Roman Church of St. Patrick Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn 9511 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 (T) 718-238-2600 (Fax) 718-238-1508 Email: Website: Catholic Cemeteries: 718-894-4888 Samaritans of New York 24 hour suicide prevention hotline (212) 673-3000 PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Hardiman, KCHS

PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Gregory M. McIlhenney Rev. Richard Bretone

Rev. Verghese Pathrose Poonoly (Peter Poonoly)

STAFF Mrs. Marilee Fitzgerald………………………Parish Secretary Fr. Peter Poonoly...... Director of Religious Education Mr. Christopher Vath ...... Director of Music Sr. Jeanne Elaine Matullo...... Director of Pastoral Care

ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC ACADEMY 401 97th Street ...... (T) 718-833-0124 Mr. Romeo Petric…...………………………. Board Chairman Ms. Kathleen Curatolo…...... Principal/Chief Academic Officer

RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Saturday: 9:00 AM to 12 NOON/1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Seventh Sunday of Easter—June 2, 2019

3SUNDAY MASSES NOVENAS (Church) Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM (Family) Weekdays following the 8:15 am and 12 Noon Masses 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM and 5:00 PM Monday: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Tuesday: St. Anthony WEEKDAY MASSES Wednesday: St. Jude 8:15 AM and 12 NOON Thursday: St. Anne Federal Holidays: 8:15 AM Friday: The Sacred Heart of

HOLY DAY MASSES Saturday: St. Patrick

4:00 PM Vigil EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (Church) 8:15 AM, 12 NOON and 7:00 PM Wednesdays: Following the 8:15 am Mass closing with a novena SACRAMENTS to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Benediction at BAPTISM: Second Saturday of the month at 2:00 pm 5:00 PM.

PENANCE: Saturday 12:30 PM WEDDINGS: Contact a priest 9 months in advance. First Friday : Following the 8:15 AM Mass and ending with a Holy Hour and Benediction at 5:00 PM. FATIMA (Blessed Sacrament Chapel)

1st Sunday of the Month : Following the 12:30 PM Mass Sundays: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament begins following 1st Saturday Devotion: May thru October the 12:30 PM Mass and is followed by a novena to St. Peregrine

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP (Msgr. Parks Center) and Benediction at 4:00 PM.

First Wednesday: 10:00 AM Third Wednesday: 7:00 PM BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL (Msgr. Parks Center) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS ST. PATRICK COURT

(Msgr. Parks Center) Last Tuesday of the month: 7:30 PM (September—June)

LEGION OF MARY (Rectory Meeting Room) The Rosary Society (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) Second Sunday: 2:00 PM Fridays: 10:15 AM

DIVINE MERCY CENACLES (Msgr. Parks Center) The Rosary is prayed (Church) Monday through Saturday: 8:40AM and 12:40 PM 2nd and 4th Thursdays: 10:00 AM (September to June)

COMMUNION AND LIBERATION (Msgr. Parks Center) The Rosary in Spanish (Msgr. Parks Center) Thursdays: 7:30 PM Fridays: 7:00 PM SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER—JUNE 2, 2019

Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. Mysteries of the Rosary and Daily Scripture Readings

June 3rd through June 10th Will Celebrate a Mass of Healing Monday, June 3rd at 7:30 pm Please pray for our service women and men in all parts

of the world. “In these difficult times, we are all in need of healing.” Monday — Joyful Mysteries Please join us at 7:00 pm as we pray the Rosary, asking Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 our Blessed Mother’s intercession in these troubling times. Tuesday — Sorrowful Mysteries Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a

Glorious Mysteries Next Sunday, June 9th, we will Wednesday— Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost , commemorating that Thursday — Luminous Mysteries Acts 22:30;23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 day when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples gathered in prayer Friday — Sorrowful Mysteries in the upper room. We will once Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 again pray, “Come, Holy Spirit” and Saturday— Joyful Mysteries anticipate His response, as He Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 touches our lives more deeply each day. Sunday — Glorious Mysteries At the 9:30 am Mass we will send forth our Acts 2:1-11/Rom 8:8-17/ newly confirmed young men and women and Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 present our new candidates for confirmation to the parish.

As we approach this great feast, let’s pray for one another, for greater openness to God’s WORD OF LIFE direction to us through the Holy Spirit. “By 18 weeks in your mother’s womb, Don’t forget to WEAR RED to celebrate the HOLY SPIRIT! you could swim, somersault, suck your thumb, and even cover your ears if you heard loud music.”

