ft General Sports jag Homing Ciniiff Automobiles I B ELjPASO, TEXAS, SUNDAY. APRIL II. 1915. PACES TO ft P If You Have Not Been to the Races This Year, Today Is Your Last Chance



A Head Progresa With Speed Lea Take (By CHRISTY MATHEWSON.) Aug ustns Makes Pm OMfleld Ada ta Cntrea Prominent Helare KihlblUoas ta Bis Far Beseball Map by Tf la the big leagues, enmities M4i-- Cholee Om Plartag la Christie New AssooieUoa. temn tor aae reaaea er 1Mb Una Cil between plovers, managers, sad eaa- - atrrs Old I her lite hint. I eivld pa pat eons hark through baseball and te The alx clubs tn tha Rio Ortnde ttaoctt-ttln- tola the OTnrw. rear yesterday when De Lloyd Thompaon. any feuds, but those of rrreat date are all lined up and will be ready anight be termed, as the lawyara es America's premier blrdmen, gara El Paso ror ibe day. April 77, Marl Copel II (VUriMf) opening Tuesday. and their quarrels. Meriop verana M- ..flat glimpse loop-th- e win begin the ror IMa Louis r. Jerknoa) ..lie I lit rtrst of the tiro months' strain the eces. Mailings versus Meek, and te loop. High In the air, with a barking pennant. Metlraw tersan "Hank" O'ltay. Yew Blue Racer (SUrtlaf) nee, Mrfirsw leeds this Hat. far Ma Zeaetek (SUrtlag) ..IMS or snowy rloud to bring out hit aerial Bill tjuigiry. Uta atar seoead bees-tta- a name appears twlrr. Commendation (Longo) ..It I arnica In sharpest detail, Thompaon put bit aad manager. wIM arrive here One ef Ihe hltteret ef thane lata Phylll Antoinette (Mtrllng) Sto I tiny little biplane through paces which tomorrow from Oakland. CeL. aad go feuds tt between Herreg and Mrttraw. dleert to Art Rick (McCaoe) lie I brought rear, then admiration to spec- Silver city, where he will aad. oddly eaaugh, Ihe two mea are Jilt succeed Ed Maekey, who will be ap- atraegel) alike ta many reaper! . tators, and when he descended In tbe T HY SCHNEIDER. pointed ea the umpire staff Bath ire Ilery, tad each hustles aad Washington park Infield after his flight, strives la Ihe limit for everv point, Tbe outstanding of the running President Hughes and Manager McCloakey feature the unassuming youngster wat cheered aa even la eihlbilloa games, is man- or Um Saturday card at tbe Mexican track will accompany Qutgley to silver City and ager, they are Very similar. Yet, beyond tbe Rio Grande, wit Ibe brilliant a hero. put blm In right with the fans of that whenever Ihe Reda aad Ihe Gleets horsemanship displayed by Jockey Stirling, Barney OMfleld, styled the matter city. meet, ynu eee count ea t running fire world, who piloted four winners out of tlx driver ef the waa dewa ea the Each club or tbe Rio Grande league haa at eeesmall en between Managers oros ran to share hewers with Theaap- - "Hertle" "Star." mounts. He scored hla first on Marte Cot-bi- part an experienced manager and tbe race for aad sec- sea, and the veteraa played hla A of mine, seen Iferaog In tbe opener, nn Regard In the wall. Barney sent his hugs raelag ear the pennant will be an interesting one. mend who bad unplaced, coming back with hi the south al Mobile recently, told me ond he wat eraasung la aaa aut ei tan Lea Cruce Is pleated to kaew that the Cincinnati manager was growlnp more two airtight wins when he waa successful daaty turns with reckless abandon. In- the will he classed like deed, wee ea ''Imprudent" with eaak ettlea MrOraw in bis methods tod manner on Blue Racer In the third and Zenotek in his work as El Paso, Albuquerque, Turnea and every dty. II Is not an unusual thing that He had tbe mount on Kid n that even Ms mechanicians and Meads two men, tem- the fourth. Ma safety, It a Silver City, aad Uta fans waa are who are very similar in In the Hoar's, norte aet all leered for aad takes let perament and methods, Be firth. te erare the aggregation at pasted say that Bill Harley, ttaaager should at early pace, retirla when turning for borne. attaches which surround the of the Lar Cruce club, will he right swords' points. Here Is aa Incident which In the sixth Stirling won on Phyllis An- wonderful pilot. among the leedora ea tha homo reriecis ihe resemblance. Tbe row be- laying position until tween Hem. g end Stevent, the secretary or toinette arter In third But Thompson waa the or stretch. ' be through real feature the the in. inn. ill club, who desired Hereto" entering- the stretch, where tot day. He had been widely advertised as tbe Manager McClotkey has signed hit In- to play at Covington, de- away. where "CharlM" to win volar world's greatest aviator, and the skeptics field, whlrh include Moore as rtrst hate-ma- clared the diamond wat not fit. attracted Two rtvorttet manured to make good went out to tbe local track hair expecting Snlmprr, second considerable newspaper comment on good bate, Pendleton, the when Zenotek and Art Rick were rtrst to to be fooled. But Thompson made stop, and Oeorgo Buddy, front pages In spite or tbe tart the Euro- every m his sky land somer- short third base. catch the Judge's aye. promise fact, Tha playera wtll all be the pean war was raging. saults were so devoid or caution that many here latter tbe part of next . "It's rtrst time In twelve years." of the thousands who watched him thought weak. "Herile" proudly boasted tMs of rjfltiS-O- MAKES A league meeting friend CHOICE be waa falling to hla end; that tbe law of wtu be bald In El Paao. mine, "that the Cincinnati learn haa bean MISERABLE SHOWING averages had claimed another victim. April IS. a schedule adopted and permanent on the front page or Ihe newspapers. Augustus Helnte at odds-o- made a To add te the eteMeateal created hy officers elected. This, at least, gives It a little color. That's miserable showing In the opener, when he Oldfleld and Thompson, the roof or en what l want It to have, t want rolks to failed to do better than finish third. old barn near the course, crowded en FEDERAL LEAGUE SCORES know we ire alive. There were trees Boland pot forth a vigorous effort to ret every shingle with spectators who growing in the outfield of that diamond to front, would aet or could not pay admission at Covington, La., and tbe ground waa as the Honeywell performer the but In, a while Newark Begins Well. aa to do te the grounds, eeved and for bard pavement There were only two It Just wasn't In the horse better. It was reared many persons had By f Ac bains ror twenty seven men. end of the that laseotafed Preit shower Marie Cogblll took the large been hurt. It was discovered that the lnl"n rr. Mo tpn' 11. Newa.-- k aignat Would any manager with sense take a purse, by getting up to beat the early abort fall bad wreaked ao havoc, how- entry Into Federal league chance like that? A contract had been or Ixed lit the by pacemaker, Era Padwtck, In tbe last stride. ever, ead there waa ne Interruption defeating Baltimore today, 7 1. made with a hotel for the club to stop being program. here to Hiere rive days, Wallhauser's mare cloaed raat after the Score: H. H. K. but couldn't helo thai. Beau- It 4 ridiculous agreement.'' far out of It at the turn for home. Oldfleld opened the day's entertainment Newark OS! OOt 0017 IS y wtl to Christie. mont was at U timea a close attendant with a mile dash In his Baltimore BOO 000 SOO S g g a the pare. Chas. Ooett ran hit usual race The monster e car, said to be the NERXOts HOLDS GRIKVANCB In tbe world, was sent twice Batteries Falkenberg and Huhn; umnn. by being well tip with the leaders early fastest around AliAINST tbe e course in but a few seconds Smith and Owens. minis' LEADER. and quitting after entering tbe stretch. over minute. flew high In the Mriiraw re- i Dust air LLOYD tnd have the tame and all over tbe crowd as Barney went Into BARNEY Ol.DFIELD. DE THOMPSON. Plank l oses First red Game. semblance in the manner In whlrh they JOHN LOUS RUNS tbe turns. Tor even with a sort course under By las associated frets handle their ball clubi. but there la a COOO RACE. him the veteran refused to rest an easy Chicago. April 10. Eddie Plank, making between them. Birds or a foot on mac bines operated on courses In Írrievance aeem John Louie, a good In his day. ran the throttle. the tbal his debut as a Federal leaguer, wat tne lo flock loguther. The horse Both start were In the limelight at once state. He has had more experience in the soreness Is on Hersog's tide. Ha feels a aura race under a skiurul ride at the event, PRESENT as In tbe FRANCIS OUIMET victim of aa eighth inning batting rally la the second a mile and a half race JUAREZ betting line conducted gave Chicago hitter because he did nut play third baae bands of Jockey Jackson. The otdtlmer between aeroplane and automobile. Be- system than any man now cm the which a clutter of three runt regularly on the Ulanit durutg ibe laat ran the mile in 1 an s whan be. beat cause or the fringe or trees right around race tracks, having sold tickets as In and a S to l victory over St. Loula in tne lesson he was with tbo team. Cloud Chief and Ceoa In the second A the course, Thompaon waa unable to get these machines and otherwise been en- opening game of the season today. "You tee," gays Herxog. "Sharer threat- a real close to bis rivsl, and stayed a good gaged in their management as far bark Score: R. H. B. ened lu quit the club in the middle ot the creditable performance for ores all the early running distance in the air. oldfleld won when MEETING REVIEWED as the early etskMes. Mtrad ta alto STARTLES fiOLFERS St. Louis MO MO 000- -1 t u setson because, ss understand II. he Cloud Ctaef cut out oí the moat Conner led did w to only to give In right at the finish. Caos the aviator took a wide .turn on the last expert calculator- s- Chicago One 000 08 S 7 1 not ant play cent' fnSd. when lab. but he waa forced to the limit to do It. with racing and can discern IT a glance Batteries Plank be had been working, reeling that he was wat favorite and was always nearest to or any man hint In and Hartley; trendrtx job away Then easts the Ma event or the day tbe mistakes under and Wilton. taking the from bis bast frien.i pursuit to tbe leaders.. Elect rowan raced the Thompson juty capacity. During his life on the on Ule club, snodyrass. Shafer was on the Kathleen wait dos- terrifying leap litre has stoutly at all times. S.. wastes, no Hate la gaining ufMete! tracks his ability in this saved COLr MORE UNCERTAIN THAN HORSE square about going bark to California, and he been connected with City "Smoked" Out. ho ing well at the rinfsh. altitude for the death --dafyiag feat. He ouraes has RACING AND FOOTBALL: WELSH hid his railroad ticket bought, and many of dollars and this knowl- Bp far á emola feat Press liad even shipped away tt seal Ms little biplane up In narrow thousands FEARS POLLOCK. his automobile. circles until he looked like s bid brown edge has also enabled bim hi pick the Kansas City. Mo., April 10. Allan, plten-ln- g Mr. Hempttetd, Ibe president or tbe club, O'MEARA HORSE gull a ale st the cloud haak. Many of right men under him for positions calling for Pittsburgh, kept bis hits wen scat and Htrry McCormick, who waa Sharer's MIKES IT THREE fsTRAICHT. great responsibility and trust. roommate, the spectators thought he waa t.tat feet (By J. K. STRINi 'FIELD) for By Igoe. tercd, tightening In the pinches, and toe went down lo ibe elation and Blue Racer It another of the Livingston high, bat the barograph registered but Tbe reason for the drawing out or tbe Kanaas City Federali lost the first gsme induced iiar.r to change his mind and making New York, April 10. Franc.lg Oulmat stick, i believe waa on rastofft that la more than rood hell that height. Jockey Club Juares meeting, which closes of the season, B to a Score: It. H. fc It the conditio.! BOWIE ENTRIES sthrtled the golf world, and nerbspt him that snodgrasa got oM for her new owner. Tbe daughter of The loop wat executed perfectly. With today at tbe wlndup of 1x3 days' racing, I'lttshttrgh 000 010 III g t hit Job In renter bes been been to the post five can be in a measure to tbe aelf, whennhe fell before the masterful Held back, and that sharer, hlmaeir, was sent a slight downward dip, the little biplane large attributed George, Md., April in. ror or Guilford or the Intervale Kansas City 000 000 000 0 : to the property of E. was over In as as a postponemenia of a number uf the days Prince Entries playing Jets have t regular potltlou. times since becomlnr sent tbe air gracefully April IN II club, bv a score of t up and 3 Batteries Allen and O'Connor; Math ponteara, winning the laat three times bird. The gasp of tbe crowd was scarcely sport, owing to bad weather conditions Monday. If: "I had always kuntied for MrCrsw, during tbe past FIRST RACE Five and one hair furlongs. to play In the fifteenth Annual United Packard and Easterly. out. In besting Tower and Dad Davlet to stilled before Thompson executed another winter. and South Amateur Golf Tournament. aad Bhafer went to third baae la ay since the opening or In Itot .V.i.1 ORTYX 101 North piece. At abe never headed from start or tne aerial men anotner. men the track at N. c. last. Mao' waa thrown the third, wat came the real acare, the biplane tne winter noi long since enaea wss tne SMS CAPT. ELLIOTT , ItW Plneburat, down by him anyway, I the furlongs for college foot- TEXAS LEAGUE SCORES aad believe to rtnlsb, running sis la aa a for most unpleasant at various intervals ex- 1U3 They ssy that Ivorse racing, the would have won cham- easy dropped straight plumpet tbe earth. SUS UARTER k NIGHT tiiaats the 1:0 to be aft winner. Tower speea. perienced and may not be ever again US Jjall and basebsll are "inlghly unsartln'." pionship last season H ror at least too reel it reii si terrtnc here SMS PRIWER I A I R. H. E they had had made a game effort to overtake the leader, Then Thompson, s graceful swoop as wtnterlsb In character. but golf is the game that has Its surprises Shreveport aa akperMaeed baseman, with SMS PALM LEAF UM of Shreveport S : third tt could never get up. We will have Ms machine and In grscerul No greater upset in the history the I served Mi Craw 1 my but rlgbled spirlais Tbe first bad spell came on De- SMI PREE TRADE game re- right. know to throw out Dad navies' race, though he descended to a perfect landing amid tbe ta great old ever occurred than the Hellas rlub played Ha head off every Uaae thunders or applause. cember 1, wMch caused a postpone- PJJM BRYNAVIA Wo versal accomplished by this same young Retteries Hendrlckt and Toland. Waller we went up against otaata, wat In third position nearly the entire ment or days up to ftth too i the aad Cyclone a four the SMS ESTHER BLUES ter unmet, when he met Hay and Vardon Brady and While. we leak seven I Journey. He waa badly ridden. OMfleld then took bis Flat for fnat. The evening of w dodg- straipkt ganes rum "jaunt" toe neavy course. Barney the nth SMI KINO MCDOWELL 100 In Boston. When London Isn't busy them when those would have around bad and another lay orf came, but y or nothing else tames t "opened up" way and SUS PANAMA KM ing air botnbt tin talk K looked pretty good her all the around, only one day. The next grand men Ibn At Waco R. H. la their arta' ZENOTEK MAKES PACE the watches snowed that the veteran had for however. B) PAUL DAVIS lot but defest of tbe two of column. II waa uat al Ike postponement also ratne in December golfing form st tbe Waco , it is Uaae TO WIN FOURTH. negotiated the mile wltb tbe little car In SMS HEARTHSTONE tin rfecl lunula I hey were righting Bettoa so hard. and ran rrom Monday 97 to January title American whlppersnapper. And now Fort Worth 4 10 It Zenotek made It three straight by win- slightly better time than with tbe faster making lay off. The only SWT FITZOERALD tus over Batteries Ogle, Sage Retlly; gtve their peunaat hopes seats Christie I, four days Jesse Guilford bounds Into fsme and Redrorti Lick. MrGrevv knowa why ning the fourth. Stirling took her right layorf In January was for two days SSSt DEDUCTION IOS champion into camp Crittenden, McMurray. I asa tetra. Thompson wound up the day's program night by taking the Akeri and Anybody bate la be put out kit. to tbe front, set all tbe pace, to win la a It occurring on Saturday sad Sun- BM7 BLUE JAY Ill Goinar down with iiiiiinei in that atrange ef with a most realistic "war" feature. The ggrd wga ' regular Job after hustling hard fe drive from Cal Cure and Choctaw. It was a day tbe and Mth. There SU7 INL A.N Ill ly unrertam game wat none other then At Beaumont H. r aviator rained bombs on miniature fort one day's lay off In February that - R. a tight fit between Cal Cura and Choctaw Use reply from the "enemy" bore all Five wilier Travis, rortner amateur enaiupion Reaiimont 4 and coming on Friday the racing SECOND RACE furlongs. He Robert Hunter, of Stamford And Ihtl'e how Herxog reels about It. for tbe place, she Utter waa coming tbe of Naturally, ath. SO KM fell before at earmarks real warfare. being resumed the next afternoon. DOROTHY PRIWER ... Houston 7 The acoustics or tin- Polo Grounds and Ibe stoutly at the and waa separated by the fort succumbed in the end, but while Batteries Jost ead. up Tbe next postponement waa on Mat FAITHFUL lot Right on top of title came Guilford's Taff. rod Ctrson. Glenn. Reds' field, Reditu. I. will probably be a noae from second money. Doe Alien It lasted It put a atifr battle AND Ware and Allen. teated again season, One or the largest crowds ever assembled March and Tuesday, March 9, MM STARS STRIPES lot defeat In the afternoon round by F this for baseball broke well, but was hemmed in on tbe paao two day a, and since that the meeting 71 VENETA STROM E 10 Hubeson. s schoolboy, by a acore of I up rends die aa hard is those raised on tbo at to outdoor event in ei wat on band on sou or old rati aad Boland count not get bun out to greet the alara. Tbe entire apace around bat run without further inter- SM4 CARBURETOR I0D in twenty holes. At Sin Antoolo Otlvetton-St- Antonio Kentuck. until It was too late. the track for more than half of Its circuit ruption. I M0 LAURA tot a was lined wltb machines pecked closely to While it Is to have SAM BUNCH OF KEYS tut Perhaps the nearest that Freddie Welah MAY TAKE MetiRAVV remarkable aurb aa losing Hile will bo By forcing the running from the start gether, and the grandstand and bleachers extension ot postponements In ihla i innate KM ARCESE will ever come to his twenty-roun- BASEBALL SCORES. NORTH NEXT SEASON. Commendailort managed to get to tbe front arara overflowing. The affair waa most on account or inclement weather, SMS AMERICUB Ius in the proposed ngni Manager New Haven. duo't know what kind of wat at tbe turn for home to lead from there ably handled by Frank Hlltnwn at that there have been only a ROYAL ONYX lot weather ntonxaort or use Kits-- sano nun Harry Pollock, manager ror Welah, has Cleveland Ansarieses tNatptay Collins kua. hatnled out up north during the training on end win by a length from Henry and guien total of rourteen days' lay off and to even 7M PATRICK F 1 tMs It be recollected always said that barring Riirblr, any Bp las Aeaeoieled Preee eeaaon. but McOrtw It thinking or taking and Oblivion. Henry Walbank with orrsel must thai at IBM DOUBLE 10 a this course, unlike tracks in Anrai lea, r lightweight In the world could btve :olumhue, Ohio. April 10- - The Cleveland chance on it next spring We all figure, J. Howard In the saddle, snowed an Im- BASEBALL SCORES. racing post- MM JOE KNIGHT til match with kreii provided ne Amertcanr. with Steen pitching, It mual have been belter than tbe sort when uninterrupted with or '.uil outbatted proved performance over hla effort of ponement, goes oa here ror all tbe seven BMf HOD05DO tl guarantee ItA.ouo and a privilege of to ana ouuieioeo tne i ottimoue American which hit ue la Texaa. Friday. Re rarest steadily until reaching By she A (sects fed Press days of the week. THIRD RACE Five aad rurtnngs. per rem ror svcian a ena. it teemt cer- team here today and won. I to I "I don't tee any use," complained the stretch, where be showed good speed, PMledeaphle, April 10 --The Pblttdatphla The proseo I meeting has extended a fltSS PHEW 10A tain that lured. m avallen, uf Ibe Italian Score R. H E one day soon tiler our arrival it Atlileilc club, or New Haven, will I Merlin. "In bringing a closing with a great end rush. Eld NaUoavtl league team tied the eerlea wiui greater Dumber or raring days iban that ftgjM) TODbLfHfJ let Hlverstde Cleveland S II dub down here delete the match Iterently be Pol n it p j to gal a deal like Utle. to ran as If be did not fancy the route, as the local American leaguers in tha final or any status of the sport since (teta) vi LEY tw lei offered coi. ins i I'm going do slow lock SttJou and a i. nwi. gr ..r as per rein Baltertaa Steen and O'Neill Bllllnge my naming right neat spring tt the Polo he leading moat of the way. game or the spring aeries By a apara ot ibe Oakland track in caiirortua closed. Tbe (Saul) COLORS tV7 and retired after flrai meeting at the Jueras la Tits pollock refused, and ctvaUaro went scbeneberg. Turner and Coleman. Grounds, where the weather will at leael Flying was favorite, showed to a. Bears: track Mot CANNOf.k lev hurry--t- sea ks but nothing I nut. luov itto ran eighty two raring days sod btrk hotos in t If he could ba sa fit aa It hare. It la lust aa pleas PMIadelphla laurina it I S t since iheru hss been no meeting that lias Sett BRANDYWINE 10 dig no the eiira PS JOS Rlrknoad Beats New York Nstleaols. tat to play whist in the club houas at T g MM I"" ror s at now A Ibe polo Grounds sa n is VAN BORN LOSES TO Ihlladelpbla .Nationals t not extended there over IOS lacing deye. HENRIETTA W mis doui is scneauiea juiy Bv the see stated Proas la ibe Arling- KVm --Abawkey Setting. Alexand- RBrr THESERIF.S es Haven, twenty rounds to a rereree-- t aa Richmond. Va April 10 --Two noma ton hotel, Texas, tad thai Is about all any PHYLLIS ANTOINETTE. Balterte. sad The meethig just rioainr baa topped all open runs and KUllfer. Use plant SM FASCES clston. out m the ranea to save tne new from of us has done toward training to far Phyllis Antoinette waa too er records tt big aad Iwrinsn Dundee, rort nattottala except murk far list have again been shown that the niaaage MM PARLOR BOY .a s.uity Montleib. for believes that dereai today by the Ricotnood Interna- for the poker garnet, or course." Van Horn, in taje sixth Stirling in will close to Duudee 4 ftvorlte. nseat of this roorw have done all possible, FOURTH RACE One mile. in. pair draw .' .. tionals. to A Srore R. H. B. er along in fought Wrlsli a in. decision Rlchngond 4 rated third position until in tbe race of conditions to make onda MIH DIFFIDKNT 4 rracamr tbe tarn, hp gat Hp the Associated Press aun-- right in New Orleans, sli nwwibs before New York S T I rtretcb where meet ail aro and. Next season of SBM LADY BUTTERFLY .. and BMH the isergent Brooklyn, April to. -- Score: H the of the mmum I red won hit title. Since ihen Welah haa Bsllertee Russell sod Sehnulfe. Peril tt. throurh niare afur Jim. nines oreariil a to to be easy New York Aaterlcaiie S will be overcome. Tha lrei-- star norus nal been in hurry meet artniara ta Myers. the leader returned aa intiruve Sf Scot. Horn Brooklyn Nationals 0 be put on the may will PRIMARY figure that If a la lumped eertk Van flashed to the front before tat el Seued BeiMag baa ing tbe turn, when Little Batteries Keeling. Riag aad noaiixineiuenu as urvurrsad UJFi lar rroen use warts eeath east karatas Strata dropped una season and when the rasMiisur strata SUA JACK HANOVEH It is slim. si ..nam thai John J MrGraw By sar Aasoeeolet Praia into tha petaaal race tap speed The a Ruchar. Apple too aad Miller. 11. al sack. latter at raat early pace opens next Thanksgiving Hay tbe etSD TAMBE Rl M will ink twire before be sties to MsNln Memphis. April to. Tha Chicago Ma- la aa lo pel edge bung to tbe course Ml fo spring training The Giants have effort tat ea the and oa well ftniab after bruit will be in ttran couairurUon as go permit S'.V DA.NCirtO MASTER I again norial defeated Memphis, t layer e wUI leel the headed i; Bastos, a. been snow bound, ralu bound and mud Beore: hangs. t rating after Ike bet vital rains and aras FIFTH BPtCaV-tM- e mile and oat sUSaeaU season r Mcttraw waa dis- spoiled Hp the Aaeeeaeaed Prate BapHS bouuil for the entire aiirllii una Chicago It 14 ( tan petal glow the XSssS TOBJ RABCOCB iiunally in Mai in but g el ether kaVS had of .ashing Washtagrioa. April to. The bad weather sett tt MeatsRMt b In revktsgaa Mas mewtmg ip a BUM NARJ1ARET HEISE .... V year It has been une round of billiard the médium of a heavy y II two just this Batterlet Lavonder and Breananan. Htr was sty. suing Aawlcatvs atada straight casual way Ríe work uf Harry Seal TBtWATO tot weather rrave; Morrtaon. Roiiertaon Marthall. "I'm afraid of Ota shock, too " he taM. sag hy t. and I nay up to the starter at two after opea at four. Bastap Nelloaeie winning today's Bretvopej. In law caotellv uf aa- Sxtg FttRD MAI The team itself Is ui rsir shape ihousti If brought team into tne warns R now cold Texaa NlgBlti. 4MB, Scare. aisiani nianager lo cumuei M. i. SMg PEALOi k V. Craw adunia tbal Ule puchera Will have north aMr taut a g I go along tbe pltyere wuuld be all shot lo paaKsta. ART RtEat TaHttW Wahaagioa a Winn, is worthy oí usuro aaa SMS IAUT0 KIRKCALDY . to work Into shape as they from Br tar Aeooototoo) rVoee Botara passing awsitioa no aaa C April Chicago But the biggest .bock we could absorb CECIL AN CAN APA i t ot Kansas city la. The down hare would ai bia teak wlib iho'aufl Ill ABwrlran lbs Kaneae Ams-r- be about iwo clear, got Salteries Johnson. Ayret and Ainsnutn. PLAIN ANN defeated City l warm days m Art Rick tnt to trias Cecil tod ceaapa Maea. atraasi aad Wkiatig, Oowdy lourrew would he Better Ml Tha raaort that Mas Sew York can etaoclatkea team here today sacceasloo." in the seventh at a nttte aaaer naeuseg aad bo stellar how dark Mat MYCENAt, itahMM raMaaxekaaaa la in aaaaar of baaag How M arclunata a ball due at tha aaatRA l treinlng th ma at the heads ef McCahe. The race amaati oil so others, etpec tola VAN rantorVi f.. m office situ .plraads. Sow a Chicago .. AHIM n after the south fur a mouth or rtailasatl. I; Batten, L the lay off cause, hie IXTH itRACK Mil bill le U. he II. the VI uy six weeks Is alweye a Mg problem far a as rata at 14a. which waa sosa Ian faro tlltrodurrd Tort aaa aaa t it i manager Bp the A Proas wore a SVIien Uv t (MMt BEAU FERE lertsiator. vhi.li wtll pr.nuie for ibe re Mae'' haa had hla team lusted pisitseeal ever ala laat effort, a km he moist sails wide opea once eg twice by the Cincinnati. O . April The Cincinnati watlrsly wow vtauaM-- SalB THE RUMP moral or the presea! roflmslaotnn at toe 'ienter waa soundly betloa at l astear nearly It a ertor he had brought u bark M rtae atahve. KaHettale BtttlMd hat Boston taurlnapg M loare it has (Mi) LAXLLI suhetttuiion of tro laatraat hack of See skasii tat raat single dotal! in tlv 'nans I a His theory Is to work north gradually, ar Hew today. I to l acore B. H. S sad "ir'iroUa (SBMi OMPEBTH incntiiue aB ualy or per ulna cacti, who cat out at) Hat early BHJ her of UM nreaeoi ri.iuuiiaaiuu. and a good Aaeeeaatee) riving home twu threw dan halara CIIm limaU Br a Prose MsjfesaaM ttawtj pave, leased te he second, fiauatag Ms 0 H. I, t ti UNCU sil 10 WOW MU látaWat steaM sjtjM llUafllj) HaaWf sinfín lap M oa aVttHBB ba. Jell... M Loale. April BL Louie Atraer awn Marapa rao apa was asssaeaaeot I I t I cuttduci a rasa J e ne inn I A botk gtvnibitnr oa the weather by conduct al thHiisst and Rata tastM National' log their oiuls back ao far ahaad ef the UK way at feast a ttaatty going third Batumi Putt: B H E. BTaVkWBHMRV PPX. .ror'Tí'rf:,rjtel resKsivuvg gatas tU is eaaUr aald gung. al though they are not tasking Ma tritio staved op raen latsnag far ta cttarge. aud w in. ti... a. BH aaa l,BHaai Mtaa attat. Amertraáa bait real bach when aittNBH agar aad now preatdeut ef the Jockey a a e f for 111. li aud Wi ihatg Ptllhniagal wound up at laat place after enjoya Oto garaa haua" áaa 'and toa la no I sa atal ta that or ilub Juataa iraca, htealaaa Bay Beata Masi OUThr"r 'awaked "aayaa?; LaaMMrtn.it new SaVsrfcag raw early apead. will of all boraruirti that raced here tceríáófuMta Agnew. aeiiot aatd tura. laws i a, ants--, Apru tf --w s aaatSk Raw York. AlsrU ooi Mccarty, MM Martag ctauRt that the 4J tarto assaay gars Jack Donatio of vattfuughi J stesTeraea ye Stanley ptaseattssea) Call slid gai Mantaisa aaaaywcigui. I teeraeke at a rara for uta the li. a Jap rreae apt Dwpar hare worwár' st'thw' wwra! aaaai. attar. lou ruuud COAST LEAGUE SCORES at lar eat hriaaiii. BMHiMiiatf catptaptaaHBap for wet triik Matkterve a Btuokura taajgkl Mccarty forced MM paca he has lesna in the Ma league. Bat If t fasás. mm aagaaa usa ooiuag Kodei lout hi aeaseiy. orea Just at Mas atlddls of Ma At Ball I NrHlBQ) Bell Lake. A ha sotada aarta catd asad rntay aa eteesteai heasanats of tan head of S. aapatata aad all lis adj gutng mi ti wee esatenttaa WIM ataratg g spssadtt ratty Us the rusel whan ha was aluag wkaolagly u Al sen Praaeuui-Veai- os. rran weaianr Matte ea soar Mo has a t. aaa I have n ktpgea Venier't rattling piragiaasi. rtuin, hat peat mart, bal pisparte Big at ateeoat astea, ansa ssMgbsw tea a tatas otta of the liatkBtlitart stystarles of our tato. T. laat we re tin sata at she usas per gat South El y n racing or t .ingle aeliiaal papa HrCraw woa't aotaar with Ras fresu warn hear text Baal Baa uf aha sport ami ai Lot tattalee --ctaklenrt t. Loo Aavgo Hun btaa this ata. aMeea h gess hark lata gYALLIMeM BCHpB N4RT kg a rersj- - KetMurhy aa the very his struts tat, A aaa tat hit antiate thaea with giBBBifry eos. tt asaade wt.a as s potng gaod. I'ailTHBMlJtTE PL VIM. err ART. aw a atajas teal far rent Pod -- la- aut. Mska aa that t' tMrr tiatetaaavat PML tas. t&r ir - mam B, lIMigRaSBtaaii sad he dsrsaapa BBS) SB awfwTkuil A tat aaa aAMaapa at taslag

