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A army-navy joint operations, 35–36, abduction, 136, 138–39 171–73, 175–76 Abe Taro¯, 15 Asian decolonization, 11–12, 115–16 Adachi Hatazo¯, 104, 119–22, 124–25 Asian solidarity, 67, 103–4, 109–10 Adachi Trial, 119–25, See also Asia-Pacific War. See Pacific War responsibility trials atomic bombings, 143–44 Aitape, 119–20 Australian archives (National Archives Akita Prefecture, 62 of Australia), 189 Allied Land Forces, South East Asia Australian War Crimes Act, 13–14, 17–18 (ALFSEA), 12 Australian war crimes trials, 6–9, Allied Translation and Interpreter Section 13–14, 114, 154, 186 (ATIS), 34 at Rabaul, 104–5, 116–28, 163, 182, Allied war crimes program, 2–4, 7–12, 183–84 157–58, 179–80 jurisdiction of, 2–3, 12–14, 143, 165 B regulations applicable to, 11, 13–20, Baba To¯saku, 157 181–82 Baguio, 31, 33, 35 reporting on, 23–24, 186 Balanga, 27, 28, 41 studies of, 5–7, 24, 189 bandits, 59 Allied war crimes trials. See war crimes Banno Hiroteru, 78, 93–97 trials by country Banno Trial, 93–97, 183–84 Ambonese, 111 Bataan Death March, 26–28, 40–43, 45 American justice, 23, 39, 55, 165–66, 181 Bataan, Battle of, 25–26, 43 American war crimes trials. See U.S. war Belsen Trial, 19 crimes trials Benson, Horace Claude, 98–99 Aranas, Federico, 47–50, 53 Biak, 119 Arimura Tsunemichi, 93, 95 Blakeney, Ben B., 156–57, 166–67 Army General Staff, 60, 80 Boiken, 119 Army Medical College, 68 Bose, Rash Behari, 112–13 army minister, 52, 60, 63, 65, 67, 71–73, 84, Bose, Subhas Chandra, 112 See also T o¯ j o¯ H i d e k i Bougainville, 106, 117, 125 Army Ministry, 62, 64–67, 69, 83, 85, British Burma Army, 133 See also First Demobilization Bureau British Indian Army, 79, 103 regulations, 52–53, 63, 65–67, 110 British justice, 12, 97, 115–16, 140, 154–55


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British war crimes trials. See U.K. war Combined Fleet, 160, 164, 166, 169–71, crimes trials 172–73, 175–76 Brock, J. T., 104–5, 114–15, 118, 123–24, comfort girls. See comfort women 126–28, 183 comfort women, 89, 138–39 Burma campaign, 77, 91, 98, 131, 141 command responsibility, 5, 7, 104–5, 156, Burma-Siam Railway, 77–78 185, See also superior-subordinate cholera at, 80, 83, 86–87 relations civilian laborers at, 78, 80, 82–83, 85–87, charges of, 21–22, 33–34, 40, 46–47, 97–101 69–70, 116, 119, 160–61 death rate at, 78, 80, 82–83, 86–87, 100 judicial opinions on, 38–39, 44–45, 53–54, Japanese government report on, 79–85 76, 118, 123–24, 127–28, 167–68, prisoner-of-war reports on, 87, 94 176–77, 183 Speedo Period at, 79, 85 methods of proof of, 34, 40–41, 70–71, work parties at, 80–81, 87 159, 161–63 b u s h i d o¯ , 53, 142–43 precedents of, 23–24 Yamashita’s opinion on, 37–38 C Communist Chinese, 145, 147, 151 Cabanatuan, 42 war crimes trials by, 10 Camp O’Donnell, 27–28, 41–42, 45–46 confessions, 9–10 cannibalism, 108, 121–22 as evidentiary material, 18–19, 131 Capas, 26, 28 during kenpeitai interrogations, 