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October 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984

10-18-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 18, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Duarte m eets with military field commanders SA:'\ S ·ILI' ADOR , 1':1 Ihr m how ht· newed th!' ""id he had the support of the Palma. guerrilla commander Sal,'ad lr I.-\P l Pr(>~ld(,l1t meetmg In La Palma and keep cnt !1 c military high command. The La Palma sesSIOn . held I I .108(' ;\: apoiC'on I)uartp m('~ Eduardo Sancho Castaneda. lhe Roman Ca tholic churth. \\ a!'l them mformerl 011 " pr oc('dllrt,~ T ro op ~ in Chalalenango \\'<"dn~ rl3\ "IIh ITI lht3n field to be foHowN! " knO\I,:n as FErman Cienfuegos. the firs t top·level mect lll J!, prod nee. where the ta lks look talked privately With Vides '() mm - n,l~r~- 10 bnd them nn \'idt'S Ca!"a no\'a alsu all ('ndC'd bet\\. ('en the rebels a nd place. \'ere order<'d confined 10 Casa no\'a . Cicnfucgos 1~ hi!" lalk~ \,I,lth I(>ft l ~t n'lwl~ the m('('tmg with the field their base during the lalks and gO\'ernment ~I nce the start of E I DC'f{'n" . :\l!TlI~t l!r C:lrhl!,- commander of the Armcd alvador's cln) war fl\t' \·f.'~r;.. ('ommand€'rs .In Wpdnesd:J~' ~ IIIJ had not gont" EUQC'nJ" \'Idf":.' Ca:-ano\':1 \~ hn f orces of Xa tl onal Resistance ago, . One of Du ar tl:" ~ pnorl1 l('S out on opera lions. a military The source. who spoke on uttt'ndu~ tht' .\lnnday nH-'t'lm!?, \\ hen h(' look offl(,(" JUIl(, I W;l!' .:oure<-' sa id CO I1ChllOO a oom' mll \' for \\ .Il'! Ti'bt+.. In Iht~ northC'rn of DUring the talk, tho in ('om'mer ~om(> f('luClan! 4. ~o un.'r In\'ohrri In ~e 1!in g sccurlt\, reasoll~ . did nOl S3\' m ()unt~ll0 '0\, n 01 1.<1 Palnw. guernllas and the gO\'ernmem ;l1I htan- l(,~ld(' rs oj th(' nei"d fo r ur the ta lks wllh Ihl" rebels !'3 1d l ~;Ud j)uaft(' v. a~ lalklllV \, 'th Iht' wha the t\\ 0 disc'U:" 10 La agre 0 to set up OJn t~l g hl · taJk~ ,qlh he 1(' tl~1 rebel;;. \\'('dn ~da ~ ' Ihat dUrlll1! the 4· Palma. 50 m lil:s norlh of an mlll1a r~ If'arl(" r~ In C' xpJalll 10 8(,(Of(, he went to La Palma. tl( mcmoer Cl')rnmlSSlon 10 meet and+:J -half-hour mc(>tmg ~ It La alvadar n('xl munth Daily 'Egyptian Thursday. OC lobe r IH . 1984. \ '01 iO , ~o44 Southern lllinois University Rally features food~ music~ politics H\ D:lrrf'1I Hillock Staff Wrilt'r

People at the SIC ollege Democrats' ralh' Wednesda \' aftrrnoon came' tor diffcrell1 rea ons. Some ca me ror the free hot dog::; and soda Some cam e to hear the rock 'n' roll of Ihe Ho tage Flamlllgos And some even sta \'ed to hear what politiCians' sU('h as Ken Gray a nd C<1n \ kt'lure had to sa\' about educat Ion and other I~~ut.-·s " I thmk ~ornt.' of the people came for thl~ mU~It' ~lnd the' free food al flrst. ·· said Til" L ~l r SO Il of Cullrg(' n mot' at... "!-lUI thai \\a .. tileloea Brandon \ 'ulJ!amolt. jumor in manufactunng cngll:cenng, ,ald he and a fnend heard the mU~lc Iirsl. but thought they mH!ht !'ola y to bear the p(llltJ(:Im \\ ould help get II (inn ~iHd the rc'ason tullion I!-. ~II hllih IS. ixX.'3 U!-.t' the Reagan ad lTIlm!'! trutlon spends bll! bm:k .. nn unnN"Clcd \\ £'apon~ '!'m ~,... \nwrican a :-. appl£' 'Jl(' hUI I don't think \\(> nu'(i S~ btlhnn tnr thl' d('f('n~e of thl~ l·clLlrlr:.. ~ald GraY ,).) d Gra\' IS runnIng .r or the __ n Congres!'ional DistrIct s('al In St('\(, Katsinas, .I : Il· k~i)n County Yo ung Oemocr:lI!'> pn'sidt' nt : and .. roml('ft. .\nd\ I.l· i~f h t ol1 . l ' :.o:() 1Jr('~irl('nl : )lark Czm~ rid, Sll~~r,nl.!OO the,' lIow·(' of R pr escn t~tl\'c5 Tim I.a rson. nH'mlwr of till' Sll.... C \oll ('gt' U('n~on~tb. h~ld ~I for Simon t'f)t;rdinator: Jam('s K(·r1(',:" . Jack!ooull (,?UIII ,\ ,~I r~ ~I~ bt.'mg vac3ted by Paul Imon Drmocratic ra ll ~ W I'rll\('!'>da~ aftl'rnoon 111 thr I, rt:'e Forum .\ rr.1. clerk : K,'II Gra~. cfm gr('s!oo iollal C:lndHhl (C' for the.' aX th UI (ru.I , who I~ runlllng for the S nate. Gr"" held tho seat before S,mon ~tc C lurc saId. " Why shouldn't fundlllg for SIL' ~ C and t ther puhlic works. an Issur, he has taxpayer and.?Olh in get,ting tax 1955 to 19;5 thev \'ote here ~" fro m schools, , stressed throughout hiS cam- monev back, Gray said, ~lt C lure said he would push Though they were ob\'iousl~ Both candidates agreed that for a tulion decrease for college l\'1cClure said he would lIke ~o p a'~ 7~~) not going to vot~ for $1 in In' jng to gel \'otes for them· student, if elected to lh~ s t ~ t e see mane\' cut from the public aid for Cairo, Egypt ·tli we get slUdent votes a re important to selves both candidatt:S were Senate from the 58th D,stnct. 'lid budgei gIven to education, some for Cairo. Illinois." Gray their campaigns, careful to urge people just to McClure h ~ I S already gotten a " We would probably be able saId. He favors building more "Students can elect anyone vote period. promise from State Scnat,e to gel support f~r t~! S or:'ce ~· c rour.lane hi ghwa ys 111 IllinOiS they wa nt to," McClure told the "The onh wa\' to get this PresIdent Phil Rock . that If got the ball rolhng, saId Mc· a nd getting public works crowd, government back' on track is for WIll vou to go out and \'ote," said McClure IS elected he ge.t an C IB~~ides educat ion issues, projects for the a rea. he saId. "Students go to school here appointmenlto an a propnalt~n s nine months out of the year." Gray, l'ommillee that would decide Grav addressed the issue of ': lIlinois is the 5th largest Dunn McClure debate on education This P 'dent Rona ld Reagan s qUIte a )0 , US 11\ narrcn Hillock ., rl~s~ . "T, he stbale" of Illinois needs to G ~~ ~lorning siaff Wriler po RClesblican Ralph Dunn said be efficen!. It doesn't need a tax ~ode : "'.' he ~~i~ks the only way to in, increase," he said, , \\ind' , "arm: The candidates for state creasc funding for education in Dunn. on the other ~~nd . s~ld r!fl pt·rc.'t>nl .. tnrm dwne.' Senatc in the 58th District came the state is to raise taxes - a the best way. to raise taxes out soundi ng a little Ii~e 't' that resembles the would be to remstate the tern· US FL fi le;; members of the other guy s ~~Ig~~~ of Walter ~10ndale , porary incom, e tax IIlcrease party on sou~ces of . more b emoc.ratic presidential can· repealed last) ear, eed (; us ~a\' ~ ,,11('n a Kt"pubhf'3n la wsuit education fundlOg dunng a fd t The candidates alsodlsagr sa\"~ rai~e taxt>" a nd n debate at SI '·C Tuesday. I " ~~~e 's only onc way to do it on whose ex ~r ~e ~c e would bel l)cmorral says cut Oi:JJ t'llding. against ~FL Garv McClure. a Democrat. and that is raising taxes," said the m?st ,ben,cflclal to the peep e things like " blur Illoon ~" tlrd advoca es cutting the state Dunn. Shifting dollars from of theIr dIstrict. "snowstorms in hell" .. tart -.' port,,2 .. budget and funneling the s ur· other parts of the budget. as sho "in ~ up in th(' "ealhn Plus into education - a poSItion " Id be See Fl"'snS. Pag(' Ii that sounds a little like that of McClure advocates, wou foreea~ts , GJVewswrap ~~ nation/ world ~ Speakes says no U.S. change Michael Blank to accommodate Soviet U nion WASHINGTON , AP I - The Heagan adminislralion. responding and Friends to a Soviet call for positive U.S. steps to break the a rms control deadl ock. said Wednesday it wants improved relations but has no obligation .. to pay a price so that the Soviet nion will come back 10 the nuclea r negotiating table:' White House spokes man Larry Speakes, responding to Soviet President Konstantin Chernenke's offcr ( 0 improve superpower relations. gave no indication the United States is prepa red to shift its oosilion on any arms control ~ ------issue Chernenko cited. True Vi"e" nl BII. h . hH ed 10 -peak UI SE'lC' ... r CAPE GIHAHDEAU. Mo. (AP) - VIce Presldenl George BU 'h ha announced plans 10 vi sit Cape Girardeau Monday. the da\' after ,False the second debate between President Heagan and li'aller :,l;mdale in Kansas Cit y. Campaign officials said Bush will hold a public forum called "Ask George Bush" a t 9 a.m. at the Univcrsill' CeOl er Congress is totally d if. on the campus of Southeast Missouri Sla te University. After the forum, Bush is scheduled to travel 10 Davenport, Iowa . ferent than it was w/"len Ken Gray was in Congress fue'lory use cirol)S: ,. Iowcicnnl in r f' ( · t)v t~ I ~ ~ · ",p"n Tonieht 9 years ago. WASHINGTON ( AP) - The nalion's faclory use dropped in September for the second straight month. marking the first back­ False. The system and to-back declines since the last recession . the government said 8p.m •• Old Main Room methods are basically Ihe Wednesday. The decline in Ihe industrial opera ting rale to 81.9 same. The Sp" aker 01 the percent of capacity was taken by many economists as a sign thai House, Majority Leader the recovery· is slowing but not fizzli ng out. Many ciled recent Students free/Sl ~50 eeneral public and most 01 the commll· declines in interes t rates to bolster their view that growth will soon lee chairmen wllh whom pick up. Gray served lor 20 years Free Coffee Nudeur 1>10111 in ~ p e(' :in" pI"" lurned dnwn are stili there. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Nuclear Hegul atory Com mission has decided not to designate local electric utility employees to help the Sponsored by SPC. The Student Center. the (Paid lor by Re.fllecl Ken Gray 10 government inspect nuclear power plants. The commission turned Carbondale Park District. and Makada Java. Congress Commillee) down the "designated representa tives" Idea on a 3-2 \'ote Tuesday after somp mpmhp,-<: r rili('i7.pri if;tc: " nllmh" and " IOllSV •. The idea of using workers appointed by utililies to a ugment the FHes In· spection force was proposed in J u~e in a report examining why some atomic plants are plagued by extensh'e c u~ht y·control I problems while others are not. THE WELLNESS CENTER ~tid 'w es t thou:,!ht 10 ('uiliaill \U!'ol n il clepu!'oil:- DES MO INES, Iowa ( AP) - Oil exploralion firms have been approaching farmers in Iowa and other Midweslern states offering modest a mounts of moncy in return for rights to whal some geologists belic\'c could be one of the biggest oil reser voirs ever. ; ~h e companies are hoping oil i~ conta ined in a " rift valley" some .flve miles beneath the fertile topsoil of sec tion ~ of Iowa and four CO"TROLLI"G YOUR other Midwestern stales. Some geologists believe the rift ""curred ttlGtt BLOOD PRESSURE more than a billion years ago. trapping deposits tha t now will I ield \Iast amounts of oil. ' One of every 5 Americans has high Britis h cutS in oi~ I)rirt·s rua~ ' It~ lld to Ilrit'c war blood pressure. A re you one of them? LONDON ( AP) - Britain. foll o'Ning 'orway's lead. cut prices on This film presents some of the learn ways to control your own blood its North Sea oil on Wednesday. raising t,e prosll<'Ct of widespread pioneers of the holistic health pressure through diet. e xercise and reductions by oil exporters. Last year. after a similar round of movement and is f illed w ith stress management. price-cutting by the North Sea oil countries. the Organization of informati('ln on numerous methods Petroleum Exporting Countr ies cut priCes for the first time in its of holistic prevention & treatment existence. 01 health problems. Disne ,' ert'ws settle strike. report 10 work This inspiring film wilt be shown ANAHEIM. Calif. (AP) - Hegular work crews returned in force THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 to Disneyland on Wednesdav to end the longest walkout in the 7-9PM Magic K'ingdom's history, after they settled for a contract that Illinois Room. Student Center freezes wages for two years. And in Florida ..u :.ions represe!iting at leasl 2.600 maintenance workers at Walt DIsney World saId Wed· nesday they had reached a tentative contract agreement. No state Terrorism is major concern as Planned Parenthood meets CHI CAGO (AP) - Planned Parenthood. the nation's oldest family·pla nning organization, began its annual ~onvention Wed· nesday amid mounting concern aboulterrorist attacks on its clinics and .. the doctrine of intolerance" surrounding the healed debate over abcrtion. ".4. wave of terrorism against reproductive health Learn to use this method of cHn ies is sweeping our nation," Faye Waltleton, president of predicting a woman 's fertile P lanned Parenthood Federalion of America Inc .. said at a news times. Th ese classes will conference. in deplh the application of Fertility Awareness for use as a This 5 week group is aimed method of birth control. a t the smoker who ;s serlaus about ' USPS 169220 1 This 2 week class begins quitting. Th is program prOVides motivation, o structured program and group support. ~~shf:l~i1a~ Ih~ J=a~:;''':t~ ~~~~~~~ ~~;, Thursday, Oct. 25 during swnmer lenn"\Y"· them Illinois University, Communications 4-6PM Begin, Buildmg, carbondale. IL F '. Second class poslage paid al carbondale. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25 IL. Editorial and business offices located In Communications Building. 3·5 PM To register call 536·4441 N~'Jh~~~I~~:~~~iJo .~~ny~~tg~:ii~~~~f~~~·onths within the United States and $45.00 per year or $30 00 for SIX months in aU foreign Co-sponsOfed by Intro mural·Recreatlonal ';port, countries. u~~~~;:~rt:~~~fe~l~ress to Daily Egyptian, Southern JIIinois

Pag(' 2. Daily Egyplian. October 18, J984 Protestors target porn m a gazines

Ii\" O,~ hra {'ulburn " The mess'lge promotes fear Siaff \\'rilt'r and mistrust between the sexes and the image of sexua lity is Kazoo music and shouts of negative. We aren't for cen­ "h ub~a hubba. yowza yowza. sorship. but we a re fo r making slep rlghl up and see Ihe images people aware:' shesaid. of your sexua lit y as it is sold on the racks of the ca mpus TIlE II' O~ I E :,( also prolesled bookslore" filled the a ir Wed· th e magazi nes because of the nesday afternoon as three racist cartoons as well as those women prolesled Ihe sale of that ma kt:o joke out of incest, pornographic materials there. "These magazi nes perpetuate Judilh Cassedy. dressed as a a liegalive image in society, circus bar ker. Carol Benton and Peopl e neee to be aware of that. Sue Fazio. wearing a ndwich The SIU Bookslore needs 10 be boards and pl aying kazoos slood a wa re of that a nd take 10 front of the Unh'ersi t v responsibility for lhemsehtl.-"S," Bookstore wi th a headless. Casscd~ ' said, a rmless a nd legless mannequin. The mannequin was wrapped in ol DI SKI E HSCI I. one of Ihe material ('m'ered with pictures assistant managers of I he from pornographic magazines l ' niH'rsll\' BO(l ks torc !oiaid. as were the sandwich boards. '" Wc're n'ot here to censor Cassedy invited the "girlie anybody, We respect Iheir righl Sia n Pholo b\' Nevill,. Loberj! 10Ys and playboys" 10 slep right to S3\' what the\" wanl out there F rom I(' h , SU(' Fazio. J udith ('a~~f' ct \', and L lrul \\'('dn(>sda ." a f( f'rll oo n again sl maga zin es that up and see the images of their but \\te a lso r~pect the rights of B(,lIlon l 'lro t (,~ 1 (lul!'i id(' tht· l"ni\' C', B.~o k s l or(' promol(' \'ioJenct' 10 " ome n, sexuality. She asked women if peopl e to read what they want 10 Ihey liked 10 be bound. lorlured read. We don'l make Ihal kind of and gagged. as Ihe magazines judgmenl.·· say they do. She asked the men The magazines sold a t the Survey will be given ' full weight' if they like seeing WOr.1 cn bookstore a re bought by an treated as they a re portrayed in outside company, Skiersch so.d B." Kar ('n WiHb('Tj..!(·r committee wi ll put more em· fe Ci rs of questionnaires to the magazines. he doesn'l make the decision as a nd Bill Walk t'r phasis 0;'1 the reasons behind the Dennis and told him to en· 10 what wi ll be carried and wha l Sta ff Writers suggestions rather than the courage faculty members to AT O:,( E I'OI:,( T in Ihe won't. labula led resulls. a lso schedule an interview, protest. Cassedy said the " We don 't promole \'Iolence Questionnaires sent to facuJt\" He said Ih al Ihe repon will be Elliott said questionnaires don't mannequin had all the body towarct women or a nybody else. members b,' the Facu1t \· Senate used in providing the committ ee aHow for in.depth answers, par ts ? playboy needed ac· There a re a number of olher seeking vie"'s about ChanceJl or with additional infor mation don't show the qua liri cations cord ing 10 Ihe pages of magazines that promote tha t Kennel h S ha w a nd I he about facult\" \'iews, but Cilnnol one has in answer ing certain poronographic magazines. kind of Ihing Ihallhe girls didn'l oper:aions of his office \\'iJl be s ubstitut e a'n inter\'iew which queslions and cou ld be The covering fo r the man­ discuss." Skiersch said , given " due weight " in th(' gi \'es the opportunity 10 back up dupliCa ted fo r a greater impact , nequin had pictures of women 's review procpss. said Ivan wha t it said with reasons and Despile ads placed in local torsos 10 point out the fac t that Ellioll . qualifi cations, newspapers for the interviews. magazines such as " Playboy" :,(A'JMI I'ATlIE.\L. ma nager Elliot is chairman of the ad " They're upset. !'m upset: ' the co mmittee received only 10 and " P enthou~e" tend to foc us of the Uni versit y Bookstore said hoc committee of th E" Board of Elliott sa id, saying that he is a ppl ications for in terviews to be on thai part of a women's body. the women had e\'ery right to Trustres which is conducting very frustrated tha I mor e conducled on Ocl. 23 . E llioll They Imply Ihal Ihe lorso IS all a voice their opin ions. Palheal the fi ve·vear review of the facully members didn 'l apply said. woman ha s to offer . Cassedy said a few yea rs ago the chancellor. for a personal inten'iew, Some faculty members were said. Bookslore pulled " Pillow Talk'" Facult v Senate President The ad hoc comm ittee questioned Tuesday about their " We a ren't against sex and " Eros ," " Penthouse Lawrence Dennis IS scheduled rejected the us(> of question· part in the review process. nudily'" Cassedy said. "The Variation:-;." and " High to submit 10 the committee a nai res for the review in Scp· The facultv members who did probl(>tn is tha t a vast majority Sociely'" off Ihe shelfs. s umma ry report of Ihe result!" of tember. dccldmg to condu<.·t fill out the questionnaires said of magazmes link up the foCI orne of the sexu311y expllf.:it t.he quest ionnai res on Oct. 13 in1<.'r\'iew~ Instead. Ho\\('\'er , they did not apply for an in­ that violence and sex are magazines that remain on the a long with a personal mternew the committee never said it Icn 'iew because ei t.her they feJt stimulating for men and fhal racks are " Plavcrs:' " Pen· with outside consul tant Fred wouldn'l accept a report based Ihe quesrionna ire would be women enjoy bei ng beaten or t h o u se," "' Pla\'bov, ' !'ess, on qucsti onnaires, Ellioll said, suffI cient or lhey were not aware of the interviews, abused'" " Playgirl:' and "Oui: " , Ellioll saId Tuesday Ihal Ihe Ellioll said he expressed his

