The Saskatchewan Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN’S PRINTER/Publiée chaque semaine sous l’autorité de l’Imprimeur de la Reine


Volume 110 REGINA, FRIDAY, march 21, 2014/REGINA, vendredi, 21 mars 2014 No. 12/nº 12

TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIèRES PART I/Partie I proClamation...... 558 Special Day/Jour spécial...... 558 APPOINTMENT/NOMINATION...... 558 progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Third Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 27e Assemblée législative)...... 559 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED/LOIS NON ENCORE PROCLAMÉES...... 560 Acts in force on ASSENT/lois entrant en vigueur sur sanction (Third Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 27e Assemblée législative)...... 563 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC EVENTS/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR À DES OCCURRENCES PARTICULIÈRES..... 564 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2013)...... 565 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2014)...... 566 DIRECTOR’S ORDER/ArrÊtÉ DIRECTEUR...... 567 The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994...... 567 Ministers’ Orders/ArrÊtÉs ministÉriels...... 568 The Education Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation...... 568 The Parks Act – Correction Notice...... 571 The Regional Parks Act, 1979 – Correction Notice...... 577 CORPORATE REGISTRY NOTICES/AVIS DU REGISTRE DES SOCIÉTÉS...... 579 The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les cooperatives...... 579 The Business Corporations Act...... 580 The Business Names Registration Act...... 599 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif...... 616 PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS...... 618 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997...... 618 The Act...... 619 The Pharmacy Act, 1996...... 629 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR A PRIVATE BILL/AVIS D’INTENTION DE DEMANDER L’ADOPTION D’UN PROJET DE LOI D’INTÉRÊT PRIVÉ...... 629 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS...... 629/630

PART ii/Partie Ii P-37.1 Reg 16 The Asbestos Registry for Public Buildings Regulations...... 149 SR 5/2014 The Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Regulations, 2014...... 149 SR 6/2014 The Health Information Protection Amendment Regulations, 2014...... 151 SR 7/2014 The Members’ Conflict of Interest Amendment Regulations, 2014...... 153 SR 8/2014 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Regulations, 2014...... 162 558 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

proclamation ______

free fishing weekend WHEREAS many Saskatchewan citizens of all ages and from all walks of life enjoy fishing in Saskatchewan’s 94,000 lakes, ponds, streams and rivers; and WHEREAS the quality of fishing attracts anglers from far beyond our borders; and WHEREAS programs are available to conserve and enhance fishing opportunities throughout Saskatchewan; and WHEREAS angling contributes to the economic well being and the quality of life in Saskatchewan; and WHEREAS the government wishes to ensure its citizens have an opportunity to learn about the traditional, recreational, social, cultural and economic benefits of angling. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ken Cheveldayoff, Minister of Environment, do hereby issue a complimentary angling licence to every person present in Saskatchewan on July 12 and 13, 2014 and on February 14, 15 and 16, 2015 as Free Fishing Weekends in the Province of Saskatchewan, where all may fish without charge. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand. Dated in Regina, Saskatchewan, this 26th day of February, 2014.

Ken Cheveldayoff, Minister of Environment. ______


The following day has been designated by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General as: “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” in Saskatchewan, March 21, 2014. ______


appointment of CORONERs The following coroners have been appointed, effective immediately: Janet Carli-Allen, SK Wayne Nogier, Melfort SK

Janice Nieswandt, Supervisor of Administrative Support. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 559

progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Third Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 27e Assemblée législative) ______

Government Bills/Projets de loi émanant du gouvernement Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 112 The Accounting Profession Act...... Proclamation 122 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2013 (No. 2)/ Loi no 2 de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard...... On Assent/ Proclamation 108 The Athletics Commission Act...... Proclamation 100 The Assessment Management Agency Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 98 The Child Care Act, 2013/Loi de 2013 sur les garderies d’enfants...... Proclamation 129 The Executive Government Administration Act...... Proclamation 130 The Executive Government Administration Consequential Amendments Act, 2013/Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Executive Government Administration Act...... Specific Event 114 The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Amendment Act, 2013...... Proclamation 106 The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 2013...... Proclamation 120 The Lobbyists Act...... Proclamation 127 The Mental Health Services Amendment Act, 2013...... Proclamation 123 The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal Act, 2013 (No. 2)...... On Assent 124 The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (Consequential Amendment) Act, 2013/Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal Act, 2013 (No. 2)...... Specific Event 116 The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2013 (No. 2)...... On Assent/ Specific Date/ Proclamation 117 The Municipalities Consequential Amendment Act, 2013/ Loi de 2013 portant modification corrélative à la loi intitulée The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2013 (No. 2)...... Specific Event 113 The Powers of Attorney Amendment Act, 2013/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur les procurations...... Proclamation 99 The Public Employees Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 115 The Public Guardian and Trustee Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 128 The Saskatchewan Employment Amendment Act, 2013...... Proclamation 118 The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Act...... Proclamation 119 The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Consequential Amendments Act, 2013/ Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Act...... Specific Event 125 The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2013 (No. 2)...... Proclamation 101 The University of Saskatchewan Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent


Private Members’ Bills/ Projets de loi émanant des députés Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 605 The Public-Private Partnerships Transparency and Accountability Act...... On Assent 606 The Residents in care Bill of Rights Act, 2014...... Proclamation ______

Acts not yet proclaimed/Lois non encore proclamées ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995...... A-1.1 The Certified Management Accountants Act, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 21, 2000...... C‑4.111 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003...... 17 The Condominium Property Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 7 The Conservation Easements Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 6 The Consumer Protection and Business Practices Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... C-30.2 The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed...... C-45.2 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(b) not yet proclaimed...... 8 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 9 The Education Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, sections 11 and 12 and clause 38(1)(c) not yet proclaimed...... 9 The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998...... E-9.13 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires, L.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 13 The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 93(1)(k) not yet proclaimed...... E-9.22 The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... E-10.22 The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006...... 20 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 561

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Forest Resources Management Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 13 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed...... H‑0.021 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13 not yet proclaimed...... H-3.01 The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002...... 20 The Informal Public Appeals Act, S.S. 2014 Assented to March 12, 2014...... I-9.0001 The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/ Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005...... I-10.21 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed...... L-4.1 The Land Titles Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 51 and 151 and subsection 167(2) not yet proclaimed...... L-5.1 The Land Titles Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 19 The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... M-2.01 The Medical Profession Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 14 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed...... M-14.1 The Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012, sections 5 and 24 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, sections 4 to 8 not yet proclaimed...... 26 The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003 Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o) not yet proclaimed...... P-14.1 The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... P-16.101 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not yet proclaimed...... 30 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... 22 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 27 The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed...... P-37.1 562 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 46 The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 29 The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002 Assented to July 10, 2002, 65(1) and (3), not yet proclaimed...... R-8.2 The Regional Parks Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... R-9.11 The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 30 The Saskatchewan Employment Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... S-15.1 The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c) and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repeals clauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff), (kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4, subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39, clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c) which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act not yet proclaimed...... 38 The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001...... 41 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 30 The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsection 10(3), that portion of section 42 that repeals section 118 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 58 not yet proclaimed...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to December 3, 2008, sections 12 and 14 (that part of section 14 that repeals section 45 of The Securities Act, 1988), section 33 not yet proclaimed...... 35 The Securities Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012, clauses 3(e), (g) and (h), sections 7, 12 to 15, 22 and 31, not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Securities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, subsections 3(1) to (6), (8) to (14) and (16) to (20); sections 9, 11, 13 to 16, 18 to 29 and 31; clauses 32(1)(a) to (f) and 32(2)(a); subsection 32(3); sections 33 to 35 and 37 to 42; clauses 46(a) to (k), (m), (n), (p), (q), (s) and (t); and sections 47 and 48 not yet proclaimed...... 33 The Seizure of Criminal Property Amendment Act, S.S. 2014 Assented to March 12, 2014...... 6 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008, that portion of section 5 that adds clause 18(2)(b) and that portion of section 6 that adds subsection 21(3), not yet proclaimed...... 23 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 35 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 563

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Ticket Sales Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... T-13.1 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(c); section 5; that portion that adds subsection 6(7); section 15; those portions of clause 17(b) that add clauses 30(c.11),(c.12) and (c.14) not yet proclaimed...... 34 The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed...... T-22.2 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, sections 8 and 11 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 10, 2004, sections 11, 16 and 24 not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2011, S.S. 2011/ Loi de 2011 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les victimes d'actes criminels L.S. 2011 Assented to May 18, 2011...... 21 The Wildfire Act, S.S. 2014 Assented to March 12, 2014...... W-13.01 The Wildlife Habitat Protection (Land Designation) Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 36

Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above./Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes) publié par l’Imprimeur de la Reine. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées. ______

acts in force on assent/lois entrant en vigueur sur sanction (Third Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 27e Assemblée législative) ______

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Appropriation Act, 2013 (No. 2) (Assented to December 5, 2013)...... 131...... 38 The Builders’ Lien Amendment Act, 2014 (Assented to March 12, 2014)...... 102...... 1 The Election Amendment Act, 2013 (Assented to December 5, 2013) ...... 121...... 39 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2014/Loi de 2014 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires (Assented to March 12, 2014)...... 103...... 2 The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Amendment Act, 2014 (Assented to March 12, 2014, but is retroactive and is deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2014)...... 109...... 4 The Personal Care Homes Amendment Act, 2014 (Assented to March 12, 2014)...... 111...... 5 564 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Senate Nominee Election Repeal Act (Assented to December 5, 2013)...... 110...... 40 St. Thomas More College Amendment Act, 2013 (Assented to December 5, 2013)...... 903...... 03


Acts in force on specific events/ Lois entrAnt en vigueur à des occurrences particulières ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Consequential Amendments Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 (Assented to May 16, 2012) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012...... 14 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Consequential Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014 (Assented to March 12, 2014) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012...... 3 The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act...... 13 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Professional Discipline) Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 (Assented to May 20, 2010) Specific Event: sections 11 to 13 come into force on the coming into force of The Certified Management Accountants Act...... 20 The Northern Municipalities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: section 55 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010; section 56 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Forest Resource Management Amendment Act, 2010...... 20 The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/ Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act, L.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act...... 24 The Public Inquiries Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Public Inquiries Act, 2013...... 27 The Regional Parks Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Regional Parks Act, 2013, L.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Regional Parks Act, 2013...... 29 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 565

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Representation Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: notwithstanding subsection 23(2) of The Constituency Boundaries Act, 1993, this Act comes into force on the day following the day the Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly is dissolved or is determined by effluxion of time ...... R-20.5 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013 (No. 2), S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act...... 31 The Trustee Act, 2009, S.S. 2009 (Assented to March 31, 2009) Specific Event: section 65 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Certified Management Accountants Act...... T-23.01 ______

acts Proclaimed/lois proclamées (2013) ______The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 2013: The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.2./Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2013, ch. 2. Proclaimed in force August 6, 2013. The Animal Identification Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.3. Proclaimed in force June 15, 2013. The Animal Products Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.4. Proclaimed in force June 15, 2013. The Assessment Appraisers Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.3. Proclaimed in force March 15, 2013. The Commissioners for Oaths Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.C-16.001. Proclaimed in force February 15, 2013. The Common Business Identifiers Act, S.S. 2013, c.C-16.002. Proclaimed in force October 19, 2013. The Community Planning Profession Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c-21.1. Proclaimed in force September 15, 2013. The Correctional Services Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.C-39.2. Proclaimed in force June 28, 2013. The Court Officials Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.C-43.101/Loi de 2012 sur les fonctionnaires de justice, L.S. 2012, ch.C-43.101. Proclaimed in force January 1, 2014. The Creative Saskatchewan Act, S.S. 2013, c.C-43.12. Proclaimed in force July 2, 2013. The Education Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.10./Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2012, ch.10. Proclaimed in force January 1, 2013. The Education Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.9/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2013, ch.9. Section 7 and clause 38(1)(a) proclaimed in force September 16, 2013. The Foreign Worker Recruitment and Immigration Services Act, S.S. 2013, F-18.1. Proclaimed in force October 11, 2013. The Global Transportation Hub Authority Act, S.S. 2013, c.G-5.01. Proclaimed in force August 6, 2013. The Information Services Corporation Act, S.S. 2013, c.I-9.001. Proclaimed in force May 30, 2013. 566 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

The International Interests in Mobile Aircraft Equipment Act, S.S. 2007, c.I-10.201./Loi sur les garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement aéronautiques mobiles, L.S. 2007, ch.I‑10.201. Proclaimed in force April 1, 2013. The Justices of the Peace Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.12./Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1988 sur les juges de paix, L.S. 2013, ch.12. Proclaimed in force July 15, 2013. The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.15. Section 11 proclaimed in force November 15, 2013. The Miscellaneous Statutes (Saskatchewan Telecommunications) Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.16. Proclaimed in force October 1, 2013. The Municipal Board Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.17. Subclause 9(a)(ii) and sections 12, 16 and 17 proclaimed in force July 1, 2013. The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Act, S.S. 2013, c.O-4.2. Proclaimed in force May 30, 2013, except Division 16 of Part VII. Division 16 of Part VII proclaimed in force June 16, 2013. The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.21./Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Act, 2013, L.S. 2013, ch.21. Proclaimed in force May 30, 2013, except section 4. Section 4 proclaimed in force June 16, 2013. The Parks Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.22. Subsection 5(2) proclaimed in force August 29, 2013. The Public Health (Howard’s Law) Amendment Act, S.S. 2013, c.26. Proclaimed in force November 7, 2013. The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001, c.33. Section 18 and subsections 22(3), (8), (9) and (11) to (14) proclaimed in force February 15, 2013. The Regulatory Modernization and Accountability Act, S.S. 2013, c.R-16.3. Proclaimed in force October 21, 2013. The Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings (SAGES) Act, S.S. 2012, c.S-5.1. Proclaimed in force April 4, 2013. The Securities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.33. Sections 1 and 2, subsections 3(7) and (15), sections 10, 12, 17, 30, clauses 32(1)(g), 32(2)(b) and (c), sections 36, 43, 44 and 45 and clauses 46(l), (o) and (r) proclaimed in force September 1, 2013. The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006, c.9. Clauses 4(a) and 6(a) proclaimed in force July 1, 2013. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print./Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras. ______

acts Proclaimed/lois proclamées (2014) ______The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 2014: The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.W-17.11. Proclaimed in force January 1, 2014. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print./Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 567

Director’s order/ArrÊtÉ Directeur ______

The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994 [section 9] ______

CLOSED TIMES FOR COMMERCIAL FISHING D.O. 2014-3. Pursuant to section 28 of The Fisheries Regulations, being R.R.S. c.F-16.1 Reg 1, made under the authority of The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994, which powers have been delegated to me by the Minister responsible for that Act, I do hereby vary, in accordance with the attached schedule, the Minister’s Designation for Closed Times for Commercial Fishing, dated April 18, 2002, as published in The Saskatchewan Gazette, on May 1, 2002. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 14th day of March, 2014.

