
EGWYDDORION YSGOL PENTRECELYN I gydweithio a chyd-ddysgu, mewn partneriaeth, [fel Llywodraethwyr, Staff, Rhieni a Disgyblion] gan sicrhau fod pob unigolyn yn cael ei werthfawrogi a chael ei drin yn deg. Anelwn i fagu/meithrin y gorau yn ein gilydd, er mwyn i bob unigolyn dyfu mewn hyder, i allu gwneud penderfyniadau doeth a phwrpasol. Parchwn ein gilydd, eiddo ein gilydd, yr Iaith Gymraeg a’r traddodiad Cymreig. Credwn mewn rhoi cyfle cyfartal i bob un. Anogwn ein gilydd i gymryd cyfrifoldebau, a bod yn aelodau llawn a gweithredol o’r gymuned ysgol, leol ac ehangach yr ydym yn rhan ohonni, fel dinasyddion cwbl ddwyieithog.

Our PRINCIPLES at YSGOL PENTRECELYN Together we learn; in partnership [as Governors, Staff, Parents and Pupils], ensuring that every individual is valued and treated in a fair way. We aim to nuture the best in each other, so that every individual grows in confidence, so as to make purposeful and wise decisions. We respect one another as people, as well as respecting others’ property; we show respect towards the Welsh language and Welsh culture. We believe in equal opportunities for all. We encourage one another to take on responsibilities, and become full and active members of the school, local and wider community in which we belong, as bilingual citizens.

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to present to you the Governing Body’s Annual Report to parents at Ysgol Pentrecelyn. I hope you will find it both informative and interesting.

The last few months have been challenging in all walks of life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Governing Body to thank Mr. Evans and all the staff for their hard work throughout the year, particularly through the period of home schooling, the return to school in June and the full return to school in September. I would also like to thank my fellow Governors for their support during the year.

The Governing Body have also had to adapt and we now meet virtually. The volunteer members of the Governing body are still committed to their role and bring a range of skills and experience to the governing of the school. Although we can no longer visit the school formally or informally, we are adapting our roles to continue to monitor the performance of the school. Much of our work is divided into meetings as a full governing body and meetings as subcommittees. We review policies on a rolling timetable and are involved in recruitment where necessary. The Buildings and Finance subcommittees work with officers from County Council to maintain a healthy working budget and ensure that the school is a safe environment for your children. Managing the School budget is becoming more difficult every year. The Curriculum subcommittee oversees teaching and progress. We work closely with our GwE System Leader on the matters of data performance and performance management.

In the last academic year we had one Governor step down, Medwen Roberts felt her talents would be better utilised as a volunteer to the school rather than as a Governor and some of your children may have benefitted from her help in making a video at Jail earlier this year. I would like to thank Medwen for her commitment during her time as a Governor. This year we have also welcomed two new members to the Governing Body, Osian Owen and Sion Ap Mihangel. Osian joins as a Community Governor and is a member of Llanfair Community Council. Sion joins as a Local Authority Governor; they both also have children in the school.

I would like to thank all of you, parents, grandparents and your children for your support of the school over the last year, especially those who give up their time to listen to the pupils read or help in the garden or with other school activities. I would like to thank the PTA for all their fundraising efforts through the year, without this we would not be able to buy much needed resources for the school.

Ysgol Pentrecelyn is a community and I look forward to continuing to work together in whatever the new normal is to ensure the best possible provision for our children. If anyone has any questions regarding the work of the Governing Body please contact me through the school.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the last 6 year whilst I have held the position of Chairperson. It has not been without its challenges, the main achievement being the decision to keep the school open. We now need to collectively look to the future and promote our small Welsh school, with its small class sizes and homely feel,

Yours Sincerely Sarah Wynne, Chair of Governors



Enw Rôl Diwedd Cyfnod Llywodraethol Name Role End of Governor Period Sarah Wynne Cadeirydd/Chair – Rhiant/Parent 04/2021 Tŷ Newydd Llanfair DC Rhuthun

