THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF Published under the Authonty of HISExcellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

VoL XLM-NO. 42 , October 6, 1947 Pnce 50 Cents lleglstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0

CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTE SUPPLEMENT No 43 Govt Not~ceNo - PAGE Pruclarnatzorzs Rules and Regulatrons 1947 951-Appointments, etc 539 Govt Notlce No - PAGE 966-The Customs and Excise Duties (Provisional 952--0b1tuary 539 Collection) Ordinance, 1940--Order 343 953-For lntroductlon into the Legdative Counc~l- 967-The Defence (Control of Pnces for Tobacco) A Bill to Amend the Customs Tarlff Ordln- Older, 1947 343 968-The Customs Management (Export Control) ance 540 (Amendment No 4) Order 1947 344 954--Kenya Government Vacancies 541 969-The Defence (Control of D~stribution and Rat~on~ngof Foodstuffs) Regulahons 1944- 955-The Natlve Authonty Ordinance 541 Coupon Values 345 970-The Educat on (Goan Overseas Bursary) Rules, 956-959-The Native Lands Trust Ordinance-Land 1947 345 Set Apart 541 971-The Repatriation of Ex-prisoners of War 960-The Mmmg Ordmance, 1940--Prospecting Ordinance, 1947-Authonzat~on 346 Licence 542 972-The Essential Commodit~esControl of Meat (Revocation) Order 1947 346 %I-Labour Advisory Board-Appointment 542 973-The Defence (Sale of Electrical Apparatus and Materials No 2) Order, 1942 347 962-;Language Exammat~ons 542 Proclamahon No - 963-965-The Courts Ordmance-Appointments 543 41-The Publlc Health Ordinance 347 42-The Speclal Districts (Administrat~on) Ordin- General Not~cesNos 1707-1738 543 ance, 1934 348

PAULHARRIS M B CH B (U BIRM), to be Medical Officer of APPOINTMENTS Health, and Embu Dlstncts and contaned town- ships, with effect from 1st September, 1947 FRANKRICHARD WILSON to be D~strictOfficer, District , w~theffect from 4th September, 1947 EDMUNDO'DONNEL COLLEY GRATTANMB BCH (CAMB), M R c s (ENG), L R c P (LOND), F R c s (LOND), to be Medical HARRYGILLETT SHERRINto be Resident Maastrate, , Oflicer of Health, Kitale Township, Trans Nzo~aand West with effect from 22nd September 1947 Suk Distr~cts,w~th effect from 6th September, 1947 EDWARDWALTER MoYLE MAGORto be Distnct OAicer, Central Kav~rondoand K~sumu-LondlaniDistricts, , with effect from 17th September, 1947 REVERSIONS JACKHUFFORD to be Health Inspector, Kemgoya and Embu HENRYTAYLOR reverted to h~ssubstantwe rank of Aswstant Dlstrlcts contained townshlps and tradlng centres, with effect Reaonal Director wlth effect from 23rd August, 1947 from 1st September, 1947 JOHNTHOMAS reverted to his substantive rank of Senior Post- JOHN SHARPSTIRTON to be Chlef Health Inspector, Medical master with effect from 24th August, 1947 Department, with effect from 30th Septembei, 1947 JOHNBYRNE to be Health inspector, Fort Hall D~strict,con- REVERSIONS tamed townships and trading centres, with effect from 15th Septembei, 1947 JOHNBASIL HOBSON Actlng Attorney General and Member for Law and Order, reverted to hls substantive appolntment of LEONARDFRANCIS TAYLOR B sc ENG (lsr CLASS HONS ), Solicitor General with effect fiom 2nd October, 1947 A M I E E to be Ass~stantEngineer, Joint Posts and Telegraphs HERBERTEDWARD STACEY Department, wlth effect from 14th June, 1947 Acting Solicitor General., reverted~ ~ to-- his substantive appolntment of Legal Draftsman with effect BRIANPAULETT HARRIS M R c s (ENG), L R c P (LOND), M B from 2nd October, 1947 B CH (CAMB), D c o G to be Medical Officer of Health Nairobi Dlstrict Councll Area, and Medlcal Officer of Health, C H THORNLEY, Kiambu District and contamed townshlps, with effect f~om Actrng Chref Secretary 19th September, 1947 HARRIEMARGURITE ARNELL M B B s (U LOND ), to be Medical Officer of Health, Malind~and Kihfi Distr~ctsand contained townships with effect from 3rd May, 1947 ARTHURRUSSELL SANDFORD M RC s (ENG), L R c P (LOND) to be Medical Officer of Health, Me~uDlstrict and contained townships, w~theffect from 5th July, 1947 OBITUARY DOUGLASMILES BLOMFIELDM R c s (ENG), L R c P (LOND), His Excellency the Governor regrets to announce the death M B BS (LOND),to be Medical Officer of Health North at on 26th September, 1947, of Rupert Day, Temporary Kav~rondoand contained townshlps, wrth effect from 27th F~shery Inspector, in the Provincial Admmlstration, Nyanza June, 1947 Mr Day was appo~ntedto the Provincial Administrat~on, ERNESTMALCOLM CLARK M R c s (ENG), L R c P (LOND ), to Nyanza, on 8th Apr~l,1946 By his death the Colony has lost be Med~calOfficer of Health, Fort Hall District and contained the servlces of a loyal and hard-working officer townships, with effect from 9th September, 1947 540 TH E O FFICIAL G A ZERV E O ctober 6, 1947

GOVERNMENT N o'rlce N o 953

The G overnor's D eputy ln Councll has approved of the followm g B1ll bem g lntroduced lnto the Leglslatlve C ouncll

W PA D LEY , A ctlng Clerk to the Leglslatlve Councd

A BILL TO A M EN D TH E CU ST OM S TA R W F O R D IN A N CE, 1947 BE IT EN A CTED by the G overnor of the C olony of Kenya. wltll the advlce and consent of the Leglslatlve Councll thereof, as follow s - short tttle and 1. Thls O rdlnance m ay be clted as the Custom s Tarlff commencement (A m endm ent) Ordlnances 1947, and shall be read as one wlth xo 10 of 1947 the Custom s Tarlff O rdlnancem 1947, herelnafter referred to as the pnnclpal O rdlnances and shall be deem ed to have com e m to force on the 6th day of O ctober, 1947 5 Amendment of 2. The Schedule to the prlnclpal O rdm ance ls hereby the Schedule to am ended- the prm cm al Ordlnance (fp by deletm g ltem s 30 , 31, 32, 33 and 34 thereof and substltutm g therefor the followm g - per pound 10 Sh cts ::30 Clgars, cheroots and cllarlllos 44 00 31 Clgarettes 33 00 32 Snul 9 00 33 Tobaccos m anufactured, n e e 33 00 15 Provlded that m the case of any of the above ltem s tm ported or purchased prlor to clearance through the Custom s by the Navy, A rm y and N r Force lnstltute/ E xpedltlonary Force lnstltute or the Port W elfare Com - m lttee, M om basa, the C ustom s dutles payable ln respect thereof shall be reduced by 50 per cent 20 per pound Sh cts 34 Tobacco, unm anufactured 5 009' (i9 by deletlng the w ord t

M EM O R AN D U M O F O BJECTS A N D REA SO N S The oblect of thls BIII ls to double, m th eFect from the 6th of O ctober, 1947, the Custom s dutles on clgars, clgarettes, snuff and m anufactured tobacco The lncrease m duty w11l also be payable on these goods lmported for the Navy, Arm y and Alr Force lnstltute/ Expedltlonary Force Instltute, or for the Pbrt W elfare Com m lttee, M om basa The reason underlylng tlus Bl1l zs to conserve dollar exchange N alrobl, J BA SIL H O BSO N , 1st October, 1947 A ctlng A ttorney G eneral October 6, 1947 TH E OPFICIAL G AZEW E S41

