Canon Paul Cummins The Presbytery, Radway, Sidmouth, EX10 8TW 01395 513340 Church of The Most Precious Blood Retired Priest: Fr Patrick Kilgarriff Exeter Hospital Chaplain: Canon John Deeny 01392 272815 [email protected] www.churchofthemostpreciousblood

@SidmthRCParish The Season of Christmastide

Saturday 5:30pm Vigil Diane Key Sunday 10:30am The of Mary, Mother of God People of the Parish Monday 10:00am Mass: St Basil the Great (Mem) Tuesday 6:00pm Weekday Mass of before Mike Hall R.I.P. Wednesday 10:00am Weekday Mass of Christmas before Epiphany Roy Evans R.I.P. Thursday 9:00am Weekday Mass of Christmas before Epiphany Pat Carney R.I.P. Friday 10:00am Weekday Mass of Christmas before Epiphany Mike Everitt R.I.P.

Confessions After weekday Mass or by appointment

Let us keep in our prayers those who are sick and housebound in our parish including Margaret Perrigo, Joyce Long, Connie Loebell, Mary Wallace, Peggy Smith, Kay Evans, Joyce Prankard, Clifford Brown, Christopher Brown, Eileen Brown, Margaret & Ted Ford, Suzanne Hosker, George Mullen, Rebecca Warren- Heys, Sister Bernadette, Daphne and Norman Adams, Kath Welch, Gilda Wachala, Monica Tigar, Anne Sanderson, Marie Ellard and Jane Perry.

Welcome to all our visitors. We hope you have a lovely stay in Sidmouth. We wish you all a particularly Happy Christmas and peace filled blessings throughout 2017.

Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmastide and a

Happy New Year!

There is an alphabetized box in the porch for you to put your Christmas cards for parishioners in. Don’t forget to check if there are any for you while you’re there! Welcomers - Please could you assist parishioners to find their Christmas cards so that we do not end the Christmas season with undelivered mail. Many thanks, Gwen

The Catholic Children’s Society newsletter, Children First, is available in the porch, please take a copy home with you. Thank you to everyone who has supported the Society in anyway during 2016. Your efforts are doing marvelous things for those in need! Season’s greetings from all the staff and trustees of the CCSP.

The parish office will be closed until Tuesday 3rd January. Happy Christmas! Naomi

Fr Paul and Father Paddy would like to say a big thank you to all those who sent him greetings and good wishes for Christmas, for their cards and presents. Mass will be offered for their intentions.

Starting from January 2017 Pope Francis will present only one prepared prayer intention per month. He plans, however, to add a second prayer intention each month related to current events or urgent needs which can be found on the following website: as soon as they are received from the Vatican.

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for January 2017

Christian Unity: That all Christians may be faithful to the Lord’s teaching by striving with prayer and fraternal charity to restore ecclesial and by collaborating to

meet the challenges facing humanity.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Fr Danny at this time as his sister Georgina passed away on . The funeral will be in Plymouth in the near future.

Help needed at Sidmouth Primary School! Do you like spending time with children? Do you want to make a difference? Can you spare an hour a week? We are in need of volunteers to support children by listening to them read, helping them learn times tables and spellings. If you are free for an hour (or more!!) a week and would be interested in getting involved in supporting our local children then please contact Sarah Prince on [email protected] or 514146. We would love the church to be involved in this support. You will need to be willing to complete a DBS safeguarding check.

The toilet door is not closing properly because of a problem with the latch spring. To close the door after use, please depress the handle slightly. The door will lock on the inside as usual with the handle in the upright position.

Monday before Mass – starts at 9:35am Mothers Prayer Group 10:30am in the Presbytery Tuesday Fortnightly prayer group at Fr Paddy’s 7pm Knit and Natter on each first and third Tuesday of the month 2-4pm in the Presbytery Thursday Marian Prayer Group in St Teresa’s Hall 7–8pm Friday Choir Practice in the church from 4.45pm Saturday On the last Saturday of the month choir practice is usually at 11am in the church

Next Weekend (7th/8th January) 5:30pm Vigil 10:30am Readings Reader 1 Margaret Draper Graham Liverton Is 60:1-6 Reader 2 Sheila Gardner Ann Liverton Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Alan Herbert Alan Herbert Eucharistic Angie Walsh Gwen Larter Stephanie Turner Rose MacQueen Welcomers Patricia Gannon Beryl Evans Pam Manning John & Teresina Chase

Cleaners Brigid Bennett & Tundi Bearwolf Counters on 3rd Jan Catherine Gunnell & George Lavender Flowers Hall Refreshments John & Teresina Chase

Last week’s collections Gift Aid £267.00 Cash £1102.19 Newsletter Naomi 513340 Hall Bookings Gwen & John Larter 579773 or email: [email protected] Parish Safeguarding Representatives Una Cunningham 577391, Cathy Gunnell 519302 & Ann Murphy 07779986217 Sidmouth Parish is part of Plymouth R.C.Diocese: Reg charity No. 213227