190 THE N. M blowing the bellows, stirring the firp i sources of vice-royal- ty however, but that the attention of travellers. For the former," !iit tho of New Spain. After certain, ing coals, and performing the beneficial commerce in this respect yet other dut says Mr. Frazer, " there quite a craze jthe division of the Mexican Republic into a 1 i. oi a blacksmith's ussistunt. When lttr don-'feder- al states the population here white is your only color for a States, the whole of California exist. Humboldt iiiiisucu, iiv wviii iu iiiu piuprictor key, and you scarcely meet any person of !wns erected into what was termed a " Old California at 9000. At the present his manufactory, and asked him li'm,', time it does not exceed 14,000 or 15,000. lie his workmen per pod. man or woman, mounted , ritory," which differed from a State in gave ,,Tirci in- eds has less than 300 or an altina," answered on any tiling else than these spotless ;lhis, that it did not have an elective gov-quadrup- The capital, Loreta, pecks Muller. except, indeed, the more ernor or legislature, but was under the habitants. La Paz, together with San ry well," replied the Czar, ! lav'e population earned eighteen nltinas." JMuller fit, warlike classes, who despise anything un- - immediate control of the general govern-de- r Antonio, contains, perhaps, a -- eighteen ducats, offered them to pctcr gov-th- e of 2000. the grade of an Arab steed. Most of ment of , which appointed its told that ho could not give California, was discov- him, a work, learned professions prefer the meeker ernor, under the name of commandant-anima- l, New, or Upper like his inujesty less per pood. pctcr 151-- 2 Cobrillo, a r and so do all the ladies ; so that general, and all the subordinate ollicers. ered about the year by sod. Keep your ducats," said was he, "f the number in use is very great ; and as ;In the year 1630, a revolution broke out Spanish navigator. Part of the nnt wruinrhf. hrtfpr than nnv rs , V ""itr M women of the higher ranks seldom move jiu Upper California. On the 7th of No-witho- ut visited by Sir Francis Drake in 1578. give ine wnai you woum give to nnotht. a multitude of attendants .simi-- ! ember, the country was declared to be No permanent European settlements were want to buy a pair of shoes, of which in At the larly mounted, when such a visit is undo independent of Mexico. effected till about the year 1770. That great need." same time lit $r oc- ed him his shoes, which had been the house of a neighbor, the braying The name of California was for nearly portion of Uppci California at present once n at ded, und were again full of hol(8. concert becomes intolerable. These ass- 200 years exclusively applied to the great cupied by the missions and settlers, is accepted the eighteen altinas, mid 1 is about live hundred English miles in length, lU es are, believe, of a particular breed, which now termed Old or himself a pair of new shoes, which the breath from the to the first Imt and fetch very high prices from forty to Lower California, and which is arbitrarily and to show with much pleasure, saying, "jt, aver- fifty pounds sterling being no uncommon bounded on the north by a line drawn range of hills may be stated at an I earned with the sweat of my brow." sum for one of great size, good blood, and from the of California to the of age of 40 miles, which will give an area One of the bars of iron forged Lv P fine paces. They are magnificently ca- the Pacific. After the discovery and set- of 20,000 square miles. This, however, the Great, and authenticated by his mark parisoned, and every one of the poor ani- tlement by the Spaniards of the country is but a small part of Upper Calfornia as still to bo seen at Istria, in the forge of), similar is mals has its nostrils slit, a practice preva- to the north of the peninsula, and which the whole country extending to the ltio lor. Another bar preserve the cabinet of curiosities at St. lent also in Persia, and which is said to was also named California, as being part , and to an undefined limit north- PctersW make them longer winded. Heaven of the same tract of coast, and inhabited ward, is included in its territory. The VVOli JACK. knows their wind is long enough when by the some race of people, the distinc- whole extent of Upper California, proper- The following account is In they begin to bray. The rage for black tive appellations of Upper and Lower, or ly so called, presents a supcrlices equal to given Rev. Leigh Richmond, as having beer slaves here is quite as universal as that New and Old, California became necessa- many of the most extensive and powerful lated by a minister in a meeting ot the for white donkeys, and, judging from ap- ry, and have since beei. universally ap- kingdoms of . This immense re- isli and Foreign Bible Society: ; Low- gion, by the 44 pearances, I should suppose that the ug- plied the peninsula being termed except the districts occupied A drunkard was one day staccrir- - lier they are, the more they are valued er, as being in a lower degree of latitude, Roman Catholic missions on the coast, is drink on