
SimBow at SemEval-2017 Task 3: Soft-Cosine between Questions for Community

Delphine Charlet and Geraldine´ Damnati Orange Labs Lannion, France delphine.charlet,[email protected]

Abstract 2016), which focuses on semantic similarity be- tween short well-formed sentences. This paper describes the SimBow sys- In this paper, we only focus on subtaskB, with tem submitted at SemEval2017-Task3, for the purpose of developing semantic textual sim- the question-question similarity subtask B. ilarity measures for such noisy texts. Question- The proposed approach is a supervised question similarity appeared in SemEval2016 combination of different unsupervised tex- (Nakov et al., 2016), and is pursued in Se- tual similarities. These textual similarities mEval2017 (Nakov et al., 2017). The approaches rely on the introduction of a relation ma- explored last year were mostly supervised fusion trix in the classical be- of different similarity measures, some being un- tween bag-of-words, so as to get a soft- supervised, others supervised. Among the un- cosine that takes into account relations be- supervised measures, many were based on over- tween words. According to the type of re- lap count between components (from n-grams of lation matrix embedded in the soft-cosine, words or characters to knowledge-based compo- semantic or lexical relations can be con- nents such as named entities, frame representa- sidered. Our system ranked first among tions, knowledge graphs, e.g. (Franco-Salvador the official submissions of subtask B. et al., 2016)...). Much attention was also paid for the use of word embeddings (e.g. (Mihaylov and 1 Introduction Nakov, 2016)), with question-level averaged vec- Social networks enable people to post questions, tors used directly with a cosine similarity or as in- and to interact with other people to obtain relevant put of a neural classifier. Finally, fusion was often answers. The popularity of forums show that they performed with SVMs (Filice et al., 2016) are able to propose reliable answers. Due to this Our motivation in this work was slightly dif- tremendous popularity, forums are growing fast, ferent: we considered that forum data were too and the first reflex for an internet user is to check noisy to get reliable outputs from linguistic anal- with his favorite search engine if a similar ques- ysis and we wanted to focus on core textual se- tion has already been posted.Community Question mantic similarity. Hence, we avoided using any Answering at SemEval focuses on this task, with metadata analysis (such as user profile...) to get re- 3 different subtasks. SubtaskA (resp. subtaskC) sults that could easily generalize to other similar- aims at re-ranking the comments of one original ity tasks.Thus, we explore unsupervised similarity question (resp. the comments of a set of 10 re- measures, with no external resources, hardly any lated questions), regarding the relevancy to the linguistic processing (except a list of stopwords), original questions. SubtaskB aims at re-ranking relying only on the availability of sufficient unan- 10 related questions proposed by a search en- notated corpora representative of the data. And we gine, regarding the relevancy to the original ques- fuse them in a robust and simple supervised frame- tion. Subtasks A and C are question-answering work (logistic regression). tasks. SubtaskB can be viewed as a pure seman- The rest of the paper is organized as follows: tic textual similarity task applied on community in section2, the core unsupervised similarity mea- questions, with noisy user-generated texts, mak- sure is presented, the submitted systems are de- ing it different from SemEval-Task1 (Agirre et al., scribed in section3, and section4 presents results.