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Dally £ gypl lan, October 1M. 1!:lK4 Pa ~t '.1 ceditorial H ope in El Salvador AFTER FIVE YEA HS of ci vil war . there is a p"omising chance for peace in EI Salvador. A meeling belween political and guerrilla rebel leaders and r<>:enUy elected Presidenl J ose Napolean Duarle wenl off wi thoul a hilch in the rebel-contrnlled Iown of La Palma. Both sides a rrived at the meeting with a list of demands : the rebels wa nt more wa ges for peasants and workers. and action laken againsl righi-wi ng death squads: Duarle wants the rebels 10 lay down their arms and pa rtir.ipa t ~ in the democratic process. Duarte's peace initiative is popular among the peopl e of EI Salvador. Duarte and rebel leaders were heered by 20.000 people when they arrived for the meeting. Duarte offered the rebels the opportunilY 10 particip<' te i"- popula r elections. If ...rl y elections are he!d. Duarte would s t.a nd a good ch? nce for re-election because ~f his expanded popularity. IT IS NUS' AI. when revolutionaries consent to peaceful negotiati ons wi th leaders of the government they a re trying to replace. But in the case of EI Salv:;.dor. the guerrill as may have come to the realiza tion that the government cannot be overthrown. and negotiations may yield the only progress for the rebel cause. . ihe pri m a r~! reason Lhat the ~I Sa lvadoran government will nol be overthrown is that the Uni ted Sta tes will not a llow it. Since the Reagan administration took control of U.S. fo reign policy, the Salvadoran milita r\' has increased to about 40.000 soldiers . far A new breed of prison ,vardens outnumbering the es tima ted 8.000 guerrillas. The !-, two sides di d manage to sit down and talk in a peaceful s,>tti ng. a haired gent leman 'ir: a three­ her job so interesting. there area 101 whodon't But l feat that would not have been possible a few short months a~o . The pi ece suil. frequently on lhe Discussi ng her rapport wi th don 't feel thai lI 'S hopeless'· seeds of a peaceful settlement for the strife-torn country hav C! been phone d isc u s~ m g clemency with the inm ates, evident to a vi sitor he lells her taff. "The lOrn a Ie. sown. and if an sides continue to negotiate in good f ait~ . EI as she makes the rounds at her are here 168 hours a week; each Salva dor may have the peace its people dcserve. lhe governor, Anyone expecting 1.0 find such in stitution, Camp states. " I talk of us is here a minimum of 37.5 scenes in Ill inoi s prisons I hcse to e\'er:' inmate differently. I hours We can a ll do somelh ing days had belter look elsewhere. enjoy tha I. 11'5 pari of the in those ho u~ to be ro le l'la\'ing recenlly \'isited two personal cha llenge for me. One model ~ ir l lJur 0\\ n httle world --~etters --- medi um security fa cil ities , can come up against different w p. can h ~ \' e an Impact on that Graham and Dixon Correctional Iypes of people from differenl otber 168 hr)urs H{:cause If \\ (' Committee will hear f rom faculty Cent ers, we're here to tell \ 'OU kind s of backgrou nds wllh don't do it. anot'lel mrnate IS IhlOgs ha\'e changed. . dl fferenl personalitIes thai gOI going 10 be Ihe role model. " AS most of you kn ow. data di fference. or (d l fear Ihe them int ~ prison, The cha llenge themsel\'es are usually ap­ consequences of speaking :\'0 1' 0 :\'1. Y AI\ E Ihere no fo r me. III terms of having anv :\, EITII Efl C.UIP nor Giesen parent : what they mean is a frankl y 10 members of the arme<.' gu_rd patroll in g the kind of impacl or control o-r i~ sure exa ctly how man y other matter of interpretation. It is Board. grounas at Graham. wh ich respect. is to be a ble 10 com­ women wardens of male in ­ true thai rew peopl e have ac· Perhaps other factors come opened its doors in 1980. but it muni ca te With that individual stit ul ions serve throughtout the cepted the open invi tation to into play, bu t I ca n assure your looks and feeJs like a com­ person as the need arises." Camp is nei ther isolated from niled Slates. bUI the\' kn ow meel with the Fifth Year readers that the fa cultv cares munity coll ege. It is situated on that t.he number is sm'a ll , We Ch.mceUor Review Cor:'lmitlee. and it cares a great deai. This i ~ 88 acres in the quiet. central her inmates nor her staff. Il linois town of Hillsboro. II Although she has mountains of think Ill inois is progressive in but I do not believe this borne out by Ihe fa ct Ihat well this respect. Our impreSSion is ne c e ssa r i l y means, a s over half of the returned houses about 1.000 rna Ie administra ti ve papt:rwork. she prisoners, Its dini ng room is able to spend a lot of Ume on that prisons are much more suggested by Mr. Ivan Elliott's q ues tionnai r es contai ned humanizing places than they comments in the Daily Egyptian written : omments. a large r esembl e s a fast -food the prison grounds everyday, or resta urant. al leasl every other day. She used. to be, These women IOct. 15) that fac ulty " has number of which were ex­ wa raens are bringi ng a degree confidence in the board to make tremely thoughtful and helpful. Dixon. located in the town of says, " I don't think a warden its own decision or thl!y just Dixon in the northwest corner of can manage an institution of professiona li sm to their don't care." I. too. wish that more than 10 the state. is in the process of wi thout being accessible to positions that is refl ective of a people had requested 10 speak to He may, of course, be correct being conver ted from a mental inmates ... ·· trend in Ulinois prisons, bUI I think not. and my belief is the Review Committee, bu t. as health faci lit y. Its stately old Although it is next to im­ largely based on the responses I the Senate received a 35 percent red brick bu ildings are un­ FOR U:-;DA GIESE:\' . possible to ca pture in a few r~turn Oil the questionnaires, I preVIOusly a warden at Dwight words the fl avor and spirit thaI received to the recent Faculty w,1I be speaking. as I report 10 dergoing massive remodeling to Senate questionnaire. There are the Review Committee on Oct. prepare for the 1.250 male in­ Correctional Center, there are bot~ of these women in fu se into further interpretations of the 23 . for 500 peopl e di rectlv and mates event ually expected to be differenl cha ll enges. She thClr respective institutions, we it data - that faculty members 1.400 indirectly . You may be housed there: in late sum mer oversees massive changes can assure you lhal a Jimmy (a ) did nol know ' of the in­ sure thaI I shall do my besl 10 Co.ol 3ined fewer than 250 necessary at Dixon for its Cagney lookalike woul dn 'l need vitation, or (b) are not ~ lJf ­ represenl the facully, whose prisoners. con version from a menta l to pou nd hi s tin cup on Ih e dimng ficiently informed to comment oplOIons on the questionn aire BUI the most remarkable health facilit y to a medium table at Di xon or Graham in extensively on the chancell or's are quite decisive - and "care­ difference between these two securit y prison, A lour of the order to get the warden's aI­ performance. or ( C) feel thai ful. " m~er n !lIinois prisons and construction area at Dixon lenlion. She'd probabJ\' be whatever they, as ind.ividuals - Lawrencr J . Oennis ~ h e lr old cinematic counterparts reveals Giesen's ('ommitmp:lt to ea ling her meal al the ta ble nexi might say. it would make no P residenl. F aculty SeJ13 Ie, - . IS personified in their wa rdens. the conversion and its ult imate tohlm, Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Letters policy

Signed o rhel e, Includ tng ;ellen 'Vl ewpo l " I ~ and o lhe co mmenta nel reflecl Ihe op, 0 1 Ihelr a u lhor) only Unl.gne d edllorlo l) reprelenl 0 conlenlU! nl Ihe EgypT Ia n Ed ilaflo i Ca m m illee whale membe rl a re I",e $Tudent-ed'ia r .n ch,ef. Ihe editOria l poge e d.tol a new' l lall m e mber Ih to ~:~::" monagtng ed,lor and 0 Journo l'"m School faculty

lelle" 10 the edIto r m a y be ,ubm,lIed by mo,1 or d lrec1l,. 10 the ediloria l poge editor Room 1'1 . 7 Com mun,Collon, Bu,ld lng l ene" , ho uld be lypewHllen double ' poced All lelle r, are lubjec110 editing a nd w ,lI be I,m, le d 10 500 w ord, l e lle rs a l len Ihon '1 .50 w ardl will be g 'yen prefere nce for pub lico lIon Sludfm h mu,1 ,dentlf,. Ihem,el"e ' by cla n o nd mo ior loculi Ilte,:"berl by rank a nd deportmenl non,a cade m lc ' Iaff b; POSIlion a nd deportmen t Lelle " submitted by maillha u id 'nelude Ihe o ulhor oddren a nd te lephone number LeNefl fo r yer.fica t,on of a uthorsh ip connol be mode w ill not be publilhed Contrasting styles mark Iowa Senate race OF TilE t611 races for the attraction for Hark in . "I kno", JEI:JSEl\' . a first-termer. is from either Lraffic jams or Senate and House. few offer as him '" said a local woman who the opposile lie ha s gone from traffic tickets. Jepsen was a slarthng a cont rast in issues works part-time in a cheese esca pade to esca pade . twofer. and styles than the politics of store and whose husband is a careening off the wa ll s of power Rep . ! vm Harkin (D 1 and Sen. professor of chemistry at the like a high· li ver too zonk y 10 see R. eger Jepsen (R L In I owa it ­ l~ JOW,\ . these tales are weJl ­ unjv e~i ty . "He !las character. what a spectacle he has become. known. They produce the only self. no community other than He has never changed per· He has earned both headlines in Ames offers better 'acous tics for normal reaction possible : sonally . His SUCl:ess never went Wa shington and gasp.) in Iowa c.ri nges. Among his followers. gelling the soundings of a race luhishead.·· for scandals great and small. He between one of the Democrats' there is loyally. of an odd kind . f5U In a reverse way. success did went to a whorehouse in 1m . It "We know he's an s .o.b.:· said genuine progressives and one of Colman go to lIarkin's head. II made was called "Leisure Spa" and the Republicans' rank em ­ one Republican. " but he's our him secure enough to think he signed up for membership. ~.o . b . " barrassments. McCarthy uncom'entionally. He decided a When the story broke last June. Ames. about an hour north of Washington Post while back to do away with J epsen. befitting a man of Politicall y. J epsen is another Des Moines. is an intellectuallv Wa hington's mightiest Irap­ varied tastes. came up with Reagan good soldier who is alive IOW'1 which has the luck Writers Gro"p of ping of success - the big office several explanat ions . He heavy on military spending ana being served by two zestful - and move inLo another one thought the joint was a " health news papers. the Daily Tribune heavier still on spending for But he had ~)U i 1t a base and th ot is smaller by half. His stafr. spa'" then he laid it 10 and the Iowa State Dailv. The himself. He has a campaign came back the next election to work ing in rat" s·mazp density "curi osity and weakness." and S3 400 district i chest of nearly million. a congressional \\'i'1 . As a n arms-control. ncedro more room . Harkin fina lly. Iowans stilt not buying. percent increase from his 1978 Re publican. Party loya lists hu man·rights and populist kind vacated hi s pacious office and he went wiLh Jesus bv an­ race. recall the happier days - pre· of Democrat. h is fi ve moved his s taff in . nouncing he was born agafn. New Right fanaticism - when congressional victories in this The J epsen rebirth perhaps A J epsen campaign aide. who Sen. Bourke Hickenlooper was a district - the stale's most More astonishing than th is pl aced him closer to God's la ws. roteh' s lams Ha rk in as a liberal H\'ing advertisement in both Republican and most rural - fi~ lin q u ishing of the Ca pi tol's bu t it put him further from "crazy spend E" r:' accuses Lhe 10\\'3 and Washington for decent Lave been margins of 59 percent most sacred perk a r~ the walls man·s. Last year. a surourban national pr~s of not focusing on straighl·thinking Republi.cani· or more. of the small office. They are sm . Washi ngton cop issued a Sl5 Jepsen ' ~ vi sionary political bare of the customary me·wit h· lickel tn the senator for driving philosophy. The Iowa press Ames is where Tom Harkin. 1I 0 METQWl\S fI ,W E a way the-greal·one photogra phs ihal alone \0 a fast-lane reserved lor appears to be missing it too. 44. Ih'ed for 10 vears while of remembering the feJlow down few politic ians seem able i.o live c.:ar·ooolers . He blustered his That doesn't stop :he aide from serving in the Hous'e since 1974 . Lhe street who never looked as if or breathe without. All Harkin way'out of the tme ny clalmlOg trying to picture his man as the He g radua ted from Ihe he would amount to much but goes with is a lone farmalnd "congressional immunity:' not Thomas j efferson of the universitv. served as a Nav\' Ihen. luck and lighlning both painting - because political realizing that if lhere is one pilot and' returned to Ames to heartland. In Ames . the sen· striking. he is embraced by th e success has not let him get thing the commoners of timpnt is more modest : Thomas marry and Slart a family. He outside world and declared a c.a rried away with worldly Washington gag on. it is big Harkin of Ihe heartland wi ll do lost his first congressionai rC::ice . success. Ames has the feeling of success. Bhots exempting Lhemselves just fine. :/ 1 11 ~etters --­ I! Many pay for Fair Days