t. .dtal 2 B Sunday. April I I. I9H. 111 L PASO MORNING TIME MORNING TIMES CHART BOWIE RESULTS MORNING TIMES CHART JUAREZ RESULTS MM. "III. Ml), Aptli 111, ttl, Wtallirr Clr, list (HI. "amrdav tprH EXTRAORDINARY CLOTHES ' mi. ni i iiwi ami one hair fiirii.ng. nine ti i s. i i, m t ' at n fUCBTe and rana half runos aaalBna rhrae year old and np at 3667 ' 3574 jtja. it .ort wnn eeeiiv valne to winner atfav wind (aa EXTRAORDINARY PRICE Mr. I m Jork'y . M. 41 . ! Anifrroat I M Mane cotttni 'XAatihanteri .tOf A 7'l T ,.. (M)rim ( l We "MbIib In íñmmtnr Only. I' It It T ale leggart B '"471 e fadwirk a cWJeekon vn ! II I 4" ft 10 M i 41 7 1 i tiarner emtlrted to year aa threat te .10 t'l I M'l'alf t Miruama Hemic Hon. ytaell) III 4 4 4 44 I' D Bat land t 1 Wat trade m i . e l f 4 URf i T 14 4t BaairMonl a M".olhm) IW I t? f4 H Umin and duatlac--t count fstrle. QwaJlty. Hi, ' (7o i ' ha, tkarta 4 iWHTully) M 4 Value" The proof 1 la the cdnthaa we .11 1 wfjaWirt til án war i .107 7 p H? male Com ha and Inreatlgate. tf HB.00 f ?7J l'olú UOKl t " Bub HeiineHl. M riere, ia. Atake. 14 a Uei a .. a 4 t. 1 t werth antrlna. (hn theat facta nra wnrth a iiI den, yon t oahm, piare. im eet gating Baal here nra BURE oke slow hut gradually iroproird position ami got up in the laat ahow. Padwlep, 3 piare. 3 t how. Heirtaa.'ou'l (haw. 'winner eh n 4'adaorttl - .ly bttttjB. trtTRC or (nmrc or nm on wen m nnai orive, ainu uui- A(no. Trained By t. Wallhanaer. Mount alart, (ond for all twit poll: won nrat three or nr. trivio. Winner entered ror noe. No bid. Overweight. Antruaiiia lletnie I, Heawar 4. QUALiTT, sima or AVINO 10.0 Marta Cornill ratne imm Ihe rear aViutly and aaanna down the leader (ni up ta rc aad one Iulf lurking, Tim a, i 10 mart i- - 3568 i i H- laat irlrie. I a Padwirk dlaplayrd apead, henrtnt " very earn- - It Aa- - Ton can select fmm hundred of the very neweai fabrica you dealjrnate Jut (ii'" itemre failed lo respond to Bla rlder'ardur(IB laa. Beeumntii a atroaii con- - what aTTTLB aad yuat what INDTVIDPAL, TOUCHB8 are It o Into your garment. i floier. Wl 5C nny TKI.L TJÍ you I Don't take what clothier wnata lo rlva you. Coma bar and what j... ! huttinger If 4 'yiaTa ta' MÍ Sum I' X&7K !h' "Mil H4' "i"- mil. rlllni rhree ta."BaTTSi MAKC U Mnli. H taire t 40. want WB'li, IT ono.ii M winner serond lis. third lt.t. 1..111I.1 rn,ic llorae. Op CT At 15 S llariintlon t44t John l '.ola a faiemaniiDavlea) 1 i J is FftWfe TAILORS t r a4 wcTaggan t'r inn it i:nier a (TNatneldi .. 11 14 . A Oreen to WE ARE 4 ..l ft 7' i h I..I4 e.,- - t lijtl, .10 S 41 a iHXworth 5 2 H syncs tl t i W II MBretrnwan a 10 4 f M fiarner NOT AGENTS H. 'fwmaehi ( T IIU I.liv KM Kathleen fl a iWHolmaoni 4 4 11 Clark l.l M.H'.n. t- -l I'll"- i ahxiw Csnnnn. 4 alio. (4ft Balrolore J (WMchemore) I 4 crown ui oaning. DM III Aln. nr, iw ii. lion, sir Hyke, Al niorh, J' Wap a (l.flonei Sya-te- o, 4i : Tha fafnou "Dundee" him'. I oilillili. I antu Allee Tereaa 4 i WBImmey) 0 tientrv la widely ii Mini I. in'., hod leti In laat mil. 3.''7I Iterard a d Bllalneail, ... t HtlrlliK Imiuted. We submission and enouh ... i m QAM HON mi' Iitm with ! break, would have D4fl 3 iwimupee. ' 10 I wory have no connection with nay f &. lis HtHNLl.L (loafed II. 11111', AH (01 pi" break. Alooat I tninule Off at y Í4 Time M l. Ill 11 MU Loila. I olalea. other atore In thla city, and I I ahow. chief, 4 placa, a ahow. ceoa, I abow. eh. ., by Ben Bramble six rurlongf. Time it, k .11 mart good; won Winner therefore urare you to come -- jane earri'ii Trained ny M. oarrity. Bcralened: Auatri. Btandlnr atari, (ood; St., Stanton St. won ilitvine, serond and third eaaily. winner entered for tK no Did. overweifnt. to the right plana 319 San Antonio Opa. '".!"'r-- . vi ! ! I" Muhro-- e John Mnita rollowad rithi up on the pare made by Cloud Chief and proving the Yurtoliiir wor-- finally. In (rowan Hi 7 V I lai rameal, him doan Ceoa close pursuit throurhout. Eler held .i the rematad aaff t the finish. -- Ml Martin Larra .... .100 f I'l ' r Metcelf rf ir IM.,II - IIM liakotu .104 1 4" 4" 4' riniili maí K Pl fiiilnnr. elllna Three Net value to winner trlcl in raos county, New Mexico, which Keep your a open for Th Times 347-- New Haven 1 Mstltiew 4 ar,. " 10 fond third tlf.. la in the extreme northern part of tbe &tn Hun Around .. W .. t 0 Wnlatrnholm GOLD region will be and I 6 Connors MO MS fitdei. Horae. Wt. Bt. c RICH STRIKE state This has come Into promi- Rotary Edition. It hummer IW ooldrti .antic ..107 .. t' V.T i0!t'L,' nence the or I 10 in t44f,B(ue Hacer I'.loa .. 7 M n by entrance several lrg iJI .,.a.ir.IMLt ax--J." ,tc.Trrl tkW'rféar,. operating companies during 1(13 and 1014 or to El Paso. H 4 treat value Yndrnng. i plací' I 4 show. Brandy wine, kt place, even a how. Marun cuca. 4ii Ttiwer uittrtacr) 111 a CI 44 Cabe and the prospects are good ror still greater a ,i ik,ii Vf.ni.ia Airnnir t until. Kav(1roairoa. nail nsvie 11 i.Berithani) 101 5 .. I t t'l Keener activity year. River i BRANDY-it- 41 4 tl4 M during this The Red VOlin l.nii rtook ofl MAltllV A.tt.A in atratct) hut hd "ntln at end. (an virrleilot (INMOtinrel 4'i Oarnar I In range or ÜA- - BMNI '.j'.'. 11 MOGOLLON district is ihe Taos mountain ramo iii tiark anil wa vma atronf at end. MARTIN CAUCA llrod- Twlllehl fWPJnhnson) '.M S 5l ftl 4' 4 Clark t NEAR Ur 1 4 7 and la about ten mllea long by seven miles ii" v .i..', .un..' f M.w ll K." JBM MsK'kon tfefarrtaal tf Moleaworth wide. At Time 47 1:1 . Racer. i I I, I . WOO post ', minute Off ai 3:fl. nlare. "A'J Sl ,"roats- Tlra" i, tl l;ll 31rl rood; sltnw. 3 ahow. ahow. Among ihe most prominent mines in the 3570 '"' '" nut Tower. plarr, Davlea.out Winner b. f., by V. Tialneii hv Polk. -- Mat' bed Ida Pinaek. atart, won easily: serond district, according to Paris Bush, the ntandlnr food; the (tolden Jay Hawk and Blue i ü iocHor, ftp- - .C- and Winner No Dad Davlea 3, Blue MAID NOTABLE Treasure. iitdvi ii'iff "M ii' wt.ni. . . ihird drlvinr. entered for bid. Ovarwalrht, OIBCOVEBV TO ftl MftT on Stella, the a Hacer 3. Rork Placer Creeks the 'ilklOiMar .IM 4 1' i" i Hi hiittinrer 9 t. since: orxrjio ur or uitEar uui on the ü t'l 4 4 Bine nacer waa aenl to the and waa never aerlnualy menaced, caríbal and Inferno Pioneer Creek: 4DI4 Hilar l'4Ub IOS T MrrTkfttrt rlrbt out front utyiriwt.u .asar. on 7 very eaaily. Tower followed tba cloaeat to the winner. Dad Davlea badly DAVIS). Independence, Neptune and Memphis r iKptr-l- ItTl J ! a Lilly wimtinr (By L.tJL Bitter Creek and the Anaconda near the Xm Jim ...... 10 lí'íf t Nclntyr r, a - Ho)' I townslte of Red River; also the Black IMT l . . w t M 41 M.Ateo 4 Kin MTH RACE Klve and furlona. Belting. Three r oída and up. Copper, or Be ad" I 40 mi A received by min- six miles south Red Blver. mc , tot I 'l vi llrl 3577 V' value to winner 1150. second (35, third private letter lust are good properties. alawj, l'ni(ri'lv, til ing engineer of El Paao from Mogollón sidra there oiher I'lr4(r " IB., xv'.iM'nhnimttm iti'i- - The Carlbel mine has a developed vein J I( i iiorae: Wl. W 14 a BIT, fia. Joefcer N. M 1 probably tbe :. 5 ii unaiF Fttll, l plarr, 4 5 aBow. squeeler, 7 it. átate that what five wide or oro said to versre llre. t S 5 gold mane me dis feet (.!Míen.ile (Falrhalrn) stlrlln ( t niggesl strike since Trom t7 to rm In gold and There. M 3 covery Ooldfleld. Nev.. no to the present sliver. UTAH (II Ifowcil MM 10 tfrrtttl, tti-- look lead and drw mil with raae 3111 cal corn t (PKllarel ...no earner I of Is five stamp mill and experiment! cyt BAfcKY n.'.M 5 (MDoylai worth na neen mane ai tiry 1111 ami ryi n naco up rai iiik earn oiit'-- JIM ahowed dull Clioclaw ,JH Mole unjo, juat i.ror nlde plant on property. H. L- Pratt Bnill ii.i.t 35771 Dor a (JEDwyer) n Boiand to 10 In some low foothllle thfrty-flv- mllea tbe I '.l :i. i mnriii Allen ...in la n of the comoanv. The Ana tarr 3551 Mis mi Hi 5 of Mogollón, In county resident White WHanm ..tit MrCabe southeast urant conda mm has a lar'ge deposit of copper -- ftirlonr. Time :M I S, ;W M, li!4 1.17 Hurt 4 iWKllioiii K. New Mexico. "It has been kept very rifrii it' Ki'rn v.hlr nrand ML tiyttfltt ! ore. said to ae 70 feet wide, being car 3571 ton 1,1 quiet." aaya the writer, "but there will 9BL. i:orrecteil weieht. Nnhle ami 115. soon, bonltes and sulphides, averaging Í.04 per At post Off at 1.40. Tima :tt, :4A 1:0 Zenotek. place, probably be a great ruh tery and Indn llnrr nun'T. minute. In cent. About ioo,txn nas neen rxpenaeo I no protection for your allow. Corn, 1 place, J'5 ahow. Choctaw, abow. Winner b. m.. by peep O'Pay the Information about It la absolutely development, development Is (4MiJ,if litrhoLi IW I M 1! I1 Corey aide and dependable. The discovery wa th and In l v'l Lilly 3 7 Medica. Trained by M. K. Phillip. Scratched: Berry Johnson, Tempest. Moving start, progress under N. L. Farls and P. tSMIiOllo C f , MOO. made a month are by a cowboy who Orl. when nra 10.1Il 4 5 4 rood-- won firal three drlvinr- - Winner entered for No bid. Uverwelrht. Doe nearly Buffalo-Ne- Mining company valuables IMi Irldor ft AmbroKa ahowed It to an old prospector whom he The Mexico 4 4 T u. t fi II Allen t. JWtt liran' imardcr In7 4' and they slaked oul some nas intersected good sued uoay or min- - ICW I 0 Zenotek sprinted into a rapid lead, which aba tnaoagad to hold at the finlah. let lo with blm or burns or burglars enter 'i- J nn fmn 4 ' ni. ir in very claims. Neither of Ihe owners seem lo ing ore lu crosscut from the bottom ÜÉ WU oo fj 41 I ral I Cal in was on the rail and rorree), lo fall back In the early stages, rioting the shaft of the Silver King mine ft gamely choctaw came from the rear stoutly. Doe Allen on the rail In the early part reallte the magnitude or the dlacovery, but Pumping home. t TO off afn-- r half ami ilirn out ore on Placer creek. machinery tha Jul. nihil' i' alma! hi nillr. drew ami could nut get oujt- have been working taking out and be ur ..tin r OMMS omr irrountl ai rno oiling It on the dumii. Tba voln outcrops will be installed and the abaft will hrn - an Soo It Is equip much of in nla(ra. HI Til RACE One mile. Helling. Knur and op. Net value lo wln- over 300 and la from six to ten feet sunk additional reel. It 70 feet new on way. Joi. Hlplmjit. .' piare, 11 abow. Cello, i plaec 31 flBW laldort. I ahow. iHO ner aiV7 cernnit (Sf, tliir.l 414. wide. At one nnenmg they nave taken ped and machinery Is the Let aa show you Safa On the Golden Treasure mine, on Black srinnnrl hi uro, ram Mocee. at op. out approximately too ton er or rrom tnile ?- T,H "tr... in. Jocltoy. a Blver la owned and operted by the old Deposit Boxes In our I 1 I If' 3 4. a grab aample ahowed values of HXtN ÍÍACI Mile end to yarda. Time M :&, l:IS i, .14 '.. :ir,7i' t a I a (CLawleaa) .IPS ! II l ongo which Mama River. It ha developed a iom mend ion 4M0. or Ihe ore they have of Red won 3(78 Henry a ifl 1 Howard same belt ore. A new CONCRETE VAULTS f4'4l tari tntni. drlvln VValbank Tullen. goes rrom 40 to ounce gold and rood body of milling steam :t:i.it a . ..107 4 4 III H Clark sorted ltd oe(ng i n-- tiniivion icjeuragnii i 600 1400 silver per ton. hoist la installed. mi' i fi"r ik.. . mmjsrm,. wi. .4 kill eison 5 HüHoag) .. .104 l II Stirling rrom to ounce they'll hoop your paper j í 4 34 t AI Ihey taken out The Sliver Queen mm ha made ac- Ki'jn I'eteliia .fin r r o Hrputnnrer 7!( Klylnn a (HHBerf) ..100 4 5' I t( l 4 Garner another opening Bavc I 1" fl ! V 10 6 or an aver cesional shipments lo tbe Bug mill Col. cook .111. Breiicll I4TJ Heeler UKitichafdaoni .. W 7 41 6' I orys about tons ore that shows June HA FELT at a yearly ren- fi 4 4" B 3' Metraif 5 7 y age 418 gold per ton. The and the ore Is said to run BSD per ton. Tbe 3M I'earoek .Inn 3f.r. i The cimler I (JLOWe) .. Moleaworth of and silver 3f.í0 Tróvalo .105 4 4 3 s' 4 I Coleman M N hanging wall this opening runt fit. It Neptune mine has a three root vein, a tal of $2 50. 4' cosí u. 4 . :47 1:13 1:30 enmmenn- - it arty to 4 7' ft1 8' 3" l ouder I t minute, nfr at 13. Time :ii i a ore ano covered wnn recant shipment rrom which netted 17 per Mil .plrttnelle place. I Walhank. a place, t ahow. Oblivion. I abow. b. g., tellurium it HV luilllr .101 7 7' 7' O horehand t ation. show. winner gold when roasted. However, you ran toa. The. Memphis vein Is five to six feet .110 H' 4 4 7 MHUiewa 15 by Apprnliailnn hoiinaiiiv Trained by K. Kelly, standing atart, good: wnn drlvinr; Wide and a 29 Inches wide averages Vtt Hen I n. It - tee considerable free gold In the crude streak o u w) o ae.i ond tame; easily. for 4JO0- No bid. Ororwelght, Henry Wal- M4 C'U. Il'.llow iy .. .lo o o o urai third Winner entered or. My partner who went there and rut The siena mm la pemr operated asna Hula Welch KM l 41'. i. 7J J, lin 40 40 bank I, kid Nelson t. Oblivion I. samples to get a average of by ta eastern company. ommendalloii eit the laaue in the early stages, took command at turn correct tbe Grande Valley 'j even abow. fon streicn above men- nuquaane - Rio I'l lrltn, 1 tilaee. even ahow. Cnl 00044, pU'e, (i abow. I'eacouk. an, cinod tiff all rhallentrers at the finish. Henry Walhank closed gallantly, "minion values, obtained the results Word comes from In the Pata- SeraielH'rt Mam Ann tioned. I had tbe assays made yesterday gonla district thst the minas there have PKTELO rated to last furkinf. wan (Olnr away at end. f.fti look had nliiitv and my partner hurried bark lo tbe scene resumed work, starting with a small force of earlv ami tw iil n wen. i'KAi:im,k ran a nan tare. l.ADV si'inil t KlXK on teJÉa, the discovery to make locations or or men wnirn win be increased when otitnirii' all II ay. I'l- fii'iiiwl o lurna .iVr. wna ahtiffled ha. k after Meak JC7Q ÜIXTH HACE --I'lve and furlongs. Selling. and up. some claims for us. At present there are operations will be carried on a large scale Bank & Trust Co N.t I50. aacond I leaa than a claims located in the and large shipments or high grade HAI-- I M 4 5, 1:17, 1:44 1:40 afa77 v.lut. winner áa. third tl doten that SÍVENTH iind i yard. Ttm Itf I, 15. " a 3573 oraa. locality, but there will undoubtedly be ore will be hauled to tha WMtlnghouse Bank of Service Utari iruod. won raeuy lade, ,wj..8t.., a,,, jLr,iLickej:. big ruth soon, as soon aa tb newa or the plant. Owing to the dliturbed conditions i. 35V 4 5 ! ii a Inde Wl. , 4j; 4 H'r J"rkcy; )p ' Pliyllla Antoinette (Sargent) ..11 illenovnrv tírenme niihllclv known. I can - of the railroad In Mexico, which la close llorae. Tin. a a 1 f 14 5 i.ii tan norn lAWorgani ft dltlfy believe the chances are good tor the by, It will be necessary to haul tbe ore "jiitfl.lllle hnVland ii J Mi'Tarvari .113 M atta.04MI.04j - i II 1l strike here since tbe Ooldfleld dla to Patagonia, as the ores are high 35S3 Wey.im ki- 7" 4'4 iii.v 4 4 M Oarner richest hut 0 7 covery. grade tbey will stand tbe more expensive SWi Abbottafnrd llaniiner ;t:.74 Suirter't lies! 3 (OHIcc) lit! .. 4 4 4 J Howard Four Per Cent Fata i 7 new haulage Th property owned by tbe i oe Pay 113 Meualf JIM lla.el c i .iJHoskln.J 1 .. Recent telegrams conrtrm the strike Tinao and Savin 1'ilf Itotlnnilii I MrTaarl 15 (4 m f "WItM. and stale that a ruth hat already begun Waatlnghoose company and is said to be 5 on M4 rnrl- - Mnn ... Troiler t It Apprentice allowance waived Little Itlrdie. to dlggjnrs. Some are or the opinion one of tbe richest copper mines tn southern At post I I at 4 Time :4 4 4, 1:04 Phyllis. place. the am 4474 nrle in n hllttlnfer 1 II minute Off 3. :tt that ihe ledge .It In the locality of the tona. 4W Horn, place, abow. show. blk. m., by Jack or kAlii hike Van nwt' Mclntyre o abow. t3 Birdie, Winner famous Lost Cabin mine which hat been John Lynet Alpine, Tex., who bat re- I'olnl- Raiment. Trained bv M. Shields, scratched Briton. Moving start, good for an mining I Weyannke. place, ahow. Abbottaford, ror by prospecting parties ror turned from extensive trip In Hile Knulatiit n plate. f nhnw. II but Frokrndale: won easily: second and third driving. Winner entered for S00. searched or Artxona, aaya r.n ,h,.u r,i,-i.,- Tom H.itri.rk I'rlwer. MU Barnharpor thirty rive years. ctmps that there is great ABRftTTHhfiltn, ,o bid. iiverwelglic holder s nest I. activity everywhere and that Increased ITTI I N'SLVM' onrneit up hlf (P Hammer not much held to rhylli Anniliieiiu waa saved peni Leat Cabla Mine or Adams Cold Dllns. filar not help to ABB'iTBFtiHIi. According to story a of pros- rorcaa are betnr put to work In the NoKE broke in tanale and iloied tap. Hammer murh í airona In the aireii-- anil won easily. the parly up. UNCLE HON aharply off by winner pectors returning from Calirornla away and Blsbee districts. The Mascot who .hnuiii have been cloaer tut the i n lining, hrokemlala away ifery poorly. Hazel C went extremely wlda at the Mining company has large or ilrt'trh. x bark In thn attllet of the last century fit- force men bark Sltelrh tum. - grading the railroad rrom Wilcox to the AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE. ted out at Tucson and proceeded north- El Paso Anta and up. Nat value to thev came to a place aup- - big copper minea or Ike company In the aad Taxi Livery. eastward until 7 poaed to 11 btween the main range of the Dos cabrias mountains and the camp it Thirty larg passenger touring pria( weather or any city on the rlr a hnnrjibark who uaad to alt prralatwnily very active. Captain Brown of Bowie, cara and taxis thai never Hie Tor team Mogollón mountauta ana wnai la now sti- who sleep, i nit. and im weather bad much to tto behind beurh and root the hide.! Horaa JJwrjejr. a copper mine above tbe Mas- Del Norte taut by hi ver city. They dtarovered a larre vein ownt just Howl. wiiii me Bravea' bad aiart laat aprlnr. ii mi", when Mack, attracted 4 At - :i6a Art Rick iMorrlaACullen) It tl MrCabe or quarts near a stream In the low loot-lu- cot property haa begun shipping hlrh- IM W. Baa Aatoalo I. vera and nearly every oth loyalty at all time, brourbt blm rtnwn copper-gol- street. and Maranvtilr 3453 Ofll s (JJHytn) IM II McGraw country waa very rich In (old. ore to Wilcox eighteen Phone, er man on the team by It at on tbc field and boufttt a uniform for ( f that Gsde wit ratifht 36KI anapa a lAEPattarson) ... Morya only Tour five in party. on pack animals and hat a carload one urn, or Aa I underaland It. h(4D. K There were or tbe amrth'T. .'tavtiotilo a (CTimberlako) Jarkaon days tfeey a large at the railroad ready to ship to the entailer. la pepper aa ihta :ir,,'iS 1 In few obtained Lvrra aa full of e'er II la true that, almoat from tin- day thl Canlein i HKne) m fi 51! R Shlllln or gold. They a log cabin fw he It will be M amount built eprinr and 'ay. tblltkl boy waa si (neat aa mamut. Hie Atlilrtlca I3530ll.ecar a iJNMouncei Oarner to make It permanent n for linn A friend Of 4 4 and concluded their another luir be(an wliiiilnH. ami Hiey weni to four (3447 Panhachapl (fattalcoffib) 106 l JL ramp. Running or supplies, powder mine lella me Dial HlallUlka It not draw-In- r champmnctilp liln maaeol-ln(- . short jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll world' under At nnt I tninute. (iff at 3 Time V3 17. t:IV 1:10. Rlek, place, and ammunition, it was decided inei two Hie conditioii oí Ida elub very fine, The player were all very fond or i. I - show Cecil. 7. A niara 710 show Canana. ahow. Winter br. by Leonldaa Ely- fro to tbe nearest Kh much of a Hi.- r. of the party should cist I'd tounling "n boy and, airamffly rnnurh, thaae tng Oold Dull. Trained by T. Cuiten, scratched Mary Emily, siandlng start, good; waa Meatus, near the Ulo the rare, but i lavimr supply poUit, whlrh fHina start men Willi (nod imilla, wanted the wnn driving, eeond ano third easily. Winner entered ror ttfJO. No bid. present La Cruces, about U5 miles away. airón for llw lini-l- i That nlU boy al lillle crlimle wild ihem alwava He uiadn a, Rick Otilo a. waa cantem Art Soon arier starting the two men were sur- vaya vhiik rlnlaher. every mail trip with Itya leain. ami titer An Rick snowed decided improvement over hla laat effort, was hard ridden today, Aparhaa. tilth that M'tsten wealker," taya mm ana prised by a small band of but inayer inoa ui lie uteaitira ocii made the running, but Mrflraw waa of vary little assistance at tha end. Canapa escaped by hiding oul In the darkness of t.euriie "I am Hable In lake a leu "mnvle" anowa with them when away stoutly titilo made a bid in lha stretch, then fell to the rear at tbe end. the brut at ihafw, aaly le say raced the night.- Next day they retraced their home la from home. Now he la dead, and they camp to companions ban II eaat out af eainaalaalon h they will miss him on tbe Attilelie. steps to Inform their tkaae eaae dralU eff 14m kay. I Mark, or tb danger. Prom wooded hill they vvl leaat." remarked "Connie'' dllng. looked down and saw the cabin on al Bay mi ! It aarlao, and I ii hi n ha of the little death, lot tei heard rhap'a TODAY'S SELECTIONS 4. Russ, Lady a band Of savages slaying arUt ka tlert-- a la clart alawly thla "he com. cunahlne In hla life while he Primary, Bulterfly. fire and large rol ' 5. Then they fled easivard year. M arlH ha a nail Ineiir.nn waa wiin the team, and be rave ut some R Peacock. Tom Hancock, Tróvalo. their friends. agalaci aorr iram aad laaar baeka." HV BCHNElTt-- 0. Richard Lanrdnn, Orperih. Beau Pere. again over mountains and tbrourh roreets. won- (El Pa .o Nornin Tunes.) bernmln lost ror two days, and on or The Itetl s reaclKd Boalun in WIHard Arpeara lit Philadelphia. in tbe aprlnv of ItU.i I. Jov. Ualar. Miss Tcniuo. them died. Tb otboV somehow round hit .Are Show- derful chai after Philadelphia. April WUIard. me Tt'RKKV DINNER. Jka We bat uik won He world'a ehamplinhii fiom Tlglil Boy. Tl:c Mu imp. Regards. way uno lia ramp of tome united states new piidltat rhampion. epeni the i Wllb cranberry sauce and cafery. Plenly accompanied tbem to La 4M Hi t'l:' lull IM weather (ave iheat (nater 3. Mita Cham, sfner. Bublron II. cultiven and In I everybody. Wealon'a. Mo San Antoni'J u aerrtbiu kuii and larteil Ihem nfr In part or today Philadelphia. Tonmhi be k'ontenay, Hoaumaster, Writ- Entry. for cruce. He l tald to have dtvtmyed th tu rata on l be wron( root They never Mini Ihreo Mnn i rounds wltn hla apamnr 3. Mfty, John Hurle, Maria Mac til ( Advertía went.) ttory or tb discovery to tba officer and in) ti to i'..in Hani afiar thai Bad partner ai one of the athletic rluba and at 6. l a Catadora. Itnion. Phyllis Antoinette. then returned to California. Hla name ing 7. Dalston. Styles wivaiW or In 0 Tor Ne.w ne Spindle, commendatlou, Special Today. he for wiu kill a lot rondlllun o'clock left York, where wa Adama. Tears artrrward returned a bail Uie or milk spring chicken, and made many frulileaa aearrbes ror tb club. waa lu appear later in nlfht in a box CLARK . Fried brollad fad a a inc exhibition. country style, M cents, wllb lnat mine. (Mill icituagc. Dally Racing Form). at A ait re aa I. far etAjarur han baked bot potato AI the úeiu, 3!T San An- Thrlltlaa Kanerteaee AÍTEtTXI Villi s I. Intímela, datar. Fort Johnson. About tnirty yeart ago ins iate Miguai Young Men Lilt Eat at tbe flem Oulek and polite ser tonio (Advertisement ) "Uainlo" MarK'a Atkletha have been r kitty siauneld, Heaard. Fort Jolinsoli. Andreas, former president or lb City Na- by Uw dealt of their viae. Special ioday--un- lialf milk red 3. Cecil. Mlaa Chaucer, Hublron II. tional bank or El Po. with a party or inaaeai. Loula Van n.i ami bia kua haa aprlnr eblrken, country rravy, J tents t. Pontefract. Roadmaater. Weir Entry. Midnitk ream CaaUauea wtaaiai Streak. como an loot discovered vary rich lode or a Rosemary, Men loan seieroly fait by Uta rlub. He waa auieri ii men ) in ...Ionia, Maria Mac. By c isseoiatad JVeaa gold oro IB tba una general taction. They and Who t. Print e coiirad, Phyllis Antoinette, L by Apaches and Mr An- AprU I0.-- TB Mtdwie were surprised sudors a Frauclaco. drea was taken captiva. He was (tripped 7 MM i nline Bpindle, Art Rick. polo team of Pasadena, cel.. added to its of hia clothing and tied to a sea ana aacap Stay Young lour airing or unbroken vlctorlea today cold winter night, but made bla AX lXMItOM while tbe Indiana were asleep, rinally isan hrancisi" hvarruner). by defeating, t I 4 to 4 UM taiga in Sliver City nearly froten to death I t.reenlnae, I'tnklamt. Joy. town, n. four hi tha rtnala for the Mr Andreaa described the vein a being Our advantageous Stetson Knox : eapoaliion champtoaaoipa fabulously neb In mid. Afar ta indiana on the exposition field. gama wa warn auauuea Be ntane uneuseeae-ru- l Wrii i.ulity, Roaduiaaler. Tbe several taiTangements with Him. played flat and was one of tbc bast attampta to rind the place again. Spring 3. John nunc. TheodoriU. Maria Mac. New Meilee. Hats , Hlebeat Camp la Hats Hats Pliyllla Aniuini-iie- prince Hum far IB the polo tournament la catadora, The Mogólica or Cooaey mining district. i mu ail. Webb, as tuval. played e strong game, of the Largest Tailors - In tbe eaaiern foothills which this oew T. epindu. Olllo, Canaria hla drives neitlnr his team many advan- gold discovery has been mad it lages Cooparatown. on the other band. New IS A th richeal a Mexico C. BICHUIN many on oe develop in the World of (Cincinnati bnuuirer). missed strokes, and savaral sold and silver Tba successful eaaiona wwre In mlaaing oaia ment 14 mine to date, backed by geo- Made-to-0r-d- Just Walk By See I Jny. Hoscas. unlor amale of er and Our Window Imionia. by the aareat margina. Tba rutel ror toe logical conditions warrante the easertlaa GOOD - kiiiv sunliell in. lu mil', l.iniiCJl ne a. cunaatirbi. acil, Bogy Jobaaon. Sacramento CUP w played ibis morning hat at least ttn.noo.ooo aacuiionai win 4. kootanay. Eniry, Roadniaster. al san Mateo The noise. 1000, team de taken rrom the dlatrtel. Display. They Speak for Themselves Weir It Has In the af the Clothes 5 lloceinary. Maria Mac. Nifty. reeled the First Cavalry. 4 ta t inc toutbermeat Part e I ady Mini. great Reeky mountain tmttat to extreme la '.atadura. Irm Conrad. eitay being conceded four goals by handi- range 7. Flral Mai Spindle. Dalalon. weatoro New Meslen. The main of V. We Haw Them in All Shape and Materials cap. tba tsnanllnas it very high aad precipite Ed. Pric9 & Co. volcanic, liAViaiKI-MIU- N out. the eaantry ta waofly coo iNbw tclagrapbc MI49 Sruua Headrtcksen. aparata titilar of akiealtea and rhyoltata Stron us show I akiniiy B. Joy .ttiqii u ta wiu alna i caught at Cajnpnatl a cara. well defined nature tema carrying tbe enable to . auuraeda. knlv alanlinld. leiiuie.-- t -- tAdveitl ceatani.' prarloua metal, cut through all rormaiiou. Straw Sailor. $2.50 to (6.00 j Trulaae. Martaod. n torna of the larger veins art an lag a width or south you8tyle8ofthehour 4. Weir tan), aim, Trausaci -- ano cbjcam. v reel with a north an.l .ink Panamá (Genuine) S4.UÜ to 5. Mana Mae. I iMMalortla. iNtuaunnirs it. tba dtotnet la the $7.50 Aluna. Wettoa a, wo an Antonio i(Adv.) tbroacb - PhylUt AuioUKIIa. Bi Hon Mlt Ldltb. Mogollón oper tna at overage expressly Bankok (Extra Value) $5.00 1. tana CoBawr. Ari hick, spuadle. or all oi and milita M to eicae tailored kuaraa tMaana TTnrrtaMi or Lafge itetrvea of are . 3 in Ldwhorn $5.00 on are taoueated to meet al Magante eut IB fate producing for YOU and YOU alone! Coartar Journal! . Temple i Ma ftaraeon at t.tt a'elork ta ur Bali Buntala - 12J0 and $15.00 I. lanilla Fan InBáaaa. Lady raidaf. attend the funeral af our late brother, uVt" up new "'round 4 The Muiiup. Uitipeal kliiv Manftei.t Williaaa Mecreacy. No need of wearing w M. CLliTk. w. M. mere high-agra- k. John Hurte. Nifty Tbsudorha aanpl al alai Masrray "tailoring" when de a. Billon, tta Conrad la tasadora a Aa A tea ate tad rraae . Otile. Art Hit k. earn Ce lew York, April I Ettdra gA of cal custom-tailorin- g costs no a Hernia eutpatatad Jaa my Murray of New 'latr, wCk S? I Inn ,o is kawtlay tnny k Vark in a tan rannd bout anta loalgoi me TOm roe me boy. a Beganls. kill Btaafiald. The akritup. wecieraer waa tee clever kneel en the aaOa to altear more. Let us prove it! SB Ceanpi wetganea) r- - ? ctaaueer Caatl truiaur If) ntmi and Murray total praiBiac a. Weir kstry. Katoaanay. Roadan Ikt I T over BmlT ..in, nurta. inwoie'iia sin t ealy La Casedwe. Prince Conrad. fytUa Aa a a lu luloaite Richard V. Pearson Bptndle. seat faaaytCa l Ftugwald Blue Jay falsa asfJfeT- - a jaa tetara l 3- Sttrvd.v. April I t. HI). ASO MORNING TIMES -B

aturda?, Mai a. the day of law greet rol pin t number of these have la fact this early i watt data speiev awum f tb "raw Krln tmlit i engaged ooxe ror nrov t" TViJfniRiTs DATE chill re. i ,f the nveeim at the Ti 'ie1 OF DERBY Jotke Utib ai chai votsna st ARTA MAC aMin. h somes to a rlnne on rrtdey. t proepectlvr field in the gregl rac' li win surely be a reteaekaM h'i IM atvrltg htrta fair lo overshadow i twelve days raring at thta m en this track S ORIMAR LAP has before rarod In Ihe r sprmw. with sack a reatare lo draw rtm whlrh fm now AM NIFTY THREE WEEKS AWAY stake, which It trophv worth rw aaaa lha public ia a derby which promisee nun array pajcpAM roa m to MA JUPGF OHEF tin this year, having remarkable to Mat. ovar sisado e all races for three Sel of wmI an added valuation of won a MaiMen year erar ran Ml land iXTII RA:E nhrrlhr Hsvlnr IMitneky derby olds olf tbla ohls and upwird tliifnw vtHrb la liberally divided between kaow hial what It iakr to caplure urh troca the Anantir to the Pariro roast ihr lucky placed bora ami nm Iha race anl tic atan na in no rrenn in- ñ la this "eason a rente si between harw finishing fourth Ma auhc re honor nf lietna the breed T of "Id hoaebud. performers giants, in fart, on ike turf txAsfwsT riwj a ai.i. ttmc won and winner will ever Hvc Hi IMS HRITliN wiu. turned. wnirh ha the dlatMi' ttnai of havmr the PRINt F OtNSAD PWT o HAT r annals or Amerlra ror alt SM rtUM to oftNlxc ihr entries In the fssieat derby, antee the r.hurrhill fature turf TaVII LA r.AZADOBA AT IM Wmi. DO Ihr krntueky dert i hi oaoo no Ii..n event has been run as a mile mil MfSé avITM a quarter Keeitwrky MS three iir on niak svet run off in laa Tha derkr with lis wealth of JAM ANN ill America mil ehtnes il a coming rare t'nle .lndnihal miw nut a three history Is the tmnaesi drawrhg card of Wf PIIVIJ.IS ANTOINETT- By i. k HTmrmptrt.D. there ara peal rha dona amone ih year old like J. F Achofr et- any race now run off in this country and Nt) I Tramar SM Ot'ARTES oulsvllte. Kv April in It Is only eligible Ma year I mme 'of these ivericd him t be last eason when he rirt moreover this season the oMfthtes hi l TRANSPARENT ihrre weeks from the coming iiur rrarh have ax yat not bren ven once aent eon of Iron Mar shoot lo the the race cover practically eery high Msg OHMAN tha ii,i year NAhSRM. Til iiiv until the fUt. of tti running off stuna hy doreei Tory ana represe) SI I exlnrton. It la safe h say that the laaa three old In training, eolia. TI PAM1ACIIAPI. ot tM rnny rirat renewal of the the utile, or tnrrmen of prominence KraituckN derb larter fr.Mli this staow WMI routing and fillies with the rounds now SKVFNTR RACE- - Selling. For rour Kentucky derby, ctiaaie of all all over the rontrtry and the naming be Ike sturdy roll Id CnMBp, whleb last arranged to aeminnvodate more people than nd and upward. One and one.c such races decided In America, both of rotts foiled abroad aleo makes Season on several orri,ons rxnirureo a ever before and the usual free field on all lea It l guess in the viitiable atabe ibu year hav an marked likint for the runnina- when the that day. easy to not misa In Ike Ml SAN CONNOR to International rharactee. distance of a race mas lOretehcd oul. The that Ihe hlg race on May a aegt, will he IS71 FLYINO The event this ntwt bo rim oft nti In olker season there hate always been Mi inihi lurfnian has Roes. n. Mar wltneaeed fcy the most enormous crowd T CANAPA cltglblea to Shooter and (Vildcrest hoy also entrkted In thai ever saw a contest between irreal MM RI.M.k MATE a few of the which appeared on any race out rlasa tha outer engaged ana early tn lite hit race, hut no one or Itita trfn ware horses decided la litis country a WISE MASON an up M abtllly laat sea- track. the spring the wise ones have been eager vthma near raelny sí V7.BME to give out their opinion a lo the probable son to either rd Crump or l.lndenlbal. 71 NDATÍ ON Y ".'.'.Y.'.'.'.'.'.'. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY winner of thf great prise, ft such have The rlosesi t W. fenorr rrer rame to We buy ayiid and allrer bailies) loan Jtkst SPINDLE an opinion or event fhla early this a son Aaaay Co, Hotel (Adv.) llltST STAR ornee PkMM the wlnnms kentuckv derhy was In IM. Shrdot uur Aai tUM. rm season thry have rerralned from ctpresslng when he tarnished the favorita In Lleber MM AD XT. JR unmarked automobiles lor hire by the same, whirh roen to abow how open Karl and riamlit heat that colt ont In the MU ART RICK Uta Bull hoar or day. lha rare or regarded, nono of as Ml Clark stakes KALSTON Ring inn. Inf. rich stake as well the JUAREZ ENTRIES. IM Juarez Five passenger cara II.M per hoar. eligible standing alone out In Uto clear a raw days later ai tha same meeilnt ears At 00 per hour. or have derby 5 lbs. apprentice claimed. log. thonlth several the mttnber Schorr has no starter in the last 1714 tte. maaday. April M. allowance "Safety Always." Osea Day and hi unbeaten marked opposite their names. season, but he sem l.eoehras to the po' Ikree.year-nkl- Mf FIRUT For ror Mcxt in. classic la ton. and upward sit furlonga Try Central Bar Care l s. Stanton (Adv DKVEI OPKIt MANY am joy a ras enchiladas. Itll 10S VOt SCHORR rORKCtST UK. HI MJ FI.OHSIK SrtlUXI lt. M.sTt RV JUS MERRY TWINKLE 11 191 many ONLY HALF WAY. II SUNDAY, Tha aakson JJsW 105 APRIL of developed SKINHY brilliant and ill of these Leavtnv Doutlas l ark toe montlnf of MHg MISS TEMPI) MOA EL PASO WINS ONE TRY CENTRAL are engaged in the Kentuckv derby thla the derby or the latter yaar. Trainer IM I1AIII.AR 1918, AT 4:30 P. FL BAR season, even down lo the champion rtlly ftrhorr lo T- - P. Hayes, who was SO liXQWKTA MO of year. la easily to are as con- sendlny over lo Cburrlilll Down ror Ibo KOI PIXM.AJD CAFE last It are sequence the reason no on ha- - been, bold race his colt rtoncrall. "well Hayes we am fort JOHrfsiiN Presentation ol the Skilled Matador FOR mourn to coma nut and predict the winner two fools In lainna in Ibn derby. We sura ROS4IA8 REAL of the event oh May a nait. as yat. aa baa bave no rhanre and one or us will run last ISM GRRKNB1UE Ui MORE CONVENTION MEXICAN DJSHES been the rase in other years from the day and the other next lo last." odd indeed SSM LADY PENDI. R 113 of ArisUdea down to old Rosebud's lime. wan iho victory or poneratl over Ten Point J.VW JEWEL UK ASIA Ill 31 Stanton. Phono and thiweii that afternoon, hut Schorr was s in Ji. 15! J. r Madden thinks hlchly of his ran r4icY nhanre this neaaon of repeatlfia bis riyht about Leurhrea. ai thai (vldtni BM EVriAN CAYETANA GONZALEZ trtunnphs In the Kentucky drby of absolutely task SECOND For AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF OUTDOOR IM wban be wok the event with hit UoneraU w as the rankest outsider that and upward. Five and fur- - ADVERTUSXaS TO MEET HERE over won ibn Kentucky derby. His tnngs IN ISM. Who Has Lately Fought In the City of Mexico odds In the rare was over I to 1. MAS PETIT BLEU SI hah showed ibat the public shared ' S FRED 10 FOR FRESH OYSTERS or SteSI t 100 with Trainer Schorr his opinion TEMPRBT II. R. Mccllntork returned to the city Served id all stylos go to Hayes' representative In Ihe race that SMI KITH 10 CAFE aliernoou. 1 be son or Imp. Mrr.ee, asm Rfii'ND i i' m yesterday from Detroit, Mich., where be PHIL YOUNG'S however, put up an unexpected SMPf POLLS v....M(a! (tended the annual convention of the Out And all kinds of Meilcan Dlabtta. hot or not unlike that scored by EVA PAfiWfCK MS BULLS TO oold lunches. Sir Bevys in the Knalfh derby or 170, 3Sgrr REDA RUS door Advertisers' association of the United DEAra4 Moreiein Cincinnati Boer. Edgewood when that ion to I shot hr at nut 357 CHARLKS (KIETZ States and u attrcessrul In securing for BEN 4 Whisky. SWKEhiBY. Proa. Iscontl. catlosaii. Itayon d'tir SMI CAPTAIN I.INDSLEY M07 El as- of Ibn s,mn EYE WHITE .. Paso tha 1st convention of Ihe and the winner nnlneas :41 sociation. Cttarlbert. In the St. Hayon 4 ROOSTER The Last Bull Will Be Killed by the Amateur d'ur proved inn luperlnr colt oyM MUÍ FELINA Mr. Mrriiniork bad a pleasant trip and Sir nevys and was later-o- brouirlil TICHI' P'iV 110 lie wis naturally pleased Ih landing the to this country by the Ivnii-y- ai.ia MO THE SIIIIIMI- convention, which will bring lo El Paso AUTO LIVERY CO. tin Titian. W. L. Scott, and In the stud THIRD RACE Selling. For - next year It least too delégale, comprising got srores or stake winner. Inrludtar ROQUE ROMERO my oins ann upward, rive and rur la their number tbe principal outdoor ad Phone 510-50-9 Ibe mlrbly Tenn. the Finn winner. loor vertising men of ihe country. Although Chaos, and Banquet, which won on Jat miss lf.wiston si Ibe more than 100,000 In stakes .successful It was largely through DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS GREAT EVENT All seven-passeng- turf BUI H'MAX 05 work cars at and purses. BOCOY JOHNSON and effective work tbat thli SM waa brought about. $2.00 hour. Secretary H. C. Applegate will as early as Mt MISS .possible nave the ineettne honk proaram l!im TRI LANE 100 several weeks in advance ot Ibe conten ready for distribution, and, at the latest It ÍS7 CECIL ' 10 lion Mr. Mccimiock sent lo each member will be In the hands of horsemen early t&M CONRAUGHT M07 of the association coplea of the Chamber PRICES U. S. CURRENCY durum tho first week or the mining Lex- lt BUTTER SALI 107 of Commerce booklets descriptive of El ington meeting. The array of purses hung FAFNEH Paao. and also a personal letter, In which up by the New Louisville Jockey club this SiM LOFTY HEVWOOD ... Milwaukee Mam Wanted mquor co. HARDY he informed his correspondents tbat he . ooLDorr spring are unusually liberal and will Ml something or com- Shade Box $2.00 "Walter A. We hurled your mother furnish an attractive selling to the rich S570 DOC ALLEN would nave Interest to last week. Your Immediate return stakes to be run oft during tbe twalvo days 35t YUBA 1IU municate to them when the convention met. aeresaary. All your financial affairs racing this spring, these embracing In ad- 3V MARKAND Al Mr. Mrcimtork made strong talk urg- Shade Side 1.50 satisfactory adlustrd- Write ua al dition lo tbe rich derby with 110,000 In Í55J RUBICON II MIO ing and inviting tha outdoor advertising once. U. H. A. and r . W. P." added money, surh fixtures as tbe Clark FOURTH RACE On rango Handicap. For men to coma lo Kl I'aso, and be ao ar- We not or ship in do solicit orders handicap,' Kentucky Oaks and Frank Febr. r olde and upward. One mile ranged it that. In the course of tbe con- Sunny Side 1.00 violation or Texas laws. .1MT7 TRANSACT vention, telegram were received from tun tM BE M mayor of El Paso, and from Ihr president M PONTE FRACT M of the Chamber ot Commerce, president of MANAGER WINN LOOKINC V.37 MUD SI LI M Fine Shot Goni, Revolvers, tRINOLINO M the Rotary club and prealdcnt or tbe AFTER DOWNS IMPROVEMENTS. 3tt SS37 tBEULAH S 103 Adclub, cordially seconding lila invitation mm: Hillock also made quite a hit when ha Small Texas Slack Ranch Sells. M. Winn, manager of the Downs :rr.i in; and promising El Paao would arrange Hunting Knives, Coats, I. zim tint distributed about ISM In Mexican money l ayette Tankersley, ot Mertxmt. Tex., haa course. Ik now al home and In person SSM ROADMASTEn 10! splendid for tbe conven- I entertainment among the delégate. of Angelo Camp Kite and Ammunition. looking after tha extensive Improvements KI7 I'Krt.DY tion tr it came next year. Also Wi- sold lo Tol cawley Sen a tract a here whirn are being ruaneo lo completion USO KOOTENAY IK lliam Woodhcad, of Han Francisco, presi of ?,iiou acres of land near Meruun, Irlou at big plant. While In New York recent- D. entry. Head the Bo. ion More 11LUE U tbe if. Wolf dent of the Assorlsled Advertising Clubs county The land sold for lis per arre. Shelton-Payn- ly he saw many prominent eastern turf FIFTH RACK Selling. For Ihree-vea- r Sunday.' Advertisement. e Arms Co men and every one 'of them assured him olds and upward. Five and one bait fur- - of the World, while In El Paao recently, Cawley experta to use It lor a small stork that they would bo In Louisville mis lollgs MfSt a strong telegram urging and m om Wo buy gold and silver bullion. John- ranrh. Cawley also purchased from Tan- spring to see the Kentucky derby rim err. SM ROSEMARY M minding the convention to El Paao. Mr. son Assay Co., Hheldon Hotel. 'Adv.) kersley a number of mules and horses.

