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Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Return to Table of Content

Ultimate Guide To Men’s Skin Care

Written by: Antonio Centeno

2nd Edition 2017

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Return to Table of Content Contents

Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer

Chapter 1:A Man’s Guide To Lotion Help! What’s in these chemical names?

Chapter 2: Nine Tips to Dealing With Winter Dry Skin #1 Take Warm Showers (NOT Hot!) #2 Take Fewer and Quicker Showers #3 Use Gentle Soap #4 Don’t Use a Washcloth or Loofah #5 Only Wash the Key Areas of Your Body #6 Use for Dry Skin in Winter #7 Experiment With Products #8 Use A Humidifier #9 Drink 8 Glasses Of Water

Chapter 3: A Man’s Guide To Anti-Aging Creams 5 Factors To Consider Using Anti-Aging Cream Anti-Aging Moisturizers – Why bother? Are All Moisturizers The Same? Facial Lotion Vs. Anti-Aging Creams When To Start Using Anti-Aging Products? Ingredients Proven To Reduce Signs Of Aging Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Return to Table of Content How To Slow The Process Of Aging Tips When Purchasing Anti-Aging Products Oily Versus Dry Skin Type Anti-Aging Creams $200 Or $5? Spending on Anti-Aging Creams Anti-Aging Moisturizers For Men That Antonio Recommend Final Words From Antonio

Chapter 4: Men’s Facial Skin Problems Facial Redness (Small Problem) – Male – (Potentially an issue – visit a medical professional if you’re older than 25 or it’s severe) Rosacea – (See a doctor – this is not something you’ll fix with an aftershave gel)

Chapter 5: An Interview About Skin Care For Men RMRS Interview with Sam Hossa.

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Chapter 1: A Man’s Guide To Lotion

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 2 Return to Table of Content Chapter 1:A Man’s Guide To Lotion

Hand, face, and body lotion – aren’t these tools used by girly men?

I mean a real man washes his hands with gasoline, showers under a waterfall only after the hunt, and eats his meat raw.

OK, so I enjoy a medium raw steak – but when it comes to skincare I do believe a man needs to take care of this essential body system.

Failure to do so – especially if abused – can lead to very painful consequences later on in life.

The problem: Most guys do not think about skin lotions & skin conditioners.

We know more about the engine of a 2000 Sprint ST than the chemicals in our hand lotion (if we even own any). “Skincare products” just don’t have a very manly feel, no matter how hard advertisers try.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 3 Return to Table of Content But the reality of it is that most men with good skin past the age of 40 are using something to help it stay that way.

There’s no one male skincare product that will make your skin look great forever, but there are definitely things you can be doing to keep yourself a little smoother and cleaner day-to-day. Help! What’s in these chemical names?

The first thing you notice about most men’s skincare products is the long string of words you don’t understand. They’re supposed to be great for your skin but mostly they just sound like your senior chem paper. Don’t panic.

The basic compounds that you’ll see in higher-quality male skincare products:

Alcohols: There’s a broad family of alcohols used in skin products. Some are made from ethyl alcohol and are astringents — chemicals that scour your skin. These can be harsh and shouldn’t be used in more than very small quantities.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 4 Return to Table of Content Milder “fatty” alcohols like lanolin (the chemical that gives sheep’s wool its distinctive scent and water-resistance) help strengthen and moisturize skin.

Alpha hydroxy acids: AHAs are a mild acid that help clear away dead skin cells and smooth your skin out.

They’re naturally found in a lot of fruit products. Because they’re very mild they work better when they’re applied regularly rather than as emergency treatment.

Antioxidants: We’ll try to keep it simple.

When the collagen in your skin breaks down it forms wrinkles more easily.

One of the things that destroys collagen are unstable oxygen molecules called “free radicals” produced by UV light and a lot of kinds of urban pollution.

Antioxidants, as the name suggests, help neutralize those oxygen molecules and keep the skin protected.

These are some of the best general treatments for men’s skin, and they can be found in literally hundreds of thousands of products, natural and synthetic.

Unfortunately not every product tells you what’s in it or why that ingredient is good for your skin.

We recommend looking for manufacturers that list both the ingredient (i.e., “apple pressings”) and its function (natural source of AHAs, in this case).

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 5 Return to Table of Content The actual tube is usually too small, of course, so check a company’s website out.

Generally speaking, if they’re not up front about what’s in the product it’s because they know it’s not that great for you.

Hand Lotions: Staying soft while staying strong

Soft skin is nice, but no man wants to find himself applying hand moisturizers more often than his wife.

For working men there’s an even more practical concern — calluses are there for a reason. You don’t want skin that tears on the job. Most of the non-violent damage to our hands comes from drying and chapping.

The oil ducts on our palms and fingers are very small.

Since our skin needs oil to stay supple and prevent cracking and chafing, you want a hand product that puts plenty of oil back in — more than you’d want on your face or the rest of your body.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 6 Return to Table of Content Nut oils, dairy, and mild alcohols are all good ingredients in hand creams.

Vitamins A & E can help keep the skin feeling softer as well, but you’re really looking for some good sources of fatty oils to keep the dryness off.

Jack Black makes an excellent hand lotion that I have tried and really like – you can grab it here.

Lotion bars are an option – especially for travelers.

Body Lotions: Mild all-over care

Body lotions might be the toughest sell for a lot of men.

No one likes chapped hands, and we all know the value of having a clean and healthy-looking face, but why worry about everything under the clothes?

Comfort is a big part of it. If you’re blessed with naturally healthy skin you might be all right day to day, but the reality is that a lot of men are enduring itchy, sweaty, or otherwise uncomfortable skin.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 7 Return to Table of Content And it makes you fidget more than you think, so a good skin lotion is helping your nice clothing look better too — or at least get yanked and rumpled a lot less.

A good body lotion should have some AHAs or other mild acids to help get rid of dry, dead skin before it causes any itching.

You’ll also want a small-molecule oil that can really sink into the skin and stay there. Natural nut oils like shea or jojoba work well.

Stay away from petroleum products like Vaseline — the molecules are so large they don’t absorb into the skin, leaving it greasy-feeling and potentially clogging pores as well.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 8 Return to Table of Content Face Lotions: Fighting oil without drying

Men’s faces can actually wind up needing more care than women’s, at least for regular shavers (and if you don’t at least trim regularly you probably need to start with more basic articles than this one).