The editorial -- Hall oween Saturday evening which goes progre s ' on OCI. 8 included bevond the usual "bar band" several import ant polO'S. but qu'ality . This commitment also may have misled vour should be applauded by the Cily readers ' with incomplete' in · of Ca rbondale: it inlentional1v form ation . helps 10 meet a goa l the CII~' The editori al properly em· Manager \'oiced last summer' phasizes the c rucial need to to atLract the crowd to Grand recognize that "City Fair Days" A\'enue and awav from South are just around Ihe corner. And. Illinois Avenue : The Park it a lso correcth' id ntified District Board was impresst'd se\'e raI partne'rs in the enough with this commitment to festivities: the Ci ty of Car· quality thaI it decided 10 forego bondale. the Ca rbondale Park a proposed event on Fridav District and the Student evening and put up SJ .500 for Lhe Programming Council. Saturday band. ·1..ot.I3.chllttle Some additional informaLion ~ In addition to S3.000 from the ... .. ~!~~~ ~:I~~~~d~~r ch:~"b:~ Student Programming Council. of Commerce has also been untold hours of student volun­ acti vely involved and wiIl spend teer efforl. and the availability more than S2.300 to provide of a power gE'aerator. the c hemical toilets for the University also provides con· weekend. Second. the mer· triuuted services which would ----~etrers------chants of the Murdale Shopping cost $8.000 to 510.000 if the Center are planning a number of c h a rges were act ually special events and wiJ1 provide presented for payment. Your Democrats represent the real world 5250 for publicity. Third. the readers should be aware that Un iversity is making available the University absorbed costs Our four-year interlude with The Democrats know whal is ticket is a pragmati c choice. It a portable generator to provide fo r security and clean-up the hero from the movies must, going on in our citi es. schools. is optin g to get involved with the power (or the Grand Avenue estimated at in t983. and alas. like a summer romance. labor force and farms. The rea l world tasks of making this activities. Fourth. the Student likely to the same amount or come to an end. We may mi ss ticket of Mondale and Ferraro country work for the majority Progra mming Council has instead of the prevailing few. hil!her in 1984. that feeling of "all is alright offers more than two nicely agreed to provide a large The fina l point of \'our with the world: ' but it is li me to groomed pe rsonalities. The editorial urged .. the students Discuss these ideas with your number of student volunteers put away the comfor ling Democratic ticket represents who wi ll forego the reveling of and the Unhrersity ... to do their illusion. It is time to put our­ Ihe political efforl of many friends and family. Stop by the Mondale·Ferraro headquarters the evening to assure we ll-run part in paying the bills." selves back to work solving the leaders and millions of hard activities. Perhaps this addilional in· rea l problems faCing our working Americans. at the old train station in Car· bondale and let them know what Before continuing thi s list. let formation wiII help your readers country and our ,'orld. . We are all invited to join in me note that the Student recognize the va rious sources o( The political party that tn· th is effort. It is not simple or you will do to help them - so th ey can help us. - Bobbin D. Programming Council has funds and contributed services. cludes Jesse Jackson. Ga ry easy work. and it is definitely repeatedly emphaSized a desire nol like going to the movies. E nesi. Gradua te Student. - Jack R. Over. Executh'e Hart and Paul imon know what to present a musical group on Director. University Relations. the people of thi s country need. Work ing for the Democratic Sociology. Ferraro outclassed Bush in debate One good joke deserves another After reading the editorial of loss fo r something. anything to " kicked a lillie ass." ThaI's a I'm glad to see lIie long· the motel. No meaning he will the vice presidential debate. 1 say. This was quite obvious Re publican for you. - Jerry runn i ng comic s trip condemn the motel. was left wondering if Lh e wIien Bush said that he rea ll y Steele. Sophomore. Ad\'ertising. " Doonesbury" returned to the If Mr. Hoye is still interested editorial was really that. an wa nted to talk about the World pages of the Daily Egyptian. in "Downtown Redevelopment " editorial. or simply the Daily Series. Perhaps the D.E. can now (along with lining his pocket Egyptian's rei teration of the Ferraro's closing statement cancel the other long·running with gold). he should buy the major networks ' opinions . seemed to wrap up the whol e joke that's carried in the demolished property on Illinois Where the Daily Egyptian debate in terms of winners and newspaper. "The Convention Avenue and build fast food writers fell George Bush and losers. The impressions s he left Center." Why not use a rotation restaurants. liquor stores and Geraldine Ferraro " both fared the Am erican viewers with were of headlines such as. Con­ suntan salons. (Businessess the we" " is where I feel they needed ones of extreme competence ventions Center (CC ) O.K. 'd, CC city needs like a hole in the to have more closely analyzed and a dominant feeling of delayed or CC shelved, to in· head.> I can see the advertising or even have watched th e knowing what "winning" is all form us on the impertant now " Hoye-Hoye Village - debate. It was very apparent about. decisions being made con­ Belch While you Burn." One fine through her performance that Incidentally. Vice President cerning the motel. No story win dav I hope to S'''' &.be headlines Congresswoman Ferraro was Bush isn't even intelligent be needed. sinc.e we've read it read "Conventioi. Center Plans well organized. composed. enough to know when the all before. Mr. Hoye could in· Fold (like the Cubbiesl Choked intelligent and very articulate. microphone is turned ofr. as he form us on his participation by by It's Own Red Tape." Thanks. W~er eas 3ush was sloppy, told confidants (and the entire pulling a Yes or No on the motel !feel better now. - Ed Lesniak. confused and sometimes at a nation) that he thought he sign. Yes meaning he wiII build Senior. Therapeutic Recreation. Daily Egyptian. October 18. 1984 . Pa ge 5 CIA denounced for producing Soap Opera war manual for co n tr a r ebels f~EP's II'ASIII :-;(.TOX IAP I The obl a ined by The Assoclaled the reasons ror it s production For Ihose of you who read Our ods re gula rly yOu II remember Ihe 50g0 ')1 Ifou ~(' I n t rl h gt~nce Commilt ec Press and Bola nd Said Ihe and di s! ribut ion , Thai In ­ ol"ld l uke on 1983. They were Iwo d ormle~ (A llen and N eely, w ho mel la, c: ha ln mlO Wednesday ni ght House lntelligem:e Committee \'csti gation is nol yelcompll" t<.' ," the ",s' l ime 01 Fred's He fell ","slonlly on 10\/8 !o he on 1,l.e The n e llc1 w eo lo:. denounced a CIA manua l had been unaware or It s he asked her 10 Fred s for The lf lir !.1 dole, A cO\I ple of weeks loler ,,,II onolher existence prior to the AP's Boland. using his toughest dole 01 Fred's. Thot's where Ihe story lel1 o ff , Hu~ yeot:. updot. Ihe y re produced ror ~ h! arag uan rebels engoged '0 be morrled! (Thl' , ort of thing hoppen, qU I' e oh en ot Fred I.) as " repugnant " a nd a " di saster supplying a copy 10 Ihe panel on language to date in attackmg CIA covert support for the The people provide the cheml' lry Fred , prOVi de, Ihe ,....u~'c For 0 pe ri ~1 for U S. foreign pol!c)'." Oct. I. blend of otmo'pher. "nd mu" c. Ihe kll,d you con donee a nd ,nuggle up 10 In a scathing sk1tement. Hep. In a report Monday. the AP. rebels. said " the dvcumcnt (we coli it Mother. huggin mU'Ic) Freer, IS 'he place 10 meel ond g reel ~:dward P Bol and. D·Mass" citing inteligence sources. said s hould never have been panpl chairman, condemned the the manual was produced by Ihe produced by any element of Ihe Thl, w ..... nd: Danny Gran' and the RIling St ars United Stales government. II with Woyn. HIgdon on fldtll., ! psychological warfare CIA. To r ...ry. a toltl. (all: M'-'2.11 or "S-Ml7 manual as a "document (that> In a letter 10 Rep. Thomas espouses the doctrine of Lenin, should never have bee n Downey. D·N.V" who had called not Jefferson." produced by any element or the for a congressional probe, Uni ted Slates government . ,. Bola nd confirmed thaI the The manual advises U.S,· manual was prepared by the backed Nicaraguan rebels that CIA and was given to the some officials or t.he nation's Nicaraguan rebels. kno\\ n as leftist government can be contras, last year. "neutralized" with the ';The committee was unaware "selective use or violence" and of the document until it was recommends the hiring of obt.ined by The Associaled professional criminals to carry Press." Boland said. "Since out "selective jobs." . that time. the comrr.ittee staff A COOl' of the manual was ha been exploring with the CIA FUNDS: Candidates debate Continued rrom Pag(' I Dunn emphasized his 12 year ' " It is not sla\'e labor:' as as a representative La the ~ome people say it is. said Dunn Illinois General Assemblv from Dunn said workfare gets $1 .50 the 115th Dislric\. He said thaI people off public aid quic:,er and experience will enable him to il keeps the wor k ethic going. work with other state senators. Sun'eys show thaI if people are many or whom also have served out of work for two and one·half in the General Assembly. years, there's; no chance they'll Mc Clu re, who has been return. he said. Randoiph County coroner for 12 McClure said workfare cosl S9 years, said his experience in million for only S6 million in county government combined benefils. . Fridar & Saturday with the fa cl thaI the Democrats " We need 10 gel people oul Two Free ha',/e the majority in the Senate, working in jobs they're com· $1.50 7&9: 15p.m . will make him the more ef· fortable in." said McClure. " I Cokes' rective senator. don't think anyone learns "The No. I issue is ex· anything sweeping streets in I(DIOJ(O I(ll'"' \ perience: ' said Dunn in hi!: Marion." opening remarks. McClure. when asked if there Dunn emphasized the things were any aspect of the AriD l~~ ~~I~ he says he has gotten for Democratic platform that he Southern llIinois during his disagreed with. did something )All) ON . terms , Expansion of the unusual for a candidate in a medical school. law school. debale. He passed on Ihe Sunday engineering college and coal question without answering it. research lab al SI -C were " I've been so wrapped up in 7 & 9: 15p.m. among the projects he men· my own platform thai 1 haven't tioned. had lime to look at Iheirs." McCl ure said his exoerience McClure said. lobbying for bills in Springfield Dunn said he agreed with his qualifies him for the Senale. party's platform for Ihe mosl " Selieve me, I know the ins parI excepl that he supports and outs of Springfield," said passage of the Equal Rights McClure. Amendment. Other than the facl thaI ex· McClure said Ihal he also perience was a key, the can· supports ERA. didales found little common The debate was sponsered by ground during the debate. the League of Women Voters. Dunn said he supports the Undergradual. Sludenl workfare. having people work Organization and the SlU-C for their welfare benefits . Broadcasting Syslem. . ~ . ~ iWIGGYS~s ' l lI ino is Ave n ue THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Bonfire BARBECUEPOTATOE (Our big baker stuffed with barbeque) Complete with salad $ 3 3 5 Pep Rally Free soda or iced tea. • FREE LUNCH AND DINNER DELIVERIES 457 .. 0466 Tonight I~"------'--"'--"''''-'''-i! .;.\iU,l;\!)l!.!.O SIU to ~ Arena Parking Lot I :: 'I ~." :::-:- CHICAGO I ~ _-IV" l\~ NONSTOP ~ 7:45p.m. SIU JAZZ COMBO ~ I: ~ ' 1$30 ROUND TRIP I ~ 8: 15p.m. Pep Rally I Southside and Northwest Suburbs! I ~ , L_vlng:SIUFrlday5:10pm ~ 8:30p.m. Free Food ~ • Chicago Sunday 5:00pm ~ (while supplies last) ~ Call Mon-Fr; 9:00-5:00 I ! Arnie says . " Aren't you 5.49<2993 .. ~ ______t ired of playing gomes? * Charte ...... r Serv_ ice... Ava_ ...i lable_"'ii * ~ ~ Reserve now for Thank sgiving ." ~

P:ljo!t'ti. Dally Egypllan. October 18 , 1984 Honey Dr ippers LP is rehash of old 1950s sock hop mUSIC

Ily :\}or)!a ll Falknt'r charm: is enough to dri\'e Jerry StarrWril('r ~An '"A 1I>ul11 Falwell 10 drink. and it docsn'l get any better. A recenl Holling Slone GReview sing ther musicians' original ~1aga z tne ad\'ertisement for Ihe works. like Hay Chacl",,' "I Gol Honey Drippers first album Album ('ourlrs~ ' WUXlI'.\' HC'c'o,'d s a Woman:' the Honey Drippers enlkes the reader \\'ith a manage to r e:lch new height.s in I1lvsteriou!" don 't·rcvcal·too-m­ mos tly over radio stations. irrelevance by rehashing ueh mess age that implies claim ' n~ th ir presence on the material done earli er. Instearl something really wonderful at album - not an LP. mind you. of laking established songs and work. in what is reminiscent of but a mini Lr WIth but fh'cshort adding something fresh and news s tones leaked b,' songs - gh'cs any indication of interesting. say. an element politicians. \\'ord has gott en out their existence. represent ative of lod3) 's music. Ihal Jeff Beck. Jimmy Page and For Ihose lo\'al diehard Ihe Il oney Drippers goes Hobert Planl ha\'e collaboraled se\'enl ies rockers' who grew up nowhere fa st. 10 come up with a new a nd on Led Zeppelin or Ihe Yard­ Someone interested in the cx"Ci ting album. birds. this w3\"\\'ard a lbum will carlv rhvthm and blues cf the The problem wi lh the album IS pro\'e noth'jng shorl of late' fiftIes and ear'" ~ ixlies that there> jl;;,ft much rc,all\' new WH ILE nauseating. Hpally would be beller off picking up a EVERYONE WAS or exciting about it In ' fact. The be~ t \\' 3 \ ' to describe copy of the soundtrack to were it not for Plant'!, dI stinc­ Honey Drippers. ,"olume One " American Graffit i:' or even a DESPERATELY tive "oice one "ould han' no (please guys, don't :;;ubjecl us to cheap K·lel " party" album with SEARCHING id"" Ihal eilher Page or Beck a second \'olume I IS fift ies sock the same songs. Just about FOR llfE were on the a lbum hop gonr bad . From thc opening anything would be bctter than GOOD U FE, Indeed. nowhere on thr album track. en\tlled " I Gel a Thrill." the torture of having to sit tARRY DARRELL does it artualh- S3\' that the two the audience is made painfully through a ll 15 minutes of the SLIPPED ex-Yardbirds ' guitar players awa re of th£" album 's grotesque Honey Drippers. In short. slay our ('ycn appear. Only the " leaks," THE BACK DOOR shortcomings. The "do wop" away from this nne. TO LIVE IT. - CEntertainment Guide L I\'E E:\TEHT.\I:\.\I E:\T Sunday. Oal a B:tse. noco\·er. Thursda\', Fa ll J it \'a 'cries l1-1E presents \ lkha l'l Bl ank and Airwaves - Frldav. Th e The Club - Thursdav and Frie nd s. 8 p.m .. Old ~ I ain If o~titg{' Flarningo('s. Saturday. Friday, The Hip Che m ists. Room·Student Cent er. students 1{l\z()I~S ]:J)(~E from Sl. Louis. Pag(' :\. Bands Saturdav, 200 P roof. Bands frcc. SI .50 general public 11 lE ADVEi'iTURE OF 0 iE MA,'I{S SEARCH play 9 :45 p.m.-I :-15 a .m. :\0 start at '9 :30 p.m. :'\io cover any Friday. Faculty Rl:'cllal. FOR HL~ISELF. "over either night . night. Hobert Weiss on tenor and a lto trombone. Dona ld Heatti(' on Fre d's Da nce Barn T.J : s Walering Hole - piano. 8 p.m.. Old Baptisl ==~ Saturday. I)ann\ Crant and thr Thursdav, :\,11 -:\1 01 11' He ,'u(', 9 ~'o undalion Hccilal Hall. Ad­ S l ar~. Wa~' ne Higdon on p.m .. si co\'er. Friday and miSSIOn is free. fiddle. Admission IS S3 for Saturday. CoUll Hunner. 10 p.m .. adults. $1.50 for children 12 and $1 cover. SPECIAL E \ ' E:\TS Starts under, and free for children under six. SPCFIUIS Lecture b\' Tom Sullh an. Friday! b lind auth·or . actor and Galsb\" s - Thursda\·. F rolll Thursday. Sial' ~lI. i and 9 musician. 8 p.rn .. B t Corn('r ' Yl1lphon~ , S2 CQ\·er. Thursda\'. Iload Warrior. 7 and9p.m .. Mainstreet East - Pla\' "The Frida\' and . a turdav . Daling Game". 10 p.m.. 1 AnU'ri(':ln (-;i golo. 6 : ~ 5 and' 9 co\'pr. p.m. Videos s hown in the video Oasis Lounge - Friday. ~Ir. lounge on Ihe fourlh floor of the I.uck~ . 9 p.rn .·2 a m. Saturday. tudent Center . Admission is $1. American J)rc.un. 9 p.m.·12 a .m . Xc, cover either night. co:\n :HTS Pinch Penny Pub - Suo,da,·. !\1(>rcy.9 p.m.:nocovcr .

P .J : s - Frida\' and Salur­ day, Ca rtoonz. 10' p.m.·3 a .m .. 52.50 cO\'er. P .K: s - Thursday, Bria n Crosts. Friday, 200 Proof. Bands play 9:30 p.!".-I :30 a.m. ~,o cover either night. Prime Time - Frida\' and SaturdO:lY. Four On The F'loor 9 p.m .. no cover. Houndup Sa lurda,·. Country Fir(>. 8:30 p.m .. 52 ::over. Stan 1I 0ye's Thursday- ~er- H H ' A ' R ' T~ In the nrght, secrets dIe stolen Places in the He a rt PG (5 :30@IS2 .00)8:00 *"'JAr,\ "1;1' ' ''1 I~ INI',/>. " N ' ..."i .... fa U.·~1~ " t r.'II . \ "J" f, .. " U v\" It">. ",...,.; 1 liM·lIti n I t ... q~.·"'II\H:K~J. Extermina tor 2 tI"'~b"'l J.I .,' •• r. t. 'I ' ~ "J WHYI' N·I.·t":( f J 4J l tl ' ~~'I • • ft... , (6:00@ 52.00)8 15 Ton ight ,I, 11tlr..jAN ) . f(III"t" .~.", ,Ay 1t""Ad "~ . ",."' \ ""'11''' ,, !{ 1 ~~7-:~ . ~~ ------:."O.-=:- . The River Rat PG 7&9 p.m. (5:45@S2_.00_ )8_:00___ .< $ 1.00 Starts Evil That Men Do 4th floor PG Video Lounge 16 '000 S2 00)8 15 friday! ludenl ~ e nt e r

Dally I-':gyplian, October Itt, IW4 . P a~(· 7 Catholic fund-raising gathering

annual exercise in controversy., By Rick Hampson --The a rchbishop did not feel r ecep tio n in 1972 th a n or the Associated Press snubbed. nor di d he mean to De m oc ra t ic pres ide ntia l snub anyone else." Finn said. nominee George McGovern , a NEW YORK (AP ) -The referring to the Smith Dinner Protesta nt who confessed to Alfred E. Smith Memorial board 's decision not to accept feeling "a little like AI Smilh Dinnpr is New York's most Mondale's running mate. Hep. addressing the Baplist League political non-poli ti cal event. a Gerald ine Ferraro. D·N.Y .. as of Eastern Texas." gathe r ing na med for a his stand-In . " Il e put the The a udience repeatedl y Democra t but traditiona ll y (Ferra ro) decision to the board cheered Agnew a nd laughed at more hospitable to Republicans. a nd tha t was thei r decision." his jokes - even the one about Named in honor of Smith. a Attila. who Agnew said ran over New York governor who in 1:!:B TIlE POLITICAL overtones people " just for the Ilun of il.·· became the nation's fi rst of the di nner may be more acut e In t980 President J imm\' Catholic nominee for president. this year. wilh O'Connor em· Carter was booed when he joked the annual dinner combines broiled in a running dispute with about the paint not being dry on politics. religion. humor and - Ferra ro and other Demorratic the -- I Love New York -- button just as oft en - controversy. pol iti cians a bout their support of Reaga n. hi s Republican The nap touched off by Walter for legali zed a bortion. challenger. The audience ap­ for fjJ~ flJay Mondales cancellation of his The dinner began in 1945 to parenlly regarded the remark speech a t Thursday's dinner is ra ise money for a Catholi c as a violation of the dinner's Sot. Oct. 20, 1984 merely the latest in a series of hospi ",1 a nd honor Smilh. who ground rules, which call for disputes associated with the died in 1944 . But . as Aux ilia ry speeches of general interest. dinner. sponsored by the Roman Bishop Patrick Ahern said prefera bly humorous but never Cathol ic Archdiocese of New Tuesday. --it developed into a overtly political. York. major league even'." that raises funds for a variety of Catholi c nOWEVEIl . in a ne w ALTIlOUGIl MO!'\n,\LE is agencies. biogra ph y of the dinner 's not the fi rst cand ida te 10 send About 2.000 people. a record founder . Cardina l Francis his regrets - Vice President fo r the dinner. alreadv had Spellman. a uthor Johr. Coonev Spiro Agnew substituted for promised to attend the $300-a· a rgues that Spellma n used lhe President Ri chard Nixon in 1972 pla te dinn er. whose progra m dinner to boos t conservati ve - archdiocesan offi cials were lists bot h Mondale and Reagan p oli l icia ns . u s u a ll y displeased wi th Monda le's as speakers. Repu blicans. timing. T he De mocratic nominee said he was ca ncelling IIl STO IU CALI.Y. Democrats In t967. when Spell man was all engagements to prepare fo r ha \'e ta ken their lumps at the vociferously urgi ng a stronger his debate Sunday night with dinn er. held ever\' October at American effort in the Vietnam President Beagan. the Waldor f-Asio ria Hotel. War a nd clashing wi lh sta te But the Rev , Peter Finn. DespIte a willy speech by politicians over a proposed O'Connor's spokesman. said Democ ra tic presidential ca n- change in the s.tate constitution reports that the archbishop. dida te J ohn F. Kennedv in t96O. to a llow slate aid to pa rochia l hos t to the dinner for the first Richa rd lixon got more ap- school . neither Gov. lelson time this year. was "furious" plause. Rockefeller nor Mayor J ohn wf"' re " patently untrue." Ag new got wa rmer Lindsav attended theJinner t-d pp., t-f tI.- 11- f Mind power is all that counts Free Popcorn & Peanuts Rum & Coke 851 at a different kind of howl game "'~ snow By Thomas Mangan namenl, with the Dissipa ted Sla(fWrile,' the lourn ~ m ent last year. "Four Structures winn ing a nd the a nthropology s(uderns won it ~9lwcial Exis tentialists laking second. last year, so we decided to go (or Their minds were the ultima tf" Cha rles Cobb. a graduate it:' Cobb said. Strawberry Daquiri weapon. Their mis ion : Answer student in anthropology a nd Cobb is one o( 10 players from questions on science. history. Dissipated Structures team fh'e learn s that ha \'e been li terature. sports and current captain. said lha t he didn't chosen to the College Bow l All· events before their opponents really prepare for the tour· S'a r team. Those players will deployed ultima te weapons of nament. " You can', rea ll y wage intellectual wa rfare in lheir own. prepare or study'-' he said ... you ce l ~ br i t y mat c h es n e x t In the battle of minds known just have to hope your education semester with a team of SIU·C as the College Bowl . two teams can prepare you for the administrators. Along with thal. of four players each vie for the questions. You have to be able to some of them will be selecled lO chance to show their intt!llectual answer faster than the others." play in the regional tournament uperiority. There's litlIe room J.t 's much easier said than Feb. 16- t7 at the University of fo r philosophical pondering. done, howeve:- . Imagine trying Illinois. with the hope of going Qu ick thinkers leave their to count the number of "Ss" in on to na tional hon :Jrs. slower opponents lillie ma rgin Mississippi. divide that number for error. by the square root of one-four th A" inlra mural College Bowl and give the answer before a ll Al so chosen for lhe All-Star competition held recently at equa lly desperate learn CZ n do learn were: Paul Webb and SIU-C pitted mind against mind the same (answer :8l. And this Robert Gustafson of lhe for a chance at the S500 first is only a 10 point lOSS-UP Dissipated Structures : Bill prize soholarship given by the question. For 20·30 bonus points Hanrahan and Rick Lusak of the Office of the Vice President for the questions gel even tougher. Existentialists: Tom Moran of Academic Affairs, and a $400 The Dissipated Structures got the Artifacts: Pat Hewson. second prize. together when Cobb and a fellow Bria n Stevenson and Paul Eighteen teams compeled in anthropology student heard that Donelly of Cerebral Cortex : and the double-elimination tour- four anlhropology students won Eric Buhs of the Cetaceans. BfLLlAIBS PAILOUI SPECIAL Blind lecturer has life in his sights AU.DA'r ...... 8)' Elaine Wilkinson growing apathy among students ass." Student Wriler and the collapse of leadership on " Everyhody in the world has campuses. a disadvanlage.-' he said. " If P:~r.I~~~~~ ' 8 F- ()G~~~~ · s n /. Collins Tom Sullivan is a singer, " About three or four years lhey see me as somebody who iJJ composer. actor and author. He ~ ~I'rtft~ .. ago. I starled to notice lhat has "'ken a disadvanlage and ...... JJ:.JJ ...... :.; gradua ted from Ilarvard every young person I met had no turned it a round . it 's forcing Uni versity. where he was a idea wbat he really wa nted ,-­ them to deal with reality'-' member of the Harvard rowing Sullivan said. " There was nl" team. He is a low-handicap direction from the campus When asked about his long ,~~'~ :l' ~ \. golfer. has chalked up 37 sky community. The kids were and diverse list of personal a nd 1fI!tiII "- dives, rides motorcycles and programmed to work." professional achievements, lried out for the 1968 Olympic Sullivan wili talk about tur­ Sullivan said, " I can't stand to LUNCH SPEClA L wrestling learn. ning points in life and how to do tbe same tbing twice. I never Tom Sullivan has been blind ha ndle those experiences and fin ish anything. I'm easily Ilot Do~§ 35~ since infancy. stumbling blocks such as fear. bored. I don't want to be a nyone Sullivan will present a lec­ envy and failure that must be thing. it's too limiting." VIENNA ALL BEEF ture-concert at 8 p.m. Frid:ty in overcome as well as his own Student Center Ba llroom D. The slruggle to enter the sighled Sullivan's p!~ns for the im­ lecture costs $2 with a student world on an equal basis. mediate future include work on ••JI J I A.all.a !D. S3 for the general public and " I want to create an at­ the sequel to " If You Could See is sponstlred by SPC Expressive mosphere that says go get it. What I Hear." the film based on Arts. make the kid> be willing to take his life. Ile said he plans to take Sullivan said he began 1",,­ chances." Sullivan said. " I'm December off from work to I uring after recognizing a kind of an emotional kick in lhe begin wriling his fifth book .

