Phone 94 VARSITY BASKETBALL Jan. 8—V. M. I., 31; Bridgewater, 25. ; "Make-Overs" are Over Jan. 12—V. M. I., 23; Richmond , 48. Jan. 15—V. M. I., 38; Fisher Flyers, 23. Jan. 19—V. M. I., 21; Elon College, 23. Wayland-Gorrell Better start early with a new pair Jan. 26—V. M. I., 9; of , 17. —OF— Feb. 2—V. M. I., 32; Roanoke College, 19. Feb. 5—V. M. I., 14; University of , 33. Drug Co. Feb. 7—V. M. I., 19; , 27. liewtrnM Graham's 5000-Mile Running Shoes Feb. 10—V. M. I., 19 ; Duke University, 22. Feb. 12—V. M. L, 17; University , 32. FOR Phone 163 Feb. 14—University of South Carolina at Lexington. Feb. 19—V. P. I. at Blacksburg. V. M. I. Stationery Feb. 22—Roanoke College at Roanoke. Southern Conference Meet at Atlanta. (Time undecided.) GRAHAM & FATHER Sheaffer's Life-Time Pens VARSITY WRESTLING Jan. 8—V. M. I., 14 1-2; Franklin & Marshall, 12 1-2. Norris & Nunnally Feb. 5—V. M. I., 15 1-2; N. C. State, 9 1-2. Feb. 7—V. M. I., 16; University North Carolina, 11. Candies RICE'S DRUG STORE Feb. 12—University of Virginia at Charlottesville. "The Friendly Store." Feb. 26—V. P. I. at Lexington. IF YOU WANT 17 W. Nelson St TOM RICE, Prop. Phone 41 VARSITY BOXING Good Things to Eat Jan. 29—V. M. I„ 2; University of Virginia, 5. TRY THE Feb. 12—V. M. I., 2; Penn State, 5. Sodas Toilet Articles Feb. 26—V. P. I. at Blacksburg. DUTCH INN Stationery

OPEN AT ALL HOURS SOLE AGENT RAT BASKETBALL Jan. 11—V. M. I., 30; Shenandoah College, 24. MRS. R. L. OWEN Whitman's Candies V. M. I. Colors and Seals Jan. 15—V. M. I., 20; Virginia Freshmen, 13. Jan. 19,—V., M. I., 33; Va. Episcopal School, 32. Jan. 21—V. M. I., 43; Richmond Boys' Club, 23. MRS. BEVERLY TUCKER Jan. 29—V. M. I., 27; Staunton Military Academy, 3. 47 Washington St. EXPERT . „ EST AB. 1666 > GLASSES WATCH MA/CgR Feb. 3—V. M. I., 35; Woodrow Wilson High, 49. MADE TO FIT \J£W£L ER (R M. I., 24; Virginia Freshmen, 33. Feb. 5—V. £/iGRA YER^ ACCURA TEL Y Feb. 7—V. M. I., 19; N. C. U. Freshmen, 25. Accommodations for Parents Feb. 8—V. M. I., 28; Duke Freshmen, 29. and Friends of Cadets. Feb. 12—V. M. I., 17; Lynchburg High, 26. O- . SUCCESSOR. Feb. 19—V. P. I., here. Special Dining Room for Cedeta. Feb. 21—S. M .A. I^fcwj*T mmLJzlift Feb. 26—V. P. I. at Blacksburg. C MISS ELIZABETH L GRAHAM £:.G.JAhNKE& -9\ VA RAT BOXING Jan. 28—V. M. I., 5 ; S. M. A., 2. Nice accommodations for Jan. 29—V. M. I., 3 ; A. M. A., 4. Parents and Friends of Cadets Feb. 5—V. M. I., 4; Virginia Frosh, 3. SUBWAY KITCHEN, Inc. Feb. 12—V. M. I., 4; A. M. A., 3. EXCLUSIVE DINING ROOM RAT WRESTLING FOR CADETS Sandwiches and Waffles Jan. 29—V. M. I., 23; A. M. A., 10. Feb. 4—V. M. I., 21; S. M. A., 8. Tasty Meals Feb. 12—V. M. I., 14 1-2; A. M. A., 12 1-2. Tolley's Transfer Feb. 14—V. M. I. vs. Virginia. MAKE IT A HABIT WHEN DOWN TOWN Feb. 19—V. M. I. vs. Roanoke College (pending). PHONE 265 Feb.26—V. M. I. vs. S. M. A.

"STONEWALL" JACKSON Did you know that Woodrow Wil- j Harvard have revealed. In 1878 he CAFE son, man of destiny, political philoso- ( coached a Princeton team that de- "The Best Place To Eat" pher, and idealist, was once an eager \ feated both Harvard and Yale and football strategist is what recent re- j won the first of the Big Three c-ham- Dinners 50c, 60c, and 75c. FOX'S searches at Wesleyan, Princeton, and I pionships. < > i! Phone Orders Filled and Delivered Promptly Murphy's Hotel IA different Battery Restaurant Phone 179 RICHMOND, VA.

The principle of the lead-acid storage battery was discovered four- < > teen years before the battle of Waterloo—back in 1801.

All storage batteries of commercial importance, except the Edison Battery, are manufactured on the same old prin- ciple today. TOLLEY'S TOGGERY

The nickel-iron principle was discovered by Mr. Edison and perfected by him in 1908—only 18 years Good Clothes

Our Monograph III tells how the Edison Hickey-Freeman and Goodman & Suss Steel-Alkaline Cell is constructed and why it is different. A copy of this text book See DeSaussure in 17 is yours for the asking. B. G. TOLLEY, Haberdasher Edison Storage Battery Co. ORANGE, N. J. Four Doors from Postoffice