What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)


On January 6th, the United States Congress followed the established legal and Constitutional procedure to count the Electoral College votes. As a result, is now president-elect of the United States.

Obviously, this result is disappointing to the roughly 75 million Americans who voted to reelect President Trump. Acknowledging the outcome of the Electoral Vote does not deny the serious concerns that have been raised about a clearly imperfect process.

Unfortunately, on the day of the vote count, there was a disgraceful, illegal, and violent attack on our nation’s Capitol. While at least one, and perhaps several, of the provocateurs were radical leftists, at least according to their own social media posts, the attack no doubt included multiple admitted Trump supporters and conspiracy followers of Q-Anon.

We condemn the violent and unlawful attacks in the strongest possible terms regardless of who perpetrated them or for what reason. There is no excuse for such lawlessness which ended in a tragic loss of life.

“I saw the videos where it appears that Capitol Police opened barricades and doors. But I also saw criminals breaking into the Capitol in violent fashion. That must be condemned just as the summer violence should be condemned. I do not believe the vast majority of those who were in DC on January 6 had any intention of storming the Capitol. But some clearly did and that is horrific. There is no way that these individuals can be seen as anything but criminals. Beyond the loss of life and damage to property, the goons who attacked our Capitol also interrupted a Constitutional process and threatened our elected representatives. This is precisely why people are so upset.” –Kevin Freeman

We had serious concerns about the election, especially in light of multiple procedural changes. And we supported legal and constitutional efforts to address those concerns. But the efforts had to be legal and Constitutional. Breaking into the Congress does not qualify.

• To put it simply, if we believed that Trump or anyone else was attempting to steal an election, we would absolutely oppose that! page 1 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

• It is curious why so many folks on both sides seem to have no interest in conducting the audit?

• Regardless of your party affiliation, the 2020 election process ended with the Congressional count of the electoral votes. It is now time to decide “What’s Next.”

IMPORTANT: We are Constitution fans and love the United States. This is far more important than any one individual or candidate.

Your Mission: To ensure election integrity through your state legislatures. To stand for free speech against Big Tech censorship. To Prepare your finances as it relates to new anticipated radical policies.

“None of this changes the reality that the process this year was more than messy. And don’t tell me that it was the most secure election ever. The truth is that the Intelligence Community has admitted that they withheld a report on Foreign Interference until after the election.” –Kevin Freeman

Ep. 3-121 (OSINT) Open-Sourced Intelligence Special Report. This includes notes and research links from Kevin Freeman.

Some may be happy that has been sidelined. But don’t ignore that 75 million Americans voted for him and they must not be sidelined solely because they supported a sitting President running for reelection. This is not just about Donald Trump.

Biden is now president-elect, and it is critical that America continues to focus on unity AND election integrity.

• There is the issue of massive rule changes made without state legislative approval as a result of the pandemic. Even today, The state legislatures themselves were leading the complaints.

• If you want to say that the courts looked into all these irregularities and found them without merit, you are misinformed.

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Even the noted Jonathan Turley, among others, admits that the cases were largely dismissed on procedural rules rather than a review of the evidence.

• Voting machines remain an issue. Before this election ever happened there were bi-partisan, credible and authoritative reports of machine vulnerabilities either due to manipulation or hacking. That’s just a fact.

• We’ve covered all of this before and it became the basis for a large number of members of the House and Senate to object to the certification, following long-held procedures.

This is something that the Democrats have done many times. It is perfectly lawful and acceptable.

• But the fact is that after listening to the objections, the Congress, led by the Vice President, did count the votes and declare Joe Biden to be the president-elect. Whether you agree or disagree, that is simply stating the facts.

Accepting the outcome of this election should not eliminate the need to make certain that future elections are free and fair. Our nation needs healing. We need to regain confidence in the system. The second concern that we have is the knee-jerk effort to silence speech. One of the bedrock principles of our nation is free speech. It’s sometimes messy. But it is essential to protect our other freedoms.

There are several considerations to be addressed as we go forward with a Biden Presidency.

We cannot allow one difficult election and the disruption of our Capitol to be used as an excuse to ignore good governance.

This should be a bi-partisan concern because either party could try to rig an election. We must not let them. Those willing to unlawfully break into the Capitol and threaten our representatives would no doubt also be willing to try and hack the next election. That cannot be allowed. page 3 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

There has also been a knee-Jerk effort to silence speech. One of the bedrock principles of our nation is free speech. It’s sometimes messy. But it is essential to protect our other freedoms.

In summary, the four main issues we will address today in your briefing include:

1. Stay Focused on Future Election Integrity.

• We need to make certain that we never have to go through something like this again.

• Many on the left want to hide behind the fact that courts ignored or dismissed the cases. They say that this is proof of a clean election. They want to blame Trump and Trump supporters. The truth is that there were significant changes to the election procedures that were not approved by the state legislatures. Those were valid reasons to raise objections prior to the vote in Congress.

• At this point now, those procedures can and should be reviewed by the legislatures for future elections.

• Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the US Constitution reads:

“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress…” page 4 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

• The Courts did refuse to intervene in the midst of an election. That’s their long- standing policy. But now that the election is over, we expect that they would back the legislatures in any attempt to address the changes for the future.

• Legislatures hold enormous power, especially the power of the purse strings. They can and should act immediately to examine how elections are conducted in their state.

• For example, a legislature could change the law so that the state’s electors were given to the winner of the national popular vote. That would be a bad idea and would destroy the purpose of the Electoral College. But many on the left are pushing for that to happen and it shows that legislators have the power.

• In some states, the electors are bound to the winner of the state’s popular vote. But in other states such as Maine and Nebraska, the state may split the electors based on the vote in Congressional districts. In this year’s Nebraska election, for example, President Trump won four electoral votes and Biden won one.

• The point is that how the electors are chosen is to be decided by the state legislature.

• Courts claim they were reluctant to hear challenges after the election took place because they did not want to interfere with an already cast vote. But they should support the legislature in setting the rules for future votes.

State Legislatures Guidelines to be Addressed:

This is where we must learn from the issues of 2020. The battle will be in the state legislatures. Here are a few suggestions:

1. The laws on mail-in ballots need to be addressed. There are guidelines and safeguards that should have been put in place according to the National Election Defense Commission. That is a bi-partisan group that was created out of the work of former President Jimmy Carter and James Baker.

2. The laws on observers need to be strengthened.

3. The election officials need to be made more accountable to the legislature. page 5 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

4. The voter rolls need to be cleaned. Services like Vote Detective should be enabled and supported.

5. There needs to be a preservation of ballots that can be reviewed by optical scan after the election to verify integrity.

