Minutes of the Meeting of & Parish Council 7.30pm Wednesday 8 January 2020 at the Meon Hall, Meonstoke.

PRESENT: Rowena Annereau-Hyder, Bruce Horn, Jane McCormick, Sue Logan, Jerry Pett – Chair, Nick Riley – Vice Chair, Patrick Rowe. IN ATTENDENCE: District Councillor Laurence Ruffell, District Councillor Hugh Lumby, Rosie Hoile – Clerk, PUBLIC 2 residents.

19.67 Apologies for absence: County Councillor Roger Huxstep. ACTION 19.68 To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest. None Minutes : 19.69 RESOLVED to approve as a correct record Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13 November 2019.

19.70 Questions and comments from the public concerning agenda items: 19.70.1 James Morrice, Manager and Trustee of the Meon Hall asked if District Councillors could justify the expense of the 18 page security procedures document issued by WCC to all polling stations. Cllr Lumby agreed that the document was overly onerous for some locations. The Police had not raised a security alert. It was noted that the only perceptible gap in security was the Returning Officer’s lone car journey to with the sealed ballot box late at night. Household recycling bins have not been emptied, some since the beginning of December. The public recycling bin at the Meon Hall was overflowing with cardboard and is a fire hazard. District Councillor Lumby said some of the Biffa teams are unfamiliar with the area. WCC requested dismissal of one particularly incompetent team but the problem remains. The Clerk undertook to contact the WCC contracts officer the following day. Clerk 19.70.2 County Councillor Huxstep had previously circulated his report which is appended. 19.70.3 District Councillor Lumby’s report is appended. Discussed specifically -  Rubbish: Shavards Lane was closed for a morning while WCC removed a large pile of flytipped rubbish.  WCC are to increase the fine for flytipping from £1000 to £5000 in line with other local authorities.  Highway verge litter – Idverde are to commence removal shortly.  Missed bin collection – residents are urged to report by the following working day at the latest to enable collection to be scheduled.  Communities Against Noise & Speed – as many residents as possible are urged to attend the public meeting at 10.30am on Saturday 8 February at the Meon Hall.  Proposed changes to car parking charges in Winchester – Revenue raised by car parking must be spent on car parking facilities and cannot be assigned elsewhere. WCC published an online consultation document ‘Parking & Access Strategy’ which closes 6 February. 19.70.4 District Councillor Ruffell advised WCC have renovated of a block of flats to accommodate rough sleepers. A short fall of £16m is forecast in next year’s budget. Residents are invited to select priorities where cuts could be made from a range of options listed in the WCC consultation by 13 January. Councillor Horn reminded the meeting of the need for residents to register personal vehicles at the local Household Recycling facility at Bishops Waltham before 1 April.

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020 19.71 Finance, Grants & Governance. 19.71.1 Payment of Accounts RESOLVED: To approve the bank reconciliation and note level of reserves to 31 December 2019 RESOLVED: To ratify payments made between meetings after listed in Appendix B. RESOLVED: To pay accounts listed in Appendix A including £45 to sweep the path to the tennis court and remove leaves from the car park at the Meon Hall. 19.71.2 RESOLVED: To approve the 2020/21 Budget: The Chair brought agenda item 7.2 forward to determine allocation of CIL funds in conjunction with use of reserves identified in the budget. The Finance Working Group met in December to finalise the budget. Provision had been made in the preceding 3 years to build a capital reserve for projects and an earmarked reserves to replace play equipment and a sum to cover emergency planning. The Finance Group recommended to increase the play equipment reserve by £2,000. Emergency planning reserve of £1500 will be carried forward. It was agreed that no further increase to the capital reserve in 2020/21 was necessary, there being sufficient in the reserves to cover existing identified projects to be used in conjunction with CIL funds where appropriate. SDNP CIL: Sums held by SDNP are available to bid for mostly Public Open Space projects.  SDNP/15/01181/FUL (Houghtons Transport). To improve provision in Corhampton in accordance with the Winchester City Council Open Space Strategy. £11,703.90  SDNP/16/02757/FUL (Vernon House) £6,677.71 and SDNP/16/02767/FUL £6,953.21 . Towards further public open space needs, or, enhancement of existing facilities in the area in connection with the Vernon House and Houghtons Yard development, including improvements to the recreation ground on Pound Lane. Total £13,630.92  SDNP/15/06414/FUL (Land at Sharvard Lane). Toward provision and maintenance of play space specifically in Pound Lane recreation ground. £6,201.97 The SDNP Planning Projects Lead had advised that no Parish portion is allocated to transport or highways infrastructure. There is £1,332.80 of CIL funds in the Parish Account which could be used for a highways related project. SDNP officers who spoke at the Parishes CIL Workshop said use of funds was open to some interpretation. The Meon Hall Management Committee had asked the Parish Council, as the owner of the Meon Hall, to pay for essential works for the facilities to be kept in a fit state. The Council unanimously agreed to apportion £10,000 (approximately 50 % of CIL derived from SDNP15/06414/FUL and SDNP/16/02757/FUL) for Meon Hall ref: CIO11547815 Groundworks Project at the Meon Hall. ACTION - Cllr Riley to brief three contractors to obtain three quotations for groundworks. NR

