Alarm in Quad call ed to Quad. early Thursday . to what was ap. Irm. Fire investi. of Ice of a blaze. owan ~ed in at about he evacuation or Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May 19, 1963 ought that this I series of false leads which has e investigation of I in the area. lk fires or false to fire officials filing of arso~ e prankster. Federal Jury I ndiets "~1, H 0 ff!·a Central Figure in Picketing, Ora Ann Elliott (center) Joined the Marchen on Two Counts * * * * * * * * * * * * More Study Needed- Chances Good The News 2 Area Men Hoffa Pleads Claims Illegal . No Bias Charge Filed - Yet For Orbital In B'rief Struck, Killed Not Guilty Million Paid " By STEVE SANGER concerning civil rights, beauty and that her attempt to get an ap­ CetnlllMd .rom Le.... Wires St.H Writer pointment was "not malicious." Of Assault shops are not named, specifically. NEW YORK - President Ken- By A Negro student who says Black­ Neuzil added, "II, in my opinion, Neuzil indicated he would give Shot Tuesday nedy flew here Friday to lead a Lightning WASHINGTON (UPI) - Team· To Truckers stone's Beauty Salon, 118 S. after I have done more research, the student's statements to the ster President James R. Hoffa Dubuque St., discriminated against beauty shops come under the law, Governor's Conunission on Human drive Cor support fOT his legislative Two Iowa City area farmers Pesky Mid-Atlantic pleaded guilty Friday ber, was told Friday by the John­ I would do my best to prosecute. Rights if he could nol act on Utem. pro g ram s - especially medical were killed by lightning in sepa­ not to Maximum Penalty son county attorney that he didn't "If a violation has occurred, I William F. Sueppel, city attor­ Storm Calms; Hopes care for the aged - but first took rate accidents Thur$day evening. charges that he beat up a union Is $10,000 Fine, advise filing criminal charges at would advise Miss Elliott to file a ney, said he has been told by Soar at Canaveral time out to visit his ailing father They were Charles Phillips, subordinate "like a man berserk" this time. complaint and if she didn't I Mayor LeRoy Mercer to investi­ and check on his recovery from a 42, Route 3, Iowa City. and Her­ and a jury trial WBi set for June Year in Prison paralyzing stroke. man Grelser, '/:1, employed ncar Attorney Ralph L. Neuzil said he would." gate the case and make a report CAPE CANAVERAL (UPI) 19. WASHINGTON (WI - Teamsters intended to do more research on During Neuzil's questioning. Miss to City Council. The City has no Teams 01 technici.ans working ov· • • • Timn. The jury trial was ordered by Union Pre Ident James R. HoHa the case and then would again ad­ Elliott assured him she would have jurisdiction in the maller, beyond ertime and a steadily improving BANGKOK, - U. s. Phillips was killed wbJle plant­ municipal court Judge Thomas was indicted by a Federal Grand vise Ora Ann Elliott, Ai, Austin, taken the appointment if offered, investigating, SUeppel said. weather picture should give the yen. Paul D. Harkins warned Fri· ing corn about live mile south of C. Scalley at Holfa's request. Jury Friday on charges of acce~ Texas. Neuzil said he would check United Stales "an excellent day that danger still lurks from Iowa City, near State Highway Hoffa refused to comment on the ing more than a million dollars in $125 on other cases, statutes and pre­ chance" to launch Astronaut M. pro-Communist forces i n Lao s 1, according to Johnson County assault charges. illegal payments from a MlcbJgan cedents. * * * * * * Scott carpenter on a triple orbit whose drive from the north brought SherlH A. J. "Pal" Murphy. His accuser, Samuel Baron, sat trucking company. e your Neuzil called the incident, "un­ Hours flight around earth Tuesday, space a rush o( American soldIers and The accident occurred at about silently a Cew feet Crom the Team· Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy ... and fortunate." Pickets March 7 scientists said Friday. f.arines here to protect Thallaod's 6:30 p.m. The bOdy was found by ster Union chief during the two· announced the two-count indict­ "Three­ Miss Elliott and two other SUI Officials of the nation's $4OO-mil. border. neighbors and was taken to Sor­ minute court proceedings. He ment was returned In NashviUe, lion Mercury man·in-space pro­ e Tenn. sign is students, Diane Klug, A3, Cedar • • den and Adams funeral home. brought charges late Thursday that Rapids, and Martin Johnson, G. In Front ot Blackstone's gram said technical experts will PARIS - Defense attorneys for Lone Tree. HoHa knocked him down twice and He said it accused Horra and the Id.lhe forego their normal weekend work lale Owen (Bert) Brennan. former Des Moines, each wrote and signed day t hat President Charles de Grclser was apparently walk­ shoved him over a chair during an ond Picketing by up to 30 persons at ler or reporters that tlley bad break in an attempt to overcome altercation at Teamster head­ Teamster vice-president, of recelv· ar:n statements describing the circum· a time, with about 100 participat­ either cancelled appointments at day that President C h a r I e s d ing south on a gravel road one clarity. stances of the complaint. problems which cropped up in the Gaulle's Algerian policies are pri­ quarters here. ing $1,008,057 from Commercial ing in all, went on for seven hours Blackstone's or would not go there parachute system of Carpenter's mile we t oC Tiffin when he was Carriers Inc. A county attorney's meeting is marily responsible (or the chaos If convicted, HoHa would face Friday in 94 degree heat in front again as a result of the charges space capsule. struck between 7:30 and 8 p.m., Kennedy ••Id Commercl.1 Car· nie.nce be and slaughter in Algeria. a maximum penalty of one year to held the first week in June of Blackstone's Beauty Salon, 118 made by Miss Elliott. Chances that the round·the·clock according to the sheriff. riers, • netionwlde .utomobIle at Lake Okoboji. Attorney General in jail and a S500 fine. Two U.S. S. Dubuque St. One indignant lady, who had to schedule would pay of{ in a Tues· 5alan, fonner Frencb supreme Grei er wa employed by Lynn tr.nsport comp.ny, .Ise w •• Evan Hultman will attend and Picket signs charged that Black· cross the picket line to enter the day launching for the nation's commander in. Algeria, is on trial marsbals were assigned to stand Colony, who farms near Tiffin. guard at Baron's apartment. "If • .1 • defendant. Neuzil said he would bring the stonc's discriminated against Ora shop, said, "I hope you all die oC second manned orbital flight were for his part in the abortive gen· MurphY said an aulopsy wlll be Hoffa already was faCing a fed­ r SCI Y ••,. Blackstone case to Hultman's at­ Ann EIHott, AI, Austin, Tex., when sunstroke." heightened by a report Friday that erals' putsch in April. 1961, in Al­ anything happens to me at least performed on Grelser's body to· it will be publicly known who my eral mail fraud indictment at Or­ IIn9ton tention. she asked for an appointment The marchers had to walk In an stormy weather which had raged giers and lor heading the terror­ day at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City. lando, Fla., based on alleged mis· Miss Elliott told Neuzil she went Thursday. area about 25 by 10 feet. Police over the mid-Atlantic ocean this ist secret army. enemies are," Baron told news- men. use of $500,000 of to Blackstone's Thursday, after be­ Picketing is expected to resume Chief Emmetl Evans said that, week was calming down. Meanwhile th Secret Army Or­ Teamsters Union ing told by Miss Klug and John­ at 9:30 a.m. today. Friday, it be· "as long as the picketers keep or­ The weather outlook "has shown ganization (OAS> gunmen killed funds In a Florida son of ,the times available for ap­ gan at 9:30 a.m. and ended at 4:30 derly and do not block the side­ considerable improvement since more Moslem women Friday and Members Sought S R· land development pointments Monday, May 21. p.m. walk or alley, they have a perfect two days ago," when near-gale s t. r u c ~ with terrorist bombings By Pageant BoarCi torms I P deal. Hoffa's law. Miss Klug and Johnson had been In spite of the many groups of right to demonstrate." force winds kicked up heavy seas agalnst Europeans seeklng to leave yers have moved in the shop a few minutes earlier townspeople and students who Attempts to get a statement from in one of the three main recovery Algeria before it becomes an in­ for dismissal of and had noted the times available Miss SUI Pageant Board Com­ gatbered to watch throughout the Ule beauty shop's owner, Mrs. areas where Carpenter would be dependent Moslem state. Across Iowa; this case, and the for next Monday. When Miss EI­ day, few comments were heatd. Noel Harrison, faUed. expected to land in the Atlantic, mittee applications are now avail· able al the Union information desk. is weighing Uott asked, she was told no time One woman screamed at Walter During the hottest part of the one weather expert said. • • • arguments. UNITID NATIONS, N.Y. - In· The applications are due Thurs· was available. Also, she said she Keller, G, Brooklyn, N. Y .• that afternoon, a pollceman came by Of more immediate concern was 3 Men Dead As described in donesian Ambassador S u k a r d­ day at 5 at the Union informa. was told none of the operators "You ought to go back to Russia!" and told Keller to remove his Ger­ the parachute system aboard p.m. statement by Carpenter's "Aurora-7" IIpace cap­ jo Wirjopranoto said Friday his tion desk. Interviews will be held By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS would want to do her hair. Keller is the leader of the pick­ man Shepherd, Ko Ko von Nord­ HOFFA e nne dy, the sule - the same sort of di{(iculty country bas begun a campaign to to screen the applicants Saturday Thunderstorms rip p e d through Kl She went to Towner's, another eters. land, from the Bcene. The police· Nashville indictment accuses Horra Other remarks were friendlier: that caused one of the chutes on "liberate" Dutch-ruled West New morning. Iowa Friday night with high winds shop, and was given an appoint­ man said he bad received four of conspiring with Commercial "Keep up the good work," and Johh Glenn's spacecraft to be re­ Guinea. causing heavy damage in some ment. complalnts from persons who were The Miss SUI Pageant Board Carriers, Inc., to set up a truck After Neuzil heard this story, he "I'm with you." leased too soon at the end of his He told newsmen the dropping of areas. afraid the heat would have a met Thursday night and elected rental operation through which U· About a dozen women told Kel- three-orbit voyage last Feb. 20. Indonesian paratroopers in the ex­ told Miss Elliott that under the law "maddening" effect on the dog. John Dlstelborst, A2, Cedar Ra­ (Confirmed reports stated that legal payments were made from carpenter, who underwent a treme western part of New Guin· pids, chairman; Chuck Corwin, three Iowa men were struck by thorougb physical and psychologi­ ea was the start of the "libera­ J949 to 1958. B3, Des Moines, director; and lightning and killed. Two of the The charges have been aired pre­ cal cbeck-out Thursday, remained tion" drive. men were Iowa City resi­ * * * * * * * * * In comparative seclusion at astro­ Andrea Williams, A3, Des Moines, area viously in congressional investiga­ Attorney General Hultman: • • • secretary. dents.