
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Property Asset Management Plan

Date:- March 2014


1 Foreword 3

2 Introduction & Background 4

3 Corporate Strategy Values & Priorities 7

4 Corporate Asset Management Strategy – Property Performance Outcomes 9

5 Property Asset Management – Strategic Hierarchy/Framework & Decision Making 11

6 Current Asset Management Performance of Operational Estate 16

7 Property Review & Disposal of Assets 24

8 Performance Management 25

9 Investment – Financial Resources 26

10 Customer Consultation 28

11 Risk to Property Asset Management Plan 29


A Property Assets Breakdown 30

B Investment Programme 35

C Statutory Compliance Programme & Plan 44

D Disposal of Assets Policy & Register 45

E National Performance Indicators 53



Foreword by Iain Mackinnon, Director of Technical Services

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is committed to managing its property assets efficiently and effectively. The appropriate use of property assets in the right location can make the difference between good and poor service delivery. Property assets are high in our community’s perception of the Comhairle and the services we deliver from them. It is therefore essential that we look after property assets and ensure that they benefit future generations.

This plan sets out the Comhairle’s proposed framework for the management of our property assets over the next five years. It has been produced in accordance with national guidance and recognises good practices to support the delivery of our corporate values and priorities.

It is widely recognised that the application of modern asset management practices can enable efficient resource deployment, service modernisation, long term financial planning and improved risk management. In these challenging times, it is essential that the Comhairle embraces this approach and strives to ensure that we invest as wisely as possible and ensure our property assets are fit for purpose.

Significant resources are deployed in the management, maintenance and construction of our property assets and therefore it is essential that these are deployed to deliver the best possible outcomes for the Communities of the Western Isles. This plan forms an important part of the Comhairle’s commitment to achieve this.





2.1 Introduction

This is the first Property Asset Management Plan (PAMP) which Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has compiled. This document sets out the Comhairle’s Corporate Plan for the management of our property assets for the period 2013/14 to 2017/18. The Comhairle recognises that its property assets are a significant and valuable resource in which to deliver efficient and effective services and in achieving the visions, aims and objectives of the organisation. The management of our property assets involves a number of significant elements including the day to day management of their use and maintenance, to significant renovation and new construction projects.

The Comhairle has an approved Corporate Strategy 2012/17, which sets out five core values and seven strategic priorities which have been developed in consultation with our local communities, partner organisations, stakeholders, staff and trade unions. These values and priorities, inform the activities that the Comhairle will undertake in order to achieve better outcomes for the Western Isles. Successful management of property assets will be critical to ensure the delivery of these properties.

To ensure a consistent approach to the management of our assets, the Comhairle has approved their Corporate Asset Management Plan which includes a section on Capital Investment Strategy and Asset Management, this section sets out the Comhairle’s aims and objectives for our assets and deals with the links between asset management planning and capital investment.

The purpose of this Property Asset Management Plan is to support this vision and ensure our property assets continue to play an active role in the delivery of our services. The aim of the plan is to facilitate fit for purpose property that will support the services delivering our corporate priorities.

This Property Asset Management Plan sets out the Comhairle’s approach to the management of its property assets. It supports the delivery of the Comhairle’s priorities by:

• establishing a corporate framework for the management of all our property assets; • presenting an overview of the extensive property assets owned by the Comhairle; • identifying the internal and external influencing factors and challenges affecting property; • identifying a number of activity themes to improve the performance of property asset management; and • outlining the investment we will make in our property assets over the next five years.

The Comhairle has approved their five year Capital Programme through a set process. The programme has been formulated based on our corporate priorities, managing risks, ensuring asset management best practice and adherence to the prudential code. By having the Corporate Asset Management Plan, capital and revenue resources agreed for the next five years the Comhairle has established a sound basis for aligning our resource deployment with corporate priorities.

This approach has enabled us to commit to a number of significant investments over the next five years that will substantially improve the performance of our property assets and support achievement of our corporate priorities.

These investments, together with a wide range of other works to improve the performance of our property assets, clearly demonstrate the commitment of the Comhairle to ensuring our buildings are fit for purpose for supporting service delivery for our communities.

In parallel with this document, departmental Service Asset Management Plans (SAMP) are being developed which will concentrate on each departments strategic aims, objectives and needs, along with providing detailed property performance data. The following illustration highlights the proposed SAMP framework. 4

Figure 1 – SAMP Framework

Corporate Asset Management Plan Property Asset Management Plan

Education & Social & Community Development Technical Services Finance & Corporate Chief Executive's Children's Services Services Service Department Service Service Asset Services Service Asset Service Asset Service Asset Asset Management Asset Management Managment Plan Management Plan Management Plan Management Plan Plan Plan

Schools Estates Managment Plan

2.2 Background – Property Assets Overview

Property assets are essential to the services delivered by the Comhairle. Managing these assets is a structured process that seeks to ensure best value; continuous improvement in performance; achievement of our corporate priorities; and service modernisation.

It is recognised that:

• managing property assets effectively is a key element of supporting service delivery; • resources employed in the management of our property assets are significant and therefore the efficiency of their deployment is critical; • property assets can be a key driver of service transformation and modernisation; • the value of property assets owned by the Comhairle is significant; and • properties are at the centre of public perception of our local authority.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar manages a diverse property portfolio which is split into three distinct categories:- A detailed breakdown of each of these categories is highlighted within Appendix A: A. Operational Properties Operational properties are those held, occupied and used in the direct delivery of Comhairle Services. B. Non-Operational Properties Non-Operational properties are those used to stimulate economic development and provide the Comhairle with a stable revenue income stream (the tenanted residential and non- residential property portfolio). C. Surplus Properties Surplus properties are those which have been identified by the responsible department as surplus to requirements in terms of their service needs.

Given the foregoing, the influence that property has in supporting service delivery is hugely significant. To ensure that these assets are fit for purpose, significant resources are deployed. Against a backdrop of tight public finances it is important that we continue to manage our resources more efficiently and effectively.


2.3 Background - Management

The management of all the Comhairle’s property assets sits within the Assets and Infrastructure Section as part of the Technical Services Department. This role primarily consists of the following main activities:-

• leading on the scope and direction of this Property Asset Management Plan; • responsibility for ensuring that services use property assets effectively and efficiently; • prioritising and managing the deployment of revenue resources for statutory compliance, cyclical and reactive maintenance; • prioritising and managing the deployment of capital resources to support and undertake planned improvements, statutory compliance works, and to deliver new property projects; • managing the disposal programme; • managing of the Comhairle’s tenanted property portfolio; • providing professional services to the Council and partners relating to the management of property assets; and • leading on Corporate Asset Management initiatives.

2.4 Background – Influencing Factors

The management of our property assets is influenced by a variety of factors, these can be summarised as follows:-

External -

• the current economic climate means that not only do we have fewer resources to deploy in the management and maintenance of property, but also we generate lower receipts from the sale of surplus assets; • regulatory and statutory changes at both UK and Scottish Government level will occur throughout the life of this plan. These will need to be responded to and will affect how we manage and improve our property assets; • demographic changes mean that the Western Isles population will decrease in the future and the age profile will become older and our long term property requirements will change as a result; • best practice guidance issued by professional organisations or other relevant bodies will be considered; and • property requirements of strategic partners will influence the delivery of joint projects; • costs for energy, construction materials and professional advice will vary on an on-going basis.

Internal -

• service modernisation and new ways of working mean that existing properties all need to evolve and be flexible in use; • efficiencies in resource usage will require to be achieved to reduce long term operating costs; • the Comhairle is committed to reducing carbon and improving the energy efficiency of our buildings. This will influence our planned improvements and the construction of new assets.



Through consultation with the local community, partners, stakeholders, staff and trade unions the Comhairle has set six core values and seven strategic priorities in its current Corporate Strategy (2012-17). These values and priorities represent all the vital activities that the Comhairle will undertake in order to achieve better outcomes for the Western Isles. Figures 2 & 3 below illustrates where property assets directly contribute to, or are influenced by, the delivery of the Comhairle’s values and priorities.

Figure 2 – Comhairle’s Values


Working To lead Partnership working to Being the lead agency on the OHCPP, the Partnership together make the best use of available is committed to working towards improving resources. collaborative working in striving to improve the community of the Western Isles.

Good quality To provide good quality and Through the asset management framework it services efficient services to meet the recognises the importance of fit for purpose assets needs of the community. which will enable the delivery of efficient services.

Community To engage positively with our A variety of methods will be utilised with all leadership community and be responsive to stakeholders to encourage open dialogue on the its needs. development of the property portfolio.

Represent the To present a positive image of To continually benchmark the condition, suitability the Outer Hebrides at Scottish, and performance of our property estate against local UK and EU level. and national benchmark standards on an annual basis.

Sustainability To ensure that the economic, Following the Climate Change Declaration environmental and social factors commitment, a joint Carbon Management Plan with are balanced. Western Isles NHS was compiled. This document is the key driver for increasing efficiencies, as well as reducing the carbon footprint of the estate.

Equalities To promote fairness and Disability Access Audits are undertaken and reviewed equalities for all. on our portfolio on an annual basis, were required.


Figure 3 – Comhairle’s Priorities


Population To encourage the creation of jobs, The investment in property assets is significant and retention of population and a supports employment directly in the Comhairle positive change in our through Property Maintenance Delivery and demographic balance to increase indirectly through the engagement of local the proportion of working age contractors. population. Economy To strive to create a thriving The tenanted non-residential property portfolio economy with support for key supports business space and local small businesses. sectors, greater local independence and autonomy, working with the support of Scottish Government, UK Government and the European Union. Education & To continue to provide excellent Schools represent a significant proportion of the Training bilingual education that prepares operational property portfolio. Ensuring these are fit young people for life. for purpose is a key objective and creates a positive environment for learning. Health & To promote healthier lifestyles Our leisure centre facilities enable the coordination of Wellbeing and to support people to live in services with the NHS Western Isles, and the us e of the community for as long as they our properties to deliver services relating to can and to have a positive physical health and sports which has a positive impact experience of health and social on the community. care when they need it. Communities To strengthen social and economic Through the continued management and investment development in the community of of our property estate the Comhairle will ensure that the Outer Hebrides. both the social and economic development in our communities will be strengthened. Natural & To maximise benefits from the By investing in our property assets through various Cultural Outer Hebrides’ natural, cultural, sustainable energy projects we will ensure that there Resources environmental and historical is a positive impact on the natural environment resources. within our communities. Services To provide good quality and The Comhairle has a large property portfolio which it efficient services to meet the will review and support through various surveys and needs of the community. improvement works. These works will be undertaken in consultation with the other public bodies.



The Corporate Asset Management Plan sets out that we will manage our assets efficiently and effectively to support the delivery of our service and corporate strategic priorities. To demonstrate this six performance outcomes have been developed for all property assets. The following table demonstrates how these relate to property and sets out appropriate high level performance indicators.

Figure 4 – Property Performance Outcomes

STRATEGY OUTCOMES PRIMARY PERFORMANCE ACTIVITY AIMS INDICATORS Compliance • Percentage of buildings Demonstrating that our with responsible property assets comply persons identified. with statutory and regulatory requirements. • Percentage of buildings that are fully compliant Ensuring properties are safe and in terms of having a available for use to deliver current fire safety risk services by having them assessment, up to date regularly inspected and retaining asbestos register, FIT compliance logs. certificate, PAT management process, legionella testing and management processes in place. Condition • Percentage of Demonstrating that our property properties in assets are maintained in satisfactory or better satisfactory or better condition to condition (specified support service delivery. performance indicator). Minimising the number of days our buildings are not available for • Percentage of gross service delivery. internal floor area (m2) that is in satisfactory or better condition.

• Number of days school properties are closed due to building condition failure. Suitability • Percentage of properties that Demonstrating that our are considered satisfactory or property assets are fit for better in terms of suitability purpose in terms of (specified performance accommodation type and indicator). layout to support the delivery of services. Sufficiency • Percentage of properties Demonstrating that our that are considered property assets are satisfactory or better in sufficient for service terms of sufficiency, delivery and utilised as utilisation and usage to much as possible by our 9

STRATEGY OUTCOMES PRIMARY PERFORMANCE ACTIVITY AIMS INDICATORS support service delivery. communities. Under- utilised properties being subject to comprehensive review to determine if fit for purpose and they are needed for service delivery. Accessibility • Percentage of reportable Demonstrating that our properties that are reportable property assets considered accessible provide accommodation (specified performance that is accessible for all indicator). service users and staff.

• Percentage of gross internal floor area (m 2) that is accessible.

Sustainability • Total carbon emissions Demonstrates the impact from corporate our consumption of energy

property assets (CO 2 has on the environment. tonnes) The energy performance of • KWh of energy used our property assets is per m 2 in the operation monitored, and of our corporate improvements undertaken property assets where financially viable and technically feasible. • Percentage properties with EPC rating of D or better.



5.1 Strategic Hierarchy

Property assets are managed within an integrated strategic framework that has, at its highest levels, the Outer Hebrides Community Partnership: Single Outcome Agreement and the Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy where direct and enabling service priorities are identified. The following illustration shows the strategic framework within the Comhairle.

Figure 4: Strategic Framework

Outer Hebrides Community National Planning Outcome Partnership SOA

Budget Strategy Local Outcome (2012 -14)

Community Comhairle nan Audit of Best Planning Partners Eilean Siar Value & Communities Corporate Community Government Strategy Planning (BV2) (2012 – 17)

Property/Service Corporate Asset Asset Management Management Plan (2013 -18) Plan/Plans

Corporate School Estates Service Business Improvement Management Plans Plan and Service Plan Asset Management Plans Five Key Areas Services Services - Performance Management Action Plans Action Plans - Change Management - Communication - Partnership - Customer Satisfaction


The Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership (OHCPP): Single Outcome Agreement (SOA)

The Comhairle is the lead agency on the Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership and its Corporate Strategy is clearly aligned to the Outer Hebrides Single Outcome Agreement’s seven Local Outcomes. The Comhairle is committed to working with our strategic partners, organisations, communities and businesses to deliver property assets that support our corporate and service priorities to meet community aspirations and needs.