This will be a battle. But it is the next battle that must be fought. It is a place where you can make a difference.

2. The Threat to Free Speech on Social Media Monopolies:

The argument has been made that , YouTube, and are all private companies and thus have a right to refuse service to anyone. They set the guidelines and if you break them, you are off their platforms. If you don’t like their policies, it’s a free country so “build your own platform.” That’s a pretty strong argument at first blush. But it fails when you look at the big picture.

• First, the big players really are monopolies with enormous power. We’ve already seen what appears to be a coordinated action to destroy Parler, a rising competitor.

• Second, the big players told the Congress that they should be treated differently than other media companies and deserved special legal protection like a phone company. They claimed they couldn’t control the content on their platform.

For example, if two people coordinate a crime over the phone, you don’t sue AT&T and Verizon. They are neutral platforms. Congress agreed and established Section 230 protections under the law.

But that privilege was designed to protect free speech, not to destroy it. And this frees social media from any responsibility, allowing them to pick and choose where and how they enforce their rules. It creates the potential for a massive double standard.

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• Because of their enormous power in allowing or disallowing free speech, these same companies can influence elections. We’ve already seen Twitter block any stories about ’s laptop. Polling after the election clearly shows that had this story gotten out, a significant percentage of voters would have switched from Biden to Trump.

• We also know that Russia and others sought to influence the 2016 election through social media. But here are two facts:

√ We cannot allow the social media oligarchs to control the election process simply because they have an outdated Section 230 protection.

√ Silencing a large portion of the population will not lead to healing for our nation. The very fascism that they claim to hate is being implemented or at least set up to be implemented by their policies. By wholesale banning political opponents these companies are creating the very toxic atmosphere they claim they want to avoid.

• People are making “purge lists.” They are trying to silence and marginalize and even punish their fellow Americans for thought crimes. This is clearly fascism and it is coming from the progressives.

• Yes, if someone broke the law and broke into the Capitol, that was criminal activity. We have laws to address that.

“But what about the notion that someone should be fired simply for voting for a sitting President of the United States? Should you lose your home or rights? If we the people allow such retribution to take place here and now, it won’t be long before we are purging people for all sorts of things.

What happens if you choose the wrong power company to heat your home? Or attend the wrong school? Or buy the wrong car or even the wrong toilet paper? Can we purge people for that as well?” –Kevin Freeman

• Should we allow the tyranny of the majority? Or worse, the tyranny of a few? A fascist would say yes. A freedom-loving American says, NO WAY!

We need to find a freedom-driven solution to the social media dilemma.

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• While we don’t have all the answers. We know that social media shouldn’t have it both ways. If they get special legal protections, they need to allow alternative viewpoints. This is not advocating that they have to carry messages involved in criminal activity. They don’t and shouldn’t. But they can’t be so arbitrary that they ban true political discourse. Section 230 must be reformed or repealed.

• Second, monopolies should not be allowed to destroy rising competition. There are some reports of the horrible things that Parler had on their platform. It wasn’t good. But there’s a double standard because Twitter has hosted a lot of hate speech as well.

• When the existing social media companies work together to silence people and eliminate competition, there is a problem and a threat to our Democracy. These companies wield enormous power and with great power must also come great responsibility. We cannot lose our freedoms to the whims of Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey.

• As you already know, these same social media have taken it upon themselves to silence a sitting President of the United States.

• Even the ACLU and European leaders see the threat in social media censorship. Imagine that. The ACLU and Angela Merkel are siding with Donald Trump on this one.

• It feels like is a Marxist takeover of our communications. Then when the people find another alternative such as Parler, the big tech companies conspire to put them out of business.

• This DOES NOT promote healing. We need to make certain that we never have to go through something like this again.

3. The Risk of Radical Policies from the Left.

Beware of the potential for radical new policies to make things a whole lot worse.

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• We talk a lot about Unrestricted Warfare coming from China. What you need to know is that the radical left is also using those strategies to gain control of America. We are in the midst of a Color Revolution and explained a lot of this in our previous Episode, Playing for Keeps.

• This is a fight for the future of America and the world and has enormous implications for you, your family, and future generations.

• The Green New Deal, for example, is back on the table.

• You can expect higher taxes. There will be a “fiscal responsibility” push to pay for all the massive Covid expenses.

• There will be a push to re-regulate everything. President Trump slashed regulations but the Democrats love them. They want the permanent bureaucracy to have increasing control of your lives.

• There will be a huge push to increase immigration with a path to citizenship. Democrats see this a path to permanent election victories.

• All of these policies are promoted by socialists and that, unfortunately is the agenda for a Biden/Harris presidency.

4. The Financial Implications of a Biden Presidency and What to Do with Your Money.

Now that the vote is over, we have to move to a new battle ground and that has to do with your money. This is where you can and should make a difference.

• If all freedom-loving Americans will re-orient their financial thinking starting now, we can have an impact.

• We call it “weaponizing your money.” Before doing that, you have to stop funding your own demise.

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• Think about the three things you can do with your money: √ Spend it √ Save and invest it √ Give it away

• All three are important. Do your money habits line up with your values?

• You probably have your giving at least partially under control. For example, if you opposed Donald Trump, it’s unlikely that you gave to his campaign.

• But does your spending line up with your values? Or are you feeding the beast? And what about your investments? Do you own Twitter because you think it’s a great company? You may be surprised to find out that it is in your portfolio if you have an Index Fund.

• We understand, you are living life, raising a family, trying to hold onto your job or keep customers. Life is challenging, especially now. But you cannot neglect your money.

Jesus said in Luke 16:11 that if you can’t be faithful with worldly wealth, who will ever trust you with true riches? We have a responsibility to use our money in line with our values. We call it “weaponizing your money.”

Weaponizing your money - This will be the biggest battleground from now until the next election.

In addition, we expect financial upheaval in several areas:

√ Inflation: there are strong signals that inflation is about to return in a big way. You likely noticed that the last time you visited a store or got takeout from a restaurant. Price pressures are enormous and there has been so much money printing to keep the economy afloat during a pandemic.

√ China Wants to Become the #1 Economy. China has gotten increasingly aggressive. The Chinese have plans to become the dominant economy in the world over the next five years and to punish anyone who stands in their way.