Shaving is a daily abuse of the skin that can roughen it prematurely if you don’t add a bit of maintenance care in there as well.

A good face lotion can go on immediately after you shave, in the place of alcohol-heavy aftershaves that dry the skin out too much.

You’re looking for something that will close the pores up and keep your skin oil-free without drying it out.

Mint, menthol, and eucalypts all provide a bit of natural astringency without drying you out. Some mild nut oils will moisten the skin but have a small, simple molecular structure that won’t clog pores.

If you have trouble with acne or oily skin you can use a product that includes mildly absorbent ingredients like cotton or clay dust.

The Cardinal Rule of Men’s Skin Products: Know what’s in it and what it does for you.

Skin products aren’t going to cost you anything on the scale of a new suit or even a shirt, but they do add up over time.

You want to get something tangible back for that money.

If you’re buying a product you should know what the active ingredients are, what sort of chemicals those ingredients are, and what that kind of chemical does to your skin.

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If that’s not listed or available anywhere on the packaging or the company’s website, you don’t know what you’re spending your money on.

Maybe it’s good and maybe it’s not, but regardless of how many stars it gets on Amazon (and companies often pay people to artificially inflate those ratings) you’re still buying a pig in a poke.

Do you think hand lotions can be used on the face? Watch this video to find out.

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Chapter 2: Nine Tips to Dealing With Winter Dry Skin

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 11 Return to Table of Content Chapter 2: Nine Tips to Dealing With Winter Dry Skin

Winter is here

If you live in a cold climate, you don’ t need me to remind you how much the winter weather can damage your skin.

Most men suffer dry and itchy skin due to cold weather. They see it on the ankles, face, forearms, and hands.

It’s time to take action against the cold and provide protection for your skin during winter’s hurrah.

Here are 9 tips that have proven to be effective in dealing with dry skin during winter.

If you incorporate this into your daily life, you will notice some significant changes in a short amount of time.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 12 Return to Table of Content #1 Take Warm Showers (NOT Hot!)

Please note the key term used here is “warm” not hot showers.

Hot showers should be avoided in the winter as they strip the body of the essential oils needed to keep your body lubricated, which acts as a defense against cold temperatures.

Not only will your skin benefit from warm showers, your muscles can benefit from them as well.

In a 2009 study involving roughly 360 people who immersed themselves in lukewarm to cool water after training found many benefits.

Specifically, researchers found that 24-minute cycles in the water was effective in relieving sore muscles one to four days after exercise.

Turn down the temperature in your next shower for an easy win for your dry skin this winter.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 13 Return to Table of Content #2 Take Fewer and Quicker Showers

One shower a day is ideal and your best bet would be to stick with this schedule.

If you live an active lifestyle consisting of sports and regular trips to the gym, you will obviously have to shower more often.

If this is the case, key the duration of the showers to a minimum The length of your showers actually acts the same as having a hot shower, stripping the essential oils from your skin leaving you dry and itchy.

#3 Use Gentle Soap

Soap can cause all sorts of havoc to your skin – especially in the winter.

A recent study by leading dermatologists detail how soap residue causes skin irritation that further compounds when you throw cold weather into the mix.

When you are looking to buy some soap at your local store, the first thing you are going to want to check out is the list of ingredients. Any soaps that have perfumes, antibacterial components or deodorants should raise some red flags.

Instead – look for soaps that have natural ingredients. A key tip is if you cannot pronounce the list of ingredients, it probably is not worth using on your body.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 14

Click on the image to get discounts Return to Table of Content #4 Don’t Use a Washcloth or Loofah

Most of us have been using a washcloth for our entire lives.

It makes you feel clean by literally it strips your top layer of skin off!.

It also is one of the main causes of dry skin in men.

Like most things on this list, the main factor here is that using a washcloth or loofah strips the oils from your skin leaving you at risk of dry and itchy skin during the winter time.

So no loofah or washcloth? What to use? Instead use your hands to wash your body.

It’s a tried and true way & isn’t so harsh on your skin!

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 15 Return to Table of Content #5 Only Wash the Key Areas of Your Body

We all like to be clean but sometimes things go a little overboard.

Washing yourself with soap too much can be damaging especially those who wash themselves more than one time a day.

Instead of washing every single body part with soap, focus in on the key areas such as your armpits, crotch area, and your feet.

In a nutshell, areas of your body that tend to sweat a lot are the areas that soap is advisable.

This will result in you still being clean without causing much-needed irritation due to soap residue. You will also be able to save a few bucks in the bank without the overuse of soap. #6 Use Moisturizers for Dry Skin in Winter

There is a reason that men more than ever are incorporating a to the skin care regime.

A new study from Mintel proves this fact.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 16 Return to Table of Content Specifically, 58% of men aged 18-24 say they use a daily facial moisturizing product.

Statistics are even better for the 25-34 group as 63% use some form of facial cream.

During the winter, this is extra important as water, soap and cold weather all take a toll on your skin.

A moisturizer will combat these elements, seeping into your pores providing protection from the cold and revitalizing your skin’s essential oils.

#7 Experiment With Products

There are hundreds of products on the market to protect your skin.

They range from creams to oils and each of them provide you with different strengths and weaknesses depending on your skin type.

Next time you are out shopping for some skin care products, pick a product and turn it over.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 17 Return to Table of Content How quickly does the liquid reach the bottom? Look for a thicker liquid as this will act like a coating to your skin, providing protection.

Liquids that are too fluid mean they are highly diluted with water and won’t provide much benefits in the cold weather. #8 Use A Humidifier

Most of the tips we discussed so far had to do when you are in the bathroom.

Given that we spend more time outside of the bathroom than in (we hope at least!) this next one is pretty important. A humidifier is a great way to fight against dry air in your house.

You should look into getting at least one in your home or two if it spans over 1,600 square feet.

Ideally, your goal should be to have each room in your house range for 45%-55% moisture.

This will ensure dry air won’t have an impact on your skin. #9 Drink 8 Glasses Of Water

Quite possibly our favorite tip here at RMRS. You should aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

The point is, you want your body to use its natural moisturizers and replenish the essential oils you lose throughout the day. As an alternative, you can look into eating fruits and vegetables that have high water content such as cucumbers and celery.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 18 Return to Table of Content The simple task of drinking water is often forgotten but can provide huge benefits if you take the effort to drink more of it.

In conclusion – taking care of your skin should be priority number one for men. Having healthy and supple skin will make you look better no matter what you wear.