While the Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partners have their own strategic planning process and cycle, the Comhairle has actively engaged with all partners, stakeholders and Scottish Government in the development of its Corporate Strategy which, as far as is possible and appropriate, reflects the collective aspirations of the communities of the Outer Hebrides.

Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy

The Corporate Strategy sets the strategic direction for the Comhairle over a five year period from 2012 to 2017. The Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy and its service business plans are the means by which the Comhairle provides evidence of its contribution to meeting Scottish Government priorities through Local Outcomes.

Corporate Asset Management Plan

This plan summarises the Comhairle’s aims and objectives for our assets to ensure that they are used in an effective and efficient manner. The delivery of the plan supports the Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy and is built upon our values and strategic priorities. It also provides detail on our future investment strategy and the effect this will have on our assets.

The nine main types of assets covered in this plan are:- • Property • Burial Grounds • Parks, Playgrounds and Open Spaces • Roads Infrastructure • Marine Infrastructure • Waste Management and Disposal • Vehicles and Plant • ICT • Renewables

Property Asset Management Plan

The Property Asset Management Plan establishes the framework for other property focused plans i.e. School Estates Management Plan and Service Asset Management Plan.

School Estate Management Plan

The School Estate Management Plan sets out the framework for the management of our educational estate to support the Scottish Governments “Building Our Future” vision for 21st century schools. This aims to provide well designed, well-built and well managed schools that support national and local priorities and inspire children, young people and communities. In addition to the core Corporate Asset Management Plan and Property Asset Management Plan, the School Estate Management Plan has a number of key aims for the future of our educational establishments. These are:-

• Putting pupil development and attainment at the centre of our decision making; • Ensuring management is flexible enough to meet the needs of individual children; • Ensuring our school estate establishments meet our aspirations; and • Managing the school estate to build in flexibility so that it can evolve to address future needs.


Service Asset Management Plans

The Service Asset Management plans will include in detail the strategic aims, objectives and needs along with providing detailed performance data for each internal department.

5.2 PAMP Decision Making Hierarchy

To ensure that property assets are managed consistently, within a clear decision making framework that facilitates effective and efficient management, the following structure has been established.

Figure 05: Property Asset Management Structure

Each of these groups remit and responsibility is shown on the following table.


Figure 06: Property Asset Management Decision Making Hierarchy/Framework

LEVEL GROUP NAME REMIT AND RESPONSIBILITY FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS & ATTENDEES Elected Members Policy & Resources • Approval of Corporate Quarterly. Committee Asset Management Plans & Elected Members Strategies.

• Approval of Capital Programme. • Approval of acquisition and disposal of assets. Senior Officers Asset Management • Consideration of Property Monthly (as required) Senior Officer Working Asset Management Group Performance Reports. Chief Executive, Directors • Responsibility for the & Heads of Services direction and scope of the

Corporate Asset Management Plan and Property Asset Management Plan. • Consideration and guidance of property acquisitions and disposals. • Responsibility for reviewing and providing guidance on update reports by the Carbon Management Team, Investment Team and Facilities Management Team. • Evaluation of emerging property investment requirements. • Oversee the coordination of Corporate Asset Management projects and initiatives.

Senior Officers Property Panel • Oversee the corporate Monthly (as required) management of occupancy levels/locations of the Chief Executive, Directors property estate. & Heads of Services • Consideration and

guidance of property acquisitions and disposals.

Senior Officers Investment Group, • Managing and directing the Directors, Heads of Carbon Man. Group, financial investment Services & Principal Facilities Man. Group requirements for the Officers property portfolio. • Responsibility for the compilation of the Carbon Management Plan and 14

LEVEL GROUP NAME REMIT AND RESPONSIBILITY FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS & ATTENDEES management of associated projects and emission targets. • Responsibility for reviewing and providing guidance on the Facility Management requirements of the estate. Officers Asset Management • Delivery of Corporate Daily Team Asset Management Plan and Property Asset Head of Asset & Management Plans. Infrastructure, Asset • Facilitate liaison service Management Planning with internal departments Coordinator & Operations and external groups on Support Officer property Asset

Management related matters. • Management and monitoring of specific projects and initiatives Officers Services Departments • Responsible for the Regular Reviews management of departmental portfolio. All Departmental Staff • Responsibility for reviewing and advising departmental service property needs. • Collation and submission of requested information to various groups.




6.1 Introduction

The Comhairle assesses Asset Management performance in a number of ways. Suitability, Condition, and Public Accessibility are assessed through the Statutory Performance Indicator (SPI) Process. These are well established and subsequently there are a number of years of comparable data. As of 2013/14 the above SPI’s will be replaced with SOLACE Performance Indicators.

Energy costs/consumption, along with carbon emissions, has become an increasingly important issue for the Comhairle. The Comhairle’s property portfolio contributes significantly to the Comhairle’s overall energy use. Consequently these figures are reported within the PAMP.

Annual running costs are collated and can be used to assess property performance. These can be particularly useful for assisting in property reviews.

Within the Comhairle’s five year capital programme, there is £7.215m identified for maintaining and improving the Condition & Suitability of the property portfolio. This programme is used for replacement and renewal works, but also includes demolitions and Health & Safety works. This programme is the primary way for the Comhairle to make improvements in the performance of its existing assets.

6.2 Suitability

Primary and secondary schools are assessed using the “Suitability Core Fact” spreadsheets issued by the Scottish Government. The other assets have been assessed using the Comhairle’s non-school proforma. Suitability assessments are carried out every year. These assessments are undertaken by the Service occupying the accommodation and verified by appropriate Service Managers and the Assets & Infrastructure Team.

Properties rated A and B are deemed as (performing well and operating efficiently, or performing well but with minor issues), with those properties rated C and D being unsuitable.

The results for 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 are based on the operational portfolio during those periods and are as follows:-

Figure 7: Suitability Performance Suitability Grades 120

100 2009/10 98 98 2010/11 80 2012/12 82 79 2012/13 60 Number 40 38 34 20 29 26 0 No. of Operational Buildings within No. of Operational Buildings with Catagories A & B Categories C & D


Figure 7a: Suitability Performance

90 Suitability Grades 80 77.2 70 75.24 72.1 70.7 60

50 2009/10 40 2010/11 Percentage 30 2011/12 27.9 29.3 2012/13 20 22.8 24.76 10

0 % of Operational Buildings within % of Operational Buildings within Categories A & B Categories C & D

This year’s suitability figure of 75% surpasses the target of 71%, with the percentage improving by 4%. The increase was achieved predominately through the completion of the Western Isles School Projects and other refurbishment projects, along with the disposal of surplus assets.

The trend continues to show an improvement, with the exception of 2011/12. There are currently plans in place that would make significant improvements next year, i.e. new Harris Residential Home, along with smaller refurbishment projects. Taking this into account a target for next year of 76% has been set.

6.3 Condition

Condition is assessed on a rolling basis by the Asset & Infrastructure Team. The first condition survey programme for the school estate was completed within 2006/07, with the last set of surveys programmed and completed within 2012/13 for the whole of the operational estate. The surveys are resurveyed on a 5 year cycle, each being updated on a regular basis from information supplied by our Uniform Software system and consultation with our in house Project Delivery Team.

The surveys are based on the Scottish Government guidance.

Properties rated A and B are deemed as being satisfactory (performing as intended and operating efficiently, or performing as intended but showing minor deterioration), with those properties rated C and D being unsatisfactory.

The results for 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 are based on the current operational portfolio during those periods and are as follows:-


Figure 8: Condition Performance

Condition Grades 120000

100000 2009/10 96996 91738 80000 2010/11 2011/12

m2 60000 2012/13 57512 57397 40000 49610 49097

20000 9206 5982 0 G.I.F.A. of Operational Buildings G.I.F.A. of Operational Buildings within Category A & B within Category C & D

Figure 8a: Condition Performance

Condition Grades 100

90 94.19 90.9 80 2009/10 70 2010/11 60 2011/12

50 53.7 53.9 2012/13 40 46.3 46.1 Percentage 30 20 10 9.1 5.81 0 Proportion of G.I.F.A. within Proportion of G.I.F.A. within Categories A & B Categories C & D

This year’s satisfactory condition figure of 94% surpasses the target of 56%, with the percentage improving by 38%. The increase was achieved predominately through the completion of the Western Isles School Projects and other refurbishment projects, along with the disposal of surplus assets.

As with the performance of suitability, the trend continues to show an improvement, which it has done since 2011. There are currently plans in place that would make significant improvements next year, i.e. new Harris Residential Home, along with smaller refurbishment projects. Taking this into account a target for next year of 95% has been set.


6.4 Overall Property Performance

To identify assets that are in most need of investment or in fact need to be strategically withdrawn from, a simple grid is produced based on condition and suitability SPI’s. The Property Appraisal Grids for 2012/13 show the percentage of buildings and number which are performing well in both Suitability and Condition. The aim must be to have every asset coloured green or yellow. e.g. An asset would have an A or B for both Condition & Suitability.

The tables show there are now 74 assets in a desirable position (green or yellow) and 31 that are in an undesirable position (red).

Figure 9: Property Appraisal Grids

D 0 7 3 0 D 0 6.6 2.8 0

C 0 13 3 0 C 0 12.3 2.9 0

B 1 43 4 0 B 1.0 41 3.8 0

Suitability Grade Grade Suitability Grade Suitability

A 6 24 1 0 A 5.7 22.9 1.0 0


Per Condition Grade Building As a % Condition Grade

6.5 Backlog Maintenance

Backlog maintenance is defined by CIPFA as “The cost to bring the property from its present state up to the state reasonably required by the authority to deliver the service or to meet statutory or contract obligations and maintain it at that standard”. This data is collected through the condition survey programme and is also updated following capital and revenue spend on specific assets.

As this is the first year the Comhairle have had accurate backlog maintenance information on its operational estate, it was not possible to assess if there has been a reduction year on year.

Figure 10: Backlog Maintenance on Operational Estate

Required Maintenance

15000000 U U n U n k n 11,100,000.00 10000000 k n k n o n o 5000000 w o

Pounds(£) w n w n 106.36 n 0 Cost per Square Metre 2009/10 Total Backlog Maintenance 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13


Taking this into account a target of £105 per sq. metre has been set for next year.

The maintenance revenue budget currently only covers emergency, statutory cyclical, service contracts and Health & Safety maintenance, as well as other statutory obligations. The current revenue budget for 2013/14 is £804,592.

6.6 Public Access

The Public Access SPI is a well-established reporting tool. The results for 2009/10, 20010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 are shown as follows:-

Figure 11: Public Access Performance

70 Public Access 60 63 59 50 47 40 2009/10 40 37 2010/11 30 34 29 30 2011/12 20 2012/13 19 16 17 10 15

0 No. required to be No. of complaint buildings Percentage Compliant compliant*

*Certain asset types such as schools, homes are not included as per the Audit guidance.

The trend has shown a year on year improvement. Last year’s figure of 59% sees a 4% increase to a new figure of 63%, exceeding the target figure of 60% by 3%. The % increase is due to remedial works undertaken as part of the Statutory Compliance Programme along with the disposal of underperforming assets and the transfer of some assets into the non-operational category.

Although there are several new assets being built or refurbished through the capital programme none of these will be included within the calculation (as categorised by Audit Scotland), therefore not contributing to any improvement. This includes projects such as the new WISP schools, Harris House Development, Ardseileach Development, Sandwick Learning Centre etc. There is still scope for small improvement through the Statutory Compliance Programme and the audits help prioritise spend within this programme. All those assets assessed as not accessible will be looked at in detail to see if there is scope to bring them up to an appropriate standard with reasonable levels of investment.

Although this SPI is not required externally next year it’s proposed that a similar Local Performance indicator is set up to monitor progress. As noted it will be quite challenging to make significant improvements, so a target of 64% has been set.

6.7 Utilisation/Sufficiency

The assessment of utilisation/sufficiency of assets is a developing area within the Comhairle. This brings particular challenges as differing methods are required for each property type and it can also be very labour


intensive. The Asset Management Team will work closely with Services to identify the most appropriate method of assessment of the next 12 months.

6.8 Energy Consumption/Carbon Emissions

The Comhairle spends approximately £2.4 million per year on energy related costs in our public buildings. This is based on the following fuel consumption and carbon emissions (figures are taken from the Carbon Management Baseline tool 2012):-

Figure 12: Energy Consumption Information

12000 Emissions 10000


2009 6000 2010 Tonnes

4000 2011 2012 2000

0 Emissions from Emisssions from Emissions from Emissions from building and street transport Waste water lights

30000 Emissions 25000 26831 24452 23732 20000 21924 2009

15000 2010

Tonnes 2011

10000 2012


0 Total CO2 Emissions

Please note, that the above consumption table also contains emission data for transport and waste. Improvements in consumption are being sought through the Carbon Management Plans rolling programme (which is currently being updated) and the options appraisal stages of any proposed capital project. This ensures that the energy efficiency of the estate increases and our carbon emissions decreases. There is 21

ongoing work in 2013/14 looking at the feasibility of replacing the existing oil heating at School. Other projects incorporated the upgrading of lighting and insulations at various sites. For further details on the above programme and projects please refer to the Comhairle’s Carbon Management Plan.

The Carbon Management Team will be focusing on the higher energy consumption properties and identify ways to improve energy efficiency. There will also be an energy benchmarking exercise of similar properties and the use of monitoring and targeting methods to identify projects for each property that would help improve its energy efficiency.

The Comhairle are looking at undertaking a feasibility study on the use of a Photovoltaic (PV) contract. This contract would highlight which properties within the estate would be best suited for PV. The recommended properties would have PV panels installed on roofs, generating renewable electricity at a lower price than grid electricity.

There is ongoing work within the Energy Awareness Team to increase staff awareness of energy efficiency and carbon reduction through Carbon Champions and other campaigns throughout the year. The Energy Awareness Team also produces energy audits on specific properties, which are passed to Services to help them target areas for improvement. Through the Awareness Strategy the team has highlighted a 5% target on energy savings.