Glenda Jones Is-gadeirydd/Vice Chair – 01/2021 Rhiant/Parent Gareth Powell ALl / LEA 02/2022 Sion ap Mihangel ALl / LEA 10/2023 Osian Owen Cymunedol/Community 11/2023 Llyr Huws Gruffydd Rhiant/Parent 04/2021 Jane Jones Cymunedol/Community 03/2021 Carys Parry Cymunedol/Community 05/2022 Jan Wilson-Jones Athrawes/Teacher 09/2022 Sue Owen Staff 09/2022 Andrew Evans Pennaeth/Headteacher - Tanwen Lewis-Jones Clerc Cyflenwol/Supply Clerk -

Cyfrifoldebau/Responsibilities Rhifedd/Numeracy – Glenda Jones Llythrennedd a Siarter Iaith/Literacy and Language Charter– Llyr Huws Gruffydd Gwyddoniaeth/Science – Sarah Wynne Amddiffyn Plant/Child Protection – Sarah Wynne ADY / MATh - ALN/MAT– Carys Parry Fframwaith Cymhwysedd Digidol/Digital Competency Skills – Jan Wilson-Jones

Fe allech chi gysylltu â Chadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr trwy’r ysgol. You may contact the Governors’ Chairperson through the school.

Treuliau Llywodraethwyr/Governors’ Allowances

Ni chafwyd cais am gostau teithio na chostau eraill gan y llywodraethwyr eleni. No application was made this year for traveling allowance or costs by the governors during the year.

Datganiad Ariannol 2019-2020/Financial Statement 2019 – 2020 Ar gais On request

CYFLWYNIAD/ INTRODUCTION : Pwrpas yr adroddiad hwn yw i amlinellu ichwi y prif faterion a drafodwyd gan y Corff Llywodraethol yn ystod y flwyddyn Medi 2019- Gorff 2020. The purpose of this report is to outline the main issues discussed in our Governors’ meetings September 2019- July 2020.

CYFARFODYDD Y CORFF LLYWODRAETHOL / GOVERNING BODY MEETINGS : Bu i’r Llywodraethwyr gyfarfod ar y dyddiadau isod :- The Governing Body conducted meetings on the dates as shown below:-

Cyfarfodydd Llawn 19/9/19– Cyfarfod Blynyddol/Annual meeting Full Governors’ meetings 14/11/19 5/3/20 24/6, 8/7/20 (Rhithiol/Virtual)

Cyllid Gwiriadau bob tymor – 7/11/19, 27/2/20 Finance - termly financial checks) Adolygiad statudol o gyflogau staff/ statutory review of staff performance and salaries Adolygiad statudol o berfformiad y Pennaeth/ statutory review of Head’s Performance Adrodd Cyllidol i’r Corff Llawn bob tymor Finance Report presented to Full Governors every term Cwriwcwlwm O leiaf 1 cyfarfod bob tymor- ffocws eleni ar safonau/proffiliau diwedd Curriculum CS a CA2; derbyn cyflwyniadau gan staff ar gynllunio/ dilyniant ayb; CS- datblygu’r ardaloedd dysgu (Dyddiadau uchod) At least 1 meeting per term focusing on the school’s priorities (SIP) the end of FPh and KS2 standards/pupil profiles, Govs received reports from staff on planning/evaluations etc; FPh- targeting the ‘learning areas’ (Dates as above)

Is –bwyllgorau eraill / Staffio/ Cynnal a Chadw ac ati- yn dymhorol 4/5/20 Other sub-committee Termly-feeding back to the FullGovernors. meetings [Staffing; Performance Management; H&S/Fire Audits; Repair & maintenance; (Dyddiadau uchod/dates as above)

Diolch i BOB aelod o’r staff am eu hymroddiad – Hoffem ddiolch yn arbennig hefyd i’r staff sy’n rhoi eu hamser personol yn flynyddol pan ar gyrsiau preswyl, (sy’n cynnig cwricwlwm ehangach i’n disgyblion)/cystadlu mewn eisteddfodau/gemau ayb.