the brink of the sea. liislitilt,( like an Isle of Skyc terrier, whose beau- and Old from its earlier settlement. possessed by scattered tribes of Indians, by him, three years old, being very (u- nsolicited ty consists in its especial and perfect ugli- Old California was discovered in the and has been hitherto but little known. him for something to tut. i ness. These dark beauties, male and fe- year 1534, by a squadron fitted out for All travellers have been struck with the miserable lather, conscious of his pou and the criminal cause of it, in a kinc male, conic chiefly from Madagascar and the purposes of discovery by Cortes. It beauty and fertility of the country. In rage, occasioned by his intemperance, Zanzebar, and are supplied for the most was not, however, till manv years had many places, indeed on the coast,' the despair, hurled the little innocent into elapsed, and fruitless sea-win- ds and fogs part oy tne imaun oi Muscat a very many attempts at blast the foliage of the sea, and made off with himself. Tliej in all in- staunch and worthy ally of ours, in whose colonization been made, that a permanent trees exposed situations. More little sufferer, finding a Moating plank lv hands nearly all the trade rests. They settlement was effected by the Spaniards, land, nothing of the kind is seen. tk New side on the water, clung to it. The thick-lippe- are all d, have broad faces, high jT!ie zeal of the Jesuit missionaries at California," says Humboldt, is as well soon wnf.ed him and the plank into the;

cheek-bone- man-of-wa- r, bv c s, exceedingly depressed noses, length overcame every obstacle, and pos-sma- ll watered and fertile as Old California is 4A British passing peaked chins, staring white eyes, session was taken of the country about arid and stony. The climate is much covered tiie plank and child; and a sai. ut the risk of his own life, plunged iuti and atrociously black skins. . . Here 'the close of the seventeenth centurv. more mild than in the same latitude on sea, and brought him on board. He c( vou find them greatly preferred to all oth- - jTho whole country explored by the Jesu- - the eastern coast of the new ." inform them little more than that his i.;. ers as servants, both m the Harem, and as far north as the 28th degree of The country abounds in trees, which ji, was Jack They gave him the iisimt for other offices. The streets swarm with 'north latitude, was thinly peopled by nu-the- m, urow not only in detached groups or Poor Jack. He grew up on board that d and their glossy skins, fat shining jmcrous tribes, more or less stationary in clumps on the plains and vaJlies, but ol-w- ar, behaved well, and gained the loit faces, and gay apparel, lead at once to their rude villages or encampments, differ- - spread out into extensive forests. The all the officers and men. He became indi-geneo- departim the conclusion that they fare well ; a fact ing very little in their general habits and country abounds with animals both us officer of the sick and wounded sufficiently notorious from the well known condition, yet sufficiently marked to be and imported. The feathered During an action of the late war, an man a d; partiality of Turks, in common with most distinguished by fixed names, and speak- tribes both of land and water are found came under his care, nearly in state. He was all attention to the sufft; Orientals towards their slaves ; and the ing different languages or different dia- in very great abundance. California is stranger, but could not save his life. impudent swagger, and not lects of the same. The best informed of watered by numerous rivers; and 44 unfrequently there The aged stranger was dying, nnd t: insolent language of the dark rogues as the Jesuits believed that there were but is nothing in the configuration of the sur- addressed this kind young officer: 'for they pass you in the street, leaves no three languages decidedly differing from face of the country to forbid the eternal great attention you have shown me, It doubt of their being the spoiled favorites 'one another. The peninsula of Califor- - spring which its situation promises. There you this only treasure that I am posses; of some over-indulge- nt master. The en- ma is seven or eighti.ihundred miles in is found a temperature equally removed (presenting him with a Bible, bearing joyment of this species of luxury is, how- length, and varies in breadth from 30 to from extreme hot or cold. The situation stamp of the British and Foreign Wilt' eiety.) It was given me by a lady; ever, confined to the faithful ; no Chris- 100 miles, the medium breadth being from of California for intercourse with other been the means of my am! tian or Infidel, of whatever 50 to 60 miles. It consists of an irrecular countries, and its for convcrson; caste, being capacity commerce, it, C I been a great comfort to me. Read k t by law permitted to own nLti k r - ln v 1. V n n . I is most favorable. any slave." Its western on will lead you in the way you should jrv"I hills interspersed with tracts of a sandy the Pacific possess capacious ports. The men went on to con!css