Ekonomski Vjesnik / Econviews God

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Ekonomski Vjesnik / Econviews God 18 EKONOMSKI VJESNIK / ECONVIEWS GOD. XXXI • BR. 1/2018. • STR. 1-224 • OSIJEK, LIPANJ, 2018. VOL. XXXI • NO. 1/2018 • PP. 1-224 • OSIJEK, JUNE, 2018 1 Review of contemporary business, entrepreneurship and economic issues Prethodni naslov do prosinca ./ Uredništvo / Editorial Board Previous title to December : Dražen Barković, Đula Borozan, Ivan Ferenčak, Jas- na Horvat, Mirna Leko Šimić, Marcel Meler, Josip EKONOMSKI VJESNIK Mesarić, Sunčica Oberman Peterka, Željko Požega, Časopis Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku Domagoj Sajter, Nataša Šarlija, Antun Šundalić, Marijana Zekić Sušac, all from Josip Juraj Stross- Nakladnik / Publisher mayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in SVEUČILIŠTE JOSIPA JURJA STROSSMAYERA Osijek, Croatia, Maja Biljan – August, University U OSIJEKU, EKONOMSKI FAKULTET U of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, Croatia, Suzana OSIJEKU / JOSIP JURAJ STROSSMAYER Marković, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism UNIVERSITY OF OSIJEK, and Hospitality Management, Croatia, Th omas FACULTY OF ECONOMICS IN OSIJEK Cleff and Regina Moczadlo, from Pforzheim Uni- versity, Faculty of Business and Law, Germany, Glavni urednik / Editor-in-Chief Erzsebet Hetesi, University of Szeged, Faculty of Boris Crnković, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Economics and Business Administration, Hunga- of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia ry, Antal Szabo, Erenet, Hungary, Helena Maria Baptista Alves, University of Beira Interior, Depart- Zamjenica glavnog urednika / ment of Management and Economics, Portugal, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Marius Gavriletea, Babes – Bolyai University, Fac- Sanja Pfeifer, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of ulty of Business, Romania, Zsuzsanna Katalin Sza- Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia bo, “Petru Maior” University, Faculty of Economics, Juridical and Administrative Sciences, Romania, Poasna urednica / honorary editor Erich Schwarz, Alpen - Adria University of Kla- Slavica Singer, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of genfurt, Faculty of Management and Economics, Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia Austria, Antti Paasio, University of Turku, Turku School of Economics, Finland, Irena Ograjenšek, Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Slo- Jasminka Mihaljević, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Uni- venia, Miroslav Rebernik, University of Maribor, versity of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia, Igor Croatia Jakomin, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mari- time Studies and Transportation, Slovenia, Allan Urednik novak / Assistant Editor Gibb, Durham University, United Kingdom, Je- Dario Šebalj, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of rome Katz, Saint Louis University, USA. Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia Tehniki urednik/ Technical editor Oto Wilhelm, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia 2 Lektorica i prevoditeljica za engleski jezik / Časopis izlazi dva puta godišnje / English Language Editor and Translator Published biannually Ljerka Radoš Gverijeri Adresa uredništva / Lektorica za hrvatski jezik / Address of the editorial board Croatian Language Editor Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Emina Berbić Kolar Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7 Radovi objavljeni u asopisu referiraju se u: 31000 Osijek / Indexed in: Croatia • Emerging Sources Citation Index, Web of Sci- ence, Th omson Reuters, New York, USA www.efos.unios.hr/ekonomski-vjesnik • CAB Abstract, Wallingford, United Kingdom www.efos.unios.hr/ekonomski-vjesnik/en/ • Econlit, Pittsburg, USA • EBSCOhost, Ipswich, USA [email protected] • ABI/INFORM, ProQuest, London, United Kingdom Copyright© 2018 Sveučilište Josipa Jurja • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet u United Kingdom Osijeku • CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library, Frankfurt am Main, Germany • Index Copernicus, Poland • Hrčak – Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske (MZOS, Srce & HIDD) Naklada / Edition 150 primjeraka / copies Godišnja pretplata / Annual subscription 200 HRK / 30 € Grafiko oblikovanje / Graphic Design Grafi ka, Osijek Tisak / Printed by Grafi ka, Osijek Izdavanje časopisa fi nancijski podupire Ministar- stvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hr- vatske / Th e publishing of Journal is supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia 3 CONTENTS / SADRŽAJ Dr. sc. Marcel Meler, professor emeritus ....................................................................................................................7 Uz tridesetu godišnjicu izlaženja časopisa “Ekonomski vjesnik” Original scientific articles / Izvorni znanstveni lanci 1. Blaž Frešer, Polona Tominc: .......................................................................................................................... 