

Map Showing The 's Geographic Location


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731 732 APPENDIX 2


The Successive Names of the Institution that is Today Bridgewater College

The Spring Creek Normal School, 1880-1881 The Spring Creek Normal School and Collegiate Institute for Males and Females, 1881-1882 The Normal School, 1882-1889 Bridgewater College, 1889-1924 Bridgewater-Daleville College, 1924-1951 Bridgewater College, 1951- Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 733


The Official Corporate Seals of the College

The seal placed on the college's first B. A. diplomas in 1891 bore the college's name and address and, within the circle, the motto, Omnia cum Dea (All with God).

Bridgewater College Seal (1920) Adopted in 1920. William T. Sanger, the academic dean, and Paul Haynes Bowman, president of the college at the time, conceived the ideas embodied in the seal, and Bessie W. Arnold, the college's teacher of art at the time, designed the seal, which shows a female figure holding a torch, lighting the way to goodness, beauty, usefulness, and truth, represented by the letters G, B, U, and T. The date (1880) is that of the founding of the school.

Bridgewater-Daleville College Seal (1924) The double seal (Bridgewater and Daleville) was adopted in 1924. The Daleville College seal, adopted during the school year 1911-12, was conceived by a Daleville alumnus, Wilsie C. Ikenberry (B. A., 1912), and designed by Ray S. Hylton, also a Daleville graduate (1911). "Haystack Rock", on Tinker Mountain, west of Daleville, shown at the center of the seal, was a favorite picnic spot of Daleville students. "Building on the rock of truth" is the English translation of the Latin words, and 1890 is the year of the founding of the school.

Bridgewater College Seal (1968) Adopted in 1968. Designed by the distinguished artist and Bridgewater alumnus, Isaac J. Sanger. Based on the college's coat of arms, conceived by Clarence E. May, Bridgewater alumnus (1924), and adopted in 1958. In the quadrants formed by the moline cross (a two- headed eagle atop it) are the Fleuri or Flory family coat of arms, an open book, the state flower (dogwood) and bird (cardinal) of Virginia, and the personal seal of Alexander Mack. The Latin words for goodness, truth, beauty, and harmony represent the ideals for which the college stands. 734 APPENDIX 4


The Bridgewater College Coat of Arms

The coat of arms, adopted in 1958, was the product of the ideas and research of a Bridgewater professor, Clarence E. May, and the designing talent of the distinguished artist, Isaac J. Sanger, both men Bridgewater alumni. The emblem features a moline cross (in crimson and gold, Bridgewater's colors) on a shield. In the quadrants formed by the cross are (moving clockwise from the top left) the Fleuri or Flory family coat of arms, an open book, the personal seal of Alexander Mack (a founder of the ), and the Virginia state flower (dogwood) and bird (cardinal). Draped around the shield is a golden ribbon bearing the Latin words for goodness, truth, harmony, and beauty, ideals for which the college stands. The two-headed eagle surmounting the shield is the symbol of the Bridgewater athletic teams. 1

1Based on a report with the TrM, March 1, 1958. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 735


An Act to Incorporate the Virginia Normal School, Rockingham County, Virginia Approved March 3, 18841 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, that Jacob Thomas, Daniel Baker, Levi Garber, John A. Cline, S. A. Shaver, Benjamin Miller, Daniel Hays, Levi A. Wenger, S. H. Myers, E. B. Shaver, Emanuel Hoover, Hamilton Varner, John J. Bowman, Jacob Myers, Samuel Petry, Samuel A. Sanger, John Flory, Samuel Driver, Samuel J. Garber, E. L. Brower, E. D. Kendig, Samuel A. Driver, Daniel Yount, Walter B. Yount, John W. Click, D. T. Click, Joseph A. Miller, Samuel F. Miller, P. S. Miller, D. C. Moomaw, William Nininger, H. M. Garst, William H. Franklin, B. F. Moomaw, J. C. Moomaw, Joseph Click, Noah Beery, Andrew Miller, Daniel Garber, and B. C. Moomaw, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, in the name and style of the ''Virginia Normal School," and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, purchase, receive, possess, hold and sell and dispose of any property real and personal for the use and benefit of said institution, and under their common seal make and establish, from time to time, such rules and by-laws not contrary to the laws of Virginia, as by them shall be thought essential and necessary to the good order and government of said institution and the government of the officers, professors, master, and students thereof.

2. The officers of said institution shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a board of directors; and such agents and assistants as may be deemed necessary by the board of directors.

3. The said President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Board of Directors shall be elected by the said Trustees and their successors, and a majority of the trustees of said institution shall at any time constitute a quorum to do business, unless or when otherwise provided by the by-laws of said institution; and for the purpose of electing such officers and board of directors and for the transaction of any other business pertaining to said institution, that may devolve upon them, the said trustees shall annually hold a meeting at the said institution on the first Monday in September in each year, or such other time as may be designated by the by-laws of said institution.

4. All other officers, agents, or assistants of such institution may be appointed by the President and Board of Directors thereof, as and when the necessity for their service may arise.

5. The powers, duties, obligations, bonds and so forth of the said President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and board of directors may be defined and designated by the by-laws and rules and regulations of the said institution.

1VaActs,1883-84, pp. 286-87. 736 APPENDIX 5

6. All vacancies occurring in the forty trustees aforesaid, by resignation, death or otherwise, may be filled by appointment by the President and Board of Directors of said institution, at any of its regular annual meetings; and the time of its meetings, whether annual or special, may also be designated and regulated by said by-laws.

7. The originators and friends of said institution, having already purchased, received, and acquired real and personal property for its use and benefit and received conveyances, gifts, transfers and subscriptions of money and property to themselves, in the name of the ''Virginia Normal School," and in the same name, made contracts, received contributions, built houses, appointed officers, professors, teachers, agents, and so forth, and have put said school or institution into operation, it is further enacted that full and complete force and validity be and hereby is imparted and given to the said deeds, grants, gifts, subscriptions, contributions, transfers and conveyances; and that the said Trustees shall hold and control the same as effectually as if this charter or act of incorporation had been made, granted or enacted previously to the date of such deeds, grants, gifts, subscriptions, contributions, transfers and conveyances; and that in like manner full and complete validity is given to the contracts and appointments and other acts aforesaid.

8. And all rights, powers, privileges, exemptions and immunities secured by the laws of Virginia to like or institutions are also hereby granted to the said Normal School of Virginia hereby incorporated, subject in all respects to the laws of Virginia in such case made and provided.

9. This act shall be in force from its passage. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 737


Amendments and Restatements of the Act of Incorporation The documents that follow are among the papers with Charter 584, in the office of the State Corporation Commission of Virginia in Richmond.

The following amendment to the Virginia Normal School's charter of 1884, after getting approval, was admitted to record on July 12, 1889.

1889 In the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, in vacation:


Upon application made to me by the trustees of the Virginia Normal School praying for a change of the name of said school to the "Bridgewater College," as set forth in their certificate and petition hereto annexed, it is adjudged, ordered and decreed that the name of the said Virginia Normal School be, and hereby is changed to the name of the Bridgewater College, and that the said school shall hereafter be known by the name of the Bridgewater College, and in that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall in all other respects be vested with all the rights, powers and privileges, and subject to all the provisions contained in the said charter incorporating the said Virginia Normal School, and shall also have and enjoy all other rights, powers and privileges enjoyed by other similar colleges in Virginia, and this decree shall take effect from the date of its recordation, as required by the law pertaining to the recordation of charters.

Given under my hand as Judge of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County this 24th day of June 1889. William McLaughlin

The following additional amendment to the school's charter, after being approved, was admitted to record on November 5, 1895.

1895 In the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, sitting in term:


Upon application made to me by the five surviving trustees of the "Bridgewater College," who have not resigned and are still in office, praying for the reduction of the number of the trustees of said college from forty, the number mentioned in its original charter, down to five, as ordered by the old board of trustees by its resolution of March 20, 1894, for the more convenient dispatch of business, as set forth in their certificate and petition hereto annexed, 738 APPENDIX 6

bearing date on the 22nd day of October, 1895, it is adjudged, ordered and decreed that the number of trustees of the said college shall hereafter be but five, instead of forty, as heretofore. And that W. B. Yount, James A. Fry, John W. Miller, Samuel F. Miller, and George W. Thomas, members of the German Baptist Brethren Church, are hereby appointed sole trustees of said college, together with their successors in office as such trustees, who shall also be members of said church. The said college being the property of members of said church and wholly under their management and control, and it is intended that it shall remain so. Given under my hand as judge of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, sitting in term, this 25th day of October 1895.

William McLaughlin

1904 On October 30, 1903, the Bridgewater College Board of Trustees adopted a charter for the college embodying certain "amendments and alterations," as given below, and presented it to the State Corporation Commission of Virginia for approval. On February 23, 1904, Beverly T. Crump, Chairman, State Corporation Commission, giving his approval, certified the document to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia for recordation.

BRIDGEWATER COLLEGE CHARTER AS AMENDED 1st. That the school of learning for the instruction of youths, and adults, in the various branches of education, including the various branches of science and literature, the useful arts, and the learned and foreign languages, now located at or near Bridgewater, in Rockingham County, Virginia, shall be known and called by the name of "Bridgewater College."

2nd. That Samuel F. Miller, James A. Fry, John W. Miller, John A. Wenger, and W. B. Yount, all of Bridgewater, Virginia, be and they are hereby constituted trustees of said college, who, and their successors, shall be a body politic and corporate, by the name of "The Trustees of Bridgewater College," who shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and by the name aforesaid they are, and their successors shall be capable in law to possess, purchase, receive, and retain to them and their successors, forever any lands, tenements, rents, goods, chattels, or interest of any kind whatsoever which may have already been given, or by them purchased, or may hereafter be given or by them purchased, for the use of said college, to receive and hold in trust any property or estate which may be given, granted, devised, bequeathed or otherwise conveyed to them for any special or specific purpose in connection with the operations of said college; to erect, establish and maintain upon any such lands or tenements such schools, academies, or other institutions of learning for the instruction of youths as to them may seem desirable, and to dispose of them in any way whatsoever they shall adjudge most useful for the interests and legal purposes of the institution; to give bonds, notes, or other evidences of debt and to secure the same by deeds of trust upon the property of the college, or other institutions connected therewith, and by the same name, to wit: "The Trustees of Bridgewater College," to sue and implead, be sued and impleaded, answer and be answered, in all courts of law and equity, and under their common seal to make and establish, from time to time, such by-laws, rules, and ordinances, not contrary to the laws and constitution of this Commonwealth, as shall by them be thought essential to the good order Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 739

and government of the professors, teachers, officers and students of said college, schools, academies, or other institutions established by them under the authority of this charter.

3rd. It shall be lawful for the Trustees, or those in whom the legal title stands, of the property held by or for the "Virginia Normal School," or the ''Bridgewater College," at this time to convey the same to "The Trustees of Bridgewater College."

4th. That said Board of Trustees shall never be less than five nor more than twenty, one of whom shall be elected by the Board, President thereof; and no person shall be eligible to membership in said Board of Trustees who shall not be a member of the German Baptist Church.

5th. The President of the college and each of the Trustees, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall severally take the following affirmation, to be administered by any one duly qualified to administer an oath, that is to say: "I, ------~ do affirm that I will, to the best of my skill and judgment, discharge the duties required of me as a trustee (or president) of Bridgewater College, according to the charter of incorporation and by-laws adopted by the Trustees of Bridgewater College, without partiality, favor or affection."

6th. The President, or Vice President, of the Board and four [other] trustees shall, at any time, form a quorum for transaction of any business, and should there be at any meeting less than five, they shall have the power of adjournment from day to day, or to any future day, until a quorum shall be had.

7th. The trustees shall elect the President, professors, and such other officers as they may judge necessary for the purposes of the institution, and fix their compensation. 8th. The said trustees, or any five of them, shall have full power and authority to meet, at such times as they shall think necessary, for the examination of any candidate for literary degrees, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to confer such degrees on such persons as in their opinion shall merit the same, in as ample a manner as any other college of this Commonwealth can do, and under their common seal to grant testimonials thereof, signed by the president of the faculty of the institution and by five of the trustees at least.

9th. The said trustees, or a quorum of them, shall annually select a treasurer for said college, who shall give bond, with approved security, payable to "The Trustees of Bridgewater College," conditioned faithfully to discharge the duties of said office, and shall, at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, and oftener ifrequired by the trustees, or a quorum of them, render a full and accurate statement of all moneys, goods, and chattels received and expended by him on account of and for the use of said college.

10th. The said trustees, or a quorum of them, shall have the power to remove or suspend the president, or any of the professors, teachers, or other officers, at any time, for good cause; and, two-thirds of the trustees concurring, to remove any of the trustees for good cause, and to supply the vacancy occasioned by such removal; and when there sha,11 be a vacancy occasioned by death, removal, resignation, or refusal to act, the remaining trustees, or a quorum of them, shall supply the vacancy. Provided, however, that such action for removal or suspension shall only be at a meeting of the trustees, of which each trustee shall have had reasonable notice of the time and place, or an adjourned meeting thereof. 740 APPENDIX 6

11th. There shall be annual stated meetings of the said Board of Trustees, at the college, and at such other times and places as the said Board of Trustees may appoint; or the president of said Board may call [a meeting], after reasonable notice to each of said trustees; and it shall be lawful for the president of the college, or in case of his death, removal, resignation, or refusal to act, the professors and teachers for the time being, or a majority of them, to call a meeting of the trustees, when he or they, as the case may be, shall deem it expedient.

12th. Whenever any trustee shall absent himself from three successive meetings of the Board of Trustees, having been duly notified of such meetings, without assigning a sufficient reason at the fourth, the trustees of said college, or quorum of them, shall have power, by entry on their minutes, to declare his seat vacant, and proceed to the election of a new trustee to supply such vacancy.

For the purpose of having the said charter amended as aforesaid, this certificate is now executed by W. B. Yount, President of Bridgewater College, and under the seal of said corporation and attested by J. A. Wenger, its Secretary, and duly acknowledged by both of them.

(Seal) W. B. Yount J. A. Wenger President Secretary October 30, 1903

1924 On June 3, 1924, the Bridgewater College Board of Trustees adopted an amended charter for the college, given below, and submitted it to the State Corporation Commission of Virginia for approval. On July 15, 1924, the commission gave its approval, and certified the document to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia for recordation.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Bridgewater College (a corporation) that it is advisable to amend the charter of the said corporation, so that the same shall read as follows:

1st. That the following: [27 trustees, 16 representing the Bridgewater College territory and 11 the Daleville College territory] ... and their successors chosen as herein provided shall be a body corporate under the name of Bridgewater-Daleville College.

2nd. That the principal office of this corporation shall be located at Bridgewater, Virginia.

3rd. That the purpose of this corporation shall be to conduct the institution of learning for the instruction of students in various branches of education now located at Bridgewater, Rockingham County, Virginia, known as Bridgewater College, and the institution of learning now located at Daleville, Botetourt County, Virginia, and known as Daleville College, which institutions shall hereafter be known by such names as may be determined by the Board of Trustees chosen under the provisions of this charter; ... the said Board shall have all rights and other privileges which similar corporations have under the laws of the State of Virginia, provided that the majority of the faculties of the institutions of learning conducted under this charter shall be members of the Church of the Brethren [this requirement does not appear in the college's charter as revised in 1951]; ... the management of this corporation shall, at all times, be vested in a Board of Trustees of not less than fifteen, nor more than thirty members, Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 741

... and shall be elected as follows: eight trustees shall be chosen by the temporary board [of trustees] hereinbefore mentioned, four of whom are to be from the Bridgewater region and four from the Daleville region, due recognition being given to alumni representation, and the remaining trustees shall be elected by the church districts of the Church of the Brethren in such manner and from such territory as may be prescribed by the by-laws of this corporation. After such trustees have been elected, any vacancy occurring shall be filled by the district from which such trustee was chosen, or by the Board of Trustees itself, if the vacancy is among those originally selected by such Board, or if the vacancy is not filled by the district. That at least four-fifths of the said Board of Trustees shall be members of the Church of the Brethren. That the President, or Vice President of the Board, and ten trustees shall, at any time, form a quorum for the transaction of any business .... 4th. The names and residences of the Trustees ... are as set forth in the "First" hereinbefore paragraph.

5th. The duration of this corporation shall be unlimited.

6th. The amount of real estate to which the 'holdings of this corporation are limited is one thousand acres.

1951 On March 5, 1951, the Bridgewater-Daleville College Board of Trustees adopted an amended charter for the college, given below, and submitted it to the State Corporation Commission of Virginia for approval. On June 1, 1951, the commission gave its approval, and ordered that the document be admitted to record.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Bridgewater-Daleville College, ... that the existing corporate charter of the corporation be amended, and, as amended, to read as follows:

1. The name of the corporation shall be BRIOCEWATER COLLEGE.

2. The principal office of the corporation shall be located at Bridgewater, Virginia.

3. The purposes for which the corporation was formed, and for which it is to be continued, are to conduct an institution of higher learning for the instruction of students in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences, and to confer appropriate degrees upon and grant suitable testimonials to such persons as may from time to time become sufficiently proficient to merit the same.

4. The management of the affairs of the corporation shall, at all times, be vested in a Board of Trustees composed of not more than thirty, nor less than fifteen members, one of whom shall be elected by and from each of the church districts of the Southeastern Region of the Church of the Brethren, the remainder of whom shall be elected at large by said Board of Trustees, and at least four-fifths (4/5) of which members of said Board of Trustees shall be members of the Church of the Brethren. Any vacancy occurring on said Board of Trustees shall be filled [in the same manner as under the charter as amended in 1924] ...

5. The names and addresses of the trustees, 29 in number, ...

6. The period for the duration of the corporation shall be unlimited. 742 APPENDIX 6

7. The amount of real estate to which the holdings of the corporation are at any time to be limited shall be five thousand (5,000) acres.

8. This corporation shall have the right, power and authority, acting through and under the management of said Board of Trustees, to do and perform the following matters and things: [as stated previously] ...

1957 On June 3, 1957, the Bridgewater College Board of Trustees adopted an amended charter for the college, given below, and submitted it to the State Corporation Commission of Virginia for approval. On June 28, 1957, the commission gave its approval, and ordered that the document be admitted to record.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Bridgewater College, ... this 3rd day of June, 1957, that the existing corporate charter of this corporation, as heretofore amended, be further amended, and, as so amended, to read as follows:

A. The name of the corporation shall be BRIDGEWATER COLLEGE.

B. The purposes for which the corporation was formed, ...

C. The corporation shall have no members.

D. The management of the affairs of the corporation shall at all times be vested in a Board of Trustees composed of not more than thirty-five, nor less than twenty members, ... [to be chosen in the manner prescribed in the college's charter as revised in 1951, at least four-fifths of them to be members of the Church of the Brethren]. The terms of office of said trustees shall be five years.

E. This corporation shall have and exercise all rights, powers and privileges conferred upon and enjoyed by similar corporations under the general laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, ...

F. The names and addresses of the trustees, 30 in number, ...

[The other charter provisions are the same as those in the amended charter of 1951].

1969 On April 12, 1969, the Bridgewater College Board of Trustees adopted "Restated Articles of Incorporation of Bridgewater College," given below, and submitted them to the State Corporation Commission of Virginia for approval. On April 21, 1969, the commission gave its approval, and ordered that the articles be admitted to record.


B. PURPOSES: The purposes for which the corporation was formed, and for which it is to be continued, are to conduct an institution of higher learning for the instruction of students in Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 743 the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences, and to confer appropriate degrees upon and grant suitable testimonials to such persons as may, from time to time, become sufficiently proficient to merit the same.

Any provision of these articles of incorporation to the contrary notwithstanding, the corporation has been organized and shall be operated at all times exclusively for educational purposes. No part of its net income or assets shall inure to the benefit of any individual; no substantial part of its activities shall consist of carrying on propaganda or other attempts to influence legislation; and it shall not participate, or intervene, in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office.

C. MEMBERS: The corporation shall have no members.

D. TRUSTEES: The management of the affairs of the corporation shall at all times be vested in a Board of Trustees, which shall be elected by the trustees in office from time to time. The number of trustees shall be fixed by the by-laws, and in the absence of a by-law fixing the number, the number shall be 36.

All trustees shall be elected by the trustees in office from time to time for terms extending until the fifth annual meeting from the date of the annual meeting at which he or she was elected, and until his or her successor shall be elected, provided that trustees shall be divided into classes of approximately equal number, so that the terms of one class shall expire each year, and provided, further, that each trustee now in office shall continue in office until the annual meeting of the trustees in the year in which his or her current term expires, and until his or her successor shall have been elected.

E. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Board of Trustees shall elect an Executive Committee in the manner provided in the by-laws. The Executive Committee shall have the authority and power to act on all matters which may arise between meetings of the Board of Trustees, except to approve an amendment of the articles of incorporation, or a plan of merger or consolidation, or to dissolve the corporation. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported in its minutes, which shall be sent to each member of the Board of Trustees and submitted to the Board for approval at its next meeting.

F. DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY UPON DISSOLUTION: Upon dissolution of the corporation, its net assets shall be distributed in accordance with a plan of distribution adopted pursuant to the Virginia Non-Stock Corporation Act, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, exclusively to one or more corporations or organizations engaged in activities substantially similar to those of the corporation which are, at the time, exempt from Federal income taxes. 744 APPENDIX 7


The Trustees of The Spring Creek Normal School and Collegiate Institute for Males and Females, 1881-1882 The Virginia Normal School, 1882-1889 Bridgewater College, 1889-1924 Bridgewater-Daleville College, 1924-1951 Bridgewater College, 1951-1980 The institution had no board of trustees until May, 1881. Records show that 251 persons served as trustees during the years 1881-1980. The board of trustees was a self-perpetuating body, 1881-1904, and has been since 1969. From 1904 to 1924, the trustees were chosen in Church of the Brethren district meetings within the college's constituency. From 1924to1969, some were chosen in those district meetings and the others by the trustee board. Since 1969, all have been chosen by the board itself. Some trustees represented church districts, some the college's alumni association (AlumA), while others were trustees at large. The same person, at different times, could be a trustee in each of those three categories. Church districts chose no college trustees prior to 1904, and have chosen none since 1969. Some of the trustees representing church districts were trustees at large at other times. The 14 church districts that had representatives on the college's board of trustees by 1944 are listed below with their abbreviations:

lstVa: First Virginia EMd: Eastern Maryland 2dVa: Second Virginia MMd: Middle Maryland NVa: Northern Virginia WMd: Western Maryland EVa: Eastern Virginia Mardela: Maryland (east of Chesapeake Bay) and Delaware SVa: Southern Virginia TennAla: Tennessee and Alabama 1st WVa: First West Virginia Carolina: North and South Carolina 2dWVa: Second West Virginia FlaGa: Florida and Georgia During the years 1965-71, the 14 church districts listed above were reduced to six listed below with their abbreviations:

WMarva: West Marva Virlina: Virlina MidAtl: Mid-Atlantic SE: Southeastern Shen: Shenandoah FlaPR: Florida-Puerto Rico Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 745

In the listing below, the trustees at large are those who have no abbreviation opposite their names. Whenever possible, each trustee's term of service is dated from the time of his or her installation as a member of the trustee board. For the names and terms of service of the trustees of the years 1881-92, the school's catalogues are the only available source, since for those years trustee board minutes are lacking. For trustees of the years 1892-1904, the board's minutes are the most reliable source; for trustees of the years 1904-24, minutes of the church district meetings that chose the trustees; for trustees of the years 1924-69, church district meeting minutes and trustee board minutes; for trustees of the years since 1969, minutes of the trustee board. Annon, Zachariah Thornton, W. Va. 2dWVa 1904-14 Arey, Stuart F. Port Republic, Va. NVa 1916-20 Arnold, Arthur W. Pleasant Dale, W. Va. AlumA 1917-21 Arnold, Daniel B. Burlington, W. Va. 1885-94 Arnold, George S. Burlington, W. Va. 1stWVa 1904-31 Ausherman, Ernest W. Frederick, Md. 1970- Auvil, A. C. Thornton, W. Va. 2dWVa 1922-27

Bail,S. W. Arcadia, Fla. FlaGa 1926-29; 1944-46 Baker, Daniel Stephensburg, Va. 1881-94 Bane, W.W. Burlington, W. Va. AlumA 1921-22 Beahm, Isaac N. H. Trevilian, Va. EVa 1913-24 Beery, Noah W. Edom, Va. 1884-94 Bennett, Jacob M. Wyoming, Del. Mardela 1947-55 Bixler, Edward C. New Windsor, Md. EMd 1929-33 Blough, Elijah E. Manassas, Va. AlumA; EVa 1921-32; 1933-38 Blough, L. Katherine Flory Penn Laird, Va. 1947-57 Bollinger, David L. Sebring, Fla. Fla Ga 1968-79 Bonsack, David D. Westminster, Md. 1890-92 Bower, Mark Orlando, Fla. Fla Ga 1950-68 Bowman, John J. Broadway, Va. 1881-94 Bowman, Levi A. Boones Mill, Va. SVa 1924-28 Bowman, Price E. Bassett, Va. SVa 1947-52 Bowman, Rufus D. Washington, D. C. 1936-37 Bowman, Samuel J. Jonesboro, Tenn. TennAla 1924-32 Bowman, Samuel M. Linville, Va. 2dVa; NVa 1905-19 Bowman, Sidney L. Cowans, Va. 2dVa 1904-25 Bowman, Solomon I. Harrisonburg, Va. NVa 1915-32 Bowman, Warren D. Washington, D. C. EMd 1943-48 Brower, Enoch L. Waynesboro, Va. 1881-94 Brown, William L. Johnstown, Iowa 1976-86 Bryan, George E. Dayton, Va. 1975-85

Caricofe, Ami Stover's Shop, Va. 1885-94 746 APPENDIX 7

Carter, Leonard C. Bassett, Va. SVa 1941-47 Clayton, Dorsey A. Kasson, W. Va. 2dWVa 1958-66 Clayton, Fred R. Nestorville, W. Va. 2dWVa 1944-53 Click, Charles A. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1931-32 Click, Daniel T. Dayton, Va. 1881-94 Click, John W. Bridgewater, Va. 1881-90 Click, Joseph Bridgewater, Va. 1884-94 Cline, John A. Stuarts Draft, Va. 1881-93 Clingenpeel, Marvin E. Boones Mill, Va. SVa 1935-41 Coffman, Luther C. Daleville, Va. AlumA 1924-26 Conner, Alvin E. Manassas, Va. 1976- Cox, Violet Siron Harrisonburg, Va. 1978- Craun, Harold W. Roanoke, Va. 1stVa 1960-68 Cronk, G. Arnold Princeton, N. J. 1978-83 Crumpacker, William P. Roanoke, Va. 1stVa 1924-32

Denton, Theodore C. Daleville, Va. 1890-94 Derr, John A. Frederick, Md. EMd 1956-63; 1965-70 Dillon, John B. Bassett, Va. 1940-66 Dove, Frederick D., Jr. Hagerstown, Md. MMd 1952-76 Dove, John A. Cloverdale, Va. 1stVa 1924-32 Driver, Frank S. Weyers Cave, Va. 1937-50- Driver, Harry A. Weyers Cave, Va. 1969-74 Driver, Samuel New Hope, Va. 1881-94 Driver, Samuel A. Mt. Sidney, Va. 1881-93

Early, George A. Westminster, Md. EMd 1933-43 Early, Henry C. Meyerhoeffer's Store, Va. 2dVa 1891-94; 1904-5 Eller, Henry C. Boones Mill, Va. SVa 1932-35 Eller, John W. Salem, Va. 1stVa 1885-94 Evans, Abraham J. Scherr, W. Va. WMarva 1977-82 Evers, Daniel L. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1919-30

Fifer, C. Frederick, Jr. Wyoming, Del. Mardela 1955-60 Fifer, Jesse S. Ridgely, Md. Mardela 1944-47 Fike, Ezra Eglon, W. Va. AlumA; 1stWVa 1922-42 Fike, Galen E. Eglon, W. Va. 1stWVa; 1962-72 WMarva Fike, J. Rogers Oakland, Md. WMd 1961-63 Flora, Berkley T. Boones Mill, Va. SVa 1929-32 Flory, Daniel C. New Hope, Va. 2dVa 1904-14 Flory, John Bridgewater, Va. 1881-91 Flory, Walter S., Jr. Winston-Salem, N. C. 1958-78 Franklin, William H. Sam's Creek, Md. 1884-94 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 747

Fry, James A. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1889-1919

Garber, Daniel Dayton, Va. 1882-94 Garber, D. Wilmer Woodbridge, Va. 1951-70 Garber, John A. Washington, D. C. EMd 1929-33 Garber, J. Manley Woodbridge, Va. 1970- Garber, Levi Mt. Sidney, Va. 1881-91 Garber, Orval S. Roanoke, Va. lstVa 1955-60 Garber, Samuel J. New Hope, Va. 1881-94 Garber, Solomon Bridgewater, Va. 1881 Gardner, Harry M. Arlington, Va. MidAtl 1968-72 Garst, Henry M. Salem, Va. 1882-93 Garst, Levi Salem, Va. lstVa 1924-27 Garst, Samuel H. Blountville, Tenn. TennAla 1924-32 Geisert, Wayne F. Bridgewater, Va. 1969- Glick, John T. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1939-64 Glick, Ray E. McGaheysville, Va. Shen 1973-82 Glick, Simon D. Dayton, Va. 1954-68 Gochenour, David T. Stuarts Draft, Va. 2dVa 1926-30 Griffith, Holt Relief, N. C. Carolina 1955-59 Groff, Paul L. Finksburg, Md. MidAtl 1977-82 Groseclose, William H. Dayton, Va. 1974-

Harley, Samuel A. Union Bridge, Md. EMd 1948-53 Harsh, Norman L. Woodstock, Va. Shen 1967-73 Harshbarger, Charles P. Port Republic, Va. NVa 1921-48 Hartman, Paul J. Nashville, Tenn. 1978-82 Hatcher, W. Wallace Broadway, Va. AlumA 1973- Hays, Daniel Moore's Store, Va. 1881-94 Hersch, Harold H. Manassas, Va. AlumA 1969-73 Hersch, Orville R. Manassas, Va. EVa 1944-48; 1953-63 Hershey, Lester B. Staunton, Va. 1970- Holsinger, Amos S. A. Burlington, W. Va. lstWVa 1943-57 Hooker, Olive Maust Nokesville, Va. EVa 1948-53 Hooker, Walter R. Nokesville, Va. AlumA 1917-21 Hoover, Emanuel Timberville, Va. 1881-87 Hoover, Ferne R. Timberville, Va. 1954-70 Hoover, John H. Timberville, Va. NVa 1919-44 Hoover, Roy M. Roanoke, Va. lstVa 1927-40 Horst, Aaron M. Hagerstown, Md. MMd 1931-65 Houff, Cletus E. Mt. Sidney, Va. 1976-86 Huff, B. W. Ft. Defiance, Va. 2dVa 1931 748 APPENDIX 7

Ikenberry, John W. Daleville, Va. lstVa 1924-49

Jordan, Elmer A. Bridgewater, Va. 1944-57

Kagey, Joseph M. Dayton, Va. 2dVa; NVa 1906-15 Keeler, James L. Timberville, Va. 1974- Kendig, Emanuel D. Fishersville, Va. 1881-94 Kinzie, Letcher N. Salem, Va. AlurnA; lstVa 1927-32 Kline, John M. Manassas, Va. EVa 1938-43 Kline, John M., Jr. Mt. Crawford, Va. NVa 1961-76 Kurtz, Charles F. Staunton,.va. 2dVa 1964-74

Landis, H. M. Seffner, Fla. Fla Ga 1940-43 Lantz, Charles D. Broadway, Va. 1958-73 Layman, Ira D. Daleville, Va. 1975-89 Layman, Lowell N. Cloverdale, Va. 1932-71 Layman, Rufus G. Cloverdale, Va. lstVa 1924-32 Leatherman, Edgar A. Rada, W. Va. 1940-45 Lindsay, Ronald W. Harrisonburg, Va. 1968-74 Long, Charles E. Penn Laird, Va. NVa 1910-16 Long, Malcolm A. Baltimore, Md. 1944-64

MacNabb, Richard R. Washington, D. C. 1971-80 May, Arlene Ringgold Timberville, Va. 1958- McKinney, Robert M. Wilmington, Del. 1956-76 Miller, Andrew Harrisonburg, Va. 1884-94 Miller, Aubrey D. Roanoke, Va. 1951-65 Miller, Benjamin Greenmount, Va. 1881-86 Miller, Clayton B. Melvin Hill, N. C. Carolina 1925-26; 1933-52 Miller, D. E. Sebring, Fla. FlaGa 1929-39 Miller, Garland F. Bridgewater, Va. 1965-85 Miller, Hiram G. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1906-28 Miller, James Carson Moore's Store, Va. 2dVa 1895-98; 1904-5 Miller, John Mt. Sidney, Va. 1881 Miller, John D. Bridgewater, Va. AlurnA; 2dVa 1917-46 Miller, John W. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1890-1910 Miller, Joseph A. Sangerville, Va. 1882-84 Miller, Martin P. Spring Creek, Va. 1881-83 Miller, Peter S. Bridgewater, Va. 1882-94 Miller, Russell Arlington, Va. EVa 1963-78 Miller, Samuel D. Mt. Sidney, Va. 2dVa 1915-32 Miller, Samuel F. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1882-1906 Mitchell, S. Earl Hagerstown, Md. MMd 1951 Moomaw, Benjamin C. Green Forest, Va. 1884-90 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 749

Moomaw, Benjamin F. Bonsacks, Va. 1884-90 Moomaw, Daniel C. Roanoke, Va. 1882-90 Moomaw, John C. Cloverdale, Va. 1884-86 Moomaw, Leland C. Roanoke, Va. AlumA; lstVa 1924-67 Moyers, James W. Broadway, Va. 1958-69 Mullendore, J. Lee Hagerstown, Md. 1960-75 Muntzing, H. Gus Moorefield, W. Va. 1947-77 Myers, Isaac C. Greenmount, Va. 1887-94 Myers, Jacob Cherry Grove, Va. 1881-87 Myers, John C. Broadway, Va. AlumA;NVa 1917-62 Myers, Samuel H. Timberville, Va. 1881-94 Myers, Walter A. N okesville, Va. EVa 1912-13

Naff, Wesley W. Boones Mill, Va. SVa 1956-67 Neff, Benjamin W. Quicksburg, Va. 1889-94 Neff, Edward E. Oakton, Va. EVa 1925-33 Nininger, Nathan Roanoke, Va. 1882 Nininger, R. Douglas Roanoke, Va. 1stVa 1940-55; 1958-78 Nininger, William G. Daleville, Va. 1884-89

Obenshain, Richard D. Midlothian, Va. 1976-78

Petcher, Glen W. Citronelle, Ala. TennAla 1957-63 Petcher, Paul W. Chatom, Ala. TennAla;SE 1964- Petcher, Rhett R. Kingsport, Tenn. TennAla 1963-64 Petry, Samuel Good's Mill, Va. 1881; 1884-86 Phillips, George A. Waynesboro, Va. 1885-93 Poling, H. 0. Kasson, W. Va. 2dWVa 1953-58 Pritchett, John A. Nashville, Tenn. TennAla 1937-57

Quarles, J. Carson Daleville, Va. Virlina 1978-82

Reed, Robert A. Sparta, N. C. Carolina 1952-55 Reed, Samuel P. Floyd, Va. SVa 1924-32 Replogle, Jacob F. Baltimore, Md. EMd 1953-56 Resser, Charles E. Washington, D. C. 1937-43 Richardson, T. Simon Miami, Fla. FlaGa 1946-50 Rieley, Joe G. Blacksburg, Va. SVa; Virlina 1967-77 Riggs, Samuel N. Virginia Beach, Va. 1973-75 Rinehart, Charles F. Campobello, S. C. Carolina; SE 1967-72 Rittenhouse, Frank C. Timonium, Md. 1968-88 Robinson, Paul M. Hagerstown, Md. MMd 1949-50 Rohrer, F. C. Jefferson, N. C. Carolina 1926-33 Ross,J. F. Grafton, W. Va. 2dWVa 1914-16 Row, AlvaJ. Junior, W. Va. 2dWVa 1944-45 750 APPENDIX 7

Row, George S. Richmond, Va. 2dWVa 1940-43 Row, William Harold Junior, W. Va. 2dWVa 1932-38 Rowland, Harry R. Hagerstown, Md. MMd 1930-49 Royer, Robert D. Richmond, Va. 1966-80

Sanger, Samuel A. Meyerhoeffer' s Store, Va. 1881-94 Sanger, Samuel F. Bridgewater, Va. 1881-83 Sanger, William H. Vienna, Va. EVa 1911-24 Sanger, William T. Richmond, Va. 1951-65 Scott, Harvey H. Harrisonburg, Va. 1969-84 Scruggs, Jack Campobello, S. C. Carolina 1959-63 Seese, Norman A., Jr. Easton, Md. Mardela 1960-75 Senger, Isaac C. Linville, Va. NVa 1929-61 Shaffer, J. B. Nestorville, W. Va. 2dWVa 1916-20 Shaver, Emanuel B. Maurertown, Va. 1881-84 Shaver, Herman A. Lakeland, Fla. 1936-47 Shaver, Milton H. Mt. Sidney, Va. 2dVa 1906-12 Shaver, Samuel A. Maurertown, Va. 1881-94 Simpson, Loren S. Westminster, Md. EMd 1963-85 Sipe, William H. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1904-10 Slaubaugh, Melvin Kingwood, W. Va. lstWVa 1957-62 Smith, C. B. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1928-31 Smith, Rodney I. Midland, Va. 1980- Smucker, S. C. Timberville, Va. 1887-90 Snell, George W. Dayton, Va. 1891-94 Speicher, Henry M. Accident, Md. WMd 1929-49 Speicher, Ross Accident, Md. WMd 1949-56 Spoerlein, Ernest C. Oakland, Md. WMd 1956-61; 1963-86 Stone, Barbara C. Bassett, Va. 1979- Stone, Phillip C. Harrisonburg, Va. 1975- Strickler, Robert L. Westernport, Md. WMarva 1972-77 Strickler, Virginia Garber Luray, Va. 1936-53 Cole

Thomas, Chester A. Brandonville, W. Va. lstWVa 1931-32 Thomas, George W. Bridgewater, Va. 1890-95 Thomas, Jacob Spring Cre~k, Va. 1881-90 Thomas, Peter S. Harrisonburg, Va. NVa 1910-29

Valentine, T. F. Catawba, W. Va. 2dWVa 1927-32 Varner, Hamilton Stony Man, Va. 1881-84

Wampler, Charles W. Harrisonburg, Va. 1937-67 Wampler, David Good's Mill, Va. 1887-94 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 751

Wampler, Guy E. Bassett, Va. SVa 1952-56 Wampler, John B. Dayton, Va. 1958-69 Wampler, John M. Penn Laird, Va. 2dVa 1905-6 Wampler, Joseph Paul Manassas, Va. AlumA 1971- Weaver, Winston 0. Harrisonburg, Va. 1963-89 Wenger, John A. Bridgewater, Va. 2dVa 1898-1906 Wenger, Levi A. Long Glade, Va. 1881-91 Wetsel, Nelson T. Harrisonburg, Va. 1974- White, John B. Nashville, Tenn. TennAla 1932-37 Wine, 0. Walton, Jr. Harrisonburg, Va. 1978-83 Wine, R. Lowell Roanoke, Va. 1stVa 1968-85 Wine, William E. Parker, Va. 1951-55 Wolfe, Arthur J. Sebring, Fla. FlaPR 1979-82 Wyant, Henry C. Spartanburg, S. C. Carolina 1963-67

Yount, Daniel Koiner's Store, Va. 1881-85 Yount, Samuel Crimora, Va. 1890-94 Yount, Walter B. Bridgewater, Va. 1881-1904

Zigler, David H. Broadway, Va. 2dVa; NVa 1904-11 Zigler, Howard S. Timberville, Va. 1937-51 Zigler, Jacob S. Westminster, Md. MidAtl 1972-77

A number of the trustees attained the status of "trustee emeritus," or (since 1975) "life trustee."

Honorary Trustees (Down to 1980)

Aldhizer, George S., II Broadway, Va. 1976-86 Blough, Cannan G. Bridgewater, Va. 1975-81 Byrd, Harry F., Jr. Winchester, Va. 1977- Kline, Wilmer M. Manassas, Va. 1976-93 APPENDIX 8

Officers of the Institution's Board of Trustees, 1881-19801

PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Jacob Thomas, 1881-86 Daniel Hays, 1881-84 Samuel F. Sanger, 1881-83 Samuel A. Shaver, 1883-84 John C. Moomaw, 1884-85 John W. Click, 1884-88 John Flory, 1884-86 Daniel Hays, 1885-86 John Flory, 1886-88 Benjamin F. Moomaw, 1886-87 Daniel Hays, 1886-87 Daniel C. Moomaw, 1887-88 Samuel F. Miller, 1887-94 Samuel Driver, 1888-94 Daniel B. Arnold, 1888-90 Emanuel D. Kendig, 1888-92 Enoch L. Brower, 1890-92 John A. Cline, 1892-93 James A. Fry, 1892-94 WalterB. Yount, 1893-94 WalterB. Yount, 1894-97 Samuel F. Miller, 1894-95 James A. Fry, 1894-1904 James A. Fry, 1894-1904 J. Carson Miller, 1895-97 J. Carson Miller, 1897-98 Samuel F. Miller, 1897-98 Samuel F. Miller, 1898-1904 John W. Miller, 1898-1904

1 Sources: for the years 1881-92 (for which years trustee board minutes are lacking), the institution's catalogues; for the period since 1892, the minutes of the board of trustees. The institution had no board of trustees until May, 1881.

Since April, 1969, chairman and vice chairman (not president and vice president) of the board of trustees have been the titles used. 00 Officers of the Institution's Board of Trustees, 1881-1980, cont'd

President First Vice President Second Vice President Secretary Treasurer William H. Sipe, David H. Zigler, George S. Arnold, Sidney L. Bowman, John A. Wenger, 1904-9 1904-11 1904-9 1904-19 1904-6 James A. Fry, 1906-19 Hiram G. Miller, John W. Miller, 1909-24 1909-10 George S. Arnold and Joseph M. Kagey, 1910-11 Peter S. Thomas, George S. Arnold, 1911-18 1911-16 Samuel M. Bowman, 1916-17 George S. Arnold, 1917-18 John C. Myers, Peter S. Thomas, 1918-31 1918-19 John H. Hoover, John S. Flory, Charles C. Wright, 1919-24 1919-47 1919-23 Newton D. Cool, 1923-37 John A. Dove, William P. Crumpacker, 1924-31 1924-31 John C. Myers, John W. Ikenberry, John D. Miller, 1931-47 1931-41 1931-39 Frank S. Driver, 1937-42 Officers of the Institution's Board of Trustees, 1881-1980, cont'd

President First Vice President Second Vice President Secretary Treasurer Howard S. Zigler, Cecil C. Ikenberry, 1939-47 acting treasurer, 1942-43 Leland C. Moomaw, 1941-47 Harry A. Driver, 1943-69 Charles W. Wampler, Howard S. Zigler, Warren D. Bowman, Charles C. Wright, 1947-53 1947-50 1947-48 1947-57 Katherine Flory Blough, 1948-50 Isaac C. Senger, John T. Glick, 1950-53 1950-53 Isaac C. Senger, John T. Glick, R. Douglas Nininger, 1953-59 1953-59 1953-56 D. Wilmer Garber, John W. Boitnott, 1956-63 1957-71 R. Douglas Nininger, James W. Moyers, 1959-78 1959-69 Arlene Ringgold May, 1963-64 J. Lee Mullendore, 1964-69 Robert D. Royer, Paul W. Petcher, Lowell A. Miller, 1969-75 1969-75 1969-83

00 Officers of the Institution's Board of Trustees, 1881-1980, cont'd

Chairman Secretary Treasurer Harry A. Driver, 1971-74 Garland F. Miller, 1974-78 Vice Chairman For Vice Chairman For Development and Educational Policy Public Relations and Campus Life James L. Keeler, Loren S. Simpson, 1975- 1975-76 Phillip C. Stone, 1976- Garland F. Miller, W. Wallace Hatcher, 1978-85 1978-85 756 APPENDIX 9


The By-Laws of the Bridgewater College Board of Trustees As amended, April 4, 19751

ARTICLE I: TRUSTEES SECTION 1. NUMBER AND QUALIFICATIONS. The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees, consisting of the President of Bridgewater College and 35 other persons, to be elected as hereinafter provided. At least five trustees in office from time to time shall be alumni of Bridgewater College. No person who has reached the age of 70 shall be elected as a trustee, and no faculty or staff member, other than the President of Bridgewater College, hereafter referred to as President, shall serve as a trustee. The number of trustees may be increased or decreased, from time to time, by amendment of these by-laws, but in no event shall the number of trustees be less than 24. No decrease in the number of trustees shall have the effect of shortening the term of any incumbent trustee. Trustees may be elected to succeed themselves. SECTION 2. AUTHORITY OF TRUSTEES. The Board of Trustees shall have the full and complete management and control of the corporation and its affairs. SECTION 3. ELECTION AND TERM. At each annual meeting, the trustees, after receiving the report of the Committee on Board Affairs and considering any other nominations that may be made at the meeting, shall elect trustees to succeed those whose terms expire at the annual meeting, and shall elect persons to fill any vacancies on the Board of Trustees. The term of office of each trustee shall extend until the fifth annual meeting from the date of the annual meeting at which that trustee was elected, or until that trustee's successor shall be elected. The tmstees shall be divided into five groups, as nearly equal in number as practicable, so that the terms of office of one-fifth (or approximately one-fifth) of the trustees shall expire at each annual meeting, but failure to comply with this provision shall not invalidate the election of any trustee otherwise duly elected. Any provision of these by- laws to the contrary notwithstanding, each trustee in office on the effective date of these by- laws shall continue in office until the annual meeting at which his or her successor shall have been elected. SECTION 4. NOMINATIONS FOR TRUSTEES. Nominations for trustees shall be made as follows: A. Committee on Board Affairs. The Committee on Board Affairs, the membership of which is described at another point in these by-laws, shall present such nominations as it may determine for consideration by the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting (or, if vacancies exist, at any other duly called meeting of the Board of Trustees). B. Nominations. The Committee shall regularly invite suggestions for nominations from members of the Board of Trustees, and it may seek other suggestions for nominations from beyond the Board of Trustees.

1The by-laws In effect in 1980, as found with Charter 584 in the office of the State Corporation Commission of Virginia in Richmond. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 757

The Committee may, at its discretion, seek nominations from the Alumni Association of Bridgewater College, it being the general intent that normally there be two trustees in office who have been nominated by the Alumni Association. The committee may, at its discretion, invite nominations from the district conference of each of the six duly constituted Church of the Brethren districts within that geographic area which includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, a part of Delaware, small parts of states contiguous to those enumerated above, and all of Puerto Rico, provided no more than one trustee so nominated is in office from each of the six districts at any one time. C. Submission of Nominations. In order to be considered for possible presentation to the Board of Trustees, nominations invited by the Committee on Board Affairs shall be submitted to the Committee not less than ten days before the annual meeting, or other duly called meeting, in which an election is scheduled. SECTION 5. REMOVAL. No trustee may be removed from office except for cause, and only with the assenting votes of at least two-thirds of the trustees then in office. SECTION 6. LIFE TRUSTEES. The Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Board Affairs and by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the trustees present at any meeting, may select any present or former trustee who has served a minimum of two full terms as a Life Trustee. A Life Trustee shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees and to offer advice and counsel, but shall not have the right to vote or to hold office, and shall not be counted in determining the presence of a quorum at any meeting. A Life Trustee shall serve for an indefinite term, subject, however, to the will of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 7. HONORARY TRUSTEES. The Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Board Affairs and by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the trustees present at any meeting, may select certain outstanding persons to serve as Honorary Trustees. Normally, one who has served, or is serving, as a trustee shall not be eligible to be selected as an Honorary Trustee. An Honorary Trustee shall have the same rights as a Life Trustee. An Honorary Trustee shall serve for an indefinite term, subject, however, to the will of the Board of Trustees.

ARTICLE II: MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES SECTION 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. There shall be two regular meetings of the Board of Trustees each year, as follows: A. Annual Meeting. A regular meeting, to be designated as the "annual meeting," shall be convened on the first Saturday of November (or the day preceding) of each year. B. Spring Meeting. A regular meeting, to be designated as the "spring meeting," shall be convened on the first Saturday of April (or the day preceding) of each year, unless Easter falls on the first Sunday of April, in which case the spring meeting shall be convened on the second Saturday of April (or the day preceding). SECTION 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, from time to time, may, and upon being requested by five or more other trustees in writing, shall, call special meetings. 758 APPENDIX 9

SECTION 3. PLACE OF MEETINGS. Each regular meeting shall be held at Bridgewater, Virginia, unless some other place is specified in the notice of the meeting. Special meetings shall be held at such places as may be designated in notices of the meetings. SECTION 4. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Notice of regular meetings shall be given to each trustee at least ten days prior thereto, and notice of special meetings shall be given at least five days prior thereto. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, or sent by mail or telegram.... SECTION 5. QUORUM. Fifteen members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or in these by-laws .... SECTION 6. ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING. Any action required to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Trustees may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the actions so taken, shall be signed by all of the trustees in office. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the trustees. SECTION 7. ORDER OF BUSINESS....

ARTICLE III: OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION SECTION 1. OFFICERS. The officers of the corporation shall consist of the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman for Educational Policy and Campus Life, the Vice Chairman for Development and Public Relations, the President, the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Treasurer, and such assistant or subordinate officers as the Board of Trustees shall deem necessary. The Chairman, the several Vice Chairmen, and the President shall be trustees, but the other officers need not be trustees. Officers other than the President shall be elected annually by the Board of Trustees at its annual meeting, and shall hold office for a term of one year, or until their successors are elected and enter upon the discharge of their duties. The President shall be elected by the Board of Trustees to serve at its pleasure. Any officer elected by the Board of Trustees may be removed by it whenever in its judgment the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby. SECTION 2. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board, shall serve as a member of all committees of the Board, and shall perform such additional duties as may be provided in these by-laws, or as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. In making the various committee membership appointments, as specified at other points in these by-laws, the Chairman shall seek the advice of the appropriate committee chairman. SECTION 3. VICE CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD. The vice chairmen shall perform the duties associated with serving as chairmen of their respective committees, and such additional duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. In the event of the absence or disability of the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman who is senior in years of service on the Board of Trustees shall act in his stead. SECTION 4. PRESIDENT. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation, and shall be a member of all committees of the Board of Trustees. He shall also be the President and chief administrative officer of Bridgewater College operated by the corporation. He shall employ and discharge all educational and administrative personnel, and shall sign all contracts of employment on behalf of the corporation with regard to such persons. He shall be the chairman of the faculty, and shall be the official medium of Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 759

communication between the faculty and the Board of Trustees and between the students and the Board of Trustees. He shall prepare and submit an annual report to the Board of Trustees of the work and condition of the College, and shall present, from time to time, for their consideration such measures as he shall consider necessary or expedient concerning any matters for which the Board of Trustees is responsible. He shall discharge all such other duties as pertain to the office of chief executive officer of a corporation and college president, and such additional duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 5. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall send a notice of each meeting of the Board of Trustees to each trustee, shall attend and keep the minutes of each meeting of the Board of Trustees and of the Executive Committee, and shall be custodian of such minutes, as well as of documents and records committed to his care. He shall draw orders authorized by the Board of Trustees, or the Executive Committee, and attest the same where necessary. He shall have charge of the seal of the corporation, and shall affix and attest the same to instruments when such instruments have been duly authorized, and, in general, he shall perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary, and such additional duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 6. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary as required, and shall perform all of the duties of the Secretary in his absence or disability. SECTION 7. TREASURER. The Treasurer of the corporation shall also be the Treasurer and Business Manager of Bridgewater College.

ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SECTION 1. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman for Educational Policy and Campus Life, the Vice Chairman for Development and Public Relations, the President, and not less than four, nor more than six, additional trustees who shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board at the annual meeting for terms of one year. Among the Chairman's appointments shall be one person from the membership of the Educational Policy and Campus Life Committee (in addition to the Vice Chairman) and one person from the membership of the Committee on Development and Public Relations (in addition to the Vice Chairman). The Chairman of the Board shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee, and the Secretary of the Board shall serve as Secretary of the Executive Committee. SECTION 2. MEETINGS AND QUORUM. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held on call of its chairman, or any two other members. Four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. SECTION 3. DUTIES AND AUTHORITY. The Executive Committee shall have and exercise the authority of the Board of Trustees on all matters which may arise between its meetings, except to approve an amendment to the corporation's articles of incorporation, or a plan of merger or consolidation, or to dissolve the corporation. The Executive Committee shall also serve as the Finance Committee, and shall have general responsibility for all financial matters not specifically entrusted to some other committee by these by-laws. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported in its minutes, which shall be sent to each member of the Board of Trustees and be submitted to the Board for its approval at its next meeting. SECTION 4. SUBCOMMITTEES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. There shall be two standing subcommittees of the Executive Committee, as follows: 760 APPENDIX 9

A. Subcommittee on Endowment Investments. The Subcommittee on Endowment Investments shall consist of the President and not less than three, nor more than five, additional members of the Board of Trustees, to be appointed by the Chairman of the Board with the approval of the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting, to serve for a period of one year. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the subcommittee, and shall serve as its Executive Secretary. The Chairman of the Board shall designate the subcommittee chairman. Three members shall constitute a quorum. Endowment funds shall under no circumstances be expended, but shall be retained, invested, and preserved inviolate, the income only being used as the Board of Trustees shall designate. There shall be no restrictions as to the kind of investment which may be made, except that all loans shall be fully protected and guaranteed. Endowment investments in stocks and bonds shall be reviewed periodically by the subcommittee and the findings and recommendations reported to the Board of Trustees. In making investments in securities, the subcommittee shall have the full authority to purchase and to sell, except that it shall avail itself of the consulting services of a competent and recognized investment firm, and shall give careful consideration to the firm's recommendations. Investments in real estate, including both those of the plant fund and the endowment fund, shall be made and managed by the President and the Treasurer under the authorization and supervision of the Executive Committee, acting as a Finance Committee. Liaison between the Executive Committee and the Subcommittee on Endowment Investments shall be the responsibility of the President assisted by the Treasurer. Periodically, the Executive Committee, serving in the role of the Finance Committee, and the Subcommittee on Endowment Investments shall sit jointly and review all investments of the corporation; the findings and recommendations shall be reported to the Board of Trustees. B. Subcommittee on Buildings and Grounds. The Subcommittee on Buildings and Grounds shall consist of the President and not less than three, nor more than five, additional members of the Board of Trustees, to be appointed by the Chairman of the Board with the approval of the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting, to serve for a period of one year. The Chairman of the Board shall designate the subcommittee chairman from among the membership of the Executive Committee, and the subcommittee shall select its secretary. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The subcommittee shall study and review problems of overall campus planning, general maintenance, and building construction (except in those instances in which special planning or building committees, to deal with particular projects, have been appointed under the authorization of the Board of Trustees). The subcommittee shall report its findings and recommendations to the President, the Executive Committee, or the Board of Trustees. Members of the subcommittee are encouraged to tour the campus facilities on occasion, and to bring comments or recommendations resulting from such tours to the attention of the college administration.

ARTICLE V: OTHER COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES SECTION 1. STANDING COMMITTEES. There shall be additional standing committees of the Board of Trustees, as follows: A. Committee of Educational Policy and Campus Life. The Committee on Educational Policy and Campus Life shall consist of the Vice Chairman for Educational Policy and Campus Life, the Chairman of the Board, the President, and approximately one-third of the Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 761

membership of the Board of Trustees, appointed to this committee by the Chairman of the Board at the annual meeting, to serve for a period of one year. The Vice Chairman for Educational Policy and Campus Life shall serve as chairman of the committee. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. The Dean of the College shall serve as Executive Secretary of this committee. The committee shall be responsible to the Board on matters of educational policy, and shall review the educational program of the college and the procedures of campus life from time to time, in order to evaluate the compliance with policy and the achievement of objectives. It shall fulfill a discretionary advisory function by working with the President in bringing recommendations to the Board of Trustees. B. Committee on Development and Public Relations. The Committee on Development and Public Relations shall consist of the Vice Chairman for Development and Public Relations, the Chairman of the Board, the President, and approximately one-third of the membership of the Board of Trustees, appointed to this committee by the Chairman of the Board at the annual meeting, to serve for a period of one year. The Vice Chairman for Development and Public Relations shall serve as the committee chairman. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. The Director of Development and Public Relations shall serve as Executive Secretary of the committee. This committee shall work with the President and with the Development and Public Relations staff members designated by him in promoting the general development and public relations of the institution. Members of the committee shall individually and collectively work toward the further development of the resources of the college and the further development of its general reputation in the educational community and the community at large. In providing in its by-laws for this committee, the Board of Trustees recognizes that trustee leadership is indispensable in assisting the college to obtain the understanding of its constituencies and the financial support necessary to obtain institutional objectives. The Development and Public Relations Committee, therefore, is charged with designing and carrying forward programs through which all trustees, individually and jointly, may accept such functional responsibility, in addition to their policy and governance responsibilities. The committee shall work with the President in establishing such subcommittees as seem appropriate in promotion of community relations, corporate and foundation support, deferred giving, church relations, and alumni relations. In any instance in which a subcommittee is established, a trustee member of the Development and Public Relations Committee shall serve as chairman of the subcommittee. Other members of the subcommittees shall be appointed by the Committee on Development and Public Relations and may be appointed from beyond the Board of Trustees itself. C. Committee on Board Affairs. The Committee on Board Affairs shall consist of five trustees, none of whom shall be officers of the Board at the time of their selection. Three committee members shall be elected by secret ballot by the Board of Trustees at its spring meeting, and two members shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board at the annual meeting from the membership of the Executive Committee. All members shall serve for terms of one year following their selection. In exercising the responsibilities set forth above in Section 4 of Article I of these by- laws, the committee shall consult with the Chairman of the Board and the President of the 762 APPENDIX 9

College. The nominating responsibilities for elective offices of the Board shall relate to all elective offices, except that of the presidency of the college. In its deliberations on these matters, the committee shall also consult with the Chairman and the President, except that the Chairman may be excused from deliberations concerning the nomination of the Board Chairman. The committee shall nominate a person for each of the elective offices of the Board for the vote of the Board at its annual meeting. In all instances, the committee will accept additional nominations from the floor. The committee shall be responsible, through regular reviews of trustee performance and through its nominating responsibilities, to endeavor to maximize the Board's ability to carry out its trustee responsibilities. The committee shall also be responsible for preparing such resolutions of congratulations, felicitations, and condolences as are appropriate to the Board of Trustees. SECTION 2. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Other committees may be appointed by the Board of Trustees, the Chairman of the Board, or the President from time to time for such special purposes as they may determine. Such committees shall stand discharged upon completion of such special purposes. SECTION 3. REPORTS. Each committee shall submit a report to the Board at the annual meeting, or at such other times as the Board of Trustees, the Chairman of the Board, or the President may request.

ARTICLE VI: COLLEGE AND ADMINISTRA TNE OFFICERS SECTION 1. OFFICERS. In addition to the President, the officers of Bridgewater College shall consist of the Dean of the College, the Dean of Students, the Treasurer and Business Manager, and such other officers as the President may determine with the approval of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 2. DEAN OF THE COLLEGE. The Dean of the College shall be the administrative head of the educational departments of the College. He shall be responsible for the classification and matriculation of students. He shall represent the President in his absence in all matters pertaining to the College. SECTION 3. DEAN OF STUDENTS. The Dean of Students (or Deans of Students) shall be responsible for the supervision of student life. SECTION 4. TREASURER AND BUSINESS MANAGER. The Treasurer of the corporation shall also be the Treasurer and Business Manager of the College. As Treasurer of the corporation, he shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, funds and securities of the corporation not entrusted to other custodians or agents by the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall countersign notes, bonds, and other obligations of the corporation, shall prepare and submit such financial and business reports as may be required by the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, or the President, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, or the President. As. Treasurer and Business Manager, he shall be responsible to the President for the financial administration of the College. He shall be the chief accounting officer and shall keep, or cause to be kept, proper books of account fully setting forth the financial condition of the College. He shall exercise supervision over all accounts, officers, and employees which have to Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 763 do with the management and disbursement of funds. He shall examine, or cause to be examined, all accounts, claims, and demands against the College; no money shall be drawn from current funds unless the amount thereof be adjusted and settled by him and found to be properly authorized and provided for in the budget. He shall administer all student accounts, settlements, and collections. He shall assist the President in the preparation of the annual operating budget, shall be responsible for the administration of the operating budget, and shall submit periodic statements to the President on the relation of expenditures to appropriations, and of appropriations to income. He shall be the chief purchasing agent and supervisor of the College stores and shall exercise supervision over all store employees.

ARTICLE VII: FACULTY SECTION 1. FACULTY. The faculty of the College shall consist of the President, the Dean of the College, the Deans of Students, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors. SECTION 2. DUTIES. The faculty, through its meetings and its committees, shall prescribe requirements for admission, courses of study, conditions of graduation, nature of degrees conferred, and nature of awards, scholarships, and prizes. Faculty members shall be responsible to the President for the deportment and discipline of students under their supervision and for all student organizations and activities under their sponsorship. The faculty may serve as an advisory agency to the President and the Dean of the College in recommending new programs, majors, or degrees for possible approval by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 3. MEETINGS AND COMMITTEES. The faculty shall meet from time to time, and shall appoint a secretary, who shall keep a record of proceedings. The President shall appoint such standing or special committees of the faculty as he shall deem necessary and desirable in carrying out the program of the College. He may, at his pleasure, invite the faculty to elect certain members of such committees. SECTION 4. DEPARTMENT HEADS. The department heads shall, so far as practicable, hold the Ph.D. degree, or its equivalent. SECTION 5. ACADEMIC TENURE. A faculty member shall be on an annual contract basis throughout each of the first five years of full-time contractual service to Bridgewater College, and after reaching the age of 65. Between these limits, a faculty member shall be on tenure, unless specifically notified to the contrary by the President with explanation of the reasons for the contemplated withdrawal of the tenure status. During the period of tenure, the College, or the faculty member, shall give the other party one year's notice of any contemplated discontinuance of their contractual relationship, except that no such notice shall be required of the College in the case of the dismissal of a faculty member for gross incompetence, neglect of duty, malfeasance, moral turpitude, or gross professional misconduct. In instances in which both a husband and wife are faculty members, only one of them, the principal employee, shall be eligible for tenure. The academic tenure relationship is limited to the teaching faculty and does not relate to administrative staff members and other employees. 764 APPENDIX 9

ARTICLE VIII: MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 1. CORPORATE SEAL. The seal of the corporation shall be circular in design, with the words "Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Virginia - 1880" around the circumference, and shall include the words, "Pulchritudo, Bonitas, Veritas, and Concordia." Near the center shall be the Moline Cross, with the Flory coat of arms, an open book, the cardinal on the dogwood, and the personal seal of Alexander Mack appearing in the quadrants formed by the cross. SECTION 2. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the first day of July of each year, and shall end on the 30th day of June following. SECTION 3. CHECKS. Checks, drafts, or demands for money of the corporation shall be signed by such two officers, or other persons, as the Board of Trustees, or the Executive Committee, may designate from time to time by resolution. SECTION 4. DEEDS, CONTRACTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. Deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust, or other instruments for the conveyance or encumbrance of real estate of the corporation shall be signed by either the President, or the Chairman of the Board, when authorized to do so by the Board of Trustees, or by a vote of two-thirds of the Executive Committee, under the corporate seal of the corporation, duly affixed and attested by the Secretary. Either the President, or the Chairman, shall sign any legal contract, or other legal document of the corporation, except that employment contracts are to be specifically signed by the President, as provided elsewhere in these by-laws. Bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness of the corporation shall be signed by the President, or the Chairman, duly countersigned by the Treasurer, and duly attested by the Secretary. SECTION 5. LOANS TO TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, OR EMPLOYEES. The corporation shall make no loans to any trustee, officer, or employee, except mortgage loans and such modest salary advances in emergency circumstances as may be approved by the President and Treasurer. SECTION 6. FIDELITY BONDS. All officers and employees of the corporations who have access to its funds, or who are authorized to receive and disburse funds of the corporation, shall be covered by fidelity bonds issued by corporate sureties, and in amounts as may be approved by the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE IX: AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS SECTION 1. AMENDMENTS. These by-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed, and new by-laws may be adopted by the Board of Trustees, at any meeting by the affirmative votes of a majority of the trustees then in office, provided that at least ten days prior written notice is given to each trustee of the intention to alter, amend, repeal, or adopt new by-laws at such meeting, and further provided that a copy of the proposed by-law, alteration, or amendment is sent to each trustee at least five days prior to said meeting. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 765


The Institution's Officials, 1880-1980

The Heads of the Institution and the Title of Each 1

Daniel C. Flory, principal of the Spring Creek Normal School, 1880-81; principal of the Spring Creek Normal School and Collegiate Institute for Males and Females, 1881-82; and principal of the Virginia Normal School, 1882-85. John Flory, president of the Virginia Normal School, 1885-87. During the period from the withdrawal of Daniel C. Flory from the school (in the spring of 1886) until the end of the session of 1886-87, the Virginia Normal School had both a president and a principal simultaneously. (One wonders what were the duties and powers of the president, as distinguished from those of the principal, but no record on this matter has been found.) During that period, when John Flory was president, the principals were: Samuel N. McCann, for a short time in the spring of 1886, immediately after the withdrawal of Daniel C. Flory; James Carson Miller, from late April, or early May, 1886, to the end of the session of 1885-86; then Daniel Hays, until a short time after the opening of the session of 1886-87, when he resigned; John B. Wrightsman, during the remainder of the session, until June, 1887. Edward A. Miller, principal of the Virginia Normal School from June, 1887, until sometime in October, 1888, when he retired at the request of the school's board of trustees. Eugene M. Crouch, principal of the Virginia Normal School from October, 1888, to the end of the session of 1888-89; and principal of Bridgewater College, 1889-90. Edward A. Miller, principal of Bridgewater College, 1890-92 Walter B. Yount, chairman of the faculty, Bridgewater College, 1892-95; and president of the college, 1895-1910. John S. Flory, president of the college, 1910-19 Paul Haynes Bowman, president of the college, 1919-46 Jacob I. Baugher, president of the college, 1946-48 Charles C. Wright, acting president of the college, 1948-49 Warren D. Bowman, president of the college, 1949-64 Wayne F. Geisert, president of the college, 1964-

Vice Presidents of the College John W. Wayland, 1902-3 John C. Myers, 1903-5 John S. Flory, 1905-10

1The sources of data on the institution's officials are the TrM, the TrExComM, the FacM, the FacAdmComM, the files of CL and the PhM, in addition to the college's catalogues, yearbooks, and other publications. 766 APPENDIX 10

Administrative Assistants to the Presidents of the College (Down to 1980) Morley J. Mays was assistant to President Paul Haynes Bowman, 1944-46. Rufus B. King was assistant to President Warren D. Bowman, 1952-56. Dale E. Mekeel was assistant to President Wayne F. Geisert, 1968-79. Ben F. Wade was assistant to President Geisert, 1979-85 (even after becoming the college's provost in 1982).

Academic Deans (Down to 1980) Bridgewater College had no designated academic dean prior to August, 1919. Its academic deans and acting deans, down to the 1980's, are listed below. William T. Sanger, 1919-21 Frank J. Wright, 1921-23 Charles C. Wright (acting dean), 1923-24 Frank J. Wright, first semester, 1924-25 Charles C. Wright (acting dean), second semester, 1924-25 Charles C. Wright, 1925-28 Frederick D. Dove (acting dean), 1928-29 Charles C. Wright, 1929-43 Everett R. Shober, "executive secretary'' of the faculty, performed as academic dean and registrar, 1943-46 Charles C. Wright (acting dean), 1946-47 John W. Boitnott, 1947-67 Dale V. Ulrich, 1967-82

Directors of the Summer Session (Down to 1980) The college had no summer session prior to 1926, and none after 1929 until 1942, and no designated summer session directors, 1942-45. John S. Flory, 1926, 1927 Frederick D. Dove, 1928, 1929 Rudolph A. Glick, 1946, 1947 John W. Boitnott, 1948-61 W. Donald Clague, 1962 John W. Boitnott, 1963-66 Dale V. Ulrich, 1967-82

Registrars (Down to 1980) At Bridgewater, the office of registrar, at first a subsidiary of the office of academic dean, was made an independent office in 1928. The college's registrars, down to the 1980's, are named below. Newton D. Cool, 1919-20. He had no predecessor and no immediate successor. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 767

Mattie V. Glick, President Paul Haynes Bowman's secretary, was also the college's registrar, 1924-35. She was full-time registrar, 1935-36. Everett R. Shober, 1936-43. AB "executive secretary" of the faculty, 1943-46, he served as academic dean and registrar. Mrs. Betty M. Ray, secretary to the acting academic dean, was the acting registrar, 1946-47. John W. Boitnott, the academic dean, was also the registrar, 1947-62. Do1ma L. Miller, 1962-69 Clement A. Bess, 1969-84

Business Managers and Treasurers (Down to 1980) Bridgewater College had no designated business manager, or treasurer, prior to 1912, but Sidney L. Bowman, as secretary-treasurer of the faculty, 1908-12, had done the work of those officials, as had President Walter B. Yount and others before him. The first catalogue-listed business manager of the college was Frank J. Wright, 1912-16, who performed the duties also of a treasurer. His brother, Charles C. Wright, was the college's business manager and treasurer, 1916-23. During the 1923-24 year, Newton D. Cool was the college's "Purchasing and Field Agent," and Mattie V. Glick was the college's bursar. Newton D. Cool was the college's business manager and treasurer, 1924-30. Charles E. Shull was the college's business manager (but not treasurer), 1930-41. During those years, the college's successive treasurers were Newton D. Cool, 1930-35; Warren S. Craun, 1935-36; and Paul D. Horst, 1936-41. Cecil C. Ikenberry was the college's business manager and treasurer from 1941 through December 31, 1957. Lowell A. Miller was the college's business manager and treasurer from January 1, 1958, through June 30, 1983 (and Melvin D. Wampler was assistant business manager, 1966-83).

Superintendents of Buildings and Grounds (Down to 1980) In the early years, the title was usually "Steward." A complete listing of the names of the holders of that office is not possible, because records are not complete. John Flory, "Steward and Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings," 1884-85 Shem Miller, "Steward," 1885-86-? James A. Fry, "Steward," 1892-1901 Noah F. Smith, "Steward," 1901-4 David Little, "Steward," 1906-7 Homer P. Shaver, engineer and general caretaker of buildings and grounds, 1909-37 Edward B. Van Pelt, 1922-30. "Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds," the title used henceforth. Charles E. Shull, 1930-41 Cecil C. Ikenberry, 1941-49 John T. Fike, 1949-52 Raymond C. Phibbs, 1952-55 Paul V. Phibbs, 1955-81 768 APPENDIX 10

Directors of Development (Down to 1980) The title of that official varied. For many years, the college had no such official. Ralph E. White, "Promotional Secretary," 1938-39 Morley J. Mays, "Assistant to the President," 1944-46 W. Earl Breon, "Director of Public Relations," 1946-48 Rufus B. King, 1948-56. "Director of Development," henceforth. Jacob F. Replogle, 1956-65 David L. Holl, 1965-73 Robert L. Rulong, 1973-75 Brydon M. DeWitt, 1975-90

Directors of Deferred Giving (Down to 1980) David L. Holl, Director of Deferred Giving and Assistant to the President for Church Relations, 1973-79 J. Roddey Jones, Assistant Director of Development for Deferred Giving, 1979-82

Directors of Church Relations (Down to 1980) Jacob F. Replogle, 1956-64. He had no predecessor with that title. Samuel A. Harley, 1964-71. The first full-time director. David L. Holl (acting director), 1971-73. He was "Director of Deferred Giving and Assistant to the President for Church Relations," 1973-79. S. Earl Mitchell, 1980-85

Directors of Publicity and Publications (Down to 1980) Morley J. Mays, 1941-44. He had no predecessor with that title. Clarence E. May, 1946-67 Mrs. Ann M. Mayo, 1967-68 Ronald E. Keener, 1968-70 Mrs. Patricia M. Churchman, 1970-79 Dean G. Kinley, 1979-80 Mrs. Judith S. Ruby, 1980-84

Directors of Admissions (Down to 1980) Edgar F. Wilkerson, 1953-70. The first full-time director. Brian C. Hildebrand, 1970-72 J. Vern Fairchilds, Jr. (acting director), 1972-73 J. Vern Fairchilds, Jr., 1973-78 Mrs. Linda F. Glover, 1978-85 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 769

Directors of Financial Aids (Down to 1980) Clement A. Bess, 1966-69. The first catalogue-listed director. Abraham J. Evans, 1969-72 Mrs. Alice H. Wages, 1972-78 J. Vern Fairchilds, Jr., 1978- Deans of Students (Down to 1980) Bridgewater College catalogues list no Dean of Men prior to 1921 (and none for the years 1926-29), and no Social Director (Dean) of women prior to 1920. DEANS OF MEN SOCIAL DIRECTORS H. Linwood Yager, 1921-22 Mrs. Arthur B. Miller, 1920-23 Edgar S. Kiracofe, 1922-25 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rothgeb, 1923-25 Mrs. Dove Brower, 1925-26 J. Emmert Ikenberry, 1930-35 Ada Pearl Kurtz, 1926-28 Wilmer R. Kensinger (acting dean), 1935-37 Ruth I. Cline, 1928-30 Rudolph A. Glick, 1937-43 DEANS OF WOMEN W. Donald Clague, 1943-45 Mrs. Elizabeth R. Blough, 1930-33 Lucile Long, 1933-37 Mrs. Arthur B. Miller, 1937-41 Ethel V. Sipe (acting dean), 1941-43 Helen M. Ruby, 1943-45

During the 1945-46 session, a "Director of Guidance," one for the men (Rudolph A. Glick) and one for the women (Margaret P. Dixon), replaced the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women. Ida E. Shockley was "Dean of Students" (men and women), 1946-48. From 1948 to 1975, there was a "Dean of Students" and an "Assistant Dean of Students," as follows: DEANS OF STUDENTS ASSISTANT DEANS OF STUDENTS W. Donald Clague, 1948-66 Mildred A. Wheatley, 1948-51 J. Alaric Bowman, Jr., 1966-75 MargaretV.Flory, 1951-53 Kathryn Widdowson, 1953-55 Mrs. Edna W. Shively, 1955-59 Margaret V. Flory, 1959-64 Mrs. Betty H. Kline, 1964-68 Martha B. Thornton, 1968-75

Since the summer of 1975, the titles have been as follows: DEANS FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT DEANS FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Brian C. Hildebrand, 1975-77 Martha B. Thornton, 1975-76 Richard S. Ferris, 1977-80 Mrs. Jean M. Yerian, 1976-79 William D. Miracle, 1980- Steven 0. Mason, 1976-81 Sharon L. Knechel, 1979-84 770 APPENDIX 10

Associate Dean for Counseling Services and Campus Programs Brian C. Hildebrand, 1977-85. The first such dean.

Coordinator of Career Planning Martha B. Thornton, 1976-86. The first in the office.

The College's Chaplains Willard E. Dulabaum, Sept., 1969, to Dec. 31, 1973. The college's first full-time chaplain. Professor David G. Metzler, 1974-81; 1983-90. Served part-time.

Director of Convocations W. Robert McFadden, 1969-. The first incumbent.

Head Librarians No Bridgewater College catalogue, prior to 1900, lists the name of a librarian for the school. From 1900 to 1929, the college's head librarians, with one exception, were faculty members who, with student assistants, served part-time. Professor John S. Flory, 1900-01 Professor John D. Miller, 1901-2 Professor John W. Wayland, 1902-3 Mrs. John W. Wayland, 1903-5 Professor John W. Wayland, 1905-6 Professor John S. Flory, 1906-7 Professor Justus H. Cline, 1907-8 Professor John S. Flory, 1908-10 Professor William T. Sanger, 1910-12 Professor John C. Myers, 1912-13. He resigned early in the session, on account of illness of his father. Professor William T. Sanger, 1913-16 Professor John T. Glick, 1916-22 Professor Edward M. Starr, 1922-29 Agnes V. Kline, 1929-37. The college's first full-time professionally trained librarian. Professor J. Maurice Henry, 1937-49. Served part-time. Agnes V. Kline, 1949-63 Orland Wages, 1963-82

Director of the Reuel B. Pritchett Museum Jacob F. Replogle, 1976-85. The first director. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 771

Directors of Physical Education (Down to 1980) Bridgewater College catalogues list no instructor in physical education prior to 1910. FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Ernest M. Wampler, 1911-13 Lillie B. Bayly, 1910-11 M. Robert Zigler, 1913-16 Emma C. Glick, 1911-13 George W. Harlow, 1916-17 Anna Marie Hansen, 1913-15 Ernest M. Wampler, 1917-18 Pearle V. Cline, 1915-16 George W. Harlow, 1918-21 Gay Ola Walter, 1916-19 Edgar S. .Kiracofe, 1921-March, 1925 Mrs. George W. Harlow, 1919-21 Emery E. May, March-May, 1925 Edgar S. .Kiracofe, 1921-March, 1925 Edgar S. .Kiracofe, 1925-28 RachelE.Myers,March-May, 1925 Joseph W. Miller, 1928-30 Edgar S . .Kiracofe, 1925-27 Joseph G. Kagey, 1930-33 Selma G. Grether, 1927-28 D. Stanley Houser, 1933-42 Joseph W. Miller, 1928-29 Wesley W. Jonah, 1942-43 Lillian A. Biltcliffe, 1929-30 William F. Smith, 1943-45 No designated directors, 1930-41 W. Donald Clague, first semester, 1945-46 (no intercollegiate contests) Otho Leon Garber, second semester, 1945-46 Mrs. Alice F. Hall, 1941-42 Daniel S. Geiser, 1946-66 Josephine R. Miller, 1942-43 James A. Reedy, 1966-78 Margaret P. Dixon, 1943-45 Thomas M. Kinder, 1978- Margaret P. Dixon and Ruth N. Smith, 1945-46 Marshall Schools, 1946-49 M. Margaret Faulkner and Alphadine E. Martin, 1949-50 Ruth E. Tandy, 1950-55 Dolores A. Heatwole, Jane E. Heishman, and M. Louise Owen, 1955-56 Patricia R. Meuli, 1956-57 Ruth E. Tandy, 1957-61 Laura S. Mapp, 1961-

Dietitians Mary McKee Seebert, 1920-22. The college's first professionally trained dietitian. A. Lucile Gnagey, 1922-24 Mollie E. Glick, 1924-34 Georgia R. Shrum, 1934-35 Marjorie M. Bullard, 1935-36 T. Fem Shoemaker, 1936-38 Wanda M. Hoover, 1938-42 Josephine R. Miller, 1942-43 Margaret P. Dixon, 1943-45 Mrs. Blanche B. Spaulding, first semester, 1945-46 Mrs. Minnie R. Wagenschein, second semester, 1945-46, and 1946-47 772 APPENDIX 10

Rebecca Gene Bowman, 1947-49 Stella G. Reynolds, 1949-53 Mrs. A. Ray (Louise Garst) Showalter, 1953-57 In 1957, the college began using a professional food service. Until that time, some of the college's chefs were Roy Anderson, 1919-37 Faith Hope Whitelow, 1937-52 Kern W. Beale, 1952-57

The College's Physicians (Down to 1980) John D. Miller, M. D., 1916-45 George S. Row, M. D., 1945-72 Garland J. Wampler, M. D., 1972-78 Rufus C. Huffman, M. D., 1978- J. Douglas Smith, M. D., 1980-91

Nurses Mrs. Mary S. Barnes, 1920-21 Sarah L. Patram, R. N., 1946-47 Bertha A. Kiracofe, 1921-22 Mrs. Ellen B. Hylen, R. N., 1947-48 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rothgeb, 1922-25 Evelyn M. Stoner, 1948-49 Mrs. Dove Brower, 1925-26 Mrs. Robert E. Ross, R. N., 1949-50 Valley V. Miller, 1926-27 Louise M. Sayre, R. N., 1950-52 Mary E. Petry, R. N., 1927-28 Olive V. Wise, R. N., 1952-53 Mrs. Olive A. Dupler, 1928-31 Ruth Brogan, R. N., 1953-54 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rothgeb, 1931-35 Lois Cupp, R. N., 1954-55 Grace M. Zigler, R. N., 1935-36 Bonnie Kitchen, R. N., 1955-58 Vernie V. Wright, R. N., 1936-39 Ruth J. Bross, R. N., 1958-60 Catherine A. Haldeman, R. N., 1939-40 Mrs. Gay C. Owen, R. N., 1960-Jan. 31, 1963 Lois I. Miller, R. N., 1940-41 Mrs. John Clemmer, Feb.-June, 1963 Sara K. Hertzler, R. N., 1941-43 Mrs. Loreen J. May, R. N., 1963-67 Sarah L. Patrarn, R. N., 1943-45 Mrs. Grace Z. Forrer~ R. N., 1967-73 Mrs. Ernest M. Wampler, R. N., 1945-46 Mrs. Linda S. Bowers, L. P. N., 1973-

Managers of the Charles E. Shull Computing Center Professor John E. White, 1967-70 Theodore W. Flory, 1970- Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 773


492 Full- and Part-Time Teaching Faculty, 1880-1980

If several subjects are listed, all of them may not have been taught by the faculty member concurrently, but at various times during his or her tenure. Until the closing of Bridgewater Academy in 1924, some Bridgewater College faculty members did some teaching also in the academy. A number of faculty members of the regular sessions (September to May or June) taught also in the summer sessions. Visiting instructors during the summer sessions are listed. Other appendices list the names of Bridgewater Academy, Hebron Seminary, and Blue Ridge College (New Windsor, Md.) faculty members during the years when those schools were affiliated with Bridgewater College; also the names of faculty members of Daleville Academy during the period (1924-33) of the consolidation of the Bridgewater and Daleville schools. Years of service include sabbatical leaves, but not other leaves of absence. For the years 1880-92, years for which minutes of the school's board of trustees are lacking, the institution's published catalogues are the only available source of names of faculty members and their years of service. For the period since 1892, minutes of the school's board of trustees and of its executive committee, as well as the college's catalogues, are indispensable sources on faculty appointments and tenure. Other helpful sources are the files of The Philomathean Monthly, College Life, The B. C. Bee, The Talon, the college's bulletins, and the Bridgewater Herald; also records in the college registrar's office, the teachers' class record books, teachers' employment contracts, minutes of the faculty, and biographical sketches in the Blue Book, in BC (1905), and in BC (1930). Faculty women who taught at Bridgewater before and after being married are listed twice, by unmarried name and married name, with years of service in each case. Any faculty member listed more than once is counted only once. In the listing that follows, the sequence after each faculty member's name is as follows: years on the faculty, subjects taught, and educational credentials.

The Spring Creek N onnal School, 1880-1881

The Spring Creek Normal School and Collegiate Institute for Males and Females, 1881-1882 Flory, Daniel C. 1880-86. Ancient and modern languages, mathematics, English grammar, and other subjects. Three years' study at the . Shipman, James R. 1880-83. Penmanship and "English Branches." Study at the Valley Normal School in Bridgewater, Virginia.

The Virginia Normal School, 1882-1889 Arnold, Charles E. 1887-90. Business course and penmanship. BC student. 774 APPENDIX 11

Beahm, Isaac Newton Harvey. 1888-90. Natural sciences, English, elocution, and mental arithmetic. B. E., Virginia Normal School. Coffman, John M. 1887-89; 1906-14; 1918-19. English language and literature, history, mathematics, chemistry, and physics. B. A., Bridgewater. Crouch, Eugene M. 1887-92. Ancient and modern languages, mathematics, ethics, and methods of instruction. B. A., Milligan College. Flory, Daniel C. 1880-86. As stated above. Flory, M. Kate. 1887-89. English and Preparatory Department teaching. B. E., Virginia Normal School. Frantz, Edward. 1888-90. French and German. Classical course student at Bridgewater. Garber, John A. 1888-94. Mathematics and commercial subjects. B. A., Bridgewater. Hays, Daniel. 1882-83; 1886 (Sept. and Oct.). Elocution, rhetoric, mental philosophy, and business subjects. Educated at normal schools in West Virginia and Maryland and by a Gettysburg College professor. Holsinger, George B. 1882-98. Vocal and instrumental music and elocution. Studied under A. J. Showalter, B. C. Unseld, and other musicians. Holsinger, Sallie Kagey (Mrs. George B.). 1884-87; 1892-98. Preparatory Department teaching, "English Branches," and Bible. Educated at the Valley Normal School in Bridgewater, Virginia. Kagey, Sallie A. 1883-84. "English Branches." See Sallie Kagey Holsinger. McCann, Samuel N. 1884-86; 1890-91; 1892-93; 1909-17. Biblical literature, theology, church history, mental philosophy, ethics, rhetoric, mathematics, and natural sciences. B. E., Brethren's Normal College (now ); two years' study at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; B. A., Bridgewater. Miller, Edward A. 1886-88; 1890-92. Ancient languages, mathematics, political economy, commercial law, didactics, and ethics. B. A., Milligan College. Miller, James Carson. 1883 (spring term); 1886 (spring term); 1892-1901. German, mathematics, natural sciences, New Testament, shorthand, and typewriting. Mt. Morris College graduate in the Latin-scientific course; study of shorthand at the Northern Indiana Normal School; study of chemistry, physics, geology, higher mathematics, and natural history at the University of Virginia. Miller, J.E. 1883-86. Natural sciences, penmanship, and business subjects. B. E., Brethren's Normal College (now Juniata College). Roop, William E. 1888-89. Mathematics and English. B. A., Western Maryland College. Shipman, James R. 1880-83. As stated above. Stutsman, Frank M. 1888-90. Commercial subjects. BC student. Wrightsman, Fannie E. (Mrs. John B.). 1886-88. Art. Wrightsman, John B. 1886-88. Natural sciences and English. Two years' study at the Brethren's Normal College (now Juniata College).

Bridgewater College, 1889-1924

Bridgewater-Daleville College, 1924-1951

Bridgewater College, 1951-1980 Adkins, Cephas Joe, Jr. 1948-51. Psychology. B. A., M. A., University of Florida. Akerman, Hugh, Jr. 1958-62. History. B. A., M. A., University of Florida. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 775

Albaugh, Viola. 1905-6. Elocution. Columbia College of Expression (Chicago) graduate. Albright, Nathan W. 1977-80. Applied music. B. A., Bridgewater. Albright, William P. 1967-91. English. B. A., McPherson College; B. D., Bethany Theological Seminary; M. S., University of Omaha. Anderson, J. Edgar. 1936-40. Violin; orchestra director. B. Mus., M. Mus., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Anderson, William H. 1951-53. Business and economics. B. A., M.A., John B. Stetson University. Andes, Earlene E. 1951-52. Shorthand and typewriting. B. S., Madison College. Andes, Raymond N. 1946-83. French and Spanish. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina; summer study, University of Paris, Institut d'Etudes francaises de Pau. Andes, Virginia R. (Mrs. Raymond N.). 1948-49; summer, 1950; 1953-55; 1956-62; 1963-65; 1974-75. Spanish. B. A., Belhaven College; graduate study at the National University of and the University of North Carolina. Arbogast, David E. 1969-70. Music. B. A., Glenville State College. Ardinger, Naomi Wolfe. 1949-50. Voice. B. S., Bridgewater. Armstrong, Martha Anderson. 1978- . Accounting and business administration. B. A., Bridgewater; M. S., University of Virginia; C. P. A. Arnold, Bessie W. 1916-21. Art. B. E., Bridgewater. Arnold, Charles E. 1887-90. Commercial subjects. BC student. Arrington, Marie K. 1969-71. Sociology. B. S., Madison College; M. S. W., Richmond Professional Institute.

Bacon, George W. 1904 (Feb.-May) Violin and other stringed instruments. Bailey, M. Ellen. 1967-87. Education. B. S., Longwood College; M. Ed. and further graduate study, University of Virginia. Baker, J. Willard. Summer, 1947. Chemistry. B. A., Bridgewater. Baker, Raymond J. D. 1967-70; 1971-80. Economics. B. A., Western Maryland College; M.A., Washington University; graduate study, Columbia University. Barber, Edith B. 1942-43. Commerce. Educated at Denver University, the Colorado State College of Education, and Central College. Barkey, Wayne M. 1967-71. Physics. B. S., Manchester College; M. S., Michigan State University. Barnett, Howard A. 1948-50. English. B. A., M.A., Indiana University. Barnett, William E. 1955-86. Sociology. B. A., ; M.A., University of Virginia; graduate study, North Carolina State University. Barr, John G. 1968-70; 1971- . Organ and piano. B. S., Manchester College; S. M. M., S. M. D., Union Theological Seminary (New York, N. Y.). Basta, John W. 1945-48; 1949-53. Spanish. B. S., Mansfield State Teachers College. Bayly, Lillie B. 1910-11. Elocution; physical culture. Educated at Broaddus College and the Chicago School of Elocution. Bazzle, Edward F. 1946-49. Commerce. Diploma in commerce, Shenandoah College. Beahm, Isaac Newton Harvey. 1888-90. See the Virginia Normal School (VaNS) faculty listing. Beahm, Joseph C. 1889-90. Geography and history. BC student. Beahm, William M. 1962-63. Bible and religion. B. A., Manchester College; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary; Ph. D., University of Chicago.

Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 777

Bowman, Paul Haynes. 1918-46. Biblical literature, theology, philosophy, and religious education. B. A., Bridgewater; B. D., Crozer Theological Seminary; M. A. and further graduate study, University of Pennsylvania. Bowman, Rebecca Gene. 1947-49. Home economics. B. S., Bridgewater. Bowman, Rufus D. 1939-41. Ministerial education. B. A., Bridgewater; B. D., Yale Divinity School. Bradfield, Barbara H. 1974-75. Piano. Study at the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Bradshaw, V. Stephen. 1964-73. Business administration. B. S., LL. B., University of Richmond. Branner, J. Robert. 1975 (fall term). Business administration. B. S., Bridgewater; C. P.A. Bridges, Herbert L., Jr. Summers, 1945-52. Education and psychology. B. S., College of William and Mary; M. S., Ph. D., University of Virginia. Brubaker, Leland S. 1939-41. Special lecturer on young people's problems. B. A., La Verne College; B. D., Bethany Bible School; M. A., University of Southern California. Brumbaugh, Alice Martin. 1949-50. Sociology. B. S., Shippensburg State Teachers College; M. A., University of Maryland. Brunk, John D. 1900-1906. Voice culture and piano. New Conservatory of Music; study under Rockingham County musicians. Brusick, David J. 1967-68. Biology. B. S., University of Illinois; M. S., Illinois State University. Bullard, Marjorie M. 1935-36. Home economics. B. S., Harrisonburg (Va.) State Normal School; graduate study, Columbia University. Burns, Robert K. 1916-17; 1962-67. Biology. B. A., Bridgewater; Ph.D., Yale University. Butterbaugh, Sharon A. 1975-78. Home economics. B. S., M. Ed., Georgia College.