illllillllllllllllllllllllll üi.iiiiimiiimiiHiiMHii.im MIIMIIHIHIIIIvMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111


Durango Handicap is the Big Feature at One Mile

Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand Every Few Minutes From Cor. El Paso and San Antonio Streets

First Race at 2:30 P. M., Sharp Admission $1.00 3ur..y. April If, 11 J. 4 B X PASO MORNING TIMES PURCHASE AUTO 99 PACKARD LIKE YOU SHOP 'aalaalaauBW nnv iron rum rMcricr,, oMiirmwhin iin. worn Automobiles r.MIT OCT lAOWN 01 klfTT. SSV "If i Pflrrhrr knnwa notklnr THE NAME IMPLIES ALL THAT IS mobile roniriirtl)n. II teems u ." sy W. storkard. iiimanatee of Ihe local Bnirh diatrtbution aren. v 'hat thr buyer ASKED IN AN AUTOMOBILE. PACK- would en detour If the price niitcd Mm the etit'invihiis which to hi personal knottrbHlSC Ib ml widely known and IS THE SYMBOL OF SERVICE, had riven uk v i mi f ii..n in the terrt ARD ' that a purehaacr rrairtre nmmi aril, lea of known from dealer EXCLUSIVENESS. who I firmly eetahllahed pper to m QUALITY AND to be tbt proper method of nhtaintnr I automobile n makihr our dtkmii nurrhaao. neatly II of lit buy article, of known merit Mm la why we buy rerutn make of hat. In selecting a Packard the buyer is paying for ne, tbivc, Jewelry and fumllur. We, know Did firm ha reputation of Oro satisfaction and service. The far seeing purchaser Sunn foofl arilrlrt We know thut thr manufacturer mil Hianrt bach t hu pro- selects the car which will ultimately give the best ducts v accept th trade mrk. which urh men hendi-- c hear, aa Knarpue na Jbo service, at the same time have the appearance of aervlc are rnlnt to ft from It. Only in btiylnr i motor rr do wm M drpkit from this fmvi habit, that ,r niiylrt the best. Nothing has been left undone in the con- article af known merit and hull! by manifsrmrer of International rep. nailon struction of the Packard that Would add to the "For mátame. kirn nnthlnir of dia- mond, but had i.r, eeJun to makr several pleasure of motoring. Cars in stock ready to show. purchase In Ihla line. I therefore railed at one of the leading diamond dealers Md Forty selections in Twenty-fiv- e models fll perfectly confident ihat he would fltr finish. ate, exactly what I warned because he had bren In hi l avi for many years and ha from which to select. thousand, of doiiu - invested in hl place of business. If I want general Btafrhan dlse I rail I cither of the: lare d'Tn nirni atorra and know that t will find whal I want .and thai th" wrvlee that I In the ariin.- ni be baeki'd by he nrfamraf INTERNATIONAL lion from hrii it .i, (mrein.ed. do not miration the arllele irlf beranr In many lasUkVea know noililng of it, bul I aeeepi the anranee of the firm from wbirh I buy thai Hie arlk-l- AUTO CO. la rlrhl In every respri t. "Thla ahould be Irur of motor ear I were noi in the automobile hulnesa and 416 Texas Street. Phone 1921. ftanird lo buy a er there are two Ihlnr I mould find mil firat of all. THe moat J. W. STOCKARD, Manager. important of iheae iiiinu- - In me la the man Hfaelurrr. Thrr la no reaaon al thla ata This Six Has Every Advantage of thr automobile liiduatry h a purehaarr ahould take a rhanre on the company I nil manea me car. II la a almple matter to aa "Though It Is a It is No Trouble to la Packard certain whal builder the sironircai r priced Sixes have The Overland Six has every " Ks.nlatlon and one which eoBHtrUrtl u popular Show You . motor eara rrom raw material and know MANY one or two good features. advantage. rarh plrrr and part thai Corma a portion or ttit car a conalrtiriion. The en bloc 45 horsepower mo t or "Mavlna ffrirrmlnrt about thr pth At every other point they whlrb you with to iay, eonalder the pr. only commonplace, and ordi- is an advantage. duct of aurh a company. Surely you rea are not lie that a nianiirartuerr who han !nve( nary, but way below par. The high tension magneto igni- mill lona or didlara in hl plant, im h arovrn up In the aulomoblle irade and haa So good is tion is an advantage. marketed .Ihoimanda r automobile, and that one feature who expecu to remain In the bualnraa ro picked widely exploited, talked The bright French finish, long ycar lo rm, and ella ft mi inore aillo grain hand buffed leather upholstery California Expositions mobllea than he haa prevlotmly liulll, cannot about and advertised. The theory arrord to take i hanee mi rellinit a i of this method of selling being is an advantage. duct which la not up lo the ataitdard In that every reapect. 125-inc- The company which builds If the public can be thoroughly The h wheel base is an It own cara and (mean millions in ma- incidentally chinery, bulldiuv , etc., would he rukln Ita saturated and blinded advantage. rntire inve.tmenl ir thr marketed car that by the alleged superiority of this wa no i worth the prti art) which would The 35" x 4V4 " tires are an advan- San Sin not render the, aervhe clalntetl hy one point it will Anally come to huilder regard the whole car as something tage. it Th rvl n.' t tmperttai uttui to irmii Diego Francisco to tm V' the n,ihi kind or i ile! r rare and unusual. The non-ski- d tires on the rear ihinira wlilci ace rue '.r lite innatl are advantage. ficinrec ate Inn of th. ; lun f, But, unfortunately, for 'this an aK a 'fly by nialii' or a ftjure tone- aifi nt and your wrilce will itjual laidin uf the scheme the public do their own It comfortably seats seven adults. dealer. n ihe oij.r i: jour car a purrha.aed froi.t a well e.tibllihrd nfeni. thinking. Kef the price is only $1475 1 $35 mi na aaie room, cars In Mock and oinrr rxMnea lotaluur humlreda or dollar They want to know all about the If you want a Six that is good at monthly II will Ih- up to him lo perrorni aueh ervliea ror you artri .i puifaaaa a whole car. every point get an Overland. You are necessary and reasonable The well will get a far better car and save rhlabllahed drahr ei(.cia la remain Consequently, when the public Round Trip Ticket on Sale Daily. buallieaa anal ordinarily ha- - lived m you money as well. cuy ror many aim y h,i a wide start to ask a variety of questions aciiuaiinanrr, hn auece-- ttrNndf upon and make comparisons it is mighty Deliveries can be made imme- Mir aiiaraciuan rendered hia eu.atinnera diately. Three Months Limit "ir (.ii pick out atii'lt a dealer y on embarrassing for him who is trying usually buy the car hr arU with perr " 'one-featu- re Stopover at All Point Going or Returning SSlSlsaas, such an aaem amini arrord to sell the Six.' Order yours today. to Handle or an automobile whlr'i Travel in horary and style, via within a few months will become nnsails factory. The dealer lias two rramina roi eui( v,,u rtr fr!i, r yUMr El Paso Overland Co., Distributors dmia nol true it will be con- - nnuaiiy in tils n"rvu ami ,r Golden State Limited the rcit mrchaitlrs labor will in a hort wiuir eat up the proMt made on ale 17 O 122 San secondly evrry dlssaiuried tHtiloMNt mean, Phone Francisco Premier Train of the Southwest additional irrler and fewer auh s U. S. A.' inr iHNiirr m,i i,.in, . 'Mada In Make Your Pullman Reservation Early We Can Care raetiou, inr niaiiuraciuriT to rive the Take erviee ur thr ihliia - luipoaiihi.. of You Properly. amick tei,,ry al I Inn Mp n a ,,r,. Inin a mile long and h- - muic ihlnit like acre lo Willys-Overlan- d City Ticket Office miiiurcu ot riie.r space, and tmn The Company, Toledo, Ohio 594 beln m operation hum more than tw, PhilllPC' hundred thousand cars. Its I, Roberts-Bann- Bldg. I NUNCO, 5851 atierras larm l) due lo cune lie Other models $795 to 1600. All prices f. o. b. Toledo. deal,; makllik II posaible for ihr diotrl- buloi lo aau.r.v Hie bujei- - 0r the Hulck IW. "I here la alwaya a ssiliilitv thai a bad article win creep Inio eiery man maale product, and this applies ihe mokir ear aa it applies M knytbtai un if ,ea buy a car from the manufacturer, wlio la known lo produce qualil.v aim rrom a .It alcr nrten a aiars-- or nriy me rrnnt wleei.- - la Ibu ruts Overland extreme who - well eslauUaled and who haa hull! tlverlrtnl rearbed cantbl rtcal uadrr there condition, inin . an nnur wiiu 1- run loan. ui ell by the hrat-- tuna. alnre lu arrival In Belrium laat semsihar. hl bualne.a on irood srrvic. lo - in- - BELGIAN ARMY NOT Ain r we left ttw tianl dnvta "Wa linally reached our dratlnalkin. to the brat poaalble evnianra of jou may ba aura you are to Imnkirk Uio tuuur ret atarfeal. I h in thr town wu turned wlw-r- of the tuna waa deafrninr wonderful alamina of the car." your o. .ii. i worth lu the car leaium noir Ma buy. aharp lu Hie rlrhl and rnlluwrd uV canal Thl. with in.- rlark of the milrallleuar, tha v man wont is ..my as Kuod a he far lunar distance, paeamr a niinihvr or shrieklai ur in - and tha cuounuou keep your eyra open far Tha Time ran make it Thrretoi'e nu cannot at rallopint of baitcrlea. mad bedlam of Rnury edition. 11 will be a takr rara aniaslted and deaertrd the ruailaitit . hummer and man - word, or eilrnd a credit u, a YET ELIMINATED We saw an overland Upside dnwtl III the whal uaed lo hr a peaceable larmuir roua-try- of treat value to El Paso. man wiiihuiI a dollar, brlimd lum ilmuah canal It had evidently bean .1, liberan l ualoadrd lite car aa aooa as , and tha in you iiiink his opinion ,., i driven inin tbo atui i, prevent capture at alarir return journey N etica f bale. Co- r tr some tlUHi ih dark Ahd dnvmr at nlkbt in Helriiim - aaiut' rraaoo ihe dcak-- and manuraciun.r I I night lute tbta. the day or Operate iho nave Iha banks ihr far different frtmt Ihe drltmr tin Aim. ihouMnda anil oriru nnuiuna "Whan ra Ml ranal mads is, are ar- nu kno. YuU work require full speed purchaard from Mar Baa and Mar Wan. r dudara iiiveaveal ara more likely to Mini mat nun. piiiiM.ifin.in breante earcvdlnrly rmirh an in Ir ye you are only half or III I.INfcU) - up by ur heavy , and allowed be bnatneaa know aa tha silver offer a SfSataci. one MIO Willi "IMHII- rulla .ni the paralar ami they be dimmed. unit runerrvaiivr in HTVF i - troop Whilr lour habla evrti must HraUuranl. AU blll are to 0 un u milium the ami artlllury. "IX you ipc 11, You will appreciate the in which hi haa runrtdence and la willing I I tu rould but know ruuth ai paw to Mar Ben rouiMlin a turn lair apawd liad jan a and Mar Wan. and au to back to Ika full annum or Invral- - meat nw overland have barn hat tor hit Ihr Drakra ui keep fruaa rtianiaf mm auiae you would aliar moro ever of lb accounts eilalln before this dala, mtut" in tha new a rrom l over hare, than financial matters afforded you by this uffirial uroi. mile uaety luokina' barb wire rnianrleuwiita their ability to aland far too re than any are to ba paid by Mar Ben and Mar wan. un Minn la made uf the small remnant nf the which stretched acroaa the road about two - Th' buatawu win be conducted rrom I I of the si, am- or ordinary usare. It It aad "I s N hi- pun I 11,1 "I" army which ruushl ao llaiilly lu real allfhllna; round that re miar practice here lo drive Ih a tnaann alt. date by rar, under a new narra. strong, obliging banking institution. there waa Jual remuari ruora left tor our In I asea Spactat al ly alanés ul thr war. a killer which would be countenance the M All UK Ail. tv f n .,i, ui uul car 10 crawl thruurb diaroually acrtiss the niWe h) oar deatmaiion fiilaatfcaa. M, at.. Aunt ta. TeiMraoi. Jtul receive b Iha com road. Lolled latee. (AdvenUeaneat.) pany. Tnieato, rrnui inr enter e- aa quickly aa poeelble.tl tltboul any thuuvht fnuii Hot kpritita. rk received by army imo. ÚV wa Open ih- nante ur lire aquaaj t aai uf car. ir llw car la dksaLled leave an account with the First National iera nrre annnuiir. death of Major la tur We have ayrltbrr keep your eye rar The Time W- ui ii ui - purchaard by akurtly It aad take another the oim i. mil catallt tentad- belrium on Botary 11 Major Furkin larf alter tha mill. or luiaillltlea. i,mi, rarthwurka built either aide Ulna nor faotllliea fur makutt repair. Kdliloa will ha buuuner aad here about three weeks iek ur road, kilowatt room I have Iha ame of value to Bank and you will soon realize what a ben- P. in a in Hi. mm n,,. that the anuUI amy anil a fat lor ta ha Juai cicurU The fact Ihai driven treat ti Paso. onhied niuiHiii li in SSI She tar toruash wftb a treat deal plial at Hot fprtnra for medical trealnieni the ti .riii.rn rirhtia work, rn.- Mi or or utanlpuUtioa an eloaa liaane efit it Tnirustnih cavalry band and liax h ill iiilerraOBaT aaarripwoa la riven 1.0 we a will be to you. on Tor a many from Calais in the a lately afle. that enroutiurrd aerie, left urre kda nun en and lia tripa abwaat clear arruaa iite ball loin which will iiiclude tlw .iwu ur ironi the rara are called upuu to nudte itrenrtwa dut ley The ylvaa an ut tha raw, a rail uttu three bat dill a would Demur. aula'Hita and silva r t ity leiter laklai irrnrtr com C at. UrlaVar i Marry lanlat la In isHarre uf iha ball i,.luí. ton. uawtar which the ovarían are pi ubably put the rar uul al rorri-- arruiuaiy injure tha paaeeot. i Asr Ceitf ln on ii. while the band I under command uf lo work ronlinuousit rn llenan! lianklm Ihr trip la betnaT drive uve mm lor Saving Accounts. le overland mat an officer rmm wauiu nava i Co. i Hilda has W alai, tai Uw ran iha laaatr. fut law ea.aUaak Thurston auet i. Irani. ia Audit iuneo II laao .'dj'!t'4lte' r i erk aa Ika- - rural of aaldtiKia to law paaieaaera. the car. which mm:W 'aaawf lib which ihe ti.er lm .u t an fori bnoy llk ihai of ntbrr laud ia (a wa arrived at eii a T Usa Aaaartcw Aiaaalhalna at raakrkc aVawaHwl Meyers, an. - U"e waa loaded with It) Hairy uf f la kerr uvledenia-e- lurucd lal niarbi rn artillery parla for repeino aun, lure titer weUruund it j--r by the mill abarre he wcut h) viajl with a ituaiiltly or peirui aad uti nrre I.e. ora. In lit. all of the iBkwXtrtaj ala haar- - - SS vv .endaty. kprit 7 wa pay day for aary la last at lb eauiee drive. rn. laa- lefi Tha airaata ware alii. .11 El FASO. TaTXAtS u -- i i truop a. waiiiei waa col aad rosy witk a iruu soldiers, hairrea an tuna, avia to an Tare' la a i i... m 'vr a bis ehirrprlsai .,. bluwta "ir Ihr a rrom law flrlMaM froal. or ckawlai poai ror l oluaiboa plauned hy n, ttatcl. the It, lore leawant calau we w.i. .loius d ttoaa la lav dlalhara wa could hear tha iilonrvi i ui,,' a n Haul - buildm by iha faral uf tha aaany ariatrhw au utiliauou Uwauau of Iks' avkytao M) null lhr mairv nalortici a tu hr ucea pie knr ouaMera eraryeraara The, i nn on and raetar mat ta iba ell y Uto. ka an IteulMUUU II. -- PI tal and ilher ,,r.N.ui.eut ...naielill, aai of l-a- aruwaJ. like ano at, he and luaapa of laoeeOaw and taftirera ol the Thl rleriiui cavaiiT Mr. U Uf bu ki ware alaaipad threw avaro oa oar way ui leaa tkaa a Sax I aecuied in.- .ii.ii a. i Hi- Une befuiw anliuta at fuukuk and h quarter of an hour IMaanlal aa a rel in lallllilsaal bunt hart at Mi, we were earce as aaaw our patera .any sad frwtrilirrai a. hit rrwal CLIFFORDfckUskLKAL ktmaWsMlaylksM OROS. WHOLMMAUt AM and paaaai kverv t tat. si la - MrTaUB. , isaramw Han liara hair fc.ru laau ,l here and aaaiaat apera. MU Okay auataaae m aei wtih-u- i SSara kj iMaaahua wih ha taw oaradiM tur liara ta of iba ntata tnea run SÜLAD THE TIMO PAGES FOR RESULTS f Saw STAPLE AND FANCY GROCEJUES OJtlFItü kit iba tanaaire are buiy aa tauuca hwS aaainaaaa1 'kiaaTaalat'í ksíi' a" wailí! use ism a avvaa viuy una war. but ta has asam ta iban ta aa uatau. Taw a Saw, at I ih waif vba uaua ana


IM American for American hare V a irvMT a fv. Intl. il rtiurrh 4 manicata nirt h vy wpirh (from 'an sntonin KipreiMit How 1 roea the limn thai car MM Studdttker ii plte Hi tlM ronunrrlil, social MM lira r nnr Htirens. titer has arlsbad. mast . reconcile nrnnelf to the equally crrirteni 'nn'inK MfR IfUisild Ml. t lemenV f unto, in llrrgt Un lain and on Ik ron and henrirlJ treatment of built rorrees-mg- , Mich lio" Aprm. v.. ar trench Lick cais die nnent ef Kiironc a mm annually or num. are II urely. (he Spring. Intl. ail witch are calculated t infnrnnil lit resched ta restore health and of i tie pinorilona of fnrt,oo,oo. and anile vigor, and all tarn mnt thrill the .mil' and stir Iba eiiio- - which he may reach in comfort hv tram What ha hmiithi artxtin tina aiinoimal llon deeper man aterlnc. or l.iege. What or hv motor Where hot on the Southern uon or affair." Mu greattar honor than a visit M lb arene Atlantic or i.ahrbrnla-Parifl- scanned ran Have conspired mif ira I1 of ivmerat cttaler. stand on the Little be found year ronnfl urf bathmg with rrrllnn. while nllmri have lieen gradually Big Horn surely the scenes rta equal 10 ustend. hanttMl until they no Ion by a Fremont, a Crockett, a Hons na a rr They liare made fart snttamttie. ton, mitt pull aram-- i inns or a napoleon of mute alona the thousand tiV Mm MM by writer of tale a posse of mHea ttetweer, the east and offer motor Biamarrk. one no trel or The - et and save, trail In the gtndc aw, that more historie tntrre.i nor deeper signlfi-ra- theerraailves for tie- ele. turn or the lour to ej great ruin, of greater are, they e than tha other. They all marked 1st. whether ht tour he leisurely or hur- oust fo into the atlr ilirlri of In epochs in civilisation's adraace. ried, ir urn I an element ami he be A md and Scotland. tk' ihr nhtnn trip numen, tne trip rrom New York to san "r journey m llaly and rtrnare. The lake The nrnors and feas of Mnniauk Point, Francisco ran be made in twenty days. region of Gotland baa been adrertlaed long Island, are a Crotch as any shot out. vi nit ntue rrsjim ror roe aren.' ano a having no etni for beamy anywhere over by the sportsman. The trout and pleasure en mag, such a trip would nat ele M Ut world. salmon fishing of the rnld stream Of the urally be over ihe Lincoln Highway, of tha Hockles and (lie cnhimMi Hirer offer which, today, Is considered the main artery Tha splendor and grandeur swlaa Mar of local long Mps and the Pyrenees hare been made poasthllltle to angler that are not 10 and distance travel by high they were accessible be equaled elsewhere the world over. way. A trtp. to chosen, would lake tha attractive berause tourist in turn ovVr the Old Plank road and have been drarrtMrt in ktory anal in The we have bean em v .,r a mads While now the Lincoln Highway, an hi. torn 'oiif. The few remaining evidence., in i n i and. Prance, and Italy at stonehenge have been highway eroaalng the Jersey meadows be. rekutartr, afo their wonderful arterlea of highway travel, tweon Jersey t.ity and Newark; Ihe dis Tw 0 a 0 0 made romantic In myths and legenda inc nnprovenieni ai nome na gone or ajMi.triaa ' tance rrom Newark 10 Philadelphia, via aeaaaalbla atectrtc he nrttid. apace. Many agenrles been at work irenion, ta over a err or roans, an These Americana, who annually embark lair anal counties throughoutlir the leugll drhraaa by a on lo ahrlnes connected and hlgttly improved, made their pilgrimages the of and breadth of the land luvn awakenei famons during the aalnluigait la aaaash i ii rope, a rears Continental war: we.t mint now. for few at front the 1rep of apathy, and are doing on to ev least, forego these Murs barause or the re-- ot rnuaoeipnia. ami Pittsburgh, wMhMaaraaaawra. in true American aptm. earn it pan ery toot or the road Is historic, made up 'instruction period mat mstsi ioiiow tnis wonderful work of improiemeni and. H ureal war. Tha recover from the phy ki- manv instance, permanent as to char in part or Braddock trill, tbe Lancaiter ll damages caused must be slow, and tin ainrr. By permanent meant roads of pike, klng'a highway, and over trail and hampered by the casual sight seeing tonr concrete witn nnca surface it ts grail road traversed in turn by the Indian., ist. Road, long the pride of franrP, Bel jfviiir to observe the miles upon miles of the early settler, ihe British redcoat, the blue and burr uniformed Continental ECONOMICAL mum, 'tennain. ana uic i.ov lsimti, road of thl character winch have been Power troops, of the use made of them Mill during1 the Past four or five gear and later, but In close uccelon. tha quick exrlvchaulage of heavy artillery, by Ihe area! arniK-- of the knuth and in and 10 note that during 1914 hundreds df North. cavalry and the heavily-loade- tractors mile of such are being built. The mile Between Pittsburgh and Chicago, the and motor trucks, must be reconstructed. ago during lot r will be equal to the total great Lincoln memorial road traversrs -- Thl reconstruction will entail vast sum or rour preceding years. .Viwhero trails and roads made ramou during In- or money or peace elr dian war and later during the all and m Northweit that need rroutre will the and armies you the world tourist find road, where are both to romo from? At ti rato continuous and eonnerted, of a length war with the Frenrh and their Indian or daffy cost to maintain these great armies equaling our own Lincoln Highway. No llies. More than passing interest attaches in mo unuer war riiiiuiinius, 0111 road or verle of roads present aqcfi 10 the memorial ntoTUtruent erected to tha lieia memory or i few months will suffice to deplete the re varied scenery or possess such true his- the milan Crawford, burned This matter of POWER is a thing that we'd like to talk outceíi of every participant. Tbe egriy torical interest. Between New York oh at the Uhc at Lpper Sandusky. Wvandot work of re.establlshmeni must be that of the Atlantic seaboard and San Kranrlttro county, Ohio, by the Indians. The colonel over with you before you buy a car and talk over it too, asilruWure. manufacture and snipping on the Golden Gate, there open a vista and hla entire defending party met the heaa activities will of necesslly defer, the of hill. dale, plain .and mountain. Why me Tate, nutorlr roads and trails ron before us. power or non rue go Untie, a units or the highway, until west with the hood of a Studebaker open For work highway reconstruí ami to Africa for the aiperienre of a desert or restoration or bridges, so many of wtilcn four when It can be made in safety and Chicago Oie overland Trail begin- - lie is tiling in your car. And this have already been completely rtemolliuert. less hasard In Utah .No more Interesting overland Trail! Is mere a native Armrl perhaps the most important The hotels will he long In recovering from or beautiful memorials cap be round In can who at some time ha nut spoken lie effect of assault and looting. The the whole work! than (hnsc erected to the name with a catch In the breath? Studebaker Motor is one of the engineering triumphs of man and the mean for these, great worta Abraham Lincoln In Newark. V J., and Ouf grandfather, and our rather drove I will both be lacking. The liners, whether Lincoln. Nch or the classic temple now their ot teams and prairie schooner over The Carburetor Studebaker. - mi vast territory a trarkle as the sea. home or foreign owned, will be so hanrtl- being erected on the banks or the Poiomic ia placed Mgti on the motor,thua apped by the shipment of foodsturr. t Washington. Where. In the whole Their blood was spilled and their tione woolen, cottons, machinery and necessi- World, can a more fitting monument be whitened along the two thousand mile ahortotiing the día tanca tb fas Simple you'll bm that at a glance. But the BIO thing to the POWER over which Ibey traveled, hlaiing the rravala to ties that Itftlc thought will he given to found than that great shaft, piercing the trail tha cylinder. it'e designed to deliver. Long-strok- e desig- n- for longer the the or or spare In cargo sky. with height or feet, or the pioneer ettlerr and those Argo- that the condón tourists Its greil US ihe or ' power and givae holds given over 10 the carrying of motor Washington monument,. In the nifton's nauts whose name attaches to the stroke, the more leverage on tha crankshaft. Has the reliable Stude- western end of I.Utroln Highway, on Ihe QUICKER response to throttle. cars for casual American tourist. capital" A true memorial, this shart was Ia hot jacketed baker oiling and cooling systems that insure cwiaervation of POWER. These are condition that mast be erected m laving memory 0. tbe rim Overland Trail trudged Ihe Donncr party, and supplied They are the murortitn president by the of union. By taking H months to cover a distance with WARM air. insuring: rrd squarely. stales ih. which ha been two of Kurope and mum be turned to the good cities, by patriotic societies and by gran-l- t later lrveled In week COMPLETE vaporisation of design motor undue a Of But study tha little refinements of and asa how this has fortune of the United State. or marble blocks sent by many of the without effort and in degren aven fuels. Where, but In this country, doe there rulers or the nations or the earth. Lerlng-101- comfort that approitmaics Itiiurv lo ihe been made to give MORE power without using more gasoline. Youll etst a lake region like unto those of Cen- Ky.. the birthplace of the revered lover of nature find, for one thing, that tha crankshaft, the connecting rods and all tral Maw York, Michigan, or Wisconsin? Lincoln, and Springneld. III., his rinnl Great Road System. The Trosioclis of Scotland, lieautirul resiing place, both attract the patriotic Volumes mtglit be written or that Inter- the moving parts are lighter and batter balanced than you find in the they are. aru dull, and limited a to tourist becuse of the splendid structure connected series or roads and trail, be- average valva passages are much larger better planned. area, In comparison. Where day ara re- which mark thA beginning and the close ginning at Cumberland. Md and wending motor. Tha and quired to see the natural beauties or tbe ol a lire, every moment or which was It tortuous bul historie way to Ihe scotch loch, week enjoyable- weeks devoted to the betterment and tho uDlirt .southwest section or the country where The intake ia hot jacketed to insure better vaporization of tha fuel and I ecks filled wltb surprises, may be spent oT humanity. Mckinley' tomb, a classic ih're abound wonders and glories. 'm any one or tbe three lake region in architectural design, has been the rivaled, uneqiialeii. throughout the world. NO waata of gaa. Tha exhaust manifold, wide and tapering, runa named, mecra or some. It Is as Impressive a Antiquarian research now going on in back in a STRAIGHT line, with no sudden angles to set up Hel Ancient Scenery. that erected to the memory or Gram on New Mexico anil Mliona proves thai the When the Druid temple of England ItlversMe Iirive In New York, and a vllt Christian era had not yet dawned whin And so you'll find a score of improvements over tha were young, the ruin or Meico nd An- to H I an Inspiration Arlington and Hiere rtislcd a civilization comparable average motor, too ion were antique. Whop the castles of Mount Vernon, both on the banks or tin nltlt thai of Kgypi. Syria and tbe Mongol. the fiblne and England were being built, Potomac, recall deed or valor and lives Days, weeks and momita may be spent the home or the cliff dwellers and the of devotftm. How many Americana, who in these great storehouses of education defensa of the mound builders of Ohio can speak familiarly or objective points and evidence or a past and and WUsourl were overgrown with the In Europe, have vldted ihe Old Dominions civilization. The ruins or Pompeii. Hoe