21 Innovativeness and fi nancial resources diversity of Slovenian early-stage enterpreneurs Inovativnost i raznolikost fi nanciranja kod slovenskih poduzetnika u ranoj fazi poslovanja 2. Julia Perić, Borna Turalija: .......................................................................................................................... 35 Corporate social responsibility as an important factor of business success in Croatian companies Društveno odgovorno poslovanje kao važan čimbenik uspješnog poslovanja u hrvatskim poduzećima 3. Ivana Pavlić, Katija Vojvodić, Barbara Puh: .............................................................................................47 Segmenting the Baby Boomer generation: An example of Croatian consumers Segmentiranje Baby Boomer generacije: Primjer hrvatskih potrošača 4. Marinko Jurčević, Tomislav Bubalo, Bia Mandžuka: ............................................................................. 65 Infl uence of costs on the optimization of transport routes (case study) - Passenger transportation company from Zagreb Utjecaj troškova na optimizaciju transportnih ruta (case study) - Tvrtka za prijevoz putnika iz Zagreba 5. Blaženka Hadrović Zekić, Ivana Dražić Lutilsky, Dina Liović: .............................................................75 (Prior) knowledge of accounting as a comparative advantage when selecting accounting service providers (Pred)znanje računovodstva kao komparativna prednost pri izboru računovodstvenih servisa Preliminary communications / Prethodna priopenja 1. Lena Tijanić: .................................................................................................................................................... 87 Realisation of the Europe 2020 strategy and the structural funds allocation by thematic fi eld of intervention in European regions Realizacija strategije Europa 2020 i tematska alokacija sredstava iz strukturnih fondova u europskim regijama 2. Marija Martinović, Petra Barišić: ............................................................................................................... 99 Th e impact of individual heterogenity on building consumer loyalty Utjecaj individualne heterogenosti na izgradnju lojalnosti potrošača 3. Erik Ružić, Dragan Benazić, Ružica Bukša Tezzele: ..............................................................................111 Th e infl uence of sales management control, sales management support and satisfaction with manager on salespeople’s job satisfaction Utjecaj kontrole menadžmenta prodaje, podrške menadžmenta prodaje i zadovoljstva menadžerom na zadovoljstvo prodavača poslom 4 4. Branka Remenarić, Ivan Čevizović, Ivana Kenfelja: ..............................................................................125 Binomial model for measuring expected credit losses from trade receivables in non-fi nancial sector entities Binomni model za mjerenje očekivanih kreditnih gubitaka potraživanja od kupaca u subjektima nefi nancijskoga sektora 5. Ezeni Brzovska, Đurđana Ozretić-Došen, Ivana Simjanovska: ...........................................................137 Th e importance of diff erent dimensions in the experiential based model among wine tourists and wine industry experts in the Republic of Macedonia Važnost različitih dimenzija u iskustvenom modelu vinskog turizma među turistima i stručnjacima u vinskoj industriji u Republici Makedoniji 6. Zoran Ivanović, Siniša Bogdan, Suzana Bareša: ....................................................................................149 Portfolio analysis of foreign tourist demand in Croatia Portfolio analiza inozemne turističke potražnje u Republici Hrvatskoj 7. Krešimir Starčević, Boris Crnković, Jerko Glavaš: ..................................................................................163 Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in companies in the Republic of Croatia Implementacija Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka u trgovačkim društvima u Republici Hrvatskoj Review articles / Pregledni radovi 1. Jelena Žugić, Aleksandar Konatar: ...........................................................................................................179 Comparative analysis of the value of national brands Usporedna analiza vrijednosti nacionalnih brendova 2. Branka Remenarić, Ivana Kenfelja, Ivo Mijoč: .......................................................................................193 Creative accounting – Motives, techniques and possibilities of prevention Kreativno računovodstvo – motivi, tehnike i mogućnosti sprječavanja 3. Katarina Marošević, Dijana Bošnjak: ......................................................................................................201
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