Casali, Liberty M. 1965-66. Chemistry. B. S., Duke University; Ph.D., University of Colorado. Chandler, Edward T. 1952-53. Physical education. B. S., Davidson College. Churchman, Charles J. 1967-89. English. B. A., M.A., University of Virginia; Ph.D., . Clague, Betty Scrogum (Mrs. W. Donald). 1954-55; 1959-66. Piano. B. S., Bridgewater. Clague, W. Donald. 1943-66. Chemistry, mathematics, and natural science. B. A., Bridgewater; M. Ed., Ed. D., University of Virginia; graduate study, Columbia University. Cline, Alda B. 1914-17. Latin. B. A., Bridgewater. Cline, Joseph W. 1889-90. Commercial subjects. Commercial course graduate, Bridgewater. Cline, Justus H. 1903-5; 1906-8; 1909-10. Biology, geology, history, moral science, and Old Testament. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Northwestern University. Cline, May L. 1918-19. Shorthand and typewriting. B. Accts., Bridgewater. Cline, Pearle V. 1915-16. Physical education. BC student. Cline, Ruth I. 1928-30. English. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., Vanderbilt University; M.A., Radcliffe College. Coffman, Aubrey R. 1914-15; 1918-20. Commercial subjects; Greek, and Latin. B. E., B. A., and M. A., Bridgewater. Coffman, John M. 1887-89; 1906-14; 1918-19. See the VaNS faculty listing. Coffman, M. Kate Flory (Mrs. John M.). 1906-9. English language and literature. B. E., Bridgewater. Cole, Marie C. (Mrs. Roger E.). 1954-55; 1959-66. Piano and voice. B. S., Juniata College; M. A., Madison College. 778 APPENDIX 11

Cole, Roger E. 1954-66. Instrumental music; band director. B. S., Juniata College; M. M. Ed., Vandercook College of Music. Coleberd, Robert E., Jr. 1962-64. Economics and business. B. A., William Jewell College; M. B. A., Cornell University; M. A., Ph. D., University of Illinois. Corner, Vincent J. 1971-72. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater. Cone, Virginia M. 1963-65. French. B. A., Westhampton College; M.A., University of North Carolina; M. A., Syracuse University. Conner, Millie C. Bowman (Mrs. William K.). 1899-1901. Art. Bridgewater student, 1894-97. Conner, William K. 1899-1903; 1904-5. Penmanship, drawing, and New Testament. B. E., Bridgewater; study at the Zanerian Art School. Cook, Charles G. 1893-94. English language and literature. B. S., M.A., Haverford College. Cool, A. Olivia. 1929-30; 1937-40; 1942-76. Piano, music theory, and French. B. A. and music teacher's certificate, Bridgewater; M. Mus., American Conservatory of Music; study at Johns Hopkins University, Peabody Conservatory of Music, and Ithaca College. Cool, Newton D. 1918-24; 1931-49. Economics, commerce, and mathematics. B. E., Bridgewater; study at Central Commercial College and the University of Virginia. Copenhaver, Mary Frances. 1962-63. Horne economics. B. S., Hood College. Corbin, Donald E. 1966-70. French. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Maryland. Costello, Vivian L. Summer, 1966. French. B. A., Bridgewater; study at the University of Missouri. Cover, Rebecca L. 1979-84. Business. B. S., Bridgewater; M. B. A., . Cox, Henry B. 1939-41. French and German. B. A., Haverford College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Cranmer, Marie B. 1947-50. English. B. A., Montclair State Teachers College; M.A., New York University. Craun, Warren S. 1934-36. Economics and commerce. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Virginia; graduate, commercial teacher training course, Goldey College. Crim, Keith R. Summer, 1947. German. B. A., Bridgewater. Crist, David W. 1898-99. Commercial subjects. Study at the Rochester (N. Y.) Business Institute and at Bridgewater. Critzer, Nell M. 1921-22. English and French. B. S., Harrisonburg (Va.) State Normal School. Crouch, Eugene M. 1887-92. Ancient and modem languages, mathematics, ethics, and methods of instruction. B. A., Milligan College. Crummett, Warren B. Summer, 1948. Chemistry. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Ohio State University. Currie, Katharine M. 1954-55. Voice. B. A., Agnes Scott College; M. Mus., Westminster Choir College. Curry, A. Stauffer. 1943-45. Bible. B. S., ; S. T. B., Westminster (Md.) Theological Seminary.

Daniels, Donald E. 1961-62. English. B. A., Presbyterian College. Davis, Thomas A. 1958-61. Bible and religion. B. A., La Verne College; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary. Day, Kenneth C. 1965-68. Physical education. B. S., Shepherd College; M.A., Appalachian State Teachers College. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 779

Dean, Anna Mary. 1920-21. English and expression. B. A., Williamsport Dickinson Seminary; graduate, Edith C. Noyes School of Expression. Deardorff, Donald L. 1967-73. Physics. B. S., Manchester College; M. S., Ph.D., Purdue University. Dellett, Jon L. 1972- . Mathematics. B. A., Fort Hays (Kansas) State College; M.A. L. S., Wesleyan University; M. S., New Mexico State University. Dingledine, Raymond C., Jr. Summers, 1949-51. Virginia history and government. B. A., Ph. D., University of Virginia. Dixon, Margaret P. 1943-46. Home economics. B. S., Bridgewater. Dove, Alice Brumbaugh (Mrs. Frederick D.). 1925-27; 1931-40; 1943-47. French, speech and dramatics, and English. B. A., Juniata College; graduate study, University of Pennsylvania. Dove, Frederick D. 1925-30; 1931-48. Psychology, education, sociology, and Biblical literature. B. A., Daleville College; B. D., Crozer Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. Dreizler, William U. 1915-17. Greek, Latin, and history. B. A., M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Driver, Carl S. Summers, 1928, 1929. History and political science. B. A., Bridgewater; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Dunlap, Russell L. 1964-77. English. B. S., Slippery Rock State College; Litt. M., University of Pittsburgh; graduate study, University of North Carolina. Duong, Buu. 1965-75. French. B. S., Ohio University; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University. Dupler, Alpheus W. 1917-19. Biology. B. A., Juniata College; M. S., Ph.D., University of Chicago. Durrett, Harold L. 1964-65. Business administration. B. A., M.A., West Virginia University.

Early, Lenora E. 1914-16. Vocal music. Graduate in Bridgewater's music teachers' course. Elliott, Bruce H. 1978-81. Accounting. B. A., Bridgewater; C. P.A. Emerson, Hugh N. 1980-81. Business administration. B. A., Johns Hopkins University; M. B. A., Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania. Emswiler, Laura M. 1906-8. Piano, organ, and voice. Graduate in Bridgewater's music teachers' course. Enss, Gustav H. 1947-56. German and philosophy. M.A., University of Michigan; Th. M., Th. D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Eshleman, Helen C. 1951-54. Voice. B. S., Manchester College; study at the American Conservatory of Music. Evers, Manola F. Spring semester, 1929. Home economics. B. A., Bridgewater.

Fahnestock, Galen B. 1952-55. Commerce. B. S., Elizabethtown College. Faulkner, M. Margaret. Fall, 1949. Physical education. BC student. Fike, Margery K. 1954-55. Home economics. B. S., Iowa State College. Fisher, Hester Walker. 1924-25. Piano. Graduate, Blue Ridge College (New Windsor, Md.) Department of Music. Fisher, Nevin W. 1922-25; Summers, 1927-29; 1946-51. Piano and voice. Graduate, Blue Ridge College (New Windsor, Md.) Department of Music; graduate, Peabody Conservatory of Music; B. Mus., Eastman School of Music; M. Mus., Northwestern University.

Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 781

Glick, Rudolph A. Summer, 1928; 1937-43; 1945-72. Mathematics and physics. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Duke University. Glick, Victor E. 1949-51; 1952-77. History and government. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Chicago. Gnagey, A. Lucile. 1922-24. Home economics. B. A., McPherson College. Gochenour, Zula M. 1908-10; 1931-34. Piano and music history. Graduate in Bridgewater's music teachers' course; student, Peabody Conservatory of Music. Goering, James A. 1964-74. German. B. A., Eastern Mennonite College; M.A., Kent State University. Good, Alice Virginia. Summer, 1945. English. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Virginia. Good, Carson C. 1977-. Social work. B. A., Bridgewater; M. S. W., Virginia Commonwealth University. Good, Flora H. 1903-4. Instrumental music. Graduate in Bridgewater's music teachers' course and piano course. Good, Isaac T. 1894-98. Commercial subjects. Graduate in Bridgewater's business course; study at Rochester Business University. Good, Michael A. 1901-3; 1910-18. Mathematics, natural sciences, English language and literature. Educated at Washington and Lee University and at state normal schools in Virginia. Goodwin, Warren C. 1889-90. Ancient languages and mathematics. B. A., Haverford College. Graef, Philip E. 1948-50. Chemistry. B. A., ; M.A., George Peabody College for Teachers. Graham, Charles P. 1935-36. Education. B. A., Emory and Henry College. Graham, Olive Delp (Mrs. Charles P.). 1936-59. Art. B. S. and certificate in art, ; study at the University of Virginia and Madison College. Grether, Selma Georgia. 1927-28. French, home economics, and physical education. B. S., Hood College. Grimm, John C. 1913-14. Greek and Latin. B. A., M.A., Ohio State University. Groff, Warren F. 1954-58. Bible and religion. B. A., Juniata College; B. D., Ph.D., Yale University. Gross, Samuel C. 1968-69. Physical education. B. S., West Virginia Wesleyan College. Gross, Virginia M. 1967-69. Physical education. B. A., California State College at Long Beach. Grossnickle, Thurman T. 1956-61. Chemistry. B. S., Juniata College; M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Wayne University. Gunsten, Paul H., Jr. 1953-67. Physical education. B. A., M.A., University of Kentucky.

Hahn, Mildred B. 1937-38. Speech and dramatics. B. A., Ursinus College. Hall, A. Michael. 1976-77. Social work. B. A., Bridgewater; M. Div., Emory University. Hall, Alice Freeman. 1941-42. Home economics and physical education. B. A., Earlham College; M. A., Columbia University. Hall, Charles E. 1914-15. Harmony and history of music. B. E., Bridgewater; music graduate, Northwestern University; student, Columbia University. Hamilton, Helen C. 1904-5. Piano, violin, voice, and music history. Trained at the New England Conservatory of Music. 782 APPENDIX 11

Hansen, Anna Marie. 1913-15. Expression, art, and physical education. Graduate, Lordsburg College; student, Columbia College of Expression, Chicago Art Institute, and the University of Southern California. Harlow, Gay Ola Walter (Mrs. George W.). 1919-21. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater; student, University of Illinois. Harlow, George W. 1916-17; 1918-21; summer, 1926. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater; student, University of Illinois and George Peabody College for Teachers. Harman, James A. 1915-22; 1927-33. Stringed and wind instruments; orchestra director. Student, Dana's Musical Institute. Harrington, Kathleen R. 1925-26. Home economics. Certificate, East Tennessee State Teachers College. Harshbarger, Frances E. Summer, 1929. French. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Virginia. Hartnett, John J., Jr. 1937-40. Commerce. BC student. Haycock, Berchie Hodum (Mrs. Cecil L.). 1958-59. Home economics. B. S., M. Ed., Mississippi State College. Haynes, Lawrence W. 1970-73. Economics. B. S., Purdue University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Heatwole, Dolores Anne. 1955-56. Physical education. BC student. Heatwole, Ray L. 1972-73. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., Madison College. Hedrick, Bayard M. 1902-6. Commercial subjects. Commercial course graduate, Bridgewater; graduate, Northern Indiana Normal School. Heisey, Lowell V. 1950-85. Chemistry. B. A., Manchester College; M. S., Ph.D., Purdue University. Heishman, Jane E. 1955-56. Physical education. BC student. Heishman, Mary Frances. 1970-. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., Madison College; Ed. D., University of Virginia. Henry, Jerry Maurice. 1928-52. History, political science, and Biblical literature. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Ph. D., George Washington University. Hershberger, G. B. 1890-92. Commercial subjects. B. E. and commercial course graduate, Bridgewater. Hershey, John Willard. 1908-10. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry. B. S., Pennsylvania College. Hibbard, M. Elizabeth. 1970-71. Home economics. B. S., University of Massachusetts; M. A., Columbia University. Hicks, Eleanor Reed (Mrs. George R.). 1959-62; 1964-67. English. B. A., Eastern Michigan College; M. A., University of Michigan. Hildebrand, Ephraim T. 1899-1904. Vocal music; music director. B. E., Shenandoah Institute; training under Fred W. Root, D. A. Clippinger, and other musicians; also in the New York Vocal Institute and the Capital School of Music. Hill, L. Michael. 1972-. Biology. B. S., Alabama College; M. S., Tennessee Technological University; Ph. D., University of New Hampshire. Hodum, Berchie L. 1955-58. Home economics. B. S., M. Ed., Mississippi State College. Holsinger, Clyde K. Summers, 1928, 1929. Education. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., George Peabody College for Teachers. Holsinger, George B. 1882-98. See the VaNS faculty listing. Holsinger, Sallie Kagey (Mrs. George B.). 1884-87; 1892-98. See the VaNS faculty listing. Hooker, WalterR. 1912-13. Mathematics. B. A., Bridgewater.

Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 785

Lehman, Daniel W. Summer, 1943. Psychology and education. B. A., Franklin and Marshall College; M. A., University of Virginia. LeMar, Mary W. 1971-78. Home economics. A. S., Abraham Baldwin College; B. S., Georgia College (at Milledgeville); M. S., Kansas State University. Liskey, Rebecca Zinn. Summer, 1967. French. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Missouri. Liskey, Theron J. Summer, 1943. Biology. B. A., Bridgewater. Logan, Bernard St. Clair. 1959-67; 1978-84. Economics and business administration. B. A., Bridgewater; M. S., Ph. D., University of Wisconsin. Long, Lucile. 1933-43. English. B. A., Manchester College; M.A., Iowa State University. Looney, Terry D. Fall term, 1977; spring term, 1981. Cost accounting. B. A., Bridgewater; C. P.A. Lowe, Helen. 1930-31. Home economics, French, and physical education. B. S., George Peabody College for Teachers. Lucas, George R., Jr. 1977-78. Philosophy and religion. B. S., College of William and Mary; M. Div., Garrett Theological Seminary.

MacPhail, Ralph C., Jr. 1972- . Theater, speech, and English. B. A., Bridgewater; M. F. A., Virginia Commonwealth University. Mapp, Laura S. 1961-. Physical education. B. S., Westhampton College; M. S., University of Tennessee; graduate study, University of Oregon. Marshall, Clifford T. 1951-52. Music (brass and band). B. Mus., Eastman School of Music; M. Mus., Sherwood School of Music. Marshall, Lucille Young (Mrs. Clifford T.). 1939-45. Instrumental music. B. Mus., M. Mus., Eastman School of Music. Martin, Alphadine E. 1949-50. Physical education. BC student. Martin, John W., Jr. 1961-65; 1966-85. Chemistry. B. A., Bridgewater; B. S., Medical College of Virginia; Ph. D., University of North Carolina. Martinez, Antonio R. 1967-73. Spanish. University of Havana () doctoral degrees in law and the humanities. May, Clarence E. 1946-68. English. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Virginia; graduate study, Columbia University; School of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Birmingham, Stratford-on-Avon; University of London. May, Emery E. Spring semester, 1925. Physical education. BC student. May, Frances Zoll (Mrs. Clarence E.). 1949-51; 1955-59. Shorthand and typewriting; business education. Study at Gregg Business College and the University of illinois. Mayo, Ann M. 1967-68. English. B. S., Loyola College (Baltimore, Md.). Mays, Morley J. 1941-44. English. B. A., Juniata College; M. A., University of Pittsburgh. McBride, Sara E. 1947-48. English and speech. B. A., Ursinus College; M.A., Columbia University. McCann, Samuel N. 1884-86; 1890-91; 1892-93; 1909-17. See the VaNS faculty listing. McFadden, W. Robert. 1961-. Religion. B. A., Manchester College; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary; Th. D., Boston University. Mekeel, Dale E. 1968-81. Social science. B. S., Nebraska State College; M. S., University of Michigan; graduate study, Boston University. Mendenhall, Ottis E. 1898-99. Natural sciences, history, Latin, French, and mathematics. B. A., M. A., Haverford College. 786 APPENDIX 11

Mengebier, William L. 1968-87. Biology. B. S., The Citadel; M.A., Oberlin College; Ph.D., University of Tennessee. Meroney, Mildred N. 1939-43. Home economics. B. S., George Peabody College for Teachers; M. A., Columbia University. Metzler, David G. 1958-62; 1966-81; 1983- . Philosophy and religion. B. A., McPherson College; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary; S. T. M., Harvard Divinity School; Th. D., Boston University. Meuli, Patricia R. 1956-57. Physical education. B. A., La Verne College; M. S., Indiana University. Michaels, Gladys E. 1927-30. Voice and piano. Teacher's diploma, New England Conservatory of Music. Miller, Belle Kersh (Mrs. Benjamin C.). 1898-99. Art. Miller, Dessie R. 1946-47. Education. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Virginia. Miller, Donna L. 1959-63. Business education. B. S., Bridgewater; M. S., Madison College. Miller, Dorothy. Summer, 1942. Music. B. A., Bridgewater; M. S., University of Pennsylvania; graduate of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and of the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Miller, Edward A. 1886-88; 1890-92. See the VaNS faculty listing. Miller, E. Gene. Summer, 1970. History. B. S., M. A., Madison College. Miller, Ella E. 1912-16. History. B. A., M.A., Bridgewater; graduate study, University of Virginia and University of Pennsylvania. Miller, Ella Wine (Mrs. Edward A.). 1890-92. Art. Music graduate, Bridgewater. Miller, James Carson. Spring term, 1883; spring term, 1886; 1892-1901. See the VaNS faculty listing. Miller, John Carl. 1962-64. English. B. A., Millsaps College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia. Miller, John David. 1901-3; 1916-34. Mathematics, geology, and hygiene. B. A., M.A., Bridgewater; M. D., Medical College of Virginia. Miller, Joseph Wampler. 1928-30. Physical education; agriculture. B. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Miller, Josephine R. 1942-43. Home economics. B. A., Manchester College. Miller, Lera Wampler (Mrs. Arthur B.). 1938-41. Home economics. B. A., Bridgewater; graduate study, Columbia University. Miller, L. Paul. 1937-39. French, German, and Spanish. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A. and further graduate study, University of Virginia. Miller, Lula Alice. 1930-31; summer, 1945. Biology. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Virginia. Miller, Mildred Cobb. 1946-47. Voice. B. Mus., Shenandoah Conservatory of Music. Miller, Minor C. 1921-58. Religious education, history of the Christian Church, and Bible. B. S. L., B. A., Bridgewater; M. R. E., Boston University; graduate study, Harvard University. Mills, Janice Je~n. 1959-60. Home economics. B. S., Bridgewater. Moherman, Tully S. 1908-10. Philosophy, Old Testament, and homiletics. B. S. L., B. D., Juniata College. Monroe, Robert C. 1970-72. Instrumental music. B. S., Lebanon Valley College; M. Mus., University of Miami; Ph. D., Florida State University. Morris, James H. 1906-8. Mathematics. B. S. L., Manchester College; study at Valparaiso College. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 787

Moser, Gerd. 1939-41. Spanish. Docteur es Lettres, University of Paris. Moyers, Kennie A. 1913-14. Penmanship. B. E., Bridgewater. Mugler, Minnie. 1925-27. Piano. Music graduate, McPherson College; student, Bethany College Conservatory of Music. Mummert, Harlan D. 1963-66. Bible. B. A., La Verne College; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary. Mumper, James A. 1962-84. History. B. A., Swarthmore College; M. Ed., M. A., Ph. D., University of Virginia. Mundy, Theodore W. 1933-36. Violin; orchestra director. B. A. and music certificate, Bridgewater; graduate study, University of Virginia. Murray, Sadie A. 1916-17. Vocal music. Myers, Ann V. Summer, 1968. French. B. A., Juniata College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Myers, Anna Mae. 1963-78; 1980-83. Home economics. B. S., Bridgewater; M. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Myers, John C. 1900-1901; 1903-8; 1910-12. Mathematics, chemistry, physics, Latin, German, and history. B. A., M. A., Bridgewater; graduate study, University of Virginia. Myers, Melvin L. 1962-85. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater; M. S., West Virginia University. Myers, Minor M. 1917-18. Biblical literature and theology. B. A., Bridgewater; graduate study, Vanderbilt University. Myers, Rachel E. Spring semester, 1925. Physical education. BC student. Myers, S. Marie. 1909-13. Piano. Training at the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Myers, Virginia H. 1966-75. Home economics. B. S., M. S., Madison College. Myers, Weldon T. 1900-1905. Greek, Latin, mathematics, and natural sciences. B. A., Bridgewater.

Neal, Earl S. 1916-18. Philosophy; pedagogy. B. A., Howard Payne College; M.A., George Washington University. Neal, Lamar B. 1971- . Political science and history. B. S., M. S., Mississippi State University; J. D., LL. M., University of Mississippi; graduate study, Tulane University. Neff, Robert W. 1964-65. Philosophy and religion. B. S., Pennsylvania State University; B. D., Yale Divinity School; M. A., Yale University. Neher, Dean R. 1961- . Physics and computer science. B. S., McPherson College; M. S., Ph. D., University of Kansas. Newcomb, Robert H. 1952-58. English. B. A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland. Newman, Carol D. 1979-82. Music. B. A., ; Ph.D., University of North Carolina. · Nielsen, Patricia Anne W. 1978-84. Biology. B. S., M.A., University of North Carolina. Nipe, Lois Wakeman (Mrs. John R.). 1946-47. Voice. B. S., Bridgewater. Norris, Walter B. 1903-5. English language and literature. B. A., Harvard University.

Orr, C. T. 1917-18. Mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Valparaiso University graduate. Owen, Mary Louise. 1955-56. Physical education. BC student.

Paul, John A. Summer, 1966. American history. B. A., J. D., Washington and Lee University. 788 APPENDIX 11

Peachey, Laban. Summer, 1964. Psychology. B. A., Eastern Mennonite College; M. Ed., University of Virginia; Ed. D., George Washington University. Pearson, Alden B., Jr. 1966-67. History. B. A., M.A., Duke University; B. D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Penrod, David A. 1973- . Business law. B. A., Bridgewater; J. D., Ohio State University. Perry, Jean Kaye. 1978-81. Home economics. B. S., John Brown University; M. S., University of Arkansas. Phibbs, Donald E. 1966-73. Business administration. B. A., Bridgewater; C. P.A. Phiet, Do The Thuyen. 1975-81. Piano. Diploma, Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris; first prize in chamber music, Conservatoire International de Musique. Pringham, Christopher F. Spring semester, 1966. English. B. A., M.A., Oxford University (England). Pritchett, W. Clifton. 1966-77. Music. B. S., Bridgewater; M.A., University of Michigan. Pryor, William L. 1950-52. English. B. A., Florida Southern College; M.A., Florida State College. Purkey, Barbara J. 1968-70. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater. Purvis, Robert E. 1968-87. Art. B. A., Lynchburg College; M. F. A., Richmond Professional Institute.

Rangel, Vincent H. 1965-67. Spanish. University of Havana (Cuba) doctoral degrees in law and social studies. Reedy, James A. 1966-71; 1973-78. Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., California State College (Long Beach); Ed. D., George Peabody College for Teachers. Reynolds, Stella G. 1949-53. Home economics. B. A., Lynchburg College; M.A., Hartford Seminary; diploma, Miss Farmer's School of Cookery; diploma, Wilton School of Cake Decorating. Rhoads, Diana A. Fall term, 1971. English. B. A., Smith College; M.A., Boston University. Richcreek, Mary L. 1918-21. Voice. Graduate in piano and voice, Bridgewater. Riddel, Clifford T., Jr. Summer, 1946. Chemistry. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Columbia University. Ritchie, Abigail S. Summer, 1963. Elementary education. B. S., M. A., Madison College. Roller, Birdie Wise (Mrs. Elmer). 1898-1903. Piano and organ. Studied at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and under B.C. Unseld, George B. Holsinger, and other musicians. Roller, Charles W. 1904-7; 1908-24; 1930-31. Voice culture, theory of music, and violin. Music teachers' course graduate, Bridgewater; student at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Ronk, Charles W. 1911-14. Commercial subjects. B. E., Bridgewater; B. Accts., Manchester College. Ross, Robert E. 1949-50. Mathematics. B. A., Columbia University. Ruby, Helen M. 1943-45. Home economics. B. S., University of Illinois. Rushton, Mary W. LeMar (Mrs. James A.). 1978-80. Home economics. See Mary W. LeMar, above.

Sandin, Miles W. 1967-74. Computer science. B. A., Bridgewater. Sanger, Lina E. 1910-11; 1917-18. Latin, science, education, and psychology. B. A., Bridgewater. Sanger, Paul B., Jr. 1947-51. Music. B. S., Bridgewater; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary; B. Mus., M. Mus., DePaul University. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 789

Sanger, William H. 1905-6. Greek, mathematics, and physics. B. A., Bridgewater. Sanger, William T. 1910-12; 1913-16; 1919-21. Psychology, education, Greek, philosophy, sociology, and history. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Indiana University; Ph. D., Clark University. Sappington, Roger E. 1958-66; 1967-89. History and political science. B. A., Manchester College; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary; M. A., Ph. D., Duke University. Schmidt, Mildred L. Summer, 1945. Home economics. B. A., Bridgewater. Schools, Marshall. 1946-49. Physical education. B. S., Mary Washington College; M. S., George Peabody College for Teachers. Schultz, Linda Sue. Summer, 1968; 1969-70. Spanish. B. A., Longwood College; M.A., West Virginia University. Seebert, Mary McKee. 1920-22. Home economics. B. S., Harrisonburg (Va.) State Normal School. Seese, Norman A. 1916-17. Mathematics. B. A., Bridgewater. Shain, Roberta Meyer. 1961-63. Spanish. B. A., Hunter College; M.A., Pennsylvania State University. Sharif, Regina S. 1972-73. History. B. A., Eastern Mennonite College; M.A., Ph.D., American University. Sheaffer, Rebekah S. Summer, 1944. English. B. A., Ursinus College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Shively, Levi S. 1955-60. Mathematics. B. A., University of Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago. Shober, Everett R. 1935-46. Biology; education. B. A., Juniata College; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University. Shober, Lucielle J. (Mrs. Everett R.). 1937-40; 1942-46. Voice and public school music. Music graduate, Juniata College and Indiana State Teachers College; student, Julliard Foundation; B. A., Bridgewater. Shockley, Ida E. 1946-48. English. B. A., Manchester College; M.A., University of Chicago. Shoemaker, T. Fern. 1936-38. Home economics. B. A., McPherson College; graduate student, University of Colorado. Showalter, Amos M. 1931-34; summers, 1944, 1945. Biology. B. A., Goshen College; M.A., Ph. D., University of Wisconsin; research student, University of Louvain and University of Brussels. Showalter, Maude E. 1909 (early months). Piano, organ, and voice. Music teachers course graduate, Bridgewater. Shrum, Georgia R. 1928-35. Art; home economics. B. S., Queens College; student, Harrisonburg (Va.) State Teachers College and Columbia University. Shull, Charles E. 1914-17; 1919-63 .. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry. B. S., M.A., Bridgewater; M.A., Cornell University; graduate study, University of Virginia, Johns Hopkins University, University of Illinois, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Ohio Northern University. Shultz, Carl J. 1952-53. Music (stringed and brass instruments). B. A., Manchester College; M.Mus, Northwestern University. Shultz, Dorothy M. (Mrs. Carl J.). 1952-53. Piano and music theory. B. A.; Manchester College. Silliman, Frances E. 1944-46; 1947-53; 1958-73. Biology. B. S., University of Minnesota; M. S., University of Michigan; M. A., Ph. D., University of North Carolina. Simmons, William B. 1914-18. Penmanship. BC student. 790 APPENDIX 11

Skeggs, Pearl E. 1911-12. Shorthand and typewriting. Graduate, National Business College (Roanoke, Va.) Skeggs, Rebecca C. 1907-8. Commercial subjects. Graduate, National Business College (Roanoke, Va.) Smith, James C. 1956-59. Economics. B. S., Kansas Wesleyan University; M. B. A., Harvard University. Smith, Ruth N. 1945-46. Commerce; physical education. B. A., Manchester College. Smith, William F. 1943-45; summer, 1952. Commerce, physical education, and religious education. B. A., Manchester College; M.A., New York University; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary. Spaulding, Blanche B. (Mrs. J. Lloyd). First semester, 1945-46. Horne economics. B. S., Iowa State College; graduate student, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Spencer, John S. 1967- . Physical education. B. A., B. S., Shepherd College; M.A., Appalachian State University. Spivey, C. Orman. 1955-57. ·Voice. B. Mus., Houghton College; M. Mus., Indiana University. Starr, Edward M. 1920-34; 1935-37. Chemistry; mathematics. B. A., Oberlin College; M.A., Ohio State University. Starr, Mary McKee Seebert (Mrs. Edward M.). 1924-25; 1926-27. Horne economics. B. S., Harrisonburg (Va.) State Normal School. Stauffer, Ruth E. Weybright (Mrs. Edgar E.). 1955-79. Organ, piano, and music theory. Graduate, Blue Ridge College (New Windsor, Md.) Music Department; piano graduate, Peabody Conservatory of Music; B. Mus., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; graduate study, American Conservatory of Music and Johns Hopkins University; organ student of Virgil Fox and other musicians. Stayer, James M. 1962-65. History. B. A., Juniata College; M.A., University of Virginia; Ph. D., Cornell University. Stevens, Janet W. (Mrs. C. Dick). 1978-86. Horne economics. B. S., University of Maryland; M. Ed., James Madison University. Stevens, Morris L. 1954-56. Economics. B. A., Houghton College; M.A., LL. B., University of Wisconsin. Stille, Harry J. 1956-57. Physical education. B. A., M. Ed., University of Kentucky. Stinebaugh, Galen L. 1940-42; 1946-58. Public school music; violin. B. A., Manchester College; B. Mus., Sherwood Music School; M. Mus., Northwestern University. Stinebaugh, Ruth L. (Mrs. Galen L.). 1946-48; 1951-54. Voice. B. S., Ball State Teachers College; graduate student, Huntington College Conservatory of Music. Stover, John Emmert. 1928-29. Voice; acting director of music. B. A., B. D., Mt. Morris College. Stover, Madge Adelaide. 1926-28. Expression. Graduate in expression, Shenandoah College. Strite, Ethel S. 1946-47. Horne economics. B. S., Madison College. Strunk, DeForest L., II 1952-54. Psychology. B. A., M. Ed., University of Virginia. Stutsman, Frank M. 1888-90. Commercial subjects. BC student. Swank, Dorothy V. Summers, 1960, 1961, 1963. Elementary education. B. S., Madison College; M. Ed., University of Virginia.

Tandy, Ruth E. 1950-55; 1957-61. Physical education. B. A., University of Kentucky; M. S., Indiana University. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 791

Thaxton, Vera M. 1960-62. Home economics. B. A., San Diego State College; M. S., University of Illinois. Thomas, Ira F. 1924-26; 1933-34. Accounting; shorthand, and typewriting. Commercial, shorthand, and typewriting graduate, Bridgewater; B. A., Bridgewater; student at the Rochester (N. Y.) Business Institute and at the Zanerian Art College (Columbus, Ohio). Thomas, Otho W. 1905-11. Commercial subjects. B. E., Bridgewater; also a graduate in Bridgewater's shorthand, typewriting, and business courses. Thomas, William W. Summers, 1966, 1970, 1972, 1976, and 1978. Religion. B. A., Washington and Lee University; B. D., Yale University; Ph. D., Duke University. Thompson, Bradley D. F. Summer, 1946. History. B. A., Williams College; M.A., Harvard University. Thompson, Phyllis J. 1956-59; 1962-65. English. B. A., King College; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina. Thornell, Frances Ellen. 1908-9. Piano and harmony. Study at the Tabor College Conservatory of Music and at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Thornley, Thomas R., Jr. 1972-. Music. B. A., M. Mus., University of South Carolina; Ed. D., University of Virginia. Thornton, Martha B. 1968-86. Religion. B. S., Schauffler College; M.A., Hartford School of Religious Education; Ed. R. D., Hartford Seminary Foundation. Trappe, Elizabeth. 1924-27. Violin. Graduate, Eastman School of Music. Trout, Lula 0. 1896-97. Art. Study at Bridgewater. Trout, Philip E. 1958-78. Music. B. S., Bridgewater; M. Mus., Florida State University. Truxal, Mary Louise. 1950-52. English. B. A., Bethany College; M.A., University of Wisconsin. Tyeryar, Gary L. 1968-. English. B. A., Western Maryland College; M.A., Rice University; Ph. D., University of Wisconsin.

Ulrich, Dale V. 1958-61; 1964-67; 1982-85. Physics. B. A., La Verne College; M. S., University of Oregon; Ph. D., University of Virginia.

Van Pelt, Edward B. 1921-30. Agriculture and biology. B. S., McPherson College; M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Van Winkle, Marion. Spring semester, 1969. Sociology. B. A., Hillsdale College; M.A., Michigan State University. Varner, Susan H. 1970-71. Music. B. S., Bridgewater; M.A., Madison College. Varner, Wallace B. 1923-25. Philosophy and psychology. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., Vanderbilt University; B. D., Yale University. Vaughn, Richard A. 1963-65. Mathematics..B. S., ; M. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Wade, Ben F. Summer, 1969; 1979-85. Religion. B. A., Bridgewater; M. Div., United Theological Seminary; S. T. M., Boston University; M. S., Columbia University; Ph.D., Hartford Seminary Foundation. Wagoner, Robert E. 1962-64. Philosophy and religion. B. A., Manchester College; graduate study, Bethany Biblical Seminary and Harvard University. Wallich, Beverly A. Summer, 1966. Mathematics. B. A., Bridgewater; graduate student, University of Florida. Walter, Gay Ola. 1916-19. Physical education. BC student. 792 APPENDIX 11

Wampler, Benjamin F. 1917-18. Voice culture and chorus. Graduate, music teachers course, Bridgewater; student, Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Wampler, Charles W. 1920-21. Agriculture. Stock breeder and farmer. Wampler, Dorris M. Berry (Mrs. Fred F.). 1970-88. Education. B. A., Bridgewater; M.L. S., Vanderbilt University. Wampler, Ernest M. 1911-13; 1916-18. Physical culture; physics. B. E., Bridgewater. Wampler, Fred F. 1957-88. Education. B. A., Bridgewater; M.A., George Washington University; Ed. D., University of Maryland. Wampler, Joseph W. 1889-90. Natural sciences. B. E., Bridgewater. Ware, James H., Jr. First semester, 1963-64. Bible and religion. B. A., M.A., Baylor University; B. D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Warren, James M. 1896-99. Hygiene. M. D. Watson, W. Steve, Jr. 1970-81; 1983- . Philosophy and religion. B. A., Furman University; B. D., Southeastern Baptist Seminary; graduate study, Emory University. Wayland, John W. 1896-1900; 1901-3; 1905-6. Latin, Greek, English, physics, mathematics, geography, history, moral philosophy, New Testament, vocal music, and mechanical drawing. B. A., Bridgewater; graduate study, University of Virginia. Weimer, Harry R. 1934-38. Chemistry. B. A., Manchester College; M. S., Ph.D., Ohio State University. Weiss, Robert J. 1962-68. Mathematics. B. A., La Verne College; M.A., Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles. West,RussellG. 1918-19. Penmanship. BCstudent. Weybright, Ruth E. 1927-55. See Ruth E. Weybright (Mrs. Edgar E.) Stauffer. White, John E. 1960-63; 1965-. Mathematics. B. A., Bridgewater; M. S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute. White, Larry H. 1966-67. Physical science. B. A., Bridgewater; graduate study, Ohio State University. Whitelow, Carlyle. 1969- . Physical education. B. A., Bridgewater; M. Ed., University of Virginia. Wilhelm, H. Holmes. 1941-43. French, German, and Spanish. B. A., Guilford College; M. A., University of North Carolina. Wilkerson, Shirley Petcher (Mrs. Edgar F.). In the 1960's. Piano. B. S., Bridgewater. Wilkins, W. Elliott, Jr. 1966-68. English. B. A., M.A., College of William and Mary. Will, Homer C. Summer, 1926. Biology. B. A., Bridgewater; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Williams, George A. Summer, 1943. Chemistry. Ph.D., Yale University. Williamson, James H. 1968-70. Mathematics. B. S., Dickinson State College; M.A., University of Arizona. Willoughby, William G. 1950-62; 1966-70. Sociology, Bible, philosophy, and religion. B. A., Elizabethtown College; B. D., Bethany Biblical Seminary; Ph. D., Boston University. Wine, Joseph B. Fall term, 1897. English, history, natural sciences, and mathematics. Mt. Morris College graduate. Wine, R. Lowell. Summer, 1942. Mathematics and physics. B. A., Bridgewater. Winfrey, David 0. 1958-67. English. B. A., West Virginia University; B. D., Drew University; M. S., M. A., Ph. D., University of Maryland. Wise, Milton B. 1902-3. English language and literature. B. A., M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 793

Witters, Donald R. 1968- . Psychology. B. A., Elizabethtown College; B. D., Bethany Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., Arizona State University. Wolfe, Marshall R. 1937-55. Philosophy and religion. B. A., Blue Ridge College (New Windsor, Md.); B. D., Bethany Bible School. Woodard, John. 1943-44. Biology. B. S., M.A., University of Missouri; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Woodard, Lawrence E. 1972-73. Speech; English. B. S., M.A., Brigham Young University. Wright, Charles C. 1915-28; 1929-54. Commerce, economics, political science, history, and sociology. M. Accts., B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Columbia University; Ph. D., University of Virginia. , Wright, Frank J. 1911-16; 1919-23; 1924-25; summer, 1929. Biology, agriculture, geology. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., University of Virginia; Ph. D., Columbia University.

Yoder, Paul R., Jr. 1950-51. Mathematics and physics. B. S., Juniata College; M. S., Pennsylvania State College. Yoder, Raymond A. 1976-80. Art education. B. A., Goshen College; M. Ed., University of Virginia. Young, Grace Beard. 1929-31. Expression. M. E. graduate, Ralston University. Yount, Walter B. 1892-1906; 1907-10. Greek, Latin, French, German, elocution, Old and New Testaments. B. E., Brethren's Normal College (now Juniata College); six years' study at the University of Virginia; study at the University of Chicago; graduate, National School of Elocution and Oratory (Philadelphia, Pa.); Ph. B., M.A., Illinois Wesleyan University.

Zehring, Lawrence E. 1978-79. Music. B. A., College of the Ozarks; M. Mus., University of Tulsa; graduate work, W estrninster Choir College and other schools. Zeiss, Todd R. 1959-61. English. B. A., Lawrence College; M.A., University of Virginia. Zigler, Michael J. February to May, 1920; 1920-21. Psychology and education. B. A., Bridgewater; M. A., Clark University; Ph. D., Cornell University. Zigler, Michael Robert. 1913-16; 1939-41. Physical education; Christian education and church extension. B. A., Bridgewater; graduate study, Vanderbilt University and the University of Chicago. 794 APPENDIX 12


Student Enrollments, September to June, 1880-1980 The enrollment figures below are those found in the schools' catalogues and in the reports of the academic deans and registrars. The total enrollment figures for the sessions, 1880-1924, include students in sub-college and college courses, and in all affiliated schools, except Hebron Seminary. Enrollments in the college course prior to 1894 are not determinable. Beginning in the 1924-25 session, all students at Bridgewater were taking college work. Enrollment figures for Hebron Seminary, Daleville Academy, and Blue Ridge College (New Windsor, Md.) appear in other appendices.

Spring Creek Normal School Total Enrollment 1880-81 29 1881-82 30

Virginia Normal School 1882-83 52 1883-84 80 1884-85 87 1885-86 81 1886-87 72 1887-88 111 1888-89 160

Bridgewater College 1889-90 150 1890-91 110 1891-92 110 1892-93 115 1893-94 130 College Course 1894-95 121 2 1895-96 120 4 1896-97 120 6 1897-98 111 5 1898-99 120 9 1899-1900 140 4 1900-1901 173 7 1901-2 213 5 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 795

Bridgewater College, cont'd. Total Enrollment College Course 1902-3 202 7 1903-4 235 8 1904-5 246 14 1905-6 201 25 1906-7 219 27 1907-8 231 25 1908-9 201 46 1909-10 176 23 1910-11 184 27 1911-12 184 29 1912-13 167 32 1913-14 173 31 1914-15 203 57 1915-16 190 72 1916-17 200 80 1917-18 171 84 1918-19 132 73 1919-20 205 111 1920-21 234 134 1921-22 217 142 1922-23 227 142 1923-24 188 134

Bridgewater-Daleville College College Course 1924-25 165 1925-26 187 1926-27 210 1927-28 234 1928-29 220 1929-30 217 1930-31 224 1931-32 230 1932-33 237 1933-34 213 1934-35 225 1935-36 226 1936-37 260 1937-38 269 1938-39 283 1939-40 297 1940-41 275 796 APPENDIX 12

Bridgewater-Daleville College, confd. College Course 1941-42 275 1942-43 248 1943-44 152 1944-45 190 1945-46 286 1946-47 445 1947-48 512 1948-49 514 1949-50 494 1950-51 434

Bridgewater College College Course 1951-52 385 1952-53 373 1953-54 411 1954-55 441 1955-56 479 1956-57 511 1957-58 526 1958-59 545 Bridgewater 1959-60 554 Students in 1960-61 601 Brethren Colleges 1961-62 640 Abroad 1962-63 660 5 1963-64 655 0 1964-65 695 4 1965-66 779 7 1966-67 867 3 1967-68 898 7 1968-69 885 4 1969-70 842 8 1970-71 849 2 1971-72 877 5 1972-73 852 8 1973-74 792 11 1974-75 796 5 1975-76 796 4 1976-77 779 2 1977-78 823 4 1978-79 887 4 1979-80 908 4 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 797


Bridgewater Summer Session Enrollments 1926-1929; 1942-1980 The college held its first summer session in 1926 and held a summer session in 1927, 1928, and 1929, but none thereafter until 1942. Since 1942, it has held a summer session every year. The enrollment figures below are from the records of the college's registrars. 1926 47 1959 128 1927 54 1960 134 1928 36 1961 131 1929 58 1962 98 1963 124 1942 59 1964 93 1943 55 1965 110 1944 70 1966 141 1945 76 1967 111 1946 94 1968 133 1947 118 1969 123 1948 122 1970 120 1949 105 1971 107 1950 100 1972 87 1951 71 1973 111 1952 70 1974 85 1953 50 1975 112 1954 73 1976 109 1955 79 1977 100 1956 78 1978 96 1957 101 1979 127 1958 122 1980 128 798 APPENDIX 14


Academic Degrees Conferred By the Virginia Normal School, 1886-1889, and Bridgewater College, 1890-19191

B.E. B.A. M.Accts. M.A. B.S. L. B.S. B. Accts. Th. B. 1886 3 1887 5 1888 1889 4 1890 7 1891 3 3 1892 1893 2 1894 2 1895 1896 3 1897 1 1898 2 1899 5 4 1900 5 1 1901 2 2 1902 5 1 1903 3 3 1904 3 2 1905 3 1 1906 7 1 1907 6 1 1908 17 5 2 1 1909 15 4 4 1910 8 4 4 1911 13 1 1912 6 1 3 2 1913 14 8 1 1 2 1 1914 17 6 1 2 1915 28 8 2 2 1916 6 1 2 1917 10 2 1 1918 9 1 3 1919 10 1 TOTAL 189 3 14 11 4 5

1Sources: the schools' catalogues, registrars' records, and the PhM (June issues, 1915-18). No degrees were conferred prior to 1886. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 799

Academic Degrees Conferred by Bridgewater College, 1920-19802

B. A. B. s. B. s. B. s. B.S. B.S. Music Ed. Horne Ee. Bus. Adrnin. Bus. Ed. 1920 13 1 1921 13 1 1922 26 4 1923 21 2 1924 24 2 1925 31 1926 29 1927 40 1928 40 1929 40 1930 44 1931 36 1932 41 1933 48 1934 38 1935 39 1936 32 1937 35 1938 37 1939 41 4 1 1940 31 7 2 1941 37 5 5 1942 36 4 6 1943 41 3 4 1944 27 4 1945 23 1 4 1946 27 3 4 1947 50 2 2 1948 48 5 4 1949 77 7 5 1950 106 8 4 1951 87 4 5 2 1952 56 4 1 11 1953 40 5 10 7 1954 51 7 4 9 1955 42 5 2 9 2 1956 53 5 4 6 2 1957 59 4 5 11

2 Sources: the college's catalogues and registrars' records. Each figure is the total number of that degree conferred during the calendar year. 800 APPENDIX 14

Academic Degrees Conferred by Bridgewater College, 1920-1980, coned B. A. B.S. B.S. B. s. B. s. B. s. Music Ed. Home Ee. Bus. Admin. Bus. Ed. 1958 68 7 2 15 1959 72 5 7 19 5 1960 77 3 6 16 2 1961 61 2 9 17 2 1962 66 7 9 9 1963 101 5 4 10 1964 92 3 8 15 1 1965 122 7 6 14 1966 104 3 7 11 1967 105 1 7 10 1968 134 22 1969 159 22 1970 161 14 1971 173 9 1972 155 15 1973 136 22 1974 152 11 1975 168 19 1976 141 25 1977 141 26 1978 103 45 1979 94 80 1980 69 83 Bridgewater Certificates (Not Degrees) Granted, 1888-1919•

BUSINESS MUSIC BIBLE Busl ShTy cc CornTC Bus2 BusSten Music MusicTC Piano Voice GC EngB Art TC Eng-Ped B-L 1888 11 1889 12 1 1890 16 1891 13 1892 6 2 1893 6 1894 4 3 1895 2 2 1896 7 1897 5 1 2 1898 1899 1900 3 1901 6 2 1 2 1902 9 3 2 1 2 1903 5 13 1

• Sources: the college's catalogues, the PhM, graduation programs. Abbreviations: Busl (one-year business course), Sh Ty (shorthand and typewriting), CC (combined course), ComTC (commercial teachers' course), Bus2 (two-year business course), BusSten (combined business and stenographic course), MusicTC (music teachers' course), GC (general course in Bible), EngB (English Bible course), TC (teachers' course), Eng-Ped (English-pedagogical 00 course), B-L (belles-lettres course). 0 ...... 00 0 N Bridgewater Certificates (Not Degrees) Granted, 1888-1919, cont'd.

