26 Cellar Hill, , , Telephone: 521672 or Sittingbourne 25352 All Building Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements

Tel: Teynham 521237 & Herne Bay 62261 Rainham G. A. Blythe & Son Antiques Ltd. High prices paid for furniture, china, silver, copper Motor Engineers -- and brassware, &ass painting, oddments, etc. Je- wellery in any condition. Do not sell anything over Vauxhall Main Dealers 40 years old before contacting us. A phone call or letter will bring prompt and free advice on single items or complete homes. NORTON GARAGE 295 HIGH ST., RAINHAM, KENT. Med. 31037 TEYNHAM & HERNE BAY

JOHN & BETTY MARTIN welcome villagers to both Ashford & Sittingbourne Lighting Centres 12 THE FORUM, SITTINGBOURNE (Tel: 21033) 32 HIGH STREET, ASHFORD (Tel: 22346) Gifts : Pottery : lighting

Weston Model Centre L. F. READ (Teynham) FAMILY BUTCHER

Largest Selection of Model Equipment for beginner and expert Best Quality Home Killed English Cars, Boats, Planes, R/C Gear and Meat Free Expert Advice Licensed Slaughterhouse 'Phone: Teynham 522020 * 42 LONDON ROAD, TEYNHAM 84-86 London Road, Teynham, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 9QH Tel: Teynham 521309 R. F. & L. M. KAYS THE NEWSLETTER OF ST.MARY NORTON, ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL, LYNSTED, AND ST. CATHARINE, KINGSDOWN BRISTOW DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS October M.P S. Newsagent 1979 Tobacconist The Greenstreet Pharmacy Confectioner TEYNHAM The Vicarage, Teynham 521371 Lynsted. Kent 28 LONDON ROAD, TEYNHAM Tel: Teynham 521322 Tel: Teynham 521224 We thought that this was going to be a large issue and events have proved us right. I think that this is the largest issue so far except for the Christmas number. Most of the increase THE SWAN is due to news of Lynsted's Fete but we hope 78 London Road, Telephone that other topics of interest have not been Teynham. Teynham 521218 forgotten.

COURAGE HOUSE This month sees the Harvest Festivals and we RESTAURANT SUPPER LICENCE TILL MIDNIGHT hope to see many of you in one or the other of YOUR HOSTS : OLIVE & BRIAN PARSONS the churches. This year we have arranged that the suppers and the services are together which is a very nice arrangement. We can rejoice together by eating a meal and we can thank God CHATTEL WICKS as near as possible at the same time. The two ANTIQUES aspects of the Christian Church are together - For . . . the worship of God and the fellowship of 90 London Road, Teynham Christian people. Full or part houses cleared. GROCERIES, BREAD & CAKES Single items purchased. God bless you all, Anything old or interesting. 89 London Road, Teynham Best Prices Paid Tel: Teynham 521349 HILL Tel: Teynham 522027 Any Time BILL A. SALES & SONS CAR AND BODY REPAIRS THE CELLAR Garage, TEYNHAM, Kent Tel: Teynham 521209 OFF LICENCE Newsagents : Tobacconists CAR ACCESSORIES Stationers : Confectioners Any make of Cycle supplied Paperbacks & Periodicals 137, London Road CAR HIRE Teynham 521672 HIGH PRESSURE GREASING LYNSTED FETE 1979 - continued who lent chairs & tables; to those who helped tc LYNSTED FETE 1979 erect & paint the stalls (Joseph would have been In spite of a not too promising weather forecast proud of one of themI); to those who helped run some 650 persons joined us on the school playing things on the day; to those who took things down, field on August Bank Holiday for Lynsted's fete. put things away & tidied up; to those who helped Fears that the weather might, at last let us down our new treasurer count the loot to those who were needless and it is now 17 years since rain gave things to win or sell; and to all our regular last fell on the proceedings - probably ever since customers,& to the many newcomers, who came and we started insuring against it spent their money so generously in these difficult times, we give our thanks. They will, we are sure, The Fete had more stalls 1 sideshows than most .of all be pleased to hear that their efforts resulted us could remember and a full programme of enter- in record "takings of £896.99. Frcm the balance tainment which included for the first time, Tony sheet published on the nest two pages you will see Hanscombe who not only kept the children very happy the profit for church funds amounted to £782.67. for a couple of periods during the afternoon but also managed to judge the painting competitions. The Last year we received a mild rebuke for not giving other items on the "bill" - young folk dancing, a the names of the various prize-winners. For the dog obedience demonstration 1 the young children's benefit of those who were not there when various sports - were all old favourites and once again winners were announced - here they are:- did not fail to keep the customers entertained. Raffles: CAKE - T: Baker; DOLL - John Olney; The colour-theme for this year - green & PICTURE - L. Clayton: BLANKET - Colin Bridge; was. well in evidence everywhere &. gave the Fete & PLANT-HOLDER - Jo Bones. its own character. The idea of a theme is certain- Hoopla: Richard Samson with a score of 29 ly one we could develop for future years. We enjoyed too, having our friends from Norton Village Roll-a-ball: David Hampshire with a score of 24 Hall on board - they ran their own stall & earned Skittles: Keith Langford with a score of 11. nearly £45 for the hall funds. Painting Competition: PAINTING A PICTURE - Cecilia The Fete seemed to get erected and dismantled much Robertson & Stephen Dale. easier than usual & seemed to be remarkably free COLOURING A PICTURE - Anthony Self, Simon Samson, from the normal minor crises. The arrival of two & William Robertson. would-be customers 75 minutes before we were ready to open was about the only thing that caught us As Keith Langford did not leave his address we off balance still have his prize. Perhaps if he gets to hear about it as a result of this piece in the News No function succeeds without a tremendous amount Letter, he will contact either the Vicar on Teyn- of work before, during & after & we are once again ham 521371 or David Bage on Teynham 521273. We very much indebted to all those involved - to those were also unable to award the prize to the holder who turned up at the meetings & helped decide what to do (especially those who joined us for the of the programme with the lucky number -82- as he or she was not present at the draw. If you have first time); to the organiser of the programmes & publicity; to the stall renovator-in-chief; to the programme with this number please ring one of the above telephone numbers, those who made themselves responsible for organis- ing various aspects of the entertainment; to those The results of the 100 Club draw made at the Fete who provided & drove their vehicles to fetch & re- are given elsewhere in the News Letter. turn, chairs, tables, stalls, games etc; to those


