Constitution & Bylaws

2019 - 2021



Section 1. Formation

Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity (referred to herein as “Phi Kappa Theta” or the “Fraternity”) is a non-profit corporation without capital stock, organized under the laws of the State of Ohio to carry on the previously existing independent fraternities of Phi Kappa, founded at on April 29, 1889, and incorporated as a non-profit corporation without capital stock under the laws of the State of Rhode Island on April 25, 1902, and , founded at , incorporated as a non-profit corporation without capital stock, under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, on March 22, 1922.

The corporation is not formed for the pecuniary gain or profit of, and no part of its property, funds or the net earnings thereof shall be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, excepting only reasonable compensation for services as authorized by law. This Fraternity, in all respects, is a continuation in one fraternity of what formerly existed as two independent national, college, social fraternities.

Section 2. Purpose

a) It shall be among the principal aims of the Fraternity to encourage in its members the attainment of high scholastic standing, to make available to its members the example, environment and training that best characterize the university or college man, to identify students and alumni more closely with their college, and to foster a more vigorous spirit of loyalty to alma mater; to promote in the social and intellectual spheres the best traditions of university or college life. b) It also shall be a specific function of this Fraternity to provide the tangible and intangible aids necessary to establish, organize and constitute chapters so members thereof may enjoy the rights and privileges therein to practice freely, to develop and to encourage, a mode of conduct and living that is in consonance with the tenets of the , to the same degree that would be expected if they continued to reside among their respective families. (See Note at the end of the Constitution & Bylaws). c) It is a further object of the Fraternity to establish subordinate branches (chapters at other seats of learning) subject to such laws, rules and regulations as said corporation shall determine not inconsistent with the laws of the state.

Section 3. Purposes Further Defined

The purposes of this Fraternity are further defined as follows:

a) Fraternal - Man is incomplete who knows not the consolation of a firm and loyal friendship. A person who successfully identifies himself with a fraternity brotherhood will usually identify successfully with others. Our Fraternity, therefore, strives to provide the opportunity for the learning and practice of brotherhood among those elected to its membership. b) Social - God created man as a social creature, thus a well-adjusted social life is essential to our society. People must learn to develop social skills to live in harmony and in peace with one another. This Fraternity strives to meet these goals as well as provide a moderate, well-directed social program for the development of gentlemen in those social graces of good manners, concern for others, unselfishness and an ease in communicating with one another. c) Intellectual - The pursuit of education means a love of learning, the acquisition of skills for one's future and the search for truth, knowledge and freedom. These can be found formally in our harboring institutions, and informally in Phi Kappa Theta. This Fraternity, as a laboratory of human experiences, strives to complement its members' formal education with opportunities to instill a love of learning and achievement of high scholastic standards.


d) Spiritual - Our Fraternity was founded on religious beliefs. These are the foundation of our principles, value system and ideals. Phi Kappa Theta seeks to encourage its members to live by religious convictions. Members are admonished to make the love of God and man the chief and guiding factor in their lives. e) Personal Development - Phi Kappa Theta seeks to provide its members varied personal experiences including learning to live cooperatively; respecting the opinion and rights of everyone; the acceptance of one another's uniqueness; the value of discipline; loyalty to others and to the organization; an understanding of unity that allows individualism while being a part of a group; the acceptance of a fair share of group obligations by assuming individual responsibility; and an understanding of leadership dynamics.

Phi Kappa Theta, through its chapters, offers its members the ideals, beliefs, experiences and means to achieve the above purposes to as high a state as each individual is capable.

Section 4. Organization

a) This Fraternity shall be a general college social fraternity consisting of an international organization and such local chapters as have already been chartered by either of the original constituent fraternities, Phi Kappa Fraternity or Theta Kappa Phi Fraternity, and such as may be hereafter established and chartered in colleges or universities. It shall be composed of members duly elected and initiated into the various components of the Fraternity according to the constitution, laws and ritual of the Fraternity. b) The organization of the Fraternity shall consist of the International Convention, the International Board of Trustees, the International officers, the Grand Chapter and its officers, the Province Organizations and their officers, the Collegiate Chapters and their officers, and the Alumni Chapters and their officers.


Section 1. Name

The name of this fraternity shall be PHI KAPPA THETA FRATERNITY.

Section 2. Insignia

a) The Badge The badge of Phi Kappa Theta is quatrefoil in shape. The center panel bears three Greek letters for Phi Kappa Theta with heart design below, all showing through black enamel. The plain chased badge may be jeweled with 16 full-round genuine Oriental pearls and four rubies at the corners. Resplendent lines are chased in the background of the badge. b) Coat of Arms ARMS: Quartered, I. sanguine with facade of Grecian Temple; II. argent three vesica pisces endwise of the second; III. of the third resplendent sun of the second; IV. of the first, two bars and a chief embattled of the second. All within a narrow border sable. Behind the escutcheon, a sword points downward and a spade with blade upward crossed saltirewise argent. CREST: An esquire's helmet. On wreath of the colors of labrum resplendent or, MANTLING: oak leaves conventionalized or doubled sanguine. MAXIM: The name Phi Kappa Theta in gothic lettering or on scroll argent. c) Motto The motto of the Fraternity shall be "GIVE, EXPECTING NOTHING THEREOF. d) Recognition Pin


The Recognition Pin shall be Greek letters of the Fraternity's name. e) Alumni Recognition Pin A quartered shield: I. Sanguine, II. Argent, III. of the Second, IV. of the First, all within a narrow border. f) Associate Member Pin The associate member pin of Phi Kappa Theta is a shield argent, a sun resplendent or a chief purple (sanguine) embattled of the second. g) Flower The flower of the Fraternity shall be the Red Tea Rose. h) The Flag The Flag of Phi Kappa Theta shall be a rectangular shape, of solid color of gold. A broad white bar shall run from the upper left to the lower right corner. Upon the White bar or stripe the Greek letters "Phi, Kappa and Theta" shall be of the Fraternity's cardinal purple and shall be spaced in descending order from the upper left. i) Colors The colors of Phi Kappa Theta are cardinal purple, white and gold.

Section 3. Auxiliary Insignia

The International Board of Trustees may, from time to time, prescribe robes, insignia, or other means of identification or recognition for International or Province officers, honorary or other class of members, for ceremonial and similar uses and purposes.


The supreme authority of the Fraternity shall be vested in the International Convention which shall have general jurisdiction over all matters of general Fraternity legislation and administrative and appellate jurisdiction over the International Board of Trustees, which latter body shall have general supervision over the Fraternity at all times when the International Convention is not in session.