GOVERNMSNT NorlcE No 954 G OVBRNMENT N olqcE N o 956 K EN YA G OV ERN M EN T VACAN CIES TH E NA TIVE LAN DS TRUST ORD IN AN CE Stattstlcal Clel k Jotnt Inconle Tax D epartlnent SETTING APART oF LAND Salary scale, :440 by f 20 to f 540 by f 10 to f 600 pel annum W H EREA S I conslder lt deslrable under sectlon 22 of the on K enya European Clvll Servlce terms and condltlons of N atlve Lands Trust Ordlnance, 1938, to set apart certaln por- servlce Prevlous experlence of statlstlcal wolk ls essentlal tlons of land, m ore partlcularly descrlbed ln the Schedule below, Telm s of servlce of the above post lnclude- ln the Embu D lstrlct wlthm the K lkuyu Land U mt, and whereas thls settlng apart has been duly approved by the pl oper authonty (J) cost of llvlng allowance valylng accordlng to salary at ln accol dance wlth the provlslons of the N atlve Lands Trust the followlng rates- 01 dlnance, 1938, l do hereby, ln accordance wlth the provlslons Sh 33 to Sh 70 per m onth ln the case of an unm arlled of sub-sectlon (1) of sectlon 16 of the aforesald Ordlnance, om cer , notify that the portlons of land as descrlbed m the Schedule Sh 125 to Sh l62 per m onth In the case of a m arlled below have been set apart for purposes as speclfed m the om cel wlthout chlldren , Schedule Sh 171 to Sh 262 per m onth ln the case of a m al ned A C M M U LLIN S, oë cel wlth chlldren , N yerl, Xcfl//g Provm ctal Comm lssloner (b4 paltlulpatlon In a contnbutoly penslons scheme , 19th September, 1947 Central Provtnce (c) 18 days' local leave per annum and vacatlon leave at the SCHEDIJLB 1 ate of 31. days for each month of resldentlal selvlce M tnlon - A A C (d) free passages to the U nlted Klngdom after four-yeal Nallte t# lalld set tzptz? f '-Gachal o toul for oë cer and wlfe , Area - 3.) acres (e) free medlcal treatment by the Government M edlcal Ser- Sltuated at - t-ocatlon K lm l Vlce , Glthaka owners - W ango s po Ndubal and M blrlrl s/o M lcara @ when not ln occupatlon of Govelnment qualters, houslng 54jssfoll - A A C allowance ls payable to a llmlt of 7.). pel cent of the Name t# land set ape t '-x lburu salal'y when the salary does not exceed :520 per annum Al ea - 5J acres and 5 per cent of the salary when lt excecds that am ount , Sktuated at .-i ocatlon M werua In cases of haldshlp these allowances m ay be lncreased Glthaka owners - 1 W Rulta, E K Klongo and Gatono to a maxlmum of 17J pe1 cent of the salal'y when the M bulm w e salary does not exceed :520 per annum and 15 pe1 cent M lnston - A A C of the salary when lt exceeds that am ount Name of Iand set cpc? t - Nglrlam bu Appllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Secletary, European Al ea - 2i acres Cwll Servlce Advlsory Board, Secretanat, P O Box 621, N alrobl Sltuated at - t-ocatlon N garlam a to reach h1m not latel than 15th October 1947 Glthaka owners .-x lbuchl N lom o and M bogo n lrlmu M tsston - A A C Clel k, (7? ade 11 (MAc), Departnlent oj Laltds, A.fI?;câ' and Nallle ol land set apat t '-lkalungu Surveys Al ea j acre Salaly scale, f 150 by f20 to E210 by f 30 to :240 by f 20 to Sltuated at '- l-ocatlon K lenl f 360 by f 20 to f 420 per annum (lnltlal salary accordmg to Glthaka owners .-r lement Gaklavl and Gakuva N yum bu age, quallficatlons and experlence) on Kenya European Clvll Servlce term s and condltlons of serwce The successful candldate The boundarles of the above are descrlbed m sketch plans w11l bt requlred to fam lllanze hlm self w lth the M lnlng Law filed ln the om ce of the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, Em bu of the Colony and wlth m lm ng adm mstratlve practlce and pro- GOVERNMENT NoTlcE No 957 cedurc , a knowledge of the Code of Regulatlons wlll be an advantage H e w 1ll be requlred to reslde ln N alrobl ol K lsum u 'I'H E NA TIVE LAN D S TRU ST ORD IN ANCE Term s of servlce of the post lnclude- APPLICATION S havm g been recelvtd for the settlng apart of land ln the D lstrlct of N orth Kavlrondo wlthln the K avlrondo (c) cost of hvlng allowance varylng accordlng to salary at the N atlve Land U nlt, a descrlptlon of whlch and the boundarles follow lng rates- thereof belng as specllied ln the Schedule hereto, and duly Sh 69 to Sh 75 per m onth ln the case of an unmarrled approved by the proper authorltles ln accordance wlth the pro- oë cer , vlslons of the N atlve Lands Trust Ordlnance, 1938, I do hereby, Sh 69 to Sh 167 per m onth ln the case of a malrled ln accordance wlth sub-sectlon (1) of sectlon 16 of the aforesald oë cer wlthout chlldlen , Ordlnance, notlfy that the subscrlbed portlons of land have Sh 69 to Sh 189 pel m onth ln the casc of a marrled been set apart for the purposes as stated ln the Schedlzle omcer wlth chlldren , (Lnd 6/ 1/2/ 18 ) (:) paltlclpatlon ln a contllbutory penslons schem e , K lsumu, K 1- H UN TER, (c) 18 days local leave per annum and vacatlon leave at the 271(1 Septcm ber, 1947 Ptovlltclal C'tpl?lallzyltp/zer, N yanza rate of 3) days for each month of resldentlal servlce , tyl free passages to the Unlted Klngdom after foul -year toul SCHEDIJLB for oK cer and wyfe , M lsslolt - C M S and A A C T , Butere (e) flee medlcal treatment by the Government M edlcal Ser Purpose --church and teachers' house vlce , Name ol land set apal t - M udhlero, M ayama Locatlon A cl eage - 2 (#) when not ln occupatlon of Government quarters, houslng Descl tptton oj /J/;(f - An area of land measurlng 68 yards allowance ls payable to a llm lt of 10 per cent of the by 110 yards by 90 yards by 128 yards, adlolnlng the salar, && hen the sqlar) does not exceed f 360 per annum pl esent M udhlero School plot on the east slde and 71 pel cent of the salaly when lt exceeds that am ount , ln cases of hal dshlp these allow ances m ay be A copy of the plan of thls area ls deposlted wlth the D lstrlct lncreased to a maxlm um of 20 per cent of the salary when Com mlssloner, K akam ega, and ls avallable for lnspectlon on the salaly does not exceed f 360 per annum and 17J per lequest cent of the salary w hen lt exceeds that am ount G OVERNMENT N oTlcE N O 958 A ppllcatlons should be subm ltted to the C om m lssloner of Lands, M lnes and Sulveys, P O Box 89, N alrobl TH E N ATIVE LAN D S TRU ST ORDINAN CE W H EREA S 1 conslder St deslrable, under sectlon 22 of the G OVERNM BNT N OTICE N o 955 N atlve Lands Tl ust O rdlnance, 1938, to set apart certaln por- tlons of land, m ore partlcularly descrlbed ln the Sche ule belowa THE NATIVE A UTH ORITY ORD IN AN CE ln the N andl D lstrlot wlthln the N andl N atlve Land U nlt, A PPOIXTM SNT and whereas thls settlng apart has been duly approved by the IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I heleby pl opel authorlty ln accordance wlth the provlslons of the Natwe appolnt the pe1 son nam ed ln the Schedule annexed heleto to Lands Tlust Ordlnance, 1938, l do hereby, ln accordance wlth be ofliclal headman for the alea nam ed thereln the provlslons of sub sectlon (1) of sectlon 16 of the aforesald A C M M U LLIN S, Old nance, notlfy that the portlons of land as descnbed m Nyerl, Actulg J'rtpl/lllcltz/ Colnm lnnoner the Schedule below have been set apart for the purposo as 25th Septembel , 1947 Cottral Promnce speclhed m the Schedule SCHEDULB D L M ORG AN , Fort H all D lâ/rIc/ Centl al 'rrpvlncc N akuru, Provlnctal Colzlmlsnoner 30th Septembel , 1947 Rtft Valley Promnce N am e Area eFeWctz tfhrom R em arks SCHSDULE Nulîle 5/ laltd set apart '- Aran M ttharz K aze Locstlon 19th Sept , O n slx m onths' pro A l tx? - 5 acres m a N o 10 1947 batzon 'plce Chlef Flla Pul pose - Af1 ican Inland M lsslon Trustees Regtstered N lungwa K arzm u Sttttated at '- K apsabet, N andl A ppom ted Om czal H eadm an m de G N Naltle 5/ land set apart '-f heptellt 524 of 18 8 1936 .gl/ ea - 5 acres (Dlsehazged ) Plllpose .--r h 1st the K lng's C athollc M lsslon Sltuated at '-f heptent, N andl 542 TH E OFFICIAL G AZE'ITE October 6, 1947

G OU RNMENT N oTlcs N o 959 G OVERNMENT N orlcs N o 962 (Lan 10121311134) TH E NATIVE LAN D S TRU ST ORD IN AN CE LAN G UA G,E EX AM INA TION S W H EREA S l conslder lt deslrable under sectlon 22 of the TH E followlng results are notlfied for genelal lnformatlon N atlve Lands Trust O rdmance, 1938 to set apart certaln pol- tlons of land, more partlcularly descllbed ln the Schedulo below, H IGHBR Sw AHILI EXAMINATION ln the Fort H all Dlstnct wlthln the Klkuyu Land Unlt, and Pasa whereas thls settlng apal t has been duly approved by the J H Relss, Kenya lnform atlon Ofhce proper authollty ln accordance wlth the provlslons of the N atlve Lands Trust Ordlnance, 1938, I do hereby, ln accord- Pass (Oral onlyj ance wlth the plovlslons of sub-sectton (1) of sectlon 16 of .F C Brookes, Pollce D epartm ent the aforesald Ordm ance, notlfy that the portlons of land as dcscnbed ln the schcdule below have been set apalt for the S'I'ANDARD SWAHII,I EXAMINATION pulposes as speclhed ln the Schedule Pass wlth D lstlnctton A C M M ULLIN S, J A G aldnel , A dlm m stratlon N yel 1 Actltlg #? ovtnclal Ctp/a/nls.5'lgrle? P D M cEntce, A dm lnlstratlon 27th Septem bel , 1947 Central Prolplrtcc D J Penwlll, A dm lnlstratlon SCHEDULB D W A Stones, Adnum stratlon M lâ'yl(7l? - R C M Pass Name of laltd set :/J?fp, / - M ba1l ya Hltl (Locatlon 8) P M H ughes, Adnum stratlon A ' ea - 3 acles A C Loggln, A dm lm stratlon Purpose .-f hulch R H Sym cs-Thom pson, A dm mlstratlon G kthaka owners - W alyego N duglre, K ulla Chege P A Jones, A grlcultural D epartm ent M tsslon - K l S I A M acl-eod, Agrlcultural Departm ent Nanle oj land set apatt - -l-hagalz (Locatlon 5) W M Spencer, A grlcultural D epartm ent A tea - 7 14 acres F L C Trubndge, A grlcultural D epartm ent Pulpose .-f hurch J G rantham , Audlt D epartm ent Glthaka owners .- M uthlga Nyam u, FI edellck K lnothla, E J A A tklnson, Educatton D epartment Thulta Chege F H G o1dsm 1th, Educatlon D epartm ent M lssïon - A A C A J Raym er, Educatlon Departm ent Name oj land set c#uI// .-r atull (Locatlon 15) A M W allace, Educatlon D epartm ent A 'ea - 8 66 acles W L S H older, M an Power and Cwll Reabsorptlon Purpose - school and church Asst Inspector G O C Slacke, Pollce D epaltm ent Gtthaka owno s - lusto M utull, M utun Nlulalta A sst Inspector D B W atson, Pollce D epartm ent J A Carpenter, Unol mal M lsslell - A A C D A G rafton, U noK clal Name of land set apart .- Gatltu (Locatlon 4) J H usord, U noë clal A rea - 8 30 acres K A 51111th, U noë clal Purpose .-f hurch Glthaka owners - W amaru K anul, M ungal K lane, Kelel Pass çW rttten only) K aranla A E C H arvey, M edlcal D epartment n e boundarles of the above are descrlbed m skdch plans R A Thom as, M an Power and Cm l Reabsolptlon Eled Sn the oflke of the D lstrlct Com mtsstoner, Fort H all Asst Inspector J A Lapage, Pohce D epartment G OVERNMENT N OTICE NO 960 * Pass (Oral onlyj TH E M IN IN G ORDINAN CE, 1940 G C Jalvls, A udlt D epartment D Sandall, Custom s D epartm ent NOTICE ls hereby glven under sectlon 18 (2) of thc M mlng P E D W llson, Labour D epartm ent Ordm ance, 1940, that an appllcatlon by G odfrey Lolzalne E C Polden, M edlcal D epartm ent Gamlen as agent for M essrs M anufactureq (E A ), Ltd , of A H Taylol , M edlcal D epartm ent P O Box 51, K lsum u, has been acccpted for conslderatlon Asst lnspector D L Esple, Pohce Departm ent wlth ellkct from 1st O ctober, 1M 7, f or an excluszve prospectlng A sst lnspgctor P R lley, Pollce D epartm ent llcence over an area of approxlm ately 85 square nules sltuated W R Fenton, Prlsons D epartm ent ln the W est Suk D lstrlct of K enya Colony and m ore paltlcularly B G Vlsagie, Pllsons D epartm ent descrlbed ln the Schedule hereto Rev Y S Cam pbell, UnoK clal Under sectlon 7 (#) of tho afolesald Ordsnance, thls area M rs F S Cam pbell, Unollklal Is therefore excluded to prospcctlng or m lnm g, prowded that nothlng ln thls notlce contalned shall be deemed to asect any PRBLIMINARY ORAL SWAHILI Ex&MlNA.11()N prospectlng nght or m lneral nght granted m respect of the sald M lss B D odds, Educatlon Departm ent area or any portlon thereof before and exlstlng at the date S C W estern, Educatlon D epartment of thls notlce durlng the pertod m whlch any such rlght m ay E M Cobb, Educatlon Department contm ue to exlst A K Fyfe, Educatlon D epartment Oblectlons to the grant of the excluslve prospectm g llcence M rs M J M lddleton, Educatlon D epartm ent apphed foI m ll be entertalned untll 31st œ tober, 1947, and W Read Salmon, Educatlon D epartm ent should be lodged wlth the Comm ,ssloner of Lands, M lnes and B D Spencer, Educatlon D epartm ent Surveys, P O Box 339, N alrobl M lss A Carrlck, M edlcal D epartm ent G J ROBBIN S, D l W t. Barton, M edlcal D epartm ent Nalrobl, Colnl'ïtssloner /f?r Lands M fplcs M lss J B G olhngs, M edlcal D epartm ent 1st Octobel, 1947 and Surveys SCHBDULB C H TH ORN LEY, An area of approxlmately 85 squale m lles sltuated ln the Actlng C'/?lc/ Sectetaty W est Suk D lstrlct, as m arked on a m ap deposlted ln the oë ce of the A sslstant Com mlssloner of M lnes, K lrk Road, N alrobl, and descrlbed as follows - G ovsn Mex'r N o'rlcE N o 963 Commencmg at the northernmost colner of L R No 2112/R , thence westerly by a stralght llne te the north-eastern colner TH E COURTS ORDINA NCE of L R No 4140/8 , APN INTMENT thence due west by a stralght llne fol a dlstance of 17,000 IN BXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Governor feet , by sectlon 6 of the Courts Ordlnance, 1931, H 1s Excellency thence due north by a stralght hne to 1ts lntersectlon wlth the A ctlng Governor has been pleased to appolnt, wlth eFect the Suam R lver , from 24th June, 1947- thence down-stream by that ltver to a. potnt due north of % V zvlAx LEw ss PARKBR the com m encem ent , thence by a stralght lme to the polnt of com mencem ent to be a X laglstlate of the Thlld Class, m th powels to hold a subordlnate Court of the Thlrd Class wlthm the llm lts of the GOVBRIIMBNT Norlcs No 961 LSIF Lab 11J1 1114 Colony and Protectorate of Konya m respect of m atters only arlslng out of the Em ploym ent of Servants Ordlnance (N o 1 l LA BOU R A DVISORY BOARD of 1938), the Resldent Natlve Labourers Ordlnance (No XXX IT IS notllied for general m formatlon that H 1s Excellency of 1937) and the N atlve Reglstratlon Ordlnance (Chaptm 127 the Actm g G ovtrnor has been pleased to appolnt- of the Revlsed Edltlon), and any amendments to the sald LT -COL C V M ERRITT vtce M R J P H EARI,E Ordlnances, and to exerclse m respect of the smd Ordm ances a11 the powers of a M aglstrate of the Tlllrd Class to be a m em ber of the Labour Advlsory Boald , save only that he shall not have power to tl'y olences agalnst any of the G overnm ent N otlce N o 1066 dated 12th D ecembel , 1945 provlslons of the sald Ordm ls hereby vaned accordlngly By Com m and of H 1s Excellency the Actlng G overnor By Com m and of H 1s Excellency the A ctlng G overnor N alrobl, C H TH ORN LEY, N a2l7rtohb lJeptembel , 1947 A J BASIL HOBSON, 2nd Octobel. 1947 Actlng Chtej Seoetary ctutg M ember jor and Ordel October 6, 1947 TH E OFFICIAL G AZEW E 543

