Low Organization Games

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Table of Contents

All Game...... page 3 Panic Ball...... page 4 Key Master Game...... page 5 Collecting Your Marbles...... page 6 Giants, Wizards, Elves...... page 7 Dice Count...... page 8 Heads & Tails...... page 9&10 Posts: A Circle Game...... page 11 Cat is Coming...... page 12 Spelling ...... page 13 Two-Player Juggle...... page 14 Rainy Day Activities...... page 15 Steal the Bacon...... page 16 Neighbours...... page 17 Pool Noodles: Track & Field...... page 18 Movie Star...... page 19 Chivalry Competition...... page 20 Waddle Walk Chin Duck...... page 21 CanFitPro Games...... page 22 Mindy Mylrea Favourite Games...... page 23 Cleaning up Bean Bags: Garbage Trucks...... page 24 Indoor Discus...... page 25 Heave Hoe...... page 26

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All Sport Game By: Joe Vale

Divide class into two teams and have them sit on benches on either side of centre off of the playing court. Collect various pieces of P.E. equipment (i.e. balls) and place them in a bin (make sure students can't see the equipment)

At the whistle, the teacher calls out a number and rolls a ball/playing manipulative to the middle of the floor. Whatever ball is rolled out, that is the game that students engage in until a point is scored. For example, the teacher calls out "4" and rolls an ball to the middle of the gym. Therefore, the last 4 students on the bench run to the back wall and take off toward the ball and engage in a 4-on-4 game of soccer. The game ends with a score (rules are based on the game being played....so if the game is , regular basketball rules would apply). When a point is scored that round is complete, the players return to the opposite end of the bench and wait to return to the game when called upon. ** Emphasize that kids cannot immediately run to the middle of the gym, they must run and touch the wall first! You can get lots of kids involved or a small number.... So, if the teacher calls "1" and rolls out a basketball, it's 1-on-1 basketball. or.. If the teacher calls out 7 and throws out a elephant skin ball, it's 7-on-7 . The kids love the variation and there is no limit to the games you can incorporate (i.e. frisbee, hit ball, ) ! Keep a score!

Variation: Use two large dice. One decides the number of players and the other determines the game. Each number could represent a game (1= soccer, 2=basketball, 3=handball, 4=, 5=tchoukball, 6=) The games could vary each day.

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Panic Ball By: Cossarin

We have used this as an intramural in the past and it is a favourite game in phys-ed classes. PANIC BALL (named by a grade 10 girls phys-ed class a few years ago) - put a large exercise ball in the middle of the gym - put half the class on one end of the gym by the wall and the other half at the opposite wall - toss out a full bin of volleyballs - the object of the game is to throw the volleyballs at the exercise ball and get it rolling towards the other team's end until it crosses a specified line. Watch the teams PANIC when the ball starts rolling close to the line! You can keep score of how many points each team earns. - after each point, move the ball back to the centre of the gym and start again. - you have to specify which line the students have to be behind when they throw the ball - they can run out and gather up balls and send them back to their teammates, but they have to be behind the line when they throw it. - if they interfere with the exercise ball, the other team gets a point.

Variation: by Chris Wilson I have played this game with a "Bug Ball" in the middle.

A "bug ball" is made from a dead basketball. Cut it in half and mount one half onto a round piece of plywood that is cut to size(circular). Then mount 4 coaster wheels on the bottom. Then I decorate the ball to look like a bug. Got this idea from Bill Serbin in Winnipeg!

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Key Master Game By: Kim Durst/ Loretta Molloy

All students start at one end of the gym with the keymaster at the front of gym (our students stand on stage). There are blue mats scattered randomly throughout the gym, usually in an upright position so students can hide behind them. Object of the game is to make your way down the gym without being caught by the keymaster. Keymaster has his back to the crowd. One whistle means go (keymaster keeps his/her back to moving kids) and two means stop and hide behind the closest blue mat (keymaster turns around to look for students who did not hide in time). If the keymaster sees you, your name is called and you must go back to the beginning and start again. Any students who make it to the front are to grab an object (used to symbolize the key) and make it back to the wall shouts KEYMASTER and they get to be the new keymaster. We play this game with every age and is a favourite for our intramural program. It is a great game and every kid loves to play hide and seek!

Variation: by Chris Wilson Use benches and have them laying on their side, so players would have to dive and lie down to hide.

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Collecting Your Marbles By: John Byl

Start off with 20 marbles of the same colour and one of a different colour, and four small pieces of cloth (big enough to cover a ).

One player hides four marbles (including the different coloured one) under the four clothes.

The other player lifts a cloth one-by-one to find the different coloured marble. Once the other player finds the missing marble, any marbles left become hers. For example, if she finds the different coloured marble on the first turn she will collect three marbles, if she finds it in her last turn she will collect no marbles.