√ Stock market at all-time highs despite the economic problems of a global pandemic and despite the huge change in policies we can expect from a Biden/Harris administration. page 10 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

√ The Politicization of American companies that have decided to get highly political with your money. Do you own shares in Marriott? If so, your company has decided to change their long-standing policy on bi-partisan political giving. They refuse to give to any politician who questioned the 2020 election results in Congress. Did they do that to Barbara Boxer or those who questioned the 2016 election? Of course not. That’s their right, of course. But if you are a Marriott shareholder, they are doing it with your money!

• The far left has been weaponizing your money at the corporate level for years.

• What we are talking about is weaponizing your money at the shareholder level and making your voice heard!

CASE STUDY: When Twitter banned President Trump from their platform, the shareholders spoke by selling their stock. Twitter fell 12% the next trading day and the company lost $5 billion in market cap.

How Weaponizing Your Money Works:

• You may be wondering how you can keep up with all of this. You want to do the right thing but don’t know what to do or how to do it.

• Fortunately, there are some very good financial advisors who should be willing to help you weaponize your money to protect your values.

• The far left is promoting ESG (environmental, social justice, and governance). These are code words for their radical agenda.

• Our polling indicates that most Americans would prefer LSV (Liberty, Security, and Values).

• The bad news is that too few financial advisors know how to make the switch and help their clients. The good news is that the Economic War Room has partnered with Liberty University to train interested advisors. page 11 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

• But we need your help. Our training plans were temporarily delayed by COVID and the election. But because of where we are today, the need for this training is greater than ever before!

Take Action - We Want to Make This An Easy Next Step:

• How you can help is by nominating your financial advisors to our program. Whether you work with a stockbroker, financial planner, insurance agent, or CPA, we want to help them help you.

• What we are asking is that you provide us the name and contact information of anyone who helps you invest. And then tell them about our training. That’s it. To do that, simply go to EconomicWarRoom.com/advisor. This will take you less than a minute. But it could be the most important thing you do today. Then, after you’ve done that, call your advisor and encourage her or him to take our upcoming training class.

• We’ve been in this fight a long time and now our training has become critical. Advisors will be invited to join the National Security Investment Consultant Institute, or NSIC Institute for short. They will learn how to help you protect your investments.

• More importantly, they will learn how to help you weaponize your money to defend your values and our collective liberty.

• We are also developing a client track for those who manage their own money.

Why You Should Care:

• Free and fair elections may not exist again if we do not ensure election integrity and understand the anomalies now. [Even if you are on the left and feel this year’s election had a good outcome, you should be wary of future manipulation that might go against your interests.]

• Radical policies are about to be implemented that will impact your money, livelihood and way of life.

• Freedom of Speech is being threatened like never before.

• Aligning your money with your values will give your voice a bigger platform.

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Next Steps:

1. Increase the power of your voice. Begin the process of aligning your money with your values and nominate your financial advisor to learn more at https://www. economicwarroom.com/advisor.

2. Learn from the election issues of 2020. One major battle will be in the state legislatures. Here are a few suggestions to encourage your State Legislatures to enforce fair and legal elections:

√ The laws on mail-in ballots need to be addressed. There are guidelines and safeguards that should have been put in place according to the National Election Defense Commission. That is a bi-partisan group that was created out of the work of former President Jimmy Carter and James Baker. √ The laws on observers need to be strengthened. √ The election officials need to be made more accountable to the legislature. √ The voter rolls need to be cleaned. Services like Vote Detective should be enabled and supported. √ Their needs to be a preservation of ballots that can be reviewed by optical scan after the election to verify integrity.

3. Work with your elected representatives on a freedom-driven solution to the social media dilemma. Getting Section 230 reformed or repealed should be the focus. √ We know that social media shouldn’t have it both ways. If they get special legal protections, they need to allow alternative viewpoints. This is not advocating that they have to carry criminal activity. They don’t and shouldn’t. But they can’t be so arbitrary that they ban true political discourse. Section 230 must be reformed or repealed.

4. You heard about election integrity issues from the Economic War Room for over two- years now. If you are new to Economic War Room, you can see more information and election fraud background at www.EconomicWarRoom.com/myvote.

5. Be sure to sign up for our free Economic Battle Plans™ at www.EconomicWarRoom. com. If you are following Economic War Room you will be on the leading edge as it relates to global threats, geopolitical analysis, and how you can weaponize your money to strengthen America. Your money, livelihood and way of life are at risk and these tools are designed to mobilize America to protect their economic liberty.

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In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals: √ Get others to sign up on our website (https://www.economicwarroom.com) and review our free weekly Economic Battle Plans.TM Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted in this briefing. √ Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments on FB and Rumble. and make sure those are shared. We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under EWR consideration.] √ Check out XOTV (https://xotv.me/channels/233-economic-war-room), a new free speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic War Room’s research and production costs.

√ You are welcome to share this battle plan and our short video segments with friends on FB, YouTube or Rumble. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization. √ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late. √ Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES COMING SOON.

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Shareable Quote: “What we are seeing play out is perhaps the most intense Economic Warfare you will see. That’s because the battle for control of America is largely about the money. If we lose integrity in our elections, we will lose America.” –Kevin Freeman

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on economicwarroom.com website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links The Attack On Our Nation’s Capitol The Right to Challenge the Electoral Vote All Those Courts Did Not Hear the Evidence Legitimate Bi-Partisan Concerns About Changes to Election Laws and Voting Machines Social Media Censorship and Double Standard Was There Foreign Interference? Coordinated Destruction of Social Media Competition? Biden Laptop Information Withheld and Swayed Election Investors, Celebrities, the ACLU, and European Leaders Concerned About Banning Trump from Social Media The Un-American Purge Effort Radical Policies that Will Impact You Do You Want ESG or LSV?