6.9 Tenanted Non-Residential Portfolio (TNRP)

The non-operational portfolio includes assets such as industrial sites, business units and offices are managed by the Asset & Infrastructure Team. The team’s primary objective is to generate revenue income from the leasing of these properties. There are 69 TNRP assets generating an aggregate revenue income of approximately £220,173 per annum.

A high level review of the occupancy and condition of a percentage of the TNRP Portfolio is to be carried out during 2013/15. The purpose of this review is to identify which assets are performing well and should be retained, and to highlight backlog maintenance costs for future investment. Properties which are identified as performing poorly will be recommended that consideration be given to disposing of some of these specific assets.

As highlighted above the 2012/13 rental incomes of £220,173 were achieved for the TNRP. The rental income and occupancy targets for the next three years are:-

Figure 13: Rental & Occupancy Information

Tenanted Non-Residential Porfolio 120


80 2012/13

60 2013/14 2014/15 40 2015/16 20

0 No. of TNRP No. of Property Voids Occupancy % Target Actual % Figure


Figure 13a: Rental & Occupancy Information

Tenanted Non-Residential Porfolio £350,000

£300,000 £320,436 £308,086 £250,000 £262,690 2012/13 £200,000 £220,173 2013/14 £150,000 2014/15 £100,000 2015/16


£0 Rental Income

6.10 Tenanted Residential Portfolio (TRP)

The TRP portfolio comprises of 19 properties, such as homeless accommodation and schoolhouses. The management of the portfolio has recently transferred over to the Asset & Infrastructure Team. The team’s primary objective is to meet the property service needs of each department along with generating revenue income from the leasing of such properties as the schoolhouses.

As with the TNRP a high level review of the occupancy and condition of a percentage of the TRP Portfolio is to be carried out during 2013/15. The purpose of this review is to identify which assets are performing well and should be retained, and to highlight backlog maintenance costs for future investment. Properties which are identified as performing poorly will be recommended that consideration be given to disposing of some of these specific assets.

As the Asset Management Team only recently took on the responsibility of the management of this portfolio, no historic information was available on performance; however such information will be included within future plans.



The Comhairle, like all other public sector bodies, is facing a very significant financial challenge. How the Comhairle addresses this challenge will inevitably result in a huge difference in how public services are run in the future.

In order to assist with this financial challenge, the Comhairle must have in place a robust system for managing its property portfolio so that asset management forms part of a coordinated approach to managing change within the authority.

The period for this Asset Management Plan will see the Comhairle launching a fundamental review of how it carries out the disposal of its assets. All disposals will be carried out in accordance with the Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations 2010. These new regulations permit local authorities, in appropriate circumstances, to dispose of land for less than best consideration without seeking the prior consent of Scottish Ministers. Refer to Appendix D for a copy of the Comhairle Disposal Policy and Disposal Register.

The Comhairle will follow the below five stage process for the disposal of property and land which has been declared surplus to requirements:-

Figure 14: Disposal Process

Stage No. Disposal Process Stage 1 Designating property and land as surplus to requirements. Stage 2 Seeking expression of interest from internal departments. Stage 3 Seeking expressions of interest from Registered Social Landlords. Stage 4 Seeking expressions of interest from Community Groups. Stage 5 Seeking expressions of interests from Open Market.



The Comhairle continues to be a member of the Scottish Benchmarking Group which is run by Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). We are now in a position to start inputting performance data, which will make it possible to assess long term trends.

The benchmarking figures for 13/14 are currently being collated. It is anticipated that improvements in data quality and working relationships will allow the Assets and Infrastructure Section to compile data for the vast majority of the indicators year on year

Within next year’s Property Asset Management Plan review, CIPFA’s annual figures and key figures will be shown. The plan will identify some of the overall trends across Scotland and will show how the Comhairle compares to other local authorities.



9. 1 Capital Investment

Significant resources are employed in the management and improvement of our property assets. The tables included in Appendix B highlights the new investment being made to support corporate priorities and delivery improvements in the asset management outcomes.

Figure 15: Investment over the next 5 years:

Capital Budget Category 5-Year Budget Lead Department Allocation (£‘000)

Operational & Non Operational Buildings Planned Improvements 7,215 Technical Services

School Commitment 1,800 Education & Children Services

Development Fund (North Uist School & St Brendan Care Home/Hospital) 8,500 Corporate

Property Investment Programme (PIP: 2012/14) Remaining allocation for 2013/14 78 Technical Services

Total Investment 2013/14 to 2017/18 17,593

Each investment category will be developed into projects prioritised by risk and service requirements, being monitored by the Investment Group prior to seeking Comhairle approval.


9 .2 Revenue Budget

Whilst capital investment is predominantly used to improve the performance of our property assets whether through new projects or planned improvements significant revenue resources are also employed in the general on-going day to day management activities. The table below outlines the revenue budgets employed for corporate properties. A further breakdown of the revenue works is highlighted in Appendix C .

Figure 16: Investment over the next year (2013/14):

Revenue Budget Category Annual Budget (£’000)

General Ad-Hoc & Emergency Repairs & Maintenance 341,407

General Statutory Compliance & Service Contracts 489,700

Total 2013/14 831,107



In the development and implementation of this and future property asset management plans it is important for us to ensure that we are aware of our unique customers groups, their needs and expectations. The following table highlights the customer consultation schedule that will be implemented which will influence any changes to the plan as it is deployed over the next five years and will form part of periodic reviews and updates.

Figure 17: Customer Consultation Schedule

Consultation Schedule

Customer Group Survey Method Frequency Responsible Team Feedback Method Elected Members Face to face Annual Asset & Verbal update meetings and Infrastructure reports workshops (were Section required) Individual Face to face Annually Asset & Annual verbal & Departments meetings Infrastructure written reports (Internal) Section Tenants Face to face Annually Asset & Verbal update meetings and on- Infrastructure reports and line/physical Section completed questionnaires questionnaire Members of Public On-line Annually Asset & Completed Questionnaire Infrastructure questionnaire Section



In the delivery and implementation of this plan there are a number of risks that require to be mitigated. These include the following:

• Political – Ensuring that there is appropriate political approval is essential to the success of the Plan; • Managerial – It is vital to the success of the Property Asset Management Plan that high level managerial support is in place across all services; • Budgetary – In dealing with construction projects and maintenance there is considerable expenditure on items where the price is influenced by external factors. These include fuel costs, material costs and professional fees. Unforeseen increases in these could lead to the full implementation of this plan being compromised; • Legislative - changes in statutory compliance regulation may mean that certain properties are no longer compliant for use. This would mean unplanned increased costs to make them compliant, or the potential closure of buildings. There could also be changes that affect construction standards thereby increasing costs; • Staff Resources – To progress the various activity themes and projects within the scope of this plan, the appropriate staff resources require to be available.

In terms of scale, each of these risks would have a significant effect on the successful implementation of the Plan. Each has been considered and there are appropriate controls in place to mitigate risks. Whilst it is recognised that there will be instances where each of these will have some impact, whether on specific projects or activity themes, these are not considered to be highly likely, or insurmountable to the overall implementation and success of the plan.


Appendix A

Operational Properties Address Misc Utilities

Costs per sq. m. of Property Water Charges Water Full Condition Suitabilit Backlog Electricity Name of Building Address Address 2 Address 3 Asset type maintenance DV Valuation Insurance Metered Charges Oil Gas Postcode 12/13 y 12/13 Maintenance 2012/13 requirements 2012/2013 2012/13 Unmetered

Marybank Depot Marybank Isle of Lew is HS1 2QP Depot B D £217,096.69 £93.96 £534,199 £3,999 £26,467.78 £3,991.51 N/A N/A N/A Market Stance Depot Market Stance Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA Depot B D £79,272.20 £81.83 £70,955 £882 £8,137.49 £4,000.94 N/A N/A N/A Urgha Depot Urgha Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3BW Depot B D £46,769.86 £57.54 £35,000 £252 TBC £322.31 N/A N/A N/A Back Community Workshop Vatisker Back Isle of Lew is HS2 0JY Depot C B £40,208.37 £239.97 £14,000 £73 £1,845.52 £316.68 N/A N/A N/A Aird School - Store Upper Aird Point Isle of Lew is HS2 0EX Depot C C N/A N/A £150,000 £2,740 £1,565.67 £1,520.56 N/A N/A N/A Marybank Depository 8 Marybank Marybank Isle of Lew is HS2 0DF Depot C D £55,186.54 £205.32 £35,505 £467 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Torlum Store Museum Lionacleit School Liniclate Creagorry Isle of Benbecula HS7 5PP Depot B C £26,033.26 £99.70 £7,000 £727 £6,767.46 TBC N/A N/A N/A Library Van Garage (Stag Road) Library Garage, Stag Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LU Depot B D £11,339.91 £340.66 £16,633 £56 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Achmore Old School Achmore Isle of Lew is HS2 9DU Offices B A £15,816.45 £161.16 £60,000 £554 £2,555.77 £1,868.90 N/A N/A N/A Stornow ay Tow n Hall Cromw ell Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2DB Offices B A £89,629.04 £67.46 £3,532,534 £8,258 £7,342.31 £5,873.93 N/A £18,512.51 N/A Pointers/St Lennon's 14 North Beach Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2XJ Offices B A £14,240.95 £34.22 £246,193 £785 £1,842.63 £1,090.32 N/A N/A £1,934.50 Sandw ick Road Offices, Stornow ay Sandw ick Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2BW Offices B B £1,594,896.45 £299.54 £2,827,671 £10,479 £64,020.99 £18,826.99 N/A £42,216.12 N/A Castlebay Offices Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XD Offices B B £13,200.46 £130.27 £50,000 £391 £4,281.18 £368.54 N/A N/A N/A Tarbert Offices Old Sir E Scott Primary Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3BG Offices A B N/A N/A £946,970 £624 TBC TBC N/A £2,400.26 N/A Sgoil Lionacleit Hostel (LEC) Lionacleit School Liniclate Creagorry Isle of Benbecula HS7 5PJ Offices B B N/A N/A £2,127,781 £3,636 TBC £2,109.51 N/A N/A N/A Balivanich Offices Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA Offices B B £134,171.25 £167.43 £387,485 £1,464 £5,243.41 £768.92 N/A £5,425.72 N/A Care Unit 1 An Glib, Garrabost Point Isle of Lew is HS2 0PS Operational B B £4,194.68 £34.86 £95,000 £541 £1,168.83 £1,778.67 N/A £2,683.58 N/A Carlow ay Care Unit 1 Lios Na Glibe Carlow ay Isle of Lew is HS2 9AU Operational B B £8,878.50 £72.49 £110,000 £532 £1,120.45 £1,296.23 N/A £3,005.30 N/A Crow lista Care Unit 11 - 12 Eireastadh Uig Isle of Lew is HS2 9JG Operational B B £5,438.94 £42.49 £80,000 £524 £1,173.44 £1,108.45 N/A £2,441.71 N/A Ardseileach Day Centre Macdonald Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2YT Operational B A £57,872.96 £108.82 £865,104 £2,154 £2,717.87 £1,272.61 N/A £10,513.87 N/A Craigard (Lochmaddy) Craigard Day-care Centre Lochmaddy Isle of North Uist HS6 5AE Operational B B £14,656.11 £139.20 £60,000 £306 £8,465.69 £553.12 N/A N/A N/A Grianan Grianan, Westview Terrace Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LD Operational B B £55,390.27 £49.40 £1,075,982 £2,758 £9,746.76 £5,465.17 £149.78 £19,982.68 N/A Carlow ay Day Centre (New ) Primary Care Clinic Upper Carlow ay Isle of Lew is HS2 9AG Operational B B £21,325.26 £29.61 £957,379 £1,047 £3,260.18 TBC N/A £8,009.34 N/A Back Care Unit Care Unit, 5 - 6 Ionad Phoil Back Isle of Lew is HS2 0JY Operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £80,000 £201 TBC £413.51 N/A N/A N/A Back Tigh Ceilidh Tigh Ceilidh,Ionad Phoil Back Isle of Lew is HS2 0JY Operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £20,000 £92 £602.54 TBC N/A N/A N/A Stornow ay Library Library 19 Cromw ell Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2DA Operational B B £83,032.71 £47.32 £1,509,572 £1,204 £24,234.53 £2,709.89 N/A £9,333.76 N/A Stornow ay Abattoir Abattoir, Rigs Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2RF Operational C A £55,789.91 £50.26 £117,362 £1,148 £9,608.14 -£13,327.80 N/A N/A N/A Museum (Francis St) Francis Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2NF Operational B A £34,154.75 £68.72 £792,664 £3,481 £20,397.45 £479.84 N/A N/A N/A Bayhead Store (Greenkeeper) Embankment Bayhead Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2EB Operational B A £1,054.86 £76.53 £17,500 £40 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Traigh Mor Toilets Public Convenience Isle of Lew is TBC Operational C B £3,816.25 £519.10 £15,224 £31 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Perceval Square Toilets Perceval Square Cromw ell Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2DD Operational B A £6,723.42 £109.39 £100,121 £164 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Carlow ay Pier Toilets Carlow ay Pier Knock Carlow ay Isle of Lew is HS2 9AG Operational B B £2,971.10 £595.64 £14,000 £34 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Pier Road Tarbert Public Convenience Pier Road Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DG Operational B A £8,188.16 £153.67 £217,436 £298 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Stockinish Pier Toilets Jetty Kyles Stockinish Isle of Harris HS3 3EN Operational C B £4,190.40 £882.11 £14,000 £34 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Kirkibost Pier Toilets Kirkibost Pier Kirkibost Isle of Lew is HS2 9LX Operational B B £1,179.75 £534.54 £14,000 £34 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Brevig Pier Toilets Brevig Pier Vatisker Back Isle of Lew is HS2 0JS Operational B B £3,260.09 £703.47 £14,158 £34 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Braighe Toilets Public Convenience Braighe Road Isle of Lew is HS2 0BQ Operational B B £211.30 £0.00 £39,672 £23 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Lochboisdale Pier Toilets Public Convenience Lochboisdale Isle of South Uist HS8 3TP Operational B A £2,852.66 £428.92 £87,500 £99 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Dalmore Toilets Public Convenience Dalmore Isle of Lew is TBC Operational B B £211.30 £71.14 £39,672 £26 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Berneray Toilets Old Pier Borve Berneray Isle of North Uist TBC Operational B B £10,038.96 £414.34 £9,000 £31 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Eoligarry Toilets (Public Convenience) Eoligarry Northbay Isle of Barra TBC Operational B B £3,850.83 £316.02 £9,200 £71 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Kallin Harbour Toilets Kallin Harbour, Kallin Grimsay Isle of North Uist HS6 5HY Operational B B £2,388.38 £1,072.63 £13,600 £34 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Dun Eisdean (OPH) 51 Westview Terrace Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LD Operational B A £92,947.77 £56.35 £811,424 £7,747 £18,866.77 £5,245.12 N/A £43,892.42 £808.77 Dun Berisay Nursing Home Balmerino Drive Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2TD Operational B C £208,071.74 £145.86 £1,160,188 £6,089 £47,855.42 £4,034.88 N/A £50,039.68 £489.53 Harris House Leverhulme Road Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DD Operational C D N/A N/A £260,000 £4,545 £9,815.27 £5,188.70 N/A £23,115.91 N/A Taigh A Chridhe Uile Naomh (TACUN) Daliburgh Lochboisdale Isle of South Uist HS8 5SS Operational B A £66,015.22 £36.83 £4,212,467 £7,325 £12,010.10 £2,236.35 N/A £47,629.31 £781.75 St Brendan's St Brendan's Hospital, Horve Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XE Operational B B N/A N/A £390,584 £3,810 £10,670.60 TBC N/A £8,626.71 N/A Trianaid, Carinish Trianaid Carinish Isle of North Uist HS6 5EJ Operational B B £52,369.39 £93.49 £314,046 £3,587 £10,422.57 £125.74 N/A £22,478.01 N/A Ardseileach Residential Home Macdonald Road, Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2YT Operational B D £182,277.84 £181.53 £718,000 £3,997 £11,570.83 TBC N/A £30,462.66 N/A Lew is Sports Centre 7 Springfield Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2PZ Operational B C £226,256.39 £60.73 £6,738,233 £10,950 £78,704.20 £24,310.61 £111.57 N/A £52,071.43 Ard Mhor (Barra) Waiting Room Waiting Room Ardmhor Northbay Isle of Barra HS9 5YB Operational B A £2,784.28 £102.33 £86,100 £93 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Waiting Room Public Convenience Pier Road Leverburgh Isle of Harris HS5 3UA Operational B A £2,148.71 £82.93 £107,681 £148 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A