Pa~(' 8. Dad\" Egyp:ian. October 18 . J984 II' AS HI NGTO ' ( ~P l - American And in a related r<'port. the Nati onal foundation said. women ar C' pu :-suing higher ed uca l ioilln Science Founda ti on di sclosed tha t its The Census study clJunted 10.9 million evcr grcclter numbers. accollnting for survey of graduate sc hool ~ 10 1983 studpnts ag J 14 to .14 In colleges and Women are much of thl:' increase in colle~f' showed lhal women coll ected one-fou rth universities in 1982. up nearly 3 million enroll ment O\'er the last decade and now of the doctora te degrees in sciem:e a nd over 10 yea rs outnumbering men at th e nat ion's • • • engineering - nearly double thei r ra te " About four·(jfths of the total increase uT11\'crsilics. the Censll s Bureau said ofa decade earlier. gaInIng In Wedncsda\'. in enrollment was accounted for by the "Onc of the m ost s ignificant increase in the number of women Women accounted for about 52 percen t developments in higher education a nd of a lI colIege students as of October . enrolled," said the CenslIs report on researc h in the last 20 yea rs has been School EnrolIment - Social and 19R2. the new stud\' said. wi th Ihe th£' increasmg participation of "·omen. higher ed biggest jump among 'women aged 25 to Econnmic Cha racteristics of Students." They have Increased in te rms of bot h The s urvey counted 5.5 million women 34 a nd those a tl endlng two-year a bsolute numbers and in compa rison to colIeg('S. a nd 5.4 million men aged 14 to 34 the pa rticipation of men: ' the science enrolled in coll eges. MIDNIGHT MADNE 5 TONITE ONLY - - 6 HRS ONLY - . 6 PM - MIDNIGHT ON THE ISLAN.D ONLY At 4:00 p.m . today NALDER STEREO will close the doors On The Island to reprice everything in stock. At 6:00 p.m. the doors will reopen for 6 HRS OF STEREO MADNESS. RECEIVERS From 99.88 /'w:, Thchnics SA 110 1 .79 No Lim it ListSISO 99.88 VCT~l~OV ID E OTAP~ lISTSI50 89.89 TURNTABLES FROM 5.29 ~ EACH SPEAKERS FROM 39.95 ' A A L DR 800 S" 2 Way EACH 59.95 l ist Sl oo JVC CAR STEREO ~ Speakers Ii' v ~t' at ed are n01 IN DASH AAt DR 800 From 29.95 39.95 EACH Save 55 % off manufactures list on any LI ST Sloo Sonus Cartridge with purchase of any t urnta ble JVC CAR STEREO SPEAKERS SONY 15" COLOR From 29.95 I ' 11111,. ". • TRINITRON - =------~ --~ ~ EQUALIZERS FROM ------.=-l · . ~ 99.99 ~ ye. 1 .. / ~I Sentrek SHQ 411 0with built·in Spectrum Analyzer (not pictured) K5ROS 129.95 (5410 29.95 PAIR 4 YEAR WARRAN fY ON A NY IN·DASH· TO N ITE ONL Y 24.95

During NALDER STEREO 'S MIDNIGHT M A DNESS SALE TO:-.lITE price. are so low tha t we reserve the r ight to add a 4 % su rcha rge for Mastercard & Visa purd o ses . All items will be in stock at 6:00 pm but 299.95 will be sold an a first come first served basis. NO RAIN CHECKS . NO LAY A WA YS & NO TRADE INS will be accepted . TONITE · . Don't m iss this once a year m adness!

715 S. Un iversity ON THE ISLAND 529-4757

Daily Egypuan. l)ctobcr 18, J9S4 . PageS Law professor's investigation influences 'landmark decision' By Thoma!' M a l1 ~a n StaHWrilf" f le\'ied on each pack of cigarettes sold. operating ?S C:t A"''TEH 14 Y E ..\H S of writmg fo rm of "health JIlsu rance :JY and wai l ing. SIU·C law the pack:' The amount or tax proressor Donald Garner has charged would be based on how fina lly been rewarded for hi s dangerous the cigarettes are. research into the means b\' The lax also would be large which cigarette manufacturers enough tha I Medicare a nd ForA could be held lia ble ror injuries Social Securit v disa hili l \' QUA TRO 'S CHEElY caused by their products. payments made' ror s moking DEEP PAN An article wriU,f'n by Ga r ner related iilnesses could be MEDIUM PillA in the Southern California Law repaid. he said. Journal in 1980 was a maj or With 1 item. Ga rner said that smoking not 2.LARS:l.E. 16 influence in a decision handed only causes physical problems oz. down by L S. Districi Judge H. but a lso is responsible for Bottles of Pepsi Lee Sarokit. £.,,1. ~O. holding three cigarette manufacturers deaths resulting rrom rires AND slarted by errant smokers. An Topped off w ith liable ror the lung cancer ince ndiar y ( fire ca using) related death or a New J ersey chemical that is sprayed on FAST. FREE woman who s tarted smoking as Donald Garner Defive: y a leenager. lobacco 10 keep ciga rettes Iii allows cigarettes to burn into smoke. Gar ner agrees tha l he is mattresses a nd furniture ra th er GAR NER CALLED Ihe case a in favor of free chOice. but that " Iandma r k decision" that tha n go out. Ga rner is writing a choice must be an intelligenl new a rticlt! that basica lJ v savs coul d. ir iI withstands apl>eals. one, based on a ll available in­ ,..igarette companj~ r;Jn l>e he'ld ha,'e rar reaching errecls ror formation. "A choice made in liable ror Ihese nre deaths. cigaretle manufacturers and the dark is no choice al all." he "They could design a cigarelte smokers alike. However. he says. and the cigarellc that wouldn't burn down doesn'l reel thai cigarelle manufacturers a r c not people's homes and surrocate companies will be PUI out or providing t.heir customers with Iheir children. They know Ihese business. " The lobacco lobby in all t. he nece.s ar \' informat io n to accidents happen: and they Was hington is one of 't he ma ke an informed decision. could design IhEi r product 10 strongest. and congress won'l While Garner has been pre\'ent it: ' Garn·..! r said, sit idly by wh ile the tobacco diligent in his efforts to see industry goes down." Garner cigarette manufacturers held said. li a ble for thei r product. the true Garner doesn 'I want to see the goal of his campaign is to cigarette manufacturers go oul charge the damages caused by of business. He simply wa nts s moki ng to lhose responsible fo r them to be held responsiiJle ror them. the damage caused by th ei r " What I'm after is fai rness. Entire Stock products. He maintains. that For years, the taxpayers have while manufacturers or other picked up an unfair a mount of products must inform u ~ers of cigarelte smoking's cost. potential dangers and assume through MedicJre a nd Social li a bility ror a ny damages. Security disability payments for cigarette ma nufacturers have treatment of smoking related enjoyed a " unique immunity" ailmen t s Smok ers an d from litigation. cigarette manufact urers should pay the costs that smoking gives TilE WARNI:\GS or the rise to." dangers or smoking placed on cigar e tte packages ha\'e GAHl'O E II'S ID EA ror a SALE shielded manufacl urers (rom means of assesSing the COSt s of JiabiJit y. bUI those wa rnings are smoking rela ted ill nesses and inadequa te, Ga rner said. Young injuries wouid be a "$afety tax" people are pa r ticul arly All Dianer Rilgs All 14K Gold Jewelry susceplible 10 Ihe danger or Men a rrested on and 40% :'1I1G~:!!g because lhey don t realize how addictive cigarettes EDgagellleat Rings OFF are . "Cigarette companies need 40% OFF 10 be resoonsible and let people Three men were arrested know ilia'l cigarettes are highly Tuesday evening on charges of -Mounting addictive,'; he sa id. resi d en ti al burglary, a All Watches -Earrings He points to cigarette ad~ spokesman or the Ca rbondale ·Pendants verlisements. that for years Police said. -Peart. 400/0 have portrayed s moki ng as a Ri cha rd Daniels. 18. Car· -Stone Rings OFF healthful aLd vity, as being the bonda le: Sean Garrison. 18. 400/0 OFF -Wedding Rings primary reason people are Carbonda le: a nd Keith ~ mith . unaware of smoking's harmful 18. Murphysboro: were a rrested effects. " Some or the SI OO between 6 p.m. and 7-:W p.m. in milJjori spent on advertising by connection wilh a burglz ry a t We the- cigarette manufacturers 120 N. Parrish Lane. DON'S last year could have been The spokesman said Ihat a Jewelers llallfacllre devoted to public education. portable AM ·FIII cassette Herrin Carbondale Desip Instead or stonewailing. they player allegedly stolen during 107 N Perk Ave. 400 S. III. Ave. ApprJise should come rorward with more L~ e August II burgla ry was M2-27110 457-5221 information as to !.he dangers of recovered during the a rrests. their products." ~~~~~~~~~_~~ h _m ~~ m~~~m~~m~~m~m~~m~m~mmm~~ ~ m ~m~w.

THE TOBACCO indus try ~ maintains that it is in favor of rree choice, and tha t legislation should nol deter people from deciding ror themselves a s to ~ Springs, Colorado whpl hp.r they wiJI or won 'l .------I GOOD FOR ONE .. Winter Break I fREE ADMISSION FRI. OR SAT. NIGHT Trip Includes: IlOCI . 19-0cl. 20 ·7 nights accommodatio ns a l the T hunderbird Lodg~ Condominiums Oan. ; · 11 ) I ·5 out of 6 day lift tic kets at Steamboat • Parrics with Jive music. c heese & refrcsh ment.s I ·Other ski week activities I • Discoun t coupon book I £2ll. I '2~' / person plus S20 d amage deposit VI DEO AND • O ptional bus tra nsportatio n for 580 I • 75 de posit required upon sign-up I COCKTAil l OUNGE ._-----_I ~~:' .. ~: I ~t' 10. Daily Egyptian. October 18. 1964 ---'Campus CJ3riefs-- ~- .-...... THCRSOAY MEETING ' : Thursday in Lawson I'll. 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the "'Irsl Tolkien Fellowship. 3-5 p.m .. Federa l Savings and Loan, 500 ludent Center Acti vity Room A II'OH KS II OP O:\' " in­ W. Ma in. The public is in vited B : Journa li s m tudents creasing Your Self-Esteem" frec of charge. Association. 5 p.rn .. Co m­ will be held from noon to t p.m. munications 1246 : Tau Beta P i. Thursda l' in Wood v Ha ll Room THE LA ))) ES OF Columbus ~~~~ 5 p.m.. Technology Building 8 -204 . . - are sponsoring a dinner and A New Daily Feature (Tues.Sat) Room D-I08 : SPC Films. 5 p.m .. bingo game Friday at :he Student Center Acti\'itv Room A HECHL' ITER from the ewman Center. The chili 3·8PM D : Co pe Gir a rdea u Area graduate pr ogram a t the dinner will begin at 5:30 p.rr . Chapter of the Ninety.Nines. Unive.rsty of Iowa \\'ill be on followed hy bingo at i p.m . Internati onal Organiza tion of campus from 10 a .m. to 3 p.m . in Tickets will be S2.50 in advance [ Hangar 9-8tudy Ha ll I, Women Pilots. 6:30 p.m .. t'light the Student Cen~er Saginaw and S3 at the door. and can be Resta urant. Southern Illinois Room , l\'lore mformation is obtained from any club member "Insane Jane" Airport , SI Veteran's Club. i available from the Black Affairs or the N ewm an Center p.m .. Student Center Kaskaskia Council. ~ 53- 253 ~ . secretary. (behind the bar) Room : SIU Gra nd Touring Aut o Club. 8 p.m .. Student Center SWEETEST OA \' carnations BRIE F S POLI CY - The Mackinaw Room : Sa iling Club. can be purchased through deadline for Ca mpus Briefs is 9 p.m .. Lawson 201 . Friday at the Student Center. Il oo n two d avs b e for ~ Flower delivery is free. publication. The briefs must be A MA RCil WI LL HE held typewritten. a nd must includ ~ ...... beginning a t 8 p.m. Friday a t SQUAHE D WILL interview time. da te. place a nd sponsor of T hursday Nite lhe corner of South Illinois and seniors in accounting Thursday. the (' \'ent a nd the na me a nd East Grand a venues. A ra llv in Times a re still available. If telephone number of the person front of Shryock Auditori:Jm "'i11 illter""ted. stop by or call the submitting the it(' m, Items "ight Firt: follow the ' march. More in­ Ca reer Planni ng a nd Placement should be deli n'red or mailed to (Donee ~ock & ~oll) formati on is a va il able from Cenler a t ~ 53-239 t. Iht· Da il y Egyptia ll newsroom. r------, ,~--~~--~ Ma n ' O' Ha ra or Susan Smith at Co mmunicat io ns Bu ild i n ~. 1201 bottles O ld Style or light j peciol of the Day Wonl en's Scn 'ices. 453·3655. A OOCl' )IE :\, TA RY fllm ltoo l11 124i , A brief will be I titled " Acid Rain : Requiem or published on('(, a nd only as '54 (reg . 1.10) Captain Morgan.54 Til E C:\' I\' E HSITY Mall Arts Rccovpry?" will be shown a t space a ll ows . and Crafts Show will be held Oct. 18-21. Hours fo r the show will be from 10 a.m_ to 9 p.m . Wednesday Ihrough Sa turday and noon to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. HOMECOMING SALE Items on display will be for sale.

THE 2iTH ANl'\UAL Southern Illinois Tax Conference will be held on Oct. 19 a t the Student Cent er. More in formation is FRI. & SAT. ONLY available from J eanne Bortz. 536-7i51.

.\ HESl')n: II'HITI:\'G Workshop. "ponsorpd by the 15% OFF ALL SIU Career Planning and Placement Cenler. is schE'

o~ '< ,

AT THE CROSSROADS !8\/ Ad.';·, Rib '\ OF THE UNIVERSITY Haircut S~,5 0 Perm ' n Cut S27_ 50 No appointment needed UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 12 stylists to serIJe YOU Walk·ins welco me STUDENT CENTER

Daily Egypt ia n. October 18. I ~ . Page II Utility cutoff woes, budget to be heard b y commerce panel [h' Lisa Eisenhauer hearing. " Everyone that wc've siarr \\'ri(('r ta lked to said they're goi ng to be there," he said. "They've a Jl The problem of utility shu t­ been very supporliveof II." offs and a proposed budget plan Other hearings already held that would keep low·income by the ICC on the prooosal have utility customers (rom being left brought la rge turnouts anrl in the cold will be discussed at a Ba nker said he is not expectinj: public hearing Thursday. the one in Marion to be any The hearing. which is being different. In addition to low­ held by the JIIinois Commerce income residents. SCAM has Commission. will begin at 2 p.m. invited all the local candidates at the Marion Senior Citizens' !IP for ejection in November to Center. ;;07 II . Main SI. It is one a ttend the hearing. of six arranged by five com· munity groups from throughout Banker said that after the Illinois to give cu tomers a hearing SCAM pla ns to c~ntac t chance to voice their concerns other groups in Soutnern abouI ''''inter utilil\' bills. Ill in ois. such as churches. to ask One of the groups that con­ them to endorse the budget vinced the ICC to hold the proposal. A li st of the supporters !jeason pd bpnch hearings is the Souther n wi ll be submit ted to the ICC and Counties Action Movement. possibly to the govenor. Heed Sonta g and Rick Trout p3int a hcn~' h for the fronl of their housp, 408 W. Mill 5 1. an organiz.ation based in Herri n Although there is no deadlille tha t acts as a "walehdof." for set for the ICC to make a area residents over public decision about the budget pl a n. Europeans win Nobel physics prize utility co mpanies. Ba nker said he is hoping the Steve Banker of SCAM said commission will ta ke action on GE NEVA . Switzerland t AP ) winning " W-weak" and " Z­ engineering a nd gave it tht- lead that the Central JIIinois Public it sometime in November. - The Nobel Prize for physics. zero" particles last year, relied in research on sub-a tomic Sen'j e Compan\,. which "That's the main questi on we awarded Wednesday to two on the inventiveness he learned particles, described as the basic pro\' ides heat (or man ,' will be raising tomorrow. we scient ists at the European as a child tinkering wi th building blocks of nature. Souther n lIIinoi residents. shut want to know their time li ne," labora tory CER . un derscores wrecked Wor ld War II army " 1 think it indeed has shown off heat to more than 2, tOO he said. " Wed li ke to see the post·World Wa r II recovery vehicles. tha t 30 years of effort. of hard people between Nov _ t5. 1983 something happen definitely of European scientific research. And Va n der Meer. the Dutch work. have resulted in the facf and April 30. 1984 . before December. but that's the physicists' colleagues a nd engineer who invented a way of that now Europe is fully com­ Under the budget plan. which kind of late." experts say. manufacturing and storing petitive and (:it the same levels SCA M is promoting and the J("C If the ICC rejects lb. : proposal Carlo Rubbia. the Ita lian·born "anti-protons" needed to as other parts of the world." is considering. customers with Banker said it will be submitted senior physicist at the European conduct Rubbia 's experiments . low hudgets would have to pal to the state legislature. He said Labor ator y fo r P article proved that what was thought ~a~~mHaC~:: ig 11~hO~~c~~:\"~} only 12 percent of their incomes :hat if that has to be done the Physics, and his co-winner, impossible could be done. CER)\ . . to the company that supplies budget would probably not have Simon Van ·der Meer of the Along the way. they brought "But in this field. we are the them with their main source of any effect this winter. Netherlands. exemplify this the 13-membe.r nation CERN leader," he said. "because we heat. This budget "'ould be in SCAM plans to operate a recovery, onto a par with labs in t.h e have this un ique Source of anti­ effect from December 1 through winter shut -off hotli ne this Rubbia. who headed the in· traditionally . tronger Cnited protons. a nd with them. one was April 30 . After April 30 . wi nter for people whose heat is ternationa l. 126-member team Sta tes, developed its reputa tion able therefore to produce these custom~rs would pay their cut off as it did last year. When that discovered the prize- as a top center of scientific II' and Z particles'" current bills plu one-fifth of it is conL~cted, the group tries to their outstanding bills or con­ find fun ds that can help tinue to pay 12 percent of their customers afford to have thei r incomes. whichever is lower. hea t reconnect ed. Banker said that SCAM has Ba nker said that is no casv been contacting people from task. He said the energy Southern lIIinois who would assistance funds a\'ailable from probably be eligi ble for the government agencies ran out IMPORTANT NOTICE program to tell them about the early last year.