Watch this whole chapter in a video. Click here to view it.

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Chapter 3: A Man’s Guide To Anti-Aging Creams

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 20 Return to Table of Content Chapter 3: A Man’s Guide To Anti-Aging Creams

For centuries, men have obsessed over youthful skin.

In Greek mythology – the gods achieved agelessness by eating ambrosia.

In the modern world – we have our own version of ambrosia… anti-aging creams.

Our skin is the first line of defense against the elements. Women are accustomed to creams that reduce the signs of aging and offer protection against further skin damage.

Should a man also use anti- aging creams?

What do you think?

A real man is applauded for being an upstanding citizen, a contributor to society and a caretaker of the family.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 21 Return to Table of Content Why would men be concerned about the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face? After all, aren’t wrinkles just an indicator of past smiles, as Mark Twain once remarked?

On the one hand – your skin is the largest and most exposed organ in your body.

On the other – your skin is comprised of dead cells. Why spend money on the excess of the outer layer of your anatomy?

5 Factors To Consider Using Anti-Aging Cream

1. Your profession – What you do for a living will affect your decision to take care of your skin. Some professions will require that you look young and healthy.

The most appropriate example is when you are the “face” of your company or business. It is important that you take care of your face and how you look when you are an actor or a salesman.

2. Exposure and condition of skin – The use of anti-aging creams is important for men who are always exposed to the sun. Some of you may have blue-collar jobs and you are always out there working in the sun. Anti-aging creams will reduce the signs of aging caused by direct exposure to sunlight.

3. Genetics – Some people age faster. Your genetic make-up plays an important role in how you age. The action of a single gene affects how long a person lives. Many factors affect longevity but scientists have looked into the effects of an “aging gene” on human life span. Nevertheless, proper skin care could take a few years off your age.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 22 Return to Table of Content 4. Personal situation – Are you in your forties or fifties?

Do you dress for yourself or to impress others? You may be recently divorced or still single but you want to go out there and look your best.

Whatever your personal journey is, consider the idea of taking good care of your skin so in different situations, you are confident of yourself.

5. What do you want? – You may be one of those men who simply want to look good.

Proper skin care is very vital if you want to look young even as you age.

An anti-aging cream is your best option to reduce skin stress.

Want a list of moisturizers and soaps that I trust?

Download it HERE.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 23 Return to Table of Content Anti-Aging Moisturizers – Why bother?

We live in a chemical world.

As a result of overexposure to pollutants in our environment, radiation and poor diet choices – the elasticity of our skin degrades. Which leads to accelerated aging.

Fortunately – there are age- old methods to reverse the effects of time on your face.

Vitamin C is required for the body to produce collagen – the substance that increases the elasticity of your skin and makes it look supple. It is also an antioxidant. The process of oxidation releases stress into your skin, making it look aged and damaged.

Taken orally in the form of tablets, insignificant amounts of vitamin C reach the skin. And because levels of vitamin C decline with age – it is essential to find other sources to replenish its stock in the body.

Research studies have shown that when applied topically – vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen and reduces the effects of free radicals. Which leads to firm and youthful skin.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 24 Return to Table of Content Are All Moisturizers The Same?

Have you ever used a body moisturizer on your face? You might be forgiven for assuming that the two are interchangeable. After all, why buy a separate lotion for different parts of the body?

Your skin covers your entire body – but its thickness varies.

The part of your body that are prone to wear are padded with thicker skin while other parts of your body are enclosed with thinner skin. The skin on your body is thicker than the skin on your face.

The composition and ingredients on each of these products will differ.

Facial moisturizers offer the added benefit of anti-aging properties, sun-protection and anti-acne. Their formulation is lightweight and non-comedogenic (they shouldn’t clog your facial pores). Anti-aging versions of facial moisturizers contain fillers that plump up the moisture content of your skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Body moisturizers are primarily used for relief from dry, cracking skin. These moisturizers contain mineral oils or petroleum-based ingredients which form a protective barrier and stops the skin from losing moisture. The barrier also offers a layer of protection against harsh environmental conditions. They tend to be too heavy for the face and can clog pores.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 25 Return to Table of Content Facial Lotion Vs. Anti-Aging Creams

A lotion has a lighter composition while creams are a little more substantial and provide hydration to your skin for longer.

Lotions are a blend of oil and liquid.

They are lighter than creams and have a higher percentage of liquid compared to oil in their composition.

They are more easily absorbed into the skin than creams. Creams are a blend of oil and liquid with the higher percentage being oils.

They’re thick, like soft butter and are absorbed easily into the skin. Their moisturizing properties tend to last longer than lotions. When To Start Using Anti-Aging Products?

In your 20s, your skin is able to repair itself fully without help from external sources.

The downside of using anti-aging products at this age? Irritation to your skin and making it more sensitive to the sun.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 26 Return to Table of Content In your 20’s, a pile-up of ingredients on your face can cause the biggest skincare problem for young people – breakouts and acne.

When your forehead starts to crinkle and you notice the formation of crow’s feet around your eyes… that’s the time to start using anti- aging moisturizers.

Your 30s are the perfect time to start paying attention to anti-aging creams. At this age, men start to notice the changes in the appearance of their skin.

Past your 30s? Start using anti-aging creams today.

Ingredients Proven To Reduce Signs Of Aging

Ingredients such as Vitamin C & E, alpha lipoic acid, niacinamide, green tea… they may reduce the oxidative stress caused on your skin by exposure to sun and pollution.

The effectiveness of anti-wrinkle creams depends in part on the active ingredient or ingredients.

Here are some common ingredients that may result in slight to modest improvement in the appearance of wrinkles.

 Vitamin C – A potent antioxidant that helps protect the skin from sun damage.

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals — unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles.

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 Hydroxy acids – Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids are exfoliating substances that remove the upper layer of dead skin and stimulate the growth of smooth, evenly pigmented new skin.

 Retinol – Vitamin A compound, the first antioxidant to be widely used in nonprescription wrinkle creams.

 Coenzyme Q10 – Helps reduce fine wrinkles around the eyes and helps protects the skin from sun damage.

 Grape seed extract – In addition to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, also promotes wound healing.

 Tea extracts – Red, green, black and oolong tea contain compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea extracts are most commonly found in anti-aging creams.

 Niacin amide – A potent antioxidant, related to Vitamin B-3 (niacin). It helps reduce water loss in the skin and improves skin elasticity.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 28 Return to Table of Content How To Slow The Process Of Aging

There are plenty of skincare gimmicks out there, and most of them are ridiculously expensive.