Mae disgyblion Pentrecelyn yn trosglwyddo i Frynhyfryd. Mae gennym fel ysgol berthynas weithio dda iawn gyda’r ysgol uwchradd yma. MAE YSGOL PENTRECELYN YN YSGOL CYFRWNG CYMRAEG (CATEGORI 1) - AC FEL LLYWODRAETHWYR RYDYM YN CEFNOGI ADDYSG UWCHRADD FFRWD CYMRAEG HEFYD.

The Governors wish to thank ALL staff for their continuing commitment to their work at Pentrecelyn- we have enjoyed and benefitted from your curricular presentations to our sub-committees this year. The Governors especially wish to thank all the staff who willingly give of their personal time to support overnight educational placements, eisteddfod competitions and team competitions etc- for the benefit of our pupils.

Ysgol Pentrecelyn pupils continue their education at BRYNHYFRYD, where we have close working relations. YSGOL PENTRECELYN IS A WELSH MEDIUM CATEGORY 1 SCHOOL AND WE SUPPORT WELSH STREAM SECONDARY EDUCATION ALSO.


Derbyniodd y LLywodraethwyr adroddiadau cyson drwy’r flwyddyn gan y Pennaeth ynglyn â Datblygiad Cynllun Blaenoriaethau’r ysgol a’r Hunan Werthuso cyson sy’n rhan o’r broses gylchdro hon. Dyma grynodeb o’r CDY ar gyfer 2019-2020.

The Headteacher gave regular accounts to the Governing Body throughout the year on the School Development Plan and School Self Evaluation that is tied to this planning circle. This is the synopsis for 2019-2020. Cyn Cyfnod Clo - Cofid-19 Pre Covid 19 Lockdown

 Ehangu profiadau a chyrhaeddiad dysgwyr CA2 mewn sgiliau rhif gweithdrefnol Mathemategol. Enhance the experiences and achievements of KS2 pupils in procedural number skills  Datblygu profiadau mwy penodol o reoli, animeiddio a chynhyrchu yn y CS a CA2. e.e. ffilm, clipiau fideo Develop more consistent and specific experiences of control, animation and digital creation  Hyrwyddo e-ddiogelwch – cyflwyniad i’r ysgol a’r gymuned gan Mr Henry Platten defnyddio Go bubble a datblygu e-cadetiaid Promote E-safety - led by pupils

Eleni cafwyd nifer o sesiynau HMS datblygu Cymhwysedd Digidol yn ôl fframwaith Donaldson- ar gyfer staff a disgyblion : During this past year-the staff and pupils have undertaken numerous Training Sessions in Digital Learning

Yn ogystal a hyn/ in addition to this –

 Cynllunio themau, profiadau a chyfleon yn ymateb i ofynion Cwricwlwm i Gymru - Cwestiynau mawr yn benodol Planning for the new Curriculum for

 Cyd-weithio gyda Kathy Schofield (PSTT) i ddatblygu ardal yr ardd yn ardal ddysgu Working in partnership with Kathy Schofield (PSTT) to develop the garden as an area of learning

 Ehangu ar y profiadau Darllen Cilyddol a chyswllt cartref/cymuned-ysgol darllen Enhance reading experiences and create a community reading hub in the school hall

 Datblygu amrywiaeth o genres ysgrifennu (Modelu a chyfleon amrywiol) Develop more variety of writing experiences

 Datblygu partneriaeth gyda Choleg Llysfasi Develop our partnership with Llysfasi College/Coleg Cambria

Mae ein disgyblion hefyd yn datblygu fel Arweinwyr drwy Our pupils are also being developed to take Leadership Roles through:-  Ffrindiau Ffreutur/ Lunchtime monitors  Cabinet: Llais y Dysgwyr- Learner’s Voice cabinet  Criw Menter, Busnes a chyllid/ The ‘Business’ and finance team  Gwyddonwyr Gwych/Super Scientisits  Arweinwyr Chwarae/Play Leaders

LLWYDDIANNAU’R YSGOL ELENI / SCHOOL SUCCESS Mae’r Llywodraethwyr yn falch o allu nodi’r canlynol- ac yn diolch i’r staff am eu gallu a’u hymroddiad. Governors are proud to share the success of our school with parents- and thank our staff for their ability/ creativity and commitment:-

