Frequently Asked Questions

1. When and what does this Furlough mean for ALA employees and why is it necessary? It will mean an unpaid temporary from work during several pre-determined weeks from August 2020 through August 2021. It is necessary to help close our financial “gap” while decreasing the need to make large numbers of permanent staff reductions. The following weeks have been set aside for furlough during FY20 and FY21:

• August 16 – 22, 2020 (alternate week August 9-15, 2020 for small number of staff) • October 11 – 16, 2020 • December 20 – 26, 2020 • March 14 – 20, 2021 • June 27 – July 3, 2021* • August 22 – 28, 2021

*If there is no face to face Annual in Chicago. If there is, then we would take the following week of July 4 – 10, 2021 which would necessitate that our staff get their on the paycheck before that)

2. We were told that there would be no impact to health (medical and dental) benefits. Will there be an impact to other ALA benefits, and if so, what is that impact? Benefits will continue and there will be no impact to health plans, flex etc. plan, since contributions and match are based on earned income, will have less contributed. Vacation and sick time will be earned with no change.

3. Will there be guidance provided regarding how staff can/should take vacation time as it relates to the furlough weeks? What are the restrictions, if any? Staff are required to use all of their vacation time by the end of the fiscal year, which ends on August 31st every year. Unused vacation days convert to sick time at the end of the fiscal year. Staff are encouraged to work closely with their unit managers to and use their time.

4. Will we be able to carry over any vacation due to this furlough in August? No, unused vacation time at the end of the fiscal year, August 31, will be converted into sick time.

5. For the additional furlough days in FY21, will it be a complete ALA shutdown as well or will we be able to choose our weeks based on our work commitments? No, staff will not be able to choose which week they will be on furlough.

6. Will everyone be off at the same time? Or will staff's furloughed weeks be staggered? The majority of staff will be off the same week. A small number of staff may be off an alternate week during the same pay period, due to individual unit responsibilities.

7. Is there a way to ensure that ALA staff can apply for and receive during the furlough weeks? Frequently Asked Questions

As the employer, ALA cannot assist employees with filing for unemployment. Unemployment insurance is administered by individual states so employees will be subject to different laws in the different jurisdictions. Below are links to the various unemployment resources for the areas where ALA offices are located:

• Illinois • District of Columbia • Connecticut • Pennsylvania

8. Can we take the furloughs all at one time to make it easier to be eligible for unemployment? No. The weeks that have been selected are listed above.

9. Do we have to apply for unemployment? No. Filing for unemployment is an individual choice.

10. If we are eligible for unemployment in our state, would the additional $600 per week that is part of the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) be extended past the end of July deadline? As previously stated, unemployment insurance is administered by individual states so employees will be subject to different laws in the different jurisdictions.

11. What happens if a crisis/emergency occurs during the work stoppage? Senior management is taking steps to make sure there is coverage in the event of an emergency.

12. I will be on the Emergency Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (EPFMLA) while on furlough, how will that be impacted? The week of furlough you will not be paid either from available or from the EPFMLA.

13. I will be on Intermittent EPFMLA while on furlough, how will that be impacted? The week of furlough you will not be working and will not receive any paid time from work, available paid time off or from the EPFMLA funds.

14. I will be on FMLA / STD while on furlough, how will that be impacted? The week of furlough you will not receive any paid time from available paid time off. Short term disability payments will not be impacted.