Appendix A

Operational Properties Address Misc Utilities

Costs per sq. m. of Property Water Charges Water Full Condition Suitabilit Backlog Electricity Name of Building Address Address 2 Address 3 Asset type maintenance DV Valuation Insurance Metered Charges Oil Gas Postcode 12/13 y 12/13 Maintenance 2012/13 requirements 2012/2013 2012/13 Unmetered

Stornow ay Bus Station Bus Station, South Beach Quay Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2BT Operational B A £7,423.64 £102.72 £52,000 £480 £2,537.82 £1,038.32 N/A N/A £1,391.90 Ceann a'Gharraidh (Eriskay) Waiting Room Coilleag Eriskay Isle of South Uist HS8 5JN Operational B A £1,361.96 £116.74 £85,700 £62 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Ard an Rubha (Berneray) Waiting Room Aird Ma Ruibhe,New ton Ferry, New ton Lochmaddy Isle of North Uist HS6 5AZ Operational B A £2,042.41 £130.08 £9,000 £71 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Bennadrove Landfill Site Bennadrove Isle of Lew is HS2 0DL Operational B B £10,994.82 £88.17 £2,401,000 £63 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Creed Park (Biow aste Processing) 6 Creed Enterprise Park Lochs Road Isle of Lew is HS2 9JB Operational B A £17,768.15 £5.91 £2,028,563 £4,433 £45,412.12 £13,751.03 N/A £19,468.07 N/A Garrygall Depot Workshop, Garrygall Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5UH Operational B A £17,889.62 £53.21 £141,199 £243 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Rueval Landfill Site Market Stance Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA Operational B B N/A N/A £899,206 £16 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Market Stance Re-cycling Facility Market Stance Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA Operational B A £28,369.06 £43.48 TBC £1,708 £3,995.34 £4,000.94 N/A N/A N/A School Laxdale School Laxdale Isle of Lew is HS2 0DY School B B £100,927.92 £59.11 £1,250,550 £6,567 £10,660.13 £8,115.96 N/A £13,393.52 N/A Tolsta School (including Tolsta Hall) Tolsta School North Tolsta Isle of Lew is HS2 0NH School B C £18,413.73 £42.64 £618,643 £1,979 £8,521.53 £1,240.26 N/A £5,107.66 £82.38 Pairc School Pairc Isle of Lew is HS2 9QX School B C £101,858.45 £185.11 £566,394 £1,317 £1,960.84 £879.85 N/A £5,551.64 N/A Paible School Paible Bayhead Isle of North Uist HS6 5DX School B D £414,480.42 £205.56 £1,762,287 £6,095 £5,868.98 £2,182.17 N/A £20,564.48 N/A Eriskay School Eriskay School, Balla Eriskay Isle of South Uist HS8 5JJ School B B £103,144.27 £286.06 £202,500 £1,271 £6,002.06 £1,152.63 N/A N/A N/A Eoligarry School Eoligarry Isle of Barra HS9 5YD School B C £45,011.34 £156.21 £186,919 £1,113 £1,324.62 £398.66 N/A £3,223.00 N/A Carinish School Carinish School Carinish Isle of North Uist HS6 5EJ School B B £53,711.97 £159.39 £390,966 £1,327 £3,325.84 £1,207.43 N/A £4,387.93 N/A Leverhulme Memorial School Leverhulme Memorial School Leverburgh Isle of Harris HS5 3TS School C C £196,997.27 £0.00 £803,347 £3,530 £4,330.02 £8,054.66 N/A £15,902.97 N/A Lochmaddy School Lochmaddy School Lochmaddy Isle of North Uist HS6 5AA School B C £73,155.70 £161.06 £521,000 £1,191 £1,900.65 £736.28 N/A £2,882.06 N/A Tong School Tong Isle of Lew is HS2 0HJ School B A £47,940.24 £62.56 £666,783 £1,678 £1,452.77 £1,611.96 N/A £4,857.41 N/A School Breasclete Isle of Lew is HS2 9ED School B C £27,367.28 £80.15 £213,756 £1,486 £1,451.13 £1,055.30 N/A N/A £5,047.34 Bernera School Bernera School, Great Bernera Isle of Lew is HS2 9LT School B B £35,247.51 £106.40 £210,931 £1,188 £5,927.01 £220.42 N/A N/A N/A West Side School (WISP) Sgoil An Taobh Siar Low er Isle of Lew is HS2 0RA School A A N/A N/A £5,108,248 £8,222 £1,542.16 TBC £5,447.00 N/A £25,902.33 Iochdar School Iochdar School, Buaile Dubh Eochar Isle of South Uist HS8 5RQ School B B £332,004.88 £223.69 £1,872,633 £4,027 £6,068.29 £2,041.82 N/A £20,654.20 N/A Sgoil an Rubha (WISP) Sgoil An Rubha, New Garrabost Point Isle of Lew is HS2 0PX School A A N/A N/A £5,490,448 £9,223 £17,715.63 TBC £1,876.00 N/A £23,521.64 Uig School Uig Primary School, Crow lista Uig Isle of Lew is HS2 9JE School B B £25,501.66 £54.00 £451,265 £1,561 £1,375.50 £2,737.52 N/A £12,392.20 £179.05 Stornow ay Primary School Jamieson Drive Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LE School B C £265,053.26 £60.78 £4,841,669 £10,883 £16,429.62 £10,538.34 N/A £39,794.44 N/A Balivanich School (WISP) Construction Site Offices WISP Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA School A A N/A N/A £5,675,709 £9,256 £13,560.67 £1,746.15 £3,499.00 N/A £22,821.78 Shaw bost School Shaw bost School North Shaw bost Isle of Lew is HS2 9BQ School B B £197,212.79 £98.69 £2,912,592 £6,611 £15,412.78 £4,013.52 N/A £38,235.90 £952.88 Back School Back School, Vatisker Back Isle of Lew is HS2 0LB School B C £148,758.77 £50.76 £2,932,860 £7,364 £11,359.59 £4,107.04 N/A £21,834.83 N/A Lionel School Lionel School, Lionel Ness Isle of Lew is HS2 0XB School B B £144,361.61 £59.80 £2,260,359 £4,725 £22,441.59 £6,464.75 N/A £52,550.17 N/A Sgoil nan Loch Cameron Terrace, Isle of Lew is HS2 9PE School B B £251,477.99 £89.80 £4,884,871 £8,338 £12,962.61 TBC N/A £25,455.11 N/A Castlebay Community School Castlebay Community School Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XD School B D £1,801,795.43 £383.34 £4,450,189 £13,735 £37,432.89 £10,767.15 N/A £76,323.94 N/A Sir Edw ard Scott School (WISP) Sir Edw ard Scott School West Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3BG School A A N/A N/A £10,293,663 £17,218 £29,302.96 £7,284.98 N/A £896.50 £26,895.24 Old Nicolson Institute Springfield Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2PZ School N/A N/A N/A N/A TBC £39,688 TBC £3,334.36 N/A N/A N/A The Nicolson Institute (WISP) Springfield Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2PZ School A A N/A N/A £28,775,885 £942 £94,139.66 -£561.11 £29,407.00 £21,003.47 £42,283.43 Matheson Hall (Nicolson Institute) Matheson Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 N/A N/A N/A £330,000 £942 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Sgoil Lionacleit Sgoil Lionacleit, Liniclate Creagorry Isle of Benbecula HS7 5PJ School B B £1,320,503.87 £134.93 £14,168,129 £25,373 £85,975.88 £27,868.95 N/A £146,364.25 £12,765.00 Sandw ickhill School (including School Hall) Sandw ick Isle of Lew is HS2 0AG School B C N/A N/A £710,710 £2,364 £6,669.17 £2,486.82 N/A £3,033.75 N/A Daliburgh School (WISP) Daliburgh Isle of South Uist HS8 5SS Operational A A N/A N/A £7,679,531 £5,205 £18,148.00 £4,652.32 N/A £4,402.50 £9,809.43 Smith Avenue Sports Complex Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2PY Operational B C N/A N/A £653,364 £8,282 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Smith Avenue Changing Rooms Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2PY Operational B B £49,589.40 £128.30 £387,116 £460 £3,688.85 £6,417.50 N/A N/A N/A Cearns Centre Cearn Shulaisgeir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2YN Operational B B £18,542.60 £126.25 £72,599 £295 £1,796.40 TBC N/A N/A N/A Tarbert Sports Centre Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3BG Operational B C £39,917.07 £54.91 TBC £2,843 £21,272.66 £3,140.76 N/A N/A £66,140.00 7 James St (Unit 6) 7 James Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2JS Operational C C £226,952.90 £165.65 £508,876 £385 TBC TBC N/A £11,567.97 N/A 24c Plantation Road 24C Plantation Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2JS Operational B B N/A N/A £58,000 £96 £197.69 TBC N/A N/A £605.78 24 Winfield Way 24 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Operational B B £1,089.80 £45,000 £135 £448.83 TBC N/A N/A N/A 43 Winfield Way 43 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Operational B B £2,099.92 £47,000 £135 £1,964.18 TBC N/A N/A N/A 11 Mosspark 11 Blar Buidhe Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2UZ Operational B B N/A N/A £51,000 £61 £699.75 TBC N/A N/A N/A The Old House. Lew is St The Old House,4 Lew is Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QH Operational B A £62,605.55 £144.71 £304,803 £559 £2,386.26 TBC N/A £3,895.78 N/A 6 Murdoch Place, Stornow ay 6 Ionad Mhurchaidh Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2YA Operational B B N/A N/A £90,000 £135 TBC TBC N/A £280.15 N/A Lochboisdale Police House Unit 1,Police House Lochboisdale Isle of South Uist HS8 5TH Operational C B £13,906.13 £864.89 £115,000 £323 £2,619.06 TBC N/A N/A N/A Bennadrove Recycling Facility Bennadrove Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS2 0DL Operational B A £2,122.45 £5.44 TBC £162 TBC TBC N/A N/A N/A Stornow ay Childcare Unit Jamieson Drive Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LE Operational B A N/A N/A TBC TBC TBC TBC N/A £1,116.18 N/A Sandw ick Learning Centre Sandw ickhill Primary School Sandw ick Isle of Lew is HS2 0AG Operational N/A N/A N/A N/A TBC TBC £1,897.95 TBC N/A £1,448.15 N/A Former Tigh Ceilidh Ashdail Cottages, Bayhead, North Uist Ashdail Cottages Bayhead Isle of North Uist HS6 5DX Operational B B N/A N/A TBC £92 £330.05 £133.30 N/A N/A N/A Old Tigh Ceilidh, 11 Maol Domhnaich, Castlebay Barra 11 Maol Domhnaich Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XP Operational B B N/A N/A TBC £92 £1,021.60 TBC N/A N/A N/A


Appendix A

Non Operational Properties Address Misc Utilities

Water Costs per sq. m. of Property Water Full Condition Suitability Backlog DV Electricity Charges Name of Building Address Address 2 Address 3 Asset type maintenance Insurance Charges Oil Gas Postcode 12/13 12/13 Maintenance Valuation 2012/13 Metered requirements 2012/13 Unmetered 2012/13

Nicolson Clocktow er Sandw ick Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £72,707 £308 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sandw ickhill Schoolhouse Sandw ick Isle of Lew is HS2 0AG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £65,000 £239 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Daliburgh Schoolhouse Daliburgh Lochboisdale Isle of South Uist HS8 5SS Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £70,000 £143 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Stoneybridge Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Stoneybridge Isle of South Uist HS8 5SD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £20,000 £142 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 42 Winfield Way 42 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £47,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Barvas Industrial Estate Unit 4 Barvas Isle of Lew is HS2 0RB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £15,000 £138 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Barvas Industrial Estate Unit 3 Barvas Isle of Lew is HS2 0RB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £15,000 £138 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Barvas Industrial Estate Unit 2 Barvas Isle of Lew is HS2 0RB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £15,000 £138 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Barvas Industrial Estate Unit 1 Barvas Isle of Lew is HS2 0RB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £34,984 £138 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 1 Rathad A' Mhaoir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £42,867 £215 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 46 Winfield Way 46 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £47,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cnoc na Feille Unit 1 Market Stance Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £8,800 £138 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 27 Winfield Way 27 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £45,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 26 Winfield Way Office,26 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £45,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 Winfield Way 25 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £45,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 23 Winfield Way 23 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £45,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Lochmaddy Waiting Room Ferry Terminal Lochmaddy Isle of North Uist HS6 5AA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £15,431 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Manufacturing Unit 1 Castlebay Development Estate Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XF Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £79,710 £50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A AA Building, Francis St. Francis Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2NF Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £105,000 £114 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Factory Unit B Factory Unit B Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £19,500 £137 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Haun Public Convenience Public Convenience Haun Eriskay Isle of South Uist HS8 5JH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £9,000 £163 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Factory Unit A Factory Unit A Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £6,500 £137 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Carlow ay Fisherman's Store Stores, Carlow ay Pier, Knock Carlow ay Isle of Lew is HS2 9AG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £11,000 £184 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Manufacturing Unit 3 Castlebay Development Estate Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XF Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £23,333 £50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 54 Seaforth Road 54A Seaforth Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £463,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cnoc na Feille Unit 2 Market Stance Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £8,800 £138 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 2 Rathad A' Mhaoir, Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £34,000 £215 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 8 Rathad A' Mhaoir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £17,000 £108 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Manufacturing Unit 4 Castlebay Development Estate Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XF Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £23,333 £50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 4 Rathad A' Mhaoir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £17,000 £108 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 6 Rathad A' Mhaoir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £17,000 £108 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 5 Rathad A' Mhaoir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £17,000 £108 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Berneray Fisherman's Store Fishermans Store,Backhill Berneray Isle of North Uist HS6 5BD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £4,000 £96 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 3 Rathad A' Mhaoir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £17,000 £108 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Manufacturing Unit 2 Castlebay Development Estate Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XF Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £23,333 £50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 44 Winfield Way Office, 44 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £47,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Drinishader School & Schoolhouse Old School, Drinishader Drinishader Isle of Harris HS3 3DX Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £62,017 £427 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mossend Industrial Estate Unit 7 Rathad A' Mhaoir Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £17,000 £108 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Claddach Kirkibost Centre Kirkibost Centre,Claddach Kirkibost Isle of North Uist HS6 5EP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £470,000 £572 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 41 Winfield Way 41 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £53,959 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tarbert Information Centre Pier Road Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Otternish Public Convenience Otternish New ton Lochmaddy Isle of North Uist HS6 5AY Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £5,300 £163 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Paible Schoolhouse The Schoolhouse Bayhead Isle of North Uist HS6 5DX Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £55,000 £185 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Old Coop, Castlebay Coop Shop Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £50,000 £88 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 56 Seaforth Road 56 Seaforth Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £2,396,928 £2,483 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 77 79 Cromw ell St 79 Cromw ell Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2DG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £408,836 £2,192 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 49 51 Cromw ell St 49 - 51 Cromw ell Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2DD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £753,312 £955 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 52 Seaforth Road 50 Seaforth Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2SH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Appendix A

Non Operational Properties Address Misc Utilities

Water Costs per sq. m. of Property Water Full Condition Suitability Backlog DV Electricity Charges Name of Building Address Address 2 Address 3 Asset type maintenance Insurance Charges Oil Gas Postcode 12/13 12/13 Maintenance Valuation 2012/13 Metered requirements 2012/13 Unmetered 2012/13

Breasclete Pier Building Breasclete Pier, Breasclete Isle of Lew is HS2 9ED Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £47,000 £172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Iochdar Schoolhouse Buaile Dubh Eochar Isle of South Uist HS8 5RQ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £65,000 £170 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Kirkibost (Dun Innes) Care Unit 9 - 10 Dun Innes, Kirkibost Great Bernera Isle of Lew is HS2 9LY Non-operational N/A N/A £23,882.77 £208.83 £80,000 £270 £91.68 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 Urquhart Gardens 17 Urquhart Gardens Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2TX Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £110,000 £190 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 Ripley Place 6 Ripley Place Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £56,000 £118 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Seilebost Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Seilebost Isle of Harris HS3 3HP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £65,000 £96 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Eriskay Schoolhouse Schoolhouse,Balla Eriskay Isle of South Uist HS8 5JJ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £30,000 £141 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Iochdar Janitor's House Janitors House,Buaile Dubh Eochar Isle of South Uist HS8 5RQ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £55,000 £106 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Uig Schoolhouse Schoolhouse, Crow lista Uig Isle of Lew is HS2 9JE Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £50,000 £118 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Back Schoolhouse School Road, Vatisker Back Isle of Lew is HS2 0JY Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £100,000 £491 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Knock Schoolhouse Schoolhouse, Knock Point Isle of Lew is HS2 0BW Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £96,411 £147 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Scalpay Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Scalpay Isle of Harris HS4 3XU Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £70,000 £116 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Storlan, Kershader Cultural Centre, Kershader Lochs Isle of Lew is HS2 9QA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £90,000 £246 N/A N/A N/A £2,037.90 N/A Lew s Castle Castle Grounds Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS2 0XP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £3,550,000 £19,407 £0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A Old Lochmaddy Waiting Room Old Ferry Terminal Lochmaddy Isle of North Uist HS6 5AA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £463 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Lew is War Memorial Memorial Avenue Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QR Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £475 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Dun Eisdean Laundry Perceval Road South Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2EX Non-operational C D £73,730.24 £295.86 £108,206 £743 N/A N/A N/A £18,644.69 N/A 23 Assaye Place 23 Assaye Place Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2HA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £569.84 N/A N/A N/A £878.08 26 Plantation Road, Stornow ay 26 Plantation Road Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2JS Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £58,000 N/A £480.90 N/A N/A N/A £2,686.57 49 Westview Terrace, Stornow ay 49 Westview Terrace Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2HP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £620.89 N/A N/A N/A £875.54 1 Mackay Court, Stornow ay 1 Mackay Court, Keith Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QQ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £395.41 N/A N/A N/A £459.13 Westview Grove Westview Grove Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LJ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Flat 01 Taobh Na Mara, Tarbert 1 Taobh Na Mara Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DJ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £1,084.64 N/A N/A N/A N/A 27 Tindill Rd Homeless Unit, 27 Tindill Road Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LF Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £942.05 N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 Winfield Way 13 Winfield Way Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 76b Keith St 76B Keith Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QQ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Tigh Ceilidh 11 Maol Domhnaich, Castlebay Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £20,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tolsta Schoolhouse School Road North Tolsta Isle of Lew is HS2 0NH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £60,000 N/A £420.93 £336.39 N/A N/A N/A Row antree 19 Winfield Close Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LQ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £1,009 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Jamieson Drive Nursery Jamieson Drive Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LF Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £16,000 £123 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OT Store, Marybank Marybank Depot Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £35,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Valtos Outdoor Centre Valtos Centre, Valtos Uig Isle of Lew is HS2 9HR Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £1,750 N/A £69.30 N/A N/A N/A Ardroil Public Convenience Ardroil Uig Isle of Lew is HS2 9EU Non-operational N/A N/A £1,125.00 £98.75 £28,566 £26 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Eoligarry Schoolhouse Eoligarry Isle of Barra HS9 2YD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £117 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Unit 1, 5, 7B & 8A James Street 7 James Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QN Non-operational C C N/A N/A N/A £1,540 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Unit 2 James Street 7 James Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QN Non-operational C C N/A N/A N/A £385 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Unit 3 James Street 7 James Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QN Non-operational C C N/A N/A N/A £385 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Unit 4 James Street 7 James Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QN Non-operational C C N/A N/A N/A £385 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Unit 7A James Street 7 James Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QN Non-operational C C N/A N/A N/A £385 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Unit 8B James Street 7 James Street Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2QN Non-operational C C N/A N/A N/A £385 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Appendix A

Surplus Properties Address Misc Utilities

Water Costs per sq. m. Property Water Full Condition Suitabilit Backlog DV Electricity Charges Name of Building Address Address 2 Address 3 Asset type of maintenance Insurance Charges Oil Gas Postcode 12/13 y 12/13 Maintenance Valuation 2012/13 Metered requirements 2012/13 Unmetered 2012/13

Shaw bost Museum Toilets Public Convenience North Shaw bost Isle of Lew is HS2 9BD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £30,000 £41 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Craigston School & Schoolhouse Craigston Schoolhouse Grounds Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XS Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £120,000 £570 £2,531.03 N/A N/A N/A N/A Barra Community Workshop Garrygall Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5UH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £12,000 £78 -£15.06 N/A N/A N/A N/A Pairc Community Workshop Gravir Lochs Isle of Lew is HS2 9QX Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £25,000 £72 £113.20 N/A N/A N/A N/A Lionel Community Workshop Lionel Ness Isle of Lew is HS2 0XB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £14,000 £72 £166.60 N/A N/A N/A N/A Breasclete Community Workshop Community Workshop Breasclete Isle of Lew is HS2 9ED Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £12,000 £72 £52.38 N/A N/A N/A N/A Market Stance Community Workshop Market Stance Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £12,000 £78 £158.40 N/A N/A N/A N/A Barvas Community Workshop Barvas Industrial Estate Barvas Isle of Lew is HS2 0RB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £15,000 £72 £7.89 N/A N/A N/A N/A Barvas Tigh Ceilidh Tigh Ceilidh, Heatherhill Barvas Isle of Lew is HS2 0QS Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £20,000 £92 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Airidhantuim School Airidhantuim School Airidhantuim Isle of Lew is HS2 0RL Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £130,000 £894 £3,453.48 £1,392.69 N/A N/A N/A School Balallan School, Balallan Lochs Isle of Lew is HS2 9PN Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £170,000 £1,020 £6,535.59 £1,086.11 N/A N/A N/A Castlebay Old Primary Old School Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £40,000 £537 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Knock School Knock School, Knock Point Isle of Lew is HS2 0BW Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £120,000 £651 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Barvas School Barvas School, Loch Street Barvas Isle of Lew is HS2 0QR Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £150,000 £1,242 £11,040.84 £4,986.41 N/A £574.08 N/A School (including Schoolhouse) Bragar School North Bragar Isle of Lew is HS2 9DA Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £130,000 £851 £2,407.02 £759.48 N/A N/A N/A Bragar Day Centre Day Centre, 20 - 22 Doune Park Bragar Isle of Lew is HS2 9DE Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £70,000 £364 £204.42 £434.39 N/A N/A N/A Daliburgh Tigh Ceilidh Tigh Ceilidh, Casimir Place Daliburgh Isle of South Uist HS8 5ST Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £20,000 £92 £204.42 N/A N/A N/A N/A Scalpay Primary Scalpay School Isle of Scalpay HS4 3XU Non-operational B B £28,517.12 £176.57 £90,000 £1,019 £7,709.25 £3,300.25 N/A £2,023.95 N/A Stoneybridge Community Workshop Schoolhouse Stoneybridge Isle of South Uist HS8 5SD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £20,000 £72 £1,236.50 N/A N/A N/A N/A Old Balivanich School Old School Balivanich Isle of Benbecula HS7 5LT Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £80,000 £178 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Ludaig Waiting Room Ferry Waiting Room Ludaig East Kilbride Isle of South Uist HS8 5TS Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £10,500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Ripley Place 2 Ripley Place Stornow ay Isle of Lew is HS1 2LP Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £56,000 £118 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Seilebost School Seilebost Isle of Harris HS3 3HP Non-operational B B N/A N/A £123,925 £817 £832.42 £253.59 N/A £2,285.39 N/A Gravir Care Unit Care Unit, 5 - 6 Carn Aonghais Gravir Isle of Lew is HS2 9QZ Non-operational N/A N/A £21,534.09 £192.99 £80,000 £265 £140.32 N/A N/A N/A N/A Lionel Old School (Former Youth Club) Youth Club, Lionel Ness Isle of Lew is HS2 0XB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £30,000 £254 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cliasmol School Cliasmol Isle of Harris HS3 3AR Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £80,000 £150 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Lochboisdale School/Schoolhouse Former Schoolhouse Lochboisdale Isle of South Uist HS8 5TH Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £45,000 £125 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Shaw bost Museum Museum North Shaw bost Isle of Lew is HS2 9BD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £30,000 £431 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Stoneybridge School Stoneybridge Isle of South Uist HS8 5SD Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £90,000 £327 £554.11 £1,456.59 N/A N/A N/A Lionel Old School (Former Cathannas Shop) Carthannas Nis, Shop, 8 Lionel Ness Isle of Lew is HS2 0XB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Factory Habost Ness Isle of Lew is HS2 0TG Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £40,000 £557 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Iochdar Care Unit Care Unit, 1 Rubha Doigheag Eochar Isle of South Uist HS8 5RL Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £77,842 £262 -£1,177.98 N/A N/A N/A N/A Lionel Schoolhouse Schoolhouse, Lionel Ness Isle of Lew is HS2 0XB Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £65,000 £204 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Scalpay Care Unit 7 Creag Aonaich Laggandoin Isle of Scalpay HS4 3YF Non-operational N/A N/A £23,950.35 £176.16 £100,000 £300 £1,387.08 -£47.08 N/A N/A N/A Bayhead Community Workshop Knockline Bayhead Isle of North Uist HS6 5DZ Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A £78 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Gleus House - Daliburgh Janitor's House Gleus House, Daliburgh Lochboisdale Isle of South Uist HS8 5SS Non-operational B A N/A N/A £70,000 £122 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Carlow ay School Carlow ay School, Knock Carlow ay Isle of Lew is HS2 9AU Non-operational N/A N/A N/A N/A £249,737 £1,629 £9,243.74 £563.76 N/A N/A N/A