BUSINESS MUSIC BIBLE Busl ShTy cc CornTC Bus2 BusSten Music MusicTC Piano Voice GC EngB Art TC Eng-Ped B-L 1904 6 4 4 1 1905 3 1 3 1906 2 3 1 2 1907 6 5 1 5 1908 2 1 2 3 1 1909 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1910 6 3 1 1911 7 1 2 1 1912 9 2 1913 2 4 1 2 1914 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 1915 5 7 2 4 1 1916 4 2 2 1 2 11 1917 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 6 1918 1 1 1 1 1 1919 1 1 1 1 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 803

Bridgewater Certificates (Not Degrees) Granted, 1920-1980•

MUSIC Piano Music Voice Pipe Commerce Religious Expression Organ Education 1920 lD 1921 1922 1923 2C 4C 1924 192S 1926 1927 1928 2C 1929 1930 lC lC 1931 lC 1932 7C 1933 SC lC 1934 7C lC 193S 3C 1936 6C 1937 lC 1938 2C; lD 3C 1939 lC; lD lC 2C 1940 2C;1D 2D 3C 1941 lD SC 1942 2C;2D 7C 1943 2D lC BC

• Sources: the college's catalogues and registrars' records. Abbreviations: C (certificate); D (diploma). 1961 was the last year in which certificates were granted. 804 APPENDIX 14

Bridgewater Certificates (Not Degrees) Granted, 1920-1980, cont'd. MUSIC Piano Music Voice Pipe Commerce Religion Secretarial Organ Studies 1944 1C;2D lC 1945 lC 1946 lC lD 7C 1947 lD lOC 1948 lC lD 2C 13C lC 1949 1C;3D 2D lC 6C 1950 lC; lD lD 2D SC lC 1951 3C 1952 lC 1953 lC lC lC 1954 lC 2C 1955 lC 1956 lC lC 1957 7C 1958 1959 lOC 1960 2C 1961 3C


President Vice President 1944-45 Virginia M. Bowman H. Gerald Guyton 1945-46 Anna C. Hartman Ben E. Hoover 1946-47 Sara V. Zigler (first sem.) Edsel W. Walker (first sem.) Edsel W. Walker (second sem.) 1947-48 Joseph L. Glick Lois C. Shank 1948-49 Alfred V. Prather Nancy J. Layman 1949-50 Raymond C. Phibbs J. Elaine Skelton 1950-51 Earle W. Fike, Jr. Wilda Ann Eller 1951-52 Paul S. Garber Dorothy A. Huffman 1952-53 George Graham Helen J. Wine 1953-54 Mary A. Hooker George H. Dovel 1954-55 Pasco M. Bowman, II Fred B. Pence 1955-56 Richard D. Obenshain Guy E. Wampler, Jr. 1956-57 David L. Miller Anne Haynes 1957-58 Frederick L. Carter, Jr. John M. Miller 1958-59 Richard C. Gordon Jerry M. Wampler 1959-60 Gail Ann Conlon David L. Olsen 1960-61 Edwin C. Stone Allen Edward Burgess 1961-62 Harold D. Garber Paul D. Ausherman 1962-63 Harold D. Garber William H. Ralston, Jr. 1963-64 Marba L. Hart D. Miller Davis 1964-65 Ralph W. Hicks, Jr. John R. Scott 1965-66 William L. Stables, Jr. (first sem.) Robert A. Segar (first sem.) Robert A. Segar (second sem.) Kathy M. Kevill (second sem.) 1966-67 S. Franklin Harris, Jr. William M. Castle 1967-68 Dale W. Hartman Doris J. Meyer 1968-69 Lynn N. Myers Wayne L. Carpenter 1969-70 Lynn N. Myers Larry E. McCann 1970-71 Kristine Jorgensen (first sem.) Gerald W. Spessard (first sem.) Gerald W. Spessard (second sem.) H. Roller Shipplett, Jr. (second sem.) 1971-72 Jeffrey S. Holland Thomas W. Long 1972-73 Grover C. Collins, III Richard A. Claybrook, Jr. 1973-74 Gregory Peters Rene A. Ford 1974-75 Roy H. Hodge, III Andrea Steppe 1975-76 Steven E. Gardner Beth A. Miller 1976-77 Mark E. Stivers W. Craig Waters 1977-78 W. Craig Waters Delise I. Brown 1978-79 Jonathan D. Lyle Linda B. Smith 1979-80 M. Catherine Slusher Peter J. Camelotto Officers of the Graduating Classes, 1899-1980

The writer has found no record of elected officers for any class prior to that of 1899, none for the class of 1900, and incomplete information for the classes of 1901and1902. Some officers (before 1920) were students in schools affiliated with the college (e.g., commerce). Not all classes, apparently, elected all of the usual officers. The Philomathean Monthly, the college's catalogues, graduation week programs, and the students' yearbook, Ripples, were the main sources of information. President Vice President Secretary Treasurer 1899 David W. Crist William K. Conner Ottie F. Showalter Samuel D. Zigler 1901 John D. Miller 1902 Hensen E. Pence 1903 Frank C. Kaetzel Ruth E. Shaver Ruth E. Shaver 1904 Walter A. Myers Sara E. Garber Sara E. Garber 1905 Horace K. Wright Annie E. Miller Annie E. Miller 1906 Nicholas E. Reeves Mollie E. Zigler Mollie E. Zigler 1907 J. Percy Templeman Sylvia G. Burns Ernestiv1.Hoover 1908 Alda B. Cline Lera R. Wampler Ernestiv1.Hoover 1909 William T. Sanger Nelia F. Wampler Flora E. Hoover H. Allen Hoover 1910 Ira S. W. Anthony Frankie Showalter Rebecca C. Skeggs 1911 Ella E. Miller JohnE. Wine Bessie W. Arnold Erwin B. Williams 1912 W. Stanley Myers Stanley F. Hoover Susie E. Arnold Susie E. Arnold 1913 Herman L. Yager William S. Lineweaver Mabel R. Stuff Mabel R. Stuff 1914 Charles H. Huffman Minor C. Miller Anna A Bowman Luther C. Fultz 1915 John T. Glick Aubrey R. Coffman Mary E. Cline Mary E. Cline 1916 M. Robert Zigler Earl W. Flohr Vida N. Leatherman Charles S. Driver 1917 Clarence G. Hesse L. Katherine Flory L. Katherine Flory 1918 William C. Snyder Ethel V. Sipe Ethel V. Sipe 1919 Omega L. Miller Paul N. Garber Eunice E. Early Eunice E. Early 1920 Horner C. Will Edwin DeWitt Miller Mary 0. Miller Mary 0. Miller 1921 J. Quinter Miller Oscar C. Clark Olive M. Wampler Olive M. Wampler 00 0 'l Officers of the Graduating Classes, 1899-1980, cont'd President Vice President Secretary Treasurer 1922 Reuben L. Humbert George S. Click M. Virginia Miller Raymond D. Cool 1923 Rufus D. Bowman Lowell V. Sharpes EvaM.Craun Raymond P. G. Bowman 1924 Willard H. Humbert Ward A. Meyerhoeffer Carrie F. Click L. Elizabeth Boggs 1925 EmeryE.May Ralph G. Myers Frances E. Harshbarger L. Virginia Harris 1926 S. Blair Myers M.GuyWest Virginia M. Fifer Frances M. Humbert 1927 Joseph L. Kinzie Mervil B. Leavell Helen F. Cline Mary R. McCann 1928 Walter S. Flory, Jr. R. Douglas Nininger Edna L. Miller J. Emmert Ikenberry 1929 HaroldF.Swartz Ward R. Myers Naomi E. Miller H. Early Beahm 1930 Francis F. Wayland Joseph G. Kagey Rebecca V. Myers Gilbert R. Kinzie 1931 John Curtis Miller C. Fred Fifer, Jr. Alice R. Tucker Annie M. Silling 1932 John W. Myers James W. Moyers Emma G. Seehom Robert M. Flory 1933 Emmert R. Bowlus W. Harold Row Madeleine E. Long AlvaJ.Row 1934 Maurice F. Row Robert L. Sherfy Leona M. Zigler Paul Hoover Bowman 1935 Kenneth L. Strite Alfred M. Hilton Mary A. Hite Everette L. May 1936 William L. Brown Rufus B. King Mary C. Fultz Kermit P. Flora 1937. Richard C. Shrum Jacob F. Replogle MargaretV.Flory Ira S. Petre 1938 Herman W. Scott Buford A. Casey Alice V. Wright Frank Moyers 1939 Ralph A. Racer Mildred E. Hite Lois M. Miller Fred R. Woodie 1940 Thomas G. Jones George A. Kromhout Sara A. Wampler Murray Faupel 1941 W. Donald Clague RayC.Reed Evelyn R. Suter Ralph D. Bowman 1942 0. Leon Garber R. Hunter McQuain Virginia L. Harvey Harry B. Bowman 1943 Robert E. Miller Betty L. Scrogum MargaretE.Mason Paul W. Petcher 1944 Richard Q. Penick M. Irene Sanderson Wanda E. Arnold Wanda E. Arnold 1945 Donald S. Myers Rebecca Gene Bowman Miriam G. Spangler Robert E. Houff 1946 Ruth M. Scrogum Ava Lee Wilson Geraldine Zigler Fred M. Bowman 1947 Roy H. Hodge, Jr. Nina E. Peters Barbara L. Barnhart Richard W. Eller 1948 John Robson David M. Brillhart Frances Roller Earl D. Rowland 1949 Alvin E. Conner Helen M. Emswiler Dorothy V. Bennett Hubert N. Whitten, Jr. 1950 Thomas H. Jenkins Charles G. Stine Grace M. Crim Allen M. Clague 1951 W. Harold Gamer Oliver A. Bowman Doris Shifflett Ivan J. Mason Officers of the Graduating Classes, 1899-1980, cont'd President Vice President Secretary Treasurer 1952 Gerald W. Roller B. Merle Crouse Babara E. Kirby Robert H. Dinst 1953 Fred W. Wampler Geraldine A Cunningham Dorothy V. Richardson Arnold D. Jenkins 1954 Joyce DeBolt James Evans Ramona Stauffer Samuel F. Gouldthorpe, Jr. 1955 W. Wallace Hatcher Dorothy L. Hussey Barbara J. Kelly Dorothy Myers 1956 T. Rodman Layman H. Harold Lehman Jane E. Heishman Jack W. Heintzlernan 1957 Jarnes L. Keeler Larry S. Pence Sathena E. Clark Phyllis J. Smith 1958 Edward F. Jeffries, Jr. JohnM. Mason Jean Mills Linda Y. Smith 1959 Samuel E. Ritchie D. Eugene Wampler Jean Forrer John R. Garber 1960 Travis D. Brown Thomas W. Geiman Sue C. Burkholder RalphM. Warner 1961 Horner K. Dulaney David A Layman Doris A Lawson Robert L. Miller 1962 Elbert W. Kinzie Robert D. Sherfy Carole Tanner Norman W. Felty 1963 Warren Baird Lula B. Barnhart Patricia A Miller James C. Wood 1964 Mark S. Summers Grace L. Byrne Linda G. Cassell Dorsey P. Wittig 1965 Nathan H. Miller Patricia A Kline Brenda K. Deyerle Leland W. Flora 1966 B. Darrow Mclauchlin, Jr. Leslie J. Cobb Anne H. Myers Robert E. Baker 1967 Paul W. Buxton Sandra M. Chase Nancy L. Rittenhouse Jacqueline Wells 1968 Thomas J. Julian Richard S. Nichols Janice L. Ausherman Frederick P. Schmoyer 1969 Paul J. Staufer Kimberly H. Betts Judith A Ballard Ronald E. Messersmith 1970 Ronald E. Hottle Brian D. Kennedy Pamela G. McGrath AnnMcCown 1971 John W. Ponton Barbara M. Kolscher Joanne M. DeRossi Jarrett M. Edwards 1972 James N. Dickson, ill Morris A. Eanes Joanne Barron W. Bradley Butts 1973 Pamela S. Hanley Douglas A Coleman Jan Elizabeth Butts Diane M. Pivirotto 1974 Marion F. Trumbo Lawrence D. Czarda 1975 Robert P. Armbruster James W. Mays 1976 Ronald W. Lohr A Fontaine Canada 1977 Talmadge D. Clayton, Jr. John H. Cordrey 1978 Gregory E. Harper Patricia L. Rohrer 1979 James D. Mumper Julie E. Henry 1980 Richard H. Beech Jennifer L. Ernst

00 0 \0 810 APPENDIX 15

Bridgewater Students from Foreign Lands, 1936-80

So far as can be determined, no student from outside the U. S. A. enrolled at Bridgewater College prior to 1936. During the years 1936-80, however, 105 students from 30 foreign countries (African, Asian, European, and Latin American) and the British crown colony of Hong Kong matriculated at Bridgewater. Twenty-seven came from Cuba (most of them during the years 1936-46), 12 from West , seven from , seven from India, seven from South Korea, six from , six from Hong Kong, three from , three from Nigeria, three from Thailand, and one or two from each of 21 other countries. Fifty-one of the 105 students held tuition-free Bridgewater scholarships. Thirty-six of the 105 received Bridge- water's B. A. degree and three its B. S. Two were graduated cum laude, three magna cum laude, and one summa cum laude. Going on to graduate and professional schools, at least seven earned the Ph.D. degree, two the M. D., and others other advanced degrees. The names below and the accompanying data come from Bridgewater College catalogues, student rosters, Registrar's Office records, Admission Office files, and the Alumni Office biographical file.

From AtB. C. Degree Major field earned "Tareq Alam Bangladesh 1973-77 B.A., 1977 Economics *Amelia S. 1958-61 B.A., 1961 English Alevizaki *Lucy B. Alfi Egypt Freshman 1968-69 'Jose Manuel Sophomore 1974-75 Azurmendi 'Safia Baggia Burma 1977-81 B.A., 1981 Gen. Science Llamia Y. Cuba Freshman 1944-45 Basewiez *Hartmut Klaus West Germany Freshman 1976-77 Beckers *Berta I. 1969-73 B.A., 1973 Gen. Science Benalcazar 'Yonas Biru Ethiopia Junior 1979-81 Francisco S. Cuba Freshman 1937-38 Botet ErnestV. Cuba Freshman 1945-46 Botifoll John V. Botifoll Cuba Freshman 1945-46 *Sybille Brueck West Germany Freshman 1956-57

'Held a tuition-remission Bridgewater scholarship. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 811

Bridgewater Students from Foreign Lands, 1936-80, cont'd From AtB. C. Degree Major field earned Nunt Buranasiri Thailand 1973-75 B.A., 1975 Bus. Admin. *Michele France Freshman 1979-80 Burgunder SegundoO. Cuba Freshman 1936-37 Carrajal Antonio Juan Cuba Freshman 1941-42 Casas Chee Tao Chan China Sophomore 1948-49 Helen Wai Ying China 1947-51 B.A., 1951 Chemistry Chan Kwok-Keung China Post grad. 1948-49 Chan Lillian Wai Lan China 1947-48 B.A., 1948 Chemistry Chan *Moses Hung- Hong Kong 1964-67 B.A., 1967 Physics Wai Chan *Chih-jan Chao Malaya 1961-66 B.A., 1966 Mathematics Phillip Tung Kei China Freshman; Soph. 1947-49 Chen *AmberC. Malaysia 1972-75 B.A., 1975 Chemistry Cheng *Pulimootil P. India 1971-75 B.A., 1975 Phil.; Religion Cherian Christine France 1969-73 B.A., 1973 French Chesneau *Yun Hi Chi South Korea 1955-59 B.A.,1959 Economics *Nabeel Salameh Jordan Sophomore 1954-56 Daba'i Ni vat Thailand Freshman 1975-76 Dejavichitlert Ernesto R. Cuba Freshman 1940-42 DeQuesada *Gana B. Dibal Nigeria 1971-74 B.A., 1974 Health; Phys. Ed. *Juan Espinosa Mexico Freshman 1960-61 Marcos Miguel Cuba Freshman 1944-45 Fernandez 812 APPENDIX 15

Bridgewater Students from Foreign Lands, 1936-80, confd From At B. C. Degree Major field earned *Sharareh Iran 1978-80 B.A., 1980 Sociology Feshari *Cathleen P. The Bahamas 1959-63 B.A., 1963 English Fisher *Bessie Siu-Ying Hong Kong 1970-73 B.A., 1973 Biology Fong *Rosa Maria Nicaragua Freshman 1979-80 Fonseca Florence F. Guyana 1974-78 B.S., 1978 Psychology Fraser Fernando B. Cuba Freshman 1938 Fraxedas Julia Maria Cuba Freshman 1938-39 Fraxedas Gaston A. Cuba Freshman 1944-45 Galainena Juan Enrique Cuba Special 1937-38 Garcia Jose Martinez Cuba Freshman 1941-43 Gomez *HannaK. West Germany Special 1954-55 Guderjahn GuenterO. West Germany Freshman 1950-51 Habersang Bernardo Cuba Freshman 1945 Hidalgo-Gato Gabriele von West Germany Special 1966-68 Hoerner Do The Hoang South Vietnam 1976-80 B.A., 1980 Chemistry Lily Hwang Burma 1963-70 B.A., 1970 Biology *Mohammed Afghanistan 1974-78 B.S., 1978 Biology Ihsan *Takehisa Japan 1961-64 B.A., 1964 Economics Imaizumi *Stephen Hoi Hong Kong 1966-70 B.A., 1970 Physics Chuen Ip Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 813

Bridgewater Students from Foreign Lands, 1936-80, cont'd From AtB. C. Degree Major field earned Jeanned Arc Lebanon Sophomore 1976-77 Karkenny Edith G. Kern West Germany 1940-41 B.A., 1941 Helmuth F. H. West Germany 1940-41 B.A., 1941 Kern Ramie! L. Kier Cuba Freshman 1944-45 Seong Tae Kim South Korea Sophomore 1979-81 *Mathew Koshy India 1974-78 B.A., 1978 Math; Physics *Lothar West Germany Freshman 1978-79 Hermann Kuhn Chung Ja Lee South Korea Special 1963-64 *Seong Jin Lee South Korea Senior 1960-62 Yan Kwong Lee China 1948-51 B.A., 1951 Pre-Medical *Danielle A. France 1961-65 B.A., 1965 Spanish LeGoff *Jean Pierre France 1963-67 B.A., 1967 Spanish LeGoff *Frederick Sfa The 1952-56 B.A., 1956 Pre-Medical Lim Philippines Jocelyne C. France Freshman 1975 Locussol *Jorg Wilhelm West Germany Freshman 1963-64 Ludwig Raul M. Cuba Freshman 1938-39 Martinez Patricia Mayeda Japan Freshman 1969-70 Taramati S. India Special 1953-54 Modak 'Vasant D. India 1953-55 B.A., 1955 Economics Modak *Olivia Wai-Han Hong Kong Freshman; Soph. 1968-70 Mok *Adewunmi A. Nigeria Freshman 1969-70 Owosekun Mee Ye Park South Korea Special 1975-78 814 APPENDIX 15

Bridgewater Students from Foreign Lands, 1936-80, confd From At B. C. Degree Major field earned AbelardoM. Cuba Freshman 1938-39 Perez Gerardo Jose Cuba Freshman; Soph. 1938-39; Portela 1941-42 Mario M. Cuba Freshman; Soph. 1940-42 Portela •Josette Preaud France Freshman 1970-71 *A. Martine France Freshman 1978-79 Ricoux ·chung Hieh South Korea 1954-55 B.S., 1955 Bus. Admin. Riew Ernesto A. Cuba Freshman 1938-39 Robau Ramon R. Cuba Freshman 1945-46 Rodriguez Felipe Cuba Freshman 1958-59 Sagastume *Luisa Del Bolivia Freshman 1976-77 Carmen Siles *Asha Henry India 1978-81 B.A., 1981 Biology Solanky •Henry Naranji India 1953-55 B.A., 1955 History Solanky •Myung-Hi Son South Korea Sophomore 1955-57 Gustavo V. Cuba Freshman; Soph. 1973-75 Suarez 'Luis Alberto Venezuela 1976-82 B.A., 1982 Bus. Admin. Suarez •Kenji Takaya Japan Freshman 1962-63 Patrick W. The Bahamas 1978-83 B.A., 1983 Bus. Admin. Toothe ·charles 0 Nigeria 1972-75 B.A., 1975 Physics Uduezue JuanM. Wong Cuba Freshman 1958-59 Varela •Abraham India Freshman 1972 Varghese Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 815

Bridgewater Students from Foreign Lands, 1936-80, confd From AtB. C. Degree Major field earned *Antonio David Cuba Sophomore 1958-59 Vega Antonio Pares Cuba Freshman 1938-39 Vidal Roberto Pares Cuba Freshman 1938-39 Vidal Phong Tan Vu South Vietnam Sophomore 1976-78 "Ute Wegstein West Germany Freshman 1968-69 *Steven How- Hong Kong 1968-71 B.A., 1971 Chemistry Yan Wong Wattanar Thailand Sophomore 1971-72 Wongpaiboon Klaus G. Wust West Germany Special 1949-51 Marlen Wust West Germany Special 1949-51 *Margaret S. Yu Hong Kong 1971-74 B.A., 1974 Home Econ. 816 APPENDIX 15

Bridgewater Students in Brethren Colleges Abroad Programs, 1962-1980 During the years 1962-80, eighty-six Bridgewater College students were matriculates in Brethren Colleges Abroad (BCA) programs: 16 at Philipps Universitat in Marburg in West Germany, 50 at the University of Strasbourg in France, 17 at the University of Barcelona in Spain, and three at the College of St. Paul's and St. Mary's in Cheltenham, England. The students' names appear below; also, for each student, the location of the school attended and the year of attendance.*

Linda V. Andes, Strasbourg, 1967-68 Patricia L. Hollen, Strasbourg, 1969-70 David E. Annin, Strasbourg, 1969-70 Patricia Hornick, Strasbourg, 1967-68 Lorraine A. Bittinger, Strasbourg, 1969-70 Jacqueline A. Howard, Strasbourg, 1972-73 Shirley B. Bowman, Marburg, 1965-66 Pamela A. Hutton, Barcelona, 1972-73 Georgia Buchanan, Barcelona, 1974-75 Linda Judd, Strasbourg, 1967-68 Mary C. Burns, Strasbourg, 1974-75 Connie J. Keller, Strasbourg, 1970-71 Christine Chesneau, Strasbourg, 1971-72 Gary Kisner, Marburg, 1971-72 Denise D. Cleary, Barcelona, 1972-73 Christa Kline, Strasbourg, 1979-80 Charlsie Cline, Cheltenham, 1978 (fall term) Pamela A. Kline, Strasbourg, 1977-78 David A. Cline, III, Marburg, 1972-73 Beverly Krausman, Strasbourg, 1966-67 Laura J. Connell, Strasbourg, 1971-72 Janet G. Kuper, Strasbourg, 1969-70 Kathleen Cox, Barcelona, 1973-74 Anita M. Layman, Barcelona, 1978-79 Todd A. Crenshaw, Barcelona, 1977-78 Robert E. Leiter, Jr., Marburg, 1964-65 Ernest C. Custalow, Jr., Strasbourg, 1979-80 Rita L. Lillard, Strasbourg, 1964-65 Elizabeth Davis, Marburg, 1965-66 E. Floyd Lilyquist, Jr., Barcelona, 1975-76 Joan Dell, Strasbourg, 1976-77 Betty L. Loomis, Strasbourg, 1969-70 Ann L. Earhart, Marburg, 1962-63 Gary 0. Lundin, Barcelona, 1973-74 Ruth M. Ferree, Strasbourg, 1970-71 Christine M. Marsh, Strasbourg, 1968-69 Albert T. Figuly, Barcelona, 1974-75 Carolyn Martin, Strasbourg, 1966-67 Margaret M. Flickinger, Strasbourg, 1973-74 Robert N. Martin, Jr., Strasbourg, 1973-74 Robert B. Flickinger, Strasbourg, 1973-74 Debra J. Mason, Strasbourg, 1977-78 Brenda Flory, Strasbourg, 1969-70 Karen E. Mason, Strasbourg, 1977-78 Susan Garber, Strasbourg, 1974-75 Sandra L. Mason, Barcelona, 1975-76 Jennifer B. Glick, Cheltenham, 1979-80 Jeannie L. Miller, Strasbourg, 1975-76 Mary Ann Grossnickle, Barcelona, 1972-73 Wayne L. Miller, Strasbourg, 1966-67 Susan Himler, Strasbourg, 1968-69 Karen S. Muntain, Strasbourg, 1967-68 Ellen D. Hoge, Marburg, 1965-66 Carolynne C. Nicholas, Barcelona, 1972-73 Frederick L. Hollen, Strasbourg, 1967-68 Jean P. Noelcke, Strasbourg~ 1973-74

•From records of the BC registrars and academic deans. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 817

Antonia E. Parker, Strasbourg, 1971-72 Elizabeth H. Stewart, Cheltenham, 1978 David A. Penrod, Marburg, 1965-66 (fall term) Shirley C. Phillips, Marburg, 1962-63 Barbara K. Stumpf, Strasbourg, 1971-72 Paul 0. Poucher, Barcelona, 1973-74 Roy R. Sumner, Marburg, 1962-63 M. Charles Queen, Jr., Strasbourg, 1972-73 Carolyn S. Thompson, Strasbourg, 1969-70 Kathleen A. Rhoad, Marburg, 1965-66 Richard J. Thrift, Strasbourg, 1965-66 Mary Ellen Riner, Strasbourg, 1973-74 Daniel W. Ulrich, Barcelona, 1979-80 Patricia L. Rohrer, Strasbourg, 1975-76 Carolyn Wampler, Strasbourg, 1968-69 Belle A. Scheibner, Barcelona, 1978-79 Spring T. Ward, Strasbourg, 1976-77 Lois Schubel, Strasbourg, 1967-68 Barbara Jo Warner, Barcelona, 1974-75 Frances R. Schwaninger, Marburg, 1965-66 Catherine T. Watkins, Marburg, 1964-65 David N. Shaffer, Strasbourg, 1973-74 Lila E. Williams, Strasbourg, 1964-65 Patricia H. Sherfy, Marburg, 1962-63 Elizabeth C. Williard, Strasbourg, 1972-73 Robert D. Sherfy, Marburg, 1962-63 Linda Wood, Barcelona, 1973-74 LaVonne J. Simmons, Strasbourg, 1973-74 Eleth Ann Wright, Marburg, 1967-68 Marjorie Simpson, Strasbourg, 1969-70

Other Bridgewater students spent a year in study at other European universities: Lois Lent, at the University of Goettingen in West Germany in 1968-69; Margaret Fleming, Beth J. Hershner, and Susan L. Troemmler, at the University of Seville (at Pamplona) in 1971-72. Four Bridgewater students were enrolled in the Mennonite colleges abroad program at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Columbia: Sarah Patterson and Mary M. Ward, in 1967- 68; Kristine Jorgensen and Michaele A. Thomas, in 1969-70. 818 APPENDIX 15

Student Publications, 1896-1980

The Philomathean Monthly, 1896-1925 Published by the Student Literary Societies at Bridgewater College EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ASSISTANTS 1896, May-1897, April John W. Wayland David W. Crist, Cora A. Driver, and Turah Funk BUSINESS MANAGER 1897, May-1898, April John W. Wayland John C. Myers 1898, May-1899, April John C. Myers William F. Driver, May-Sept., 1898; John W. Wayland, Oct., 1898-April, 1899 1899, Oct.-1900, June Weldon T. Myers William K. Conner 1900, Oct.-1901, June John D. Miller Bayard M. Hedrick, Oct., 1900-Jan., 1901; Lewis C. Sanger, Feb.-June, 1901 1901, Oct.-1902, June Jacob A. Garber Benjamin F. Wampler 1902, Oct.-1903, June William H. Sanger Jacob A. Garber 1903, Oct.-1904, June Walter A. Myers Fred J. Wampler 1904, Oct.-1905, June Samuel S. Conner Otho W. Thomas 1905, Oct.-1906, Feb. Alda B. Cline Samuel S. Conner 1906, March-June John A. Seese Samuel S. Conner 1906, Oct.-1907, June Frank J. Wright Harold B. Myers 1907, Oct.-Dec. Alda B. Cline William T. Sanger 1908, Jan.-June Clyde K. Holsinger William T. Sanger 1908, Oct. -1909, June William T. Sanger W. Lee Houchins 1909, Oct.-1910, June Ira S. W. Anthony Ernest M. Wampler 1910, Oct.-1911, June Fred Peter Myers Edwin E. Neff 1911, Oct.-1912, June Fred Peter Myers Minor M. Myers 1912, Oct.-1913, June Harry N. Glick Norman A. Seese 1913, Oct.-1914, June Charles H. Huffman Aubrey R. Coffman 1914, Oct.-1915, June John T. Glick Omega L. Miller 1915, Oct.-1916, June Earl W. Flohr Michael J. Zigler 1916, Oct.-1917, June Byron M. Flory Omega L Miller 1917, Oct.-1918, June William C. Snyder Carl S. Driver 1918, Oct.-1919, June Omega L. Miller Amos S. A. Holsinger 1919, Oct.-1920, June Mattie V. Glick J. Paul Glick 1920, Oct.-1921, June Pearle V. Cline Reuben L. Humbert 1921, Oct.-1922, June Wilbie S. Hinegardner George S. Click 1922, Oct.-1923, June Clarence E. May Willard H. Humbert 1923, Oct.-1924, June Carrie F. Click Carson L. Fifer 1924, Oct.-1925, June Frances E. Harshbarger J. Frank Hillyard Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 819

The BC Bee, 1925-1968*

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BUSINESS MANAGER 1925, Nov. 6-1926, June 4 Murray Guy West Earle W. Fike 1926, Oct. 7-1927, June 6 Walter S. Flory, Jr. Rudolph A. Glick 1927, Sept. 29-1928, June 5 L. Paul Miller J. Boyd Harshbarger 1928, Sept. 27-1929, June 5 Edward K. Ziegler Hubert E. Sandy 1929, Sept. 27-1930, June 21 Francis F. Wayland Warren S. Craun 1930, Sept. 26-1931, June 5 Rollin H. Wampler J. Maurice Bowman 1931, Oct. 2-1932, June 6 Mark E. Myers Emmert R. Bowlus 1932, Sept. 30-1933, June 5 Arthur H. Pursell George S. Row, Sept., 1932-Jan.13, 1933 G. Wilson Swartz, Feb. 3-June 5, 1933 1933, Oct. 3-1934, May 23 Maurice F. Row G. Wilson Swartz 1934, Oct. 5-1935, June 3 Jesse H. Ziegler Orville 0. Holler 1935, Sept. 27-1936, May 21 Rufus B. King Robert L. Strickler 1936, Oct. 9-1937, May 28 Robert B. Garber Harry P. Long 1937, Oct. 8-1938, May 21 Wendell P. Glick Emerson C. Gambill 1938, Oct. 7-1939, May 26 Robert M. Seese Mildred E. Hite J. Randolph Gambill, Jr., R. Lowell Wine, Oct. 6, 1939-April 12, 1940 Oct. 6, 1939-Jan. 10, 1941 G. Wayne Glick, Ray J. Graham, April 26, 1940-May 2, 1941 Jan. 24-June 2, 1941 Esther V. Flory, May 16, 1941-June 2, 1941 S. Louise Brown, Ralph S. Wolfe, Oct. 10, 1941-Jan. 15, 1943 Oct. 10, 1941-April 24, 1942 Evelyn M. Roberts, Miriam M. Rohrer, February 12, 1943-Dec. 10, May 15, 1942-May 7, 1943 1943 Mary Ellen Miller, Rebecca Gene Bowman, Jan. 14, 1944-Feb. 23, 1945 Sept. 17, 1943-April 21, 1944 Elizabeth A. Bowman, Marie S. Mason, March 9, 1945-May 24, 1946 Oct. 6, 1944-May 18, 1945 William H. Edmonson, Jr., Sept. 28, 1945-May 24, 1946 Thelma E. Conner, Joseph L. Glick, Sept. 27, 1946-May 31, 1947 Sept. 27, 1946-May 31, 1947 Isabelle M. Sheetz, Edward H. Allen, Oct. 3, 1947-May 27, 1948 Oct. 3, 1947-Jan 16, 1948 Charles B. Reubush, Jr., Feb. 13-May 27, 1948 Heath Walsh, Daniel C. Flory, II, Oct. 22, 1948-May 27, 1949 Oct. 22, 1948-May 27, 1949

*The Bridgewater College student newspaper 820 APPENDIX 15

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BUSINESS MANAGER Gayle Hamby Stine, W. Harold Garner, Oct. 7, 1949-June 1, 1950 Oct. 7, 1949-June 1, 1950 David L. Rogers, Oliver A. Bowman, Oct. 6, 1950-May 25, 1951 Oct. 6, 1950-May 25, 1951 John K. Boitnott, Paul M. Kline, Oct. 6, 1951-April 5, 1952 Oct. 6, 1951-May 24, 1952 Arthur W. McDaniel, Joseph H. Caricofe, May 24, 1952-May 9, 1953 Oct. 3, 1952-May 9, 1953 Pasco M. Bowman, II, James K. Evans, Jr., May 23, 1953-Jan. 16, 1954 May 23, 1953-Jan. 16, 1954 T. Rodman Layman, Don L. Shull, Feb. 13, 1954-Jan. 15, 1955 Feb. 13, 1954-Jan. 15, 1955 Helen C. Wild, Jack W. Heintzleman, Feb. 12, 1955-Jan. 14, 1956 Feb. 12, 1955-Jan. 14, 1956 Fredric R. Eichelman, John H. Mason, Feb. 18, 1956-Jan. 19, 1957 Feb. 18, 1956-Jan. 19, 1957 Fred W. Swartz, C. Donald Bush, Feb. 16, 1957-Jan. 21, 1958 Feb. 16, 1957-Jan.21, 1958 Sue Ann Rosseter, Jack L. Stapleton, Feb. 18, 1958-Jan. 23, 1959 Feb. 18, 1958-May 20, 1959 James R. Sperry, D. Richard Bohn, Feb. 13, 1959-Jan. 29, 1960 Oct. 2, 1959-May 26, 1960 E. Duward Starkey, Richard L. Thomas, Feb. 26, 1960-Jan. 19, 1961 Sept. 23, 1960-May 19, 1961 Alice Z. Ebersole, Donald W. Eyler, Jr., Feb. 10, 1961-Jan. 19, 1962 Sept. 16, 1961-May 18, 1962 Judith V. Nolen, Feb. 16, 1962-May 18, 1962 Mary E. Coffman, Larry R. Huffman, Sept. 28, 1962-May 15, 1964 Sept. 28, 1962-May 15, 1964 Brenda Kelly, James A. Hawley, III, Oct. 2, 1964-0ct. 30, 1964 Oct. 2, 1964-Feb. 16, 1965 Susan Squires, H. Buckley Cording, III, Nov. 13, 1964-May 20, 1966 Feb. 26-May 19, 1965 Doris J. Meyer, James A. Hawley, III, Sept. 23, 1966-May 19, 1967 Sept. 24, 1965-May 20, 1966 Robert W. Prater, Ray P. Norman, Sept. 22, 1967-March 22, 1968 Sept. 23-Nov. 4, 1966 Dale W. Hartman, Nov. 18, 1966-May 19, 1967 Theodore McGann, Jr., Oct. 27, 1967-March 22, 1968 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 821

The Talon, 1968- •

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BUSINESS MANAGER F. Christine Egge, Cameron H. Craig, May 3, 1968 (only) May 3, 1968 (only) Robert W. Prater, Theodore McGann, Jr., May 17, 1968 (only) May 17, 1968 (only) F. Christine Egge, Cameron H. Craig, Sept. 20, 1968-March 28, 1969 Sept. 20, 1968-March 28, 1969 Ellie Hodge and Barbara M. Kolscher, Daniel P. Brady, May 2, 1969-May 2, 1970 May 2, 1969-May 2, 1970 Mark A. Bowman and Gary Kisner, M. Brent Armstrong, May 15, 1970-April 30, 1971 May 15, 1970-April 30, 1971 John M. Frank and Regina D. Kulzer, Cheryl A. Chalmers, May 14, 1971-Jan. 21, 1972 May 14, 1971-March 3, 1972 Regina D. Kulzer, Allen F. Schwender, March 3-May 6, 1972 May 6, 1972-May 18, 1973; 1973-74;1974-75 Jack D. Stenger, 1972-73; 1973-74 Jack D. Stenger and Howard P. Carson, 1974-75 Janet H. Thurston, Barbara Ketchum, Oct. 14, 1975-May 14, 1976 Oct. 14, 1975-Feb. 10, 1977 Donna W. Spangler, Kay J. Spitzer, Sept. 29, 1976-May 22, 1978 April 7, 1977-May 22, 1978 Cindy L. Fairchild, Nancy G. Smith, Sept. 29, 1978-May 23, 1979 Sept. 29, 1978-May 15, 1980 Shirley A. Beiler and Ellen B. Clarke, Kathy L. Russell, Sept. 12, 1979-May 21, 1981 Oct. 2, 1980-May 13, 1982 822 APPENDIX 15

Ripples, 1922-1980

The Bridgewater College Yearbook

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BUSINESS MANAGER 1922 Frank E. Williar H. Dewey Thompson 1923 Lowell V. Sharpes Mark S. Roller 1924 Frank S. Driver Willard H. Humbert 1925 Ralph G. Myers John W. Boitnott 1926 Virginia M. Fifer S. Blair Myers 1927 Leta C. Showalter Samuel F. Driver 1928 Boyd J. Glick Walter S. Flory, Jr. 1929 H. Early Beahm Ward R. Myers 1930 William J. Garber George A. McDaniel 1931 Annie M. Silling Warren S. Craun 1932 Garland M. Wright J. Maurice Bowman 1933 Alva J. Row D. Lawrence Glick 1934 Paul Hoover Bowman Chester I. Harley 1935 Forrest W. Shaver Robert L. Strickler 1936 Massey M. Heltzel James Nelson Liskey 1937 Howard C. Miller Buford A Casey 1938 Vera W. Miller Bernard St. Clair Logan 1939 Robert A Miller E. Walter Rice 1940 Stanley J. Miller John E. Bowman 1941 John W. Whitmore Willard D. Boaz 1942 Lawrance S. Miller Robert 0. Whitmore 1943 Robert E. Miller Roger J. Barnhart 1944 Elizabeth C. Glick R. Charlotte Weaver 1945 Rebecca Gene Bowman Jesse D. Robertson 1946 Evelyn M. Jones Betty Ann Lease 1947 Sylvia J. Seese Mirna Belle Flory 1948 PaulN. Clem John Robson 1949 Raymond C. Phibbs Donald R. Yost 1950 Harold H. Hersch Leonard W. Cooper 1951 J. Alaric Bowman, Jr. Guy F. Didawick 1952 A. Carolyn Miller John R. Wise 1953 Barbara Metzger Jack Wine 1954 Joseph Paul Wampler W. Wallace Hatcher 1955 Mervin L. Trail C. Ray Smith 1956 Benny D. Gunter H. Harold Lehman 1957 Carolyn S. Armentrout Glenda C. Hensley 1958 R. Kennon Thomasson Randolph C. Fenimore Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 823

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BUSINESS MANAGER 1959 Carolyn Yates John P. Cavanaugh 1960 Iva M. Hylton Jack L. Stapleton 1961 Robert D. Sherfy Ronald L. Royal 1962 Elbert W. Kinzie Dudley C. Aist 1963 Lillian R. Preddy Paul D. Ausherman 1964 Carolyn E. Ruby Catherine D. Runnels 1965 Karen L. Taggart Ronald F. Nicholas 1966 Betty M. Greathouse Lynwood B. Jenkins 1967 Sandra F. Derr Richard E. Thompson 1968 Judith H. Lewis Marion E. Simmers 1969 Jerry A. Beatty Neil M. Garber 1970 Joyce P. Walter Robert H. Thompson, Jr. 1971 Karen L. Flora M. Richard Adams 1972 Karen L. Flora M. Richard Adams 1973 Timothy L. Todd Murray J. Thompson 1974 Timothy L. Todd Geraldine Garber 1975 Linda S. Amrhein and Debra K. Heiss Molly S. Snurr 1976 Linda S. Amrhein and Andrew R. Durdock and Molly S. Snurr Aubrey Knight 1977 Anita L. Hall Aubrey Knight 1978 Anita L. Hall and John R. Milleson Kay J. Spitzer 1979 Martha L. Akers R. Ted Barker 1980 Martha L. Akers Judy W. Ruddiman 824 APPENDIX 15

May Day Queens and Kings, 1923-1980*

1923 Ethel M. Thomas; Boyd A. Spitler 1924 Ruth V. Miller; Herbert S. Garst 1925 Nell C. Kersh; Emery E. May 1926 Mary Jane Cline; M. Guy West 1927 Helen F. Cline; Mervil B. Leavell 1928 Edna L. Miller; R. Douglas Nininger 1929 Rhea S. Flory; Amos S. Crouse 1930 Emily V. Miller; Joseph G. Kagey 1931 No May Day celebration 1932 Dorothy L. Ikenberry; James W. Moyers 1933 Vera V. Woodie; Galen G. Craun 1934 Salome Ruth Wine; John A. Derr 1935 Mary Alice Hite; John W. Ikenberry, Jr. 1936 Mary Helen Carter; James Nelson Liskey 1937 Margaret V. Flory; Jacob F. Replogle 1938 Helen F. Via; Edgar L. Crumpacker 1939 Frances W. Crumpacker; J. Elbert Solenberger 1940 Naomi I. Wolfe; Lowell A. Miller 1941 Evelyn R. Suter; Herbert E. Ruby, Jr. 1942 Margaret S. Henry; Otho Leon Garber 1943 Lois E. Wakeman; Carroll L. Hasler 1944 No May Day celebration 1945 Anna Margaret Turk; Robert E. Houff 1946 M. Phyllis Beahm; Ben E. Hoover 1947 Margaret E. Steagall; Richard W. Eller 1948 Mary S. Jennings; David M. Brillhart 1949 Constance F. Arbogast; Ralph D. Guyton 1950 Glenna Gayle Hamby Stine; Thomas H. Jenkins 1951 Helen C. Pence; Robert M. Bennett 1952 Dorothy A. Huffman; B. Merle Crouse

•Sources: the PhM, the Bee, the Alumnus, the Ripples volumes, May Day programs, and questionnaires sent to alumni. No May Day festivities were held prior to 1923. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 825

1953 Janet N. Eller; John K. Boitnott 1954 Anne J. Spigle; Samuel F. Gouldthorpe, Jr. 1955 Frances Fulcher; Pasco M. Bowman, II 1956 Jane E. Heishman; Guy E. Wampler, Jr. 1957 Sathena E. Clark; Randolph L. Knupp 1958 Norma J. Aist; Darryl D. Andrews 1959 Lavonne Ikenberry; Samuel E. Ritchie 1960 Sue C. Burkholder; Travis Brown 1961 Eleanor Muntzing Stone; Edwin C. Stone 1962 Brenda J. Jones; Howard R. Hammond 1963 Rebecca Beech; Ernest D. May 1964 Judith V. Nolen; James D. Sheldon 1965 Suetta L. Sulser; Nathan H. Miller 1966 Leslie Cobb; Gerald E. Fawley, Jr. 1967 Kathy M. Kevill; Guy B. Stull 1968 Beverly M. Perdue; James E. Upperman 1969 Janet L. DeRossi; Barry E. Myers 1970 Rebecca J. Hershey; Dennis M. Woolfrey 1971 Susan M. Parker; James R. Wampler 1972 Janet Cutler; James N. Dickson, III 1973 Christine T. Miller; Haywood B. Riner, Jr. 1974 Sue Hartman; Larry D. Maxey 1975 Tamyra L. Beckner; Joseph A. Yamine 1976 Cathy Weaver; Mark L. Nelson 1977 Weber J. Taylor; Raymond W. Studwell, II 1978 Connie L. Roach; Gregory E. Harper 1979 Carol Williams; Gerald P. Crouse 1980 Agness S. Hueston; Tony R. Davenport 826 APPENDIX 15

