Four Railway Bridges, Statement of Significance, December 2018 Heritage Place: Four Railway Bridges PSrefno:HO314,HO315,HO316andHO317 Four Bridges in Kyneton 37°16’22.63”S, 144°27’26.85”E, Pleasant Hill Road (HO314) 37°15’17.97”S, 144°26’32.56”E, Greenway Lane (HO315) 37°15’14.06“S, 144°26’01.56”E, Flynn’s Lane (HO316) 37°14’23.50”S, 144°25’03.56”E, Boggy Creek (HO317)

Pleasant Hill Rd Greenway Lane

Flynn’s Lane Boggy Creek Statement of Significance

. What is significant? The four bridges are significant to the extent of their bluestone and iron constructions. They do not include the rails themselves nor the road surfaces. . How is it significant? The bridges are locally significant historically, representatively, technically and aesthetically to the Shire of . . Why is it significant?

. The bridges are historically significant as a reminder of the importance of the - railway to the development of and the Shire environs. The bridges are also significant as work of Captain Andrew Clarke and William O’Hara, who designed most of the bridges and structures along the line. (Criterion A,H)

. The bridges are representatively, technically and aesthetically significant as demonstrations of aesthetic and construction quality endowed in these otherwise utilitarian structures – a feature representative of much of the railway infrastructure of the time. The subtle design features such as the four-point arches, battered walls and prominent string courses and parapets and the quality of the stonework illustrate the seemingly unlikely combining of aesthetics and engineering. (Criterion D, E, F)

1 . The bridges are associatively significant to the importance of rail traffic to the development of Victoria and the Melbourne-Bendigo corridor when other forms of travel were limited. (Criterion A) Primary Source Gisborne and Kyneton Heritage Study, December 2018.