Feast of Corpus Christi USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Sunday, June 23, 2019 “Another Look at Abortion ” Each time we receive Holy Communion, we unite ourselves with the Lord Jesus. He died for us and PRAYER CORNER— now lives within in us. In gratitude, A Prayer for we will have a procession in His honor. It is a public those affected by Natural Disasters profession of our faith in the Holy Eucharist. God of healing and mercy, we come before you with our All parishioners are asked to participate, men, women, hearts filled with grief as we see the devastation. young and old, children and infants, too, married and single We pray that your presence would be felt by those who people— all who want to give thanks to Jesus and are grieving, who are injured, who have lost their homes proclaim their love for Him. and livelihoods.

We pray for wisdom and safety for those who are A special invitation is extended to: responding to the people in need and the many challenges • The Newly Confirmed (in their Confirmation gowns) left in the wake of the event. We pray for our church, that it may be a witness to your • First Communicants (in their Communion attire.) compassion and care for all who suffer. • The Newly Vested Candidates for Confirmation God, you are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. For this we give you thanks and The procession to Visitation Monastery will ask that you hear our prayers for the people affected by the follow the 12:30 pm Mass. recent, devastating Tornado Outbreak. . You are cordially invited to attend The Farewell Mass for our Pastor

Msgr. Michael J. Hardiman Sunday, June 16, 2019 11:00 am Reception will follow Aldo Bruschi Auditorium

All are invited, all are welcome to join us as we thank Msgr. Hardiman for all he has done for our parish and wish him Godspeed as he leaves us to pastor the people of Queen of Peace Parish in Kew Gardens Hills, Queens A Message from the Pastor