Appendix B

Statutory Obligations Score Weighting Required to ensure compliance with statutory obligations 10 Industry Best Practice (Not statutory) 5 2 Industry Recommendations (Not Statutory) 1 Health and Safety Score Weighting Urgent Risk Identified (Currently isolated however preventing use of premises) 10 High Risk Identified (Temporary measures in place, not restricting use, however permanent 7 solution required) Medium Risk Identified 4 (Potential to cause injury to users and control measures require 5 investment) Low Risk Identified (Potential to cause damage to equipment and control measures require 2 investment) Efficiency/Financial Score Weighting Investment generates payback within 1 year or required as part of current revenue savings proposals 10 Investment generates payback within 3 years or required as part of future revenue savings proposals 7 3 Investment reduces revenue or generates income ( >20% of existing revenue costs) or economic development 5 Investment reduces revenue or generates income ( <20% of existing revenue costs) 3 Condition Score Weighting Urgent works required to prevent immediate closure of premises. 20 Essential works to prevent immediate deterioration of building fabric. 2 7 Desirable works to prevent long term deterioration of building fabric. 3 Serviceability Score Weighting Required for Disaster Recovery Plan 10 Inappropriate or inefficient for current use. (Public and staff affected) 7 2 Inconvenient for current use. (Public and staff affected) 4 Inconvenient for current use. (Staff affected) 2 Funding Score Weighting External Funding Element with < 1 year time constraint 10 Internal Funding with < 2 years’ time constraint 7 3 External Funding Element with 1 – 5 years’ time constraint 4 Internal Funding with 2 – 5 years’ time constraint 1


Appendix B

Project ID Scope Dept Dept. Corp. Priority Priority


Score Programme Allocation Dun Berisay Security Security adaptations SCS 1 1 178 Old 2012 cf Dun Eisdean Security Security adaptations SCS 2 2 178 Old 2012 cf Laxdale School Traffic Survey Determine impact of pre-school inclusion and ECS 1 3 reduction in public transport provision on traffic flow 164 Old 2012 cf Sports Complex Store Provision of additional storage and essential SCS 4 4 condition works to existing store 152 Old PIP St Brendan's Fire Ugrade Statutory work to fire system SCS 3 5 150 Old 2011 cf Castlebay School Security Upgrade to security system and Emergency Lighting ECS 2 6 150 Old 2012 cf Linicleit School Security Upgrade to security system and Reception ECS 3 7 150 Old 2012 cf Linicleit School Windows Ph 2 Replacement of windows ECS 4 8 144 Old 2012 cf Linicleit School Air Quality Improvements to air quality ECS 5 9 128 Old 2012 cf The Nicolson Institute Store Equipment storage building located within school ECS 19 10 campus. 125 New WISP Ardseileach Core and Cluster New residential Units and facilities at Ardseileach, SCS 5 11 Stornoway 122 Old 2012 cf Sandwickhill Centre Refurbishment of old primary school to suit special ECS 6 12 needs. 100 Old Dept Budget Harris Care Development Provision of new residential care home in Tarbert SCS 6 13 100 Old 2012 cf Development of Lews Castle into Museum Dev 14 100 Old 2012 cf Gaelic Hub Development of Studio Alba buildings into centre Dev 15 for Gaelic Development Organisations 100 Old 2012 cf Shawbost School Changing Improvements to changing Facilities SCS 7 16 Facilities 100 Old 2012 cf Stornoway Town Hall Remedial Works FCR 17 100 Old 2012 cf Linicleit School Changing External team changing facilities SCS 8 18 100 Old 2012 cf Shared Temporary New Build STA at Sandwick Road Dev 19 Accommodation 100 Old 2012 cf Kildonnan Museum Trust Museum Extension Ext 20 100 Old Ext Statutory Property Compliance Statutory compliance works and Urgent H&S Corp 21 requirements to all operational properties, these works may be combined with an identified asset project. 81 New Property Lionacliet School H&S Workshop dust extraction and traffic management ECS 7 22 81 New Property Rented Domestic Properties Works to bring to Scottish Housing Quality Standard TS 23 71 New Property Iochdar School Windows PH 1 Window Replacement ECS 8 24 Schools 51 New Commitment Stornoway Library Integration of Customer Services SCS 6 25 51 New Dept Budget Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath New Primary School located in North Uist ECS 9 26 49 New Development Residential Care Security Security adaptations at Trianaid, TACUN and St SCS 7 27 Brendans 47 New Property War Memorial Statutory compliance and H&S works and Essential TS 28 condition works. 46 New Property Renewable Energy Installations Solar Thermal, Solar PV and gas capture Corp 29 45 New Renewables Castlebay Regeneration Provision of lettable Units in Castlebay as part of Dev 30 South Uist and Barra Regeneration Programme 45 New Development Biomass Heating Retrofit of biomass boilers on selected sites Corp 31 45 New Borrowing Museum Storage (Lewis) Options study for museum store. SCS 9 32 40 New Dept Budget Iochdar School Windows PH 2 Window Replacement ECS 10 33 Schools 39 New Commitment Sgoil nan Loch Insulation ECS 34 37 Property Castlebay Community School Essential condition works and additional teaching ECS 11 35 Property/ spaces supplied through Gaelic Fund. 31 New Gaelic Fund Shawbost Primary School Essential condition works and suitability ECS 12 36 Schools adaptations. 31 New Commitment Uist OT Equipment Centre New provision for equipment distribution SCS 10 37 31 New tbc Stornoway Offices Options study for space utilisation. TS 38 Accommodation Review 30 New tbc Stornoway Properties Review Review of accommodation at St Lennons, Francis SCS 8 39 St., Library, Inaclete Rd, Learning Shop and Museum. 30 New tbc Dun Berisay Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 11 40 25 New Property Dun Eisdean Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 12 41 25 New Property Trianaid Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 13 42 25 New Property St Brendan's Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 14 43 25 New Property TACUN Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 15 44 25 New Property Iochdar School Essential condition works and suitability ECS 13 45 Schools adaptations. 25 New Commitment


Appendix B

Project ID Scope Dept Dept. Corp. Priority Priority


Score Programme Allocation Lionacliet School Essential condition works and suitability ECS 14 46 adaptations. 25 New Property Laxdale School Essential condition works and additional teaching ECS 15 47 Property/ spaces supplied through Gaelic Fund. 25 New Gaelic Fund Stornoway Primary School Essential condition works and suitability ECS 16 48 Schools adaptations. 25 New Commitment Leverhulme Memorial School Essential condition works and additional teaching ECS 17 49 Property/ spaces supplied through Gaelic Fund. 25 New Gaelic Fund Sgoil nan Loch Essential condition works. ECS 18 50 Schools 25 New Commitment Care units Essential condition works SCS 51 25 New Property Museum Storage (Uist) Review of museum storage provision in Uist SCS 16 52 22 New tbc Lewis Residential Care Review Review of options for future provision SCS 18 53 22 New Dept Budget Stornoway Sports Centre Resolution of Construction defects SCS 17 54 17 New tbc Comhairle Offices Sandwick Road Essential condition works. TS 55 17 New Property Comhairle Offices Balivanich Essential condition works. TS 56 17 New Property Comhairle Offices Castlebay Essential condition works. TS 57 17 New Property Barra OT Equipment Centre New provision for equipment distribution SCS 19 58 17 New tbc Corporate Archive Store Storage facility for corporate archives and TS 59 departmental equipment 17 New tbc James St Units Essential condition works. Dev 60 14 New Property Non-operational Properties Essential condition works. Dev 61 14 New Property OT Equipment Adaptations for Increased storage requirements SCS 20 62 Centre 11 New tbc Tong School Provision of additional toilets and quiet room ECS 20 63 8 New tbc


Appendix B

Funding Allocation Dept.

Investment Initial Schools Property Category Priority Property Biomass 10 year Strategy Requirement Estimate Commitment Renewables Priority £7.2M Project £1.8M £0.58M

Shawbost School (RS) (Including community Statutory DDA 40,000 1 40,000 swimming pool) Statutory Fire RA 20,000 1 20,000 Condition Electrical 50,000 2 50,000 Condition Mechanical 5,000 2 5,000 Suitability Primary provision adaptation 25,000 2 25,000 A primary school will be Suitability Pre-school adaptation 25,000 2 45,000 required in this location for 5 Suitability Classroom size and storage 25,000 3 25,000 the foreseeable future. Suitability Ball court surface 25,000 2 25,000 Suitability Playground Shelter 10,000 3 10,000 Suitability Playground adaptations 5,000 3 5,000 Efficiency Biomass Heating 200,000 2 200,000 Efficiency Solar PV 20,000 4 Shawbost School Total 450,000 60,000 190,000 200,000 - Iochdar School (RS) Statutory DDA 30,000 1 20,000 Statutory Fire RA 15,000 1 10,000 A primary school will be required in this location for Condition Windows 150,000 1 150,000 the foreseeable future. Condition External Areas 15,000 2 15,000 A question was raised from Condition External Walls 20,000 3 10,000 the technical and capacity 6 Condition Internal structures 20,000 2 20,000 aspects of merging with Condition Mechanical and Electrical 25,000 2 25,000 another school, however Suitability Traffic Management 20,000 3 20,000 rationalisation is currently Suitability External surfaces 25,000 3 25,000 not an option. Efficiency Biomass Heating 200,000 4 200,000 Efficiency Solar PV 30,000 3 Iochdar School Total 550,000 30,000 265,000 - 200,000


Appendix B

Funding Allocation Dept.

Investment Initial Schools Property Category Priority Property Biomass 10 year Strategy Requirement Estimate Commitment Renewables Priority £7.2M Project £1.8M £0.58M

Lionaclete School (RS) Statutory DDA 30,000 1 30,000 Statutory Fire RA 50,000 1 50,000 Health and Safety Dust Extraction Tech Workshop 35,000 1 35,000 Health and Safety 20mph speed limit 12,000 1 12,000 Condition External Areas 85,000 3 85,000 A secondary school will be Condition External Structure 35,000 2 35,000 required in this location for Condition Internal structures 50,000 2 50,000 the foreseeable future. 7 Condition Mechanical and Electrical 240,000 2 240,000 There are also community Suitability Storage 50,000 2 50,000 facilities on site that Suitability Teaching Spaces 100,000 3 150,000 continue to be well used. Suitability Toilet upgrades 75,000 3 75,000 Suitability Technical Workshop 40,000 3 40,000 Efficiency Biomass Heating 400,000 3 400,000 Efficiency Solar Thermal 50,000 50,000 Efficiency Solar PV 20,000 2 20,000 Liniclate School Total 1,272,000 772,000 70,000 400,000


Appendix B

Funding Allocation Dept.

Investment Initial Schools Property Category Priority Property Biomass 10 year Strategy Requirement Estimate Commitment Renewables Priority £7.2M Project £1.8M £0.58M

Stornoway Primary (RS) A primary school will be Statutory DDA 10,000 1 10,000 required in this location for Statutory Fire RA 40,000 1 40,000 the foreseeable future. Condition External Areas 25,000 2 25,000 The feasibility of Condition Internal Works 20,000 2 20,000 rationalisation with other Condition Water Supply 30,000 30,000 schools in the close Suitability Pre-school incorporation 25,000 2 25,000 proximity could be 9 Suitability Hall and dining area 100,000 2 100,000 considered, however it is Suitability Offices/entry system 30,000 2 30,000 unlikely that this would Suitability Traffic Management 100,000 2 100,000 feature as a priority or be an Suitability Grass Pitch 50,000 50,000 affordable option within the next 10 years. Suitability Gym Hall 100,000 3 100,000 Efficiency Biomass Heating 400,000 3 400,000 Efficiency Solar PV 20,000 2 20,000

Stornoway Primary Total 950,000 80,000 450,000 20,000 400,000


Appendix B

Funding Allocation Dept.

Investment Initial Schools Property Category Priority Property Biomass 10 year Strategy Requirement Estimate Commitment Renewables Priority £7.2M Project £1.8M £0.58M

Sgoil nan Loch (RS) Statutory DDA 1 Statutory Fire RA 10,000 1 10,000 Condition Windows 2,500 2 2,500 Condition External Areas 7,000 2 7,000 Condition Internal structures 2,500 2 2,500 A primary school will be Condition Mechanical and Electrical 6,000 2 6,000 required in this location for 12 Suitability Access and Parking 25,000 2 25,000 the foreseeable future. Suitability Toilet/Changing facilities 40,000 3 40,000 Suitability Pre school integration 10,000 2 10,000 Efficiency Biomass Heating 300,000 4 Efficiency Insulation 30,000 2 30,000 Efficiency Solar PV 20,000 4 Sgoil Nan Loch Total 453,000 10,000 123,000 - -

Total Commitments to 3,675,000 - 180,000 1,800,000 290,000 1,000,000 Date


Appendix B

Project ID Scope Dept Dept. Corp. Priority Priority


Score Programme Allocation Initial Estimate Statutory Property Compliance Statutory compliance works and Urgent H&S Corp 21 requirements to all operational properties, these works may be combined with an identified asset project. 81 New Property 500,000 Lionacliet School H&S Workshop dust extraction and traffic management ECS 7 22 81 New Property 47,000 Rented Domestic Properties Works to bring to Scottish Housing Quality Standard TS 23 71 New Property 550,000 Residential Care Security Security adaptations at Trianaid, TACUN and St SCS 7 27 Brendans 47 New Property 100,000 War Memorial Statutory compliance and H&S works and Essential TS 28 condition works. 46 New Property 100,000 Sgoil nan Loch Insulation ECS 34 37 Property 30,000 Castlebay Community School Essential condition works and additional teaching ECS 11 35 Property/ spaces supplied through Gaelic Fund. 31 New Gaelic Fund 685,000 Uist OT Equipment Centre New provision for equipment distribution SCS 10 37 31 New tbc tbc Stornoway Offices Options study for space utilisation. TS 38 Accommodation Review 30 New tbc tbc Stornoway Properties Review Review of accommodation at St Lennons, Francis SCS 8 39 St., Library, Inaclete Rd, Learning Shop and Museum. 30 New tbc tbc Dun Berisay Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 11 40 25 New Property 104,500 Dun Eisdean Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 12 41 25 New Property 116,000 Trianaid Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 13 42 25 New Property 98,000 St Brendan's Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 14 43 25 New Property 24,000 TACUN Residential Home Essential condition works. SCS 15 44 25 New Property 57,000 Lionacliet School Essential condition works and suitability ECS 14 46 adaptations. 25 New Property 772,000