Homecoming Day Queens, 1952-1980*

1952 Janet N. Eller 1967 Janice L. Ausherman

1953 Nancy L. Hollar 1968 Carol L. Bucher

1954 Lavonne Ikenberry 1969 Jeanne H. Burroughs

1955 Carolyn V. Ikenberry 1970 Joanne M. DeRossi

1956 Mary Catherine Garber Fifer 1971 Susan Lerch

1957 Mary A. Scruggs 1972 Susan E. Schulz

1958 Janet R. Bowman 1973 Beverly Kelley

1959 Donna D. Alderman 1974 Joy S. Barnett

1960 Jean H. Rucker 1975 Elena Martin

1961 Jean Braunlich 1976 Pamela A. Reklis

1962 Judy A. Beckner 1977 Kathie Wyatt

1963 Judy V. Nolen 1978 Kathy L. Hiler

1964 Suetta L. Sulser 1979 Gail L. Southard

1965 Leslie Cobb 1980 Judy L. Custer

1966 Jacqueline Wells

*sources: the files of the Bee and the Alumnus. No Homecoming Day queen was chosen until the fall of 1952. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 827

A Student's Response to Complainers Published in The Talon, January 26, 1973

The Other Side-Without Apology Articles and voices of complaint, dissatisfaction, and dislike have been too commonplace in the four years I've been here at Bridgewater [1969-73]. I think it's time someone said a word in favor of the old school. I'm getting pretty bored with all the griping and slicing. There are a few things which should be pointed out. First, these few questions: Are you really unhappy here? If so, are you certain that it is the school which is bringing you down? It could be you, you know .... There are some students here who are quite happy.... Sure, Bridgewater is a conservative college, ... The rules here at BC are frustrating. We may feel that we are not being given enough credit for our maturity. But, listen, we have all the rest of our lives to be mature forever .... I think that most of us here sometimes lose sight of what is really important. I doubt that in the future it will have made much difference that, in our college days, we had to come in from a date by 2:00, or that we couldn't drink in our rooms, or that we had to get up by 9:00 once a week to attend convocation. However, it might be that we will remember something said by one of those speakers at convo for the rest of our lives. Whatever we may say, we know that the people running this school ... are really trying to do what they think is best. Maybe it isn't really best. But so what? Life is never going to be best for all. And, then, there's always that little thought-maybe they're right. If you think you'd be so much happier elsewhere, go somewhere else and find out. Chances are your life won't improve as much as you expect. Think of all the kids who have left here that come back to visit. Why do you think they come back? To see their friends, of course. But also because in some odd way, this was once their home, a place where they ... learned something of value to them. They come back because, after the fog has cleared, they realize that they liked it here. And don't you? Don't you like skating on the college pond, walking on river road, bicycling down Broad Street .... Don't you like taking afternoon rides in the mountains, at Todd Lake, washing your car at Blue Hole? Doesn't it make you feel good when you walk across the campus and most people smile and say "hi"? If you say no, that you don't like these things, I must say, then, you've never noticed-you haven't tried. And in that case, it's probably a good idea for you to leave, because you are obviously misplaced. Go, and make room for someone else who just might not be blinded by an obsession with trivia. 828 APPENDIX 16


Speakers on Special Occasions

Main Speakers on Founder's Day, 1920-1981

Bridgewater College has held appropriate exercises each year, beginning in 1920, on April 3 (or another day near that date), the birthday of the school's founder, Daniel C. Flory, in celebration of the college's founding. The Founder's Day exercises are described in preceding sections of this volume. The files of the PhM, the Bee, the Newsette, the Alumnus, Partners, the HDN-R, and Founder's Day programs are the sources of the names of the speakers listed below. 1920 Paul Haynes Bowman, the college's president, and Henry C. Early, former trustee of the college 1921 I. Harvey Brumbaugh, president, Juniata College 1922 Henry D. Campbell, academic dean, Washington and Lee University 1923 John A. Dove, president, board of trustees, Daleville College

1924 John A. Garber, Bridgewater College B. A. graduate in 1891 1925 Byron M. Flory, son of the college's founder and missionary to China back home on furlough 1926 No formal program 1927 William J. Showalter, assistant editor, National Geographic Magazine

1928 D. L. Blakemore, a Spring Creek Normal School student, 1880-81 1929 J. Carson Miller, the principal who handed out the school's first diplomas in 1886 1930 Clarence G. Hesse, Bridgewater College B. A. graduate in 1917 1931 D. Price Hylton, Roanoke (Va.) banker 1932 Abram C. Flora, superintendent of schools, Columbia, South Carolina 1933 Walter S. Flory, Jr., professor, Greenbrier College 1934 John S. Flory, president, Bridgewater College, 1910-19 1935 Jacob I. Baugher, superintendent of schools, Hershey, Pennsylvania 1936 Guy N. Hartman, division superintendent of schools, Somerset County, Pennsylvania

1937 Clyde K. Holsinger, superintendent of schools, Greensville County, Virginia 1938 Warren D. Bowman, pastor, Washington, D. C., Church of the Brethren Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 829

1939 At the morning exercises, William T. Sanger, president, Medical College of Virginia; at the evening dinner, Harry F. Byrd, U. S. Senator of Virginia 1940 Carter V. Good, professor, University of Cincinnati 1941 Horace K Wright, Presbyterian missionary to India back home on furlough 1942 J. Paul Glick, president, Blackstone College 1943 At the morning exercises, Paul M. Robinson, pastor, Hagerstown (Md.) Church of the Brethren; at the evening dinner, John T. Glick, Bridgewater College trustee 1944 Charles C. Ellis, president emeritus, Juniata College 1945 Henry H. Sweets, executive secretary, Department of Christian Education, Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. 1946 Vernon F. Schwalm, president, Manchester College 1947 Jesse H. Ziegler, professor, Bethany Biblical Seminary 1948 Roy D. Boaz, principal, Daleville Academy, 1924-28 1949 Robert H. Miller, professor, Manchester College

1950 DeWitt L. Miller, pastor, Washington, D. C., Church of the Brethren 1951 Paul Haynes Bowman, president, Bridgewater College, 1919-46 1952 Ralph W. Schlosser, president, Elizabethtown College, 1927-41 1953 Fred J. Wampler, medical missionary to China, 1913-26 1954 Warren D. Bowman, president of Bridgewater College 1955 Various speakers, in celebration of the college's 75th year 1956 Paul Haynes Bowman 1957 M. Guy West, pastor, First Church of the Brethren, York, Pennsylvania 1958 Galen T. Lehman, executive secretary of the Church of the Brethren's Central Region 1959 Paul E. Boheim, pastor, Essex Methodist Church, Baltimore, Maryland 1960 S. Loren Bowman, executive secretary of the Church of the Brethren's Christian Education Commission 1961 Paul Haynes Bowman 1962 Nevin H. Zuck, moderator of the Church of the Brethren annual conference in 1962 1963 Albertis S. Harrison, Jr., governor of Virginia

1964 Theodore R. McKeldin, mayor of Baltimore and former governor of Maryland 1965 Harold W. Dodds, president emeritus, Princeton University, and Wayne F. Geisert, the newly inaugurated president of Bridgewater College

Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 831

Guest Speakers, until 1980, at the Bridgewater College Commencements in May and June Prior to 1912, speakers from outside the college at graduation exercises were only occasional: in 1888, George H. Hulvey, Rockingham County's superintendent of public schools; in 1889, Henry C. Early, a German Baptist Brethren clergyman; in 1891, Walter B. Yount, a Bridgewater College trustee; and, in 1906, I. N. H. Beahm, president of Elizabethtown College. The writer has found no record of any other guest speaker before 1912. Prior to 1912, each graduate (or representatives of each category of graduates) delivered an oration at the commencement exercises, following which the president of the college delivered the diplomas, conferred the degrees, and made appropriate remarks. There was usually no featured speaker from outside the college. Since 1912, however, a guest speaker at the graduation exercises in May or June of each year has been customary, but no orations by the graduates. The guest speakers at the commencements, 1912-80, are named below.

The writer's sources of information were the files of the Virginia Normal Worker, the Bridgewater Collegian, College Life, the Philomathean Monthly, the Bridgewater Herald, the Rockingham Register, the Harrisonburg Daily News-Record, and commencement programs. 1912, June 5 Claude A. Swanson, U.S. Senator from Virginia 1913, May 29 Henry W. Battle, Baptist clergyman, Charlottesville, Virginia 1914, June 3 Wilbur F. Crafts, Presbyterian divine and social reformer 1915, June 2 Lee F. Lybarger, lyceum lecturer 1916, May 31 Henry Louis Smith, president, Washington and Lee University 1917, May 30 William L. Poteat, president, Wake Forest College 1918, May 29 John E. Miller, former president, Mount Morris College 1919, May 30 Lindsay Rogers, political scientist, University of Virginia 1920, June 2 James P. Lichtenberger, sociologist, University of Pennsylvania 1921, June 8 Walter S. Athearn, dean, School of Religious Education, Boston University 1922, June 7 Aubrey E. Strode, member, Virginia State Senate 1923, June 6 Waitman Barbe, of West Virginia University 1924, June 4 Charles C. Ellis, vice president, Juniata College 1925, June 3 Julian A. Burruss, president, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 1926, June 2 John C. Metcalf, dean, Graduate School, University of Virginia 1927, June 8 John S. Noffsinger, former president, Mount Morris College 1928, June 5 Thomas K Young, Presbyterian clergyman, Roanoke, Virginia

1929, June 4 John L. Manahan, dean, Department of Education, University of Virginia 832 APPENDIX 16

1930, June 3 Henry Louis Smith, former president, Washington and Lee University 1931, June 1 Robert L. Kelly, executive officer, Association of American Colleges 1932, June 6 Frank J. Wright, geologist, Denison University 1933, June 5 Edward W. Frantz, editor, The Gospel Messenger, Elgin, Illinois 1934, June 4 Roy A. Burkhart, of the International Council of Religious Education, Chicago, Illinois

1935, June 3 Gould Wickey, executive secretary, Board of Education, United Lutheran Church in America

1936, June 1 Ernest R. Groves, sociologist, University of North Carolina 1937, June 7 Ivey F. Lewis, academic dean, University of Virginia 1938, May 30 Sidney B. Hall; state superintendent of public instruction in Virginia 1939, June 5 Guy E. Snavely, executive secretary, Association of American Colleges 1940, June 3 Arthur J. Culler, Disciples of Christ clergyman, Cleveland, Ohio 1941, June 2 Clarence E. Pickett, executive secretary, American Friends Service Committee 1942, May 25 Aaron J. Brumbaugh, dean of students, University of Chicago 1943, May 24 Abram Cline Flora, president, National Education Association 1944, May 1 Dabney S. Lancaster, state superintendent of public instruction in Virginia 1945, May 28 Charles J. Smith, president, Roanoke College 1946, June 3 J. J. Rives, Methodist clergyman, Lynchburg, Virginia 1947, June 2 Andrew W. Cordier, executive assistant to the secretary-general, United Nations Organization

1948, May 31 Theodore F. Adams, Baptist clergyman, Richmond, Virginia 1949, June 6 Ray C. Petry, professor of church history, Duke University Divinity School 1950, June 5 Edwin M. Poteat, Baptist clergyman, Raleigh, North Carolina 1951, June 4 Hornell Hart, sociologist, Duke University 1952, June 2 Clarence W. Cranford, Baptist clergyman, Washington, D. C. 1953, June 1 Paul N. Garber, bishop, Methodist Church, Richmond, Virginia

1954, May 31 Harry K. Zeller, Jr., pastor, Church of the Brethren, McPherson, Kansas 1955, June 6 Colgate W. Darden, Jr., president, University of Virginia

1956, June 4 Massey M. Heltzel, Presbyterian clergyman, Richmond, Virginia 1957, June 3 Robert E. Richards, Olympic Garnes gold medalist 1958, June 1 William T. Sanger, chancellor, Medical College of Virginia Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 833

1959, May 31 Theodore A. Distler, executive director, Association of American Colleges 1960, June 5 Stuart T. Saunders, board chairman, Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges 1961, May 28 Thomas C. Boushall, board chairman, Bank of Virginia 1962, June 3 Lawrence G. Derthick, former U. S. Commissioner of Education 1963, June 2 Robert F. Williams, executive secretary, Virginia Education Association 1964, May 31 Joseph C. Robert, former president, Hampden-Sydney College 1965, May 30 Paul M. Robinson, president, Bethany Theological Seminary 1966, May 29 W. Harold Row, executive secretary, Brethren Service Commission, Church of the Brethren 1967, June 4 William P. Thompson, stated clerk of the General Assembly, United Presbyterian Church, U.S. A. 1968, June 2 Paul W. Keller, chairman, Division of the Humanities, Manchester College 1969, June 1 Byron K. Trippet, president, Independent College Funds of America, Inc. 1970, May 31 Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., president, University of Virginia 1971, May 30 Pasco M. Bowman, II, dean, Wake Forest University School of Law 1972, May 28 Earle W. Fike, Jr., associate general secretary of the General Board of the Church of the Brethren

1973, May 27 Robert E. R. Huntley, president, Washington and Lee University 1974, May 26 Mills E. Godwin, Jr., governor of Virginia 1975, May 25 Ronald E. Carrier, president, Madison College 1976, May 30 Cynthia C. Wedel, president, World Council of Churches presidium 1977, May 29 A. Blair Helman, president, Manchester College 1978, May 28 Robert L. Sherfy, former pastor, College Street Church of the Brethren, Bridgewater, Virginia 1979, May 27 Robert W. Neff, general secretary, General Board of the Church of the Brethren 1980, May 25 Jesse H. Ziegler, executive director, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, 1966-80. 834 APPENDIX 16

Baccalaureate Speakers at Bridgewater College Until 1980 The first baccalaureate sermon to Bridgewater graduates the writer found mentioned was the one delivered on May 13, 1888, by Samuel F. Sanger, a Bridgewater (Va.) clergyman and merchant. Mr. Sanger was the baccalaureate speaker again on May 24, 1891, the year the college conferred its first B. A. degrees.1 During the period 1892-1910, the college's president, Walter B. Yount, delivered the baccalaureate sermon to Bridgewater's graduates during "commencement week" each year, except 1901 and 1907. In June, 1901, the baccalaureate sermon was cancelled, because of President Yount's illness. In June, 1907, when President Yount was away from the college on leave of absence, the baccalaureate speaker was Justus H. Cline, a member of the college's faculty. 2 John S. Flory delivered the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates each year when he was the college's president (1910-19), except in 1912, when the speaker was John G. Royer, a former president of Mt. Morris College.3 Paul Haynes Bowman was the baccalaureate speaker each year when he was the president of the college (1919-46), except in 1924, 1930, and 1935, in each of which years the speaker was the college's president emeritus, John S. Flory. 4 The baccalaureate speaker in 1947 was Warren D. Bowman, pastor of the Washington, D. C., Church of the Brethren; in 1948, Edward K. Ziegler, pastor of the College Street Church of the Brethren in Bridgewater (Va.); in 1949, Paul M. Robinson, pastor of the Hagerstown (Md.) Church of the Brethren. Warren D. Bowman delivered the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates each year when he was the college's president (1949-64), except in 1959, when the speaker was Jesse H. Ziegler, associate director, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada.5 During the first 16 years of his presidency of the college (1964-80), Wayne F. Geisert was the baccalaureate speaker in the years 1965, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1979. The speakers in the other years were the following persons: in 1966, Warren D. Bowman, president emeritus of Bridgewater College; in 1967, Raymond R. Peters, moderator of the Church of the Brethren's annual conference (1967); in 1969, S. Loren Bowman, general secretary of the Church of the Brethren's general board; in 1974, Robert L. Sherfy, pastor of the College Street Church of the Brethren in Bridgewater (Va.); in 1975, M. Guy West, former moderator of the Church of the Brethren's annual conference; in 1976, David G. Metzler, the Bridgewater College chaplain; in 1977, S. Loren Bowman, again; in 1978, Raymond R. Peters, again; in 1980, DeWitt L. Miller, former moderator of the Church of the Brethren's annual conference.6

1VaNW, May, 1888, p. 21; Collegian, May, 1891, p. 61. 2From the files of the BH and CL. 3From the files of CL and the HDN-R. 4From the PrO Papers in the AMML. Sramphlet file in the AMML. 6Ibid. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 835

Speakers at the "President's Dinner," 1970-19807

1970, October 16 David L. Holl, the college's director of development, and Wayne F. Geisert, the college's president. 1971, October 8 Ronald W. Lindsay, executive vice president, Dunham-Bush, Inc.

1972, November 3 Richard R. McNabb, vice president, Machinery and Allied Products Institute, Washington, D. C. 1973, October 26 Four Bridgewater College students: Deborah J. Coe, Wallace B. Landes, Jr., Elizabeth A. Mumper, and Michael D. Scales

1974, November 1 Fred L. Hadsel, executive director, George C. Marshall Research Foundation, Lexington, Virginia 1975, October 31 William L. Brown, president, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa 1976, November 5 Ralph A. Beeton, board chairman, First Virginia Bankshares Corporation 1977, November 3 J. Kenneth Robinson, U.S. Congressman from Virginia. In his absence, his speech was read for him by Virginia State Senator Nathan H. Miller

1978, November 3 Preston C. Caruthers, chairman, board of trustees, Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges 1979, November 2 Charles D. Fox, III, attorney-at-law, Roanoke, Virginia 1980, November 7 Edward K Ziegler, editor emeritus, Brethren Life and Thought

7Source: program file in the AMML. APPENDIX 17

The Alumni Association and Its Activities

Officers of the Alumni Association, 1899-1980

The Bridgewater College Alumni Association was originally organized on June 6, 1899, and was legally incorporated under the laws of Virginia on May 12, 1908. During its early years, the association elected three vice presidents each year; during several later years, two; during many years, one; during some years, none. It eliminated the office of vice president in 1975. In 1951, the association began choosing a president-elect. The officers' names below are from the minutes of meetings of the alumni association and of its board of directors and of that board's executive committee; also from the association's annual reports to the State Corporation Commission of Virginia. PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTS SECRETARY TREASURER 1899-1900 John W. Wayland Joseph C. Beahm Cora A. Driver Cora A. Driver Effie V. Showalter Ephraim R. Miller 1900-1901 William K. Conner Jacob L. Zimmerman John S. Flory John S. Flory Charles C. Brunner Justus H. Cline 1901-2 John D. Miller David W. Crist John S. Flory John S. Flory Isaac S. Long John S. Geiser 1902-3 Weldon T. Myers Edward D. Naff John S. Flory John S. Flory Alonzo D. Lough Harry M. Strickler 1903-4 David W. Crist Bayard M. Hedrick John S. Flory John S. Flory Michael A. Good John K. Andes 1904-5 John C. Myers Joseph W. Wampler John S. Flory John S. Flory Officers of the Alumni Association, 1899-1980, cont'd

PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTS SECRETARY TREASURER William H. Sanger Sadie V. Davies 1905-6 Bayard M. Hedrick Jacob A. Garber John S. Flory John S. Flory Perry B. Fitzwater R. E. L. Strickler 1906-7 Justus H. Cline John W. Wayland John S. Flory John S. Flory John H. Hoover Lina E. Sanger 1907-8 George W. Flory Sara Garber John S. Flory John S. Flory John M. Coffman Marnie K. Myers 1908-9 William C. Hoover John M. Coffman John S. Flory John S. Flory L. Vance Price Cora A. Driver 1909-10 William A. Byerly R. E. L. Strickler John S. Flory John S. Flory Harold B. Myers John D. Miller 1910-11 Charles C. Wright John S. Crumpacker John C. Myers John C. Myers J. Maurice Henry Alda B. Cline 1911-12 John D. Miller James R. Shipman John C. Myers John C. Myers Atha M. Spitzer Clyde K. Holsinger 1912-13 Ira S. W. Anthony Oscar S. Miller John C. Myers John C. Myers Frank J. Wright Paul Haynes Bowman 1913-14 Walter R. Hooker Walter A. Myers John C. Myers John C. Myers William T. Sanger 00w Officers of the Alumni Association, 1899-1980, cont'd 00

PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTS SECRETARY TREASURER Charles C. Wright 1914-15 John D. Miller William A. Byerly Frank J. Wright John C. Myers 1915-16 John D. Miller William T. Sanger FrankJ. Wright John C. Myers 1916-17 John D. Miller William T. Sanger Frank J. Wright John C. Myers 1917-18 John D. Miller William T. Sanger FrankJ. Wright John C. Myers 1918-19 John D. Miller William T. Sanger Frank J. Wright John C. Myers 1919-20 John D. Miller William A. Byerly Frank J. Wright John C. Myers John W. Wayland 1920-21 John D. Miller William T. Sanger Frank J. Wright John C. Myers 1921-22 John D. Miller William T. Sanger Frank J. Wright John C. Myers 1922-23 John D. Miller William T. Sanger Frank J. Wright John C. Myers 1923-24 John D. Miller FrankJ. Wright John C. Myers 1924-25 John D. Miller Frank J. Wright John C. Myers 1925-26 John D. Miller Edgar S. Kiracofe John C. Myers 1926-27 John D. Miller Edgar S. Kiracofe John C. Myers 1927-28 Oscar S. Miller Mattie V. Glick John C. Myers 1928-29 Oscar S. Miller Mattie V. Glick John C. Myers 1929-30 Oscar S. Miller Mattie V. Glick John C. Myers 1930-31 Oscar S. Miller Mattie V. Glick John C. Myers 1931-32 Jacob A. Garber D. Price Hylton Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver Frederick D. Dove 1932-33 D. Price Hylton Frederick D. Dove Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver Frank E. Williar 1933-34 Frederick D. Dove Cecil C. Ikenberry Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver Walter S. Flory, Jr. 1934-35 Clarence G. Hesse Frank E. Williar Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver Alda V. Shipman 1935-36 Clarence G. Hesse Frank E. Williar Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver Officers of the Alumni Association, 1899-1980, cont'd PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTS SECRETARY TREASURER Alda V. Shipman 1936-37 Clarence G. Hesse Frank E. Williar Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver Jonas G. Eller 1937-38 R. Douglas Nininger Frederick D. Dove Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver 1938-39 R. Douglas Nininger Frederick D. Dove Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver 1939-40 R. Douglas Nininger Frederick D. Dove Mattie V. Glick Frank S. Driver 1940-41 Rufus B. King Harry K. Zeller, Jr. Mattie V. Glick Joseph A. Bosserman 1941-42 Rufus B. King Amos S. A. Holsinger Mattie V. Glick Joseph A. Bosserman 1942-43 Rufus B. King Rudolph A. Glick Mattie V. Glick Joseph A. Bosserman 1943-44 Rudolph A. Glick Frank P. Cline Mattie V. Glick Joseph A. Bosserman 1944-45 Frank P. Cline Joseph William Miller Mattie V. Glick Joseph A. Bosserman 1945-46 Ernest A. See Joseph William Miller Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1946-47 Aubrey D. Miller Norman A. Seese Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1947-48 Aubrey D. Miller Norman A. Seese Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1948-49 Walter S. Flory, Jr. Martha Miriam Bowman Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1949-50 Walter S. Flory, Jr. Jonas G. Eller Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1950-51 Jonas G. Eller Edwin E. Will Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler

PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER 1951-52 Edwin E. Will Robert K Bums Ollie P. Jones Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1952-53 Robert K Bums Ollie P. Jones Wilbur S. Pence Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1953-54 Ollie P. Jones Earle D. Flory Benjamin 0. Miller Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1954-55 Earle D. Flory Mary J. Cline Stoddard Benjamin 0. Miller Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1955-56 Mary J. Cline Stoddard Benjamin 0. Miller Ernest C. Spoerlein Mattie V. Glick John B. Wampler 1956-57 Benjamin 0. Miller Ernest C. Spoerlein Robert L. Sherfy Mattie V. Glick Lowell A. Miller 1957-58 Ernest C. Spoerlein John A. Derr William 0. Beazley Mattie V. Glick Lowell A. Miller 1958-59 John A. Derr James W. Moyers DeWitt L. Miller Mattie V. Glick G. Wilson Swartz 1959-60 James W. Moyers DeWitt L. Miller George A. McDaniel Mattie V. Glick G. Wilson Swartz 00 ""'0 Officers of the Alumni Association, 1899-1980, cont'd

PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER 1960-61 DeWitt L. Miller Galen G. Craun Paul R. Dixon Mattie V. Glick G. Wilson Swartz 1961-62 Galen G. Craun Herman L. Horn Edward K. Ziegler Helen Wine Shickel G. Wilson Swartz 1962-63 Herman L. Horn Everette L. May J. Alaric Bowman, Jr. Helen Wine Shickel G. Wilson Swartz 1963-64 Everette L. May Jesse D. Robertson Jacob S. Zigler Helen Wine Shickel G. Wilson Swartz 1964-65 Jesse D. Robertson Garland F. Miller Carl McDaniels Helen Wine Shickel Cecil C. Ikenberry 1965-66 Garland F. Miller J. Alaric Bowman, Jr. J. Albert Wine Ina Mason Shank Cecil C. Ikenberry 1966-67 J. Alaric Bowman, Jr. R. Lowell Wine Edwin C. Stone Ina Mason Shank Theron C. Garst 1967-68 R. Lowell Wine Harold H. Hersch Arlene Ringgold May Ina Mason Shank Donald E. Phibbs 1968-69 HaroldH. Hersch Harold D. Smith W. Wallace Hatcher Gaynell Wampler Sayre Donald E. Phibbs 1969-70 Harold D. Smith W. Wallace Hatcher James 0. Bowman Sandra Barnhart Keeler RayM. Wine 1970-71 W. Wallace Hatcher Richard D. Obenshain Fay Jaynes Reubush Sandra Barnhart Keeler RayM. Wine 1971-72 Richard D. Obenshain Nathan H. Miller V. Leroy Harsh Ellen K. Layman Wayne L. Smith 1972-73 Nathan H. Miller James L. Keeler WilliamH. Ellen K. Layman Wayne L. Smith Ralston, Jr. 1973-74 James L. Keeler R. Coleman Reid Leslie Cobb Marks Violet Siron Cox Ronald I. Hylton 1974-:-75 R. Coleman Reid Violet Siron Cox Phillip C. Stone Donna Miller Wilson Ronald I. Hylton 1975-76 Violet Siron Cox Phillip C. Stone Doris Lawson Harsh Gregory W. Geisert 1976-77 Phillip C. Stone Fred A. Diehl Doris Lawson Harsh Gregory W. Geisert 1977-78 Fred A. Diehl Anna Myers Harman Esther Pence Garber Gregory W. Geisert 1978-79 Anna Myers Harman Lavonne Ikenberry Robert D. Hutchinson Gene Ridder White Grubb 1979-80 Lavonne Ikenberry Grubb Jack W. Heintzleman Robert R. Newlen J. Samuel Zigler, Jr. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 841

Directors of Alumni Relations (Down to 1980) The title of this official has varied. From the 1940's to the early 1960's, the title was "executive secretary of the alumni association." Morley J. Mays, 1944-46. The first executive secretary of the association. Rufus B. King, 1947-56 Jacob F. Replogle, 1956-68

David L. Holl (acting director), 1968-69 Walter L. Smith, Jr., Aug. 1, 1969, to Jan. 1, 1971

Charles H. Scott, 1971-73 Brydon M. DeWitt, 1973-75 J. Alaric Bowman, Jr., 1975-78 Dean G. Kinley, Sept. 1, 1978, to June 30, 1979 Mrs. Ruth M. Ferris, Aug. 1, 1979, to June, 1980 842 APPENDIX 17

Recipients of the "Alumnus of the Year" Award, 1945-19691

1945 Paul N. Garber (B. A., 1919), Methodist bishop and church historian 1946 Carter V. Good (B. A., 1918), university dean, author, and editor 1947 Michael Robert Zigler (B. A., 1916), church spokesman and ecumenical leader 1948 William T. Sanger (B. A., 1909), educator and college president 1949 Robert K. Burns (B. A., 1916), embryologist and anatomist 1950 Jacob Boyd Harshbarger (B. A., 1928), mathematician and statistician 1951 John T. Glick (B. A., 1915) and his spouse, Effie Evers Glick (B. E., 1911), parents (by 1951) of 10 Bridgewater College graduates 1952 R. Paul Smith (Commercial Course graduate, Blue Ridge College, New Windsor, Md., 1909), business and civic leader 1953 Rufus D. Bowman (B. A., 1923), theological seminary president. Awarded posthumously. 1954 Louis Glenn Locke (B. A., 1933), university dean, author, and editor 1955 Paul Haynes Bowman (B. A., 1910), college president, churchman, and author 1956 Walter S. Flory, Jr. (B. A., 1928), geneticist and horticulturist 1957 Robert E. Richards (Bridgewater student, 1944-46), Olympic Games gold medalist and decathlon champion 1958 John W. Wayland (B. A., 1899), historian, author, and educator 1959 Everette L. May (B. A., 1935), research chemist 1960 Edward K. Ziegler (B. A., 1929), clergyman, missionary, author, and editor 1961 J. Quinter Miller (B. A., 1921), ecumenical churchman 1962 H. LeRoy Scharon (B. A., 1938), geophysicist 1963 Maurice K. Henry (B. A., 1936), newspaper publisher and civic leader 1964 Warren D. Bowman (B. A., 1920), college president, clergyman, and author 1965 Nelson T. Huffman (B. A., 1925), musician and composer 1966 Lula A. Miller (B. A., 1922), teacher and humanitarian 1967 Raymond R. Peters (B. A., 1928), church executive and ecumenical leader 1968 Winston 0. Weaver (B. A., 1947), business executive, civic leader, and humanitarian 1969 Reuel B. Pritchett (Daleville student, 1909-11), clergyman, farmer, and collector of memorabilia

1 Sources: the files of the Alumnus. No alumnus award was made prior to 1945. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 843

Recipients of the "Distinguished Alumnus" Award, 1970-19802

1970 W. Harold Row (B. A., 1933), church executive and ecumenical leader 1971 Paul W. Petcher (B. A., 1943), physician, surgeon, and churchman 1972 John W. Boitnott (B. A., 1925), college dean and educator 1973 Charles E. Shull (B. S., 1913), mathematician, physicist, and civic leader 1974 Katherine Flory Blough (B. S., 1917), civic leader 1975 R. Douglas Nininger (B. A., 1928), public school administrator and real estate developer 1976 Clarence E. May (B. A., 1924), educator, author, and civic leader 1977 S. Loren Bowman (B. A., 1934), clergyman and church administrator 1978 Ralph S. Wolfe (B. A., 1942), microbiologist 1979 Carson L. Fifer (B. A., 1924), surgeon and business man 1980 Jesse H. Ziegler (B. A., 1935), theological school association executive and educator In 1980, the Bridgewater College Alumni Association began bestowing a "Young Alumnus Award," and the first recipient was Ellen K Layman (B. S., 1965), journalist.

2Jbid. 844 APPENDIX 17

Annual Giving by the Alumni, 1942-1981 The alumni association launched the annual gift movement in 1942, during World War II, to help the college meet its operating expenses. The figures below come from reports to the college's trustees.

1942-43 $930.87 E1962-63 125,062.74

1943-44 943.00 1963-64 87,378.27

1944-45 6,808.00 1964--65 64,772.88

1945-46 5,143.00 1965-66 67,430.33

1946-47 18,476.00 1966-67 60,406.52

1947-48 23,998.00 N1967-68 87,234.12

1948-49 22,535.00 N1968-69 114,188.48

1949-50 17,152.60 N1969-70 111,551.95

1950-51 29,817.58 N1970-71 108,662.67

1951-52 39,365.22 1971-72 113,941.67

1952-53 59,223.68 1972-73 89,869.70

1953-54 46,492.08 1973-74 93,055.87

+1954-55 103,646.81 1974-75 95,600.80

1955-56 44,628.30 c1975-76 120,217.96

1956-57 23,718.22 c1976-77 141,769.84

1957-58 31,463.18 c1977-78 167,610.75

1958-59 35,352.11 c1978-79 182,577.52

1959-60 38,517.22 CJ979-80 207,901.02

E1960-61 91,536.31 C1980-81 227,308.11

E1961-62 165,478.89

+The 75th anniversary year of the college NThe 90th anniversary campaign years EThe "Crusade for Excellence" campaign years CThe "First Century Completion Fund" campaign years Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 845


Special Recognitions Bestowed by the College

Recipients of Honorary Degrees from Bridgewater College, 1930-19801 1930, June 3 Walter B. Yount Doctor of Laws John S. Flory Doctor of Laws William J. Showalter Doctor of Laws Isaac S. Long Doctor of Divinity 1936, April 3 Guy N. Hartman Doctor of Humane Letters John W. Wayland Doctor of Laws 1937, April 1 Rufus D. Bowman Doctor of Divinity M. Robert Zigler Doctor of Divinity Clyde K Holsinger Doctor of Humane Letters 1939, April 3 Harry F. Byrd Doctor of Humane Letters William T. Sanger Doctor of Humane Letters 1940, April 3 J. Carson Miller Doctor of Divinity Eugene M. Crouch Doctor of Laws 1941, April 4 Charles C. Ellis Doctor of Laws Horace K Wright Doctor of Humane Letters 1943, May 24 Newton D. Cool Master of Science (Commerce) John C. Myers Doctor of Laws Abram Cline Flora Doctor of Laws 1944, April 1 Paul Haynes Bowman Doctor of Laws 1945, May 28 George A. Layman Doctor of Laws Minor M. Myers Doctor of Divinity 1946, June 3 Allan B. Bicknell Doctor of Literature Samuel P. Duke Doctor of Laws Frank J. Wright Doctor of Laws Minor C. Miller Doctor of Divinity 1947, June 2 William H. Keister Doctor of Laws J. Quinter Miller Doctor of Laws

1Sources: Founder's Day and Commencement Day programs. During its first 50 years, the college adhered to the policy of conferring no honorary degrees. 846 APPENDIX 18

Recipients of Honorary Degrees from Bridgewater College, 1930-1980, cont'd 1950, June 5 Carter V. Good Doctor of Laws Ora D. Delauter Doctor of Divinity William E. Wine Doctor of Engineering 1950, Nov. 27 Premchand G. Bhagat Doctor of Divinity 1951, June 4 Ernest M. Wampler Doctor of Divinity Frederick J. Wampler Doctor of Laws 1953, June 1 Justus H. Cline Doctor of Science Robert K. Burns Doctor of Science Walter S. Flory,Jr. Doctor of Science Paul M. Robinson Doctor of Laws 1954, May 31 William M. Shanklin Doctor of Science Harry K. Zeller, Jr. Doctor of Divinity 1955, March 26 Ruth Huff Cline2 Doctor of Literature Paul N. Garber Doctor of Laws Raymond R. Peters Doctor of Laws Charles C. Wright Doctor of Laws Jacob Boyd Harshbarger Doctor of Science DeWitt L. Miller Doctor of Divinity Robert L. Sherfy Doctor of Divinity James A. Swain Doctor of Divinity 1955, June 6 Colgate W. Darden, Jr. Doctor of Laws G. Tyler Miller Doctor of Laws 1956, June 4 Massey M. Heltzel Doctor of Divinity Roy M. Hoover Doctor of Science Robert M. McKinney Doctor of Science 1958, June 1 Merlin E. Garber Doctor of Divinity S. Earl Mitchell Doctor of Divinity 1959, May 31 Aubrey A. Houser Doctor of Science Jesse H. Ziegler Doctor of Divinity 1961, May 28 John F. Locke Doctor of Divinity Benjamin 0. Miller Doctor of Laws Charles E. Shull Doctor of Science

2Ruth Huff Cline (Litt. D., 1955) was originally Ruth Irene Oine. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 847

Recipients of Honorary Degrees from Bridgewater College, 1930-1980, cont'd H. Dewey Thompson Doctor of Science 1962,June 3 Samuel A. Harley Doctor of Divinity Paul Hoover Bowman Doctor of Laws 1966, May 29 W. Harold Row Doctor of Humane Letters Warren D. Bowman Doctor of Laws 1967, June 4 John W. Boitnott Doctor of Humane Letters 1968, April 5 Calvert N. Ellis Doctor of Humane Letters 1969, April 11 G. Wayne Glick Doctor of Laws 1969, June 1 S. Loren Bowman Doctor of Humane Letters 1970, April 3 Desmond W. Bittinger Doctor of Humane Letters 1970, May 31 Edgar F. Shannon, Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters 1972, April 7 Anne Pannell Taylor Doctor of Humanities 1972, May 28 Earle W. Fike, Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters 1973, April 6 Harold E. Hughes Doctor of Humane Letters Carman G. Blough Doctor of Business Administration 1974, May 26 Mills E. Godwin, Jr. Doctor of Public Administration 1975, April 4 George S. Aldhizer, II Doctor of Laws Aubrey D. Miller Doctor of Business Administration Winston 0. Weaver, Sr. Doctor of Humane Letters 1976, May 30 Nelson T. Huffman Doctor of Music Cynthia C. Wedel Doctor of Divinity 1977, April 1 Frederic W. Ness Doctor of Humanities 1977, May 29 A. Blair Helman Doctor of Humane Letters R. Douglas Nininger Doctor of Humane Letters 1978, March 31 Harry G. M. Jopson Doctor of Science H. Gus Muntzing Doctor of Laws 1979, May 27 Robert W. Neff Doctor of Humane Letters 1980, April 11 John N. Dalton Doctor of Laws 1980, May 25 Francis F. Wayland Doctor of Humane Letters 848 APPENDIX 18

Persons Honored at the Convocation, October 7 and 8, 19601 Bridgewater College presented a certificate of appreciation to each of the following 24 laymen and laywomen for outstanding service to his or her church and community. Ada Frantz Adams, of Penhook, Virginia Donovan R. Beachley, of Hagerstown, Maryland Charles Aaron Bobo, of Keyser, West Virginia Enoch Eby Bowman, of Boones Mill, Virginia Fred R. Clayton, of Kasson, West Virginia Esther King Crouse, of Queen Anne, Maryland Joseph Carlyle Dell, of Mt. Sidney, Virginia Melvin Ray Eavers, of Stuarts Draft, Virginia Ina Ruth Eddington, of Kingsport, Tennessee Olonzo Paul Fike, of Baltimore, Maryland Samuel K. Fike, of Westernport, Maryland Martin Ray Harrison, of Westernport, Maryland Frances Ludwick, of Keyser, West Virginia Mary Grace Martin, of Baltimore, Maryland Ethel Henderson Masters, of Campobello, South Carolina Dorothy Garst Murray, of Cloverdale, Virginia John Jacob Myers, of Elkton, Virginia D. Fred Neikirk, of Hagerstown, Maryland Ray Edward Ogburn, of Hyattsville, Maryland Ira Buford Peters, Jr., of Roanoke, Virginia John Alfred Pritchett, of Nashville, Tennessee Cecil C. Reed, of Floyd, Virginia Ruth Roop Rinehart, of Westminister, Maryland Earl Hicks Wetsel, of Harrisonburg, Virginia The college presented a certificate of appreciation, also, to each of the following 27 Bridgewater alumni for distinguished service in his or her vocation. William 0. Beazley (B. A., 1937), of Abilene, Texas. Educational administrator and churchman. Lorene Wintermyer Bowlus (B. A., 1932), of Frederick, Maryland. U.S. comptroller of customs for the Atlantic coast states from Maryland to Florida. Harry Scott Coffey (Bridgewater student, 1907-1909), of Lynchburg, Virginia. Methodist Church clergyman. Jesse Showalter Fifer (B. A., 1924), of Frederick, Maryland. Physician. Sara E. Garber (B. E., 1904), of Washington, D. C. Holder of various U.S. civil service positions.

1Source: the "Crusade for Excellence" papers in the AMML. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 849

Joseph Paul Glick (B. A., 1921), of Waynesboro, Virginia. Educational administrator and psychologist. Jacob Charles Harshbarger (B. A., 1922), of Harrisonburg, Virginia. Physician. Maurice Kent Henry (B. A.,1936), of Middlesboro, Kentucky. Newspaper publisher and business leader. Herman L. Horn (B. A.,1924), of Roanoke, Virginia. Public school administrator, educator, and civic leader. Henry Cephas Ikenberry, Jr. (B. A., 1947) of Washington, D. C. Attorney-at-Law. Luther Elias Long (Bridgewater student, 1902-3), of Weyers Cave, Virginia. Founder and manager of the Electric Cooperative in Dayton, Virginia. George Arthur McDaniel (B. A., 1930), of Federalsburg, Maryland. Newspaper publisher and state legislator. Garland Franklin Miller (Bridgewater student, 1930-33), of Bridgewater, Virginia. Leader in agricultural, civic, and church affairs. Dessie Miller Myers (B. A., 1933), of Harrisonburg, Virginia. Educator and administrator. Paul Walter Petcher (B. A., 1943), of Mobile, Alabama. Medical missionary and surgeon. Reuel B. Pritchett (Daleville student, 1909-11), of White Pine, Tennessee. Clergyman, antiquarian, and collector of museum items. Harry LeRoy Scharon (B. A., 1938), of St. Louis, Missouri. Educator and geophysicist. Ernest A. See (B. E., 1915), of Keyser, West Virginia. Circuit court judge. H. Hoyle Sink (B. E., 1910), of Greensboro, North Carolina. Foreign service officer and circuit court judge. Harold David Smith (B. A., 1943), of University Park, Maryland. Educator and economist. Edwin Lewis Turner (B. A., 1926), of Charlottesville, Virginia. Banker and civic leader. Charles Weldon Wampler, Jr. (Bridgewater student, 1933-35), of Harrisonburg, Virginia. Business executive, state legislator, and civic leader. Joseph D. Wampler (Bridgewater student, 1908-10), of Bridgewater, Virginia. Agriculturist, businessman, and philanthropist. Nelia ("Nelie") Florence Wampler (B. S. L., 1909), of Geer, Virginia. Missionary, teacher, and school organizer. Galen Miller Yates (Bridgewater student, 1933-34), of Falls Church, Virginia. Holder of various U. S. civil service positions. Earl M. Zigler (B. A., 1926), of Khergam, India. Foreign missionary, home on furlough. Rachel Myers Zigler (B. A., 1925), of Khergam, India. Foreign missionary, home on furlough. 850 APPENDIX 18

"Outstanding Achievement Award" and "Outstanding Service Award" Honorees, 1977-19812

Issac J. Sanger (Bridgewater College Student, 1920-22), distinguished artist, received from Bridgewater College an Outstanding Achievement Award at the college's Founder's Day dinner April 1, 1977. Jacob S. Huffman, Bridgewater alumnus (B. A., 1933), a physician, received from Bridgewater College an Outstanding Service Award at the college's Founder's Day dinner, March 31, 1978. On the same occasion, another Bridgewater alumnus, James A. Maye (B. A., 1965), Executive Director for the Paralyzed Veterans of America, received from the college an Outstanding Achievement Award. At its President's Dinner, November 2, 1979, Bridgewater College bestowed an Outstanding Service Award on Bridgewater alumnus Michael Robert Zigler (B. A., 1916), churchman and ecumenical leader, and on G. Tyler Miller, past president of Madison College. At its Founder's Day dinner, April 11, 1980, Bridgewater College conferred an Outstanding Service Award of Bridgewater alumnus Paul G. Kline (B. A., 1933), Rockingham County (Va.) educator, on D. Lathan Mims, editor and general manager of the Harrisonburg (Va.) Daily News-Record; and on John A Pritchett, a Tennessee lawyer and former Bridgewater College trustee. At its Founder's Day dinner, April 3, 1981, Bridgewater College bestowed an Outstanding Service Award on Bridgewater alumnus Walter S. Flory, Jr. (B. A., 1928), professor emeritus, Wake Forest University, and on Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Lantz, benefactors of Bridgewater College.

2Source: the program file in the AMML. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 851

Bridgewater Students, 1938-1980, Included In Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges The Bridgewater College faculty elected the following Bridgewater students, in the years indicated, for inclusion in the publication, Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges (Randall Publishing Co., Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Washington, D. C.; New York, N. Y.; annual volumes, 1935- ), upon the basis of their scholarship, leadership in extra-curricular and academic activities, citizenship, service to the college, and promise of future usefulness to society. 1937-38: Buford A. Casey, Edgar L. Crumpacker, Donald R. Gilbert, Wendell P. Glick, Vera W. Miller, and Arlene V. Ringgold. 1938-39: Raymond N. Andes, Grace Bowman, J. Randolph Gambill, Jr., Mildred E. Hite, J. J. Rowland Reid, and Robert M. Seese. 1939-40: Raymond N. Andes, Miriam E. Barnette, John E. Bowman, Frederick D. Dove, Jr., J. Randolph Gambill, Jr., Shirley C. Hoover, Stanley J. Miller, and J. J. Rowland Reid. 1940-41: Willard D. Boaz, John E. Bowman, W. Donald Clague, William Z. Cline, Frederick D. Dove, Jr., Shirley C. Hoover, Henry C. Ikenberry, Jr., R. Hunter McQuain, Carroll S. Ringgold, Evelyn R. Suter, and Louise Wampler. 1941-42: Willard D. Boaz, S. Louise Brown, Jessie Mae Conner, Otho Leon Garber, W. Bernelle Hill, William J. Hotchkiss, R. Hunter McQuain, Lawrance S. Miller, Lois E. Wakeman, and Ralph S. Wolfe. 1942-43: S. Louise Brown, Arsen D. Emerzian, Bruce M. Graham, Mary D. Hoover, Dorothy E, Jones, Paul W. Fetcher, Garnett E. Phibbs, Evelyn M. Roberts, Helen E. Robeson, and Lois E. Wakeman. 1943-44: Rebecca Gene Bowman, Samuel H. Flora, Jr., Dorothy E. Jones, Richard Q. Penick, Evelyn M. Roberts, R. Charlotte Weaver, and Hazel E. Wright 1944-45: Rebecca Gene Bowman, Virginia M. Bowman, H. Gerald Guyton, Robert E. Houff, Betty Blough Martin, Mary Ellen Miller, and Zola A. Simpson . 1945-46: Elizabeth Ann Bowman, Fred M. Bowman, Anna C. Hartman, Ben E. Hoover, Evelyn M. Jones, Wilma E. Kline, and Robert E. Richards. 1946-47: Keith R. Crim, Mervin A. Cripe, Constance M. Dewese, Roy H. Hodge, Jr., Sylvia J. Seese, Sara V. Zigler, and John F. Zirkle. 1947-48: David M. Brillhart, Quinton 0. Carr, Joseph L. Glick, Ina S. Mason, Harold R. Fetcher, Lois C. Shank, Isabelle M. Sheetz, and Edgar F. Wilkerson. 1948-49: William R. Johnson, Shirley H. Fetcher, Raymond C. Phibbs, Alfred V. Prather, William S. Ray, and Edgar F. Wilkerson. 1949-50: Warren D. Bowman, Jr., Freda M. Cubbage, Harry M. Gardner, Harold H. Hersch, Raymond C. Phibbs, and J. Elaine Skelton. 1950-51: Kurtz E. Alderman, J. Alaric Bowman, Jr., Wilda Ann Eller, Earle W. Fike, Jr., and Harold H. Hersch. 1951-52: John K. Boitnott, B. Merle Crouse, James S. Flora, Paul S. Garber Orville L. Gardner, Dorothy Anne Huffman, Anna Carolyn Miller, Eugene D. Nolley, and Gerald W. Roller.

Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 853

1971-72: M. Brent Armstrong, Earl W. Bosserman, Ruth M. Ferree, Karen L. Flora, Amos M. Hall, Ellis A. Hodge, Brian D. Holsopple, W. Dale Houff, Sue Ellen Myers, Suzanne Straub, Barbara K. Stumpf, C. George Tulli, Jr., and John R. Wine. 1972-73: Glenn R. Barnhart, Cheri Lee Burton, Bonnie Sue Carlton, Grover C. Collins, Thomas G. Durrer, Bradley K. Geisert, George G. McDearmon, Heidi Susan Peregoy, Joseph P. Rinehart, Haywood B. Riner, Jr., Karen Louise Rogers, Susan Ellen Schulz, Barbara K. Stumpf, Philip D. Trout, and Douglas K. Ways. 1973-74: Bonnie Sue Carlton, Diane L. Cipperly, Richard A. Claybrook, Jr., Deborah Jan Coe, Susan Kowalesky, James W. Mays, Lawrence W. Miller, Gregory Peters, Charles R. Phillips, Rhonda R. Rhoda, Michael D. Scales, Jack D. Stenger, Marion F. Trumbo, and David L. Wampler. 1974-75: Christine Appl, Bruce H. Elliott, Karen L. Garner, Todd W. Geisert, J. Samuel Hartman, Debbie L. Hixon, Dena R. Hixon, Roy .H. Hodge, III, Lawrence M. Johnson, James W. Mays, Ann C. Miller, Donna R. Miller, Mkhael D. Scales, Robert G. Trout, Carol S. Walbridge, and David L. Wampler. 1975-76: Christine Appl, Peter A. Becker, Brian J. Burke, Bruce H. Elliott, Cynthia L. Forbes, Steven E. Gardner, Dena R. Hixon, Dean G. Kinley, Jeffrey J. Lunsford, Diane A. Mandeville, Virginia A. Martin, Andrea J. Mose, Elizabeth A. Mumper, Curtis B. Nolley, Andrea C. Steppe, Janet H. Thurston, Robyn T. Wampler, and Shirley Wilfong. 1976-77: E. Rush Barnett, Mary E. Baughman, Charlotte M. Beahm, Peter A. Becker, Richard L. Binns, Dale L. Birkle, John M. Carpenter, Stephen V. Early, Rhonda D. Fike, Mary J. Flory, Kathy A. Gingrich, Joan L. MacAllister, Sandra L. Mason, Steven P. Metzler, E. Dustyn Miller, Jeannie L. Miller, Merlin T. Reish, Eric M. Shank, Larry W. Shank, Cathy A. Simmons, and Linda L. Welty. 1977-78: Mary E. Baughman, Richard L. Binns, Stephen W. Broache, Judy A. Byrd, Denise L. Clendaniel, Gerald P. Crouse, Allen P. Flora, Mary J. Flory, Karen E. Glick, Anita L. Hall, T. Hope Harmon, Bruce A. Hollenberg, Bonnie J. Kline, Sandra L. Mason, Robert R. Miller, James D. Mumper, Patricia L. Rohrer, Cathy A. Simmons, Spring T. Ward, W. Craig Waters, and Linda L. Welty. 1978-79: Martha L. Akers, Suzanne L. Artz, Sarah S. Bowles, Judy A. Byrd, Cindy L. Fairchild J. Melvin Fike, Joyce G. Harsh, Julie E. Henry, Katherine S. Kline, Pamela A. Kline, Jonathan D. Lyle, Pamela C. Miller, Robert R. Miller, James D. Mumper, Alice R. Ryan, Keith F. Shank, Beverly D. Smith, Kay J. Spitzer, Catherine G. Stivers, Janet E. Stivers, and Randall G. Vandevander. 1979-80: Gladys J. Akers, Martha L. Akers, Martha E. Beahm, Jennifer L. Ernst, W. Scott Fauber, Gayle M. Fike, Victoria R. Garnier, Terri L. Gladwell, Julia Groff, Joyce G. Harsh, Agness S. Hueston, Rebecca S. Long, Alan L. Miller, Judy Miller, Dwynn E. Moyers, Daniel J. Neher, Audrey A. Puckett, Dwight E. Shank, R. Alan Shull, Linda B. Smith, Rodney T. Todd, Clois L. Walton, and Lee Lani Wright. 854 APPENDIX 19


The College's Finances

Operating Income and Operating Expenditures, Year by Year, 1911-1980 At each meeting of Bridgewater's trustees, in the school's early years, the treasurer generally reported the amount of funds on hand at the time, and at the end of certain school sessions, presented a brief summary report on income and expenditures during the session, indicating the amount of gain or loss. In certain years, however, the trustees' minutes merely state that the financial report was presented and accepted, and then "placed on file," but no file of reports for the sessions before that of 1910-11 has been found. The earliest report on the college's finances that the writer has found is the one in the minutes of the meeting of the board of directors of the institution's board of trustees on March 3, 1892. According to the trustee's minutes, there was a net gain of $341.28 for the college during the session, 1894-95; $481.76 during 1895-96; $902.04 during 1899-1900; $226.16 during 1901-02; and $121.02 during 1906-07. On the other hand, the college suffered a shortage of $280.88 during the session, 1892-93; $423.03 during 1898-99; an "apparent insolvency" of $2,540.44 during 1904-05; an insolvency of $6,503.96 during 1905-06; a loss of $4,200during1909-10; and a shortage of $2,107.68during1910-11. Even though they were in the same system of schools, 1924-33, Bridgewater College and Daleville Academy (D) made separate reports annually on operating income and expenditures. Not until June, 1914, did the college begin publishing its financial reports. The figures that appear below are those found in the treasurers' annual reports to the college's board of trustees. They cover the operation of the college's educational program, and not the operation of the college's farm, also.

Year Income Expenditures Net Income Excess of Expenditures 1911-12 $22,124.54 $25A33.98 $3,309.44 1912-13 24,219.24 25,258.02 1,038.78 1913-14 25,328.19 25,891.96 563.77 1914-15 27,240.66 28A15.69 1,175.03 1915-16 23,605.59 27,582.10 3,976.51 1916-17 27,946.07 29,643.38 1,697.31 1917-18 25A59.62 32,188.96 6,729.34 1918-19 23,286.13 32,007.18 8,721.05 1919-20 61,381.98 64A14.69 3,032.71 1920-21 73,109.03 88,727.97 15,618.94 1921-22 75,252.08 82,975.21 7,723.13 1922-23 65,312.02 71,625.16 6,313.14 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 855

Year Income Expenditures Net Income Excess of Expenditures 1923-24 70,343.16 70,176.23 166.93 1924-25 61,072.16 59,037.72 2,034.44 D 26,787.48 D 29,738.07 D 2,950.59 1925-26 68,561.85 64,082.53 4,479.32 D 27,320.55 D30,399.21 D 3,078.66 1926-27 70,475.56 70,825.94 350.38 D 24,759.16 D 26,205.07 D 1,445.91 1927-28 80,727.48 80,238.67 488.81 D 21,560.71 D 23,581.96 D 2,021.25 1928-29 74,334.56 78,015.38 3,680.82 D 15,052.77 D 20,647.63 D 5,594.86 1929-30 77,317.02 84,077.99 6,760.97 D 18,592.62 D 19,247.57 D 654.95 1930-31 82,564.62 82,263.88 300.74 D No figures reported 1931-32 90,054.28 89,458.93 595.35 D No figures reported 1932-33 82,870.12 82,714.14 155.98 D 2,178.08 D 2,149.04 D 29.04 1933-34 80,451.02 83,726.50 3,275.48 1934-35 90,319.29 93,811.77 3,492.48 1935-36 97,569.60 96,102.13 1,467.47 1936-37 97,826.25 99,788.56 1,962.31 1937-38 111,379.20 109,504.63 1,874.57 1938-39 123,342.09 121,095.73 2,246.36 1939-40 129,980.08 129,575.16 404.92 1940-41 127,220.27 127,113.82 106.45 1941-42 131,808.87 132,387.89 579.02 1942-43 132,840.59 125,668.99 7,171.60 1943-44 106,865.34 105,932.55 932:79 1944-45 134,365.88 124,503.42 9,862.46 1945-46 167,830.69 161,248.11 6,582.58 1946-47 265,497.32 254,191.82 11,305.50 1947-48 353,001.95 338,103.64 14,898.31 856 APPENDIX 19

Year Income Expenditures Net Income Excess of Expenditures 1948-49 390,521.86 371,625.77 18,896.09 1949-50 382,459.23 365,763.62 16,695.61 1950-51 352,445.45 349,606.66 2,838.79 1951-52 344,428.45 341,240.60 3,187.85 1952-53 346,214.22 361,053.87 14,839.65 1953-54 382,263.98 398,639.68 16,375.70 1954-55 438,959.22 442,608.67 3,649.45 1955-56 486,232.86 483,245.49 2,987.37 1956-57 540,532.83 536,764.35 3,768.48 1957-58 592,889.05 580,831.77 12,057.28 1958-59 656,128.96 653,090.88 3,038.08 1959-60 773,482.81 771,424.62 2,058.19 1960-61 863,130.22 860,492.85 2,637.37 1961-62 954,211.16 950,715.42 3,495.74 1962-63 1,044,406.54 1,032,307.35 12,099.19 1963-64 1,138,359.38 1,128,879.02 9,480.36 1964-65 1,339,518.89 1,337,997.20 1,521.69 1965-66 1,543,804.27 1,541,179.49 2,624.78 1966-67 1,923,504.02 1,919,655.30 3,848.72 1967-68 2, 164,533. 77 2,160,824.19 3,709.58 1968-69 2,252,003.05 2,249,538.60 2,464.45 1969-70 2,330,368.37 2,328,614.82 1,753.55 1970-71 2,486.519.62 2,481,531.04 4,988.58 1971-72 2,709,296.94 2,702, 109. 63 7,187.31 1972-73 2,755,586.92 2,750,018.16 5,568.76 1973-74 2,827,466.38 2,817,738.51 9,727.87 1974-75 3,074,337.47 3,071,317.29 3,020.18 1975-76 3,240,627.13 3,237,415.66 3,211.47 1976-77 3,515,665.99 3,508,188.08 7,477.91 1977-78 3,971,385.89 3,959,826.71 11,559.18 1978-79 4,525,203.89 4,509,817.02 15,386.87 1979-80 5,064,554.06 5,047,212.36 17,341.70 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 857

Growth of the College's Total Assets Until 1980 According to the report to Bridgewater's board of trustees (from its board of directors), March 4, 1892, the school's total assets (as of the date of the report) amounted to $23,993.53. Of that amount, $14,143.53 represented the value of land, buildings and their furnishings, heating apparatus, general improvements, etc., and $9,850 the amount of the endowment fund.* Figures for earlier years are lacking because of no records for those years. Reports for some later years, prior to 1914, are missing or do not provide complete information on the college's assets. The figures that appear below come from the treasurers' reports to the college's board of trustees. The assets of Daleville Academy (D), for the years 1924-46, are indicated also.

June, 1914 $136,039.88 June 30, 1931 697,979.80

June, 1915 139,310.26 D 224,056.37

June, 1916 146, 704.11 June 30, 1932 690,289.76

June, 1917 Reports incomplete D No report 203,956.89 June, 1918 June 30, 1933 698,160.05 June, 1919 402,939.12 D 219,920.47 1920-24 Reports incomplete June 30, 1934 766,056.02 June 30, 1925 660,049.55 D 221,381.13 D 199,825.74 June 30, 1935 766,016.30 June 30, 1926 672,185.68 D 222,013.06 D 208,290.87 June 30, 1936 746,392.05 June 30, 1927 670,134.54 D 210,831.51 D 208,315.59 June 30, 1937 850,991.60 June 30, 1928 682,533.57 D 259,936.17 D 206,927.26 June 30, 1938 735,652.86 June 30, 1929 692,878.53 D 256.676.13 D 206,581.63 June 30, 1939 736,512.77 June 30, 1930 685,054.11 D 256,676.13 D 206,220.72

*ouM, March 3, 1892; TrM, March 4, 1892. 858 APPENDIX 19

June 30, 1940 741,319.72 June 30, 1957 2,439,089.60

D 256,876.13 June 30, 1958 2,786,512.14

June 30, 1941 741,305.27 June 30, 1959 3,230,332.03

D 142,464.94 June 30, 1960 3,502,999.80

June 30, 1942 765,883.91 June 30, 1961 3,644,355.43

D 141,879.34 June 30, 1962 3,939,219.10

June 30, 1943 782,799.07 June 30, 1963 4,490,575.34

D 142,045.82 June 30, 1964 5,280,866.47

June 30, 1944 787,649.60 June 30, 1965 5,592,320.78

D 142,219.29 June 30, 1966 6,070,892.35

June 30, 1945 833,463.23 June 30, 1967 7,099,043.54

D 140,881.25 June 30, 1968 7,758,023.25

June 30, 1946 996,645.07 June 30, 1969 9,047,122.93

D 141,002.21 June 30, 1970 9,741,525.34

June 30, 1947 1, 162,592.06 June30, 1971 10,062,718.86

June 30, 1948 1,241,616.15 June 30, 1972 10,768,956.35

June 30, 1949 1,372,456.57 June 30, 1973 11,395,055.30

June 30, 1950 1,413,092.92 June 30, 1974 11,720,244.20

June30, 1951 1,475,550.37 June 30, 1975 12,001,679.39

June 30, 1952 1,557,738.22 June 30, 1976 12,298,590.14

June 30, 1953 1,823,899.70 June 30, 1977 12,673,248.09

June 30, 1954 1,910,115.09 June 30, 1978 13,291,206.05

June 30, 1955 1,944,204.65 June 30, 1979 16,601,203.01

June 30, 1956 2,101,470.70 June 30, 1980 17,530,452.32 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 859

Growth of the College's Endowment Fund Until 1980 The minutes of Bridgewater's board of trustees reveal that the college's endowment fund aggregated $9,850 by March 4, 1892. No endowment fund figure for any earlier year, or for any later year before 1910, has been found in any available source. In the early years at Bridgewater, amounts were sometimes borrowed from the endowment fund, or, with the consent of the donors, were transferred from that fund to the college's sinking fund. From 1924 to 1946, the finances of Bridgewater College and Daleville Academy (D) were kept separate, and were reported separately annually. After 1946, in which year the Daleville property was sold, the Bridgewater and Daleville endowment fund figures appeared in the same report. Sections of the preceding chapters trace the development of the endowment fund. The figures below are derived from the treasurers' reports to the college's board of trustees. June 30 was made the end of the fiscal year in 1925.

Jan. 25, 1910 $16,981.00 June 30, 1928 379,421.84 Jan. 28, 1911 13,790.00 D 95,770.09 June, 1912 15,306.00 June 30, 1929 379,640.47 June ,1913 16,954.00 D 94,985.09 June, 1914 14,041.25 June 30, 1930 380,487.97 June, 1915 14,768.08 D 94,985.09 June, 1916 16,118.08 June 30, 1931 384,237.97 June, 1917 14,925.28 D 121,338.09 June, 1918 98,176.35 June 30, 1932 379,774.77 June, 1919 245,043.22 D 120,790.38 June, 1920 348,253.14 June 30, 1933 383,254.15 June, 1921 351,472.56 D 121,172.01 June, 1922 352,446.68 June 30, 1934 388,520.97 June, 1923 354,707.58 D 121,172.01 June, 1924 354,164.07 June 30, 1935 389,020.93 June 30, 1925 378,842.52 D 121,162.01 D 91,899.59 June 30, 1936 378,395.26 June 30, 1926 377,842.52 D 113,446.48 D 91,899.59 June 30, 1937 385,070.71 June 30, 1927 375,020.82 D 113,446.48 D 90,707.88 860 APPENDIX 19

June 30, 1938 386,971.20 June 30, 1955 464,535.45 D 110,127.74 June 30, 1956 592,639.23 June 30, 1939 390,989.60 June 30, 1957 639,515.14 D 110,127.74 June 30, 1958 648,463.67 June 30, 1940 394,529.90 June 30, 1959 650,092.53 D 110,327.74 June 30, 1960 657,739.59 June 30, 1941 394,804.90 June 30, 1961 669,608.47 D 110,117.74 June 30, 1962 680,525.27 June 30, 1942 393,872.47 June 30, 1963 681,287.07 D 110,117.74 June 30, 1964 677,527.86 June 30, 1943 393,438.04 June 30, 1965 692,144.10 0110,117.74 June 30, 1966 732,065.73 June 30, 1944 395,936.13 June 30, 1967 788,159.57 D 110.217.74 June 30, 1968 978,990.08 June 30, 1945 399,553.63 June 30, 1969 1,143,042.29 D 110,217.74 June 30, 1970 1,199,986.14 June 30, 1946 397,902.95 June 30, 1971 1,232,946.51 D 110,217.74 June 30, 1972 1,390,832.25 June 30, 1947 464,826.44 June 30, 1973 1,484, 177.52 June 30, 1948 461,571.86 June 30, 1974 1,549,815.91 June 30, 1949 421,922.69 June 30, 1975 1,638,162.60 June 30, 1950 426,235.80 June 30, 1976 1,808,089.25 June 30, 1951 425,666.77 June 30, 1977 1,887,098.20 June 30, 1952 449,692.11 June 30, 1978 1,958,652.81 June 30, 1953 451,847.66 June 30, 1979 1,987,769.28 June 30, 1954 447,800.70 June 30, 1980 2,095,604.24 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 861

Funds Through the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, 1953-1980 The figures below, from reports to the Bridgewater College trustees, represent Bridgewater's share each year, 1953-80, of the funds (for operating expenses) obtained from the Virginia business community through the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC), an association of accredited, private, senior colleges in the state formed in 1952. During the years 1953-80, Bridgewater received from this source approximately $2 million. The Jessie Ball duPont Fund, of Jacksonville, Florida, underwrites the administrative and operating expenses of the VFIC, to insure that every dollar contributed to the fund is shared by the member colleges.

1953-54 $3,494.04 1967-68 68,550.94

1954-55 6,907.06 1968-69 79,233.42

1955-56 16,096.26 1969-70 70,755.29

1956-57 16,936.06 1970-71 71,319.78

1957-58 21,807.34 1971-72 82,642.53

1958-59 29,891.57 1972-73 90,652.66

1959-60 36,365.78 1973-74 88,627.56

1960-61 44,551.00 1974-75 91,854.73

1961-62 50,152.23 1975-76 91,143.52

1962-63 61,197.00 1976-77 116,509.84

1963-64 57,518.72 1977-78 111,650.79

1964-65 57,338.78 1978-79 122,106.88

1965-66 62,220.12 1979-80 151,655.37

1966-67 64,174.20 862 APPENDIX 19

Financial Support of the College by Church of the Brethren Congregations The figures below, from reports to the Bridgewater College trustees, indicate the increasing financial support of the college by the Church of the Brethren congregations within the denomination's southeastern region, as more and more congregations agreed to contribute an average recommended amount per member toward the college's operating costs. Figures for earlier years are not available.

1954-55 $3,823.82 1967-68 45,132.94

1955-56 9,349.03 1968-69 51,251.98

1956-57 11,174.99 1969-70 48,015.91

1957-58 14,229.85 1970-71 51,895.00

1958-59 22,945.43 1971-72 49,569.73

1959-60 26,780.70 1972-73 50,786.31

1960-61 27,348.58 1973-74 52,596.48

1961-62 29,055.32 1974-75 53,607.45

1962-63 35,344.59 1975-76 58,630.11

1963-64 36,511.11 1976-77 61,821.39

1964-65 45,409.59 1977-78 58,845.98

1965-66 44,016.50 1978-79 68,338.86

1966-67 44,436.11 1979-80 70,150.76 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 863

The Cost For A Full-Time Resident Student, Year by Year, 1880-1980 The charges, listed below, for a full-time resident student (September to June) at Bridgewater were for tuition for courses taken, board, room (double occupancy), and various other required fees, but not for laboratory use (until the 1956-57 session), or for books. In its catalogue for 1956-57, the college discontinued its practice of listing the various charges individually, and presented, instead, an "inclusive fee" (which included laboratory fees) for resident students and another for non-resident students, and has followed that practice ever since. The figures are taken from the catalogues of the Spring Creek Normal School (1880-82), the Virginia Normal School (1882-89), Bridgewater College (1889-1924), Bridgewater-Daleville College (1924-51), and Bridgewater College (1951-80). Many of the school's sessions, in years past, were longer than they are today: that of 1880- 81 (at Spring Creek) ran for 42 weeks; that of 1881-82 (at Spring Creek), for 41 weeks; those of 1882-87, for 40 weeks; that of 1887-88, for 37 weeks; those of 1888-90, and 1895-1915, for 38 weeks; those of 1890-95, for 36 weeks.

1880-81 $136.50 1896-97 145.63 1912-13 174.50

1881-82 123.00 1897-98 145.65 1913-14 174.00

1882-83 122.50 1898-99 145.65 1914-15 174.00

1883-84 125.00 1899-1900 145.65 1915-16 180.00

1884-85 135.00 1900-1901 145.65 1916-17 183.00

1885-86 135.00 1901-2 146.95 1917-18 209.00

1886-87 135.00 1902-3 147.00 1918-19 215.00

1887-88 126.73 1903-4 147.45 1919-20 261.00

1888-89 128.25 1904-5 147.45 1920-21 271.00

1889-90 128.25 1905-6 150.00 1921-22 291.00

1890-91 121.50 1906-7 156.50 1922-23 291.00

1891-92 121.50 1907-8 156.50 1923-24 296.00

1892-93 129.10 1908-9 162.50 1924-25 308.00

1893-94 131.60 1909-10 172.50 1925-26 308.00

1894-95 137.60 1910-11 170.00 1926-27 310.50

1895-96 145.63 1911-12 170.00 1927-28 326.50 864 APPENDIX 19

1928-29 336.50 1946-47 558.00 1964-65 1,600.00

1929-30 361.00 1947-48 630.00 1965-66 1,700.00

1930-31 376.00 1948-49 700.00 1966-67 1,800.00

1931-32 376.00 1949-50 702.00 1967-68 2,000.00

1932-33 376.00 1950-51 704.00 1968-69 2,100.00

1933-34 365.00 1951-52 744.00 1969-70 2,200.00

1934-35 365.00 1952-53 780.00 1970-71 2,375.00

1935~36 405.00 1953-54 798.00 1971-72 2,575.00

1936-37 415.00 1954-55 848.00 1972-73 2,750.00

1937-38 416.00 1955-56 856.00 1973-74 2,875.00

1938-39 440.00 1956-57 950.00 1974-75 3,050.00

1939-40 436.00 1957-58 1,000.00 1975-76 3,325.00

1940-41 440.00 1958-59 1,060.00 1976-77 3,600.00

1941-42 440.00 1959-60 1,160.00 1977-78 3,800.00

1942-43 493.00 1960-61 1,250.00 1978-79 4,040.00

1943-44 493.00 1961-62 1,300.00 1979-80 4,440.00

1944-45 493.00 1962-63 1,400.00

1945-46 523.00 1963-64 1,500.00 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 865


Schools Affiliated with Bridgewater College in Years Past and Conducted in its Buildings (Except as Indicated)

An elementary school, "The Primary Department," 1886-1913

Bridgewater Academy, until 1924

A Commercial School, until 1919, when its work was transferred to Bridgewater Academy

A Bible School, a School of Music, and an Art Department, until 1920, when they were converted into academic departments of the college

Hebron Seminary (at Nokesville, Va.), 1921-24

Blue Ridge College (at New Windsor, Md.), 1929-37 866 APPENDIX 20

The Primary Department Affiliated with the College, 1886-1913


Holsinger, Mrs. George B. (Sallie A. Kagey). 1886-87. 1895-96 20

Flory, M. Kate. B.E. 1887-89. 1896-97 23

Wine, William M. 1889-90. 1897-98 18

Garber, Solomon W. 1890-92. 1898-99 20

Holsinger, Mrs. George B. 1892-98. 1899-1900 27

Henton, Ella G. 1898-99. 1900-1901 26

Emswiler, Laura M. 1899-1900. 1901-2 34

Myers, Mrs. Samuel A. (Nannie V. Henton). 1900-1906. 1902-3 30

Heddings, Crissie M. 1906-8. 1903-4 41

Burns, Sylvia G. B. E. 1908-9. 1904-5 36

Skeggs, Rebecca C. 1909-10. 1905-6 20

Spitzer, Atha M. 1909-11. 1906-7 16

Miller, Vida E. 1911-13. 1907-8 24

Miller, Valley V. 1912-13. 1908-9 28

1909-10 29

1910-11 23

1911-12 19

1912-13 15

1According to the college's catalogues. The Primary Department teacher was the person who taught "English Branches," 1886-87; the one in charge of the "Preparatory Department," 1887-92; the "Assistant in English Branches," 1892-1900; and the "Assistant in the Preparatory Department," 1900-13. 2The student enrollments, not determinable for the years prior to 1895, are from the BC Journal [1899-1926] and the teachers' record books in the AMML. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 867

Bridgewater Academy, 1918-1924 When Newton D. Cool Was Its Principal

Its Faculty1

Arnold, Bessie W. B. E. Art. 1916-21. Berlin, Grace Lee. Mus. B. Piano. 1914-24. Bowman, Oscar F. B. A. Biology. 1922-24. Brower, Waltine E. Piano. 1921-22. History and English. 1923-24. Clarke, Roy E. Biology and Latin. 1919-21. Cline, May L. B. Accts. Shorthand and typewriting. 1918-21. Coffman, Aubrey R. B. A., M.A. Latin and Bible. 1918-20. Cool, Newton D. B. E. Mathematics, science, Bible, and religious education. 1918-24. Critzer, Nell M. B. S. French and English. 1920-21. Dean, Anna Mary. B. A. English and Latin. 1920-21. Driver, Anna C. B. A. History and English. 1920-23. Flory, Anna F. Science. 1920-21. Glick, John T. B. A. History and Bible. 1916-22. Glick, Joseph Paul. History. 1920-21. Gochenour, Zula M. Piano. 1922-24. Harlow, George W. Physical education for men. 1916-17; 1918-21. Harlow, Mrs. George W. (Gay Ola Walter). B. A. Physical education for women and science. 1919-21. Harmon, James A. Violin. 1915-22. Hooker, May. B. A. French and Latin. 1921-24. Kiracofe, Edgar S. B. A. History. 1918-20. Science and physical education. 1921- 24. May, Clarence E. Economics. 1923-24. Miller, Benjamin 0. Arithmetic. 1920-21. Miller, Joseph W. Agriculture. 1921-22. Pence, Mabel L. Chorus. 1919-21. Richcreek, Mary L. Voice. 1918-21. Roller, Charles W. Music theory and history; voice. 1908-24. Rowe, Bertha E. English. 1919-21. Sanger, Isaac J. Manual training. 1920-22.

1Sources: the academy's catalogues; TrM and appended reports. Prior to 1918, the academy had no principal and no faculty of its own. Until 1918, the College and the academy had a combined teaching staff and some teachers in common. Even after 1918, some college faculty members continued to do some teaching in the academy. 868 APPENDIX 20

Showalter, Russell K. Science. 1923-24. Thomas, Ira F. B. Accts. Commercial subjects. 1920-24. Walter, Gay Ola. Physical education for women and science. 1916-19. Wampler, Ernest M. B. E. Physical education. 1917-18. West, Russell G. Penmanship. 1918-21. Yager, Herman L. B. A. Mathematics and Latin. 1921-22. Zigler, Naomi R. Mathematics. 1923-24.

Bridgewater Academy

STUDENT ENROLLMENT2 GRADUATES IN THE 1904-5 119 COLLEGE PREPARATORY 1905-6 93 COURSE3 1906-7 98 1909 15 1907-8 139 1910 8 1908-9 134 1911 13 1909-10 92 1912 4 1910-11 100 1913 3 1911-12 99 1914 2 1912-13 77 1915 2 1913-14 46 1916 1 1914-15 83 1917 9 1915-16 62 1918 17 1916-17 59 1919 4 1917-18 41 1920 5 1918-19 31 1921 20 1919-20 60 1922 24 1920-21 79 1923 30 1921-22 75 1924 23 1922-23 74 1923-24 54

2From catalogues of the college and the academy, the PhM, and other sources. The figures for the graduates in 1921, 1922, 1923, and 1924 include graduates in .other courses besides college preparatory. Figures for earlier years are not available. 3Ibid. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 869

Hebron Seminary Affiliated with Bridgewater College, 1921-1924 When William H. Sanger was the Principal of Hebron

Hebron's Trustees, 1921-1924*

(All served throughout the period, 1921-24, except as indicated.) Blough, Elijah E., of Manassas, Virginia. Conner, Jesse J., of Manassas. Early, Michael G., of Nokesville, Virginia. Glick, Benjamin F., of Nokesville. Graybill, Amos K., of Nokesville. Hale, William F., of Nokesville.

Harley, Samuel C., of Manassas. 1923-24. Hinegardner, John A., of Midland, Virginia.

Jones, Emanuel H., of Fairfax Station, Virginia. Not on the board after 1922. Maupin, George A., of Free Union, Virginia.

Myers, Howard F., of Clifton Station, Virginia. 1923-24. Petry, Chester H., of Louisa, Virginia. 1922-24. Sanger, William H. of Nokesville. Ex officio.

Zigler, Isaac N., of Holladay, Virginia. 1922-23.

Hebron's Teachers, 1921-24*

Bagwell, Olive B. Primary grades. 1922-24.

Cassel, Ada S. B. A. Latin and mathematics. 1921-22. Evers, Manola F. B. A. English and home economics. 1922-23.

Gibson, Irvin J. B. A. Bible, history, and science. 1920-22. Gibson, Mrs. Irvin J. (Ethel Mummert). B. A. Home economics. 1920-22.

Maupin, Lottie A. Primary grades. 1921-22.

Mow, Baxter M. B. A.; B. D. History, Latin, and science. 1922-23.

*From the school's catalogues and WHS, Diary. 870 APPENDIX 20

Mow, Mrs. Baxter M. (Anna Beahm). B. A.; B. D. Bible and religious education. 1922-23.

Sanger, William H. B. A. Bible, commerical subjects, English, Latin, mathematics, and science. 1921-24. Shively, Walter R. B. A. Bible and history. 1923-24. Shively, Mrs. Walter R. (Mae Church). English and home economics. 1923-24.

Hebron Seminary College Preparatory Course* Enrollment Graduates 1921-22 37 1922 7 1922-23 21 1923 1 1923-24 29 1924 9

*From the school's catalogues and WHS, Diary. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 871

Blue Ridge College Affiliated with Bridgewater-Daleville College, 1929-1937 When Edward C. Bixler was the President of Blue Ridge

The College's Trustees, 1929-19371 (All were Marylanders, except as indicated.) Arnold, George V., of Burkittsville. 1918-36. Bixler, Edward C., of New Windsor. 1921-37. Ex officio, 1927-37. Bowman, Joseph, of Union Bridge. 1930-36. Coffman, Charles D., of Fairplay. 1936-37. Dotterer, David R., of Baltimore. 1930-33. Dove, John A., of Cloverdale, Virginia. 1929-33. Early, George A., of Westminster. 1925-37. Early, Simon P., of Baltimore. 1929-30. Englar, George P. B., of New Windsor. 1933-37. Englar, J. Walter, of New Windsor. 1907-8; 1911-35. Flory, John S., of Bridgewater, Virginia. 1933-37. Garber, John A., of Washington, D. C. 1923-37. Getty, J. Walter, of New Windsor. 1924-32. Hicks, E. Russell, of Hagerstown. 1934-35. Horst, Aaron M., of Hagerstown. 1924-34. Long, Isaac S., of Baltimore. 1937. McKinney, Robert L., of Linthicum Heights. 1933-37. Myers, John C., of Broadway, Virginia. 1937. Prigel, John M., of Gittings. 1930-37. Resser, Charles E., of Washington, D. C. 1924-29; 1936-37. Rowland, Elmer S., of Hagerstown. 1935-37. Rowland, Harry R., of Hagerstown. 1923-37. Scrogum, Arthur, of Accident. 1930-37. Sines, A. L., of Sines. 1924-30. Smith, R. Paul, of Hagerstown. 1936-37. Speicher, Henry, of Accident. 1930-37.

1Sources: BRC catalogues, BRC TrM, and TrM (of BC). 872 APPENDIX 20

Stoner, Mrs. Jacob (Annie Roop), of Union Bridge (New Windsor, 1915-33). 1912-33. Life trustee, 1929-33. Thomas, Franklin, of Hagerstown. 1922-34. Weybright, Jesse P., of Detour. 1916-37. Wine, William M., of Woodside, Delaware. 1911-12; 1924-29. Wolfe, Marshall R., of New Windsor. 1930-37. Woodie, Elbert C., of Hagerstown. 1936-37.

Faculty Members, 1929-1931'2 Bixler, Edward C. B. A., M.A., Ph.D. Ancient languages and education. 1913- 37. History. 1928-30. Blough, Elizabeth R. B. A. English. 1926-30. Bowman, Berkley 0. B. A., M.A. Mathematics and physics. 1929-37. Cool, A. Olivia. B. A. Piano, music history and theory. 1930-34. French. 1932- 34. Horne economics. 1931-32. DeHoff, Clyde S. B. A. Mathematics. 1928-30. Eaton, Harold L. B. A., M.A. Biology and chemistry. 1930-37. Fisher, Nevin W. Voice and musical sciences. 1925-37. Fricke, Marie M. B. A. German and home economics. 1932-33. Jamison, Gertrude I. B. A. Horne economics. 1929-30. Johnson, Elmer S. B. A. Accountancy and shorthand. 1930-31. McFadden, W. Glenn. B. A. Accountancy and shorthand. 1929-30. Malcolm, Mary M. B. A. Public school music. 1927-30. Noel, Horner. Manual arts. 1928-30. Pugsley, Matilda T. B. A. French. 1935-36. Pugsley, Orville E. B. A. Accountancy and shorthand. 1931-36. Rinehart, Grace Lee. B. A., M.A. Art. 1900-36. French. 1900-32; 1934-36. Roop, Anna E. Typewriting. 1921-30; 1931-37. Royer, Philip. Violin. 1921-30. Sardiga, J. Bryce. Pd. B. Accountancy and shorthand. 1936-37. Slabaugh, Helen E. B. A. German and home economics. 1933-37. Snader, Margaret J. B. A. French and history. 1929-30. Speicher, J. Walter. Typewriting. 1926-29; 1930-31. Physical education. 1929-36.

2Sources: BRC catalogues. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 873

Stafford, Sarah K. Piano. 1935-36. Tribble, Margaret. B. A., M. A. French and piano. 1936-37. Wellman, Orpha. B. A., M.A. English. 1928-37. German. 1928-32. Dramatics. 1932-33. Wolfe, Marshall R. B. A., B. D. History. 1928-37. Sociology. 1929-37. Wood, Ellen Geraldyn. Piano. 1927-30. Woodard, John. B. S., M.A., Ph.D. Biology and chemistry. 1929-30. Young, Grace Beard. Expression. 1923-29; 1934-35.

Blue Ridge College

Junior College Course3 Enrollment Graduates 1929-30 61 1930 5 1930-31 65 1931 19 1931-32 69 1932 22 1932-33 72 1933 17 1933-34 65 1934 19 1934-35 52 1935 17 1935-36 50 1936 14 1936-37 43 1937 24

3From the college's catalogues and the BRC Reflector. The figure for the graduates in 1937 includes graduates in other courses besides the junior college course. 874 APPENDIX 21


Daleville Academy In the Bridgewater-Daleville System of Schools 1924-1933

The Academys Principals·

Roy D. Boaz, 1924-28 Norman A. Seese, 1928-30 Frank E. Williar, 1930-33

The Academy's Teachers, 1924-1933•

Boaz, Roy D. B. A., M. A. History and government. 1924-28. Boone, Walter H. B. A. Mathematics. 1930-32. Click, Carrie F. B. A. Science and home economics. 1925-27. Coffman, Earl. Commercial subjects. 1925-26. Coffman, Luther C. B. A. Latin and French. 1913-27. Early, Effie V. B. A. Chemistry, English, Latin, and physical education for women. 1926-28; 1930-31. Eller, Alice Kathryn. B. A. French, piano, and voice. 1927-30. Eller, Lois A. Commercial subjects. 1932-33. Figgat, Harry A. Violin. 1924-26. Garber, Orval S. B. A. Mathematics, science, and physical education for men. 1924-28. Glick, Boyd J. B. A. Biology, general science, and physical education for men. 1928-30. Hiatt, Helen. Voice. 1926-27. Holroyd, Major F. Stringed instruments. 1926-30. Hoover, Vera Mae. B. A. Piano and voice. 1924-25. Ikenberry, Cecil C. B. A. Bible, mathematics, and science. 1930-33. Physical education for men. 1930-31. Ikenberry, Mrs. Cecil C. (Effie V. Early). B. A. Chemistry, English, Latin, and physical education for women. 1931-33.

*From the academy's catalogues, the TrM and appended reports. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 875

Ikenberry, Charles S. B. E., B. S. L., B. A., M. R. E. Bible and religious education. 1910-30. Ikenberry, J. Emmert. B. A. Chemistry, physics, and mathematics. 1928-30. Kaylor, Hilda M. F. Commercial subjects. 1930-32. Kinzie, William G. B. A. Wind and stringed instruments. 1929-30. Nininger, Flora Mae. B. A. English and Latin. 1924-26. Peters, Raymond R. B. A. History and government. 1930-33. Peters, Mrs. Raymond R. (Alice Kathryn Eller). B. A. French, piano, and voice. 1930-33. Scaggs, Leona Esther. Home economics. 1923-25. Seese, Norman A. B. A., M.A. History and government. 1928-30. Thomas, Ira F. B. Accts., B. A. Commercial subjects. 1910-20; 1926-30. Wampler, Hattie B. B. A. English. 1927-30. Webb, Mrs. Elsie Herring. Commercial subjects. 1924-25. Williar, Frank E. B. A. Bible and religious education. 1930-33. Wood, Ellen Geraldyn. Piano. 1925-27. Zigler, Earl M. B. A. Science and physical education for men. 1931-33.

