Artist's Resume

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Artist's Resume Two Rooms Anne Noble Born 1954, Whanganui, Aotearoa New Zealand Lives and works in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand !aster of #ine Arts $1st %lass &ons' (lam )*hool of #ine Arts, Au*kland +niversit, $19-.' Ba*helor o" #ine Arts $)enior )*holar' (lam )*hool o" #ine Arts, Au*kland +niversit, $19-/' 0istinguished Professor of #ine Arts, !asse, +niversit, Wellington $2/1.3' Board of Governan*e, #ulbright New Zealand $2/19' )ele*ted )olo (5hibitions3 2/1- Phantasm, %entre of %ontem6orar, Art, %hrist*hur*h 2/17 +mbra, Two Rooms, Au*kland No 8erti*al )ong, %entre for %ontem6orar, Photogra6h,, !elbourne 2/19 Abeille : Abba,e, Abba,e de Noirla*, Loire 8alle,, #ran*e Whiteout : Whitenoise $Noble : Brown', ;bsu*ra International #estival, Penang 2/15 No 8erti*al )ong, Two Rooms 4aller,, Au*kland Nature )tud,, Bartle, and %om6an, Art, Wellington 2/14 Bit*h in )li66ers, =onathan )mart 4aller,, %hrist*hur*h 2/1. White )hadow, White )hine, )tills, ),dne, 2/12 )ong )ting )warm, Two Rooms, Au*kland Nieves Penitentes, Bartle, and %om6an, Art, Wellington 2/11 )6oolhenge, %ube . 4aller,, 1eninsula Arts, +niversit, o" Pl,mouth, +> 2/1/ At the (nd o" the (arth, )tills, ),dne, Whiteout : Whitenoise, Two Rooms, Au*kland 2//9 )6oolhenge, billboard *ommission, %onnells Ba, )*ul6ture Park, Waihe e Island Aurina, The %olour of Gold, Bartle, and %om6an, Art, Wellington 2//- <*e Blin ? Anne Noble – Antar*ti* Photogra6hs, %entre for %ontem6orar, Photogra6h,, !elbourne #estival o" the Arts 2//7 Anne Noble? Rub,@s Room, !usAe du Buai Branl,, 1aris PhotoBuai Photogra6h, Biennale, Paris ;f Lands*a6e and Longing, Two Rooms, Au*kland #estival of Photogra6h, 2//9 )outhern Lights, %hrist*hur*h Art Galler, Te Puna o WaiwhetC )outhern Lights? Antra*ti* %olle*tables, =onathan )mart Galler,, %hrist*hur*h White Lantern, )tills, ),dne, 2//5 Anne Noble? Rub,@s Room $vii', )6eilhaus !orrison Galler,, Berlin White Lantern: Antar*ti* Photogra6hs 2//232//5, !*Namara 4aller,, Wanganui 2//4 The Polar )ea and the Polar ) ,, Bartle, Nees 4aller,, Wellington Rub,@s Room $v), )tills, ),dne, 2//. Antar*ti*a D Terra In*ognito, =onathan )mart 4aller,, %hrist*hur*h Anne Noble? )tates o" Gra*e, retros6e*tive e5hibition, Au*kland Art Galler, Toi o TEmaki 2//2 Anne Noble? )tates o" Gra*e, retros6e*tive e5hibition, %it, Galler, Wellington, Rub,@s Room $<<', =onathan )mart Galler,, %hrist*hur*h 2//1 Anne Noble? )tates o" Gra*e, retros6e*tive e5hibition, 0unedin Publi* Art Galler, 2/// Rub,@s Room F1 =onathan )mart Galler,, %hrist*hur*h Te &ikoi o >ati >uri: The =ourne, of >ati >uri, National Librar, 4aller,, Wellington )ele*ted Grou6 (5hibitions3 2/1- 9th Asia Pa*ifi* Triennial o" %ontem6orar, Art, Gueensland 4aller, o" !odern Art, Brisbane )an*tum, in )iteWor s 2/1-, Bundanon, N)W Anti6odean (manations? %ameraless Photogra6hs from Australia and New Zealand, !onash !useum of Art, !elbourne 2/17 No 8erti*al )ign and Reverie, in )iteWor s 2/17, Bundanon, N)W: htt6s?::bundanonH*omHau:artworksI2/17:noIverti*alI songIandIreverieIanneInoble: 2/19 Pre*arious Nature, %entre of %ontem6orar, Art, %hrist*hur*h (manations? The Art of the %ameraless Photogra6h, GovettIBrewster Galler,, New Pl,mouth 2/15 The Al*hemists: Redis*overing Photogra6h, in the Age of the =6eg, Australian %entre for Photogra6h,, ),dne, 2/1. Available Light? Imagining more than we see, !