “Who is Most Certain? Scientific Opinion on the Existence and Consequences of Climate Change” (article)

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Debra Javeline and Sarah Lindemann-Komarova. “Civil Society in ‘Putin’s Russia’” (article)

External Grants National Science Foundation, “RAPID: The Effects of Religiosity on Homeowner Responses to Natural Hazards: A Case Study in Haiti's Residential Sector,” with Tracy Kijewski-Correa and Karen Richman, 2016-2017 ($70,323).

Andrew W. Mellon New Directions Fellowship for training in ecology and environmental law, 2011-2012 ($200,000).

National Science Foundation CDI-Type II, “Building and Studying a Virtual Organization for Adaptation to Climate Change,” grant OCI-1029584, 2010-2014, with Nitesh Chawla, Jessica Hellmann, Jason McLachlan, and Jaroslaw Nabrzyski ($1,550,000).

National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, “After Violence: Participation over Retaliation in Beslan,” 2008-2010, with Vanessa Baird ($50,000).

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar in Health Policy Research, Harvard University, 2003-2005.

National Science Foundation Small Grants for Exploratory Research, “Judicial Pioneers: Litigants in the Moscow Theater Hostage Case,” grant SES-0317122, 2003, with Vanessa A. Baird ($40,824).

United States Agency for International Development, three-year study of attitudes of Russian public, judicial professionals, and NGO leaders toward the Russian judicial system, 2002-04, with Vanessa A. Baird ($389,527).

Kenneth Boulding Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2000.

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Davis Center for Russian Studies, Harvard University, 1999.

Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 1995-96.

American Council of Teachers of Russian, Research Scholar, Tajikistan, 1995.

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, 1993-94.

Mellon Dissertation Research Grant, Russia and Kyrgyzstan, 1993.

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1991-92, 92-93, 94-95.

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Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, University of Novosibirsk, 1991.

Two/Ten Memorial Trust, towards tuition at Brown University, 1985-89.

Internal Grants University of Notre Dame Environmental Change Initiative Seed Funding, “Toward a Global Inventory of Climate Adaptations Based on Local Ways of Knowing: A Comparative Study of Adaptive Capacity Among Vulnerable Populations in Bangladesh and Haiti,” 2019, with Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Karen Richman, and Alexandros Taflanidis ($21,000).

ND-GAIN/Environmental Change Initiative, “Coastal Homeowner Adaptation to a Changing Climate: A Study of Risk Awareness, Risk Reduction, and Resilience,” 2016- 17, with Tracy Kijewski-Correa ($100,000).

Keough School of Global Affairs SDG Goal 16 Working Group grant for “Civil Society in ‘Putin’s Russia’,” 2016 ($10,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Large Henkels Grant for workshop on “Adapting to Climate Change: Actions, Implementations, and Outcomes,” 2016-17 ($20,000, matched by $22,000 from the Keough School of Global Affairs, Environmental Change Initiative, Global Commons Initiative, Center for Sustainable Energy, Department of Political Science, Law School, and University of Washington’s Center for Environmental Politics) ($42,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, mini-conference grant for “Enhancing the Community of Sustainability-Minded Faculty in Anticipation of Bill McKibben’s Visit,” 2016 ($1,288).

Teaching Beyond the Classroom Major Grant for taking students to “Greening the Statehouse,” ’s largest annual gathering of environmentally minded citizens, 2015 ($6,612.50).

Strategic Academic Planning Committee, “Notre Dame Collaboratory for Adaptation to Climate Change,” 2010-11, with Jessica Hellmann, Nitesh Chawla, Jason McLachlan, Jaroslaw Nabrzyski, and Alejandro Camacho ($100,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Course Development grant, “The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change,” matched by the Center for Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement and the College of Science, 2010 ($7,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Miscellaneous Grant for book purchases on climate change adaptation, 2010-2011 ($1,500).

Faculty Research Program, “Assisted Migration: Evaluating a New Strategy for Species

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Conservation,” 2009, with Jessica Hellmann and Jason McLachlan ($10,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Pilot Fund for Social Sciences, “Assisted Migration: Evaluating a New Strategy for Species Conservation,” matched by University of Notre Dame’s College of Science, 2009, with Jessica Hellmann and Jason McLachlan ($30,000).