An anti-wrinkle cream may lessen the appearance of your wrinkles. The effectiveness of the cream will depend on how often you use it, the type and amount of active ingredients in the wrinkle cream, and the extent of the wrinkles you want to treat.

There are more reliable ways to improve and maintain your skin’s youthful appearance…

  Protect your skin from the sun – Sun exposure is the top reason for signs of aging in the skin, including uneven pigmentation. Limiting the time you spend in the sun and always wearing protective clothing and a hat helps.

 Use products SPF protection – When selecting skin care products, choose those with a built-in SPF of at least 15. Broad spectrum products block both UVA and UVB rays.

 Daily use of moisturizers – Dry skin turns plump skin cells into shriveled ones, creating wrinkles and fine lines. Though moisturizers can’t prevent wrinkles – they can temporarily mask tiny lines and creases.

 Quit smoking – Smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin. It also damages collagen and elastin — fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. As a result, skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

 Drink more water – Our skin is composed of 30 percent water but adequate water intake will give you a glowing complexion. Drinking

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 29 Return to Table of Content 8-10 glasses of water everyday will flush the toxins from your system and will prevent skin dryness.

Tips When Purchasing Anti-Aging Products

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies creams and lotions as and not as drugs. They are defined as having no medical value. As a result, these products are not subject to the rigorous safety testing that topically applied medications undergo before approval for public use.

Cosmetic products are not evaluated for effectiveness and as a result – there’s no guarantee that any over-the-counter product will reduce your wrinkles.

Consider these points when judging the merits of using a wrinkle cream:

 Cost – The money you pay for an anti-aging cream has no relationship to effectiveness. A wrinkle cream that’s more

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 30 Return to Table of Content expensive may not be more effective than one that costs less.  Fragrance Free – Men’s products are generally made without fragrances. Ingredients added to creams to produce a pleasant smell can have a reaction with a man’s skin. Best to choose a product that is fragrance-free, unless you’ve tried it and it has no adverse reaction with your skin.

 Lower doses – Nonprescription wrinkle creams contain lower concentrations of active ingredients than do prescription creams. So results, if any, are limited and usually short-lived.

 Overloading ingredients – There’s no data to suggest that mixing two or more of the ingredients mentioned above will be more effective than consistently using just one of them.

 Frequent and consistent use – You’ll need to use anti-aging creams at least once or twice daily for a few weeks before noticing any improvements in your skin. Once you stop using the product – it is likely your skin will return to its original appearance.

 Side effects – Some creams can react with your skin and cause irritation, burning, rashes or redness. Read the product information and follow instructions to limit side effects.

 Differences in skin types – Just because it works for your girlfriend doesn’t mean it will work for you. Men have different skin types and no one product works the same for everyone.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 31 Return to Table of Content Oily Versus Dry Skin Type Anti-Aging Creams

Most anti-aging products contain a combination of ingredients that offer varying degrees of moisture-retention and protection from UV rays. Choose a moisturizer based on your skin type

 Oily skin – Facial creams with (SPF protection) are not appealing to men with oily skin. These creams tend to add shine and feel greasy to skin that is already shiny. Avoid using heavy products or thick creams. Look for formulas that are specified as oil-free and non- comedogenic on the label.

 Dry skin – A cream with SPF is required to protect dry skin from forming fine lines. A heavier cream with sun protection works for dry skin. For dry skin – you want a product that has more substance – it’s better to use a cream, which tends to protect skin better than lotion.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 32 Return to Table of Content $200 Or $5? Spending on Anti-Aging Creams

Does a $200 moisturizer magically erase all wrinkles from your face? Is price an indicator of quality when it comes to anti-aging creams and facial lotions?

The truth is – any cheap moisturizer will temporarily plump the skin by infusing it with moisture. The effects will last for a few hours. For high-end anti-aging creams, you are paying for the quality of the ingredients and the duration of its effects on the face.

Cheaper creams work just as Click on the image to get discounts well, so don’t feel bad about sticking with sunscreen and an affordably priced moisturizer, especially if you are still in your 20’s.

Should men use anti-aging creams? Click here to watch the video.

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Chapter 4: Men’s Facial Skin Problems .

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 34 Return to Table of Content Chapter 4: Men’s Facial Skin Problems

Both men and women have skin problems.

Women have a multi-billion dollar market built around their issues, with too many options to choose from.

They address problems early – and know what questions to ask their skin care professionals.

Men – especially us “manly” men – we ignore skin problems until we have an issue so severe that the pain requires us to see a doctor.

We have no idea as to what to look for in a skin lotion or face cleaner.

I’m sure I’m not the only guy who has tried washing his face with

LAVA soap – which I learned quickly should be for super dirty shop hands only.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 35 Return to Table of Content But why do we take better care of our vehicles than we do of our own bodies? Think about it – most of us know what type of motor oil our truck needs – but have no clue as to what type of lotion our red and raw face requires after shaving.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

I’ve brought back Sam Hossa of LEPA Skincare in Austin Texas – if you haven’t listed to our first audio on how to care for your skin – a man’s guide – go listen to that one first!

In this audio interview we talk about common skin problems, what to look for, and steps you can take to prevent and treat them.

We start with a primer on shaving issues and lotions – then we move onto dry and oily skin and finally transition into sever skin problems and what to look for in skin lotions.

Three Skin problems we discuss and more detailed info about them.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 36 Return to Table of Content Facial Redness (Small Problem) –

Redness in this article and audio refers to non-permanent irritation caused by shaving and harsh cleaning of the face Male Acne – (Potentially an issue – visit a medical professional if you’re older than 25 or it’s severe)

Acne is a skin condition that causes whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red lesions (papules, pustules, and cysts) to form. Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin, called pores, become clogged. Rosacea – (See a doctor – this is not something you’ll fix with an aftershave gel)

Pronounced “roh-ZAY-sha” – Rosacea is a chronic disorder primarily of the facial skin characterized by flare-ups and remissions. It typically begins any time after age 30 as a redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead. In some cases, rosacea may also occur on the neck, chest, scalp or ears.