G oveltxM ex'r N o'rlce N o 964 GBNBRAL N o'ncs N o 1707 TH E CO U R TS O R D IN A N CE TH E CATTLE CLEAN SIN G OR DINAN CE A N OINTM BNT N OTICE OF M EETING OF LANDOW NERS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the G overnor UNDER sectlon 3 (!9 of the Cattle Cleansmg Ordmance, I 3y sectlon 6 of the Courts Ordm ance, 1931, H1s Excellency hereby convene a m eetlng of a11 landowners m the Subukla he Actlng G overnor has been pleased to appolnt, wlth effect area of the N akuru D lstrlct 'rom 6th August, 1947- TlAe m eetm g wl2 bo held on M onday, 3rd N ovember, at G oRoox M x-rlu w s H ECTOR 2 30 p m at the Subukla Sports Club, Subukla, for the purposc o be a M aglstrate of the Second Class, m th powers to hold of recordlng the votes of a1l such landowners as to whether or à subol dlnate Court of the Second Class m the W allr Dlstnct, not they wlsh to be brought under the operatlon of the Cattle Northern Frontler Provlnce, whIlst holdlng hls present appolnt- Cleanslng Ordlnance ment as Dlstrlct Om cer, W allr, Northern Frontler Provlnce For the purpose of sectlon 3 (c) (11) of the Ordlnance, votes ln wrltlng m ay be addressed to the D lstnct Com nussloner By Com m and of H 1s Isxcellency' the Actlng G overnor N akulu, to whom the Provlnclal Com m lssloner, Rlft Valley, has delegated lus powers ln relatlon to the holdlng of statutory Na2l7rtohb leptember, 1947 A J BASIL HOBSON, m eetlng cttng M ember jor fww and Order G E N OAD , D lstrlct Com mlssloner

G ENERAL èfoTlcB èlo 1708 GovERxMsx'r NoTlcs No 965 CAW LE CLEAN SING ORD INA NCE THE COU RTS ORD IN AN CE N OTICE OF M EETING OF LANDOW NERS APPOINTMBNT UNDER sectzon 3 (!)) of the Cattle Cleansmg Ordmance, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon h1m by sectlon 1 hereby convene a meetlng of a1l landowners ln the M olo/M au 6 of the Courts Ordlnance, 1931, H ls Excellency the Actlng Sum m lt area of the N akuru D lstnct Govelnor has been pleased to appolnt, wlth esect from 22nd The m eetlng w111 be held on M onday, 27th October, at Septem ber, 1947.- 11 a m at the Hlghlands H otel, M olo, for the purpose of RICHARD H ERBERT SYMES THOMPSON recordlng the votes of a11 such landowners as to whether or to be a M aglstrate of the Second Class, m th powers to hold not they wlsh to be brought under the operatlon of the Cattle z subordm ate Court of the Second Class ln the Fort H all Cleanslng Ordlnance Dlstrlct of the Central Provlnce, whIlst holdlng h1s present For the purpose of sectlon 3 (c) (11) of the Ordlnance, vote: appolntm ent as D lstrlct Oë cer, Fort H all, Central Provlnce ln wrltlng m ay be addressed to the Dlstrlct Com m lsslonel , N akuru, to whom the Provlnmal Com mlssloner, Rtft Valley, By Com m and of H1s Excellency the A ctm g Governor has delegated hls powers In relatlon to the holdlng of statutory m eetlng N alrobl, J BA SIL H OBSON , G E N OA D , 27th September, 1947 Actlng M ember ytar fmw and Order Dïstrtct Com rnllsltlner

CIBNBRAL èfoTlcE èfo 1709

GISNERAI- N o'ncE N o 1694 TH E CAW LE CLEAN SING ORD IN AN CE N OTICB OF M EETING OF LANDOW NERS CEN TRAL TEN D ER BOARD UNDER sectlon 3 (bj of the Cattle Cleanslng Ordlnance, N oTlcs I hereby convene a m eetlng of a1l landowners ln that portlon TEN DERS are lnvlted for the m anufacture, supply and of the Trans N zom Dlstrlct Councll descrlbed ln the Schedule dellvery of the followlng furm ture - to G overnment N otsce N o 839 of 1947 2% only slngle beds ln m vuh wlth m re m attresses, The m eetlng m ll be held on Frldar, 24th October, 1947, at 11 a m at the D lstrlct Comm lssloner's Oë ce, K ltale, for the 100 only book racks ln m vull, purpose of recordlng the votes of al1 such landowners as to 300 only lounge chalrs m mvuk upholstered and covered ln whether or not they wlsh to be brought under the operatlon of rexlne, 600 only oflzce chalrs, wlthout arm s, wlth upholstered seats the Cattle Cleanslng Ordlnance covered ln rexm e, For the purpose of sectlon 3 (c) (11) of the Ordlnance, votes 100 only oflke chalrs, wlth arm s, wlth upholstered qeats ln wrltlng m ay be addressed to the Dlstnct Com mlssloner. covered ln rexlne, Kltale, to whom the Provlnclal Comm lssloner, Rlft Valley Pro- 200 only chests of drawers ln m vull wlth plyboard bottom vlnce, has delegated h1s powers ln relatlon to the holdlng of and back, the statutory m eetlng 10 only com m odes ln m vull, W H HA LE 70 only m eat safes ln podo coveied wlth m osqulto gauze, D lstrlct Com m lssioner 100 only sldeboards ln m vuh wltll podo shelves and ply- Trans N zolq C halrm an board bottom s and drawers, 175 only dresslng tables ln m vull m th m lrrors 27 m x 21 m , G BNERAL NoTlcB No 1710 100 only kltchen tables m podo, 200 only occaslonal tables m mvull, THE AIR SERVICES (LICENSING) REGULATIONS, 1946 100 only oë ce tables m m vull, NozqcB op AIYLICATION FoR A LjcExcB 'ro OPERA.'I'E A m SsRvlcEs 100 only wardrobes m m vuh m th podo shelves AII artlcles are to be m anufactured from well seasoned m vuh PURSUAN T to the provlslons of Regulatlons 21 and 22 of the A1r Sermces (Llcensmg) Regtzlatlons, 1946, notlce ls hereby or podo where such ls stlpulated A rtlcles m ade of mvuh are glven that Arthur H Ingalls, Ltd (for and on behalf of a to recelve one coat of raw llnseed oll, but those m ade of podo group desm ng to form a new company reglstered m Tanganylka), are to be left untreated of P O Box 1351, Nalrobl, K enya Colony, has applled to the Thls furnlture ls to be stnctly m accordance wlth drawm gs East A fncan A1r Transport Authonty for a llcence to operate and sam ples wluch m ay be lnspected at the oflke of the Chlef the followlng alr servlce - Storekeeper, Publlc W orks D epartm ent, N mrobl, at any tlm e dunng norm al Governm ent osice hours, and tenderers' quota- A1r charter and aenal work m the terntorles of K enyas tlons should m olude the cost of dehvery to the Central Stores, U ganda, Tanganpka and Zanzlbar, and to places outslde Publlc W orks Departm ent, N alrobl East M nca for a penod of live years wlth effect from a date 90 days after grantlng of llcence Quotatlons are requlred separately for each ltem and tenderers should also state the dellvery date for each Stem It zs further notlfed that any representatlons or oblectlons wlth regard to thls appllcatlon must be m ade to the East Afncan Completed artlcles are sublect to m spectlon on dellvery at A lr Transport Authorlty at the oK ce of the Actm g D lrector the Central Stores. Pubhc W orks D epartm ent. N alrobl, and of Cm l A vlatlon, East A fnca, O M T H ouse, sadler Street, unsultable artlcles wlll be relected at the sole dlscretlon of the P O Box 601, N alrobl, not later than 1st N ovember, 1947 Department's lnspectlng OK cer Every such representatlon or obleçtlon shall be m ade m wntlng, The lowest or any tender need not be accepted, and any shall state the specltk grounds on wluch lt ls based and shall tender m ay be accepted elther wholly or m part speclfy any condltlons whlch lt m ay be deszred should be Tenders ln sealed envelom s m arked :e-lnender for Pubhc W orks attached to tho llcence xf granted A copy of every such repre- Department Furnlture'' m ust reach the underslgned by noon on sentatlon or oblectlon shall be sent by the person m aklng the T uesday, 21st O ctober, 1947 sam e to the apphcant for tho llcence at the sam e tlm e as lt ls sent to tho Authorlty H G W ATKIN S, A M D H OW ES, The Treasury, N alrobl, Secretary Natrobz, Acttng Dkrector 0/ Clvll Avlcflon, 23rd September, 1947 Central Teader Board 24th September, 1947 East Ajnca 544 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZET TE O ctober 6, 1947

GENERAL N oTlcs N o 1703 TH E CROW N LAN DS ORDINA NCE M IENATION oF LAND A PPLICATION S for the dlrect ahenabon of the land noted 3 Plans of the areas m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap Om ce jn the Schedule hereunder have been recelved and thls lntlm atlon of the Department of Lands, M lnes and Surveys, N alrobl, or ls publlshed for publlc lnformatlon m ay be obtalned on paym ent of Sh 3 post free 2 A ny rem arks on the apphcatlons or any counter-clm m s fol conslderatlon by persons lnterested, lncludlng persons who have G J ROBBIN S, prevlously submltted appllcatlons, must be submltted to the Nalrobl, Comlntsslonet ybr Lands underslgned before noon on 30th O ctober, 1947 26th Septem ber, 1947 M tnes and Surveys Scx>m vrœ