Lyle Saigeon, Executive Director, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment. ______

Schedule CLOSED TIMES FOR COMMERCIAL FISHING Delete the following lakes and closed times:

Waters Closed Times Canoe Lake, being all waters of Canoe Lake, at approximate March 1 up to and including the Friday NL 55°10' WL 108°15' except Jans Bay, Wepooskow Bay, and immediately preceding Victoria Day Wepooskow Narrows;

Fisher Creek and Candle Lake, being all waters of Fisher March 16 up to and including the Creek and Candle Lake, at approximate NL 53°47' Friday immediately preceding Victoria WL 105°19', in Legal Subdivisions 4 and 5 in Section 25, and Day in Legal Subdivisions 1 to 8 and 10, Section 26, all in Township 55, Range 23, West of the Second Meridian;

Hay Bay, being all waters of Hay Bay, at approximate April 1 up to and including the Friday NL 53°55' WL 106°59', all waters of the connecting channel immediately preceding Victoria Day between Hay Bay and Delaronde Lake, at approximate NL 53°54' WL 106°58', and all waters of Delaronde Lake lying within a radius of 300 m from the centre-line of the bridge crossing the channel between Hay Bay and Delaronde Lake;

Pinehouse Lake, being all waters of Pinehouse Lake located April 20, 2004 up to and including at approximate NL 55°32' WL 106°35'; December 31, 2004

Straight Bay, being all waters of Straight Bay, at April 1 up to and including the Friday approximate NL 53°54' WL 106°53', all waters of the immediately preceding Victoria Day connecting channel between Straight Bay and Delaronde Lake, at approximate NL 53°55' WL 106°55', and all waters of Delaronde Lake lying within a radius of 750 m from the mouth of the connecting channel between Straight Bay and Delaronde Lake 568 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Add the following lakes and closed times:

Waters Closed Times Canoe Lake, being all waters of Canoe Lake, at approximate March 1 up to and including May 14 NL 55°10' WL 108°15' except Jans Bay, Wepooskow Bay, and Wepooskow Narrows;

Fisher Creek and Candle Lake, being all waters of Fisher March 16 up to and including May 14 Creek and Candle Lake, at approximate NL 53°47' WL 105°19', in Legal Subdivisions 4 and 5 in Section 25, and in Legal Subdivisions 1 to 8 and 10, Section 26, all in Township 55, Range 23, West of the Second Meridian;

Hay Bay, being all waters of Hay Bay, at approximate April 1 up to and including May 14 NL 53°55' WL 106°59', all waters of the connecting channel between Hay Bay and Delaronde Lake, at approximate NL 53°54' WL 106°58', and all waters of Delaronde Lake lying within a radius of 300 m from the centre-line of the bridge crossing the channel between Hay Bay and Delaronde Lake;

Straight Bay, being all waters of Straight Bay, at April 1 up to and including May 14 approximate NL 53°54' WL 106°53', all waters of the connecting channel between Straight Bay and Delaronde Lake, at approximate NL 53°55' WL 106°55', and all waters of Delaronde Lake lying within a radius of 750 m from the mouth of the connecting channel between Straight Bay and Delaronde Lake


ministers’ orders/ArrÊtÉs ministÉriels ______

The Education Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation [subsections 54(1), (2) and (7) and section 357] ______

alteration of boundaries – Prairie Valley School Division No. 208, regina school division No. 4 and the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division no. 81 M.O. ED34/2013-14. Whereas the limits of the City of Regina were altered by Minister’s Order, authorized by the Minister of Government Relations, effective January 1, 2014, to include the following lands: (1) Township 17, Range 19, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) that portion of the north-west quarter of Section 1, lying to the north-east of and excluding Highway No. 33 (Arcola Ave.) and lying west and north-west of and excluding the rail line; (b) that portion of the north-east quarter of Section 2, lying to the north-east of and excluding Highway No. 33 (Arcola Ave.); (c) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 11, lying to the north-east of and excluding Highway No. 33 (Arcola Ave.); (d) all of the west half of Section 12, excluding the north-south running rail line; (e) all of the west half of Section 13, excluding the north-south running rail line; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 569

(f) all of Section 23, including Tower Rd.; (g) all of the south-west quarter of Section 24, excluding the Highway No. 1 right-of-way and excluding the north-south running rail line; (h) all of the Section 26, lying south of and excluding the rail line and including Tower Rd.; (i) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 35, lying south of and excluding the rail line and including the portion of Tower Rd. lying south of the rail line. (2) Township 17, Range 20, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) all of Section 3, including Courtney St. and excluding the Highway No. 1 right-of-way to the south; (b) all of the Section 10, including Courtney St. (3) Township 17, Range 20, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) all of the Section 29; (b) all of Section 30; (c) all of Section 31, including the road allowances to the west and north; and (d) all of Section 32 including the road allowance to the north. (4) Township 17, Range 21, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) all of Section 25 excluding the rail line to the north and including the road allowance to the west. (5) Township 18, Range 20, and described as: (a) all of the east half of Section 5; (b) all of the east half of Section 8, including Armour Rd.; (c) all of Section 9, including Armour Rd.; (d) that portion of the south half of Section 14, lying south of and excluding Highway 11; and (e) all of the south half of Section 15, including the road allowance to the west; (f) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 16 described as Parcel A, Plan No. 101857204. Now therefore I, Don Morgan, Minister of Education, pursuant to the powers vested in me by subsections 54(1) and 54(7) of The Education Act, 1995, and in compliance with section 357 and subsection 54(2) of the Act, do hereby order that the boundary of the Prairie Valley School Division No. 208 of Saskatchewan, Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan, and the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 of Saskatchewan be altered, effective the date of this Order, in the manner set forth herein: (1) Transfer land from the Prairie Valley School Division No. 208 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 8 and Subdivision No. 9 to Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 1, and to the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 of Saskatchewan-at-large: Township 17, Range 19, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) that portion of the north-west quarter of Section 1, lying to the north-east of and excluding Highway No. 33 (Arcola Ave.) and lying west and north-west of and excluding the rail line; (b) that portion of the north-east quarter of Section 2, lying to the north-east of and excluding Highway No. 33 (Arcola Ave.); (c) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 11, lying to the north-east of and excluding Highway No. 33 (Arcola Ave.); (d) all of the west half of Section 12, excluding the north-south running rail line; (e) all of the west half of Section 13, excluding the north-south running rail line; 570 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

(f) all of Section 23, including Tower Rd.; (g) all of the south-west quarter of Section 24, excluding the Highway 1 right-of-way and excluding the north-south running rail line; (h) all of the Section 26, lying south of and excluding the rail line and including Tower Rd.; (i) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 35, lying south of and excluding the rail line and including the portion of Tower Rd. lying south of the rail line. (2) Transfer land from the Prairie Valley School Division No. 208 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 10 to Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 3, and to the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 of Saskatchewan-at-large: Township 17, Range 20, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) all of Section 3, including Courtney St. and excluding the Highway 1 right-of-way to the south; (b) all of the Section 10, including Courtney St. (3) Transfer land from the Prairie Valley School Division No. 208 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 10 to Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 7, and to the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 of Saskatchewan-at-large: Township 17, Range 20, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) all of the Section 29; (b) all of Section 30; (c) all of Section 31, including the road allowances to the west and north; and (d) all of Section 32 including the road allowance to the north. Township 17, Range 21, West of the Second Meridian and described as: (a) all of Section 25 excluding the rail line to the north and including the road allowance to the west. Township 18, Range 20, and described as: (a) all of the east half of Section 5; (b) all of the east half of Section 8, including Armour Rd.; (c) all of Section 9, including Armour Rd.; (d) that portion of the south-west quarter of Section 14, lying south of and excluding Highway 11; and (e) all of the south half of Section 15, including the road allowance to the west; (f) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 16 described as Parcel A, Plan No. 101857204. (4) Transfer land from the Prairie Valley School Division No. 208 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 10 to Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan Subdivision No. 6, and to the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 of Saskatchewan-at-large: (a) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 14, lying south of and excluding Highway 11. (5) That all parcels of the aforementioned lands that may be registered in the name of the Boards of Education of Prairie Valley School Division No. 208 of Saskatchewan, Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan, and the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 of Saskatchewan, or its predecessors, shall remain vested in said name. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 13th day of March, 2014.

Don Morgan, Minister of Education. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 571

The Parks Act [section 27] ______

CORRECTION NOTICE The following notice as it appeared in the February 7, 2014 issue of The Saskatchewan Gazette is hereby republished in its corrected form: PROVINCIAL PARKS 2014 RATES AND FEES I, Kevin Doherty, Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport, pursuant to section 27 of The Parks Act and section 66 of The Parks Regulations, 1991 do hereby order that the fees payable for the services provided in the attached table are to be determined in accordance with the attached table. These fees shall take effect February 1, 2014. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 31st day of January, 2014.

Kevin Doherty, Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport.

Parks, Culture and Sport Provincial Park Rates and Fees (As at February 1, 2014) NOTE: Managers may vary fees for promotional purposes with the approval of the Assistant Deputy Minister. Fees include all applicable taxes unless otherwise noted. Fees are effective February 1, 2014 unless otherwise stated.

ENTRY PERMITS February 1, 2014 Daily $7.00 3 Day 17.00 Weekly 25.00 Annual – transferable 50.00

Saskatchewan resident – 65 and over Daily Free 3 Day Free Weekly Free Annual Free

Private property access (Battlefords, Good Spirit, Greenwater, Meadow Lake) Free

Staff/employees 18.00

Motorcoach Day passes $20.00 Annual passes 100.00 572 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

FACILITY USE FEES February 1, 2014

Fort Carlton and Cannington Manor Provincial Historic Parks Adult (18 years and over) $4.00 Youth (6 to 17 years) 1.00 Family 9.00 Child (5 and under) Free

CAMPING February 1, 2014

Nightly Rates: Fully Serviced Sites $35.00 Electrical Sites 27.00 Non Electrical Sites 17.00 Economy Sites 15.00

Equestrian Camping 18.00

Reduced Services Discount $4.00 per night of reduced services

Campsite Reservations Online/In Park Call Centre Reservation fee $10.00 $12.00 Reservation change fee 10.00 12.00 Cancellation fee 10.00 12.00

Group Camping: Group camping reservation fee $15.00

Electrified group campgrounds Small 108.00 Medium 162.00 Large 216.00 Non-Electric group campgrounds Small 68.00 Medium 102.00 Large 136.00 Economy group campgrounds Small 60.00 Medium 90.00 Large 120.00

School/Youth groups per night $1.00/person THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 573

CAMPING February 1, 2014

Seasonal Camping: (per season) Electrical $1,900.00 Non electrical 950.00 Economy 750.00

Spring shoulder season promotion Spring shoulder season runs from Monday of the May long weekend to June 24 Electrical $567.00 Non electrical 357.00 Economy 315.00

BUILDING RENTAL February 1, 2014 Per Hour – under 200 sq. m. $20.00 Per Hour – over 200 sq. m. 30.00 Additional kitchen rental per hour 20.00 Daily maximum 400.00

SWIMMING POOLS February 1, 2014 Regular Pike, Cypress Buffalo Pound Adult $5.00 $4.00 Child/youth 2.00 1.00 Family 14.00 10.00

Weekly Pike, Cypress Buffalo Pound Adult $25.00 $20.00 Child/youth 10.00 6.00 Family 70.00 50.00

Seasonal Pike, Cypress Buffalo Pound Adult $75.00 $60.00 Child/youth 30.00 18.00 Family 210.00 150.00

SWIMMING POOLS February 1, 2014 Institutional camp, per child per visit Pike, Cypress Buffalo Pound $2.00 $1.00

Hourly rental for groups Group of 35 or less $77.00/hour Each additional 15 persons 22.00/hour 574 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014


Swimming Lessons Per occasion or lesson $7.00 Per block of lessons 35.00

Skill Development Instruction (per occasion or lesson) Adult 7.00 Youth/Child 5.00


Equipment Rental (charge per hour) $8.00 Canoe/Kayak

Ball Diamond Rental For tournaments per day $32.00

Trailer Storage per day (Peak Season) $2.00 Shoulder season 150.00

Boat Mooring fee – per season (where available, Ministry operated) $70.00

Slip Rentals (where available, Ministry operated) Slip berth (6m slip) per week $22.00 Parallel berth per week Premium (per metre of boat) 3.00/m Standard (per metre of boat) 2.00/m Overnight tie-up per night 5.00

Interpretive/Recreation Program/Special Presentations Adult $2.00 Youth 1.00 Family 5.00 Child Free

School/Special Interest Group Program (1.5 hours in length or more) (GST Exempt) $1.00/student Provincial Historic Parks: Cannington Manor Intensive Day (GST Exempt) 1.50/student 3-Hour Guided 1.00/student Wood Mountain Post 1.00/student THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 575

ADMINISTRATIVE FEES February 1, 2014 Applications leases $100.00 other dispositions 20.00 research permits N/C

Assignments leases 100.00 other dispositions 20.00

Recording or registering documents affecting dispositions 20.00

Building Permits Development Cost – $1 to $16,666 $100.00 $16,667 to $1,000,000 6/$1,000 of development $1,000,000 and over $6,000.00

Fees Applicable on a Fiscal Year Basis – April 1 to March 31

SERVICE AND RECREATION FEE 2014-2015 Annual Commercial Resource Use – per year General (GST Exempt) $600.00 Oil Well 1,500.00 Gas Well 700.00 Battery Site 3,800.00 Note: This fee is payable only on leases, not permits.