30, Car Nicobar, 129, 184 49–50, 134 Carem, Fermin G., 47 confirming authority, 15, 97, 115, 127 Carpenter, Alva, 8 conspiracy, 161, 165, 176 Cebu, 28–29, 31, 47–48, 172 Constitution of the Empire of , 84 Central China Area Army, 60–61 convening authority, 14, 19, 55, 181 Chand, Nirpal, 122–23 coolie labor. See forced labor Changi, 87, 89, 146 Corregidor, 26–27 Changsha, 61–62 Crawford, Robert, 99–100 Chaungnakwa, 137–40 crimes against peace, 2, 4, 9, 165 Chen Kwok Leong, 107, 116 Chida Sotomatsu, 91–92 D China, 7–10, 13, 30, 56 deportation, 62, 114, 182 civil war in, 62 due diligence, 118–19, 123–24, 128 consul general of, 30, 40, 44–45 due process, 23, 39, 54, 180 Japanese war policies on, 58–60, 62, Duque, Calixto, 22 77, 184 Dutch East Indies, 9, 26, 102–3 led by Chiang Kai-shek, 30, 58, 62, 77, Dutch war crimes trials, 9–11, 158, 162 106, 146 duty, disregard of, 21, 33, 37, 44, 47, 49, 53, 70, status of combatants in, 59, 61–62, 103, 97, 116–17, 119, 121, 124, 127, 159, 183 106–7, 114–15, 126, 182 duty, proof of, 118, 123, 162–63, 166 China-Burma-India (CBI) theater, 77, 115, 129 E Chinese forced laborers, 61–62, 80, 87, 103, 18th Army, 102–4, 113, 119–22 105–8, 114, 116–17, 119 8th Area Army, 102–8, 110, 112–13 Chinese volunteer forces (Singapore), 145, command authority within, 117, 125–26 147, 151 Emergency Punishment Order, 121–22 Chinese war crimes trials, 8–11 Emoto Shigeo, 73–75 Chongqing, 58, 77 Emperor of Japan, 28, 169–70, 175, 185, Chua Choon Guan, 148 See also Hirohito civilian internment, 30–31, 33–34, 40, 46, evidentiary materials, 4, 12–13, See also rules 53, 64–65 of evidence, individual trials by name collaborators, 32, 55, 61, 106, 111–12, 147 dearth of, 4, 130–31, 159, 162 Collier’s, 56 types of admissible, 18–19 colonialism (Japan), 57, 94, 107, 116 Expeditionary Forces in China, 105, 108

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F H fair trial. See procedural fairness, habeas corpus petitions, 21–22, 39, 181 due process Hague Convention No. 4 Respecting the false testimony, 4, 19, 130–31, 140, 153 Laws and Customs of War on Land Far Eastern Commission (FEC), 13 (Hague Convention No. 4), 53, 64, Felix, Pedro L., 28 66–67, 80–81, 85, 114, 118 “F” Force, 78, 86–87, 89–90, 93–96 Hainan, 62, 147 First Demobilization Bureau, 109, 188 Hakijan, 136 Fleet Ordinance, 169–70 Hamada Hitoshi, 57, 73–74 forced labor, 61–62, 78–90, 103–15, Hamilton, James O., 158 122–23, 182 Hanai Tadao, 157, 159 forced prostitution, 62, See also comfort Hankou, 9, 60–61 women Hansa Bay, 123 foreign minister, 58, 60, 76, 159 Harris, S. W., 89–90, 93, 95 Foreign Ministry. See Ministry Hashizume Isamu, 145–46 of Foreign Affairs Hata Shunroku, 61 Fort McKinley, 32–33 Hatakeyema Toshio, 73 Fort Santiago, 30, 33, 45, 49, 51, 53 Hayashi Tadahiko, 133, 145–46 48th Division, 25 Hayashi Yoshihide, 25, 43–44 Foster, H. J., 125 heiho, 103, 109–11, 115, 182 14th Area Army, 21–22, 32, 34–37, 48, hellships, 67–68, 126 52, 164 “H” Force, 