Section 1. Legislative Authority

The general legislative authority of this Fraternity shall be vested in the International Convention.

Section 2. Composition of International Convention

a) The International Convention shall consist of the members of the Board of Trustees, members of the Grand Chapter (provided the Grand Chapter's voting strength does not exceed 50 percent of the total votes from the undergraduate chapters), Members of the Undergraduate Advisory Committee (U.G.A.C.), one delegate from each Collegiate Chapter, one delegate from each Alumni Chapter, and the President of Phi Kappa Theta National Foundation or their official representative. Collegiate Chapters are to send two (2) representatives, and the second representative to be designated as the alternate to the delegate. b) A member not in good standing with either a Collegiate or Alumni Chapter or the International organization for other than building fund obligation shall not in any case be entitled to act as a delegate


from a Collegiate Chapter, nor shall credentials given him by any chapter be recognized by the International Convention. c) Collegiate Chapters or Alumni Chapters not in good standing with the Province organization, or the International Chapter shall be entitled only to the status of observers, unless given altered status by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the delegates to the Convention whose credentials were accepted without special action or dispensation. d) Alumni organizations, to be considered in good standing and eligible to send a delegate to the convention or propose legislation, must meet the following: Payment of the alumni organization assessment for the biennium, have on file with the Executive Offices a current officers list, current constitution, and the minutes from the last regular meeting, and said alumni organization must be a chartered alumni group with the Fraternity. e) Credentials. Each delegate from a Collegiate or Alumni Chapter shall, before being allowed to take his seat, present his credentials duly executed by his Chapter President and attested by the Chapter Secretary, which shall be in the form prescribed by the Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Voting Powers of Delegates

Each delegate of the International Convention shall be entitled to one vote only, which must be cast in person. For purposes of Ohio law, the delegates shall be the voting members of the Fraternity. There shall be no proxy voting by any member of the Convention.

Section 4. Nominations and Elections

Additional Nominations. In addition to nominations made by the Board Development Committee, any three (3) chapters, whether collegiate or alumni, may place into nomination any other eligible members of the Fraternity, provided that the name of such nominee be given to the Board Development committee in time for circulation to all convention delegates, as outlined in the Article VI, Section 6. The delegates to the Convention whose credentials have been approved and accepted shall have the privilege to place into nomination any other eligible members of the Fraternity for vacancies to be filled at that International Convention, provided that said nominees obtain the signatures of fifteen (15) delegates of the Convention. To be eligible for election, a member must accept said nomination and must be present at the Convention.

Election Votes. No candidate for trustee shall be declared elected unless he has received at least a majority of the votes cast.

Section 5. Time of Holding International Convention

The International Convention shall meet in alternate calendar years at such times and places as the International Board of Trustees may designate, except that a special meeting of the International Convention may be called at any time by the International Board of Trustees, or upon the written request of at least twenty (20) percent of the Collegiate Chapters.

If the International Board of Trustees judges that sufficient funds are not available to finance the Convention in a given year or any serious situation exists that would make the convening of the convention impossible, it will observe the procedures as defined by the Polices of Phi Kappa Theta.

Section 6. Quorum and Procedure

a) The International Convention shall not be opened unless delegates from at least one-half (1/2) of the Collegiate Chapters are present.


b) It shall be presided over by the International President or a person designated by him to act as Chairman at the time and place designated by the International Board of Trustees, and a record of its proceedings shall be kept by the International Secretary. c) At each Convention session, a roll call shall be taken to ascertain whether a quorum is present. d) The 1915 4th Edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be used to govern the procedures. e) All measures presented to the International Convention and passed by a majority vote shall become effective, except in such cases where this Constitution & Bylaws requires a larger plurality.

Section 7. Powers

a) The International Convention shall have general legislative and administrative authority, and shall at its discretion make such general laws, rules and regulations for the government and welfare of the Fraternity as shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution & Bylaws, the spirit of the Fraternity or the charters granted to the several Chapters. b) It shall have the power to: grant or revoke charters as provided in the Constitution & Bylaws; levy and collect revenues and assessments; elect the International Board of Trustees; direct, regulate and revise the acts or duties of the International Board of Trustees in accordance with this Constitution & Bylaws, and the ritual as herein provided; and shall have all powers generally vested in legislative bodies of similar character.

Section 8. Enactments and Classification

a) Those enactments of the International Convention a permanent character may be made by amending this Constitution & Bylaws as provided in Article XV.

b) The enactments of the International Convention of a temporary nature shall be known as Resolutions and shall be in effect until the next Convention.

c) The International Board of Trustees may adopt Policies of Phi Kappa Theta (“Policies”) to govern the business and affairs of the Fraternity. The Policies shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution & Bylaws. The Policies may be amended by the International Convention pursuant to the procedures for amending this Constitution & Bylaws as provided in Article XV.


Section 1. In Whom Vested

The administration of the general affairs of the Fraternity shall be entrusted to the International Convention and the International Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and the International Officers. Whenever the Convention is not in session, the administrative authority of the Fraternity shall be vested in the International Board of Trustees whose acts shall be subject to revision at the next session of the Convention.

Section 2. Province Organization

The Fraternity may be divided into Provinces by the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees may appoint officers for the Provinces as it see fit. The duties of such officers shall be to direct and promote the activities for the chapters in such Provinces.


Section 3. Undergraduate Advisory Committee (UGAC)