*Namara Galler,, Whanganui 2/12 These Rough Notes? Bill !anhire, Anne Noble, Norman !eehan, &annah Griffin, 6erforman*es, International Antar*ti* #estival, )oundings Theatre, !useum of New Zealand Te Pa6a Tongarewa, Wellington Bit*h in )li66ers, Anne Noble, Llo,d =ones, )arah !a5e,, %it, 4aller, Wellington 2/12 Antra*ti*a, )idne, Nolan, Anne Noble, Bea !addo*k, %hris 0rur, $and others', 0rill &all 4aller,, Australian National +niversit,, %anberra 2/11 1enguins and <*e: Photogra6hs o" Antar*ti*a 191/32/1/, National 4aller, o" Australia, %anberraH 2/1/ )ightseeing, Peninsula Arts, +niversit, of Pl,mouth, +> 2//9 Antar*ti*a: =o,*e %am6bell, Anne Noble, %onnie )amaras, Gus #isher 4aller,, Au*kland )(N0, Two Rooms, Au*kland 2//7 &(AT? Art and %limate %hange, R!IT 4aller,, !elbourne The (*ologies 1roJe*t, !onash !useum o" Art, !elbourne 2//7 Antar*ti*a: ;n Thin <*e, +nited Nations &eadBuarters, New Kork, Antar*ti*a – =o,*e %am6bell, Anne Noble, %onnie )amaras, %alifornia !useum of Photogra6h,, Riverside, Los AngelesH !oving )till, Gus #isher Galler,, Au*kland Reveries: Photogra6h, and !ortalit,, National Portrait 4aller,, %anberra Zero: New Work b, Australian and New Zealand Women Photogra6hers, )uter Galler,, Nelson 2//9 In %old Light, %entre #or %ontem6orar, Photogra6h,, !elbourne <*oni*a, 1atio &errerianeo !useo de Arte %ontem6orLneao (s6anol, 8alladolid Zero: New Work b, Australian and New Zealand Women Photogra6hers, 0unedin Publi* Art Galler,; Te !anawa, 1almerston North Toi Te 1a6a: Art o" the Nation, !useum of New Zealand Te 1a6a Tongarewa, Wellington World@s (dge, 0unedin Publi* Art Galler, 2//5 %riti*@s %hoi*e .: =eno Grindl, Peter &endri*ks, Anne Noble, Neuer Berliner >unstverein, Berlin, *urated b, +l" (rdmann Ziegler )mall World, Big Town? %ontem6orar, Art from Te Pa6a, %it, Galler, WellingtonH Breaking <*e: ReI8isioning Antar*ti*a, Adam Art Galler,, WellingtonH &igh %hair? New Zealand Artists on %hildhood, )t 1aul )t Galler,, Au*kland 2//4 2//4:The Kear in Art, )& (rvin 4aller,, ),dne, The Line Between +s: Anne #erran, 0onna Baile,, Poli5eni Pa6a6etrou, Pat Brassington, Anne Noble, !onash !useum o" Art, !elbourne Toi Te 1a6a, Art o" the Nation 194/: Toda,, !useum o" New ZealandTe Pa6a Tongarewa, Wellington &at Tri*k: 8i*toria Birkinshaw, Anne Noble, And, !orle,I&all, %it, 4aller, Wellington 2//. Anne Noble : 0eborah Pauwe, Bartle, Nees Galler,, Wellington (56erien*ing Turbulen*e: Art and the Weather, !useum of New Zealand Te 1a6a Tongarewa, Wellington 2//2 Antar*ti* I: 8iews along Antar*ti*a@s first highwa,, %entre for Land +se Information, Los Angeles )low Release: Re*ent Photogra6h, from New Zealand, &eide !useum o" %ontem6orar, Art, !elbourne 2//1 Resolving Power, Bartle, Nees Galler,, Wellington &eatwave: Re*ent *ontem6orar, art from the *olle*tion, GovettIBrewster Galler,, New Pl,mouthH 2/// 1arihaka: The Art of 1assive Resistan*e, %it, 4aller, Wellington In Glorious 0reams: New Art b, Women, GovettIBrewster Art Galler,, New Pl,mouth Botani*a, Adam Art 4aller,, Wellington Time, 0eath and