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

On BlazeTV https://get.blazetv.com/economic-war-room/

Our Website https://www.economicwarroom.com/ Our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/economicwarroom/ Our Twitter page https://twitter.com/economicwarroom Our YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/economicwarroomwithkevinfreeman Our Rumble page https://rumble.com/c/c-408647 Our XOTV Channel https://xotv.me/channels/233-economic-war-room Link to all Economic Battle Plans™ https://www.economicwarroom.com/battleplans

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The Attack On Our Nation’s Capitol

[ ] A Timeline Of The Capitol Riot: Here’s How It All Went Down https://www.dailywire.com/news/a-timeline-of-the-capitol-riot-heres-how-it-all-went-down

I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6 https://thefederalist.com/2021/01/14/i-saw-provocateurs-at-the-capitol-riot-on-jan-6/

[ ] Secret Chat Reveals BLM Activist’s Violent Intent and Trump Supporter Disguise at Capitol https://thedcpatriot.com/secret-chat-reveals-blm-activists-violent-intent-and-trump-supporter-disguise- at-capitol/

Did You Notice the Jan 6 Crowd Cheered When Trump Touted Harsher Penalties for Monument-Trashers? https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2021/01/12/did-you-notice-the-jan-6-crowd- cheered-when-trump-touted-harsher-penalties-for-monument-trashers-n1334441

Cuccinelli: Trump’s Thursday Statement on Riot Should Have Been Made Earlier https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/01/12/cuccinelli-trumps-thursday-statement-on-riot-should-have- been-made-earlier/

Video analysis suggests ‘agitators’ provoked shooting of Ashli Babbitt at Capitol https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/analysis-concludes-antifa-provoked-shooting-ashli-babbitt-capitol/

[ ] Did Trump Incite Insurrection? https://townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2021/01/11/did-trump-incite-insurrection-n2582908

Peaceful Trump supporters booed violent ANTIFA poseurs — tried to stop them breaking windows https://joannenova.com.au/2021/01/peaceful-trump-supporters-booed-violent-antifa-poseurs-tried-to- stop-them-breaking-windows/

Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-was-founder-far-left-blm-group-filming-inside-capitol-police- shot-protester

[ ] Tucker Warns: Do Not Ignore Why Yesterday Happened https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/01/07/tucker-warns-do-not-ignore-why-yesterday- happened-n2582737

CBS Catherine Herridge on January 6 Timeline https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1348817643411820547?s=11

You are not a hero if you broke into the Capitol https://api.parler.com/l/KR7yQ (available only if Parler returns)

Capitol Staffer Says Office Panic Buttons Were ‘Torn Out’ Before Riot https://www.newsweek.com/capitol-hill-riots-panic-buttons-torn-out-staffer-1561191

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The Right to Challenge the Electoral Vote

[ ] State lawmakers ask Pence for more time to address election results https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/state-lawmakers-ask-pence-for-more-time-to-address- election-results-301201577.html

State lawmakers ask Pence for more time to address election results https://apnews.com/press-release/pr-newswire/legislature-constitutions-state-elections-phill-kline- elections-ca6900e718670f42ad2ef5332bcc69cd

[ ] Rep McGovern Claims that Democrats Accepted Trump Was President After 2016 Election https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2021/01/13/rep-mcgovern-claims-that-democrats- accepted-trump-was-president-after-2016-election-n2583062

Congressman Mo Brooks Rebuts Vicious & Scurrilous Fake News Media And Socialist Democrat Attacks https://brooks.house.gov/media-center/news-releases/congressman-mo-brooks-rebuts-vicious- scurrilous-fake-news-media-and

‘It Is Over’: Democrats’ Efforts to Deny Trump Presidency Fail https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/06/us/politics/democrats-attempts-to-deny-trump-are-rejected-in- joint-session.html

[ ] Democrats are now reaping the whirlwind of their 2016 election ‘Resistance’ https://nypost.com/2020/12/04/democrats-reaping-the-whirlwind-of-their-2016-election-resistance/

Democrats urge court to exclude absentee votes https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/dec/07/uselections2000.usa1

The 2000 Election Never Ended https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/11/bush-v-gore-and-the-2000-election-never-ended.html

Democrats challenge Ohio electoral votes https://www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/01/06/electoral.vote.1718/

What Happened to the Democrats Who Never Accepted Bush’s Election https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/12/19/2004-kerry-election-fraud-2020-448604

Over Some Objections, Congress Certifies Electoral Vote https://www.nytimes.com/2001/01/07/us/over-some-objections-congress-certifies-electoral-vote.html

[ ] SHORT MEMORY? Pelosi and Dems accused of hypocrisy for objecting to Bush’s 2004 win – yet slamming recent GOP challenges https://www.the-sun.com/news/2060047/pelosi-democrats-hypocrisy-objecting-bush-win-gop- challenges/

Explaining how Congress settles electoral college disputes https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/explaining-how-congress-settles-electoral-college-disputes

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Can members of Congress object to Electoral College results? (2020) https://ballotpedia.org/Can_members_of_Congress_object_to_Electoral_College_results%3F_(2020)

Legal Provisions Relevant to the Electoral College Process https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/provisions


All Those Courts Did Not Hear the Evidence

[ ] Jonathan Turley: America should welcome review for close counts https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/524915-america-should-welcome-review-for-close-counts

I hate federal commissions, but Americans need one to look into the 2020 election https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/01/06/2020-election-mistrust-commission-prove-or- disprove-fraud-column/4132191001/

[ ] Donald Trump says judges have refused to look at the evidence of voter fraud. Is he right? https://www. news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/donald-trump-says-judges-have-refused-to-look-at-the- evidence-of-voter-fraud-is-he-right/news-story/d4f1fd532cfa6e9ccebc45793f0f6ab3

As Congress certifies election, evidence of these voting irregularities looms large https://justthenews.com/ politics-policy/elections/congress-certifies-election-evidence-these-voting-irregularities-looms

U.S. media’s ‘baseless’ claims about election integrity exposed https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/u-s-medias-baseless-claims-election-integrity-exposed/

Trump’s election fight includes over 50 lawsuits. It’s not going well. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/trump-s-election-fight-includes-over-30-lawsuits-it- s-n1248289

Legitimate Bi-Partisan Concerns About Changes to Election Laws and Voting Machines

Pennsylvania Congressmen Accuse State Officials of ‘Unlawfully’ Violating Election Procedures https://townhall.com/tipsheet/reaganmccarthy/2020/12/31/pa-congressmen-on-electors-n2582392

[ ] Amid claims of unexplained ballots, Pennsylvania officials unsure how many voted in 2020 https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/nearly-two-months-after-election-pennsylvania-still- uncertain-how-many

[ ] Georgia Senate Panel Requests Forensic Audit of Fulton County Absentee Ballots https://www.theepochtimes.com/georgia-senate-subcommittee-requests-forensic-audit-of-fulton- county-absentee-ballots_3638568.html

[ ] Levin: On Jan. 6, we learn whether our Constitution will hold - TheBlaze https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/levin-on-january-6-we-learn-whether-our-constitution-will-hold page 19 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

Nearly Two-Thirds of Georgia Counties Fail to Produce Chain of Custody Documents for 460,000 Absentee Ballots After the November 3 General Election https://tennesseestar.com/2020/12/25/nearly-two-thirds-of-georgia-counties-fail-to-produce-chain-of- custody-documents-for-460000-absentee-ballots-after-the-november-3-general-election/