1 with crank a taWv"t 1 I ni Butwon't you áF aW M W aff aaV JaaLraS aaaaaaaáaáVeOatna in sand study ttsja ataaV motor. Ssa how ACCESSI BLE svery Httla datail ia. And than. we'd Ilka to hava you rtda in tha car and JJJjV Humas a aaaaSBSS drlvo It youraelf and KNOW from personal obser Traad Hoar Tiras Tjrp Tew. - vation on Iba road the flexible, ECONOMICAL thla Studebaker motor delivers. Writs, too, for the Studebaker SSkxl?TpÍr.128rJ Motor Book, Ask the Garage Man r. CX a. Oaatrait ELLIOTT-GARRET- T The garage is a motor car clinic. COMPANY SOUTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTORS All kinds of cars with all kinds of symptoms and 422 San Antonio St. Phone 063 El Paso, Texas diseases come there to be cured. ciilanriini or Babyloo revral a "new art" city a ramo which will probably rarture wbu pliin autotnohilr rmnpeiltinn during Die I'S.i yeaf discussed. Pltn for tM the in wnrn lo or laic el- for year. Hie current season several tutomt'bue new building mil be conidered Ask surgeon overalls about the Hupmobile. ravatlon tiorlh ir the bonier of Old Met manufacturers, notably the jiaiwell Moior iro. wiiMr arrhi'olngiKi. arc seeking to tan Diego waa tbe neat itep. It rtc be lhare will he election or officers for di'lei'inlnv the aae of the Oieinred ing limed tu follow closely Ihe opening coBiptfliy. which will thl yogi- supply IWd the oining yr. alorv or cars, plgtiuing He will tell you that many of them come for gas and oil. w iiw rrmurira, wrvj im - yet Dem aoi ot im exposition. Janu- toaau racing arc to do even to y who bulH the lower at ary I. Much of IM motive back or tne then- part In rurnishing the rields ror tne .Notice I. a Crurra Times' fluhx-ris- re- H. Han large number or race in season few," he will or hat vtual puriose wa Diego gsae wa a desire to stimulate certain fills ir lo advise that II. V Ouernsey bti "But mighty add, "for repairs." rveil by tbe serpentine mounda or .cu- early attrtidanre at the exposition una which proiulHc ui b" tit ny rr v appointed the Paso agent tral Ohjtt? purpose was wonderfully fulfilled. the In ihe histni of the port. been II lime in Theae and or "I have no reason boost' Hupmobilcs," he will ruuntle other wondan raray wa viewed by morn than fifi, not) per- La Cruce and Is responsible for all papera to say with a grin. man eye .,r tour-if- ami nature auait the ihr i son, the lielals ware crowded wltb keep your eyes opm ror The limes and deUverlr from April I. at which Ot'i' urn ha not. but hoiiM. "Sea America anu B, "They don't particularly help my business." Ftrai- - though the trans continental railroad iioury Kditioii. II will be a hummer ba relieved Amos Hihbnnl, The Time' of to El Mr. Then I no time more opportune than rates were not yrt In force, and Ihe fair great value raB. turnier ageni fiuernsey headtpiar After that admission, listen to what he has say. He that following tbe dlater or me present announced a January attendance wntcli tert will bo In tM l.a Crura Drug Blore, to knows European war. Tbe dlasppulnlinent Inst startled even tin- most optimistic. ANNl'AL HKCTINC AT til where subscriptions and change or ad- care. my rollan- an eororrad "tarry at home While the Ban Diego course wa mil raat, dresses will lu- - taken. awhile" ir, i will soon be rorgmicn In the a riM field competed and Carlson in a Coagregatla Mouat Maai lo t oiricer Mi llibMrd will collect ror all subs, rip greater enjoyment or a of Kaetifag erle nort Maxwell ralard OtdrieM' race far trr lion, due him In April I and sll roileciicn He will tell you that the Hupmobile is a wonder. or long dlitance tour utrr Amertran or rrom and or record rrom Ml lo 30o. mile. Annual meeting the Congregation thai dale re due to M paid to .Mr road, lu imiui.. intercat within place our own boundaries, why not a trip In kan Francisco ramo next and IMfg as at Mount Mlnil will take ibis afternoon (iuerntey He will confirm what you already have come p. at-- , Templa At to believe that the your "hume town?" It may be in Iowa. ÜM Diego, ii,.- euntpelltlons had been dated at f at tM eehool room. PAW TIMES 0OMPA.1V Kentucky, or l alifunua. Hate you watched a day formal opening or IM Hireling IM report of in,- various of Hupmobile stands up conditions lt few after the under that would kill a car growth Would yiiu recognise those IM m o, in, ,n fleer, will M read, and the work during Biti kid is im (Adv.) tcene to your memory Weather condition' ware tiik uAaes wbirh revert moat ottfavorable a less sturdy. when rare of budiu a bear down hard or and tnalrc shift courM, you reel like snlliinr baik to uaiure' In. ole the Panama I'acii o exposition He will tell you the Hupmobile is taking you out of tb country ha nut grounds, bad to ke usad, bul s crowd of that motor a wonder a glutton taken the country out or von mare than lOPjMw persona sal patiently in AUTOMOBILE AND ACCESSORIES DIRECTORY for work. Oo where you 'will, be (t Jnrtb, south. the ran for hours, until tne official de- hard Baal or Wast, there await you unproved rided to postpone lie v ande lull in, first health, mud pleasure and a broadened The garage man is the friend of the Hupmobile in spite of the fact ytew. When good weather rtnally mned on does the poipoMd Vandarbllt. mors man leu.-- Goodrich Auto and Truck Tires that it not swell his income. persons rant to sea li, and IM mam- ROAD moth stand which ! gt.ouu person was Ora al fa par real glace tek. I, Mil. 0. kLAt VOST. M Sootk Kl Pass eft. Tel. SKI He is its friend because he loves a good car and he can't help RACE SEASON filled with eathiuiaeia, who paid from g to gig for the prrnuvgo. saying so. He is always a Hupmobile booster. A raw of tM ntasgmnth "ia francisco rtetd went home eat after IM Vaaderout. THE CLEVELAND SQUARE GARAGE his bul most remained ror tint Venire Let lis add to testimony with a Hupmobile demonstration. PROVES EXCELLENT uraM at. aWICaCNKY. Prtap. rUUTI UAJLtiUK aVND ItKf.AtK frlss, prono tea by IM iiustlinaT " tu r. OhlUsS bllOf. gela suburb. eVsrvase) Htajgtl usd Osty. WeM raiiIMi e atausta W aMat, Pausas AST. TM Ventre proposition was s publicity EULs LONE STAR MOTOR CO. idea. Dacged Uy i lie wealthy coocssawo-alr- PASO OVERLAND AUTO CO. That a kMtf distance ausumoblie raes. of IM Pacific Coast i.um-- ItlaM. A and DISTRIBUTORS properly staged and In Ha field of starter. fine three mile roune, with plant"! luma. Overland Automobiles Willys Trucks well banked, waa built for tne event, wme a fair proportion or the alar drivers df not only paid money n AAA HUM IK U USUI a ttt winner prlte 385 Myrtle Avenue tairric. Ma powers or attraction wiua-- equal tu that of Han Kraarisro. but also ao oilier easily sllainable spectacular event dit idnd witn He- starters irge siiair ot tUfsATIUti - ugjtbHAi. uoTua lias Imtii ajnpiv proven again IM ample procesad from ties rare, IM haiu i rrn ÜUMPA.1IY PHONE EL PASO, TEXAS Uto V mrnrn 6209 during tig waM w Niter by series of uniunilleai contení wllh the firai page II Hi r A'i?i'ibj r lace whim have taken piare In California. asc ureal for Venice la newspaper I'S. This sertas wa o at ranged a 10 gas all over tbe rouahry. linuvf a eawgptrtc rtrrull an llaalf. Use TM Ventre ceurae waa raster taaa M of events drawing to ilia cae, ttnciro, and Mrney idficks In a usara ail ins famous Ainerk-t- n car and won folkmed by BIHy riw.n ta I well as the pick of the foreign another MaiwaJI. tort i sit Mreagd later. raring, ears mum oat tnta side of tb water. A fear eat IM circuit iaaers atoptd ax raao ano Tbe fajsvpaUgn uytued t Curons. 11 . ta uff al Tur son ArU., on their way nauta ia I. K. JoaMM Hovasaher saee for tM Varajerland t air peiaple uo tM WINTON SIX TIS M. üokea at! aVfy Prior tu IM CroM rsre tin luieresinig final day their big annual weeg. As IB Jjj Uck aaaaaaaaaaaTaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaR.ayn aoulheiii CaJiruruU cily was on sons' map. un sseh prior acrasalon, Ua large margin ut any ! raes Watch the 5000 Mile RED TOP F1SK TIRE draw IM .H. t urvas las peseSUted wulHlerlul an eitrerttust wnnk uasysfoi men utu (r., WESTERN MOTOR SUPPLY CO. a perfect circle of u final My into Ih j stwat successful of IM grklgl sail bum a a bonlavajd enure weak. M tea a nsartf. as a res ait Corona raes kanwy OMfnid ta a Natas AUTO COMPANY il down into Mttury as taw fsasaal sreaat saiy ctrtaggu la awlierr v,a.v BOROERLAND SUPPLY ef tU ever nets Hulk o eatanikaa- - iiiiUaoa II wf tjaf a roa) record for IM world ta mm Thai im spurt ef iBsoaaaniss racing i T sf-!-l-; " Proof wmm OttJferld. ui Ins slurd) ernrsjaai Ittadll) Mcofaituf ta ire etr.u recamid 'llkF! MaxwsU. ian IM wknss dtatgara "so ra M IM gi ralee! attract wntrk cast M Qumhty Pkon 3919 Cav. Mwrtb Kmmam Mtagl ailSasil a ami si aa tMg"l 'or any ciowd gslisrriag roieuprtg 7r é sJ ' .. at arty St nutra aa hsur Is also sbi Mr by c Mirman krnsMr ilbul Mb of M AaksaMMB Aagaahtls ssaoria- - vwl M stated thai .wraaa board, wku-- i. tar sag gav CADILLAC SALES CO. IM rttg Mgwaj tu SMsas salda win, ad IMS Id oa All akM for i a, us state ease, asar u astd ssiahiakig IM im ud by uue at ah lagrts of vm uiuaiiy. E.P.4S. W. BUIL0I- -" 1 1 LbPNone ws Sunday. April 1913. f R PASO MORNING TIMES II.

he will deliver to the fin of Haaaett Mr. icMkard and Major Mark I ayn there. While M Bmrweli Mr Bkoekard win Wit AMONG DEALERS th branch of the company in that city, A htpnient of a rrloart of loiirwi rar there for a week or ten nay. tr nper lo arm i.on hv th f.iiiou uarreil iiiant. The mar nine, have nn I. A. Trench, atat engineer of lew ea mute Prom I ha factory ror orne urn Meneo, arrived in the city tht week. lv ALONG GAS ROW The national aaerhtn. wnirti t on dta Htg a Bnlcfc touring rar i in return play at the ho mom the coanpany on kanna Mr. French drove one of th new san Amonio irt. l attraeilne mtri. model touring car, purrhaeed from lha nd many ale ar t pcid in lha near Iniernatlonal Automobile conxparly. rnhare. urahstn t Farley, ftvtory repreeenlel'" J. M. harter who for the pael two yeara of (ha HMiMIMi uww hay HUBweii. iui dealer of ih Hnptnn haa been connected lih the Oldmoblle returned thle iwk rrom an WW' hll car at MaratlK. wa a vlaHor in the company, of Kl rano, lert yterday for ive trip thrrragti eeutriem new Mexico rliv ihl ai hi return Iwim Mr. nlng. Mich., where he will make ar ax- -- wk - Resolutions to Mr. farley. prospect ar tilieii drov one or the new model tonr- rangewenla for th of ar IhMIu I eub1lhmnt epttonelly brunt for 'be lt;rt eeeon tn rar. purrheaed rnun ih m star oldamnMIe agency tn thl clly. whkrh will in tbe history erf 'be automobile industry Motor company Include the entire aouthweat. He will re in that section during the iiirniK-- month lk)n M n Paao in abniil two wrek. Claii.l "luarl. imlm3ii for lit Intent Unanimously passed this spring hy one wise motor car I Auto rtrrtine new model touring rar llonal .onipam. returned ieierday Anhonnceirieni or th ae or a Wmion of the P.I Paso from t.'hihiiahtia. Meileo. where h na mtlette. district sale trmi for iIm on Rmek fix touting car of the i.i, i model to company. J nal wek buln. who iivrrland Aulnmohlle "mart report ti-i- - nwprovtaa' at th Antonio Flo.ii ha. been mad by th H owner was dissatisfied with his last year's car terday for Lw Cruce, where .rn,rt or Muirán rnir. repeelelly (fc Ih automo- Paao Anio sale rninpany. xriulve lb machine III he made Mr Ulllettc btl lln Whil on Ih tip five Bal handler, of that marhlne tn the iuthwet. will remrn 10 thl city either tonight or were void and two Packard m A r tonrtag ear wa alan nr la be Monday. finel" the faekard machine lo ankrj 10 Mr. Brhwartx. Th Wlnion ractory peeiallv hull! ror field un and will he ir are at prewnt riooded with order, ror ear shipment of fom touring ram of in according lo advieea received by the Male model was mart lo In CarHrred nar-mnt- a lo iroopa company rh city. The new .v dorlna tranarn.n thl an Wlnion lrtAuto Hale rompany of cerHbed, from one point on the flrtnc lln lo a mora Blx l an exact rountrrparl of the Wg ear. trti week by in HI Paso inrerland agency hnay aeeiton or to rellev troop rmdr except in Mb, being amallcr. Mi thin rlly. Four machine, in Hiding nvy nr. were .li cvllndcr mortrl rar. eto rrmney r. W. iiiihr. factory reprraeiviatlve of A Motor Car Owner being Dissatisfied After duly Considering the question, he m of""iWildeoherg and Al (larava an tni.nortor on Meir.in hipped ih rirm yesterday pnrrhae( Bulek rrom the th Plrione Tlr aim liutilxi rompanv Ian of Turumcarl. International Auto r.anpany "l"Th . ar will of Akron, ohlo, arrived In lb ciry thl with last year's Motor Car Experience, Found the Reason and passed the follow- he u.e.i hv Hi rainilv of the week, lo apend " leral day on ho'lnc.. Fred A. Barro, territorial Ml egeni who upend nutrh or III lint on the train called a Conference with Himself to ing set of Resolutions Unanimously. The rompan v at rrom of the El Peso overland la running unuih Jttarel. t. f. rflchrda, accompanied by maklnir a tour of ih western por Determine if Possible the Reason. resolutions explain the Reason. Man In local "llcbol. arrived in the city nu. earn, non of In alat in the Interest of driving a ports al Ford touring car overland otrirr According to r rryd fllehol aurted Walllngton. Peso office. Mr. Barrowr. ha al 'ne(r from Kan in PI I the third Bulrk I aome time ago. I of a of machines and en route to l.oa sell rvady dipoed number Angea, over th Borderland "WHEREAS, in 1914 I started out to the automobile manufacturers ruine. my old car for as high a price as I could get, and take therefor the car on A of capacity truck of ine and rarload iait Accompanied bv three rrlend drl W. Mewion. ihe arc lo arnv In In cuy lliipmohile egr. orge t. of Fori which I received the best trade; and ioodl pnd ing a touring machine, at Lag ' nu ca, haa Ihe within a siiori time, according to lite an- In city Friday wired Trl Harrl arr1vd lb afternoon Male company a rcqucM ror more car 10 nouncement of the Kl Paao Overland rom san Aniotiln, en lo Bon Fran- "WHEREAS, the car I obtained proved unsatisfactory. from route rill the inrreaalng demand, A ahlpmenl l any yesterday atrernoon. The trnck. claco. According lo Harrl th road from by Kl of riv touring car and two runabout which have alrady been ordrd Kl l'ao to San Antonio la In earellenl con wa "Therefore, be it rewind, that in 1915 I will forget that I own a car that laso merchant. r.blraro miw um made to the t. cruce agent lal Ift dltlon al pre.ent particularly between Ihl Tntiraday. which ware enverad. I want to sell or exchange, airo and ar expected in d irlng Ih early city and Alpine, Tata. Artec remaining In pari of rhia week. evcral dav ror repalra Harrl ntv J. W. Klrkpatrlrk, roanagrr of the Trl be resolved, I going buy San "And it further that am out first to the beat car will leave for Franrlacn. stale Motor company. rii,-- V. B Bannoll, ylr and handler of can find and then sell my old for the most I can get for it, or let the pridnt rnrai (lie Ford machine, will leave anon for l.oa I car manarrr of the Kl Paao overland Automo or F.l a Bronon, Paao. la driting Angele and San Franrlacn. on a pleaaur manufacturer do it for me, bile rompanv. riturnvd thin week from new rive Huptnobll. purrhaed paai paenrr irip, accompanied by member of hla'fam Toledo, where he had ben for tho from th l.on ata Motor rompanv Ihl ten day. ny. and Mr. and Mrs. C. s. Piekreil, of "And be it further resolved, that I will never again go into the automobile week. una cuy. selling business In competition with 250 manufacturers and 600,000 owners of old ror a F.nthulatlr over th prospect carload or rrhandler find my in buying well in badly." alilomobli machine, direct Eight louring car, three delivery cars. I that motorcar happiness lies and not selling tremcndou adranc in in front lb factory, are expected lo Ihla arrive wagona and two runabout wa Ihe record business In th southwest aiimmr. In the city till week, to the manager nf e eonalaned established by the Motor com- R. r. Stuart, aalea ine I. one Motor company. A of ronrpany. of tn star hlpmnt pany thl wreck. Purchaser of delivery exclusive handler tMdgc cara arc aleo expected within a his search thorough he will look Reo machine, returned week from a wagona were.- F.llte (Mnrecunncry If is visit us and at the three 11 few day. S loor Ihrouirh thn western part or lite slate. E. dimming and Raymond K. Chalmers models the New Six-4- 0 at $1400, the Master Six-5- The trip waa made by Mr. Stuart in a Meo Rivera, c K. Hall and H. E. Bird bought H. al manager of the tiak- - Six-4- 8 and two weeks, a F.lmnre. runabout, while touring rar were aold, to at $2400 and most of all, the Light at $1660. toiirlnir ear consumed company, I agent praeiieally every land Automobile at prearnt W. A. Meer. Nagtey and Kaster, n. p. the local visited making a of Texaa, accom rlly In weat Teiaa. knur wetern Putnam. Charlea K. l.eea, J, P. Hammott, panied by Mr. Klmore. The trip I being W. T. Farrell, J. K. Porter. one or new Im In.linr bolh the roadaler and Inuring made In th modi Oakland a of litre a touring car. Mr. Flmora la expected to D. W. Davl. aub'dealer or Ih Maxwell ear modela shipment rarload a of neo automobllea are expected lo arrive return within few daya. machine al Mai fa. Texas, waa a vlallor In Co. daya, by the rlty ihla week, a new Chalmers in the rlly th next few purchaalng model Motor within Leo xalc agent of the the rfefr-tli- company. A two-to- truck. TroL touring ear and driving It home overland. men waa recently rdereel by local Oakland Sal company. In now In Dougla. Corner San Antonio and Santa Fo Sts.. El Pase, laxas firm, will alan arrive ahorlly direct rrom th imeret of the firm. Mr. Trost Among the alea made hy the Buquor Quality Ftrwt lite factory, according lo the announcement recently reported Ih aale of one touring Motor Sale., company Ihla wei?k,ia of Salea Manager N. F. smart. car, wblr.h wa hlpied direct from the Maxwell car to Harney Oldrield. ractory. John W. Price, of the champion automobile driver or the world. Phone 4970 J. B. Bnkev manager of tn intkland car at Alpine, alao reported the Mr. Oldfleld uaed Hie machine while in Western Moior jmppiy company. II at ale or two machín or the moat recent the rlly, and attracted considerable atten- present in California on a two weeka' model. tion, nib. r aale made by the Ruquor Mr. Bukey In xpcclad to return company tnla week were lo J. I Blacbofr, Let your next car be Chalmers next Tueaday. Several large ordcra rrom B. Wheeler, former aaalalani aalea P. E salnx and E. .Hamanlego. a the Villa irovemment ror tires and oilier manager or tor Oakland company, haa re- - accessories were placed with in company lgned hi poaltlnti and ten ror Han An A NKW cT aBATEE III engage truck-lir- no week. tonto, where be In the aun. Appreciating the Ititiiortanre automobile) must run." the phrase even IttMory, In behalf or It laleat I The Packard Motor Car company haa mobile bualneaa. o,' the motor truck industry and the part more accurately describe the motor truck development, the tire. Just completed what la aald to be lha Carl Reeve, agent or Ma lire manurarturrr inunt take In II, IIM with its greater weight, heavier loada. Haya C. W. Martin. Jr.. manager of the POTASH FINDS IN finest system of Inside testing in the motor dlatrlrt sales ompanii' have In the rew yeara tlr. company, exrftuslve han- W. siorkarrt. general aale agent of tal taken department "We offer a new kind of guar- IndiiMry. Tbe cost "yr tbe Installation was special pain In the development of ade Ho are especially ac antee. For or m- company, lire manufacturers Ihe next three month pur near the ftu.ono mark but fleneral Manager dler Hi siudebaker ana National the international Aulomohlln will quate tire if, ag haa been aald of tive now in work. nhaaers of are M tbe truck Urea guaranteed thai J Alvan Mai auley la that this tun. will leave today for silver Uty. leave tomorrow ror ttoawetl, M. drkftng car la a Goodyear company confident aura tileaure tire. "It virtually portable The Tire it Rubber If those tlrea do not outwear ompetlng I will be saved lu one year's eperatlon. M. M.. rtriniik a Muaebvker roadster, wmcn Packard tourtttg ear, accompanied by railway track i titrh locomotive I la now la a campaign unique in motor- - Urea by yielding lower coat per mile Ihe TEXAS DESCRIBED entire purrhane price will lie refunded. Under this new system The human clanes. "Thr conditions are simple and are out- lined In the agreement covering each sale every vehicle's iierfottnance Is guaranteed s v tires lo start running same time a In be up in bogie. While It haa been the competitor, on the same truck. In same practice to lest motor inside and on the posliions-th- at is. from against front or STATE l .NIVKBMTV TO IMIJIC HI I H IN block for some lime, the teal waa greatly rear against rear. must be of same ON 8UBJBCT; UF.BHAW MAS IIKI.N dependent upon the physical condition and rated alie as competing tires and the lat SOURCE Or SUPPLY. Inclination of the tester. ter must be competitors' regular advertised irtment Ihe product, purchased In the opeo market. JJg Timet lea led In wa con Uftcial Coiretpondtnt out action Tbe tire which have such Station, April 3. first under belt and its gauged fidence, pressed-o- University The bureau on the meter. Artrr process la of the type, and of economy geology of the University of Watt this the wttn-ou- t motor goes to the It applied aireruy 10 uie s. a. c. wneei Texas dynamometer where using bolts, wedges, flanges or sup- calls attention to the announcement Is rated under Ha own gasoline power. of negotiations with Germany In the morn- When the motor has inspection plementing run bands. ing papara passed the 1, "We believe our offer to Tefund full in regard to the importation or various adjustments are sealed, and they From October 1914, to March 31, 1915 purchase price, without asking a cent for potash salts. "Germany la our sole sup- remain so until tho car Is delivered to tbe aervice, indicates we think or una port," proceeds the ata lament, "and we Im- owner. what port about 110,000.000 a year. tire and what all teats have proved." worth There From an operating standpoint the new are no domestic sources, but It Is said thai method or testing is indicative of new (Six Months) Armour fc Co. are to buUd works In Utah standards of efficiency. It Is more scien- or Wyoming for tbe extraction or potash tific, more exact and more economical from a mineral known aa alunltr This Is than the haphazard test on the open road. FADS AND FANCIES a mixture of the sulp nates of potash and alumina and contains from nine to eleven L.1 Uldalgo," per Ben. J. operatic tenor, from were Six Hundred SixtySix (666) by cent of potash. The bureau of economic the Grand Opera City, There and licenses issued geology and technology. University of Texas, House. Mexico will has ndw in presa a bulletin on potash In sing al Campbell's Care tonight. (Adv.) of El County, Texas, for of FOR THE MOTORIST the Texaa Permian, prepared by Dr. J. A. the county clerk Paso the operation rdden, geologist for lha bureau. II la thought that Una publication can he Issued within tbe next two weeka and copies FORDS, automobiles, trucks, electrics and cyciecars, as follows: can be obtained from she bureau free or CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE coat. a very The week eno cape coat la a new It describes encouraging situa- CRITCHETT FERGUSON tion in Potter and Randall counties, where Aaaayera, Cbemlata, Metallurajlata. of black and while broken plaid a much larger amount of potash has been suitable for an extra motor wrap. It la found tn deep borings'. ITS to 1,700 reet. Representativa (or Ore Ship pera. Fords 26(f and Ihe uppm- rape gBM nol run than has been reported from any such bor- 214 San Franctaco SL way ings anywhere In the United mates. Kl Paao, Texaa. all the around, but faatena wto the "In these counties potaah salts have 60 two back aide seams; It has a convenible been round not only in brines bui as a Buicks collar. solid material closely associated with com- mon san, aa la lha case In (iermaay. . The Kxtra fall and long crasa bell golf rapes two wells In which Ihe potash salta have Overlands 38 of shepherd's ilald alao are worn aa extra been found are about Hung rive miles wraps. apart, one of them being twenty three mtlea EAT AT 31 norlbwest .of Amarillo. In Potter county, Tear Newest aad Seat Reatauraat Hupmobiles For wear with these canas there sre soft and the other In Kendall county, anteen 'reek Pay aad Baa Oaag, Pre aw. hemp turban with white crowns and black miles southwest of Amarillo: rolling brims, .rimmed wllb anian velvet "II la yet too early to say whether Studebakers 30 bows or black velvet Marguerites. The red workable beds of potaah sails do occur Club House Cafe haded vesla are popular for wear with In Texas, but rrom Ihe information at as South El Paaa tneae naia. band It seems probable. at Maxwells 18 "Tbe ronuuerclal Importance of Ihe matter Taa robes with rea leaUarr binding and la vuhni from ih ra. i thai during I ho red initials ara made tor spring use. The five yeara ending with 1013 we Uuirted Cadillacs 17 robes in other lulort are bound in leather rrom uermaay about ano.uui.uuo worth or lo match. potash salts, nearly all ror rerilllilng pur- V poses" OPEN ALL NIGHT Chalmers 13 Average FORDS per month 43 Quite the lateai fancy for the opened Praacrtpttona filled and dell liiiiousuie err the líalo hat ruede of no h at any time day or night ing of loll, aud lace with dainty fiuuers Mail Orders Promptly. Oakland 12 Figure the others and aigrettes. The lace floamoed brim PACKARD HAS NEW killed ( droops doan ' liuosl lo the up or soae E. In an effect almllar to a harem week. The A. RYAN & CO. Metz , 12 parasol to b arriad witb Die liat la of DruaTeTletg. net. shirred ibxkly ovar the lop sad bav ing a peaiipaaoar ribbon harder manning TESTING METHOD Oldsmobile 9 the flowers IP the Bat. tor uv sur. aae'niicd with tan aaatre aik all tita gríteles (or toilet uae cease ASK FOR GLOBE MILLS Hudson 9 la nui brow i celluloid. The waa PEERLESS HEN AND silk are American row puncher Two unusuai sweaters In worth la the slrenuou life by the ruddy Krit 8 mentioning lie a wtta while CHICK FOOD" formed ner- - faced lesler of motor chassis. The former round and a area plaid of a waa an optical specialist perrornnag with !.! MaBI lira lot run usad Reo 8 whu. coaverpb. the lariat while the latter, aa an auditory fully ror years by laa PaarHai specialist, performed behind a palpitating supply Co of Loa Angelas, eeve of toa autor laigtal poultry u4tiy aouiea IB use 65 Bui the gaaoliae dare devil baa pa seed weat An elegant aft producer and other li has or rather dtsauouaued They have lata leal you forget Mia frees the highway and placed bis pai 141 l oa aaoaor jack- - inside ihe factory makes Each make being six or less arJalge. uperaaJt taker rrom they are nan by aieclrirliy and a wtVfteeae. Ma lee ui. wui Wait nata records the atreaurUi of lha J teas! i Adv.) ngMireq io uniner term u(, arupoeii . Cafe ght. at uyaag iruce 1kms toe tiare GLOBE MILLS amw 9 moving uwter band Watch the Fords Go By Assayer and Chemist GEO. W. UAJOUtO Banking By Mail aTUatT AB KAMI TO OFBM A HAVlMUB AAXJOUOT WHS OB AA r. o THofjcua too urn nut oooav PImm 1379 Wa BaV i par ceau iBHrasB. liaanuBklill Masa as err rasar. We ate Tri-Sta- bu)anee amalar the aaapeeatonr' guaranty saw af Use Bute of Teuuta, aj4 te Motor Co. BOB MBBBBjr t Bawrhoeal kw aaada lav. J. W. Klrkpatrlck, Prsf. BVarwl Nobody Bake ever log a dollar ta asaaee Bauik la Texas. 1 H. MOHRlittAMN, aVKll a. liiu.tv rOBl , K Ittcjc MMmmUet. AKUtlJIu BY riAOS Cut Rate OK Miagan. y MALI. and Gkaav IlHIK Prót EL PASO BANK &. TRUST CO., EI Pnbo, Ti day. April 11. 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 7 R

SPLIT IN "A. A. A." EPIDEMICS SCARCE We have no .fences to mend ANTIS REORGANIZE AMONG THE ALLIES Prospective Buyers Are before asking yon m m. nMmrm or tOMIRMNt. UK for ( Minis or MARVC MHFN ' FORM ri aWTOMBM! WAR Diamond Squeegee Tire M IMS. Entitled to Know preference. The ante fitra win ask no more motor Vast Number of Head tawrrirleally Fev race aneiion fmn the American Aulomo-bal- star aa aieaara ai sunmi nrnnrae ssaxtrUitoii 1 ta BBRiioaary arts. Thi$ tire's record in 1914 was so At a meeting held m Chicago Monday to and Tuesday, March ru and to, a special deanso thoroughly satisfying 90 - commitii-- delegated by the American A so By 4aawoaaed rarreesnedeece beTT- J.rrs OUt of PVPrv inn mm tVimt it etnrvsio "1 nation of Fairs and F.vpoaiuofia of which Parts, April Vital siatliiles ahow there lb Michigan stale ran- is s member . ere- wrere onv soventeen rase or typhoid Vut as the bright spot in the hese of im mam' lied a new organisation. This body win rartt last week. The average for the be known as the mtortiCtlonal Motor cm dafUh rrom smallpoi and no new rases. tire argument. Xi WW let! association and will conduct automo Scarlatina also showed s decrease snd Ih bile racing on all the track of lb parent sanltirr condition or the rlty generally was called good. Í association. At present fifty slate fair reiqarkably And bear in mind the above men-- ! trsrkt and sno dirt tracks m this eountr; tn iba town of the war gone extra- Creed tioned and m Canada are arrtliaiwd with in ordinary precautions are being taken to figures are not ours, but repre- American Association of Fairs and F.iposi prevent Ibe outbreak or epidemics wltb anana. the comfntr of war weather The sanitary sent the testimony of hundreds of tire of army Oeort W. Dlckthson. seerelary-msnare- r department the Is dealers covering the sale ofover 500,000 of ihe Michigan slate fair, was chosen wtin toe meal aoiaorines on ine name president of inr hoard or directors of ih rield of lbs Msrne. Bom apprehension St relt Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires. 1".. M. A., which Includes ti. C, 5lmp"on wat ronrerning this region berauae or Minn c. of Alia, or IB vast number or iletd. Inaurficleni-l- lisiniine, ciñieron - lows: H, M Paviilon or Bprlnarield. III. covered and Ih number of bodies un- What is more, this volume of md I. s. Manan or Oklahoma city, nkla recovered from the rivers Varn. ilrand Mr. Msrasn w as chosen permanent secreisry Mnrla and Oureq. Agreat mam men who undeniable tire evidence will be placed an. I will have In CBlcagn where were employed digging trenrhe around orrics ibo uuened ramp ..r mu leo oc automobile must be built that it will, times in every fines trie headquarters or the asaoclation will bo an rari so at all and under tire user's hands for the located. A set of rules governing motor ABUICK racing up once. give use' his investment. asking. track will be drawn at up the owner uninterrupted of The first race meeting 10 be held under Pant waiters ar in arms against I. C. M. A. sanction will be the Michigan a proposition lo extend tho employment or at women Every BUICK owner is entitled to, and will receive, prompt and efficient Diamond Squeegee Tires stale fair track In Wlroll on hunday. litay in rewenranis ann raie. Hereto 30 Monday. May rore women have been admitted to a cer and SI. or service, the kind that will insure him the motoring pleasure Mr. Olrktnson, who wis chairman of the tain das popular priced restaurants he expects. are sold at these ana to recently established bars. onlv. Tor special committee which met In Chicago great and who has been Instrumental In the mobilisation took a manv waiters "FAIR-LISTED- and it was places ton, so firm fair, " PRICES: movement all along, mad the following their might BUICK reputa! and was not won by chance siaieuicnt today regarding the new body be taken advantageously by women. The Mantea I ManoWl "The aim of the new Insllliillnn." wallers hold that them is no necessity but is due to the policy established with the production of the first BUICK 1 avqtieett mam laid, tn and liupmv auto raring ror It as business li much reduced They avauaeesjo "la control rar ihe or women now 011 by Its closer afriliatlon Introduction would and consistently adhered to since, of giving the dirt tracks with develop aerloui labor conflicts after Iba car so ever that owner the 30x3 $ 9.45 34x4 SO0JS track owners. It also will eliminate the war. 12.20 28.70 would bo barnstorming aggregations that maximum of service for the minimum of cost. annually spring up In parts resident Polnrsrr Visits F.tale. S3K 14.00 37X4 33.90 different of Prident Poinrare, on his reeent visit i tne country ami notn mismanaged ami to Ms 33 4 20.00 44.00 dangerous meets. homestead at Lamplajny lo inspect 3SSH track the damage done by the bomhardment of No matter what its price, a BUICK car must, and will, give the maximum "The American Association of Fairs snd his property by the Hermans, had pay no Exposition appealed to the A. A. A. last the year or or rinding Intact a bronre siatue of that service for which it was intended, and must bear its proportion of the for assistance In the control dirt of the "Soldier of Marathon." presented traeca rod went so far as to hold a eon to rnreneo blip by the lnbabttanta or Bar. la Due prestige in Detroit with Richard Kennerdell when he waa re- responsibility of maintaining that high which BUICK cars have me or A. A. A. elected president of the chairman the contest board public. It la not only a precious He declared ho was hi no position to offer souvenir attained. any hut a work or considerable artistic value nope of any changed condition and by ibe sculptor Collin. I could only lisien to what the fairs had to Tho party or say, making no promises found Ihe village l.amplgny whatever. B mast of mint. Of President Polncare's The true sigiftcance of the slogan, "W hen Better Automobiles Are Built, "Steps were taken at one to torm the villa remained new At or there onl.v rour blackened association. the reouest several walla. and ornaments, personal is manufacturers, as well a the managements Furniture BUICK Will Build Them," manifested to its fullest possible extent in or and historic souvenirs, all broken and r two specially conducted tracks and cer blackened, lay tn heaps with alone, slate, the 1915 line. tain raririe coast interests the new organ tiles and mortar. The president's race it Ixatton has been made broad enough to al clouded as be sought among' low ih affiliation of all In the tba ruins for Interested cherished mementos. Suddenly his exprés-io- n Over-Hea- promotion of clean automobile sport. The brightened and stretching out a hand Buick cars of 1915 are still built around the famous Buick d new association, however, has no Intention be rrom any way pulled beneath a heap of debris or aim of conriicilna; in with ihu tne statue or the "Soldier of Marathon." Motor, differing somewhat in appearance from the models of former sea- A. A. A. It was Ihe only obioet left Intact bv the "The f. M. C. A, win not try In any may enemy's about. sons, but identical in performance with the Buick of the past. 10 control cimer promoter, ariver, German Enterprise Sorbonne. or oy adopting la track arbitrary rulea Attention his been called 10 the fart that and Its operations will be limited to those Herman enterprise has even nenctraled ihe gigantic organization, its it who are given representation on lit board. Sorbonne. Most or the text hooks The with immense output has made possible to It will be entirely a mutual tiuients orraniiallon are obliged lo use In preparing their ei- - such Willi no salaried director and only a paid amlnalions in CVek and aim literature put cars as the Buick on the market for the remarkable price that the secrelary. All sanctions will be Issued for were and are, atlll Herman editions. nominal sums and graded arcordlnay to the Monsieur Croislt. or the, the present season being offered. It has paid the builder sues class dovsn racnitv car of are as well and of tracks." of letters, declares that this situation It eharreabla to French publishers whose tetl as the owner to procure better cars. boqh are. not so wen adapters 10 oiftier ADVERTISING PAYS, already being mads hv the big publishing bouses In with ine racuity or the Sorbonne to replace the text bookt made in Uermany. Omit iilagerhrrad Fair. Tne iraoinonai ringeroreia fair or th SAYS GOODRICH Piare de la Nation, that has been held annually beginning Easter Mnndiv. ror more than a hundred yean, will be omit irá mis year. The "old Iron" lair ar the Rnulevsrd "Do people read adverllseineiils? Richard Lenoir will he held is usual hot This Is a question that those who have no srms or equipments will be sold. any The Feto de Plculllv. the most imminent never had experience In advertising or ihe year, formerly held during the week NO GOOD EXCUSE SALESMANSHIP IS rc continually asking. roiinwtnr tne urami I'm, as wen as Ihe .Another of their questions Is this "Do Fete or th invalids, has been prohibited by Ibo prereri or police. people, even 11 lby happen to read ad vertleemants, pay any attention to tbemf FOR AUTO SMOKING NOT GREAT FACTOR Such questions appear rooliib t the man who baa tested ror htrnaeir the ef- "THE MODEL GIRL" fectiveness or good advertising He knows that people do read advertisements and that they act upon the advloe or In ac- To forrrmlite some riile which will en- UK ALKR POINTS OI T FACT THAT MOD cordance with the fans presented. able ofTlrltls or an automobile rue meeting URN AITOMORILEM sVf. K FOR The Diamond Tira people recently pat IN STUDEBAKER CAR lo COP, on a definite basis wtlh the smoke IMI MM-- I advurtiskng to tho test without having nuisance wbleh has prevailed at virtually Intended deliberately to do so. neterrthg The quality six $1.750. Modal "37." $1.310. A well fin- all Ihe California race meeting durtnr to the manner tn which It came about, Hi" winter, win undoubtedly be the func- (By A. H. Baum.) a Diamond official said. ished touring car for $1,020, the famous Buick roadster $970. These prices tion or the authorities of the aport it no "As I have repeatedly said, there is no "Several months ago we Invited tire AMMrrnt kelucrmanx gets wit eiision f. o. b. El Paso. dMam date. such nuns; as automobile salesmanship. dealrra throughout the country to write FROM DRIVING AITAMOBfl.it In li rs Smoke from the exhaust or rapine auto to us and tell 11a frankly now Diamond THE ITER FOR MACHIMtC. mobiles has been lont a stench to the noses Cars, that tell are the ears that bave merit. Urea had served purchasers .luring me or the spectators and a source of accident By selling, I mean cart that are sold on season of mil We wanted this informa comDetitors. It arlara rrom the ineom- - a legitimate bails, cart that are sold at Hit Hon for our own guidance bmldinr tires Pretty Annette kiilcrmann. tho world's , "When Better Cars Are Built Buick Will Build Them" leie conbustion or gasoline and rrom the pn.e not cara that are sold at any old tor this and rmure years. We knew that most driigntrui nieiintld. Is dessrilng surplus or ltibrtratlng oil with which toma price, and any old allowance made on the dealers would be sure to bear of any water to win newer laurels on rhn ilrlvera Insist on drenching the motora or scond-han- car, traded In II'h a dollar defects In tho tires they sold and Ibat they baa been quien or two rumen's air their er. and cenia proposition, so much value ro would be able to give us rirst hand In- ano water, ror nor grar.rul diving is one lo the early days or the aport. thta smoke ao many dollar. No salesman can sell an formation concerning the service Diamond or inr most pleasing parta or net aquatl was tcoepted aa a nuisance which could automobile at Hie lint price, and that's the Tires bad yielded. eiiiibitlons in "coiiiint 10 earth, so lo not be avoided. That the time la now ripe only way they ran be sold or bought aue- - "The letters that we received rrom deal- speak. Miss Kellerntan'n wished lo retain for entlnrera lo design carl which cetrully. that does not ahow vtlue in pro- ers throughout the coonlry were remark- aa much or that glorious freedom uf the not smoke or else to sufrir the penalty portion io Us price. able for one tiling. That was Ihe unanimity air at potalble. (.oiisrqu. nils sh Auto Co. any with which the writers praised Diamond Mudfibaker auioni.inil an t International for Inefricirnl motors and rarbaretlon la "If there It such thing aa automobile adopted tba al a vlaw la taken by many racing stletnisnship. II Is shown in the buytnaT, squeegee Tread Tires and assured us of Ma Wheel or ine marnine arts me sama which the great PIMM III not selling. W are selling the Chalmers satisfaction that purchasers had exhlhrsiing ihrlll that makes a high dive 416 to 422 Texas Street Phone 1921 This was, in fart, loe aland taken by and Saxon, because they arc bought right secured rrom Ibera. So extraordinary waa ao enjóyame. toe raanaserurol or inr receut veoica. una, There care represent Ihe greatest vslues the service record that Diamond Tires had Being tne leading rrminlna exponent of W. grand prlic race. The court at Venice was for the prices aaked ror them. The made, as shown by the reports or Ihe lire onyaicat culture in America. Nils arenar. J. STOCK ARD, Manager only three mllea In circuit and contained Master Six represents all In a car dealers, that we derided 10 publish the mann never lets such a little thing aa rold several narrow stretches, on one of which that any roan could expect, m beautiful letters hi book form wealhar deter her rrom a ride in an the (rand stand happened k be located. lines, gturJIness and power. The Light Incidentally. may say thai of the many Biuasuaaer car. jusi ai present misa kv The turna were aliaré tn several places and Six la a splendid type of ear for rontld-erabl- hundreds ..r thousands or Diamond Tires "Ifie Largest Auto Mouse in the the ánsar from amok especially treat less than the Master Mil sella Mr, sold last year lags than one par rem 01 Southwest" .rttng on the power conferred by the while the new bix can be bad for even mem war returned to Ma dealers for ad- Am rlran Automobile aaaoctatloo rules Mr laaa. justment. I don't believe Ibat record hat the protection of apectakira and the central "Too rive reaiurat or CUImera aupr-lofi- n ever been equaled by any other lira. II safely or contestants, the Venice authorii are chiefly: cannot be beaten until perfection In BUILDING ties, barked by Chairman Jrlllhf "Mrst-T- o. construction is rffht. Tba baa been achieved. the roil ten ooaru. announced oeiore MB basic principle or lis design re correct. "II waa that extraordinary aerviee thai rara that any autesteblli rapartad aa smrTk Mtrslns and aireases thai If not prorided distinctive freedom from tire trouble which .Inr. either on the course of on leaving the against will eventually tear a car aader Diamond users enjoyed that caused us to irrmann la on tour In "The Modal Ulrl," litis, should bo flatted to a atop and Uw bard service to pieces have bren attminated decide upon Ibe publication or the Book ol BANK t musical comedy At In any musical show, crew compelled M drain the rra ease "Second The wettrhl Is right. Not too Lelteca froiu Dealers. there ara a number or chantas to be 01 GOOD ROADS WILL This precaution worked wonderfully IB re light -- for an underweight car Is necea Now. here is where the teat of the vaina the nrat rew weeks. u.l stisa doctor lb amount of amoke aa the course. aartly rilmty. And a flimsy car quickly 01 advertising cone s In we pul into tho krileruiann Is prannally living in Iba di While several drivers complained bitterly succumbs to road punishment. Nor yet uuuaoad ad ver usemen t. which appeared aler. When she has an hour or two rrea. over what they proclaimed a hardship, and Is It loo heavy. in tne newspapers and farm papers ACCOUNTS however, abe calls for the Miudebaker ear. Ol AltANTKrJi POSITIOMB - r although the. restriction may have 1Iran tied Third ii he- oroi"-- iialanre. The lead Ihrouchoul the eonntry t line mentioning and rindl relaxation lu handling Ihe wheel AID AUTO INDUSTRY fbunes l IBA and 1484 a re cars oinai me race, n waa tea is apportioned, with marvelous engineering nm rci inai we sin puDitsmng a BOOR, herself, la her party awe altvaya lavarsi erally voted that the eipertiaant bad been skill The rear axle carries Just the rlghl and advising the reader that a rree copy Individual buildera of bank friend a to sty nothing of . .Miss kel Trust Bid. It r. Davie. Mar. a su.ouiu of weight The front ale drop wuuiii oe saai so Dim u ne would lermann'a favorite which wlib bar turrets. - advise o un ts in the United Statee dot tots Aa the mailer or fact, the offensive amok rorsed and or great strrngin i n.,t over- ua or his desire to gat ti. act every hare. la, extern, burdeneil "The or requesis we ins to a areal a ditstns Uick thousands that have have over Seventeen Billion am s great heRever Ml rresb air." said used the crew oi I car that is being "Fourih The materials put Into the receded ror the book constitute undrniable "With all rail good road a movement go- ,.r v, t uisr taken to prevent the car ronawiag rkaimers Uant au ta .re quality evidence or tne ra. that people read Doliera on depoait in banka. ing on, 11 aaaaai lo ate that aa should a Is a car. Every and are swayed by Htd ofimiah view of ihe raadwav lo "lirih It inauuractured Warn. and wmro ran be sbla to arromptisti much In a abort UBBER able it to paaa. HMhertu such tactics eautiai nan la built nsniploia lo our "From every state m the onion ihese an auioiiHibl! gi'at plant rrqaesta arc coming to us. I might In aavincs accounts alone lints," saya Untar Apperaon. preaideoi of STAMPS nava been deemed The almost w lhai I am not awunmlnw as niucii I RMAM WACmmtOb OAH. Y more advanced school of SewWMrs and The Sai oh roadster Is the first car at say arcan every town io country ihey Apverson Brothers' Autnuiohllo cotnpanv Is a an there art) over four billion .lid formerly, l musí tura to other forms racing ripen, unite In eredirtlng th is price that built eiacl replica ire i.emg received dally. Aad the stream exercise a as an And it is wall." b adds, beeaute good smoke ol Use lai ce. line ears it is in- - nun grows and the owned by less i fieri atsai. saai ara so so absolutely urces elimination uf the nuistn.e. inn broader deeper as daya paaa dollars than daarers emit I have to do my etrr ruada essential Ellis Brw. Co. iii. r la really no en use ror s amok giade. Bum every bear j. 11 is ine wHiai convincing prooi of the d. aar lo the mssiiuum development or the rriatiit fure-ln-r .11,1 eleven million people, rises lor half aa hour or ao before each ' mt auioenoettr eillier on ike race 'rsct nut sprinw. universal asliiiK value 01 suteriietng suiuiiioi.iu iniiu.li thai it aírense Is equal to any is put in any my performance mi matins days and effort or in in that oiber nonce $499.20 to each de- those daya I have It keys oine coo caned has not bren nude hay chief eat. ar setting up tusllJO. rehearsals. before this iimr the road." declares Hsrroua. Kl to proper pitch to have an insigo. alio, mm It s ikt small car buill thai ridea positor, cap- of statmen moloc khhimii) lira or $48.57 par drive tn a Biitdc baker I asesa abl to "Wiod roads I mean perfa. i aireicbes whase ears nave ne-- n pronnneni in an iik etay over reuse ressfl. sad last, not nm or to over least li s a banutliuily ita io the United States, baa- irtruugn my double iiisiuti oi wort bighwats from city city., ill recant conipeutksha ft their rontial r:1 I country will thouaaeds pd Pleasing 10 kwk I .l.lsnl ,n. ,,r better ihen would orduianly this invite and t in in.ii .n itesir oceesaselcel needs si hs ,1,1.,, on a population of nine- aaw these roaslMerg over forty-fl- ed waa I really thousands uf buyers n it jusi the Dr. Carl ,.r .....line and nil. Porfrei .erburnnvi myself URINARY raid ieda hut tsdn't they waning B1XXJD,SmithNKIM. IIV- - ir g -- millions. notice The ss tudsiiietd tiroieciad ate from tinas that have aecti lor Itl I'll Kl correct lubn.aiiut system are all m.ics rouau euuiitry luaoa at a ty aoven f sea of UjAD-m- coal or oaly U yuu Ihli OISCHAliEf toe or ana e ihe Saai the reaait.lisr those who KlUNiCV ANP mat oe.rssary lu ranis Can heat a ind. in MgtMmirn desire uiilnniWd cvportuntlles for motoring tUi. tiw naion BU Is the only Ix' thai BaUJaTVRO beassT ta thai driving it year l'IKl Mk 11 iffM Of ac- for an Indrrialla al any """V a mailer af fact, we believe sat naasr atjas. is a live.D.wnarr oásiiik'ir You should build a bank ii. ally k BIT-S- I ir 1 iKtraeaower ear. wita 11 tneh essv ss tha .iema of any cat reiaty. 24 count here end participate "I appreciate thai as a rooniri rtret Wetionai atewh itlee. w ir anuí ni IK i designed ll. aa Sa Tan, jstsshg aad arowiiig and II would cesan I I he impossible I well aaalara deaes a faaatt car in the money these fig urea as Cap in Beastaarily rtie fair to epmaare ourselves with vaiiotis of a! motor oes not aead to he have fun .wiuutunt bul Has anS Italia, mmm represent, which have Whee I m old world ao it would not be Willi aurpiita oil. even af the see beam pon is largely Individual out w in live Riere tun srtwry juil nghi rompáis their splendid road tlsak awVSV eatiinetad by the Covartt-me- studeiiaaer. i. hi ours, out seetu lo m Dr. Cho beyoad a one all the unas ir ii ao. that nava proved this twttinu should be shie ' i .,,,1. it ileome any rcaaeaiahle reeirsriioa Íasie actuaajr. new for fas SS, d'mU. Curea "hesuaatiaaaVtaaS and made ttae ran in eight hours, while a tu. uBbt.01 ihe reed way ha ther beta set tor every err.irl ice., mm smut trow to do a lap ear road .yslein as qiiieai) EZZL tmSm I WUi il y of a TRta aafief I ana aaakkat a T 4 , Interest Paid oat Sevang . w thai ... i hasaa to the assbbr la taaataal ..usssi The uaaaestfiars iraatmeai langa fZ'r trffeUMir ut rylhiug SSUSI rigM est UodrlotS rr l.oU'ill tealobroáe e. h Jasl ' be diMbtee.su les eunt Itself is ajaasd taw traaha) otri ao u and awafcea aha in Mes ree easajesái oa't&U i my Rttartti thr..uaa.,i takee taaaa to follow thai aulnaaWI run aM eite.tr y to BBS IQjairtejII sf tat saove- - ta i srj rer asa taai steady, "and we theetd ani load ma wore tuue. 2CaV The tasa Is Bar. Hican in chara- - uu raer mu n iu ss eeae. aaa a ta preaeat asa íioe la lo rain, Ihe inipiui ineuis sse Buuid tu ta work ai oere." NION keep yeur yes open fe TRe T Ms. I L. WiaskajQ. stwraise taaer, Iraca S e,. , esas -- pee rar Tba Titrea Bourj Kdiikta. it wau Bs) a bsaMMr Ihe oread (laera Roues, gtaatea City. Us Rotenr bulto It win h of a i value tu Kl tHae, J astf ai taeitshaR a cafe kssisis t u. ut treat satas ta U Pata 8 B EL PASO MORNING TIMES WW April If. !4t.