87 command authority of, 35–37 Hidachi Production Company, 73 14th Army, 21–22, 24–33, 172, See also Higashi Nobuo, 134 14th Area Army Hiranuma Kiichiro¯, 58–59 command authority of, 43–44, 48, 52–53 Hirohito, 10, 84–85 kenpeitai serving in, 30, 37, 43, 47–50, 54 Hirota (Akira) Trial, 116–19 military administrative section of, 25, 29, Hirota Akira, 104, 107–8, 116–17 31, 43–44 Hirota Ko¯ki, 58–60, 159 French Indochina, 77, 81 Hishikari Takafumi, 146 French war crimes trials, 9–11, 188 Ho Wen, 108 Fujiiwa Mutsuro¯, 15 Hoda Haruo, 72–74 Fujiwara Iwaichi, 111–12 Hokkaido¯ prisoner-of-war camps, 73–75 F u j i w a r a R y o¯ z o¯ , 1 3 4 h o¯ k o¯ d a n , 116 Fukuda Tsuneo, 93, 95–97 Hollandia, 9, 119, 122–23 Furness, George A., 157, 159 Honma Masaharu, 11, 16, 22, 24–31, 43–44, Furyo ni kansuru shoho¯ki ruiju¯ (The 51, 159 compilation of various rules concerning testimony of, 24–27, 29–31, 41–42 prisoners of war), 52, 66 Honma Trial, 21–24, 40–46, 48–49, 54, 55, 101, 157–58, 167, 181–83 G charges at, 22, 40 Galang, Joaquin, 34, 55 defense argument at, 41–44 Gale, John Kendal, 86–88 method of proof at, 40–41 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment review report for, 44–45 of Prisoners of War (Geneva Prisoner-of- verdict and sentence at, 44 War Convention), 14, 17–19, 53, 64–67, Horiguchi Shu¯suke, 25, 41–42 81, 83, 85, 131, 180 Hosoda Hiromu, 109 Green, J. Wordel, 75–76 hospital ships, 161, 176–77 Guadalcanal, 31, 102, 177 Hussey, S. Melville, 46 Guangdong, 9, 61, 107–8 Hutchinson, Cecil Tats, 93 guerrillas, 31–33, 37, 48, 50, 54, 59, 103, 107, 131, 133, 137–38, 140 I Guimaras Island, 32 Ichikawa Seigi, 131, 134, 138–40, 144 gunzoku, 94, 184 Ichikawa Tadashi, 146 Gweilin, 61 Ichikawa (Seigi) Trial, 12, 131, 133–144, 182

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Ichioka Hisashi, 164–65 Jo¯ Tomotatsu, 152 Ilo ilo, 47 Jones, Harry, 86 Imamura Hitoshi, 26, 102–5, 110, 116 judge advocates, 15, 104–5, 113–15, testimony of, 106, 117–18, 125 118–19, 123–28, 183 Imamura Trial, 126–28, 184 function of, 15, 114 Imperial General Headquarters, 25, 77, 79–81, 84, 105, 109–10, 121, 172 K establishment of, 59 Kagoshima Takashi, 109, 111 Imperial Guards Division, 145, 149–51 Kalagon, 131, 154 Indian Independence League, 112 Kanase Kunji, 75–76 Indian National Army (INA), 111–13, Kanchanaburi, 89, 98–99 115–16, 131, 137, 182 Kanda Masatane, 105–6 Indian prisoners of war, 103, 110–16, 119, kantoku, 173–74 122–23, 125–26, 182 Kanyu, 88 Indonesians, 103, 109, 115, 125 Kappe, Charles Henry, 86–87, 89–90, International Military Tribunal at 93–94, 96 Nuremberg, 1–3, 6, 114, 158, 165 Karens, 131, 133, 137 International Military Tribunal for the Far Katayama To¯ru, 140 East (IMTFE). See Tokyo Trial Kato¯ Rinpei, 104, 125–26 International Prosecution Section (IMTFE), Kato¯ Trial, 125–26, 184 157, 164 Kawaguchi Detachment, 28 interpretation (courtroom), 15–17, 20, 157, Kawai Tadaharu, 47–48 165, 180 Kawamura Saburo¯, 144–46, 150–52, interpreters (wartime), 34, 95, 133–35, 147 154–55, 186 Ishida Eiguma, 78, 80, 84–85, 90–91 Kawane Yoshitaka, 41, 45 Ishida Trial, 79, 89–93 kenpeitai, 30, 33, 43, 45, 47–50, 54, Ishii Tamio, 91–92 133–35, 137, 145–47, 151–54, 184 Ishimoto Eishin, 96 compared with , 54 Itagaki Seishiro¯, 60–61 disciplining of, 37, 48, 185 Itsuki Toshio, 129 duty of, 30, 49, 153 Itsuki Trial, 129–30, 184 “K” Force, 99–100 Iwabuchi Sanji, 35 Khabarovsk Trial. See Soviet war crimes Iwabuchi Unit, 35–38, 161, 164–66 trials Khoo Ah Lim, 147 J Kimura Heitaro¯, 62, 65, 68 Jalan Besar, 147–48 King, Edward P., 26, 28 Japan. See government agencies and armed knowledge, proof of, 34, 36–47, 53, 159, forces by name 160, 162–63, 166–68 Allied occupation of, 9, 13 Kobayashi Seizo¯, 171 cover-up effort by, 4, 60–61 Ko¯no Takeshi, 47 surrender of, 7–8 Konoe Fumimaro, 58 war crimes investigations (postwar) by, Korea, 57, 66, 94 79–85, 144–45, 187–88 Korean camp guards, 86, 89, 94–97 Japanese army’s courts martial, 42, 122 Kudo¯ Butai. See 19th Ambulance Corps Japanese army’s criminal code, 104, 121 Kudo¯ Hikosaku, 78, 97, 99, 100–1 Japanese cultural peculiarities, 53, 67, 176, Kudo¯ Trial, 90–101 178, See also Western civilization Kuroda Shigenori, 16, 22, 31–32 Japanese justice system, 15, 49–50, at Rabaul, 110–112 155, 180 testimony of, 31–32, 48–51, 181, 185 Japanese prisoner-of-war administration, 42, Kuroda Trial, 16, 22–24, 46–55, 181–83 52–53, 56–76 charge at, 21–22, 46 Java invasion, 25–26 defense argument at, 48–53 jihen, 58 judgment at, 22, 53–54 jinmin saiban, 10 method of proof at, 46–48 jinpu, 111, See also forced labor Kwantung Army, 59

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L M i y a m a Y o¯ z o¯ , 1 0 9 Lamao, 27 Mohd Eusof, 135–36 Lapus, Narciso, 34, 55 “MO” Operation, 119–21 Laurel, Jose, 29, 37 Morato, Tomas, 51 law members, 15, 22, 41, 47, 75, 158, 181, Moulmein, 131, 133 See also judge advocates Mountbatten, Louis, 13, 154 function of, 15 Murphy, Frank, 23–24, 39–40, 46, 105, 118, Lawrence, Charles S., 28 123–24, 128, 181 League of Nations, 59, 107 mutilation, 33, 119 Lee Keng Jin, 147 Muto¯ Akira, 59 Legal Section (SCAP), 8, 12, 156–57 Leyte, 26, 32–33, 172 N “L” Force, 99 Nagahama Akira, 37, 185 Liaison Conferences, 60 Nagano Detachment, 26 Lim Peng Koei, 147–48 Nakamura Shigeo, 91–92 Lord Wright, 141–42 Nanjing, 9, 58, 60, See also Rape of Nanjing Low Sze Thang, 148 Nanking. See Nanjing Luin Yun, 108 National Archives of Japan, 188–89 Luzon, 25, 31–33, 35, 172 Naval Districts Ordinance, 173–74 Lyne, Rowland, 88 Naval General Staff Directives, 172–73, 175 Lytton Commission, 59 Naval General Staff Ordinance, 175 Navy General Staff, 60, 160, 163, 166, M 172, 175 MacArthur, Douglas, 14, 21, 23, 25–26, 29, navy minister, 60, 164, 170–71 39, 55, 181 Navy Ministry, 64, 157, 160, 170–71, 175, Madang, 119 See also Second Demobilization Bureau Maj. Abbey, 133–34 negligence, 36, 39, 96–97, 127–28 Makapili, 32, 34 Neptune, Robert H., 70 Malay Prisoner-of-War