The Chair recommended the other half of Reserves was spent on road projects – Option 1. Speed Limit Reminder (SLR) signs. The HCC policy for the use of Parish-funded SLRs is based on evidence that a static SLR becomes ineffective after two weeks in one location. Consequently an SLR can only be used for two-week periods around three times each year, with self-help required to install the device at each location. The approximate cost is £3.5K. Option 2. White palisade, which would require a Community Funded Initiative to implement. Recent experience demonstrated the products is overpriced is installation is substandard and post JP installation customer service obstructed by lack of accountability. ACTION – Cllr Pett to obtain quotations for VSLR 19.71.3 RESOLVED: To request WCC to precept £17,320. WCC advised a Band D tax base of 424.46. In 2020/21 Band D monthly rate will be £40.80 a reduction of £2.20 per year.

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020 19.71.4 Internal Audit: The internal audit on 6 January was postponed to 13 January due to illness. RESOLVED: To approve Tim Light t/a Lighter Touch to be retained as the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor in 2020/21. 19.71.5 S137 Funding - Community Defibrillator: The Meon Ladies have been advised the County Councillor’s award will now be £1000 and not fully funded as previously understood. ACTION – Cllr Pett to speak to Roger Huxstep and the Chair of Exton Parish Meeting. JP

Overgrown hedge at Bridgemead: 19.71.6 RESOLVED: To approve £750 for a one-off cut. ACTION - Cllr McCormick contact Sovereign Housing to advise work before 1 March. JM

19.72 Planning: 19.72.1 New planning applications: Ref: SDNP/19/05323/HOUS (closing date for comment 18 Dec) Location: Hawthorn Cottage, Road, Corhampton, SO32 3NS Proposal: First floor side extension together with single storey side extension and open sided porch. NO COMMENT

Ref: SDNP/19/05561/FUL Location: Corhampton Lane Farm , Corhampton Lane, Corhampton, SO32 3NB Proposal: Proposed Change Of Use of an agricultural storage barn to a commercial unit (B1 - Retrospective) NO COMMENT 19.72.2 Appendix A Planning report: NOTED 19.72.3 Enforcement ref SDNP/18/00214/SEC215 Southbourne House. The Clerk had reminded WCC of the expiry date prior to when a Section 215 notice could be issued if 2 containers and a boat had not been removed by 31 December. Enforcement had not responded concerning a visit scheduled for the end of December to check the landowner’s compliance ACTION – Clerk to monitor. Clerk 19.72.4 Asset of Community Value (ACV) - The Bucks Head Pub. The application to retain The Bucks Head on the List of Assets of Community Value had been successful. 19.72.5 HALC Consultation on strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments: Cllr Horn was content to agree with the views put forward by the National Association of Local Council. ACTION – Cllr Horn to respond to Consultation BH

19.73 Open Spaces, Recreation & Play Grounds Matters arising: Meonstoke Recreation Ground signage. Two signs had been delivered. Cllr Horn undertook to install at the Recreation Ground. ACTION – Cllr Horn BH . 19.74 Allotments Cllr Annereau-Hyder reported there had been no complaints. Invoices and tenancy agreements to be sent for the beginning of the new allotment year 1 February. ACTION – Clerk. Clerk MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020

19.75 Roads, Highways & Transport. 19.75.1 Jubilee Triangle The grass verge has been badly damaged by large vehicles, thought to be the school bus, turning round at the top of Bucks Head Hill. The school bus should not have to drive up Bucks Head Hill to turn round, other options are available. The verge needs repairing and bollards installed to deter other large vehicles following suite. Cllr Pett undertook to write to the Head Teacher at Junior School regarding parents maintaining supervision of their children at school drop off and pick up times. Post-Meeting Note: The offending vehicle was discovered to be on the Portsmouth independent schools’ ‘Red Route’ service and not the Droxford/ bus. Its operator has since confirmed that there is no requirement for their vehicle to enter Bucks Head Hill at all, but rather should turn at the Corhampton roundabout and serve the A32 bus stop. Self-help will be needed to install new wooden posts of an appropriate size around the jubilee tree triangle. ACTION – Cllr Pett 1) To contact the School Bus Manager. 2) Write to Droxford JS JP 19.75.2 Matters arising: Cllr Riley reported - a) Re-instatement of 2 bollards next to benches on Bucks Head Hill. A quotation to install bollards purchased by the PC from Hampshire Highways is outstanding. The matter is ONGOING from the January meeting. b) Replacement timber bollards. The bollards have been fixed. Unfortunately the newly installed Glasdon ‘timber ‘bollard, and an old black & white bollard, was damaged by the dust cart. Cllr Riley has asked Skanska to make safe. CLOSED d) Repair of Stocks Lane at ‘Broken Bridge’. Following the County Councillor’s intervention temporary remedial works have been carried out, but the underlying cause has still not been addressed. CLOSED