tho wiekedm.J CALIFORNIA. jsoil nearly as unproductive. The greatest route by which the voyage from India, profligacy of his life before the recejitK This distant and comparatively I height of this mountain ridge is less than China, Manila, and other Asiatic coun- Ins Bible; and, among other enorinitirs is he once cast a little known part of our continent has recently ujuu icci. in some sheltered spots tries, performed to the American coast, son, three ycar!!. where the soil has been left safe from the obliges vessels to pass very near the to the sea, because he cried to hiia form attracted some interest from an impression ed food. is torrents, there is a fertile mould ; but shores of California. It appears as if it that Great Britain about to occupy it. " The young officer inouired of hi"' such spots are very small ex- was Russia also, in her all grasping policy, rare, and of designed by the Creator to be the timo . II and place, and found here hiso nwJl ..." A I . . I tent. Water is also very scarce. It itivuiuiu ui I 1 would seem to have designs upon it. commercially. . inry. it you can, ! ly would seem as if iteuuer, judge a convention between Russia and the the action of the heavy with America, and as the depot of trade ings, to recognize in tho dvin old ma. from the i . . i i : United States, made in April, 1821, no central ridge of rocky hills between these two vast . It is r..i.uuiiui, ujmg a penitent unmr u the dvin: settlements on the northwest coast were and encroachments of the on admirably calculated for carrying on a And, judge of the feelings of the both its shores, had gradually washed trade with all the new itcnt, to find that the same young to be formed by Russian subjects, or un- republics border- oii was his son the very son whom lie der the authority of Ptussia, south of north away the mould and soil from its surface, ing the Pacific. Boston Mercantile where it was Jour. plunged into the sea: and had no iii'n bo-fo- except of such ponderous latitude 50' 40'. Nevertheless, long re he lud immediately A dt" quality as , or where it was penned nerished! that convention, and ever since, Rus- lion of their mutual feelings will not b up by a barrier of rocks all PETKIt Tilt: (JHKAT. sia has held her settlement of La Bode- on sides. The temped. The old expired i" "Immortal Peter, liist of monarchs." man soon fertility of the sea, however, seemed to Thomson. II fllli3 riC ti! . . '!!. 1 . I i curl ga, in north latitude tn ma ma pun. '' 33' 19'. Another It was the ui i ne miter leu make amends for the barrenness of the custom of Peter the Great to and became a pious of t! interesting circumstance is, that it bus visit tho different workshops preacher land. The shores of California abound and iniintifhr.tr.. wii srorv. ministrr been ascertained that the gulf of Califor- nes, not on y to ciosinir ine ine in the greatest variety of excellent fish. encourage them, but olso to meeting of the Bible Society, bmv.dto nia nnd the large river Colorado, (for a judge of what other For one branch of commerce, the useful establishments chairman, and said, "Sir, lam Poor Jack considerable distance from its mouth,) is might be formed in Ins dominions. , California has been famed from its Among -S- ailors Magazine, easily navigable by steam, and that there ...w .. 'ifmu iic(iieuuy, were tiie first discovery. At the commencement ninCty is a strong probability that the line of McScow MThe c!nrria' W7S,S PAKvo.-- A,r officrr h of the seventeenth century, the King of a fT Iia steam navigation which the British pro- French- ,,rmv. ,mm..,1 , r , .. . l?;,rhnffrn.- 1 1 iii-int- 1 Mt r , , . - Spain's share of the profits mont nere. j ' pose to establish along the (one fifth) : , is miic, uuvr giving vented a travelling chest, for officers, western coast due attention to the affairs f amounted to 12,000 dollars per annum for it llll, II must ho mifrhtv nnd of to tho of Dari- - he never neglected, ho ....i,ti rnvinint." every bark employed. When the fishery amused himself with a efllcicncy o'c lift rlictrtnt and examining in remarkable dearcc.thc rr seeing everything in the most lit1! p California to w.d" io us greatest cxieni, i.om triv ance in making the most of a to upper and the month of Pcuien minute manner, nnd even employed and iSI t0 Clgllt Indian (llVCrS from tllQ Oppo-- himself It is thus describtd by the Army the . in learning the business of a blacksmith site coast were employed. It was carried Me Chronicle: succeeded well, IC The country comprised under tho ?o ihat one of the last in shano. fret fijl'1' on by fjnall vessels of from 13 to 0 tons days of Ins remaining two name of California, or the there, he forged eigh- es iTiength, one foot four inches in l" burden. The actual amount of the trade teen pods of iron, and put lately constituted a part of the hi own particular tin inik- - r Hj Iffhf! 8" now insignificant.. It is by mark on each bar. The hn is no means .M made II Republic, and was formerly included Innblsmen- of his J '"1 i'tllCI to contain a tent, in which suite, were employed in can stand unriftht. unrf mnv about with'