Over time, the redness tends to become ruddier and more persistent, and visible blood vessels may appear. Left untreated, bumps and pimples often develop, and in severe cases the nose may grow swollen and bumpy from excess tissue. Individuals with fair skin who tend to flush or blush easily are believed to be at greatest risk.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 37 Return to Table of Content

Although primarily diagnosed in women, more severe symptoms tend to be seen in men because they often delay seeking medical help until the disorder reaches advanced stages. One of the lotion ingredients we talk about is Chamomile – I can spell it much better than I pronounce it :)

A little more info on this great skin conditioner – chamomile contains phenolic derivatives and azulene which have both an antiseptic and healing quality that reduce irritation and puffiness.

Chamomile has shown to relieve skin congestion by softening the skin and is 100% naturally derived from plants. Outside of the United States – which I know, is hard to imagine:) – it is one of the most widely used botanicals (especially in Germany and Russia) and has carminative, emollient, healing, tonic, antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties.

Chamomile has shown to have strong wound healing properties and has successfully be used with skin problems such as rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, hypersensitive skin and allergic conditions.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 38 Return to Table of Content

Chapter 5: An Interview About Skin Care For Men

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 39 Return to Table of Content Chapter 5: An Interview About Skin Care For Men

Men don't take care of their skin - why is this?

Seriously, it's not till we start developing problems that we even give it much consideration.

We use harsh HAND soap (designed for tougher skin) on our faces. We run a razor blade daily across our face cutting a layer of skin off!

Hell, I even remember using gasoline to wash my hands (to my credit - I did not use it on my face!).

We take better care of our automobiles and houses than we do of the protective vehicle and home that we wear 24/7.

Michael, here pictured at age 25, did not heed our advice. Don't end up with skin like Michael.

Think about it - your skin makes up 5% of your body weight but protects 100% of everything within it.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 40 Return to Table of Content

It keeps essential moisture in, when needed pushes waste and moisture out, and overall plays a vital part in regulating your health. Yet we treat it for granted until we reach a point where it either unrepairable, surgery is required, or live with painful issues that could have been avoided.

Click on the infographic above to see a larger image

Your skin is more complex than you think!

In this interview I speak with Sam Hossa of LePA Skincare in Austin Texas. I met Sam while down in Austin on my last trip for Venture Lab's Investment Competition. He was a really enthusiastic guy, and his Air Force background immediately gave him credibility in my eyes.

But what really impressed me was his passion for helping men understand the importance of taking care of their skin. Maybe together we can start to chip away at some of the misinformation out there and change the attitudes towards skincare for men.

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At the end of the day it's about health - good health is an asset we take for granted until we lose it.

Don't lose yours sooner than necessary.

RMRS Interview with Sam Hossa.

We've had Sam on before, he's over at Lepa Skin Care down in Austin Texas.

A really quick intro about understanding skin care which we covered in our last episode in greater detail, but he's really going to get into the details of skin care problems particularly redness and acne.

So if you had any issues, something that maybe you haven't felt comfortable talking about you know, with anyone about because hey, isn't this stuff supposed to be over with once we go through puberty?

Sam is going to talk about this, he's going to give you some tips on shaving as well, so stay tuned, it's a jam packed episode.

Sam Hossa: I guess the way I want to start this conversation off is a lot of men, you know, including me years ago, don't really understand how to take care of our skin. You know, we don't get it.

It's not something that kind of - our father kind of pass down to us when we're younger. But you know, we've learned. And what we talked about last time was just kind of those basic home care steps.

And so - yeah, I kind of want to talk about that just a little bit before we get into the discussion about skin care problems.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 42 Return to Table of Content So again, you know, those three very important steps are cleaning, cleaning your skin with a cleanser, and men following that up with a toner, and that's going to basically replace the natural shield of your face, and then moisturizing which is going to do the hydration.

And so those are the three basic fundamentals. You had mentioned last time something - I forget what the saying is, an ounce of prevention - can you help me out here?

Antonio Centeno: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Sam Hossa: Right, right. Yes, so that's the saying. And that really applies here because you know, we'll see here in a second that if you do these - you know, if you basically perform this basic home care routines, you're going to really help yourself out in the future and avoid some of these problems.

Okay, so kind of to follow that up, we have to really understand what our skin is telling us. And you know, we're all different, we are different kinds of skin. Some of us have oily skin, dry skin, combination et cetera, so we're going to have to pay attention to kind of just the natural state of our skin.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 43 Return to Table of Content Another important part of the discussion is, you know, what kind of environment are we in?

Some of us work in construction and so we have to be aware of the fact that we're out in the elements all day, or we might be exposed to the sun. And so what’s an important part of this whole process is really understanding you know, what is your day to day environment.

And then finally, you know - our skin is very much a living organism. And it's kind of - it's going to give us signals when something's wrong.

And so it's very important to first realize if there's changes in our skin, you know, dealing with you know, how - whether it's itchy or whether it's dry or sensitive, or even you know, kind of when we break out if we break out et cetera.

And so I think if you kind of really just lean back on those fundamentals and you kind of just pay attention to what your skin is telling you, our going to be able to prevent a lot of the problems that come up down the road.

Antonio Centeno: Alright, well this sounds great.

Sam Hossa: Yeah, yeah. So I guess the first - I guess the most important category is skin care problems for me is going to be those related to shaving because most of us shave, and most of us shave on a daily basis. And so what happens when you shave is, in addition to just you know, getting rid of the stubble, you're also removing

I guess the top layer of your skin, and you're removing your natural shield, the body's natural shield. And so it's important.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 44 Return to Table of Content That basically protects your skin from the elements and such. And so when you remove it, you're more vulnerable to irritation. So some - yeah, go ahead.

Antonio Centeno: Sam? Could I ask - okay so we're shaving, are there different types of shaving which are worse for the skin?

Sam Hossa: I guess - I talked to somebody, I talked to a barber one time about this.

And what he mentioned to me and he of course uses the straight razor and what he mentioned to me is that when the - the basic Click on the image to get discounts fundamentals of shaving is first, you have to lubricate your skin so that when you shave you're not - your razor doesn't get caught up on your face, second is just have one fluid motion.

And you don't want to - kind of repeat and go over the same area multiple times because that's just going to - you know irritate the skin even more.

And so just kind of one fluid motion is where you should be. If you follow - if you use a quality you know, shaving cream and a quality razor, you should be good to go in that concern.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 45 Return to Table of Content Antonio Centeno: Okay, got it. And we - so I guess - with a quality cream is that going to be - or is there a difference between those gels and the actual - the shaving of - the white cream?