How to Rig an Election — National Election Defense Coalition https://www.electiondefense.org/how-to-rig-an-election

THE COVID-19 ELECTIONS EMERGENCY: FINDING BIPARTISAN COMMON GROUND AND COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS https://www.electiondefense.org/guidelines-for-election-protection

[ ] VOTE BY MAIL https://www.electiondefense.org/vote-by-mail


2018 NY Times Video: Professor Shows Students How Easy It Is to Hack a Dominion Voting Machine https://bongino.com/2018-ny-times-video-professor-shows-students-how-easy-it-is-to-hack-a- dominion-voting-machine/

Democratic senators warned of potential ‘vote switching’ by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 election https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-senators-warned-of-potential-vote-switching- by-dominion-voting-machines-prior-to-2020-election

[ ] Reliability of pricey new voting machines questioned https://www.denverpost.com/2020/02/23/new-voting-machines-reliability-questioned/

Top Democrats Raised Concerns About Dominion Voting Technology in 2019 https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/13/top-democrats-raised-concerns-about-dominion- voting-technology-in-2019/

2019 MSNBC report on hacking voter machines https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1330364450935812100?s=21

HBO’s John Oliver Called It ‘Completely Insane’ to Use Electronic Voting Machines in Nov. 2019 https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/11/21/hbos-john-oliver-called-it-completely-insane-to- use-electronic-voting-machines/

‘Software I Hacked In 2005 Is Still In Use’: Cyber Security Expert Harri Hursti On 2020 Presidential Election https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/03/23/software-i-hacked-in-2005-is-still-in-use-cyber-security- expert-hari-hursti-on-2020-presidential-election/

U.S. Lab: Electronic Voting Machines Shockingly Easy to Hack https://rodmartin.org/u-s-lab-electronic-voting-machines-shockingly-easy-to-hack/

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Smartmatic, Comelec execs indicted https://manilastandard.net/mobile/article/238782

2006 CNN report on voting machines https://twitter.com/squirrel_hockey/status/1330591189645529090

Social Media Censorship and Double Standard

Facebook’s Sandberg deflects blame for Capitol riot even as new evidence shows it played a pivotal role https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Facebook-s-Sandberg-deflects-blame-for- Capitol-15868256.php

Tim Allen says ‘shameful’ Capitol Riot forced conservatives ‘in the closet’ https://americanupdate.com/celebrity-news/tim-allen-says-shameful-capitol-riot-forced-conservatives- in-the-closet-rs-mf/

[ ] Elon Musk Blames Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg For Capitol Riot https://observer.com/2021/01/elon-musk-blame-facebook-zuckerberg-capitol-trump-riot/

[ ] VIDEO: Antifa mob attacks Trump supporters in San Diego https://www.theblaze.com/news/antifa-attack-trump-supporters-san-diego

Rasmussen poll finds even 30 percent of Democrats believe election was stolen from Trump https://theiowastandard.com/rasmussen-poll-finds-even-30-percent-of-democrats-believe-election- was-stolen-from-trump/

Elon Musk Rips Big Tech Censorship Of Conservatives https://www.conservativereview.com/elon-musk-rips-big-tech-censorship-of-conservatives-2649907842. html

Why Pelosi, Twitter Are Being Called Out Over Election Tweet From 2017 https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2021/01/13/pelosi-tweet-2017-n2583057

Boo-hoo! Twitter complains it’s being censored in foreign election https://www.wnd.com/2021/01/twitter-complains-censored-foreign-election/

[ ] Rep. Debbie Dingell Demands Facebook Remove Criticism of Islam https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2020/12/19/rep-debbie-dingell-demands- facebook-remove-criticism-of-islam-n1220996

Facebook Blocks Fmr. Congressman Ron Paul Citing Vague Community Standard Violations https://www.infowars.com/posts/facebook-blocks-fmr-congressman-ron-paul-citing-vague-community- standard-violations/

Facebook Said ‘No Ads’ In Georgia, Then Changed Their Mind So They Can Help Democrats https://www.blabber.buzz/blab/pop/1022900-facebook-said-no-ads-in-georgia-then-changed-their- mind-so-they-can-help-democrats

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Facebook Shuts Down Page for GOP Senate Campaigns Just Before Georgia Runoffs https://www.theepochtimes.com/facebook-shuts-down-page-for-gop-senate-campaigns-just-before- georgia-runoffs_3640865.html

[ ] Proof Twitter doesn’t really care about tweets promoting violence https://nypost.com/2020/06/02/ proof-twitter-doesnt-really-care-about-tweets-promoting-violence/

Tweet-a-culpa: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admits Post lockout was ‘a mistake’ https://nypost. com/2020/11/17/jack-dorsey-admits-lockout-of-the-post-was-a-mistake/ 11/14/19, EP61 Free Speech Under Attack, Download Economic Battle Plan™

Was There Foreign Interference?

Intelligence analysts downplayed Chinese election influence to avoid supporting Trump policies, inspector finds https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/intelligence-analysts-downplayed-election-interference- trump-inspector

[ ] Report: 400 ex-intel officers investigating 2020 election https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/report-400-intel-officers-investigating-2020-election-fraud-was- so-massive-and-so-blatant-despite-what-mainstream-media-said/

[ ] US election 2020: China, Russia and Iran ‘trying to influence’ vote https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-53702872

Career Intelligence Officials’ Delay of DNI Report on Foreign Interference Draws Ire https://www.theepochtimes.com/career-intelligence-officials-delay-of-dni-report-on-foreign-interference- draws-ire_3626045.html

Intelligence Analysts Downplayed Chinese Election Influence to Avoid Supporting Trump https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/intelligence-analysts-downplayed-election-interference- trump-inspector

Coordinated Destruction of Social Media Competition?