DO YOU REALIZE that ws trs mquiffd to turn out (soum . anything tal that's 1 vh I TO OA O I TrfJ STUFs-- r fiUBOUH fourwiTw' ASK ra A a YOUR of DELICIOUS f!f-&-- We Are Manufacturera S GROCER :,'saiaeai(a w-- Art Glass and Mirrors HE w aúrm ir IBM sae?LAj3BÍaes Has, A Pa Embossing. Sand Blast Work. 45 40 35 ri(7 KNOWS Beveling. Chipping, Ornamental Glass Of Every Description. Jobbers of Flate and Window Glass Moat Complete Glasscraft House West of the Mississippi SEE HOFFECKER FOR El Paso Sash and Door Co. GLASS

The largest and most complete stock between Dalla and Lot Angeles.

r- Beveling, Chipping aaaaasH- Silvering "THE TOWN KNOCKER" The only thing to do with the "Town Knocker" is to kick him out. Tolerate him for a minute, and he and spreads like an epidemic all over the community. He is the original "Calamity Howler" and He is never so happy as when he can persuade other people to think the same way as he ART GLASS does. If allowed to "get the floor," he will knock the pins from under the beat proposition on earth. He is against every form of improvement, and if he converts enough people to HIS way of thinking. Factory, 413-41- 5 Milla Street, El Paso, Texas. the town will come to a dead stop. After having KILLED everything, he glories in the fact that noth- - We Have Just Opened New Store at g can be done for the town. It is doomed. The only thing to do with the "Town Knocker" is to head t him for the cemetery. His habit of knocking is so infectious that it has been known to spread among 319 NORTH STANTON STREET any some of the BEST PEOPLE. KICK THE KNOCKER OUT, and buy "Made in El Paso" Good. Wr l. wi.. roll film for lOr, with this location, print. 1 4. and 5 ccnU. We want you to get acquainted new Seven-hou- r Nervio. .. so ALL THIS WEEK we are making a I'rnrrwelonal Work. I ti i hlng for the l'holoermplHT. Mull ortlrrn NOllitd. OFFERING 10c EL PASO PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 10c SPECIAL BARGAIN 11 N. n t"M SI. Mill- - Hide. Buy Globe Help Mills Flour and the 40c ANGEL FOOD CAKE. . . 25c 40c POUND CAKE 25c Southwest Grow Our Cake are the best in EI Paeo and are baked by Mr. Dealer Maater Baker. Tbe monogram that accompanies mis Try Oar French Rolls and Vienna Bread. announcement I so absolute protection to You Enjoy Life Better When You Eat Them. you besides pleasing your customers. Our guarantee or money bark roes with each For Five Year GLOBE MILLS FLOUR has been the standard in product manufactured by ua that bear tin s thousands of El Paso homes. Each year sees our El Paso distribution sssL Co. make big increases, but there are still some homes that are not ac- Gem Steam Baking quainted with the superior quality of our flour. We want these people Phone 1633 319 N. Stanton St. to buy a sack just once we are willing to abide by the result of Nade in a fair trial of our goods. GLOBE MILLS FLOUR is made of selected wheat. It is made by men who have studied the needs of South- ENJOY CUP western consumers, and we know that this flour will meet your DO YOU A OF i L El Paso requirements. REAL GOOD COFFEE? If so. call 2153. All our Coffee on short notice. is roasted daily and ground when "Maiden El Paso" ordered. TENTS OF ANY SIZE Optimo Healing Wai la not irritad by Co. Awnings for atore fronts or any and equalled by only s few. Let ua Fant Coffee send you a 9 trial ten pounds at centa. GLOBE MILLS 1 61 San Antonio St. dwellings, and Porch Curtains. Mclaile at St .00. Also wax for society correspondent e in small atlcka. For Sala by All Grocers. LBT THR LITTLE TREES GROW Pass Tex OPTIMO MANUFACTURING Niagara 4 SAFETY FIRST t'SE SWEEPING COM maHie compound on 3fe & It la absolutely beat COMPANY WMIN YOU BUILD tor market, and toe sanitary ingredients Jg BUILD WITH BRICK BRICK contained In CedarWaxlne purify the THE STORY premises, absorbs the dust, sod polls OF THE Paso, Teams. Hot Air II Phone ISA. Pyramid HOLLOW T I LI roe rioors. tbs reraucKie. ana aistniecieni cSté? used, walls ratal to disease senna. Is by gy PARTITIONS 33KeV no means an unpleasant odor, but health- old woman that lived In the shoe may A Beautiful Texture Brick in ful and purirytng be a fable. But the reported success Made la D Pass by Acme Furnaces various desirable shade VAN I IS CHEMIC AL ( 0 we are having with our Rapid Shoo Repairing" work Is nut. The satisfac- Sheet Metal Reds, Mottled. Glazed Sur tory work we are doing, each day H. Welsch Co. face and Fire Flash. brinca ua a new customer and often We carry the largest stock of Works more. We would Ilk to haya you. 600. Texas Turquoise -- 1215 Texas St. Phone Flash and Clay. bring; your shoes In for fixing. Porch. Lawn and Camp Furniture I.I M It W. II I I Ml VI Fire Fire a trial I UMIIM Company We know that we will b able to slve in the Southwest. Write for cata-lo- t. lulls W handls the latest modal "CREEN Sea the largest display of geosa m the you entire satisfaction WAJtM AIR rVHNACea." Especially El Paso Brick Co. Sou lb weal Sol st Cutlers prices, also For foot troubles and arch sup- for cottages. mounted oa abort nortea. See tbe new adapted 8ee us before UMpraeed rutting machine porters sea ua. letting" your SJS-- ran contract. If You Want the Best El Paso, Tata. Mail orders solicite.'. MS san Franctsoo El Paso Tent and 411 Texas at.. fcJ Paeo Tax. Street. l'ttosM) MM. at the lowest price then see our TOWN line of OUT OF SHOPPERS Awning Co. A Laxative and COOBTBA SILT SMOS BFAIB1MC ARCTIC SHORTENING ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Osr The Osaple 7419 Teas Street El Pese. Tessa 314 SAN FRANCISCO ST The Ideal butter substitute for cake Mafl Order Department Purgative H. J. Collins, Mgr. baking. Broom Factory For sale by all leading gro- TEXAS ELECTRICAL is at cers la the Wast. Syrup Mm rr re us SUPPLY COMPANY YOUR . SERVICE Manufacturar of Broom of "voiu. Manufactured by the BVTNTV4LI WHY NOT NOWr Every Description. only o lidias outfit ta luwa haviac na of shop Yea pay otúy ooc profit ror EL PASO REFINING CO. Knockers of High Price. SOBS machine and welding m.irk All our The Warner Drag Co. work U rtnitlMd when turned out ii PASO, TKXAaV 224-22- 6 W. Overland St 1 120. 1 1 9 N. St-- National Fame WEtmsM wsXIHNS ANs) MTfl. . u Stanton EL PASO, TEX. BOX 338 Phono 3031. ta s mbis si. mow saw GOOD SLEEP, GOOD HEALTH then sleep on in El Paso a "Made us MACHINES $10.00 UP TO $55 Made Made in El Paeo Elpaao" Matt rasa Gem Bakery WE REBUILD ANY MAKE OF Machine Stop Work Need Gla88e8?lmn Manilfg Co. TYPEWRITER Of 8. Virginia St. Wet WUX PAT Soutawesteri Electric and fWlUO the original oust of say America y Purgatoll Ask Segall Quality make i pew rIter we oaaaot repair. AXEL SWANSON Wf KM AIIl AM. UU. l ITI.IU Kicfae Cmsuh fa Estab. 1901. roa Aia. machine Merchant Tailor Quantityand 302-30- 4 Saa Fraaoaco 5t Q Paso Optical Co. Rebuilt Typewriter Company 25 Cents Demand Our Bread Froaa Your ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK lOt Is X fAaO, Th.UA. Greca. Aacspit No Substitute At All Drug Stores. Phone 1315, COMIC SECTION or THE

Sunday, April 11, 1915 It Was a Clever Trick Even if He Did Fool His Mother Cfjiljfcl lili. fc? Nwpr FMttvr ftarrW- OrMt BrlUta Rtkta KM ! W IS 7H15 THE BEST ) ,m,EHÍCJ l'l NEVER SAW ANY HOW I'LL GlVEVou2. ir lilTOU CERTN'Y LOOK OME V ( -- J I ,X..müVb.i f . . -...- -tv.. tl .. t ai i nc hHfiiTr HERE?5YouR Tfe - I II i' -' Ttv "'-ypA'- F IS y YOU LL VJ IHU KCI. WITH He. ILHOJ-'- PAf I TT ll r f

T - líSTICK Tol)l r VLHL novTget SWUTÍl r BKTtXt notS- íñoX" L 9 ftNE lURA?SE QU'Cklyas &Lr'5TE: I yíj Hrf KJ JbBL

BL I irr: I e I ,HFI (wíTere'5 buster) 4K? T"AA . H RoiveH -r rrrv PottíBLE-W- 9 R V n 7WAiEAft.l vasaquickJ That Th.s DOES N 't te W READ It Here Now Then SEE It All in Moving Pictures THE11 1 . A DETECTIVE NOV) AND A EXDioiis Elaine MOTION PICTURE DRAMA Presented by This Newspaper in Collaboration with the Famous rathe Players op following We no bad keen the tlgaal for Ksnnedr's eg- - aae hnlfa and Cluck It thrash note, Aunt Tabby woke ead Mmk Joahua The night hla errlvel Feet wee Intro- "Aunt Tabby' Aunt Tat.hr'" called Klalne. ae reclining on a dlven. whan hla aarrant curelon of Tken be felt tke edge of tba knife. It "Tas, my dear." answered the old nuraa, inounced that Lone Stn waa et the door. Aa I apoka my hand looaanad e placa of kaaa. ducing now fully eweke and etralghtenl.g bar night "JIava you brought tba map with your rock that Jutted out and berera I knaw it Miss sitting-room- , Aunt Tebby White, p In tke Elaine. Pearl f" Wti, aa Bin entered. there waa e crash Lone "Joahua etked intently Together tba old ooopla came Lone Bin bowad low again, and drew from "Confound it. Welter," esclelmed Ken- and Joshua had bean lletenlng et oat Into tba nothing living room, attll In thalr nlghtelothee, under hla coat the papar which ha had ob, nedy. tha fireplace, but heerd Joshua yawning alaaplly. talned from Bennett. For a moment tha I'own tha paaeageway tha figure was now "I can't etand It any longer,'' irlsd Elaine. going down thara to aaa what naa - Arnold Daly and "I . leten r whispered Blaine two. maatar and aleve le guile, bant eeer. thoroughly on tha alart. ataring with hla "I'm There wae the nolae again. Thle time It closely atudylng It goggle-lik- eyea Into the bleckneee In oar come of them wae more aa though aome one ware beating At one point on the map Long Sln'a bony direction It w; not the reef above him Aunt Tabby end Joshua tried to etop nar. and want e with eomethlng on e rook. It Anger paueed over n note which Bennett hed that wee ene-af- He waa watched, and he but aha broke away from tham waa weird, uncanny, aa all atood there, none n.ade: did not hesitate e minute to eat down the ladder. Rusty leaped down after "Craig Kennedy" knowing where tke etrenge noleee came IRWtBl POtBOKKD OAB LPOf OPBW- - He eelzed the beg end pleked kle wey her. panesge If thorough- - tried to follow, but Aunt Tebby The FwnoM Scientific Detective of Fiction. from. IWO APAKTaf B5WT. quickly through the aa Joehaa "Tfi tke amentar cried Asnt Tabby, tram- - "And you think yen ten trece It ontr ly familiar with every turn ef the walls end held him beck. making nar wey ea rap- - blind e bit. "Tor tbree nlgnte new we've asked Wu. roudhneee of the floor. Klalne wee now been hearing theae nolsea" "Without a doubt." bowed Long; Sin. We were dlecovered and If we were to ac- - Idly ee aha could through the tnnnel. with B. never, Written by Arthur Reeve finally Joshus went to e table drawer end fe went over to e bad neer by. which ke compiler, anything It wea new or Rusty beelds her - already aant up by another earvant, end Kennedy dashed forward end I followed It wea luat aa Lang tin had releed hla Weil-Know- n opened It. Me took out a huge, murderoue- hed The Novelist and the looking revolver r.pened It Inside wee en oxygen helmet He close after him. knife that the eound et footatapa alarmed of "Craig Kennedy" "Here Mlaa Blaine," he urged, preealng It replaced It. after ahowlng It to Wu. We were making much better time than him. Creator the Stories en her, "teke thle keep It neer year "With the eld of the edenee of the white our etrange rleltor end were gaining on him Ha pauaed end leaped te hie feet. Dramatized Into a Photo-Pla-y by W. Goddard, The noleae ceaeed at length, aa etrangely devil, we ahell overcome the eclenee ef the rapidly. Nearer and nearer we oama to him. There wee no time fer either to retreat Chat. aa thav had beeun. vhlte devil," purred Long Bin auntiy. tor in apue or rus wiib me cr He alerted toward Elaine end eetsed her aa they had all gone beck Outside Wu had already ordered a ear to ern he waa hampered outlcndiah roughly. of Peril of Pauline," Half hour later reeky they Author "The to bed and ware eeleep. Bit Elalne-- sleep welt, nnd together the two drove off rapidly headgear that he wore. Back end forth ever the floor Kennedy I bed daaldad ta bring Ben- aped, wea only when Ken struggled Ae they fought, aha with frantlo n end new waa fltful. a rnnetant rroceaaien of Into the country they antll et leat they It another Ineteat Copyright. Itll, By Tke Star Oe. All ha slowly nett's papara aad documenta ovar to the flitted before her closed eyea ca mo to a lonely turn In a lonely reeo, nedy would have laid hla bend On him. atrength, he craftily, beaked her Rights Reserved We faces prep upheld laboratory ta examine loom. were now Buddenlv aha woke with a start and Stared gomewlut removed from the eectlon that waa Suddenly ha half turned, releed hie arm up against the that the roof is ' angered doing ever great maaa fell with Synopili of FreviouB Chapter. la the of Into the Wae that feed reel, rapidly being built up aa population reached and dashed eomethlng ta the eerth, much ea The whole roof of the chamber malarial whlflh had collected In hops elngle-tracke- a torpedo a creah, etene ererwhelmlng ba tha or a dream face? Waa It the hldeoua hel- - out from the city but on e child explodea a toy I felly ex eerth end finding a. .ma Clue tha taut, eg mo- Vaw Terk poltoe ara mratlAed Hy of to stolen millions meted faca that had dragged her down Into trolley line. pected that It waa a bomb; a Elaine and her eaeallant. of awarders and other crimen. The which hs have aa a or I tfatal Kennedy t By time Joe fa us had the house rlR muil amaaaed reault the eewer onoe? That men waa dead. Who Long Bin alighted and dlaappeared, with a ment later, found end this left prlarlpl clue la tke crimínala la a villainy wee stacks,! high. I be gone garden to get Mee la cha violate, hla Tha table ... ihi.T parting word of Inatructlon from Wu. who were still unharmed, knew thet It must and bed eel late tha wiraiif utter eeal A pry open elauru wltk a "elolrhl.g band.- - Tie knock et tha door told ua that the gaaed at the bedroom window, holding remained In the car The Chinamen eerrled eome other product of ttile devilish ganlua eomethlng te the fireplace door ' ' vletlat I la tha Of emeeement, a Ike myeterl.ae aaaaaala had arrived and a moment later huge revolver tightly. There, vagne In with him the heavy beg with the oxygen The thickest and Impenstreble smoke e auddan. te his otter Taylor i...lae. Ike waaltby entered, delivering a heavy Ken- the narrow him. It aa very preeldeaf. ills daugkter. Elaine, lae.r.reetaplaya ha boi. n- -v a - a..r. aurelv helmet eeemed to pervade the cavern! few feet from seemed If the de-- r. nedy algnad to It. "A garden, leading yawning Cr.l. Hassadf, Ike faaa.aa eeleattfle for It and atartad unpack was no dream faoe cf the oxygen hel- - Ing Bin hurried down the roed until he Chinese emoke bomb!" eputtered and earth sank in hie e tlir, la try lo waraal tba mrelrry What I waa hard at work when I came serosa a that Kennedy arresaellakee la laid by hla fricad. large pen looked, It JamrMS, a ma a. manila envelope, carefully sealed, on uptight and fired, polntblank, hla watch It wae twenty minutes leeet then with renewed vigor endeevored to He unable te meke eat OOP." the aat bolt very eyea Knraced at the defersalaed effort wklah wbloh were written tha flguree "17,000. shivering the glaaa A sec- - before the next car wouio pesa, trate the denaa and opaque fumee Before his a strange flfrure. the Craig KeaejrSr are making to I at the window, ap- Klalne and Too eiolled eran to exclaim, tore tha en- the bed. Quickly, almost monkey-like- . he climbed We managed tn go anead still, but tna figure of Long am in hie oxygen helmet, pul aa aad ta hla Crimea, the lulrhlae open i.t. ah. had leaned from llanit, aa tata at ra aaa criminal la knoni. velop, and examined tha contante . - .v. .r,ii area running to un the pol with him the end of e truder had exploded one after enother ef peared, struenllng up. aa If by medic, from reaorta la all aorta af the moat diabolical Inside waa another anvalepe. I opened wire which he faad taken from the bag. hie peculiar bombs, alwaye keeping ahead the vary eerth. 'shaking the debris off hlm- - la pal them oat of the way. Ears trhat. It aontatned merely e klenk piece of or me emoxe ne ana we as a aog ansae on toe water rhapler af the atory lella of a sew plot .. . T.i ... an. TTnnle Joshua Having thrown thla over the feed wire, ha wnicn created, eeir, wouia ai paper! car- - mads ter e plunge tn e pond. against thalr Uvea aad of the war the great .a - .. .v.- - .h ir,.hna now wide slid quickly to the ground again. Then, uaea all Ma aklll to eave hla With oharaotorletle aklll ooverlng hla rubber irood hla escape, probably reaching the en- - Long fftn wee gene In e moment. In. .Hie al w ka Ha aelsed his old shotgun and ran rylng the other end of the wlrs la his pretty girl aad himself tram death. tracks, Bennett had aleo covered hla money by ha way through the trance of the cave In the underbrueh. By thle time Joahua waa digging furious- Finally I lo. a l hincar criminal, bar- - t the llelng room Followed gloved hands, made his Puttied. I turned the paper over and over, into like the eer- - At the other end of the passageway, up In ly Ruety. tee, eeemed te uaderetand. Ha aalna with Keaaedy lo betray the a he hurried to Elaine. nnderbrueh, In and out, elmoat .oa Clalchlaa Hand. Later the lulrh-Ii- ii looking at It carefully It wee a large ehaet TV' miffing pant ha wae. until he oama to a paeeagawey the living room of the cottage, the draught threw beek the earth with hla pews, helping aameaaae ln a i.e.. h. .. keel et Hand Laaa lo na.lai In of peper. but It abowed nothing In rough hllleld, emeu had carried large quantltlaa of the emoke with every ounce ef strength la his 4 dfotruy Keaaealr. The plot fallal. -- ..patalea the end uncl.ar.d little viol Keaoedy had by thle AnlahOl. unpack- the rxwrtlon of running Tebby Joshua, coughing Kennedy gel a a aaw elee. lima -- . st the wlnícw wltheome opening rormeo or me r Elaine, Aunt and Klal.e i laica her lawyer Hraaatl. Keaacdy ing the box end waa examining a bottle f.ne Inside, but be did not hesitate and choking, saw It and opened e window, Ait the spade turned up a of cloth. aecretary thing over gaapad Elaine "It It waa dark leat bit ala ilalta Iraattl'i wllhaal hla whlnh he bad taken from It. kind of enter, esrrylng the wire end the beg with which seemed to cause a current ef elr te "Blaine," Aunt Tebby cried oat again. l iir. ta cwasaare tt.ewrlltr. lattcra. waa like ene t eaw onoe before. te Iironett. oa earing. Keaacdy, attempts lo kill 'Tome here, Walter," ha called aA length heer eny him aweep through the whole length of the pes- - the wet In e eert ef little pocket, pro- Kehaedy her aad dlecovere - rar aae Ilka Unele Joshua did not welt te segeway ewey anything thatT" painted ahead of him and helped te eleer the tected by the fortúnete formation of the be Is the lutebaag Haad. "1 aan't eay." i oonfeaaad. getting ap to go more. With the dun we ae yet on. ii f.emd aat aow, altera i.aae die eotlon, he ren out af the It was nightfall before arrived with fumes rapidly. eerth it fell, elmoat suffocated; week. to klm. "What la It?" ready for Inetant liv- part of hla tartana ta hide hint, I.aae Mia garden, beneath Blalnea Elaine et Aunt Tabby's. We entered the poiaoas blea la aa attempt to dlaaover tba "Bring e plaoe of peer." ha added room end Into tha ing ream, and Elaine Introduced ue tooth to hi. ii,,a plaea af hla millions, long ala, la I want back to tba Where I window. daak had baan tke ground. Aunt Tabby and her huebsnd werklna and looked about hastily My eye He happened to look down et aedr the body of Baaaelt, whom ka de- box He pleked It It waa difficult to tell whether Elaine's rr a pnlaoaed himself. thinking Meaaett fall on Uia blank of paper I Before htm wee e small rla ehaet which bed theuarh," he aald old nurse waa more gled to aae her than the dead. Keaaedy aow Irlas lo Incala ble wenlth. taken from Bennett'n envelope, and I picked up. "Here's something, Rusty, bar the faithful who elmoat overwhelmed It up from the baakat. Joahua want beek Into houae even ao short en ebeense. Chapter XV. eeked Elelna ee ha rejoined efter "Hera'g one," I aald. bending II ta hint. "What Is It?" In the mldat of tha greatlnge I took oc-- i CUED by Kennedy n from the "What are you dolngT" Ihe women. to over the living room. It was last curtoua box and unfaa- - salon look rrlble Incubus or III nett s peroecu-o- f Kennedy did not anawar directly, but ba- Hhe took the little a vary coxy room, simply and tastefully fur- - cover. Aa aha openaa it ane uraw R n In lila double lir. lawyer end dén to tree! the paper with the liquid from tened the na 1 fancied thet I could see la the There In the box we a llttl e Ivory nlnaa criminal, Flalne ha for tha Brat the bottle. Tken he lighted a Bunten burner hack neatness Ol sum lauay a ...... u o. cíame man. ell hunched up end ehrenken, In many weeka, a feeling of aacurlty. and threat the paper Into tba flame The flf ur ef a hand,' fer ahs had furnished It for her faith- time Bhe reeollad from It It Now tha waa off. however, aha paper did not burn! e hideous figure. friend. that atraln devll-ge- d ful old mrnJil aha and e chanoe to "A new eyatem of flreprooflng." laughed reminded her toe much of tha Chinese I Kennedy's syee end saw he -1 felt that needed rest dropped the bee. followed that recover herself and II had oorurred 10 bar Craig, enjoying my aatonlahment. she had seen and ehe nee looking at the fireplace Sure enough, He e moment ell stood looking et It In thai .i faw qulat days with "Aunt" Tabltha, continuad to hold the paper In the For It wee the sema In deelgn aa the fireplace who had baan her nuraa whan aha waa a flame. BUM It did not burn. herrlted ameeement. which the heat hed ee unexpectedly brought girl, would do her a world of good "Bee," he went on. withdrawing It and In aympathettc Ink on the blank aheet of little following! the day of rut She had sent for Aunt Tabby, yat tha alerting to explain the i tópenles of the new It waa the afternoon paper. experlencee through which flreproofer. our strange dlsosvery of the fireplace done Kennedy loat no time In examining it, end fan. Inatlon of tha apparently blank had juet gone still hung over her. Hha He had acaroely begun when ha slopped In In sytnpathetlo Ink on the we crowded around him ee he went over It aha When tha could not resist thinking and reading about aurprlae Hs ha.d hsppened to glance et the aheet of paper In Bennett'a effecte. Inch by Inoh, following the direction on the I It. m them sa she aat one morning with tha felth-fu- i paper again, bent over to etamlne It more eieaklng tutia aounded and anawared drawing. Rusty In tha ronaervatory of the I'odge Intently end waa now looking at It In sur- "Why It a Klalne." I exclaimed. At one point In the drewlng a peculiar house. prise. Kennedy's race showed the keeneat plaaa-ur- e protuberance waa marked. Kennedy wee had told rha atery et larsgth In tha retar, I looked siso. There, clearly discernible at the unexpected vlalt "Tell her to evidently hunting for that He found It at end the heading orar It bed osught her aya on the paper, waa a an. part of what come right up." he aald quickly. laat and preaaed the sort of lever In several It lead looked like an arcblteofa drawing of a Are. I opened the door for her. ways. Noshing seemed to happen. But aae THK ll'HIsjd HA ID OkBAII. place. "Why-Blai- ne I'm awfully eiad to finally, almost hy chance, he ssemed to dis- Craig looked up at ma. nonplueeed "Where you," he greeted, "hut I thouerht you were cover the secret. llil you i.... i.ir l ife atapsesa fcy rale Kaetaedy say you got thai?" he ssksd. rusticating." A small section at the aide of the fireplace It was .i blank piece of pnp.r ,m0ng "I waa; but. Craig, It to me that opened up, d'.aclqalng an Iron ladder, leading Parry Hnsetl Iba Faaaeae Taaae Law- Herniates effects." I returned, as mystified wherever I go eomethlng happens." she re- down Into one of thoae charartertatlc hiding yer, lake. Pnteaa Keaaedr Maw aa g at tha littered daak at which turned. "Toil know, Aent Tabby aald Hiere placee In which the Clutching Hand used to been old Trail m ttaates rimiaai e Madden bad kli ware haunte I thought It waa an delight. Kennedy 1 MUHses aald nothing hut thr the woman'a fear hut leet night heard the He started down the ladder, and I followed paper 1 The Whole Roof of the Secret Chamber Fell With a bark agiiln Into tha KUwly the atranaeet nolaes out there, tnd thought rloaely. Elaine waa about to Join us when Crash. As Kleins glsn.ed down Ibe column Jan- - rner eeemed to bring out Ihe I saw a face at the window a race i Kennedy nauaed on the topmoat rung and Long tin, meanwhile, had etarted te week but conacioee. announced that Aunt Tabby, ae eba completa I of Ihe flreplu.e helmet. And when Jeehue went out. tnio ta 4t tils wey through the to two dings We '"I iookrt bushes reach Aunt Tebby rushed ap as Joehua laid old arrived and lool at It. even mystlfled-o- en Ihe ground undsr the enec eer, Wu, dowa loved to rail her frland, had inure what he found .No 0 una: lady." he said with welting with then peuaed and the epede ead lifted eat Elaine wea now In tha librar wltk Aunt Joaopblne "What la eupaeeer I queried, Window " severity, "you have been through enough el- - listened Hearing no eound. he replaced the "1 i They were With an acclamation of delight Heine think replle,) elowlv, that It wee Bhe handed Kennedy e boa, a peoullai rdy--yo- u alay where you ere." helmet, which he had efT. about te carry her Into the drawn wli teken Cropped the peper and, followed ky rmpethetle Ink The which aha touched gingerly and only argued and begged, but Kennedy wee now re- - house wbsa aha srled weakly, bat with ell Rue, e hret ef affair, Ruine Pursuit useless for ua With el in os l rsn Into tba library. burner brought it out Into eight" wlth alirna of ihe greeieet avtraion. wss obdurate. It waa only whea Auat Tebby reivers drawn, we crept keek along the pee- - her rereelalog strength Jolly-t.- . Whal waa It -- Aifnt Tabby waa a etout elderly, about? rdy opened It There. In the bottom tnA joehua added their entreatlea that she sageway until we came again to the eham- - Me ae Dig I g Walter aha woman, praclssly tke eert whom has, was a little ivory aevii-goo- . ew consenied relurtently to remain. her Itself Ths on fleer, lay a beg managed to gasp Elaine af tbe lha of Blaine aaeded to wairh over her )uat now. had gone to bed Ihel "ight at leaked at It curiously e moment Together Craig and I dascsndsd late the toola. opened, aa though eomebody had been Aent a Busty, tee, wae etUI et It lochus fell to an glad tu see you." Tabbi Die room her old "Let ms see," he ruminated, atlll regard- darkness about eight or ten feet. There we working with' them had fixed bought again Mae aad deg worked with e will. ea aha literally flung herself Into her "ura epeclally for her. It ing the sign 'The heuae you for found a passageway, excavated thrsugh ths '"Caught exclaimed Keaaedy "There Ihey faal a,, " vsiy didn't are!" cried Blelaa. ea all tiurs .,,. "I unal attraotlv Hills room with dainty Aunt Tabby once belonged to Bennett, earth end rock, elong which we crept. It with greet eellsfeetioe. palled off a curtetne end three ee eel. aaeeaesleue out ctlll lb that If I could luat run for tew lbs first It waa crooked snd uneven, and we stumbled, He looked et tbe tools a minute aad thee alive. deya with you and Joahua In the country. ,,n' ' tnanr weeka Elaine slept head ' tso. oiu i oon . hut kept going alowly ahead. soundly Elalna nodded her et the electric drill and Anally an Idea Though we atd act know It. they oarrled no one would know. It might make me T eneeeiy aee can have lo do with II," ahd Kennedy, who wss a few feet front of up ib. what that la eeemed to strtks him. He took the drill ut Inte Us house while Blaine end fe, 1,. ha1 been ao good nsweelatrs. it. th oom. adding a shudder. "Bennett is me, etopped euddenly, I fell Aunt iter was Lust) also agiaed. with ead almost erar and advanced toward the oafs. Then he Tebby bustled about to get eeaeethlng tne Marie! A tilinga packed? iialreii. bis l.oaa l,. ...,. 1.1 " to to ii Tlis dssd the current and applied the drill revive ea greli; then get my wrapa living roo,,, w :.. In keeping with every. Ksnuedy had taken a pie. a f paper from What la I wklapered The drill wee very dsstgn hii,g et It" of tke latest and Meanwhile Lang Bin had made hla way II. r maid left Ihe room. Aunt Tal.l.j s. pl.,. neat, homelike where he had put It sway carefully. If quickly through be- On one the deeh weal tha steel But te the automobile where hla Tabby, able waa a large flreplece spen-tn- tnaeter. Wu, Bleed your soul," mothered Aunt that gave Have you ever eeen ee thing that looka Long Bin hed aeade his wey from tbe yond that there wee enother thin steel par- waited Impatiently gtroklng ker soft, geldea hair, "I'm alwaye lo II an air of iiuainl boepliallly asked, headlnjr her the raper. ihe cove Is Ihe point ee plaa tition. kuddenly Ilka this" he sf the Thla Kennedy tackled next. "Old yen get it?" asked We eagerly glad te have In leal Ana houae you Kuety woks up. hie eera pointed Klalne looked et the plan M refully. aa bleb wss msrhsd by a cross, hs Ths ". at this fliepls.e ead thers drill went through and he withdrew It Long Sin ahowed aim the boa. me And. fetch, litee Elalna. the He etood a memaet. Kennedy I her fees glanced had up kls drill, oon - -- soufbt Helen and eeeeeed ssi slsetrtc which wed Inatently the moat penatratlag and nau- Hurry, maatar!" he la b Bplendld place te reel In. but I elarm ka aae ahowlntf ulelnly thO cried bract Masai . houae apsd asaraaalan nerted te the trolley wire He wae worhlng aeoue odor eeemed te pervede everytaiag. looping into the ear don t knew whal e tba asaltar with It lately. ,rom ma iivit,s room up Ike atalra furiously te end struggllag to leJxg a wonder shs fslt lake edvsntsgs sf ths tftsen Kennedy cried cut. Bat his warning wss off the helmet aa thsy away Joahua says It's haunts" at bound until I, a came to Blalne a room Why. yes." ehe eaewered "That loehe drove ".her - be hers eny repeated Klalne In amused eui- Maine felt his cold nose at her tropiece In bhe llvlag et moment" "Haunts''' heed snd like Aunt Teabbr'e The tunnel hed been wldceed cut et this ths escaping gaa, and fall to ths greuud The meehiee wee lt ariae li. whal .l. ..,. n.een men like e cheat, end even ,, w Marie s ntered with the wrapa before Aunt Wk.t I. it. - ,h. m,k, mnitut Kennedy eels ecthlng fer a moment. Then WM ih, rU rMf ,'., had returned to the ...... w.v and ... ""m " and Jennmga oi tec former Tabby c tuld reply, followed dea when Ructy geve warn. fc. eelaed hit hel ead seel reughly propped up. moot of Ihe weight be- - new ctealthlly k -- creeping I., m'k ' tea ef the Clutching . ,, - ge with tha llsnd ..4 kl. ..I..., VOll .., k. ..Id. Well , bora, by one mam wooden prop which. He cam. to th. chamber and there die- - tn- - goou k -- 1.- wTTlíJTSSTSL'tSíf: ,w lor a long r.ae in rawest ..s.u n.s tan horn. thin, wee ba h there with yea" la the dempneaa. had new bseeme eld snd covered us lying on tha ground overcome wrong -- rled ride .11 Jl. . signed Blaine, as ah. leaned be.x on aj!- repeated- - whet I bed On on. II LoBg He .it. Rial... rt. "Ju.t .Ids ... .vld.nl that tin bent down, and lo hi. W.d th. STtSh .. .al . Z IIHtllBg of th. POdg. llmou.ln. and followed hlal dew, I. the living hoped you would do " hed airead at work, dlggto aad dril.- - eaw Iket -- . uirun.cloue 11. "l" TO"" lb. awey room Bhe wan, been were really kad BOttCd KU.I. whll. tk. butl.r stowed over aad lighted th. .I.e. He gone - tBrou,h ,h. ..r.h ead ra.h k.C Qul.k.y k. moved ever to th. eaf. ead ih.n ,Lt ,L. r' Í lh" lurn.- Ru"l ew Tork did eat kaaw of Ihe errtvel ef eo fer now mat he had dlecloeed whet locked pried open the laat thle etoel plate did. If en, ,.,. v.?'?. -- he repeated mil'JMtmJJirM?.lniT'1'box. Th. elr cert.lely almo.t .. if Wu Faag. the myel.rleee, ,.. But d.wa la k. tk. feo. of entail cef. set directly lacide wa. a email H. pi. kad up lmmA of Bl.lna. .1 l.ct he aer. kum.,, bo. it Th. lid flew heighten the b.euly ...d rM-- Chinatown. In the way. inte th. reek aad tried to ope. it. bul It wa. locked ZL?J?L " Aunt Tehby a ttrem and M.. t..d ,.o .,..d r.pee.i,,, Th.r. ""i. ? W" they .rnt.d at t th. queelle. th.t era d.vl.u. aed dark. th. Ort.atel As he werhed he wsetd stop from time to wae ae ttsao to work avtr U hsre and he Zl ,h . . ., ... k..,VÚ alt-a- f'"1-- "' 'seta, erooho kn.w-.- ad treshbl.d m. and eeaeuil Ihe map Thoa he weeld tech It uader hie arm aed to JltL . ur ctegped J" .. etarted !. The eer eat Btei... " bKrt ch. h.erd Tka. It happ.. .bat , ... wss t.h. up drilling agal. Me pauawd e o lootTe uTTt.n t.SblVpKr "r"y dog go. out There, welling lor btreeg. aeUe. tke. Aun. Tabby'e to Be.- - m ,u ' end th. r J" per.nltt.d eejsy even the foretaste of He had new soma te th. pel.t ee which took out e of gaper iITÍjí. ."1 play- - H.unt and Wa. .a a v,.. Unci." Joahue. ee Elaine vh.t.v.r it w... it aounded ee If aetttf spoils, which he hed lerec. from hla. Baaasti had hi. ..,,. o.i.hi. o. th. L. a. --rw.a! P!" . . - " " tract expect.. hies, farmer gardener ef ary depthe .,. .nit., - muileea merely fully ailed a let "'" '" at Ihe earth, efter hie weird treaeform.i late hlc real he opcaod ihe beg aad look the exygee hel- - troeble" f "". ,7' Dodges, ao a a piale, hsaset countrymen ae """ hat msks ...1 u.t whet II celt, ths Clutching Mesa. . fa.a Ihe Chins- - .... which hs sdjasied fall, ever hlc BeaaetM It "LJ cecrearhlng. a lolly use it might ear. wa. ..d. a. ai. wkom lee oily wae fast have breo seexethlag teen hed glvec gees lha i.eleoaed draught heed Thae he eel Ic work wltk redoubled alaaap the heed, --áeth .a.T.j T" ehagrla old f.ll unharm.d ky tk. world elrlkl.g pl.ee ef iron, a bolt, with e sledge Ib.t had aut tat. bis lens ..... ' ...... Wu waa the tret to speak"r esneJI waa. wae it? ... hi. ehoeld stave Aunt Tabby a wea ce directive...... we paper saowtag where. It wee drill ee wsll aa hlc pounding Long ua heIS seven one lo thet tin leebed at a mo meat, thes a million dollars," aeass. aot many Bailee from New York, ysl touiu.ued listes In wonder, tke. the tressure a b the Clutching He-i- ea the reck which hed aa cubile b. muttered l. ax rea la Auat Tabby , eisrmed Bielae emtio seemed to opread over bis Ikce. chy to there only y aat la tea gsaeral lies of oueurbea travoL bedroom door, oe the was hlddsn. but e'eng hit master, had rotten At leet he hed ua a otic r logr pre. nuui. sua .uoceiL la hlc power ead Aunt Tabby the night before He drew - aad which eel e long, wicked looking Chle- ero BM temtaiaui


