Thirty Months—Thirty Years to a Better Outdoor Pennsylvania

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Thirty Months—Thirty Years to a Better Outdoor Pennsylvania Thirty Months—Thirty Years To A Better Outdoor Pennsylvania For the next thirty months a new, and temporary, servation movement need to re-examine what they are federal commission will be studying a subject of vital thinking and doing, to see if the process of bringing interest to the lovers of outdoor recreation of Penn­ about more widespread recognition can't be speeded sylvania and the rest of the nation. up, for this obviously will have to be done if the This is the national Outdoor Recreational Resources demands of the coming years are to be met. Review Commission, of which Laurance Rockefeller There no doubt will be a tendency now to "pass of New York, is chairman, and of which Representa­ the buck" to the new Outdoor Recreational Resources tive John P. Saylor of Johnstown, is the only Pennsyl­ Review Commission. If so, it will be one of the worst vania member; indeed, he is the only congressional mistakes the recreationists can make. Through its member from the eastern states. work the commission can help—it cannot help but The commission has a three-pronged task: 1) To help—but the organized conservationists would be produce an inventory of today's existing recreational foolish to sit with folded hands now and wait for the opportunity for the public, 2) make a forecast of the commission, through its study, to find the answers expansion required to meet the demands of the fore­ to all outdoor recreational problems. Organized con­ seeable future, and 3) suggest ways and means by servationists, in the Izaak Walton League and every which these demands may be met. other group, would do well to keep plugging away, building their strength and their knowledge of what Late in April, 1959, the subject had a thorough must be done and how to do it, so that when the going-over at the 37th national convention of the commission delivers its report thirty months from now, Izaak Walton League of America, held in Philadelphia. they will be reasonably ready to undertake their share Chairman Rockefeller was the keynote speaker. J. W. of the task and bring it to successful accomplishment. Penfold of Washington, conservation director of the The stake of the landowner is, in a broad sense, no League and the "daddy" of the resources review idea, different from that of the nonowner in outdoor recre­ was another speaker. So was the writer of this edi­ ation. The chief difference is that, in many ways, he torial, who talked on the subject of the landowner's is in a position to take direct action and do something stake in outdoor recreation. about improving and perpetuating the recreation that, Does the average landowner truly realize the stake ordinarily, should be available to him and his neigh­ he has in outdoor recreation? If he did so realize, bors and friends right outside his door. His stake is would he continue the damaging land and water use obvious to the informed member of the major recrea­ practices that are still so common in this Common­ tional resource conservation organizations, to those wealth and elsewhere across this broad land? Would who come to meetings and sit through long discussions he continue to plow every field right up to the fence, and debates in smoke-filled meeting rooms once a and up and down hill instead of on true contours to month. But what about those millions of landowners, prevent erosion? Would he continue to harvest for in Pennsylvania and elsewhere in the United States, cash gain, or destroy as he so frequently does, every who do not belong to those organizations, who can't last bit of winter food and cover for wildlife left on always be talked with face to face, who do not know his cultivated acres after he harvests his normal crop? or who aren't aware of their stake in outdoor recrea­ Would he continue to be so indiscriminate in his use tion? These are the people who must be reached; these of highly potent pesticides? are the ones toward whom present and future attention These and other bad practices seem to relate to must be directed. And it will take not only in the wildlife rather than fish, but the fish are affected, too, thirty months of the life of the national Outdoor though perhaps in a more indirect or subtle way in Recreational Resources Review Commission, but prob­ some instances. ably the thirty years that follow. Conservationists If it is granted that the bad practices are still being must prepare for a long, hard, continuing pull, if the carried out by landowners, even after a full generation goal is to be attained. of recognition that they are bad, isn't it proof that someone has failed to "sell" the landowner on his stake in good outdoor recreation? Maybe all the people in the organized recreational resource con­ PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION PENNSYLVANIA DIRECTORY EXECUTIVE OFFICE ANGLER WILLIAM VOIGT, JR. Executive Director DR. ALBERT S. HAZZARD