Sam Hossa: There really isn't. In many cases, it's a matter of preference. But what you're going to want to pay attention is kind of you know, each one of the big shaving cream companies let's say has different subsets of creams.

So there's going to be one for sensitive skin, there's going to be one for oily skin, and dry skin.

And that's kind of where you want to step back and think about you know, what is your skin telling you. You know, some of us have dry skin in the winter, but then in the summer it turns oily. And so it's - you're just going to want to kind of regulate that and really use the kind of - the kind of shaving cream to sooth your face at that particular part of the year.

Antonio Centeno: Got it.

Sam Hossa: Yes. So again, so just going back to - to what shaving does and removing that protective layer, a lot of us, you know, we'll get up in the morning, we'll shave and we'll walk out the door, and we won't have any problems at all.

And if that's - if that's you, you know, that's great, you know, you're blessed with great skin, and your skin is already health. So I'm not going to say too much in that regard. But for a lot of us, you know, when we walk out that door, later in the day we'll get you know, we'll get irritated, you know our skin will get irritated.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 46 Return to Table of Content Some of us have you know, breakouts, related to that and redness and all that kind of stuff and so you're just going to want - you're just going to want to see what happens to your skin and kind of again, just pay attention. And the biggest, you know, the biggest advantage or the best thing that you can do for your skin after you shave is just to use a quality after shave.

Okay. And again, after shaves come in many shapes and sizes, but what you're going to want to do is, you're going to want kind of really pay attention to the ingredients in there.

If you have irritated skin, you know, be aware of all these fragrances. You know, you're going to want to stay away from anything with a lot of alcohol or a lot of fragrance. Look for vitamin B and look for just kind of other natural elements and vitamins.

Antonio Centeno: I'm sorry what vitamin was that?

Sam Hossa: That's vitamin B.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 47 Return to Table of Content Antonio Centeno: Vitamin B. Okay.

Sam Hossa: Uh-huh. And that's really going to help out for acne prone skin or if you break out there's natural elements in those shaving creams that are going to kind of refortify your skin after you shave and really going to deal with the pores in such a way so that you're not going to develop bacteria in there and you're going to kind of reject some of the buildup of dirt and such.

Antonio Centeno: And is it something that a man should try to go longer periods between shaving? I've heard you know, about some men, they talk about giving their skin a break. Does that really matter? Or does it really matter how - every time you shave you do it correctly?

Sam Hossa: Well I'm going to say both of those Antonio. It's - they're both important. I would say that really, you know, if you can get away with shaving every other day instead of everyday, then I would definitely do that because again what happens is you're removing the natural you know, the natural shield of your face.

And so between shavings is when your face actually gets an opportunity to repair itself. And so that's - you know that's kind of the logic behind waiting a couple of days.

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Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 48 Return to Table of Content I also wait on the weekends. You know, on the weekends I give - a chance for my face to replenish itself as well.

Antonio Centeno: Alright, so if I were to summarize this, it sounds like you need to be very in-tuned with needs of your skin, pay attention to the shaving cream that you're buying and make sure that it has vitamin B as you mentioned and also pay attention whether it's for sensitive skin, oily skin or you know, if it's - if you never have any problems you can pretty go with the regular. There's not really much of a difference between the creams and the gels.

Now let me ask about the razor. Is it something that you really want a sharp razor? How long can you go between - is it something - at what point do you know to change out a razor?

Sam Hossa: Well speaking from personal experience, I use mine until I see that it's not working very well anymore. Definitely, you know, you're not going to want to, you know, go more than a month or so with the same razor. I mean - and you're going to be able to tell just from how well it's - how well it's doing its job.

I wanted to also go to the other extreme and say you need one - you know, every time you shave. But there's a lot of different technologies out there are you know, Antonio in terms of how many blades you know your razor has, you know, there's a lot of argument that using a single blade is better than three et cetera, so that again, is just a matter of personal preference.

But definitely, I think you kind of, you know, touched on that point just staying in tuned with what's best for your face. You know, there's a lot of products out there. And my only recommendation is do what works for you and pay attention to what you know - what you're doing with your face.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 49 Return to Table of Content Antonio Centeno: And I think it's beyond the scope of this discussion actually start getting into razors and razor types but - so we'll save that for a later point. Alright, well we've talked about shaving and a bit of the irritation. Was there anything else particular to this one?

Sam Hossa: No I think we're ready to move on from shaving.

Antonio Centeno: Okay, perfect. And we're going to move on. Sam Hossa: Okay. So the next thing I want to talk about Antonio is those of us who have excessively dry or excessively oily skin. And you know, it kind of - there's a lot of us out there that have dry skin, so let's start with that.

Generally when you have dry skin, your skin is more fragile, you'll notice a lot of itchiness and irritation.

And what that means is that you more than others are vulnerable to the elements that I spoke of earlier specifically the sun, wind and pollution and dirt and all that kind of stuff. And so you know, it's important just to kind of - to understand you know, whether you have dry skin because down the road if you don't kind of treat it or address it, you might develop problems like

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 50 Return to Table of Content rosacea, you might develop problems like broken capillaries which causes redness, and we'll talk about those a little bit later.

But before we do that, I just want to mention that if you have dry skin, you know, those products that I told you about that you use during your home care routine, it's important to choose those that are gentle.

And you're going to be able to read up on that, you know, when you're out there looking for products, or when you're out there at the store buying your facial soap and all that.

There's going to be a lot of products out there that are for dry skin or that are for gentle skin, and that's what you want to go with. Also, you know, it's very important to moisturize your skin.

That's one of those three fundamentals that I talked about. And what happens if you have dry or irritated skin is that your body isn't doing a good enough job of hydrating itself. And so you just kind of want it, you know, kind of emphasize the moisture part of that daily home care routine so that you could avoid those problems down the road. And then kind of moving on to the other side of the spectrum if you have oily skin. And if you think about that, if you think about those of us which - I'm included in that group. Those of us who have oily skin, you know, oil builds up on your face during the day.

And what that does unfortunately, is it attracts and kind of - it kind of holds on to the dirt that kind of passes by. And that dirt, you know if left untreated or if you're not washing your face, et cetera, can lead to the build-up of bacteria. And then I talked about this in my last interview with you, if that bacteria and dirt just stay in there, and you don't clean it out, it's just going to get in your pores and build up over time.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 51 Return to Table of Content And so really what we want to do, it we want to put a lot of emphasis in our cleanser. And we really put a lot of emphasis in cleansing in the morning and in the evening.