Administration, 78, New Britain, 102, 103, 105, 116 81, 93, 95–96 New Guinea campaign, 102–4, 107–8, 113, Malayan campaign, 26, 103, 110–11, 119–25 132–33, 144–47 Ng Kim Song, 148 Manchuria, 57–59, 67, 184 19th Ambulance Corps, 78, 90–101 Manchurian Incident, 59 Nishimura Takuma, 145, 149–50, 154 manifest criminality, 141–43 Nishimura Trial, 12, 132–33, 144–55, 182 Manila, wartime, 25, 27, 29–33, 51–52 public opinion on, 154, 182 Manual of Military Law, 141 verdicts and sentences at, 150, 154 Marco Polo Bridge Incident, 59 Northern Army, 75 Marovilla-Seva, Nicanor, 46–47 Nuremberg Trial. See International Matsui Iwane, 60 Military Tribunal at Nuremberg Matsuzaki Hideichi, 48 McGarity, Joseph Francis, 99–100 O Medan prisoner-of-war camp, 93 O’Brien, John W., 8, 158 Meek, Frank E., 44 Obata Nobuyoshi, 150 Midorikawa Hisashi, 137, 143–44 O¯ funa prisoner-of-war camp, 161, military discipline, 38, 60–61, 83, 103–4, 174–75, 177–78 116–17, 122, 170 O¯ ishi Masayuki, 145–47, 151–54 enforcement of, 36, 48–49, 53, 60, 121–22, O¯ ko¯chi Denshichi, 35–37, 164, 172 171, 173–74, 177 Onodera Sho¯ji, 101 military necessity, 138, 143 oral history, 4–5, 131, 187, 188–89 Mindanao, 26, 31–32, 172 O¯ shima Hiroshi, 164 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 60, 62, 64–65 Osias, Camilo, 51–52, 54–55 Ministry of Legal Affairs, 9–10, 15, 75, 84, O¯ ta Seiichi, 43, 45 152, 188 Overseas Chinese Association, 147 Mitsuba Hisanao, 122–23 Ozawa Jizaburo¯, 175

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P rape, 33, 35–38, 42–43, 45, 58, 61–62, 101, Pacific September Regulations, 14, 18 136, 161, 182 Pacific War, 4–5, 57, 63, 65, 69, 77, 84, Rape of Manila, 33, 35–37, 164 103–4, 129 Rape of Nanjing, 58, 60, 62, 159 Palad, Consolador R., 51 Red Fort Trial, 115–16 Palau, 107 Reel, A. Frank, 5–6, 23, 36–37 Panay, 26, 31–32, 47 reprisal, 138, 141–44 Pavillard, Stanley Septimus, 86, 88–89 responsibility trials, 104, 106, 126–28, 163, Pearce, R. W., 94–95 182–83 Philippine justice, 54–55, 181–82 reviewing authority, 44–46, 97, 154 Philippine Regulations, 14, 16, 18–19 Reynolds, Russell B., 21, 36 Philippine Supreme Court, 22, 28, 40 Ricarte, Artemio, 32, 34 Philippine war crimes trials, 7, 9, 14, 16, Richwood, Garret Geroge, 93 18–19, 22, 24, 46–55, 181–82, 188–89 r o¯ m u s h a . See forced labor , 8, 22, 172 Royal Warrant, 13–14, 17–18, 20, 143 guerrilla activism in, 31–33, 37, 48, 50, 54 Russo-Japanese War, 53, 56–57, 63, 169 invasion of, 24–33 Rutledge, Wiley B., 23–24, 39, 181 wartime government of, 28–29, 31–32, 51–52 S Pingdingshan Massacre, 59 Saito¯ Kaizo¯, 129–30, 184 Ponggol Road, 148–49 Sakamaki Saburo¯, 136–37 Port Moresby, 102 Samba Ikat Village, 149 Potsdam Declaration, 7–8, 13 San Fernando, 27, 41, 43 Pozières, Battle of, 90 Sanada Jo¯ichiro¯, 63, 65–66, 71–72 Prickett, Kenneth G., 101 Santos, Jose Abad, 28–29, 40, 44 prisoners of war, 26–28, 40–42, 56–76, Saw Kaw Ku, 133–37 77–97, 151, 177–78 SCAP Regulations, 14, 18–19 charges