Present rent per A rea R ate per annum per aere zn L R No Locallty (approx ) acre Applzeant accordance wzth Crown Lauds Ordznance A cres ,SW 5143, 5144, 5146, 5149, Nyem 1,380 To be ass Hopkmq 20 cents untzl 31/12/50 5151, 5148 and 5150 essed later then revzsable known collectzvely a,: éçFarm 12 ' 1578, 1579 and 1580/11 Muhoronl 2,745 R J Annan and E Sargent ,, crown Land adpomzng Sotzk 3 200 (l) E A 'lannmg Extract Co , Ltd L R Nos 6764, 547b (2) J P Caddzck and 4400/R (3) T R L Prelton (4) H French 4400/R Sotzk 2,500 E A Tannlng Extraet Co , Ltd Adlomm g L R 2888/% Tlmau 252 K Meb Robertson

GBNSRAL N OTICE N o 1711 G BNBRAL NoTlcB N o 1713 THE AIR SERVICES (LICENSING) REGULATIONS, 1946 TH E FR AU DU LEN T TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES N oTlcs oF APPLICXTIGN IR()R A LICENCB TO OPERATE A1R SBRVICE% ORD IN AN CE 1930 PUR SUAN T to the provlslons of Regulatlons 21 and 22 of PURSUAN T to the above Ordlnance, notlce ls hereby p ven the A lr Serwces tl-lcenslng) Regulatlons, 1946, notlce ls hereby that the buslness of bar and restaulant heretofore carrled on p ven that South A frlcan Alrways of Rand A lrport, G ermlston, by H all G hulam husseln H anl Sheralll M oham ed Boga and South A frlca, has applled to the East Afncan Alr Tlanspol t Juma Popat Tela under the nam e or style of ç#paradlse Bar Authorlty for a llcence to operate the followlng alr selv'ce and Restaul ant' ln prem lses known as Pnncess Houst on for the carrlage of passengers, m alls and frelght for a perlod Plot N o 7, G ovel nm ent Road, N alrobl, has been, as llom of five years m t.h effect from 1st M arch, 1947 the 15th day of June, 1947, transfelred to M rs A llce Beatrlce Johannesburg to London &'lf/ Klsumu (or Nalrobl) Three W llklns who w11l carry on the sald buslness under the name servlces weekly ln both dlrectlons or style of T4l7ay s Qulck-selvlce Restaurant ln the s lme It ls further notlfied that any representatlons or oblectlons prem lst.s at N alrobl wlth regard to thls appllcatlon m ust be m ade to the East Afrlcan Nanles and addtess oj transjerors - HaJ1 Ghulamhusseln H lrJy, A 1r Transport Authorlty at the oë ce of the A ctlng D Il ector Sheralll M oham ed Boga and Jum a Popat Tela, P O llox of Cm l Avlatlon, East Afnca, O M T H ouse Sadler Streez, 944, N alrobl P O Box 601, N alrobl, not later than 1st N ovember 1947 N ame and address oj transjoee --M rs Allce Beatnce W llklns Every such representatlon or oblectlon shall be m ade m wrltm g c/o Fay s Qulck-servlce Restaurant, Prlncess House, Gov- shall state the speclsc grounds on whlch lt ls based and shall ernm ent R oad, N allobl speclfy any condltlons whlch lt m ay be deslred should be attache to the llcence lf granted A copy of every such 1 epl e- The tl ansferee ls not assum lng nor does she lntend to assum e sentatlon or oblectlon shall be sent by the person m aklng the any llablllty lncurred by the transferors ln the sald buslness sam e to the appllcant for the kcence at the tam e tlme as It ls up to and lncludlng 15th June, 1947 sent to the A uthorlty HA JI G HU LAM H U SSEIN H ARJI, A M D H OW ES, SHERALLI M OH AM ED BOGA , Nalrobl, Actïng Dlrectot o! G îzl/ a4: tatton JU M A PO PAT TEJA , 24th September, 1947 E tu/ ztl// lca Transjerors ALICE BEATRICE W ILK IN S, GBNERAL N OTICE N O 1712 N alrobl, Transjeree CENTRAL TEN D ER BOARD 25th Septem ber, 1947 TENDERS FOR C ONSTRUCTION FORCB C ANTEBNS G ENERAL N on cE N o 1714 TEN DERS are lnvlted for the concesmon to run dry canteens TH E FRA UD U LEN T TRA NSFER O F BU SINESSES at the M acklnnon Road, Rulru and Klsumu cam ps of the East ORD IN AN CE, 1930 Afrlca Constluctlon Forces (C1v1l) NOTICE ls hereby gtven that the buslness of halrdressers Sm table bulldlngs comm ensurato wlth the slze and requlre- carned on at M om basa by M rs Edm a Cambra under the m ents of each cam p m ll be erected by the East A fnca C on- nam e and style of ûçA.u Pnntem ps has been sold and trans- stnzctlon Forces (Clv1l) and further detalls of constructlon can fe1 1 ed wlth effect from the 22nd day of Septem ber 1947, to be obtalned from the W elfare Sectlon of the Force at Lugal d M adam e Fehme Benazeth , A venue, N mrobl The addless of the transfelor ls P O Box 669 The perlod of the concesslon wll1 be from one to two years , M om basa The address of the transferee ls Sallm Road Tenders should be m ade on the basls of paym ent of a lum p , M om basa sum plus a m onthly capltatlon paym ent based on the m onthly The transferee As not assum lng and ls not m tended to assum e Afrlcan strength of the orgamzatlon whlch w111 eventually be any of the llabjlltles lncurred ln the buslness of the transferor about 20,000 (a number of these may, however, be permltted EDM A CA M BRA , to enhst ln H1s M alesty s Forces) As a commencement, canteens Transjeror wlll be requlred as follows - F BEN A ZETH , (1) M acklnnon Road Group for up to 4,000 Afncans by the M ombasa 27th September, 1947 Transjeree end of 1947 and up to 10,000 by June, 1948 GENERAL N o'rlce No 1715 (11) M acklnnon Road Translt Camp for approxlmately 250 Afncans N OTICE OF D ISSOLU TION OF PA RTN ERSH IP (111) Rulru for approxlmately 550 Afrlcans NOTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore subslstlng bttween us the underslgned Chunsbhal N aranbhal (lv) Klsumu for approxlmately 550 Afrlcans Am ln and M anubhm N aranbhal Am ln, carrylng on bus3ness The concesslonalre wlll be requlred to keep the canteens ln at Nalrobl under the style or lirm of 'iN ew Era Stores' , has a satlsfactory state of cleanllness to the satlsfactlon of the thls day been dlssolved by m utual consent by retlrem ent therç- Cam p Com m andants of each camp and anv lnfnngem ent of lrom of the sald M anubhal N aranbhal Am jn reasonable orders pven by a Cam p Com m andant wlll rendel A11 debts due to ol owlng by the sald late lirm wl1l be recelved the concesslon hable to cancellatlon and pald by the sald Cbunlbhal N aranbha, A m ln who wlll Tenders ln scaled envelopes m arked :çTender for C onstruc- contlnue the sald buslness unde? the sam e style or firm tlon Force Canteens ' m ust leach tbe underslgned by noon on Fnday, 17th October, 1947 CH UN IBH A I N ARANBH AI A M IN , The Board ls not bound to accept the hlghest or any tendel Conttnum g partner M AN U BH AI N ARANBHA I A M IN , The Treasury, N mrobl, H G W ATK IN S, Secretarv N alrobl, Retlrtng Partner 3rd Octobçr, 1947 Centlal Tender Boqrd 12th Septem ber, 1947 October 6, 1947 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE 545