ANNUAL COMMERCIAL RESOURCE USE 2014-2015 Permit Fees – prorated by area per hectare (applies until a lease is issued) $821.50 Minimum Annual Fee 82.15

Oil and Gas Fees: Work Authorization Permit $25.00 Seismic Line Permit, one‑time fee 450.00/ha

RIGHT OF WAY AUTHORIZATION (Easements) 2014-2015 1 metre wide or less, per kilometre $82.15 Over one metre wide, per hectare $821.50 Minimum annual fee $82.15 576 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS 2014-2015 Grazing Permits per animal unit (au)/day $0.30/au/day (Animal unit is 1000 lb. animal or less) Grazing Permits per season/calf $7.50/season/calf

Timber Harvestry Permits As set by The Forest Regulations Haying or Cultivation Permits As set by The Crown Resource Land Regulations for an equivalent disposition Wild Rice Harvesting Permit As set by The Wild Rice Regulations for an equivalent disposition Commercial Outfitter Licence As set by The Outfitter and Guide Regulations Traditional Resource Use Permit As set by The Crown Resource Land Regulations for an equivalent disposition Other miscellaneous land uses not identified under The Parks Act or The Parks Regulations, 1991 will be set by The Crown Resource Land Regulations for an equivalent disposition.

Approved Foreshore Installation Basic fee $40.00 Additional structure 20.00 Shore tie-up 20.00 Lac La Ronge Provincial Park: Parallel Dock (First 1.2 metres) 40.00 In Excess of 1.2 metres per metre 10.00

Approved Foreshore or Shoreline Installation 100.00 (i.e. boathouse, deck, storage shed) THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 577

The Regional Parks Act, 1979 [subsection 6(7)] ______

CORRECTION NOTICE The following notice as it appeared in the February 14, 2014 issue of The Saskatchewan Gazette is hereby republished in its corrected form: I, Kevin Doherty, Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport, pursuant to subsection 6(7) of The Regional Parks Act, 1979, do hereby order that the boundaries of the following regional parks are as described in the legal descriptions for each regional park contained in the attached Schedule I dated February 14, 2014, and that these legal descriptions supersede any previous description for each specific regional park, effective the date of this Order: Atton’s Lake Regional Park Clair Lake Regional Park Clear Lake Regional Park Kindersley Regional Park LeRoy Leisureland Regional Park

This order is required for the proper designation of each listed regional park.

Dated at the City of Regina, this 10th day of February, 2014.

Kevin Doherty, Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport. ______

SCHEDULE i LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR REGIONAL PARKS (February 14, 2014) Atton’s Lake Regional Park Legal Subdivision 7 and 8, in Section 32, in Township 44, in Range 20, West of the Third Meridian, containing 80 acres; Excepting: those portions of Roadway as shown on Plan Nos. 80B08731 and 84B11431. All those portions of Legal Subdivisions 10 and 15, of said Section 32, not covered by any of the waters of Lake No. 4; Excepting: that portion taken for roadway according to said Plan No. 80B08731. Legal Subdivision 11, 12, 14 and the east half and south-west quarter of Legal Subdivision 13, of said Section 32; Excepting: the land covered by the waters of Lake Nos. 4 and 5 at the time of survey of the said lakes, dated at Ottawa, July 11, 1904, containing 132.8 acres, more or less, and also excepting: (a) the most northerly 90 rods throughout of said Legal Subdivision 12 and 13, containing 18.95 acres; (b) that portion taken for roadway according to said Plan No. 80B08731; (c) those portions of access road to Poundmaker . 578 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Legal Subdivision 9 in Section 32, in Township 44, in Range 20, West of the Third Meridian not covered by waters of Atton Lake. All those portions of Legal Subdivisions 2, 7 and 8, of Section 5, in Township 45, in Range 20, West of the Third Meridian, not covered by any of the waters of Atton Lake as shown on Township Plan dated at Ottawa on the 18th of July, 1929, containing 66.9 acres, more or less. That portion of road allowance lying south of Atton Lake and between said Legal Subdivision 9 and Parcel A as shown on Plan No. 63B08545. Parcel Q as shown on Plan No. 101571690. Parcel A as shown on Plan No. 63B08545. Those portions of road allowance south of Section 5 in Township 45, in Range 20, West of the Third Meridian described as lying east of a line drawn perpendicular to the south boundary of Parcel Q as shown on Plan No. 101571690, south across the road allowance from a point 113 m east from the south-east corner of said Parcel Q, and lying west of Atton Lake. Clair Lake Regional Park The most westerly 990 ft in perpendicular width throughout of Legal Subdivision 4 of Section 11, Township 35, Range 15, West of the Second Meridian, shown as Parcels A and B on Plan No. 101782122 and according to a plan of survey of the said township confirmed at Ottawa on the 30th day of July, A.D., 1930; therefrom all that portion taken for roadway as shown on Plan No. H3235; All that portion of Legal Subdivision 1 of Section 10 in the said Township and Range, which lies to the East of the East Bank of Lake No. 1 according to said plan of survey thereof. The lands herein described containing together 37.6 acres more or less. Clear Lake Regional Park All that portion of the south-west quarter of Section 8, in Township 1, in Range 19, West of the Second Meridian, containing 52.1 acres, which are not covered by any of the waters of Lake No. 3, as shown on Township Plan dated the 12th of November, 1909. Kindersley Regional Park All that portion of the north-west quarter of Section 19, in Township 28, in Range 22, West of the Third Meridian, taken for Water Supply by the CNR and described as Parcel G as shown on Plan No. CL695, and containing 6.92 acres. Minerals in the Crown. All that portion of the south-west quarter of Section 30, in Township 28, in Range 22, West of the Third Meridian, taken for Water Supply by the CNR and described as Parcel F as shown on Plan No. CL695; All those portions of the Sections 24, 25, and 36 in Township 28, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian, taken for Water Supply by the CNR and described as Parcels A, B, C and H as shown on Plan No. CL695; All that portion of the south-west quarter of Section 25, in Township 28, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian, taken for Water Supply by the CNR and described as Parcel D as shown on Plan No. CL695, containing 4.51 acres. Minerals Excepted. All that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 25, in Township 28, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian, taken for Water Supply by the CNR and described as Parcel E as shown on Plan No. CL695, and containing 44.92 acres. Minerals in the Crown. The north-east quarter of Section 25, in Township 28, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan, in the Dominion of , containing 160 acres, according to Dominion Government Survey thereof; Saving and Excepting thereout: all that portion of the said quarter Section taken for Water Supply of the NR described as Parcel C and shown on Plan No. CL695 containing 40.82 acres; Parcel A as shown on Plan No. AL4547, Parcel A as shown on Plan No. 101600794, Parcel C as shown on Plan No. 101598318 and Parcel C as shown on Plan No. G202; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 579

Those portions of Section 10, in Township 29, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian, described as: Municipal Reserve Parcels, Parcel Nos. MR15, MR17 and MR18 all as shown on Plan No. 84S10204, Parcel W as shown on Plan No. 84S10204, and Municipal Reserve Parcel Nos. MR13 as shown on Plan No. 84S12623 excepting that portion described as commencing at a point 187.1 m south of the most northerly corner of Parcel No. MR13 on the east limit of MR13; thence northerly to the most northerly corner of said Parcel No. MR13; thence 355.5 m south-westerly along the north-westerly limit of said Parcel No. MR13; thence easterly to the point of commencement. Minerals in the Crown. Leroy Leisure Land Regional Park Parcel A as shown on Plan No. 101718671 and described as: all that portion of the north-west quarter in Section 8 in Township 35, in Range 20, West of the Second Meridian commencing at the south-west corner of the said quarter section, thence east along the south boundary a distance of 1000 ft, thence north and parallel to west boundary a distance of 1423 ft, thence north-east to a point on the south boundary of the Roadway as shown on Plan No. 80H03971-1 a distance of approximately 1800 ft east of the west boundary of the said quarter section, thence west along the said south boundary of the said road to the west boundary of the said quarter section, thence south along the said west boundary to the point of commencement. Excepting: Firstly: that portion of roadway as shown on Plan No. 98H04246; and Secondly: all mines and minerals as the said mines and minerals were reserved by Transfer registered as Plan No. P3666.



The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives ______

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 280 (2014) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Candle Lake Co-operative Loans Association Mar. 4 Saskatchewan Kelvington and District Economic Development Co-operative Ltd. Mar. 4 Saskatchewan Lawson Heights Co-operative Preschool Mar. 4 Saskatchewan The Dilke Community Memorial Hall Co-operative Mar. 4 Saskatchewan Association Limited The Grattle Grazing Co-operative Limited Mar. 4 Saskatchewan


Amin Bardestani, Registrar of Co-operatives. 580 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

The Business Corporations Act ______

CERTIFICATES of INCORPORATION (2014) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 3D Bin Building Inc. Feb. 28 731 Konihowski Rd., Saskatoon manufacture grain bins and buildings 4 Mile Farms Ltd. Feb. 21 Box 1327, farming 535 Park Street Properties Ltd. Mar. 5 500, 2201-11th Ave., Regina property development services; holding company 101252324 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 27 Box 93, Midale miscellaneous services 101252476 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 5500 Pearsall Cres., Regina accounting, bookkeeping and business consultant services 101252482 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 Box 662, oilfield consultant services 101252508 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 Box 638, Saskatoon holding company 101252510 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 23 Briarvale Cres., Saskatoon export agricultural products; health research investments 101252512 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 26 5-1st Ave. NE, commercial real estate leasing and management services 101252513 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon massage therapy services 101252534 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 Box 662, Lloydminster contract oilfield services 101252554 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 Box 81, Hafford marketing services 101252570 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 106 Brookhurst Cres., land development Saskatoon services; construction and renovations; trade; wholesale 101252573 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 Box 368, Arborfield holding company 101252575 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company 101252584 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 201, 2300-10th Ave. W, native affairs consultant Prince Albert services 101252607 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 Box 850, Nipawin holding company 101252654 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 89-5047 James Hill Rd., Regina trucking; transportation 101252660 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 641 McIntosh St., Foam Lake food franchise 101252686 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 2265 Reynolds St., Regina non-medical services for senior citizens 101252687 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina software development services 101252690 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 100-2255 Albert St., Regina holding company 101252709 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 110 Chitek Cres., Saskatoon safety consultant services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 581

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101252732 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 106-2025 Rose St., Regina independent living facility 101252733 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 36-4th Ave. N, sell and repair automobiles 101252747 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 Box 11, Site 206, R.R. 2, renovations; carpentry Saskatoon services 101252790 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 19 Box 699, Wadena holding company 101252811 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 6 Box 2, Site 5, R.R. 1, gravel lease on land Swift Current 101252855 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 6 1004-1901 Victoria Ave., Regina cleaning; property maintenance services 101252889 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 7 213-1st Ave., Harris residential and commercial construction and renovations; supervise sub-contractors 101252895 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 7 Drawer 188, Yorkton agricultural consultant services 101252961 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 8 1929 McKercher Dr., Saskatoon online trade ADH Business Innovation Inc. Mar. 3 7054 Blakeney Dr., Regina business consultant services Beaker’s Agristability Mar. 6 Box 1731, Esterhazy AgriStability application Consulting Inc. consultant services Black Ice Hauling Ltd. Mar. 6 2240-3rd Ave. N, Regina trucking; transportation Blackhat Consulting Ltd. Mar. 7 7103 Maple Valley Cres., information systems Regina consultant services Borderline Agriculture Ltd. Feb. 13 35-7th St. SE, Medicine Hat AB farming Braunson Holdings Ltd. Mar. 7 2911 Montreal Cres., Regina holding company Chayah Oasis Recovery & Feb. 14 Box 1662, educational services Empowerment Center Inc. Christian Life Safety Ltd. Feb. 18 237-8th Ave. NW, construction safety officer Swift Current and administrator Continental Trucking Inc. Mar. 4 32-135 Hanbidge Cres., Regina trucking CR Welding Ltd. Mar. 4 Box 610, Swift Current welding services David Orchard Organics Ltd. Mar. 4 1630 Quebec Ave., Saskatoon organic farming Derones Construction Ltd. Mar. 6 1001 Elphinstone St., Regina concrete and foundation construction Devin Taylor Farms Ltd. Mar. 7 Box 610, Swift Current farming Dikar Consulting Inc. Mar. 4 3032 Retallack St., Regina information technology; agricultural and management consultant services Dr. Elena Park Mar. 5 7-111 Rosewood Gate N, medical professional Medical Prof. Corp. Saskatoon corporation Dr. L. Okafor Mar. 4 7 Broadway St. E, Yorkton medical professional Medical Prof. Corp. corporation 582 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: DRC Developments Ltd. Mar. 5 104-1640 Idylwyld Dr. N, land and building Saskatoon development services Duane Laskowski Mar. 7 Box 64, Osler chartered accountant C.A. Prof. Corp. professional corporation E6 Consulting Ltd. Feb. 27 5-1st Ave. NE, Weyburn oilfield consultant services Edgar Properties IV Ltd. Mar. 3 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon land and property holding company Farrow Architects Inc. Mar. 4 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina architectural services Flex Appeal Fitness Inc. Mar. 4 222-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon individual and group exercise fitness training, meal planning and nutritional advice Genest Automotive Ltd. Mar. 6 Box 428, Dinsmore automotive repair services Goldenbeach Home Inc. Mar. 3 27 Delaronde Rise, Saskatoon develop and operate seniors’ homes Handful Holdings Ltd. Mar. 6 Box 64, Osler investments; holding company Holder Welding & Feb. 27 Box 20, Lloydminster oilfield welding and Fabricating Ltd. fabrication services Immunoglobulin Mar. 3 932 Brack Crt., biotechnology; produce Synthetics RLD Inc. antibodies and other protein molecules as potential laboratory re-agents, diagnostic and imaging agents and therapeutics Jackalope Media Inc. Mar. 4 532 Gladmer Park, Regina media production services Kerry James Construction Inc. Mar. 6 Box 908, Moose Jaw large frame construction King’s Oven Corp. Mar. 3 621 Ave. G S, Saskatoon pizza shop Kohl Mechanical Ltd. Mar. 8 Box 1046, Dalmeny residential and commercial plumbing, HVAC and gas installation, renovation and repair services Linely Schaefer Realty P.C. Inc. Feb. 24 200-2161 Scarth St., Regina real estate professional corporation Majestic Sales Inc. Mar. 4 234 Iroquois St. E, Moose Jaw distribute food; holding company MCL Properties Ltd. Mar. 5 110-11th St. E, Prince Albert own/rent real estate Midrise Modular, Ltd. Mar. 3 5556 Federal Way, Boise ID install modular building USA products Mofolashade Onaolapo Mar. 4 9-259 Hamilton Rd., Yorkton medical professional Medical Prof. Corp. corporation Mr. Funnel Enterprises Ltd. Mar. 6 Box 1901, Saskatoon manufacture and distribute funnel boxes THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 583