Now the player who sought the different marble hides four marbles. Keep alternating till all the marbles are gone. The player with the most marbles wins.

NOTE: This is a version of a native Indian game where leather was used for cloth, and different objects for the marbles.

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Giants, Wizards, Elves By: John Byl

Played like Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Players find a partner and hop three times together. On the third hop they act out their chosen character.

Elves squat down with two fingers held at their ears and make a screeching noise. Giants stand on tippy toes with raised arms and make a roaring sound. Wizards stretch out their hands as if casting a spell.

Elves shoot Wizards, Wizards frazzle Giants, and Giants squash Elves.

Could also be played with two teams. The whole team decides on which creature they will be. The two teams all hop together and act out their chosen character. Teams should be standing three paces apart. The winning team tries to tag players from the losing side before they return to a safety line three paces back from their starting point. If a player is tagged they join the team they were tagged by.

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Dice Count By: John Byl

Players try to score the highest points for themselves.

Put 3-5 dice in a cup or bowl. The player tosses the dice out of the cup (at least 30cm or 1 foot high) and then tries to catch as many dice as she can. Then count (to be determined ahead of time) the number of dice caught, or the numbers shown on top of the dice that were caught.

Next player goes.

Play for a certain amount of time, number of turns each, or first player to reach a certain number of points.

Variation: by Chris Wilson Partner Dice count? One person tosses and the other catches! Roll the caught dice and the tosser must do that many push ups, sit ups etc.

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Heads & Tails By: John Byl

Sometimes we need a quick elimination game and here is one I learned recently.

Participants put their hands on their head or their butts. Toss a coin, if it is heads the heads win and stay standing, and if it is tails the tails wins and stay standing. The others are eliminated. Go again till only one person is left standing.

I got to thinking about this game as one you could also use for other purposes. Maybe have two different exercises, for example jumping jacks or jogging around the gym. Participants select their choice by placing their hands on their heads or butts, flip a coin to see who does jumping jacks; if it is heads, heads do jumping jacks and tails jog, if it is tails the tails do jumping jacks and heads go for a jog.

You could also have students pair up across the middle of a large space with a safe line about four metres behind each side. One of the pairs is a tail, the other is a head--they decide. Flip a coin and call out if a head or tail is on top. Whoever's side is called needs to run to the safe line without being tagged. If they make it safely they score one point, if they get tagged the tagger scores a point. Play again.

Variation: by Laurie I used your Heads and tails game with a different twist. The winners got to choose the exercise for the non winners to perform. I put a limit on the number of repetitions depending on the age group I was working with. For my grade 1 students the limit was 10. This could also be used for integrating a math lesson on probability. We kept track on a piece of chart paper the number of times "heads" came up and the number of times it was "tails". Once the students had a visual on how many times one side came up over another, it started influencing which side they chose! My students loved it.

Variation: by Chris Wilson How about a heads and tails version of "Crows & Cranes". Set up team teams in lines facing each other at the center of the gym. Identify one line as heads and one as tails. Teacher will toss a coin into the center of the line. If it comes up heads, the heads team chases the tails team, trying to tag them before they get across a line.

Variation: by John Byl If there are a lot of people make this more of a Crows and Cranes tag game where players can run around the space till they are tagged. With a lot of people those being tagged try to get lost in the crowd.

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Variation: by Chris Wilson Maybe even individual "Heads & Tails". Each pair lines up at the center line and they throw a coin. The chase is on. If you tag the player you get a token to show your win. Hair ties from the dollar store work well. Whether you were caught or not, everyone goes to center and finds a new partner to play right away. Object is to collect as many hair ties as possible. For safety, you should return to center along the side to avoid runners.

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Posts: A Circle Game By: Chris Wilson

Have participants in a circle about 1 meter apart. Number all the participants. Teacher stands in the middle and calls two numbers. They must race through the posts (weave through students) in the same direction until they get back to their spot.

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Cat is Coming By: John Byl

Objective of the game is to not be the mouse without a house (a little like musical chairs).

Two to three players less than half the players stand in a circle about one to two metres apart from each other with their legs spread apart, the mouse holes. The other players, the mice, stand outside the circle.

On a command from the leader the mice jog around the circle. When the leader calls out, "The cat is coming!" the mice find a mouse hole to crawl through and sit just inside their mouse house. There will be one or two players without a mouse hole and they are caught and get a letter from the word M O U S E. A player does not want to get all five letters--the game probably will not last that long so no one ends up being a MOUSE and everyone enjoyed escaping from the cat.

Once one round is completed have the mice become mouse holes and the mouse holes, and the ones who got a letter, become mice.