Appendix B

Project ID Scope Dept Dept. Corp. Priority Priority


Score Programme Allocation Initial Estimate Laxdale School Essential condition works and additional teaching ECS 15 47 Property/ spaces supplied through Gaelic Fund. 25 New Gaelic Fund 523,000 Leverhulme Memorial School Essential condition works and additional teaching ECS 17 49 Property/ spaces supplied through Gaelic Fund. 25 New Gaelic Fund 160,000 Care units Essential condition works SCS 51 25 New Property 78,000 Museum Storage (Uist) Review of museum storage provision in Uist SCS 16 52 22 New tbc tbc Stornoway Sports Centre Resolution of Construction defects SCS 17 54 17 New tbc tbc Comhairle Offices Sandwick Road Essential condition works. TS 55 17 New Property 485,000 Comhairle Offices Balivanich Essential condition works. TS 56 17 New Property 197,500 Comhairle Offices Castlebay Essential condition works. TS 57 17 New Property 40,500 Barra OT Equipment Centre New provision for equipment distribution SCS 19 58 17 New tbc tbc Corporate Archive Store Storage facility for corporate archives and TS 59 departmental equipment 17 New tbc tbc James St Units Essential condition works. Dev 60 14 New Property 50,000 Non-operational Properties Essential condition works. Dev 61 14 New Property 50,000 Lewis and Harris OT Equipment Adaptations for Increased storage requirements SCS 20 62 Centre 11 New tbc tbc Tong School Provision of additional toilets and quiet room ECS 20 63 8 New tbc 50,000

Total 4,817,500 Gaelic Fund 564,000 Property Investment Commitment 4,253,500


Appendix C

All Departments - Outcome Statutory Compliance Monitoring 2012/13 - Year 3 of 5 Total No. of Target No. of Total No. of Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual properties properties to be % Completed No. Statutory Requirements properties to Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter year to year to Comments programmed completed in to date be tested 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 date date 2012/13 Quarter 1 1.0 Legionella 1.1 Risk Assessments 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100% All undertaken in 2011/12. 1.2 Remedial Work 88 88 23 0 23 1 22 5 20 1 88 7 8% Held back by Framework tendering process. 1.3 Monitoring of Inspection 131 (1572 tests) 131 (1572 tests) 131 (393) 58 (174) 131 (393) 58 (174) 131 (393) 58 (174) 131 (393) 58 (174) 131 (1572) 58 (696) 44% Little feedback received except PMD. 1.4 Bi-Annual Monitoring 131 120 0 0 120 113 0 6 0 0 120 119 99% Completed.

2.0 Fixed Installation Testing 2.1 Test Certificates 173 110 29 2 28 2 28 2 25 2 110 8 7% Prioritised remedial works. 2.2 Remedial Works 173 45 12 0 12 0 12 6 9 29 45 35 78% As funding allowed.

3.0 PAT 3.1 Test Certificates 134 134 35 3 35 0 34 2 30 11 134 16 12% Education had staffing issues.

4.0 DDA 4.1 Surveys 35 35 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 35 35 35 100% Completed. 4.2 Remedial Works 19 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 5 2 40% As funding allowed.

5.0 Fire Risk 5.1 Fire Risk Assessments 59 59 21 10 17 10 4 10 48 9 59 39 66% As funding allowed. 5.2 Building Remedial Works 90 24 6 1 8 0 6 2 4 12 24 15 63% As funding allowed.

6.0 Asbestos 6.1 Asbestos Survey 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100% Prioritised re-inspections. 6.2 Re-inspection surveys 69 69 18 0 18 0 18 67 15 0 69 67 97% Completed. 6.3 Remedial Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 12 100% as required.

7.0 Air Conditioning 7.1 Risk Assessments 100% To be undertaken 2013/14. 7.2 Remedial Work 1 1 100% To be undertaken 2013/14, one item required 2012/13. 7.3 Monitoring of Inspection 100% To be undertaken 2013/14.

8.0 Extract Systems 8.1 Risk Assessments 100% To be undertaken 2013/14. 8.2 Remedial Work 100% To be undertaken 2013/14. 8.3 Monitoring of Inspection 100% To be undertaken 2013/14.


Appendix D

Property Name Status Stage 1 - Declared Surplus Lochboisdale School and Schoolhouse Vacant Old Nurses Cottage, Berneray Committee Decision in 1999 to transfer to Berneray Development Group – legal process never completed but Group occupied property.

Stage 2 - Internal Interest Barra Community Workshop Community did not submit application, interest expr essed by Economic Development

Stage 3 - HHP Interest Craigston School HHP have confirmed interest for social housing deve lopment Craigston Schoolhouse HHP have right of ownership. Barvas Primary Declared Surplus


Appendix D

Property Name Status Stage 4 - Community Interest Aird School Community interest Balallan School Community group submitted application to purchase. Approved by committee Barvas Community Workshop Awaiting application from community group.

Bragar School Comhairle agreed to transfer to Community Group.

Breasclete Community Workshop Application to acquire received

Benbecula Community Workshop Application to acquire received

Carloway School Community Interest Knock School Comhairle agreed to transfer to Community Group.

Lionel Old School and Community Workshop Community Interest Lionel Old School House Community Interest

Scalpay Care Unit Community Interest

Scalpay School Decision to proceed to private sale.

Shawbost School Museum Comhairle agreed to transfer to Community Group.


Appendix D

Property Name Status Stage 5 - Private Sale Airidhantuim School Surplus

Balivanich Primary Surplus, Interest received from UHI and NHS WI

Bayhead Comm Workshop (Uist) With Estate Agent

Barvas Tigh Ceilidh With Estate Agent Offer Received. Bragar Day Centre With Estate Agent No interest to-date. CNES & HHP revisited, no interest

Castlebay Old School, Barra With Estate Agent Offer Received Cliasmol School Surplus Gravir Care Unit Surplus and vacant Habost (Ness) Factory Surplus and vacant

Pairc Community Workshop Surplus

Raven’s Lane, Labost (Remaining land) Stoneybridge School Surplus

Stoneybridge Comm Workshop With Estate Agent


Appendix D



Joint Report by Chief Executive, Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and Director of Technical Services

PURPOSE OF REPORT To seek approval for a revised process for disposal of surplus Comhairle land and buildings.

COMPETENCE 1.1 The disposal costs of land or property can be charged against the proceeds of any sale or transfer of ownership. 1.2 If the Comhairle wishes to dispose of property at less than market value, Ministerial approval is required. 1.3 There are no issues of equality arising from the recommendations in this Report.

SUMMARY 2.1 The Comhairle’s policy relating to the disposal of property is contained in the Land and Information Technology Regulations which were last updated in 2001. 2.2 A process dealing with the land and buildings which have been designated as surplus is proposed in section 7. 2.3 The process includes provision for consideration of land for housing purposes and for expressions of interest to be sought from Registered Social Landlords and then from community groups. 2.4 The Report proposes a process for evaluating proposals when more than one valid expression of interest is received from community groups. 2.5 It is proposed that the Land and Information Technology Regulations be amended to include the text included in paragraph 8.1 to formalise into policy the process by which the community can be offered surplus land and buildings.

RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 It is recommended that the Comhairle approve: (a) the process, as described in section 7 and in Appendix 1, for the disposal of surp lus assets; and (b) the amendment to the Land and Information Technology Regulations as contained in paragraphs 7.4-7.11, paragraphs 8.1, and Appendix 1 of the Report.

Contact Officer: Malcolm Burr, Chief Executive 01851 709500 Calum Mackenzie, Head of Estates 01851 709405 Helen Mackenzie, Head of Exchequer Services 01851 709494

Appendix 1 Comhairle Land and Buildings - Proposed Disposal Process


Appendix D

BACKGROUND 4.1 Where the Comhairle holds assets that are surplus to requirements there are revenue costs associated with insurance, business rates, essential repairs and maintenance which require budgetary provision.

4.2 As part of the 2010/11 budget process, the disposal of surplus assets has been identified as an area which could generate revenue savings and income in the form of capital receipts.

4.3 The Scottish Government’s Housing Supply Task Force concluded its examination of the most effective way of increasing the supply of housing (including the availability of land) in February 2009. One of the key recommendations of this Task Force was that Public Bodies should give further consideration to how the sale of surplus public sector land could support the provision of an effective land supply to meet housing need.

4.4 Such consideration would complement the Comhairle’s responsibility as the Strategic Housing Authority and meet the objectives of the Comhairle’s Local Housing Strategy, whilst complying with Best Value requirements.

CURRENT POLICY AND PRACTICE 5.1 The current Comhairle policy relating to the disposal of land and buildings is contained in the Land and Information Technology Regulations which were last updated in 2001.

5.2 The Regulations include the proviso that any assets identified as surplus must be offered to other Comhairle departments for use prior to disposal.

5.3 It has been Comhairle practice to seek expressions of interest from community groups where surplus assets have been identified.

5.4 In the past the Comhairle has also actively supported the transfer of land to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) to assist with the delivery of the Local Housing Strategy.


6.1 The Scottish Government established the Housing Supply Task Force in 2007 to examine ways of increasing the supply of housing across all tenures.

6.2 One of the key recommendations of the Task Force centred on the release of surplus public sector land to assist with the provision of an adequate land supply to meet housing need.

6.3 Based on the feedback of the Housing Supply Task Force, the Scottish Government is taking steps to relax the requirement on Local Authorities to seek Ministerial approval before disposal of land at less than best consideration and to allow for these decisions to be taken locally.

6.4 The Housing Supply Task Force also recommends greater information sharing between bodies in regard to notification of future disposal of surplus land.

6.5 In order to support the recommendations of the Housing Supply Task Force, it is suggested that surplus land should be considered for housing purposes in the first instance. The Task Force’s recommendations were re-inforced in a letter from the relevant Minister, Alex Neil MSP, to all Chief Executives of Health Boards and Local


Appendix D

Authorities in April 2009 encouraging proactive policies of disposal to RSLs for affordable housing purposes.

6.6 This approach would also complement the Comhairle’s responsibility as the Strategic Housing Authority and meet the objectives of the Comhairle’s Local Housing Strategy.

6.7 The process as set out in this Report takes account of these recommendations.

DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS ASSETS 7.1 The proposed process for the disposal of surplus land and buildings detailed at Appendix 1.

7.2 There are four stages to the process:  Designating the land/building as surplus  Seeking expressions of interest from RSLs  Seeking expressions of interest from community groups  Disposal on the open market.

Stage 1

7.3 Land and buildings will be designated as surplus by the responsible department and a review of possible alternative uses will be carried out by the Asset Management Team with reference to the Comhairle’s Asset Management Strategy and Departmental Business Plans. At this point the department should also notify the Capital Accountant.

7.4 At this stage a valuation will be obtained.

Stage 2

7.5 Should no future use be identified by the Comhairle for the land/building expressions of interest will then be sought from RSLs. RSLs will be given one calendar month to respond.

7.6 Should an expression of interest be received, the Director of Technical Services will seek Comhairle approval to proceed to dispose of the asset to the RSL at market value.

Stage 3

7.7 If no expression of interest is received from an RSL, the land or building will be offered to community groups. Contact will be made with community groups by writing to Community Councils and Local Members and by advertising in the local and community newspapers. Community groups will be given one month to respond.

7.8 Once an expression of interest has been registered by a group, the community group in question will be asked to demonstrate that the planned use of the building or asset will take place. Evidence to be provided could include notification of funding secured or a submitted funding application. This approach will ensure that speculative expressions of interest where no concrete plans are in place can be discouraged. The deadline for submission of evidence will be two calendar months.

7.9 Where more than one community group can produce the evidence required and evaluation of the proposals will be carried out. It is proposed that the criteria used are:  Contribution to the achievement of the Single Outcome Agreement  Financial implications for the Comhairle (cost/grant/subsidy)  Economic and Community Impact  Fit with Local Development Plan 50

Appendix D

7.10 The outcome of this evaluation process will be presented to the Comhairle for approval at which point the Director of Technical Services will also seek approval for the disposal terms. In the event it is proposed that the disposal be for less than market value, Ministerial approval will be required.

Stage 4

7.11 Where no expression of interest is lodged, or where no concrete plans can be demonstrated, the Director of Technical Services will seek Comhairle approval for the disposal of the asset on the open market. No ministerial consent is required for disposal in this way.

LAND AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY REGULATIONS 8.1 It is proposed that the following paragraph be inserted into the Land and Information Technology Regulations to formalise the requirement to offer surplus land and property to RSLs and the community.

Where no use is identified for surplus land by another Comhairle service, the Director of Technical Services shall seek expressions of interests from in the first instance local Registered Social Landlords and then to the local community. This process for Community Groups shall be time limited to three calendar months at the end of which an interested group must be able to demonstrate that there is funding in place or applied for which would allow the use of the land for the purpose planned. Should such evidence be presented, the Director of Technical Services shall seek Comhairle approval for the disposal of the land to the community group in question.

8.2 It is also proposed that appendix one detailing the process for the disposal and the approvals required and the narrative on each stage as contained in paragraphs 7.3-7.11 are included in the Regulations.

8.3 Members may wish to note that in the regulations “land” means land and/or buildings.


9.1 The Comhairle has land and property for which no future use has been identified by departments.

9.2 This Report recommends a process to dispose of that surplus land and property which is of benefit for social housing, community groups and the Comhairle.