315 Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2017), pages 315–319, Vancouver, Canada, August 3 - 4, 2017. c 2017 Association for Computational 2 Soft-Cosine Similarity Measure 2013) have known a tremendous success recently. They enable to obtain relevant semantic relations In a classical bag-of-words approach, texts are rep- between words, based on a simple similarity mea- resented by a vector of TF-IDF coefficients of size sure (e.g. cosine) between the vector representa- N, N being the number of different words occur- tions of these words. ring in the texts. Computing a cosine similarity In this work, 2 distributed representations between 2 vectors is directly related to the amount of words are computed, using the of words which are in common in both texts. t n toolkit, in the cbow configuration: one is esti- X .Y t cos(X,Y ) = whith X .Y = xiyi mated on English Wikipedia, and the other is es- √Xt.X√Y t.Y i=1 timated using the unannotated corpus of questions X (1) and comments on Qatar-Living forum, distributed When there are no words in common between in the campaign, which contains 100 millions of texts X and Y (i.e. no index i for which both x i words. The vectors dimension is 300 (experiments and y are not equal to zero), cosine similarity is i with various vector dimensions didn’t provide any null. However, even with no words in common, significant difference), and only the words with a texts can be semantically related when the words minimal frequency of 50 are taken into account. are themselves semantically related. Hence we word2vec propose to take into account word-level relations Once the representations of words M by introducing in the cosine similarity formula a are available, can be computed in different relation matrix M, as suggested in equation2. ways. We have explored different variants, and the best results were obtained with the following Xt.M.Y cosM (X,Y ) = (2) framework, where vi stands for the word2vec √ t √ t X .M.X Y .M.Y reprsentation of word wi: n n t 2 X .M.Y = ximi,jyj (3) mi,j = max(0, cosine(vi, vj)) (4) Xi=1 jX=1 where M is a matrix whose element mi,j ex- Grounding to 0 is motivated by the observation presses some relation between word i and word that negative cosine between words are hard to in- j. With such a , the similarity between two terpret, and often irrelevant. Squaring is applied to texts is non null as soon as the texts share related emphasize the dynamics of the semantic relations: words, even if they have no words in common. insisting more on strong semantic relations, and Introducing the relation matrix in the denomina- flattening weak semantic relations. Actually we tor normalization factors ensures that the reflex- have observed in several applicative domains that ive similarity is 1. If the words are only related high semantic similarities derived from word em- with themselves (m = 1 and m = 0 i, j with bedding are more significant than low similarities. i,i i,j ∀ i = j), M is the identity matrix and the soft-cosine 6 turns out to be the cosine. 2.2 Edit- based relations We first investigated this modified cosine simi- Using a Levenshtein distance between words, an larity in the context of topic segmentation of TV edit relation between words can be computed: it Broadcast News (Bouchekif et al., 2016), using enables to cope, for instance, with little typo- semantic relations between words to improve the graphic errors which are frequent in social user- computation of semantic cohesion between con- generated corpora such as Qatar Living forum. It secutive snippets. Other researchers have also pro- is defined as mi,i = 1 and for i = j: posed this measure (e.g (Sidorov et al., 2014)) 6 along with the soft-cosine denomination, where β Levenshtein(w , w ) the matrix was based for instance on Levenshtein m = α 1 i j (5) i,j ∗ − max( w , w ) distance between n-grams. In this work, we inves- || i|| || j|| ! tigate different kinds of word relations that can be used for computing M. w is the number of characters of the word, || || α is a weighting factor relatively to diagonal ele- 2.1 Semantic relations ments, and β is a factor that enables to emphasize Distributed representations of words, such as the the score dynamics. Experiments on train and dev word2vec approach proposed by (Mikolov et al., led to set α = 1.8 and β = 5.

316 3 System Description paper (Nakov et al., 2017). Results are presented with the MAP evaluation measure, on 3 corpora: 3.1 Data pre-processing dev (50 original questions 10 related questions), Some basic preprocessing steps are applied on the × test2016 (70 original questions 10 related ques- text: lowercase, suppression of punctuation marks × tions) and test2017 (88 original questions 10 re- and stopwords, replacing urls and images with the × lated questions). generic terms ” url ” and ” img ”. As for the bag It is worth noticing that the MAP scorer used in of word representation, TF-IDF coefficients are this campaign is sensitive to the amount of orig- computed in a specific way: TF coefficients are inal questions which don’t have any relevant re- computed in the text under consideration as usual lated questions in the gold labels. In fact, these but IDF coefficients are computed from the large questions always account for a precision of 0 in the unannotated Qatar Living forum corpus. MAP scoring. Hence, an Oracle evaluation, giv- 3.2 Supervised combination of unsupervised ing a score of 1 to all related questions labeled as similarities ”true”, and a score of 0 to all related questions la- For a given pair of texts to compare, 3 beled as ”false” in the gold labels, doesn’t provide textual similarity measures are considered: a 100% MAP but an Oracle MAP which corre- cosMrel (soft-cosine with semantic relations), sponds to the proportion of original questions that cosMlev (soft-cosine with Levenshtein distance), have at least 1 relevant related question. Hence wavg word2vec (cosine between weighted the upper bound of MAP performances is 86.00% averaged word2vec). Soft-cosine measures are for dev, 88.57% for test2016, and only 67.05% for computed as explained in section2. For the latter, test2017 (29 original questions without any rel- weights are given by the TF-IDF coefficients evant related question out of 88). Another dif- computed as described in section3.1. ference between test2016 and test2017 is the av- Each original question contains a subject and erage number of ”true” labels for questions that a body. Each related question additionally con- have at least one relevant associated question (3.7 tains a thread of comments. We have considered for test2016 and 2.7 for test2017). On the overall several variants for text selection: (subject, body, test2017 is more difficult for the Task. subject+body, or comments). The 3 textual simi- larities are then computed between every possible 4.1 Unsupervised textual similarity measures 12 text pairings (3 possible texts for original ques- Table1 presents the MAP results obtained for dif- tions 4 possible texts for relative questions), ferent unsupervised textual similarities. Here, the × constituting the set of 36 potential features. We focus is made on unsupervised textual similarity also include in this set the IR system reciprocal measure, and we only present results for the sub- rank rrk. Logistic regressions, combining these ject+body configuration for both the original and features, is then trained on the ”train-part1” set of related questions. Performances of the Informa- 1999 paired texts of SemEval2016. Thus, we eval- tion Retrieval system (IR), and of the best sys- uate all possible subsets of features among the set tem submitted at SemEval2016 (Franco-Salvador of 37 potential features, and we keep for our pri- et al., 2016) are reported for comparison purpose. mary submission the one that gave the best result on average on dev and test2016. contrastive1 was similarity dev test test chosen as the best candidate including only soft- 2016 2017 cosine metrics and rrk and contrastive2 was cho- IR 71.35 74.75 41.85 sen as the best candidate system with the lowest best SemEval2016 - 77.33 - amount of features. baseline token cos 62.22 68.54 40.88 baseline pp cos 67.49 71.05 42.80 4 Evaluation baseline pp cos tfidf 69.41 75.53 44.37 In this section, we present detailed evaluations of cosMrel relations WP 72.25 77.11 45.38 Task3/subtaskB. Given a new question (aka orig- cosMrel relations QL 75.24 77.96 45.27 inal question), the task consists in reranking the cosMlev Levenshtein 70.02 76.34 46.10 10 questions (aka related questions) proposed by wavg-word2vec on QL 73.31 75.77 46.99 a search engine. A precise description of the cor- pus and metrics can be found in Task3 description Table 1: MAP results for unsupervised textual similarity measures