Narrative, Au*kland Art Galler, Toi o TEmaki )ele*ted %uratorial & (ditorial ProJe*ts3 2/1. %urator Australia:New Zealand for PhotoBuai Bienniale? for sele*tion and 6resentation o" Australian, New Zealand and 1a*ifi*a 6hotogra6h, for the 2/1. Paris biennale, !usAe du Buai Branl,, 1aris Internartional Judge: 6remier Australian 6hotogra6hi* award, The =ose6hine +lri* and Win )*hubert Photogra6hi* Award 2/11 %urator, New Zealand for PhotoBuai Bienniale: sele*tion and 6resentation o" New Zealand 6hotogra6h, for the 2/11 Paris biennale, !usAe du Buai Branl, (ditorial board? )tudio Resear*h, Griffith +niversit,, Gueensland 2//- %urator, New Zealand for PhotoBuai Bienniale: sele*tion of New Zealand 6hotogra6h, for the 2//9 Paris biennale, !usAe du Buai Branl, 2//7 Guest editor, New Zealand =ournal o" Photogra6h,, 95, no 4 )6ring 2//7 Awards & Residen*ies3 &igashikawa International Photogra6h, PriOe $2/15' +) National )*ien*e #oundation Polar !edal $2/11' Arts #oundation of New Zealand Laureate Award $2//9' ;ffi*er o" the New Zealand ;rder o" !erit, ;NZ! $2//2' Bundanon Trust Artist in Residen*e, Australia $2/17' Abba,e de Noirla* International Arts Residen*, $2/19' Abba,e de Noirla* International Arts Residen*, and %ommission, #ran*e $2/15' #ulbright )*holar Award : Artist in Residen*e, %olombia %ollege, +)A $2/14' +) National )*ien*e #oundation Polar !edal +) National )*ien*e #oundation Artists and Writers Award:+) Polar Programme $2//7' Antar*ti*a New Zealand : %reative New Zealand Antar*ti* Arts #ellow $2//13/2' )ele*ted Publi*ations3 Anne Noble, No 8erti*al )ong, %entre for %ontem6orar, Photogra6h,, !elbourneH 2/17 Anne Noble, The Last Road, %louds, Au*kland, 2/14 Anne Noble, )6oolhenge Antar*ti*a, *atalogue, +niversit, o" Pl,mouth Press, Pl,mouth, 2/11 Anne Noble, <*e Blin ? An Antar*ti* Imaginar,, %louds, Au*kland, 2/11 Anne Noble, Anne Noble? Rub,@s Room, (ditions Ni*olas %haudun, 1aris, 2//7 Nan*, )ever, %aroline Turner & Anthon, ;ates $eds', Antar*ti*a: )idne, Nolan, =an )enbergs, Bea !addo*k, =org )*hmeisser, Anne Noble, Phili6 &ughes, %hris 0rur,, Australian National +niversit, 0rill &all Galler,, %anberra, 2/12 =ustin Paton, Anne Noble? )tates o" Gra*e, 0unedin Publi* Art Galler, : 8i*toria +niversit, 1ress, 0unedin : Wellington, 2//2 Bill !anhire, Anne Noble, &annah Griffin, & Norman !eehan, These Rough Notes, 8i*toria +niversit, Press, Wellington, 2/12 Anne Noble, PBit*h in )li66ers@, Pin Broken: (nvironmental Photogra6h,, Art and Theor, PressH )weden, 2/12, 66 1./–45 =ean ) #leming, Rosemar, Gibson, Brent &aris, )all, !organ, Anne Noble, Anna WirOI=usti*e, )am Trubridge & Phili66a 4ander, @The QWaking In*ubatorR (56loring the Interfa*e Between the 1erforming Arts and the )*ien*e of )lee6@, The International =ournal of )*ien*e in )o*iet,, vol 2, no ., 2/11, 66 29.3./- Anne Noble, P0ee6 #ield@, Art News New Zealand, Winter 2//9, 66 2.327H Anne Noble, PAnne Noble? Antar*ti*a@, visual essa,, )*holar and #eminist ;nline, )6e*ial Issue: 4ender ;n <*e, vol 7, no 1, #all 2//-H !i*helle Lunn & Anne Noble, PReI8isioning )*ien*e: Love and Passion in the )*ientifi* Imagination@, International =ournal of )*ien*e (du*ation, vol ./, no 9, 2//8, 66 79.3-/5
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