related to, 34, 40, 45–46, 69–70, Second Demobilization Bureau, 157, 165, 91, 96, 161 169, 187 for labor, 66–69, 77–97 Seiki no isho, 187 medical officers among, 86–88, 96, 98–101 Seletar, 112, 147 mortality rate of, 28, 41, 66, 78, 82–83, 89 Senpan saiban no jisso¯ , 187 release on parole of, 28, 42, 64, 67, sexual violence, 78, 99, 101, See also rape 110–11, 114–15 Shandong, 107–8 status of, 58–60, 63, 104, 106–7, 110–11, Shanghai, 9, 107 114–17, 126–27 Shigemitsu Mamoru, 76, 159 Prisoner-of-War Administration Section, 57, shiki, 169–73 65–66, 69–73 Shimada Shigetaro¯, 164 Prisoner-of-War Information Bureau, 57, Shimanouchi Tatsuoki, 156–57, 159–60 63–65, 67, 69–72 Shinbu Army, 35 procedural fairness, 14–20, 180–82 Shinozaki Mamoru, 146–47 procedural irregularity, 165, 181 Siam Prisoner-of-War Administration, Puay Ah Boh, 149 91–92 Singapore Guard Unit, 145–47, 150–52 Q Singapore Massacre, 132–33, 144–55, 186 Quezon, Manuel L., 28–29 numbers of dead in, 145–46 Quirino, Elpidio, 54 Singapore Trials. See U.K. war crimes trials R Singapore, invasion (1942) of, 26, 95, Rabaul, 9, 102–8, 113, 116–18, 125 110–11, 132, 144–45 Rabaul trials. See Australian war Singh, Chint, 112–13, 119, 122–23 crimes trials Singh, Mohan, 111–13, 115, 182 Railway Transport Unit (Southern Army), 78, Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895), 56 90–92 16th Army, 26, 110 Rangoon trials. See U.S. war crimes trials Skeen, John, 24

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slave labor. See forced labor t o¯ k a n , 170, 173–74 Sonkrai, 93, 95–96 Tokyo Trial, 1–4, 6, 8–9, 15–16, 81, 158, South Pacific, 31, 102–3, 107–8, 113 162–63 forced labor in, 61, 103–28, 182 former defense lawyers at, 71, the dead in, 102–3, 116, 120–23 156–57, 159 South Sea Island Group, 107 judgment at, 8, 15, 58–62, 66, 76, 164–65 Southern Army, 26, 32, 37, 42–44, 78–81, Tomonari Toshi, 105–6 83–85, 90–91, 97–98, 105, 108–13, Tonchan South, 86 172–73, 185 torture, 30, 33, 45, 49–50, 54, 61–62, 70, Soviet war crimes trials, 9–10 129, 131, 134, 142, 161, 182, See also special-duty companies, 105, 108–13, kenpeitai 122–23, 125 to¯sotsu, 169–71, 173, 175 staff officers, 38, 71, 125–26, 129–30, Toyoda Kumao, 187–88 153–54, 175, 184 Toyoda Soemu, 8, 16, 156, 160 strict liability, 118, 128, 163, 183 testimony of, 171, 174–75, 177–78 submarine atrocities, 158, 161–62, Toyoda (Soemu) Trial, 8, 10, 15–16, 18, 36, 164–65, 176 156–178, 181–83, 185, 189 Sugai Toshimaro, 72 charge at, 160–61 Sugamo Prison, 73, 84, 187 defense argument at, 165–67, 169–76 Sugita Ichiji, 144–46 judgment at, 158–60, 165, 167–68, Sugiyama Hajime, 84 176–78, 183 Sumatra campaign, 150 method of proof at, 159, 161–63, 176–77 Sumi Toyosaburo¯, 129–30, 184 Toyoyama Kisei, 94–97, 184 superior orders, 45, 74–75, 83, 126–27, 138, translation. See interpretation (courtroom) 141, 149, 151, 154–55 treason, 115 superior-subordinate relations, 37, 43–44, Tsuji Masanobu, 133, 145, 150, 153, 184 76, 92–97, 116–17, 