RECEIPTS EXPENSES 1978 1979. 1978 1979 27.1'3 Entrance- £32.40 9,13 Prizes £10.06 20.62 Donations 33.28 9,00 Coconuts 40.50 Advertisements 40.50 •20.00 Insurance 20.00 74.32 Bottles 60.10 22.00 Minerals & Ices 20.18 45,18 Books, Records etc. 60.3'5 2.00 Clearing Up '8.70 Balloons- 7.93 6.00 Hire of field 6.30 18.40 Cakes 54.35 --- Printing 51.78 32.86 Coconuts 18.30 --- Conjurer expenses) 6.00 35.10 Darts/football game 23.38 39.43 Fancy goods 34.96. 68.13 £114.32 72.35 Games inc. Horse race game 9.07 15.00 Highland Bowling 10.70 BALANCE Hot Dogs 35.04 49.00 1978 42.20 Lucky Dip 46.3o 39.44 Minerals & Ices 53.48- 893.13 RECEIPTS £896.99 46.00 Nearly New 46.84 68.13 EXPENSES 114.32 5.00 Plant Auction 1.70 27.97 Plants & Flowers 22.45 £825.00 to Church Expenses £782.67 39.13 Produce 20.10 38.55 Raffles 19.40 ---- Roll-a-coin etc 4.19 In accordance with the precedence created last year Soft Toys we give details of the takings at this year's fete, 26.44 12.94 allocated as far as we are able, to the various 19.06 Spinning Wheel 21.75 stalls, sideshows ete. Owing to occasional 4C.91 Teas 39.39 failures in "communication" some monies may have 13.99 Ten-pin-bowling 17.75 been assigned to the wrong heading & to those 66.28 Tombola 74.71 stallholders who thought their takings were diff- 64.38 White Elephant 79.67 erent from those shown - our apologies. 5,15 Dog Weight 2.00 Bric-a-brac The total receipts shown may be in excess of the 2.00 Dog Show __- figures we have given verbally to some of you or indeed, those shown in the local press. A number of £893.13 £896.99 expenses had been paid out on the day and pro- visional figures quoted reflected this. However to enable a fair comparison to be made with last year's figures these expenses have been "added back in" and are now included in both the receipts & expenses. YourHosts.. C. F. & E. M. Ken and Eileen OLNEY welcome you to Post Office, Lynsted LYNSTLD GRAVEYARD The George Inn GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Enjoy fine Whitbread's beers in a GREENGROCERIES and FROZEN FOODS comfortable atmosphere Freshly cut sandwiches always available Recently there have been muffled complaints about the state of some of the graves. 'The complaints have Telephone: TEYNHAM 521258 Tel: TEYNHAM 521280 been levelled at the Parish Council and the Parochial Church Council. These two bodies do their best and spend a couple of hundred pounds or NATIONAL AND LOCAL so each year in trying to keep he cemetery tidy. CHARITIES AND DIOCESAN The gentleman who does the cannot afford any GENTRYS AUTHORITIES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SPECIAL RATES WHICH mare time nor can the councils afford any more mercy HOUSE FURNISHERS WE OFFER THEM - even if he was available. Ss we are in difficulty, A good number of graves arc well kept but there IF YOU NEED PRINT WHY NOT TELEPHONE FOR A QUOTE ? are also a good number where there are no longer any 28 and 29 Preston Street, relatives to care for them cr no one is interested in CommuniPrint doing so. We propose to do something about the nettle 303, HOXTON STREET, SHOREDITCH, LONDON, N.1. bed and the rubbish dump t vh is underneath it. Telephone: Faversham 2139 This will be done when they die bask in a month or Telephone: 01-800 1713 so's time. But the grave spaces are another matter, If we get a working party together and have a great SIDNEY HODGSON blitz the situation will be just as had in a month or C. & B. Hardware LIFE AND PENSION so's time. What is needed is for a number of people 32 London Road, Teynham BROKERS to adopt a grave and spend a short while regularly Tel: TEYNHAM 521372 (A Member of the Life Insurance Association) keeping it:tidy. It would make all the difference to IRONMONGERY GARDEN & 11 Church Street, Sittingbourne, MEI0 2JZ the appearance if people who care for Lynsted would DECORATORS' SUPPLIES Family Protection - Savings - Investments - volunteer. Any offers? Directors- and Self-employed pensions - PARAFFIN DELIVERY SERVICE Sickness Benefit - School Fees etc. For a completely FREE personal service TOYS and GAMES with no obligation Ring Sittingbourne 73938 Delivery service for all Goods

CONTAINER GROWN TREES - SHRUBS - ROSES - FRUIT TOMMY COULTER TREES - POT PLANTS - BEDDING PLANTS Sports Plus a full range of Garden Sundries 114 WEST STREET, NORTON ASH Faversham, Kent. NURSERY Tel: Faversham 5458 & GARDEN CENTRE Stockists for all your NORTON CROSSROADS sporting requirements NORTON NR. SITTINGBOURNE Discount for clubs and schools KENT - TEYNHAM 521549 YOU MAY HAVE A SPECIAL DAY JOHN M. WATKINS OR APPOINTMENT ON ANY 6 DAYS IN A WEEK AND REQUIRE THAT COPPER LODGE, SPECIAL TOUCH FROM A LONDON ROAD, TEYNHAM HAIRDRESSER HARVEST 1979 ALL THE FAMILY PLUMBING & HEATING ARE VERY WELCOME ON ANY CONTRACTOR OF THE 6 DAYS AT SERVICES CORGI Reg. Gas Installer RAILWAY CUTTINGS — KINGSDOWN, Sunday October 7th at 3 p.m. Telephone: Teynham 521564 Prop: Mrs Swainson. Opposite Teynham Station - Teynham 521325 LYNSTED. Sunday-October 7th at 6 p.m. NORTON. Sunday. October 14th at 6.30 p.m.

Blundells of Sittingbourne HATTON & TUCKER LTD. SUPPERS Departmental Complete House Furnishers at SPORTS CENTRE 35/37 High Street LYNSTED & KINGSDOWN . Saturday October 6th. Tel. Sin. 23482, 23933, 70031 for A Departmental at 8 p.m. in Peter Bones's packing shed. This Ladies Fashions, Toys at Sports Equipment 27 High Street is in the farm above the house. Plenty of Tel.: Sitt. 23933 Ex. 1 / 70031 parking space. Cost £1 per head (OAP and people Departmental 99/101 East Street, Sittingbourne at school (or under the age) 750. Nursery Perambulators, Clothing at and 57 High Street, Sittingbourne 31 High Street Please bring your own knife, fork and spoon. Tel.: Sitt. 23933 Ex. 2 / 70031 Ex. 2 Telephone: Sittingbourne 23025 If you wish to drink with your meal please bring your own glasses and liquid to put in them. Coffee provided . Johnstone Carpets R & K LIGHTING Tickets from Jennifer Bones, Jean Walters or THE SPECIALIST the Vicarage. Quality Carpets and Floorings from the Specialists Modern & Traditional Pendants FOR THE HOME or COMMERCIAL Chandeliers, Wall Brackets NORTON. Saturday October 13th. There are a CONTRACT Rise & Fall Units few seats left but only very few. Try ringing Free Estimates - Free Fitting Table & Standard Lamps Freda Wood or Madge Snoad and you may be lucky. Up to 20% Discount Marked on Single, Double & Triple Spots All Carpets 65, HIGH STREET, APOLOGIES Sittingbourne 25633 Roman Square, Sittingbourne 24632 (opposite Woolworths) Last month's issue contained two blank pages. We put out a message that people were not being robbed of reading matter. The Editor slipped up Morris & Shearing PIANOS, PIANO LAS and forgot a shape page so finished up with two HOME BREW SUPPLIES HARPSICHORDS AND blank leaves and it was too late to put anything Ingredients & Equipment for the CHAPEL HARMONIUMS on them. Please use them for shopping lists with Home brewer & Winemaker TUNED & REPAIRED our compliments! 15 Epps Road, Sittingbourne (Tel: 21635) Roy W. Lelliott Come and Browse: Helpful Advice 49 Adelaide Drive always available Sittingbourne Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. 709732 Closed all day Wednesday 24-hr answering service Open throughout lunch hour - Easy Parking RESTORATION MATTERS NORTON VILLAGE HALL

NORTON The work on our bell is reaching the final It is hoped to have a Firework_ Display this stages and we hope to announce next month that it year, the last one we had proved very popular. will be ready for re-hanging. Once this is done we will have a service, probably a Songs of Praise Therefore to raise money for thefireworks to celebrate its return and to give thanks for members from the Village Hall. Committee will be almost exactly 7)0 years of telling people that coming round for donations. 'It is hoped to the church at Norton is alive, well and looks raise enough so that there will not be an forward to seeing you! entrance fee. After it is all over there will be refreshments in the hall, refreshments being LYNSTED The village will have seen the activity done by our Youth Club. that is going on and we hope that the roof will now be watertight. People will in future be Over the last few weeks we have had quite a lot spared the drip of water into plastic buckets of improvements made in the kitchen. New work which, at times, has heralded the fact that it is tops have been fitted all round, and cupboards raining outside. which were donated have been fitted to the wall. The first steps have been taken to carry on with The doors have been repaired, and also the a major restoration of the building and we will be serving hatch. For all this our thanks go to giving news of progress as it happens. The sum of Mr. Bill Woodward. money involved is vast End we will have to launch an appeal for funds Cbviously we will have to Soon it is hoped to 'repaint the kitchen, then do the work over a period and we suspect we will have the roof re-felted. do what we can with what money we have Our next meeting is 7.30 p.m. on 9th October. KINGSDOWN The water problems here is also under Please treat this as an invitation to come along. consideration and again, we hope that. our roof will be intact in th3 near future. We are hoping On behalf of Norton Village Hall I would like to also to erect a memorial to Bill Cultrip and the thank the Committee of Lynsted Fete for allowing us to necessary legal formalities are being coped with at have a stall at their Fete on 27th August. the moment. More details of that in later issues As people may know there are legal formalities to A profit of £44.81 was made which will be used on be overcome before anything can be added or taken general repairs to our hall. away from churches. This always seems to take more time than the job itself! USEFUL INFORMATION LYNSTED FLTE NEWS Animals, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to 14 Bramshaw Road, . (Tel: Canterbury 62585) A letter from the Treasurer. for welfare, strays & accidents. Borough Council Representatives May I take the opportunity of thanking all the stall Kingsdown (in the West Downs Ward) - Mr Terence Holden, The Old Vicarage, holders for the way they helped me cope with the Newnham. (Tel: 318). money at the Fete, especially those who helped in Lynsted & Norton (in the Teynham & Lynsted Ward) - Mr Alan North, Crown House, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521668). and Mr Ronald Boorman, 10 Donald the final 'bagging-up' of the proceeds and the two Moor Avenue, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 522326). strong-arm gentlemen who acted as bodyguards when we took the money to the bank. Buses, Local Offices Court Street, Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 2548). East Street, Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingboume 23317), It would be against our policy to single out members Children, National Society for the prevention of Cruelty to £9c Old Tovil Road, Maidstone. (Tel: Maidstone 52997), of the workers for special thanks but I would like to 41 Guildford Road, Canterbury. (Tel: Canterbury 63628). thank the following for their generous donations 16 Alison Avenue, Gillingham. (Tel: Medway 50548). towards the funds: Princess Andrew, Guy French, Citizens' Advice Bureaux 3 Berry Street, Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 73652) Bill Butt, David and Gail Brown and the Periwinkle Open: Mon, Thurs, Fri, 10 am — 3 pm. Press. Tues, 10 am — 4 pm. Wed, 10 am — 12.30 pm. George Boswell-Cumming. Gatefield Lane (back of Municipal Offices), Faversham. (Tel: 6996) Open: Mon, 10 am — 12 noon; 2 pm -- 4 pm. Tues, Thurs, Fri, 10 am — 12 noon. County Council Representative (East Swale) NORTON YOUTH CLUB Mrs P. Mesham, Scarbutts Manor, Boughton. (Tel: Boughton 401), Employment, Department of 3 Queen's Parade, East Street, Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 4591). Out Youth Club has grown to 6 members and we do Roman House, Roman Square. Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 24466). have guests come as well, adults too, who enjoy Fire Stations Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 2348). a game of darts. Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 23487). Teynham Fire Officer — Mr J. Fryer, 12 Donald Moor Avenue, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521434) The tuck shop is very popular, with a variety of Emergencies 999. goodies to buy. Health & Social Security, Department of 41 Stone Street, Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 2388). We do try to arrange other things for the youngsters Roman House, Roman Square, Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 24466). Hospitals and have had a manicurist to come and give a Canterbury — Tel: Canterbury 6637. (Visiting Hours: Surgical Wards 3 pm to 3 pm demonstration for the girls. everyday; other Wards vary). Faversham Cottage -- Tel: Faversham 2194. (Visiting Hours: 3 pm 8 pm everyday). — Tel: Newington 842222. Also at Teynham Fete held on 1st September, some Medway — Tel: Medway 48111. — Tel: Sittingbourne 25456. of us went there, with the lean of Jane and Laura Sittingboume Memorial — Tel: Sittingbourne 72019. (Visiting Hours: Wed, Sat, Sun, Tilton's donkey,to give Donkey rides. This was 2.30 pm — 3.30 pm; every evening 7 pm — 8 pm). done by the girls and the boys had a cricket game. Member of Parliament Roger D. Moate, House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA. Together they made a profit of £10.33. Ombudsmen (or Local Commissioned for The Baroness Serota, The Commission of Local Administration in , 21 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9BU. (Tel: 01-930 3333). Police Central Avenue, Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 72121) Church Road, Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 6639) Emergencies 999. (A) USEFUL INFORMATION -- continued SECRETARIES ETC. — continued.

• Derby & Joan Club, Teynham & Lynsted — Mrs B. Cockcroft, 34 Cellar Hill, Lynsted. Post Offices (Tel: Teynham 522078). Lynsted. (Tel: Teynham 521258) Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521252) • Faversham, Society --, Mrs B. Barham, Fleur de Lis, Preston Street, Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 4542). Railway Stations • Football Club, Norton — Mr Roy. Ongley, 16 Station Road, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 522432). Teynham cannot now be contacted by telephone. Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 23799). • Football Club, Teynham & Lynsted -- Mr M. S. Gubbins, 121 .Honeyball Walk, Teynham. Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 2252). (Tel: Teynham 522473). Passenger train service information. (Tel: Canterbury 65151). * Football Club, Teynham Strikers (Ladies) — Miss Marlene Matson, 36 London Road. Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages * Foresters, Ancient Order of, Greenstreet Branch (Chief Ranger) — Mr G. E. Cork, 34 Batteries Divisional County Offices, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne. Lynsted. (Tel: Teynham 522065). .. (Tel: Sittingbourne 2392). 44 East Street, Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 2315) • Horticultural Society, Teynham & Lynsted — Mrs P. Coppins, 12 Frognal Gardens, Teynham. Samaritans * Men of Kent & Kentish Men, Association of (Sittingbourne Brandt) — Mrs Kay Apps, 24 information — Rev. V. Wright, 42 Ross Street, Rochester. (Tel: Medway 42222) Woodstock Road, Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 72945). Emergencies — Tel: Medway 44246- " Mothers' Union, Lynsted, Kingsdown & Norton — Mrs B. Hodges, 208 London Road, Teynham. Schools * Nursery School, Barbary Mrs M. L. Lacamp, Barbary Farm House, Norton. (Tel: Teynham Lynsted County Primary (Tel: Teynham 521362): Headmaster — Mr R. Harwood, 521470). 2 Oak Cottage, Lynsted. (Tel: Teynham 521035). Norton Church of England (Tel: Teynharn 521244): Headmistress — Mrs Parkes, * Parish Council, & Kingsdown (Clerk) — Miss M. Clinch, Old Cottage, Hollybushes, Roundel Close, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521355). Milstead. • Parish Council, Lynsted (Clerk) — Mr A. J. W. Vaughan, Bumpitt, Lynsted. (Tel. Teynham 521610). We sell nuts - dried fruits - pulses- • Parish Council. Norton & Buckland (Clerk) — Mrs Susan Warren, Beacon House. Beacon Hill, rains - seeds - honeys - unrefined oils - Faversham. (Tel: Faversham 3631) wholewheat & specialist flours - culinary * Parochial Church Council, Lynsted-with-Kingsdown — Mrs Jean Waters, Orchard Cottage, herbs and spices • Lynsted. (Tel: Teynham 521306). (Treasurer) — Mr G. Boswell-Cumming, I Oak Cottage, Lynsted. (Tel: Teynham 521 738) please ring Sittingbourne 23708 (Churchwardens) - Mr David Bage, Forge Cottage, Lynsted. (Tel: Teynham 521273) (evenings preferred) for price and stock list. Mr George Washington, Malt House, Kingsdown. (Tel: Doddington 2711 Deliveries of telephone orders can usually • Parochial Church Council, Norton — Miss Margaret Moor, Wispen, Lewson Street, Teynham. be arranged or come and see us in the (Tel: Teynham 521419) (Treasurer) - Mr Geoffrey Spence, World's End, Lewson Street. (Tel: Teynham 521560) market at Maidstone (Tuesday) or (Churchwardens) - Mr Jim Gambell, Wrens Hill, Norton. (Tel: Teynham 521268) Faversham (Friday morning) Mr Norman Laslett, J.P., Cedar House, Norton. (Tel: Teynham 521379) HARVEST HOME " Philatelic Society, Swale — Mr R. P. Whitehead, 15 Oak Road, , Sittingbourne. WHOLEFOODS " Pigeon Club, Swale Invitation — Mrs R. Read, Orchard Cottage, Sandown. (Tel: Teynham 521302). NICHOLAS & SUSAN ELKIN • Play Group, Lion Hall — Mrs Mary Matthews, Murzuk, Lawson Street, (Tel: Teynham 521606)- Sittingbourne 23708 • Play School, Labour Hall — Mrs Joan Phelps, 49 Bradfield Avenue, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521716). * Playing Fields Management Committee, Teynham & Lynsted — Mrs L. M. Mcllroy, SECRETARIES ETC. OF LOCAL CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS 511 Honeyball Walk, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521916). • Salvation Army — Major & Mrs Gurr, 33 Caere Hill Avenue, Sittingbourne. • British Legion, Teynham & Lynsted - Mr Richard Salter, 10 Hutchinson Close, Murston, • Social Committee, Teynham & Lynsted - Mr N. Parris, 16 Honeyball Walk, Teynham. Sittingbourne. (Tel: Sittingbourne 78372), Sports Club, Norton - Mr David Laslett, Guiness Hop Farm, Norton. (Tel: Teynham 521379) Ladies' Section — Mrs L. Rowles, 30 Station Road, Teynham. • • Contacts, Help Handicapped Children (Local Liaison Officer) — Mrs M. L Lacamp Barbary • Women's Institute, Greenstreet — Mrs Mary Mathews, Murzuk, Lawson Street. Farm House, Norton. (Tel: Teynham 521470). (Tel: Teynham 521606). • Cricket Club, Norton — Mr Nigel Bray, Greenacres Farm, Norton. (Tel: Teynham 521328). • Women's Institute, Lynsted & Teynham Mrs K. Brown, 11 Rivers Road, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521389). • Cricket Club, Teynham & Lynsted — Miss Loraine Baker, 6 Newgardens Road, . (Tel: Teynham 522406) • Village Hall Committee, Norton — Mrs Barbara Dale, 4 The Trefoil, Norton, (Tel: Teynham 521478). (B) • Youth Club, Greenstreet Methodist -- Mr Bray, 50 Station Road, Teynham. (Tel: Teynham 521308). WHAT'S ON WHAT'S ON - continued NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER Tue 6 Lynsted, Kingsdown & Norton Mothers' Union Tue 2. Lynsted, Kingsdown & Norton. Mothers' Union meeting: Vicarage 7.30pm. Speaker: Mrs Service: Lynsted Church 7.30 pm. Vaughan - "Board of Prison Visitors" Wed 3 Lynsted & Teynham W.I. meeting: Labour Hall Wed 7 Lynsted & Teynham Women's Institute OPEN 2.30pm. Speaker: Mrs B.R. Richardson, meeting: Labour Hall 2.30pm. Visitors "Floral Cake Icing". Competition - Open welcome, stalls Apple Tart Sun 11 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Sat 6 Lynsted-with-Kingsdown Harvest Supper: Colyers Farm 8 pm. Tue 13 Lynsted Parish Council meeting: Vicarage 7.45 pm. Sat 6 Lynsted church 100 Club draw: Colyers Farm 9.30pm. Thu 15 Association of Men of Kent & Kentish Men, (Lynsted Branch) meeting: Norton Village Tue 9 British Legion Ladies' Section meeting: Hall 8 pm Lion Hall 7.30pm. Wed 1-3 Lynsted Fete meeting: Vicarage 8 pm. Thu 15 Greenstreet W.I. meeting: Labour Hall 8 pm "Inquest" on 1979 Fete. Mon 19 British Legion meeting: Lion Hall 8 pm. Sat 13 Norton Harvest Supper: Norton Village Hall DECEMBER 8 pm. Tue 4 Lynsted, Kingsdown & Norton Mothers' Union Mon 15 British Legion meeting: Lion Hall 8 pm. meeting: Vicarage 7.30pm. Speaker: The Wed 1.8 Greenstreet W.I. meeting: Labour Hall 8 pm. Vicar - "Any Questions" A.G.M. (Election of Officers). Wed 5 Lynsted & Teynham Women's Institute Speaker: Visiting V.C.O. Competition - meeting: Labour Hall 2.30pm. Decorated Book mark. Fri 19 Association of Men of Kent & Kentish Men Wed 5 Lynsted Church 100 Club draw: venue to be (Lynsted Branch): Village Hall announced. 8 pm. Speaker: Mr Bert Gibson, The Tue 11 British Legion Ladies' Section meeting: River Bute". Non-members welcome. Lion Hall 7.30pm. Sat 20 British Legion Cheese & Wine Party: Teynham Mon 17 British Legion meeting: Lion Hall 8 pm. Ballroom 7.30 pm. Tickets (El) available at the door or from "Joy's" Woolshop. Thu 20 Greenstreet W.I. meeting: Labour Hall 8 pm. Wed 31 Teynham & Lynsted Horticultural Society AGM: 5 Cellar Hill 7.30 pm Non-members addendum - Nov. Wed 7 - Lynsted Church very welcome. 100 Club Draw. (venue to be decided) SHOPPERS' GUIDE — continued

SHOPPERS' GUIDE GENERAL STORES Olney, C. F. & E. M., Post Office, Lynsted. Tel: 521258. GIFTS Ashford Lighting Centre, 32 High Street, Ashford. Tel: Ashford 22346 AERO MODELS Sittingbourne Lighting Centre, 12 The Forum, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 21033 Weston Model Centre, 84-86 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 522020. ANTIQUES GROCERS, MOBILE Chattel Antiques, 90 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 522027 Ashbee & Gambell, Wrens Hill, Norton. Tel: Teynham 521268. Rainham Antiques, 295 High Street, Rainham. Tel: Medway 31037 GROCERY & CAKES Wicks, 89 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521349. AUCTION ROOMS Teynham Auction Sales, 132 London Road, Teynharn. Tel: Teynham 521415. HAIRDRESSERS, LADIES James, Colyn, 46 Court Street, Faversham & 21 Burgate, Canterbury, Tel: Faversham 2453 & BUILDING CONTRACTORS Canterbury 64394. Coleman, V. J. Ltd., 139 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521448 or 522016 Railway Cuttings, Lower Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521325. Howard, B. M. Ltd„ 26 Cellar Hill, Lynsted. Tel: Teynham 521672 or Sittingbourne 25352. HARDWARE & GARDENING BUILDING REPAIRS C. B. Hardware, 32 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521372 Coleman, V. J. Ltd., 139 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521448 or 522616 HARDWARE & TOOLS Howard, B. M. Ltd., 26 Cellar Hill, Lynsted. Tel: Teynham 521672 or Sittingbourne 25352 Stanley's, 135 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynharn 521491. BUTCHERS HEALTH FOODS Read, L. F., 42 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521309 Harvest Home Wholefoods. Tel: Sittingbourne 23708 CAR ACCESSORIES HOME BREW SUPPLIES Sales, A. & Sons, 63-65 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521209 Morris & Shearing, 15 Epps Road, Sittingboume. Tel: Sitfingbourne 21635. CAR SALES Ferrell & Baker Ltd., London Road, Teynharn. Tel: Teynham 521286/7. INNS Revell, E. C., Bapchild Motors, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 23085. George Inn, Greenstreet. Tel: Teynham 521280 The Swan, 78 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521218 CARPETS & FLOORING Johnstone Carpets, Roman Square, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 24632 INSURANCE BROKERS Gentrys, 28 & 29 Preston Street, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 2139 Sidney Hodgson Life & Pension Brokers, 11 Church Street, Sittingbourne ME10 2JZ Tel: Sittingboume 73938. CHEMISTS Bristow, R. F. & L. M., The Greenstreet Pharmacy, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521244. LIGHTING Ashford Lighting Centre, 32 High Street, Ashford. Tel: Ashford 22346 ESTATE AGENTS R.K. Lighting, 65 High Street, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 25633 Head, Peter V., 8 Market Place, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 2407/3879. Sittingbourne Lighting Centre, 12 The Forum, Sittingbourne. Site ngbourne 21033 FOOTWEAR Rousell, Alex, 70 Preston Street, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 2523 MEN'S & LADIES' WEAR RouseII, Alex, 70 Preston Street, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 2523 FUNERAL DIRECTORS High, R. & Sons, 1 Bayford Road, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 72958 NEWSAGENTS & TOBACCONISTS Hogben & Partis Ltd., Solomons Lane, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 2319 or Selling 222. Birch, Peter, Ltd., 25, 27 & 29 Station Street, Sittingbourne, Tel: Sittingbourne '24107 & Sittingbourne 72842 FURNISHERS Cellar, The, 137 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521672 Blundells of Sittingbourne, 35/37 High Street, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 23933. Kays, 28 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521322 Gentrys, 28 & 29 Preston Street, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 2139. GARAGE SERVICES NURSER iES Blythe, F. A. & Son, Norton Garage, Norton & Herne Bay. Tel: Teynham 521237 & Herne Bay 62261 Norton Ash Nursery & Garden Centre, Norton Crossroads, Norton. Tel: Teynham 521549 Ferrell & Baker Ltd., London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521288/7. Revell, E. C., Bapchild Motors, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 23083. OFF LICENCE Cellar, The, 137 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521672 GARDEN CENTRE Norton Ash Nursery & Garden Centre, Norton Crossroads, Norton. Tel: Teynham 521549. SHOPPERS' GUIDE — continued PIANO TUNERS LeMot, Roy W„ 49 Adelaide Drive, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 70973 PICTURE FRAMING Periwinkle Press, Chequers Hill, Doddington. Tel: Doddington 246 NORTON AND BUCKLAND PARISH COUNCIL PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTORS Watkins, John M., Copper Lodge, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521564 Report of a meeting held on September 10th in PRINTERS & IBM TYPESETTERS Norton Village Hall. Mrs. Lacamp in the chair. CommuniPrint, 303 Hoxton Street, Shoreditch, London, N.1. Tel: 01 am 1713 PRINTS & OLD MAPS Periwinkle Press, Chequers Hill, Doddington. Tel: Doddington 246 PLAY EQUIPMENT The idea that some permanent RESTAURANTS play equipment should be erected in the Park The Swan, 78 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521218 in this Year of the Child was discussed and SPORTS GOODS Coulter Sports, Tommy, 114 West Street, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 5458 approved, Mr. Rex Boucher being in agreement Hatton & Tucker Ltd., 99/101 East Street & 57 High Street, Sittingbourne. Tel: Sittingbourne 23025 in principle. It was decided to make further STATIONERY investigations into the type of equipment Teynham Post Office, 101 London Road, Teynham. Tel: Teynham 521252 available, insurance and cost. TAXIS Reeves & Stratford, Forbes Garage, Faversham. Tel: Faversham 2137 or 3874 WOOL SHOPS NORTON VILLAGE HALL The Chairman had received Joy's, 121 London Road, Teynham. Tel: — a letter from the Norton Village Hall Committee applying for a grant for necessary repair work. It was unanimously agreed that the Council should pay the cost of the roofing felt.

TRAVELLERS Mr. Terry reported on a meeting of K.A.P.C. where the county's plans for permanent sites for travellers in Area were discussed. Apparently, although nine sites are Planned, there is nothing conclusive to report on the location of these sites. The next revision of the information sheets will be for the January issue of the News Letter. The date of the next meeting is November 19th at 8 p.m. in the Village Hall. Secretaries — please notify us of any changes in the information shown for your organisation and if you would like your meetings, fixtures or any special events included in the "What's On" section please let us have the necessary details. Businesses who would like to be included in the "Shoppers' Guide" or would like an advertisement in these information pages should contact Peggy Bap, Forge Cottage, Lynsted. (Tel: Teynham 521273). 12. AGE CONCERN COMES TO LYNSTED IT COULD ONLY HAPPEN TO ME A message from Nan Nuttall, organising secretary of Age, Concern.. Last month's story of a holiday with G. seems. We are trying to extend the services of Age Concern to have rung bells in other people's memories to the village. Jenny Vaughan has been very and so I offer you an account of the previous helpful and has arranged fo a Coffee Morning year's holiday. at Bumpit, Bogle Lane on October 24th at 10.30 a.m. I will be there to answer questions that anyone may G. had a parish in Yorkshire and Pat and I have about the care of the elderly in the neighbour- spent our holiday with him and J. As usual. hood. where G. is things happen. He possessed a dog Mrs. Belle Friday, who everyone knows, is going to be at this time named Dooney - a delinquent if the co-ordinator with Age Concern (Faversham) and ever there was one. In fact she was impossible! we hope that the coffee morning will raise enough But more of that later. money to provide her with a telephone. Please come along and give your support. If you cannot come in To give some indication of the things that person a donation would be very welcome Great Froth One morning J decided to do some washing. Transport can be provided. Please ring Faversham of the earlier automatic washing machines - no 2766 during the day and Age Concern will do the name but it was about the size of the commercial rest. ones. She put in the normal amount of powder but on passing through the kitchen some while later I hope that as many people as possible will attend decided that as nothing seemed to be happening to make the morning a rewarding and, an interesting she would add a little more. She was followed one. My renewed thanks to Jenny. Hope to see you through the room by G. who decided that she had on the 24th. forgotten to put in the powder so gave the machine a generous dose to-get things under way. LYNSTED HYMN BOOKS We sat in the dining room next door drinking our mid-morning coffee when a feeling that all was Lynsted Church needs extra copies of English not well crept over us. G. being braver than the Hymnal as our congregation has outgrown the copies rest opened the kitchen door to be met by an ocean available. We will be buying some more at a cost of froth which gave every impression of taking of C1.50 each. If anyone would like to donate one over the whole vicarage. If anyone has tried to in memory of someone please let the Vicar or David mop up a roomful of froth they will know what it Bage know. was like. How do you cope with picking up masses of soap bubbles. It crept everywhere and through- out it all the machine purred away happily periodically spewing out a further contribution to the froth.

On another occasion we went out for the day seeing JAMES PETER V. HEAD 14. COLYN F.R.I.C.S. of Chartered Surveyors 46 COURT STREET, FAVERSHAM and Estate Agents as much of the country as we could. This involved (Tel: 2483) Barclay House a picnic lunch. G. is one of those types who are convinced that a better place is just round the 21 BURGATE, CANTERBURY 8 Market Place, Faversham (Tel: 64394) Telephone Faversham 2407/3879 corner and all we need do is to be patient and a heavenly picnic site will appear. After many Offer you a very high standard of Open 7 days a week Hairdressing at competitive prices. miles when this vision failed to appear the rest of One of 15 Ward & Partners' us persuaded him to stop at what appeared to be a Gentlemen's hairdressing by appointment offices. reasonable field. In fact it was occupied by a herd of cows but they were over the other side so were out of the way. Unfortunately they had left 'Phone Faversham 2137 or 3874 considerable evidence of their previous presence alex Rousell around the place. But selecting a comparatively MENSWEAR for TAXI SERVICE AND clear patch we settled down. Unfortunately, we LADIES' FASHIONS COACH HIRE had forgotten Dooney who went exploring. She FOOTWEAR returned covered with the evidence of the cows (to be polite -there are other words). Luckily 70 PRESTON STREET, REEVES & STRATFORD a copy of the Times in the car removed most of it FAVERSHAM Forbes Road Garage and we settled down again. The performance was Telephone 2523 repeated. This time we had no Times left so we had to make do with the largest dock leaves we could find. After this we gave up and returned to the car. Telephone - Faversham 2319 - Selling 222 Dooney decided at this point that she had been robbed Peter Birch Ltd. THEATRE of her exercise so decided to take a run in the car BOOKINGS & Partis Ltd. Wholesale & Retail * Hogben all over all of use It was at this point that we Tobacconists & Confectioners STATIONERY FUNERAL DIRECTORS approached Knaresborough and G. decided that we must * MONUMENTAL MASONS see the church. I agree it is worth seeing. We NEWSAGENTS entered the church and looked around. The Vicar of 25,27 & 29 Station Street, PRIVATE CHAPELS OF REST Sittingbourne, Kent. BUSINESS DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Knaresborough also happened to be in the church and MACHINES * seeing a fellow dog-collar advanced all friendly-like. cRisps Unfortunately, he got down wind of us and took a step Telephone: Solomon's Lane - Faversham backwards. Not that I blame him for we were all SITTINGBOURNE 24107 & 72842 fairly pungent by this tine. However, he did his best to be hospitable and conducted us round sniffing at intervals and trying not to get too near us. The TEYNHAM whole day falls into the category of those I would Ashbee & Gambell rather forget. POST OFFICE STATIONERY & SCHOOL Mobile Grocers Shop SUPPLIES WRENS HILL, NORTON JIFFY BAGS Faversham GREETING CARDS CHILDREN'S BOOKS & NOVELTIES Telephone: Teynham 521268 TEL: TEYNHAM 521252 E. C. REVELL SOMEONE CAST A CLOUT

After the Lynsted Fete a gentleman drove away with an item of clothing on the roof of Bapchild Motors, Sittingbourne. his car. Going round the bend by the Vicarage Telephone: Sittingbourne 23085 the said garment fluttered off and was picked up by a passer-by who saw the event. The' garment is row it. the Vicarage, If anyone admit to ownership would gent SUNDAY SERVICES in touch with me and can BAPTIST he next jumble sale will FAVERSHAM item. Morning Service 11 a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. (Summer), 6.30 p.m. (Winter) A

CHURCH OF ENGLAND (Vicarage : Teynham 521371) CAROL CHOIR

ST. PETER & ST. PAUL, LYNSTED ST. CATHERINE, KINGSDOWN There has been a good response to the idea f ST. MARY, NORTON a choir. We could do with a few more especially See Diary for the month on the last page of the News Letter gentlemen, The first rehearsal has been fixed for October 9th at 7,45 p.m, at Barbary Farm. METHODIST I hope to let everyone know personally but if I GREENSTREET 6.30 p.m. miss out on someone - you have been Warned here FAVERSHAM 10.30 a.m., 6.30 p.m. and now ROMAN CATHOLIC Future rehearsals can be worked out at that one CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART, 63 West Street, Sittingbourne. (Tel.: Sitt. 72619) and, in order to even out travelling, we will Mass at 8 a.m., 9.30 a.m. and 11 a.m. (Labour Hall, Teynham) Mass at 9.30 a.m. probably meet alternately in Norton and Lynsted. CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL, Tanner Street, Faversham. (Tel.: Faversham 2449) If anyone has transport problems please let me Mass at 8 a.m., 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. know and I will act as Transport Manager by SALVATION ARMY, SITTINGBOURNE & TEYNHAM putting A in touch with B for a lift. Holiness 11 a.m. Praise 3 p.m. Salvation 6.45 p.m. Junior Sunday School (Y.P. Hall) 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. (Teynham Labour Hall) 3 p.m.