Daleville Academy

STUDENT ENROLLMENT' GRADUATES* 1924-25 90 1925 26 1925-26 79 1926 18 1926-27 97 1927 24 1927-28 69 1928 21 1928-29 48 1929 12 1929-30 56 1930 20 1930-31 69 1931 13 1931-32 83 1932 19 1932-33 69 1933 18

•From the academy's catalogues, the TrM and appended reports. 876 APPENDIX 22


Graduate and Professional Degree Recipients Among Bridgewater Alumni (Down to 1980) Sources of data: BC (1905) and BC (1930); the files of a, the Newsette, the Alumnus, and other BC bulletins; BC alumni directories (1951; 1986); the AlumBF; reports from university registrars; school catalogues; and questionnaires sent to alumni. Not all alumni responded to requests for information. The listing below does not include Bridgewater students who earned a doctoral degree after transferring from Bridgewater to another college and receiving an undergraduate degree there, nor does it include Bridgewater graduates who earned the M. A. or the M. S. degree. The name of the degree granting institution is given as it was when the degree was conferred, and the title of the degree as it was when granted. 174 Ph.D. Degree Recipients

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Andes, Raymond N. B.A., 1940 Ph.D. Romance Univ. of N.C. 1948 languages Baker, Albert L. B.A., 1961 Ph.D. Biochemistry Va. Polytechnic 1964 Institute Baker, Joseph W. B.A., 1945 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1952 Beckman, Everett G. B.A., 1952 Ph.D. Religious educ. Univ. of Pittsburgh 1965 Bittinger, Emmert F. B.A., 1945 Ph.D. Sociology Univ. of Maryland 1964 Boitnott, John W. B.A., 1925 Ph.D. Education Univ. of Va. 1936 Bowman, Paul B.A., 1934 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Chicago 1951 Hoover Bowman, Raymond B.S., 1923 Ph.D. Education Univ. of Va. 1938 P.G. Bowman, Rufus D. B.A., 1923 Ph.D. Religion Northwestern Univ. 1944 Bowman, Warren D. B.A., 1920 Ph.D. Education Univ. of Chicago 1930 Bowser, Dean V. B.A., 1964 Ph.D. Med. microbio. Univ. of Georgia 1971 Brown, William L. B.A., 1936 Ph.D. Biology Washington Univ. 1942 Brumbaugh, Erich E. B.A., 1966 Ph.D. Biophysics Univ. of Va. 1971 Burgess, Allen B.A., 1962 Ph.D. History Duke Univ. 1977 Edward Burgess, Robert M. B.A., 1928 Ph.D. Romance Univ. of Calif. 1952 languages at Los Angeles Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 877

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Burns, Robert K. B.A., 1916 Ph.D. Biology Yale Univ. 1924 Casey, Buford A. B.A., 1938 Ph.D. Business admin. Ohio State Univ. 1956 Chan, Moses B.A., 1967 Ph.D. Physics Cornell Univ. 1974 Hung-Wai Cline, Ruth I. B.A., 1922 Ph.D. English Univ. of Chicago 1939 Cool, Raymond D. B.S., 1922 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1928 Corbin, Donald E. B.A., 1959 Ph.D. French Ohio State Univ. 1972 Crummett, Warren B. B.A., 1943 Ph.D. Chemistry Ohio State Univ. 1951 Diehl, Frederick A. B.A., 1960 Ph.D. Biology Western Reserve 1965 Univ. Dodge, William B., III B.A., 1975 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1980 Driver, Carl S. B.A., 1918 Ph.D. History Vanderbilt Univ. 1929 Dupler, Dorothy B.A., 1931 Ph.D. Speech Univ. of S. Calif. 1961 Elchisak, Mary Ann B.A., 1970 Ph.D. Pharmacology Med. College of Va. 1974 Farrar, Norman R. B.A., 1961 Ph.D. Speech; hearing Univ. of Md. 1968 Fenimore, B.A., 1958 Ph.D. Philosophy Univ. of Uppsala 1971 Randolph C. (Sweden) Fifer, Shirley Anne B.A.., 1962 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Montana 1966 Fitchett, Arthur W. B.A., 1969 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of N.C. 1973 Flick, Walter A. B.A., 1922 Ph.D. Education Ohio State Univ. 1928 Flora, James S. B.A., 1952 Ph.D. Theology Calif. Graduate 1973 School of Theology Flora, June A. B.A., 1971 Ph.D. Psychology Arizona State Univ. 1976 Flora, Karl P. B.A., 1971 Ph.D. Chemistry Med. College of Va. 1976 Flora, Robert M. B.A., 1960 Ph.D. Biochemistry Va. Polytechnic 1965 Institute Flory, John S. B.A., 1902 Ph.D. English Univ. of Va. 1907 Flory, Walter S., Jr. B.A., 1928 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Va. 1931 Floyd, John D. B.A., 1951 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1956 Fong, Bessie Siu-Ying B.A., 1973 Ph.D. Medical Univ. of Va. 1978 Fries, David S. B.A., 1967 Ph.D. Chemistry Med. College of Va. 1971 Fultz, Mary Catherine B.A., 1936 Ph.D. English Univ. of Va. 1968 Furr, Harold C., II B.A., 1968 Ph.D. Nutrition Cornell Univ. 1977 Garber, John A. B.A., 1891 Ph.D. Education Geo. Washington 1920 Univ. Garber, Paul N. B.A., 1919 Ph.D. History Univ. of Pa. 1923 Garber, Robert B. B.A., 1937 Ph.D. Psychology New York Univ. 1952 878 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Gamer, W. Harold B.A., 1951 Ph.D. Education Michigan State 1970 Univ. Geisert, Bradley K. B.A., 1973 Ph.D. History Univ. of Va. 1979 Glick, G. Wayne B.A., 1941 Ph.D. Church history Univ. of Chicago 1957 Glick, Harry N. B.A., 1913 Ph.D. Philosophy Univ. of Illinois 1924 Glick, Wendell P. B.A., 1938 Ph.D. English Northwestern Univ. 1950 Glover, Murrell K. B.A., 1933 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of N.C. 1967 Good, Carter V. B.A., 1918 Ph.D. Education Univ. of Chicago 1925 Gosnell, John W. B.A., 1948 Ph.D. Education Univ. of N.C. 1973 Hancock, Walter H. B.A., 1967 Ph.D. Physics Univ. of Nebraska 1976 Hare, Theodore A. B.A., 1962 Ph.D. Biochemistry Va. Polytechnic 1967 Institute Hargett, Louis T. B.A., 1953 Ph.D. Entomology Oregon State Univ. 1962 Harman, Richard S. B.A., 1964 Ph.D. Government Univ. of Va. 1969 Harshbarger, J. Boyd B.A., 1928 Ph.D. Mathematics Geo. Washington 1943 Univ. Harshbarger, B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Entomology Rutgers Univ. 1962 John C., Jr. Hayslett, B.A., 1958 Ph.D. Mathematics Dartmouth College 1976 Homer T., Jr. Henry, J. Maurice B.A., 1909 Ph.D. History Geo. Washington 1924 Univ. Hensley, Michael S. B.A., 1969 Ph.D. Zoology Univ. of Tenn. 1978 Hinegardner, B.A., 1922 Ph.D. Chemistry Yale Univ. 1927 Wilbie S. Hinkel, Cecil E. B.A., 1936 Ph.D. Speech Ohio State Univ. 1959 Holman, Robert E., III B.A., 1972 Ph.D. Botany N.C. State Univ. 1978 Hom, Herman L. B.A., 1924 Ph.D. Political science Duke Univ. 1949 Huffman, Charles H. B.A., 1914 Ph.D. English Univ. of Va. 1920 Huffman, Franklin E. B.A., 1955 Ph.D. Linguistics Cornell Univ. 1967 Humbert, Willard H. B.A., 1924 Ph.D. Political science Johns Hopkins 1939 Univ. Hunt, Jeffrey C. B.A., 1974 Ph.D. Microbiology Med. College of Va. 1979 and immunology Ikenberry, J. Emmert B.A., 1928 Ph.D. Mathematics Cornell Univ. 1937 Ip, Stephen B.A., 1970 Ph.D. Biophysics Univ. of Va. 1976 Hoi-Chuen Jones, Charles D. B.A., 1965 Ph.D. Chemistry Pa. State Univ. 1969 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 879

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Jordan, Helen E. B.A., 1946 Ph.D. Zoology Univ. of Georgia 1962 Karam, Martha L. B.A., 1970 Ph.D. Psychology Rosemead Graduate 1975 School of Psych. Keller, Chester Z. B.A., 1950 Ph.D. Philosophy Univ. of S. Calif. 1955 Kelly, Barbara J. B.A., 1955 Ph.D. Behavioral Univ. of Delaware 1971 sciences Kem, Edith G. B.A., 1941 Ph.D. Romance Johns Hopkins 1946 languages Univ. Kinzie, Wayne B. B.A., 1960 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Georgia 1966 Kiracofe, Edgar S. B.A., 1921 Ph.D. Education Univ. of Va. 1932 Kline, Homer M., Jr. B.A., 1947 Ph.D. Educ. admin. Northwestern Coll. 1976 of Allied Sciences Kyger, M. B.A., 1941 Ph.D. Linguistics Catholic Univ. 1955 Ellsworth, Jr. Ledwell, Jo Starnes B.A., 1968 Ph.D. Psychology Ohio Univ. 1973 Leiter, Robert E., Jr. B.A., 1967 Ph.D. Statistics Va. Polytechnic 1971 Institute and State Univ. Litten, Joseph W. B.A., 1973 Ph.D. Pathology Med. College of Va. 1977 Litten Raye Z., III B.A., 1969 Ph.D. Physiology Med. College of Va. 1976 Locke, Louis G. B.A., 1933 Ph.D. English Harvard Univ. 1938 Logan, Bernard B.A., 1938 Ph.D. History Univ. of Wisconsin 1949 St. Clair Maiden, Arthur L. B.A., 1924 Ph.D. Education American Univ. 1933 Mancha, Philip E. B.A., 1962 Ph.D. History Duke Univ. 1970 Marcum, Beverly A. B.A., 1968 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Va. 1974 Marecki, Nelda B.A., 1969 Ph.D. Microbiology Med. College of Va. 1974 Pollard Marecki, Paul E. B.A., 1969 Ph.D. Chemistry Med. College of Va. 1974 Marsh, Raymond M. B.A., 1951 Ph.D. Social planning Brandeis Univ. 1970 Martin, Alphadine E. B.A., 1950 Ph.D. Education Univ. of Iowa 1966 Martin, John W., Jr. B.A., 1947 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of N.C. 1952 May, Everette L. B.A., 1935 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1939 McFarland, Charles K. B.A., 1960 Ph.D. History Univ. of Arizona 1965 Meyer, Lauree Hersch B.A., 1955 Ph.D. Theology Univ. of Chicago 1973 Miller, Benjamin 0. B.A., 1923 Ph.D. Economics Univ. of Va. 1937 Miller, David L. B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Theology Drew Univ. 1963 Miller, Douglas L. B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Mathematics Univ. of Pittsburgh 1963 880 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Miller, Edwin D. B.A., 1920 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Va. 1935 Miller, Howard N. B.A., 1939 Ph.D. Plant pathology Univ. of Calif. 1948 Miller, J. Quinter B.A., 1921 Ph.D. Religious educ. Yale Univ. 1931 Miller, LeRoy C. B.A., 1922 Ph.D. Education Geo. Peabody Coll. 1957 for Teachers Miller, Stanley J. B.A., 1940 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of S. Calif. 1947 Moore, B.A., 1951 Ph.D. Entomology Rutgers Univ. 1959 Raymond F., Jr. Mundy, John P. B.A., 1940 Ph.D. Psychology Geo. Washington 1952 Univ. Myers, Max H. B.A., 1958 Ph.D. Biometry Univ. of Minn. 1971 Myers, Thomas D. B.A., 1959 Ph.D. Zoology Duke Univ. 1967 Myers, Ward R. B.A., 1929 Ph.D. Chemistry Vanderbilt Univ. 1937 Myers, Weldon T. B.A., 1901 Ph.D. English Univ. of Va. 1912 Naylor, William C. B.A., 1952 Ph.D. Physical educ. Univ. of S. Miss. 1970 Nicholas, Allan W. B.A., 1968 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1974 Petre, Richard M. B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Behavioral Univ. of Delaware 1969 science Phibbs, Paul V., Jr. B.A., 1964 Ph.D. Microbiology Univ. of Georgia 1969 Plumb, John A. B.A., 1960 Ph.D. Fisheries Auburn Univ. 1972 Poling, James N. B.A., 1964 Ph.D. Theology School of Theology 1980 Claremont, Calif. Price, Anne Haynes B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Calif. 1976 Puffenberger, B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Theology Boston Univ. 1968 William V. Ray, William S. B.A., 1949 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Md. 1953 Reid, L. Leon B.A., 1948 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Texas 1958 Rhodes, Robert A. B.A., 1963 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Md. 1968 Rice, Eric M. B.S., 1969 Ph.D. Sociology Univ. of N.C. 1979 Riew, John C. B.S., 1955 Ph.D. Economics Univ. of Wisconsin 1960 Ruebush, Trenton K. B.A., 1931 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Va. 1936 Sanger, William T. B.A., 1909 Ph.D. Psychology Clark Univ. 1915 Scharon, H. LeRoy B.A., 1938 Ph.D. Geophysics Johns Hopkins 1946 Univ. Schwaninger-Morse, B.A., 1967 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Utah 1979 Frances R. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 881

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Scruggs, Barbara J. B.S., 1962 Ph.D. Man- Pa. State Univ. 1976 environment relations Shaver, Forrest W. B.A., 1935 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1941 Showalter, Hiram M. B.A., 1928 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Va. 1932 Shull, Carl N. B.S., 1950 Ph.D. Music Fla. State Univ. 1961 Shull, Don L. B.A., 1956 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1961 Shull,S.Cabell B.A., 1941 Ph.D. Agri-economics Cornell Univ. 1951 Siegel, Janice Veach B.A., 1973 Ph.D. Psychology Utah"State Univ. 1980 Simmons, Donald G. B.A., 1962 Ph.D. Microbiology Univ. of Georgia 1971 Simmons, William B. B.A., 1918 Ph.D. Political science Central Univ. 1947 Smith, Harold D. B.A., 1943 Ph.D. Economics American Univ. 1952 Spangler, Martin 0. L. B.A., 1950 Ph.D. Chemistry Va. Polytechnic 1959 Institute Sperry, James R. B.A., 1960 Ph.D. History Univ. of Arizona 1969 Suter, Daniel B. B.A., 1947 Ph.D. Anatomy Med. College of Va. 1963 Suter, Stuart R. B.A., 1963 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Va. 1971 Swartz, Joseph F. B.A., 1927 Ph.D. Education Univ. of Pittsburgh 1954 Switzer, Boyd R. B.A., 1965 Ph.D. Biochemistry Univ. of N.C. 1971 Taylor, Shirley B.A., 1941 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Va. 1947 Hoover Thomas, Minor W. B.S., 1918 Ph.D. Psychology Columbia Univ. 1928 Thompson, H. Dewey B.S., 1922 Ph.D. Geology New York Univ. 1935 Wade, BenF. B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Theology Hartford Seminary 1966 Wampler, Dale L. B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Wisconsin 1962 Wampler, D. Eugene B.A., 1959 Ph.D. Biochemistry Mich. State Univ. 1965 Wampler, J. Marion B.A., 1957 Ph.D. Geochemistry Columbia Univ. 1963 Wayland, Francis F. B.A., 1930 Ph.D. History Univ. of Pa. 1938 Wayland, John W. B.A., 1899 Ph.D. History Univ. of Va. 1907 Ways, Douglas K. B.A., 1973 Ph.D. Pharmacology Univ. of N.C. 1978 Will, Homer C. B.A., 1920 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Pittsburgh 1932 Williams, Jerry L. B.A., 1962 Ph.D. Geography Univ. of Oregon 1977 Wilson, Clifton H. B.A., 1958 Ph.D. Chemistry Geo. Washington 1971 Univ. Wine, John J. B.A., 1955 Ph.D. Psychology Univ. of Alberta 1965 Wine, R. Lowell B.A., 1941 Ph.D. Statistics Va. Polytechnic 1955 Institute 882 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Wiseman, Frank L., Jr. B.A., 1964 Ph.D. Chemistry Univ. of Md. 1970 Wolfe, Ralph S. B.A., 1942 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Pa. 1953 Wong, Steven H. B.A., 1971 Ph.D. Chemistry Va. Polytechnic 1977 Institute and State Univ. Wright, Charles C. B.A., 1918 Ph.D. Economics Univ. of Va. 1930 Wright, Frank J. B.A., 1908 Ph.D. Geology Columbia Univ. 1918 Wright, Owen L. B.A., 1958 Ph.D. Health and Univ. of Oregon 1971 physical educ. Yancey, John M. B.A., 1958 Ph.D. Educ. psych. Pa. State Univ. 1972 Zaccaria, Robert A. B.A., 1965 Ph.D. Biology Univ. of Va. 1973 Ziegler, Jesse H. B.A., 1935 Ph.D. Psychology Catholic Univ. 1941 Ziegler, Robert E. B.A., 1951 Ph.D. Science Univ. of Wisconsin 1967 education Zigler, J. Samuel, Jr. B.A., 1968 Ph.D. Zoology Duke Univ. 1975 Zigler, Michael J. B.A., 1916 Ph.D. Psychology Cornell Univ. 1920

30 Ed. D. Degree Recipients

Anderson, B.A., 1948 Ed.D. Nova Univ. 1976 Theodore C., Jr. Banks, Donald L. B.A., 1961 Ed.D. Counseling Univ. of Mass. 1974 psych. Beazley, William 0. B.A., 1937 Ed.D. SW Baptist 1970 Theological Seminary Blair, Charles W. B.A., 1955 Ed.D. Univ. of Va. 1965 Boyers, Auburn A. B.A., 1959 Ed.D. Univ. of Pittsburgh 1969 Clague, W. Donald B.A., 1941 Ed.D. Univ. of Va. 1960 Clem, Paul N. B.A., 1948 Ed.D. Mich. State Univ. 1958 Edwards, Chadwick J. B.S., 1966 Ed.D. Choral music Arizona State Univ. 1976 Eichelman, Fredric R. B.A., 1957 Ed.D. Soc. studies Va. Polytechnic 1975 supervision Institute and State Univ. Flora, Larry D. B.A., 1954 Ed.D. Counseling Univ. of Va. 1966 Fulk, Jess D. B.A., 1965 Ed.D. Univ. of Va. 1974 Good, Jacob W., III B.A., 1970 Ed.D. Univ. of Va. 1980 Holden, B.S., 1964 Ed.D. School admin. Univ. of Va. 1976 Howard T., Jr. Huffman, Warren J. B.A., 1937 Ed.D. Physical educ. Univ. of Illinois 1951 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 883

BC Degree Field Conferred by and Year Jeffries, Edward F., Jr. B.A., 1958 Ed.D. Va. Polytechnic 1977 Institute and State Univ. McDaniels, Carl 0. B.A., 1951 Ed.D. Univ. of Va. 1964 Metzger, Edward G. B.A., 1953 Ed.D. Elementary educ. Pa. State Univ. 1971 Miller, DeWitt T. B.A., 1941 Ed.D. Univ. of Va. 1969 Moyers, James W., Jr. B.A., 1958 Ed.D. School admin. Nova Univ. 1980 Neff, Ray A. B.A., 1950 Ed.D. Ball State Univ. 1975 Parr, Alvery B. B.A., 1949 Ed.D. Univ. of Sarasota 1978 Rader, John W. B.A., 1961 Ed.D. Univ. of Oregon 1973 Reedy, James A. B.A., 1961 Ed.D. Health and Geo. Peabody Coll. 1974 physical educ. for Teachers Reubush,FayJaynes B.A., 1949 Ed.D. Counseling Univ. of Va. 1967 Rice, H. Lawrence B.A., 1941 Ed.D. 1973 Rush, Laird L. B.A., 1950 Ed.D. Educational Duke Univ. 1974 admin. Rush, 0. Grant B.A., 1949 Ed.D. Educational Univ. of Va. 1967 admin. Simmers, Marvin L. B.A., 1958 Ed.D. Univ. of Va. 1977 Wampler, Fred F. B.A., 1947 Ed.D. Univ. of Md. 1959 Weybright, Mary B.A., 1954 Ed.D. Counseling Univ. of Va. 1976 Hooker

155 M. D. Degree Recipients The following Bridgewater alumni (graduates or students in the years indicated) received the M. D. degree at the schools and in the years indicated.

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Abbott, J. G. 1890-91 M.D. Baltimore Medical College 1896 Alderman, Kurtz E. B.A., 1951 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1955 Allender, David L. B.S., 1968 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1973 Andes, George C. 1911-13 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1917 Armentrout, C. Sherrill 1933-36 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1940 Arnett, Edward F. B.A., 1967 M.D. West Virginia Univ. 1973 Arnett, Jerome C., Jr. B.A., 1963 M.D. West Virginia Univ. 1967 Barnes, Gareth B. B.A., 1938 M.D. Duke Univ. 1940 Barnhart, Glenn R. B.A., 1973 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1977 884 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Beery, Edwin M. Bus. grad., 1890 M.D. College of Physicians and 1895 Surgeons (New York, N. Y.) Blose, Donald C. B.A., 1954 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1958 Boaz, Willard D. B.A., 1942 M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1945 Boitnott, John K. B.A., 1953 M.D. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1957 Bowman, Warren D., Jr. B.A., 1950 M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1954 Brillhart, David M. B.A., 1948 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1952 Brubaker, Herman W. B.A., 1949 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1953 Burtner, Lawrence D. B.A., 1959 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1954 Caricofe, Joseph H. B.A., 1953 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1957 Carr, Quinton 0. B.A., 1948 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1952 Chambers, Silas E. 1917-18 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1923 Chan, Lillian Wai Lan B.A., 1948 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1953 Chase, Sandra M. B.A., 1967 M.D. Medical College of Pa. 1971 Cheeks, Sherrill C. B.A., 1956 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1960 Clague, Allen M., Jr. B.A., 1950 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1959 Coffman, Carl F. Bus. grad., 1910 M.D. Northwestern Univ. 1921 Conner, Alvin E. B.A., 1949 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1953 Conner, Samuel S. B.A., 1908 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1913 Craun, Galen G. B.A., 1933 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1940 Craun, Galen G., Jr. B.A., 1968 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1974 Crumpacker, Edgar L. B.A., 1938 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1942 Dove, Frederick D., Jr. B.A., 1941 M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1944 Driver, Samuel F. B.A., 1927 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1933 Driver, William F. 1897-98 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1904 Early, Julian Q. B.A., 1941 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1943 Edwards, Alan W. B.A., 1970 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1974 Fifer, Carson L. B.A., 1924 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1928 Fifer, George L. B.A., 1952 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1956 Fifer, Jesse S. B.A., 1924 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1929 Gambill, J. Randolph, Jr. B.A., 1940 M.D. Univ. of Louisville 1946 Garber, Samuel C. 1890-91 M.D. Univ. of Illinois 1898 Garst, S. Howard B.A., 1927 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1931 Geisert, Todd W. B.A., 1975 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1979 Getz, Stanley B., Jr. B.A., 1973 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1977 Gilbert, Donald R. B.A., 1938 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1942 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 885

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Glick, John T., Jr. B.A., 1950 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1950 Glick, Joseph L. B.A., 1948 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1955 Gochenour, David T. B.E., 1900 M.D. Geo. Washington Univ. 1909 Harloe, Walter W. Bus. grad., 1893 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1905 Harman, Chester D. B.A., 1952 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1956 Harman, John S. B.A., 1957 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1961 Harper, G. William, III B.A., 1973 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1977 Harshbarger, Charles L. B.E., 1914 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1929 Harshbarger, Charles P. B.E., 1890 M.D. Ky. School of Medicine 1893 Harshbarger, Isaac L. B.E., 1915 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1922 Harshbarger, Jacob C. B.A., 1922 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1926 Harshbarger, Ward A. 1905-6 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1910 Helbert, Hollen G. B.A., 1934 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1941 Hertzler, Charles W. B.A., 1949 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1946 Hess, George A. B.A., 1930 M.D. Unjv. of Va. 1934 Hess,IrvinE. B.A., 1960 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1964 Hixon, Dena R. B.A., 1976 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1980 Holsinger, Hubert B. B.A., 1924 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1928 Hoover, Roy M. B.A., 1915 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1919 Hotchkiss, William J. B.A., 1942 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1951 Huffman, Harold E. B.A., 1962 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1966 Huffman, Jacob S. B.A., 1933 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1942 Huffman, Rufus C. B.A., 1971 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1975 Hupp, Cecil G. B.A., 1936 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1943 Hylton, Claude K. B.A., 1954 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1958 Hylton, P. Hampton, Jr. B.A., 1956 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1960 Irwin, Carl W. B.A., 1939 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1943 Jamison, Benjamin L. B.A., 1944 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1947 Johnson, William R., Jr. B.A., 1949 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1953 Jones, Euclid H. B.A., 1956 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1964 Jones, Richard A. B.A., 1950 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1954 Kennedy, Brian D. B.A., 1970 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1974 Kinsey, Keith E. B.A., 1948 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1952 Kinzie, Joseph L. B.A., 1927 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1933 Kinzie, Joseph L., Jr. B.A., 1959 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1964 Knight, Donald A. B.A., 1957 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1961 886 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Kraus, Harry L. B.S., 1951 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1955 Kromhout, George A. B.A., 1940 M.D. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1948 Kyles, Michael K. B.A., 1972 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1975 Layman, David A. B.A., 1961 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1965 Lenker, Leon E. B.A., 1971 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1975 Light, Stuart H. B.A., 1943 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1947 Lim, Frederick S. B.A., 1956 M.D. Univ. of the Philippines 1961 Long, Albert E. B.A., 1931 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1935 Lutz, R. Winston B.A., 1963 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1967 Martin, Jerry W. B.A., 1966 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1970 Martin, Virginia A. B.A., 1976 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1980 Miller, Charles S. B.A., 1947 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1951 Miller, Ephraim R. 1892-94 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1898 Miller, John D. B.A., 1901 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1906 Miller, Lawrance S. B.A., 1942 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1945 Miller, Robert E. B.A., 1943 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1950 Mistr, Ernest N. B.A., 1963 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1967 Moyers, Waldo B. B.S., 1920 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1931 Mumper, Elizabeth A. B.A., 1976 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1980 Myers, Donald S. B.A., 1945 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1950 Myers, Mark E. B.A., 1932 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1939 Ney, Julian J. B.A., 1955 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1959 Nipe, George M. B.A., 1941 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1946 Nolley, Eugene D. B.A., 1952 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1956 Patterson, Robert H. B.A., 1965 M.D. Geo. Washington Univ. 1969 Penick, Richard Q. B.A., 1944 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1948 Petcher, Paul W. B.A., 1943 M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1948 Peter, Beverly K. 1924-26 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1930 Poling, H. Emerson B.A., 1967 M.D. Univ. of Pittsburgh 1971 Price, L. Vance B.E., 1907 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1915 Reeves, J. Nathan B.A., 1929 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1931 Reid, J. J. Rowland B.A., 1940 M.D. Univ. of Pa. 1943 Reish, William E. B.A., 1950 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1954 Rice, E. Walter B.A., 1940 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1944 Richards, Ashby T. B.A., 1940 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1943 Riddel, Clifford T., Jr. B.A., 1933 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1949 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 887

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Robertson, Jesse D. B.A., 1945 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1958 Rogers, Harry L. 1906-8 M.D. College of Physicians and 1915 Surgeons (Baltimore, Md.) Roller, Gerald W. B.A., 1952 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1956 Row, George S. B.A., 1933 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1941 Royer, Earl L. B.A., 1941 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1943 Seese, Robert M. B.A., 1939 M.D. Western Reserve Univ. 1951 Shaver, David L. 1881-82 M.D. Baltimore Medical College 1888 Shrum,RichardC. B.A., 1937 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1942 Smith, Bobby L. B.A., 1949 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1953 Smith, John H. 1927-30 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1936 Smith, J. Douglas B.A., 1973 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1977 Smith, Larry C. B.A., 1951 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1956 Snyder, Otis W. 1931-33 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1937 Stone, John B. B.E., 1908 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1912 Stone, Otis B. 1887-89 M.D. Univ. of Md. - Strickler, Frank A. B.A., 1928 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1932 Tanner, George G. B.A., 1925 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1932 Tattersall, Mary A. B.A., 1961 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1965 Teter, Donald F. B.A., 1973 M.D. West Virginia Univ. 1977 Thompson, L. Royer 1888-90 M.D. No record available Trail, Mervin L. B.A., 1955 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1959 Tullidge, Archer K. B.A., 1953 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1957 Wampler, David L. B.A., 1975 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1980 Wampler, Frederick J. B.A., 1908 M.D. Rush Medical College 1913 Wampler, Frederick W. B.A., 1953 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1957 Wampler, Galen L. B.A., 1955 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1959 Wampler, J. Paul B.A., 1954 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1958 Watts, Earl W., Jr. B.A., 1955 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1955 Ways, Douglas K. B.A., 1973 M.D. Univ. of N.C. 1980 Whitmore, Walter S. 1890-91 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1901 Wine, John E. B.E., 1911 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1917 Wine, John R. B.A., 1972 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1976 Wine, Mervin B. B.A., 1938 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1942 Wright, Garland M. B.A., 1932 M.D. Medical College of Va. 1939 Wright, R. Kindley, Jr. B.A., 1968 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1972 888 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Young, John D., Jr. B.A., 1938 M.D. Univ. of Md. 1941 Young, Robert J., Jr. B.A., 1968 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1976 Ziegler, Virginia Flory B.A., 1966 M.D. Jefferson Medical College 1970 Zigler, Isaac M. B.A., 1938 M.D. Univ. of Va. 1942

14 D. V. M. Degree Recipients The following Bridgewater alumni (graduates or students in the years indicated) received the D. V. M. (doctor of veterinary medicine) degree at the schools and in the years indicated. Arey, Shelvin L. 1951-53 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1958 Bradshaw, Randal M. 1966-68 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1979 Brubaker, Henry A. B.A., 1952 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1964 Byerly, James L. B.A., 1967 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1974 Chilcoat, Douglas T. B.A., 1960 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1969 Faulkner, Charles E. B.A., 1949 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1954 Hoffman, Paul E. 1946-49 D.V.M. Cornell Univ. 1953 Jordan, Helen E. B.A., 1946 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1955 May, Robert M., Jr. 1952-55 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1965 Miller, Albert W. 1901-7 D.V.M. Indiana Veterinary College 1912 (Indianapolis) Simmons, Donald G. B.A., 1962 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1967 Simmons, James G. B.A., 1959 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1965 Tutwiler, Eugene C., III 1960-62 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1966 Wise, John T. 1956-60 D.V.M. Univ. of Georgia 1965

54 D. D. S. Degree Recipients The following Bridgewater alumni (graduates or students in the years indicated) received the D. D. S. degree at the schools and in the years indicated. Alexander, Joseph M. B.A., 1957 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1962 Allen, Edward H. B.A., 1948 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1957 Beall, Charles E. 1893-94 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1898 Bowman, Kenneth D. B.A., 1963 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1967 Brake, E. Keith 1939-41 D.D.S. Washington Univ. 1946 Brill, Byron A. B.A., 1969 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1973 Brown, Donald R. B.A., 1966 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1970 Cave, Amos W., Jr. 1939-41 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1944 Cline, Franklin J. 1894-96 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1899 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 889

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Cooke, James R., Jr. B.A., 1958 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1962 Dolly, Franklin J. 1942-44 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1947 Early, James B., Jr. 1933-36 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1940 Earman, John S. 1893-95 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1900 Ervin, Amil L. 1953-55 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1959 Gambill, Emerson C. B.A., 1938 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1948 Gambill, Emerson C., Jr. B.A., 1975 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1979 Geiser, John S. Bus. grad., 1891 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1896 Gilbert, Fulton J. 1942-44 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1947 Harloe, Charles B. B.E., 1915 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1919 Holsinger, Eldon W. B.A., 1930 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1933 Howard, Berta Benalcazar B.A., 1973 D.D.S. Ohio State Univ. 1976 Hylen, Knute N. 1947-48 D.D.S. Georgetown Univ. 1952 Johnson, Donald L. B.A., 1952 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1959 Lambert, James I. B.A., 1958 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1962 Leisure, Melvin G., Jr. B.A., 1958 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1963 Leonard, Floyd L. 1915-17 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1921 Lutz, Wallace B. 1957-60 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1964 Lutz, Willard K. B.A., 1958 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1965 Martin, Thomas J. 1946-47 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1959 McGuffin, Richard S. B.A., 1965 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1970 Miller, Bennett G., Jr. B.A., 1956 D.D.S. Georgetown Univ. 1959 Miller, Daniel R. B.A., 1948 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1951 Miller, Ernest W. B.E., 1902 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1905 Milton, Philip R. B.A., 1933 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1939 Motyca, Robert L. B.A., 1953 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1956 Nicholson, J. Thomas, Jr. 1951-53 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1957 Pamplin, William D. B.A., 1971 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1975 Sanders, Earl C. B.A., 1960 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1964 Schwenk, Robert J. B.A., 1968 D.D.S. Georgetown Univ. 1972 Scordas, Thomas C., Jr. B.A., 1967 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1971 Seese, Norman A., Jr. B.A., 1938 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1953 Shull, Dwight H. B.A., 1942 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1944 Simpson, James W. Bus. grad., 1888 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1892 Spitler, Glenn M. 1931-32 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1936 Strickler, Charles E. B.A., 1965 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1970 890 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Strickler, Robert E. L. 1897-1900 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1903 Strickler, S. Vernon 1905-8 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1910 Suter, Richard P. 1956-59 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1963 Teter, H. Byrd B.A., 1948 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1951 Wagner, Thomas E. B.A., 1951 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1955 White, David L. B.A., 1958 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1964 Whitley, Wayne L. B.A., 1966 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1970 Wiest, John A. 1964-65 D.D.S. Univ. of Md. 1975 Wine, Philip M. B.A., 1962 D.D.S. Medical College of Va. 1964

110. D. Degree Recipients The following Bridgewater alumni (graduates or students in the years indicated) received the 0. D. (doctor of optometry) degree at the schools and in the years indicated.

Branson, Dorothy Billmeier 1961-63 0.D. Northern Illinois College of 1967 Optometry Downey, Garner H. B.A., 1947 O.D. Pa. State College of 1950 Optometry Gilbert, Edward W. 1944, 1947, 1948 O.D. Northern Illinois College of 1950 Optometry Haegele, Charles W. 1966-68 O.D. Hassett, John G. 1947-48 O.D. Northern Illinois College of 1951 Optometry McEwan, John, Jr. 1946-48 O.D. Pa. State College of 1951 Optometry Pegram, G. Worthy, Jr. B.A., 1950 0.D. Southern College of 1953 Optometry Ryan, William G. B.A., 1970 O.D. Pa. State College of 1977 Optometry Sanger, Conrad L. 1958-60 0.D. Southern College of 1964 Optometry Shober, R. Wayne B.A., 1947 O.D. Northern Illinois College of 1949 Optometry Woods, T. Butler B.A., 1942 O.D. Southern College of 1950 Optometry Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 891

66 Law Degree Recipients The following Bridgewater graduates earned law degrees at the schools and in the years indicated. Other Bridgewater students, not graduating (and not named below), also earned law degrees.

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Agee, G. Steven B.A., 1974 J.D. Univ. of Va. 1977 LL.M. New York Univ. 1978 Anderson, Robert R., Jr. B.A., 1973 J.D. Wake Forest Univ. 1977 Andes, Roy H. B.A., 1973 J.D. Univ. of Va. 1977 Bell, Duane R. B.A., 1972 J.D. Wake Forest Univ. 1975 Bell, Glendon G. B.A., 1970 J.D. Seton Hall Univ. 1978 Bowman, Pasco M., II B.A., 1955 LL.B. New York Univ. 1958 LL.M. Univ. of Va. 1986 Bums, James J. B.A., 1974 J.D. Coll. of William and Mary 1979 Bushey, John R., Jr. B.S., 1960 LL.B. Univ. of Va. 1967 Castle, Charles A. B.S., 1965 J.D. Univ. of Miami 1975 Chase, Geoffrey L. B.A., 1972 J.D. Wake Forest Univ. 1975 Clark, James C. B.A., 1972 J.D. Univ. of Richmond 1976 Claybrook, Clarence A. B.A., 1937 LL.B. Univ. of Va. 1939 Claybrook, Richard A., Jr. B.A., 1974 J.D. Univ. of Richmond 1977 Compton, Claude T. B.A., 1966 J.D. Univ. of Richmond 1969 Conover, C. Harvey B.A., 1942 LL.B. Rutgers Univ. 1948 Cordrey, John H. B.A., 1977 J.D. Delaware Law School 1980 Denton, Stuart K. B.A., 1966 J.D. Washington and Lee Univ. 1969 Derr, John A. B.A., 1934 LL.B. Univ. of Baltimore 1934 Ervin, Ardie L. B.A., 1974 J.D. Univ. of Richmond 1977 Forbes, William L. B.A., 1951 B.C.L. Coll. of William and Mary 1954 Gambill, J. Randolph, Jr. B.A., 1940 LL.B. Blackstone School of Law 1958 Harman, Richard S. B.A., 1964 LL.B. Harvard Univ. 1971 Henkel, Clyde M. B.A., 1966 J.D. Washington and Lee Univ. 1973 Hersch, Harold H. B.A., 1951 LL.B. Geo. Washington Univ. 1954 Hoover, Lawrence H. B.A., 1927 LL.B. Univ. of Va. 1930 Houff, W. Dale B.A., 1972 J.D. Univ. of Va. 1975 Humbert, Reuben L. B.A., 1922 LL.B. Blackstone School of Law 1934 Ikenberry, Henry C., Jr. B.A., 1947 LL.B. Univ. of Va. 1947 Jackson, Richard A. B.A., 1935 LL.B. Univ. of Va. 1938 Jamison, Shirley Bowman B.S., 1967 J.D. Washington and Lee Univ. 1980 Kisner, Gary P. B.A., 1972 J.D. Geo. Washington Univ. 1979 Kline, Joseph M. B.A., 1937 LL.B. Univ. of Baltimore 1944 892 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Lanham, John F. B.A., 1974 J.D. Wake Forest Univ. 1978 Layman, T. Rodman B.A., 1956 LLB. Univ. of Richmond 1963 Ludwig, David G. B.A., 1962 J.D. Washington and Lee Univ. 1970 Maiden, Arthur L B.A., 1924 LLB. Southeastern Univ. 1938 Markwood, J. Dorsey Bus. grad., 1911 LLB. Ohio Northern Univ. 1911 McNeill, Larrie D. B.A., 1939 LLB. Univ. of Va. 1941 Miller, John M. B.A., 1958 J.D. Geo. Washington Univ. 1967 Miller, Nathan H. B.A., 1965 J.D. Univ. of Richmond 1969 Mondres, Eric M. B.,A., 1977 J.D. Samford Univ. 1980 Myers, Fred Peter B.A., 1913 LLB. National Univ. Law School 1922 LLM. American Univ. 1925 Obenshain, Richard D. B.A., 1956 LLB. New York Univ. 1959 Pence, Hensell E. Bus. grad., 1902 LLB. Univ. of Va. 1909 Penrod, David A. B.A., 1967 J.D. Ohio State Univ. 1973 Prather, Alfred V. B.A., 1949 LLB. Univ. of Va. 1952 Price, John N. B.A., 1971 J.D. Samford Univ. 1975 Ralston, William H., Jr. B.A., 1963 J.D. American Univ. 1972 Rhea, Robert L B.S., 1955 LLB. Washington and Lee Univ. 1958 Ritter, Clinton R. B.A., 1967 J.D. West Virginia Univ. 1970 Schmid, William K., Jr. B.S., 1954 LLB. Washington and Lee Univ. 1957 See, Ernest A. B.E., 1915 LLB. Geo. Washington Univ. 1922 Shaffer, David N. B.A., 1975 J.D. Univ. of Baltimore 1978 Simmons, William B. B.A., 1918 LLB. La Salle Extension Univ. 1935 (Chicago, Ill.) Stables, William L, Jr. B.A., 1968 J.D. South Texas Coll. of Law 1974 Stanley, Philip L B.S., 1954 LLB. Washington and Lee Univ. 1957 Stivers, Mark E. B.A., 1977 J.D. Delaware Law School 1980 Stone, Edwin C. B.A., 1961 LLB. Univ. of Va. 1964 Stone, Phillip C. B.A., 1965 J.D. Univ. of Va. 1970 Strickler, Harry M. B.A., 1906 LLB. Univ. of Va. 1907 Suter, Stuart R. B.A., 1963 J.D. Temple Univ. 1976 Templeman, E. Bryan Bus. grad., 1897 LLB. Univ. of Va. 1904 Thompson, Murray J. B.A., 1973 J.D. Univ. of Baltimore 1976 Walsh, James H. B.A., 1968 J.D. Univ. of Va. 1975 Weimer, Peter D. B.A., 1962 J.D. Howard Univ. 1969 Zigler, Janet Simpson B.A., 1969 J.D. Univ. of N.C. 1977 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 893

227 Theological Degree Recipients Each of the following Bridgewater alumni received (down to 1980) a theological degree, whether the B. D., the M. Div., the D. Min., the S. T. M., the Th. B., the Th. M., or the Th. D., at the school and in the year indicated.

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Alley, Howard L. B.A., 1915 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1935 Alley, Robert E. B.A., 1969 M.Div. Eastern Mennonite Sem. 1972 Antlitz, Alfred C., Jr. B.A., 1961 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1965 Atkinson, Earl L., Jr. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1954 Bangle, Walter G. B.A., 1947 B.D. Emory Univ. 1947 Bittinger, Emmert F. B.A., 1945 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1952 Bixler, Roy R. B.A., 1947 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1959 Bohn, Daniel R. B.A., 1961 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1964 Boitnott, James C. B.A., 1943 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1946 Bowman, Clarence R. B.A., 1929 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1932 Bowman, David L. B.A., 1971 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1975 Bowman, Fred M. B.A., 1946 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1951 Bowman, Harold I. B.A., 1965 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1968 Bowman, John D. B.A., 1967 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1972 Bowman, Oscar F. B.A., 1923 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1936 Bowman, Paul Haynes B.A., 1910 B.D. Crozer Theol. Sem. 1913 Bowman, Paul Hoover B.A., 1934 B.D. Crozer Theol. Sem. 1938 Bowman, Ralph D. B.A., 1941 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1945 Bowman, Rufus D. B.A., 1923 B.D. Yale Divinity School 1926 Bowman, S. Loren B.A., 1934 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1940 Brown, George L., Jr. B.A., 1891 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1898 (Hampden-Sydney, Va.) Brown, Gordon T., Jr. B.A., 1969 M.Div. Wesley Theol. Sem. 1973 Brown, Joshua R. C. Bus. grad., 1891 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1906 (Hampden-Sydney, Va.) Buchanan, Willis S. B.A., 1954 B.D. Lutheran Theol. Sem. 1957 (Columbia, S.C.) Caricofe, A. Joseph B.A.,1927 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1931 Carter, Leonard C. B.A., 1956 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1962 Cherian, Pulimootil P. B.A., 1975 M.Div. Univ. of the South 1978 Clark, Robert R., Jr. B.A., 1975 M.Div. Eastern Mennonite Sem. 1978 894 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Coffman, Aubrey R. B.A., 1915 Th.B. Princeton Theol. Sem. 1925 Th.D. Dallas Theol. Sem. 1931 Coffman, Curtis P. B.A., 1958 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1966 Coffman, Thomas L. B.A., 1954 B.D. United Theol. Sem. 1957 Coffman, W. Paul B.A., 1930 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1947 Collier, Glenn F., Jr. B.A., 1960 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1964 Comer, Charles J. B.A., 1975 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1979 Copenhaver, William A. B.A., 1963 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1967 Crim, Keith R. B.A., 1947 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1950 (Richmond, Va.) Th.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1959 (Richmond, Va.) Cripe, Mervin A. B.A., 1947 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1950 Crist, Galen B. B.A., 1940 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1946 Crouse, B. Merle B.A., 1952 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1958 Crowe, John R. B.A., 1972 M.Div. Bible and Missions Graduate 1976 School (Columbia, S.C.) Crumley, Paul D. B.A., 1948 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1953 Crummett, Wilmer Q. B.A., 1941 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1950 Daggett, Walter W. B.A., 1961 B.D. Bangor Theol. Sem. 1961 Detrick, Mary Cline B.S., 1961 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1979 Driver, Frederick A. B.A., 1952 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1957 Duffey, Scott L. B.A., 1975 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1979 Earhart, Robert L. B.A., 1968 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1973 Eller, Henry C. B.A., 1924 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1936 Eller, John C. B.A., 1941 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1948 Eller, Raymon E. B.A., 1937 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1938 Eller, Wendell C. B.A., 1948 B.D. Bethany TheoI. Sem. 1953 Fancher, Donald E. B.A., 1958 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1963 Fenimore, Randolph C. B.A., 1958 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1964 Fike, Cecil W. B.A., 1961 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1966 Fike, Earle W., Jr. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1954 Th.M. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1964 Fjordbotten, Allan H. B.A., 1972 M.Div. Concordia Sem. 1976 Flora, Bruce H. B.A., 1939 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1942 Flora, James S. B.A., 1952 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1956 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 895

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Flora, Kermit P. B.A., 1936 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1944 Flora, Samuel H., Jr. B.A., 1944 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1948 D.Min. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1977 Flory, Byron M., Jr. B.A., 1950 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1953 S.T.M. United Theol. Sem. 1969 Flory, Daniel C., II B.A., 1950 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1953 S.T.M. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1970 Flory, Raymond W. B.A., 1943 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1946 Flory, Wendell P. B.A., 1940 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1943 D.Min. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1977 Forrest, William C. B.A., 1968 M.Div. Church Divinity School of 1972 the Pacific Fralin, R. Thomas, Jr. B.A., 1963 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1966 Fritter, Robert N. B.A., 1957 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1960 Fulk, Floyd L. B.A., 1934 B.D. Bonebrake Theol. Sem. 1937 Gambill, J. Randolph, Jr. B.A., 1940 Th.B. Southern Baptist Theol. Sem. 1943 Garber, Robert B. B.A., 1937 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1941 (New York, N. Y.) Gardner, Harry M. B.A., 1950 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1954 Th.D. Boston Univ. 1962 Gardner, Orville L. B.A., 1952 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1955 S.T.M. Boston Univ. 1957 Garner, Glenn S. B.A., 1947 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1950 Garner, William H. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1955 Geiman, Thomas W. B.A., 1960 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1963 Gingrich, Kathy A. B.A., 1977 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1980 Glick, G. Wayne B.A., 1941 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1946 Glick, John W. B.A., 1965 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1969 Glick-Rieman, Elizabeth C. B.S., 1944 D.Min. United Theol. Sem. 1974 Glover, Murrell K. B.A., 1933 B.D. Duke Divinity School 1950 Th.D. Vanderbilt Univ. 1973 Good, Beverly B. B.A., 1959 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1963 Goodridge, Carroll C. B.A., 1949 B.D. Wesley Theol. Sem. 1952 S.T.M. Wesley Theol. Sem. 1957 Gosnell, John W. B.A., 1948 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1952 S.T.M. Boston Univ. 1968 Gouldthorpe, Samuel F., Jr. B.A., 1954 B.D. Va. Theol. Sem. 1957 896 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Greene, David P., Jr. B.A., 1946 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1949 Haag, Lloyd D. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1954 Hall, A. Michael B.A., 1972 M.Div. Emory Univ. 1974 Hammer, Earl W. B.A., 1960 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1963 Haney, Robert A. 1923-25 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1934 Hanlin, Delbert 0. B.A., 1952 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1955 Hansell, Allen T. B.A., 1964 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1967 Harley, Chester I. B.A., 1935 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1939 Harley, Samuel A. B.A., 1928 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1937 Harris, Hugh T. B.A., 1964 Th.B. Wesley Theol. Sem. 1968 Hartman, Guy N. B.A., 1919 B.D. Crozer Theol. Sem. 1921 Haycock, Cecil L. B.A., 1959 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1962 Heintzleman, Jack W. B.S., 1956 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1960 (Richmond, Va.) Heltzel, Massey M. B.A., 1936 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1939 (Richmond, Va.) Hersch, Kurtz E. B.A., 1961 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1964 Hesse, Clarence G. B.A., 1917 B.D. Crozer Theol. Sem. 1920 Hoover, David H. B.A., 1913 B.D. Univ. of Chicago 1918 Th.D. Southern Baptist Theol. Sem. 1919 Hoover, Robert D. B.A., 1940 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1944 Houff, James L. B.A., 1943 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1955 Houff, Robert E. B.A., 1945 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1949 Hunt, Francis L. B.A., 1949 B.D. Chandler Theol. Sem. 1954 Huntley, Harvey L. B.A., 1936 B.D. Lutheran Theol. Sem. 1941 (Gettysburg, Pa.) Ikenberry, Cecil C. B.A., 1928 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1938 Jordan, Donald R. B.A., 1960 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1964 --- . ~ f--· Judd, J. Wayne B.A., 1964 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1967 D.Min. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1977 Kinzie, William G. B.A., 1932 Th.D. American Bible College 1948 Kline, Donald L. B.S., 1969 D.Min. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1976 Landes, Wallace B., Jr. B.A., 1974 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1978 Legg, James H. B.S., 1962 M.Div. United Theol. Sem. 1966 S.T.M. United Theol. Sem. 1968 Lehman, Daniel M. B.A., 1956 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1959 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 897

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Life, Robert L. B.A., 1974 M.Div. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1980 Maiden, Arthur L. B.A., 1924 B.D. Bonebrake Theo!. Sem. 1924 Martin, Edgar S. B.A., 1935 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1937 Mason, Joseph M. B.A., 1945 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1949 D.Min. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1977 McAvoy, James 0. B.A., 1960 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1963 McDearmon, George G., III B.A., 1973 M.Div. SW Baptist Theo!. Sem. 1976 Miller, David L. B.A., 1957 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1960 Miller, DeWitt H. B.A., 1917 B.D. Juniata College 1923 Miller, DeWitt L. B.A., 1928 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1931 Miller, Howard A. B.A., 1960 .B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1964 D.Min. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1978 Miller, Myron S. B.A., 1947 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1953 Miller, Warren E. B.A., 1961 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1964 Mitchell, Floyd H. B.A., 1944 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1947 D.Min. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1978 Mitchell, Olden D. B.A., 1935 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1941 D.Min.· Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1976 Mitchell, S. Earl B.A., 1932 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1940 Moore, Rommie F. B.A.,1951 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1956 Moyer, Harold S. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1954 D.Min. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1976

Muntzing, Ernest E. B.A., 1931 B.D. I Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1950 Murphy, Warren C. B.A., 1967 M.Div. Episcopal Divinity School 1972 (Cambridge, Mass.) Murray, M. Andrew, II B.A., 1964 M.Div. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1968 D.Min. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1980 Myers, Minor M. B.A., 1915 B.D. Vanderbilt Univ. 1919 Newman, Daniel L. B.A., 1935 B.D. Crozer Theo!. Sem. 1937 Nolen, Wilfred E. B.A., 1963 M.Div. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1977 Ott, James H. B.A., 1963 M.Div. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1970 Petcher, Mary E. B.A., 1968 M.Div. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1971 Petcher, Rhett R. 1937-40 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1947 Peters, Raymond R. B.A., 1928 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1936 Petre, Ira S. B.A., 1937 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1946 898 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Phibbs, Garnett E. B.A., 1943 B.D. Yale Divinity School 1952 S.T.M. Yale Divinity School 1954 Phibbs, Raymond C. B.A., 1950 B.D. Yale Divinity School 1959 Phillips, Bobby L. B.A., 1956 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1959 Poling, James N. B.A., 1964 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1968 Poling, Newton L. B.A., 1937 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1941 Puffenberger, William V. B.A., 1957 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1960 Quesenberry, Joseph M. B.A., 1959 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1963 Radcliff, David R. B.A., 1975 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1978 Reeves, Warren L. B.A., 1962 B.D. Wesley Theol. Sero. 1965 Replogle, Jacob F. B.A., 1937 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1942 Rhudy, Charles C. B.A., 1963 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1967 Rice, H. Lawrence B.A., 1941 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1944 Ringgold, Carroll S. B.A., 1941 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1944 Ritchie, Lowell E. B.A., 1955 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1958 Rittenhouse, David B. B.A., 1956 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1959 Robertson, Jesse D. B.A., 1945 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1949 Rogers, David L. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1954 Roller, John M. B.A., 1921 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1922 Roller, Robert S. B.A., 1953 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1959 Ross, Jimmy R. B.A., 1959 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1970 Row, W. Harold B.A., 1933 B.D. Crozer Theol. Sem. 1939 Rowland, Earl D. B.A., 1949 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1952 Sanger, Paul B. B.A., 1922 B.D. Yale Divinity School 1928 Sanger, Paul B., Jr. B.S., 1942 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1946 Sauls, Albert L. B.A., 1957 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1960 D.Min. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1976 Sayre, John E. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1954 Scharon, Anne Swiger B.A., 1944 M.Div. Eden Theol. Sero. 1977 Seidler, Carl E. A. B.A., 1942 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1945 Senger, Franklin G. B.A., 1926 B.D. Bonebrake Theol. Sero. 1938 Shaffer, Kenneth M., Jr. B.A., 1967 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sero. 1970 Shaner, William E., Jr. B.A., 1963 B.D. Lutheran Theol. Sem. 1967 (Columbia, S. C.) Sheaffer, Lee B. B.A., 1954 B.D. United Theol. Sero. 1957 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 899

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Sherfy, Robert D. B.A., 1962 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1966 Sherfy, Robert L. B.A., 1934 B.D. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1940 Shetler, Jerold D. B.A., 1956 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1961 (Richmond, Va.) Shifflett, Alvin M. B.S., 1961 B.D. Ashland Theol. Sem. 1965 Shirley, Leslie 0. B.A., 1937 B.D. Bonebrake Theo!. Sem. 1940 Showalter, A. Ray B.A., 1930 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1933 Showalter, Cecil 0. B.A., 1930 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1934 Showalter, Russell K. B.A., 1925 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1933 Shumaker, Edwin F. B.A., 1929 Grad. Bexley Hall 1937 Certif. Simmers, Marvin L. B.A., 1958 B.D. Union Theo!. Sem. 1961 (Richmond, Va.) Simmons, Benjamin F. B.A., 1963 M.Div. Bethany Theo!. Sem. 1968 Simmons, Carl, Jr. B.A., 1948 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1951 Simmons, Claude R., Jr. B.A., 1943 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1947 Simmons, Grant D. B.A., 1952 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1955 Sligar, Samuel J. B.A., 1971 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1975 Smith, Carl F. B.A., 1943 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1946 Smith, Emory C. B.A., 1948 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1952 Stapleton, Jack L. B.A., 1960 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1963 Strickler, Robert L. B.A., 1936 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1939 Stultz, Owen G. B.A., 1951 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1954 D.Min. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1976 Swain, James A. B.A., 1937 B.D. Bonebrake Theol. Sem. 1941 Swain, James E. B.A., 1957 B.D. United Theo!. Sem. 1961 Swartz, Fred W. B.A., 1958 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1961 Thomas, Robert L. B.A., 1947 B.D. Protestant Episcopal 1950 Theo!. Sem. Thompson, Ronald E. B.A., 1957 B.D. Grace Theo!. Sem. 1963 Touart, David A. B.A., 1973 M.Div. Presbyterian Theo!. Sem. 1979 (Louisville, Ky.) Varner, Wallace B. B.A., 1918 B.D. Yale Divinity School 1922 Wade, Ben F. B.A., 1957 B.D. United Theo!. Sem. 1960 S.T.M. Boston Univ. 1961 Walker, Ernest H. B.A., 1942 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1958 900 APPENDIX 22

BC Degree Conferred by and Year Wampler, Byron J., Jr. B.A., 1943 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1951 Wampler, Ernest M. B.A., 1918 B.D. Yale Divinity School 1925 Wampler, Guy E. B.A., 1928 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1930 Wampler, Guy E., Jr. B.A., 1956 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1960 D.Min. Bethany Theol. Sern. 1977 Wampler, Stanley R. B.A., 1949 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1951 Weaver, Sara L. Fox B.A., 1964 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1968 Weimer, Virgil D. B.A., 1939 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1942 Wells, Forrest 0. B.A., 1956 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1959 Wenger, Kenneth E. B.A., 1964 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1970 West, M. Guy B.A., 1926 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1931 B.D. Yale Divinity School 1935 West, Russell G. B.A., 1922 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1931 White, Weldon D. B.A., 1967 M.Div. Wesley Theol. Sern. 1971 Whitten, Hubert N., Jr. B.A., 1949 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1953 Will, Harper S. B.A., 1923 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1927 Wingert, Vernon L. B.A., 1963 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1968 Wolfe, Galen W. B.A., 1947 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1951 Wright, Horace K. B.A., 1905 B.D. Princeton Theol. Sem. 1912 Wyrick, Ronald E. B.A., 1970 M.Div. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1973 Yost, Donald R. B.A., 1949 B.D. Lutheran Theol. Sem. 1952 (Gettysburg, Pa.) Young, Dailey D. B.A., 1947 B.D. Union Theol. Sem. 1950 Zeller, Harry K., Jr. B.A., 1936 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1941 Ziegler, Ed ward K. B.A., 1929 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1947 Ziegler, Jesse H. B.A., 1935 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1944 Zigler, Earl M. B.A., 1926 B.D. Bethany Theol. Sem. 1936 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 901


Bridgewater Men and Women in the Nation's Service During World War I

The 106 Bridgewater men and women whose names are listed below are known to have been in the various branches and types of the nation's service during the war. Those who were graduates of the college, or of an affiliated school, when in the nation's service, have their names CAPITALIZED. (Some of those called into service returned to the college after the war and graduated.) The year following each person's name is the year of his graduation from the college (or an affiliated school), or the year in which he was called into service, or his final year of attendance at Bridgewater. Asterisks(*) denote the three Bridgewater men who lost their lives during the war. SATC stands for Students' Army Training Corps, and AEF indicates service in the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe. The following list of names (as nearly complete as the writer could make it) was compiled from the PrO Papers in the AMML, the PhM, and other sources.