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: MSA Construction & Mar. 7 3825 Caen Ave., Regina residential and commercial Renovation Ltd. construction and renovations NESA Consultants Ltd. Mar. 5 24-2915 Parliament Ave., maintenance planning; Regina asset management; Lidar image interpretation services Neudorf Management Ltd. Mar. 6 205 Central St., Warman veterinary office Northern Point Services Ltd. Feb. 27 General Delivery, Candle Lake small engine repair services; landscaping Northside Sales & Service Ltd. Mar. 3 Box 817, Fort Qu’Appelle mechanical services; sell and repair car/truck tires Oil City Fries Inc. Mar. 5 21-5th St. NE, Weyburn mobile food truck On Par Consulting Inc. Mar. 6 Box 1105, Carlyle oilfield consultant services Ouellette Investments Inc. Mar. 4 Box 293, Delisle real estate Park Family Holding Corp. Mar. 5 7-111 Rosewood Gate N, holding company Saskatoon Pays De Dieux Seeds Ltd. Mar. 7 Box 878, Humboldt independent consultant services; sell seeds Pointmoir Energy Corp. Mar. 5 700, 2010-11th Ave., Regina oil and natural gas production services Prairie Landmark Farm Ltd. Mar. 4 Box 98, Willowbunch grain farming Protemp Measuring Systems Inc. Feb. 28 1954 Angus St., Regina manufacture and repair steel temperature gauges Q & B Rentals Inc. Mar. 5 604 Government Rd. S, rent oilfield equipment Weyburn Regina Investment Holding Inc. Feb. 19 104-1765 Hamilton St., Regina rental properties; maintenance services; renovations Rocky Marie Investments Inc. Mar. 3 Box 214, White City investments; entrepreneurial ventures Ruby’s Tailor Ltd. Mar. 5 25 Scott St., Regina tailor S & L Drywall Inc. Mar. 5 Box 705, drywall services; construction S4 Holdings Limited Mar. 4 1474-11th Ave., Regina holding company Sahjanand Enterprise Ltd. Mar. 6 4021-74th Ave., Lloydminster franchise restaurant Sambo’s Oilfield Services Ltd. Mar. 3 50 Prairie Wind Estates, oil and gas production Kindersley services; maintain oil and gas wells Saskatoon Network Mar. 6 1500, 410-22nd St. E, wide area network fibre Connections Inc. Saskatoon optic private connections Seedmaster Global Holdings Ltd. Mar. 4 300, 15-23rd St. E, Saskatoon holding company 584 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Simalex Trucking Inc. Mar. 8 9-4135 Rae St., Regina interprovincial long-haul trucking Solar Nail Bar & Spa Ltd. Feb. 28 208-4401 Albert St., Regina nails; manicures Step Transport Ltd. Mar. 3 147 Rodenbush Dr., Regina long-haul trucking Sunshine Ag Ltd. Mar. 3 5 Marsh Cres., Regina farming Vanderveeken Grain Farms Ltd. Mar. 5 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon farming Watrous Machining & Mar. 6 4426-26a St., Lloydminster machine shop Repair Inc. Wieblt Construction Services Ltd. Mar. 4 Box 553, Vanscoy modular set-up services; new construction; renovations Yadvindra Logistics Ltd. Mar. 4 106-406 Nelson Rd., Saskatoon heavy goods transportation York Lake Construction Ltd. Mar. 6 36-4th Ave. N, Yorkton road construction

CERTIFICATES of REGISTRATION (2014) Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: 1387768 Alberta Ltd. Mar. 3 Alberta 6740 Johnstone Dr., holding company Red Deer AB 6799834 Manitoba Ltd. Feb. 3 Manitoba 1500 One Lombard holding company Pl., Winnipeg MB Blade Automation Inc. Mar. 5 Alberta 5009-47th St., oilfield automation Lloydminster AB services Bonvin Wine & Spirits Mar. 3 British Columbia 70 Culliton Cres., wine agent Merchants Ltd. Regina SK Bypass Energy Inc. Mar. 7 Alberta 126 Aspen Ridge Pl. resource exploration SW, Calgary AB and production C. Wunder Construction Ltd. Mar. 5 Alberta 5009-47th St., construction and Lloydminster AB renovations CCSS Ventures Inc. Mar. 3 Alberta 5716-28th St., holding company Lloydminster AB CEDA General Partners Ltd. Mar. 7 Alberta 625-11012 Macleod industrial services Trail S, Calgary AB Central Air Mar. 3 Alberta 2-1540 Hastings sell compressed air Equipment (Sask) Ltd. Cres. SE, Calgary and parts; repair AB services Cody’s Ark Services Ltd. Mar. 5 Alberta 5105-49th St., welding services Lloydminster AB Dicom Transportation Mar. 6 British Columbia 10315 Chemin de transportation; logistic Group Canada, Inc. la Cote-de-Liesse, services Dorval QC Hard Climate Mar. 7 Alberta 378-1st St. SE, construction Structures Inc. Medicine Hat AB management services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 585

Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: Ing & McKee Insurance Ltd. Mar. 6 Alberta 2830 Bremner Ave., insurance brokerage Red Deer AB ISN Canada Group Inc./ Feb. 20 Quebec 88 Chemin distribute and install Groupe ISN Canada Inc. du Tremblay, automotive equipment Boucherville QC and tools Kamloops Augering & Mar. 3 British Columbia 300-350 Lansdowne dig post holes Boring Ltd. St., Kamloops BC Lockerbie & Hole Electric Inc. Mar. 3 Alberta 600-12220 electrical services Stony Plain Rd., Edmonton AB Magnoplug Corporation Feb. 28 Manitoba 47 Main St., Flin develop, manufacture Flon MB and sell electrical connectors and plugs actuated by rare earth magnets Mermaid Capital Inc. Mar. 5 Alberta 5009-47th St., holding company Lloydminster AB Olson Farms (Provost) Ltd. Mar. 3 Alberta Section 12-40-3-W4M, farming Provost AB Planworks Architecture Inc. Mar. 5 Alberta 201, 10351-82nd architectural services Ave., Edmonton AB RWI Business Services ULC Mar. 6 British Columbia 16-5650 Hampton management Pl., Vancouver BC consultant services Salford Group Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario R.R. 1, Salford ON manufacture farm implements; tillage and seeding equipment SMA, LLC Feb. 27 Minnesota USA 113 Chelsea Rd., agricultural and Monticello MN USA industrial construction ST2 Holdings, Inc. Mar. 6 Alberta 17318-106th Ave. mortgage brokerage NW, Edmonton AB Swell Private Wealth Ltd. Mar. 5 Alberta 104-2201 Box investment advisory Springs Blvd. NW, services Medicine Hat AB Wolseley Industrial Canada Feb. 13 Canada 880 Laurentian Dr., distribute wholesale Inc./Wolseley Industriel Burlington ON industrial products Canada Inc.

CERTIFICATES of AMALGAMATION (2014) Name: Amalgamating Date: Registered Office: Main Type of Corporations: Business: Aquila Holdings Ltd. Aquila Holdings Ltd.; Mar. 1 1400-2500 Victoria drill wells; operate South East Major Ave., Regina existing wells Projects, Ltd. 586 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Amalgamating Date: Registered Office: Main Type of Corporations: Business: B & B Tree Service Inc. 101090155 Mar. 4 600, 105-21st St. E, tree removal and Saskatchewan Ltd.; Saskatoon maintenance B & B Tree Service Inc.; services Turtle Holdings Inc. Bomac Holdings Corporation Bomac Construction Mar. 1 901, 119-4th Ave. S, holding company (1978) Ltd.; Bomac Saskatoon Construction Ltd.; Bomac Holdings Corporation; Midcan Construction Co. Ltd. Elance Steel Fabricating Elance Steel Feb. 28 701 Broadway Ave., steel fabrication Co. Ltd. Fabricating Co. Ltd.; Saskatoon services Vision 2000 Steel Design Ltd. PFT Investments Inc. Goal Management Mar. 1 1500, 410-22nd St. investment Corp.; PFT E, Saskatoon holding company Investments Inc. T. Bird Oil Ltd. Kalabash Resources Mar. 1 1017-3rd St., oil exploration Ltd.; Prominent Energy Corporation; T. Bird Oil Ltd. Whitefish Holdings Inc. Northlane Investments Mar. 1 374-3rd Ave. S, holding company Ltd.; Whitefish Saskatoon Holdings Inc.

CERTIFICATES of AMENDMENT (2014) Name: Date: Amendment: 101057956 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 changed name to Jorido Foods Lloydminster Ltd. 101158164 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 14 changed name to Uptown Ventures Limited 101212581 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 20 changed name to Rage Oilfield Services Ltd. 101220949 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 12 changed name to K.L.H. Contracting Ltd. 101222397 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 18 changed name to Primex Training Centre Inc. 101230221 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 6 changed name to Impeckable Flooring Ltd. 101232406 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 14 changed name to Springer Ag Ltd. 101232746 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 changed name to J & J Jenkins Holdings Inc. 101237147 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 6 changed name to A & E Honey Inc. 101237391 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 26 changed name to Brownstone Professional Centre Inc. 101243161 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 11 changed name to Nunweiler’s Flour Co. Ltd. 101244084 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 6 changed name to Robert Marit Holdings Ltd. 101245025 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 18 changed name to Show Room Concrete Finishers Inc. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 587

Name: Date: Amendment: 101247152 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 5 changed name to Dombowsky Land Company Ltd. 101249361 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 13 changed name to Chris Defeyter Educational Consultancy Ltd. 101250645 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 21 changed name to DMS Inspection Services Inc. Birch Lane Farm Inc. Feb. 20 changed name to Kirzinger Construction Ltd. Country West Enterprises Inc. Mar. 6 changed name to 317077 Saskatchewan Ltd. Hardy Excavating Ltd. Mar. 4 changed name to 559844 Saskatchewan Ltd. Harvest Services Ltd. Mar. 3 changed name to 101085500 Saskatchewan Ltd. Heartland Oilfield Consulting Inc. Feb. 12 changed name to Dog River Consulting Inc. Lisa Greenhouses Ltd. Mar. 4 changed name to Greencity Building Solution Ltd. M. Silzer Trucking Ltd. Mar. 3 changed name to Silzer Holdings Inc. NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. Mar. 7 changed name to P.M. Holdings Inc. Nickel’s Corner Ltd. Feb. 19 changed name to Nickle’s Corner Ltd. Nunweiler’s Flour Co. Inc. Feb. 11 changed name to 607500 Saskatchewan Ltd. R.G. Dawson Holdings Inc. Mar. 6 changed name to Yorkton HD Cycles Inc. Wesco Services Ltd. Mar. 4 changed name to 527303 Saskatchewan Ltd.

CERTIFICATES of AMENDMENT (Extra-provincial Corporations) (2013) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: GHD Inc. Ontario Oct. 1 amalgamated into GHD Inc. Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co./ Nova Scotia Nov. 1 amalgamated into Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Cie Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co./ Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Cie

(2014) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Bell Media Inc./Bell Media Inc. Canada Jan. 1 amalgamated into Bell Media Inc./Bell Media Inc. Hitachi Power Systems Canada Ltd. Ontario Feb. 1 changed name to Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Canada, Ltd. Lodgenet Interactive Ontario Feb. 13 changed name to Sonifi Solutions (Canada) Corporation (Canada) Inc. NCR Canada Ltd. Nova Scotia Jan. 1 changed name to NCR Canada Corp. 588 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Siemens Water Technologies Ltd./ Canada Jan. 15 amalgamated into Evoqua Water Siemens Technologies Technologies Ltd./Siemens des Eaux Ltée Technologies des Eaux Ltée

CERTIFICATE of DISCONTINUANCE (2014) Name: Date: New Jurisdiction: P.H.I. Consulting Ltd. Mar. 5 Alberta


Name: Date: 101029012 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 25 101192727 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 18 101197583 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 12 101221495 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 12 Commercial Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Feb. 14 Darwen Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Federal Medical Supplies Ltd. Feb. 28 Flying Lazy S Transport Ltd. Feb. 19 GDP Trillium Project Inc. Feb. 28 JL Pizza Enterprises Limited Feb. 19 Keens Holdings Inc. Feb. 13 Kross Consulting Ltd. Feb. 18 Lands Soap Series Inc. Feb. 21 Luseland Agro Services Ltd. Feb. 13 Pixelite Media Incorporated Feb. 13 RP Trillium Project Inc. Feb. 28 Sand Road Express Ltd. Feb. 21 Switzer’s Skid Steer Services Ltd. Feb. 19 The Cupcake Conspiracy Bakery Inc. Feb. 20

CERTIFICATE of REVIVAL (2014) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 313720 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 589

