
Carr Head Primary School – Knowledge Organiser

Science Evolution & Inheritance Year 6 Summer 2

Key Knowledge Key Vocabulary A scientist who studies the fossilized The preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing from a past Remains Remnants of an organism. geological age. Examples include bones, shells, exoskeletons, stone imprints of ani- Breed A specific group of animals having mals or microbes, objects preserved in homogeneous appearance, behav-

Fossilization The process by which a plant or animal Genes Genes carry information that deter- becomes a . Only a small fraction of mines your traits; features or charac- the plants and animals from the past 600 teristics that are passed on to you— or inherited — from your parents.

Inheritance When living organisms reproduce, they Environment Surroundings/ conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or oper-

Offspring Young born of living organisms, produced Climate Long-term average of weather, typi- cally averaged over a period of 30 Adaptation Polar bear adaptations: white appearance (cold) (camouflage from prey on the snow and Naturalist A of biologist who studies the ice), thick layers of fat/ fur (for insulation impacts of living species on each oth- against the cold), a small surface area to er and the environments in which volume ratio (to minimize heat loss) and a they live. greasy coat that sheds water after swim- Natural selection Process by which a species changes over time in response to changes in Adaptation Camel adaptations: wide feet for walking the environment, or competition be- (heat) in sand, long eyelashes/ thin nostrils that tween organisms, in order for the can close to protect them from blowing sand and ability to survive a long time Paleontologist A scientist who studies the fossilized Alfred Russel was a famous Welsh Wallace naturalist and explorer. He is well-known for cataloging different species in Asia and South America. This helped him propose the idea of ‘natural selection’. His work greatly influenced the work of Charles

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist famous for his work on the theory of evolution. His book ‘On the Origin of Charles Mary Alfred Russel Species (1859)’ did two things. First, it pro- vided a great deal Darwin Anning Wallace of evidence that evolution had taken place. Second, it proposed a theory to ex- Know how to… plain how evolution works. That theory Observing & raising questions about animals and

WorkingScientifically how they are adapted to the environment. Mary Anning Mary Anning was an English paleontolo- Comparing how some living things are adapted to gist. She became known around the World survive in extreme conditions. for important finds she made in the cliffs along the at in Analysing the advantages/ disadvantages of specific the county of in Southwest Eng- adaptations.. land. Reporting and presenting findings from enquiries in

oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations .