E704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 22, 2018 GUN VIOLENCE There exists a culture of violence in Amer- This loophole allows felons, domestic abus- ica; a subculture that with today’s techno- ers, and those prohibited because of mental HON. logically advanced weaponry is far more dan- illness to easily bypass the criminal back- OF TEXAS gerous to public safety than ever before. ground check system and buy firearms at gun IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At no point in our nation’s history has a sin- shows, through private sellers, over the inter- gle human been more capable of inflicting net or out of the trunks of cars. Monday, May 21, 2018 massive death and misery, and our society is Strengthen the National Instant Criminal Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to producing more individuals who seek to em- Background Check System (NICS) database join my Congressional Black Caucus Col- ploy such means to carry out their ill inten- to ensure it is up to date by requiring federal leagues to speak forcefully for this Congress tions. and state agencies to transfer important to listen to the children of this nation who are Far too often, the tool of choice for would- records to the database expeditiously since crying out to us for help asking that we save be killers are military-style assault weapons without the information, the reliability of a them from gun violence. with high-capacity magazines. background check is questionable. On Friday, May 18, 2018, the community of Every day, on average, 92 Americans are Pass legislation aimed specifically at crack- Santa Fe, Texas joined Parkland, Florida—as victims of gun violence, resulting in more than ing down on illegal gun trafficking and straw- the place where gun violence took the lives of 33,000 deaths annually. purchasing which often puts guns in the hands children and teachers who were at school. In raising this issue, we recognize and re- of people who are prohibited from having Our hearts still ache with sadness and dis- spect other cultures that exist in America; law- them. belief for the families and loved ones of the 8 abiding citizens who are responsible in their Straw-purchasing is when a prohibited buyer students and 2 teachers who were sons and ownership of firearms. has someone with no criminal history walk into daughters, brothers and sisters, wives and Many of these citizens are responsible with a gun store, pass a background check and mother, who lost their lives in this senseless, respect to the lethal capacity of their firearms, purchase a gun with the purpose of giving it horrific act of domestic terrorism. opting not to obtain assault weapons or to to the prohibited buyer. Enough is enough. equip assault weapons with 30, so, 75, or Restore funding for public safety and law It is safe to say that America is sick and 100–round magazines. enforcement initiatives aimed at reducing gun tired of being sick and tired of gun violence. Here is what I think the Congress can and violence. Congress has studied the issue of gun vio- must do to reduce gun violence without Congress should fund law enforcement’s ef- lence and we know the answers to reducing abridging the Second Amendment rights of forts to reduce gun violence, while supporting deaths and injuries, but what we lack is the law-abiding Americans. federal research into causes of gun violence. There is no reason the Centers for Disease will in this body to act. Extend the waiting period to purchase or Here are the top 6 actions the President transfer dangerous weapons like the AR–15 Control (CDC) or the National Institute of and the Congress can and must take now to pending completion of background checks to 7 Health (NIH) should be prohibited from re- protect our communities: days. searching the causes of gun violence. That is why I have co-sponsored H.R. 1832, Require universal background checks to That is why I have introduced H.R. 4268, legislation that authorizes the appropriation of keep guns out of dangerous hands; the ‘‘Gun Safety, Not Sorry Act.’’ funds to the Centers for Disease Control and Extend the waiting period to purchase or Raise the minimum age to purchase or Prevention for conducting or supporting re- transfer dangerous weapons like the AR–15 transfer dangerous weapons like the AR–15, search on firearms safety or gun violence pre- pending completion of background checks to 7 high-capacity magazines, ammunitions, and si- lencers from 18 to 21 years of age. vention. days; I have also co-sponsored H.R. 1478, the Raise the minimum age to purchase or That is why I have introduced H.R. 5088, Gun Violence Research Act, which repeals the transfer dangerous weapons like the AR–15, the ‘‘No Mass Atrocities with Guns Act’’ (‘No provision that in practice prohibits the Depart- high-capacity magazines, ammunitions, and si- MAGA Act’). ment of Health and Human Services from lencers from 18 to 21 years of age; Reinstate and strengthen the federal ban on sponsoring research on gun violence. assault weapons. Ban military-style assault weapons; And there is no reason for the restrictions I am an original co-sponsor of H.R. 3947, Limit high-capacity magazines; and federal law places on our law enforcement of- legislation that will reinstates the assault Increase access to mental health services. ficers’ ability to track and combat the spread Provide the tools that gun owners need to weapons ban that has been introduced by my of illegal guns. maintain control over legally obtained. colleague, Congressman DAVID CICILLINE of Close the holes in our mental-health system We can take action without infringing on the . and make sure that care is available for those 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. Reinstate a federal ban on bump stocks and who need it. We need to make it harder for criminals to high-capacity magazines holding more than Congress must improve prevention, early obtain guns by strengthening the background ten rounds and allowing a shooter to inflict intervention, and treatment of mental illness check system. mass damage in a short period of time without while working to eliminate the stigma associ- We need to ensure that mental health pro- reloading will save lives. ated with mental illness. fessionals know their options for reporting I will soon be introducing the ‘‘Stop Abuse, Access to mental health services should be threats of violence—even as we acknowledge Violence, and Ending Lives Act of 2018,’’ leg- improved, the shortage of mental health pro- that someone with a mental illness is far more islation to ban the sale and possession of fessionals should be addressed, and funding likely to be the victim of a violent crime than bump stocks. should be made available for those programs the perpetrator. Require a background check for every gun that have proven to be effective. We must also make safe gun storage a pri- sale, while respecting reasonable exceptions That is why I have co-sponsored H.R. 1982, ority. for cases such as gifts between family mem- the ‘‘Mental Health Access and Gun Violence As the founder and Co-Chair of the Con- bers and temporary loans for sporting pur- Prevention Act,’’ legislation that authorizes the gressional Children’s Caucus, a senior Mem- poses. Department of Justice, the Department of ber of the Judiciary Committee, and the Rank- I am an original co-sponsor of H.R. 4240, Health and Human Services, and the Social ing Member of the Judiciary Subcommittee on the ‘‘Public Safety and Second Amendment Security Administration to: (1) increase access Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, I Rights Protection Act of 2017,’’ legislation that to mental health care treatment and services, have listened far too often to the testimony of requires universal background checks and and (2) promote reporting of mental health in- individuals who have survived tragedies or lost closes the gun show loophole that has been formation to the National Instant Criminal loved ones as a result of gun violence. introduced by my colleague, Congressman Background Check System. In the words of President Obama after the MIKE THOMPSON of California. Help local communities get unwanted and il- 2013 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, It is estimated that four out of ten gun buy- legal guns out of the hands of those who ‘‘We’re going to have to come together and ers do not go through a background check should not have them. take meaningful action to prevent more trage- when purchasing a firearm because federal Congress should help support and develop dies like this, regardless of the politics.’’ law only requires these checks when someone local programs that get unwanted guns off our While it is certainly true that violent crime buys a gun from a federally licensed dealer. streets, such as gun buy-back programs that and homicide rates in this country have been That would be like allowing four out of ten proved so effective in Australia. declining in recent years, they are still far people to choose if they would like to go Finally, we must address our culture’s glori- above those in other industrialized nations. through airport security. fication of violence seen and heard through

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 May 23, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22MY8.001 E22MYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REMARKS May 22, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E705 our movie screens, television shows, music tween 60,000 and 100,000 individuals have Police Department for being named the vil- and video games. disappeared since 1980. lage’s Top Cop of 2018. The Oak Lawn Lion’s Congress should fund scientific research on The victims included human rights workers, Club bestows this award on a distinguished the relationship between popular culture and those providing humanitarian assistance, jour- member of the force after being nominated by gun violence, while ensuring that parents have nalists, critics of the government, community his or her peers and selected by a committee access to the information they need to make leaders, and many others. Abductions and en- of police department leaders. informed decisions about what their families forced disappearances have been perpetrated Officer Haran serves the Oak Lawn commu- watch, listen to, and play. by state and non-state actors. nity as one of the city’s K–9 Officers alongside Here is what I think neither the President, The Tamil people have been disproportion- his partner Edo, a Belgian Malinois from the the Congress, nor state and local govern- ately impacted by these crimes, and their fam- Czech Republic. Together, they have worked ments should not do to reduce gun violence. ilies deserve to know the truth. All of the fami- extensively with the Drug Enforcement Agency We Should Not Arm Teachers because they lies deserve closure. and have brought numerous criminals to jus- are not trained to handle weapons; this is not Despite some action, the Sri Lankan gov- tice. Over the years, the expansion of Oak what they signed up for. ernment has still made limited progress and Lawn’s law enforcement agency has brought We Must Not Surrender to NRA even more needs to be done. in the phenomenal men and women who now though the gun lobby has long enjoyed tre- f serve as the city’s first responders. Officer mendous influence over congressional Repub- IN RECOGNITION OF DR. ROBERT Haran is shining example of the Oak Lawn licans and some Democrats. AND