Grwp Canu - URDD Grwp Gymnasteg Group - URDD Grwp Dawnsio Disgo Group - URDD Grwp Dawnsio Gwerin Group – URDD Tim Rygbi – Rugby team Tim Pêl-droed – Football team Tim nofio – Swimming team Ymgom

CYNHWYSIANT: Anghenion Dysgu ychwanegol (ADY) & Mwy Abl a Thalentog (MATh) INCLUSION: Additional Learning Needs (ALN) & More Able and Talented (MAT)

Mae’r Llywodraethwyr yn sicrhau ychwanegiad cyllid i adran ADY yr ysgol i gefnogi’r gwaith pwysig yma. Mae gennym dîm o staff sy’n cefnogi gwahanol agweddau o ADY o fewn yr wythnos.

As a Governing Body- we plan through our main school budget-due to the needs of pupils and to the expert support sessions than can be delivered by our team of dedicated staff.


 Trafod a deall E-Ddiogelwch / Discuss and understand E-Safety

 Rhoddion (wedi ymgyrchoedd gan y CY: donations following the School Cabinet’s efforts-

Tymor yr Hydref 2019 Autumn Term Macmillan Plant Mewn Angen : Children in Need Achub y Plant: Save the Children Rudolph run – Nightingale House

Diolch i’r GRhFfA am eu cefnogaeth cyson Thanks to the PTFA for their constant support to the school



Gwiriad Blynyddol ar ein offer Addysg Gorfforol (I&D)/Safety (yearly) checks on all PE equipment P.A.T. testing (gwirio offer trydanol) HSL: gwirio’r dwr yn fisol/ monthly water checks

Hyfforddiant Diogelwch Bwyd –staff- Food Safety training – 09/19

Gosod llawr newydd yn y Neuadd – New floor in the school Hall Gosod arwyddion siarter iaith o gwmpas y buarth – New language charter boards and signs around the school yard Gosod llythrennau enw’r ysgol ar y ffens – School name in letters on the fence

Diogelwch Tân/FIRE SAFETY Systemau a offer yn cael eu gwirio’n gyson (gweler llyfr log yr ysgol) Fire safety checks carried out regularly.

Dilyn cynllun asesiad risg - follow risk assessment plan:

LOCKDOWN in an emergency: Angen Canllawiau a chynllun mewn lle; guidelines to be drawn and a plan in place – HYDREF 2020 AUTUMN

TGCh / ICT Awdit o’n offer: ein Cynlluniau wedi eu haddasu at hybu’r Cymhwyster Digidol- a bod yn barod at y profion cenedlaethol ar-lein. Audit of resources: We have also adapted our Curricular Planning to focus on developing DIGITAL skills and digital computation across the areas of learning & for our learners to be ready for the WG national testing ‘on-line’

Gwefan ac AP newydd yr ysgol yn cael defnydd helaeth gan y gymuned yn ogystal a trydar dyddiol/wythnosol; PENTRECELYN’s new website and APP regularly visited and used by our school community and also twitter updates (daily/weekly), school trips information etc.


Rhoddwyd adborth rheolaidd o’r sefyllfa ariannol i’r Llywodraethwyr ym mhob cyfarfod Llywodraethol. Termly finance checks, and forward information to the Full Governing Body.


Bwyd/Diod Iach: Mae polisi ‘Yfed dŵr’ ar gyfer yr ysgol gyfan – byddwn yn annog disgyblion y Cyfnod Sylfaen i yfed dŵr yn ystod y dydd (yn ogystal a derbyn llaeth Llywodraeth Cymru). Ym mlwyddyn 3 bydd POB disgybl yn derbyn potel Ysgol PENTRECELYN er mwyn cefnogi a hybu yfed dŵr yn ystod y dydd. Gweler: Polisi dŵr yfed – Rydym yn darparu byrbryd iach ym mhob dosbarth ac yn annog pob plentyn i dderbyn byrbryd sydd yn dilyn argymhellion y Llywodraeth ‘Blas am Oes’. Mae amgylchedd yr ysgol yn rhoi cyfleon i’r disgyblion dyfu a defnyddio llysiau, casglu dŵr ac ailgylchu.