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Faculty Associate Fellowship to support research leave, 2008-09 ($44,000).

Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Faculty Research Grant, “After Violence: Participation over Retaliation in Beslan,” 2008, with Vanessa A. Baird ($10,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Annual Award Summer Stipend, 2008 ($4,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Interim Materials and Miscellaneous Research Needs Grant, 2008 ($735).

Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Faculty Research Grant, “Political Responses to Tragedy: Citizen Participation after Beslan,” 2006, with Vanessa A. Baird ($10,000).

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Pilot Fund for Social Sciences, “Political Responses to Tragedy: Citizen Participation after Beslan,” matched by Office of Research, 2006, with Vanessa A. Baird ($30,000).

Nanovic Institute, Collaborative Research Grant, survey research workshop to develop and refine questionnaire for “Political Responses to Tragedy: Citizen Participation after Beslan,” 2006, with Vanessa A. Baird ($4,000).

Harvard University Russian Research Center Research Grant, Ukraine, 1993-94.

Graduate Student Council Research Grant, Kyrgyzstan, 1991.

Brown University Samuel T. Arnold Fellowship for research abroad (Brown's Watson Fellowship), compared student political participation in England, Scotland, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan), 1989-90.

Invited Talks “Coastal Homeowners in a Changing Climate,” Emory University, March 8, 2019.

“Adapting to Climate Change: The Role of Political Science,” Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, April 22, 2016.

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“What Will Homeowners Do? Responses to Tropical Cyclones, Rising Seas, and Other Climate Risks,” University of Washington Center for Environmental Politics, January 22, 2016.

“After Violence: The Beslan School Massacre and the Peace that Followed,” Penn- Temple European Studies Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, November 20, 2015.

“The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change,” Fordham University, April 2, 2014.

“The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change,” Northeastern University, February 13, 2014.

“The Most Important Topic Political Scientists Are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change,” Boston University, February 12, 2014.

“The Most Important Topic Political Scientists Are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change,” Tufts University, February 12, 2014.

“The Most Important Topic Political Scientists Are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change,” Harvard University, February 11, 2014.

“The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change,” Palm Beach State College, October 23, 2013. (http://player.vimeo.com/video/80099127?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=0;autopl ay=1)

“The Most Important Topic Political Scientists Are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change,” Florida State University, Department of Political Science, October 22, 2013.

“Political Responses to Violence: Citizen Participation After the Moscow Theater and Beslan School Hostagetakings,” Indiana University, Bloomington, Department of Political Science and Russian & East European Studies program, March 22, 2007.

“Highlights of the 2003 USAID Survey Results: Public, NGO Leaders, Lawyers, and Law Professors” (with Vanessa A. Baird), United States Embassy, Moscow, August, 2004.

Social Science Research Council Eurasia Program AIDS Initiative Meeting, New York, May 15-16, 2004.

“Political Quiescence and Public Health in Russia,” workshop on Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Conflict in the Former Soviet Union, Kennan Institute, Washington, DC, February 2003 and October 2003.

“Political Quiescence and Public Health,” DC Area Workshop on Contentious Politics, University of Maryland at College Park, October 2002.

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Talks at Notre Dame “Adapting to Climate Change,” Atalia Omer and Ernesto Verdeja’s summer Global Leadership Seminar for exception high school juniors,” July 20, 2017.

“Civil Society in Putin’s Russia,” Keough School’s Goal 16 meeting, April 12, 2017.

“The Effects of Climate Change Attitudes on Homeowner Responses to Natural Hazards,” Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy, January 20, 2017.

“Coastal Homeowner Adaptation to a Changing Climate: A Study of Risk Awareness, Risk Reduction, and Resilience,” ND-GAIN/Environmental Change Initiative, with Tracy Kijewski-Correa, December 9, 2016.

“Adapting to Climate Change,” Ernesto Verdeja’s junior seminar on “Perspectives on Peacebuilding,” November 14, 2016.

