Behold Najib, the man who buried 1Malaysia .com May 16, 2014

YOURSAY ‘It’s absolutely appalling that a PM should label human rights a 'threat'.’

'Don't like human rights, Najib? Then quit UN'

Ksn: I, too, have a big problem understanding and accepting Prime Minister 's view that human rights, such as fundamental rights like freedom of religion, are perceived as threats to Islam and Muslims.

Is Najib saying that Muslims do not want fundamental freedoms like all other humans? What message is our PM conveying to the Malay Muslims?

Does he want our people to live their lives with closed minds, to be exploited by Umno Baru politicians?

LogicalMalaysian: It makes sense now - the unhampered tantrums and extremism of groups such as Isma and . To think of it, Najib is as extreme as these two, just that he doesn't create scenes like they do.

What could ever be wrong in human rights, and above all, religious discourse?

Multi Racial: Najib is the most insincere PM we have ever had. He always says things to please the crowd without considering the others. It is all about keeping his job.

We don't have to go far, just compare his speech with United States president Barack Obama and the one he gave at the 57th national-level Quran recital assembly in Kuantan.

ChaSL: So Obama, do you still consider Najib a friend and who has much work to be done to uphold fairness and equality for all in ?

Not only he has done nothing to promote anything of this sort, he is actually doing the exact opposite.

ABC Tan: Every day, you see this most sorry, most pathetic 'kangkung cum RM1 chicken' PM slapping his own face with rubbish for contradicting himself and his previous positions.

You cannot find any other leader in the world, not even in the poorest countries, of such quality. He is leading Malaysia from shame to shame.

Anonymous_1396163122: Najib, we challenge you to take Malaysia out of the United Nations. UN's human rights are universally recognised. How could Malaysia not value and respect these rights?

If Najib and his Umno leaders do not subscribe to such basic rights, then they are simply not of this world.

YUNoAnon: Good call. Najib, what say you? Walk the talk and get out of UN. As a matter of fact, get out of all these international organisations which are in conflict with what you've said. Don't just blow hot air.

Mama Mia: Umno is anti-Chinese, anti-Indian, anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-United Nations, pro-corruption, pro-cronyism. And so is Najib, the son of the second prime minister. And he is the prime minister only for the Malays.

Versey: He is PM for the Malays? His "you help me, I help you" is to "help" them to learn to prepare for future hardship, training them to get used to it, and be content to have kangkung on their dinner table every day.

Abasir: The fact that Najib is the worst in all aspects of national leadership has been proven once again.

Malaysians must always remember that he is the same leader who was accused of vowing to bathe the keris in Chinese blood and who subsequently spent billions on his self-serving 1Malaysia public relations campaign.

He is the same leader who loves to hobnob with a decidedly humanist American president and ride in his car and then stir his mindless followers by deriding human rights.

Like the overtly anti-American former PM Dr , who is said to have paid money for an audience with George W Bush, this man loves to have it both ways... so long as it serves his needs.

He is worthy of all the scorn and derision decent Malaysians continue to pour on him.

Common Sense: It’s absolutely appalling that a sitting PM should label human rights a 'threat'. It makes an utter mockery out of '1Malaysia'.

But then, again, when we have a PM who's been flip-flopping on issues like hudud, can we really be surprised?

Casey: To quote William Hague, British secretary of state for foreign and Commonwealth affairs:

"Governments that block the aspirations of their people, that steal or are corrupt, that oppress and torture or that deny freedom of expression and human rights, should bear in mind that they will find it increasingly hard to escape the judgement of their own people, or where warranted, the reach of international law."

If we don't recognise human rights, including that of minority rights, as enshrined in the federal constitution, we will not be able to realise the full potential of our country in terms of prosperity and stability.

All Malaysians, regardless of race and faith; Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan-Dusun, Bajau, Iban or Bidayuh, who believe in human rights, and who believe in freedom and tolerance have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on race or religion or political beliefs.

The way forward would be for the people to oppose a regime decayed beyond redemption.

Fair Play: Curiously, I don't think the PM should be entirely at fault with what he said and the way he said it.

If at all, blame it on the years of brainwashing of the ‘’ types who believe all and sundry dished to them by their leaders.

For example, in the recent Terengganu incident the message was clear that the PM must not be questioned but obeyed. But every right-thinking Malaysian knows the PM is a songbird - singing a different song to a different audience.

Mohican: If Najib finds that ‘human rights-ism’ is a new religion, so be it.

Does he not realise that Christian-bashing and Chinese-bashing is also a new-found religion in Malaysia?

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