STOCKS OF SECONDHAND BOOKS AND POSTCARDS PRINTS - PICTURES - OLD MAPS - VIEWS - FLOWERS BIRDS - SPORTING SCENES - ETC. Studio open Mondays - Fridays 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Saturdays 9.00 a.m. - 12 noon Mounts cut and picture frames made to order—wide selection of mouldings PERIWINKLE PRESS (Audrey and Eric Swain) : : CHEQUERS HILL - DODDINGTON : : TELEPHONE 246 LYNSTED PARISH COUNCIL Notes of a meeting held at the LYNSTED PARISH COUNCIL - continued. Vicarage on Tuesday, 11th Sep- in the parish although it was known that there tember. wire many who would. It was still felt that there was a fear that once they were on. thelist they A. HIGHWAY MATTERS would be "whisked away to Faversham" when their 1)There had been co further developments regard- turn came. The approach the Council wished to make ing the proposed "foetpath" extension at Bogle, to the Borough would make it quite clear thanthe but it was understood that the owners concerned names presented to them were those who would like had now been approached by the KCC. such accommodation only if it wre available in 2)No reply had yet been received from the KCC Lynsted. Senior citizens, who are at all interested regarding our request for white lines at the should let Tony Vaughan, the Clerk, know. His junction of Claxfield Lane & Lynsted Lane (near telephone number is Teynham 521610. Berkeley House). 3)The general state of the reads, verges Cc foot- D. OTHER MATTERS paths especially with regard to cleanliness con- 1)At present a a number of children ware cycling tinued to be of concern to members. It was agreed to school and thus relieving the, pressure on. the to press Swale to do anything they had powers to early morning 358 bus. do in this respect. 2)Fred Nixon reported on the recent KAPC meeting 4)There had been no reports of flooding at the which had mainly dealt with the Gypsy problem in lay-by at the top of Lynsted Lane since the last the Borough as a whole. He also got the Council's meeting. views on various resolutions to be presented at 5)A number of overgrown hetges were causing dan- the AGM on 6th October gerous conditions in Lynsted Lane. It was agreed 3)Fred Smith reported on the recent playing field to report the matter to the KCC and ask them to management committee meeting. The new committee use their powers to get the owners to do something had a lot of new members and he felt that there about it was a new spirit there. The most important job on 6)Considerable concern was expressed at the num- hand at present was the re-roofing of the pavilion. ber of children playing up and down the verge bank Belle Friday had been appointed treasurer. in Lynsted Lane in the Batteries Close area often 4)The Clerk will gat quotations for the proposed jumping down into the carriageway whilst traffic seat in Lynsted Lane (to be paid for out of our was about. It, was hoped that publicity would bring share of the Lottery proceeds) for consideration parents' attention to the dangers children were in at the next meeting, if they continued. 5)Belle Friday reported: on her involvement with "Age Concern" and particularly with her work at B. PLANNING REFUSALS the "Forget-me-not" Centre in Faversham'. She said 1)Erection of "Colt" bungalow at Moss Orchard, there was a great need for more people with .cars Nouds Lane to be available, 2)Erection of an agricultural dwelling at Monk's 6)The Clerk reported that he had received details Farm. of the new County electoral divisions. The ward at C. OLD PEOPLE'S ACCOMMODATION present known as the "Teynham Lynsted" ward will be in the "Swale East Central" division. Nobody else had come forward to say they would The next meeting of the Council was confirmed like old people's accommodation if it was provided 7) for Tuesday, 13th November. As stated elsewhere in the News Letter the August draw took place at the Fete on Monday, 27th August. LYNSTED FETE INQUEST The lucky winners on this occasion were:- Stallholders& everybody involved in this year's £20 No.23 Bert Clarke, Lynsted Court Cottage. fete are invited to the Vicarage on Wednesday, £10 No. 60 Mrs Anderson, Hole Street Farm. 10th October at 8 o'clock when, as has been our £10 No.41 Mr Anderson, Hole Street Farm. 'habit for many years, we will cast our collective £10 No.51 Leslie Wallis, Church. Oast, Kingsdown. critical eye over the whole thing. The views of The September drew was held at the Black Lion on those involved in the. enterprise for the first . Wednesday, 19th September and the names "out of time will be especially valuable. the hat" this time were:- £20 No. 75 Stephanie Davies; Aymers. INFORMATION PAGES £10 No.110 Sarah Risdon, Berkeley House. Once again we are indebted to the various £10 No.1 19 Emma Crabtree, Bicknor.. Secretaries who have notified us of any changes £10 No. 63 Mrs Cork, Batteries Close. in the details of their organisations and of any events for the "WHAT'S ON" pages. The draw for October will be made during the Har- vest Supper at Colyers Farm on Saturday, 6th WINEMAKING AT HOME October at half past nine. This month's recipe:- ROSE HIP WINE CONGRATULATIONS Ingredients: 3½1b Rose Hips; 31b Sugar; Bill & Charlotte Bell of Forge House, Lynsted 1 tsp citric acid. pectic enzyme; yeast & yeast celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on nutient; 1 gall water. Friday, 14th September. May we add our congratulations Method. & good wishes for their continued happiness together STERILISE all equipment. for many years to come. Gather your rose hips after the first frost. Wash them, crush them. Add sugar to a bucket, put in rose hips. THE ASSOCIATION OF MEN OF KENT & KENTISH MEN Pour on boiling water, stir, cool The newly formed Lynsted branch will hold its Add yeast & yeast nutrient, pectic enzyme citric first meeting at Bapchild Village Hall On Friday, acid. 19th October at 8 pm. The Speaker will be Mr Bert Stand in a warm place' keeping covered for two Gilson and the subject of his talk will be "The weeks, stirring daily. River Bute" Admission will be 50p and non-members Strain, pour into fermentation jar, fit trap. are welcome. Rack & siphon into bottles when wine is clear & fermentation has finished. Afurther meeting has been arranged for Thursday, 15th Store for one year if possible. November at Norton Village Hall. There will be further details in nett month's News Letter. If you have any queries on these recipes or on winemaking generally, Jan Morris (who kindly prepared these recipes for us) will only be too happy to help. Her telephone number is Sittingbourne 21635. 20

CHURCH DATES FOR OCTOBER LAND AND PROPERTY DEVELOPERS ESTABLISHE 1955 See What's on Pages for additional dates. 139 LONDON ROAD, TEYNHAM 2. Mothers Union. Lynsted Church. 7.30 p.m. REGISTERED V. J. COLEMAN LTD. F.M.B. 6. Harvest Supper. Lynsted. N.H.B.C. BUILDING CONTRACTORS

7. Holy Communion. Kingsdown 9 a.m. Teynham 521448 Teynham 522016 Sung Eucharist. Lynsted 10 a.m. Mattins. Norton. 11.30 a.m. GENERAL REPAIRS AND BUILDING Harvest Festival. Kingsdown 3 p.m. Harvest Festival. Lynsted 6 p.m. 9. Norton Village Hall Committee 7.30 p.m. STANLEY'S R. HIGH & SONS Choir Rehearsal. 7.45 p.m. HARDWARE, GARDENING TOOLS, Funeral & Cremation Directors 13. Harvest Supper. Norton. D.I.Y REQUISITES, PAINTS, WALLPAPERS, TIMBER, HANDTOOLS, Our Chapels of Rest are at 14. Holy-Communion. Lynsted 8 a.m. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Your Service at Holy Communion. Norton 9 a.m. MOST THINGS TO ORDER 1 BAYFORD ROAD Sung Eucharist. Lynsted 10 a.m. SITTINGBOURNE 135 London Road, Teynham Evensong. Kingsdown 3 p.m. Tel. 72958 Harvest Festival. Norton 6.30 p.m. Tel: Teynham 521491 18. St. Luke. Holy Communion. Lynsted 8.30 a.m. TEYNHAM AUCTION SALES JOY'S 21. Sung Eucharist. Lynsted 10 a.m. 133 London Road, Teynham Holy Communion. Norton 11,30 a.m. (G. F. Goatham and Y. B. Tatton) Auction Sales held every Wednesday at Ladies' Dresses Holy Communion. Kingsdown 3 p.m. 11 a.m. Secondhand and Antique Furniture Baby Linen - Haberdashery 28. Holy Communion. Norton 9 a.m. Clocks - Brassware - Paintings Hosiery - Knitting Wools Sung Eucharist. Lynsted 10 a.m. Anything unusual always wanted Lee Target, Robin, P. & B. Probate Valuations and House Clearance * Evensong. Kingsdown p.m. Service 3 121 LONDON ROAD, TEYNHAM Evensong. Norton 6.30 p.m. All enquiries . phone Teynham 521415 or Sittingbourne 71534 Nr. Sittingbourne, Kent NOVEMBER P. M FERRELL & BAKER LTD. 1. All Saints. Holy Communion. Lynsted 8 pm. (Established 1929) 4. Holy Communion. Kingsdown 9 a.m. LONDON ROAD, TEYNHAM, SITTINGBOURNE Sung Eucharist. Lynsted 10 a.m. CHRYSLER SALES Mattins. Norton. 11.30 a.m. SIMCA SPARES 6. Mothers Union. 7.30 p.m. DODGE SERVICE

Tel: Teynham 521286/7