A great message for all people from Francis

I have sometimes seen young and beautiful trees, their branches reaching to the sky, pushing ever higher, and they seemed a song of hope. Later, following a storm, I would find them fallen and lifeless. They lacked deep roots. They spread their branches without being firmly planted, and so they fell as soon as nature unleashed her power. That is why it pains me to see young people sometimes being encouraged to build a future without roots, as if the world were just starting now. For “it is impossible for us to grow unless we have strong roots to support us and to keep us firmly grounded. It is easy to drift off, when there is nothing to clutch onto, to hold onto”. This is an important issue, and I want to spend a brief chapter discussing it. If we appreciate this issue, we can distinguish the joy of youth from a false cult of youth that can be used to seduce and manipulate young people. Think about it: if someone tells young people to ignore their history, to reject the experiences of their elders, to look down on the past and to look forward to a future that he holds out, doesn’t it then become easy to draw them along so that they only do what he tells them? He needs the young to be shallow, uprooted and distrustful, so that they can trust only in his promises and act according to his plans. That is how various ideologies operate: they destroy (or deconstruct) all differences so that they can reign unopposed. To do so, however, they need young people who have no use for history, who spurn the spiritual and human riches inherited from past generations, and are ignorant of everything that came before them. These masters of manipulation also use another tactic: the cult of youth, which dismisses all that is not young as contemptible and outmoded. The youthful body becomes the symbol of this new cult; everything associated with that body is idolized and lusted after, while whatever is not young is despised. But this cult of youth is simply an expedient that ultimately proves degrading to the young; it strips them of any real value and uses them for personal, financial or political profit. Dear young friends, do not let them exploit your youth to promote a shallow life that confuses beauty with appearances. Realize that there is beauty in the laborer who returns home grimy and unkempt, but with the joy of having earned food for his family. There is extraordinary beauty in the fellowship of a family at table, generously sharing what food it has. There is beauty in the wife, slightly disheveled and no longer young, who continues to care for her sick husband despite her own failing health. Long after the springtime of their courtship has passed, there is beauty in the fidelity of those couples who still love one another in the autumn of life, those elderly people who still hold hands as they walk. There is also a beauty, unrelated to appearances or fashionable dress, in all those men and women who pursue their personal vocation with love, in selfless service of community or nation, in the hard work of building a happy family, in the selfless and demanding effort to advance social harmony. To find, to disclose and to highlight this beauty, which is like that of Christ on the cross, is to lay the foundations of genuine social solidarity and the culture of encounter. Along with the stratagems of a false cult of youth and appearance, we are also witnessing attempts to promote a spirituality without God, an affectivity without community or concern for those who suffer, a fear of the poor, viewed as dangerous, and a variety of claims to offer a future paradise that nonetheless seems increasingly distant. I do not want to offer you any such thing, and with great love I urge you not to let yourselves be taken in by this ideology. It will not make you any younger, but enslave you instead. I propose another way, one born of freedom, enthusiasm, creativity and new horizons, while at the same time cultivating the roots that nourish and sustain us. Today, in fact, we see a tendency to “homogenize” young people, blurring what is distinctive about their origins and backgrounds, and turning them into a new line of malleable goods. This produces a cultural devastation that is just as serious as the disappearance of species of animals and plants. The word of God encourages us to remain close to the elderly, so that we can benefit from their experience: “Stand in the assembly of the elders. Who is wise? Cling to him... If you see an intelligent man, visit him; let your foot wear out his doorstep.” In every case, the long years they lived and all they have experienced in life should make us look to them with respect. The Bible also tells us: “Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old”. The command to honor our father and mother “is the first commandment to carry a promise with it”, and that promise is: “that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth”. This does not mean having to agree with everything adults say or approving all their actions. A young person should always have a critical spirit. Saint Basil the Great encouraged the young to esteem the classical Greek authors, but to accept only whatever good they could teach. It is really a matter of being open to receiving a wisdom passed down from generation to generation, a wisdom familiar with human weakness and not deserving to vanish before the novelties of consumer society and the market. The world has never benefited, nor will it ever benefit, from a rupture between generations. That is the siren song of a future without roots and origins. It is the lie that would have you believe that only what is new is good and beautiful. When intergenerational relationships exist, a collective memory is present in communities, as each generation takes up the teachings of its predecessors and in turn bequeaths a legacy to its successors. In this way, they provide frames of reference for firmly establishing a new society. As the old saying goes: “If the young had knowledge and the old strength, there would be nothing they could not accomplish”. The prophecy of Joel contains a verse that expresses this nicely: “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams”. When young and old alike are open to the Holy Spirit, they make a wonderful combination. The old dream dreams, and the young see visions. How do the two complement one another? The elderly have dreams built up of memories and images that bear the mark of their long experience. If young people sink roots in those dreams, they can peer into the future; they can have visions that broaden their horizons and show them new paths. But if the elderly do not dream, young people lose clear sight of the horizon. Perhaps our parents have preserved a memory that can help us imagine the dream our grandparents dreamed for us. All of us, even before our birth, received, as a blessing from our grandparents, a dream filled with love and hope, the dream of a better life. Even if not our grandparents, surely some of our great-grandparents had that happy dream as they contemplated their children and then grandchildren in the cradle. The very first dream of all is the creative dream of God our Father, which precedes and accompanies the lives of all his children. The memory of this blessing that extends from generation to generation is a precious legacy that we should keep alive so that we too can pass it on. That is why it is a good thing to let older people tell their long stories, which sometimes seem legendary or fanciful – they are the dreams of old people – yet are often full of rich experiences, of eloquent symbols, of hidden messages. These stories take time to tell, and we should be prepared to listen patiently and let them sink in, even though they are much longer than what we are used to in social media. We have to realize that the wisdom needed for life bursts the confines of our present- day media resources. If we journey together, young and old, we can be firmly rooted in the present, and from here, revisit the past and look to the future. To revisit the past in order to learn from history and heal old wounds that at times still trouble us. To look to the future in order to nourish our enthusiasm, cause dreams to emerge, awaken prophecies and enable hope to blossom. Together, we can learn from one another, warm hearts, inspire minds with the light of the Gospel, and lend new strength to our hands. Roots are not anchors chaining us to past times and preventing us from facing the present and creating something new. Instead, they are a fixed point from which we can grow and meet new challenges. It does us no good “to sit down and long for times past; we must meet our culture with realism and love and fill it with the Gospel. We are sent today to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to a new age. We need to love this time with all its opportunities and risks, its joys and sorrows, its riches and its limits, its successes and failures”.

Thanks to John Heffernan and all The Rhapsody Players for a wonderful presentation last Saturday night. Their contribution to the life of the parish and their financial backing of the Academy and parish are greatly appreciated. Thanks also to Mary Blackwell for donating her share of the 50/50 to St. Patrick.

Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us! God bless, MJH

St. Patrick’s Memorial Funds Annual Catholic Appeal The next time you wish to memorialize, honor or give thanks for a We have received a report special friend or loved one, please from the diocese that indicates remember to support St. Patrick that as of May 29th, on a goal of $101,905 ; 207 memorial funds. Gifts of Bread & Wine, Altar Flowers, Altar candles or candles donors have pledged $82,810 with $63,192 already received. We’re off to a GREAT start! used in the Sanctuary Lamps (of the Church or the Blessed Sacrament Chapel) may be made in All parishioners are encouraged to make a honor/memory or thanksgiving of your loved one. pledge; remember, all monies over our goal are Arrangements can be made through the Rectory. returned to the parish.

Father of goodness and love, hear June 1st Saturday Vigil, our prayers for the sick members Seventh Sunday of Easter of our community and for all who 5:00 PM Jeanne Stuchbury are in need. Amen. Florence Modica Ethel Farquharson We pray for all those who are sick, especially : Evangelista Gonzalez Pietro Baio (10th Anniversary) First Week: Nancy Jane Greene, Eileen Mullaney June 2nd Seventh Sunday of Easter Second Week : Nicholas Coscia, Sr., Nicholas 8:00 AM Nora Gallagher Coscia II, Helen Muhmichl, Joan Gorayeb, Raymond 9:30 AM People of the Parish 11:00 AM Fr. Richard Bretone (Anniv. of Ordination) Sabbagh, Jim McCormack, Eileen Wares 12:30 PM George Loures

5:00 PM Dorothy Pepitone Third Week : Isabella Tribuzio, Diana Kirdahi, Leona Shea, Johanna Messina June 3rd Monday, St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs 8:15 AM James DeLorenzo 12 NOON Paul Boland

Eternal rest grant unto them, June 4th Tuesday, Easter Weekday O Lord, and let perpetual light 8:15 AM Mass of Thanksgiving shine upon them. May the souls 12 NOON Sr. Mary Agnesine Mullen, CSJ of the faithful departed, (Birthday Memorial)

through the mercy of God, rest June 5th Wednesday, St. Boniface, Bishop and in peace. Amen. Martyr 8:15 AM Jones Family We pray for those who have died, especially: 12 NOON Ronald Potter, MM (15th Anniversary) Richard Franzo, Henry Amen June 6th Thursday, Easter Weekday 8:15 AM Vivian Decker 12 NOON Florence Modica

Lord hold our troops in your June 7th First Friday, Easter Weekday loving hands. Protect them as 8:15AM Deceased Members of Edward Sweeney they protect us. Bless them and Family their families for the selfless 12 NOON Purgatorial Society

acts they perform for us in our June 8th Saturday, Easter Weekday time of need. Amen. 8:15 AM Edward Jordan

We pray for all members of the Military and 12 NOON Thanksgiving: Divine Mercy, St. Faustina, their families, especially: and St. Anna

Air Force: Harry Genzale, Richard T. Malloy, June 8th Saturday Vigil, Pentecost Sunday Shaun Welden 5:00 PM Timothy Lynch, Tom Lynch and Bill Smith Army : Wade James Kirdahi, Jr., Bridget Sanchez, Jennie & John Baldino George Taber, Christopher Wagner Patricia Slattery People of the Parish Coast Guard: P. J. Paguaga Marine Corp: America Casallas, Anthony June 9th Pentecost Sunday Destefano, Samantha Finnerty, Alex Kovak, Connor 8:00 AM Nora Gallagher McLaughlin 9:30 AM Edward Jordan Navy: Lisa Donnelly, Olivia Nuzzo, Ryan Osborn, 11:00 AM Thomas G. Ippolito Maddie Ryan, Robert Welden, Kyle Yingst 12:30 PM Rose & Anthony Borg Army National Guard : Axel Molina 5:00 PM Giuseppe Oliveri (11th Anniversary) Army Reserve: Christopher M. M. Grande, MD