Variations: Use different types of locomotion and, like musical chairs, use music when the players are moving, stopping the music means finding a mouse hole.

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Spelling Roll Ball By: John Byl

Equipment: large stability ball

Aim: for the players on the outside circle to get a player inside the circle to spell a certain a word.

Set up: - Two teams of 5-8 players. - One team stands in a circle. - The other team stands inside the circle. - One player from the circle has a stability ball on the floor in front of them.

Instructions: Pick a word to spell — ie , stability, ball, dodge …. On the signal to go the players in the circle try to roll the ball so its hits a player inside the circle —don ’t worry, the ball does not travel very fast so no one gets hurt. If a player gets hit by the ball they get the first letter of the word to be spelled, if they get a second time they get the second letter …. Once one player gets all the letters of the word the groups switch roles and the inside group forms the circle, and circle group goes inside the circle.

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Two-Player Juggle By: John Byl

Objective: For two people players to cooperatively juggle three balls together as long as possible

Equipment: Three stability balls (or volleyballs, ….)

Number of Players: Any number of pairs

Setup: - Two players stand opposite each other. - One player holds one ball ;, the other player holds two balls (or has the second ball on the floor immediately in front of her).

Instructions: 1. The player with two balls throws one ball to the player with one ball. 2. Before the player with one ball catches the thrown ball, she tosses her ball to the first player. 3. Before the first player catches the thrown ball, she tosses the second ball to the first player. 4. Players continue juggling balls for as long as possible.

Tips and Variations: *From a teaching perspective begin with two players tossing one ball back and forth so that the ball is on a nearly straight- down trajectory when it is caught. Then introduce a second ball and have players then learn to toss two balls. Then add the third. *Side-by-Side Two-Player Juggle: Players stand side-by-side and juggle the balls (this is considerably more challenging than standing opposite each other).

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Rainy Day Activities By: John Byl

Finger and Hole: Stand in a circle. With your right hand make a hole with your thumb and finger palm up. With your left hand poke your finger into the finger hole of your neighbour to your left. When the leader says tch your try to squeeze your neighbours finger while making sure yours does not get caught. Anyone who has a finger caught is out. When there are two people left have them close their eyes so they do not see the leader say tch

Poke and Catch: Get with a partner. One partner holds their palm out the other places a finger close to the palm of their partner. One partner tries to touch the palm of their partner without getting their finger caught. See how many times in a row you can touch your partners palm with your finger without getting it caught.

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Steal the Bacon By: John Byl

Players sit in pairs crossed legged (or other position) facing each other with a bean bag on the floor between them. Players put their hands on their knees (vary the hand positions: hands behind your back, on top of your shoulders, on top of your head...). When the leader says go, each player tries to grab the bean bag (bacon) before the other player does (can also try it without a leader saying go. One partner takes the lead five times and then the other player takes the lead five times--players try to beat their opponent even when they begin.

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Neighbhours By: Andy Raithby

Toss out 50 tennis balls and have the players pick up two balls with sequential numbers (Numbers 1 and 2) and then players need to stand beside the neighbouring numbers (Numbers 3 and 4)... along a straight line. It gets really fun when one player has let's say 3 and 4 and the next person has 6 and 7--everyone has to adjust one ball.

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Pool Noodles: Track and Field By: John Byl

The javelin throw is an obvious one where you could use a pool noodle instead of a real javelin; certainly a lot safer.

The Caber Toss is another one. The "official rules" for the caber toss are listed below, but one could do it like the javelin toss and measure it for distance.

The centerpiece of the modern Highland Games, the caber requires strength, balance and timing. The caber is a tapered log approximately 19 feet long and weighing 100 to 130 pounds (These weights and measurements vary at different games depending on the field of athletes and the terrain). The athlete hoists the caber and folds his hands under the end while cradling it against his shoulder. Gaining the balance of the upright caber, he will run briefly with it to gain momentum for the toss. Followed by field judges, the competitor heaves the caber up and over to ground its heavy end and let it fall forward. The field judge will ascribe a 'score' to the toss. If the caber is 'turned' it will be scored with its final position relative to the face of a giant clock, 12:00 being a perfect score. If the caber is grounded but doesn't turn, it is scored by the degree it rose from the ground. http://www.thessaaa.com/rules.htm

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Movie Star By: John Byl

One person is secretly chosen among the group to be the movie star. His object is to wink discreetly at various fans walking freely around. Once winked at the fan must wait 3 - 5 seconds and then suddenly faint shouting out the name of his/her favourite Movie Star. Once somebody notices the movie star winking at somebody, he must stop and say: "Hey! I know you and point to the star. If wrong, person who chose must faint himself. (Should probably add something like the movie star needing to see how many people can be made to faint in one minute, have more than one movie star for a bigger class …because we don’t want people sitting around too long).