317 As a baseline, we use the baseline token cos similarity dev test test defined in SemEval2015-Task2 (Agirre et al., 2016 2017 2015), for semantic textual similarity between sen- IR 71.35 74.75 41.85 tences. It is a simple cosine similarity between best SemEval2016 - 77.33 - bag-of-tokens binary vectors (a token is a non- text combination white-space sequence between 2 white spaces, cosMrel relations QL 75.76 78.76 46.67 and weights are 1 or 0). Performances of base- cosMlev Levenshtein 72.26 78.19 47.48 line pp cos, which is also a cosine of binary vec- wavg-word2vec on QL 75.91 76.70 47.40 tors but obtained after the pre-processing step submissions show the importance of suitable pre-processing. primary 77.30 79.77 47.22 baseline pp cos tfidf show the influence of appro- contrastive1 77.04 79.12 46.84 priate term weighting over simple binary coeffi- contrastive2 77.30 79.43 47.87 cients. Next results reveal significant improve- removing rrk ments when introducing a relation matrix M in primary rrk 76.71 78.61 47.68 − the soft-cosine metric (cosM ). When M con- contrastive1 rrk 76.09 78.90 46.96 − tains semantic relations, a significant difference contrastive2 rrk 76.73 78.97 48.38 is observed on dev, between relations estimated − Table 2: MAP results for supervised combination on a general corpus WP (Wikipedia, 2.7 Bwords) of textual similarity measures and on a specialized corpus QL (Qatar Living, 100 Mwords). The difference is much lower for we re-trained the systems excluding rrk from fea- test2016, and even negative for test2017. On the tures. Actually, if rrk was helpful for both dev contrary, the Levenshtein-based M matrix per- and test2016 corpora, we can see that removing forms best on test2017, whereas its gain is only rrk provides better results on test2017, yielding marginal for dev and test2016. In all cases, in- a maximum MAP score of 48.38. This perfor- troducing a carefully chosen relation matrix M in mance is obtained with the following set of simi- the cosine-based similarity measure improves per- larities: cosMrel between subject+body, cosMlev formances. Finally, the cosine between TF-IDF between subject + body and subject of the origi- weighted average word2vec is less effective on nal question and body of the relative question, and dev and test2016, but performs well on test2017. wavg w2v between subject + body and be- − It is worth noticing that the mere cosMrel soft- tween subject + body of the original question and cosine on QL would have won the 2016 challenge. comments of the relative question.

4.2 Evaluation of supervised combination 5 Conclusion Table2 presents the MAP obtained for different In this work, we have explored a modified version supervised combinations of similarity measures. of the cosine similarity between bag-of-words rep- First, for a given unsupervised textual similarity resentation of texts. In this so-called soft-cosine measure, all the possible combinations of paired similarity, a relation matrix M is embedded, al- texts are evaluated, and we give the result of the lowing relations between words to be taken into subset which gives the best performance on aver- account. The computation of M is unsupervised, age on dev, test2016, and test2017. Interestingly, and can be derived from distributed representa- it is the same combination of paired texts which tions of words. soft-cosine performed well at performs best for the 3 textual similarity measure: SemEval-Taks3 question-question similarity sub- similarity between subject+body for both ques- taskB. A simple supervised logistic regression tions and subject+body for the original question combination of different unsupervised similarity and comments for the related question. This last measures over different text selection strategies pairing performs poorly alone but is interesting in ranked first at the official evaluation. In the fu- combination with the first one. ture, we plan to pursue the work on soft-cosine in Then we report the results of the submitted sys- two directions: including other relations between tems to the official evaluation. As can be seen words, for instance using , in Table2, contrastive2 was more robust to the and studying how this matrix M, efficiently ini- more difficult conditions of test2017. Addition- tialized in an unsupervised way, could be further ally, as the IR performs really worse in test2017, trained for specific tasks.

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