Appendix D


Land/property designated as surplus by the responsible department Stage 1

Asset Management confirm no requirement for the land/property by another Comhairle service and seek valuation

Seek expressions of interest

Stage 2 Expression from RSL from RSLs

No Seek Comhairle approval for expression disposal RSL

Seek expressions of interest

from community groups

> 1 expressions 1 expression No expression

Seek Comhairle Stage 4 Community Group submits Community Groups submit approval to dispose evidence of confirmed evidence of the land/property

Stage 3 future use and funding on the open market

Evaluation of proposals using Single Outcome Agreement, Financial Assessment, Local

Plan and Economic/Community Impact as criteria

Seek Comhairle approval for Seek Comhairle approval disposal to the preferred for disposal to the group group


Appendix E

National Best Value Benchmarking Scheme



OBJECTIVE To identify the areas of properties included in the portfolio by CIPFA category. Should only include buildings which the Authority has direct responsibility for maintaining, including freehold and leasehold.

Buildings operated under the PFI or PPP initiatives are identified separately.

Housing and buildings which are surplus to requirements are not to be included.

INDICATOR The building areas to be used for calculating indicators are described in the definition for that indicator.

DEFINITIONS/ Use the Gross internal area defined by the RICS Code of Practice. DETAILS/ FURTHER INFORMATION

Scottish Amp 2013 - Areas


Appendix E

National Best Value Benchmarking Scheme



OBJECTIVE To provide a measure of the overall property costs and changes over time.

INDICATOR 1B -Property costs per m2 GIA for schools, other operational buildings and community assets, including freehold and leasehold buildings but excluding non-operational buildings, buildings operated under PFI and PPP undertakings, housing and properties surplus to requirements.

DEFINITIONS/ Property costs – should include all costs associated with the running of DETAILS/ schools, other operational buildings and community assets, as listed under FURTHER Initial Data, including freehold and leasehold buildings but excluding INFORMATION non-operational buildings, buildings operated under PFI and PPP undertakings, housing and properties surplus to requirements.

Note: Use the total area for schools, other operational buildings and community assets, listed under Initial Data (in the column ‘Other than PPP/PFI’) for calculating the indicator.

Included elements: • Repairs and Maintenance including planned and responsive maintenance and furniture and fittings where funded from the maintenance budget, but excluding any new build

• Energy

• Water and sewerage

• Grounds maintenance

• Rents

• Rates

• Cleaning and domestic costs

• Premises insurance

• Caretaking

• Security

• Fees and Management costs


Appendix E


• Housing

• Properties surplus to requirements

• PFI and PPP schemes

• Capital charges

• Notional asset rents

PURPOSE To provide a measure of the total cost per m2 of running property and build up profiles over time.

To identify buildings that are expensive to run and enable strategic decisions to be made.

GOOD Should be read in conjunction with other indicators in this suite and further PRACTICE back up information.

Authorities should also maintain local indicators which relate to the individual elements as a percentage of the revenue budget.

Scottish Amp 2013 Spend


Appendix E

National Best Value Benchmarking Scheme


NAME/ PI’s 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D – Condition and Required Maintenance NUMBER

OBJECTIVE 2A and 2Ai - To provide a measure of the condition of the asset for its current use.

2Bi, 2Bia, 2Bii, 2Biia and 2Biii - To provide a measure of required cost on maintenance.

2C – To provide a measure of the percentage change in maintenance spend from the previous year.

2Di, 2Dii and 2Diii - To provide a measure of the total spend on maintenance and the split of spend between planned and responsive maintenance.

INDICATOR 2A - Percentage of gross internal floor space in categories A, B, C and D for buildings other than PPP/PFI. All rows including the total should add up to 100%.

2Ai - Percentage of gross internal floor space in categories A, B, C and D for buildings operated under PPP/PFI undertakings. All rows including the total should add up to 100%. 2Bi - As total cost in priority levels 1, 2 and 3 for buildings other than PPP/PFI.

2Bia - As total cost in priority levels 1, 2 and 3 for buildings operated under PPP/PFI undertakings.

2Bii - As a percentage in priority levels 1, 2 and 3 for buildings other than PPP/PFI. All rows including the total should add up to 100%.

2Biia - As a percentage in priority levels 1, 2 and 3 for buildings operated under PPP/PFI undertakings. All rows including the total should add up to 100%.

2Biii - Total cost and total cost in £/m2 GIA of required maintenance on schools, other operational buildings and community assets, including freehold and leasehold but excluding non-operational buildings, buildings operated under PPP/PFI undertakings, housing and properties surplus to requirements.

2C - Percentage change in required maintenance from previous year.

2Dii - Total spend on maintenance in £/m2 GIA on schools, other operational buildings and community assets, including freehold and leasehold but excluding non-operational buildings, buildings operated under PPP/PFI undertakings, housing and properties surplus to requirements.

2Diii - Percentage split on required maintenance between planned and responsive maintenance.


Appendix E

DEFINITIONS/ 2A, 2Ai, 2Bi, 2Bia, 2Bii and 2Biia - The categories A, B, C and D DETAILS/ and priority levels 1, 2 and 3 are CIPFA defined. FURTHER INFORMATION 2Biii - Required maintenance cost is defined as “The cost to bring the property from its present state up to the state reasonably required by the authority to deliver the service and/or to meet statutory or contractual obligations and maintain it at that standard, including any associated fees”.

2D -Total spend on maintenance is to include all reactive and planned maintenance work including any associated fees.

2Biii and 2D - Required maintenance and total spend should exclude improvement projects but should include works necessary to comply 0with new legislation e.g. asbestos and legionella.

Required spend on maintenance from the Capital Budget should include only that spend used to supplement the revenue budget and for carrying out maintenance work as defined above.

Property areas to be used:-

2A, 2Bi, and 2Bii - All properties which the Authority has a direct responsibility for maintaining, including freehold and leasehold, but excluding buildings operated under PPP/PFI undertakings, housing and properties surplus to requirements.

2Ai, 2Bia and 2Biia - All properties operated under PPP/PFI undertakings.

2Biii and 2D – Schools, other operational property and community assets, including freehold and leasehold, but excluding non-operational buildings, buildings operated under PPP/PFI undertakings, housing and buildings surplus to requirements.

Definition of condition categories and priority levels:-

A: Good – Performing as intended and operating efficiently.

B: Satisfactory – Performing as intended but showing minor deterioration.

C; Poor – Showing major defects and/or not operating as intended.

D: Bad – life expired and/or serious risk of imminent failure.

PL1. Urgent works that will prevent immediate closure of premises and/or address an immediate high risk to the health and safety of the occupants and/or remedy a serious breach of legislation.

PL2. Essential work required within two years that will prevent serious deterioration of the fabric or services and/or address a medium risk to the health and safety of the occupants and/or remedy a minor breach of the legislation.

PL3. Desirable work required within 3 to 5 years that will prevent deterioration of the fabric or services and/or a minor breach of the legislation.


Appendix E

PURPOSE • To show the severity and extent to which maintenance problems affect the portfolio.

• To assist in development of detailed information on required maintenance.

• To encourage authorities to invest in planned maintenance.

• To show the annual spend on repair and maintenance.

GOOD The condition category should be determined using the Scottish PRACTICE Government template for schools in which each element is weighted and then graded to produce an overall grade. Where there is more than one building/block for an asset each block should be individually assessed for condition. Condition categories A, B, C and D should be assessed by suitably qualified professionals. These indicators deal with the assessment of required maintenance and repair of current assets. They do not cover “improvement” and any costs associated with this should be excluded from the figures. To ensure accurate comparability, required maintenance cost and spend figures should be adjusted to a base level at a date of the beginning of the financial year to which the submission relates i.e. for the year 2011/2012 the base date for the adjustment should be April, 2012. The adjustment should be made using the BCIS General Building Cost Index. Guidance on Planned and Responsive repairs:

Planned – If the work is part of a regular routine e.g. removing leaves from gutters, re-decorations, replacing worn out items etc.

To be classified as Planned, you do not necessarily need to have known in advance that you would be arranging the work at a specific point in time but you were aware that the work would be needed.

Reactive – If the work is unexpected e.g. leaking roof, broken toilet seat etc.

Scottish Amp 2013 – Condition and Maintenance


Appendix E

NAME/ PI 3A, 3B and 3C – Energy and Water Management NUMBER

OBJECTIVE To provide a measure of the effectiveness of energy and water management.

INDICATOR 3A and 3B – Total energy and water cost and cost in £/m2.

Total energy and water consumption in kWh/m2.

3Ai - Energy consumption in kWh/m2 for each category of fuel.

3C - Total CO2 emissions and in tonnes CO2/m2.

DEFINITIONS/ 3A and 3B – Total Energy and Water Cost is defined as the combined cost DETAILS/ of all energy used on schools, other operational and community buildings, FURTHER including freehold and leasehold properties and properties operated under INFORMATION PFI and PPP undertakings but excluding non-operational properties, housing and properties surplus to requirements.

Total Energy and Water Consumption is defined as the combined consumption of all energy used on schools, other operational and community buildings, including freehold and leasehold properties and properties operated under PFI and PPP undertakings but excluding non-operational properties, housing and properties surplus to requirements.

3C – C02 Emissions relate to the areas of the same properties described in 3A and 3B above.

Energy costs are to include all fees and charges. .

3Ai - Energy Consumption is defined as the cost of the individual energy provisions on the actual area of schools, other operational and community buildings, where data is available, including freehold and leasehold properties and properties operated under PFI and PPP undertakings but excluding non-operational properties, housing and properties surplus to requirements. Note: Use only the actual area where data is available for calculating the indicators in 3Ai.

PURPOSE To obtain meaningful data that is suitable for rigorous comparison on both a national and local basis.

• To assist in development of detailed information on energy usage.

• To encourage authorities to invest in energy reduction.

• To show year on year changes in energy usage.

GOOD Where there is more than one building/block for an asset each block should PRACTICE be individually assessed for energy usage.

These indicators are at high level and will need to be supplemented by greater analysis on a local individual building basis taking into account hours of use of the buildings. Scottish Amp 2013 – Energy and Water Management


Appendix E

National Best Value Benchmarking Scheme


NAME/ PI’s 4A, 4B and 4C – Suitability NUMBER

OBJECTIVE To provide a measure of changes in suitability of the estate for the support of front line services i.e. fitness for purpose.

INDICATOR 4A - Percentage of portfolio for which a suitability survey has been carried out.

4B - Percentage of portfolio by GIA graded as good or satisfactory.

4C - Percentage of Public Service buildings that are suitable for and accessible to disabled persons.

DEFINITIONS/ 4A and 4B - to be reported for all operational buildings. DETAILS/ FURTHER 4C - to be reported for all operational buildings which deliver a service to INFORMATION the public. Excludes housing.

Definitions of suitability categories for 4B:

• Good - Performing well and operating efficiently (supports needs of staff and delivery of Services).

• Satisfactory - Performing well but with minor problems (Generally supports needs of staff and delivery of Services).

• Poor - Showing major problems and/or not operating optimally. (Impedes the performance of staff and/or delivery of Services).

• Unsuitable - Does not support the delivery of Services (Seriously impedes the delivery of Services).

PURPOSE • To enable the Local Authority to understand the performance of the portfolio in service delivery terms.

• To enable key decisions to be made.

GOOD In relation to 4A and 4B: PRACTICE • Questions should be Service led and questionnaires developed with Service departments/strategic policy units.

• Questionnaires should be answered by operational staff.

• Systems should be scored so that they can be easily analysed.

• Weightings could be used to allow for priority issues.

• Moderation should be carried out by the Service department prior to the final result for each building. 60

Appendix E

In relation to 4C:

Note the following:

• BS8300.

• Part M of Building Regulations 2004.

• LGA/DRC report “Access to Services: Disability Equality in Local Government” ( www.lga.gov.uk )

• “Planning and Access for Disabled People: A Good Practice Guide” (www.odpm.gov.uk ).

• “Inclusive Projects: A Guide to Best Practice on Preparing and Delivering Project Briefs to Secure Access (www.dptac.gov.uk)

Scottish Amp 2013 – Suitability


Appendix E

National Best Value Benchmarking Scheme


NAME/ PI’s 5 and 5B – Sufficiency NUMBER

OBJECTIVE To provide a measure of the capacity and utilisation of the operational property portfolio.

INDICATOR 5A - Operational property as a percentage of the total property portfolio (by GIA m2).

5B - Average floor space (NIA) per staff member (FTE).

Average floor space (GIA) per staff member (FTE).

DEFINITIONS/ 5A - The total operational portfolio -is the amount of space occupied DETAILS/ by the Council and classified as “operational assets” under the FURTHER CIPFA Accounting Code Guidance. INFORMATION The total property portfolio - is the total area of the property portfolio including schools, other operational property, community property, and non-operational property, as classified under the CIPFA Accounting Code Guidance, and including all leasehold and freehold property and buildings operated under PFI and PPP undertakings but excluding housing and property surplus to requirements.

5B -Net internal area (NIA) -is the gross internal area excluding primary circulation areas, toilets, kitchens, reception areas, members offices, Council chambers, committee rooms and storage rooms excepting where the storage areas could be used as offices.

Gross internal area (GIA) - is the gross internal area as defined by the RICS Code of Practice.

Full time Equivalents (FTE) - includes all members of staff located at a building aggregated into full time equivalents.

PURPOSE • To identify the intensity of the use of space.

• To assist Councils to plan the maximisation of the use of space and identify assets which are surplus to requirements.

Scottish Amp 2013 - Sufficiency


Appendix E

National Best Value Benchmarking Scheme


NAME/ PI – Estates Secondary Indicator 5 - Efficiency NUMBER

OBJECTIVE To provide a measure of the capacity and utilisation of the operational property portfolio.

INDICATOR SI 5 - Workstations per full time equivalent (FTE).

Area (m2) per workstation.

DEFINITIONS/ Workstations per FTE – is the number of workstations divided by the DETAILS/ number of staff aggregated into full time equivalents. FURTHER INFORMATION Area per workstation – is the immediate area allocated to the workstation.

PURPOSE • To further identify the intensity of the use of space.

• To further assist Councils to plan the maximisation of the use of space and identify assets which are surplus to requirements

Scottish Amp 2013 - Efficiency