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2014) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 627604 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan 101039051 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan 101090155 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 Saskatchewan 101101170 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 Saskatchewan 101104537 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 27 Saskatchewan 101162517 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 14 Saskatchewan 101195264 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 4 Saskatchewan 101197330 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 11 Saskatchewan 101209598 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan 101211823 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 3 Saskatchewan A3J Excavating & Demolition Ltd. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan Cementation Canada Inc. Feb. 13 Canada Centreline Aviation Solutions Inc. Feb. 12 Saskatchewan Coachwork Collision & Paint Ltd. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan Darin G. Gervais CMA Professional Corporation Feb. 28 Saskatchewan DJ’s Grocery Inc. Feb. 13 Saskatchewan Dr. Gabriela Pitariu Registered Psychologist Prof. Corp. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan Dr. Kamea Aloha Lafontaine Dental Prof. Corp. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan Excell Pavement Marking Inc. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan Fieldstone Land Management Inc. Feb. 27 Saskatchewan Global Safety & Training Services Inc. Feb. 13 Saskatchewan Hempel Ranch Ltd. Mar. 3 Saskatchewan Heron Drilling (1987) Ltd. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan High Power Sales Inc. Feb. 26 Saskatchewan Impact Truck Centre Inc. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan Jiacheng Travel Service Inc. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan Keyser Farms Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Kimosom Pwatinahk Development Corporation Feb. 13 Saskatchewan Midtown Interiors Ltd. Feb. 13 Saskatchewan Ming’s Kitchen Ltd. Mar. 3 Saskatchewan Regina Union Centre Ltd. Feb. 24 Saskatchewan Safety-Kleen Canada Inc. Feb. 27 New Brunswick Sgm Syntech Corporation Feb. 21 Saskatchewan 590 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Shapco Enterprises Ltd. Mar. 3 Alberta Shiro Transport Ltd. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan Soma Studio Inc. Feb. 14 Saskatchewan Supreme Sprinklers Ltd. Feb. 11 Saskatchewan Tank Truck Transport Inc. Feb. 11 Ontario Thomson Industries Inc. Feb. 18 Saskatchewan Velvet Hair Salon Inc. Feb. 27 Saskatchewan

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290 (2014) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 2 Hearts Personal Care Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 28 Productions Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 575648 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 617069 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 617073 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 626681 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101000619 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101025782 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101061229 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101073992 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101089792 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101090023 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101107048 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101107460 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101107610 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101107611 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101107806 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101107853 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101108256 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101108269 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101108345 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101108481 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101108504 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101109270 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 591

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101129352 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130317 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130324 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130325 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130326 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130327 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130329 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130335 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130336 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130378 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130397 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101130649 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101131790 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101150504 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101150750 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101169495 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101169955 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101169982 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101170103 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101170126 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101170210 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101170533 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101170537 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101172242 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101190656 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101190807 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101190808 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101191805 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101191860 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101192229 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101214927 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101214957 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215017 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215040 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 592 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101215054 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215055 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215061 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215098 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215199 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215208 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215213 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215294 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215447 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215600 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215749 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215873 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101215948 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216005 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216024 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216029 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216136 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216515 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216635 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216689 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216691 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 101216700 Saskatchewan Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 1020106 Alberta Ltd. Mar. 5 Alberta 1020109 Alberta Ltd. Mar. 6 Alberta 1020110 Alberta Ltd. Mar. 5 Alberta 1192873 Alberta Ltd. Mar. 2 Alberta 1711568 Ontario Ltd. Feb. 28 Ontario 2300163 Ontario Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario A Better Choice Hauling Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan A.C.T. Global Enterprises Incorporated Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Abs Korea Seeds Co., Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Akela Resources Inc. Mar. 6 Alberta Akero Cost I Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Albern Holdings Limited Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Anton Films Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 593

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Arnie’s Exteriors Ltd. Mar. 2 Alberta ATC Performance Personnel Services Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan B & B Oilfield Service Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Baeru Clean Oil Sands Technology Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Baptiste Lake Lodge Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Basements and Beyond Renovations Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Best Deal Auto Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Big Dog Builders and Renovations Company Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Big Sky Excavating Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan BJ Peters Farms Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Black Diamond Directional Drilling Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Brock Salvage Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Broma Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan C & C Packing Inc./Emballages C & C Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Cake Witch Cafe, Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Canada Van Construction Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Canadian Immersion Camping Experience Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Canahon International Trading Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Canndid Fitness Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Car-Ten Davis Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Castor Asset Management Ltd. Feb. 28 Ontario CDA Export Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Chincan Consulting Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan CKM Consulting Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Colonsay Mobile Park Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Comar Optics Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Courier Saskatoon Portfolio Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario Cowan’s Custom Inspections Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Craftsman Homes Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Crazy Dogs Oilfield Consulting Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario Crown Cab (2011) Limited Feb. 28 Saskatchewan D & L Concrete & Fibreglass Products Ltd. Feb. 28 Manitoba D & R Farms Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan D-Tech Weld Services Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan D. Stewart Farm Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 594 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Daran Good Consulting Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Dark Horse Logistics Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan DC Reno’s Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Deep Woods Construction Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Denco Corral Cleaning Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Dhunna Designworks Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario Domsask Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Double H Drilling & Exploration Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Double K Transport Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Double R Oilfield Services Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Dr. Marius Van Der Merwe Medical Prof. Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Eddy Consulting Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Bar and Grill Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Eight79 Consulting Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Eight79 Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Executive Electric Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Express Homes Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Exquisite Fashions & Bridal Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Fexnor Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Finish Line Construction Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan First Smart Shelters Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Fisch Resources Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Flightline Farms Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Four – D Signs & Trophies Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Freeman Ventures Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan GABA Granite Inc. Mar. 2 Alberta Garrett Petroleum Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan General Pawn Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan GJE Welding & Safety Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Great Western Technologies, Inc. Feb. 28 USA Har-1 Electrical Ltd. Mar. 2 Alberta Harlos Contracting Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Hats Investment & Promotions Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Hemisphere Graphic & Sign Design Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan High Tech Hockey Software, Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 595

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Imperium Group of Companies Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Independent Acquisitions Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Infinite Consulting Services Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Integra Construction Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Integrity Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan J Hunter Construction Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan JDL Underground Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Jeffery China Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan JJ Entertainment Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan JR Oilfield Rentals Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Jubo Restaurants Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Just Be Friends Network Incorporated Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Keestin Construction Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Kelor Enterprises Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Ken McDougall Consultants Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan King Insurance (Steinbach) Ltd. Feb. 28 Manitoba King Stat Exteriors Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Kingfisher’s Portraits Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Kinsale Enterprises Inc. Mar. 2 Alberta Klevin Contracting Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Knee’s Deep Concrete Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Know Willy Welding Ltd. Mar. 2 Alberta Krogan Curling Systems Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan L.G. Concrete Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Lacey Trucking Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Langarra Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Lead By Design Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Lease-Win Limited Feb. 28 Ontario Lil’ Bitty Acres Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Link Trucking Group Incorporated Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Longrun Wealth Financial Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Lucky 13 Truckin Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Luks Hotel Supplies Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan M.Z. International Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan M2 Enterprises Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 596 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: MacNamara Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Mag8 International Corporation Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Magnolia Hair Salon Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Martino Development Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Masterfeeds Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario Maximum Management Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan MBDIN Inc. Feb. 28 Canada McKay Trucking Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Mediarts Project Solutions Inc. Mar. 2 Alberta Medinstructional Resources Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Megg Services Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Miller Auctions Inc. Feb. 28 Manitoba MLK Business Solutions Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Moores-Stover Business Solutions Canada, Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Naber Leasing & Rentals Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Nashlyn Beef Company Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Neudorf Construction Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Neveu Farms Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Ngit Services Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Nici Mining, Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Northern Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Novitex Enterprise Solutions Canada, Inc./Solutions Feb. 28 Canada d’entreprise Novitex Canada, Inc. NV Acres Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Obaby Fresh Organic Baby Food Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Olympia Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Paras Management Consulting Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Penson Financial Services Canada Inc./Services Financiers Feb. 28 Canada Penson Canada Inc. Platinum Recreation & Powersports Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Poplar Ridge Transport Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Prairie Geomatic Solutions for Environment Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Prairie View Developments Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Prevail Energy Canada Ltd. Mar. 2 Alberta Priority Cleaning Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Prodigy Enterprises Inc. Feb. 28 Manitoba THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 597

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Q2 Loup Negotiators Ltd. Feb. 28 Canada Qwest Investment Fund Management Ltd. Feb. 28 Canada R & N Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan R.H. Rediker Transport 2000 Ltd./Transport R.H. Rediker 2000 Ltée Feb. 28 Quebec Railroad Ventures & Salvage Company Feb. 28 Nova Scotia Rainbow Trucking Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Red Fire Circle Consulting Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Redev West Properties Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Risk’n Disk Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Rocky Mountain Rebar Ltd. Mar. 2 Alberta Rotik Placement Consultant Corp. Feb. 28 Canada Royal Trading & Investment Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan S & S Aluminum Services Ltd. Mar. 2 Alberta S & W Decorating Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan S. Martins Medical Prof. Corp. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Safety Seven Manufacturing Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Sai Farm Production Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Salida Capital GP Ltd. Feb. 28 Ontario Sask-River Transport Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Say Yes Travel Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Schwitzer Industries Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Scott Freedom Enterprises Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Secrets for Women Ltd. Feb. 28 Canada Semaco Investments Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Serent Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Canada Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario Shell Creek Ventures Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Shurtec Controls Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Shutout Solutions Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Signature Service Realty Inc. Feb. 28 Ontario Silvermoon Inn (2002) Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Slam Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan SLM Towing and Custom Hauling Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Snap Enterprises Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc. Feb. 18 Ontario 598 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Sunfong Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Swiss Cleaning Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Synergy Professional Vac Services Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan T & B Operation Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Tafari Consulting Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan TAJ Homes Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan TAK Solutions Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Taken Acres Farms Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Tang’s Contracting Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Telephone Duty Day & Night Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Thang Loi Holdings Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Thunder’n Lightning Auto Service Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Thundering Hills Construction Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan TML Contracting Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Tobin Lake Marina Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Tomorrowland Investment and Immigration Corporation Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Tri-Colour Graphics Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Two-Ones Transport Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Uray Interior Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Vanscoy Trailer Court Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Vector Electric and Controls Inc. Mar. 5 Alberta Wave Capital Fund Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Wayne’s Trucking & Landscaping Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Wedding Trendz Ltd. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Wells Holdings Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan WLB Holdings Limited Mar. 2 Alberta Wordmark Consulting Group Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Ying Yang Holding Incorporated Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Young Capital Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan


Amin Bardestani, Director. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 599

The Business Names Registration Act ______

CANCELLATIONS (2014) Name: Date: Place of Business: Bolt Cleaners Feb. 13 Humboldt Brilliant Retail Feb. 10 Saskatoon CEDA-Reactor LP Mar. 4 Calgary AB Discovery 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership Mar. 5 Regina EFCC Environmental Furnace & Carpet Cleaning Feb. 18 Saskatoon Essential Energy Services Limited Partnership Mar. 4 Regina Fiona’s Esthetics Feb. 19 Warman GE Real Estate Mar. 6 Mississauga ON Glass Slipper Cleaning Services Feb. 10 Saskatoon Holder Welding & Fabricating Feb. 27 Kenaston KLH Contracting Feb. 12 Dodsland Little Printer on the Prairie Feb. 14 Rosetown Magnum Trucks Feb. 28 Shaunavon Mar Delivery Service Feb. 19 Regina Primex Training Centre Feb. 18 Regina Protemp Manufacturing Feb. 28 Regina Regina Investment Holding Feb. 19 Regina S & L Drywall Feb. 28 Pierceland Seidy – The Cleaning Lady Feb. 13 Show Room Concrete Finishers Feb. 18 Regina Solar Nail Bar & Spa Feb. 28 Regina Stifel Nicolaus Feb. 18 Toronto ON Stifel Nicolaus Weisel Feb. 18 Toronto ON The Cricket Shoppe Feb. 26 Saltcoats Third Avenue Christian Centre Feb. 12 Regina Twig & Squirrel’s Wild Goods Feb. 27 Saskatoon United Auto Garage Feb. 18 Saskatoon

JOINT VENTURE REGISTRATION (2014) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: River Street Ventures Mar. 3 Box 908, Moose Jaw property development services 600 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2014) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: A Cut Above Handcrafted Boxes Mar. 5 Box 131, St. Gregor handcrafted jewellery, keepsakes and memory boxes A.L. Lindemann Mar. 4 605 Mountain St., Moosomin trim and shoe horses’ Farrier Services hooves Abbate Painting Feb. 19 Box 66, Domremy residential painting services Abe’s Trucking Mar. 5 Box 263, Torquay haul grain Adam’s Welding & Jan. 24 Box 59, Odessa welding and machining Machine Shop services ADH Trucking Mar. 6 Box 297, Paradise Hill haul oil and water Akkora Contracting Mar. 3 Box 105, contract carpentry services Albino Black Sheep Consulting Mar. 5 2933 Hill Ave., Regina governance consultant services Amobi IT Consulting Mar. 4 12 Wolfe Pl., Regina IT consultant services Arslan Intellectual Work Mar. 5 232-2002 Quebec Ave., IT and website design Saskatoon services; import/export; clothing B-First Safety Consulting Mar. 8 Box 136, Candle Lake safety consultant and training services Bird’s Eye Taxidermy Mar. 3 1815 Dieppe Cres., Estevan taxidermy BJ Contracting Mar. 3 1114 Golden Pl., Swift Current construction Blast It! Glass and Mar. 6 321 Laval Cres., Saskatoon glass and stone engraving Stone Engraving. services Bolt Cleaners Mar. 7 Box 5195, Humboldt cleaning services Bookkeeping with Joy Mar. 3 547 Creighton Ave., Creighton bookkeeping services Brett Ludtke Photo Mar. 7 Box 118, photography Bridge I.T. Solutions Mar. 5 10, 2301-7th St. E, Saskatoon information technology business solutions Building Blocks Feb. 28 200-533 Victoria Ave., Regina occupational therapy Occupational Therapy Capan’s Store Feb. 13 Box 185, Marcelin confectionery; sell cigarettes Carthago Renovation Mar. 9 284 Coldwell Rd., Regina construction and renovations; residential and commercial flooring; repair services Cleaning Essentials Mar. 6 204-2nd Ave., Griffin residential and commercial cleaning services Courtney Jess Photography Mar. 6 Box 857, Carrot River wedding, portrait and lifestyle photography THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 601