So in the evening when you cleanse, basically you're cleaning your face basically giving your face a shower from all you know, the day's problems or the day's dirt build up and in the morning, what happens at night after you go to bed is that your skin is naturally renewing itself and it's doing a lot of those biological processes.

So in the morning you just kind of want to refresh and renew your skin so that you're good to go for the rest of the day. Cleansing is really important for those of us who have oily skin again.

Also, and this is kind of what a lot of people overlook including myself is that when you have oily skin, what you want to do automatically is clean your skin. A lot of us in the shower just use

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 52 Return to Table of Content hand soap et cetera or body soap. And what that does is it - again it strips your face of its natural shield and what we don't do - what we fail to do it follow that up with a light moisturizer.

And so what happens is that it just exacerbates the problem because we already have oily skin, then we get out of the shower with this kind of you know, rough skin that we just kind of applied our hand soap too, and our body gets that signal and it says, oh, I got to produce more oil. And so it exacerbates the problem and now you have a lot of oil that could eventually lead to problems down the road.

Antonio Centeno: Now last time, you weren't able to give us specific recommendations that we could if we went into a pharmacy or like a Wallgreens of something like that, but I know you all carry products. Can you tell me about the products that you carry that are great for cleansing?

Sam Hossa: Yeah, so again, like I spoke of you know, that all of us have different skin and we should really kind of stay in tuned with what's going on with our skin. The biggest, you know, kind of indicator that you have a quality product, ours and others out there, is that they're going to be customized.

So the cleansers that we have on our shop, some of them are like cleansing foams that you use in the morning and that's basically for us that have oily skin.

But there's also items that you know, cleansers that are much more gentle and that'll be either like a cleansing milk or something to that effect to where it's not going to - you know, be as harsh on your skin because it takes into account the fact that you have very dry or irritated skin.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 53 Return to Table of Content And so those are the kind of things that you're going to want to look for. Also, a big kind of indicator of quality products is the presence of natural elements versus alcohols or fragrances.

You know, a lot of the products out there on the shelf if you go out there, they're going to smell great and all these kind of stuff. But they're - you know, that could cause a lot of irritation if you - you know, if you have any kind of problems or underlying problems. And so you know, stick with products that are going to show lots of natural ingredients and less fragrances and alcohol.

Antonio Centeno: So what are some of these natural ingredients that we should be looking for again?

Sam Hossa: Yes, so really, nowadays, there's a lot of products out there and there's a lot of great, you know, elements that we found in nature that kind of - are used in these products. Particularly, one of my favorites is aloe. Aloe is one of those you know, kind of wonder elements that has all these health benefits. And I kind of deferred that to a later conversation but aloe is just something that's very good for skin and specifically problematic skin.

Another one that is really important for those of us who have irritated or red skin, is chamomile.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 54 Return to Table of Content And it's an herb that is infused in a lot of creams and even a lot of serums that you could put on to your face if you're having those you know, really red spots or if you're having a lot of irritation or a lot of dry spots. That's another really good element, chamomile and aloe.

Antonio Centeno: Okay, perfect.

Sam Hossa: Yeah.

Antonio Centeno: Alright so in summary, talking about oily skin and dryness and redness, this - it's about the cleansing correctly and making sure that your body doesn't react which I didn't even know, you know your skin would actually do, but it makes a lot of sense that it would then over-produce the oil. So about choosing the right ingredients and - now is that something that we could visit your guys' website and look at some of these products that are out there?

Sam Hossa: Yeah, absolutely. Actually, Antonio, I'll give you the URL of our products page, and there's a lot of discussion there about some of the different products that are out there on the market and specifically, you know, if you have oily skin what you can look for, if you have dry skin what you can look for et cetera.

Antonio Centeno: Okay great. That sounds - that's perfect. Alright.

Sam Hossa: Okay. Are you ready to move on to the next topic or did you want.

Antonio Centeno: No, I'm ready. So I'll go ahead and put a little note I'll cut out this little part for us, and yeah, I'm ready to go on to part three.

Sam Hossa: Okay so the next big topic that I wanted to go over with you was some of the more serious or advanced problems that some of us are experiencing and how we can address those problems. So

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 55 Return to Table of Content they kind of fall into some major categories. The first I'll talk about is severe redness. And you know, what happens sometimes is you know, our fragile - if we have fragile skin or dry skin or very sensitive skin, it can undergo something like physical trauma.

So if you're itching a lot or if you kind of happen to be rubbing on a part that's irritating, a part of your space that's irritating you quite a bit, then that can break the capillaries and the layers of your skin and those can, you know, can lead to a lot of redness.

So that's kind of the first thing we want to look for. And you know, an important distinction here is whether the redness kind of stick around. If the redness is prolonged, then it's definitely you know, capillary - broken capillaries which can be treated.

If it comes and goes, you know, then you might have - be dealing with an issue like rosacea, and that's something that you're going to want to talk to your dermatologist or to your doctor about.

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So let's start with that prolonged redness or those broken capillaries. The one thing that you're going to want to do is make sure to protect your skin. And you can - you know, the biggest kind of issue that comes to mind is exposure to the sun.

And I can't emphasize this enough, especially if you're outside, really kind of choose and select a good sun block that you're comfortable with and really put it on all the time because if you're - if you have redness, that's a sign that your skin is sensitive and you really want to protect it from the sun.

I also talked a little bit about natural elements like chamomile and what those elements are going to do is they're going to strengthen or rebuild those capillary walls.

And so that's another thing that you want to look for on the shelf is natural products with chamomile. I'll also suggest that you go in - if you're having a lot of redness to just go into a professional skin care center that you kind of trust and just talk to a esthetician about it, and they're going to give you some really good recommendations as well.

I guess the last point on the redness is - if it's painful, or if it's really severe, I really recommend seeing a doctor. You don't want to - kind of let it go untreated and just say, "Hey, you know, I'm good to go, its a little redness." You know, go see a doctor, get a checkup and he or she's going to help you out.

The second category of kind of those serious problems out there is acne. And I want to spend a little time on this because a lot of us think that it's kind of something that we go through when we're a teenager, and then we grow out of it.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 57 Return to Table of Content But a lot of adults are experiencing acne, and you know we get a lot gentlemen that come into our place actually and say, "Hey I have these breakouts, but you know what, you know, it's not a big deal," or "You know what, it's just because my skin is oily."

