The Magazine of the Orthopaedic Section, Apta

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The Magazine of the Orthopaedic Section, Apta ORTHOPAEDIC PHYSICAL THERAPY PRACTICE THE MAGAZINE OF THE ORTHOPAEDIC SECTION, APTA VOL. 17, NO. 2 2005 Orthopaedic Practice Vol. 17;2:05 1 2 Orthopaedic Practice Vol. 17;2:05 ORTHOPAEDIC PHYSICAL THERAPY PRACTICE TABLE OF CONTENTS IN THIS ISSUE 8 Gait Retraining in Runners Irene S. Davis 14 Applications of Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Musculoskeletal Practice Teddy W.Worrell, Ronald P.Olson 18 The Use of Surface Electromyography to Determine Muscle Activation during Isotonic and Elastic Resistance Exercises for Shoulder Rehabilitation Christopher J. Hughes, Aaron McBride 26 Product News REGULAR FEATURES 5 Editor’s Corner 6President’s Message 24 Practice Affairs 25 Book Reviews 28 WebWatch 29 Occupational Health SIG Newsletter MISSION The mission of the Orthopaedic Section of the 33 Performing Arts SIG Newsletter American Physical Therapy Association is to be the 37 Pain Management SIG Newsletter leading advocate and resource for the practice of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy. The Section will 38 Animal Physical Therapist SIG Newsletter serve its members by fostering quality patient/client 44 Index to Advertisers care and promoting professional growth through: • enhancement of clinical practice, • advancement of education, and •facilitation of quality research. PUBLICATION STAFF EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR & ADVERTISING Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice (ISSN 1532-0871) is the official magazine of the Orthopaedic Section,APTA, Christopher Hughes, PT,PhD, OCS Sharon L. Klinski Inc. Copyright 2005 by the Orthopaedic Section/APTA. ADVISORY COUNCIL Orthopaedic Section,APTA Nonmember subscriptions are available for $30 per year (4 G. Kelley Fitzgerald, PT,PhD, OCS 2920 East Ave So, Suite 200 issues). Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ortho- Joe Kleinkort, PT,MA, PhD, CIE La Crosse,Wisconsin 54601 paedic Section.The editor reserves the right to edit manu- Becky Newton, MSPT 800-444-3982 x 202 scripts as necessary for publication.All requests for change Stephen Paulseth, PT,MS 608-788-3965 FAX of address should be directed to the La Crosse Office. Robert Rowe, PT,DMT,MHS, FAAOMPT Email: [email protected] All advertisements which appear in or accompany Ortho- paedic Physical Therapy Practice are accepted on the ba- Gary Smith, PT,PhD sis of conformation to ethical physical therapy standards, Michael Wooden, PT,MS, OCS but acceptance does not imply endorsement by the Ortho- paedic Section. Orthopaedic Practice is indexed by Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). Publication Title: Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice Statement of Frequency: Quarterly; April, June, August, and December Authorized Organization’s Name and Address: Orthopaedic Section, APTA, Inc., 2920 East Avenue South, Suite 200, La Crosse,WI 54601-7202 Orthopaedic Practice Vol. 17;2:05 3 Orthopaedic Section Directory OFFICERS President: Vice President: Treasurer: Director: Director: Michael T. Cibulka, PT, MHS, OCS Thomas G. McPoil, Jr, PT, PhD, ATC Joe Godges, DPT, MA, OCS James Irrgang, PT, PhD, ATC William H. O’Grady, PT, DPT, Jefferson County Rehab & 1630 W University Heights Drive Kaiser PT Residency & Fellowships University of Pittsburgh OCS, FAAOMPT, AAPM Sports Clinic South Flagstaff,AZ 86001 6107 West 75th Place Department of Physical Therapy 1214 Starling St 1330 YMCA Drive, Suite 1200 (928) 523-1499 Los Angeles, CA 90045-1633 Sennett at Atwood Streets Steilacoom,WA 98388-2040 Festus, MO 63028 (928) 523-9289 (FAX) (310) 215-3664 (Office) Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (253) 588-5662 (Office) (636) 937-7677 (Office) [email protected] (310) 215-0780 (FAX) (412) 432-1237 (Office) [email protected] (636) 931-8808 (FAX) Term 2004 - 2007 [email protected] (412) 647-1454 (FAX) Term: 2005-2008 [email protected] Term: 2005-2008 [email protected] Term: 2004 - 2007 Term: 2003-2006 CHAIRS MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION PROGRAM INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSE ORTHOPAEDIC PRACTICE Chair: Chair: Editor: Editor: Scott Adam Smith, MPT Ellen Hamilton, PT, OCS Mary Ann Wilmarth, DPT, MS, OCS, Christopher Hughes, PT, PhD, OCS 29 Lawrence Street 720 Montclair Road, Ste 100 MTC, CertMDT School of Physical Therapy Hicksville, NY 11801 Birmingham, AL 35213 10 Nollet Dr Slippery Rock University (516) 681-5647 (Office) (205) 599-4500 Andover, MA 01810-6312 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 [email protected] (205) 599-4535 (FAX) (978) 682-8802 (724) 738-2757 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Members: Hunter Bowie, Julia Chevan, John Childs, Melissa Vice Chair: Beth Jones, PT, DPT, MS, OCS Managing Editor: Sharon Klinski Corriveau, Byron Russell, Terry Managing Editor: Kathy Olson Trundle [email protected] Members: Dee Daley, Bob Duvall, [email protected] (See Office Personnel) Deborah Gross-Saunders, Kristinn Heindrichs, (See Office Personnel) Joe Kleinkort, Deborah Lechner, David McCune, Tara Manal, Cheryl Mauer, Stephen Paulseth, Chris Powers, Christopher