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Chivalry Competition By: John Byl

Equipment: - One carpet square per person

How to Play: A lord and a lady have two carpet squares. One walks the whole way down a field on carpet squares laid out by their partner, who may walk on the playing area. As soon as the player steps from the back one onto the front one, their partner moves the back square in front of their partner. Players race against other nobles to see who can move down the field the fastest!

Variation: Swamp Crossing: A whole team must stay on the carpet at all times. Players have one square per three people. They lay out the squares and keep moving forward until they get to the end of their supply. Then the team tries to fit on as few squares as possible, so it can pass the carpets from the back forward.

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Waddle Walk Chin Duck By: John Byl

Equipment: - Two small plastic trash cans per team - Ping Pong or gator balls

How to Play: A relay in which players take turns moving the balls from one basket to another, carrying one ball at a time under their chin or between their knees. Have a combined challenge, so that players hold balls both under their chin and between their knees at the same time!

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CanFitPro Games

For 6-9 year olds: Partner Line: Partners face each other a few paces apart. They walk in and shake hands then walk balk, then jog in and out with high fives, then gallop in and out with low fives ….

British Bull Dog —variation is to add a tail on the runners with flag, scarf, piece of cloth …

For 10-14 year olds: Four person tag: Three players hold hands, the other person is outside the triangle. Decide who the outside person will tag. The outside person tries to tag that person while the three holding hands try to prevent it.

True/False: Like crows and cranes except the teacher makes up statements. If the statement is true the true team will chase the false team, if the statement is false the false team will chase the true team. For example: 5 x 5 = 25 (true chase false), or 6 x 6 = 35 (false chase trues). Reinforces math (or other subjects) into the PED class.

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Mindy Mylrea Favourite Games By: Mindy Mylrea

Newspaper Run: Run with a sheet of newspaper across chest with arms in air. Transfer paper to partner without touching paper. Partner runs back.

T-shirt Buddy: Partners hold hands. One partner is wearing a large shirt. Transfer shirt to other partner without letting go of hands.

Partner Line: Have partners face each other and ask them to perform tasks and adding on tasks each turn.

True/False: Partners face each other and teacher calls out something that is either true or false. One partner is true and tries to tag if a true statement is stated and vice versa for false. Play like Crows and Cranes but count points for each win. A great place to add some math statements or review for a test.

Ham and Cheese: Partner pair decide a pair of something that they will be (ham and cheese, salt and pepper, hammer and nail) They then go to opposite walls, close their eyes and call out their partners name. The new name that they just decided on. They try to listen and call at the same time to try to find their partner.

Keen Eye: Look at partner and try to memorize everything about them. Turn around and partner changes one thing. Other partner tries to guess what is different.

Art Show: One partner is the clay and the other partner is the artist. The artist molds the piece of clay into an emotion-love, fear, sadness.

Pass the gift boxes: Person open an imaginary box and mimes what they are seeing, others try to guess what it is.

Add on to the circle: Person performs an activity, all others follow, and then the next person adds on. Repeat until all have added on. Perform routine for the rest of the class.

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Cleaning Up Bean Bags: Garbage Trucks By: John Byl

Objective: For each team to collect as many bean bags as they can.

Instructions: Get students in groups of five or six lined up one behind the other with plenty of bean bags spread out around the floor. On the signal to start, the first person in the line leads the team to a bean bag, picks it up and gives it over her head to the next person, who gives it under his legs to the next personontinue passing the bean bag down the line over and under and over and under until it gets to the last person who holds it. Once the last person gets the bean bag the line hunts down another bean bag and goes through the same procedure. When there are no more bean bags left the team with the most bean bags is the winner. The people carrying the bean bags put them in a container and all the bean bags are cleaned up.

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Indoor Discus By: John Byl

We needed some indoor disci the other day so we grabbed a bunch of Frisbees and made some up.

Take two Frisbees, put an old T-shirt or two (from lost and found) inside the Frisbees. Duct tape over-and-under the Frisbees three times--three different lines, and then duct tape the entire edge. Presto, an indoor discus.

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Heave Hoe By: John Byl

Objective: Score more points than the other team by hitting their wall or catching their throws — a fun and active throwing and catching game.

Form two teams of 5-15 players which line up on either side of the gym with a dividing line down the middle. Have a high-throw line approximately 1.5 metres off the ground on the wall.

Give each team 3-4 gator skin balls.

On the leader’s signal to begin players move up to the centre line and throw the ball at their opponent’s back wall. If the ball hits the wall in the air below the high-throw line the team scores a point. If the other team catches the ball in the air the catching team scores a point. All other throws do not count for anything.

After a set time limit, the team with the most points wins.

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