County Water Control and Improve- j of Football 7. this 13th daj Simplificaticn CLINIC ment District No. MR. SHARKEY, NEW FIELDING GRID of December. A. D. 1932. Gil Dobie Avers E K Ooodrich. President Necessary, HOOKS H. F. Stephenson, secretary 12-14-21-28-31-449# AT THIS! RECORDS MADE AND GETS STARTED LOOK mtu NEW YORK, Dec. 28 —^—Foot- in which “highly specialized ball. says Gilmour Dobie, seems to are required to make a modern cf- have outgrown the capacity of the fense function properly.” Langford Likely to Follow RIFI.v’ Writer* Select Der with and it's almost a full seasons Announcements Boxing boys to keep pace It,” "Why Grace, Maranville, Berger 1 Lowest Rates, It it's time, he thinks, that some- job for the players to learn the Into Position Of Pay While _SLIDES_ __ Best Maxie As thing be done to simplify it. rules well,” he told his associates. Outstanding National FUNDS are available for retire- OUT-OP-TOWN LOAN for footballs Hall "It has all arrived at the stage Placing the blame Mwk Rrmains Ed ment of Maintenance Fund Notes. PROMPTL1, on the rules Fielders ! Heavy now,” Cornells veteran head coach complications squarely League John McGraw has retired. Uncie j One to Seven inclusive, issued Oc- Convenient Pari told the Amer.can Football Coach- which he sa.d gave too much Robbie has been euchred out of tobrr 1832. and to BY ALAN GOt LD 10th, Eight j PALLET FINANCE es' Association, "where we have a latitude to the offense. Dobie went the big leagues. Only Mack, of the : inclusive, issued Oc- Pattescn NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Jb—The NEW YORK. Dec. 28. M*<—With Twenty-eight j Motor Oo. on our hands so so vast, on: * NEW YORK. Dec. 28. P>—Eari Old Guard, remains. At 70. he car- i tober 1932. both issues on annual consensus ol the New York game big. the annual winter football clinic in 25th. Brownsville, Phone so unwieldy, it is almost Impossible Grace. Pittsburgh's clever young ries on. 1932 taxes. note holder nf Sun. based on the votes of 60 box- Asks Dobie full blast today, prospects oointed Each j for an of boys Why, catcher who at a .275 last He might have set a record for described notes. list writers, gives first place in the organization college clip to the .selection of William S. Land- above please ing season and fielded even better than the American ranks to Max Schmel- to handle It and do justice to their the lateral League—four pen- man of the football rules notes held at the office of the heavyweight “Why do we need he powerful batted. Walter Maran- .. for the third scholastic duties. •'Rabbit” nants in a rcw but his athletes football Brownsville Independent School ing. of Germany. shift, the hud- man of th epowsrful rules j pass, the revolving ville. the 39-vsar-old mighty mite” softened on him ...he saw it com- straight year, despite the fact that Must Be Some End committee of the national collegiate District. dle. formations and half- of Boston's infield and his husky in the 1931 . AUTO LOAN the “black Uhlan- lost his world "We cannot go on expanding spread ing A. A., succeeding the late Edward K. J. P MAHER. Secretary formations? They have be- teammate. Wally Berger, outfield- before the first was championship to Jack Sharkey dur- indefinitely. It is not the quality spread game over, Hall. Brownsville Independent School come obsolete anyway by er. formed a big three of individual on the Service Low ing the past summer. of the game but the quantity that largely Mack, sitting gingerly edge Langford has been secretary of D strict. Quick Rate* are there fielding performers in the National s 8chmeling was voted the best of is undesirable. It consumes too non-usage. They merely of the bench, knew that his team the committee for a number of and a lot of League for the 1932 season. 38 writers time and effort and is too to plague one. These morale was not there with Hall in 5 Lost and Found or the heavyweights by much the years, working closely Refinance Direct other intricacies could be dispensed Grace, leading catcher of the He would rather have won that while only 18 thought that Shar- expensive. We can junk half of It such vital tasks as the recod inca- circuit, set two new records for re- LOST a of white Loan* 15-round decision and still have mere left than is with. series than that Bok award he re- tion of the gridiron rules. pair eye glasses; keys disputed | ceivers. He ran a we mere allowed but a few string of games "the full view flame. Finder 8.1- over the German in June entitled ! sufficient for a college game." "If ceded for having rendered Meanwhile the Coaches’ associa- gold format.on fom Aug. 29. 1931 to Sept. 8. 