19.76 Footpaths and Rights of Way. 19.76.1 HCC Countryside Service Annual Vegetation Cutting programme 2020 Priority list. APPROVED Cllr Pett has walked all the footpaths and recommended C & M Footpaths 1,11,21,30 and 27 be cut in order of priority. ACTION - CLERK to send cutting list to HCC Countryside Service by 16 January. Clerk 19.76.2 Grant application for a kissing gate at junction of Stocks Lane and C&M FP 16. The cost to buy and install a single metal kissing gate (£383) does not meet the minimum threshold of £500 required to qualify for a grant. The Council had hoped to install a kissing gate at Corhampton Farm to make the application worthwhile, but the landowner does not wish to change the existing stile, although the requirement for any obstruction at this point is now questionable. Alternative locations for further kissing-gate conversions will be investigated. Grant funding for multi-use bin to locate a suitable access point for service on the Meon Valley 19.76.3 Trail. RESOLVED After much debate the Council agreed to abandon provision of waste bins at secluded roadside locations due to the likelihood of flytipping in or next to the bins. Other matters: a) Heavy vehicles using FP15 to access fields. This has been reported to the HCC Countryside team which is now investigating. b) Shady Grove, a restricted byway for use by any non-motorised vehicle, is showing signs of illegal motorcycle use. This has been reported to the HCC Countryside team, requesting better signage. The Chair proposed, however, that an application should be made for the route to be changed to a bridleway; this would, however, almost certainly require the Parish Council to fund the legal case. MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020

19.77 Website The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 The internal auditor drew the Council’s attention to all local councils being required to comply with the regulations from September 2020. There was no response to the Council’s request to the service provider of the cost to upgrade the existing website to enable users requiring assistive technology to access the Council’s websites and apps. To comply, websites must be made accessible to users of assistive technology unless the Council can demonstrate that doing so would impose a disproportionate burden. The cost of downloading software alone is £700 and allotting the Clerk’s time to learn Wordpress and convert all the Council’s public records is beyond the scope of this council. The Chair proposed and it was unanimously agreed, to defer compliance in 2020/21 and review for 2021/22 at the end of the calendar year. RESOLVED

19.78 Meetings, Consultations & Training. 19.78.1 Campaign Against Noise and Speed (CANS) meeting to be held at the Meon Hall on 8 February 2020. The Clerk is waiting for information regarding payment of a donation from the Chair of CANS. It is hoped that as many residents as possible can attend. 19.78.2 WCC Parking Strategy Consultation (closing date 6/2/20) https://winchester.citizenspace.com/major-projects/parking-strategy-2020/. The consultation is open to all to respond.

19.79 Items for the next agenda: Internal Audit report, Executive checklist.

19.80 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 11 March 2020.


MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020

APPENDIX A - FINANCE REPORT to 31 December INCOME RECEIVED £ Bank interest 7.85 TOTAL 7.85

EXPENSES Payments by Standing Orders and Direct Debits. R Hoile November salary 353.99 R Hoile December salary 353.99 TOTAL 707.98

Invoices paid between meetings. EMS Inv 1786 – November contract 342.00 The Sign Shed 41.82 TOTAL 383.82

ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT EMS Inv 1859 Dec contract 342.00 The Flower Pot Men Nov/Dec contract 140.00 J. Pett extra work for lengthsmen expense 9.65 R Hoile Dec/Jan expenses 50.47 Mrs Kemspter 45.00 TOTAL 587.12

Bank Reconciliation 1 /4/19 – 31/12/19 Unity Trust A/C ...525 £ £ £ Balance 31/12/19 21,096.36 Unity Trust A/C …538 Balance 31/12/19 8,231.60 Scottish Widow s A/C No 060 Balance as per statement No. 42, 4/04/19 7941.15

Less payments not made J Pett 9.65 Flow er Poy Men 140.00 EMS Dec contract 342.00 -491.65 36,777.46