[ ] The Parler Bans Open a New Front in the ‘Free Speech’ Wars https://www.wired.com/story/parler-bans-new-chapter-free-speech-wars/

Parler jumps to No. 1 on App Store after Facebook and Twitter ban Trump https://techcrunch.com/2021/01/09/parler-jumps-to-no-1-on-app-store-after-facebook-and-twitter- bans/

Apple and Google are likely to slow down enforcement again after Capitol riot bans https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/01/12/apple-google-trump-parler/

[ ] Parler CEO Mark Matze calls Big Tech ban on the far-right app ‘an assault on everybody’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9132065/Parler-CEO-Mark-Matze-calls-Big-Tech-bans-far-right- app-assault-everybody.html page 22 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

Biden Laptop Information Withheld and Swayed Election

[ ] Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014 https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/emails-obtained-fbi-detail-how- hunter-biden-landed

Hunter Who? China-Ukraine Scandal Topic ‘Off Limits’ With Biden For AG Candidates https://www.blabber.buzz/blab/pop/1022461-hunter-who-china-ukraine-scandal-topic-off-limits-with- biden-for-ag-candidates

Media’s pre-election burial of Hunter Biden story proves dereliction of duty https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/529736-medias-pre-election-burial-of-hunter-biden-story- proves-dereliction-of

US Attorney’s Office in Delaware Is Investigating Hunter Biden’s Taxes https://www.theepochtimes.com/u-s-attorneys-office-in-delaware-is-investigating-hunter-bidens- taxes_3611688.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-09-3

Biden: ‘Nothing to’ Hunter Biden Laptop Story, ‘My Son’s an Honorable Man’ https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/10/30/biden-nothing-to-hunter-laptop-story-my-sons-an- honorable-man/

[ ] Hunter Biden Email: Cybersecurity Expert Authenticates ‘Smoking Gun’ https://www.theepochtimes.com/cybersecurity-expert-authenticates-smoking-gun-hunter-biden- email_3558756.html

BREAKING: DOJ Official Confirms Hunter Biden FBI Investigation Active https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/10/29/confirmed-hunter-biden-is-under-federal- investigation-for-money-laundering-n2579060?utm_source=breakingemail

Liberal media ‘snuffed out’ Hunter Biden coverage until after election to help defeat Trump: critics https://nypost.com/2020/12/10/liberal-media-ignored-hunter-biden-until-after-election-to-defeat-trump/

MRC ARTICLE: FACT: BIG MEDIA AND BIG TECH STOLE THE 2020 ELECTION https://mclaughlinonline.com/2020/11/10/mrc-article-fact-big-media-and-big-tech-stole-the-2020- election/

Poll Shows Media Censorship Cheated Voters of Vital Info https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/alexander-watson/poll-shows-media-censorship-cheated- voters-vital-info-robbed

Investors, Celebrities, the ACLU, and European Leaders Concerned About Banning Trump from Social Media

Twitter, Facebook: $51 Billion Combined Market Value Erased Since Trump Ban https://www.theepochtimes.com/twitter-facebook-51-billion-combined-market-value-erased-since- trump-ban_3656442.html page 23 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

‘Dangerous’: Singer Keri Hilson Criticizes Trump Twitter Ban, Responds To Criticism https://www.dailywire.com/news/dangerous-singer-keri-hilson-criticizes-trump-twitter-ban-responds-to- criticism

[ ] World Leaders Denounce Big Tech Censorship of President Donald Trump https://www.theepochtimes.com/world-leaders-denounce-big-tech-censorship-of-us-president-donald- trump_3652983.html

Leaders in Germany and France attack Twitter’s move to ban President Trump, blast Big Tech for curbing free speech https://www.theblaze.com/news/leaders-germany-france-attack-big-tech-trump-ban

[ ] ACLU voices concern about ‘unchecked power’ by Big Tech after Twitter permanently bans Trump https://www.theblaze.com/news/aclu-voices-concern-unchecked-power-social-media

In Poland, Social Media Companies Censoring A Post Could Be Fined $2 Million https://www.dailywire.com/news/in-poland-social-media-companies-censoring-a-post-could-be-fined-2- million

The World Is Watching As Silencing Of Voices Turning United States Into Soviet Union https://www.blabber.buzz/blab/pop/1023233-the-world-is-watching-as-silencing-of-voices-turning- united-states-into-soviet-union

Rowan Atkinson says cancel culture is a ‘medieval mob looking for someone to burn’ https://www.theage.com.au/culture/tv-and-radio/rowan-atkinson-says-cancel-culture-is-a-medieval- mob-looking-for-someone-to-burn-20210105-p56rrx.html

Hey, Twitter, Are You Sure About This? https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/01/09/trump-twitter-are-you-sure-456794

[ ] Nikki Haley Likens Trump Twitter Ban to Act of Chinese Communist Party https://www.theepochtimes.com/nikki-haley-likens-trump-twitter-ban-to-act-of-chinese-communist- party_3650028.html

Beijing Orders “Severe And Unusual” Media Censorship Of Alibaba Anti-Trust Probe https://www.zerohedge. com/geopolitical/beijing-orders-severe-and-unusual-media-censorship-alibaba-anti-trust-probe

ACLU Warns of ‘Unchecked Power’ After Facebook, Twitter Suspend Trump https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/09/aclu-warns-of-unchecked-power-after-facebook-twitter- suspend-trump/

YouTube Starts Removing Election Fraud Content, Experts Say It’s Unprecedented https://www.theepochtimes.com/youtube-starts-censoring-election-fraud-content-experts-say-its- unprecedented_3611572.html

Liberal Reporter: ‘The New...Authoritarian Liberal-left...Is Going to be Absolutely Ruthless’ https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2021/01/09/liberal-reporter-sees-right-through-big-techs- reason-to-ban-trump-n2582855 page 24 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

[ ] Jonathan Turley: Criminalization of private speech coming to U.S. https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/jonathan-turley-criminalization-private-speech-coming-u-s/

The Un-American Purge Effort

Scary: Being Blacklisted Based On Who You Support Politically Is Happening Now In America https://www.blabber.buzz/blab/pop/1023354-scary-being-blacklisted-based-on-who-you-support- politically-is-happening-now-in-america

[ ] PBS staff attorney said gov’t should take away children of Trump voters and put them in ‘reeducation camps.’ https://www.theblaze.com/news/pbs-attorney-fired-trump-voters-reeducation-camps

The Riot Accelerates the Ruling Class’s Planned Purge of Dissenters https://thefederalist.com/2021/01/13/democrats-are-using-the-recent-capitol-riot-to-consolidate-power/

This list shows American censorship is OUT OF CONTROL https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/this-list-shows-american-censorship-is-out-of-control

Mainstream Media Now Openly Calling For Trump Supporters To Be Blacklisted https://www.blabber.buzz/blab/pop/1023249-socialism-creeping-in-mainstream-media-now-openly- calling-for-trump-supporters-to-be-blacklisted

BREAKING: Big Tech Launches Massive Attack Against Millions of Conservatives, Free Speech in Peril https://trendingpolitics.com/breaking-big-tech-launches-massive-attack-against-millions-of- conservatives-free-speech-in-peril/