We will be closed October 18, 1984 in recognition of International Credit Union Day

1217 West Main Street Oct. 18, 19,20 8:00pm Post Office Box 2888 Oct. 21 2:00pm Carbondale IL 62902-2888 McLeod Theater Commun ications Building 618-457-3595 Sout.hern Ji linois University al Carbondale 453·300 I

Pagr 12. Uatly l-": ~y pllan , October 18, 1984 Air pollution expert to speak Kenneth Rahn. an expert in ChemistQ' Studies. Rahn IS Identifying sources of air int ernationally recognized for pollution. will spea k Friday at a " his trace melal signature' WOMEN seminar sponsored by the SIU-C technique. which tracks th Coa l Research Center. movement of pollutants by FOR YOUR EYES ONLY Rahan's research has ,neasuring and comparing air challenged the assumption that 3a mples from different p~r!s of IN OUR LARGE BAR the Midwest is the major source the country. of acid rain in the lor theasl a nd Hi s talk is part of the Coal Ca nada. He will talk at3:30 p.m. Research Cent er Seminar MALE DANCE REUUE In James W. Neckers Building Series. co-sponsored by SIU's Auditorium. Department of Chemistry and A research professor at the Bi ochemistry, l'ni\'ersit\, of Rhode Isiand's The peeeh is open to the Center' for Atmos pheric public :00-11 :30 ONLY WOMEN ADMITTED TO THE LARGE BAR

\CROSS 5 i Synlheltc 9:00-10:00 fREE CHAMPAGNE fOR 1 ChufCtl areas hbef 6 Sen.'CT 5B Beget Todays 10 Scoundrel 63 Eager arch THE LADIES 14 - Dame 64 Paid 15 Clea\'c pedOfmers 16 LtnkS Unit 65 Put Into DRAWINGS ALL NIGHT LONG 17 lag bethno 66 Callo dancer Puzzle 18 lIletlmes 67 Speall. Wildt) FOR: BOTTLES OF CHAMPAGNE. 19 Emerald Isle 68 tnergy lype 20 Conveyance 69 Feel diU) f...... ··8~fo .... ·.. l PASSES & MOREU 22 Respond to a 70 Looked 0\ el stlmu'us 71 Reduces 23 UK native OOWN Puzzle !l n Swer s 2.: Diamond hits 1 leal cutlers ~.?~~ . ~~.~~T.~l 26 Youngster 2 Harbor lewn are 011 Page 11. 29 Tease 3 Noteo actOr 31 Fairy .:. Amennds ALL NIGHT LONG 32 Appraiser 5 PIC\';S out 34 Shore bud 6 Adhesive 27 Bone pret

17 18 19

20 2 1 22

2' 2' .....3 26 21 28 . 19 130 " / 35 36 37 32 33 3' I 3. 3. " I ' 2 ...... •• •• " I "~50 f-f- 51 52 53 .. 55 I 56 57 58 63 .. ~~.... " 66 67 68

69 70 71

.------~ LA ROMfI'S PIZZA ''-.1 FREE DeI;Yerx :12 OK. CoIt• .DIH $1.00 off with delivery of small Mllclum.Wp or medium plzz.a crx.&.c.p 64 OK. Colt•• RII ...... with larg_ or X.large We Always Deliver FREE Cakes L ______-529·1344-.--______J DIXIE CREAM OONUfS

.RAN.OPEN.N. Tonight. Octo"', 1I Pep Rolly, Bonfire & Jan Conc.~ Saturday Oct. 20. 6a.m. 8:00p.m., Areno Porking lol Foil Java Series Concert 8:00p.m . Fresh Donuts, Coffee, Milk O ld Moln Room F,hlay. Oct..... , I. Saturolay. Oct..... , 2t Open until 12 noon Tom Sullivon, leclur. & Performonce · " 11 You Porode. 9:30a.m •• lII i no l~ A .... enue Could See Whotl Hear" 8:00p.m., Siudent (.,nler Pr • . Gam. Pcp Rolly, 11 ;OOo .m. Fr.. fof"um Walk up & Drive up window Ballroom D. S2 Studenh/ S3 Generat Public StU Salukil on West To)( olo Slate BvtfokHi,

213 S. Washington & Walnut So... ~nh .... u.",~", .~ a.- • Look for the sign &\ cutMHld~" ".... ~ 529-5962

Dally Egyptian. October 18, 1984. Page 13 Classifieds


~ Auto Parto & Servl... Mo'orcycl.. Homes MoIoII.Hom.. CALL: MI ...II ...... Sn-Ull Electronla ..... &Suppll .. ..cycl .. Cameras SportIng Good. Recr_tlonal V.hlcl.. Furn.ture Mu.lcol

.!!!..!!!!.! Armando ' ·allandrn. le U. and "aulo TabaJara Costa model their new sa IUk~~a::' ~ah:~~ by Bill west Apartments Ho_ MoIoII.Hom•• Rooma Brazilian visitors thank Somit Roommat.. Duple... Wanted to aent for SIU-C~s help with ag school aUI'n... Property Mobil. Hom. Lo .. ~~. J ell Curl The program formed the base of between SIU·C and USFM . but s taff \\ rll er SIU·C's current expertise in no fi nal decisions were made. in~ tilut io n al build ing programs. Costa. who left SIU·C in the A unh'ersity president and a said Howard Olson from In· t970s wi th a graduate degree in graduate of I ·C from the tern ationa) Agricult ure. poultry scien ce. said th at during Federal Um\'ersit v of Santa In 1980. the Office of In· th e six·year program. SIU·C ag Maria in Brazil \'isited Ca r­ ternational CoorJX)ration and teachers helped establish US FM Help Wonted bondale this week . th anking Development and the U.S. graduate prog rams in Employment Wanted le·Cs School of Agriculture De pa rtment of Agriculture agronomy. agronomy education Service. OfferN and telling President Somit thev a.wa rded SIU-C a gra nt fo r reo and rural engineering. Also. Want ... would like the two universities linkage programs with the doctorate programs were to keep in touch . Bra7ilian un iversity. President sta rted in veterinary and Lost I ·Cs School of Agricult ure Somit inv ited USFM Rector an im al sciences. Found was chosen rrom more than 50 I President ) Armando Vallandro Ilnt.rlalnrn.n'L and Director or Int ernationa l "This is onc or the only doc­ Announ~nt. agricull ure schools around the torale programs in animal Auctions & Sal.. world b\' the Un ited Na tions in Programs Paul o Tabajara sciece and the on l\' one in t970 to help with usn'!"s Costa to explore ways the two Ant'qu.. veterina ry science in the Business Opportunlt ... development of a respectable universi ti es can cont inu e their southern hemisphere." Co ta agric ulture program. That connections . said. "We are here todav to F.... program. whi ch ended in 1976. "Our hope is to renew th e thank you all ." . RI .... N ...... sent SIU·C agriculture teachers closeness the two un iversities Rld.raN...... to Brazil to start an advanced had in the 1970 s:· said Somil. A fisheries program was a Iso R_lbt.t. ag school while USF M sent who a dded that he and established. said Costa. and SIU-C helped . increase Brazirs The D.E. CLASSIFIEDS about ~ O graduate students here Vallandrll signed an agreement to learn research techniques. to collaborale research projects swme production. stand out above the r ..t. a ...'fle4lnfontM1tlon ..t. call 536-3311 Panel discusses world hunger (3 line m inimum. oppl"oxirnotefyo 15 ..... ord.) Bv Jeff Curl they have positive outlooks for economic stability is to open up One day.55 centl per Ii".. Two doyt·50cents per Ii.,.. per dar. Siaff Writer preventing world hunger free trade. because population growth is Thr.. or four doys-44 cents per Kraft and Bhattacharyya li n• . per day. At the World Food Day starti ng to decrease while food agreed. saying that protec· production inreases in third Fly. thru e ight day.-39 centl Automobll.. Conference on October 16. 1974, tionist policies in developed per lin • . per world countri~ . But a major day. representatives of 134 nation countries like the United States Nine dayI-36t*n" per Ii,.... perdcry. gathered in Rome to assess the problem exists with Africa . which for the pasl 12 years has make it tough for developing Ten thru ninet.. n days-33 cents per world hunger problem and sel a countries to send goods here. Une. per day. ~~"~~:~l~h~:~o:l : ~~~~ ' b~:res ' goal : the technology and means suffered widespread crop "Agriculture lobbies are not Twenty or more dey,.27 cents per batt .. al~ .. starter with rc pts··sOOd are available, they said, so that failures, food shortages and very strong in developing line. per day . within a decade. no child would famine. While droughls have ~:m~~k,A:~:4~~~~'" ~~~:4~t been a major culprit, the panel countries," he said. "All Ihe go hungry. power are in the ci ties with All Clouified Ad"erti, !ng mu.1 be t976 Ttl UNDER BIRD WH ITE A decade later. there arc said problems are also caused ind ustries ... wi th green int eri or One owner. by ill-cho: en agriculture proceued b.for. 12 :00 noon to 63.000 actual miles. Like new! more hungry people than there oppear in next doy's publlcotion. policies. increasing population Besides a balance of power Priced for quick sale! Call 942-4526 were in 1974 . Anything procened aft.r 12:00 after 5 p.m. 2282Aa46 Some of the problems that are growth and political distur· between economic interests. the noon will go In the following doy', keeping world hunger were bances. same needs to be done in publ k o1ion. t968 M STANG . REB UILT discussed during a three·hour Both Steve Kraft. associale relation with the sexes. local Th. Do il.,. Egyptian connol b. professor in agribusiness r.sponslble lor more thon on. ~r~e l~t{aLf~i~~ ·lo~. .C

Page H . Dally Egyplian. October 18. I~ CARBONDALE \,ERY (,I.E t\~ flO "~ ORD MllSTANG. " · s~. I l1SED TlRES LOW prices also .1l':: NNY ·S ANTIQUES AND Used newl\' painted. un(urmsh(·d 2 sunroof. am·fm tape. rc>ar window new and recap!> . Gator Tr xaco Furniture. buy & !'ell Old RI. 13 bedroom Quit', a r ea , hehlnd I ~29-2.11l2 1 50 1 W ~la in R-;97Ah46 W turn !'outh AI Midland Inn ('linir L N}SE'. 45i-474; or 549'('12':; ~~~~. ~!;I~~ af~~~:; ~~n:~ion Ta\'ern ~o:l miles 549-4978 ZH oHa4fi 1Of,oA.t-':; . 146RAffi2 -, Rl IC~ ('E~T1' HY AL nl· Motorcycle. 1" )HTAIlLE OFF ICE m ' ILDI \G • FOR RENT ~;~'1~ I~~~.~!)~ood cond lll~~53~;5 IIhl(; ~\ln Hlsl nf''' . ~ l asonlt<' ~~~~~~ wllh :ihlngle mot ~6r~r:5 TI \lF II ·\S ('n ~t F.lo s('11 your car 1481 SlZl·t\1 GS550L, Sll1l( l oOO Apartment. \l1 ' HPIIYSl\lIHO Fl' J{:"\ lSI! ElJ \1 :-.,'.1 . la ...... lhed and you'lI ~~~{~ -' 5 .'"129·52 19 l\1w'l s('lIlmnu_" dlatPl~ '~I _ \1.1. HEFHI(,;EBAT C:H\ \PABT\1f-:",T rlean. mce and c;}tEr\T (or dorm .... S.'"ttl np W<'IJ!hl 1115r\('5~ f~~'::'. S1I1JtIf' onl) "'0 ~f7J';~~ I~~~:l ;'i~~7~~~~~ leg ('xt('n~:~~~~4 \,t-:WLY m ;: )!OnELEn rOl'\' 19.:' t\A W \ SAKI iOOlil. 3 cyl. 2 THY Club Clr('le &.. , ugar TrC(' Mrok(' Rocket power ror 5:;0 oha ~ rU:n Hn(l~ l ~\P ..-\HT~1F.~T. 50::' rail Ron aftC! r 'J ;'Int, i).9-t6ft,:; WOOD Rl' Hi':ISG STO\-E 31ix\8, i;fd:~~; '~; .' s f~;~~I 's~~d &.& th~,~~ 13.9r\,,·52 furmshl'd Walk to l'nh'ersity 1\lall t .fO~:~[,er~~?\ II ~I~~~~,?iI~ ~JI Tln'(,K. 1965 GMC, e xcellent ~,I:reb~~Crk . s~riJI ~~('b ~~-;~ ~~~. If.~~q~ :?fi:! 1 . ?~1 1 9 B a;,2 &: ~ rninul~' from campus 529·1741 conditi on. and iIot olorcyc!e-1983 1978 7;;(k.·(· Sl'Zl·t\ I Super sh3f1) noon.8 p In 13iO;\(45 9195Ba-'5 Honda Shado\\' :;00 Must sell. 99i­ SI3:;O 0 b 0 6H7-4792 1:ul1Ac45 r,IRTEBI' ILLE EFF APA HT· :U\.=il or 9f"'-111~ I 356Aa4ti R Hr\;':D NEW 2 bedroom MENTS . rurnlshed 11 11 utilities nEPEKDABLE TRA~ · townhous(' i"o pels Cable SPOHT,\TION eB 350 Honda . a\·ailabl <, . 529-4301. 9454Ba -17 rr~~s~~d~~~~rnr.panci~~~aI4~ ~~f~\'~ ~:;\~Pi.1 1~ cyl. , 3-Sr:i:X~:5 :"\(>w bauer\·. tuned. electric Slart. Electronl" i 5.00 MI(.r 5. ~57 · asso . 1380'\c46 3 nORM APT . 2 baths. ai r. ! Bi-:-OROOM APART)t,ENT (;)1(' PAI~T SHOP Paint jobs as low 31o S1'5 529-2316. 8-6 pill ('a rcet. ~ ~p"ances . wasli-dry f~~d~o~d ca m~u:ss heatp,:!lder~ ~: I:163Aa46 ~~4~ diS washer. sec ~r~9B~~~ Managers 549 ,2621 or ::'29 .2 1i2~

78 CHEVY LUV Truck. cap. 96.000 2: ROHi\l Fl' Rr-: ISHEO, water & miles. Runs g real. dependable . trash II1clu~('d Excellent con­ Hou.e. SIIOO 684·3-1 14 , 1349Aah @ . ditIOn. S225 -mo 5-, 9· 1315 or 45i · fi956 122.1Ba55 . 4 Sl' BltltL 4 cyl.. 4 sp Exceller:t FAUSALE YOliH OWN FIREPLACE . car $7;;oobo 529·2316 1366Aa4;, DESUTO. \'EHY )10nF.RS 2 washer. dn'cr : lar~e dining ON WINTER APPARELS hedroom. ('('Iural ;ur, low utility 1"00m 4 0r; liedroom~on. J am~sSl 197. Dl-:: I.TA 88 1900 .-\1so. 19fi8 Glovcu from 521 S2-;Q.-1Il0 549·;).:;5(1 n24Ra45 Prtced ALE :1 HEDHOOM . milcageSI-KIOo.b.o. TeI.4~='-'5 Reasonabh' priced and low laxes. Pet. and Supplle. :\ BOlO! ('1 .1 1:-;1-: TO (':ampus ~~: t1¥;e l , !'hadt:'d a rea 54~~~~ ('onl3ct I)orlhy G. Clark, P 0 Box 283. !\1 ar ion, IL 62959 I lR5Ad ~ 7 ~!~e~le~~~~~;I~19 ca r!?f~5B~~~ 78 FAIR~IONT FL1TURA. \18 , ("n t\LI;: I1ISn H ' ;':T HOL' SIi\G :~ aUlo. air, good condo Sre al 208 E A K(' SIBEH IAN Ill' SKY pups ('ollege. $1.900. -'57-6!66_ 1387AMi read,' no'" Blue e\'es. ~hol s 1 7'\ 1("1-": HI1IBI APT c losc to txtnn rurn hO IlS(" 1 hdrm furn wflrriwd l,.:jy -a ....· ;ty plan IlOssible hou!"C , 4 hdrm (urn hous(' Air. \ 'OLKSWt\GON SALE·A -HAl\It\. Mobil. Hom•• $17:' C;t 724-4550 9456Ah45 It·!..d~~~ p~:~(,~u-l~~ . K~~I prJ ~-' I f:?~1 ',I ~up<'r Beetle. new <'ogin (> . J!real ~~~ : l~r'r'~~lclR,;~ra~~ ~~\~ g~d Ilr<"s, good bod):- SiOO .7~ Bce,llc. nABY F ITCH FEHHET. cage. \'OBT IIW E~T CA nnf):"\ I)ALE. It W ~t ('all '-11\-'-41-1::' 13UBb58 new paint. partIal rebuIlt engme. SCHUI.T 12x60, ::! bdrm .. ne ..... bowls. fC<"d . SS5 Lap-eared bunny. Fl'H:--: ISIIED onC" bedroom ,·\Ir. $1100. 529-3069. Leave m~;sage (,3 rp<"l. furnitu r e & deck. 12x65 ('age.. bo..... ls. reed. 520 Doves. t s Car txt. low ulilili('s, $175. 549·304R. please. 13f1'.JAa47 1 1.~ Ba4i ~~ . ~e~~~~~ilu r:, ~~3j dii. ~: : t::fO:::~~e-~~ : a~ii~~~~" i~~~ ('all !J49-SS96. 94S7Ac46 687-4792 1382-\11';; TWO AEf)nOOM CA RPET. air. 1980 VOLVO GLE. Automatic, ______-, I p;:lr kll1 g . (ront de('k. backyard sunroor. air. leather scats. Loaded Sl1lall~1 okay ~29 · 1 539 . 2308Ba60 and in excellen! condition. 549-7715. IlEMom:LED TIllS 5 MM~: R , I 1\1l'HPIIYSHORO. F' HNISHEO wi th IOxl2 sludio addition with on unfurnished, 2 bdr . washer· I390Aa45 Bicycles HAVE A I \1)'1 LC't 'em know with ~~~' ~il~Fa ~vp~ri~~~~ ' I~~~r:c"~~~~ I L ______--' n <'lassifiM ad fIO..I7BM5 ~~~'(~~rcd 21~~poSi~0 54~~~ . Adult ..... ith garden. ('edar L.ane. Private HI.A(' ~ SCfll\' IN7' WORLD P KT 133a\'IOna from S89. Inc : -8.135475 W(' n~amtam our research. offi(,e work . t 'm\'ersity 105n:53 I~a~re frnm t ·7H . Corpus of llinois 1-2Ii·3R·H9?fl R;;7RC"77 ~ Obll" ~ome. .\ homes to ynur sati~racllf,n (hn!'tlPort \ from i9 !lurn' call 2:1221JC47 I :i-:O A P ,·\PEH t\ped" lB:\1 Sunch'I!-oE" Tr)ur!-o toll rret' for 'more WA ITHESS NEED ..:!) APPLY at S('IC-C lnc, fasl and' a ccura te. mfnrmallon 1 Rt'IO ·321·591 I Incal S I Rowl. Ne ..... Rt 13. Car· rea!'onable ra tes. ~uaral1tced no ':un ';Y:! ,fjjIl1 fir contact a Sun :! Rnn:U :-.o,IOnearJohnA Logan len·ilIe. daytime 115()("$1 errors. 5';9·22:'111 lf1tjYJ-:52 ('ha s," C,1nlPU!- Hepres('ntaIlH> or $145 month, watC'r. trash incl Room. ~o ur local tra\'el agency today' \\-:ulablc Immroiat('lv "5i~3."H or IIIGH SCHOOL TL:DE;'\IT wanted ~'l · f>956 ' 9394Bc44 t~~ e ~ ~~~st i":,(>pJI~ ,n iit~r~~~ s~'~ r~ t (;~ I tsby' s ' 114Rr .. 5 INTRODUCING r~~JI~h~; I (~aF;p~t~~~":\ t.:! ~::'~e All SEASONS LAUNDfIC>. llAT TV qUU'1 park I mile from ()"J-: RSEA, lOBS S1,;;\l;\lEB. Ope" Do,ly eom .10pm {'ampus S('\"cral 10 dlOO!'C fmm yr. round J-:urope. S ,\me r . TYPI:>: G. TilE OFFJrE '0\1 11" . 00.1 your!>e ll or ~ o pelS ;49~91 11 57B(':;3 Auslraiha, J\ sia All fields. S900· ~l ain 5';9·3512 lZ07E52 .... e II do" lor yuu L'TILITIES ::>: CLUD ED S175 per FLUff OR T SERVICE . StH / lb, ~ O .l!l SOUTlffo:HN MOBILE month in a oj bedroom house. Close ~~~e rJoC .Si ,r. l ~~i n&o :~~ I iL~f I. ."IM DESIG;\ S1Udio t;arments 1195 E Woll"1 ul·('dcle U OOlf'S :! bedroom fu rnished. :~ 10 campu'~ & shopping Ca ll 52'9· Corona DelMar. CA 92625. II64C52 d~ign(.-d constructed a ud altered. ( ~t'lI n d Un.yer!>.ty Moll) 3957 or 5::9-2128 2325Bd48 Open 7 days 529-3998 1197E53 ~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~(~n~j~l~ n~ LEPIlONE SO Ll CITOIlS ,'OR monlh 549·7180 or 549·$7 IR a fter AL' TOWO nKS. RODY i\ND :; '00 1217B\'54 : l~~e~~~~~~. a~ea g!rf~i ~c ho"~! mechanical repair, rree estimates. Roommate. persona lit y a must. The ~Va ri o n service calls. used car analvsis. \ ' En\, CLEAN 2 bdnn country Dail\' RepUblican, 993·2626. 549·5991 11I4E54 locati on 4 miles south. 549-8026 , 1176C .. -1 bo'fore 10 am orc\"cnings 1245Bc45 BOLE:>: F R:;ITURE Il EPA IR. PHOGIlAM COO IlD I NATOR modern & ant ique furniture ~a'tYeOal~~i?:~le ~~~~!o 5~ ~~~ ~ ' POSITION Must be able to repaired &: r estored w·c us tom· 1162Bc52 ~l~~~n~s~:~~~'!~f~ti~~~~~~~i L:~i~ r:~~~ ' C~a J:,s45:~g2 .; ~37 S health progra m ror y'oulhs 17 & 1308E56 2 BEDRor)M ' ALSO I per son 7\lALE ROOMMATE WANTED. under and their (amllies. Duties trailer wall utilit ies inciuded Georgetown Apartments. CaU 684- include supervising slarr o( se\'en (,XCC' PI heat "; 57-8.152. aftc~~~WC57 3555 or s..;9 · 307~ 1384 Beso :\1 AK WITH PICK·UP wants work ~:.~~~~~ d~~~I O~~cgur~~§g~t~~d~~5 or will haul. Cat! ~l alt Cl t549·7035. :\EED HOOM MATE "'on 2 bdrm .. a(·t ivel\' parllcipating in com· 13i2E51 1 B DR~l DOUBLE Wide size. Dl~ n:~~P l ai~nin A-~ ~ac~ tIOS e ~!;i:es $250· ~~~rs!:~~~~Ig,~~~S I ~ l~:HT1~u9~' TYPING·WOIlD PRilCE, S I~G ~l<;:~~ha ~;.~550n:r~; . ;~~&'~k :t96 t llAABe45 pre~err e d . s upervisof" & treat · Hush jobs. ~ ea r ca mpus F'orm . 2291 Bc45 letter s. papers. manu~cri pts . 1 PERSON TO share 2 bdr api ~l~~~~ ~~~~~ nRees~~CSroac~~~~cii Ihe!'cs. resumes. rna ling lists. I'Nj-l@-IWI@lfj \ ," \nBO:\DAI.E, 2· Bnn Pric('$ Ihro~h 10 ·22·8:1 at .JC(,;\1HC'. f.o.J legal Editing, 1\1 on .·SaI .9-4 . 7·10 ... tart ~H $12'; Cable a \'allablC' Call ~~~fss utnmer Good If~\~~\ B·IO. SWce\' Enterpnses. 52!H292 ; ~""; 44'; 2297 Bc58 ' ~~I ~~~~e , Carbondfi~i~!5 , 1:t75E69 Ff)H SA LE CI-I 1M:,\EY wee p "~ ~: ~ 1."I.E F'OR :1 bdr r(>al nice () ~E REDROOl\1. 10x50 Pri\'ate. house. washer·dryer, one-Hurd r llOIR DIREC"TOH PO.ITI O:>: un SOOT )lAG I(' 1I11mne ... :~~Il~~~ f ~~~~e~J~i1~e 1 ~~11~1,~~ t ..... o rnil~ cast F'urmshed. carpel. IIlililk'!' SI2S:' 10m lo campus 549· npen in :\l arion area. Previous SU'C'cp Chimne\' fires are vour' ~ ~I pay utilities. SlOn p et~~~B~2J5 45R9 140IBe58 ('onducl ing experi£'nce preferred f;:1U1t A dean chimney Wil l not Call bel"" een 9am·5pm \-993':JfHO hurn' t Call 985-4465 or 9R54lfi7 I 2...?98C'; 5 1386E62 TWO BEOnOO1\1 IOx 50. $1 50 Duplexe. fllrni~ hed . l'arpet Close SIt', I A T T E); T1 O·-N"""-. - S- T- U-' -D-E );TS ' 10 I.A:'\1) I ~ ~\ C RES , South of \ltl lille~ 529·3581 1336Bc';5 WA~T part-time work '"OU can fil ;\1urph\'sboro off HI 12i . 10 mill :\1-:: \\' TOW;\'){ Ol'SE . 2 Bd"m. 1)('1 ""ccn classes" Place a nd rill rrom Slt'. wooded With s mall Sl'm ,EA E ;\1" NICE 2 bedroom unrurnlshed, heat pump, no pets. creek hu\ now. build lat<'r 457 ncar campus Energy I-: rricient . ~~~~o;~s o n'~1~1.1~~~~~a~s~~fe anl~ R884' 9435Q47 ('able no pelS Sa\'e S$ " 5\~~~~C54 :;"! ~~·l~~~t(>~!e~'I~~~m'ts n::r:;~V4 ROQ·2.;3-66i9 1334C4S

OFF S !) I, utra nice. 2 bedroom. BAR \\·AlTRES . :\ll' H· PI-IYSBORO a t Ihe Hound l ' p i~~,'~~ c~~;f ' E;ce~~I~~ndft~~~1 ~~I~dcd~~~r . ~h~g !aar~~.nwa~~~ : Trees. lawn. parking :\0 pelS 529· dr\'cr hookup. custom kitchen . ~fc!'nI.Tr~~~· 'i-~sI9g~ S~n~~:;>Pf.R l r,~ 2307Bl'6(\ noorC'd attic Cmt\· Point School. :'\ 0 7, Ca rbondale. I lJeillnd $32.:; . per month 54~-8.:;O:; 9-I58Br46 Hamada Inn l or call..;57·sso;,. !! BEDROOM . 5175.00 per month. 21OOC45 r~ebl~ ·a~.~a;bl~~ r~~7~u:~6';[Cc4~ ~e~k~ r~~C : "'~;:rOtt~as~ c;.'!~S~Nto pe lS Call536·7i11. <'Xtensl~~1~8r.-.3 TIRED OF ROOMMATES' I broroom apt rurnished. dean & (, AH iiO"ND~ RE ORO O~ I ----- t~~~~'I"$1t~~'1~YI~ d~nh'.'~112!l~~1~1 ~! SIOO No lease. pNS. or wa tcrbrds ~ EI.L FJlAG HA:'\(,E Fr\M O~' S lX'ts 549-661 2 or 54!t·3(1()2 after 5 2H2t Woodr l\'C'r '; 57 -S9-13 a Her 5 ~ftrr~;"~~;n~f' s ~~1 gli,c~el~ ~~ Dearest Gle~\ , pm 23 12Bc52 J> m 2280Bf56 ",~HDI 0D EU:D . l~x60.' ~' d~rSIJg ~rtlg~~~r ~~~It;>~;co~~ 2 BEDR~\~::S ('~l ll. ybil's. l·iioo-3Z5· ISOO 1:t·nn5 tlCdroom fu rnished or unrurn~shed. furnished. 1 tnlle rrom campus Have a r\~ ~~r ..?~~ h;:l~5.1~~~~P~~~~ : ~~.126~?SS Property ~lan~;r~(~~ IlAVE- A:\ OPE:'\ posili!ln"' lei a 1331' - 2.1 15Rc56 classiricd make the lransltl~8C45 wonderful

, BE DROOM. 'TR~I~HEj) Homecoming. Wanted to Rent :\lIME A~n .JL'GGLERS wanicd ~ ~~a~Os~~~~nr~rs6~n~l~d~hn~;'. ns~is~ to per rorm Ihroughout the It's your turn (,h n stma~ season at the L'niHrsity WANTED ~l}r~ b ' ~~c~~:d ~~r~,~, ~~.6s lf~~ ;\l all Phone 529·:168.'1 (or inter\'iew .,"9-3002 after :; pm 2.1IlBc:>2 1:H5C-1S to visit me next! \\' ."~TED : JUNK CARS. Call 987- ? BED HOO l\1 14x70 with W:lod · 2272 I I 82F'54 burner S26S per month. Call arh'r 5 pm. ';57-6109 or R6'i·2.1 18 berorl 5 pm. 147i1l::45 LOST Love from Loyola CONTACT ELLIS ROY AL RENT ALS GO LD ~ECKLA C E WITH comedv-traged\, char m . Lost FOR CANCB1A1IONS .. between Morris: Hehn, Wham 2 API'$. & MOBILE HOMIS ~~~a:!.°54~n~":,e nt al \' a lul~i1:~ Reasonable priced, fum . I ale, clean, good locations'J k~J~~EJn~~~: fi~~' ~rDJ! ~~~I~ a ft er Spm. 1399C47 NO PETS 4S7-4422 I-PWVi!iIMmM! WORD PRO C ESS I NG :\l ANUSC IUPTS. l)3 pers, Ih ~es. SPECIAL PARTY, EVENT or resumes, rorm le tters. mailing show? if it's in the classiricds .~ ...I.. lists . legal. ediling. Mon.· Sat. 94; they'll go 8049145 WAITRESS . PART·T1ME, a t 7 10_S tacey Enterprises, 5~;~~3 P . J 's in Murph\'sboro. Apply in BAL1.00N BOUQU,:TS $1250 & $1500 We deliver. We a lso ha\'e r~~·~1~~g;l - Thursda )' . 31~7Tc.i7 downs ror that special occasion. .,.... PAPA .. r"s BEEH booth ~~: ~ , ~~; r:~i~il~azy COOler ~1~2 I'+' .L AlUffim - want 10 do it again? Call Ted 549..Q6t8 1391C45 YARD SALE· DRESSERS , PRESCHOOL TEArtlEIl·PART l!&§J%3WWM \ CARPET , Sewing machine, da\'s. Minimum reqUlrem('nt . 2 TYPING . El)ITI NG . BOOK vears a rly childhood d(>veiopm<>n! indexing. Experienced. Theses, TA t-a : \ n nE}\},' COOl(, b\ and camero, IO'speed, more. ~ h i\d'~ ~de."pcE~~~~ c : ye~~~:f~~ I g ~~~~~:~:r~s t~~";:;.a~!:~~s~~ !r., _ u ~~~tl{a~~)~' ID~~I~Jtt r~~ ~enale Sot., O ct. 20, 8 a .m . 509 Preschool. 1000 N. Main. Anna. I a\'ailab,e -1 Si-166f). 1019£-18 Eas on Dr . &.1.1 .5031. 232iC';4 " '" RI 'G PRIONANTl ADULT ::~~~~ 80S N . SPRINGER, ~:e~~ED :repSie~~it '~~\'e: _%r call •• ."H.' OHT SATURDAY 10/ 20, 8 am ,;I 1 E- Fr _ pr.gnonc: r 1·'''"9 IINTALS-YIDIO SHOW~ bt' collegiate tour an d tra\ ~ . ~a rn ' c:onhd. nflol 0 $111101"1( . SEKA- HOLMES-TOP xxx stARS noon. Ra in or shine. Baby B , ....." AND [HIllIN ItlAl or e UII.04 tooC. items, luggage, clothes, Form~~~!p~:ro~~~ti~~ .11 tJf~~ ~~~ S49· 27•• 821 S IL . AV CARBONOALE 4727 1·800·328-589i or wnte 10 Mondov·Fr1ooy misc. J Paula 2111 Universit y ;\\'e . St. IOo.m .. 4 p,m. NOON·S:OO MON·SAT I 2 -=- - -. ------Paul. ~t N 55114 , 1478C48 ,L-..:::.... __;,..;,:.;.;W"' •.;;M"'A:.:,IN .... _ ..... Pttge 16. 1>al ly t.:gypuan. vctooer tH o 1984 Cafe proprietor ' down and out~ Opening for "On Air" about business in J ohnstown Radio People full or part-time Ii\ PNl'r ;\Iattiac(' 18R9 flood which killed more Or tlt(' \ s:-.ociatf'd Press ' IT '" 11(1 ( (' (0 (alit, Ih an 2.000 people. hit an (Broadcast background net required) unemplorment peak of 25.9 looking for talented people J OHNSTOII'1\. Pa. lAP ' c(~ff('(' ",ml(>Y from per cent - the nation's worst - Fnr more than a half·centurv. in F:!brua ry 1983. It is now a t WI"I RADIO three generations of Katie tI /e .~P {!IlYS. BIl( 14.1 percent. according to the "~14-2121" Hltchc\" s rami!\' have fed stale Employment Service. hungr'y steei worker s (llpy {ti n >. ' swaggermg up 7\l aple Avenue to BUT , ' EAH " Katies Place '" STIHL CHAIN SAW SALE the cozy cafe a t the steel mill - K '!, th, Hitchey Bethlehem's franklin Car Shcp gate is down from about 2.500 Save up to $200.00 on Stihl Cha in The Int>['I. in turn. nourished workers in the ear ly 19GOs to • Sows the famil) with their day-to-day Irs m" Mom a nd Dad'" she only 350 workers now, tlccording bu~iness and encouragement. said. "\\le used 10 pack them in to company spokeswoman Hetty I especially aft er J oh nstown's here everv shift. We had them Kovacs. 11 ha few order s for Chain Special disastrous floods of 1936 and coming and going, Now we're re:. !I road ('oa l hoppers. ' 1977 washed away the family's down 10 nothing." . .. !f.!~ - 2 cu tting chains for the pr ice of one work and home, The few regul ars can still help But now Ritchey says she's RITCHEY. 60. herself themselves to coffee behind the ~ ~'" Save during our open house countei . but the R itc h e ~' s sold ft beaten. As steel jobs and steel disab:ed and her business about , .. .. Friday, Oct. 19 and Saturday, Oct. 20 workers have dl appeared, her SI50.0t.'0 in debt. said she is fi ling onl y a few cups on a recent Maple Avenue Cafe - " Katie's for bankruptcy. Her husband ...... er;o kday a ft ernoon. FREE REFRESHMENTS Place" to the men - has grown Clarence, 59, has had t ..... o open­ "1 used to have a ll kinds of about as quiet as Bethl ehem hearl operations and faces a groceries, a nd drugs, and Steel Corp: cold. rusting mill a third later this month. C\'crything:' she said, " but now few steps awa\'. A daughter. Lois. 23. tends the 1 can't even afford to stock up, I ~ Hwy . Sou th SI Ca rbond..a le " Somelim 'we hate to take counter for room and board in see myself as down and out . coffee money from these guys, lhe house behind the cafe _ " 1 That hurlS ." 529-5700 Some of them are barch' can't pay her." Ritchey says ...... ~. ~ .... .~ ..... making it lhemseh'es and two One of her four sons, Paul. 3i, cups cost nearly a dollar. But has been Qui of work for months. they give. They know our laid off from the nearbv mill. situation. too. " shesaid. The at her sons ha ve left "We can't h\'e like this. We're J ohnstown. ItOME:COMING ·1984 worr ied and wedon't know what This hard-luck mountain citv to do. Thi place is a part of u . of about 35.000. famous fo r the Blank and F riends to p lay Tom Sullivan SI ·-:;·s own ~-!ichael Blank sitars. plays a variety of music and Friends. a diversified group ranging from wpstern to Jazz­ of entertainers thaI mixes blues '.:'1 e\'erythlOg in between. music. corned". and . of all This " mixed bag" show will be rbi, Friday, October 19 things. wild game calls. will held in the Old Main Hoom a nd appea r Thursday night in the admittance is free for students. Student Center. suo for the general public. 8 p.m., Ballroom 0 The group. whi ch employs The performance begins a t 8 s uch instruments as guitars. p.m . and is the sixth of the Fall banjOS a nd authentic Indian J ava Series. t2 Stutlent$/t3 General Public

SponlIJf6t1 by SPC ExPf611W6 Am

PURPLE PASSIONATE POSTER Add passton to your punch WIth Student Center Cafeteria Everclear 190 2 Eggs proof gram hash Browns alcohol Biscuit EVIIIClIAR & Gravy AlCIID iiiiclEii'-.iiiiiiiFii------For your full color 15"' x 22" Everclear Everclear Poser Offer $1.70 poster; send $3.00 in check. money order SOO 3rd Avenue West or use your Mastercarc! or V'1Sa to: SeanJe, WA 98119 Served 7:000m-l0:000m ~------