> tions, including the Senate labor­ naut's quarters on the cape while WASHINGTON - Sen. R alp h the cbanges were being made. ------management bearings conducted Yarborough (D-Tex.>, said Friday (See related story, this page.) by Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.> Ulere was a serious movement by Close Kennedy was chief counsel of the "substanUal people" in Texas to Escape Edward Drees, 32, ol near Man­ Senate probe, and he and Hoffa 'Not Familiar with Details' Swimming draft Billie Sol Estes for the state's ning, was killed by lightning while have been antagonists ever since. gubernatorial nomination last fall. driving his tractor in an open field By JOE GEHRINGER there are some areas in which re­ that could be made are not be­ For Student The maximum penalty for Hof­ St.H Writer porters have no legal recourse to cause criminal law cases are hard­ In Iowa River • • • about 2 p.m. f. If convlct.d would be • y•• r Iowa Attorney Gcneral Evan records, but fail to recognize this. er to prove and disclosure would CAPE CANAVERAL - Preceded Severe weather warnings - in­ In prison and I $11,110 fine en Hultman said Friday he was not Second, he said, tbere are limita· not be in the best interest of the by a huge fireball, a Minuteman In Iowa River cluding the posslbilities of torna­ of the two counts. Th. max­ familiar with the details of the reo lions or practices which individual people. missile thundered out of an. un­ does - were issued for northern, Imum for Commercl.l, named fusal of the Blackstone Beauty agencies follow. To best inform the people, he 'Invites Injury' derground silo Friday and pro­ Dennis Gray, AI, Mapleton, was westcrn and central sections oC the only in one count chal'll... con· Salon, 118 S. Dubuque St., to give The Attorney Gener.I's office said, the r e must be a mutual Dr. Cbesler Miller, bead of Stu­ pelled its warhead 3.600 miles on treated and released from Unlver· state Friday night., would M ,10,100. a Negro coed an appointment follow ••n "open book" polley, a g r e e men t between govern­ dent Health, iMued a stern wam­ a succeaflll test flight. sity Hospitals about 5 p.m. Friday There was a report of a tornado Ken ned y said Commercial, Thursday. which means that its records .re ment and the news media, but it ing for students to stay out of the e • • after receiving artificial respiration at a farm along IDghway 6 about whose headquarters are in De­ He pointed out that section 735.1 open to reporters .nd th.t .11 the must not be binding because each Iowa River. LONDI* - Moscow radio in an following a swimming accidellt. 22 miles east of Council Bluffs in troit, had paid Hoffa and Bren.nan of the 1958 Iowa code, which de­ neWs media recelvlS copies of case requires individual judgment. "Not only is there the danger of EngUsh-laqaage pro p a g and a Gray, of 1092 N. Dubuque St., the early evening. The report said a total of $1,008,057 in violation of fines civil rights, guarantees all decisions .fter the person re­ In aciditioo, he said, lIOIlle stories drowning because of the river'. broadcut claimed t 0 day that sald he and William Crews, AI, one person was injured by a Dying the Taft-Hartley Act ban on pay­ citizens the service of restaurants questing the decision hal been about government are unfavorable, strong currents, there is also the Americaa Marines in Thailand in· Clinton, who lives at the same ad· object when the tornado demolish· ments by employers to employe ... barbershops and other places notified. which leads to a "walking on egg very real danger of cut feet from tend to ftre _clear weapons at the dress, were swimming near the ed a barn. representatives. The provision for· of amusement. In some cases of criminal in· shells relationship." The relation­ the many cans and broken bottIeI Laotians. north Dubuque street bend of the H e a v y rain accompanied the bids any such payments except for Although be.uty shops .re not vestigation, he said, disclosures ship ' between the media and gov· that litter the river bottom," Dr. The Soviet commentary was peg. Iowa River across Crom City Park. thunderstorms In some areas. Hail wages or other .. peclfied reasons. speclfic.lly mentioned in the ernment is a two-way street, he Miller said. ged to a twisted version of re­ Gray said he was "not too good allO was reported in many sections In spelling out the alleged viola­ coefe, he s.ld he felt b.rbershop. said. Govemmem must do the best He said Student Health has had marks made Thursday by Gen. a swimmer" and the "current of the state. tion, the indictment says Conuner­ .nd be.uty shops could be job it can in releasing facts and nine cues of severely-(lUt feet this David M. Shoup, commandant of caught me and I went under." cial employs member. of Team­ the media the best job possible In slers Local 299 and says HoHa, a. equ.ted. week. the U.S. Marine Corps, to British Gray said Crews pulled him from However, he said, criminal law reporting them, he said. "Tbis can be especially danger· newsmen in London. SUI Labor Course president of that local, is a rep­ the water and administered arti­ resentative of those employes. is specific in the definition of a DUM", • ct ....tlOft·.nd .•n.wer ous because a tendon could be cut. Asked whether the Marine units ficial respiration. period acId .... he Expected To Host It .n.... that ... trvcIcl", crime and the law may not be ex­ followl... his s, The river is so dirty, infections in Tbailand were equipped with nu· panded. said .... m.tter of county ... could easily set in," Dr. J4iller compan, has set up ITer...... clear weapons: Shoup replied he Washington St. TraHic corpor.tlon, Test Fleet eer.., This technicality, he said, may torneys .voting part of their pointed out. did not know and added: "We are Foreign Leaders be important in the case. time to priv'" predict and part .nd then tr.nsferftcI III .. the Usually, he said, the broken bot­ trained so that we can use nuclear Back to Normal Soon About 50 organized labor union He said any charges would have to ....Ir offIcI.1 dutle. Is one of tles and cans are covered d stock to the wives .. Hoff. the greatest problems in 1__ weapons, but we break those out Two way traffic on Washington officers and officials are expected ·Brennan in their maldelt nameI.•• to be filed with Johnson County mud and can't be seen. only if the President okays it." Attorney Ralph L. Neuzil and it I.w enforcement tod.y. • • • Street, between Clinton and Dubu- to attend the 11th annual LabOr The indictment charges that in que, IS· expected to be open Mon- Short Course at tbe Iowa Cenler 1954 the Tennessee company's would be up to him to check the The greatest problem that faces LONDON - Queen Elizabeth, f Co t· t' St d Monday legal precedents in such cases. Ole legal profession is raising re­ Choregi Concert day according to officials who re- or n mua Ion u y name was changed Cram Test Fleet who is suffering with a sore throat, th gh Sat rd to Hobren Corp. "in an eHort Conviction on the charge consti­ spect for lawyers working in crim­ ""'i"ed a broken water line beneath rou u ay. to will be confined to her rooms in the...... street. Th'J~ year a bo u t 13 (orClgn . t rade conceal the true ownenblp of the tutes a misdeameanor, which is inal cases, he said. This creates Highlights Music Buckingham Palace during the union leaders from Iceland Colum- punishahle by a fine not to exceed disrespect Coc the law because peo­ corporation and to perpetuate a weekend, informed sources said This week traffic has been open bla, Venezuela and Argentina are scheme through which Bolfa aod $100 or imprisonment in the coun­ ple feel that a lawyer who defends Of Piano, Strings _F_ri_da_y_. ______to_w_es_t-_bo_un_d_vehi_·c_l_es_o_nIy __ . __ expected to attend. The main a criminal is a criminal himself. Brennan received iUetal pa)'e ty jail not to exceed 30 days. themes of the program are: un­ ments." . Hultm.n went on to s.y that People have less respect; for the A COIlcert for piano and strings es to will be presented as part of ion administration, communication Of the alleged paymeats the IIquor-by·the-drink is. u e prosecutor also, Hultman said, feel­ totaIiaI ~ical ing he must be an "expert in skul­ Choregi's seventh cultural event problems, unioneducational pro­ more than $1 million, Kennedy said would not be import.nt in hi. grams and Iowa's roll in the Euro­ goes c..... lgn bec.use the .ttorney duggery, or he wouldn't be a pros· of the semester in the basement 12 Refugees flee. Reds $242.273 was net income before ecut{)r." auditorium of the Art Building pean Conunon Market. taxes. , the gener.1 has no power to ch."" Sunday afternoon at 5. Speakers from SUI include Dean legislation. The conference was sponsored by rOll'll the SUI School of Journalism and The program, consiating of three Robert J. Blakeley, director of the Earlier, he addressed about works, will feature five performers Through Escape Tunnel Extension Division; Paul Olson, tWenty delegates of the Iowa City the Iowa C"aty Editors Association u.s. Sends 500 in cooperation with the University - William PreucD, assistant pro­ professor of economics; and Don Editors Conference in the House Cessor, viola; Charles Treger, as­ BERLIN (UPIl - An 81-year-old man disclOllld Friday that be Sheriff and J. J. Flager, both of Chamber of Old Capitol, speaking Extension Division. led a group of 12 East Germans, most of them elderly, to baVeD More to Thailand Following is the schedule Cor sociate professor, violin; Eldon the Bureau of Labor and Manage­ on, "The People's Right to Know." Obrecht, associate professor, baas; in West Berlin through a tunnel they dug laboriously under the bor· ment. Tbe United StateI ".. fIJiaI Both government - particularly Saturday: t-t:3I un. - A repo~ on what Camilla Doppmann, Iowa City, der. Other speakers (or the workshop 500 more Army and MarIne COIIlbIIt at the local level - and the news county ICbool ,u»ertntenclenu. cello; and William Doppmann. as­ "I would not even want to be buried over there." elC8pe leader are: Richard Steninger, president troops to TbaiIand Friday despite media, have the responsibility of think of eove~e oC IChooJ IleW. by the dally pre... Ron Farrar sociate professor, piano. Max Thomas said, telling a news conference bow the party dug the of Communication Workers in warnings by SovIet Premier Hl­ serving a common client - the ,Mlduate aden&, SUI Selaool 01 Admission to the event is free, 3O-yard 10Dg tmmel from his cIlic1l:en coop in the Soviet zone Iowa, Jack Sessions, from the edu­ kita s. Khruabcbev aut ''blood will people, he said There is an im- ." Journallml. town 9:"11 un. - "The TIme Be.L" A thougb the presentations are spon­ of Gleinecte to the French sector of Berlin. cation department of the n.ational be shed there" Mel aDIrI ~ balance in the handling of govern­ cUscuulon of • newspaper'. 