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Crescent Drywall Feb. 28 162 Edmund Park, Saskatoon residential and commercial insulation, drywall, taping and texturing services Croswell Restorations Mar. 3 Box 462, Birch Hills carpentry services David Ursu Projects Mar. 8 2153 Smith St., Regina handy-man services Digi Kidz Photography Mar. 4 8 Flax Rd., Moose Jaw photography Distribution P.D.G. Feb. 20 22 Chemin du Tremblay, distribute and install Boucherville QC automotive equipment and tools Driving Doctor Feb. 12 247 Hunt Rd., Saskatoon driver training Eston Electric (2013) Mar. 6 Box 518, Eston contract electrical services Fehr’s Furniture Repair Mar. 4 2939 McClocklin Rd., restore and repair furniture Saskatoon Femme Fatale Interiors Mar. 4 1019 Kingsmere Blvd., drywall, mudding and Saskatoon taping services; textured ceilings Final Touch Spray Finishing Mar. 6 Box 245, Hague spray finishing; powder and Powder Coating coating services Forgues Cartridge Replacement Mar. 5 3604 Sherwood Dr., Regina sell and repair office machinery; consultant services From Kathy’s Kitchen Mar. 5 1108-2153 Lorne St., Regina catering services; frozen foods Gargoyle Media Mar. 6 Box 158, Allan photography; graphic design services GE Power & Water Feb. 14 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina power generation, energy delivery and water process technologies Gilroc Drywall & Construction Mar. 4 4629 Skinner Cres., Regina drywall services; construction Glass Slipper Cleaning Feb. 10 111-2103 Airport Dr., residential cleaning and Concierge Saskatoon services; errands Gosselin Projects Mar. 7 2715 Livingstone Bay, Regina personal leadership development coaching services Greg Huszar Photography Mar. 7 69 Academy Park Rd., Regina corporate, editorial and advertising photography and motion Grid Iron Trucking Mar. 8 Box 391, Kindersley trucking GSA Wheels Auto Care Mar. 6 Box 335, Mossbank automotive care; tire repair services Harley Keebler Sales Mar. 5 Box 543, Asquith sales representative Harvest Services Mar. 4 130 Hodsman Rd., Regina manufacture and sell combine parts 602 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Hildebrandt Roofing Mar. 6 Box 488, Yorkton roofing services Hillcrest Occupational Testing Mar. 4 614 Ominica St. E, Moose Jaw occupational and workplace and Assessments safety; drug, alcohol mask fit testing services; audio exams; employment medicals Installation Multi-Mecanique Feb. 20 88 Chemin du Tremblay, distribute and install Boucherville QC automotive equipment and tools International Fabric Buildings Feb. 28 26, 1501-8th St. E, Saskatoon fabric building quality certification and maintenance services Isepix Scanning Mar. 5 918 Wallace St., Regina scan slides, negatives and photographs Item Nine Designs Mar. 7 428 Ave. Q N, Saskatoon 3D, website and graphic design services Jackie Hall Photography Mar. 4 757 Campbell St., Regina portrait, fashion and boudoir photography Janelle Lee’s Day Spa & Feb. 18 Box 295, Wapella spa and nail supply services Nail Lounge Jewellery By Joanne Mar. 7 Box 102, design, produce and sell jewellery KCW Creative Woodworks Mar. 8 231 Thain Way, Saskatoon custom cabinets and creative wood creations Kingdom Toys Mar. 7 293-17th St. W, Bay 3, retail toys and collectable Prince Albert items Kisch MRI Consulting Mar. 6 605, 125-5th Ave. N, Saskatoon health region and university medical imaging consultant services KLL Taxi Feb. 19 2604 Muskeg Pl., taxi services Pelican Narrows Kyle Hotel 2014 Mar. 5 Box 878, Humboldt hotel and restaurant Laslo Contracting Mar. 4 1513-4th St., Estevan demolition; installation services; renovations Lauren Winter Photography Mar. 4 414 Peters Cove, Saskatoon photography Les Equipements de Feb. 20 88 Chemin du Tremblay, distribute and install Garage Denis Boucherville QC automotive equipment and tools Life Support Concierge Mar. 4 310 Mallin Cres., Saskatoon concierge service; domestic errands and life task organization Lisa J Enterprises Mar. 4 Box 74, Tuxford roof and floor truss design; bookkeeping services Little Handprints Dayhome Mar. 5 Box 166, Young day home THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 603

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Love and Lace Event Design Mar. 4 Comp. 179, Site 503, R.R. 5, event planning and design Saskatoon services Mac Quarrie Construction Feb. 12 1427 Ave. C N, Saskatoon contract construction and carpentry services Magnum Trucks Feb. 28 Box 1700, Shaunavon truck repair services; sell parts Mahihkan Oilfield Services Feb. 18 Box 317, Onion Lake haul heavy crude oil and produced water around Onion Lake Maxx Drillworks Mar. 7 002-2305 Victoria Ave., Regina develop and manufacture service rigs and power carriers Meath Park Country Store Mar. 5 Box 142 Railway Ave., grocery store; bakery Meath Park Metropolitan Clothing Feb. 19 1915 Athol St., Regina clothing and apparel and Apparel Moo-Vers Transport Feb. 18 Box 339, Norquay haul cattle MSK Flooring Feb. 18 1148 Rae St., Regina install flooring Music Music Entertainment Mar. 3 3300 Hill Ave., Regina music entertainment; mobile DJ; guitar lessons; talent promotion and management services New-Life Mills Feb. 12 16 Floral Rd., Clavet feed products North Tower Construction Feb. 21 1420-8th Ave. N, Saskatoon foundation; pour and finish concrete; wall framing services Northeast Rhythms Mar. 6 102 McCosh Dr., Melfort gymnastics classes Rhythmic Gymnastics OEC Events Mar. 7 2117 Red Deer Rd., Saskatoon restaurant and nightclub Peace Love Healing Mar. 4 Box 104, Birch Hills Reiki practitioner Perkins Restaurant & Bakery Mar. 6 100, 316-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon baking; eatery Platinum Autosport Mar. 6 2, 330-22nd St. W, Saskatoon sell used automobiles Pond Foundations Mar. 9 2004 William Ave., Saskatoon residential concrete foundations Prairie Roots Express Mar. 7 Box 104, Aberdeen trucking Qu’Appelle Feb. 18 Box 1311, Indian Head biomedical and electronic Regional Biomedtech engineering consultant and maintenance services Rainbow Community Feb. 14 Box 2337, Battleford facilitation; seminars; Development project management; cross-cultural training program consultant services 604 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Regina Acupuncture Mar. 8 2761 McDonald St., Regina acupuncture treatments; traditional Chinese medicine Reset Holistic Health & Mar. 8 103-12 Cundall Dr., Estevan holistic health; nutritional Nutritional Counselling counselling services Ringside Wrestling Mar. 2 1127 Lindsay St., Regina promote professional wrestling events Rose’s Massage Therapy Mar. 6 199 Markwell Dr., Regina massage therapy services RTD Cleaning and Mar. 7 3426 John A MacDonald Rd., cleaning and janitorial Janitorial Services Saskatoon services Rusty Nail Construction Mar. 3 Box 2614, Melfort residential construction Sandtrap Arena Mar. 3 Box 1253, Swift Current sports event management services Saskatoon Roof Services Feb. 21 Box 47, Clavet shingle installation and removal services Show Cabinets Mar. 3 610 Beechmont Crt., Saskatoon manufacture kitchen cabinets and furniture Stoneworks Regina Mar. 5 504-2206 Dewdney Ave., residential and commercial Regina exterior refinishing services Taylor’d Heating & Sheet Metal Mar. 4 Box 488, Nipawin heating and sheet metal services Triple “L” Ventures Feb. 18 Box 593, Cudworth rent houses; handy-man services; construction Triumph Roofing & Exterior Mar. 6 1171B-100th St., residential and commercial North Battleford roofing services U-Scan Ultrasound Mar. 6 226 Benesh Pl., Saskatoon diagnostic ultrasound Consulting Services training services United Auto Garage Feb. 18 618 Ave. O S, Saskatoon automobile garage; repair services Urban Energy Mar. 5 146 Dulmage Cres., Saskatoon contract residential electrical services; basement development; renovations Viper Construction Mar. 7 19 Stack Cres., Meadow Lake finishing carpentry White Balance Media Mar. 6 Box 1695, Martensville special event videography; custom post-production services Wish Upon a Spa Mar. 4 915 Bercovich Cres., Regina nail/spa services; manicures

PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2014) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 4H Trucking Feb. 13 Box 1292, Meadow Lake trucking THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 605

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 14north Construction Mar. 3 Box 48, Aberdeen residential and commercial construction Ads Investigations and Mar. 5 Box 32750 Ra Landmark, commercial fraud; Protection Services Regina undercover operations; surveillance; domestic investigations; special event security; executive protection services Agworld Equipment Mar. 3 Box 340, Kinistino sell and repair farm equipment D & D Dirt Diggers Mar. 7 Box 3409, Nipawin miniature backhoe; skid steer services Fat Stacks Partnership Mar. 5 8331 Struthers Cres., Regina investments Frank’s Tree Moving Feb. 13 Box 98, plant trees Gravelbeans Coffee Company Mar. 6 Box 34, Palmer roast and sell coffee beans Greids Marketing Services Mar. 7 5821 Sherwood Dr., Regina film video advertisements for; produce promotional materials, business cards and brochures High Voltage Farms Mar. 3 Box 763, Redvers farming Holly Hanley Painting Designs Mar. 4 102 Bellmont Cres., Saskatoon sell arts and crafts; educational services Hopping Goats Brewing Mar. 7 42 Holly Cres., Moose Jaw brewery; consultant services Iron Man Dan Farm Feb. 27 418 Cockburn Cres., Saskatoon sell farm equipment; Equipment Sales custom harvesting JH Nutrition Products Mar. 3 550 Lynd Pl., Saskatoon sell Canadian-made nutritional products internationally Jia Wong Restaurant Mar. 5 40 Pacific Ave. W, Kerrobert Chinese and Canadian cuisine restaurant Kovatch Delivery and Transport Mar. 5 39 Brockelbank Cres., Regina delivery services; transportation N & W Cleaning Services Mar. 4 519 Bayfield Cres., Saskatoon residential and commercial cleaning services Prairie Frame Mar. 7 Box 1784, Moosomin custom picture and memorabilia framing services; sell picture frames and framing products RMS Ag Feb. 14 Box 83, Leslie farming Rockin P Mechanical Mar. 6 Box 516, Debden industrial mechanical repair, support and consultant services Scintilla Led Lighting Mar. 5 7011 Maple Wood Cres., Regina sell and repair indoor/outdoor LED lighting and accessories 606 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Shay Farms Mar. 7 Box 43, Borden farming Simply Clean Mar. 6 230 Montreal Ave. S, residential and commercial Saskatoon cleaning services Sloughill Farms Feb. 13 Box 64, Calder farming STL Transport Mar. 5 Box 180, St. Brieux trucking Straight Edge Painting Mar. 4 272 Gladmer Cres., Saskatoon painting services Superior Striping Mar. 7 Box 2451, Humboldt paint lines for parking lots and crosswalks The Other Guys Construction Mar. 7 331 Hull Crt., Saskatoon carpentry; renovations; roofing, vinyl siding and flooring services The Prairie Cricket Mar. 3 202 Commercial St., Saltcoats buy and sell antiques; Shoppe Antiques custom refinishing services Venter Crane Services Mar. 8 Box 579, Langham mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance and repair services WDCHK Studio Woodchuk Mar. 3 Box 1012, Kelvington handmade birdhouses, Crafts & Reno’s feeders and yard displays; custom interior and landscape design services; renovations Yellow Crest Wheels Mar. 6 3-120 Acadia Dr., Saskatoon sell custom, handmade bicycle wheels online


Name: Date: Dynamo Electric Feb. 12

EXPIRATIONS (2014) Name: Date: Place of Business: 7even Levels Mar. 6 Saskatoon A & A Construction Mar. 6 Debden A & C Services Mar. 6 Regina A Kid’s Way Centre Mar. 6 Regina A.M.E. Systems Mar. 6 Saskatoon A.W. Building Services Mar. 6 Victoria BC ABC Property Management Mar. 6 Weyburn Aberdeen Angus Bar and Grill Mar. 6 Aberdeen Adventure Snowmobile Rentals Mar. 6 Saskatoon THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 607

Name: Date: Place of Business: Alfred Hauling Mar. 6 Saskatoon Align Custom Contracting Mar. 6 Balgonie Allset Contracting Mar. 6 Regina Amarrett Mobile Welding Mar. 6 Marsden AMB Shipping Mar. 6 Regina Anja Dance Mar. 6 Regina Antigua Restaurant Mar. 6 Saskatoon Applebee Auto Body Mar. 6 Shellbrook Applebee Signs, Printing & Cellular Mar. 6 Shellbrook April’s Bar & Grill Mar. 6 Zenon Park Armorthane of Watrous Mar. 6 Watrous Atomic Portable Welding Mar. 6 Saskatoon Autet Construction Mar. 6 Leask Avril’s Fabrications Mar. 6 Regina B & G Eavestroughing Mar. 6 Shellbrook B & M Klarer Oilfield Services Mar. 6 Nipawin B-Line Holdings Mar. 6 Yorkton B. Petras Enterprises Mar. 6 Maidstone Badd Farms Mar. 6 Melville Baron Land Company Mar. 6 Prince Albert Baron Management Company Mar. 6 Prince Albert BDI Trucking Mar. 6 Beattie’s Plumbing Mar. 6 Saskatoon Beaver Creek Printing & Graphics Mar. 6 Stenen Bela Towing Mar. 6 Regina Bell Tire Retreaders Mar. 6 Regina Belladerma Laser and Cosmetic Medical Skin Care Mar. 6 Regina Berkana Contracting Mar. 6 Lloydminster Bevco Vending Mar. 6 Regina Beveridges Spray Foam Mar. 6 Saskatoon Bewitched Hair Salon Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Beyer’s Choice Deck & Fence Mar. 6 Balgonie BFF Weddings Mar. 6 Grenfell Big Boy Sand & Gravel Partnership Mar. 6 Saskatoon 608 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Place of Business: Bisharo Cleaning Service Mar. 6 Saskatoon Bite Me Doggie Toy Mar. 6 Saskatoon Black Bear Woodwork Mar. 6 Wolseley Blackwood Trucking Mar. 6 Sintaluta BPS Bill’s Press Services Mar. 6 Dundurn BRS & Sons Construction Mar. 6 Langenburg Buddies Tax and Bookkeeping Service Mar. 6 Saskatoon Bump to Baby Maternity & Beyond Mar. 6 Estevan Butler Educational Promotions Mar. 6 Saskatoon Buzzcomm Mobile Interactive Media Mar. 6 Saskatoon By Livestock Mar. 6 Regina Cabo’s Pet Center Mar. 6 Swift Current Campbells Towing Mar. 6 Regina Canadian Rink Masters Mar. 6 Regina Capri Skid Steer Services Mar. 6 White City Caring Hands Personal Care Mar. 6 Regina Casa Bella Interiors Mar. 6 Regina Cathedral Acupuncture Clinic Mar. 6 Regina Celgene Mar. 6 Toronto ON Centennial Marketing Group Mar. 6 Montreal QC Chantelle Moore Studio Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Chitwood Farms Mar. 6 Govan Chrysalides Consulting Mar. 6 Regina Chrysallis Consulting Mar. 6 Saskatoon City Wide Renovation Cleanup Mar. 6 Saskatoon Clarifi Computer Solutions Mar. 6 Saskatoon Clarify Computer Solutions Mar. 6 Saskatoon CMK Business Solutions Mar. 6 Regina Common Cents Solutions Mar. 6 McLean Coventry Design Studio Mar. 6 Regina Coyote Ridge Ventures Mar. 6 Dundurn Creative Looks Hair Studio Mar. 6 Prince Albert Creelman Super Steam Mar. 6 North Battleford Crouse Consulting Mar. 6 Regina Crystal Maffenbeier Photography Mar. 6 Oxbow THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 609