Healthy Food/Drink : We have a ‘Drinking water’ policy for the whole school – where the Foundation Phase pupils are encouraged to drink water during the day (alongside Welsh Government Milk) and in Year 3 ALL pupils are given an Ysgol PENTRECELYN Water Bottle to support regular drinking of water throughout the day. RE: Drinking Water Policy - Healthy snacks are provided in all classes following the ‘Appetite for Life’ Government Guidance and all pupils are encouraged to participate. The school environment enables pupils to grow and use vegetables, collect water and recycle.

Clybiau ar ôl Ysgol 2019-2020; After School Clubs

Clwb Canu – Singing Club


Dyma ond ychydig o weithgareddu diddorol sydd wedi hybu y dysgu eleni: This is only a taste of some of the activities that have enhanced the learning this year:

Ffermfeisio/Farminvention – p’nawn agored/open afternoon Gala nofio – Swimming Gala E-Ddiogelwch gyda Henry Platten – E-Safety with Henry Platten Bore agored Tocyn Aur – Golden ticket open morning Eisteddfod Ysgol – School Eisteddfod Diwrnod 60au – 60s Theme day Ymweliad ag amgueddfa Beatles yn Lerpwl – Visit to the Beatles Museum in Liverpool Noson rieni - Parents evening Clwb Cymunedol – neuadd yr ysgol – cyfnod sylfaen – darllen, sgwrsio a chwarae gemau – yn y Gymraeg Community Club – school hall – foundation phase pupils reading, talking and playing games in Welsh Gweithdai Digidol – Digitial workshops Gweithdai Celf- Art workshops Pandemonium Theatre Company – The Tales of Wales Panto yn y Stiwt – Pantomime in the Stiwt Gweithdai Gwyddoniaeth -Science workshops Gweithdai cyllidol – Financial workshops Ymweliad PC Llinos Visits Gweithdai Childline Workshop Gweithdai Cerdd – offerynnau – Music workshop – Denbighshire music service Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch – Thanksgiving Service Ymweliad a Danger Point – Visit to Danger Point Gwyl Gyhoeddi Urdd Ffair Dolig – Christmas Fair Cyngerdd Nadolig – Christmas Concert Ymweliad Caerdydd – visit Cogurdd Ymweliad a’r Llyfrgell – visit to Rhuthun Library

Presenoldeb/Attendance 2018/2019

Blwyddyn Presenoldeb % Year Attendance Derbyn 94.92% Blwyddyn 1 96.5% Blwyddyn 2 95.7% Blwyddyn 3 97.2% Blwyddyn 4 98.9% Blwyddyn 5 97.1% Blwyddyn 6 96.2% Ysgol Gyfan/Whole School 96.7%

Blwyddyn Academaidd 2020-2021 2020-2021 Academic Year

Hydref 2020-21 Autumn

Dechrau’r Tymor 01/09/20 Term start

Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd 1/09/20 Staff training 2/09/20 day

Cau Hanner Tymor 23/10/20 Half Term Close

Agor Hanner Tymor 02/11/20 Half Term Open

Diwedd Tymor 18/12/20 End of Term

Gwanwyn 2020-21 Spring

Dechrau’r Tymor 04/01/21 Term start

Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd 04/01/21 Staff training 05/01/21 day

Cau Hanner Tymor 12/02/21 Half Term Close

Agor Hanner Tymor 22/02/21 Half Term Open

Diwedd Tymor 26/03/21 End of Term

Hâf 2020-21 Summer

Dechrau’r Tymor 12/04/21 Term start

Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd 12/04/21 Staff training day

Dydd Gwyl Fai 03/05/21 May Day

Cau Hanner Tymor 28/05/21 Half Term Close

Agor Hanner Tymor 07/06/21 Half Term Open

Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd 20/07/21 Staff training day

Diwedd Tymor 20/07/21 End of Term