1Ue­ sored by individual coutributlons at by Communist-led natIoaa III Soatbo ceuful operation 1fIth cllIeuuloD The refugees - eight men and four women - ned May 5. 1beir office of AFL-CIO, and Mil Lieber­ ment news, with the emphasis on to foU_. - hUlk Lane, CIty the door. thai from the University of Illinois. east Asia. llational issues. he added. Tot Walks EcUtor, CouDeU - muff. NODpareD. The first portion of the program escape wu announced here today after discover)' of the tunnel by KbruBbcbev likened the sftnatJcI8 n·12 noon - ''What'. YOW' Problem?" "I believe the functions being Thr.. ·ye.r-old John D.vid G.r· A I'OI1DCltllble dlICulllon, In wbteh will be devoted to a pw.c. solo by the Communists. to the Korean War. carried on at the local level are dellll'tu mare lnIormatlon. ~ Doppmann. He will be beard ill Thomas said the refugees dug the tunnel 5 feet 6 incbee deep U.S. Ambaaaedor to 'l'baIIaad field lolned his mother Mrs. s.l/y problellll, .nd ftnd _ers. m.­ Tlte Weather as important as those at the na· G.rfleld, I_a City, Ind pick ..... e_on ChaJnIWI: IIlteh 1Ola.. ~ "Three Sonatas" by Scarlatti. Tbis and removed 3,500 pails of dirt. 'l'be work required 18 days. Kenneth Todd YoaIl ..... In .... ell;» ecUtor, Dabu.... Talqraph. kot the ac:tivttieI ~ tile America tional level," be said for two hours In fnInt of Blick· will be followed by Ravel'. "Duo" "We dua it 10 deep that our wives would not have to crawl," Herald. forces In 'l11aliaDd may "depeDd He continued, there are limita· ....'. Beauty S.1on. As I .... 11-12:11 It..... - AaauI e~OD of for violin and cello. I '11lomas said. "We wanted them to walt unbowe!I to freedam." tions on the dissemination of news ward for .....nny'. efforts, the Iowa Clty·EcUtors ~Uoll, II­ Schubert's "Quintet for PiaDO 8Ild OD what bappeas outaJde 'l'baIlud" IeetIcm of 1NS mHt1nI. pJaee. The crouP emerged from their twme1 after dark OIl Kay S owner of a ....r-by calMly ...... StriDp" subtitled ''The TrOut" will and that tbe trocIpI ... tbere .. from tbe politician to the people. '2:11 ...... - ~pt. ..1_ • just three feet beyond the Jut Itrand of barbed wire erected by the The first of tilese, be said, iii the ••v. him • big of ,.11, belns. All meetin,. wm take .,.....e III conclUde Sunday', musical pr0- insure TbaIlaad'. ter'ritorW ... Commual8ta to prey_ eteape. ~ aad keep ... peece, • le&al llmitaUoo. He poiated Gut ~ - ...... It, .hHIJ lul.dd Uao House CbaIIber'" Old CapUAll, gram. ___ . ____._ Ed~~or;a' Page--"::- What About The , Play ReVI8W- Starving Millions? --UL", wil you Wor6Lip? "As _ knowlecloe of the univene in which we live in· 1, mlY God ,rlllt lis the wisdom Ind guldlnce to AGUDAS ACHIM ST PATRICK'S CHURCB use It wi.ely." CONGREGATION 224 E . Court St. • -Col. John Glenn Jr. in In eddrell to ",-uda Ach1m SytlaIOf1:l1 Rev. Richard han, Put. 60S E. Washln.l!tDn st. Rev. Harry Llnnen6r1nlt, A ...... Congre •• 1Ieb. 26, 1962 R.bbl Sheldon £cIwnda 8:30. 8:15, 9:45, 11 .nil U • ..aa.. aU. America's recent pace success has brought, among I'rtday ServIce, a p.m. day Muse. AJpha PI Iillbbath WonbJp Saturday...... :45 .nd 8:15 • .m .• Dally II.- ~ ~ , -0- annual spr other things, a r vival of the que tion: Why mllst m n v n­ ASSEMBLY OF GOD HU,LEL FOUNDATION p.m. in Ci ture into the new ocean above the earth? 1330 Keokuk Street 122 East Market St. urged to II '!be Bev. Geor,e W. MUllen, PUler 7:SO p.m., Friday, S.bbath Sa",- . Th problem was weH st ted by form r President By MARY FREE 1. e..!D. Sunday School ---0- - MOrnl~ Worllhlp.U..... GRACE UNITED H Dwight D. Ensen]lOw r who once qu ried: "Why, in the OWrlH.n for The Dally lew.n ~:a:ie~~s::v'~\ :u p.a. MISSIONARY CHURCH H "Ben, Book. and Candle" is not ---0- 1854 Muscatine Ave. DonaJd midst of oth r costly activities. should Our nation b re­ as successfully adaptable to "the· BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Raymond G. Sahmel. P .... sor of .~I L Fifth A I C·t · ':45 a.m .• Sunllay School tary·treasu quired urgently to put m n on th moon at a co l that will ater In the round" production as B St• a; ve.. owa 1 y 10:t5 a.m., WorshJp Service Lhe Community Theater's last Rev. Frank Doten. Pastor 6:45 p.m .. youth Service Lake Sllpe necessarily run into bilUons of dollars?" lOM E. BurlIngton 7:30 p.m .. Evenln. SerYb phi)" "Tea and Sympathy". How­ 8un!'a7. t:U • .m., Sunday School ---0- cent meetll 10:.0 •.m . • Mornlna wormtp IOWA CI"'" Professor Others, particularly scientists, have made similar can­ ever. thejr attempt was noble. 7 p.m. Eveninl Worship • I' and l'm less inclined to complain I :!!I p.m. University Youth BAP'l'IST CHAPEL professor ~ did comments. Dr. Vann var Bush, of the Massachusetts because I was sitting on the side Fellowlhlp 432 South ClintoD grOUP of gl that they played to most of the -- Coopeutlnl with the eel the 'Tit!! Institute of T chnology (M.l.T.) has flatly stated tll:lt put­ BETHEL AFRICAN Southern Baptist Conventt. petrology-e, time. METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. Orlynn Evana. P.1tor 'II S G St 9:80 a.m ., Sunday School trip by UI ting OUr man in spacc is of no practical sci ntiflc value. The play is an entertaining bit .. . overnor . 10:30 a.m., Mornln. Worship of fantasy about a lonely. '!'be Rev. Fred L. Penny. Putor II p.m TraJnlng Unl .. n "Landing on another planet and then returning safely 10 • .m.. Sunday ~I 7 p.m·: Evening Worship New York witch, Gillian nu,.ruvn. -0- AUlt, to earth," says Dr. Richard Van D er Reit, also of M.l.T., "is who bewitches CHRISTIAN REFORMED JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES her ten ant. CHURCH 2120 H. St. An Austrl a (qat that will be so difficult and expensive that the value Sheppard Hen· Conference Room No. 1 S p.m. PubUc Address rice Ewing lo ... a Memorial Union "What Is Happening to Moral.?" of Medicirn of the attempt is questionable," derson. into f~l. 10 a m ~~;.ft~~~:rst~ 4:15 p.m. Watcl1towe.t" StudY, ing in love WIth Sermon: HfTme Mystery or a HOly "Christendom Has F:,~JeQ Codl p.m. Mood Sadly, however, these wet-blankets and theIr observa­ her. All go e Bond" AIter Her El)d, What. Amphitheal 7 p.m. WorshIp, MENN'ON -O--E rttrTTb"..., Dr. Ewin tions have been largely forgotten in the wake of Col weIl until the Sermon: "A Look Beyond Chaos" IT "UVn\JA lover finds out ---0- 614 Clark St. chairman' Glenn's flight. about her trick· THE CHURCH OF CHRIST The Rev. Wilbur Nachtlnll, Put. surgery at i318 KIr1iwood 9:(5 a.m.. Sunday School bourne. wi America's first sip of space success has sent the nl1tion ery. resents her Btu Mackey and BID Humble 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship passionless mo- l Joint Mlnlstera 7:30 p.m. . Evenlng ServIce Practice in into dizzy dreams of adventur in the h !lvens that would tives. and has j • •.m ., Bible Study -0- 10 • .m. Worship REORGANIZED CHURCH have been uJ1believllble 25 yeats ago, even in a Buck Rogers the spell broken FREE 7 p.m .• Evening Worllhlp OF JESUS CHRIST AD Pi by another witch. -0- OF LATTER DAY SAINTS comic strip. Ware plunging into the space age at a rate Much to Gillian's dismay. she CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 221 Melrose Ave. A tea st that will absorb $50-$75 billion in the next 10 years. finds that she has really failen in OF LATTER·DA Y SAINTS J. D. Anderson. Paltor honor of ?II love with Shep. and because o( 910 E. Fairchild St. 9:30 a.m., Church Scbool mother at Some Washington pundits predict that by 1970. Cape • •.m ., Priesthood 10:30 a.m. Mornlnl Worship this. has lost her magical pow· 10:30 • . m. • Sunday School ---0- rority houS( Canaveral will be a thriving spacetown oC 2-million people; ers. She sadly settles down to • p.ID .• Sacrament Mee~ SHARON EVANGELICAJo Bauer brokl the U.S., with Project Apollo and a three·men spacecraft, Jiving the life of an ordinary hu· CHURCH OF "T'iiE NAZARENE UNITED BR~~EN CHURCB man being. 1035 Wade St. Rev. Samuel J. Hahn wi1l have landed men on the moon; and we will be well on luckily. Shep returns on a The Rev. Harold L. Keeney, Puton 11:80 a.m., Sunday SchOOL Good 9:45 a.m .• Sunday School 10:30 a.m. • Divine Worship our way in probing the mysterious clouds that hide Venus. visIt concerhing a business mat· 10"5 a m Wor&hlp Sermon: "Use It, or Lose It" and Serm'o';; "What Is Faith?" 7:30 p.m., Evenlng Servtc. ter rediscovers Gillilln . We 7:30 p.m ., Evening Service __ But, at the risk of being called wet.blankets, we believe may assume. as in all fairy tales. that Eisenhower's question deserves a closer' -I>- ST. ANDREW look. , I that - "they lived happily cver THE CONGREGATIONAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH By .. I While cheers for Clenn still echo down Pennsylvania after", CHURCH Sunset & Melrose Ave. . Written After the f1rst·night·first-act Clinton & Jefferson Streetll University Helghtl "DO. RE Avenue, and while a good many eyes and eafS are still turn­ '1'm Eight. I Was Born on the Day jitters were over. the play picked 10:45 a.m .. Church School Rev. Hubert B. Brom. P.ItCll' 10:48 a.m ., Morning Worship 9:30 a.m.