The Digital Tourist

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The Digital Tourist ABSTRACT In this thesis, we were interested in exploring, investigating, and understanding the digital tourists, how technology may impact DMOs and what could be done to strategically place emphasis towards the digital era and the tourists that embark said era. To achieve this, our thesis worked around Destination Djursland, and how they, through their strategic propositions and statements, operationalised with said themes. The thesis entails a theoretical framework with a review of the literature covering central concepts and details of: consumer behaviour, technology in tourism and strategic planning. Together with the DMOs strategies from 2012-2015 and 2016-2018, these provided guidance for the data collection method utilised in the thesis. The data collection was conducted using several methods. We conducted an in-depth interview with tourism director at Destination Djursland, Flemming Rasmussen to acquire details into DEDJ’s strategies and how they looked upon different matters, also referred to as the thesis’ qualitative research. Said preliminary data supported the construction of a self-completion questionnaire presented to digital tourists through online forums. Here, 115 respondents became the foundation for the findings constructed through said quantitative research. The data retrieved from the interview was analysed through a thematic analysis, which was comparatively based on the literature review of the said themes mentioned above. From this analysis, we found that DEDJ understand the importance of digital advances, however, also recognise some of its limitations, which one should take into consideration. Moreover, Flemming Rasmussen and the strategic propositions do not mention an explicit emphasis towards the digital tourists, however, on another side the DMO understand strategic planning, but become questionable in terms of the planning-part of the management tool. Furthermore, their sense in co-operating and creating a mentality that embodies collaborations is of high priority at the destination. This made it possible to extract relevant data that we could utilise in the second part of the analyses. Here, the tourists’ perceptions towards digital behaviour, their expectations of the destination, as well as the respondents’ general opinions of Djursland have been investigated. The relation between the strategies and Flemming Rasmussen’s statement & the tourists’ responses presented four gaps, which has been characterised, analysed and discussed; 1) the desire to share opinions vs. the lack hereof, 2) perceived and expected service quality from tourist vs. perceived and expected I quality from Destination Djursland, 3) lack of product development vs. the wish hereof, and 4) the optimal number of available beds vs. the actual number of available beds, respectively. Focusing on said gaps, thus trying to mend these, a greater emphasis could be placed on the digital tourist. Imperative to recognise, the findings constructed of this research are only truly valid for the respondents and the interviewee involved, nonetheless, the study’s research could be used to guide, inspire and question future research within the same themes, which potentially could help to elaborate and understand the digital tourist, the integration of technology and how strategic planning is important. II ABBREVIATIONS This scheme gives an overview of the abbreviations utilised in the thesis. Words Abbreviations Destination Djursland DEDJ Destination management organisation DMO Destination management system DMS Electronic tourism e-tourism and eTourism Electronic word-of-mouth eWOM English Tourism Network Automation ETNA Flemming Rasmussen FR Information communication technologies ICTs Information technologies ITs Internet technologies ITECHs Means-end chain MEC National tourism organisation NTO Small – and medium-sized tourism enterprises SMTEs Strategy-as-practice SAP Strategic masterplan 1 SMP1 Strategic masterplan 2 SMP2 Word-of-mouth WOM Throughout the thesis, DEDJ is written in plural III TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Exploratory sequential mixed methods design ................................................................ 15 Figure 2: Communication and information needs in the three stages of tourism . ......................... 34 Figure 3: Categorisation of strategy 1 ........................................................................................... 46 Figure 4: Mapping the landscape of strategic planning ................................................................ 56 Figure 5: Mintzberg's 10 strategic schools ....................................................................................... 59 Figure 7: Question 2 ......................................................................................................................... 84 Figure 6: Question 1 ......................................................................................................................... 84 Figure 8: Question 3 ......................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 9: Question 4 ......................................................................................................................... 89 Figure 10: Question 5 ....................................................................................................................... 90 Figure 11: Question 6 ....................................................................................................................... 91 Figure 12: Question 7 ....................................................................................................................... 92 Figure 13: Question 8 ....................................................................................................................... 92 Figure 14: Question 9 ....................................................................................................................... 94 Figure 15: Question 10 ..................................................................................................................... 98 Figure 16: Question 11 ................................................................................................................... 100 Figure 17: Question 12 ................................................................................................................... 102 Figure 18: Question 13 ................................................................................................................... 103 Figure 19: Question 14 ................................................................................................................... 103 IV TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................... I ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ III TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... IV 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. DESTINATION DJURSLAND ....................................................................................................... 6 1.2. PROBLEM FORMULATION ......................................................................................................... 8 2. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 10 2.1. REFLECTIONS ON PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE ...................................................................... 10 2.2. RESEARCH DESIGN .................................................................................................................... 12 2.3. DATA COLLECTION METHODS ............................................................................................... 16 2.3.1. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH .................................................................................................. 16 2.3.2. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ............................................................................................... 18 2.4. REFLECTIONS ON THESIS ........................................................................................................ 21 3. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 24 3.1. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR ......................................................................................................... 24 3.1.1. THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS .................................................................................. 24 3.1.2. VALUES ................................................................................................................................. 26 3.1.3. MOTIVATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 27 3.1.4. EXPECTATIONS ................................................................................................................... 28 3.1.5. ATTITUDES ........................................................................................................................... 30 3.1.6. SELF-CONCEPT AND PERSONALITY ...............................................................................
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