[ ] Political Director Of ABC News Talks About ‘Cleansing’ America Of Trump Supporters https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/political-director-abc-news-talks-cleansing-america-trump- supporters/

[ ] Dem senator says Republicans who challenge election are ‘bordering on’ treason, a crime punishable by death https://www.theblaze.com/news/shaheen-republicans-bordering-on-treason-election-challenge

[ ] Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Crack down on conservative celebrities’ speech — and even left-wing luminaries who aren’t woke enough https://www.theblaze.com/news/kareem-abdul-jabbar-crack-down-conservative-speech

[ ] University ‘cancels’ author of essay who criticized references to Jill Biden as ‘Dr’: ‘Sounds and feels fraudulent’ https://www.theblaze.com/news/university-cancels-author-who-criticized-jill-biden-phd

Washington Post columnist says that white Trump supporters need to be ‘deprogrammed’ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-supporters-deprogrammed

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[ ] National Democratic Party official suggests re-education for Trump supporters: ‘How do you deprogram 75 million people?’ https://www.theblaze.com/news/national-democratic-party-official-deprogram-trump-supporters

Radical Yale psychiatrist hints at demolition of Trump-supporting America https://www.wnd.com/2020/11/radical-yale-psychiatrist-hints-demolition-trump-supporting-america/

Radical Policies that Will Impact You

[ ] House Rules Seek to Erase Gendered Terms Such as ‘Father, Mother, Son, Daughter’ https://www.theepochtimes.com/proposed-house-rules-seek-to-erase-gendered-terms-such-as-father- mother-son-daughter_3640653.html

Ocasio-Cortez, other Democrats reveal what agenda they will push with control of , Congress https://www.theblaze.com/news/aoc-democrats-agenda-control-white-house-congress

Are Democrats Skipping Socialism and Going Straight for Communism? https://insidescooppolitics.com/archives/3474

Medicare For All Vote Looming As AOC’s Progressive Caucus Strong Enough To Force Pelosi’s Hand https://www.blabber.buzz/blab/pop/1022918-medicare-for-all-vote-looming-as-aoc-s-progressive- caucus-strong-enough-to-force-pelosi-s-hand

Georgia Dem Senate candidate staffer: Yes, we plan to pack Supreme Court https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/4876660/

Democratic Senate control will give Biden freer hand in pursuing tax agenda https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/14/biden-tax-agenda/

[ ] 10 Biden tax plans that will sail through a Democratic-controlled Senate https://www.marketwatch.com/story/10-biden-tax-proposals-that-will-sail-through-a-democratic- controlled-senate-and-how-to-prepare-for-them-11609958777

Progressives Gear Up For Broad New Push On Climate Action https://www.npr.org/2021/01/13/956192132/progressives-gear-up-for-broad-new-push-on-climate- action

[ ] Biden’s Plans Could Enrich China https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-01-11/could-biden-s-green-new-deal-enrich-china-s- solar-industry

Fact check: Biden falsely claims he never opposed fracking https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/23/politics/biden-fracking-fact-check/index.html

A Fracking Ban Is Just One Way A Biden/Harris Presidency Will Impact The Oil And Gas Industry https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2020/11/09/a-fracking-ban-is-just-one-way-a-bidenharris- presidency-will-impact-the-oil-and-gas-industry/?sh=6d71321f6327 page 26 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

Bernie Sanders predicts Biden to be ‘most progressive president’ since FDR https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/bernie-sanders-predicts-biden-be-most-progressive- president-fdr

Sanders: Biden Can Become The Most Progressive President Since FDR https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/08/16/sanders_biden_can_become_the_most_progressive_ president_since_fdr.html

[ ] Progressives don’t love Joe Biden, but they’re learning to love his agenda https://www.vox.com/21322478/joe-biden-overton-window-bidenism

The Biden And Sanders Guarantee: “The Most Progressive Administration Since FDR” https://www.wibc.com/blogs/chicks/the-biden-and-sanders-guarantee-the-most-progressive- administration-since-fdr/

Biden’s vision comes into view, and it’s much more liberal than it was https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/bidens-vision-comes-into-view-and-its-much-more-liberal- than-it-was/2020/07/11/f260830a-c2f2-11ea-b178-bb7b05b94af1_story.html

Sen. Bernie Sanders Worked With Biden To Potentially Create The “Most Progressive Agenda Since FDR” https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/sen-bernie-sanders-worked-with-biden-to-potentially-create-the- most-progressive-agenda-since-fdr/vp-BB18b5rN

The Intercept’s Ryan Grim reacts: Biden says he will be the most progressive president https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/492754-ryan-grim-reacts-biden-says-he-will-be-the-most-progressive- president

Sanders: Biden ‘Said to Me’ that He Will Be ‘the Most Progressive President Since FDR’ https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/07/22/sanders-biden-said-to-me-that-he-will-be-the-most- progressive-president-since-fdr/

Dave Brat: Don’t Believe the Theatrics - DNC Delegates Adopted the Farthest-Left Platform in American History https://www.westernjournal.com/dave-brat-dont-believe-theatrics-dnc-delegates-adopted-farthest-left- platform-american-history/

[ ] 08/20/20, EP101, End of Shareholder Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 10/29/20, EP111, Playing for Keeps, Download Economic Battle Plan™

Do You Want ESG or LSV?

[ ] 10/08/20, EP108, Investor Values Poll, John McLaughlin, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/09/20, EP95, LSV Investing, Dave Brat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/26/20, EP80 The $40 Trillion Monster - ESG, Download Economic Battle Plan™ page 27 What’s Next? 3.121 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 01/14/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 77)

Why Social Justice Investing Is A Load Of Politicized Hypocrisy https://thefederalist.com/2020/03/11/why- social-justice-investing-is-a-load-of-politicized-hypocrisy/

How Advocates of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ Distort Shareholder Power https://news.yahoo.com/advocates-corporate-social-responsibility-distort-103040717.html

The Left’s Long March Has Breached the Walls of American Business https://townhall.com/columnists/timothydaughtry/2020/05/05/the-lefts-long-march-has-breached-the- walls-of-american-business-n2568183

[ ] Milton Friedman was right about shareholder capitalism https://www.aei.org/op-eds/milton-friedman-was-right-about-shareholder-capitalism/

Woke Capitalism: How Huge Corporations Demonstrate Status by Endorsing Political Radicalism https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/woke-capitalism-how-huge-corporations- demonstrate-status-by-endorsing-political-radicalism/