“What Will Homeowners Do? Responses to Tropical Cyclones, Rising Seas, and Other Climate Risks,” Center for Social Concerns seminar on Energy, Climate, and Social Change, September 26, 2016.

“Adapting to Climate Change,” Business of Energy lecture course, March 1, 2016.

“The Most Important Topic Political Scientists are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change,” Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy, November 15, 2013.

“The Most Important Topic Political Scientists Are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change,” co-sponsored by Kellogg Institute for International Studies and Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, April 11, 2013. http://www.irishrover.net/?p=2864.

“Participation Versus Violence: The Role of Anger, Alienation, and Efficacy,” Social Movements and Politics workshop, October 12, 2011.

“After Violence: Participation over Retaliation in Beslan,” co-sponsored by Kellogg Institute for International Studies and Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, September 20, 2011.

“After Violence: Participation over Retaliation in Beslan,” Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy, September 16, 2011.

Public outreach “Food, Water, Air, and Climate: Critical Topics in Sustainability,” Teachers As Scholars program, University of Notre Dame, two-day intensive seminar taught to 30 local K-12 teachers, January 31 and February 7, 2017.

“Adapting to Climate Change,” Jockey Hollow Middle School, Monroe, CT, April 1, 2014.

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“Adapting to Climate Change,” Kennedy Primary Academy, South Bend, IN, January 15, 2014.

“Adapting to Climate Change,” Ramblewood Middle School, Coral Springs, FL, October 24, 2013.

“Adapting to Climate Change,” Stanley Clark School, South Bend, IN, May 1, 2013.

Conference Participation “Big Research – Understanding How to Better Motivate Homeowners,” National Disaster Resilience Conference/Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, November 2018.

“Does It Matter if You “Believe” in Climate Change? The Example of Coastal Home Vulnerability” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, August 2018. Recipient of the Paul A. Sabatier Conference Paper Award for the best paper on science, technology, and environmental politics presented at the APSA annual meeting.

“Indigenously Funded Russian Civil Society,” Program on New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS) Eurasia Policy Conference, Washington, DC, September 2017.

"Coastal Homeownership in a Changing Climate: A Study of Risk Awareness, Risk Reduction, and Resilience," Adapting to Climate Change workshop, Notre Dame, April 29, 2017.

“Political Science Approaches to the Study of Climate Change” chair of roundtable, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2016.

“After Violence: The Beslan School Massacre and the Peace that Followed,” Annual Meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Philadelphia, 2015.

“Anger and Prejudice after the Beslan School Hostage Taking,” Program on New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS) Eurasia Policy Conference, Washington, DC, 2014.

“The Curious Absence of Political Scientists from the Adaptation Conversation,” National Adaptation Forum, Denver, 2013.

“Victim and Non-victim Behavioral Responses to Ethnic Violence.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, 2012.

“Victim and Non-victim Behavioral Responses to Ethnic Violence,” Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association,” Chicago, 2012.

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“Anger, Alienation, and Peaceful Participation versus Violent Retaliation,” Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, 2011.

“How We Assess Civil Society Developments: The Russia Example,” Program on New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS) Eurasia Policy Conference, Washington, DC, 2008.

“Judicial Independence in Russia: The Effects of Diversified Funding” (with Vanessa A. Baird), Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, 2008.

“Democracy through Deference? Judicial Persuasion to Support Rights in Russia” (with Vanessa A. Baird), Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 2008.

“Deference to Authority and Judicial Persuasion to Support Rights in Russia” (with Vanessa A. Baird), Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 2007.

“The Persuasive Power of Russian Courts” (with Vanessa A. Baird), Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 2007.

“The Persuasive Power of Russian Courts” (with Vanessa A. Baird), Program on New Approaches to Russian Security (PONARS) at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, 2006.

“Judicial Pioneers: Litigants in the Moscow Theater Hostage Case” (with Vanessa A. Baird), Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 2004.

“Sick of Politics: The Health Implications of Political Passivity and Perceived Political Inefficacy,” Annual Meeting of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Scholars, Aspen, 2004.

“Judicial Pioneers: Litigants in the Moscow Theater Hostage Case” (with Vanessa A. Baird), Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 2004.