G ENBRAL N o'rlcE N o 1716 G BNERAI- N o'rlcs N o 1720 IT IS notllied fol lnform atmn that, as from 15th Septem bel NYANZA LIQUOR LICENSIN G COURT 1947 the Pollce Statlon at Farm 35 has been closed and a TH E followlng appllcatlons w lll be consldered by the N yanza new Pollce Statlon has been opened at Burnt Forest Com - Llquor Llcenslng Court whlch wlll assem ble ln the om ce of m unlcatlons lntended for the new Pollce Statlon should be the D lstrlct Comm lsslonel , Klsum u, on M onday, 10th N ovem addressed to the A sslstant Inspectol of Pollce, Bulnt Forest ber, 1947, at 10 a m Pollce Statlon, P O A lnabkol W S GU LLOCH , N sw A eelalc&vrloNs Commlssloner // Poltce W lne M o challts tm # Glocers Llcences N anle - lfassam Va1Jl, Plot N o 3, K lsll N anïe - parsottam Jlwa & Bros , Plot N o 1, Brodenck Falls (;ENERAL l4oTlcB ';o 1717 N ante .- N glllm on Stores, prem lses sltuate on the farm of M r E F P H ll1 at K oru Farm L R N o 7232, K oru A BERDARE D ISTRICT CO UN CIL NW???e - M oham ed Kanll & Co , Plot N o 13, Broderlck Falls FIRST ELECTION- NARO M oRu W ARD M alt faeence.ç NOTICE ls hereby glven that at the above electlon, held N anle - Frults' Stole, Plot N o 4, Section IV , K erlcho on 26th Septem ber, 1947, the underm entloned duly nomlnated N atne - Bhurabhal Tulshl, Plot N o 10, Sectlon IV , Kerlcho candldate was declared elected - N anîe --G lrdhar R aghavll, Y ala Charles Bathurst N orm an REMOVAL FROM ONB PREMISES TO ANOTHER N anyukl, E V H U LM E, W lne M erchants t711ff G rocers L lcence 27th Septembel 1947 Returnmg OMcer N fllne - llarlsm gh Gulabhal, from Plot No 3 to Plot N o L R 1407/ 159/ 111, CONFIRMATION oF TRANSFIIRS QISNBRAL è4oTlcE l:o 1718 l'Flrlc M erchants and G rocets Llcence COAST LIQUOR LICEN SING COURT From Shlvlal and Sons to Shlvlal & Sons, I-td , Plot N o TH E followlng appllcatlons for hquor llcences w1ll be con- Sectlon LX IX , Klsum u k'y sldered by the Coast Llquor Llcenslng Court at 1ts m eetlng Theatre Llcelzce to be held at the oë ce of the D lstrlct Com m lsslonel , M om basa, Fl om K J Pandya to N yanza Plcture Palace Plot N o 9 on M onday, 10th N ovember, 1947, at 10 a m Sectlon X L Klbum u , N Bw A eel-lcA'rloxs K lsum u C F ATK IN S, Chalr'tîai, M alt L tcence 27th Septem ber, 1947 N yanza Llquor Llcenslng Ct?//r/ Ntzme oj appllcant --M lstry Rahemtulla M ohamed Hasham N gara H ote', Prem lses J 276, Sallm Road, M om basa G ENERMI- N oTfcs N o 1697 W tne M erchants and Grocers D cences Nczl?e oj appllcant - M essrs 5m1th, M ackenzle & Co , CEN TRAL TEN DER BOARD M lstry Dln M ohamed, M allndl M r Padam shl Ralshl Shah, N oTlcB Prem lses W 344, M akupa, M om basa M r D lllp Slngh K ent, TEN DERS are lnvlted for the manufacture, supp'y and premlses sltuated on Plot 62/47, Sectlon 1, Llkom, M om basa dellvery of furnlture requlred by - M r Prem chand V ershl Shah, Prem lses W 330, Shlm anzl R oad, M om basa M r Jlvanll A bdulhuseln, Prem lses 7-635 > Llkonl The Prm ce of W ales School, N allobl Ferry, M om basa The European Prlm ary School, N alrobl The Prlm aly School, W estlands G eneral R etall and H otel falcence The Pnm ary School, K lllman: Name oj appllcant --M essls Allbhla Kam l & Co , Ltd Statlon The Kenya H lgh School for G rls, N alrobl R oad, M om basa The Indlan M en s Teacher Tralnlng Centre, N alrobl The ltem s requlred ale approxlm ately - G ettetal R etall A/cence.ç 157 tables, assorted slzes Name oj appltcant - M r Hanlal Damll, premlses sltuated on 880 chalrs, ordlnary assorted slzes and types Plot N o 2 Nyall Brldge Road, M om basa M r J R Llonnet, 91 chalrs, m orrls Plot N o 10, M arlakanl M r O R M C ollaco, M allndl 18 bookshelves 35 laboratory stoolq R ATIFICATION oF TRANSFE.RS 30 lockers nests Prenllses --r arlton H otel, M om basa, from M r C D onald-W att 4 desks, pedestal to M rs E D N ourse M alestlc H otel, M om basa, from M r 2 5llng cablnets Shamsudln Dhanll to Shamsudln Dhaml (Unlted Hotels Ltd ) 71 benches, assorted types and slzes Brlstol Hotel, Restaurant and Ba1 , M ombasa, from M 1 Cynl 47 bath m ats, wooden Breskel to M r Jehanglr Fltter W estfield Hotel, Llkonl, M om - 187 bedslde lockers basa, frœn M rs M yla M oy to M r A Szlapak 6 deck chalrs M ombasa E J A LESLIE, Chatrmait 1 lnspectlon couch 25th Septem ber, 1947 C oast L lquor Llcenstng C'tpd/r/ 4 trays 23 cupboards, assorted types 25 bath stools CIBNBRAL lloTlcE 'Co 1719 2 pr household steps 1 bedscreen 6 galvanlzed lron dustblns LIQUOR LICENSING COURT 294 desks, assorted types and slzes TH E followlng appllcatlons have been recelved for consldera- Com prehenslve llsts glvlng speclficatlons, places of dellvery tlon by the N akuru Llquor Llcenslng Court whlch w1ll s1t at the om ce of the Dstnct Com m lssloner, N akuru on M onday, and partlculars of w here spcclm ens of each type can be seen may be obtalned from the underslgned at Room 121A Rallway 10th N ovem bel , 1947, at 10 a m - H eadquarters Bm ldzng, N alrobl, at any tlme durlng norm al N sw A eet,lczkrloNs G overnm ent oK ce hours W lne M erehants and Grocers Ltqttor Llcences Each artlcle m ust be exactly the sam e as the sam ple both as Apphcant - M essrs Solpar Gosal & Co , Plot N o 2 regards dlmenslons, workm anshlp and lim sh, and only first Elburgon quallty seasoned tlm ber of the klnd specllied ln the comprehen- Applïcal't - M r Chhotabhal C Patel, Plot N o 64, N alvasha slve llsts ls to be used Appllcant - M r John Ch Cardovlllls, M aralal Tenderers m ust state ln thelr tenders approxunate dates of Appltcant - M r S A Patel, Plot N o 10, N akuru dellvery of each ltem tendered for and pnces m ust lnclude cost Apphcant - M essrs Jum a H alee & C o , M all M azun of dellvery Appltcant - M cl-ean's General Store (M r D M Patel), L R A rtloles dellvered wlll be sublect to lnspectlon by elther an No 7218 / 1, Kampl-ya-M oto omcer of the Publlc W orks D epartm ent or the Educatlon Apphcant - M essrs K V K ana, Plot N o 22, Sectlon 49, D epartment, and any artlcles not up to the standard of the N akuru sam ple m ll be relected Appllcant .-.K F A (Co-operatwe), Ltd , Nakuru Quotatlons are requlred separatçly for each ltem ln the com- Appltcant - M essrs Rugnath Jeram , Syndlcate Llne, G llgll prehenslve llsts Apphcant - M r C H Patel, Forest A rea, Sabatla The lowest or any tender need not be accepted and any tender CONFIZMATION oF TRANSFSRS m ay be accepted elther wholly or m part H otel Llquot Llcence Tenders m sealed envelopes m arked Tender for School Furnlture' m ust reach the underslgned by noon on W ednesday, From Ndoroto Guest House (M aJol Lennox Browne) to Brown 22nd October, 1947 Trout Inn (M r G Bateman), S Klnangop Nakuru, G E N OAD , Chatrlnan The Treœsury, N alrobl, H G W ATK IN S, Secretary 26th Septem berp 1947 N akuru Alçl//r Llcenslng Ct?J??/ 24th Septem ber, 1947 Central Tender Board 546 THE OFFICIAL G AZETTE October 6, 194:

S ENBRAL N oTlcs N o 1721 G BNBRAL N oTlcs N o 1724 SA LE OF W ORN -OU T M OTOR VEH ICLES K EN YA G OVERN M EN T OVERSEAS BU RSARIES TEN DERS are lnvlted for the purchase of the underm entloned (EUROPEAN) worn-out m otor velucles to be sold ln four lots fo1 use as IT IS notlled fo1 general m form atlon that H 1s Excellency spares (No llcences w1l1 be lssued to use these vehlcles on the Actlng Governol has approved the award of the followlng publlc loads ) - bursarles for 1947 - Lot 1- M lss P A Couser f 50 p a , to take a physlcal tralm ng Chevrolet p-ton, P W D No 709 course at Bedford Physlcal Tralnlng College Ford V 8 3 ton, P W D N o 728 M lss R L n ttall, f 90 p a , to take an archltectural course Bedford z-ton, P W D N o 437 at the N atal Unlverslty, South Afnca Ford V8 3-ton, P W D N o 715 M lss A M L H ltch, f 50 p a to takc a nurse's tram m g Cab body m lscellaneous pleces of chasslsrwp W D N o 705 at G uy s H ospltal, London Ford V8 3-ton, P W D N o 895 M lss M G Powley, f 100 p a to take a teacher s course Lot 2- at Exetel Unwerslty Internatlonal 3-ton, P W D N o 909 M r J C Rawllns, f 50 p a , to take a B A (HoNs ), degree Chevrolet z-ton, P W D N o 708 at T1 lnlty College, Dublln Chevrolet z-ton, P W D N o 707 M lss A J Townsend, f 50 p a , to take a nurse s tralnlng Bedford ll-ton, P W D No 607 at A ddenbrooke s Hosm tal, Cam brldge lnternatlonal 3-ton, P W D N o 900 M lss E J Grundy, :6() p a , to take an arcbltectural course Ford V8 3-ton, P W D N o 792 at the School of Archltecture and Bulldlng, Oxford Ford V8 chassls, P W D N o 470 M lss E M W atson, f60 p a , to take a m edlcal course Ford V 8 2 ton, P W D N o 525 at the Central Technlcal School, Blrm lngham , and later at a Intelnatlonal 3-ton, P W D N o 907 unlverslty or m edlcal school Lot 3- M lss J D O'H ara f 60 p a , to take a sclence course at B S A m otor cycle P W D N o 837 Exeter U m verslty A nel m otor cycle, P W D N o 83S M lss P R Frelsllch, f 60 p a , to take an M A alts degree Ford V8 zl-ton, P W D No 660 at Edlnburgh U nlverslty M r M C W etherell, :50 p a , to take an M A. agrlcultural L ot 4- course at St Catherlne s College, Cambrldge Caterplllar tractor 20, P W D N o 1165 M r t. A .1 W llllam s, f 100 p a , to take an Mvsc course Caterplllar tractor 30, P W D N o 586 * at Glasgow Unlverslty The vehlcles m ay be lnspected any weekday betw een the M lss R Lunn f 150 p a , to take a Froebel tralnlng course bours of 9 a m and 4 p m on appllcatlon to the M echanlcal at W est H 11l Tralnlng C ollege, Blrm lngham Enpneer, Publlc W orks Departm ent H ead Oëce, N alrobl Sealed tenders should be sent to the H on Dlrectol of Publlc W orks, Publlc W orks D epartment, P O Box 662 N alrobl. to G ENBRAL è4oTlcs è:o 1725 reach thls oflice before 11 a m on 14th O ctober 1947 Separate tenders are requlred for each of the four lots KEN YA G OVERN M EN T OVERSEAS BU RSARIES num bered one to four and the successful tenderer ln eacb case (INDIAN) w1ll be requlred to rem ove the unlts com pnslng the 1ot from IT IS notlfied for general lnfolm atlon that H ls Excellency the Publlc W orks D epartm ent W orkshops w ltlun 14 days of the Actlng Governor has approvt,d the awal d of the followlng the date on w hlch he ls notlfied of the acceptance of hls bursarles for 1947 - tender M r P C B Trlvedl, f 55 p a , to contlnue h1s clvll engln- The Dlrector of Pubhc W orks does not blnd hlmself to eerlng course at the W llson College, Bom bay accept the hlghest or any tendel M r K A Anlarwalla, f 55 p a , to take a m edlcal course S R BOYD , at the G rant M edlcal College, Bom bay Dlrector t# Publlc l'Ftlp/v.î M r Suryakum ar M aster, f55 p a , to contlnue hls m edlcal coulse at the W adla College, Poona G BNERAL NOTICE N o 1722 M r S A Patel, f55 p a , to take an ae1 onaut ca1 enp neer H ARDW OOD FU EL- KAPSARET FOREST, N EAR 1ng course at the A1l Servlce Tralnlng, Ltd , Ham ble Southam pton , TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the nght to cut approxlm ately 200,000 cublc feet of m lxed hardwood fuel ln Kapsaret Forest R eserve over a perlod of thlee years, from 1st N ovem ber, 1947 G ENERAL N oTlce N o 1726 The basls of tendm ls to be a loyalty paym ent pm 1û0 stacked cuh c feet CEN TRAL TEN DER BOARD A sum of Sh 200 ls to be deposlted wlth the Conservator TEN D ER S al e lnvlted for the m anufacture, supply and of Forests by the successful tenderer at the tlm e of entellng dellvery of the underm entloned furnltul e requlsed for the Into the contract and before any cuttm g can take place (to be European School, Nakulu - held as securlty for the peltorm anco and observance of tbe 25 bedmde lockel s ln mvull term s of the contract and to be llable to forfelture as llqu dated 8 tables, bed, ln m vull damages ln the event of any breach thereof) 2 tables, ward, 6/ by 1/ 9'' ln m vuh The successful tenderer w111 be allowed to start cuttlng on 28 chalrs, ward, dln ng type, ln m vull, rexlne upholstered 1st N ovem ber, 1947, and a11 fuel m us) be cleared from the area 10 chalrs, deck, fol veranda by 31st October, 1950 1 desk wtth stx drawels, ln m vuh The Conservator of Forests reserves the nght to cancel the 1 chmr, m orrls, m m vull, rexlne upholstered llcence at any tlme on three m onths' notlce belng g ven 1 lnspectlon couch 1 table, 4' by 2', ln podo Full detalls of the term s of the llcence m ay be had -f1 om 5 trays, 2/ by 2/ 6'' m mvuh the Dtvlslonal Forest Oflker, Eldoret 4 bath m ats, m teak A n average m onthly cut of not less than 4,000 cublc feet 1 table 7' by 3', m podo m ust be m am talned 2 chalrs, oldlnary, ln m vull Tenders wlll be recelved up to 10 a m on Saturday, 1 8th Sam ples of these artlcles m ay be m spected by prevlous arrangc- October, and should be addressed to the Dm slonal l-ol est m ent wlth the Prlnclpal at the Eulopean School, N akuru, and O m cer, Eldoret, m arked 4%-fender for Fuel, K apsaret ' each altlcle m ust be exactly the sam e as tbe sample botb as The hlghest or any tender wlll not necessarlly be accepted regards dlm enslons, workm anshlp and finlsh and only lirst quallty seasoned tlm ber of the km d spemEed ls to be used .1 C R A M M ELL , Conserz ator ()/ Ftnrenls Tenderers must state ln thell tenders approxlm ate dates of dellvery of each ltem tendered for and prlces m ust lnclude cost GENERAL Nou cE No 1723 of dellvery to the European School, N akul u KEN YA GOVERN M EN T OVERSEAS BU RSARIES A rtlcles dellvered wlll be sublect to lnspectlon by elther an om cer of the Publlc W orks D epartment or the Educatlon (GOAN) D epartm ent, and any artlcles not up to the standard of tl-e IT IS notltied fol general m torm atlon that Hts Excellency sam ple wlll be relected the A ctlng G overnor has apploved the aw ard of the lollowlng Quotatlons are requlled separately for each ltem of the above bursarles for 1947 - llts M lss M A R Ferroa, f40 p a , to contlnue her arts The Board does not b'nd lteself to accept the lowest or any course for B A B 'r degree at the Sophla College, Bom bay tender and any tendel m ay be accepted elther wholly ol ln palt M lss J B R N oronha, f 50 p a , to take an electrlcal enpn eerlng course at St Xavler s College, Bom bay Tenders ln sealed envelopes m arked tç-fknders- Furnlture for M r E F X D 'Costa, f40 p a , to contlnue h1s B sc and European School, N akuru ' m ust reach the underslgned by noon B T course at St Xavler s College, Bom bay on Tuesday, 28th October, 1947 M lss Olga Fernandes # :f,30 p a , to contlnue her : A. B T The Treasuly, N alrobl, H G W A TK IN S, Secretary çourse (4 thç Ltnxara) College, Belgaum 1s( Oçtobtr, 1947 Centïal Tenfler Boqrd October 6, 1947 'I'H E OPFICIAL GA ZEW E !41