a) Purpose. Through peer representation, communication, and education this body empowers collegiate members within the Fraternity. In addition, the UGAC will advise the Fraternity’s elected or appointed leadership and general membership on programs and policies of the Fraternity. b) Composition. There will be a UGAC Representative from each province. The Committee shall elect from among its members one Chairman and one Vice Chairman. The Chairman and the Vice Chairman will be full voting members of the International Board of Trustees and will take part in any and all board and committee meetings, including Executive Committee, Administrative Committee, Budget Committee, and any other committees not named but involving a substantial number of Trustees. c) Eligibility. Candidates must have been initiated collegiate members for one year, having served in a leadership position within the Fraternity for one academic term. , a full-time undergraduate student at the time of election, and must continue to be full-time students for at least two academic terms following the Convention. They must also be in good standing with their host institution. UGAC candidates must be present at Convention. d) Election of members. Interested candidates submit their application and resume to the UGAC chair by a predetermined due date. Candidates can submit materials onsite during the first four hours of the convention. All eligibility criteria as outlined in paragraph 4(c) must be met, and the candidate, prior to the UGAC approving his nomination, must provide documentation. The members of the UGAC will decide upon the process through which the UGAC determines approved candidates. The UGAC will then submit a list of approved candidates to the membership on which they will vote during province meetings at the biennial convention. e) Responsibilities. The Board of Trustees will work with the UGAC to revise job responsibilities annually. This will include expectations for participation in conference calls, attendance at meetings, participation in province events and other expectations. All candidates for UGAC will be informed of the expectations prior to election. f) Advisors. The UGAC will choose, from among the members of the Board of Trustees, one alumnus trustee to be the UGAC advisor. The Executive Vice-President or his designee will be the resource person for the UGAC, but will not be a member. g) Vacancies. The Vice Chairman will perform the duties of the Chairman if the Chairman is unable to perform his duties. In the event that a member of the UGAC is unable to fill the responsibilities as outlined in the job description, cannot complete his term, or becomes in bad standing with his chapter, host institution, or the Fraternity, the, UGAC Advisor under the direction of the UGAC, will select an eligible member of his province to fill out the term. The member is responsible for documenting ongoing good standing with the executive office. The UGAC advisor and Executive Vice-President will inform removed UGAC members in writing. Vacancies in either the Chairman or Vice Chairman position will be filled as described in paragraph 3(b).

Section 4. Undergraduate Advisory Senate (UGAS)

a) Purpose. Through peer representation, communication, and education this body empowers collegiate members within the Fraternity. This group will be responsible for maintaining a proper relationship with the UGAC Representative and the Fraternity. In addition, the Senator will advise the UGAC on programs and operations of their collegiate chapter. By doing so, each Senator will act as his chapter’s primary resource in communications with the UGAC and Fraternity. b) Composition. There will be one Senator from each collegiate chapter. The Senator shall be elected from its collegiate chapter annually and shall be reported no later than 10 days after the election. c) Eligibility. Candidates must have been initiated collegiate members for five months, must be full-time undergraduate students at the host institution and must expect to continue to be full-time students for at least one academic year following the election. Candidates must also be in good standing with their host institution, their chapter and the Fraternity. Chapter presidents are not eligible for this position. Any


colony or chapter not having active members who have been initiated for at least five months shall elect a senator who will be exempt from the five month requirement. d) Responsibilities - The UGAC and professional staff will work with the Undergraduate Advisory Senate to annually revise job responsibilities. This will include expectations for participation in conference calls, attendance at meetings, participation in province events and other expectations. All candidates for Undergraduate Advisory Senate will be informed of the expectations prior to election. e) Vacancies – When a vacancy occurs it is the responsibility of the current Chapter President to hold an election for a new collegiate senator within two weeks. If the current Senator is failing to fulfill his duties he may be asked to step down by the UGAC or professional staff so that a new Senator may be elected.


Section 1. International Board of Trustees

a) The International Board of Trustees shall consist of eight (8) Alumni members in good standing, four (4) elected for overlapping terms at each regularly called and constituted International Convention for a term of four (4) years; and two (2) undergraduate members. The undergraduate members shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and be selected from and by the Undergraduate Advisory Committee. If an undergraduate trustee leaves the University or Chapter for any reason other than graduation, he shall automatically tender his resignation to the International President, and the seat shall be filled as provided for in Article V. Section 3(g). If any Trustee is absent from three or more required meetings without being excused by the International President or his designee, that Trustee shall automatically tender his resignation to the International President. b) The Board shall select from its own members, one who shall act as Chairman and who shall preside over its meetings. c) The Board of Trustees, unless receiving written consent to the contrary from at least three quarters (3/4) of its membership, shall hold at least two meetings each year. d) Members of the International Board of Trustees may serve a maximum of three consecutive full terms, after which they shall be ineligible to succeed themselves. e) Executive Committee. The International Board of Trustees may designate certain members to constitute an Executive Committee to act for, in behalf of and in the stead of the Board of Trustees, at such time that the Board is not in session, and in the interim between such sessions. The Executive Committee shall consist of, at a minimum, the International President, the International Vice President, the International Treasurer, and an undergraduate member of the International Board of Trustees. The Executive Committee shall have such duties as designated in the Policies.

Section 2. Authority between Conventions

Except during sessions of the International Convention, the International Board of Trustees shall have authority in all matters pertaining to the Fraternity, and it shall have power and authority to do and perform all acts and functions which the International Convention itself might do or perform, not inconsistent with the Constitution & Bylaws, or with any action taken by the Convention. The Board of Trustees shall provide for: the installation of chapters; the investment, deposit or care of the funds of the International Treasury; and it shall require the proper observance of the ceremonies of the Fraternity by the respective chapters, and shall enforce the laws of the Fraternity.


Section 3. Decisions

The acts of the Board of Trustees, and any acts of the Executive Committee, which have not been reversed by the Board of Trustees, shall be law until reversed or revoked by the International Convention. All decisions and rulings of the Executive Committee, if within the scope and authority of power delegated by the International Board of Trustees, shall be considered law and the acts of the Board of Trustees unless revoked by the Board of Trustees.

Section 4. Powers of Administration

a) The International Board of Trustees shall provide for the inspection of the existing and prospective chapters. The Board of Trustees shall oversee and control the handling, supervision and administration of all business and financial affairs of the Fraternity. It shall have full power and authority to loan, invest and reinvest any and all moneys, securities and funds, and to own, purchase, hold, mortgage, encumber, sell, transfer and convey any and all real and personal property in connection therewith, for the purpose of maintaining and promoting the best interests of the Fraternity; and it may acquire and hold the legal title to any and all real estate and personal property of any Chapter or Colony of the Fraternity, including the maintenance and administration of any such property, whenever such action shall be deemed feasible and to the best interest of the Fraternity. b) A ¾vote of the Board shall be required on all matters involving the transfer of title to any asset, excluding cash or its equivalent, of the Fraternity or the cancellation of any debt due the Fraternity from a chapter. This authority may not be delegated to the Executive Committee.