• Worship. Nursery, Ch~ entendre II ed toward Cape Canaveral, the answer to the question - up as Gilbert Barker's dialogue Sermon: "2,000,000 JlUsslonarles - School - Adult Class. Jr. 1lI,lIt light weight slowed to a normal pace. The Where?" Dept. and Grade 3 and under. why mllst men venture into space? - seems quite simple. Of the Supreme Court Decision' 5:00 p.m ., Sludent Fellowship 11 a.m. Worship, Nursery, Churcb You see. ev, 6:30 role of Shep, the beWitched suitor. p.m .• Pilgrim Fellowship School. 6th Grade and under. re and mi ! · We are going into space for tIle same reason man -0- -0- .'.. demands the actor's car e CuI in any scal ~. EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL'S climbs a mountain. Because it's there. We hav conquered ..• treading o( the fine line between are quite a mildness and weakness. FREE CHURCH LUTHEHAN CHAPEL the atmospher for the same reason we conqu red the seas. OF CORALVILLE (MIssouri Synod) never heard Barker made remarkably few The Rev. W. Robert Cu!bertaou. 404 E. Jeffenon a slang expr Bcause they were there. missteps. after the first act. con· Pastor Rev. Walter Wencll: Whole Nation Will Lose If ' :49 • . m.. Sunday School " and 11 a.m .• Divine Seme.. that's the ( . And ther is Httle doubt in our minds that we will con­ sidering the fact that this was his 11 a.m.• Morning Worship Service Holy Communion every .ecolllI tille, and it first romantic lead. 7 p.m.• Evening Service. Sunday gur the moon and Venus - pOSSibly within th Hf Span 8:15 p.m .• Youth Fellowship 10 a.m.. Adult Bible study .ad appropriate, The lov. scenes were rather -0- Sunday Scbool ,.tur of many of uS - only because they are there. stiff. Physical contact seemed to FAITH UNITED CHURCH -0- (Evahgellcal and Reforo:ned) LUTHERAN CHURCH Bockgr But Eisenhower's question connolutes another facet Postal Raise Is Passecl dismay the lovers. however. Mr. 8: News 1807 Kirkwood Avenue OF CHRIST THE KING 88::1 One M that is equally as important as tho inltllll question. Are we Barker's "post·clinch" gestures E. EUlene Wetzell, MJnl.ter Chrlstus House .: Consul JOHN CROSBY country like ours, which is only "d est roy Lhe small minority were wonderful. 'HII a.m. . Sund.ay School North Dubuque &: Church StreeCI g. The M ready to go into spac ? oC voices. You are simply gOing to 10:30 a.m. • Morning Worship 10; Cue The chieC victim the postal beginning to gel rid ot the label As Gillian. well·dressed Rose· -0- 'l'he Rev. Eugene K. H.nlOn, PattoP 1:00 Saturd, tate raise embodied in the bill of cultural barbarism. it's mad· I get far fewe r magazines with far mary Hartup gave a sound but FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9:15 a.m.• Church School M Lik EisenllOwer, we beli ve this question needs close, JO :3O a.m" Service with Sennon: H. R. 7927 will be the United ness lo Ii ·ten to political hacks fewer opinions expressed." Tea TI se~ious investigation. not too dynamic performance. North Clinton &: Fairchild Streets "More ::.talely Mansions," Nursery g:11kI The W States - its wisdom. its knowl· in the Post Office Dcpllrhnent on Oem 0 c: rae y ihelf sur ers Her stage presence and many Rev. George A. Graham -0- 6: 5 News I · For while Americans pour billions of donors into n. 8i30• 11 a.m. Worsh lD Service. ST. MARK'S 5: News edge. its intellectual vigor - and an i sue about which they under· a body blow from this drastic well.delivered lines seem to indi­ Scrmon: "The Manly Vlrtuc" METHODIST CHURCH 6: 5 super plan destined to take us to the stars, and while chil­ the only beneficiary will be the sland ab ·olutcly nothing. curtailment of discussion, especi. cate thaL she is capable of more ' 145 a.m., Church School 8: ~~~\~ Poslal D partment. one of the ---0- 124'h E. Colle~e ' Music dren of these Americans play with miniature plastic space Thc whole idea of subsidy sim· ally in the highest level. For than this performance brought F1RST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Meets at Odd Fellow's BaD ,: 5 New. mos( incHicient. pork·ridden bod· ply won't stand examination. Not what'! $53 million, which is what Corth. Robert E. Engel. Pallor 9: 5 Sports rockets, affairs half way round the world are qUite different. • 217 E. Iowa Ave. 9:30 a.m. Worship Servlce-Nul'lt1'1 10:10"n SIGN I ies in government. Is it worlh it? only the little magazines but the the Pentagon spends every two The pilY moved faster when lpencer M. Adamson. MtnlIte1' 10:45 a.m., Church School all .,.,. H. R. 7927. which has already Mone Th re, in Red China, men scrape together pennies 1n big magarillcsare fighting for hours o( very working day. This hero and heroine were joined by MI.,'i~~ ~f ~:rJ~~!.ton 6 p.m., Youth ~eW8h1P Marnln hopes of getting a handful of rice and Chinese children passed the House. is designed to their life against the competition is plain nutty. oUler members of the cast. Dar· News $50 .:15 •.m .• Church School ST. THOMAS MO~E CHAPEL Chaucc raise an extra million in post. of television. T levision pays nO The situation is somewhat ana· rell Ruhl "looked" the part of 10:80 a.m ., Wors~ 405 N. Riverside MusiC play, not under pretend space helmets or in front of color age rales from the magazine lax at all for usi ng the public's Booksh lagous Lo that in transportation in Nicky well and adequately acted FIRST CHURCH Monsignor J. D. Conw.y~ Patior News TV's, but instead they romp, half naked, with the rats in publ isl1ers. air on the grounds that it is pcr­ which the railroads are hanging it. but a lot of good facial ex­ 8:30, 10. 11:30 a.m. Ind II , ...., MUjlC 1L will probably. the publishers OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Sunday Masses. The 10 a.m. II... .. LJves ( th stre ts, facing a battle with beriberi. fOI'ming a public service. by the ropes. Their competitors, pression was lost on three·fourLhs 722 E. College st. a High Mass sung by the COlli" Music say, put out of busln 5S such ex· II n.m .• Sunday School glltlon. It seems to us that the challenge of the 20th Century But th' m:lgazines, pmticularly Ill' highways and the airlines. of the audience. Comlnll ceUent magazines as The Allan· 11 a.m., Lesson Sermon' 8:30 and 7 • •m., 5 p.m'l DIIIU, ..... New. ( th· lillie ones Jik· The Nlltion. are subsidized and untaxed and Barbara Pceters " was" Aunt "Morruls nnd lmmorlals" Confessions on Saturday frOID &oS:. Rhylhn is not space, but human inequalities and all the con­ tic Monthly, The The New Republic. Sci 'nliCic the railt"oadf can'L compete. Queenie I She was eonsistjlntly -0- p.m.; 7-11 :30 p.m. News Reporler. Harp. News I sequences it fosters. American. to say nothing of the But the loss is not to the Own· successful in her part. as she has FIRST ENgffuSNc«UTHERAN ST. WENCESZAus CHURCB Music er·s. The Satur· little stamp collecling. goHing. been in her previous stage ap· Amerlc Ware proud of America and its space achievements. day Review, and ers o( railroad stocks; Jt·s you (Meeting ai the Englert Theatre) 618 E. Davenport St. News medical. and specialized journals, Ilnd me who can't get anywhere pearances. Give her a line that Rev. Roy Wingate. Putor The Rev. Edward W. Ne'JzlI, pastor Music Nevertheless, we feel that Uncle Sam should help clean out man y. many perform a tremendously import· calls for a laugh and she'lI get Rev. Carl Berhenke, &:30, 8, 10 and 11:43 I.ID. SUndaJ News other dec e n t, when and how we want to. In Associate Paslor Masses Tea Til the clo~et on earth before he starts spreadmg human ignor­ ant public service for which lhe lhe field o( communical/ons. the five. 9 nnd I L n.m.• Services 7 and 7:30 •.m .• Dally JI_ Sports thoughtful maga· $50 million that this increase in Dr. William Beasley turned tile 10 a.m., Sunday Sellool ---0- News ance to the heavens. -Gary Gerlach zines as well as untaxed competitor. televIsion. is News E postal fares wouLd raise is small small part of Redlitch. the Writer -0- THE UNITED CHURCH Evenlnl I sma I I country pushing a lot of magazines to the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN l807 Lower Muscatine Rd. potatoes. (If it puts aU the little ihto the hilarious and welJotfmed Evenlnl newspap· wall even without any help from CHURCH E. Eugene Wetzel. Pallor Te magazines out of business. it's postal increases. Highpoint oC the first act. receiv· 26 E. Market St. 9:45 a.m.. Sunday School lh ers. which con· hard to see how it will raise any ing for his eUorts a deserved Dr. P. Rewlson Pollock, MInIster 8:45 and 11 a.m., Mornln, Wonllll W Time to Help AID tribute to the My own outrage at th1s idiot The Rev. Jerome I . Le...... 7 p.m., EvenIn. Worahlp TrIo money, anyhow.) round of applause from the audi­ University Pastor -0- t: 5 News I democratic proc· CROSBY measure is not because oC any t.'~ 5 Sports The greatest entertainment for a great campus project One publisher. lIugh Hefner, ence. ':¥.II 11 • .m .• Church School and TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCII 10:00 ess while leaving relalively un· sympathy lor the publishers of worllhlp 320 E. Coliege St. SIGN a is being sponsored Project AID. "Once Upon A Mat­ who says his Playboy magazine. the little magazines (though they Last but not least. pyewacket by touched such great organs of which is largely sold on news· the cat was convincingly acted -0- The Re verend I. B. J.rdin., ~ deserve it) but sympathy for me. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. W. B., CbapIaID tress," in its final day of production at SUI, is the work of thought as !'.fad and Playboy stands, would actually benefit I want \he little magazines. I by "18", a well·mannered. albeIt Jefferson &: Dubuq.ue Streets 8 a.m.. HOly Communion , whioh sell mostly on newsstands. from the postal increase came siamese. Dr. L. L. Du.nninaton. Mlnlsler 9:15 a.m., FamUy SerVice! Nunery. many talented al'ld dedicated students. Their efforts are need ·em. So ooes country'. trat\qulllzed. • Church Soh 001. Adult C asf There is not a sin g I e good put against it anyhow on David tills The play Was, as a member Of 1:30. 11 a.m.