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______8 ______• _____ • • your next Breakfast Club Special FREEl Sponsored by Student Center Great Scott! New co m ic books Police investi{!ating s hootin ~ • Police a re in-. cstigating the Lewis \l,'a~ taken to Ca r ­ shooting Tuesday of a Ca r­ bondale ~l emor1al Hosp.tal bonda le woman. a spokes man of where she r C'mal ned In are much Dlore than kid stuff the Ca rbondale P olice satisfaClofv ('onditlOn. J')eparlmen t said. n, Hun Warnkk featured the works of art iSIS nol Marvel comics still make up Ca rbondale police arrested PC'iice responded to a report her ex-husband. Wilham Lewis. Siudl'nt \\'ril('r secn with the major com panies. around 60 percent of sa les. of a shooting a t approximately Two late 1970s indel>endents. McCord said . despite the 31. later the same evening on a tI :48 p.m. at 32 1 Lynda Drive charge of reckless COill:! tlCl. lhe Although comiL books have " Elfquest " by Hk hard and success of independ ents . Upon arriving, they found Erva been ge.lrcd to readers in grade Wendv Pini and "Cerebus" b\' "Marvel is tryi ng to kill the spokesman said Lewis was Lewis. 41. of the same address. relea edon a SIOOcash bond school and early high school. a DaveSim. turned good profits independents." McCord said. in her bedroom. Lewis had bee" new breed of comics has been a nd started a flood of artists a nd Pacific Comics. a n in­ from major co'mpanies to dependent line. has been pushed shot in her side through a The Ca r bondale polioe targeted to readers of college window of the room. the spokcs said thai further ageand be.'·ond . prod uce their own comics for out of business. !'po k~m ;m said charges arc pending. These comics are "in­ profit. Despite intense competition. dependent" comics - comics Major companies may have First and Eagle comi c com­ which are not published b)' realized the potent ial audience pa nies a re in good shape. ~1c­ major companies and appea l to th e independent comics werc Co rd said. a nd Aa rdvark· adult audiences. As a re~:J Jl. using. because thry started Vanaheim is undergoing ex­ grow th in sales and \'ariety is independents of thei r own. The pansion. higher than it has been in ri se of the ind epend ent comic "There will be growth in decades. als!) forced major co mpanies 10 comics." McCord said. " but at a Even though prices of comics revise their ownership rules to much slower rate for the next ha\'c morc tha n tripl ed in th e plug the drain of their artists few year ," past years I DC titles are now up and writers. to 75 centsl and the independent These changes in the past B e ~ your' pardon comics a re higher priced than decade ha\'e not gone unnoticed This Weeks Lunch Morvcl's and DC's titles t the in the Carbondale a rea. Dennis The film "Acid Hai n : Combination Plate Spe.cial Pir t comic books list for SI.25 I. :,J cCord. co-owner of Ca mpus Hequiem or Heco"erv?" was mdependent comics are still Comics on Sou th Ill inois not ha,nned as \Va s published selling. possibly because they Avenue. said aboul 85 percent cf Ocl 17. The U.S. J ustice Eggroll havc reached the larger adult his ~ us tom e r s are 51 -C Dej11rtment ruled that the film audience. students and there has been could not be shown in the United Sweet and Sour Wonton A First comics readers )>011 "gradual growt h and the States without a disclaimer Fried Rice said more th an 70 percent of awakening of Ifl t er~ t " in new saYlllg that the U.S. government $2.65 those who answered were o\'er titles. dOf>s not approve of it . 18 yea rs old. with a m~all age of :\ lot more oeooJe are read in £! 25. 1. comic into 3 later age than 10 The independent ('ornles werc years ago." ;\1cCord 5310. most likch' born from a re\'olt " People have been turned on by by artists 'and writers from the the idea of somethmg a little bit major comic production com­ different other tha n the panies o\'er ownership rules superhero beating up the super­ esta~ l is h ed since the 1930s . The \'il li an 12 mont hs of the "ear ." companies owned all the rights Beca use of mature' themes and profit s te lheir work from used in independents. a lm osl a ll Mondoy N ight Footboll mitia l saies and reprints. of them are without the Conllcs Tuesdoy: Cult ure Club N ight \\all\' Wood's " \\·itzend." ode stamp, which says tha t the published first in 196-1. was the comic is acceptable for younger Wednesdoy: Senor ita N ight ftr!'-t in dependent comic and audiences. If. Thursdor: Tropical Nigh: Program planned for siblings If. Friday: Channel Whammy Happy Hour ~l emor ial Hospital of Ca r­ about the newborn. There will Soturd'!i'.: Good Times bondale is offering a program also will a tour of the nurserv in di rected toward chilc'.ren 2 to 8 the Obstetrics Department . - \'ears old whose parents a re The program is open to the expecting a baby. Tho program. chi ldren of parenls delivering at titled " Tvke Hike." will be held Memorial Hospital. The hos pital from Hi a.m. to noon on encourages parents to attend Salurda\,. o\'_ 10 at conference with their children. A S2 fee per rooms 1and 2 of the hospital. family is suggested to cover The focus of the program will materials be on discussing the charac­ I nterested people must teristics and de\'elopment of a preregisler by 7'-JO\'. 7 by calling newborn. the role of thp sibling lhe Education Department of brother or sister. and th e the hospital a t 5~ 9'()72t. feelings they may experience Hegistration is limited.

ENTIRE STOCK WINTER Coats 20 %off by Jill Jr Foxland Woolrich Junior Gallery a nd more ... Whether you want a cfassical, contemporary, long, 'Ii, or short coot We have one for you ! Thurs •• Fri •• Sat. only

Wednesday, October 24, 8:00 p.m. $9.00, 7.50, 6.50 Shryock Auditorium Celebrity S eries ruthie'7 110<, .. Ih" "1.. n ~l "n'I,,\ Ih",u~h F nt! .• \ 11 tn,.m 1" .. ~ tll'm 702 S. Illinois A ve . \1 .ul .'l1d \ I~., 'I, .ud \)h ...... unl, "" ,In "" . 1.\0,1 "' ... ·k II g j.l\~ ~ ~,., In \"hi_' I' m ( ';.1 1 ~l- tr.,. _ ' 9-5:30 O I h. , • h-hnh "" -1'1'''' ,~ "'UI,,_.n •.t III t>.ln 10\ ., Io!r,,,,t 1,,"11 Ih. VIS4 IIhr ... ,~ \ $' .u'lIll _1.,\1 •• .:.n. \ Mon.-S ot. I ~ II

Pa~t'lK . I):111\ l': gypllan. October 18. 1984 50";(>1.'i [my 1110,." U.!-; . ,rI,(> al Paradi e Alley Players presen; IAAC eyes link WA - HINGTO;>; ' AP I - The O\'let CllIon ha:-:. houghl an b~~c~el o~\ '~~~~(' l ~onS~ ~4~a~~~ addltlonall:! l..-l40 ITIf'tfll' tons 0 2. 2C1; pollnos and " equal to ~9 4 " Dracula" lJ S. Whf'a l - about .";'5 :mllion bu s hel ~ of corn or 36.7 bushels of of sports., studies bushels - for dc-liven' In the whea l or sovbeans (clIlling vC'ar. the AgrIculture Thus. th~ lalest sales would Fri: Oct 19, 8pm Hart zog. dlrN:lor of men's B, K~rt'n Wihhl'rl!"f Department said Wednesday. have an estimated C C; farm Sat: Oct 20, 2pm ~iarr Wrilt'r athletics. exprE'!'sed ~ omc The Soviets now have bought "alue of about S15 mIllion. concern ~Ibo ut the li st. saying more than 15.2 milli on tOilS of Purchases ror delivery in and 8pm :\ rC\'lscd list of llC'txls thai t"'31 the coache:-:. in his corn and wheat since June 29. 1984-85 total 10.2 million tons would :.:: en'c 3:0' a link between depanmenl ;llready help ~ I ost of the grain has be"n for under terms of the agreement : athlC'llC roaches and athletes who ncc..'ii help in deli" crv in the second ~ear or 2.06 million tons of wheal and Marion Civic academic departments in academics. " We may take the t,,;o countries' long-term 8.15 m ill ion t(.:lS of corn. helping student athletes in marginal students. but we do supply agreement. which began have Ihis in mind a ll or the Sales for dcJivf'rv in 1983-84. Cen ter academic areas. was brought on Oct. 1. the first year or the agreement. before the Intercollegiate ti me:' Hartzog said. The latest sale was reported totaled 14 .1 million Ions. in­ Athletic Committee Wed­ The iist of needs. which to the depa rtment by vrivate cluding 7.61 million tons of admission : $3. 00 nesday by Dick Bortz. rna\' be cha nged by conl­ exporters. as required by law. chan illan of l he Aca demic­ mit'tee members. include : wheat and 6.48 million tons of Origina lly . the or der was corn. Sales of sovbeans totaled This program is Athletics subcommittee. - Giving coaches a list of reported as going to " unknown 416 .000 tons. . The list of eight priority cont.act people in academic destinations" but was changed p artially supported by needs. stemming from a units. student services. etc .. to the Sovi el Union. No prices or The Soviets a re committed to a grant from the 1Ilinois buy at least nine million metric prior Jist of 14 needs. w~s and more inrormation other deta Ils were disclosed. Arts Council. a state compiled by three coaches m r ega rding advisem e n t. However . the department tons or ,\'heat and corn annua ll y men's at hl etics. thr~e sch e dulin g. g r ad uation says Ih(' bl~ t pc;:: timated farm over a per iod or five years. agency. coaches in ,,,omen's at hl etics req!lirc.ment.s. etc. and three IAAC members. - Increas;ng student -athl· Bortzsaid. etic awareness about ~~~~~~I@!Ii~\£!!J The commiH~ will discuss university standards . and possibl y vote on the h ~t academic policies. and at its next meettng In counseling a n d career A Tasty Greek Delicacy November The subcommittee's goal in pJanningservices. this project is to identify the - Increasing sens it i\' it ~ Dellvere.d to Youl coaches' needs in bellcr between athletic advisers helping a thletes in the and academic depa rtments . Try Carbondale's fi nest GYROS sandwich. academic areas. Bortz said. At the same meeting. a adding that ·· those atheletes discussion about a policy 01 The Greek gourmet sandwich made of are students first ." sending a SIU-C represen­ U.S . choice beef blended with Greek spices Although time didn't a llow tat.ive to the NCAA each )'ear (or much discussion. Lew was delayed. garnished with tomatoes, onions, and a sour cream based sauce :'otte ry ti{' ket sales a r e li p 69 p e l'('ent served on pita bread. SPRINGFIELD t AP I of the increase in sales to " Lotto lllinois State Lollery ticket Fever " in late August when the IHALF GYROS AFTER 10:oopm $ 1. 171 sales soared to S301.5 million prize grew to $40 million and during the past three months. was awa rded in a 20-yea r an­ up 69 p"rcent from the same nuity to Michael Wit tkowski of Save Time & Trouble. Let Us Deliver period last year. Governor Chicago. ThOl':"p,on said Wednesday. The fever 's persistenre was "The lllinoi' Slate Lollery evidenced by a $2 million jump continues to be a n important Wednesda \' in lhe Lollo grand provider or revenues to help prize for this week. which rose SUPP?!'t education and other rrom S12 million toS14 mi1lion on social sen 'ice progr a m s the strength of heavy ti cket throug ho u t the s la te," Thomp­ M les. a loltery spokesman said. (L~~~<~ son said in a s la lement. Thompson said nearly $49 Carry 0 ..9 or Delivery There was an increase in million of the the profils from 457·0303 prOfits, too, up 74 percent to July. August and Seplember $1.29.2. million. were being used to help support ,,. S, IIlInol. Ave.-Carbondale The governor attributes part education stalewide.

Thursday Special THE HALLOWEEN PLACE TM Italian Beef W/Med. Soft DrInk $2.99 (serve d with c h ips & p ickle) ' ~--. ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL YOUR COSTUME, Weekend Be., Slast Call for C· . . MASK, AND MAKE-UP PARTY NEEDS. Sub Special and Pitchers Delivery __ ,,_ S 1.90 549.3366 .

THURSDAYS GET PHYSICAL AT DUMAROC - Featuring FLEX APPEAL -FREE champagne for ladies -FREE admission for ladies -I st 2 kegs: 25¢ LA drafts -FREE popcorn


JCPenney I ~~iversi t y Mall, Cnrbondale ~457-3311 . aIC.EB Da ily Egy ptian. October Its. 1984, Page 19 ORIENTEERING CLUB MEETING Illini to approach rest of year OCT. 18 7:00pm STUDENT CENTER THEBES ROOM with pride at stake., White says ORIENTEERING CLUB MEET OCT. 21 First Start 1 :OOpm By Robert Lee Zimmrr Burtnell. "Were going 10 have 10 play extremely or thE' Associaled Prpss welilusito be in Ihegamewith Illinois." TOUCH OF NATURE White said that Purdue has a very similar style (Follow the Signs) on of~ense .and def~ n se as Illinois, so "it's going to URBANA - Defending Big Ten champion Free transportation from Illinois will play the final f~" - games of the bea hille hke playmg againsl ourselves .. ' foolball season with "pride" al stake. if not Ihe He said if knowing a lot about an cpponent's conference liU e. Coach Mike Whilesaid Tuesday. philosophy is an advantage, it will be an ad­ vantage for Burtnett. too. " Thai's aboul whal you've gOl len:' said Whiie. WARMUP! " Irs not hopeles : we have a mathematical Illinois - back al home this " 'eek - has the chance at the conference championship. .. potent combination of quarterback Jack Trudeau GET PHYSICAL BUI. While said. " We 've losl our gr ip" on Ihe and wide receiver David Williams. Trudeau has race after Saturday's second Big Ten loss - a 45· compleled 168 of 256 passes for 1.772 yards a nd 12 -Featuring FLE X APPEAL 38 disappointment al Ohio Stale. His I""m is now touc~downs . Williams, the nati on 's leading -For Ladies: FREE admission. receiver, has 60 catches for 866 yards a nd six TDs. 4-3 for Ihe season. including a 3-2 record in Ihe Big champagne . ond p o pcorn Ten . And. the lIIini ground attack has been gaining White, who said he was " sick" that I!!inois strenglh. Thomas Rooks is Ihe leader wi lh 748 -1 sl 2 kegs: 254 LA drafts played its besl game of the year bUI could nOI yards a nd a pair of touchdowns in 143 carries. quite beal OSU. gave hi s players the day off J im Everett ca lls t.he signa ls for Purdue. and THUR!: ., OCT. IB , Bpm-4am Monday to recover physically and mentally has compl eled lli of 193 passes for 1.519 ya rds " I'm ju l so darn sick tha t we had a chance al a and six TDs. His main target is wide reCeiver championship game and lei il slip Ihrough our Sieve Gr iffin with 36 calches for 582 vards and Iwo hands:' said While. " Irs going 10 be inleresling 10 touchdowns. ' see how we respond 10 the toss." Tailback Ray Wa ll ace leads Ihe rushing g"me Ill inois returned to practice Tuesday 10 prepare wi th 452 yards a nd five TOs in 101 carries. for Purdue. its dominance of Ihe Big Ten diluled The Boilermakers had a n impressive pass last week by Iowa. The Boilermakers are 3-1 in defense until Iowa rolled over them. 40-3 . and the conrerence. but now tied with OSU. Michigan Burtnett said he wa concerned. and Iowa for Ihe lead. " I'll promis(> you Illinois' passing attack will " Last week was our week to be down. but I think check anybody." said Burtnett. hoping hi S we'll come back '" said Purdue Coach Leon defens.? can at least slow it down.

Homemode tresh Tofu . Soybean Milk & a variety of Ch,nese Food Tennis women enjoy fine fall season 01 Reasonable Pn,es. BUR & WINE AVAILABLE 8\' Stan (;oH spring's conference champion other seniors. t-feidi Eastman ~i.irr \\'rit e r at the ~o . 3 singles position. a nd and Alessandra J\·lolinar i. last s pring's conrerence runner­ played the top two positions for After com pie ling the fall upal the 1\0. 6 singles sPOI. the Salukis. eason with an 8-3 record, th e Senior l\'laureen Harne" E astman. facing lough 1'WO-FOR-ONE SIU-C women's tennis team has became the first Salukl e\'er to competition a ll vcar. went 5·10 high expeclalions going into Ih e win 100 singles matches whpn al Ihe NO . 1 Singles spol. While SPECTACULAR! spring season. she won her first five m atches in plaYing from Ihe No. 2 si ngles Coach Judy Auld's squad. eptember. impro\'ing her position lasl fall. she had a 10·9 which won the Gatewa\, career record to 100·38. Aft er a record. Molinari had a 10 ~ Collegiale Athl elic Conference IO~ fall. her career mark now record al Ihe NO. 2 singles spol SOFT CONTACTS & EYEGLASSES Iwo years ago. will be seeking 10 stands al 105-44 . this fall . improve on last spring's third­ " 1 wanled 10 gel il ( IOOlh win ) The Saluki' lineup was pl acefilllsh. over with so I could conccntrate solidified with the addition of The Saluki' deplh-Iaden on improving with each match," Moellering, a freshman recruit 5169C!:~~ lineup breezed Ihrough GCAC Harne said. " I think the tcam from S1. Louis. Moellering won compel ilion this fall , posling as· did wh'at it sel out to do. and now four of her last five matches to BOTH PAIR FOR ONE PRICE o record. SIU·C has now won 23 wc'd like to go oul and win fin ish the season at 11 ·5. She The pe:1l.C\ combination- contacts 101 the natural look PLUS eyeglasses rnnfprpnrp in the s pring." played her best tcnnis at the to weal 'In bet_en' You. chOIce of a select g roup a lla s~\lo n straight regular-season mat­ hame. Included ches againsl GCAC foes. dating Mary Pat Kramer, playing in S IU-E Vita Invitationa l Tour­ nament in which she finished in Pnce Includes back 10 1982-83. the No. 3 Singles position. won Contact lens Eye Examination. (Bausch & Lomb 1984 Sofspin"') The Salukis' starting lineup is Ihe GCAC title lasl year for the second place. Contacts. 'Single VISion Glasses including clear lenses and b ymes. filled with experience. as four Salukis. and Amanda Allen " 1 pl ayed the besl IWO mal· Cold Care Kit. 30 day foUowup care -On glasses. pnc. covern normal power range on lenses seniors and one junior are fin ished second al the No. 6 ches of my life al Ihe Ed· among the six slarters. Ellen positior,. Kramer. playing in her wardsville tourne". I was Oifel .xpues November J 1984 Moellering. Ihe lone freshman third year. wenl 8-8 this faU . and really. really pleasCd wilh tbe slarler. led sru-c with II wins now owns a 72-3; career record way I played." she aid. Ihis fall . aISru-C. Weisser S~vmg s Certlllca e "We are so solid right now. Allen had a 9-7 record this fall " I came on strong a t lhe end that we've got to go with the al the No. 6 singles position. of the season. a nd I hope 10 starl same players:' Auld said. . easily defeating her conference out strong in the spring. I've set PRESCRIPTION EYEGLASSES The starting lineup includes opponents as she POSled a 5.j) some pretty high goals for the BOTH PAIRS FOR ONE PRICE SIU-C's all-time winner. lasl record in GCAC ma lches. Two spring:' Moellering said. 589 ...... =:::..~..... -. Imagme, Just what yc:u need A pall of reguiat prescnpuon glasses and a second pall of prescription glasses for work. span or pla)t Both for one low. low pncet Your chOIce of a select group of fashlon hames mcluded ProfeSSional services not Included "Othe, dlscOunts & coupons are not apphcable Present this coupon pnor to purchase Price covers normal power range on lenses

Otler expIres November J 19B.;

aAWSOI6lOMa .. ~ u.II 30 DAY IIftllDlD MAR ALL son DESIGNER BRING PUMPKINS TO SPC OFFICE CONTACTS SUIIGLAIIiI (3 rd fl . student center) MON. OCT. 22 lOaJ:D.WED. OCT. 24 I lam 5249 20%OFF VOTlNG BY FELLOW STUDENTS COIIPLDI .... ~, WED. OCT. 24 llam·lpm Price Include.: v_., Extended Wea' Soft ("'..antaets. ; Contact lens EY'I Examination...... CATEGORIES: Cold car. Kit...... ,c.ta SCARIEST t Year F,)Uowup Care ...... MOST ORIGINAL OOel upuu Ncrwmber 3. 19B4 Otter upua Novamblor J 1ill4 WINNER RECEIVES $25 Ttusted Slnc:e 1898 BOOKSTORE CERTlFICATE . 701 A. S. IIUno11 Ave Carbondale ~T) ONSORED BY: 549-7345 SPC & UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE

Page 20, Daily Egyptir. n, October 18, 1984 Jordan shines at Bulls7 training camp selected twice as College R\ JanH"s Li tkr Basketball Player of the Year. or Ihi' .o\ sst,dated Pr('~~ Rookie star receives rave reviews His next address was the U.S. CHICAGO

11 Hot Dogl w/Friel '11.11 8 Polilh w/Frin '1236 Buue! of Shrimp w/Friel Gallon (lerm 6-8) Y, gallon (servel 3-4)

Starr Photo Stephen Kf'nnrd,Y O,,-I!lp-fip1d Imillill;.! b~ '

Saluki recein'r coach Albert " Huu" Prt'"S ton 8ailr~' during Wf'dnesday's prat'licr al ('{insulted with frf"shmu1'1 lin r b ~(' krr Alonzo McAndrew Stadium .