(JBNBRAL lpoTlcE èlo 1727 GBNBRAL No'ncs No 1732 M UN ICIPA L BOARD OF ELD ORET IN H IS M A JESTY S SU PR EM E C O U R T O F K EN YA Bv BLECTION 1947 AT M OM BA SA DISTRICT REG ISTRY IT IS hcleby notllied ln accordancc wlth the plovls ons of PR O BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION Rule 24 (1) of the European Counclllols Electlon Rules, 1929, CAllsL N o 48 oF 1947 that at the by-electlon held on 29th Septem bel , 1947, the undel- 1lt tlle ,?lJf/c/ vj the e&tate oj .&W? lnall Rfp/lJ,?l dcceased notcd was returned unopposed as a m em bel of the Eldolet and M unlclpal Board for the perlod endlng 30th June, 1948 frl the lltattet oj tzll appltcatton /t7? reneallng lettels 0/ adlllttll-b Lelgh Pelry Ashton, M B cl.l B tratton w l//l the w1// annexed ;?l the Colony C/JJ Protectorate oj Aknyw oj f//e above-naltled deccased granted by f:l1.ç Eldolet, G EORGE M JA CK B'ltannlc M alesty s Htgh Court /(?, Zanztbtlr, llelrlg Cause 29th Septem bel , 1947 Retut rllp/g Om cel No 124 oj 1927, to Hassanalt ./lf?l?c Rahtl't o! Zanztbar lacIag the A dllllntstratol theteln TAK E N OTICE that apphcatlon has been made to thls GBNSRAL N oTlcs N o 1728 Court by Hassanall Jum a Rahlm of Zanzabal for leseal of letters ol adlm nlstratlon wlth tho wl11 annexed glanted by H 1s IN THE CO URT OF TH E D ISTRICT D ELEGATE Brltannlc M alesty s H lgh Court for Zanzlbar to the sald AT N A KU RU Hassanall Jum a Rahlm ln the estate of Karm alt Rahlm , PROBA TE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION deceased, who dled at Zanzlbal on the 231d day of M ay, 1927, C AusB N o 8 oF 1947 and that thls Court wlll proceed to m ako an Order accordlngly unless cause be shown to the contraly and appearance ln thls Notlf.e (# appllcatlolt /(z, plobate t# the 1$z11/ oj Jfz/?ftllllcâ lespect entered on ol befole the 14th day of October, 1947 Heltdrlk Jtplf:er/ late (# 01 Kalou deceased TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls JOYCE RUG G G UN N , Court by Joshua Joubert of 01 K alou for probate of the w1l1 M om basa, D lstrlct R egîstlal , of Johannes Hendrlk Joubert, late of 01 K alou, who dled at 24th Septem ber, 1947 H M kj-1/p1 en'e Court ol A'ep/y, Erm ell, Transvaal, South Afrlca, on the 12th day of July, 1947, thls C ourt w111 procee.d to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls lespect entered on or G ENSRAL No'rlcE N o 1733 before the 27th day of October, 1947 DISSOLU TION OF PA RTN ERSH IP N akuru, T A D EN N ISON , 27th Septem ber, 1947 D tstrtct D elegate N akul u N O TICE ls hereby glven that the partnershm heretofore subslstlng between M ohlnder Sxngh, M angal Slngh, Bakhtawal N ote - --fhe wlll above nam ed ls now deposlted and open to Syngh and N annder Slngh, carrylng on buslness of bulldm g lnspectlon at the C ourt and general contractors under the firm nam e ol style of M ohlnder Slngh & Co at N alrobl, has been dlssolved by mutual consent with elect from tlze 1st day of Septembe: , 1947, by G ENERAL NoTlcE No 1729 the retlrem ent of M ohlnder Sm gh from the sald partnershlp Al1 debts due by and payable to the sald 5rm up to and IN TH E CO URT OF TH E DISTRICT D ELEG ATE lncludlng the sald 1st Septem ber, 1947, wjll be pald and recelved AT N A KU RU by the sald contlnulng partnels, M angal Slngh, Bakhtawal PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION Slngh and N arlndel Slngh, who w11l contlnue to carry on the CAuss N o 9 oF 1947 sald buslness at the same place and under the same nam e or style of M ohlnder Slngh & Co Nottce oj appllcatlon /o? probate t# the wf// ol E ltzabeth Steel Rdfus/ Relth tzr Howe iate oj Nloro deceased CHAN AN SING H , TA KE NOTICE that appllcatlon havlng been made ln thls Nalrobl, Advocate J/r the Cbllfllllflêlg Court by Charles W llllam H owe of N loro for probate of the 2nd Octobel , 1947 and Relllfa,g' Pattners w lll of Ellzabeth Steel R ust R elth or H ow e, late of N lero, who dlcd at N akuru on the 24th day of July, 1947, thls Court w111 ploceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be show n to the contlary and appealance ln thls lespcct enteled on or before tho 27th G ENERAL NoTlcs N o 1734 day of October, 1947 TH E FRAU DU LEN T TRAN SFER OF BUSIN ESSES N akulu, T A DEN N ISON , ORD IN AN CE, 1930 27th Septem bel, 1947 D tsttlct D elegate N ckl/l If PURSUAN T to the above Ordlnance, notlce ls heleby glven N ote .- -f'he w lll above nam ed ls now deposlted and open to that the buslness of hotel-keeper carrled on by Jesan M alna jnspectlon at the Coult s/o Keru undel hls own name ln Canal Road, Nalrobl, on Plot No 138 /31, has been sold and tlansferred as from the 1st day of October 1947, to Kanokl s/ o Chege The address of the transferor ls c/o P O Box 1003, Nanobl G ENERAL N OTICE NO 1730 The address of the transferee ls Plot No 138/31, Canal Road, N alrobl, w ho w1l1 carry on the sald buslness at the sam e IN H lS M M ESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA address and ln the sam e prem lses and under h1s ow n nam e AT M OM BA SA D ISTRICT REGISTRY The transferee does not assum e and ls not lntended to assume PRO BATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION the lmblhtles m curted by tbe transferor m the sald busm ess CAIJSE N o 47 oF 1947 up to the date of transfer, and the sam e w1ll be pald and dls- Nottce oj appltcatlon jor letters oj J#?nIrlJ.î/, attolt J??/eâ/J/c oj chalged by tho transferor //?e estate t7/ Nany Ebrahlm Zc#l late oj Arusha Tallgallylka Tel rltory deceased JESAN M AINA , TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havm g been m ade ln thls Ttansjerot Court by Pyarah Nanll Ebl ahlm of Arusha, Tanganylka Terrl- KA RIOK I CH EG E, tory, and of M om bam , K enya Plotectorate, fo1 letters of Nalrobl, 30th Septembel, 1947 Transleree admlnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of N anll Ebrahlm LaIJl, Iate of Arusha aforesald, who dled at Arusha on the 26th day of June, 1947, thls Court wlll proceed to lssue the sam e unless uause be shown to the contraly and appearanco ln thls lespcct G BNERAL No-lqcE N o 1735 enteled on or before the 14th day of Octobel , 1947 NOTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore JOYCE RUG G G UNN , subslstlng between Lakham sh: M erag and H emral La1Jl, calry- M om basa, D lstl lct R egr-s/ltzr lng on buslness on Plot No 138 / 13, Rlver Road, Nallobl, 25th Septembel , 1947 H Af Suprellle Court oj X'Evlyw undel the style or lilm name of ç:K anJ1 Sam at ', has, as from the 21st day of Septem ber, 1947, been dlssolved by m utual consent so fa1 as ooncerns the sayd H em ra) LalJ1 who has l etlred from the sald firm as from the sald date G ENERA.L No'rlcE No 173 i A 1l debts due to and owlng by the sald late film wll1 bo N OTICE ls heleby glven that the power of attolney glvcn recelved and pald by the sald Lakham shl M erag who w1l1 con- by m e the underslgned to M onlee Raghavlee, m erchant of tlnue to cally on the sald buslness at the sam e place and undet N alrobl, zs revoked, and that the sald M onlee Raghanee has the sald lirm nam e ot ççlkam l Sam at'' no authorlty whatever to act for m e ol on m y behalf ln any LA K HAM SH I M ERAG , m znncf C onhnulng #tzl tner N alrobl, G OK ULD AS RATANJI M AN DA VIA H EM RAJ LALJI SH AH , 29th Septem ber, 1947 N allobl, 30th Septem lxr, 1947 R etm ng Partner 548 THE OFFICIAL GM ETTE Octobel 6, 1947