Asst. Director Published Monthly by the H. R. STACKHOUSE PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION Administrative Secretary JOSEPH J. MICCO COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Comptroller PAUL J. SAUER David L. Lawrence, Governor Assistant Comptroller • • Pennsylvania Fish Commission DIVISIONS JOHN W. GRENOBLE, President Carlisle ALBERT R. HINKLE, JR., Vice Pros. .Clearfield R. STANLEY SMITH Waynesburg Aquatic Biology WALLACE DEAN Meadvilla JOSEPH M. CRITCHFIELD Confluence GORDON TREMBLEY Chief GERARD J. ADAMS Hawley MAYNARD BOGART Danville Fish Culture DEWEY SORENSON Superintendent Engineering THOMAS F. O'HARA Chief Engineer MAY, 1959 VOL. 28, NO. 5 Real Estate CYRIL G. REGAN Chief law enforcement WILLIAM W. BRITTON Chief Conservation Education-Public Relations C ROBERT GLOVER Chief J. ALLEN BARRETT, Editor JOHNNY NICKLAS, Photographer • REGIONAL OFFICES CONTENTS Northwest Conneautville Phone 3033 COVER 2—THIRTY MONTHS—THIRTY YEARS (EDITORIAL)—Wm. Volgt, Jr. S. CARLYLE SHELDON Warden Supervisor WILLIAM E. DAUGHERTY ....Fishery Manager 2 POISON IVY—Wilbert Nathan Savage 6 ANYONE FOR CAMPING—John F. Clark Southwest R. D. 5 8 ANGLER QUIZ—Carsten Ahrens Somerset 9 WE GOT THE TROUT GOATS—Keen Buss Phone 6913 MINTER C. JONES Warden Supervisor 12 FLY TYING—George W. Harvey DAN HEYL Fishery Manager 15 LET US BE QUIET—Ray Ovington Northeast 17 OF WORMS AND FISHERMEN—Sigurd F. Olson S46 Main Street 20 FISHING GEAR PUZZLER—Don Shiner Honesdale Phone 1485 21 PLANNING TO DROWN THIS WEEK-END BY ANY CHANCE— VACANT Warden Supervisor VACANT Fishery Manager Dave Campbell 22 NEW THINGS IN TACKLE AND GEAR Southeast Box 14S 23 NOTES FROM THE STREAMS Hellam 24 THERE'S GLORY FOR ALL—Alfred L. Nelson Phone York 47-2463 JOHN S. OGDEN Warden Supervisor 25 FISHERMAN'S PARADISE 1959 SEASON ROBERT BIELO Fishery Manager THE COVER: "So-o-o-o Tired" North Central Photo by Johnny Nicklas 644 W. Main Street Lock Haven The PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER is published monthly by the Pennsylvania Fish Commission Phone 6497 South Office Building, Harrisburg. Pa. Subscription: $1.00 per year, 10 cents per single copy' Send check or money order payable to Pennsylvania Fish Commission. DO NOT SEND JOHN I. BUCK Warden Supervisor STAMPS. Individuals sending cash do so at their own risk. Change of address should reach VACANT Fishery Manager us promptly. Furnish both old and new addresses. Second Class Postage Paid at Harris­ burg, Pa. Neither Publisher nor Editor will assume responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or Sooth Central illustrations while in their possession or in transit. Permission to reprint will be given 201 Ridge Road provided we receive marked copies and credit is given material or illustrations. Com­ munications pertaining to manuscripts, material or illustrations should be addressed to Huntingdon the Pennsylvania Fish Commission, Harrisburg, Pa. Phone Mitchell 3-1321 HAROLD CORBIN Warden Supervisor NOTICE: Subscriptions received and processed after the 10th of each month will begin with the CURTIS SIMES Fishery Manager second month following. Poison Ivy j A Lurking Menace to Millions by Wilbert Nathan Savage A prominent doctor-columnist has conservatively estimated that more than 33% of all people in the United States are readily susceptible to the irritating influences of poison ivy. Others may contract the evil rash if exposure is thorough enough and condi­ tions are unusually favorable. This means that per­ haps 70,000,000 Americans are wholly lacking in the powers of immunity which could ward off an active outbreak of the blushing "itch." GOOD EXAMPLE of poison ivy growing on fence. substantiated by the U. S. Department of Agricul­ ture's plant-study experts, based on findings of the United States Public Health Service. There are records of people who found poison ivy harmless to them for years, only to suddenly discover after moderate exposure that they had contracted a serious case of the annoying rash. In one particular instance, a state park attendant who had "toyed with the stuff for twenty years" woke up one morning to find that he had what his doctor later described as "the worst case of ivy poisoning that anyone could possibly have without benefit of hospitalization . ." Sometimes, when people tormented by poison ivy have fun poked at them, just as jokes are often thought­ lessly made about hay-fever sufferers, it is largely because the uncomfortable condition is the result of carelessness. Frequently the amused ones even offer TYPICAL EXAMPLE of poison ivy climbing tree trunk. the reminder: "Leaflets three, let it be! Come, now, we know you can count to three!" Some authorities on the subject claim no one is Seriously, like hay fever or bee stings or insect really immune to the pernicious plant, explaining that bites, there's nothing about poison ivy's potency to our bodies undergo changes and resistance varies from justify even a small degree of genuine mirth.
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