America~s Marathon-Chica~o Saturday, October 20,12-2pm Open to all SRC pass holders features world~s best runners and their families. Prizes in CH ICAGO (AP I - When (he Also scheduled 10 compele as male finishers. whi le the first I;; all age groups. No advanced ~ starting gun goes off Sunda\' for of Wednesday were defendin g women to finish will share a Student the- seventh \'ea r, America's champion Joe Nzau o( Kenva SII7.200 purse_ registration. Will be held of Recreation Center ~Iar a (hon-C-hicago will and countryman Simeon Kigen. The oldesl runner will be 82- the SRC Disc Golf course. showcase the best field in any race spokeswoman Barbara vea r-old Ben l\'Tostow o( open distance com~titjon this Dickstein sair.. suburba n Skok ie. the youngest • year. lured by a fast track and " We're a\\arc J oe ran in entrant is Paul Tomcik. who $250.000 in guaranteed prize Cleveland recent i\". but as of just turned 9. moncy. today. he's still on our I COII­ : raint'd by his father. Bob. E "Chicago ;5 second to none:' firmed li sO." she said. " J-{p's Tomcik ran a half-marathon Bob Br ight. executi ve di rector lold us no 10 begin wi th. then I wO week s ago in I hour. 40 19 of the race. said. And the field yes. then no. then yes again. We minutes. He also covered bears him out. consisting of Ihink h'-" he her e.-­ miles in a training run last 9.000 runners. rangmg from ~ I s . Dickslein said world­ week. Olympians to average Joes and cia s marathoner Rob de The marathon r"ute Will take runners (rom lile Dale\' Center Janes who run [0; thE' fun of it. Castella of also was The race also will he lelevised scheduled 10 compele_ Plaza Ihrough Ch;'nalown. nalionaIl\" , for the first time. bv Joan Benoit. who captured the Greek Town. LillIe It a ly and To CHICAGO & SUBURBS CBS. - - women's gold al Los Angeles_ is Olher elhnic neighborhoods 10 Portuguese runners Ca rlos iffy for the eighth running of the the fini sh line in Lincoln Park on DEPARTURES RETURNS the city's North Side near Lake Lopes. who won Ihe gold meda I America's. EVERY FRIOA Y EVERY SUNOA Y al Ihe Los Angeles Olympies "There's a lwa ys d certain Shore Dr he. last summer. and Rosa Mota. mys te r y s urrounding her. Along Ihe roule will be 13 firsl · 9AM. 12NOON. 2PM. 4PM bronze medalist in the fi rst That's her style. -- Brighl said . aid s Ia l ions sla ffed by women's mara thon at the 1984 "Now she's playing coy. But I p a r a med ics. massage DELUXE MODERN MOTOR COACHES Games. have confirmed thev think h'-" make an Ilth·hour the rapists a nd volunteer will compete in Sunday's race. . s howup." medical clerks who will ad­ COND., WASHROOM EQUIPPED, RECLINING SEATS So has 1984 Boslon Maralhon Cash prizes lola ling SI32.800 minister to the wa lk ing LOCA T~D THROUGHOUT CHICAGO & SUBURBS winner Geoff Smith. will he divided among Ihe lOp 20 "nunded. Golfer O'Meara close on two goals THE STUDENT TRANSIT amont he had earned in his of the Year award. which IS NLY $39.75 ROUNDTRIP LAKE BUENA VISTA . Fla. (I way also available) lAP) - Mark O'Meara is an three previous seasons and determined (rom a complica ted second only 10 Watson's leading point list. int e nse. dedicated . goal­ TICKET SALES OFFICE LOCA TEO AT oriented man who has two of pro $476.260. Watson is not com­ Watson and Soulh African golf"s most coveled awards - peting in this event. t.he next-to­ last o(ficial tournament on the Denis Watson. each a three-lIme 5 ~6ENT 715 S. UNIVERSITY AVE Player of the Vear and leading RANS IT on the Island-see map below money winner - within reach schedule. winner this season. are tied for ~ as Ihe IO- month PGA Tour O'Meara needs 10 place firsl the lead with 54 points. Denis OPEN M-Th 10:30am-5pm, Frl7am-4pm season winds down. tS72.0001 or second ($43.200 ) to Watson is fourth on Ihe money " I wanl to calch Tom (Wal­ overtake Watson. And a victory winning Iisl a l $406.976. He. like PH 529.1862 sonl on the money list. That's b} O' Meara could place him in O·Meara. plans 10 play bolh of my la rget fo r this year." st.ronJ! contention for the Player the fi nal official tournaments . O'Meara said hefore the start of Ihe $400.000 Walt Disney World O~l'mpil' "0(1('" ,"illmmitt 10 .~'H'"t.- 'I1",rstillY Golf Classic Thursday_ And O'Meara. V . is closing P al Head Summilt. Ihe and Salukl s tandout Petra out his fourth season on the Olympic coach for Ihe Uniled Jackson will also be at the press Tour. St.ate s gold medal-winning conference. SIU-C will open its I· In Ihe past Ihree months. he women's basketball team. will season against Tennessee at the I! has heen in the title chase in v!,it SIU-C Thursday 10 starl Bowling Green Bank In­ almost every tournament he has the season-ticket drive for the vitational Toruna ment on Nov. played_ He seored his firsl SIU·C women' s baskelball 19. THANKSGIVING BREAK career victory in September. team. has a total of five rUOiler·up Summitt. coach of Ihe Summill will a lso he a guesl $TICKETS NOW ON SALE finishes. has heen third in three University of T ennessee speaker at the Saluki Booster Buy yours before the prices go up I 01 hers events and has finished women's basketball leam. will Cl ub luncheon al Morrison's "Ighlh or hener in 11 of his lasl he the fealured speaker al a Cafeteria in Ihe Universily Mall $39.75 ...... Ip (.... '55.50) 13 ~"ar1 s . 10:30 a .m. press conference al a nd will he honored al a ThaI slreak has boosted his the Illinois Room in the Sludenl recept ion at Ihe Egyptian (1 way also available) money winnings (or the season Cenler. S I U- C wo m en 's Spor " Cenl er Thursday 10 $-I:;; ,4;3. more than double the baskelball coach Cindy Semi evening.

I',l!!'-:!:!. J);l1 ly t-: ~y plt 3n. Oc:tober 18, 1984 r N L n 1"1 U3 .ea rr!' 8y The Assodated Pr('"';s 3~ COPIES Patient F rey SEL f SERVICE 4C Sell Serve Quallly Co;nes I AMEliI(' "l\' FOOTIIAI .L CO~FERt:Nl'E Quarl('rbacks 5C Entaroemenls & ReduCflons AIT COM YDS TO INT wins a ward XEROX 9210 Marmo. i\'lia . 211 142 2074 20 4 4C while 8'·'] xl l-overnlghl By Jam~s Lil kr Eason. N.E. 138 86 1099 I 5C while 8''2 xl,-wh.le Ferguson. Buff t:77 107 12.13 4 or thr ,-\ ssociatl.'cl l:JrriS FOllIS. S.D 272 172 .2101 8 Woodley. Pitt. 12'J 7:1 1061 6 CHI CAGO IAP I - The magic number turned out to be 35 for Chicago Cubs Manager Jim Frey. Hushrrs who was named Wednesday as National League l\'Ianager 01 the Year. AITYDSAVGLGTO Frey. 52. hit the jackpot after leading his second McNeil. Jet:, 134 GOI 4.5 :i3 4 ballclub to a championship season. He look the Jackson. S.D. 127 550 4.3 18 5 Kansas Ci ty Royals to the t980 World Series;n his Wmder. Den. 124 519 4.2 24 2 first try as a major league ma nager. He took the Allen. Raiders 126 438 3.5 30 Chicago CUJS to the National East Division title in P rui tt. Clev. 132 417 3.2 14 his second job managing. Disgusting and Ho rrible Frey was named on 23 of 24 ballots in voting b ~ Masks, Hf>c(' i\'ers members of the Baseball Writer' Association of NOYDSAVG LG TO America. receiving 16 first-place \'otes and seven Ma sque rade Ma sks, Winslow. S.D. 47 5';6 11.8 3.1 I secunds for a total of 10 1 point s. ~ ew York Mets Be ards, Kits, Newsome. Clev. 45 51R 11 .5 52 J mapager Dave Johnson Wa5 ,'unner-up, followed Duper. Mia. 38 7';2 19.8 80 by San Diego's Di ck Willi ams. whose Padres won Costumes, Wigs, Make-up Stallworth. Pill . 38 f~>6 17.3 51 three straight from the Cubs to take the i'l L and much much m ore Chrislensen. Raide~7 515 13.9 37 FOR fOUR pennant. HALLOWEEN a t The reward comes in Frev's 35th year in AFFAIRS ... all reasonable price S! I baseball. . . ~A TI O I' AI. FnOTIIAl.1. COI'FEIIE1\CE "S urpri sed ' ~" asked Frey. " We won more OuarlrrbaC'ks games than anybody in the Na tional League, a nd INterNatioNal .1ashioNs AITCOM YDSTD II'T I guess that put me in cont enti on . University Mall, Carbondale Monlana. S.F. 165 !02 1294 9 2 The 5·foot -9. soft ·spoken rrey joked with Lomax. SLL. 226 140 2007 12 5 reporters at a press conference. Asked whether 188 120 1425 10 4 549-3671 ~anielson. Del. his contract - which runs through the 1985 season Bartkowski. Ml. 177 118 1587 9 8 _ contained incentive clauses that would reward imms. Giants 245 136 1940 12 him for such awards, he replied, " 1 didn 't ha,'c any. My incentive is to try a nd not get fired." K ushers F rey spent 14 years kicking a round the minor AIT YDS AVG LG TO leagues. but despite attending spring training 16; 875 5.2 72 4 with se,'eral teams and being named the Texas 1<'5 769 5.0 66 4 IJOINUSI League's Mo-t Val uable Player in 1957. Frey 167 705 ·t2 24 8 never earnprt the right to ca ll himself a major 1:14 682 5.1 57 6 leaguer . A silent procession in support of 182 677 :1.7 37 His pJaying days ended in 1963 . Frey brieny tried making a living selling real estate in his H. f"cc-i\'crs nati"e Cincinnati. t';O YDSAVG LG TO But he gave tha t up and rel urned 10 baseball. AVG LG TO managing the Ba ltimore Orioles' fa rm club in POW/MIA's Monk . Wash. 43 657 15.3 51 Bluefield. W. Va .. for the 1964 and t965 seasons . .Jones . Det. 36 263 7.3 22 Frey scouted for the Baltimore hierarchy for the Homecoming Day Parade Wilder, T.B. 35 336 9. • 50 0 next five seasons a nd was call ed up to the parent rGreen. SI.L. 34 729 21 4 70 6 club as a coach in 1970. Sat., Oct. 20th Lofton. G.B. 31 66521.' 54 2 Join our Procession! Stric kla nd m a kes commitme nt to D ePaul Sponsore d by the SIU Veteran's Club

CHICAGO lAP } - Hodne\' an oral committmenl Tuesdav said, " Kenny Patterson (the Strickla nd of Truman High to DePaul. he said . "because >1 sento r point guard l is School in New York is com, want to come to Chicago. show graduating after lhis season and milled to attend De Paul next everybody how good I can be 1 can step in and run the show." fall. giving new Blue Demon and make my own reputation: ' Coach J oey Meyer one of Strickland also was being NCAA regulations prohibit basketball's biggest coups courteu by Syracuse. Pitt­ DePaul officials from com­ before the season even starts. sburgh, Villanova a nd Georgia . menting. but ta lent scout Bob Strickland. a 6-[001·2 point Gi bson of Lenoi r, N.C .. said gua rd from the Bronx. is rated " DePaul has a great Strickla nd " projeclS as a belter by most talent scouts as among tradition. they get a 101 of pl ayer lhan Kenny Pat!erson the top three prospcclS a t hi s nationallelevision exposure and coming into the

FIRST 'N' FINES" ... ALL YOU CAN EAT! Op.n Mon,Fr, VEGETABLE BUFFET BAR! 730AM ·6PM Choou' from. nUlrilioU!i On' delicious ._ polalOf'S corn .. g r f'~ n 100 W.,I WOl nut So l qA M bP M bfl'ans pinlo bf'.a ns .c abb

Enlargement i Oa~:s A W~ek En;O .. Ill> mi.,," ~ I rip !> Special as ~' OU likt' '299 &o ned 4 30 to 9 00 P M $2.99 8 x 10 Color Reprints Onl y $3.50 FROM 1 to. 126, ' 135mm Color N-VO livn ----COUPON--- I ~,>·/\ Flash Foto <'S", I I O~ 0",; , I 1. No limit on rolls per couporol I 2. Good thru I I O clobe r 22, 198-4 I I 3. Co nnol be used with ,I Othe r coupons 'I Roll Color Print Proc_Hlntl I I Don. In our Lob, I (Color Negative Film O nly) I • no, lU, US Film SI.. I

'------Daily Egyptian, October 18, 1984, Pc:ge23 Rejuvinated Dixon responds well with job on line R\ Mike Fre\" completed 45.3 percenl of hi s 161 paSI few games. and this has Valley Conference. SiaffWriter' pass attempts fo r 1.004 vards also helped the Salukis' of­ "That bothers me." h. said. and six touchdowns. . fensive turnabout. " It·s something r really don't aluki quarterback Darren Dixon said that he was un ­ "Darren's strength is not to like to talk about." Dixon's season with the footbaH familiar wi th many of his throw the football but to run our Dorr !'aid the turnovers have Salukis has resembled teammates on the offen ive unit game plan." Dorr said . " I th ink bothered him. but he stili thinks something of a See-S3W with its ea rly in the year. and this he's more relaxed now , and has Dixon ha s progressed well as a numerous ups-and-downs. contributed to the Sa lukis of­ a better feel for what he's quarterback. Dixon played behind record­ fensive troubles. He said that doing." ':Darren has grown." Dorr setting quarterback Rick the experience of playing seven Dixon had the finest game of satd. "I Just v.ish we could have Johnson from 1981 10 191!3 until games together has led to the his collegiate career against him h,~rc for a couple more getting his cha nce to start this the offense's improved per­ Eastern liIinois last Saturday. years . year. He endured a rocky start formance over thp past three co mpleting 14 of 25 passes for Dtxon is anxIous to graduate when the Salukis struggled 10 an games. 233 yards and two touchdowns. from SIU·C. however. The 0-4 slart. The offensh'e unit "We've gained more can· Dixon connected with his native of ='Jew Orleans is set to scored just 34 points in those fidence from playing together." rec~iver s on several big plays graduate with a bachelor's games_a nd Coach Ra y Dorr put Dixon said. "We have a better during that game, including a degree in business ad · the quarterback job up fo r feel for what each other is going 71-yard touchdown pa ss to Tony ministration in December. grabs in an effort to put some to do, and we've s tarted to think Anderson. He said this was Darren Dixon "Irs been fh'e years. and I' m spark inlO the sagging offense. thesameway."' something he'd been looking to looking forward 10 graduate." No quarterback cha nge was winning s treak. Dixon has Dorr said Dixon's strong point do a ll season. Dixon said. "But I might stav needed. however. beca use directed an offense thai has as a quarterback is hi s ability 10 One problem that continues to around and be a graduale Dixon has responded well since scored 101 points. He has passed carry out the team's game plan. plague Dixon is interceptions . aSSistant next year. t would iike being pressured. During the for 520 yards 3:1d four touch ­ He said Dixon ha s done an He has thrown 14 interceptions to work with the 01 her quar­ Salukis' current three-game downs. On the season, Dixon has excellent job of this over the this season. tops in the Missouri terbacks."

SQorts 'Daily 'Egyptian US.FL files SUIt• agaInst• rival league

B~ ' John M. Doyle tOto the busines5 of major Of the Associated Press league competitive fooiball." Since the emergence of the :-erpetoMe the illegal. It also requests the court monopoly of the NFL by making to order one of two possible successful entry by a competing revampings of the NFL-network contracts. Starr Photo by Steph en Kennedy professional football league into the business of major league The court paper claimed thai NFL clubs strengthened their A tthe IHlmllPr!ol football impossible." It ciaims "there is a ( .... n· monopoly position hy increasing spiracy" among NFL clubs " to their conlrol over virtual1y Saluki freshman tight end Kurt Wi endenfe ld n es da~" s practice. The Sa lukis will play West every facel of the business of Texas State for homecoming on Saturd3J. create a compiete barrier to the readied bimselr for the catch during Wed- entry of a competitive league professional football. Cubs' Frey awarded N.L. Manager of the Year NEW YOI{K t APl -. Jim second in the jivision. four for third. which they gave last year in the coaching first base. through the Frey. who turned the ChIcago " I'm honored and proud that Dick Williams of the San NL to Tom L2sorda of the Los 191!3seasonin ewYork. Cubs from a lower-echeion team people thought I did a good job," Diego Padres. the Nalional An'·eles Dodgers. The Cubs in 191!3 finished fifth to a division winner in his first Frey said . "But it was the League champions. finished in the Associated Press. which in the NL East with a 71-81 year with the d ub. Wednesday organization lI:at went out and third place in the balloting. also previous ly had awarded record. bUI Frey gal them was named the National spent the money to get the with four votes for first place. manager of the year in each turned them around wiUI a League's Manager of the Year ballplayers. A lot of people one for s"""ond and 18 for third. league. this year wi ll make one blend of youngsters and by the Baseball Writers' d'!Serve credit. I'm just the guy Houston's Bob Lillis was Ihe award - major league manager veterans acquired in some Association of Amer ica. who happens to be standing only other manager receiving a oflhe year. sharp trade acquis itions by Frey received 16 of the here." vote. collecting two for third. Frey. in 1980 as a freshmf.n General Manager Green. possible 24 first-place BBWA He added that "individual Two writers in each of the L major league manager . led the Fighting neck-and-neck with the votes and seven for second for a awards are nice" bul " the cities voted and the point Kao'as City Royals to the Mets. the Cubs pulled away in total of lor points 10 win easily biggest thrill is being on a system is based on five for first American League pennant. the last two weeks in September over Dave Johnson of the New championship team." place, three for second and one Frey, 52, was l1ired by former with some timely victories over York Mets. whose team con- While Frey was left off one for third. This was only the ew York Me ts Manager their closest contenders. tended most of the season with writer's ballot, Johnson was second year that the BBWA George Bamberger as the Mets' The last time L~e Cubs had the Cubs for the NL Easl named on all 24 with four votes writers have voted ior the baaing coach in 1982 and con- won a championship of any kind championship and finished for first place. 16 for second and Manager of the Year award. tinued those duties_ plus was in 1945.

Page 24. L>ai ly ~gy ptian , October t8 , 1984