Guide to Resources for Parents of the Handicapped Child. INSTITUTION' Northeast Area Learning Resource Center, Hightstown, N.J
' DOCUaB1T RESUME ED 131 653 . - BC 091 950 TITLE Guide to Resources for Parents of the Handicapped Child. INSTITUTION' Northeast Area Learning Resource Center, Hightstown, N.J. SPONS AGENCY Bureau'of •E4ucation for the- Handicapped (DHEA/OE) , Washington, D.C. PUB RATE Aug 73' CONTRACT • 300-754-0036. NOTE 49p. EDRS PRICE,i , MF-tb.'$O HC-$2•,1)6 Plus Postage. 'DESC&IP-TARS *Bibliographies;• Elementary Secondary Education; .*Facilities; *Handicapped Children;, *Organizations (Groups) ; *Parent Education; Parent Role; Preschool Education; *Resource Guides' —• PDENT'FIEBE • • Northeast"Area Learning' Resqurace Center;- *Parent • paterials' ABSTRACT Intended for parents of handicapped children, the guide is designed to provide information on• obtaining guidance and training for individuls'served by the Northeast Area-Learning .. • Resource Center. listed are the names and addresses ,of six national and six state 'organizations in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New .Jersey,' Rhode Island, and Vermont serving the handicapped. A bibliography of 80 materials is presented on the following topics: general, neurologically impaired,learning .disabled and perceptually impaired, mentally retarded; orthopedically , ' handicapped, and autistic. Also provided are a list of directories'of facilities for spècial needs children,, a bibliography of books about and for.handicapped children, a description of various parent training courses and•worksops, a paper outlining,educational. .. activities, and a list of 'places to look for further help. Appended is a list of the abbreviations used in the guide to. designate various handicaps and organizations, and enclosed is a user feedback form. (SBH) GUIDE TO RESOURCES FOR PARENTS OF THE HANDICAPPED CHILD GUIDE CONSULTANT: CAROLYN SCHNITZLER, PARENT PREPARED BY: THE NORTHEAST ALRC/RRC REGION 9 168 BANK STREET HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY 08520 NEW JERSEY STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Commissioner of' Education • Dr.
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