• Church School SesB!onl 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, Nurse." being repaid only with the knowledge that they are doing this So does the democratic process. 11:30. 11 a.m .• Identical Worshlp Servo --0- argument in favor of incredi. Brinkley's show on th~ ~unds the aUd1ence so aptly remarked. lees Copyright 1962: something for Project AID. bly bad piece oC legislation. What toat lhe · I'ostal jncr ea~! ouldl ft/(\. It was [un not only lor the Sermon: "Learn to Let Go" ST. MARYS CHURCH New York Herald Tribune me. 5 p.m., SUI students, Wesley House Jefferson & Linrt ~treef* Is chiefly puzzling is wby the 4\ The student who attends the production is also rewaTd­ audience but for everyone in· -0- Monsla-nor C. H. Melnberl. PatMr Administration is for it? volved in Community TMater. OUR REDEEMER •• 7:30. 9, 10:15 .nd 11:30 •.m.. 8118' ed for his donation to Project AID. but in It different way. Certainly the Post Office De· LUTHERAN CHURCH day Masses (Missouri Synod) ' :45 and 7:30 a.m., Dall7 II.- He is entertained with smart dialogue. sprightly dancing. partment doesn't kMW what it's tJniversitx- Bulletin Board LaH.,. musfc will remain with for days. entire doing or - far more importantly to the Editor- 2301 E. Court St. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH and that him The Unlvenlty BUlletin Board I\otl~es mutt ,. rectl\fH .t TIle D.lry I.... !leY. W. H. Nierman, Putor Johnson & BlOOmJn~OD'StreetI' - why it·s doing it. The Depart· office, .oom 201, c.:ommunlcltlon. Center, by noon of the dO befe...... 8:30. 10:45 a.m .• Services eVenIng's entertainn1ent deserves UIlited campus applause. ment's position simply - or lIe.tlon. Th.y mu.t be typed lind .I,ned by .n .dvl .. r or officer of tfle .... .:45 • . m. • Sunday School and Bible 8 and 10:30 a.m .• Se e. ,,,nlutlon bel"l publlelud. Purely soc I. I functions Ire not .11' .... tel CI.ue. 9:15 a.m .• Sunday School and HI~ Thursday evenlng was evidence of this - four curtain calls rather slmple-mindedly. which is thiS Mcllon. F'ile 13 Called -0- 9:30 •. m., Adult Blblo ct.. perhaps all you can expect from "Too Y' for the cast. COMMENCEMENT ANNOUNCE. I"TIi!R VARSITY CH.ISTIA" I'lL­ FREE METHODIST CHAPEL -0- political hacks - is that this is MENTS for candidates for June de· LOWSH ... wID me!:t every Tueidal Muscatine &: Third Ave. FRIENDS A. . TIcket sales are not extremely high for this production. lrrees bave arrived and may be pick. evenIng through M.y 22 In lbe .if The Rev. Gene Carroll. P.ltor William Connor, Clert just the reduction oC a postal sub· ed up at the Alumni House. 130 N. Lobby Conference Room of the Iowa Entertaining Phone 8 · 35~a SATURD Madison St. 10 I.m., Sunday School Eut Lobby Conference Rooa The musical is a smashing success. but the basic goal - that sldy. Memorial Union. V.rlous toplcl of '. 11 • . m.• Mornin, Worship Iowa Memorial UolOD Stud. discussion will be offered. ZVel'10M To the Editor 7:30 p.m.. Evenln, Service 10 W hl of railing funds for Project AID - will not be a stnashing Assistant Postmaster General NEWMAN CLUB Awards Banquet b welcome. a.m.. ors Ip Wf Ralph W. Nicholson has said. wUJ be Sunday evening, 7·9:30 p.m. J udging by two recen t I e ttel'S in -- 10:90 a.m., First DIY School success unles! Macbride AuditOrium if filled to capacity at the Colony Inn In Amana. Guest IOWA MIMO.IAL UIIIlent MM,liII the DI's letter column - I refer CHURCH OF CHRIST -- sneeringlYl "Ironically. some of speaker wlu be· Father Norton of FrIday and Saturday - ., ...... tbis afternoon and tonight. the publisbers who are the most Hampton. IIlldnllht. ... iL __ ~ to those by ttichard G. Hughes lJeef:g~~ ~~:e~Ja~~'lfdlnl VETERACHANSpHEOLSPITAL The Gold re.mer __ ~ and George Mills - Larry Hat· One Mile South on HighWay 211 . Not everyone could have .donated his time and efforts vehement about the proposed AIR FORCE OFFICER QUALlFI· , a.m .• M6nllDi Worshlp ....m ., Worship . CATION TEST wlll be given on May 'rom 7 • .m. to 11:115 II.m. 011 field's "File 13" bas managed to 10 • . m.• Church School • a.m., CommunJon - nnt IudIIiP rate increase are the ones who tbrollgh Thuradayt....!~'!..1totIl .... for this production, but we can all be entertained for the 19. In the Chemislry Auditorium at normaJ Iy protest the loudest 8 a.m. AU students Interested In the to 11:~ p.m. on EnaOQ' ..., .... prick some tender sensibilities. ':30 p.m.. Eveninl Service UNIVERSrITHOSPITAL day. £ good of Project AID. -Norm Rollins t Advanced AFROTC program should abo u government subsidies. take this eICamlnaUon. The exam will The Cafeteria la open rrOlll 11:. While I helve every confidence FIRST UNIT~IAN SOCIETY SERVICES demonstrating once again that it take a, plus an addiUonal •. ID. to 1 p.m. lor lUneJa ...... in Mr. Hatfield's tabllity to defend Iowa Ave. &: Gilbert St. 405 University HospitIJ • arternoon session for those who wish • p.m. to ':45 p... fot dIIuItr. He all depends on whose ox is being to qualify for puot or navlga'<>r bl'eatluu are ...ned add cI1nDAr II himself against thOse m·consid· Jthoren Artslan, Jr.• IIIntItIr (Sponsored by 10 .... ColUIdJ gored." lralnlng. DOt ....,ecl _ latW'"dU ...... ,. eted. churlish and Unduly person· 10:30 •.m., Church Service of Churches) ~&1)aily Iowan al attacks. I feel thev sl10uld not Sennon: "When Religion Falls" The Rev. Allen C. Eastland, IIJJdIUr But it isn't the pub 1 ish e r's , 8 p.m .• CongregaUonalMeeUng .:30 un., Worship Servlceo ACHIEVI!MENT TEST IN LATIN UNIVERSITY LIIIAR.V HOUal g6 entirely unanswered. Hence r --'------___-C..- _____ ..,. zw, JoNt ...... "., by ...... bY. ox that is being gored; it's the wUJ be given .t 3:30 p.m., May 22, JlOIlday tbroqh FriIIaF ~ 7: ••- In 115 Schaeffer Hall. Tnose who to 2 • .m.: Satardl7 - 7:10 • .111. to wish to put fortn my humble public's. For it's in the mUe wlsll to take tlle test at tbat time .... at ,.., ...., "."...... ,. by eM """"" IieIItj ..wi tow 10 p.m.; SundlY - 1:30 p.m. to 2 .... opinion. which is that "File 13" is OPPICIAl DMY IULLIIIN ....,... oppo4nt«l !Iv 1M ".., ." w u,..,ltfy. n. Dedg lowe', magazines that the Intellectual should rev5ter in the oWce of the Desk- Servtce: IIondaY tlweull fertilization of the country large • Classics Department or with their Thumlh - 8 •.m. to 10 p.m.; '!!; generally sensible. frequently ..",.. ,..,., .... _ .."..... at 11m ~.,. ~ or Latln instructor before noon on May daY - • to I ,.IL fiIll 7 to .. 2a ..m. amusing. aM by lind lat'ge one ...... , ,...,.,.,... t • ly occurs. where the great ideas p.m., Saturdl7 - • t.lll. to • ....., Suna.y - % p.m. ttl II P.III. __ of the most Interesting features University.Calendar that later filter down in the mass Ph.D. GI!~MAN R'ADING EXAM· wUl 3:30 2l ReA"e De*: ...... ft.~ of the DI editotlal page. ;D,~ If... f SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1"2 .... City; .. media (irst see the light. For a INATION be at p.m.• May desk aemce uc;ept for ~I JIlt. in 105 Schaeffer Hall . Register in 103 urday and SunGl7, It .. al80 .... Certainly it is more engaging • SChaelfer Hall before May 19. fnm ,to 10 • .- SlturdlY, MIY l' 7:30 p,m. - Speech Plltldlg DAILV IOWAII IDfTO... U ITA'" rrs..t and 1..-, to 10 ..... S.m· thsn the ..."flcil Sfledl'Um for 10:30 a.m. - Honors Convoca· Lecture by Dr. Eugene 1'. Me­ Editor ...... JerO' 1:1 .... cIa1...... ·Iood Rrv1ce 011 IIIlIRd PHYSICS AND AST.ONOMY cck. SENIOR HAWKI!Y! PleTlla.s will instance. with Mr'. Thelsen's paper. b not poulble. but every LOQUIM wUJ be 4 p.m., May 2S in 31l not J)(! taken (OT the rem. Inlier ol tion - Macbride Auditorium. Donald of Pennsylvania State "anaglnll Editor .... Larry Hatfield Physics Building. Dr. David R. Inglis nurries of consternation over the Olty Edllor ...... N 0l'1li RolIJns ellgR wID be made to correct erro1"4. the semester. Th~ . 10m .,.In be 2:15 p.m. and 8 p.rn. - PI·oject Un,iversity: "Articulation TestiIl; Newa Edltor ...... Doul .carlson wltll the lIut lSIue. of UHI Argonne National LaborQ' ory tuken lIeglnnlng In ctober by Phll~o­ LIMt,.I P.,.,. •. ... inC Sport. Edltor .. ... : ... Ertc Zoeckler will speak on "CompeUng Models of grlphfeliervloe. ollces Of a.etu.l "lD mllsioal, "Once Upon A Mat· aqd Therapy" - House Chamber. the Lithium Isotopes." dales will be published In the lu'u.... Turning out a week IS' column, is tress" - Macbride Auditorium. IfIIM ChIef Pboto,l'apner ...... MIIMIEII 0" Old Capitol. • Larry Ilapop~t not a J)Ul'tlcularly easy tilsk. but 3 p.m. - Phi Beta Kappa initio THI ASSOCIAtiD ...... Society EdltQ.r ...... Susan Artz PARENT'S COOPERATIVE BABY· e.... ISTIA .. SCIINCI O ••AIIIZAo Mr. Hatfield manages, in the 8 p.m. - Humanities Socit!f1 AlBiltallt Cit)' Editor .. Fran SniJtb The A1AiOClated Prell8 I.s entitled elto SITTING League lS In Ihe chargo of TION holds a, te.timony ..Una ... lllion - Senate and nouse Cham· AtIiItant New. &cIltor ...... clue1vely to the use for repubUcaUoD Mrs. William Koehn throullh May 28. Thursday .(ternOOh ., G:l~D'" opinjon oC this reader. to do Leclure by Prof. Myra L. Vbl· .Joan I\nderson 01 aU the local newt prlnted In thI8 <:.til 7·3705 acter '" p.m. lor a sitter. the little ch.pel of Ole IN.. bers. Old Capitol. Celder of the Department of CIai' ne-.paper .. well .. all AP DeW, quite an adequate job of it. Alalstant to the ...... ,In, &dItor ... For Information ~bout league memo Uonal Church. It ClIntoD 'nll ..,..... SundlY, MIY 20 1 i Jobn Klein d!ap.lche •. bershlp, call Mrs. JOhn Uzodlnma at Ion. All .re welcome to al.tend. Tim A. R... , G sics: "Vel'gil's Epic and Horner· Aulstant Sport. eJ!~;'H .iUiiciiiiU 8·733 1. 5 p.m. - CHOREGI presents - Senate Chamber Old Capitol. ••C ••ATIONAL .WIMMI... .. 21'Ya E. W..... "' .. n St • "Chamber Music for Piano and DAIL Y IOWAN SU .. I'VIIO.' ALL LOCKERS In Ihe Field Jlouse IU wom~n Il~ beId • ThursdlY, tMy 24 'M DAII.V IOWA.. 'aGM SCHOOL OF 40UIlNAL.SM must be rlleckcd In before June 8. W'ednnd.J,. ana l'I Stl'ings." featuring William Preu· IT... I'ACULTY Lockers not checked In atter IhlS tram 4:15 to 5:115 p ... at.... • cil. Eldon Obrecht, Charles Tre· P p.m. - Art Department 1M. __ ~ lid .... PubUlher ...... , ... .l"rId .....I11III etate wUl have lockJ removed and 1Il1n·. GylllllUtua. lAHars Policy ture: Ed i t h Halpert. Director, ~E Bob Q1IfaIIe Editorl.I...... Arthur If. SanderlOD contents destroyed. to ."... gel', Pamilla Doppmann and Wil· .' ~ PI»G Advertlstn • ...... E . lobn Kottmaa .111 OIIUV.TO.V 011 ...... ,. ImrItH Downtown Gallery. New Yo r Ie +:~.. CircII1aUOll ... " ..... Wllbur Peter_ 'FI'L-D HOUS ...LAYNIOHT. for .f., liam Doppmann - Main Gallcl'y, ...... 1',' .... ______PhysIc. Bulldlnl I.s open to tile ...,...... Art Building . CitY. "Pioneers of American Art ~ Itudenta. facolty .nd staff .re held lice every Monday 11'0 to 10 p.m. ClIett ..tUIewI each Tuetlda1 and ,.r1d11y ,"-lit rtam ' ..... All ...... IM... I lfuve Known" - Art BuJldiPi ~ ...... ~GudD when skies .re clen. t la ~IIO MontllV, MIY 21 T'U.T'II ~ BOA.D 0" n ..UDINT 7:!IO to 9:30 p.m. Admlulon ~ by J.D. io prlvat. Irou"" FtI ...... b lit' ...... • It'" AIJ~i(OI·illm . PUIUCATIONI, I"... ..n.V IOWAII ....UUTMNt - 01 ItaII c.reL mailing reservation •..4 \Vlth P~ . . S.. , 4: 10 p.m. - College of Medi· . . Kneo oBrantOn. A4. Prof. Dale .Bent&. toshl Matsushlma, lI..:5. 311 PIU'8Jc:' ...... ~: FrldlY, MIY 2J ew-Uoa ~ ..... ~. We:A Unlverlttt Ubr.ry; John HelU')l. Mli .....ONI DESIRING I.BY.IT, BulldlJfl. "" 'ciRe lecture by ProC. Morris Ew· Prof. lAdle G. MOeller School or • ..I'VI.CII may call tile YWCA The moo/! will be vlllble '~r •• ...... 11 ...... inI 01 the Unlve1'8ity of Mel· 4:15 p.m. - Poetry RellliIf,: 70.41fll1 ,. • ... *-'- .JournalUln;. Mlch.el Mailul!, .~.3; Dr. nce.,.,J.2240 bet~een 1. • }ld S pJD. Inl May 11 .nd 14, .nd JIJtIII"I~Jl. bourne, Aueti'alill ~ "Medical PrJ)C· Nil!holas C rom e and wUlidt 'l=' GeefVe ._11. Coue,e 01 .,...,.."" ~ ywCA hft .. roVf&i fnlb,\IlIttlltl Vlllble ItIIrtlf' ...... 11M ffIM ...... ,...,...... u, ~ =Jaro..'~lDflt Rlc'hard A. MIUer, A,"; Dr. L. A. V.n for aftemoODl .1141 e.enln.. .nd hi Uranus, the Urlon Nebul., 0 .,..., tie8 In Australia" ~ Medical ~!I(l¥ J"~din3 1 r 0 ttl tbfI.. oft Co ....1IINtI8M "'.... r her- r DY~~lniOllele of Education. P. u 1 eo_ eu. an ,., aatut4IJ aacI Cluster. Proesepe, Alcor .nd • ...... Amphithealre. wOrks'·::: SWlporcb, low. Me- • a.m. to I P.III. lfoDW thtoUlb Pe roth.lU...... ,. Pleledl. and tha Crab Nebuli.

'. THI DAILY IOWAN-I.". City, ,.".,. S...... " May 1', 1Hs-P.,. 2.

------'~wa' s - Best News Sunaay Picnic · ~.t '6hip? 1 Photos on Display For All Dorms s CHURCH ~urt st. Campus Notes Inter-dorm sodal .board. in coo' :!:i.n, Put. TOcIay and Sunday junction with the Inter-dorm Pre i· tlbrln., A~ dents' Council. will present on Sun' lnd 12 ..... 8u. Alpha Phi Picnic Orchesis Club ews photographs repr~nting day, May 20th, the first annual all Alpha Phi Omega will hold its I'PIEDS Dan, ...... Tbe SUI Orche is Club, a modern the best news pictures by Iowa dorm picnic. Tbe affair will take ------aonual spring picnic today at 4 :30 ~- dance group of the Women's Recre_ press photographers in 1961-62 will place at City Park from 4:30 UDtil :JNDATION p.m. in City Park. Members are ation As ociation, Thursday elect­ be on di play in tbe Communica· 8:00 p.m. ~-~- --==-:=:::' =-=--~~ - ~ • _HOUMI___ Po_,_R_ent ____ ~ Rooms Po, R.nt 16 ~ketSt. urged to attend. ed o([Jcers Cor next year. tions Center today through SUDday Dinner will be furnished free to ) I ~bba Ua a.m... - . . • They are Diana Lyman, A2, De noon. all dorm residents. l~ RENAUl.T 4 CV. white wall tlC!.:.t TWO·BEOIlOOM houle 'IOO.OOL, Four i ROOMS. !Ilea: Summer session. Coql. JNlTED Moines, pre idenl; Cheryl Stern • The photographers were entered The highlight of the evening will Advertising Rates electric dutch, aun rool. IS,_ ~udenu considered. b .U 1·95,..,. 5-2.5 ~alri allllotphere. Call ..2420 alter Hase Eleded lillie. ~ . OO or be I oller. ...soeo • CHURca AI. Cedar Rapids, "ice presid nt; in the annual 101V3 Pre Photo­ be music br !be "Archives," II rat 0Iueeuttve I-uoa alter 5 p.m. J.3O FOUR 80011 UoIUrnlahM modem 5. pm. ..15 tine Ave. Donald H. Hase, assistant proCes­ grapher A ociation cont t, held houli8; ,as heat, basement, c ..ace. LARG~ sln,le room: Men. West Side. Diane Ream, AI, Iowa City, secre­ combo compo ed of men from HIU· ~ Da1a ...... 1M. Ward la'itlee fenced ba('J[ yard. ,100 month. Dial &-I3Oe. ..18 ~:::el. PIIter sor oC lleology was elected secre­ in conjunction with the organiza· ere t and Quadrangle dormitories. 9 In nh'emty Hel,bta. Po ssion JIliY tary; Chari Bunn, A2, Fort ~ladi· • De.Ja ...... III • Ward -______111 . One or two year Inse. Oall 1·212(, SUJlIIER ROOMS: In,le and double. Sel"\'lce lary·treasurer oC the Institute on son, treasurer; and Martha Li ne­ tion' annual hort-cour e pro­ Members of the group are: Keo nice Lake Superior Geology at its re­ ..... D.,...... 13f. Word BUUTlFUL Siame_ klttaDl.• -4t7S. 5-23 Close In. Sbowel'l. 7·!5n. 1-17 Servl~ mann, A3. Spirit Lake, publicity gram. Judging of the contest wa Creech, Al. ewton: Ron KUzer. OM MODtIl ...... Word $-1. ROOMs Cor men. Sum- cent meeting. chairman. Friday afternoon. 'the winner will AJ, Hornick ; Jim Sween, Al, Fort (Minimum Ad, • Warda) unde~raduate ProfeJSOr Richard Hoppin, SELLING T ERR IE R puPp~ .. Dial ID6 and fall. OLaJa·W7. II-llIrt CITY A. be announced tonight. Dodge; F. C. Palm. AI. Farragut: a_rtm."" ,." I.nt 15 professor of geology Hase, and a ,.t5If. • 5-23 ~ CHAPEL • • • \\ inning photographs r main Bob Hobart, AI, Cent rville; Don CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS group of gradu ate students attend· will <:linton Pi Lambda Theta on exhibit ion in the Communica­ Kehrberg. At, Le 1ars; and Don THREJI:·ROOM apartment wIth private with the ed the ,neeting during the annual OM IIIMI'tIen • MMth .... $1"· MIse. Por Sale 11 bath,. one unIurn hed. No children - Americans 000.00. Phone 8·1225. &oJ coolll",. mowen. All • ClInton, ~OO! L. not only for ew Guinea bul ever,y· Wocawp mother at the Alpha Delta Pi so· eal 80 million meals away from wh reo lie ays thi xplains the THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES .-URNISIIEO APARTME1'ITS for urn. 7·S848 or 7·5487. 1-2.5Jl rority house, will not be held. Mrs. home each day, the ational Res· TN. RIGHT TO RIJECT ANV 13 mer. Adults. 715 Iowa Avenu". E,r· olten·notlced ph nomenon lhat dur­ 14:ttJ!411J MolNl...... , For Sal. nlllc.. ..188 NGELICAL Bauer broke her wrist Thursday. taurant Association said Friday. Wont.d REN CHURCB ing wartime the ex ralio shifl in ADVERTISING COPY. la {avqr of boys. NOW TUE:S~~V ! 1955 N SHU SO' X 8'. EJCcellent ~on . APARTMENTS tor tradulte men. Dial I' ,J. Ha}1D dltlon with "ou,~ box $950.00. Call ~ ___ IbR lNCYCLOPUlA AlmJUCANA. hU hool Shows - ' :30·4:00.6:5'- 1·~~ .ller 5 p.m., Corll Tuller ParI<. or ~ ua. ..lei rep,re.. olaUvea. Good 1·1 0 N E ROO II furnlahed apartmentJ. EX z.%l89. Ced&r IUpldJ. ..U8 VorsbJII IT 5 A .' MOV E· OVE 8:50. "Lest Future ':20." =---:--__~_:__ ~~~-:_:: Men. $35.00 to $50.00 Ich per month. lr Lose It" r< 1-.4 ;.'~ r FJ.. I. , Who 0... It? AvaUabfe Jun 8th. Call e.f!33. &-10 !enlc. Youthful Cast WSUI FURNI llED onc·bdroom duplex, with Help Wanted 19 IREW ':}TIII,_ Of All Stars! W 8H llI,ht throw rulS In BII Boy. cntiosed forch. '110.00. includes _....;...______N' CHURca By ~ARRV BARRETT Downtown Lallnderette, 22t South utUllie Oil 1·47.1. &-9 WANTED; Experl nced plWllbel'l' AI. of the story is a man (Phil Silvers) C'\; _" ::;. L"'; F IR S~ · Rl· ·.., · rose Ave. . Writ"" for Th. D.II, low.n Clinton. e-s 1957 TRANSA mobil home. 8' It 37'. Ih t.m tal worker. lArew om. !lelghtl who owns a string of jukc boxes. ."0--'8 -'. Gu.-nt"d "'-"-"on All II , completely lurnlsh d.8-7751. FURNISHED apartment, air-condition· pliny. 1!-2~ "DO, - ENDS __.... 'I' Y ...... 5·26 ed all utilities Inrlutl d. 5.00. F. _ _ __ Brom. Putor RE, MI" is the double­ Nancy Walker plays his girl ..nielD, by eertlt\4id ..rvtcemln ----:----:-:-- C. yen. Jr .. 308 31'<1 Stre t. .E., Nursery, Cblll'Q entendre title of this morning's NOW WEDNESDAY .n)fUme 1-10898 or ~1. 8.1!' 19~ PACEMAKER " x 43'. ellt~lIent Cedar Raplda. CALI EM 3-5813, n1,ht • TRAVEL TilE UNITI!:D TATES TillS Class, Jr. friend; beats her. to. m,lIt lightweight on The Musical at 9. qUIJlty condllJon. Two bedroom.. 5.31 SVMMEII Ind ,et I/IJd lor It! Ot>­ S and under. CAMPING OUT, camping in, typhu.. 4 carpet. lence. Sen Ible price. 8..f9111. portunlly for pub/Je relaUon, work ~ursecy. Ch urtll You see, everybody knows that do, Best Show In Town - with '"fOwln, fndu lry. Lfbefll & lary. I and under. and not camping at all are just a ::!! 11-30 APARTMEN1.· for male Ifadude or (,;ar ana xp n provld d. Neat ap· re and mi are the first notes sung B R NONE! 'l'YPING-. Phone I-H17. 1h91RC 1956 OREAT [,AKES, 8' x 4~bed- over 21 lor lummer an 1.11. 8-5$F~ pearance. No canvi Inl or sellin,. in any scale, but there probably felM of the slIQjects covered on ______room •• excellent con(llllon. $2,000.00. arter 4:00 p.m. H Stile prevlou Job expeflence. Repl't'­ UL'S CUE today (rom 10 p.m. to 1 p.m. TYPING: "alt aceunt., exPerienced. $.3933 art r D;30 p.m. e-Z ------tentallve on clmpu lOon. Write: Box CHAPEL are quite a few around who have Cill '''110. "UR FURNISUED aparlment, close In . Two No. 43 DaU Iowan. 5-19 SYllod) never heard " do, reo mi" given as Outdoorsman Ries Tultle address­ 1859 WINDSOR, 46' x II!,. lwo bet:Jroom~. room. and bath. AvaUablo June IOIh. ferson es the first oC these three; William 'rYPIHO. enenence4. reuolI.blt. automatic wa hH. "'Ill 8-8564, eve· CALI 7·9681. un R"OISTPRED ~ I t P rt tl a slang expression for money. Well, DI I 7 2"1 • ftR lied • ...... Eo _pnannac 8: a !'Ile.t ' Wenck and Camilla Doppmann, pianist a ...... v'. n PC and wee en ,. V'" APPROVF;O aplrtment. lor under. no nlghll. C.1l 338-471L. ... " I ServJce. that's the double meaning of the every leeoJUI title, and it just couldn't be more and cellist, respectively, typify the TYPING - Pllone 1.J843. 6-20R 8'" 10' annell and ~. x l' annex. Phone ,raduales. Summer and £all. '.SII37 HEl.P w'"ted: pply.t Plna VUla. third; and In the middle there's 8·5668. 5·20 atter 4:00 p.m. 5-tR 216 South Dubuque arter 5:00 I'm. Ie study Ind appropriate i because the hero (?) nRRY NYALL Electric Typln, Servo ~ii'ii'ERTY: Onto bfdro~ 0·15 something about the student AID Ice, pbone "1330. ..DR peted Itvln, room. Oood condition. ..turdIV , MIY 1•• 1962 LIFE ,und wlnted: Mu.t have W 1 musical campedy now running in TYprNG: Neat Ind relsonable. Pbobe '1,600.00. Call 11-4934 . 5-2. c rllneale. Either man or woman. Backgroundlnc Religion AJ 41 one man or ... oman wllh reSlau· CHURCH News Macbride Auditorium. 1-4318. ..11 NEW u;nIurrullled. 