Joseph Goldstein | 456 pages | 18 Nov 2013 | INC | 9781622030637 | English | Louisville, CO, United States : A Practical Guide to Awakening PDF Book

Find us on Facebook. Nov 25, May Ling rated it it was amazing Shelves: cognitive-neuroscience. Mindfulness : A Practical Guide to Awakening. In a book over pages, my first significant criticism doesn't arise until page where, in talking about rapture, he says "In the , there are many stories of people levitating in the air. A treasury of practical advice and insights. The ethical dimension of mindfulness reflects the understanding that mindfulness is always a wholesome state. The Way Leading to the Cessation of Dukkha. I will go back to this book for reference, motivation and guidance again and again. We can be present, or connected to the present moment experience, but with all kinds of different mind states. Very accessible. So in the book and in teaching, I prefer to leave the word untranslated and then to explore the whole range of its meaning, which then makes more sense of what the Buddha meant when he said he teaches just one thing: dukkha and its end. This ability to separate out of free will is powerful. Mindfulness of Activities. I borrowed from the library so didn't have the luxury of time, but I could see myself buying the book and working through a chapter or section a week as a way to deepen my practice. Apr 12, Bobby Jett rated it it was amazing. Jan 27, Mark Legan rated it it was amazing. 2 comments. Not trying to give myself a not-too-subtle compliment there, just saying. Usually when people say, meditate it will call you down, but that is actually slightly off. And here are two expectations every reader can bring to this incomparable and invaluable book: you will finish it with a much richer understanding of mindfulness than when you began it, and you will almost certainly return to its pages again and again in the future to continue enriching that understanding. This could easily be used as a weekly study guide. He dives pages deep into a discourse by the Buddha, the Sutta. So the practice of it, until now, had been drawn more from my teachers than from the text itself. My purpose was to find out about Buddhists' religious beliefs and practices, and I wanted an authoritative source. His line-by-line reading of the sutta in this inquiry opened new levels of understanding of the teachings and how to apply them to practice. The Collected Nature of Mind. Join Our Mailing List. For me, I felt that I was responding most to the aspects of the teachings and explanations that were covering things that my own practice had revealed Having read any number of books about mindfulness and over the years most predating my Goodreads era, btw , I think that Joseph Goldstein's book is certainly one of the very best, if not the best. I have assigned Analayo's book to students of mine who are involved in training to become a dharma teacher and it is brilliant. It may also be the case that that same resonance will be there, based on experience in the world itself without any prior knowledge of mindfulness or or Buddhism, so I guess it depends. Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening Writer

It allows you to see yourself as the other just as you would the other. Joseph Goldstein born is one of the first American vipassana teachers Fronsdal, , co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society IMS with Jack Kornfield and , contemporary author of numerous popular books on Buddhism see publications below , resident guiding teacher at IMS, and leader of retreats worldwide on insight vipassana and lovingkindness metta meditation. It does show you pretty much everything, but it doesn't show the simple stuff simply. But largely everything suggested can be directly practiced and experien Wow. Joseph Goldstein Joseph Goldstein has been leading insight and lovingkindness meditation retreats worldwide since Saurous rated it it was amazing. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. The Cause of Dukkha. My purpose was to find out about Buddhists' religious beliefs and practices, and I wanted an authoritative source. I did not realize what precisely mindfulness was in relationship to meditation. May 14, Mark Monroe rated it it was amazing. NOOK Book. So we interweave times of study and practice, with each enriching the other. So in the book and in teaching, I prefer to leave the word untranslated and then to explore the whole range of its meaning, which then makes more sense of what the Buddha meant when he said he teaches just one thing: dukkha and its end. This a serene state if you ever experience it. My intention was to look at the text very deeply and carefully, in terms of how to put the teachings into practice. Clive F No, I wouldn't recommend this for beginners. Similarly, there is a lot on past-present- and future. I drew a lot on my own practice and the experience of many others over the years. Fantastic, will read again. Mindfulness : A Practical Guide to Awakening. Sharing insights and many helpful hints that have helped shape his own practice, this will help others make mindfulness a life practice. Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening Reviews