ÍlllleágmÍpmÍlM ROY . phillips opiamwyv nmur

I FOURTH IMITAIIMFNT prowling tt--e are, t trlahmaa sud aaaaiOor.It e einreaelon waHsasjww-chanted - Hla hand aanla "Quick. I'm Sanfnrd Quasi, detective pselel The ear draw np nutrida Quest s house The denly ceased kkt efforts Leaning over hla pole, hla hip pocket powers from th chief commissioner." Inspector astlited hit companion to alight and he gated at Quest A sudden ferocity darkened Tom." he explained, "that wasn't a blowout The men moved to tha algnal. Another voice rang; tha hell at the front door. There see a IVNOPItl hi coarse face. Ha gripped his mat by the arm at all. Leak here I" thundered In hla ear He turned swifiiy round. somewhat prolonged paute Ha raag again Rxnfnrí mular crisalnetoanst f tlx wwdd. flaSs "See that Moke there r" he aeked. pointing at H pointed to th sasall level Almost red bead had appeared the top "Never knew thla to happen before," he re- (M, MaedaragaL of hoi. Th Irishman's at thai In bringing tn JueUc the MliMr Quest oaoe stood back and "That seoretary of Mr Quest's Wd AahielgVa sSaghtar, ha be Mt Just (MM a .i at to the sanshlas dashed of the taires ee marked. sort of valet ceetaet With a aureterloue master criminal The guy with the an- upon the revolver clutched Ib hi right haad. "Drop signal I'll blow you Into hs Roa Brown I think calls htm Is slwsyt on nth . linea collar" the other that or bits" ht Kngnged tr Protaesor aiheHgt Uaesl Aablstgh'a broth-er- swered "I see "That was a bullet," he continued Someone shouted. spot." They walled for some time There to recoves Ua iWii abatato of aa aath rapólo htm" th wit irri.-.i 10 tira RhMnaolSt's naspM. niara liar dia- "That's Quest, the detective." the irishman waat fired at that tire. Tom, there trouble about.'' Th operator hesitated, dared atlll no answer to their summon. Th Inspector monds hava baa lot froaa bar throat by a pair of oa hoarsely. who got me five Ta man looked nervously around Gallagher shouted "Look placed his osr tn th ksyhol. waa not a hands without araba a body, a black baa halar appears "That's the maa "Walk towarda ma." There from nowhere In his rooms and a not contained In It. years In the pen. the beast! That's the man 1're "That's a rlfto bullet, Bare," he mattered her, yoa gay. thl wilt show ynu whether I'm la anund tc he hrd He drew back, a little sstzled. sinned hy tha armless hands, ssr cast I. ally suggests that been looking fpr. You're ipy mate, Jim, eh?" "Qet on the wheel at quick aa you can," Quett At that moment his attention was caught by the the Rhrinholdt diamonds and the skeleton may ba hid- earnest or not!" den together. While l.anra. Quest's secretary, shadows "I guess so," the other grunted. "Are you going directed. "Hero, I'll giro you a hand." A bullet passed within a few Inches of ths oper- fluttering of a Utile piece of white material caught I'rsif, tli. professor's valet. Quest and Ignora, his to try and do him In?" He stooped down to unfasten the straps which ator's head He came slowly scross the room. Be- In the door He pulled It out It was a fragment fti d the skeleton In a hot In th profaaaor's sar dan, and discover there an Inhuman creature, half mon- "Now then, you fellows." Horan shouted "What fastened the spare wheel. It was ono of his rare low they could hear the rosr of the freight. of white embroidery, and on It were several small key and half man. Aa the profeaaor explains, the hut are you hanging about there for. Red Gallagher? lapses, realised a moment too late. Almost in his "This ain't your Job." the Irishman continued ntalna. The Inspector looked at them and looked Is aet afire and tha monkey-ma- n and skeleton are de- stroyed la the flamea In Quest's roaane Uta Rheinholdt Bring the carriage up. You fellows can heve a eara came the hoarse cry: savagely. "We want the cop, and we're going to at hla lingera. Ilia face grew suddenly grave. di in. ..tola suddenly reappear, enclocad In a escnad bloefc smoke for sn hour. I'm going to take tor down "Hands up, guvnor' Hands up this second or have him." "Seems to me." he muttered, "that tbers haa box with a note signed by threatening hasada- - the the line tar a Mt" I'll blow rou to hell!" Queat had stolen a yard or two nearer during been tome trouble here I shall have to take a The two men obeyed and disappeared ba the Quest glsnced over his ahoulder and looked Into this brief colloquy.. Gallagher's mate from behind liberty. If you'll excitae me. Mrs. Rheinholdt. I direction of section bouse. Quest looked the face of Red Gallagher, raised a little above the ahouted out warning Juat a second too late. mink It would be better If you waited In the car AN OLD GRUDQL the after a them curiously. level of the road. A very ugly little revolver was With a suddsn kick, Quest sent the revolver fly- until I send nut for you." "That's a big fellow," he remarked. "What did pointed directly at Queat's heart. ing serosa the room, and before the Irishman "You doa't think the Jewels have been stolen CHAPTgK X. you call him? Red Gallagher? I seem to hare "My mate's got you covered on the other aids of could recover, he struck him full In the .'are. Not- again?" she gasped. SanfoSd Quest was smoking Mi sfterbreakfast seen him before." the road, too. Hands up. both of you, or we'll withstanding hla huge sire and strength, Gsllagher The Inspector made nt reply. He hsd drawn eigar with a relish eomawhat affected by tha man-lir- e "He was the most troublesome fellow on the line make a quick Job of It" reeled. The operator, sho had Just began to real- from hit pocket a little pass key and was fitting of hla perpleiltlee Barly though It waa. once, although he was the biggest worker," th Quest shrugged his sbouMers, threw his revolver ise what was happening, flung himself bodily It Into the lock. The door swung open. He moved waa already Is her place, banding arar bar bos replied. "He got five year In the peniten- Into the roed and obeyed. As he did so. the other against the two thugs A ahot from the tangled It Into the lock. The door swung open. Once desk, and Laura, who had Jaat arrived, waa huay tiary aad that seems to have taken the spirit out man stole out from behind a bush and sprang for masa of struggling limbs whistled past Queat's mora they were both conscious of that peculiar dlveatlnt bsrsalf of har eont aad tot Queet of hla." the chauffeur, who under cover of the ear was heed aa he sprang to the window which over- silence, which seemed to heve la It seems un watched tha Utter Impatiently. "I believe I was ta the case," Queet observed stealing off. There was a brief struggle, then the looked the track. The freight had already almost namable quality He moved to the foot of the "Welir be aeked carelessly. dull thud of the railway man's rifle falling on the passed Quest steadied himself for a supreme stairs and shouted: Laura came forward, etraightenlng tor tolr with "That's so! Now then, young ladles." Mr. Horaa chauffeur's head. He rolled over and lay in th effort, crawled out oa to the little steel bridge end "Hello! Anyone there?" advised, "bold tight, and goea!" road. poised himself for s moment Th last car was her hands. here There was no reply Hs opened the door of go. tpent the svenlng They ambled down the line for about half a "Pitch him off amongst the bushes, " Red Galla- - beneath. The gap between aad the previous "No ahe answered. "I Just '. th two rooms on ths right hsnd tld. where Queat in the club and I talked with two mea who knew when he was engtged in any widespread affair, Craig, brt I couldn't get on to anything. From kept e stenographer and a telegraph operator. Both all 1 could hear of the man, reepectabllity U his rooms were empty Then he turned towards middle name." Quest's study on the left hsnd side French waa "That'a the profeeeor'g own Mea," Quest re- t man of Iron oervt No power on earth could have marked grimly. kept back the cry which broko from hla Hps. t fairly up it, boss." Laura sighed "We're against A few feet away from the door was stretched Is to get oa to another "The beat thing we can do the tody of the tscretsry-vale- t On the other woman baa got Jewels i job. The Rheinholdt her Ide of the mom, lying aa plough she had back, or will baye at noon today. I tot ahe wont slipped from ths sofa, her head, fallen on one side worry about the thief. Then tha profeeaora In hideous fashion, wss the body of Miss Qulgg. moldly old akeleton waa returned to him, eren if the Salvation Army young woman. French aet his It waa burnt np afterwards. I abould take on teeth and drew back the curtains. In the clearer something fieeb." light the disorder of the mom was fully revealed, "Can't to done," Quest replied shortly. "Look There had been s terrible struggls Between here, girls, your average intellect are often apt whom? How? to hit upon the truth, when a man who aeea too There was suddenly a piercing shriek. The far ahead goea wrong Rule Craig out Any other turned quickly around Mrs Rheinholdt ?i 'ijk4' 'liJgggggggggggg possible peraon occur to yon? Speak out, Lienors, lyBBjB who had dlsrsgsrded his advice, waa atanding on on your mind, I can see " i You've something IHQhl, tha threshold "I'm afraid you'll laugh at me," he began tentat- "Inspector!" ths cried. "What haa happened? ively. Oh. my Ood!" "Won't hart yon If I do," Quest replied. Rhe covered her face with her handa. French "I can't bslp thinking of Macdougal," Lenora gripped her by ths arm At that moment there J continuad falteringly. "He haa never toss recap- was the sound of sn automobile stopping outside. tured. I dos't know whether be dead or alive "Keep quiet for s moment." the Inspector whis- He had a perfect páselos for Jewels. If to la alive, pered In her ear "Pull yotireetf together, madam. he woald to desperate and would attempt say. Go to the other and of tht room Don't look. Btay thing." there for a few moments snd then get home as Quest smoked la alienee for a moment quick sa you can." "1 guess the retara of the Jewel squelches the She obeyed him mutely, .pressing her handa to Macdougal theory," b remarked "He wouldn't her eyae, shivering in every limb. French stood be likely to put with the stuff when he'd once hack Inalde the room. He beard the front door got hi band OB It. However. I always meant, open, ha heard Quest's voice outside. when we bad a moment s apare time, to look into "Where th dsrll tr you. Rest?" 4 fellow' whereabouts Well It oa straight waa no reply that tato 2 "You Don't You Dnt Suspect Me of Thief" Thar away. Can't do any harm " Tha door waa pushed open. Queat entered, fol- "I know the section toss on the railway at the on was slipping by. H aet hla teeth and Jumped lowed by the professor and Craig The Inapector epot where he disappeared." laura announced on to the smooth top. itood watching their facea. Quett came to a atand-itll- l "Then Just tabs the train dowa to Moantweye Bark behind the tower Rsd Oallagher aad his before bs had pesssd the threabold. He that's th asares spot and get buay with him." mate bent with horrified faces over the body of th looked upon the floor and he looked acroaa to the Quest directed. "Try sad persuade him to loan signalman. ofa. Then he looked at French. us the gang's handcar to go down th Una Lenora "What the hell did you want to plug him for?" "My God!" he muttered. and I will come on In the automobile." the latter muttered "He ain't In the thow st all. The professor pushed past. Ha had looked "Tato you longer," Lenora remarked, a ahe gher ordered. "You don't want anyone who cornea You've done us. Red. he' cooked!" iround the room, and gared at the two bodlae with moved off to put on her Jacket "The ear do It by to aee. Now lend me a hand with thla chap " Red Gsllagher staggered to hla feet Already ta expretslon of blink and absolute terror. Then In a quarter of an hour." "What do you propose to do with me?" Queat the horror of the murderer was In hie face at he he fell batik Into Craig's arms. Queat replied. Rhein- t'tn't telp that," "Mr. asked glanced furtively ground. "Know anything about Queet asked identify this?" holdt' coming her to her Jewels at twelve "You'll know aoon enough." Red Gallagher an- "1 Bver meant to drop htm," be muttered. "I quickly. I run say of being no o'clock, and can't risk there swered. "A matter of five minutes' talk, to ttart got mad at aeelng Quett get off. That man t a "Not a thing." tht Inspector replied. "We ar- making good with '" train back. You'd setter to the with. You tee that handcar house?" devil rived, Mrs. Rheinholdt and I, at five miautee pest plenty of billet with you." aectton bos. Take "Perfectly well." Queat sasonted. "My eyesight "What are we going to do?" the other demanded twelve. was no answer to our ring. I easy promised There ued "Sure! That'a enough," Laura is quite normal." hoeraely. Is 1 " my pass key end entered. This what found." him "I II be waiting fas you 1 He Set Hla Tssth and Jumped. you my "Get there then. I'm a yard behind and "There's the auto," Gallagher ahouted. "Come Quest stood over tbe body of his valet for a She hurried off and Quest commenced hi own pointing middle of your back." I revolver's for the on, come on, man! tan lit the wheel If we've moment. Tbe man waa obviously dead. The In- preparations- - From his af he took on of th mil. Than Horan brought them to a standstill. rosd, Quest sprang lightly down from the crossed got to swing for this Job, ws'll have something of spector hla handkerchief covered up the Small black lump of explosive to which he bad I spot." ha declared. "Now, If you took and "This the the few Intervening yards and stepped Into the our own bark first." away waa heavy paper- once before owed hi life, and fitted It carefully waat my Impressions you are welcome to tbsm. head A few feet a handcar houas Thsy crawled to the side of the roed. Galla- weight In a email ease with a soft of wire and an elec- All the search baa been made on the rlghj-han- Gallagher and hla mate followed close behind. gher's rough, hairy fingers were still trembling, by a blow from behind," French tric lighter. He looked at hi revolver and re- aids here and in New York. I've had my eye on "Killed Quest paused on the threshold. but thsy knew their Job la a few minutes the grimly, "with that little affair. Look beret" charged Finally to raag the bell for his con- that hill for a loog tima My impreatlon Is that "It's a filthy dirty hole," he remarked. "Can't wheel waa fixed Clumsily but successfully, it " the They glanced down at th girl Queet'a eyebrows fidential valet he hid there we out I It money you hsvs our little chat here? grra Irishman turned the ear round away from came together quickly. There were two blue 1 today Til Lake your advice," Quest decided. "We'll "Flo," he asked, "who there els tor want?" the city. marks apon her throat where a man'a thumbs beside you" spread oat and take a little exercise in hill climb- Gsllagher glanced around. Then with an ugly "She's a hummer." be mattered. "I'll make her ing" " might hava been "No oa today, air." push of the ahoulder he aent Queat reeling Into the go when we get the hang of It. Sit tight again," muttered. "Good tack to you!" the boss exclaimed "The banda he "Jutt a well, perhaps" Quest oScarred, "Llatan. ahed. Hia greet form blocked up the doorway. They drove ctumelly off. gathering apeed at every Inapector nodded. They searched carefully deliberately for The Ross. I am going out bow for an hour or two. tot and "No," he cried fiercely, "it's not money I went ysrd. Behind. In the shadow of ths tower, the "Can you make anything of it?" mors than half aa hour. Then suddenly lay ' 1 khall to back at midday. Remember that Mrs Laura this time. Quest, you brute, you dirty bloodhound! signalman dead. Queet, half war to New York, yet," Quest confessed "I must think." called They looked to find only bar "Not Rheinholdt and Inspector French are to be here ut around You sent me to the pea for Ave years you with etretrhed flat on his stomach, was struggling for The Inapector glanced at him curiously bead hie. She up. muddy at twelve o'clock. If by aay chance I should to a vial scrambled aad with your cursed prying Into other people's affaire. life with ktiees and hands and feet. on earth hats you been to?" he de wst leaves clinging to "Where few moments late, ask them to watt And. Roaa, her skirt Doa't you remember me, eh? Red Gallagher?" stand ed. guy a roung woman from the Salvation Army will call "Say, that of a section boss told me to look "Of course I do." Quest replied coolly "Yon C H APT R XI. "Been to?" Queat repeated too. You can give this check." out for caves. I've been In one, sure enough! t her garroted aad robbed an old man and had the Mrs. Rheinholdt welcomed Inspector with "Look la the mirror'" French suggested Only Juat saved myself " the a Roa Brown who was Quest' secretary valet and spree of your life. The old man happened to be e beaming smile as he stepped out of hla office and Queet glsnced st himself His collar bed given general factotum, accepted the slip of paper and They hurried to where ahe was. Quest peered friend of mine, ao I took c trouble to aee that approached her automobile wty, hla tie waa torn, a tuti.ui and some of the placed it la aa envelope. Into the declivity down which ehe bad allpped. you paid tor It. Well?" "How nice of you to be ao punctual. Mr. French." cloth had been wrenched from hla coat, his 'rou gave hs There are no other Instructions, sir?" ha in- Suddenly be vent to a little axclamatloa At "Five yeera of hell, that's what I had," the maa a'ie exclaimed making room for him by her aide. strs were torn snd wss covered with dust you my quired. the same time Laura celled out Aa Inch or two of continued, his eyes flashing, bis fscs twitching "Will you tell the man to drive to Mr Quest a "I'll tell about trouble a little later on." "None," Queat replied. "You 11 look out far th tweed was clearly visible through the strewn with anger. "Well, you'r going to bsvs a littles house la Georgia square?" hs replied. "Hay, csn't we heap those girls out?" wireless and you had better a witch the through leavee. Queat. flat on bis stomach, crawled e little bit more Iban Uve years. Thla thexl'a been burnt The Inspector obeyed and look hit place la the Tbey were too late laura and Lenora were cable and telegraph communication en to head wey down, took out bia electric torch from hla down twice, sparks frost paating engine. It' go- Insurious limousine upon the threshold. Quest swung round to- " quarters Com along. Lamo ra pocket and brushed the stuff away. Then he clam ing to to burnt down far the third time " "How beautifully punctual we are!" ah con ward thm he said, "there been some They let the toss, catered the waiting auto- bared to hla feet. Sounds remarkably anpleaeant." Quett admit- tinned, glancing at th clock. "Inspector, I am so "Girl." has trouble mobile, and drove rapidly towards the coaflasc of "Our aearch la over," he declared gravely, "aad ted "You'd better harry or the boss will be back." excited at the Idea of getting my Jewels bach. here Oo and wait upttairs. Lenora. or alt in tbe " you po- the city. your troubles. Lenora. That is Macdougal' body Gallagher finally slammed tha door Queat heard Isn't Mr Queat a wonderful man?" hall. Laura, had better telephone to the Ii lice s s right. Isn't Quests dlrectloto th automobile was Leaeie'a fee sank into her handa for a mo- the heavy footatepe of tha two men aa they turaed "Hot b clever chap, all right," the la apactor ad- station, sod fur doctor. That it. brought to a standstill at a point where K ehlrted at aet Queat atood on one aide ablle Laura passed towards th aectloa houae. He drew s little cess mitted "All tba same. I'm rather sorry he wesa't inspector?" the mala railway line, aad cloee ta the sectloe tor ana around the other girl' waist from hla pocket able to ley hia haada oa the thief." "Yes!" the latter aaaenttd thoughtfully house which be had as sata tad far hla readssvous Queet glanced at hla watch He opened whet seemed to be e little mahogany "That'a your point of view, of coarse." Mrs. French aloo pad aad picked up a email clock It with Lsura. Sha had apparently aeea their ap- "I'll have to get" he said, "but III seed someone boa, looked et tha ball of black substance Inalde. Rheinholdt remarked "I san think of aotklag but had stopped b eleven fifteen He looked at It thoughtfully proach, and aba easts sal as asset the at ease, Si sag. Cheer up. Lenora." he added kladiy "Look closed It up, pissed it agalnat the far wall, un- hartes sty dlamoada bark. I feel I ought to go a compacted by a abort, thick aet mas whose ato after bar, Laura twisted the coll, stood back near the door and tad thank th professor for recommending Mr "Queet." be want oa, "I'll have to ask you a quetv Introduced a Mr. Herea. Queet has tened along the toed to the spot where thea preeeed the The reault was extreor-dlasr- Queet " tata" button up. This la Mr. Herea. the section boea." ato ex- to had left the ear. The chauffeur, who saw atas Ths whole of th far wail wat blown out That lsspec r mads bo reply Mrs Rheinholdt "Why act" Queet replied looking quickly plained. coming, atened ap and climbed to hi seat. Queet aud for some distance la front the ground was fur- was suddenly aware that she we becoming little "Where were you at elevtn llfteeu t" No New Mr lloran shook banda took kia piece rowed ap by Queat replaced th i lee "Oa lower It of tk York Central, the ssplestee act " "Bay. I heard of yoa, Mr "Drive to the office." he through the open- "Of course sighed. te scrapping for my Ufa, Quasi entwered grimly ts ordered. Instrument la hi socket 'prang she "It diseppotaUag eot " et.unced. "Th youag The at an slipped ta hi clutch. They were la ing and rea for the tower bouse Behind htm oa to be able to lay year banda apea the thief That "I've reason to remember It BOanetBIn la th luspector a steady gate seemed Interested la that prteeasr they last at the care the act of gild l eg off whea there was a trastea its way to New York hs could see e freight treta la where I suppose yea mt lad th leterfereaea aear ears," dees report. They stopped short. The man Jumped com in along He tould beer too, Red Gallaghers of aa amateur like Mr Queet e little troublesome to Inspire the crtaiaulogiai with a aw idea Hs That' so. Quasi edaaltted "We'd Uto to go down aad looked at the beck tire roer of eager It wes las thsn fifty yard, yet sometimes He fleta bask the property which la easts e etep forward, a littlt frown apea hla tore-hea- " to the spot if we eeuld 'Blowout." Be remarked leooaically aa soon a ha reached the belter of the lower what the private tadlvldael weal, tot he doeeet i be "you do yoa n.at a dead easy," the baas replied "111 take Quest fro a aed. the thunder f th freight soaaded la QseetS ears secure the thief, which la, of cures tas real end Say. Freach." xelalad. i " BQBt SS Of thla ' rou iieeg le the hi Basar "Mew loag will It lake'" He gleaeed around Red Oa I lag her aad ble mata of the ease from year potat of viso deS'l waa H looked Quest ta rhe acotase boas turaed reaad aad whistled "rear asaetee ," the asea readied. "l v sot aa was rearing almost seOa by aide toward him He "It a e qeeer affair about theee Jew est" the in- Preach ssttoved tas eysa From a little aide track two mea lumped oo to a other wheel ready That'a the queerest blow- rushed up th narro Main Into th algnal room, spector remarked "Queet heaa't told ma tke baudcar, and brought It round to where they were out I ever aaw. though." tearing opea hia coat to show bis official badge whole atory yet Here we are on ths an ote of "1 doa't know," bs said A few yarda astay the asea who waa Th two men Iraued over the Ure "Slop the freight." he shouted to lbs operator. Urns!" 11 u bs t'ottllttued-- i W1m lac. CM Mkk lUk MnJ - W. ., id I ' HM .. " " Polly Dawgone It! It Serves Ashur Right! pom Ltfi Go Home., Tbu-V- . I P'T Till HMR r. s"9'& 1 : ; v Íl OVuit! Um í 2 -- 11"!' Rua1I 1 -- THfcVRt I MuTHIaJ'! MUfifl 009 r y BAR?4 ThEVv. 5fcRfc uiB OWL a7H"

IÍ MAKfe VgfJ II VAHADO V I 1 I I) 1 iV ..V i "I tfffl Í "That MUl,ME. LM .. . , . , Z71 i oMt VfffP RtiJ c J.

i MAGAZINE SECTION Sunday, April 11, 1915 iT"TQIO

, ne of the Popular ry11 iaea ffi egefl nSllH 'y J y A Dance Frock Recalling Colonial Dayi. ' f) jfa 1 H BBBWBBBBBBBBamiBBflBBBl aln. to wear, at for wnc, normal aya K nv" leat "A man." on ' lav- -f 1 if venina drena, tatln rryn on "al- - " I writer feminine foible, dT xlTH lnilli.' a)Hp' "r"1 b, blJa way enjoya the prraei t faahlon " i2 now la no B I Vfl But Jut there thought of To aoine men tliia may aound Ilka a I I gB '' 'UKjjk L X Ibeaa IhJnca. The moment' paaalon trifle of an í.kkm tlon If It true. X 'aHf ' f t . ,he "'I'"1'"." for thoaa aentl- - the remark (He tnto thia erl.d aa ''' S ff ffs. pHPf "fn menial rtreaaee audi aa Franre. for well aa Into an) other There always JBfcw , JtiáMff' l R eiample, In lie moat f I H sentimental ha been om fashion, and certainly tCttnlr I , J7. period, produced to the profit of Wat- - there, le no .unforl In la men I ma; tie Y'lf'iJl' U nTlh" teau and hi brother painter. You one that le gou or In wishing for K. J ly d J ill' w J jgKKKKKKKK&Nr ' g theae prlnceaa and pannier efferta that In the pkt urea of garden partlea, with la la I ts1r fine thing certain: Tliere much Tk aeTiylvI "Ir 'vff' funny culptured cupldi looking on. ap- - " ft applause for lav bonnet that are j . jJ " ( - J fljflli ápw Ac. ..riling- to Ihcae picture Ufa waa pearlng o profuely, and that tarry 0r ' V-- , I uUY I 4 Mllr wJ game devoted largely to the display "quaJntneaa" (" L, ' I ks Hp' H further than It ever baa ft. mllw 1 of thing Maybe I de- - gone . theee It o lnc the day of the eitreme SS'-- Yi3'mJsC UfLteUljVi I Trl today to a great extent. "poke of twenty ' V' voted An bonnet" fifteen or ifttmM Aá ÍKC-- l ñ ü41í ' liatO vfí H uptlmiat might Itil .j that It yeara ago in the day hen "prolllca 1 " I Mk ' j (