Lectors Needed at St. Patrick

Last January (2018) spoke about the importance of the Liturgy of the Word, and the resulting importance of having lectors who can proclaim the readings and the Responsorial Psalm well. “We must look for good readers!” Good readers and psalmists understand what they are reading and can convey it well, he continued, explaining that they need to be prepared by reading over the text before Mass. When someone reads well, not “distorting the words,” this helps to create “a climate of receptive silence,” he said, which is important, because “it is not enough to hear with the ears, without receiving in the heart the seed of the divine Word, allowing it to bear fruit.” On this note, Francis emphasized that it is also important that we are staying focused and listening to the readings with an open heart, not looking around at different things or making chit-chat. “When they read the words of the Bible – the first reading, the second, the responsorial psalm, the Gospel – we must listen and open our heart,” he said. “Because it is God himself who speaks to us. Do not think about other things or talk about other things.” Other things which are not appropriate during the Liturgy of the Word are the substitution of a non-Biblical text, or omitting a reading, he said. Liturgically, when the same readings are proclaimed in each church, it is a way of fostering “ecclesial communion,” he said, and for this reason, it is wrong to make “subjective choices” in this case. “Replacing that Word with other things impoverishes and compromises the dialogue between God and his people in prayer.” The Pope recounted hearing of someone who would read the newspaper at Mass, “because it is the news of the day.” This is not okay, he said. “The Word of God is the Word of God! We can read the newspaper later. But there we read the Word of God.” Every part of the Mass is significant, including the Liturgy of the Word, which is when “God speaks, and we listen to him, and then put into practice what we have heard.” And “we need to listen to him!” he emphasized. “It is in fact a matter of life,” just as it says in the Gospel of Matthew: “one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Just like in the Parable of the Sower, where we hear about the different results of the seeds that fall on different terrain, “the action of the Spirit, which makes the response effective, needs hearts that allow themselves to be worked and cultivated, so that what is heard at Mass passes into daily life,” he said. In fact, we must listen to the admonition of James the Apostle, the Pope continued, who tells us to “be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.” Pope Francis explained that the Word of God, especially as we hear it at Mass, is important nourishment for our daily lives. “How could we face our earthly pilgrimage, with its labors and its trials, without being regularly nourished and enlightened by the Word of God that resounds in the liturgy?” he asked. If you are interested in becoming a Lector at Mass please call Marilee Fitzgerald.

The following parishioners will be installed as The Eucharist of the Lord Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist at the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, June 1, 2019. Antonio Sanon and Marianna Gams Kara Jacobs Anthony Sanon Travis Jacobs Christian Rada received Jesus in the sacrament of Michael Diamond Holy Communion for the first time at the 9:30 am Barbara Mass on Sunday, May 26, 2019.

Aiden Gilbride We ask that you pray for Anthony, Antonio and all our First Communicants, that they will grow closer We congratulate them and thank them for their to Jesus in the Eucharist . generosity in serving parish. A Message from your

Spiritually Adopted Child Eight Month

We are nearing the end of our journey to life outside the womb. Thank you for praying for me, I am eight months old now and completely formed and have been since eight weeks. All I am doing now is gaining weight and getting ready for my birthday. With Optional 4 Night Jordan Post Tour Extension Thank you for praying for mommy and me. Please December 2 to 10, 2019 keeping pray for us! I love you! Double $3,499 and Triple $3,469 per person Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg (Single Rooms also available) you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have Includes 15 Meals spiritually adopted who is in danger of not being born. Amen. Optional 5 Days - 4 Nights Jordan Post Tour Extension 6 Meals: 4 Breakfasts, 2 Dinners Our Lady of Guadalupe, Intercessor of the $1,499.00 USD per person, double, land only Unborn, pray for us. Bring completed forms and $815 deposit ( includes trip St. Patrick Committee For Life will host their Annual insurance, which is highly recommended) to the rectory. Spiritual Adoption Baby Shower for Life in June. Please watch future bulletins for more details. Contact Fr. Greg McIlhenney 718-238-2600 or visit https:// Help Us Help More Mom’s to Say YES to LIFE — All donations made to the LIFE BOX ,located in the Church’s Gathering Space, go to support the Life Center Diocesan Pilgrimages of New York. • Join Fr. Gerard Sauer, Spiritual Director, Bishop Octavio Cisneros and Chaplain, Rev. Frank Schwarz Celebrate Marriage Day on a Diocesan Pilgrimage to OBERAMMERGAU, A One Day Marriage Enrichment program The Passion Play , with visits to: Wurzburg, Passau, Salzburg and Munich; May 12-21, 2020. For a Saturday, June 29, 2019 brochure: Call: Peters Way Tours: 516-1551 x17 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Email: [email protected]. St. Patrick Parish—Aldo Bruschi Auditorium $25.00 per couple • Join Fr. Gerard Sauer and Spiritual Director, Bishop includes coffee, bagels, lunch, materials and a parish offering James Massa on a Diocesan Pilgrimage 52nd International Eucharistic Congress to Budapest RSVP: Chuck & Mary Jane Young with visits to: Vienna and Prague; September 13– 21, 718-646-4435 or [email protected] 2020 For a brochure: Regina Tours 1-800 Catholi( c ) Don’t delay—limited number of spaces available X 250 [email protected]