Name: Date: Place of Business: Crystal Organics Mar. 6 Birch Hills Cut Above Beauty Salon Mar. 6 Saskatoon Darfre Enterprises Mar. 6 Saskatoon Decadent Delights Skincare Mar. 6 Saskatoon Derrick Motor Hotel Mar. 6 Regina DGD Custom Woodworks Mar. 6 Regina Diamond City Painting Mar. 6 Prince Albert Diamond Country Fretwork Mar. 6 Prince Albert Double Barrel Hotshot Mar. 6 Alameda Down Agencies Mar. 6 Semans Dr. Darrell Davis Counselling Services Mar. 6 Regina Drew Remenda Media Mar. 6 Saskatoon Durston’s Enterprises Mar. 6 Regina Dynamic Stucco Mar. 6 Regina E.M. Bin Construction Mar. 6 Montmartre Easy Breezy Yardworks Mar. 6 Regina Edwin Cawkwell & Laura Olson Farms Mar. 6 Nut Mountain Eileen’s Lures and Flures Mar. 6 Kelvington EK Construction Mar. 6 Wapella Elite Camp Services Mar. 6 Spruce Grove AB Ellen’s Repair & Upholstery Mar. 6 Ituna Elly-Lou’s Cleaning Service Mar. 6 Creighton Etoile Culinary Arts International Mar. 6 Maple Creek Europ Assistance Canada Mar. 6 Thornhill ON Evolution IT Consulting Mar. 6 Regina Extreme Finish Paint & Drywall Mar. 6 Saskatoon F2f Contracting Mar. 6 Loreburn Fabulon Products Mar. 6 Cleveland OH USA Fen 1 Farm Mar. 6 Delisle Fire Monkey Design Studio Mar. 6 Moose Jaw First Person Gaming Mar. 6 Saskatoon Five Star Reindeer Farm Mar. 6 Choiceland Flint Safety Services Mar. 6 Calgary AB Fly Moving and Delivery Mar. 6 Prince Albert Four Corners Assistant Services Mar. 6 Regina 610 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Place of Business: Francis & Bernard Publishing Mar. 6 Regina Fresh Ground Coffee House Mar. 6 Rosetown Freshair Mechanical Mar. 6 Saskatoon Full Circle Events Mar. 6 Saskatoon Fur Real Friends Pet Shop Mar. 6 Kindersley G. Taylor Trucking Mar. 6 Loon Lake Gabe’s Satellite Systems Mar. 6 Balcarres Gaildon Products Mar. 6 Eatonia Garrett’s SPS Proformance Centre Mar. 6 Saskatoon Genesis Material Suppliers Mar. 6 Regina German Design Mar. 6 Qu’Appelle Giesen Construction Mar. 6 Swift Current Glascock Construction Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Gloria Mitchell Communications Mar. 6 Saskatoon Go-Fer-U Delivery Mar. 6 Melfort Golden Eagle Outfitting Mar. 6 Buffalo Narrows Golf Angles Mar. 6 Humboldt Gord McEwen Renovations Mar. 6 Whitewood Green Volt Battery Exchange Mar. 6 Hague Hair on the Rocks Barbershop Mar. 6 Denare Beach Happily Ever After Wedding Cakes Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Heart Unfolding – Transformation Consultants Mar. 6 Saskatoon Hi-Tech Engravers & Rubber Stamps Mar. 6 Yorkton Hippy Baby Carriers and More Mar. 6 Saskatoon Homestyles Home Renovations Mar. 6 Saskatoon Homestyles Publications Mar. 6 Saskatoon Homestyles Publications & Productions Mar. 6 Saskatoon Homestyles Radio Mar. 6 Saskatoon Homestyles Web Based Products Mar. 6 Saskatoon Honey B’s Dayhome Mar. 6 Saskatoon Ideal Leisure Sales Mar. 6 Yorkton IHS Wood Works Mar. 6 Borden In Line Fencing Mar. 6 Regina Interior Design Elegance Mar. 6 Delisle Inviting Connections: Early Learning Services Mar. 6 Saskatoon THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 611

Name: Date: Place of Business: Isibel’s Plunder & Spoils Merchanting Mar. 6 Bienfait JW Commercial Painting Mar. 6 London ON J.B. Ag Services Mar. 6 Leoville J.Pollock Hauling Mar. 6 Saskatoon J.T.B Mobile Welding Mar. 6 Churchbridge ON J5 Bison Mar. 6 Wawota Jan’s Hair Care on Wheels Mar. 6 Saskatoon Jeff Kelln Project Management & Construction Mar. 6 Regina Jim’s Drywall Mar. 6 Saskatoon Jim’s Farm Supply’s Mar. 6 Tugaske JTJ Joint Venture Mar. 6 Regina Jubalee Contracting Mar. 6 Estevan June Roque Hotshot Transporter Mar. 6 Estevan K Rose Ranch Mar. 6 Langham Kelliher Sub Shoppe Mar. 6 Cupar Kellys Cleaning & Laundry Services Mar. 6 Pilot Butte Ken & Valerie Funke Farm Partnership Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Kiezie Disposals Mar. 6 Buffalo Narrows King’s Sport Leisure & Marine Mar. 6 Yorkton Kipkoos Designs Mar. 6 Regina KLS Professional Landscape Service Mar. 6 Tuxford L Hein Construction Mar. 6 Regina Lake Country Contracting Mar. 6 Martensville Langford Construction Mar. 6 Carlyle Lilyfield Photography Mar. 6 Regina Linde Gases Mar. 6 Mississauga ON Loff’s Kitchen Mar. 6 Spiritwood Lone Pine Studio Mar. 6 Prince Albert Lrw Wine Supplies Mar. 6 Yorkton M & C International Trade Mar. 6 Toronto ON M.S. Fashion & Boutique Mar. 6 Saskatoon Maceon Concrete Finishing Mar. 6 Regina Makwa Flea Market Mar. 6 Makwa Mannle Farms Mar. 6 Moosomin Maple Leaf School Age Care Mar. 6 Moose Jaw 612 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Place of Business: Marzilli Auto Brokers Mar. 6 Saskatoon Masonite International/Masonite Internationale Mar. 6 Regina MCE Computing Mar. 6 Regina Melissa Business Services Mar. 6 Saskatoon Mile Zero Cattle Co. Mar. 6 Prince Albert Minus 6 Photography Mar. 6 Elstow Miss Viki’s Driving Mar. 6 Regina Momassist: Personal Assistants for Moms with New Babies Mar. 6 Saskatoon Morning Mist Bed & Breakfast Mar. 6 Big River Mosley Electric Mar. 6 Assiniboia Mr. Golf Clubs Mar. 6 Regina Muziek Art Gallery Mar. 6 Lumsden Myra’s Hair Etc! Too Mar. 6 Marsden NB Kitty Kuts & Doggie Do’s Mar. 6 North Battleford Northern Cabin Care Mar. 6 Shell Lake Northern Focus Holdings Mar. 6 Prince Albert Not Just Bags Mar. 6 Lampman Odnokon Consulting Mar. 6 Saskatoon Off Broadway Laundromat & Drycleaning Mar. 6 Saskatoon Off Broadway Antiques Market Mar. 6 Saskatoon Oh My Goddess Soap Company Mar. 6 Saskatoon On Track Massage Therapy Mar. 6 Saskatoon One 11 Express Foods Mar. 6 Quinton Onion Lake Safety Services Mar. 6 Onion Lake Outlaw Farms Mar. 6 Allan Oversoul Mar. 6 Canora P.W.P. Powerwash Plus Mar. 6 Chamberlain Parthenon Construction Mar. 6 Saskatoon Pelican Landing Interiors & Accents Mar. 6 Elbow Pelletier Interiors Mar. 6 Saskatoon Perfect Paw Pet Grooming Mar. 6 Southey Petryshyn Geological Consulting Mar. 6 Regina Photo Creations By Andrea Mar. 6 Humboldt Pigskin & Peelers Sports Tours Mar. 6 Indian Head Pipes Fitness Mar. 6 North Battleford THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 613

Name: Date: Place of Business: Pizza Orbit Mar. 6 Surrey BC Poetry for the Eye Photography Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Polished Nail Studio Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Precise Tile Mar. 6 Regina Prestige Roofing and Renovations Mar. 6 Regina Prince Albert Meat Market Mar. 6 Prince Albert Profolio Photography Mar. 6 North Battleford Puck & Peelers Hockey Tours Mar. 6 Indian Head Pure Karma Cleaning Mar. 6 Saskatoon Py Scrubs and Sport Shoes Mar. 6 Prince Albert Quantus Mortgage Solutions Mar. 6 Calgary AB R. Ludwar’s C M S Consulting Mar. 6 Swift Current Rakerz Nail Design Mar. 6 Ogema Rapid Roofing Solutions Mar. 6 Saskatoon Rapp Tax & Consulting Mar. 6 Regina RCV Mobile Welding Mar. 6 Saskatoon Regal Manor Apartments Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Regent Family Restaurant Mar. 6 Regina Regina Limousine Mar. 6 Regina RG Solutions Mar. 6 Swift Current Rijo Enterprises Mar. 6 Prince Albert Rina’s Sew and Such Mar. 6 Assiniboia Risman Construction Mar. 6 Riviere Holdings Mar. 6 Radville RNV Spiritwood Trucking Mar. 6 Spiritwood Robert Borden Law Office Mar. 6 Saskatoon Rock Ridge Renovations Mar. 6 Radville Rockheart Media Productions Mar. 6 Regina Rockin’ Rod Records Mar. 6 Saskatoon Rocknroll House of Cards Mar. 6 Saskatoon Rockwool Plumbing and Heating Mar. 6 Regina Rod’s Refinishing Mar. 6 Regina Roland Hamlin Chartered Accountant Mar. 6 Watrous Ron Jacobson Trucking Mar. 6 Martensville Rosthern Home Hardware Mar. 6 Saskatoon 614 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Place of Business: Safe Workplace Training Regina Mar. 6 Regina Salayview Farm Mar. 6 Lang Saskglass Installations Mar. 6 Shellbrook SB Product Sourcing and Sales Mar. 6 Regina Scrapbook Studio on 8th Mar. 6 Saskatoon Shadow Knight Services Mar. 6 Saskatoon Shane’s Construction & Bin Services Mar. 6 Ogema Sharky’s Skid Steer, Hot Shot Service Mar. 6 Yorkton Shellrick Enterprises Mar. 6 Martensville Shepherd Contracting Mar. 6 Carlyle Shepherd Technologies Mar. 6 North Battleford Silent Winter Ice Shack Rentals Mar. 6 Love Silver Cafe Mar. 6 Cabri Silver Star Promotions Mar. 6 Saskatoon Simple Dreams Tattoo & Piercing Mar. 6 Regina Simply You Mar. 6 Brampton ON Sleek Wedding Designs Mar. 6 Weyburn Smokey Diamond Ranch Mar. 6 Yorkton Sole to Sole Reflexology Mar. 6 Melfort Solstice Salon and Spa Mar. 6 Regina Somerville Auction Service Mar. 6 Mantario Sophia Grace Home Accessories Mar. 6 Saskatoon Southwest Mowing and Snow Removal Services Mar. 6 Gull Lake Spirited Soul Salon Mar. 6 Regina Splett Sheet Metal Mar. 6 Hartney MB Sportstogo.Ca Mar. 6 Regina Spotfire Media Mar. 6 Regina Spuds Irrigation Mar. 6 Saskatoon Squirrel Hills Water and Meats Mar. 6 Indian Head St. Brieux Hotel Mar. 6 St. Brieux Stayclean Services Mar. 6 Regina Stinka Farms Mar. 6 Stovey’s Stuff Mar. 6 Regina Success Source International Mar. 6 Regina Sure Stride Equine Therapy Mar. 6 Central Butte THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 615

Name: Date: Place of Business: Sweet Transport Mar. 6 Strasbourg Sweet Treasures Studio Mar. 6 Biggar T & G Embroidery Stitches Mar. 6 Lloydminster T.Geez The Wave Cafe Mar. 6 Saskatoon Tamasan – Body, Mind & Spirit Therapy Mar. 6 Swift Current Tammy’s Gift Boutique Mar. 6 Hanley Tandra Ridge Homes Mar. 6 Prince Albert Teaser’s Dance Studio Mar. 6 Swift Current Tesfa Cleaning Mar. 6 Lloydminster The Bentley Hair Care Salon Mar. 6 Moose Jaw The Great Canadian Homes Mar. 6 Saskatoon The Joinery By D & L Mar. 6 Prince Albert The Pense Bar & Grill Mar. 6 Pense The Sheepdogs Mar. 6 Saskatoon The Tyler Group Financial Services Mar. 6 Regina The Unit Brand Clothing Mar. 6 Unity Thecrew Outdoors Mar. 6 Foxford Tilly Restaurant Mar. 6 Langham Tina’s Specialty Shop on Costume Design Mar. 6 Regina Titan Tunnelling & Construction Services Mar. 6 Regina TJD Enterprise Mar. 6 Regina TJK Technologies Mar. 6 Rocanville TJS Contracting Mar. 6 Qu’Appelle Top Cleaners Mar. 6 Regina Torch River Manufacturing Mar. 6 Nipawin ‘N’ Country Taxi Mar. 6 Kelliher Tracie Cooper Photographer Mar. 6 Emerald Park Trax Delivery Mar. 6 Moose Jaw Tread Flooring Mar. 6 Saskatoon Treasures for Less Discount Store Mar. 6 Humboldt Treeview Farms Mar. 6 Vanguard TRL Enterprises Mar. 6 Saskatoon Trusty & Associates Consulting Mar. 6 Prince Albert TTM Mobile Mechanical Services Mar. 6 Big River Turn N’ Burn Performance Horses Mar. 6 Montmartre 616 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Place of Business: Twenty Eleven Yard Maintenance Mar. 6 Melfort Ultravision Construction Mar. 6 Saskatoon Vanity Ventures Mar. 6 Nipawin Vickers IT Solutions Mar. 6 Prince Albert Wayne Wirtz Contracting Mar. 6 Regina Wayne’s Moving Mar. 6 Regina West-Can Homes Mar. 6 Regina Westside Consignment Sales & Service Mar. 6 Melville Willow Creek Gifts Mar. 6 Tompkins Winning Designs Home Staging & Restyling Mar. 6 Weyburn Worldwide Natural Foods Mar. 6 Melville Xceed Sales Mar. 6 Saskatoon Xeric Software Mar. 6 Saskatoon You Do It Counselling and Training Services Mar. 6 Regina YTB Mar. 6 Halifax NS


