Introductory remark ...... 15

Curriculum vitae of Liane Collot d’Herbois...... 17


Light and darkness ...... 23 Qualities of the light 29 The third dimension 29 The second dimension 30 The fourth dimension 33 The first dimension 33 The tragedy of the light 34 Light, darkness and colour and the human being 35 Summary 39 Light and darkness in charcoal-drawing 40 Charcoal exercises 43 Medium light 43 Weak light 44 Strong light 45 Central light 46 Conclusion 47 About the training of the painting therapist...... 49 Thinking in Colour 49 Painting 52 Drawing and observation 53 The rainbow between light and darkness 54 How does one start a painting? 57 Materials 60 About curative painting...... 63 Painting with patients 65 Painting in veils 65 Painting on wet paper 67 Learning disabled children (backward) 68 Short-term therapy 68 Working with patients 69 Diagnosing patients9pictures 70


Introduction ...... 77 M agenta...... 79 The Old Indian Epoch 79 The properties of the 81 The illness of the magenta 84 The too light magenta 84 The too dark magenta 87 Therapy 90 The too light magenta 90 The too dark magenta 92 Painting the magenta 93 The Old Persian Epoch 97 Properties of the carmine 99 Therapeutic qualities of the carmine 101 Negative qualities of the carmine 101 The illnesses of the carmine 101 The too light carmine 101 The too dark carmine 103 Therapy 104 For the too light carmine 104 For the too dark carmine 105 Painting the carmine 106 First exercise 107 Second exercise 108 Third exercise 109 Fourth exercise 110 Therapy 111

Vermilion and scarlet...... 113 The transition from the Old Persian to the Egyptian Epoch 113 The properties of vermilion 114 Curative properties of the vermilion 117 Negative aspects of vermilion 119 Curative properties of the scarlet 119 The illnesses of the vermilion 120 The too light vermilion 120 The too dark vermilion 121 Therapy 122 For the too light vermilion 122 For the too dark vermilion 123 Rheumatism 125 Painting the vermilion 126 Orange, burnt sienna and brown madder...... The Egyptian Epoch 129 Orange 130 The properties of orange 130 Therapeutic properties of the orange 133 The illnesses of the orange 134 The too light orange 134 The too dark orange 136 Painting therapy for the illnesses of the orange 137 Therapy for the too light orange 137 Therapy for the too dark orange 138 Painting the orange 139 Burnt sienna 141 The consciousness soul. Holland's golden age in the 17th century 141 The properties of the burnt sienna 142 Therapeutic properties 142 Brown madder 143

Yellow ...... 145 Two pictures 145 The properties of the yellow 146 The true being of yellow 150 Therapeutic qualities 151 The illnesses of the yellow 152 Painting yellow 155

Yellow- and Sap g ree n ...... 159 The Cretan civilization 159 The properties of the yellow-green 160 Therapeutic qualities of the yellow-green 161 The illnesses of the yellow-green 162 Two pictures 162 Hysteria 163 Heavy hysteria 164 Therapy 165 Light hysteria 165 Heavy hysteria 166 Sap green 167 Therapeutic properties 167 Painting the yellow-green 168

Green ...... 171 Introduction 171 The period of the Greek civilization 172 The properties of the green 176 Therapeutic properties of the green 178 The illnesses connected with the green 182 Cancer 182 Therapy 184 Various cases of cancer 188 Cancer of the liver 190 Cancer of the bones 191 Cancer of the backbone 192 Cancer of the breast 193 Diabetes 193 Therapy 194 Epilepsy 195 Therapy 196 Painting the green 196

From the colours in front to the colours behind the light ...... 199 Turquoise...... The civilization of Byzantium 203 Qualities of the turquoise 205 Negative qualities 206 Prussian 206 Therapeutic qualities of the turquoise 208 Illnesses of the turquoise 209 The too dark turquoise 210 Too light turquoise 211 Neurasthenia 211 Neurosis 212 Nervousness 213 Therapy 213 Painting therapy for the too dark turquoise 215 Asthma 216 Painting therapy for the too light turquoise 217 Neurasthenia 217 Neurosis 218 Nervousness 220 Painting the turquoise 220

Cobalt blue ...... 223 Middle Ages (9th - 15th century) 223 Qualities of the cobalt blue 225 The working of cobalt blue in various parts of the organism 227 Nervous system 227 Blood 228 Bladder 229 Skeleton 230 Glands 231 Future developments 231 Therapeutic aspects 232 Negative aspects 234 Illnesses of the cobalt blue 235 Too light cobalt blue 235 Bed wetting 237 Tuberculosis 238 Therapy 240 Too dark cobalt blue 241 Therapy 242 Painting the cobalt blue 243 Ultramarine 244

Indigo...... 245 The epoch of the consciousness soul 247 Qualities of the 250 The skeleton 252 Therapeutic qualities of the indigo 253 Indigo in pain ting therapy 255 The illnesses of the indigo 256 Therapy 261 Too light indigo 262 Autism 262 Anorexia nervosa 263 Heart and circulation problems 264 Obsession 265 Too dark indigo 265 De calcification 265 Apathy 266 Constipation 267 Cramped soul 267 Atrophy 268 Painting the indigo 268 271 Properties of the violet 273 Violet in nature 275 Light violet 276 Properties of the light violet 276 Cobalt violet 277 Medium and deep violet 278 The movement of the violet 279 Violet and vermilion 281 Negative aspects 281 Therapeutic aspects of the violet 282 Therapeutic aspects of the light violet 284 Illnesses of the violet 285 The too light violet 286 Therapy 286 The too dark violet 287 Therapy 289 Painting the violet 290

Literature...... 293 Publications from Rudolf Steiner 293 Other publications 297