1 bedroom duple&, '3' ABC: New cup.t In Ilvlnc room. 110,. rerai•• ralOr. WbIUn,·Ke17 rant exp Mence. ee BlII Chase, Lake ~HE KING One Man's Opllllon One bedroom. Priced rlib!. Dial McBride Boat HouM. 6(4·2315. 5· 111 Ilouse Consumer Question MASS MEDIA get another going 8-1117. 5·24 Realty Co. '·2123, e ..nIn... 1-0471. Child Ca ... I a·27R Cb urch Streett The Musical - "Do, Re. MI" over today on Saturday Supple­ Plus - Color Cartoon roUNTA1N help wlnted. AP:f.'Y In 1IanlOD. Putar Cue ment at 1 p.m. - this time wilh "RIVER BOAT MISSION" ------UIIIO REOAL 10' x •••. Alr-condltloner, perlon. Experienced prllferrt: • Lub- Mlool Saturday Supplement - Mass WILL gADY SIT. day. Ind nlllbts. Dial wa hln, lnlchlne, dryer lute bed· ns Om, S(ore. ..l Media emphasiS 011 their economic prob­ ',1483. 5.29 room. June occupancy. Priced -to II . ~Ilh Sennon: Tea Time Special Dial 1-7704. 8-10 Rooms For R.n' 16 11 Ions," Nursery The World o£ the Paperback lems. Radio and TV, newspapers For - Sport , News Background and magazines, and even paper· "RACING THRILLS" PLUS - Color Cartoon Aut.motw. • 30' II II.' LUXOIt euatom built. bIrch Work Want-..1 20 RK'S News 'IWlthQiIt Time - Ru.on" Interior. Excellent condition. flao .• ROOMS: fale s~udents, 20 West Bur· - Sports TIme back books are in the brew as it's ------00. 7-m1. e.. Jlncton. Dial 8.o708 aller 5 p.m. ------CHURCH Evening Concert ccmcortcd by Robert Irwin. For • OIlt400rs 11153 CHEVROLET ledln. Good ~51Jldl· 5-30 COAT~ dre •• and 11-let hemmlu,. Dial ollege lIusle Cor a Snlurday Night IICHAMPION ANGLERS" AND - Color Special LIon. Extra ,now tlrea. '200.00. .954 ROYCRAFT' 30' x e', alr-condl· TWO MEN'. Fall occupancy lar,A twin '·14.7. 5·27 'eUow's Bill News Final . "Trade Wind. PIIIY" 8·8023. 5.2' lIoned. birch panelllni, annex. MUlt ( • I :el, P..tor Sports Final PROF. HUSSELL WEINTRAUB, Iell 8-"".. It • 00 • .... hed with prlvale half ba h. slaclous _____~----~-~,... lenlc!!-Nu,.., SIGN OFF one of the speakers in Religion in 1951 JAGUAR XK·140 convertible. Red .•...... a er . : pm. U' " 0(f.a1reeI parkin,. Dial 1-46J. 1033 RIde, or Riden Wanteel 23 wlt/l while Idp. Call 84731 alter FOR SALE: SS' x 8' Ownal\ome traU. ~. t Burllllclon. 5030 School III Life Week, will be heard Monday wshlp .,.L Mond.y. May 21, 1"2 D:OO )I.tri. WI er. Excellent condltlon. T.V., book. 8:0'0 Marnlng Chapel at 8 p.m. easel, baUD porcb. M~1l)I e-tru. BlIst APPROVED COODU tor undercrad· TO San Francisco: Leavln, tlnl 'Part 8:15 News ' Award WInner' 1951 THUNDERBIRD: ExceHent con· offer. Must soU Imm dlalely. ".5205. 6-2 or l"radualel. Men. Summer Ilr June. Share expenses. Phone IRE CHAPEL 1:110 'Chaucer dillon. Priced right. DLal 8-1082. and r.u. Close In, parkin, 'Belli lie • 117, North Liberty. 5.24 erside 9: Music 5·28 11155 SAFEWAY 30' x 8'. 0004 condl. 115 East Market Street. orBI 8·1242. BooksllClf ------Uon, Mu.t Mil. Call 1-7145. 6-1 &-17R RIDER to Syracuse, w York. First ,0 .: nway... PAItor Sc,,,"pl.y' 11152 rLYMOU~ "6" with overdrive. week ot June. 8·6446. 5-25 · ana 5 ,: News ...Mulmlll.n ,Acto"X".' ScMI! AlibI M.II" Cal 7·7220 or 8·2875. 11-23 1958 VICTOR .7' • 8' two fJedroomtr MAl.E Bummer sLudents: Cool bllltop ;.111 .. e 10 ' .m. II_II 10: MusiC many ,"lrIS. For Information cal )joule overlookln, Iowa River. FIve by Lhe COOl" 11 : Lives oC Man TONIGHT 1981 VESPA, extra •. DIal 8·7748. 5-29 • .uoe durin, day, 1.0011 enhln.s. 11-25 bl()('ks from campul. PaU!'4A cpokln, II : 5 MusIc anel lounge prlvllegel. ..,.,.00 per II: Coming Eventa STU WMEI_ n. DaU, II." 11: News Capsule 19$1 PLYMOUTII FURY: All powtr. 1858 dUDER. III' x 48' two bedroom•• monlh. 1032 N. DUbuque. Phon rd'y fro!ll "$:11 12: Rhylhm Rambles Iowa City's Own CI an. 19~ Chevrolet ImpaJa conyer· carpet, one PJ'lller. Excellent condl. 7·9821. 11-26 lIble: Power sleerl"c, pONer brakes, 11011. Pbone '-800II. ~24 Moving? J 12: News S_ Iraer Bu~ LaIlClII RIC_IMoIln automatic transmission b lit h*I:1. News Background US CnURCIJ Music ll Dial 683·22110. days; 338.2170, evenings. 1851 SKYLINE. 42' x 8'. two bedroom•. VOLKSWAGEN TRADES 1. American Intellectual lIIstory 1-1. Dial , HOM. e-lt lport St. I~i1:: News liThe Fellas Blell'la JUdy &alii Malllllill SCheR '. Ne'Jzll. Pastor 1: MusIc ,riel 1"1 VOLKSWAG!N SEDAN DIAL 7·9696 13 Ull. SUIler., 4: News Picture Framing MONEY LOANED '96' VOLKSWAGEN SUNROOF 4' Tea Time Cilli AS 1lNf.,... DIamonds, C.m.r•• , 196. VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN 11 11a .... 5. 5 Sports Time Miligamen Rapid Service ancl u.e the complete 5. News Exc'u.,.,e Spect., Enll.llemenf' ReasoDably PrIced Typewriters, Watche •• LUlIg.,., 1951 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN 5:45 News Background THE HAWK "59 AUSTIN·HEAL V SPRITE OHURcH I:to Evening Concert STILLWELL Gun., MUllcal In.trument. moelern eqUIpment of the ~atlne Rd. 8:00 Evening Feature - h"ROlIgIOUS 110 RESERVED SEATS! 3 PERFORMAIIClS JAILY! 1m ALFA VELOCE COUPE ze 1, Plator Teachings and t e Law o£ PAINT STORE DI.17-4535 chool the La nd" - Prot. Russell h.wkeye imports, Inc. hln, Wone!p , Weintraub t11 East WaabIIIitGD HOCK-EYE LOAN south .ummlt .t walnut IlIhJp Trio Maher Bros. Transfer 9:t~ 5 News Final phone 337·2IIS 9' 5 Sports Final -{~JfJ.N~ PAL CHURCH 10:00 SIGN OFF J- C4Irltu.'nltl ...... ire St. DOORS OPEN 1:00 P .M. - SHOWS AT 1:45 & 7:45 p.M. PHOTOFINISHING fardlg.. Rtct.r OfNI!RATOIlS STAITERS latt, CJIa..... Matinee - 90c • Eve. & Sunday - $1.25 • Children - 2Sc !Ie ,u nion Irlgg. & StraHon Motors IIAST, CUSTOM SERVICI GET THAT TAN. • • ,rvlee Nunery. Dene In eur Own Dartroom ult C tasS STARTS WEDNESDAY! ayec. Nursery Pyramid S.rvices YOUNG'S STUDIO ON A BICYCLE FROM NOVOTNY'S CHURCH 611 .. ~ P!!! 7-57D • Ie. Dubullue II/lStreeti \ e, at Oyotny·s. believe in the proper eln1)er,. .uttf • 11 :30 LID., su.. C:eaar siz bicycl to fit you per oonlly, DO matt r what your -TON ~11I7 II.- "TOP. 40" Favorites SPECIAL! TEEN.AGE TYPING build may be. We carry a complete ]in of Engli h and N CHURCH American bicycles-aH sites, makes, and colors. Come in nJrton'Streeti • co -. BEGINNING JUNE 11 th rvlee. DALE THOMAS WJiat ..A Scoopl today and Jet us help you make your selection. chool and HII iclndera Boys FOR 8 WEEKS - 5 CLASSES WEEKLY' e CI.. "Too Young To love" 0,.., .. Chiltl..... , .... 11 thru 17 , e also rent bicycles by the hour, both [)S Adm. $1.00 Tuition $15 ,(lndude. Use of Text) tandems and Singles. orL Clerk Elttwr", ., A"""oon Cia".. 35~8 SATURDAIV -s.p.e'(;.I-A.L 'renN ROCIII StYcNnt Rates SOc Centact F. H, focIey for particvren tl UntOD With I D Card STARTING TODAY! NOVOTNY'S CYCLE CENTER Scbool Iowa City Commercial College By Special Arrangements, we are able to reo 224 SOUTH CLINTON ST. [OSPITAL • ENDS TONITE W•• hlngton .t DulnHlue Phone 7-7644 PHONE 7-5525 :L tW'n one or the most unique and tJlOroughly e . • "Enemy Below" - "Under Ten Flags" entertaining musicals ever on the screen. - I'IrIt hD_ "Wings of ElIgles" 8y Johopy Hart, CARMEN JONES ... the melodies HOSPITAL of Bizet blended with lhe modern lyrics oC Ham· ~ ES lj merstein. I ~R , ~ca..\11 Hospital -ii$·J:l D- HE·UKE THE _wa eoUDCll lles) STARTS SUNDAY! CARMEN JONES ... with Harry L..EAVES. ~llnd. lIi1111Uf Belafonte, Dorothy Dandridge, and a host of e rvlcea A PItOGRAM FOR THE WHOLE FAMIL VI stars from the original Broadway production. Q , 0 11M Metro.G2!!.wr"·Mayer / EDNA FERBER'S dar ech pathGloa Ilgede :r. Me­ Ie IMARR 0 !'lvania State ..ation TeltiJ\, _ ill C'NEMASCOI'E Ottd METROCOLOR :Juse Chamber, QfI ,., _ . NIl IAlJIHRJIQ O'1Pfjill MORT WALEE'B

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CA SARli LIFE" .." ", . 'age 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, low_Saturday, May ",."0 - In Big Ten Meet- Indians Regain Wilkinson, Schrier -Lose ~ Big 10 Backs ~ Bled Cloyd Webb 3rd in Disc·us; 1st Place with In Big Ten Tennis Meet New Sports Rece MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - Iowa's Senkowski was Big Ten singles • By 5TI Sleve Wilkinson and Mike Schrier champion last year. Sli slaged a valiant battle for two The Michigan senior teamed up Fraziet Runs FasteSt Half 9-2 Victory hours and 20 minutes, but all was with Harry Fouquier for an easy Federation' A Negro It in vain as the Hawkeye duo lost semifinal doubles victory over sbaIllpooed a LAF YETTE, Ind. - Iowa's (or the finals which will be run to· the quarter and 880 Friday, a de­ CLEVELAND (UP!) - Unbeaten to Northwestern's Marty Riessen Brian Eisner and Jack Damson of LAFAYETTE, Ind. (oft - The Big Blackstone Be big football nd Cloyd \ ebb day. Defending champion Michi­ cision which Coach Francis Cretz· hurled a five-hitter and Jim Erickson. 19-17, in the Michigan State, 7·5, 6-1. Ten conference joined the revolt The beauty gan also fini hed Friday's competi· meyer did not make until Thurs· and walloped two home runs as the first game doubles match of the The team standings at the close against tbe National AAU Friday, blJqlle St., WI placed third in the discus lion with seven. while indoor cham· defeated the De· Big Ten tennis semlfinals at Min· o( Friday's competition showed aDd Saturday pion Wisconsin and underdog Mich· day night. Frazier is also a top backing the new sports federation throw at the Big Ten Track neapolis Friday. The Wildcats won Michigan to be the leader with 42 ~ alter an()ther igan Slale led the pack with performer in the 660. FrlWer's troit Tigers, 9·2 Friday night. movement and tossing a strong championships held at Purdue the second game 6-4. points. followed by Northwestern AnD Elliott, A twclve. Donovan, in winning his seventh hint of ignoring AAU meets. time o( 1:51.9 in the 880 was the Iowa's second doubles combina· with 36. Michigan State 21, Dlinois she had IJetn I Friday. W bb's toss of 161 ft. straight, gave up a run on two A windswept, rain· spattered best in the qualifying heats. He tion 01 Dave Strauss and Dennis 17, and Iowa 16 ~ . F a cui t y representatives and wben shttrle 2 in. took third to the winning bits in the (irst and then blanked course prevented the athletes from bas done 1:50.2 which is just one· Ellertson lost to Dick Colby and athletic directors, in a joint ses· snent Thursdl toss of 162 It. 5 in. by another establishing any spectacular rec­ the Tigers until Rock Colavito's Tom Wierman o( Michigan State, solo in the seventh. sion, endorsed and oCfered support Monday,Sy' Big Ten football end, Elmar ords. $-), 6-2, in the semifinals. Chuck Essegian and Willie Kirk· Schrier lost his No. 4 singles to the NCAA·Inspired federations St. Louis, Ill. Hawkeyes who qualllied in the in track, basketball and gym· stone's with a Ezerins of Wisconsin. preliminaries were Jerry Williams land also homered (or the Indians, semifinal match 4-6, 6-1, 6-2 to who regained sole possession or MIchigan's Jim Tenney. nastics. Sifers, AI, J); In the broad jump. the only and John Gardner in the low hur· "I have an II first place. Wolverine Ray Senkowski and The Big Ten le.ders .Iso di. other event which finisbed final dIes, Gary Hollingsworth in the A mall blh Marty Riessen of Northwestern rected a eommitt" to study the competition Friday, Paul War· quarter, Roger Kerr in the 660, Donovan tied the score at 1·1 in her, "O.K., t meet in the singles playolCs today. eonferenc. code for possible r.