Poll: Climate Change Not a Top Priority for Most Adults https://freebeacon.com/issues/poll-climate-change-not-a-top-priority-for-most-adults/

Climate change moves to top of investors’ list of ESG issues https://www.pionline.com/esg/climate-change-moves-top-investors-list-esg-issues

BlackRock’s Larry Fink Shifts Fund’s Investment Strategy To Address Climate Change https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/01/14/blackrocks-larry-fink-shifts-funds-investment- strategy-to-address-climate-change/

Larry Fink’s Latest Sermon https://www.wsj.com/articles/larry-finks-latest-sermon-11579305418

Blackrock’s Dereliction of Duty https://www.economyandmarkets.com/markets/investing/blackrocks-dereliction-of-duty/

The challenging politics of climate change https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-challenging-politics-of-climate-change/

[ ] Professor: We can fight climate change by not having any more babies — then letting human race become extinct https://www.theblaze.com/news/professor-we-can-fight-climate-change-by-not-having-any-more- babies--then-letting-human-race-become-extinct

Pew survey: U.S. voters put ‘climate change’ at bottom of priority list https://www.wnd.com/2020/02/pew-survey-u-s-voters-put-climate-change-bottom-priority-list/

‘We can save Earth’: Amazon’s Jeff Bezos announces $10 billion climate-action plan https://www.wnd.com/2020/02/amazons-jeff-bezos-pledges-10-billion-launch-earth-fund-fight-climate- change/

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From Equality Indexes to SOGI Laws, the LGBTQ Movement Marches on https://breakpoint.org/from-equality-indexes-to-sogi-laws-the-lgbtq-movement-marches-on/

Bloomberg’s Business Nanny https://www.wsj.com/articles/bloombergs-business-nanny-11581975780

Obama’s politically correct retirement investment funny business http://netrightdaily.com/2016/03/obamas-politically-correct-retirement-investment-funny-business/

ESG Cheat Sheet: Which Fund Shops Support Shareholder Proposals https://financialadvisoriq.com/c/2666453/324353/cheat_sheet_which_fund_shops_support_shareholder_ proposals

Millennials Embrace ESG Causes but Many Not Investing https://financialadvisoriq.com/c/2686793/323193/millennials_embrace_causes_many_investing

[ ] Justin Danhof: Corporations Killing Their Customers – Literally https://www.breitbart.com/ politics/2020/02/25/justin-danhof-corporations-killing-their-customers- literally/

Are You Politically Aligned With Your Clients? It Matters More Than You Think https://financialadvisoriq. com/c/2888253/357083/politically_aligned_with_your_clients_matters_more_than_think

Advisors back Trump as better for wealth management, America https://www.financial-planning.com/news/most-advisors-back-trump-as-better-for-wealth-management- and-america

The Significance of Personal Values in Wealth Management https://www.mminst.org/sites/default/files/ file_attach/2020-MMI-AON-Significance-of-Personal-Values-IA.pdf

[ ] Religion Considered Important to 72% of Americans https://news.gallup.com/poll/245651/religion-considered-important-americans.aspx

Americans Have Shifted Dramatically on What Values Matter Most https://www.wsj.com/articles/americans-have-shifted-dramatically-on-what-values-matter- most- 11566738001

‘Woke’ Capitalists Sell Out U.S. to China Behind a Mask of Virtue https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/06/04/woke_capitalists_sell_out_us_to_china_behind_a_ mask_of_virtue.html

[ ] Justin Danhof Tells Maria Bartiromo Why 75+ Leaders Sent A Letter To BlackRock CEO Larry Fink https://leavetheplantation.org/justin-danhof-tells-maria-bartiromo-why-75-leaders-sent-a-letter-today- to-blackrock-ceo-larry-fink/

Wall Street, Central Bank Policy Pushing Investors to Chinese Bond Market https://www.theepochtimes.com/ wall-street-central-bank-policy-pushing-investors-to-the-chinese-bond- market_3524299.html

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Sounding Good or Doing Good? A Skeptical Look at ESG https://www.iris.xyz/esg/sounding-good-or-doing-good-a-skeptical-look-at-esg/

JPMorgan’s equity chief told us why ESG investing is ‘a bubble in the making’ — and explained how to avoid the reckoning when it bursts https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-invest-esg-stocks-avoid-bubble- jpmorgan-lakos-bujas-2019-12

If you invested $1,000 in Beyond Meat at IPO, here’s how much you’d have now https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/06/how-much-an-investment-in-beyond-meat-at-ipo-would-be-worth- now.html

Meet the top 7 US companies dominating the $17 billion solar-energy industry https://www.businessinsider. com/top-7-companies-dominating-the-17-billion-us-solar-industry-2020-2

[ ] How CA solar energy Ponzi case snared Warren Buffett, others | The Sacramento Bee https://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article239721438.html

CNBC Interview: The ESG Movement Hurts Shareholders https://www.pointbridgecapital.com/cnbc-interview-the-esg-movement-hurts-shareholders/

Domestic financial terrorist groups threaten America’s economic stability https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/feb/27/domestic-financial-terrorist-groups-threaten- ameri/

[ ] Fewer Recessions Thanks to the Shale Revolution https://www.wnd.com/2020/01/fewer-recessions-thanks-shale-revolution/

The Stock Market Has Become A Very Liberal Place https://www.fa-mag.com/news/the-stock-market-has-become-a-very-liberal-place-51413.html

Pentagon Wary Of Adversaries Buying Defense Firms Amid Economic Crisis https://breakingdefense.com/2020/04/pentagon-wary-of-adversaries-buying-defense-firms-amid- economic-crisis/

Ellen Lord Warns of Economic Warfare During Pandemic https://www.afcea.org/content/ellen-lord-warns-economic-warfare-during-pandemic

Pentagon ‘Matchmakers’ aim to keep US small tech firms from taking Chinese $ https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2019/05/pentagon-matchmakers-aim-keep-tech-firms-taking- chinese-money/156944/

Pentagon seeking patriotic investors to fund American small drones https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/26/politics/pentagon-american-drones-investors/index.html

To counter China, Pentagon wants to create patriotic investors https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2019/05/10/to-counter-china-pentagon-wants-to-create- patriotic-investors/

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[ ] National Security Investment Consultant Institute https://www.nsic.org/

[ ] Financial Enemies Fighting for America’s Economic Collapse https://www.nsic.org/cbn012315.html

Other EWR Shows [Watch the full shows on BlazeTV, with selected complete shows and excerpts on YouTube, XOTV, or Rumble.]

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