Section 5. Board Development Committee

a) Committee Members. Within thirty (30) day of the conclusion of the International Convention, the Committee will be appointed by the International President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. The Committee shall consist of at least four (4) alumni members who are not trustees. One of the Alumni members shall be designated as Chairman of the Committee and he shall canvass the eligible candidates for the vacancies on the International Board of Trustees to be elected at the Convention. b) Nominees. The Committee shall cause nominations for vacancies on the Board to be submitted by any member of the fraternity in good standing at least four (4) months prior to the opening of the International Convention. Recommendations of the Committee shall not be considered unless all Collegiate and Alumni Chapters have been given the opportunity to participate. c) Alumnus Nominees. The Chairman of the Committee, with the other alumni members, shall thereafter review the credentials of all who are to be considered for alumni positions on the Board of Trustees. They will then confer and decide on nominees for the alumni vacancies on the Board of Trustees, so that this list can be sent to all convention delegates at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the Convention. d) Additionally, the Committee shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Trustees and Policies of the Fraternity.

Section 6. Vacancies on the Board of Trustees

In cases of vacancies on the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, if one has been designated, or otherwise the International Board of Trustees, shall fill the vacancy by appointment. The person so appointed shall hold the office, with full rights and privileges, until the next International Convention, which shall then elect a person to fill the post for the remainder of the un-expired term.


Section 7. Vote of No Confidence

a) Any voting delegate of the Convention may show themselves at the Convention and call for a vote of no confidence in a trustee. b) The person calling for a vote of no confidence in that trustee will be given the opportunity to present why he is calling for a vote of no confidence in that trustee. c) The trustee will be given a reasonable amount of time to prepare a defense. d) The Convention floor will vote on the action and if at least two thirds (2/3) of the Convention floor votes in favor the trustee shall be removed from their position immediately and the International President shall follow the rules of the Constitution & Bylaws for appointing a Trustee until the next election. If the elections are to be held at the current Convention the spot will remain vacant until elections.


Section 1. How Selected

a) As soon as it is convenient after the election of the newly International Board of Trustees at the current Convention, the newly constituted board shall meet to select from their own members an International President, International Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Board shall then select an International Chaplain. b) The International Board may also select an Honorary Chairman of the Board of Trustees in off convention years. c) Each International Officer shall take office at an appropriate ceremony prior to the end of the convention, and hold such office until a successor has been properly elected and qualified, except that, the International Treasurer shall not be qualified to act as Treasurer until he has posted a fidelity bond as specified in the Policies.

Section 2. International President

The International President shall be the chief elected officer of the Fraternity and shall preside at all sessions of the International Convention, and his powers and duties, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution & Bylaws, shall be those usually vested in the chief elected officer. He shall preside at all meetings and shall convene the Board at any time upon giving reasonable notice. He shall be chairman of the Executive Committee. In the event of the disability, death, retirement, or absence of the International President, the International Vice President shall assume that function until such time as the International Board of Trustees elects a successor.

Section 3. International Vice President

The International Vice President shall provide support to the International President and the Board of Directors. He shall, at the direction of the International President, chair Board sub-committees and perform other duties as necessary. The International Vice President shall, in the absence of the President or in the event of his death, disability, or resignation, take over and perform the duties and responsibilities and functions of the President until the next Board meeting.


Section 4. International Secretary

The International Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the meetings of the International Board of Trustees, and he shall keep the Constitution & Bylaws, and shall supply copies thereof to the various Chapters.

Section 5. International Treasurer

a) The International Treasurer shall oversee the collection and control the custody of all the funds of the Fraternity, shall control the disbursement of the same upon order of the Executive Committee, and shall cause to be kept a permanent record of all receipts and disbursements. He may with the approval of the Executive Committee deposit the funds of the Fraternity or invest them in reliable securities or hold them subject to check. It shall be his duty to oversee the collection of all fees, assessments, dues, and fines levied or assessed by the International Organization upon the various chapters and members. b) The International Treasurer shall be bonded by some reliable surety company, which bond shall be approved by the International Board of Trustees, and the cost paid from the International Treasury. c) It shall be the duty of the retiring International Treasurer to turn over to his successor all funds, books of account, and any other financial records of the Fraternity, together with a complete report of all income and expense, receipts and disbursements, since the date of his last report, and to the date upon which his successor qualifies, and enters upon his duties of International Treasurer.

Section 6. National Chaplains.

The International President shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, National Chaplains to serve as spiritual advisors to the board and chapters. These brothers should be recognized in their faith and may, if they choose, enlist the assistance of non-ordained brother to serve as alumnus and undergraduate peer religious leaders.

Section 7. Vacancies

In case of the vacancies of any of the above offices, except that of the International President, the Executive Committee, if one has been designated, otherwise the International President shall fill the vacancy by appointment until the next meeting of the International Board of Trustees, at which time an election will take place. Vacancy in the office of International President shall be filled by action of the Board of Trustees.

Section 8. Additional Duties of Officers

The International Convention and the International Board of Trustees may delegate to the International Officers such additional duties as they may deem fit.

Section 9. Historian

The International President shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, an International Historian to compile and keep up to date the complete history of the Fraternity and all its members; and he shall file, preserve, and record all documents and information of historical interest to the Fraternity in the archives of the Executive Office.


Section 10. Executive Vice President

The International President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees shall employ a chief executive officer under the title of Executive Vice President and may invest him with any or all authority and duties consistent with this Constitution & Bylaws, and Policies of the Fraternity.

Section 11. Scholarship Commissioner

The International President shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, an International Scholarship Commissioner. The Scholarship Commissioner shall monitor chapter scholastic standards, assist in the publication and distribution of scholastic resources, serve as a resource for alumni volunteers and undergraduate chapters, and advise the Board of Trustees on issues and trends in higher education.


Section 1. Vesting of Judicial Authority

The judicial authority of the Fraternity shall be vested in the International Convention, the International Board of Trustees, and the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Appellate Jurisdiction of International Convention

The International Convention shall have appellate jurisdiction only of appeals from the decisions and rulings of the International Board of Trustees.

a) All appeals to the Convention shall be in the manner and form prescribed by the Constitution & Bylaws or laws of this Fraternity. b) Any member or Chapter appealing to the Convention shall have the right to be heard in person or by representative in support of his or its appeal.

Section 3. Original Jurisdiction of Executive Committee & the International Board of Trustees

The International Board of Trustees and its Executive Committee shall have original jurisdiction of all controversies and disputes arising between one Chapter of the Fraternity and another Chapter, or a member of another Chapter, or between a Chapter or member and an International Officer, and shall have authority to punish by fine or otherwise any Chapter for violation of the laws of the Fraternity, or for failure to comply with the instructions of the International officers or the International Executive Committee or the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall also have the power to interpret and construe this Constitution & Bylaws and the laws of the Fraternity; and, the ruling of this Board upon any question shall be law, until reversed by action of the International Convention.

Section 4. Appellate Jurisdiction of the International Board of Trustees

a) The International Board of Trustees and its Executive Committee shall have appellate jurisdiction over all rulings and decisions of the respective Chapters with respect to all matters of Fraternity affairs, including appeals from the expulsion of a member by a Chapter. b) All appeals from the decision of a Collegiate Chapter shall be made within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision or ruling complained of, and shall be made in the manner and form prescribed by the


Constitution & Bylaws and laws of the Fraternity. No appeals shall be made from the decision of the Collegiate Chapter on matters of local government and not affecting the Fraternity. c) Whenever an appeal is presented to the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee, both sides shall be entitled to be heard in person or by a representative in support of their position and, for that purpose the Committee shall, when notified of a desire for a personal hearing, convene as soon as practical at such time and place as may be designated by the Chairman of the Committee, having due regard to the convenience of all parties concerned, and the expense to be involved.

Section 5. Expense of Appeals

The cost and expense of all appeals shall be taxed to the losing party and the International Executive Committee may, at its discretion, require a bond sufficient to cover all expenses to be executed by the appealing party. This provision is not intended to cover any expenses incurred by the parties themselves in prosecuting or defending appeals.

Section 6. Status of Decisions and Rulings

The decision and rulings of the International Convention and International Board of Trustees shall be in writing, and shall stand as law until overruled or reversed, and shall be regarded as precedents upon all matters of a similar nature.

Section 7. Clerk of Appeals

The International Secretary shall act as clerk of all appeals, and shall keep a record of all appeals and shall preserve and file all the decisions rendered, and shall keep an account of all expenses incurred, and shall collect same from the losing party.

Section 8. Representation

No one shall be entitled to represent a party in an appeal who is not a member of the Fraternity.

Section 9. Trials and Appeals

a) Collegiate Members - Procedure

All collegiate members shall be tried for offenses against the laws of the Fraternity, by the Chapter to which they belong. A written complaint or charge, setting forth in detail the matter complained of shall be filed with the Chapter Secretary in duplicate. This complaint shall be read by the Chapter Secretary at the next regular meeting of the Chapter and one copy shall be given to the accused member who shall be required to plead "guilty" or "not guilty" to the charge. In case of a plea of "guilty" the Chapter shall immediately fix the punishment by a majority vote, except that it shall require a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Chapter to expel. In case of a plea of "not guilty", the accused shall be granted a hearing at the next regular meeting of the Chapter. He shall be allowed to choose some member of the Chapter to represent him, or he may present his own case. The Chapter President shall appoint some member of the Chapter to prosecute the charge. The accused shall be granted a full and complete hearing regarding all phases of the charge(s). After the hearing, the accused shall withdraw from the Chapter room and a vote shall be taken. It shall require a three- fourths (3/4) vote of all present to render a verdict of guilty. If a verdict of guilty is rendered, the Chapter shall, by a majority vote, determine the punishment, except that it shall require a three- fourths (3/4) vote of all members present to expel. After the punishment has been decided upon, the


accused shall be brought back into the Chapter room and the verdict and punishment announced by the Chapter President and the accused shall be advised of his right of appeal. b) Appeals to the International Board of Trustees

A collegiate member against whom a verdict of guilty has been rendered by a Collegiate Chapter may appeal to the International Board of Trustees. He shall give notice in writing by certified mail to the Chapter and to the Executive Vice President within thirty (30) days of receiving official notice from the International Secretary of his expulsion. Immediately upon receipt of such notice, the Chapter President shall make up a transcript of the case and ten (10) copies thereof, containing the complaint or charge, the plea, a summary of the evidence, the finding of the chapter and the punishment fixed, and send the same to the Executive Vice President. Each side shall within thirty (30) days from the service of the notice of appeal, prepare and file with the Executive Vice President a brief and argument, and ten (10) copies thereof, setting forth the matters relied on in support of their position. Either side may request a personal hearing which shall be incorporated into their brief and argument. The Executive Vice President shall, upon receipt of those briefs, mail a copy of the transcript, and a copy of each of the briefs and arguments to each of the other members of the International Board of Trustees. The International President shall thereupon fix a time and place for hearing, of which due notice shall be given to the Executive Vice President, which notice shall state whether or not a personal hearing has been granted. After a full hearing, the International Board of Trustees shall either affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Chapter. Either party may appear in person or by counsel and shall be entitled to make an argument.

In case a collegiate member appeals from the punishment fixed after a plea of "guilty", the same procedure shall be followed. c) Original Case Before the International Board of Trustees

In all cases where the International Board of Trustees has original jurisdiction, actions may be instituted by filing with the Executive Vice President a written complaint or charge setting forth the nature of the complaint or charge, together with ten (10) copies thereof. The Executive Vice President shall immediately send one of the copies to the opposite party by registered mail, who shall then without further notice be required to file with the Executive Vice President within twenty (20) days after receiving a copy of the complaint, an answer in writing, together ten (10) copies thereof, setting forth any matters in defense of the complaint or charge. The Executive Vice President shall send one copy of said answer to the complaint party, and within thirty (30) days after the filing of said answer, each party shall file with the Executive Vice President a brief and argument in support of their position, together with ten (10) copies thereof, which shall also state whether or not a personal hearing is requested. Upon receipt of the briefs and arguments, the Executive Vice President shall send to each member of the International Board of Trustees a copy of the complaint, answer and the briefs and arguments. The International President shall thereupon fix a time and place of hearing of which due notice shall be given by the Executive Vice President, which notice shall also state whether a personal hearing has been requested. At the time and place fixed, a full hearing shall be had and each party offered an opportunity of presenting evidence, and of oral argument, and may be represented by any member of the Fraternity. At the close of the hearing, the Committee shall make their finding which shall be in writing and be made a matter of permanent record. d) Appeals to International Convention

Appeals from the decisions of the International Board of Trustees may be made by giving written notice thereof by registered mail to the Executive Vice President within thirty (30) days from the


rendering of the decision. Thereupon the entire matter shall be represented to the International Convention and a hearing de novo be had, at which each party may be represented and offer evidence in support of his or its contention. At the close of the hearing the Convention shall affirm, modify, or reverse the ruling of the International Board of Trustees. The decision shall be made in writing and shall be made a matter of permanent records.

e) Form of Appeal - All papers in trials and appeals shall be typewritten and shall be upon uniform legal cap size paper.

f) Bond - The International Board of Trustees may in any case require the appealing party to give bond with competent sureties conditioned to secure the payment of all expenses of the appeal in case they are taxed to him or it.

g) Independent Investigation - The International Board of Trustees may make such independent investigation of any case presented to it, or appeal, as it may see fit, and the expense thereof be charged to the losing party.

h) Procedure after Expulsion - In case of the expulsion of the member from the Fraternity, his name shall be stricken from the rolls of the Chapter and of the Fraternity, and his membership certificate shall be taken up and canceled and his badge recovered and the value thereof returned to him. Expelled members shall forfeit their life subscription fee to "The TEMPLE" and also their life membership fee. In no case shall any portion thereof be refunded.

i) Precedent Decisions - All decisions of the International Board of Trustees or of the International Convention shall be considered as precedents in the consideration or subsequent cases involving the same or similar questions.


Section 1. Revenue Power of the International Convention

The power and duties of raising revenues for the support of the International Organization is hereby vested in the International Convention. It shall have the power to levy assessments upon the Chapters, and make such other provisions in regard to the revenues of the Fraternity as, in its discretion, are necessary. a) The International Convention shall fix an Initiation Fee for each new associate member and collegiate member, which shall be paid to the International Treasury before such prospective member can be initiated into the Fraternity or entered on the Fraternity's roll. b) Fees for alumnus membership, charter initiation, charter fees for Chapters, Alumni dues and Colony Charter fees and all fees for the re-organization of a Chapter shall be established by the International Board of Trustees. c) The initiation of members may not be started until the initiation fee is paid in full to the Chapter Treasurer. The initiation fees and the report of the initiation must be forwarded to the International Fraternity within ten (10) days of the completion of the initiation. d) Initiation fees are the property of the International Fraternity and the Chapter Treasurer acts as its agent in the collection and transferal of these funds. e) Cases involving failure to comply with this provision will be subject to a fine, which will be determined by the Executive Committee of the International Board of Trustees.


Section 2. Fee Modification

a) The International Board of Trustees may review the fees and assessments of the Fraternity at any time, and may recommend an increase in such fees. The recommendation must be sent to all collegiate chapters by ballot. The ballot must be returned within thirty (30) days of the date of the postmark. Approval of the recommendation shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Chapters. The International Board of Trustees will notify all Collegiate Chapters at least four months in advance of any increase in membership fees. b) Modification of such fee schedules except as provided in paragraph 2(a), shall be upon a favorable vote of at least a majority of the authorized delegates of the Collegiate Chapters present. Members of the convention representing Collegiate Chapters only, shall be entitled to vote on increases or decreases in the amount of such dues or assessments. Members of the International Convention, otherwise entitled to such rights and privileges, may initiate, second, discuss and debate such increases, decreases or amendments.

Section 3. Independent Audit of Financial Position

a) The International Board of Trustees shall contract with an independent accounting firm to have the financial records of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity audited on an annual basis in accordance with “generally accepted auditing standards.” b) The annual audit shall include a “management letter” to be distributed to all members of the International Board of Trustees regarding the Fraternity operations and/or policies as is typical with most audits. c) Whenever fee increases are proposed, preliminary financial statements must be included with the proposed fees. Distribution shall be to all collegiate and alumni chapters in attendance, or to those receiving ballots if the ballot process is necessary.

Section 4. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Fraternity shall commence on June 1 of each year, and shall end on May 31 of the following year. All financial reports of the Fraternity shall be based upon the above mentioned twelve (12) month period, provided, however, that the report of the International Treasurer to an International Convention shall be brought up to a time not more than sixty (60) days prior to the opening of the said Convention.

Section 5. Chapter Delinquency

Any Chapter that is delinquent to the Fraternity as defined in the Policies of the Fraternity, may be suspended, unless special payment arrangements are made with the Fraternity.

Section 6. Indemnification and Insurance.

To the extent not inconsistent with Ohio law as in effect from time to time:

a) Every Eligible Person (and the heirs and personal representatives of such person) who is or was serving at the request of the Fraternity as a Trustee, Director, officer or employee of the Fraternity shall be indemnified by the Fraternity against all liability and reasonable expense that may be incurred by him in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit or proceeding (i) if such Trustee, Director, officer or employee is wholly successful with respect thereto or (ii) if not wholly successful, then if such Trustee, officer or employee is determined, as provided in subsection (e), to have acted in good faith and in a manner the person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the Fraternity. The termination of any claim, action, suit or proceeding, by judgment, settlement (whether with or without court approval) or conviction or upon a plea of guilty or of nolo contendere, or its equivalent,


shall not create a presumption that a Trustee, Director, officer or employee did not meet the standards of conduct set forth in this section. b) The term "Eligible Person" as used in this Section 6, shall mean every person (and the estate, heirs, and personal representatives of such person) who is or was a Trustee, Director, officer, or employee of the Fraternity or is or was serving at the request of the Fraternity as a Trustee, director, officer, employee, or fiduciary of another foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan, or other organization or entity, whether for profit or not. c) As used in this Section 6, the terms "claim, action, suit or proceeding" shall include every claim, action, suit or proceeding and all appeals thereof (whether brought by or in the right of the Fraternity or any other Fraternity or otherwise), civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, or threat thereof, in which a Trustee, Director or officer or employee of the Fraternity (or his heirs and personal representatives) may become involved, as a party or otherwise: i. by reason of his being or having been a Trustee, Director, officer or employee of the Fraternity or of any other Fraternity which he has served as such at the request of the Fraternity, or ii. by reason of his acting or having acted in any capacity in a partnership, association, trust or other organization or entity where he served as such at the request of the Fraternity, or iii. by reason of any action taken or not taken by him in any such capacity, whether or not he continues in such capacity at the time such liability or expense shall have been incurred. b) As used in this Section 6, the terms "liability" and "expense" shall include, but shall not be limited to, counsel fees and disbursements and amounts of judgments, fines and penalties, and amounts paid in settlement by or on behalf of, a Trustee, Director, officer or employee. c) As used in this Section 6, the term "wholly successful" shall mean (i) termination of any action, suit or proceeding against the person in question without any finding of liability or guilt against him, and not settled by agreement predicated on the existence of willful misconduct by him, (ii) approval by a court, with knowledge of the indemnity herein provided, of a settlement of any action, suit or proceeding, or (iii) the expiration of a reasonable period of time after the making of any claim or threat of an action, suit or proceeding without the institution of the same, without any payment or promise made to induce a settlement. d) Every person claiming indemnification hereunder (other than one who has been wholly successful with respect to any claim, action, suit or proceeding) shall be entitled to indemnification (i) by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of Trustees who were not and are not parties to or threatened with the action, suit or proceeding, or (ii) if special independent legal counsel, which shall not be counsel to the Fraternity, selected by a majority of the disinterested members of the Board of Trustees, whether or not a disinterested quorum exists (such counsel being hereinafter called the "referee"), shall deliver to the Fraternity a written finding that such Trustee, Director, officer or employee has met the standards of conduct set forth in the preceding subsection (a). e) The rights of indemnification provided in this Section 6 shall be in addition to any rights to which any such Trustee, Director, officer or employee may otherwise be entitled. f) The Board of Trustees is authorized and empowered to purchase insurance covering the Fraternity's liabilities and obligations under this Section 6 and insurance protecting the Fraternity's Trustees, Directors, officers, members and employees, whether or not the Fraternity would have the power to indemnify such Trustees, Directors, officers, members and employees under the provisions of this Section 6.



Section 1. Members

The men admitted to membership to this Fraternity shall consist of Collegiate Members and Alumni Members. The International Board of Trustees shall adopt policies regarding the membership requirements of the collegiate members and alumni.

Section 2. Prohibition of Female Collegiate Groups

The Fraternity of Phi Kappa Theta strictly and unilaterally prohibits any Phi Kappa Theta Chapter or member from taking part in any action that organizes, fosters, or in any way encourages the existence of any kind of undergraduate auxiliary group to Phi Kappa Theta Chapters commonly known as "little sister" groups.


Section 1. Description

The Chapters of this Fraternity shall consist of the Grand Chapter, Collegiate Chapters, and Alumni Chapters.

Section 2. The Grand Chapter

a) The Grand Chapter shall be honorary in character, composed of all the Alumni members of the Fraternity who were members of the Grand Chapter of Phi Kappa Fraternity at the time of the amalgamation or who by right under the Constitution of Theta Kappa Phi Fraternity were so designated, together with all former members of the International Board of Trustees and all former full-time alumni staff members who served a minimum of two (2) full years. It shall be an advisory body to the International Convention and all its members shall be entitled to attend the International Convention. The Grand Chapter may vote at the International Convention. b) Members of the Grand Chapter in attendance at any International Convention, and in good standing with proper credentials, may each have one vote. The votes from the Grand Chapter shall not exceed 50 percent of the total votes from the undergraduate chapters. In the event that the number of Grand Chapter members eligible to vote at the convention exceeds that threshold, members with greatest tenure within the Grand Chapter will be the first to cast their votes. Once the 50% threshold is reached no further votes shall be cast by the grand chapter. Vote eligibility status will not impact any Grand Chapter member’s right to speak on the floor of the convention.

Section 3. Collegiate Chapters

A Collegiate Chapter shall be a group of students and their successors in any college or university, to which group a charter has been granted under the provisions of this Constitution & Bylaws. They shall be designated by a combination of the name of their state and a Greek letter or letters according to the determination of the International Board of Trustees at the time of the chartering of the Chapter.

Section 4. Alumni Chapters

a) An Alumni Chapter shall consist of ten (10) or more persons who have been collegiate members of the Fraternity, who are located in the same geographic area or region of a State, County or community; or who have been collegiate members of a given Collegiate Chapter located in that area.


b) Alumni Chapters shall be designated by any name chosen by the alumni members of said chapter, with the advice and consent of the International Board of Trustees, including, but not limited to, the name of the geographic area or region of a State, county or community or the name of the Collegiate Chapter located in that area. c) Alumni Chapters shall have the powers to adopt their own By-Laws, rules and regulations, which shall not be in conflict with this Constitution & Bylaws or any enactments of the Fraternity and shall have full control over its meetings, revenues and local government and shall provide for such officers as it may see fit. d) Each Alumni Chapter in good standing shall be entitled to elect a delegate to each session of the International Convention. e) Each chartered alumni chapter: i. Must pay the alumni organization assessment. ii. Keep a current constitution on file with the Executive Offices. iii. Meet officially at least once annually. iv. Submit the minutes of at least one regular meeting to the Executive Offices per year. v. Maintain current officer roster on file with the Executive Offices.


Section 1. Where Collegiate or Collegiate Colony Chapters may be established

Collegiate Chapters or collegiate Colony Chapters of the Fraternity shall be established in colleges and universities and junior colleges.

Section 2. How Collegiate Charters are Granted

Collegiate Charters shall be granted only upon petition in the manner and form as provided in the Policies.

Section 3. Vote on Petitions

a) All petitions shall be reviewed by the next session of the International Convention and if three-fourths (3/4) of the members of the International Convention vote in favor of it, a charter shall be granted; however, no petition shall be submitted to the convention, unless a copy of it and a copy of the report of the investigating committee be in the hands of the various chapters to give the petition full consideration and an opportunity to instruct their delegates on the matter. b) Where deferral of vote on a petition to the International Convention would be untimely or work a hardship on the petitioner, the petition may instead be submitted to the collegiate chapters by mail for their consideration. When a mail vote is authorized, a chapter shall have 45 days from date of mailing in which to vote on the petition. If three-fourths (3/4) of the collegiate chapters and board of trustees vote in favor of a petition, a charter shall be granted. c) An unfavorable vote shall not bar reconsideration of the petition at the next International Convention.

Section 4. Local Organizations

Any local organization desiring to petition for a collegiate charter shall follow the same guidelines as in the Policies.


Section 5. Charters for Alumni Chapters

In order that an alumni organization become a chartered alumni chapter it must, upon the petition of ten (10) or more Alumni Members who are located in the same geographic area or region of a state, county, or community or who had been Collegiate Members of a given Collegiate Chapter located in that area, but now reside in a different geographical area or region of a state, county, or community where there is no duly constituted Alumni Chapter or organization meet the following: Each petitioning group must submit its constitution to the Executive Offices and must pay the annual alumni organization assessment. Upon receipt of petition, constitution and payment of assessment, the alumni organization shall be granted an alumni charter by either the International Convention or Board of Trustees. However, all requirements of Article IV, Section 2(e) must be met in order to vote at Convention no matter when chartered.