ANDES, GEORGE C. 1913 Dinkel, Hallie D. 1911 AEF Armentrout, Walter E. 1918 SATC DRIVER, CARLS. 1918 ARNOLD, GEORGE R. 1913 DYER, EDMUND FOSTER 1917 Bell, Wilbur C. 1897 AEF DYER, FRED R. 1910 Bennett, Jacob M. 1918 Dyer, Willie R. 1916 BOSSERMAN, JOSEPH A. 1918 AEF Edmonson, William H. 1918 Bowman, Dick 1904 Flick, Walter A. 1917 AEF Bowman, Martin L. 1917 AEF Flory, William R. 1910 Bowman, Walter I. 1915 FOLKS, WILLIAM B. 1918 Bowman, Warren D. 1917 Glick, Lucius A. 1906 AEF BURNS, JOHN HOBART 1918 GOCHENOUR, DAVIDT. 1901 BURNS, ROBERT K. 1916 GOOD, CARTER V. 1918 Chew, Lloyd M. 1915 Hanna, Eugene C. 1908 AEF COFFMAN, CARL F. 1910 Harlow, George W. 1917 Conner, William A. 1917 Harman, Raymond L. 1916 Cotcamp, Corbett 1918 HARSHBARGER, ISAAC L. 1915 SATC Crider, Benjamin F. 1918 Harvey, Allen S. 1916 CRIDER, DAVID R. 1917 HEDRICK, BAYARD M. 1901 Cupp, Alfred Lester 1918 HEVENER, D. LESTER 1917 902 APPENDIX 23

Hoover, Charles 1905 MYERS, MAMIE K. 1904 HOOVER, ROY M. 1915 MYERS, W. STANLEY 1912 HOUNSHELL, PAUL 1918 SATC *Picking, Welty M. 1913 Huffman, Leo S. 1918 PRICE,HOWARDL. 1913 Humbert, Reuben L. 1918 SATC Reeves, Eugene D. 1915 Jordan, Elmer A. 1917 REID, FRANKL. 1915 KAGEY,JOSEPHN. 1917 Robertson, George R. Kennedy, Roy W. 1914 Rogers, Harry L. 1908 Kerlin, Lurty G. 1908 AEF SHAVER, WINNETT D. 1911 Kerlin, Warren D. 1909 Shickel, John A. 1914 Kersh, Arnold C. 1912 SHULL, CHARLES E. 1913 KISER, ARLIE E. 1914 SINK, H. HOYLE 1910 Kline, Emmer H. 1910 SIPE, JENNINGS N. 1914 Koontz, Leonidas L. 1911 Sipe, William Edgar 1911 Kramer, John D. 1917 AEF Snyder, H. W. 1907 Layman, Dwight L. 1917 SNYDER, WILLIAM C. 1918 Lineweaver, C. Victor 1909 Spitzer, Claude 1918 LONG, ELMER L. 1915 AEF STICKLEY, SAMUEL C. 1917 MARYE, WILLIAMSTAIGE 1918 Strayer, Ord L. 1916 Mauzy, Frank 1915 STRICKLER, HARRY 0. 1916 *MILLER, CAREY F. 1912 SWECKER, ODES E. 1915 AEF Miller, Earl W. 1917 Templeman, J. Percy 1907 Miller, Edwin DeWitt 1917 AEF Thomas, Leonard A. 1916 Miller, Fred J. 1913 Thomas, Walter S. 1911 *Miller, Harry F. 1917 AEF VanPelt, Jessie M. 1914 Miller, Jesse K. 1918 VanPelt, Lurty 1910 Miller, Joel A. 1915 Wampler, Leonard S. 1917 AEF Miller, William D. 1917 Will, J. Linden 1917 Miller, Z. Annie 1900 Williams, Jack 1900 MOTTERN, HORACE E. 1916 WINE, JOHN E. 1911 AEF Moyers, Grant T. 1918 WRIGHT, EDWARD W. 1917 AEF Moyers, Waldo B. 1918 SATC Yager, J. Aubrey, 1917 Myers, Arthur R. 1904 AEF ZIGLER, MICHAEL J. 1916 MYERS, FRED P. 1913 SATC ZIGLER, M. ROBERT 1916 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 903


Bridgewater Men and Women in the Nation's Service During World War II (Students at Bridgewater before they served in the war) Of the 440 Bridgewater men and women whose names are listed below, 289 are known to have served during the war in the U. S. Army, 72 in the U. S. Navy, 12 in the U. S. Marine Corps, and 51 in the Civilian Public Service. The list includes the names of 14 women and 190 residents of Rockingham County and the city of Harrisonburg. Those who were graduates of the college when in the nation's service have their names CAPITALIZED. (Some of those called into service returned to the college after the war and completed degree requirements.) The year following each person's name is the year of his graduation from the college, or the year in which he was called into service, or his final year of attendance at the college. Asterisks(*) denote the 17 Bridgewater men who lost their lives during the war. The following list of names (as nearly complete as the writer could make it) was compiled from the PrO Papers in the AMML, the Newsette, the Bee, the HDN-R, the AlumBF, and other sources. Allen, Edward H. 1944 Black, John R. 1931 Allen, Harold H. 1929 Blackwell, William P. 1940 Allen, William R. 1935 Blatt, Harry S. 1935 Alley, Laurence A. 1936 BOAZ, WILLARD D. }942 Anderson, George C. 1943 Bodkin, Hobert V. 1943 Anderson, Theodore C., Jr. 1943 *Boone, Carmon B. 1937 *ANDES, ROY H. 1937 Borden, Ruth F. 1938 APPLETON, BEVERLEY D. 1942 Bosserman, Jacob H., Jr. 1938 APPLETON, MAURICE L., JR. 1940 Bower, Mark 1938 Arbogast, William R. 1936 Bowman, James F., Jr. 1939 AREY, HIRAM C. 1928 BOWMAN, JOHN E. 1941 Arey, Roland Z. 1940 Bowman, Richard W. 1934 Armentrout, Aubrey W. 1919 Branum, Grafton D. 1928 ARMENTROUT, DILLARD E. 1939 Broughman, Leonard C. 1943 Armstrong, Harold W. 1943 BROWN, FREDERICK P. 1932 Armstrong, Nelson L. 1944 Bryan, William J. 1943 Bader, Arthur S. 1941 BURGESS, ROBERT M. 1928 Baker, Ira C. 1941 BURNS, WILLIAM L. 1922 BANE, WILLIAM W., JR. 1941 Campbell, James S. 1937 BARNES, GARETH B. 1938 Campbell, Paul T. 1937 BARNHART, ROGER J. 1943 CAMPBELL, ROBERT I. 1940 Beahm, John R. 1940 Cannon, Harry W., Jr. 1943 Beckner, Winfred E. 1945 Carr, Quinton 0. 1944 BENNETT, ORVILLE E. 1935 CARRIER, AUBREY J. 1935 Bennington, Joseph R. 1940 Carter, David A. 1945 Betts, Fred K., III 1943 Casey, Harry B. 1941 Beydler, Lester E., Jr. 1944 CASEY, JAMES W. 1943 Bixler, Roy R. 1945 Cave, Amos W. 1941 904 APPENDIX 24

Chew, Orville B. 1928 Eller, Richard W. 1943 Chew, Robert L. 1939 EMERZIAN, ARSEN D. 1943 Chiles, Robert H. 1941 ESTEP, PAUL H. 1942 Chumbley, Harold H. 1935 EYE, HARLAN M. 1939 Clark, Edward D. 1940 Eye, Stanley E. 1938 *CLAYBROOK, CLARENCE A. 1937 Faulkner, Albert G. 1941 Click, Frank B. 1930 FAUPEL, MURRAY 1940 Click, Joseph P. 1939 Feaga, Monelle D. 1937 Click, Maurice A. 1943 Firestone, J. Bennett 1936 CLINE, CLYDE L. 1928 FITZWATER, LAWRENCE A. 1940 CLINE, DAVID A., Jr. 1934 Fitzwater, Norman V. 1943 Cline, Garland L. 1940 Flora, Caroll C. 1931 Cline, James D. 1941 Flora, David E. 1943 Cline, John W. 1940 FLORY, ESTHER V. 1943 CLINE, WILLIAM Z. 1941 FLORY, ROBERT M. 1932 *Coffman, Ralph S. 1941 FOLEY, ALFRED M. 1935 Comer, Wayne C. 1944 FRANCIS, ROY C. 1943 CONOVER, CHESTER H. 1942 Friddle, Saufley B. 1938 Cook, John H. 1940 GAMBILL, EMERSON C. 1938 COSBY, FRANCIS B. 1941 Garber, Billy F. 1942 COSDEN, GILBERT C. 1925 Garber, Charles B. 1941 COX, WARRENE. 1943 Garber, Earl M. 1928 Crim, Keith R. 1943 Garber, Frances W. 1929 Crist, Paul F. 1940 GARBER, OTHO L. 1942 Crogan, Patrick R. 1940 Garber, Truman F. 1933 CRUMPACKER, EDGAR L. 1938 GARBER, WILLIAM J. 1930 *Cupp, Orville L. 1937 Gardner, Emmett C. 1935 DERR, JOHN A. 1934 Gates, Andrew L., Jr. 1942 Dickson, James N., Jr. 1941 Geiman, David S. 1937 Diehl, Mae E. 1943 GENTRY, JOHN B. JR. 1935 Diehl, Ray A. 1941 Gilbert, Edward W. 1944 Dilworth, Harry B. 1938 Gilbert, Fulton J. 1944 Dolly, Franklin J. 1944 Gilkerson, Cecil F. 1945 *Donovan, Gladstone W. 1939 Glasgow, Elzie B. 1944 DOVE, FREDERICK D., JR. 1941 Glick, Donald L. 1943 Downey, Garner H. 1943 Glick, John T., Jr. 1942 DRIVER, FRANKS. 1924 GLICK, VICTOR E. 1940 DRIVER, SAMUEL F. 1927 Gordon, Cooper B. 1942 DULANEY, ALBERTS. 1941 Gordon, Mearl G. 1937 DULANEY, ALVINT. 1939 GRAHAM, BRUCE M. 1943 Duncan, Harry E. 1936 Graham, Ray J. 1941 Early, Joseph L. 1938 Grapes, Robert L. 1939 EARLY, JULIAN Q. 1941 Grof, William H. 1937 Early, Oak K., Jr. 1942 GUTHRIE, WAYNE S. 1937 Early, Richard D. 1943 GUTSHALL, WINFREE A. 1939 Earman, Charles E., Jr. 1939 *Hahn, Harry M., Jr. 1943 Earman, George M. 1943 Hall, George E. 1943 EGER, DONALD B. 1942 Hammon, Merrill D. 1940 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 905

Hankla, Andrew C., Jr. 1945 JONES, THOMAS G. 1940 Hannah, George V. 1937 Joyce, Daniel G. 1937 Hansberger, Freeman P. 1937 Julias, George A. 1943 Harloe, Howard E. 1940 KADEL, ROBERT B. 1938 Harpine, Casper A. 1942 Kahle, Helen D. 1933 Hartman, John H. 1941 Kahle, Walter D. 1941 HARTNETI, JOHN J., JR. 1940 Kaylor, Lewis B. 1936 HASLER, CARROLL L. 1943 Keezell, David B. 1937 *Hausenfluck, Luther A. 1934 Keezell, George B. 1939 Heatwole, Irvin 0., Jr. 1938 Keller, Bayard T., Jr. 1943 HELBERT, HOLLEN G. 1934 Kemper, George W. 1939 Helbert, Rowland G. 1928 Kendall, Herbert F., III 1941 Heltzel, Trene R. 1928 *Kersh, Edgar 0. 1940 HENRY, MAURICE K. 1936 KING, RUFUS B. 1936 HENTHORN, EDWARD B. 1932 KINZIE, JOSEPH L. 1927 HESS, GEORGE A. 1930 KINZIE, ROBERT E. 1942 Hicklin, Graham W. 1938 KISER, ARLIE E. 1914 Hilbert, Donald L. 1943 KISER, JUSTUS S. 1926 HILDEBRAND, ROY J. 1937 Kline, Homer M., Jr. 1943 HILL, W. BERNELLE 1942 KOOGLER, GLENN W. 1934 HINKEL, CECILE. 1936 Koontz, Leonidas, L. 1911 Hodge, Roy H., Jr. 1938 KROMHOUT, GEORGE A. 1940 HOLSINGER, HUBERT B. 1924 KYGER, MINOR E., JR. 1941 HOLSINGER, JUSTUS G. 1933 KYGER, ROBERT L. 1943 Homan, Morris, M. 1943 Kyger, Warren H. 1940 Homan, Richard W. 1942 Lam, William L. 1942 Hoover, John E. 1943 Lambert, Randolph H. 1940 HORN, HERMAN L. 1924 Lambert, Roland B. 1941 Hom, John A. 1940 Landis, Dale E. 1943 HOTCHKISS, WILLIAMJ. 1942 Landis, Kenneth E. 1943 Houser, Grant D. 1939 Layman, Douglas H. 1942 Howerton, Edward E. 1942 LAYMAN, LEWIS R. 1927 Huffman, Bennie F. 1936 Layman, Ray C. 1938 Huffman, Herbert G. 1942 LAYMAN, ROBERT E. 1943 HUFFMAN, WARREN J. 1937 *Leap, Carl H. 1936 Hughes, James N. 1926 LEATHERMAN, ADRIAN B. 1937 Hulvey, William M. 1943 LeBert, Neal G. 1938 Humberson, Norman M. 1936 LEE, REUEL S. 1941 HUMBERT, REUBEN L. 1922 Lehman, Harold D. 1942 HUMBERT, WILLARD H. 1924 LIGHT, STUART H. 1944 HUPP, CECIL G. 1936 LISKEY, JAMES N. 1936 Hutchinson, De Metza D. 1937 LOGAN, BERNARD ST. CLAIR 1938 Ikenberry, Henry C., Jr. 1941 LONG, ALBERT E. 1931 IRWIN, CARL W. 1939 LONG I JOHN w., JR. 1938 JACKSON, RICHARD A. 1935 Long, Luther W. 1937 JAMISON, BENJAMIN L. 1944 Long, Mary S. 1940 JAMISON, CLARK B. 1944 Long, Omer M. 1941 Jennings, Harold A. 1941 LONG, WALTERR.1938 906 APPENDIX 24

McDaniel, Alton L. 1943 Myers, Miller E. 1931 McKenzie, Hilton E. 1941 MYERS, PAUL F. 1935 McNEILL, LARRIE D. 1939 MYERS, REBECCA V. 1930 McQUAIN, ROBERT H. 1942 MYERS, VYA YNE L. 1943 Marsh, Elizabeth C. 1935 MYERS, VI/ELLINGTON Z. 1942 *Marsh,Sall1uel VY. 1935 Myers, VVilliall1 Evan 1935 Martin, John VY., Jr. 1943 *NELSON, GARNETT 0. 1941 Martin, Robert B. 1944 NIPE, GEORGE M. 1941 Mason, Floyd R. 1942 Nipe, John R. 1943 MASON, VVILLIAM A. 1941 O'Donnell, Lawrence P. 1938 Mauck, Jall1es R. 1931 Overfeldt, Eldridge H. 1934 Mauzy, Layton Y. 1937 *Pappas, Tholl1as C. 1941 Mauzy, Paul VY. 1943 PAYNE,HAROLDM. 1930 MAY, EARL H. 1939 PENCE, EUGENE F. 1934 May, John B. 1929 PENICK, RICHARD Q. 1944 Meador, Everett E. 1939 Perdue, Roy C. 1933 MEADOR, RUSSELL M. 1936 Petcher, Harold R. 1943 Michael, Ray C. 1939 Peters, Leonard 1943 MILEY, DALE 1938 Pierce, Robert S. 1944 Miller, Daniel R. 1945 Pope, Bruce M. 1944 MILLER, DeVVITI T. 1941 Pope, Fletcher L., Jr. 1943 Miller, Horace G. 1936 Prentice, Charles D., Jr. 1943 MILLER, HOVVARD N. 1939 *Prichard, Benjall1in VY. 1943 Miller, Jack, G. 1944 Pritchett, Goll1er H. 1932 Miller, John F., Jr. 1938 PURSELL, ARTHUR H. 1934 MILLER, JOHN VYARREN 1938 RACEY, FORREST S. 1941 Miller, Joseph Alfred 1943 Ralston, Frank T., Jr. 1942 MILLER, LAVVRANCE S. 1942 Reed, Garland L. 1939 MILLER, LOVVELL A. 1940 REID, J. J. ROVVLAND 1940 Miller , Marvin B. 1943 Reiter, Ralph A. 1942 Miller, Myron S. 1943 Renalds, J. Osborne 1937 Miller, M. VVillard 1937 Reubush, Charles B., Jr. 1944 Miller, Orland L. 1943 Revercoll1b, Henry E. 1936 *Miller, Paul H. 1940 Rexrode, Forrest H. 1937 MILLER, ROBERT A. 1939 RICE, E. VVALTER 1940 MILLER, ROBERT E. 1943 RICHARDS, ASHBY T. 1940 Miller, Robert S. 1943 RIELEY, HARVEY M., JR. 1943 Miller, VValdo G. 1943 Reiley, Joseph G. 1945 Miller, VVilliam Lawrence 1943 Roberts, Oscar T., Jr. 1943 Minnick, Robert K. 1944 ROGERS, CLARENCE F., JR. 1940 Montoney, Oscar D. 1933 Roller, Marion F. 1932 MORNINGSTAR, MARSHALL A. 1939 Rowland, Earl D. 1943 Mowery, VVarnie L. 1941 RUBY, HERBERT E. 1941 MOYERS, FRANK 1938 RUEBUSH, TRENTON K. 1931 Moyers, John T. 1941 Sackett, Charles M. 1943 *MYERS, BENJAMIN ALLEN 1937 Sanger, Gladys V. 1927 Myers, John VVeldon 1943 Sanger, Isaac J. 1922 MYERS, MARK E. 1932 Sanger, Robert G. 1945 Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 907

SCHMICK, LEONA V.1937 Thomas, H. Edward 1926 Schnelzer, John A., Jr. 1942 Thomas, Robert L. 1943 SCOTI, HERMAN W. 1938 Thomas, Walter S. 1911 SCOTI, JOSEPH K. 1935 THOMPSON, JAMES C. A. 1934 SEESE, NORMAN A., JR. 1938 Tillette, Charles M. 1939 SEESE, ROBERT M. 1939 Townsend, John L. 1943 Sencindiver, John F. 1939 Twigg, Marvin C. 1941 Sharpes, Lowell V., Jr. 1943 Vaughn, Leonard E. 1934 Shaulis, Clyde H. 1940 Via, Raymond M. 1942 SHAVER,DeWITTH.1932 Vought, Hobert W. 1942 SHIFLET, PAUL W. 1936 Waggy, Arlie E. 1940 Shober, Ralph W. 1944 Waggy, William D. 1941 Shoemaker, Charles V., Jr. 1934 Walker, Lester W. 1941 Showalter, Calvin F. 1943 Walston, Earl C. 1945 SHOWALTER,JOHNT. 1941 Wampler, Daniel S. 1944 Showalter, Marie J. 1928 Wampler, Joseph C. 1923 SHRUM, RICHARD C. 1937 Wampler, Robert F. 1941 Shull, Dwight H. 1941 Wampler, Roy H. 1945 SHUMAKER, EDWIN F. 1929 Watson, Paul G. 1938 SIMMONS, LUTHER M. 1942 Weaver, Winston 0. 1942 Simmons, Raymond H. 1933 WENGER, CHESTER L.1939 SIMPSON, LORENS. 1940 West, George A. 1943 Siple, Claude B. 1943 Whetzel, W. James, Jr. 1941 SIPLE, OLIN P. 1942 White, John B., Jr. 1935 SKELTON, HAROLD E. 1940 Whitmer, Garland L. 1945 SMITH, HAROLD D. 1943 Whitmer, Herbert B., Jr. 1943 Smith, Norman D. 1943 WHITMORE, RICHARD M. 1936 Smith, Oather B. 1938 Whitmore, Robert 0., Jr. 1942 Smith, Verlin D. 1940 WILSON, ELBY C. 1941 Smith, Wendell L. 1943 Wine, Claude R. 1923 Synder, Otis W. 1933 Wine, Earl S. 1929 Spangler, James A. 1941 WINE, IRA M. 1942 Spangler, Kolmer B. 1943 WINE, MERVIN B. 1938 Sparks, Bernard F. 1941 Winkle, Lon T. 1937 SPITLER, BOYD A. 1923 Wisman, Paul P. 1944 Spitzer, Ernest W. 1942 Wolfe, Galen W. 1943 Spitzer, Mitchell 1938 WOLFE, RALPH S. 1942 Sprinkle, Philip M., Jr. 1945 WOODIE, FRED R. 1939 Stiff, McHenry L., III 1943 WOODS, THOMAS B. 1942 Stiteler, Carlton L. 1941 WRIGHT, ANDRA M. 1932 STRITE, KENNETH L. 1935 WRIGHT, GARLAND M. 1932 *Strole, Trenton A. 1939 WRIGHT, MAURICE G. 1935 SUTER, OWEN E. 1942 YANCEY, LAYTONW. 1936 SUTER, WILLIAM C. 1942 Yingling, Jesse D. 1943 SWANK, JAMES R. 1932 Young, Dailey D. 1941 SWARTZ, JOSEPH F. 1927 ZELLER, ROBERT 0. 1940 Swiger, James T. 1940 Zigler, Charles D. 1943 Teets, Ellis 1939 ZIGLER, ISAAC M. 1938 908 APPENDIX 25


Plaques in the Bridgewater College Buildings by 1981

Memorial Hall Inside the front entrance, on the left-hand wall, is a bronze plaque bearing the names of the 30 original trustees of the school that developed into Bridgewater College (for their names and information about them, see Chapter I) and the inscription, "They builded better than they knew." The tablet was unveiled on Founder's Day, April 3, 1928. William T. Sanger, son of Samuel F. Sanger, one of the qriginal trustees, made the presentation address; three-year- old Rebecca Gene Bowman, great granddaughter of Emanuel Hoover, another original trustee, unveiled the tablet; and John C. Myers accepted it in the name of the trustees then on the college's board.1 On the right-hand wall, inside the entrance to the building, is another bronze plaque, that one bearing the names of "the founders and first Board of Trustees" of the institution that developed into Daleville College. The tablet was unveiled on Founder's Day, April 3, 1939. J. Maurice Henry, a former student and teacher at Daleville, made the presentation address, and Barbara Dove, granddaughter of John A. Dove, one of the original Daleville trustees, unveiled the plaque.2 The names of the founders and original trustees appear in Chapter VII.

Rebecca Hall Inside the middle front entrance, on the right-hand wall, is a bronze plaque in memory of Rebecca Driver Cline (1853-1918), bearing the inscription, "This building is named in memory of her and in honor of her husband, Benj<;i.min Cline, whose generosity and devotion to Christian education are expressed in liberal gifts used in the construction of this substantial building." The tablet was unveiled by Mrs. Cline's grandniece, Margaret Driver, on Founder's Day, April 3, 1932.3 At the head of the stairway, on the second floor, at the south end of the building, are four bronze plaques: one in memory of Elizabeth Cline Evers (1869-1905), placed there by her husband, Daniel L. Evers; another in memory of Diana Miller Glick (1853-1918), placed there by her husband, Joseph M. Glick, and their children; and another in memory of Sallie Garber Myers (1846-1912), placed there by her children. These memorials, established upon the basis of substantial gifts, were unveiled on Founder's Day, April 3, 1933.4 At the same location is a plaque in memory of Elizabeth Wine Senger, placed there by Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wine.

1Bee,Apri121, 1928,p.1. 2Bee, April 29, 1939, p. 1. 3Bee, April 8, 1932, p. 1. 4Bee, April 14, 1933, pp. 1,4. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 909

Blue Ridge Hall Inside the front entrance, on the left-hand wall, is a bronze plaque which recognizes the memorial gifts made by Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Mullendore, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Mullendore; by Bertie C. Wenger, in honor of her husband, Perry J. Wenger; by Ella Wright Leatherman, in honor of her husband, Edgar A. Leatherman; by Samuel Q. Ausherman, in honor of his wife, Ruth A. Ausherman; by Dr. and Mrs. George S. Row, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Blose; by Margaret Roop Teeter, in honor of her husband, John S. Teeter; by Florence E. Garner, in honor of her sister, Laura E. Garner; by the Ira C. Spitzer family, in honor of Elizabeth C. Spitzer; by Elder and Mrs. J. A. Naff, in honor of Joel Cline Naff; and by Elder and Mrs. I. C. Senger, in honor of Mrs. David F. Senger. s On the opposite wall, inside the entrance to the building, is another large plaque, listing, in gratitude, the names of numerous individuals and organizations whose contributions were used to defray the cost of furnishing dormitory rooms. The plaques were placed on the walls in 1951.6

Bowman Hall Inside the front entrance, on the left-hand wall, is a bronze plaque, unveiled on April 1, 1966, in tribute to Samuel M. Bowman (1853-1919), benefactor and trustee of the college, and to Paul Haynes Bowman (1887-1964) and Warren D. Bowman (1894-1987), past presidents of the college. 7

Wright Hall Inside the entrance on Third Street, is a bronze plaque, unveiled on November 7, 1964, in memory of Charles C. Wright (1884-1962) and Frank J. Wright (1888-1953), brothers, "who served Bridgewater College devotedly for 47 years as distinguished teachers, administrators, and public servants."8

Alexander Mack Memorial Library On the exterior front wall of the library building is a large tablet bearing an inscription about Alexander Mack (1679-1735), who, with seven others, founded the German Baptist Brethren sect (today, the Church of the Brethren) at Schwarzenau in Wittgenstein (a German state) in 1708, and who was the leader of that sect in Colonial Pennsylvania. In the front entrance lobby of the library building, on the right-hand wall, is a large bronze plaque, a "Roll of Honor," a listing of the names of "alumni, parents, Brethren, and friends, who by their gifts of shares substantially helped to undergird this college in its crusade for excellence in education and service to the youth of our land." The plaque was put in place in 1967.9 On the door to the Church of the Brethren Room, on the second floor of the library building, is a plaque bearing the following inscription: "The Brethren Room was generously

5The names appear in this order on the plaque. 6Newsette, April, 1951. p. 3. ?Partners, June, 1966, p. 3. 8Alumnus, Dec., 1964, p. 10. 9Bee, May 19, 1967, p. 3. 910 APPENDIX 25

donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. [Charles] D. Lantz, of Broadway, Virginia, to commemorate the founders of and the leaders in the Church of the Brethren." On the door of a carrel on the second floor of the library is a plaque to the memory of Norman A. Seese, placed there by his second wife, Ethel Sipe Seese. On the door of the adjoining carrel is a plaque to the memory of his first wife, Anna Bowman Seese, placed there by their children.

Heritage Hall Inside the Dinkel A venue entrance, on the right-hand wall, is a plaque (unveiled on October 10, 1964) that lists the names of 10 faculty and staff members "who gave many years of loyal and distinguished service to Bridgewater College," and for whom the building is a memorial: Allan B. Bicknell, Newton D. Cool, Frederick D. Dove, John S. Flory, Mattie V. Glick, Jerry M. Henry, Minor C. Miller, A. Ray Showalter, Charles E. Shull, and Marshall R. Wolfe. 10

Dillon Hall

Inside the Dinkel Avenue entrance is a bronze plaque (unveiled on March 31, 1967) in tribute to John Henry Dillon (1848-1908) and his sons, John Benton Dillon (1884-1968) and William Burton Dillon (1886-1965), "businessmen, churchmen, civic leaders, and philanthropists," of Bassett, Virginia. I I

Moomaw Hall Inside the front entrance, on the left-hand wall, is a plaque (in place by April 3, 1970) in honor of Leland C. Moomaw (1879-1974) and his wife, Nina Kinzie Moomaw (1882-1983), "dedicated Christians and philanthropists."I2 On the right-hand wall, inside the front entrance, is a plaque indicating the dedication of the living room area to S. Ruth Howe, chairman, Home Economics Department, Bridgewater College, 1945-66. At the front desk is a plaque in memory of Tolbert F. Lawyer. In the dining room area is a plaque in tribute to Elder and Mrs. William E. Roop. In the ladies' lounge is a plaque in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Driver, placed there by their daughters.

Kline Campus Center In the lounge area, on the main floor, is a large bronze plaque indicating the dedication of the building to the memory of Elder John Kline (1797-1864), ''Whose devotion to the healing of physical wounds and human relationships during the War between the States led to his martyrdom," and to the memory of his grandnephew, John M. Kline, and his wife, Hattie E. Kline; and expressing "appreciation of the generous benefactions to the college" of their children (and spouses): Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer M. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin T. Kline, Mr. and

I Onie program file in the AMML (Special Collections Room). 11HDN-R, March 3I, I967. I2HDN-R, April 4, I970. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 911

Mrs. John M. Kline, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin M. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Claron E. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kline, and Mrs. Eleanor Mae Secord; and recognizing "that larger Kline family which has been identified with Bridgewater College in numerous constructive ways throughout the college's history." In the art display room, adjacent to the lounge area, is a plaque in memory of Cleo Driver (Mrs. Russell) Miller, placed there by her family and friends.

Cole Hall On the wall, in the hallway off the stage in the building's auditorium, hang two Pinion Players service award plaques that bear the names of the outstanding players of the college's academic sessions since 1963. On the basement level of the building, in the Pritchett Museum, is a large plaque (placed originally inside the main entrance to Founders' Hall in early 1945) bearing the names of all those Bridgewater men and women then known to be in the nation's service during World War II.

Daleville Hall On the doors of nine dormitory rooms are plaques bearing the names of donors.

Wardo Hall On a wall on the basement level of this building (incorporated into Flory Hall in 1984) hang plaques bearing the names of recipients of the "Alumnus of the Year'' award (1945-69), the "Distinguished Alumnus" award (1970-), and the "Young Alumnus Award" (1980-).

Wakeman Hall On the main floor hallway wall is a plaque indicating the naming of the building for Benjamin 0. Wakeman, farmer and businessman of Manassas, Virginia, and his wife, Crystal Driver Wakeman, Bridgewater alumna and niece of Daniel C. Flory, in recognition of "their exemplary devotion and generosity" to Bridgewater College and "the supportive interest in Bridgewater College" of their children and grandchildren.

Nininger Hall On the left-hand wall at the main front entrance to the building is a plaque indicating the naming of this health and physical education center for R. Douglas Nininger, Bridgewater College trustee for 35 years and board chairman, 1959-78, and his wife, Ruth Miller Nininger, "in recognition of their lives of loving service and their generous commitment of resources to Bridgewater College"; and in memory of Benjamin F. Nininger, grandfather of R. Douglas Nininger and a founder and benefactor of Daleville College. 912 APPENDIX 26


Portraits in the Bridgewater College Buildings by 1980

Alexander Mack Memorial Library Today, most of the portraits at the college hang on the walls of the Alexander Mack Memorial Library. They were moved there from the large room on the second floor of Memorial Hall, the room that served as the assembly hall, or chapel, for more than five decades. JACOB THOMAS (1823-1910), the first president (1881-86) of the board of trustees of the school that developed into Bridgewater College. His portrait, done by Mrs. Samuel D. (Anna Rebecca Wampler) Bowman, of Harrisonburg (later, East Falls Church), Virginia, was given to the college by Mrs. J. Wilbur (Lottie Evers) Thomas, of Dayton, Virginia. Date of the gift is not known.1 SAMUEL N. McCANN (1858-1917), an early Bridgewater faculty member and fund-raiser, as well as church missionary and Biblical scholar. His portrait, done by Mrs. Samuel D. Bowman, was presented by her to the college in 1903.2 GEORGE B. HOLSINGER (1857-1908), teacher of music at the Virginia Normal School, 1882-89, and at Bridgewater College, 1889-98. His life-size bust portrait was presented to the college by two of his former Bridgewater faculty colleagues, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Garber, of Washington, D. C., in 1909. Mrs. Garber (nee Ella B. Bean) was the portraitist.3 DANIEL C. FLORY (1854-1914), the recognized founder of the school that developed into Bridgewater College. The oil portrait, given by Mr. Flory's sons and daughters, was presented to the college by his daughter, Anna F. Flory, on Founder's Day, April 3, 1928, and was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall by his granddaughter, Nancy C. Flory. Mrs. Nellie G. Duncan, of Baltimore, Maryland, was the portraitist.4 The portrait was moved to Flory Hall in 1984. WALTER'B. YOUNT (1859-1932), administrative head of Bridgewater College, 1892-1910. The oil portrait, the gift of 18 of President Yount's former students and faculty colleagues at Bridgewater, was presented to the college by John W. Wayland, on Founder's Day, April 3, 1929, and was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall. Mrs. Nellie G. Duncan was the portraitist} The portrait was moved to Yount Hall in 1984. DAVID NEWTON ELLER (1862-1914), head of the Botetourt Normal College, 1893-96 and 1902-10, and president of Daleville College, 1910-11. The oil portrait, given by Mr. Eller's

lconversation with Mrs. Thomas, Nov. 22, 1977. 2cL, Feb. 20, 1903, P· 4. 3cL, JW1e 15, 1909, p. 1. 4Bee, April 21, 1928, p. 1; B, Oct., 1932, p. 7. 5PHB to JWW, Jan. 24, Feb. 25, 1929, JWW Papers, AMML; Bee, April 11, 1929, pp. 1, 4. Bridgewater College: The First Hundred Years, 1880-1980 913

family and friends, was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall on Founder's Day, April 3, 1930. Mrs. Nellie G. Duncan was the portraitist.6 THEODORE C. DENTON (1848-1914), an original trustee and an outstanding benefactor of Daleville College. The oil portrait, given by Mrs. Denton, was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall of April 2, 1931. Mrs. Nellie G. Duncan was the portraitist.7 SAMUEL M. BOWMAN (1853-1919), trustee of Bridgewater College, 1905-19, and an outstanding benefactor of the college. The oil portrait of Mr. Bowman (with one of his horses) was the work of Mrs. Samuel D. Bowman, who presented it to the college on April 3, 1932, during the Founder's Day exercises in the chapel in Memorial Hall.8 JOHNS. FLORY (1866-1961), president of Bridgewater College, 1910-19. The oil portrait, the gift of 30 Bridgewater alumni, was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall on April 4, 1935, by Dr. Flory's daughter, Margaret V. Flory. Mrs. Samuel D. Bowman was the portraitist.9 The portrait was moved to Flory Hall in 1984. BENJAMIN F. NININGER (1848-1924), a founder and an outstanding benefactor of Daleville College. The oil portrait, given by the Edgar D. Nininger family, was presented to the college by Benjamin F. Nininger's grandson, R. Douglas Nininger, on Founder's Day, April 3, 1940, and was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall. Mrs. Samuel D. Bowman was the portraitist.IO PAUL HAYNES BOWMAN (1887-1964), president of Bridgewater College, 1919-46. The oil portrait, the gift of Bridgewater alumni and faculty colleagues, was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall on April 4, 1949, by Dr. Bowman's daughter, Rebecca Gene Bowman, then a member of the Bridgewater faculty. Anne Fletcher, of Richmond, Virginia, was the portraitist.11 JACOB I. BAUGHER (1889-1949), president of Bridgewater College 1946-48. The oil portrait, gift of the Bridgewater College Alumni Association, was presented to the college by Rufus B. King and was unveiled in the chapel in Memorial Hall by Dr. Baugher's daughter, Mrs. Naomi Baugher Whisler, on October 20, 1951. Robert B. Stevens, of George Washington University, was the portraitist.12 VIRGINIA GARBER COLE STRICKLER (1887-1953), adopted daughter of Charles Knox Cole, wife of Harry M. Strickler, and an outstanding benefactor of Bridgewater College. The oil portrait, gift of the Bridgewater College Alumni Association, was presented to the college by Mrs. John E. (Mary Jane Cline) Stoddard, Jr., and was unveiled in Cole Hall on March 28, 1956, by Mrs. Strickler's niece, Mrs. Cecil (Mary M. Garber) Miller. The portrait, done by Robert B. Stevens, was placed in the chapel in Memorial Hall.13 CARL NEY (1880-1967) and his wife, VALERIE GOOD NEY (1886-1981), benefactors of Bridgewater College. The oil portraits, gifts of the college's board of trustees, were unveiled at

6Bee, April 4, 1930, p. 4. 7BI Oct., 1932, p. 7. 8Bee, April 8, 1932, pp. 1, 2. 9Bee, April 10, 1935, pp. 1, 4. 10Bee, April 12, 1940, pp. 1, 3; B, April, 1941, p. 16. 11Newsette, April, 1949, p. 4. 12AlumM, March 11, 1950; March 10, 1951; Newsette, Dec. 1951, pp. 1, 4. 13AlumM, Nov. 7, 1953; June 4, 1955; Newsette,April, 1956, p. 5. 914 APPENDIX 26

a meeting of the board during the 1960's. Mrs. Charles W. Wampler, Jr., was the portraitist in each case. 14 WARREN D. BOWMAN (1894-1987), president of Bridgewater College, 1949-64. The portrait, from the Warren D. Bowman estate, was placed in the Alexander Mack Memorial Library in 1978.15 RICHARD D. OBENSHAIN (1935-78), Bridgewater alumnus (B. A., 1956), Richmond (Va.) lawyer and prominent figure in the Republican Party in Virginia and the nation. The portrait, presented to the college by the Student Senate, was placed in the Alexander Mack Memorial Library in 1979.16

Moomaw Hall LELAND C. MOOMAW (1879-1974) and his wife, NINA KINZIE MOOMAW (1882-1983), outstanding benefactors of Bridgewater College. The oil portraits, gifts of the college's board of trustees, were unveiled by two Bridgewater students, Janet L. Bowman and Donald R. Jordan, in the chapel in Memorial Hall on March 7, 1959, but were later moved to Moomaw Hall. Robert B. Stevens painted both portraits.17 S. RUTH HOWE, chairman, Home Economics Department, Bridgewater College, 1945-66. Her portrait, an enlarged photograph, was placed in the living room (dedicated to her) in Moomaw Hall in 1970.18

Cole Hall

In the Reuel B. Pritchett Museum in Cole Hall are portraits of the persons named below. GEORGES. ARNOLD (1853-1936), trustee of Bridgewater College, 1904-31. His portrait, done by his daughter, Mrs. Amos S. A. (Bessie W. Arnold) Holsinger, was given to the college by Mr. and Mrs. Holsinger in 1976. JAMES A. FRY (1852-1921), trustee of Bridgewater College, 1889-1919. His crayon portrait, done by Lucy B. Snell, Bridgewater art student, 1894-95, was given to the college by his daughter, Mrs. John W. Wayland, in 1948. REVEL B. PRITCHETT (1884-1974), donor of most of the items in the museum named in his honor. The museum holds two oil portraits of him: one done by Mrs. Charles C. (Ethel V. Bowman) Wright, of Bridgewater, in 1963; the other one painted by William Kinsey, of Greencastle, Pennsylvania, in 1958. SAMUEL A. SANGER (1856-1921), trustee of Bridgewater College, 1881-94. Particulars about his portrait are lacking.

14rrM, March 3, 1962. l50rland Wages to Warren D. Bowman, Dec. 12, 1977, PrO Papers. 16HDN-R, June 15, 1979, p. 15. 17TrM, June 4, 1956; March 7, 1959; Newsette, April, 1959, p. 5. 18The Talon, April 3, 1970, p. 9.