ISaBPti' much quite) ad- - upper part of the e. Kyee. l'-- dMMl III cuable fa' J 'vlfl. lflwÍKSl.MÍSv TlViPyiV li A tíg ""fa"""- be It known, are lili eoiu T CvJ HI TTvh STvUrlkv IrjiWrt rifi-rjj- !M'Í fárfli n 'tf m By rre(nt arrramfamant far thle papar m shaking hat heed. Ha abow ad bar torn money, and airway op tha stairs June turbad and found tba family car looked st each other M perpteatty aa siimhsd tba stairs, stopping at tba first tending for phnta. drama eorreepondtng to the inetoll-mant- a aba still shook fear head Ha gave bar some mora, sys of the stalwart guard Used steadfastly opon Jerry currad round back to the read. Haw pecul- a resume at that alight saagb which had corns "Runaway Juna" may now ba atan and ah smiled and went downstairs haw. Mm smiled sweetly at him sad htchaasd. Ha iar! Tha black curtained llmousln was apparently upon her. of waa ot the trading moving picture theat ara. By June"' It tbe vaina tit Cnnnlnebtm hesitated a moment, thee casta stalking slowly to heeding into th city again, and a curved limpness AS impossibly dirty maa Mead behind a long ta- Bb sprang arrangement mode With the Matual Film to her feet as tha door suddenly; hat. ho tang aa aha wad within resoh of him be cam lilt the broad beck af faithful Bill Wolf. ble, aa which ware piled huge bundles tied In rough Corporation' it te not only poeetble to read ed and Cunningham cama late tha room. need not ba within reach r lbs Asar. tn th decorated parlor Mrs. Mussel servad the paper. year to- "Runaway each week, bmt aleo after- "What's namer sad. folding bar banda cocktails aad started upstairs with Junes. They "Welir b asid gruffly Mna" gether, beamed orna the down st th Mg lout stopped hat at tha portlsrs. "1 would Ilka to aaw seta pants, if ron piense." ward ta moving piatmram illmetrating OMABTIR II. "Christian," grinned. our etory. and be actually "She's not to be disturbed." (bay n told hsr In asid lana modestly. out oa Broadway tha luxurious llmon "Well, christian, now listen," end she op a bald their different forms of speech. The Maa hrugged Ma ahiaHsri. wltb tha black súrtalos drawn and tha warning finger. "I wsnt you to help roe play s lit- Jans Warner bad had far away from Obit section, go arar te that woman there, and she'll FAB Blmy gauss fluttering door, tles trick. Come an To af from tba and I'll show you." Bbe turned hurrying oa and oa aa if aha could not pat enough haw you to ha don and bow much deposit and tripped lightly what's tornad toward th river, wltb tba faithful Op the stairs distance between herself and that hateful scans. to pay." Ha Indicated another tabla Bill Wolf still stooped christian, however, par- arar th tires, bis cravat still turned and stalked to tha Sbs was la tha mora densely populated district aaw, When Jane wsnt down tba narrow stairs she car- fTvom. firmly clutched la tha strap of tbs tire cover and bla la' slid poked bis yellow bead between th po- en a street af cheap shops rickety tenement, iha wriém at Nad Winwr, tanpsrtatvsry ! her snd ried aa heavy a bandI aa she could conveniently fan. empurpled faca partly up, as corner rtier. and tha husband mm (Mr kmnMN kMMM Mm basins to rssd-fe- e turned that tha fourth or fifth pawnshop which sha Masad lift, and bar scanty atora af money waa reduced to ama, of on pink ay "Sha a gave that meet he mtlrn dsptnSaat am him for could gss back Imploringly at tba trente at ta hlp play trick," ha an her a happy latea. She looked is at tha next very small margin, M It was, howsvsr, the money. Mm daalraa to be InAapanriwtt. pursuing car. noun, d. end toughed. tittle they all on. It wss repulsive looking. Sha ramera be red a had yet to make a purchase tn tba first little store June la ptnwatd br Otlbart Bly. wsalthy married In that car. strained tensely forward. Bad Warner "It's a safe trick If you help," chuckled Cunning- cleaner one which she psassd bark man She teeepri from hie olutehss with difficulty. Met bsd and wsnt na bought sa Inexpensive little plain black dress. with re- ham, and Blye rchas dtotraetsdty far Juna. and. Issrnln of Blys's sat gritted teeth and clinched banda, never motioned bla assent. Thereupon to it Bbe hesitated a moment, then went boldly In. Sbs bsd lata than s dMlsr wbsn sbs stopped before adven-tur- Christian stalked np designs, reme rent en em him Aftar many moving his syss from tha fleeing llmeualn Into tba stairs and entered the room There she found a pudgy, bow legged little msn a building ta which tha had basa directed by the Juna ta rMcwad frvas rtver plraiM hy tnjrban. an which he bad asaa his lovely runaway brida bun- where June stood anxiously awaiting htm. "Is It snythlng I can do, h asked her. artist Una poeet aa Spirit of misar shopkeeper. Its lower floor had once bean occupied "Tha tha Marah." la driven dled by tba scoundrelly Gilbert I. lye. Again he Hsr aüvery little laugh came as she saw blm, and "Hew much will yon give ma for this, písate 7" nut by Mrs. Durban ana ta kttnapaa by Hlya Cun- a bank, it had baaa tenant lees for year. On and she ran lightly to at but ningham. urged th driver Jerry to greater speed. He waa the window and threw It open. snd from bar hair aha took an exquisitely carved tbe doorpost of tha stairway waa a sign, "Booms to determined that this tima tha chase should not and There wss s ttey balcony outside wMch was en- tortoise shell comb studded with blue stones. Let" until ba hla fingers clutched tirely Moisted sad quite high ahovs tbe street The podgy man glanced Indifferently. EPISODE. had around tha throat little at it sngsgad a mean little hall bedroom from TBflTEENTI of tha handsome man "Now. Just out there," she directed, ha s dollar, maybe " June bsr dark, with tbe black Vandyke stead and "Half a dumpy landlady. and had strangled Mm to Ha had wrecked ttonptd obediently out "Oh!" And Jun picked op the comb te dismay. Tra-p- ei death Down Broadway Mack ilmou-tin- Nad's life, Blye, Gently she lowered the window. "Why, these are real The comb cost" ura tbe curtained this dastardly and nothing bat sapphires. observed of sll observers, still attached life pay. vary day marriage TU tell you what te do next." abe laughed and, "Excuse me." pudgy littte man grabbed the tbs for CHAPTER I. would On tba of Ned's Tha to his cravat and clamped to tba tires so stiffly that the fallow's evil machinations had nagua. nodding te hiss, tornad the window tech; then she comb from her hand and trotted nimbly te the aa til Spirit of the Marsh, tha b felt he would have to be pried off waa the well The black curtained limousine ahead wheeled X' little runaway brida stood, dased and Just known sad Justly famous private detective. Bill DRAPED around tbe corner and daabed up tha bill at high on tha aid walk m frost of iha Wolf, faithful In spite of himself Not mor than speed, with tbe faithful BUI Wolf wabbling aa ha- atadlo from which aha had boon driven two blocks behind came the family Car, with June's hind like a Japaneaa balloon. At tha curb atood a llmousln with Its black allk handsome collie on the aeat beside Jerry, June's fa- Tbe girl In tha sumptuously furnished room curtains drawn. The white mostsched man, who bad St ther sterner, and June's mother gentler aad more Mrs. Mussels shrieked name Gilbert Blye. sprung from It, grasped tba lovely modal by tbe tbs af quiet, Bobby Blethering la patient wonder at the and he came hurrying room, a scowl upon wrist and draw bar to tba ear aa tba dark, hand- lato tha restlessness of ths world, June's bosom friend. Iris his dsrk, handsome face. Blye pointed stern- some, black Vandyked man who bad followed Gilbert Blethering, quivering with excitement and emotion, cot. ly fo the door, Cunningham, moment ered her gsutliv clad form wltb tba voluminous and aftar s of aad the deserted groom gritting hi teeth aad clinch black cloak which ba carried sullen hesitation, left th room, twirling hla white lag hie fists aa tha black curtained limousine, with moatar be At door ha upon Down tba treet at a tearing pao cama tba fam- tba tornad and east Its bit of filmy gausa fluttering at the door, con- June a malevolent glare. ily car of tba runaway bride father and mother, stantly kept Just before them like a tantalizing will "Please! Please. Mr. begged and In It with them were two of bar friend tba Sly!" June. o" tha wisp. and "Comer His low vole soothed deserted groom, hit teeth gritting and hie fists bar. Tea must In tbe gsndlly furnished houae of Mm. Bussel rest for s moments, and I promise no Winched aa ba aaw theoa tiro aconndrela bundle bla fsw that aaa was a running to snd fro up and shall you. I shall there frantic and pretty Juna Into tha ear and hurry ba aftar her. disturb return in ten minutes." down stairs. Every roam in the house was March- In tbe basement Mood BlyV Juat behind tba family cama an electric coupe, Marie with Gilbert ed, and at last Ofin Cunningham thought to Investi- money In ber Bb Bb driven by a sharp featured woman with a long aoa hand. started for tha door. gate why one of Windows In the room back tha which. and Mich- - arched brows, and aa aba aaw bold cape and started far th Stairs. Mm turnad Dad been provided Jang seemed behind this Sgsln to the door, again far darker abduction aba shrieked and ran her car Into tba to th stairs, then Mood Sad Its heavy hangings thaa the others. He found the looked st Gilbert Blys'e money, high curb. Aa tba door of the luxurious limousine slam- bar cheek bonaa lira shatters closed and opened them, revealing the white and Indecision on bar brow. med abut tba quiet block seemed suddenly a 11 ra. froeenly watting en isolated Uphill downhill stalwart christian tha Around iba corner of tba atadlo cam bounding" a and rosbad tba Mack curtained balcony to be told his farther share In June's trick. bandaotn colli, which ran to tha car, loudly bark- llmousln with th Moor family car sun l hat pursuit Tha young man and the three girts laughed. ing a woman wltb bleb cheek boas and accom- wss gone, and Gilbert Blye turned and walk- Occasionally June panied by a tall policeman followed tha dog. Bh tbs well known sad J natty famous ed down stairs. private tbe dashed up to tba limousine a it started and Jumped detective, MB Wolf, tnoasaod fete clutch far paced hall a few momenta, his bead an Instant, tightened Ha the for upon the running board, while tbe dog barked and bat It Immediately beat bis black eyes somber and his long, lean white leaped. The aharp featured woman with th long nose aad Angers stroking his black Vandyke. high From a doorway on tha oppoalte aid of tbe street tbe arched brows rollad bar electric coupe np There was a ting st ths doorbell. A messenger there sprang a abort, wide man with a thick stub of to th door of her own houae and went lata tha boy, aad ha carried a hundía. A stealthy figure a cigar In bla mouth, who pursued th lltnoualne, parlor. supped forward into tha balL hopped upon tha spare tire at tba back of th car Juna walked slowly to a wardrobe and opened It "No answer," aald the hoy .as hs delivered the and hung there. Tha woman on th running board Half a dossn gaudy costumes bung t here Abe cboee bundle. te opened tba door of th limousine and forced her one of the moat attractive. Bb tobned this gar- Orln Cunningham at a signal from Blye took tbe way In aa they daabed around th corner, furiously ment, congratulating bersolf that It fitted ber. Sha bundle and paaaed It to Mrs. Bussel. Sbs tors It pursned hy th family car, th electric coupe and added a headdress of beads found lying on a bureau. open sad draw forth before tha reveler who bad Blye the barking collie. As Gilbert started up th stairs ha stepped, gathered in her parlor the gorgeous raiment In surprised by the beautiful figure Tbe luxurious llmousln was speedier than Its pur which emerged which they had teat aaaa the beautiful June-- Ortn Miers. but nouaepeedy enough entirely to lose the from the sumptuously furnia bed chamber, aad cam Cunningham stooped down with aa oath and picked family car with tbe deaeried groom. It bad gained down toward blm with queenly graos. It was Juna, up something which bad fatten to the floor. The several blocks' headway, however, when It turned an entrancing vision of lovellneaa In bar borrowed string of pearls He stamped upon the floor In rage. finery, eye waa a corner and atopped abruptly In front of a boa and In her a aaw light "Stop that messenger boy I" cam th cold, bard where a vivacious brunette and a large blond wom- "Will you give ma a cigarette, ptoses T" she gayiy tones of Gilbert Blye, and the stalwart Christian, an stood peering eagerly out of th window. Only requested him. and bs looked at bar te astonishment. rushing out, brought back tha hoy. year- for an Instant It paused. Tha door opened. Out of "Why why, b stammered. "Where did yon gat this bundle I" demanded Orln It sprang th whit mustarhed man and drew aftar He produced bla casa. Sad the teak a cigarette. Cunningham. Still curiously, be lit hla pocket lighter htm tbe half fainting girl la tba voluminous black studying bsr The bey hitched hla trousers. for ber, and a slight frown upon his brow cloak. I la put his am around bar and hurriedly twitched Mn't supposed to toll." as, puckering bar beautiful red Hps, she blew a long "I forced her up tha stspe. The woman with th high "How much did you gat not telling?" demand- tbln of blu amoks hla faca. for cheek nee darted aftar bar. Sha hesitated s mo- stream lato ed Mm. Bussel. "Com on." she called, sad, inking hla arm, sha ment and vaguely recognised th cloak: than aha "All she TO cento." tripped smilingly parlor, with a sidelong bsd sprang aftar th beautiful young girl. luto tbs "Here's $2." aald Orla. "Now, you get glance, however, aa ah left tbe hall at where did The man with th black Vandyke caught her by th stalwart this bundle who guardad tha door. r the arm and bald bar back. Ha spoke sharply to attendant front Th boy grinned. "Who drees ara I wearing T" aha cheerfully da- the driver, and tha Umoosln jerked forward just aa always more not ms ndsd as sha ara ted herself. 'Tallin's worth than tellln'." he th door of tbe bous opened and tha beautiful girl aagely observed his call slip s mine." said oaa of girls, Jumping up from and Jerked from his was thrust Inside "it th pocket address." the side of Cunningham aad walking all around bar. 'There' th The thick, wida man on hahind struggled to gat Gilbert Blye, casting a glance slip, opened honey, I'm bound say that it looks batter at the down from hla uncomfortable position, but hla cra- "But the door snd strode out on tbe steps stealthy n you than It doss oa m." And there was a traes Ths vat waa caught In th strap of tha tire corara, and figure which had crept along the ball suddsnly dart-a- deter-tiv- . of asvy bs tha compliment so th well known tad Justly famous privet out of the door after the messenger boy and "By you re a aald Grin Cunning Bill Wolf, stooped ovar th tiras, with bis wide Oeorg. tunnr!" hurried up th street with him. It waa Marie. waa aaaoaisbed to rtaa as- feet In tha rack and his araaa around Iha rim and hsm. had been tea macs Down tbe street there w hissed ths black asw, and, with a sidelong glance Gilbert Bly, curtained his head bald down, waa carried swiftly away from til aL llmousln. Blye out to It atopped and, across bar, frena his pocket he hunted at it tba scene of bis sleuthing. Th black Vaadyked ba waited te and with biasing impatience, called, "Coma on!" cas a golden man talked earnestly with the high cheek drew a long white leather closed wltb Cunningham dashsd from the bous and Jumped op draw something from It and, woman for an tastsnt and gave her dasp H sb ad It lato th llmousln, white Bly gave swift directions latch- Ms eyes sparkling, held ap a string of milk white hurried up th step and 1st hlmaeif la with a to hla driver. H. too, hepped la and abut the door key, while tha woman ran down to th basement MfiBsh and threw ap tha aide curtains, revealing the car door and pus bed past th sssnaat who opened It she flashed bar large, lustrous ayes at him, and ber empty except for hlmaeif and Cunningham. The At I hat moment th family car war red around rosy Up parted te a smile, than aha looked st Gil- wtmaa In the door salted something in shrill ex Blye. ssoasaat Ud the corner and flashed by. still pursuing th luiurt bert He hastteted a aad nodded th steel fire abutters, which she bsd dlsoov window, screwing a Jeweler's gisss la bin bulging "Beat tat as tha car rushed away, but Seatti pa Id no nua HnioualL. It had lost this scene of slttMIMg Then she bent bar head, and Cunningham threw the sred In the window Jsmb, snd dropped, their bolt la aye aa he went "Oh, $8, may ber attention, aad the wall known aad Justly famous through having stopped long enough to take on th string of pearls around her beautiful watte nch atece. "Why, ths comb cost" private detective. BUI Wolf, groaned. handsome colli, which now sat on th front ssat Mm pat bar arm through bis aad merrily danced On the bed weep the coat and bat which aba had "Berry, lady" snd rubbing hit podgy hsada to- Around the corner dashed the family ear af tha wltb the driver. Thar waa no mistaking that luxuri across th room to a mirror, traten, with sparkling laid out She grabbed these up snd then, wltb S gether, be smiled Ingratiatingly at her, "hut by the Moores, with Ned Warner oua limousine, with Its black curtains tightly drawn ayes, she admired tbe pretty bauble. quick glance about her. closed hsr door softly from time yon dig them little stent sad eall them yon The dampy landlady knocked at the door of Jane' Ml of filmy gauze fluttering from door "1 think I'll have a cocktail, pleas said, the outside tiptoed down the stairs Bbe scarce- wast so much labor give yea and a lb she sad that if I'd UUB I'd littte bdrea aad swjppid In profound aatoalsh-asaa- t and the faithful Mil Wolf still atooped on behind turning suddenly to Mrs. Mussel. ly hrslhd aa she slipped past the parlor portieres lose money, maybe." whan afea entered At ricXety honey." BubssI, the table est Bo t wsa last beautiful June Warner cam Into "Bums your heart laughed Mr. and covared tha Might cough which ah could not June slowly picked up iha comb. She waa eatsMe her new lodger In a plain, cheap Mack represa. dreee. beat tbe boarding houae of Mrs. stuaasst. In th parlor to "1 didn't suppose you knew how te drink a cock Her teach upon the leeks of the beery the door before he called bar back. earnestly forward Bb was sewing peats! all waa abruptly introduced there wars taras " front door wee aa and as light as a which tell daft feather "Walt!" He stalled Ingratiatingly nt bar. "Too "Why, I hardly knew you," saM tha landlady, look-te- me- As the big swung slowly a young soasen and young man. With a swift Juaa waa a bubble, a sprits, s dancing efferve door June atinad shriek need the money, lady?" around th room. Baa waddled to the door of tió o the whit mus tacbed man drew fresa Jumfa asnea, a gay littte uataiteattoa, until Mr. Beats! with the sharp intake of her breath Tbs portieres "Vary much, i rear." the cnafttttl tbs flimsy wardrobe and peered to. It waa empty shoulders th votonUnoas black cloak returned with cocktails for aU of thsea. June drank had swayed, and aa elbow bad come through "And would you give tas your peomtoe that yea "Where them Saa etetbae you hadr To Spirit of the Mars- h- ba laagtsad by way of bass with asx banting aneados. UuU k as s flash Jane slipped oat through th nar- tske aft the tosa some time, with tha UterestT "They not belong rower did to me." Jaaa saM steeply introduction, and the shrinking Isms clour bed has Suddenly ah whirled to tha dear, aad Cunning- crack which would accommodate her body. "Ob, yatT Thto very segsrriy. 'Ths eatah k a "I aeat them away after buying Uto dress " a Closing a draperies coavatajvely about her ah met th ham followed. iba door behind bar with touch aa soft ss "Oh. you dldl What about the yoeag nana - aérateos r admiring gaae th tha breath summer. hurried lightly 1 frankly f th and "Bs. aor aha taogfetegiy cried. "I'm going te star- af Jane dowa Then give yon $8.60. That waa a gift which I could aat aacept," and Isjagasrflsai w.ruen you " the steps, crouching atoa wall critical of th Massy prise To moat stay te bars tad wait dose te the Bbe gathered up the money with a stehsaMg asass June' eyes dropped eetrt It away atea." i In etonk jerked "Mot asa, laughed Cunning The ins bterk wa tnnasalj bam. of humillan and took the ticket ha gave bar and AU the puckers te the fat Isadlady's brow damp from th band at tha white ssjsarited man. and TUs I vut t surprise you " Aad ah flounced CHAPTCB III. walked oat, rtwttag that ah bad ton badly worst aad aad knotted man Mack Vassl yk atoad tasar with tete s pretty tbe with th shkaf with s pout babe curtained llmousln. Ms Mt af ed. bora as she had no heart far thto sort of barter "Oh. you dhtr Mm cleared haw throat aad leaked fete dark, bandeosne fee Bwlftly he a scowl gauss fhttteriag at tha door aad lag. It dawned upon bar that tsars was ware at tha etaeh of pants aad at the etehteate fcsgwra etesVk amad the ehrlnklag form of wrapped tha TH. WoM boMttg oa to the spare tires for baarittsttens tatoa accepting money from one's ka watch wee tohnrlsaaty pashtag the needle through th young pari and draw bee ewt f th room dear Ufa, swept from the road dowa tela astea, aad yet - She ths weakness which the coarse -- eonaced cloth "By tba way. I fergat to tat any STWd and aha ran toward what waa att whUa I Marte! Matter Jas rated Cuaaiagham te ha held tha teas) private drive te a beau Ufa rsMdspcs over sprang fiercely up tn bar. which atada her heart cry rant from you. I sJwaya gat a week la advance hack psrtteres peas. teafehbg amada teag th far Jaae te tha river, aad Ball Watt, with a long sigh of te aagatoh for Ned, whaeh bar to desert Jun suited wanly aad shook fear sated. "1 am Mm tha Mm at pad hi has twrtate. ' at bead f tatn ip seJtef. Mtsyaiad to unbend at teat from bis stiffen sll this bldaoaa Mlefjgta aad ty to Ms thteaxftea, sorry she sate. "I have aa seSbsy -- haw hssra.-an- swtd by Mi tew. pten "Mow. game yam Bring M sated, at te te assnai Aad he Ms Midi a Tbe ear. however, never slachsnad. arms. No; sha mast fight to the sadl "Whet!" The dampy landlady Jumped dase Mr Mm to hat fast inodalatod vote. f Sar wMBJiisd Ad K Mshtg past tha nortereaceat its wide faced But what waa ehe te do east? A Man st th foot Mm waa ktiilhhbg sa hard that aha whaasad No mmúe. fe stead by fc. as SsjgJsjiaMy Mrtdahll te My' ear aha driver heat aad staked M ate ateca aad of s dsrk. aas taw Mates ay money ! Yeeag lady, routi harte to ant taatr Jasa? Itera thswa canas aggtiiglug up the statin the sad mm threw a Mas at her. athar ates af Stow "ato. asi Jama teto th room He MM ate bead eat, howwvee, MB white msuuached see. darted aad M Mat as the Msaaty cat af tha Ifad aa anight h tbe pay. MM turned tor m tost ward af tppul. Vaadyhed Mirla II varied sgfeB-- wfcaw VwM Wi bmt th bines aan detained and stteudsnt Thai stalwart atoad eat aattear. attar ail. thaa tha iragitliaa te Ltadtestr, sstmsm arm waa mswttMd. Sly wash taw snail At Mat sast sept iy at the door and cast feto gloomy oa Jt Ma Maalggr spot aad the five pttpli in the theTwenty Million DollarMystery

aad toroagh Madam D and he ante T.odnra. helreaa to 110.000.00. to ptojMC Tara taatatr. "My dear woman. rouH never to In ths guardianship of bar unci. Ét weat et of the window fast aa Balrd leas Be. Lett' say nothing more about it." m All. a mystic. HlMM All la deter- oaaded ata alarm. At A o'clock the old lapidary was arretted mined to girl's cura the fortune tor " They are coming hark. That's Madam's SS the flrst move la the gam. A email for- himself, and whan ana becomes of asm he makes every aftort to brine about bar Itmoaatas down tha road. II est t What tune of uncut dlamonda wae taken in at the death. Zotera la la lora with a yaaadf hack?" earns ttavt. In the future diamond tnuggter lawyer. Joba Stoma. aa4 aka aaaka "Oat everything'" would have to look elsewhere. of bar mlaarlr unela to marry Hunt Informed Srnrta and Zudora what him. Haaaam All promlaaa to grant bar "tta let', dock While the ducking' good," Wish provided aha hall aolra twenty at suggest d I laird. he had succeeded la doing, sad declared that jL BbbSSbVI PeSssVbSmT mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPSm! on morrow he hli caaai. Zodora aolra nln of tba SaH SV in the would arrest Captain VmW They began dodging amasg ta trato aura whan bar unela died, and aha la Ww Bruce, Madam Do Val. aad their con- of har pledge. m m h.-- . x JXm hopee that the occupants af the MskoaetBS WWfl , Hfl W fedérate At tha death of har unola, Zodora baa RHsV'fl -- fl .TS AbbbLc-- .would not are them ; bat la this they tailed. )lB But imagine Zudora'a amassment the next another aullar for har hand Jim Balrd, ' JmW amaa! KadcliBe leaned out of tta lasts win- sT HA. IBSBSTaa to a BBT morning when ahe received n polite invitation a man who baa bean playing aa anubla ssVw fRymfr v tgm dow. to Haaaam All. but who, through alnoara íSk v C mUf'' from Madam Du to attend a tango mWW W 'A-"JL- " ! " be whispered " Vl up J aaaaaBBBk. SBBBB Hnat Hunt sad that love of tha girl, gives tba falaa Ufa V ' t latsV dance And when Storm telephoned that he and goes baok to hla work aa a ns traps man Balrd I What the devil tara they been par reporter, up tof" tad aleo received one, they concluded to notify weat up few r No longer obliged to aolra Haaaam " Wt eaa anna had out." asid Madam Da Hast lie Is the air for a Alia eaaaa Zudora now oonfronta tba Val uneasily " They toinutes m yetar y ess't lire fat lata tk greatest of all. which la tba "What shall wa dor" aaksd Zodora. myatery of own Ufa tba ambi- house with ths serraste es tta watch " bar sad " Walt a minute," ssid tion to secara tba raat fortune at lie. " Ton never can tell about this Hunt" Hast Then ha aa speke. They ere contemplating 000.000 left bar. O looktog tbraagk bar replied KadduTe grimly. " Her w are. "do. ta uncle's papara aha atoa bar sat a trap tor you, and we'll them tads tha Come, hurry t " sat father left bar aa tatareto to a liamial ea that count I'll have the placa mine, aad storm aad Balrd both toad They got out of the tar ssd ras sp ths surrounded by the police.- - They've got nerve; la trying ta regala far har tepe Upo a catering they both Intuitively of aetata, wale hi B and I'm carious to see how far it will tala balac weat tato the salon Radclifa flrst weal to proprlatad by rognea. stretch. Till Storm to arto himself Balrd the gem vault; but nothing there had hasm sided with Zudora ara Detective ataat and I wHl ba withia calling dieta oca. With and Balrd. who eat out South Af- touched. Than Madam opened the top of tha far the police at hand I daa'l think there'll ba rica to look after aome of bar diamond j tahl. minee. There they bare a adding en- any great risk. Olv 'em raps', they'll hang counter with game of tha rssjaaa who "Sane!" themselves." Hast kung ap ths telephone eeek Zudora'a fortune. Brentually they "What' pane?" demanded lUddhte " A final adventure !" cried Zudora. to York, Shortly return New Afterward " Iferythlat ! " he cried paadoaataly. any Zudora la kidnaped. Storm, through a "It It was aaa but Hunt, I'd bcrsf "They hs re c leased oat the drawer com- fisherman, learns aha la held aaptlra on sC Bat the old boy knows what ha'a da an island. Hla near ah far bar ta rala. pletely Radclid, are are lost t " Balrd and Hunt are aaJtotoé aad by He rang vlelratly far (he strvasts Bat It wss rather a remtrkahle gathering shadowing one at the farda of Badara they swore neatly that they knew they find aad rasisi bar. which appeared at Madam Du Val's rtledkv The ama day two of tha roamea try nnthlng And as these eervsats were tory dance. Half of them knew that soma to amuggla a nan of Zudora'a dlamonda crook' nf minor order, Radcltfe wa farced thiag serious was afoot aad ths other half Into-Ne- York. Huat aad Balrd try to to believe theto. Bat he gave them s beratiag felt thajl something la could atop- wts the sir, but them la tha harbor hat la rain. over their tofillMBIto, a berating ta The chase leads to tha Jersey abara, sat to sot tall what Hust'a faait lay In hla where Hunt aad Balrd reeorer tito dia- forsottta toed. and in hla overcoaAdanca he for- sVsfsaaai ' 'aBBBBSNBSaW mj monds, only to lose them again whan at- atBsBfaaBBBai lafir asm 4fr iaS "Well," sgld Hadcllfe, strivlag to calm got all about tha underground passage until tacked by Zudora'a enemlea They try I MgdShl, who had Inexplicably buret lata tears, hid quarry wars suddenly found missing. stake, but to burn Balrd at tha Hunt a tidy away. folia this aad Balrd to freed. In tha "we're tot sum aaltod Pre H wss fnrioua. They bsd ployed with kiss meanwhile Madame Da Val plans ta warned you a hundred Hateo, but you would is s manenr he had baas tar from expac- ateal valuable papera concerning Zu- play the game to a talas. Bat I doo't under t's. Hs hsd S senestJon not unlike that dora'a estate. tand your tear, ten ktrew tta risks w of a nonamoker bsvlng tobacco amok puffed ClbpyrlgMl ISIS. By Barate atoathreah.l were tiklng. And sew, flight Thank tha to hla faca. Ha called to Balrd. CHAPTER XX. Lord, the yacht's In commission. That'll taha "They've) gone into tha Bidarground pay. took two wadeB tor Balrd" burn to "Bsd lack!" abe reiterated. "It waa my pie leave the villa empty. And, by Otorga, beaL And Hato t down, as tt war, IT llUt, and saw ths charm la broken." there goes the phone sow I"- - He teak down and patieatiy waited for hla Mead's re- " Pat on your things and we'll go right down tie receiver. " Tfcst yon, Balrd? covery. Ha osaid bar gone forward Use! to the Jeweler' and prevent the hoodoo froto They've left the villa 7 I'll be there lasado kSsBBBBBTH alone, but Balnl bad stuck to htm no loyally jH mMsBBBfl' getting in say active work." Storm laughed. of ten minutes. And yon heard ths ? and devotedly that he hadn't the heart to Ha had vary few superstitions. Ah, the diamond cutter'! Great work, disappoint his. Half an hour later they were at the Jew- boy; I'll make you my partner for tM." " I want to as la at the death. Hunt." eler's. Hunt turned eagerly to hi visitors. " I'm " All right, my tar- - may ba a bit risky . " It O, yto; that can be fixed easily enough," off. I can't let this chance slip by. Tou watting, bat I'm going to take the chance." he declared. " The pictures will have ta ta people sit quiet until y .u hear froto sss. I'vs mighty good of roo. Cea wa bring "If takes Sat, though, while ths locket is being s hunch that we're fotng to do some round- the count of murder agslatt thorn to regard up work this a ftersóos. Storm, yoa keep to the superiateadeafs death?" He picked up a assail tool and pried the Zudora under your eye sp to midnight. Tou " That' a hard ant to crack, " anawered phatograpka fres tha tose aad handed them never ess tell. The rata may tura oat bit " All I clearly Is to Ms them Hunt eaa aat to Etldora. Idly aha tureed them ever. whoa they learn that the game to up. Prom- o the (round of sSBOggllng; that Is, If I "Why. what thief" aaa cried, Indicating ise?" 9PasBsmisl bbsssBB don't find aomethlag asses vital to desk HHiBHassgggsrC mmmíméWti am that a slip of pspar which adhered to the back " I promise," laughed Storm IK mm of Madam Do TaL lac you'vs been laid 'L édttj KB sNsaH of her mother's picture. Hunt found Balrd hiding In the pérgola. sp I've found of sews." as oda Pit She spread it out oa the esas aad read " Everything all right?" "What' that?" lead: Tear father's will has been left Is " Yea. Bat you'll have to hurry. No "This man RadcUCe knew Zudora EjKJaMÉaBBBBBBBal mW. charge at oar trusted trisad. Cáptala knowing when they'll return. I judge they VW MJM La mfl father." took aome diamonds to the lapidary'. Looks mW sBSaSs! BbI sbbsV I BSft V "No!" "Oast lord!" esetaimed Storm. " Oirl, aa if they smelled a rat and were cleaning Um I SBSV. H " Sure thing. Bow aad under what rail anas the key to the whole business; tota np. That window up open. there la Come sBBb! conditions I wags't able to learn. Vlllier'e mWf bbbbbbbsbbbT W 7 word far it I propose you run down to . along and I'll gire yon a boost. I U'etand l extra document brought this bit to light Hunt s ssVs st aaos. Hell went this." under to give you warning is case they re- Madam Du Tal Broca, and Radcllffe are Mesa time Hast hsd a visitor. It waa Mar-es- s turn before you complete the ton." crook of a high order ; I confess that tat Viniere at Montana, in charge of tha Hunt besas the ascent immediately. The there are aome eoafouodedly big bolea is my Zudora said mines. Hs wa informing tha window wss unlocked. Gently tha detective sssttgassssevKMBmsmV WW set I'm worried to death far (ear they'll fl detective that ha had gasjgtatsd to fallow hla rttoed It and slid lato tta room. He wasted lip through. If I ess gat 'am on the granada documenta to cast they seeded hi testimony, no time there, bat made directly for the of grand larceny aad fraud aad perjury, why, When Storm and Zudora bant into the astas stairs, alert aad Watchful. Tta servaate wars I can send than op for a scan for ta his a am- gWlth their astonishing aews still Is ths villa, and ho wss sot destrone f ber of year.'' ! " "I knew It aald Hast, Jubllastly. "They running afoul of them. He the " riatihll Weil, let' pray for that much. It seems Símil too confounded assured to suit me. stairs safely ssd weat daws as anandlooalj to me that Haaaam Alt' Hindu aarraat did And this little scrap ad paper will solve s a est He psssed sbruptly at ths first not aell everything; they had something to tta riddle. Balrd fa out at the villa, ready laadiag. Some one waa is tha Grecian salon. with, and only to fortify them- to me start wanted eesd word to the It waa tta butler. He wss clearing the lit- - selves. Well, hard's hoping I'd ap aad out BBBBBBBb! sBTwV 3k by the end of the weak. If getag totas grand amaahup for somebody." ' mm. Ubbbbbbb 'wsbb m si l,rVa?lXwaa! mBBBBBBBBKteHsielaBBm Three days after Paird was freed of hit bandage. Storm paid s riah to Zodora. She was sitting is tha window seat, thrumming a guitar. He toaead the box of sowars Into her Up. She op said It with delight. "Are you still of tba same mind!" he : asked. mm m "Same miad for what?" ah sBBBBBBBBBBsssaaaaiamia sbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbb ' ssasBfllC; 5isslZS knowing full well ta what ta II iff ity ' tB; 'gam ItlEE JGOHE INTO THE ÜNDE "That you will starry at toasd of three months?" Lam ami entsnflami tts table of glasses. When ht had theto all us any where we dare to go" saga. Wa have aas chess kg s hundred sa the trap he etalked oat of the rosaa. Saddealy tta woman reas to ta tost la block lag tkem sM garage. Look " I aerar brash Bay warn, Jeaa. Pertagi Sit at tta " Maybe tomorrow hs will not hold Ms heat toar from eyas, oUvs!" If I hadn't baas OtahSaBrs BAd abolish bar to BS4 ' as klgk, a used Hunt, ooBllaslag his way If I weep U to had married yaw s tta Shalt SU thass dreaMll I with tears at Tk tors ras essHisly from the hossa IIÉ down. He tiptoed toto the salea. - things might sevsr tato to toa" rasa- That Utile atoll, to beat us whoa am They hBSfid I Ths abject fosad tas garage boarded up. They - 11 trot of hie attosttoso was tta t Well, you're toe hat SlklaB. Oto satog to blah up this at aad at toe, taaa. hagas bat taring al S Wlsdaw Sd succeeded Hunt tiliphnsml gasa ve ait He sseeaedsd is opening the ay way " today thai be aad Balrd stair la tta barricade tost ths ragV panel Is the column, but the vault waa seats lb)!?" breasted as' r were bow ready for tta way SaSh. Age wtoa "Aat abela tlveo left the gerags at ths othsr sod. They do you euppnaa pjamt iagiy Impregna ble. II desisted and gsve M " I wttl gles s rseepttos to told met " stoat." Jumped into the empty van awaiting them Sttosttoa to the table. He cast aside the " Tos are I A I They'll hold "What?" sud imgtlsa Just as Hslrd and Hunt crawled Into lbs " That this eovor sat books and hither and thither ta tkst la the Ternto" re,' garage. They saw by the open trap thai isa big StatMs flugv huailag for Ue alto I " teUtea They'll sagss Du Val's to sto. est of tba btrda had flown. Out of the wieulow " combinattas He was about to tdv up la stay Iupoeaiblel sat while ore daanag. or wait again they weat. In time to see the vss (a dSapalr waaa the top el the table slowly a at Atol tsto Bsy Is ta SBt lag for the arrival af the palls, we'll slip lumbering Oaf. tarned. explain away mssy aajaatoahaj thtoga. Haw. tas tta taaaef and Bath mm astawsy uader " Ak. my frisada. I talkrvs I've yarn gt "They're to that!" yelled Hunt, in a give me that lie I re beea wastes far ato fad ttato eesy seas. I Insist spas ft I knew. In bellow my My, atraagfad "taaa. Nsver is alt k fa career hat 1 atare I came tofo ata PPP" tta of hands thfa trip. Tta aU think otar are playing with as, what of papers - ba beea ao brsssaly made a fuol of. She dew lato Ws arato, eery grstofat s stock They'll suae lator- whito aa tta issltoiy ti to w who will play unite atttog read! tig, I'll taw a pair etswag Is sktoM her. Vt sta wiU tkem But ths vas seised speed and rapidly He wsat ever " ew bark frtto hta tta IMt. took satoasfo, I - agatost U, hat I sss sm that your drew away from the punuers. Hunt had s lag her father' aad Sksthert atetaras eesaajt w tat SI asada saw Dost tars to aw with saved Sudors 's sdlltoas for har. but he tat , He a button Ms gsra a eteiamattoa of ekte It, had all he nraasha If sta sbsm kaswe bs she other teas forever hie trio of prortoaa rooks Ha Ike dtsmai. triad bj asSSt oh Broken chala ; hat It Whef e the aat af ptayhSf gem wheat received this Isturmatlua three weeks later. he was too lato to psaweat the laehst fasto we re np against a PTtpiaktiia gata ftoto? Made si Da Val's yaeat bad ras sfoal a falling to the taaa. ii. " 11 fa sty ni Sua ting estos ta tta raghsS ehaaoel, sat " AH right, too everybed aa heard bat asa taw a. . 4 4 if broke! sta ostat O. ni ata mar dea al Stag ta tat tatas sf it. a Stog so der a sastkrv bed for ate BiWial Storm sat stasara war mavrtsd la tha hsve Stat htm a good deal Is the end. Some If we don't his tonight we wbk-- - he replied- - A jeweler wffl mWk asfl OBxVa7 to. ska n't Bad Ds Vol tills, really had bees par- I as SM to patch it up withseit soy teatjUp áV ltmmmimBmaamaaaaaammmmmmmmr2 LSarafarlSSsal victories are eedy half victorias , aad tote based by atoa boiaagrisg to her fa that s ' wss poiag to brio thee boss to hUa. ' waatoear." &AJ0O NorinriNó nuNT TVUJ i vici, If yea run away, do so si osos," astoto Tha ended the tríala of Zudora, Us tiptoed foto the hall, tew ap ch stairs. IThs stoatj DIMPLES Pido Lr a c3 Tattle-Tal- e. ebtGRACE 3.