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ______

CERTIFICATES of INCORPORATION (2014) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Activities: Can-China Energy Chamber of Mar. 8 1315 Radway St. N, Regina local organization; promote Commerce Inc. and develop business opportunities For the Love of Matthew Mar. 6 1900 Atkinson St., Regina provide planning, Association Inc. decision-making and administration support services Hamilton Flats Mixed Feb. 25 380 Ominica St. E, Moose Jaw Slo-Pitch ball league Slo-Pitch League Inc. Northwest Métis Cultural Mar. 8 Box 429, Ile-à-la-Crosse square dancing and Group Incorporated jigging; fishing, hunting, and trapping; canoe trips; camping; sweat lodge ceremonies Takwakin Culture Projects Inc. Feb. 14 Box 272, media and culture projects THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 617

CERTIFICATE of AMENDMENT (2014) Name: Date: Amendment: 101238105 Saskatchewan Inc. Feb. 12 changed name to Third Avenue Christian Centre Inc.


Name: Date: Buffalo Regional Victim Services Inc. Feb. 12

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2014) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Bike Regina Inc. Feb. 10 Saskatchewan Bright Eyes Dog Rescue Inc. Feb. 14 Saskatchewan Fort Qu’Appelle, Ka-Pa-Chee Centre Mar. 3 Saskatchewan Global Partners Institute (Canada) Feb. 11 Canada Métis Legal Research and Education Foundation Inc. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan Northwest Territorial Council Inc. Feb. 11 Saskatchewan Quilly Willy Early Learning & Child Care Centre Inc. Feb. 24 Saskatchewan Recreation Board Inc. Feb. 19 Saskatchewan Yorkton Church of The Nazarene Inc. Feb. 4 Saskatchewan

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 272 (2014) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Abernethy Rink Association Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Bangladesh Community Association of Regina Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Battlefords and Area Childcare Directors Association Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Battlefords Heritage Park Corporation Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Biggar Post-Secondary Access Project Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Bike Regina Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Canadian Christian Youth Adventures Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Chodove Animal Rescue & Maintenance Farm Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Community Tourism Authority – Friends of the Museum Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Food for Life Store Corporation Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Lestock Playground Fund Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Local Bounty of Saskatoon Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan 618 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Meadow Breeze Animal Sanctuary Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Prince Albert Professional Chuckwagon & Chariot Assoc. Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Regina Kennel and Obedience Club Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Racing League Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan Standard Church of America Feb. 28 Canada Table Mountain Ski & Board Inc. Feb. 28 Saskatchewan The Childrens’ Justice Foundation of Regina, Inc. Mar. 3 Saskatchewan


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______


The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 [subsection 20(2) and section 20.1] ______

establishment of speed zones – Dalmeny Access Road NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes a speed zone under Schedule C by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following location: • 100 km/hr on the Public Highway known as the Dalmeny Access Rd. from its intersection with Provincial Highway No. 16 to its intersection with Provincial Highway No. 305. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 21st day of November, 2013. ______

provincial highway no. 2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes speed zones under Schedule A by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following locations: • 100 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 2 from a its east junction with Provincial Highway No. 18 to a point 1.860 km north of its north junction with Provincial Highway No. 5. • 80 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 2 from a point 1.860 km north of its north junction with Provincial Highway No. 5 to a point 6.977 km north of its north junction with Provincial Highway No. 5. • 100 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 2 from a point 6.977 km north of its north junction with Provincial Highway No. 5 to its junction with Provincial Highway No. 25. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 17th day of January, 2014.


provincial highway no. 15 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes speed zones under Schedule A by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following locations: • 100 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 15 from the east boundary of 25-29-28 W2M to a point 1.87 km east of its junction with Provincial Highway No. 11. • 90 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 15 from a point 1.87 km east of its junction with Provincial Highway No. 11 to a point 15.10 km east of its junction with Provincial Highway No. 11. • 100 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 15 from a point 15.10 km east of its junction with Provincial Highway No. 11 to its junction with Provincial Highway No. 4. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 17th day of January, 2014. ______

provincial highway no. 8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes a speed zone under Schedule B by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following location: • 70 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 8, from a point 42 m south of its intersection with Souris St. in the Village of to a point 442 m south of its intersection with Souris St. in the Village of Carievale. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 6th day of March, 2014. ______

Great plains Road NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes a speed zone under Schedule B by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following location: • 60 km/hr on Great Plains Road, from its intersection with Emerald Park Rd., Emerald Park, to a point 1700 m west of its intersection with Emerald Park Rd., Emerald Park. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 6th day of March, 2014.

Ron Gerbrandt, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister of Regional Services Division, Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. ______

The Municipalities Act [section 214] ______

NoticeS of Preparation of assessment rollS — rural municipalities R.M. of Connaught No. 457 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Connaught No. 457 for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 22, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. 620 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, R.M. of Connaught No. 457, Box 25, Tisdale SK S0E 1T0, by the 22nd day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Terry Hvidston, Assessor. ______

R.M. of Grayson No. 184 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Grayson No. 184 for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 22, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $200.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Secretary of the Board of Revision, C. Krismer, 31 Wilkie Rd., Regina SK S4S 5Y3, by the 22nd day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Darlene Paquin, Assessor. ______

R.M. of Kelvington No. 366 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Kelvington No. 366 for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, R.M. of Kelvington No. 366, Box 519, Kelvington SK S0A 1W0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Tim Leurer, Assessor. ______

R.M. of Ponass Lake No. 367 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Ponass Lake No. 367 for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $25.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, R.M. of Ponass Lake No. 367, Box 98, Rose Valley SK S0E 1M0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Loretta Prevost, Assessor.


Urban Municipalities Resort Village of Bird’s Point Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Resort Village of Bird’s Point for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays, March 14 to April 14, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Resort Village of Bird’s Point, Box 1019, Whitewood SK S0G 5C0 by the 14th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Lila Sippola, Assessor. ______

Town of Blaine Lake Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Blaine Lake for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 22, except April 18 and 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Blaine Lake, Box 10, Blaine Lake SK S0J 0J0, by the 22nd day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Anna Brad, Assessor. ______

Town of Cabri Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Cabri for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Thursday, March 12 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $25.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Clerk, Town of Cabri, Box 200, Cabri SK S0N 0J0 by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Dianne Hahn, Assessor.


Town of Carnduff Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Carnduff for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 22, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Carnduff, Box 100, Carnduff SK S0C 0S0, by the 22nd day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Annette Brown, Assessor. ______

Village of Duval Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Duval for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3:30 p.m. on Mondays, March 31 to May 5, 2014, or by calling (306) 725-4152 to arrange an appointment at another time. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Clerk, Village of Duval, Box 70, Duval SK S0G 1G0, by the 5th day of May, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Jeff Jones, Assessor. ______

Village of Endeavour Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Endeavour for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, March 21 to April 25, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $25.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Village of Endeavour, Box 307, Endeavour SK S0A 0W0, by the 25th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Kathleen Ambrose, Assessor. ______

Town of Esterhazy Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Esterhazy for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 14 to April 17, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 623

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $25.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Esterhazy, Box 490, Esterhazy SK S0A 0X0, by the 17th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Donna Rollie, Assessor. ______

Village of Fenwood Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Fenwood for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon on Mondays, March 24 to April 21, 2014. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, along with the required fee for each assessment being appealed, with: The Assessor, Village of Fenwood, Box 66, Fenwood SK S0A 0Y0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Doreen Dohms, Assessor. ______

Village of Harris Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Harris for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Tuesday to Friday, March 17 to April 17, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Clerk, Village of Harris, Box 124, Harris SK S0L 1K0, by the 17th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Rhonda Leonard, Assessor. ______

Town of Herbert Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Herbert for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 12 to April 11, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Town of Herbert, Box 370, Herbert SK S0H 2A0, by the 11th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Raegan Funk, Assessor.


District of Katepwa Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the District of Katepwa for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to May 2, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, District of Katepwa, Box 250, Lebret SK S0G 2Y0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Gail E. Sloan, Assessor. ______

Village of Killaly Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Killaly for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursdays, March 14 to April 17, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100.00 fee for each assessment being appealed, with: The Assessor, Village of Killaly, Box 69, Killaly SK S0A 1X0, by the 17th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Murray J. Hanowski, Assessor. ______

Town of Kipling Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Kipling for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Kipling, Box 299, Kipling SK S0G 2S0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Gail Dakue, Assessor. ______

Village of Leask Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Leask for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 625

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 fee for each assessment being appealed, with: The Assessor, Village of Leask, Box 40, Leask SK S0J 1M0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Brenda Lockhart, Assessor. ______

Village of Lintlaw Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Lintlaw for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays, March 19 to April 24, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has not been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $40.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Village of Lintlaw, Box 10, Lintlaw SK S0A 2H0, by the 24th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Kathleen Ambrose, Assessor. ______

Village of Minton Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Minton for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Village of Minton, Box 52, Minton SK S0C 1T0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Loran Tessier, Assessor. ______

Village of Neville Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Neville for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Tuesday to Thursday, March 20 to April 20, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Secretary of the Board of Revision, Angie Dash, Box 119, Vanguard SK S0N 2V0, by the 20th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Cindy Berry, Assessor.


Town of Nokomis Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Nokomis for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 17 to April 17, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $75.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Nokomis, Box 189, Nokomis SK S0G 3R0, by the 17th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Joanne Hamilton, Assessor. ______

Town of Osler Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Osler for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 22, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Osler, Box 190, Osler SK S0K 3A0, by the 22nd day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Sandra MacArthur, Assessor. ______

Village of Parkside Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Parkside for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 11 to April 15, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Village of Parkside, Box 48, Parkside SK S0J 2A0, by the 15th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Gwen Olson, Assessor. ______

Town of Qu’Appelle Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Qu’Appelle for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 627

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $30.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Village of Qu’Appelle, Box 60, Qu’Appelle SK S0G 4A0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Brenna Ackerman, Assessor. ______

Town of Regina Beach Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Regina Beach for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Regina Beach, Box 10, 218 Centre St., Regina Beach SK S0G 4C0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Lynette Gaetz, Assessor. ______

Village of Rush Lake Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Rush Lake for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor on the days and hours as posted at the village office, March 20 to April 21, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Village of Rush Lake, Box 126, Rush Lake SK S0H 3S0, by the 21st day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Terrie Unger, Assessor. ______

Town of Shaunavon Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Shaunavon for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 21 to April 23, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Shaunavon, Box 820, Shaunavon SK S0N 2M0, by the 23rd day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Jay Meyer, Assessor.


Village of Tantallon Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Tantallon for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, March 18 to April 22, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $25.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Village of Tantallon, Box 70, Tantallon SK S0A 4B0, by the 22nd day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Susan Gawryluk, Assessor. ______

Village of Tramping Lake Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Tramping Lake for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 1 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, March 17 to May 19, 2014. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment or classification to the Board of Revision is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Village of Tramping Lake, Box 157, Tramping Lake SK S0K 4H0, by the 19th day of May, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Rose Simon, Assessor. ______

Village of Vanscoy Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Vanscoy for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Thursday; and 9 to 11 a.m. on Fridays, March 17 to April 24, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Village of Vanscoy, Box 480, 109 Main St., Vanscoy SK S0L 3J0, by the 24th day of April, 2014. Dated this 21st day of March, 2014.

Dawn Steeves, Assessor. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014 629

The Pharmacy Act, 1996 ______

SASKATCHEWAN COLLEGE OF PHARMACISTS — Regulatory Bylaw Amendments Pursuant to subclause 14(2)(n)(ii) of The Pharmacy Act, 1996, the Regulatory Bylaws of the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists are amended as follows: Clauses 27(1)(c) and (d) of the Regulatory Bylaws are repealed and replaced with: “(c) three members of the Discipline Committee constitutes a quorum of the Discipline Committee; (d) a decision made by such quorum of the Discipline Committee is a decision of the Discipline Committee”. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY: R.J. (Ray) Joubert, Registrar, Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists. Date: February 26, 2014 APPROVED BY: Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister of Health. Date: March 10, 2014.



The Mohyla Institute (1958) Notice is hereby given that a Petition to the Legislature shall be presented for a Private Bill, requesting that an Act be passed by the Legislative Assembly to provide for an amendment to An Act to incorporate The Mohyla Institute (1958) for distribution of its assets upon dissolution. Dated at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, the 10th day of March, 2014.

Steve Senyk, Chair, Board of Directors. 21/28 ______


PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions to The Saskatchewan Gazette is 5 p.m. on the Monday of the week of publication. If a holiday occurs within the week of publication, the deadline is set back to 5 p.m. of the previous Friday. Please allow yourself at least one full week to ensure mail delivery of Gazette submissions. Publication of any material received late will be delayed until the following week’s issue. All material for publication in The Saskatchewan Gazette must be submitted electronically (MS Word or WordPerfect) accompanied by a signed hard copy to the Office of the Queen’s Printer, Saskatchewan Justice, B19-3085 Albert St., Regina SK S4S 0B1, tel. (306)787-2367, or by E-mail: [email protected]. Each document or disk must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly printed immediately below the written signatures. 630 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 2014

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