Section 6. Revocation of Charters

a) Revocation of charters means the complete withdrawal by the International Convention of chapter rights and privileges, including initiation rites, and the surrender to the General Fraternity of all Ritual Books, Scrolls, and the Charter itself. b) Collegiate Chapter Charters may be revoked for cause at any meeting of the International Convention buy a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present at the Convention. c) The International Board of Trustees shall have the authority to revoke a charter at any time if a majority of the members of the International Board of Trustees are convinced, after diligent and careful inquiry by the Executive Vice President, that such action will be for the best interest of the Fraternity as a whole. d) With the exception of circumstances outlined in Article XII. Section 6c, no Chapter charter shall be revoked by the International Convention without notice to the Chapter, by certified mail, at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing by the International Secretary of the charges pending against it, and after an opportunity for a hearing of the charges before the Convention at which hearing the Chapter may appear, through authorized officers, in rebuttal to the pending charges. e) Alumni Chapter charters may be revoked by the International Board of Trustees for violations of the Fraternity’s Constitution & Bylaws or Policies.

Section 7. Upon Termination, Chapter Property to be Held in Trust

Upon the revocation, suspension, dissolution, abandonment or other termination of the Charter of any Chapter of this Fraternity, all real and personal property belonging to such Chapter, Alumni Chapter or Alumni Corporate Board shall be conveyed, transferred and delivered to the International Board of Trustees for a period of two (2) years for the purpose of reactivating such Chapter; and, in the event such Chapter is not reactivated within said period, all of such property shall thereupon become part of the general funds of this Fraternity.


Section 1. Content and Status

a) The Ritual shall contain all secret laws and obligations of the Fraternity and shall have equal force with the Constitution & Bylaws in all respects. It shall be the supreme authority on all ritualistic and ceremonial phases of the Fraternity. b) No activity prior to the exemplification of the Solemn Initiation Ritual shall be considered to constitute a part of the official Initiation Ritual of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity.


c) Any pre-initiation activities conducted by a Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity shall be of a mature, constructive nature; it shall not include elements which degrade the candidates or submit them to physical abuse or unusual psychological stress. d) Following the exemplification of the formal ritual, each Chapter shall within one (1) week, hold a special Chapter Meeting Seminar for the purpose of discussing the ritual with the new initiates.

Section 2. International Custodian of Ritual

The Ritual shall be entrusted to the Executive Vice President for safekeeping, and copies shall be supplied by him to the various Chapters under the seal of the Fraternity and only chapters in good standing may possess copies of the ritual. He shall have authority to call upon any Chapter to produce their copy at any time for inspection. He shall keep a record of all copies distributed and shall, before replacing them, require that the old copy be returned to him.

Section 3. Custodian of Ritual in Chapters

Copies of the Ritual furnished to the various Chapters shall be kept under lock by the President who shall be responsible for the preservation of same. Its provisions shall never be made known to anyone not a member of the Fraternity, and the Chapter President shall see to it that it is kept secret.

Section 4. Who May Make Copies

No one except the Executive Vice President shall be permitted to make transcriptions, in whole or in part of the Ritual.

Section 5. Permanent Committee on Ritual

There shall be a permanent Committee on the Ritual, to be composed of at least two Collegiate Members and one Alumni Member, as designated by the International President.

Section 6. Graduating Senior Ceremony

The "Graduating Senior Ceremony" is a recognized and practiced ritual of the Fraternity.

Section 7. Phi Kappa Theta Requiem Ritual

The “Requiem Ritual” is a recognized and practiced Ritual of the Fraternity.


Section 1. Custodian

The Executive Vice President shall have custody and control of all property of the Fraternity, except such as in use by the other officers of the Fraternity.

Section 2. Repossession When Charter is Revoked


In cases of the revocation of a charter, the International Secretary and/or Executive Vice President shall recover the Ritual, records, paraphernalia and other property of the Fraternity.

Section 3. Conveyances

All instruments of conveyance shall be executed by the International President or Executive Vice President or International Treasurer and shall bear the seal of the Fraternity.


Section 1. Constitutional Amendments

a) This Constitution & Bylaws may be amended by a 3/4 vote (unless otherwise expressly provided therein) of all members of the International Convention, provided that all Chapters shall be furnished with a copy of the proposed amendment thirty (30) days before the amendment shall be presented to the International Convention. The proposed amendment and copies thereof shall be placed in the hands of the Executive Vice President forty-five (45) days prior to the opening of the convention in order to comply with the above regulation, who shall send a copy to each Collegiate Chapter and Alumni Chapter and each member of the International Board of Trustees by first-class mail or electronic transmission/notification. Once an amendment has been proposed as outlined above, the International Convention can make further changes in the proposed amendment as long as they are consistent with the overall purpose of the amendment. b) The principle purposes of this Fraternity, however, shall not be subject to amendments.

Section 2. Constitution & Bylaws Committee

All proposed amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws and/or By-Laws will be referred to the Constitution & Bylaws Committee. Without changing the intent of the proposed amendment, the Committee will have the authority to:

a) Improve the legalistic wording. b) Propose changes in other sections of the Constitution & Bylaws or By-Laws which would be necessary to keep it consistent with a particular proposed change (such other changes would be grouped as a package and voted on together). c) Transfer the proposed amendment to another section or article of the Constitution & Bylaws or By-Laws if more appropriate. d) Point out any contradictions or constitutional problems that a proposed amendment may involve. e) When the proposed amendment comes to the floor of the Convention, the original proposal with the recommendations of this committee will be presented, but only the latter will be voted upon unless the Convention (by majority vote) decides to do otherwise.

Section 3. Amendments to the Policies of the Fraternity.

The Policies may be amended by a majority vote of the Convention using the procedures outlined in Article XV. Section 1. a)

Section 4. Amendments to Ritual

The Ritual may be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of all members of the International Convention.




The following is a clarification of Article I, Section 2(b):

Phi Kappa Theta, aware of its religious traditions and history as expressed in the International Constitution & Bylaws, wishes to enhance these traditions in its operation standards.

The life of the college student today should be devoted to growth, inquiry, appraisal of personal religious beliefs, and coming to grips with conflicting value systems.

Phi Kappa Theta affords college men the opportunity to participate in a concerned community where individuals may be able to experience meaningful growth and maturity in an atmosphere where an open and free spirit of respect, understanding, self-evaluation and sharing exists.

Our tradition provides the basic form for development of those grown relationships between man and man, and man and his God.

- 1969 Convention -