We obviously do have a continuous psychological entity based on autobiographical memory where we cultivate meaning and purpose out of our lives so nothing of value is lost in any of this. One of the changes that I made, when I was including actual text in my book, was, for the most part, to leave the word dukkha untranslated. It seems to be the sort of thing that's most effective in a full immersion environment like a meditation retreat Goldstein runs Insight Meditation Society and regularly does retreats or if you can really take time out of a busy schedule to immerse yourself into the practice for a day. Well, now I know. I had enough of the droning of "look directly at your own mind" As it happens, the subject matter, while not what I was looking for, is fascinating and potentially useful. View Product. Worldly Ease. No trivia or quizzes yet. Aug 27, Omar rated it liked it Shelves: spirituality , philosophy. This is a must read. Shortly after starting the book, I found myself trying out some of the techniques, for example, new approaches to meditation. His line-by-line reading of the sutta in this inquiry opened new levels of understanding of the teachings and how to apply them to practice. Once you've been trying meditation for a while, it will deepen your practice, but there are other books out there more suitable for beginners e. You know the saying: There's no time like the present Open Preview See a Problem? Exquisite in detail yet wholly accessible and relevant for the modern student, Mindfulness takes us through a profound study of: Ardency, clear knowing, mindfulness, and concentration—how to develop these four qualities of mind essential for walking the path wisely The Satipatthana refrain—how deeply contemplating the four foundations of mindfulness opens us to bare knowing and continuity of mindfulness Mindfulness of the body, including the breath, postures, activities, and physical characteristics Mindfulness of feelings—how the experience of our sense perceptions influences our inner and outer worlds Mindfulness of mind—learning to recognize skillful and unskillful states of mind and thought Mindfulness of dhammas or categories of experience , including the Five Hindrances, the Six Sense Spheres, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and much more "There is a wealth of meaning and nuance in the experience of mindfulness that can enrich our lives in unimagined ways," writes Goldstein. Community Reviews. Summary: This is a pretty deep book that will take more than 1 reading unless you are already far into your journey. We are not doing anything. Amazing read! See details. I expect to return to this one in the future. Mar 07, Donald rated it it was amazing. This was suggested to me by someone who has practicing meditation for quite a long while. That totally surprised me. Mar 01, Dan Harris rated it it was amazing. We may even recognize it as the present moment experience, but there are key differences between recognition and mindfulness. My awareness is not required, but if I am aware! This book is a serious tome. There is broad guidance, but basically everyone is going to need to find their own path, because in all honesty we are all going to hit different sets of problems in different orders. Joseph Goldstein. More Details In Mindfulness you have the tools to mine these riches for yourself. I may start right over again from page one. Jan 04, Karan Bajaj rated it it was amazing. Is this a book recommended for beginners? My own relationship to Buddhism is still developing. Add to Wishlist. May 02, Beena rated it it was amazing Shelves: Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening Read Online

So this again shows the power of mindfulness in our lives. I have felt like I was levitating many times in meditation, but what we know of physics, this is just not plausible. Since , he has studied and practiced different forms of under eminent teachers from , Burma, and Tibet. The author returns often to teachings of the Buddha, and often also to teachings of various Buddhist authorities, ancient and modern. The only thing which is notable is brief mention of reincarnation few t …more I am also an atheist and in this regard it was not pushing much irrationality. Joseph Goldstein Joseph Goldstein has been leading insight and lovingkindness meditation retreats worldwide since I drew a lot on my own practice and the experience of many others over the years. Join Our Mailing List. Feb 26, Tom rated it it was amazing. IJ: For those who are inclined to include serious study of the suttas as part of their practice, how would you advise them to hold it? This is something that each of us should investigate for ourselves. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. Jan 27, Mark Legan rated it it was amazing. In this groundbreaking book, Knight shows how the Qabalah and its basic diagram, the Tree Once you've been trying meditation for a while, it will deepen your practice, but there are other books out there more suitable for beginners e. However, I learned a lot. I would recommend this to people who have been meditating for a bit and know some of the basic concepts behind Buddhism, and have some interest in learning more about the philosophy to strengthen and guide their practice. Want to Read saving…. I had enough of the droning of "look directly at your own mind" It's the perfect companion to keep on your shelves. Other editions. The book provides in-depth discussion of the five hindrances, the aggregates, the , the noble eightfold paths, and many This is my first modern big book about Buddhism in particular, rather than meditation in particular. Meaning I was questioning myself, my beliefs and trying to comprehend how I could add it in my life. It's not often that you get the opportunity to read a single book that synthesizes spiritual information into a usable, practical, transformational guide to completely shift your life and awaken your potency. JG: Forty-seven talks! Heal the past, increase self-acceptance, and awaken your joy in the present through heartfelt inspirational stories, practical self-help tools, Other Editions 6. Of course I had read the sutta many times before, but my application of it, for many years, was through the particular meditation instructions I received from Munindraji, Goenkaji, and U . This range of meanings may not be included in the general use of the term today. I borrowed from the library so didn't have the luxury of time, but I could see myself buying the book and working through a chapter or section a week as a way to deepen my practice. If you found this article helpful, please consider supporting the work of BCBS. JG: My understanding of what means and how it functions in the mind has expanded greatly. What was the actual motivation, after spending all this time with it? IJ: How many talks did you end up giving? I think sati is like that. I found this very valuable and helpful.

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