MRS. RITA ROBBINS Police Department and the officers that serve Persons who live in fear of gun violence and the Village of Oak Lawn. mass shootings at schools, theaters, places of I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring worship and work, and public spaces are not HON. Oak Lawn Police Officer Finbarr Haran. I con- afraid of the NRA. OF KENTUCKY gratulate him on his accomplishments and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES What they are afraid of is an AR–15 in the thank him for his service. hands of a mentally unstable person. Tuesday, May 22, 2018 f Americans are a can-do people; we do not Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to PERSONAL EXPLANATION bemoan our problems and accept terrible out- recognize Dr. Robert and Mrs. Rita Robbins, comes. who have dedicated their lives to caring for We act to solve them. Kentuckians as surgeon and surgical nurse, HON. We have made our cars and trucks and respectively, at Hardin Memorial Hospital. OF ILLINOIS roads safer and reduced traffic fatalities. Dr. and Mrs. Robbins met when they were IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We have virtually eradicated polio, small working together at Hardin Memorial Hospital, Tuesday, May 22, 2018 pox, and other debilitating and life-threatening and fittingly were married in the hospital’s diseases. chapel. They have become fixtures in the Har- Mr. KINZINGER. Mr. Speaker, I was unable We respond immediately to natural disasters din County community through their work at to be present for votes yesterday, May 21, caused by hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, the hospital and beyond. 2018, due to a delayed flight. Had I been floods, and man-made disasters caused by Dr. and Mrs. Robbins embody the definition present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call acts of terrorism. of servant leadership, and I am proud to honor No. 207; YEA on Roll Call No. 208; and YEA When it comes to reducing or preventing them. on Roll Call No. 209. gun violence, we must summon that same f f spirit of American resolve and know-how and get the job done. MELANIE ALLEN PERSONAL EXPLANATION We can do it; after all, we are Americans. ´ f HON. FRANCIS ROONEY HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ OF FLORIDA OF ILLINOIS PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, May 22, 2018 HON. ADRIAN SMITH Tuesday, May 22, 2018 Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. Mr. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- OF NEBRASKA Speaker, I rise today in honor of Melanie Allen IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES avoidably absent in the House chamber for and her recent recognition of being named the Roll Call votes 207, 208, and 209 on Monday, Tuesday, May 22, 2018 2018 Patriot League Scholar-Athlete of the May 21, 2018. Had I been present, I would Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, I was Year. Ms. Allen, an extraordinary tennis play- have voted Yea. er, is also a cadet at the United States Military unavoidably detained. Had I been present, I f would have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 208. Academy. Melanie recently finished the season in 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ES- f West Point’s No. 2 singles position where she TABLISHMENT OF THE AZER- SRI LANKAN REMEMBRANCE DAY had a record of 19–9 in singles matches and BAIJAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 21–3 in doubles matches, both of which boast HON. as single-season personal bests. Not only is HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Melanie an excellent athlete, but she also OF CALIFORNIA OF FLORIDA holds a 3.65 GPA as a Psychology major. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I congratulate Melanie Allen on her recent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, May 22, 2018 recognition for, and her dedication to, both Tuesday, May 22, 2018 Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in rec- athletics and academics. I look forward to Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ognition of the Day of Remembrance for Sri hearing of her successes in the armed forces congratulate the Republic of on the Lankan communities around the world. Re- and beyond in the years to come. 100th Anniversary of its independence, which membrance Day is generally observed on May f occurred on May 28, 1918. On the adoption of 18 or May 19, to remember and mark the sac- HONORING OFFICER FINBARR its Declaration of Independence, what was rifices made by all those who died, irrespec- HARAN ON BEING NAMED OAK then known as the Azerbaijan Democratic Re- tive of their ethnicity, in Sri Lanka’s civil war. LAWN’S TOP COP OF 2018 public, became the first secular parliamentary For many, who have family and loved ones democracy in the Muslim world. in Sri Lanka, there is still not closure, because HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI Since that time, Azerbaijan suffered an inva- those they lost are not accounted for. sion by the Bolsheviks which led to the estab- OF ILLINOIS The Sri Lankan government has acknowl- lishment of a Soviet government and ended IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES edged the receipt of at least 65,000 com- with the forced incorporation of Azerbaijan into plaints of such disappearances. Tuesday, May 22, 2018 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Independent assessments provided by the Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to (USSR). As the Soviet Union collapsed, the human rights community estimate that be- honor Officer Finbarr Haran of the Oak Lawn people of Azerbaijan readied themselves for

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