“Political Quiescence and Public Health,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 2003.

“The Effects of Protest on Public Health” (with David S. Brown), Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Denver, 2003.

“The Effects of a Quiescent Labor Force on Russian Politics,” Russia’s Security Challenges in the 21st Century, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, 2002.

“The Role of Blame in Collective Action: Evidence from Russia,” Annual Meeting of the

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American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 2001.

“Protest and the Politics of Blame: The Russian Response to Unpaid Wages,” Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Denver, 2000.

“Does it Matter Who Governs? Political Parties and Leadership Behavior in Russia’s Regions,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, 1998.

"Student Passivity and the Post-Soviet State," Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 1997.

"Response Effects in Polite Cultures: A Test of Acquiescence in Kazakhstan," Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Seattle, 1997.

"Effects of the American Sponsor on Survey Responses in Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asia," Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, 1996.

"Sources of the Urban-Rural Divide in the Former Soviet Union," Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 1996.

"The Apathetic Democrat: The University Student in Post-Soviet Transition," Post-Soviet Politics Conference of the Social Science Research Council, Kiev, 1996.

"Students, Democracy, and Markets in the Former Soviet Union: The Urban-Rural Divide," Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 1995.

Teaching Awarded certificate of distinction in teaching, Harvard, 1996-97.

University of Notre Dame  Sustainability: Principles and Practices (gateway for the sustainability minor), undergraduate lecture course  Solutions: Science, Politics, and Saving the Planet, taught as both undergraduate seminar and lecture course  The Politics of Adapting to Climate Change, undergraduate lecture course  Food Politics, undergraduate directed readings  Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia, undergraduate lecture course  Political Protest, junior seminar  Protest, Social Movements, and Revolution (formerly, Theories of Protest), graduate seminar  Survey Research Methodology, graduate seminar

Rice University

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Protest, graduate seminar Conditions of Democracy, senior seminar Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics, undergraduate lecture course

University of Colorado at Boulder Survey Research Methodology, graduate student workshop Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics, undergraduate lecture course

Teaching Fellow, Harvard University Constitutional Democracy in America, sophomore tutorial, 1996. Led tutorials and graded papers. The Cuban Revolution 1956-1971, Professor Jorge Dominguez, 1992. Led discussion section and helped to write and grade exams.

Notre Dame Undergraduate Senior Thesis Advising Adam Wiechman (2019-20) Gabrielle Kallgren (2018-19, sustainability minor capstone) Christina Gutierrez (2014-15) John McMannis (2010-11) Julie Zorb (2010-11) Elizabeth Brooks (winner of The Helen Kellogg Institute Prize for best thesis in comparative politics, recipient of Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program grant, 2007-08) Magda Karol (2007-08) Nicholas Duda (2006-07)

Notre Dame Undergraduate Research Training Adam Wiechman (Political Science research apprentice program, 2017) Carolyn Yvellez (Political Science research apprentice program, 2016-17) John Haley (Kellogg Institute International Scholars Program, 2016-18) Bridget Galassini (Kellogg Institute International Scholars Program, 2013-16) Julie Zorb (directed reading, summer 2010) John McMannis (directed reading, summer 2010) Anne Whitty (directed reading, summer 2010) Brittany Holom (Kellogg Institute International Scholars Program, 2008-09) Luis Melendez (Political Science research apprentice program, 2007-08) Ally Zamora (Political Science research apprentice program, 2007-08) Jackie Sheridan (Political Science research apprentice program, 2006-08) Betsy Brooks (Kellogg Institute International Scholars Program, 2006-07) Magda Karol (Political Science research apprentice program, 2006-07) Jaci Wilkenig (Political Science research apprentice program, 2006-07)

Notre Dame Undergraduate Teacher Training Abigail Stokes (teaching assistant, 2019) Gabrielle Kallgren (teaching assistant, 2018) Ellen Bleier (teaching assistant, 2018)

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Sophia Chau (teaching assistant pilot program, 2016) Tessa Clarizio (teaching assistant pilot program, 2016)