GENBRAL N oTlcs N o 1736 PRIVATE STREST W oRxs-r osTs- tccpa/d ) N A IROBI M U N ICIPA LITY (c) Road Zfpz/çl/ig Balldl Road r/n# Juw Road llc/lf/ccll Plotn PRIVATE STREET W ORKS- PLOT N o 2389 oFF ROAD 89-99- PROVISIONAL A PPORTIONMENT OF COSTS TH E FO LLO W IN G provlslonal appoltlonm ents of the cost Owttel .j No lle t7l?tt T'oot z4 ll2 t/lf/l/ of constructlng the underm entloned roads a1e publlshed fol Plot N o A ddre-b.b / rontage Payable lnform atlon - ks'/, c/â (r?) Road Llnktng J/pcl/c/? Road and zd.l/?âwol//r Stteet- 2389/ 89 Fazal Karlm Sethl, Box (7 ly n et x 2ç tll'te rp?3:l /? o o / z: ,?? e)f??? f 1 463, N allobl 92 99 1,270 68 Plot N o A ddtess F, ontage Payable 90 Suklna Begum w/o Gulam Sh cts K adll, blacksm 1th, Canal 2389/38 Abdul Karlm Rattansl, Box R oad N alrobl 60 00 819 89 346, Dar es Salaam 105 00 1 936 99 91 Kasam w/o P1 abakal Pan 39 M ohamed Ismall s/o lmam walkel , Box 62, N alrobl 60 00 819 89 Dln, c/o E A M etal 92 M rs R osallna Trlndada W orks, N alrobl 105 00 1,936 99 Fernandes Joanes c/o 45 Khuda Bux s/o Allah Dltta, Joanes Tallollng E stabllsh Box 46, N allobl 161 17 2,973 19 m ent, Bazaal Lane, 46 Kushalya Devl w/o M R N allobl 60 00 8l9 89 M aswaha, Box 416, M om - 93 Punla Jlvral Box 798, basa l75 00 3,228 32 N allobf 60 ()0 819 89 47 R enyl V jsram Jhanhl, Box 1 94 Nangl w/o Bhagllath and 524, N allobl 25 83 476 50 Bhaglrath D hobl, Palk 48 Ulagal Slngh s/o N R oad, N alrobl 55 52 758 67 Dhallwal, Box 1,489, 95 M ohlndel Lal Kaplla, c/o N alrobl 60 00 1,106 86 A P O Tlanslt Camp, 49 Nand Slngh s/o Sxnta N allobl 97 96 1 338 60 Slngh Box 850, N allobl 60 00 1,106 86 96 lnagat All s/o Abdul Ganl, 50 R am ll D as and Bhag Box 735, N allobl 60 (X1 819 89 Chand s/o Ralla Ram, 97 Gulam M ohd N ool Bux Box 32, N alrobl 60 00 1,106 86 Box 735, N alrobl 60 00 819 89 51 Jawall Devl w/o lsher Slngh 98 Rahmet w/o Hablt Hlllee M agon, Box 765 N alrobl 60 00 1,106 85 c/o Ismallla Hotel, Rlvcl 52 D ydal C hand Soft Ray- R oad, N alrobl 60 00 819 89 kum al Sofxt K ahola 99 M ohd shali and G ulam A lsha Farm , K lam bu 60 00 1,106 86 w /o M ohd Nazll, Box 53 M ls Loglsse, c/o A 477, N alrobl 84 10 l , l53 30 Loglsse, N alrobl M unl- clpal Councll, Nalrobl 60 00 1, 106 86 750 87 10,260 48 54 Nazar Slngh s Jo Klshen Slngh, c/o Hakam Slngh Bar, R lvel R oad, N alrobl 68 20 1,258 12 (J) Road Zl/?/tl/lg Not tltb Iew Road altd A tnswot //? Stl eet patallel to M athart R lver- 1,000 20 18,451 26 2389/ 6 Sullan Dass Dhal', c/o 401 qb) Road f.lrl/çl/gg Batldt R oad z'f?l# Jlqa R tzflf/ between Jvtz/x Base W orkshops, A P O 32 13 409 83 74-88- 7 Challes H de Souza, c/o 2389/74 Rahlma w/o Sanlchol East A frlcan Brew erles, M lthoo, c/o M ohamed Box 161, N alrobl 1 10 00 1,403 Ram zan, Reata Road, 8 H arl D ev G upta, Box 584, Nalrobl 84 47 l , 138 22 N allobl 110 00 1,403 75 M anambal w/o Gulamall 9 G anda R am Ahlllwalla and M ulla Sulem anlce, Sultan M lss Calm en M ootoosang, H am ud 60 00 808 49 Box 759, N allobl 105 87 1,350 44 76 G ulam H ussaln Premll 10 P H Trevedy, Box 324 and M adatalt Prem ll, N alrobl 66 50 848 25 Box 1,413, N alrobl 60 00 808 49 11 K achla V l1J1, Contlactol, 77 Fazal Hussaln s/o Gulam Box 324, N allobl 46 00 586 76 R asul, and Farm anall 12 K achla VlrJl, Contractol , s/o Nool D1n Bux, Box Box 324, N alrobl 100 00 1,275 57 491, N alrobl 60 00 808 49 13 D om lngos Joas M ontelro, 78 Fazal Hussaln s/o Gulam Box 600, N alrobl l00 00 1,275 57 R asul, and Falm anall 14 Jose Esteraa de Souza, Box s/o Noor Dln Bux, Box 448, N alrobl 100 00 1,275 57 491, N alrobl 60 00 808 49 15 Jose E steraa de Souza, Box 79 G ulam Jllanl and G ulam 448, N alrobl 100 00 1,275 57 Suwdenl, Box 79 Nalrobl 60 00 808 49 16 R osalla Joanes, Box 342, 80 N lrm al Slngh Slla, furnl- N alrobl 100 00 1,275 57 ture m aker G ulzaar 17 D l R A R lbelro, Box 48, Street, Nalrobl 60 00 808 49 N alrobl 100 00 1,275 57 81 A zlz All Chuhai K han, 18 Joaqulm Sebost R odellgues, c/o A M W D , Box Box 48, N allobl l 15 00 l ,466 90 1,021, N alrobt 51 03 687 62 19 Thom as C llsplno Felnandes, 82 M rs Chaman D evl Kaplla, Box 600, N alrobl 120 00 1,530 68 Box 651, N alrobl 93 47 1,259 49 20 D r R A R lbelro, Box 48, 83 M oham ed Y akub, M oham ed N alrobl 120 00 1,530 68 Yusaf and M oham ed 21 M rs R T F Joanes, c/o Amln, c/o Box 81, Joanes Tallonng Establlsh N alrobl 60 00 808 49 m ent, Bazaal Lane, 84 Davendar Slngh, c/o Atma N allobl 120 00 1 530 68 Slngh, Box 1,457, N alrobl 60 00 808 49 22 D r R A Rlbello, Box 48, 85 Dllbagh Slngh s/o W aryam N alrobl 151 39 1 93 l 08 Slngh, M tlkta Slngh s/o R D1 R A Rlbello, Box 48, Hakan Slngh, c/ o Box N alrobl 693 48 8,845 82 927, N alrobl 60 00 808 49 23 A lbert Felnandes, Box 673 86 M unsha Slngh G urdlt Slngh, N allobl l40 00 1,785 79 Box 927, N alrobl 60 00 808 49 24 Evanst Lobo and M ls 87 Flda Hussaln D osall and M arla Espelcosa M erdes, Ismall Dosag, c/o Dosajl Box 1892, N alrobl 1 10 00 1,403 & Sons, tlnsm lths, R lvel Ellzabeth A M E stlella R oad, N alrobl 60 00 808 49 R odrlgues, Box 48, 88 Fazal M oham ed and N ool N alrobl 100 00 1,275 M ohamed, blacksmlths, 26 Ellzabeth A M Estlella Cam pos Rlbello A venue, Rodrlgues, Box 48, N alrobl 93 16 1,255 32 N alrobl 65 51 835 62 27 Ellzabeth A M Estrella 982 13 13,234 04 R odrlgues, Box 48, N alrobl 116 32 1,483 74 O ctober 6, 1947 TH E O FFICIAI . G A ZEW E 549

PalvA'rE STREET w oRxs--rosxs- tcoa/tf ) Pmvwa's STREET w oo s--cosTs- tctpafff ) Owners Name and Foot xmount fyj zuue East oj wya ptwaya to sw t xay Road. Plot N o agltftf/ ess Frontage zuywlzje sk cts O wnets N tznie and Foot A nlount 28 Dharam Slngh s/ o Bhola Plot No Address Fl ontage Payable Slngh, Box 570, N alrobl 292 91 3,098 48 Sh cts 29 Chanda slngh s/o Ralta 23891 1 Sallg Ram Kaplla, Box 1 144, Slngh, Box 1,374, Nalrobl 213 65 2.725 25 N alrob! 60 00 376 85 -J 2 yoglnder Pal Vohra, Box 3,378 76 43,098 35 251, N alrobl 110 00 690 88 - 3 H ukam smgh M angat, c/o (e) Northk 10$, Road- Box 28 1, Nalrobl 110 00 690 88 2389/60 lsm all M ohd Choelav. 4 Churanp Lal s/o Kadha choglay Restaurant, fwe-r' NRam and Ram Kanl w/o Road, N a,rolx 47 5o vnc sa Pt Rawll vlsram Dlwvedl, 61 M ohd Ibrahlm s/o Guum - '-- - ' Box 524, Nalrobl 11c 00 69o 88 Ghaus, Box 1,257, xalrob, 60 (x) 888 8o 5 churaml Lal s/o Kadha 62 G ulam H ussaln Jan M ohd. Ram and Ram K am w /o M uheas, '.r 'r ' 60 ofl R:R aj Pt Rawll vlsram D wlved'l , 63 Karamat Ah s/o M ohd ------Box 524, Nalrob, 115 59 725 99 w aras, Box 594, xa,rob, 60 ()o 888 8o 6 Suoan Das Dhall, c/o 4û1 64 c H de souza, Box 161, Base w olkshops, A 1: o 157 21 987 39 Nalrob, 7c ()tl 1,036 94 7 Charles H de souza, c/o 65 Kundan Lal and three East Afrlcan Brew: zes, others Box 581, x alrobl 1(m ()tl 1,481 34 Box 161, N alrobl 110 00 690 88 43 Ram lkrkash and Ruo 8 Han Das Gupta, Box 584, Nazeyan ss/o sln Gopa-l N alrobt 11o otl 69o 88 Box 721. N alrob, , 129 ()o 1 olo o'z 9 Ganda o as Ahlawalla 66 Ladha slengh s/o M agher - -'--- -- and M lss carmen sm gh, Box 653, N alrob, 88 83 1,315 8g M ootoosam y, Box 759, 67 M ohd Am m H anud, Box N alrob. 31o 53 1,95: 36 439 Nalrobz 60 00 888 80 10 P H Trevedy, Box 324, 68 shanier Alla s/o Ibralum, Nalrobt 215 84 1,355 63 Box 1,028, Nalrobl 60 ()() 88: 81 69 Avand sagar s/o Gurdlal 1,409 17 8,850 61 M all setlu, Box 581, xalrob, 60 ()tl 888 80 (,) Lane prexf oj u,,(f paiallel to xknsworth street- 7: Am archand Rulm M al Agerwal, Box 900, xalrob, 60 0() 888 80 2389/33 Ved Parkash Bahal, P O 71 Nathu Ram s/o Ganda Katatma 69 60 516 26 Ram . Box 900. x alrobl 60 oo aRR R: 34 Lachm an D as D evl Dltta, 72 vaumail Hlrll an-d vttambal ------P O Karatlna 60 ()0 445 05 Wyo chatterbha, chattur- 35 Lachman Das Devl Dltta, blam, Box 105, N alrob, 60 û() ag8 80 P O K aratlna 60 ()() 445 :5 73 Kantllal Jadavp and Popatlal - 36 Ptmna Smgh s/o Datta, Box Jadavlt, c/o Jadavp valll, 1,593, Nalrobl 60 ()() 445 05 Box 506, N alrobl 79 72 1,180 93 37 Dwarha N ath s/ o Pt Isher Das, Box 491, x alrob: 60 ()0 445 ()5 1 055 05 15,628 89 38 A bdul Kallm Rattansl, Box , 34 6 .oar es salaam 60 (x) 445 ()5 (f) L 39 M ohd Ismall s/o Iman om, an9e5 -z1a0n2-kir ,g Barldz Rx ff and Jula Road netween zvtps East A fncan M etal W orks, x mrobl 60 (x) 445 05 2389/95 M ohlnder Lal Kaplla, c/o . <) xartar xam p jo ollaram A là o , TransTt cam p, Slngh s j aga x ajrobl 6c x) 44s c5 N alrobz 53 37 386 73 41 Pltram , Sznogxh ,a nd , M alklat 96 Inayat Ah s/o Abdul Ghanl, s1 11gjj ssj o sham slngh, Box 735, N alrobl 60 Q0 434 77 Box 311 N alrobl 60 00 445 05 97 Gulam Mohd Noor Bux, 4: udjjam jmgh vlrdee s/o Box 735, N a,lrobl 60 00 434 77 N and Slngh Box 690, 98 Rahmet w/o Hablb Hm l, xazrob: , G) ()0 445 ()5 c/o Ismalha Hotel, Rwer 43 Ram Parkash and Rup Road, Nalrobl 60 ()0 434 77 Nqraln ss/o S1n Gopal 99 M ohd Shaf and Gulam Box 721, N alrobl y 30 10 223 27 Alpha w/o M ohd Namr, 65 uundan and three Box 477, Nalrobl 62 58 453 47 others , Box 581, N alrobl 121 89 904 13 100 Baldes s/o Bhurp (de- 47 Ramly Vlsram Jhankl, Box ceased), a/c Dhombdl 524 N alrobl 128 10 950 19 w/o Bhurll, Box 815, 46 xusha, lya Devl w/o M R Nm robl 117 15 848 90 M arw a jja ,sox 416 M om - 101 Dr M ohd Ashrap s/o j) asa , jya aj j rj51 55 H ussaln M ohd, Falrvlew 44 Lachm an D as Den D ltta, # Road N mrobl 60 (h0 434 77 P O K aratm a 151 86 1 ,126 43 102 Yusam lbrahlm Zenmar, c/o Dm a N ath Aggarwal, 1223 76 9,077 78 Rlver Road, N alrobl 104 59 757 88 , 5yy 6: 4,1g6 ()6 (J) Laae f'lakln,g Barldt Road tz/ztf Juw Road Between #/0/.: (X Lane W tween P/GI.C 2* 32- 6* 81- 2389/26 Ellzabeth A M Estrella 2389/66 Ladha Slngh s/ o M eghar Rodrlgues, Box 48, Sm ghoBox 653, N mrobz 44 40 302 18 Nalrobl 141 1 1 1,002 82 67 M ohd Arnm H nm ld, Box 27 Eltzabdh A M Estrella 439, N alrobl 60 00 408 35 Rodngues, Box 48, 68 Shamshalr Allah ss/o N alrobz 110 00 781 73 Ibrahlm Box 1,028, 28 Darham Slngh s/o Bhola Nalrobl 60 ()0 408 35 Smgh, Box 470, Nalrobl 157 21 1,117 23 69 Anand Sagar s/o Gurdml 29 Chanda Slngh s Jo Rolla M a1 Seth, Box 581, Szngh, Box 1,374, N alrobx 60 00 426 40 N glrobl 60 00 4O8 35 30 M ulbh RaJ Sharma, c/o Box 70 Amerchand Rulla M all 1,765, N mlobl 110 00 781 73 A ggerwal, Box 900, 31 M ubarab Al1 Dar s/ o Rahlm Nalrobz 60 ()0 408 35 Bux, Box 1,184, Nalrobl 110 00 781 73 71 Natha Ram s/o Ganda 32 Bhagat Smgh s/ o Gurdlt R am ,Box 900, Nalrobi 60 00 408 35 Sm gh and K abul Slngh 72 Vazzm all H lrl.a and O tam baz s / o Javala Slngh, Box w/o Chaterbhal Chatterbal, 1,399, Nalrobl 135 00 959 39 c/o Box 105, Nairobz 60 00 408 35 - ,73 x antllal Jadan l and Popatlal 823 32 5,851 03 Jadavll, c/o Jadavll VaIJI, h Box 506, N mrobl 116 98 796 15 550 TI-JE OFFICIAL G AZETTE October 6, 1947