· field, Ohio State's fleet halfback, and Bill Frazier, Ral.oh Trimble, the third with a long drive over the will do yourh took bonors with a 24 ft. 8 in . and Gary Fischer in the haH·mile fence in right centerfield. Leading vision. which would "further im· plement .upport of the federa· eon follood leap. run. oU tbe fifth, he blasted another bave herlialr tlons." Iowa collected seven points in Frazier, the fleet Iowa sopho­ long drive over the right field Purkey Hurls Miss SaVI Friday's events. most or which more who set an Iowa record in fence. Essegian then walked and Big Ten leaders who slarted behind too Kirkland hit a homer into the W. L, Pet. G.B. were preliminaries in preparation the 88O·run last week, competed in Cleveland " ...... 19 11 .633 their three-oay meeting Thursday little sh«kId rigbtfield stands. That rinished the Reds to Win Minnesota ...... 20 13 .608 1'h were reported irked by the Indi· She had c Detroit starter, Paul Foytack, who New York ...... 18 12 .600 Baltimore ...... 17" .548 2 ~ ana AAU's suspension of several ment severi suftered his first loIS against one PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Cincin· Chiclgo ...... 18 IS .529 3 conference athletes who partici· Blackstone' Los Angeles ...... 15 15 .500 4 victory. nati righthander Bob Purkey be· pated in the April 21 Obio Relays, Harrisol1,w Mantle Hurt as Yanks Detroit ...... '00 OOCI lot- 2 , I Detroit ...... 13 18 .«8 5~ Clevellnd ...... 001 230 3Ox-' , 1 came the top hurler in the Nation· Boston ...... 13 17 .433 6 sanctioned by the AAU. al League Friday night by regis. Kansas CIty ...... 14 20 .412 7 F.ytICk, Kline (5) .nd Brown; Waahlniton .. 8 Zl .276 10 ~ Expected formal Big Ten ap· Donovln onet Romlno. W - Dononn tering his seventh victory with a FRIDAY'S ReSULTS (7~). L - Foytlck (1.1). proval of a now Rose Bowl con· six·hit, 4·1 triumph over the Pitts· Minnesota ., New York 3 Liqua Fall to Minnesota, 4-3 Home runs - Delrolt, Coll,,'to (2). WasblnJrlon 3~ Kansas City 2 tract did not develop Friday, but Cle"ellnd, D_"an (2) 2, Klrldanet burgh Pirates. Los Angeles II Boston 4 (4), IlMIlan (7). Cleveland 8, Detroit 2 Re.d said that the faculty and NEW YORK (uPIl - Harmon lheir Cinal threat in the ninth wheul The Reds rallied for three runs Baltimore 7 Chicago" director joint group was "most TODAY" PROBABLE Killebrew's tremendous 415-£001 Tom Tresh singled with ,one out. in the seventh inning to chase loser pleased" by the pact sent by the Mora Mlnelo~a at New York - Bonlkow· homer WiUl one on in the seventh alld moved to second on .Joe Pepi­ Harvey Haddix and Purkey struck ski (3·1) VI. Terry (4-4). holt Big Five Tuesday. inning enabled th Minnesota tone's long fly to center. out seven Pirates, a team with Baltimore at Chicago - Barber Baseball (4-1) VS. Horlen J3.2). He said that by June 11 , the Twins to beal the ew York Yan· Stigman replaced Lee and i~ which he made his major league Kansas City at \ ashlngton - Dltmar (0·2) ( 1~). Big Ten's reply would be sent to Erbe kees, 4·3. Friday night for their duced Mickey Mantle to rap sharp­ debut. . VI. Rudolph Los Ana-elea at Boston - Bowsfleld the Big Five, then holding its fifth traight victory, ly to shortstop Voilo Versa lies. Giant Juan Marichal also (1·21 va. Wilson (0·1). DES NOI has seven victories but was bealen Detroit at Cleveland - Mossl (2-4) spring meeting. Reed said this Killebrew's bla t came ofC loser Mantle sped down the lirst base In Brief! VB. Perry (2·0). would follow a routine review or Whitey Ford, the first left·handed line and suddenly fell, apparently twice while Purkey's T e cor d SUNDAY'S GAMES CLOYD WEBB Minnesota at New York (2) twisting his ankle about 15 feet CHICAGO 1M - The Baltimore shows no dereats. the contract terms by the confer· pitcher to start against the Twins Third in Discus Baltimore at ChIcago (2) ence bowl negotiating committee. this season. from first base. Orioles raHied Cor three runs ,in the Clnclnl1 .., ...... 100 000 300- 4 • 0 Kansas City at Washington (2) 12th inning Friday night for a 7-4 PlttlllW'lh ..•. , .001 000 000-, • 3 Lo An,eles at Boston (2) This group includes Reed, fac· Don Lee was cr diled with hi The enllre Yankee bencb emp­ tenth of a second from the Big Ten Purkey and Idwardl; Haddix Stur· Detroit at Cleve land (ZL tied and Mantle had to be helped mark. victory over the Chicago White dl"ant (7), Olivo (7), Face (t) Ind NATIONAL LEAG e ulty men Bob Ray of Iowa and third victory although Dick tig· (7.t). W. L. Pct. C ••• Sox, The win went to Hoyt Wilhelm lurge,.. W - P"rlCey L - Hid· Frank Remington of Wisconsin and man had to come in (rom the bull· off the field, No qualifying heats were run in dlx 12·2). San Francisco . ... . 20 10 .722 Minnesota scored its first run who had worked tour and two. Ho",e run - Pltllllur,h, Vlrclon (2). Los Angeles .. ,. 22 1l .687 3~ athletic directors Fritz Crisler oC pen to nail down the final out of the mile and two mile, in which ClnclOllat1 ...... 19 13 .694 5 thirds in relier of Jack Fisher. Michigan and Ike Armstrong of the game. The Yankees mu t red on doubles by Killebrew and Earl Iowa has top competitors in Jim St. Louis . .. . , .. 19 18 .69i 5 Battey in the second and after (12 Innln,11 Pittsburgh ...... , L6 15 .516 7 ~ Minnesota. Tucker and Gary Fischer, or in 15 18 .455 9~ aaUlmo,e . ... lot 100 003- 7 15 :I Milwaukee ...... ~Ight l'lt,TIlt ,"1ft C_,,­ the Yankees tied the score with a the relays. Iowa is expected to fin· Chlcalo ...... 020 010 I.011 001- 4 , 2 I Philadelphia ...... J3 17 .433 10 ~ - SOUTHWEST TEACHERS' AGENCY- run in the fourth the Twins wenl Jaipur Ridan Houston ...... 12 20 .:1« 11 ish high in the mile relay, with J. FlaherL H.. ,. (Il, Wilhelm (') and New York . .. 9 24 .273 15 ~ 1303 C.ntral N.E. TrlandOI. plurro, :tannl (4)( I. FI,h· Bottled Under AUlhority Of ahead again, 2·1 in the firth on Gary Hollingsworth, Gary Rich­ FRIDAY'S RESULTS Albuquerque, New Mexico er (7), al"mann (I), Lown 12), Kem. Chicago 11, PhiladelphIa 8 Th e Squirt Compan!l B!I MOVING? successive singles by Lenny Green, ards, Frazier, and Roger Kerr m.... r (12) ond Lollar. Winner - WII. Clnclnna t1 4, Pittsburgh 1 Serving Southwest, entire West Vic Power and RoUins. running. helm 12·1). LONr - aa"m.nn 1'·1). IIIwaukee 5, New York 2 and Alaska Check Our Challengers St. Louis at Los Angeles ~nlght) Lee h Id the Yankees to seven Houston at San Francisco nlgbt) FREE REGISTRATION hits. TODAV" PROBABLE PIT HERS Member: N.A.T A . - GRAPS LOWER RATES WASHINGTON* *CUPJ) *- Catcher Chicago at Phlladelohia - Hobble Minnesota .. . " 010 010 200- 4 12 0 S.larles $4,600 Up BOnLlNG WORKS On Both Local and Long New YOrk . , .... OOCI \02 000- 3 7 0 Bob Schmidt hit a home run lead· (0-4) VI. MahaUey (2·5), \..,nclnnul at PJttsburah - lay ($·3) Distance Moves Lee, Stillmin (t) and Battey; Ford, ing of( the sixth inning Friday In Preakness Hawks Lose vs. Law (0·1). COltes (t) and How_d. W - Lee (3·2). L - Ford (3-3). night to break a 2·2 tie and give New York at MUwaukee - Hook CALL 8·5707 FOR Home run - Mlnnesotl, Klllellrew LAFAYETTE, I~ I~- Pu~ the VVashington Senators a 3-2 vic· BALTIMORE 1M - The El Peco (3·2) Vi. Butler (2-0). ('). Ranch's Decidedly, a streamlined Houston at San :rranclsco - Wood· A FREE ESTIMATE du. Ima,hed 11 hits anet Will .id· tory over Kansas City. shick (2.2) VB. Perry (2-1). gray colt who whizzed to a Ken· St. Loula at LOB AngeJu nl,ht - NOT Ie E!! ed by five Iowa errors Friday to Schmidt's homer came off Dan • Clreful Experienced Workm.n tucky Derby record two weeks ago, Slidecki (1·B'N~AyD.p:'~l:EL5 .2). .dg. the Hllwkey .. 5... In a Big Pfister and made a winning pitcher horse • Clean Modern Wirehoull will challenge 10 rivals Saturday Chicago at Phlladelphla (2) For Cleaner Lau~dry For Stora"e Tlin ba.. ball game. of Pete Burnside, who went all the • CIII U, For Your eVtry in the 86th and most baffling ~~~l~o~~ .~tAili~~~~~f~2) Try Our bUng," Erb Moving Proillem Purdue broj(. II 2·2 tie In the way for bis third win against Preakness Slakes in memory. St. Loul. at Loa An,eles recent propo fourth innln, by "Hing three three losses. Burnside retired tbe Three colts are red hot choices Houston at San FrancLsco (2) Famous Westinghouse Washers. the Democra runs on two walks, two I_a final 15 batters in order. Hawkeye Transfer for the second richest Preakness COLTS WIN -- IWI ernor lor Ie errors and two lingle,. Klnu, City ...... 100 010 000- 2 7 1 al Pimlico, and the whim o( late, SAN FRANCISCO N! I cheering from JANTZEN Dr. Edw surgeon an National S JUlt in thil week ••• new shipment. from er officials Jantzen. Willards offers you the latest cre­ tors group NO EXTRA CHARGE SPARKlINGLY CLEANED Write your Congressman and let him know the Utter of ations from this fQmaul name in sportswear, balloons ~ of the King" here in time for you to make welcome and for F-A-S-T SERVICE and FRESHLY PRESSm what that decision is. through th needed additions to your sLimmer wardrobe. Annis aoIutwly Drop in now and let Willards aid you in .,...., 1111 YOUR CLOTHES READY IN AN HOUR ON REQUEST planning for the summer vacation season. _the .. (Presented in the public interest by 1. It wo liooa who OR PI(K-UP WHEN (ONVENIDfT 2. IoIt w The lohnson County Medical Society, and lIIiIlionsw 3. It wo We Do Alterations Willard's Iowa Chapter, Student AmBl'ican ~fedical Association.) .. Ita I~ "Your CalifornitJ Store in IMVa City" ..4. It wou "