Journal of Applied Communications

Volume 96 | Issue 2 Article 4

Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars Corey Duysen

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Recommended Citation Duysen, Corey (2012) "Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars," Journal of Applied Communications: Vol. 96: Iss. 2.

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Abstract Book Review: Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars by Mitch Meyerson.

Keywords Success, Social Media, Marketing, Superstars

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This review is available in Journal of Applied Communications: Published byNewPrairiePress, 2017 Book Review and where. producing for content isdiscussedingreatThe 70-20-10rule detail. percent is Seventy ages aspectsofsocialmedia” all (p. 4). oraFacebook aGooglestrategy. oreven strategy strategy You- thatlever needarelationshipstrategy company isperceived online. Meyerson writes, today’s“In world, virtual you don’t needa on buildingrelationshipsThe beginningsectionheavily focuses online, andhow anindividualor media, andtoolstohelpone usesocialmediaeffectively. provides in the book a chapter onEach expert different social media types, using social for strategies inrecent itisanaspectthathasemerged only mediabecause the book. books on several onlineMeyerson marketing; has written however, none have emphasized or organization. individuals tomanage thesetoolsandgives suggestions selectingthebestoneyour for business another tool. Additional Information Publisher Author Book Title Marketing Superstars Success Secrets oftheSocialMedia With so many platforms ofsocialmedia, somany platforms With difficult what topostonline todetermine itisoften The book isdividedintotwo parts: andprinciples, 1)strategies andwebsites. and2)applications fields, invaried Meyerson inexperts brings toshare howusedsocialmediasuccessfully. they Author Meyerson Mitch with uses social his media ownand marketing experiences throughout theSocial of MediaMarketingSuccess Secrets Superstars presents professionals guidelinesfor and socialmediatoolsemergeEach dayandpeoplewonder yet itseemsnew learn howwill they 335 pages, $21.95, paperback, ISBN978-1599183770 Entrepreneur Press, 2445McCabe Way, 400, Suite Irvine, CA 92614 MeyersonMitch MediaMarketing Superstars oftheSocial Secrets Success Duysen: SuccessSecretsoftheSocialMediaMarketingSuperstars Journal ofApplied Communications, Volume96, No.2• 14 Corey Ann Duysen Corey Ann 1 DOI: 10.4148/1051-0834.1143 Book Review multiple together, platforms increases which readership and searchability. optimizing thesocialmedia page orwebsite. Additionally, Meyerson suggests toincorporate ways other platforms. on.and whattofocus Topics blogs, include , Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, podcasting, and Meyerson writes. The peoplewhowinhave and uniquetosay something andoutwork worthwhile others” (p. 71), a blog, targeting finely your ads, markets. andcontinuing tosearchnew for are noshortcuts.“There andpost camera YouTubesites astools. aFlip buying toolsincluded for Suggestions , creating growsocial mediaandhow thatcan your business. socialmediaweb- The authordiscusses viewing platforms. to passaround content, share withfriends, andcontinue spreading theword on more socialmedia watch, listento, interactwith, andconsume information. Great contentencourageyour will readers Audiences first wantsomethingcan understand. they Goodcontent makepeoplewant to read, will media. The authorpointsoutthatengagingyour target audienceistheultimategoal ofsocialmedia. sential tocreate content peoplecareabout. The authorconsiders thistobethecornerstoneofsocial media occurrences thatare essentialtoyour success. Facebook to ate aschedule social media marketing calendar updates, blog posts, and any other social goals andobjectives upfront, your before site. starting even Following thedevelopment ofgoals, cre- before aregestions improvingpresented, for quality assendingsocialmediasitestoothersget such their ofquality,portance notquantity, ofyour sitesandcontent. sug- at the beginningofbook several do thetalking. company relationships. than to let someone else your He shared ownthat it is better to write story conversationencouraging allowsthecreator tocomment andengage withreaders, improves which to become more transparent. Meyerson suggests forgettingthejargon andjustbeingreal. Actively tion. readers a glimpse into your allows them to getlife to know you of your and become a part conversa- ofhisfamily. andcommentedviewed postswere aboutapersonal story Hesuggestes thatgiving a glimpseintoyour life” and “start conversations.” juicy The authorpointsoutthatsome ofhismost writes. relationships. time” ourbest and give 110percent every It’s whatpushesustotry (p. 12), Meyerson online builds relationships andstrengthens accountability. “Accountability doesn’t justbuildbetter job ofprovidingsituations. suggestions dealingwithcrisis for thatbeingtransparentThe authorsays get toknow you. helpful content, 20percent content, is original and10percent is you beingyou, letting your audience Meyerson does a good job at not only identifying when to use which platform,Meyerson whentousewhich identifying doesagood jobatnotonly buttipsfor The second section ofthebook media platforms, goes in-depthintoseveral how tousethem, ofhow toget amassive numberoffollowers with ofthebookOne chapter provides anoverview agrowing numberoftopicstodiscusson socialmediawebsites,With Meyerson itises- says The book goes more aboutyour in-depthaboutbeingstrategic socialmediaplan. Identifyyour dealswithmarketing, medianow constantly Social stresses theim- andtheauthorcontinually Allowing readers ofsocial mediatoget toknow theauthorallowsandcompany usingsocial media including tocommunicate effectively “give keys The authorprovides several to amplify situations in record media has the ability Social time, and the book does a thorough Journal ofAppliedCommunications,Vol.96,Iss.2[2012],Art.4 Journal ofApplied Communications, Volume96, No.2• 15 2 Published byNewPrairiePress, 2017 Book Review from Texas TechUniversity. in 2010 and her master’s University from State Oklahoma communications in 2011 in agricultural at cation Texas Tech University. Corey received herbachelor’s communications degree inagricultural the Author About you arefor andhowplatforms right tomanage andeffectively. socialmediaefficiently personalabusiness.whether itisfor useor socialmedia The bookwhich ishelpfulinstrategizing success online. in social media. participates actively The book covers asmuch personal about business asitdoesfor from conducting socialmediainanhouraday. The book, however, benefit would really anyone who Social MediaMarketing Superstars. use the tools provided businessesandtake can away a lot Small Calendarand Integrated To-Do List, : Lifestreaming Made Simple, andBuzzStreamthan. listen, respond, andparticipate. Lastly, power theauthorhighlightsseveral tools, Gmail’s including knowing your effective communication. socialmedia goalsallowfor will To save themosttime, to have a strong online presence.sary The bookthat having strong says anda to-do list, focus and tosocialmedia; acompanyeasy for specifically tohave ateamdedicated however, thatisnotneces- The last chapter ofthebookThe lastchapter isone ofthemosthelpful: MediainOneHouraDay. Social Itis Corey Ann Duysen is currently working iscurrently on herPh.Corey Ann Duysen D. communications and edu- inagricultural Overall, thebook isagreat read anyone for interested abrand, inusingsocialmediatodevelop There isabroad rangeofpeoplewho would benefit greatly from readingthe of SuccessSecrets Duysen: SuccessSecretsoftheSocialMediaMarketingSuperstars Journal ofApplied Communications, Volume96, No.2• 16 3