1932 him to ranking. Dobie traced the of formations, say a kick most outstanding service to Phila- tion had before it for decision to- quire at Herald office. Reward. top development an error. Auto or forma- without handling 444 Loan Co. Here is how they were ranked in from its when a and three four running delphia" during the year....tha£ day the matter of their working H77 the game origin changes before he made which a reason- perfectly a the consensus: few formations were all tions, would give ball club had been dream that relationship with the rules com- s.mple his first of the season. FOUND a pair of boots in rumble Arcade 5 1—Max 2—Jack Shar- able latitude to the offense, ar.d misplay began 17 years before when he mittee For the past several years Bldf., Room Schmeling: that needed to be learned, to its That was his the rules only error of the year seat of car parked in downtown kev. 3 Max Baer; 4—Stanley Po- as a have them designated by wrecked his great team.and an advisory committee of coaches, 1*41 Levee St present status complex sport in 114 games and 413 chances and district Owner ! i then if necessary. named the association, has sat Saturday night may red 5—Primo Camera 6—Johnny ,-——- committee, and he strated building to rebuild again., bv BROWNSVILLE to finished with an average of .998, have same by properly identifying Risko; 7—King Levtnsky; 8 Miek- ! open up the game sufficiently sending A1 Simmons, Mule Haas with the rules body but has had no two points higher than the mark and paying for this ad. Apply ev Walker; 9—Young Stribllng: 10 discourage the use of too many and to the White actual vote in the proceedings. j Frank Hogan of New Y’tk made in Herald office. — Schaaf. Honorable mention the “The important accord- Ernie East Powerful ! contact plays by modifying 1931. Sox....he is starting out afresh. thing.’’ Loughran, Larry Gains. rule. I believe In a of ing to Lou Little, of Columoia. who —Tommy forward pass tied the w.th no thought retiring. Berger fielding record • • • Steve Hamas, unknown Winston; short time we would rid ourselves gave an elaborate report on the for outfielders with a .993 Lee average of the \ ELECTRICAL Merchandise Charlie Retzlaff; Remige; a lot of our troubles.** His Greatest Tram subject Coaches’ convention, ■ In of as he led all those outer gardeners Paulino Tuffv Griffiths, “is not whether the coaches a Service & Uzcudun; Scrimmage a man get Appliances who played in 100 or more. He always has been to games on the Arthur Huttick. voting membership commit- Quicker service—Lower prices. 54 For • Maranville headed the list olsec- give credit to his own players... Sale Miscel. Probably the most radical change SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 28. tee but that they present their ma- Let us bid on your next Job. pnd basemen with .975 end togeth- but he thinks that Ty Cobbs was in this year’s rating was th" eleva- A pickup football team led by Ernie jority views more clearly and ef- We will be cheaper. er they led the Braves to a new club the greatest ball player who ever GOOD CANE HAY for sate. 1318 tion of Max Baer, the Livermore. Nevers. former Stanford University fectively.” ELECTRIC SPECIALTY CO record for the id the W. St. or 1278, H61 fielding league. .976. ltved_a greatest pitcher — Charles, phone Calif., walloper, to third from .star and now a cdach there, fared The"' Little recommended that a com- 1220 Elizabeth Phone 9#2 place The of 1929 set the cl them all was Matty... and he a position in the “honorable men- badly In a practice game with col- I mittee of coaches study the various TAMEZ Mexican old mark a point lower while the had Waddell when the Rube was candies, includ- tion list outside the first ten in lege gridiron stars from the east, recommendations arising in their shelled New Y'ork Yankees hold the at his best_and Plank and ing pecans and papaya, are 1911. here for the annual East- major annual obtain the major- Dependable Prompt training Sports league record of .978. meeting, being sold at Carmel Place average Coombs and Bender and some oth- Crisp West charity game Jan. 2. l ity views and draft a definite report Phone 353 11th St. The leading performers at other er fine on that Bring your orders. H73 In 30 minutes yesterday the boys pitchers perfect for the benefit of the rules com- Street Fatal positions were: team." Fight from beyond the Mississippi put mittee each year. Brownsville 59 First base: Frank O


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.—■ J The thing which shook the bed wa* actual, ex- Further and further I drew myself frem The biood froae veins. I have no shame in I heard a dull thud IL’.'NICS has .V.OkE kincs j away in my and the thing disap- Istent. tc be counted with! Past the white this herror. until I croucnea clcse C~ F3b5H~VUATFR F.r -4 clammy j up against tne confessing that I uttered a hoarse cry and hurled peared from my view But neither Dick nor I dared room the Tulun-Nur of bed. THAN ALL OF EUROPE/ face I could see the sitting and head the Then the thing reeled aside and my s'* if out upon the floor on the sale remote from to move. We stood chained with terror, expecting u table, illuminated a faint —Merciful Heaven!—made as 11 to chest ujx the by light come around and that pallid horror and closer to Dick whose teeth we knew not what to arise from the yawning vacacany B 1*22 >1 Ml* SXMYiCC. MC. <2-2* Irani the street approach me closer. were chattering as much as mine that met our distracted gaz*