Cash at bank 31 December 2019

Cashbook reconciliation 31 December 2019 Balance b/f 1/04/19 27,600.69 Add Receipts 1/4/19 - 31/12/19 21,272.56 Less Payments 1/4/18 - 31/12/19- 12,095.79 36,777.46

Reserves 31 December 2019 (rounded) * balancing figure General reserve (running costs to 31 March) 6,500.00 Earmarked reserves: Capital reserve Play equipment 4,500.00 CIL Open Sapce 1,332.80 Emergency plan 1,500.00 2019/20 b/f capital project - bollards 2,500.00 Project reserve 20,444.66 * 36,777.46

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020

APPENDIX B – PLANNING REPORT 8 January 2020 . 1. APPLICATIONS DETERMINED Ref: SDNP/19/04308/FUL Proposal: Internal works to provide pizza oven and associated extraction. Location: The Bucks Head, Bucks Head Hill, Meonstoke SO3 3NA DECISION: APPROVED Ref: SDNP/19/02588/HOUS Location: Stocks House, Stocks Lane, Meonstoke SO32 3NQ Proposal: (Amended Plans) Erection of a single storey, 2 bay Oak framed garage to the rear of the garden with part workshop, part locked garage. DECISION: APPROVED

2. DECISION PENDING Ref: SDNP/19/04641/TCA Location: Meon Barn, High Street, Meonstoke, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 3NH Proposal: Norway Maple (Acer platanoides columnare) Crown reduction by approximately 1.5m to a secondary growth point and to thin the crown. Ref: SDNP/19/03228/TCA Location: Stoke Cottage, Chapel Road Meonstoke O32 3NJ Proposal: Tree works are to be carried out as detailed in the attached tree condition survey report: 'J871 04 TCS Stoke Cottage 20190701.pdf' Ref: SDNP/19/03189/HOUS Location: Coombe Place House New Road Meonstoke SO32 3NN Proposal: Construction of annexe for ancillary residential purposes following demolition of existing grooms quarters and stables. Ref: SDNP/19/04481/HOUS Location: Selbourn Cottage, Warnford Road, Corhampton SO32 3ND (Pending Consideration) Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Rear Extension (following demolition of the existing conservatory) and alterations to existing fenestration - resubmission of application SDNP/16/02067

3. APPLICATIONS IN PROGRESS Ref: SDNP/19/02615/FUL Location: Beacon House, Stocks Lane. Proposal: Construction of residential dwelling with access from Warnford Road. Ref: SDNP/19/02911/TCA Location: Mill Cottage, High Street, Meonstoke, SO32 3NH Proposal: Proposed works as part of the ongoing arboricultural / routine maintenance. Ref: SDNP/19/02000/TCA Location: Barn Lodge , Pound Lane, Meonstoke, SO32 3NP Proposal: Remove conifer and Laurel bush to ground level, grind out stumps and replace with much more attractive and manageable yew hedging Ref: SDNP/19/03680/TPO Proposal: Sycamore - fell because of excessive damage to surrounding buildings and cars and low amenity value. The tree is becoming particularly dangerous when it is windy as large branches have started to fall. Location: Conway , Warnford Road, Corhampton, SO32 3ND Ref: SDNP/19/03900/TCA Proposal: Holly Tree difficult for lorries and coaches to access the school we would like to cut it to ground level. Location: 1 Claremont Cottages, High Street, Meonstoke, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 3NH Ref: SDNP/19/04073/TCA

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020 Proposal: To be removed: a single Ash shown on 3 (look at application) is in the way of the drive way. Branches break off and the roots invade gardens. Will replace it with an Elm in late Autumn. Location: Gwynne House, High Street, Meonstoke, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 3NH. Ref: SDNP/19/05745/TPO Location: Yew Tree House, High Street, Meonstoke SO32 3NH Proposal: T1 Cotoneaster - Fell, T2 Apple – Fell, T3 Cypress –Fell, T5 Rowan Reduleana – Reshape by ½ metre, T6 Cypress- Fell, T7 Yew – Crown raise to 4 m, reduce and reshape by up to 2 m.

PLANNING ENFORCEMENT - EXTANT Ref: SDNP/18/00124/SEC215 Nature: Untidy land - build up wagons and containers Address: Land to rear of Southbourne House, Chapel Road, Meonstoke SO32 3NJ

Sec 215 Notice was not issued by WCC to the owner as they have removed or tidied some of the land. WCC has given them 3 months to remove the 2 containers and boat only (the boat sold – to be collected) to rectify the situation. All the other items apart from the 2 containers and boat are immune from Enforcement action as they have been on the land for over 10 yrs.

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 8 January 2020