Join Father Bretone for a …

A Day of Prayer & Thanksgiving Surrounded by nature

Heaven’s Embrace Catskill Mountain s June 29, 2019

Bus will depart from the front of St. Patrick Church at 8:45 am $35.00 per person Bring a bag lunch and dress comfortably

Contact: Alice (347) 599-4352, Lucy (347) 858-2551 or Fr. (718) 238-2600

(A free-will offering will be taken during the Mass to help continue this great work from God!) You’ve Got to be in it to WIN it! FATHER’S DAY CEREAL DRIVE

Because ALL dad’s know that Breakfast does not take a Summer Vacation!

We have collected $3,170.00 in the Spring Into Summer Raffle

THREE Lucky Winners 25% (1st Place) 15% (2nd Place) Please bring a box of kid-friendly cereal to Church 10% (3rd Place) on Sunday, June 16th. of all monies collected

Tickets are $5.00 each the winning tickets will be pulled on Sunday, June 16th! Safe Environment

The parish of St. Patrick and St. Patrick Catholic Next weekend, Fr. Cyrus Academy complies with all Safe Environment mandates set Gallagher, a Capuchin Priest, will forth by the Diocese of Brooklyn and the U.S. Conference be with us at all Masses to invite us of Catholic Bishops. All employees and volunteers who have contact with children MUST attend a VIRTUS to form a personal alliance of session, sign a code of conduct and submit to a friendship with individual deserving background check. Register for VIRTUS at children and elders through the agency of Unbound. We invite and encourage the participation of all The National Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, members of our Parish. 674 Mt.View Rd. E., Asbury, NJ 08802. Celebrate Our Lady's apparitions at Fatima, and the 100th anniversary of the building of the Capelinha requested by Our Lady. Pray at the Holy House USA containing crushed stone from the THE MIGHTY KNIGHTS Holy House of Loreto, the actual altar and baldacchino over which the last great vision of Fatima took place, and By: Vincent J. Lentini the largest extant piece of the tree upon which Our Lady

stood at Fatima. 10:30 am-Confessions; 12:00 N.-Rosary A brief eBook about Procession; 12:30 pm Speaker: David Carollo; 1:15 pm- The , and is Holy Mass-Celebrant: Rev. Ronan Murphy; Eucharistic a defense of our great Order, is Procession, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Fatima Farewell now available on Amazon & Procession. Talk at Holy House USA at 10:30 am and 3:30 iTunes for 99 cents. pm; Talk at Capelinha at 3:30 pm. 908-689-1700, x224.


Alcoholics Anonymous AA Step Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous (Spanish) Mondays: 11:15 am to 12:15pm – Parks Ctr Saturdays: 6pm to7pm —Msgr. Parks Ctr Mondays: 8:30—9:30 pm —Lunchroom 7pm to 8pm —Lunchroom Tuesdays: 8:30—9:30 pm —Lunchroom Wednesdays: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm —Parks Ctr Alanon Thursdays: 8:00—9:30 pm —Lunchroom Thursdays: 7pm to 8pm —Lunchroom Wednesdays: 8pm to 9pm —Msgr. Parks Ctr Saturdays: 8:00-9:30 pm —Lunchroom

Fridays: 7pm to 8pm —Lunchroom Narcotics Anonymous Adult Children of Alcoholics Saturdays: 8:15 am to 9:15 am —Parks Ctr Sundays: 7pm to 8:30 pm —Lunchroom Sundays: 11am to 12pm —Msgr. Parks Ctr Tuesdays: 7:30 to 8:45 pm -Msgr. Parks Ctr Mondays: 7pm to 8pm —Msgr. Parks Center 2pm to 3pm —Lunchroom Adult Children of Alcoholics (Men’s) Fridays: 7pm to 8pm Sundays: 7:30pm to 9 pm- Msgr. Parks Ctr Saturdays 10:30 am to 11:30 am —Parks Ctr AA Beginners Meeting Gamblers Anonymous Saturdays: 4:45-5:45 pm —Msgr. Parks Ctr SRA —Msgr. Parks Center Saturdays 10:30 am —Msgr. Parks Ctr Thursdays 7:00 pm

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