/ PRIVATE S'IU BT W oltx.s--rosl's----lfbrzftf ) PRIVATE s'rltEs'r W oltx.s--tzoslqs--.lcftpa/# ) Owners Name and Foot A mount Owne's N am e and Foot Am ount Plot N o Address Ftontage Payable Plot N o A ddress Frontage Payable Sh cts Sh cts 74 Rahlma w/o Sanlchar 55 Bhagat Ram Bastl Ram , M lthoo, c/o M ohd S M M enengal 98 79 681 90 Ram zer, Reata Road 56 D r R A m belro, Box 48, N alrobl 63 40 424 68 N alrobl 60 00 414 15 75 M arlambal w/o Gulam Al! 57 L D M ehta, Box 32, M ulla Salem am ee Sultan N alrobl 60 ()0 414 15 Hamad 60 00 408 36 58 Tara Slngh Saund s/o Dallp 76 G ulam Hussaln Premll and Slngh, Sectlon VIl, East- M adatall Prem ll, Box lelgh 60 00 414 15 1,413, N alrobl 60 00 408 36 59 D r R A R lbelro, Box 48, 77 Fazal Husszln s/o Gulam Nalrobl 60 00 414 15 Rasul and Farmanall s/o 60 Ismall Choglay, Choglay N oor Dm , Box 491, Restauran t , N alrobl 60 00 414 15 Nalrobl 60 00 408 36 61 M ohd lblahlm s/o Gulam 78 Fazal Hussaln s/o Gulam Ghouse, Box 1 257 Rasul and Farmanall s/o Nalrobl 60 ()0 414 15 N oor D ln, Box 491, 62 G ulam Hussaln Jan M ohd N atrobl 60 00 408 36 M udesa T T 60 00 414 15 79 Gulam Jllam and Gulam 63 Karamatall s/o M ohd Sam danl, Box 79, N alrobl 60 00 408 36 W arrl s ? Box 954, N alrobl 60 00 414 15 80 Nlrmal Slngh Slra, 64 C H de Souza, c/o Box Furnlture M akel , Gulzaar 161, N alrobl 70 00 483 17 Street, N alrobl 60 00 408 36 65 Kundanlal and three others, 81 Azlz A1l Chakar Khan, c/o Box 581, Nalrobl 43 19 298 12 A M W D , Box 1,021, - N alrobl 95 62 650 78 1,341 86 9,262 18 1,039 40 7 074 05 Town H all N alrobl JOHN RISEBOROU GH , 30th Septem ber, 1947 A ctlng T'tAw rl C lerk (kj Lane fzrlkl//g Balldl Road and Jtqa Road Between Plots 82-94.-. 2389/ 82 M rs Chanan Devl Kaplla, GSNERAI- No.rlcE No 30 Box 651, N alrobl 48 89 338 74 83 Mohd Yaku N Mohd Yusuf HIS MAJESTY S SUPREME COURT OF KENYA and M hod Amln, c/o Box NOTICE ls herebv glven that the follom ng Sessjons of Hls 81, N alrobl 60 00 415 71 M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya w11l be held at the place,s 84 Davlnder Slngh slo Atma set out hereunder - Sm gh, Box 1,457, N alrobl 60 00 415 71 S 85 D llbagh Slngh s/o W arlan UPREME COURT SESSIONS AT N AIROBI Slngh and M llka Slngh s/o For heartng on 6-10.47 Haklm Slngb, Box 927, cr c No 191 J47 Rex v Nalrobl 60 00 415 71 K ahuhe .ç (1) W aweru s/o Klguru (2) Klman! 86 M , (3) Ndlnda s/ o Gachunga unsha Slngh s/o Gardlt Sm gh Box 927, N alrobl 60 00 415 71 For hearkng on 7-10-47 87 Flda Husseln Dosall and cr c N o 210/47 Rex 3 s (1) M boro al= M banya s/o Ismall Dosall, c/o Dosall x eroge (2) M uthotl allas M wangl s/o Kanokl Jlranll and Sons J , , , Tln- (g) M wanm s/o Karlokl sm lths, m ver R oad, , (4) M alna s/o Nluguna Nalrobl 60 00 415 71 Fo'r pyetzrlng on 8- 10-47 88 Fazal M ohd and Noor Cr C x o 193/47 Rex vs sham Slngh s/o Tltar Slngh M ohd , Blzcksm lth cam pos Rlbello Avenue, For heartng on 9,h and ltlf/l october 1947 N alrobl 99 03 686 13 C 89 Fazal K araln Sethl, Box r C No 182/47 Rex v.ç Lell s/o Okech

1,463, N alrobl 99 01 685 99 stmasMs coup.r ssssloxs AT K l.suMu 90 SaQklandal rBegum w/o Gulam For heartng on 6-10-47 , Blacksm 1th, Canal Road, Nalrobl 60 00 415 71 C A No 16/47 HaJ1 Herse Abdulle v.ç M B Tennent 91 Kuwsalmke s/o Prab2a kmN alPro4bnl 60 00 415 71 SUPRBME COURT SESSIONS AT 7-10 47 r N Box 6 , 92 M rs Rosallna Trlndade Cr C No 153/47 Rex v.ç Ndenga s/o M akau Fernandes Joanes c/o Cr C No 171/47 Rex v.s M uhla s/o Rlglsha Joanes Tallorlng Establlsh- Cr C No 195/47 Rex v.: Benlamm Klbuko s/o Ngoo ment, Bazaar Road, Cr C No 204/47 Rex v.ç M elll wa M athambl N alrobl 60 00 415 71 o y. su xv t -oR , Reustrar 93 Ptmla Jlvral, Box 798, supreme court 0/ Kenya N alrobl 60 00 415 71 94 Nangl w/o Bhaglrnath and Baglrnath D hobl, Palk Road 100 11 693 62 GENEM L X OTICB N O 1737 , N allobl 88704 6,145 87 TEN D ER S FOR PIPES TEN D ER S are lnvlted for the supply to the M unlclpal B oard (0 Lalle North of and Ftzltzl/e/ lo horîh%lew Road- of Klsumu of 13,300 foet of 6-1nch Evellte asbestos-cemtnt pressure plpes, C lass B, wlth one com plete detachablo Jolnt for 2389/47 Ramll Klsram Jhank), Box each length 524 N alrobl 99 21 684 79 xq j p 48 U lagar Smgh s/o N S mlStteeadl etdo ttehned eurns demrsalrgkneed noTte nladteer thoaln Tjpuess days ho2u1lsdt Obcet osbuebr- D harlwal, Box 1,489, 1947 N allobl 60 00 414 15 49 Nand Slngh s/o Santa Slngh The Board does not blnd itself to accept the lowest or any Box 850, N alrobl 60 00 414 15 tender

50 Ramll Das and Bhag Chand K lsum u, TH OM A S AN D ERSON , ss/o Ralla Ram , Box 32, 2nd October, 1947 Town Clerk N alrobl 60 00 414 15 51 Jawala Devl w/o I S M agon, Box 765, N alrobl 60 00 414 15 GENERAL N OTICE N0 1738 52 D ldor Chand Sofit, R alkam ar 4 sotit K ahora Farm , TH E PHAR M ACY AN D POISON S ORD INAN CE, 1942 K lam bu 60 00 414 15 Tu s underm entloned has been rem stered ln accordance w lth 53 M rs Loglsse, c/o A Loglsse the terms of the Pharmacy and Polsons Ordmance, 1942 - N M C , N airobl 60 00 414 15 H utchlson, Jam es H enry, M y' s 54 Nazlr Slngb S/O Klshen slngh, Haklm sm gh, Rlver N M M A CLEN NAN , R oad, N allobl 190 67 1,316 10 R egtstta'