Scott, Jeff Stenbach RESEARCH ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALTY COUNCIL PRACTICE PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING Chair: Chair: Chair: Chair: G. Kelley Fitzgerald, PT, PhD, OCS Robert Johnson, PT, MS, OCS Robert (Bob) H Rowe, PT, DMT, Richard Watson, PT University of Pittsburgh 406 N Brainerd MHS, FAAOMPT 1266 Berkshire Lane Department of Physical Therapy LaGrange, IL 60526 126 Oak Leaf Drive Barrington, IL 60010-6508 6035 Forbes Tower (708) 579-0423 Slidell, LA 70461-5006 (847) 726-9181 Pittsburgh, PA 16260 [email protected] (504) 568-4285 (703) 935-4754 (FAX) (412) 383-6643 (Office) (504) 568-6552 (FAX) [email protected] (412) 383-6629 (FAX) Members: Col. Nancy Henderson, Rob [email protected] [email protected] Landel Members: Amanda Adams, Cheryl Members: Bill Boissonnault, Joe Farrell, Dimapasoc, Michelle Spicka, Michael Members: Paul Beattie, Gregory Hicks, Helene Fearon, Jay Irrgang, Aimee Klein, Tollan Lori Michen, Sheri Silfies Stephen McDavitt, Ken Olson, Richard Smith, Debbie Todd FINANCE AWARDS JOSPT NOMINATIONS Chair: Chair: Editor-in-Chief: Chair: Joe Godges, DPT, MA, OCS Thomas G. McPoil, Jr, PT, PhD, ATC Guy Simoneau, PT, PhD, ATC Leza Hatch, PT, MSPT, MA, OCS (See Treasurer) (See Vice President) Marquette University 930 Olive Dr, Unit 59 P. O. Box 1881 Bakersfield, CA 93308-4182 Members: John Childs, Steve Clark, Members: Gary Hunt, Susan Appling, Carl Milwaukee,WI 53201-1881 [email protected] Pam White DeRosa, Dale Schuit (414) 288-3380 (Office) (414) 288-5987 (FAX) Members: Pamela Duffy, Kyndall Boyle [email protected] Executive Director/Publisher: Edith Holmes [email protected] SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS APTA BOARD LIAISON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SIG PAIN MANAGEMENT SIG Stephen Levine, PT,DPT,MSHA Orthopaedic Section Website: Deborah Lechner, PT, MS - President Joe Kleinkort, PT, MA, PhD, CIE - President [email protected] FOOT AND ANKLE SIG ANIMAL PT SIG Stephen G.Paulseth, PT, MS, SCS - President Deborah Gross-Saunders, PT - President 2005 HOUSE OF DELEGATES Bulletin Board feature also PERFORMING ARTS SIG REPRESENTATIVE included. Check it out soon! Susan Clinton, PT, MHS - President Bob Rowe, PT,DMT,MHS, FAAOMPT OFFICE PERSONNEL Orthopaedic Section,APTA, Inc., 2920 East Avenue South, Ste 200, La Crosse,WI 54601-7202, (800) 444-3982 (Office), (608) 788-3965 (FAX) Terri DeFlorian, Executive Director x 204 [email protected] Kathy Olson, Managing Editor ISC x 213 [email protected] Tara Fredrickson, Executive Associate x 203 [email protected] Carol Denison, ISC Processor/Receptionist x 215 [email protected] Sharon Klinski, Managing Editor J/N x 202 [email protected] 4 Orthopaedic Practice Vol. 17;2:05 Editor’s Corner Technology: Help or Hindrance?? ’’ I think we have all been there. A Our current issue focuses on the new piece of technology, whether it use of technology in the clinical set- be something we can use clinically or Important questions need to ting. Each author has attempted to something we might want to use in be adequately answered in our find answers to various questions by every day life, comes out and imme- using technology to help in finding diately the question becomes…..Will own minds before we ‘leap’ answers. Can ultrasound be an effec- this product make my life better? into using new technology. tive diagnostic tool in diagnosing What will the learning curve be and musculoskeletal injuries? Is it a cost- is it really worth the time? effective alternative to current tech- Can the device be used to solve ’’ nology such as MRI? Can electromyo- problems or will it only create prob- graphical analysis shed light on help- course’ and now just sit in the corner lems? Cell phone technology has lit- ing clinicians determine the effects of of the clinic collecting dust and taking erally changed a generation and con- various modes of exercise on muscle up space.With profit margins becom- tinues to be exploited.However,tech- activation? Finally, can motion analy- ing increasingly lean, the purchase of nology brings with it a double-edged sis help us in improving a runners any piece of new equipment or tech- sword. In one instance a cell phone gait to reduce injury and improve effi- nology becomes an important factor ciency? can save a life when we are in need of to consider. Can a piece of technolo- assistance but it can also be a hazard My thanks and appreciation go gy really help us become a better clin- out to authors Teddy Worrell and Ron when used while driving. ician and assist us in providing the Important questions need to be Olson and also Irene Davis-McClay for best patient care? How much of what contributing to this edition of OP. adequately answered in our own is fed to us by vendors and advertise- minds before we ‘leap’into using new The Editors at OP intend to run more ments is more smoke and mirrors than ‘theme issues’ in the future. If you technology. This is especially true in actual progress? Also can the technol- have any ideas on topics you would the clinic. Clinicians tend to be crea- ogy be abused by the user through the like to see presented, feel free to con- tures (sorry about that) of habit.
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