125–26, 129–30, Tsukada Misao, 131–32, 136–41 166–76, 183–85 Tsuneyoshi Yoshio, 28, 42, 45–46 Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia 25th Army, 26, 103, 110, 132–33, 144–47, (SACSEA), 79 149–51, 184 Supreme Commander for the Allied 26th Field Supply Depot, 117–18 Powers (SCAP), 12, 14, 156, See also MacArthur, Douglas U Suzuki So¯saku, 133, 150–51 U.K. war crimes trials, 7, 9, 12–13, 17–18, 78–79 T at Rangoon, 131, 133–34, 154 Taiwan, 25, 66, 94, 116 at Singapore, 78–79, 90–101, 129–30, Takada Toshitane, 171 132–33, 154 Tamio Susumu, 96 U.S. Army Forces Far East (USAFFE), 25–27 Tamura Hiroshi, 16, 57, 76 U.S. Constitution, 23, 39 command authority of, 65, 70–76 U.S. military commissions. See U.S. war Tamura Trial, 8, 10, 15–16, 18, 57, 66, crimes trials 69–76, 181, 189 U.S. Supreme Court, 21, 23–24, 39–40, 105, charge at, 69–70 118, 123–24, 167, 181 defense argument at, 75 U.S. war crimes trials, 8–9, 14, 18–19, 188 verdict and sentence at, 75–76 at Manila, 11, 14, 21–22, 33–45, 47 Tan Hai Suar, 149 at Yokohama, 7, 14, 45–46, 73, Tanah Merah Beach, 148 126, 164–65 Tanaka Kengoro¯, 122 by the U.S. Navy, 14, 186 Tanaka Shizuichi, 22, 31, 51 Uemura Mikio, 57, 65, 67, 73 Tara Bibi, 135 Umezu Yoshijiro¯, 60 Telok Kerau English School, 147 United Nations War Crimes Commission Terauchi Hisaichi, 26, 32–33, 43–44, 78, 84, (UNWCC), 12, 141 90, 105, 109–11 Upson, Thomas W., 125 To¯jo¯ Hideki, 32, 59, 61, 65, 84 Usui Kiichiro¯, 136, 144

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V World War I, 57, 90, 107 Vargas, Eduardo T., 28 World War II, 4, 57, 107, 185–86 Vargas, Jorge B., 29, 51 victor’s justice, 1, 15, 39, 154–55, 179–82 Y Vietnam War, 23 Yamamoto Isoroku, 171 Visaya District, 26, 32, 47 Yamashita Tomoyuki, 26, 32–33, 51, 132–33, 144–46, 149–51, 154 W Yamashita Trial, 5–6, 11, 14, 19, 21, 48–49, Wachi Takeji, 41–43, 46 55, 101, 158, 163, 165–66, 181–82, 185 Wakamatsu Tadaichi, 80 as precedent, 22–23, 39–41, 44, 46, 54, Wampo, 88 104–5, 126, 128, 163, 167, 183 Wang Jing-wei, 106 charge at, 21, 33–34 war correspondents, 56, 146 defense argument at, 36–38 war crimes investigations, 4, 12–13, 62, judgment at, 38–39, 182–83 95, 133 method of proof at, 34–36 by the Japanese (postwar), 79–85, 144, U.S. Supreme Court decisions on, 22–23, 145, 152–53, 187–88 39–40, 46, 118, 123–24 war minister. See army minister Yanagisawa Izumi, 142–43 War Ministry. See Army Ministry Yanagita Sho¯ichi, 89, 91–92 Warren, E. N., 71–75 Yang, James S. L., 8 Watanabe Mutsuo, 97–98 Yeo Hung Chung, 149 water treatment, 30 Yokohama trials. See U.S. war crimes trials Waterous, Willard H., 46 Yokosuka Guard Unit, 174 Webb, Wlliam F., 8, 119 Yokosuka Naval District, 160–61, 166, Western civilization, 56–57 173–75, 177–78 Wewak, 9, 107–8, 119, 122–23 Yokota Yoshitaka, 152–53 Whitelaw, J. S., 115, 127–28 Yokoyama Shizuo, 35 Wild, Cyril, 95–96 Yoshida Zengo, 170 Woo Yien, 106–8, 116 Yoshihara Kane, 121

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