Dissertation Advising Angela Chesler (Political Science, University of Notre Dame) Rodrigo Castro Cornejo (Political Science, University of Notre Dame, 2017) Kyle Beam (Political Science, University of Notre Dame, 2016) Chad Kiewiet de Jonge (Political Science, University of Notre Dame, completed 2013) Cora Fernandez Anderson (Political Science, University of Notre Dame, completed 2011) Paul Talbot (Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, completed 2003)

Political Science Graduate Student Mentoring Lucia Tiscornia Gregory Siems Justin McDevitt

Professional Service Editorial Board Polity

Reviewer American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, American Sociological Review, Australian Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Climatic Change, Comparative Political Studies, Field Methods Global Environmental Change, Journal of Central Asian Studies, Journal of Law and Courts, Journal of Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Perspectives on Politics Political Communication, Political Research Quarterly, Political Studies Review, Post-Soviet Affairs, Problems of Post-Communism, Rationality and Society, Review of Policy Research, Social Science Quarterly, Studies in Comparative International Development

Member Scholars Strategy Network Climate Reality Leadership Corps American Political Science Association Midwest Political Science Association Western Political Science Association American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies World Association for Public Opinion Research Program on New Approaches to Russian Security

Social Science Research Council’s International Dissertation Field Research Fellowship Program (IDRF), screener for 2004 fellowship competition

Section Head, Conflict Processes Section, Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, 2005.

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Panel organizer, “Contentious Politics,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 2003.

Discussant and Chair, “Protest and Violent Participation,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 2003.

Chair, “From the Street to the Voting Booth: The Role of Political Participation in Russia’s Democratization,” Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Crystal City, VA, 2001.

Discussant, “Politics, Geography, and Postcommunist Change,” Conference on New Methodologies for the Social Sciences: The Development and Application of Spatial Analysis for Political Methodology, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2001.

Discussant, “Does Moscow Control the Regions?,” Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boca Raton, 1998.

Related Academic Experience Statistical Analysis of Repeated Surveys, Joint Program in Survey Methodology, 1998. Intermediate Survey Sampling, Joint Program in Survey Methodology, 1997. Graduate Associate, Russian Research Center, Harvard University, 1992-97. Post-Soviet Politics Conference, Social Science Research Council, Kiev, summer 1996.

Language and Quantitative Skills Proficiency in Russian. Survey research. Statistical analysis.

Research Travel Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, England, Scotland

Notre Dame University Service Active leader of Notre Dame’s sustainability community, which cuts across all colleges and most departments  Organizer of two large sustainability reading group meetings (40+ attendees) in 2016 and 2017.  Participant in a two-day workshop, “Sustainability Across the Curriculum,” with 30 other Notre Dame faculty members from several disciplines.  Initiator of proposal to include “Ecological Literacy” as a requirement in Notre Dame’s core curriculum, signed by 110 faculty members, 2015. Environmental Change Initiative affiliated faculty, 2010-present. Panel participant on grantwriting for new faculty sponsored by Office of Research, 2006, 2007. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies fellow, 2006-present.

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Graduate admissions committee for Master’s Program in Peace Studies Kellogg Institute for International Studies fellow, 2005-present. Grants committee Screening committee for visiting fellow competition Visiting speakers committee Reviewer for Working Paper Series Chair for various speakers Program in Russian and East European Studies, 2005-present. Active participant in visiting speaker series Nanovic Institute for European Studies fellow, 2005-present. Keough School of Global Affairs Environmental Politics Search Committee, 2017, 2019

Notre Dame Department of Political Science Service Department Secretary, 2013 Ad hoc committee on reforming the Committee on Appointments and Promotions, 2013 Comparative Politics Search Committee chair, 2010 Comparative Politics field chair, 2010, 2012-3, 2016 Graduate Admissions committee, 2010, 2016 Exploratory committee for experimental lab, 2007. Survey research workshop attended by 25+ faculty and graduate students, 2006. Comparative Politics Search Committee, 2006, 2007. Graduate Policy Committee, 2005-06, 2015, 2018-19. Comparative Politics Newsletter editorial board, 2005-11.

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