Or some of them just kind of - they learned to live with their acne if it's a little bit more severe and they don't even worry about it. What I kind of want to tell you and what I want to inform you of is that a lot of the times, acne can be cured all together, buy yourself through your basic home care and through checkups with a skin care professional.

Some worse critical cases or severe cases, you'll need to see a doctor. It could be due to hormones and things like that, internal issues like that. But just to speak a little bit about it, acne in most cases is the result of what I was talking about earlier, oil building up with dirt that goes untreated. So if you think about it, if you've never really seen a skin care professional before, if you don't really take care of your skin, you know in terms of what I was talking about earlier is cleansing, toning and moisturizing, then there's dirt and bacteria in your skin and your pores that could possibly have been building up there for months or even years.

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 58 Return to Table of Content And so what happens is, as your body is trying to reject that dirt and oil, and it can result in breakouts and acne. And so you know, something that you can do that's really easy is just to go in and see a skin care professional or an esthetician. And what those people are going to do and you're going to want to look for some good reviews and you're going to want to look for somebody that specializes in it, but if you go get extractions and I talked about this earlier, it's just cleaning out your pores, you're going to see a really, really big decrease in those break outs.

And then you're going to just want to follow it up with again, I go back to those three fundamentals, cleansing, toning and moisturizing and you can basically get rid of acne even as an adult. And so the third and kind of the last issue I wanted to talk about is you know, it's just a little bit more severe - severe issues like rosacea, some of us have blisters or kind of scabbing that doesn't go away or just kind of painful sensitivity on our skin.

And I don't want to talk too much about that because I'm not at a place of authority on that.

All I can say is, please, please go see a doctor about it, or at least talk to a dermatologist about it on the phone, and they're going to really - going to be able to diagnose some of those issues with you by just a conversation. And you're going to want to take care of that now versus later because those problems left untreated can lead to some pretty big issues down the road.

Antonio Centeno: So do you see older men suffering from acne, rosacea? I know you - I'm just wondering what age point - dp you ever grow out of this or is this something that you see 40, 50 year old men suffering from this?

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 59 Return to Table of Content Sam Hossa: So we see quite a bit of adults. Basically in your 20s and 30s if you still have acne that means that you kind of have what's called adult acne.

A lot of times, the oils in our skin and just the natural processes in our skin deteriorate significantly in our 40s and 50s and so older men, you know, it's very rare to see older men with acne, but it still is you know, it still is possible and we do see some men, older men with acne. A lot of times though, Antonio, is we'll see the results of acne left untreated.

And basically what that means is you had acne when you were younger, you didn't do too much in terms of correcting it or treating it, and now you have, you know, possible you might have cysts or you might have really irritated skin that isn't able to repair itself as well. And so that's kind of the - you know, some of the other issues I was talking about that is more prevalent in older men like redness or flaking or you know, cysts and problems like that.

Antonio Centeno: Alright, got it. Okay, so we talked about rosacea, we talked about acne, you also brought up - and do I say this right is it camocille?

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 60 Return to Table of Content Sam Hossa: Oh no, no it's chamomile. Antonio Centeno: Chamomile.

Sam Hossa: Yeah, it's actually spelled, C-H-A-M-O-M-I-L-E. It's actually an herbal tea that you know, you could find in - on the shelf as a tea as well.

Antonio Centeno: Anybody that follows me knows I'm horrible at pronunciation. But I've got chamomile.

Sam Hossa: Chamomile.

Antonio Centeno: Chamomile. Okay, so a lot we covered here. And it sounds like that they're - what you all cover is up to a certain point, and that's when the dermatologist steps in.

And can you talk about - you know, just maybe end this - to go ahead and end this conversation kind of what the - a little bit more of the breakout - who someone should be looking to as an authority because you talked about having a trusted figure for your skin.

But I think most men, we never actually spoken with anyone in this industry and we're a bit hesitant too because many of these type of spas or places, one we don't like to go to the doctors, and we sure as hell aren't going to walk into a place that looks like it's a haven for women.

I mean so that's - I mean probably one of the big stereotypes as men, we're just very hesitant to ask for help here. So can you maybe help us understand the different places where we could go for help?

Sam Hossa: Yeah, absolutely. So skin care for men is still a bit a of - I don't want to say a taboo, but it's not very common here in the States. But I will say this, you know, men in Europe are a lot more likely to go into a day spa or to talk to an esthetician because I think

Ultimate Guide To Men's Skincare – 2nd Edition 2017 – Copyright Real Men Real Style Page 61 Return to Table of Content that they've sort of understood or sort of realize that you know, taking care of your skin doesn't have to be only for women, or it isn't only you know, a cosmetic thing. It's very much linked to health. And so if I were to give you advice, I would say, you know, look it up on Google, of look it up on yelp, and just do a little research and find out, you know, which of those skin care facilities in your local area are geared towards a more clinical approach versus a relaxation, flash spa type situation.

And so you know, as a man, I can definitely understand that you know, you wouldn't be comfortable going into a place that's kind of catered to women.

But there are more and more skin care facilities out there that are catering to men. And so you just want to do a little research and kind of - and ask around, ask you know, other men in your life or other women in your life that might be able to point you in the right direction. They're definitely out there.

Antonio Centeno: Got it. Okay, Sam. Well thank you for your time today. I greatly appreciate it. And you know, to end this, can you go ahead and tell me a little bit more about your business and you know kind of what you guys are doing down there in Austin, Texas and what makes you so qualified to talk about this?

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Sam Hossa: Yeah, absolutely. So I spent a couple of years in Europe. And when we're over there, we saw you know, kind of this big trend of men and women really taking care of their skin and going to the spa not just for relaxation purposes but also for clinical purposes.

And when we moved to the States, my wife and I saw an opportunity to bring that here to the States and bring that to the market. And so we opened in '08, and we really kind of differentiate ourselves as quality care.

And somewhere where both men and women to go and kind of get that European experience and really get the results that they're looking for and not just sort of this relaxation atmosphere, but also a results driven atmosphere.

Antonio Centeno: Perfect. And where can we find you guys on the web?

Sam Hossa: Yeah, we are at, and that's L-E-P- A skincare all in one word.

Antonio Centeno: Got it,, very easy. And I'll link to you in the article and that we'll be supporting this.

And Sam, that's all I have for today, I think we definitely have some other points that we can cover at a later time period, but - this was short, sweet to the point. And Sam, thank you for your time.

Sam Hossa: Yeah, thank you, Antonio.

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