(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,334,119 B2 Gonzalez (45) Date of Patent: *Dec

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,334,119 B2 Gonzalez (45) Date of Patent: *Dec USOO8334119B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,334,119 B2 Gonzalez (45) Date of Patent: *Dec. 18, 2012 (54) ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION OF (56) References Cited GLYCEROL U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventor: Ramon Gonzalez, Houston, TX (US) 6,303,352 B1 10/2001 Cameron et al. (73) Assignee: William Marsh Rice University, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 1731604 12/2006 Houston, TX (US) EP O7759904.1 12/2008 JP 2005-532826 11, 2005 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2009-503326 1, 2009 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO2006O34156 3, 2006 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS This patent is Subject to a terminal dis Bachler, C., et al., B. Escherichia coli dihydroxyacetone kinase con claimer. trols gene expression by binding to transcription factor Dhak. EMBO J. 24:283-293 (2005). 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(57) ABSTRACT The invention relates to the development of appropriate cul (60) Provisional application No. 60/867,581, filed on Nov. tivation conditions for a bacteria to grow anaerobically (fer 28, 2006, provisional application No. 60/788,512, mentatively) on a glycerol Substrate. The method requires filed on Mar. 31, 2006. culturing bacteria having a functional 1.2-propanediol path way and a functional type II glycerol dehydrogenase-dihy (51) Int. Cl. droxyacetone kinase pathway in a culture medium containing CI2P 7/00 (2006.01) high concentrations of glycerol, a neutral to mildly acidic pI, (52) U.S. Cl. ........ 435/132:435/129; 435/136: 435/141; low levels of potassium and phosphate, and high levels of 435/145; 435/151; 435/157; 435/158; 435/159; CO2, such that glycerol is thus converted into a desirable 435/160; 435/161; 435/168; 435/170 product, Such as ethanol, hydrogen, formate, Succinate, or (58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None 1.2-propanediol. See application file for complete search history. 20 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets s 4 O 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (h) A = Cell growth; = glycerol; O = ethanol; 0. = Succinate; ast = formate plus acetate US 8,334,119 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Daniel et al., Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of the Oxidative Branch of Glycerol Utilization by Citrobacter freundii, Dharmadi, Y., et al. A better global resolution function and a novel Journal of Bacteriology (1995), pp. 4392-4401. iterative stochastic search method for optimization of HPLC separa Altaras N E et al: “Metabolic engineering of a 1,2-propanediol tion. J. Chromatogr. A. 1070:89-101 (2005). pathway in Escherichia coli. Applied and Environmental Microbiol Dharmadi, Y., et al., Anaerobic fermentation of glycerol by ogy 199903 us, val. 65, No. 3, Mar. 1999, pp. 1180-1185. Escherichia coli: a new platform for metabolic engineering. Donnelly MIetal: "A novel fermentation pathway in an Escherichia Biotechnol. 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Applied and Environmental Microbiol Journal of General Microbiology (1989), vol. 135, pp. 1255-1262. ogy, 1999, vol. 65, No. 3, p. 1180 1185. U.S. Patent Dec. 18, 2012 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,334,119 B2 s s O 20 40 60 8O 100 12O Time (h) A = Cell growth; = glycerol; e = ethanol; t = succinate; * = formate plus acetate FIG. 2 1.0 10 - 1s. 0.8 8 5. 3 0.6 6 0.4 4 5E to 0.2 2 5 3 ooh o atS. U.S. Patent Dec. 18, 2012 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,334,119 B2 FIG 3 O ATP Ho- OH it is resear: to as Glycerol NADH p - U.S. Patent Dec. 18, 2012 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,334,119 B2 Line = Ethanol Shaded bar - Succinic acid Open bar = Formic acid I = MG 1655, pH 6.3, Argon Shaded bar = H2 II = MG 1655, pH 6.3, 10%CO2, I = MG1655, pH 6.3, 10% CO2 III = MG1655, pH 7.5, 20% CO2 II c. AhycB: pH 7.5, Argon IV - Adha KLM(pZSKLcf), pH 7.5, 20% CO2 US 8,334,119 B2 1. 2 ANAEROBC FERMENTATION OF ized as a type II glycerol dehydrogenase (glyDH-II), is GLYCEROL thought to be cryptic or not expressed in wild type E. coli strains. Activation of GldA in E. coli required inactivation of CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED glpK, glpR, and glpD followed by a mutagenesis and selec APPLICATIONS tion procedure which resulted in a mutant strain that recov ered its ability to metabolize glycerol (Jin et al., 1983; Tanh et This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica al., 1982a, b). However, even in this mutant strain, GldA did tion Ser. No. 12/295,609 filed on Sep. 30, 2008, which is a 35 not provide E. coli with the ability to fermentatively metabo U.S.C. Section 371 of PCT/US2007/065726 filed Mar. 30, lize glycerol (Jin et al., 1983; Tanh et al., 1982a, b). 2007 which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Applications 10 What is needed in the art is a method of bioconverting the 60/788,512 filed Mar. 31, 2006, and 60/867,581, filed Nov. global Surplus of inexpensive glycerol into other feedstock 28, 2006, all of which are incorporated herein by reference in chemicals. The method would be specially advantageous their entirety. should it be based on anaerobic fermentation to take advan tage of higher reduced State of carbon in glycerol. An anaero FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH 15 bic process would also offer cost advantages, as their coun STATEMENT terpart aerobic processes require higher capital investment and exhibit higher operational costs.
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