1 I ' y , i - A. .. . .7 I WW

OH. Ooo I y- L f AIR y - STor rooU5T" Hoo HA, wy-BAB- yov El Paso Lands Another Convention for 1916 Ray McClintock Captures National Bill Posters Assfi

METAL MARKETS. WEATHER FORECAST. the ilHtoM Press Mew York silver ...MftB WASHnOToi. srnil in WET TEXA, !w Vort ertrelyttr. M WMM "KW Mr.XICrt. tnir.it, ' loRAtwi OBI-- - nfr. kkally paih vxty ami To lM M H94.W mm mmt$ mondat. 35TH YEAR EL PA3Q, TEXAS, 5UNDAY, APRIL 1 1 , 1 9 3. ENGLISH SECTION 36 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS FORTY THOUSAND MEN IN DEATH STRUGGLE AROUND CELAYA



Intrepidity of Conventionalist Troop Overcomes Disadvantage of Inferior Numbers and THREE HUNDRED DESTI- Blocks Carrancista Plan to Invade Northern Mexico While Villa Was Engaged Tampico; Vivid Description of By TUTE UNITED STATES CIT- Around Gory Scenes Only Newspaper Man on Battlefield. IZENS APPLY TO STATE DEPARTMENT FOR TRANS By Special Ware fe the 71 asee The gusrdt held out their left arma show- we slept on boxes or ammunition la General Chihuahua, Mexico, April 10. For- ing the purple calico bandit, which ntd Hands' box car. PORTATION HOME; VILLA eign Minister Miguel lilac Lombardo been distributed In the morning as mark By daybreak the rattle br the fire had tonight received the following tele- or gram recognition by the Vllllttaa. Their Inrreased to a roar. Automobiles began lo PRO- from the genersl hogriqiiarler In amy was ex- pull up GOVERNMENT FILES of lleneral Villa's army before Celaya, slsrrlty displaying ine bol In the road bealdo the car. Their plained later when they told us thai six smoke anil dust begrimed drivers cried out (luanajiiato, together with the rcquoii ror tlisl It be M Hie I'nltetl of tftetr own men who had neglected to smmunltlnn. Soldiers snd trainmen TEST AGAINST LANDING transmitted pitched In States for the Information of the Am- wear the band had been shot by mistake as and transferred box arter box people: they or cartridges lo tlw walling cars which, erican emerged from a bouse In the town. as In OF HUERTA. "The of cur troops ta x soon sa loaded, swirled swsy the cloud situation waa At R Obregon'. lore- .re tvaru-attn- II growing dusk when the train of dual. Intervals cannon limbers and eellenl. up on gallop and being pursued stopped beside the Haciendo Crespo 011 csissins would dash drawn the celaya ire the by six mules. Hacking cases would be by our men. who are giving outskirts or Olaya. The sinking sun the enemy no chance to rest. ripped open and the shells removed to the By through lateral bars or red and purple was ammunition boxes. The mounts would lash the Aatm i.ttrtl PrttM ' "Obregon's action In svsdlng bsttle or Washington, April 10. Three hundred un- with the conventlonsllst rorces here liming the while domes tbu churches In the mules, Ibe annuals would strain at the employed Americana hava appealed lo the Indlraira the complete failure of the the town. There had been righting to aa tugs snd the lumbering vehicles would talc department for transportation from Carrancista campaign for the Invasion hour before around the hacienda The jangle away to the waiting battery. Tampico to tho United sures The situa- of northern Mexico." bodies of horses snd men were lying on the walked through the court yard of the tion there was reported officially today to ground about the large slone ranch house. hacienda house a humped yards from the be serious. Food Is scarce and lbs) fighting Sy FLOYD OIBBONS. The general said the trains would remain track. Dead men slid horses on the ground continues. Tribune.) there for the mailt. The cannon Tire from were In sufficient number to show that the (Staff Correspondent Chicago the town sounded like the boom or Ice advance of me day Perore had been stoutly Officials here discussed arrangements for (luanajuato, army Kleld Headquarters. Irapuato, cracking on a lake on an eitrs cold day. contested at this place. An officer and two the use of irsnsports, which would en- - The staccato guns re Tampion rerugee if the April 10. Oenerel Kranclaco Villa it of the machine be tent for the r a stats department formally requests them, aged In battle with the forres or his sembled the noise of battery of energetic Oral. Alvaro carpet beaters. With Major Roque Sosa, hacienda had been deserted. He did not on Monday. mends and rellow soldier. English speaking chief or OeneraJ army considera a the know the owners but said that the Tub state department had no news from obregon, the man whom he Manila's staff, I started walking down the needed the grain fur the horses and would the Celaya district, where the forces of Iraltor to Mexico and the arch enemy 01 track In the dark In the direction or the leave a receipt for It. Squatting by the ocneral Obregon and General Villa bad the country. The fight has been m prog- firing- A battery or Vlllt'a Held pieces farm machinery under the farm shed wo- been engaged in skirmishing preliminary ress for four days about the town or ce- waa busy near a farm house a mile south men were busy baking tortillas over the to what la expected to be an Important laya, thirty miles rrdm here. The lots of or Ibe track. The flash or Hie exploding coals or small tires. At one end sn officer battle. George C. Carolbers, American con- life has been heavy on both sides, villa's shrapnel could he seen over the tewu . - had sel up his table arid bis servants ware sular agent usually at villa headquarters, and left serving bun tortlUss rrotn flour Instead of repre- artillery hat been raining shrapnel into Wa passed the work train the corn. waa now a or wounded lias cone to Guadalajara to make car- - track for the better walking we expected to There stream to local Villa una town with terrific effect. The returning from the firing line. Soldiers sentations the authorities moats and encounter on tin: road beside It. After concerning toe percentage tax to be Im- ranciatts, Intrenched behind atumbllng over the bodies of dead borsch came by carrying the corners or blankets posed on foreign property and to which hardwire barriera, have been able witn we encountered a tort ouikv rorm mat was containing Iner masses from which blood the British government as well as the inetr marliine runs and rifle fire to slop plodding along slowly In the darkness. It dripped Into Lie dust. They were left In l states have taken exception. the-- cavalry onslaughts which were was a a wounded boy on lb grass beside the hospital cars to awall ulled fierce soldier rsrrying on the The Villa agency protested on behalf of directed sgslnat the fortirtcatlons. About his back. He aakrd to be directed to the tbvlr turn operating tablet. llenera! Villa against the expected presence 40.000 man sre engaged In the battle. Villa hospital train. On further four men were There was out little groaning. These 10 or General Huerta on American territory, 11,000, arriving resting beside the track. Between them Villa children know well how surfer in baa with reinforcements was a on which lay a alienee. men approached the ear claiming ho Intended to violate neutrality dally. Obregon la reported to nave ler litter made of rifles Four against colonel shot through the breast. Sosa sent bearing a slretrher on which was a figure by starting hostile movement H0.OUO ,000 the cliy wnen com- between and In two of the men btck to the front and we covered with a bisnket. It waa the body of Mexico. No action was taken on toe Altbough Villa munication. ' he departed for Queretero. took their placet at the litter. That night oenerál Agustín Estrada, wbo had been haa not taken the city bis army feels vie The slate department, dons not intend to Inferior tney Interpose any objection the admission of lortoua because with numbers to Hopped Obragon't advance to the Huertas when he arrives In New York to- BLtTSSIMb-TO- have night or tomorrow, but will probably take north, which bad apparently been planned under consideration proof of alleged viola- to take advantage of villa's activity in the PROMINENT NEW MEXICO OFFICIALS tion of neutrality which the villa agency Tampico campaign might present. villa's sudden leave wtin tuch a large Word was received late today that Leon- rirm and simultaneously has attacked the force frotn Monterrey came as a surprise ard C. Worcester, Jr., the American assay er Herman front which passea close to the to the Carrsnelatas, who were advancing who has been In jail In chihuahua as sev- FURIOUS Lorraine border between Nancy and GARRISON URGES without opposition In this psrl or the UNDER INDICTMENT IN CONNECTION eral months aa the result of some difficul- BATTLE Chateau 8sltns. country. The night before he left son over ore shipments, wss to be capture of Lea Epgrgea on the ties about The terey I was enough to be a guest released on ball by the Villa authorities, northern side of the wedge appears to fortunate as requested. al a dinner given in his honor at ine the consul had have been the moat marked succeaa the me to French have gained after almost a fort- United States cotisulste. He in lied accompany htm on this campaign against WITH ESCAPE OF GENERAL SALAZAR message FOR CARPATHIAN night's fighting, although the manner In LARGER REGULAR A from Brownsville tonight to which Germans counter obregon. Mondsy night leri 111a pri the Garrama agency says: the are attacking villa upon In the forest of Montmare, fo the south- vate tram here and with his bodyguard or "The movement of the Villa troops east, they feel Matamoros aaums to have resulted In a would Indicate that the MS maa atorad fifteen miles sourness! lo complete fa. lure of plans, for scouts re- French pressure from that direction moat Salamanca- - The trip was made on a train turned today from Las Hurlas and reportad PASSES WITHOUT severely. ARMY AND AMPLE cal tie cara. The horses inside, an General lioo.rlgue has been compelled All the other attacks the Germans claim on top. occupied United States Grand Jury at Santa Fe Finds True Bills Against that to have repulsed with heavy loases lo the men, and offloera Villa to abandon his attack on Matamoros owing na aman rea cenoose which wss sue 10 to recent orders received to concentra'.i KTench. Elf Baca, District Attorney Vigil and Monterey aa the As If the battles In the Carpathians and private car be captured In the revolution Attorney ego Game bis forces at garrison left lights wss rusneo there Is threatened with annihilation by RESULT toe Woevre were enough for one lime, RESERVE FORCE Without the train a strong force of constitutionalists." DECISIVE the campaigns In other parts of Europe through the darkness on account or ma Warden Trinidad C. de Baca; All Protest Innocence. A message signed by General Villa and and in Asia seem to have come to a aisnd-stll- rsudlng bands of the enemy, which bad sent from Trapualo late today was received There has been Isolated fighting been in the vicinity. At the tama along the reported by the Villa agency here tonight and reads east Prussian border and along time the danger of a wreck through de the Y ser in I as follows; river Flanders, but be en track, of bridges, or the explosion we have had to gageroeui have been small affairs as com- stroyed By imprisonment In New Mexico, and It I toa "In several encounters lay or a mine the tram was ever present. Noeciol irtrr fe thr Timr, the enemy bat ne-- n eomp'.nehr defeated. pared with the two great battles. The under Albuquerque, N. M . April 10. Stale Oame theory of the orricers that Utero wa aato GERMANS SUCCEED CHECK and occasionally come WAR SECRETARY DECLARES II was syier midnight when we ruscBSS Russians Turks Into Warden Trinidad be Baca, of Santa fe; a conspirator JOLT KOK VVIFK BEATER. conflict in the Caucasus, but, on the whole Salamanca. Deputy sheriff Alleged Conspirator ING ADVANCE OF SLAV the campaign of the allies against Turkey ABHORRENCE OF WAR m the station platform, in the public District Attorney Manuel U. Vigil, of Albu According 10 the rolled states secret Saala r Maa Uvea Two Ye New Is swatting the commencement or a newer squsre, end up every street leading rrotn querqu; Kirego Baca, or Alhuquerque service officers. Carlos Armlio, deputy Hesito Pestleatlery and bigger effort to force the Dardanelles. the a tallón, mf an ir y men were sleeping on Momeo Aranda. of Albuoueraiie: carloi ahertrr or Bernalillo county, who wa la A 1 IN LOVE By Saxoisl Wire Is taw. HORDES AND TASK OF Germany's note to the I'nlted Sialee ob- AND OF PEACE ARE the ground, their guns beside them, ine Amnio, of Albumin roue, snd Porfirio adrá charge or Ibe Jail al the time or the escape, M April 10. or Sania Pe, !. Sylvisno jecting to that country supplying arms and cavalry waa encamped beyond the town in is, or Albuquerque, were louay inairieu wss In the pay the other conspirators. Chaves, convicted In the here to v m Is charged to district court INCREAS- ammunition the allies la given 1 promi- CONSIST-EN- T AI 4 o the Lulled Slates grand Jury, anting It that he allowed hlmseir be or beating, a felony New VADERS GROWS place Id THOROUGHLY the directions or the enemy. clock ror wife under the nent the news of the day. but has every Santa Fe. for conspiracy to assist Uen. Jose beaten up on thai occasion s blind and Mexico law, waa today sentenced to two yet been upon. ine bugles began aouiiutug from Y immediately upon escape he wa not commented army una naiaaar escaping rrom ine nenia that his veara la the stale penitentiary. In impos INGLY DIFFICULT WITH WITH WISE AND ADE- quarter of the town. By 7 ine entire llllo county jail Ui old Albuquerque on Mo taken rrom lb jail In Ih automobile or ing sen tenue Judge Abbott declared be waa wss on the move toward o laye, rineen ruber tu laat. (lame Warden He Baca and carried to the determined 10 break up lbs practice, which. MILE GAINED. QUATE MILITARY miles away. Unable 10 obtain a horse I Inrormatlou as to the indictments was al ranch of District Attorney vigil, seven be said, nad grown rar 100 common 01 late EVERY DANIELS BLAMED sltarfsFd myself pi Uaaerai Manuel Banda, rtrsi withheld pending the arrest or the men miles from Albuquerque, where be waa a Defendant, during the trial, maintained a involved, Uiiilgot ornciai announce- accreted for eight daya fa a hiatmasi of " was within bis rights in slapping who was ha retnmrvt of the military trama but husband ware to follow the advance ment waa made by District Attorney Sum- an adobe house. his wife, a contention which was overruled that ordered ala- by a work train mers Burkhart. rrom the vigil ranch. II la charged, by the court. Notice of an appeal to the immediately. Preceded ever aluce the sensational escape or Saia- - zar went on horses provided by Elfego supreme nas oeen given. By Ike see ess lad Frees containing melaríais for IBs repair of rourt i FOR F-- 4 HORROR xar laal November, rumors hava been fly Baca through the country by easy stages, InsraaS With Arm Ceasplrary London, April 10, There has been a eon irarfc and bridges, we reecned ing thick and rati about Albuquerque and riding for the most part al night, and luca Maitox or Ganup was today held to slderable extension of the battlefields both By the daseráatetl rVaee station of arabia and learned tnai v 111a santa re to ine erren mat ajni more sense- - finally was smuggled serosa the border Into wtll the action of the Mckinley county cavalry developments were when Jury charge an the Carpathians and in the Woevre dis- Raw York, April 10. Dudley M. Harrison, at the bead of hit nail encountered iloual lo tome Mexico. Celestino otero snd Monica Aranas grand 00 the of conspiracy to war Ih matter had been thoroughly sifted, snd sre alleged to have been the man wbo his own house. J. N. Scull, principal France, of extreme secretary or war, in a discussion of national Carranclstaa there. There ata bum trict of where fighting In rsncn during the lasL. two or UireC weeks It haa actually look aalasar rmm the Jail, whllu witness ior ine aiaie, lesuiiea no nan Been tonight, wounded ViUlsUa a bouse by the violence con Ma use by day and Bight, with MWnUtMKXTKTl VK OABONEII MfCIJUUU defease at a banquet here declared ran up rrotn aaaa aa opaa secret mat insu-i- n.,rnry Saved ra la alleged to have taken part in natal IU0 by Maitox to the 1.1 I tracks. The women the trams burn dwelllna any decision having NAVAL Aha h M t.t that ao ne who suggested that peste waa Viall snd llame Warden Ie Bart would Ibe conspiracy rter the actual escape. Vi lends of the accused are convmcad or out. however, definite OUT LIVES! Of BAJEtJeM, following and poured into the ranch house, both men been 1 aechad to be obtained through reebleness should be lodlcieul. In fait, Deleadaata Prole.! laavreaee in. looking ai each col In search or a familiar trobably the rumora concerning them and istrlct Attorney Vigil tonight denied The Kuaalans have made tbenuelves be lia leased to and IBM "abhorrence of war Wa on lo allow the bas- - of the principal chain of moun rata. nevad freely spoke of the charges In a jaguar moal posiiueiy any complicity in a coo Earl Woods and Oteon Pike were today masters By the dsseoistast frese and love of paaea are pltsl to pick up the wounded to by taina rrotn Dukla pasa to L'asok paaa and thoroughly consistent train maimer. so racy free Relaxar or knowledge of the sentenced Lulled Slates Judge Page Washington. April 10 Representan ve '' we came upon scene of BJ sbjbbbBsb 01 suen s to serve three months fa jail for the have begun an attletk on the German with wise military precautious yond arable the Paaa Tragedy rlaniffaa. conspiracy uataa Monis uaruner or siaassrnuseiis gave a dinner the encounter. II waa s hundred The liidlcuaem of the six man, It U said, Warden De Baca, when seen In sania Pe, inert or s nunioer 01 arums rroiu an In aaare 10 me arsay UM Mr. Oairlaos asserted ibai the rirst sooujni reserve or Use rollownd revelations made by Mrs Celes- a similar denial. The other defend shan't bouae 00 the Navajo reservation pass eastward to the Beekld paaa. This lolled ti latee Light of the sixteen re santa af a si andina arm than we now acre field to south of the tracks and The Navajo and his son returned to section of the Carpaibiaus has been the uave la a patent lo every mie wno eon by two irrtgsiion iw.ive tino otero, whose husband. It la charged, ale could not be seen tonight, but II Is their arrviata attended. The Proceedings wen tact bounded waa abut aad by Elfrgo Baca in or in. deny ion MaiMil le.mc and nailed 11k ibtevee many scene sime early February of ny fierce ta to vfowa aiders uta subject' and there was un deep and dry I Here killed U under stood that til tended express the of the distara that leri Paso on Use mgbi or January 11 last, and get. mué serosa mountain and desert before iters between on the of the defensa av. a aaaa or trained reserves out IB field. A dm bar state national Prjtlv bodies alreiihed la of others who were connected IB one way lo arrests have yet been made, but U la Ibei were captured Mr üardnar asada the principal ajlirtV. ue.bilr noiiisrv forts, in or mora dead and Broken judae Murria leaves linlshl far aa said, waa Ism iiiau m.uuu harta ut,i.pn ar another with the alleged conspirators believed Ibal thla will lake place tomorrow d referred lo the lecanl loe. of ih. sub dangling Elfego waa Uie b MlitaaueU- - II U reported litsuirt Judge the Husaian amy. whose task It waa 10 the urganlMd gamita. waa ant wires frota II will be recalled that Mara ar Monday In all probability ineu will artas which be esvaraeiaalaad it a slopped wnile me give bond. VMIIiaui H Hope of New Mexico Is sen hold them hack until the fall of iho fortress. "BTaaaomi rimgaial aa aeeretarr Danu-u- ' ay usoae woo ano snai eu) the trata for taanaral aalasar throughout nia all ou.ly 111 at SUMS Francisco, where be hit Now. this deraaau army has brut gteru MM ai peaceful peraaaalaa mmi naalMta uuag uaa linéate Beatas repatrias the win. a. been holding United tales court. another - of trying u prevent ike u MMtakaaaaa Urge bay aorta with a bullet broken tip 41 resethtritiee an Mats Leads, Russians frota straagbtnomg oui uvir lines. "The lass of life on the F a," said he. "U wa általas hie lasancne in the canter state Land Oosnsadsdsanvr Hubert p maca is necessary aerare ios tavaaaon as doe o, e,relai naniria urjleii BJ our Mr oUBi.lei tills ef IB flats aad wauaasylng 11 waa ine krvleo kan SSSM letters to all the big oU Hungary la andartahaa It is apparent aubiuai-tna- hile the war In fcurope oaly sign of life on the field To relieve concerns calling aiieiuiou to Mr Oarsaaar asMtaataat oaatarad the aileal loa of oar people pfKluclng lb. thai this amar has succeeded In ai leaai raaissd an whteh. 1Mb weaaia aattaal or it eurreriag Hands wsibiUtUs of oil on ins Mats lands of New checking Busaiau advance aa the UTd "' n the subject matter, we bate no ag the Sa rataré ive any tachad as a Btataar and. steading in uaa Mexico The new law removes all resurte Austria official report clauns a vtcaary far aBaMtof y uueniiou aaaiasi uetkie and taja an oil tanda, ratea sany aw eats daaager ctSii3Smm sritdlIalo la aa bun of any such aggrasaivs door of his car. wat bulksi ihreeayh las Next Sunday. April 18th tute, lata sector, waits mm asaa-- the any he tteeeci at any uuauui) they have heea uaaJHe loa on the part of nation sgainst saatasfs head. Agata Uaa woaaaa poured uai aaajeep anger ta eaBaare aui am wnjca use atmsa asi ttaped with at aba out of in trata aad rushed fresa aa Holnrli II ailuñ.11 t soteruuicbl uie between laaufc paaa and Baabid pass srrrontery of theae dieungulahed officers." "Abhorrence of war and love ef paaea are rraaa we eg ma, Halsaid uartBear. at saciare the raaasanee BaprsssulaOve "and A woaaaa Bar a terolott Aa lbs Batanas hava forera si to sgam head la fingere aetata their disposal and sptvndld rail forbad, has board meal anadel to a red cord, aaa 1 If true almas ml of aatha ta denied I chai til atas w.i pain Ifiuminfl ffimtf taha meen te ana front. ceaanstssKe X 11 a mtgf Um eraaliial to pernal a ptahuc la had raaaovad frota aha neck af dead f man Kvery Bi feet toe nt'thá I eeasalsrlmj adrad atoes read ahsrrta ratata. ah Uarr waa a body Mere s hurae witn a will iaasua a apascial (action entirely devoted! to losal ÉanMalasn TMÉ nMatHB MlUttafY nVPtanaaf S. ho rart Asa BAaBUM Ba- NauTJH brutee leg waa tyStS oa He aide tad s few wedMasr , ave, sana ana lubil. llsal Use usu. ttoath the y-- flLMBLV feat further was the body of ine rider aeaak beard sa Baada rtajiaaa of Ins Miatruaa of New ' faaana fare be aimd Building ts Mat I the alataoa of ouaj Real Estate and News no bsva granted paraateenan lo Prufe ador a aartans ahita cjei ta leinsaai aa the fiar NrttfSSTW - ra. trata at a. kldstar of Harvard ver ally usa lairnn'alai teiegrapa arder More uaau iwaaty bejai-na- Peabody and ani It will ba tha am. ol the TIMES to ehow ita reader, that aj f J J WWinniy assets lata lanaght a Has road oa aMfeer aide Two la in a flourishing condition in the South weal and that El IÁ eass the rrearh srsav ta a Woovre dudrid Work pasBaaraaiiry to ralahaf sal ZXútt eyóaaa at iba baas af a corral wait sanas several fears I ,1.. la hassaairan ai the two sutes at the Oar etast Ma uaa v shst 8 told of a aa aaacuiaua. Paso a tha moat pioeperoue city ta tha Unttod Stated today. Atdaxer, Mas aaaa wedge ashiih was tsrlvea Into Usa 1.... mh,. Beta as of a alaadlag lumasaf tat rat tvsSiasy ai aa vi .1 k. ui I hail hi he dusts br harina pursuer, uad left five usee guarding use ajassf sAs por sen saa tu hasp uasrz Freo, a lane, aa far aa ML Mahaal early m I tatas ihinaa ha saw haw Have fe osstaaaVsrsBas aaaa aa sa aaaat thai - Ft Mat . a ana way. and watch tana far baa rimih 1 lav nana to Bar. 19 IS EL PASO MORNTNC TIMES Sunday. April II.

sts rev She virs artjrr tmm te tae car ranrtaua at Mal XII us la throiirt M TbsrT of ror atacRRtea wa pensil red GET RID OF HUMORS I nite,! ui. by satesTwvua bast ntght. car fee. iieatertl Rodrttme tele today use' Be Ratita was sasiseg is aeeare atsre iT, beiongmr bt loes Ira r Mnrpby. anulen noon a taxi .1. i ito etwenaj. fere beeinninr his attaeh. Wtn he gag Mb. ISM. tR property sf O J. Binrord. tasar - BLeaMt. a get not ate to TAr. tttar- n n ft sftt (at ha peat bsssg tnlett Judge Marphy's roarMa eermiMiv. out said mat tn Sata Nervine a v. BU on Tejas street tb telen aleadlos belig, Salesmanship ftetas wwekt do) nA entirely oa waa Use Dry, stetst, scaly tetter, pimple, Specialized Rio Oren Bank building. mor artillery beat a direct errlrwi nt Ose near Vslley . rom humeri reate wh Mr. was in Mlnrto. nina Redrirnw aseen mm estfr day tesa h aUays hrrttataRaty Btnford's ear taken which may ba either Inherited or trejelrad leeersl of an aT gtreet More. ai nía uss i incisa as n w sstd rafrssrilag front Faso OtTleen Thai a big sounding term, isn't it? ninpinara Rttlrtifs. r hu tweptv third blrtMajr tb four Irevee tmrjlraaerrt af Hi tb i teta sad bastas districts g0 were dvtse to keep s close watch ror aim-pi- ere of ni rssKm. aHigssigiia br1 ia lisaaAsMBaBA To treat these enrollóos wltb drying analyze end see what it msen to of u in e two svsry errort But let's it both ttaff. mad feraaai eeU sa Mat ta MM) ara an th tuiotaoMies. sad ass language tlierncMin W apprehend tb thieve. Hoods sar. perilla, the old reliable Bunotaj tsltnents tor medicine, helps the vtam to airea rs The aalattne of Ota American Red Cress wtstch Wi reef Safe Straw by BWaet Car. th humor a, and Improves the digestion SUPPOSE YOU WANT TO BUY A SHIRT, a Hat. eom in earrnr for Me wounded In taa eonttSI ts and assimilsHon A Menean ka we to the police depart rrrue-ru- battle may be asked by iwnertl hoerl Try H. when Set llood'a ear ansrilla from your t Sock, a Suit of Clothe, or anything else we sell. Use MSd vm aa rellp Ose Parrot, was struck and may o.ofldently relied upon tn ftte. He waa edvlged today that your re U II be Croa la willing to send It nurses en IB (lightly injured last sight about o'clock do t work. It purine th blood, tones FIRST, YOU SELECT THE STYLE YOU DESIRE Then you settlaneid if tastr sarvieet era by s styes ear bisr-ii- Eigrbth sad ninth lb stomach, and builds up the svhote ft It considering formal rgnsegt Two sises. S0e and B ftte tea tare. Th pajarad man was svttem It roes tn the root of diseases, aak about material, make, and finally, price. All this is second sjkutt pteRsd up tad attaaded by tha railway and Its beneficial resurta are permanent far their aid tit cae e boepttel reM is JO at your drusretst In system. Be you. ft lOBMItltr phyttrlan. fter being removed tn It sat thing to rights the nature to not sent from Monterey. or direct OB member to SSk for Hood'a Sarsartarllla Th American aursss bare sstd last vsey bit borne. Felipe, according lo lineases else sets Ilk It tnd noih endeavored to cross the street In front of because nothing NOW COME OVER TO OUR SIDE OF THE FENCE. What would be willing to go on the firing line nwe i. a a - ins ls esa take III place. If WTlaV IW VnOmMwt the car. sad was struck by the fender, must we do to answer all your question satisfactorily ) We must they are needed. The officials of tn fled '.'rosa her hare been advised mat as r t Swt. M.m.m.. U which knocked hint to one tide. ourselves with manufacturers, their and their many nuraea ta are needed for services tt acquaint reputations aaa. snanm. a. y. merchandise. We must find out just what good are beet and why Brownsville tad Matamoros are available. B. Arrestee for Carryta Mrk. to the county Jell tomorrow. luan Oorwtd Colette! P. A. Rhape. be carrsnse stlsstt. Joss Bsvsls wat arrested test nlgtit by tad Mate it a Annuo wars arrested by Of- they are best. And we must be able to eell thoee goods at a nude t flight over Matamoros In the Ste- Officer! Kane grid Valencia no Booth El ficer Peres, tad plsced IB the city jail op reasonable price and still make a profit. rol! machine today. He kept the aircraft pa to street, snd docketed st the police t r barge of fighting. aafely wltkSB MM Car nets IBM. on charge of carrying s dirk. rallad etican offlrers rae look Ihe vac tallón t FINALLY, WE MUST MAKE OUR STORE ATTRACTIVE The villa machina did net nr. lieaertl When searched sn ugly looking deer keen your eyea open for The Times nodrignea was sdvtwd today that Farnum lato custody, lie rorused ia tvs say bandied knife was found In the possession Rotary Idilios. It will be Bummer ana and must treat our customers most courteously and extend the Pleb. .who wltt be attached to hi aviation af big sellen. of lbs Milen. who will be transferred of great value to Kl Pate. corps, would wave ri Psss Sunday for Use kind of store service that pleases. Rurlaa lo fly the maebme. C. B. MenweeUwr end five other Ameri- THEREFORE, OUR SALESMANSHIP IS SPECIALIZED on cans who west out IB a boat from Use of every individual who buys here. We specialize on the American tut of lb rtrer beak opposite behalf the battle ground In front of tat trencne finest of Clothing, ready-to-wea- r for Men and Boys. Only late estrdty rtgorigi they were warned goods, always little better for less money. We carry twty by t short fired ever their head Well Worth Your Attention! Announcing for Next Saturday April 17th standard a from the the largest stock for men and boys, in the southwest. You will Metiese Mes. The Boston Store's, Second Annual Tub Sole find here everything that you expect to find in a first class store. l OxutmsatfPN SVAVfHCJM CARRIES Men's Suits. $10.00 and up. We are extra strong this season in MINK aWNKRS PROTEST Men's and Young Men's Suits at $15.00. $16.50, $18.00 and By lbs Arlelt Pvsgg Take look windows see we have Sea Antonio, Texas, April it Congress- Presenting An Entrancing and Extensive Collection of $20.00. a at our and what to man James l. 8 lay den u the rprsente-tlv- offer in Furnishing Good. Hate and Novelties. of Mfteeo resident of Texas and 'iklaboma wftsss mining properties In Regular $32 Dresses 1Q 7ff IN--- Meileo are ld ts aegregaU mor then BETTER COME ARE GLAD TO SHOW YOUAND oeo.ooo, f I, left here today for Wttbtngton Tomorrow pm.j.i WE DON'T CHARGE ANYTHING FOR LOOKING to advise the nate department of the mm at owner' effort la seeking preieetlea Ww,TS of Pussy Willow taffeta, crepe de chine, galrtt villa threate of ronfltcttlon. The Dree mining men declare tbey are net only wlll-In- r crepe meteor, silk poplin, some with Georgette but anxious their mines at Let us you Pan- is opérele make a full rapacity and will pty for sufficient crepe sleeves - trimmings include high organdie Ask us. about No. 5130 (ruareis te Insure Mr. Ileydsn ama Hat we have hun- protection, said. Tbey ask Villa to furnish them the collars with pearl buttons and buckles to match-crin- oline the famous Cloth-cra- ft men to supply protection for the work- dreds in the rough, and men and the mine owner win defray til akirt effect ahort jacket style in many Blue Serge spe- necessary expenaea a well at pay all can make you any shape tajtet, be Mid. all the favored color Mendings. size, for ladies cial at $15.00 or and OKNOWN MEXICANS RULE V. t. gentlemen. CONSl'LATK AT NOSALM. f32 Suits for 19.75 By tb AMeesafeat rH f Dougahi, AftS,, April lo. Npselsl Being the successful cumulative efforts of our from Nogales, Arli.. at y that Frederick 8tmprh. United states consul In eastern buying organization in gathering a collec- Nogales, nwnnrk, surprised two Roldehtt-fle- Mexicana list night aearrhlng the met tion superior to any in El Paso at the price suit anions the wounded man who ware left with bit staff for Irapusto. 1 of bit ronauitr corresponden re snd that ii etched out In tli bunks or lylns on the state department were misting material of silk poplin, gabardines, shepherd plaids Villi document! lienrial tin urilncl tint fiencral Moor. Ttioa wounded sol to talk wars H lo the reorganization one of (be Mexicana escaped. ) - lie taken to unnm a queattona figlil. returned direct after burly bark bcsiesTd with about tha of reinforcements, which had been arriv- Slmplch a of and French serges military emphasized tiniiirilUtaly, I wit informer! by Llsul. Col. about dear ones, about their wound. They received number bruises motifs liarlo Silva, une or General villi a acon- sought to inawer all questions of the ing dally and are btlng teni to tha front. In an encounter with the man, It Is Mid, tarles. ours Today, while wrttlnr trila In the telegraph bul be held on to him white Mr. Blmplrh outing suite conspicuously pocketed bell skirt. "Thar la lint fighting ahead," ha said. lor tha love of tha virgin, lanor, tall rar, adjoining that of ihe general', I look- "TIM Carreneistea lisvr turned water Into me that my man Jna la sate," criad one ed up to sec btra watrhinr ma at the ma- tin- cleav in 'trillion rtiirhee and are behind worn in. chino. New Parasols $1.98 theni; 'he horset drown In the water. It tubers plied similar questions concerning "Como le va ml amigo." be said, with Is a hard position to charge. They have -- ... son and huaband and sweelhaart. There smile BLISTERS ALL OYER Announcing the arrival of new parasols tare lor. in the city. The train la full were tears and sobs and eonie time curses "Muy bien, ml answered, by summer or v. minded; now u ts leaving with nt renrrtl,'' General when the antwert were received. Borne wty or displaying my enure Spanish in all the I li arla' hody. I am going bark bi Orneral the women crying for the dead, same cried hues and colorings of the day striped Villa. Adío. vocabulary. on of his young telegraphers. black Ha wheeled hi a harae and r I loped away. Throufh BABY'S BODY and white effect- - bell and new styles in I rode bark on the anains of the hoaplul until as they handed orantes and water Captain Nevare, ha tasad ma wht l tram. J nl outside of RaU .nra, when the and errs In to the oldlers though! of Wat fig. replied that bavea shapeeall made of silk real $3.00 values. Irani owd down, the women who had "The dora, ihey have shot all of mine," gratlly Itniueaaed with the fighting spirit r i it left behind matted and pulled old wrinkled woman shouted to the of men. or out in bl Ha apote four five worda Itched Burned. Irri- upen i lie .to. looking- for familiar feces rraropanlment of oiitw. in Spanish, arid than paused tod looked tnd Clothing I asked nt Knrtlah apaaktnr trainman upward in thought. tated. Face Badly Disfigured. Foaturing fJ0 Irimmtd Blouses Sheer how nimy sons th womn luvl lost. "Not "Then I heard th worda, "cuatro rijas." of Material for sons " he said. "Tbey war do ber what He aiya lie will lake celaye Used One Cake Cuticura Soap -- you them her boarders She rooked that within Bato at Summer 1.98 for fita of them and they are all wounded four days, raid tha interpreter Tomorrow and One Box Ointment. Before f FROZEN DESSERTS we etcapt lo advance for lhat purpoa. Of fashionable I" nd on the way to the hospital now." sheer materials, hand- UK KB (serving I people) That ttlrht Villa ordered rile cavalry with- Finished Trouble Wat Gone. kerchief linen, Neeerlrod Pudding 91.04 drawn. Tli man bad baea righting two ATTACK ON MVrAMOBOH -- mi $6.95 silk mull and others; Tutti Kruttl TS day Hit bui little food and no rest. Tb AWAIT ARRIVAL Or Willi ml Rout 6, Huntingdon. Term. " At three with touches of colored embroidery; strawberry Mousse . 1 .00 bursts wire worn out. Tha Inrsntry and My pedal If ire lo Ike rima Brownsville, Texas, 10, month old my baby broke out with blister Neapolitan .so artillery was laft to maintain lb posi- April Tha Villa side front openings, -- by the army ootitlnuea prtptrtilona for the tttacK all over bis body. Tbey weald form cape back mi l i; Hi. tion rained bealerer. l:rs About In on ih Csrrsntt garrlaoo Meiamoroa. which we could not cur. Tbey looked like blouses, lace blouses, Orange and Pineapple. o'clock villa hlratelf rrlvd tl and net circular Salamanca. Illa rray suit was trrayar tint Conrentrtlton retaps war attabllttied burn blister sad tbey Itched and burned so cuffs, flowing ICC CREAM from b dust of lbs road. Putt tinted nearer Ih outpost line surrounding we. that It was slmoat Itapooalble far Run ts sleeves and many new Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, black eyebrow, hi mustache and Ms arranie poattlont and the troops are kept Mas at alaba. Whenever be aeratebed designs as eloasly poaalbhj potts- in embroidered fronts; Maple-Nu- t and Banana, blr. Hr was weatlnr bis hat over hit fj i st lo Ihelr Mule them tbey would make a bad sore sad bat every LOW THE in rhtrarteriatlr ftahlon and ba bad trains and bvy wagona today dltlrlbUMO clot Irritated them so that be kept me one a regular mi ritOWD." large quantlllea or ainmunliion to tbeae bins $3.50 value. Specially white banekercblef around bis neck. For swab a gistlst pert at th slab. Kit face rift en niinuies he consulted with sis cmp A thlpmtnt of hand grenadat u priced for Monday at $1.98. Elite Confectionery lieadquar-ter- we hdiy dlsngured fa. chief In the office, and then received tt General Rodrlguai'i " (louse Dept llrrph at Lss Rurlaa tnd tbst were I 804 different kinds of salve but they Second Floor.) among the tousdro or troopt dedal do htm any good. Than I aotleed which will compos th tdvtnre when me so advartbmatant of Outleura Soap sad t.arrancisia trench are charged by Modrt-gue- t' Olnteseet as seat for t asm pie. Tbey helped Black and White a the A Iwenty-fio- e Dollar men bun an atueb tbst I bought a cake of a The placing of tlrotig guard by Uanertl ftoap sad a boa at Outleura Otelau u Dominant Color Combina- appearance Bodrlguet at the Had- Hut Fernando road 1 would haiBO elm good la Outicwre Boa Pros sating transpar a n I tion In Broa Good This The Suits we offer at ing from Mtltmoroa tu victoria today win and apply the Outleura Ointment tartos $25 cut off the only avenue of eacgp hair hats --fruit and flower must from dally sad before I bad bnlabed them Mm Season have more than a Matamoros Rodrigues field-flow- Unrtl eptlneit sore entirely Mas affect wheat and twenty-fiv- e that be went to etterniinate ilia i. anaína bad dlapparad sad Checkered Foulards dollar appear- trouble was gone." (Burned) Mix My ra B. garrison tl Matamoros and this will faciti-ttl- trimmings bow and a favored black and white fou- ance to win our endorsement tha pacification or Tamauu-ptt- Neabitt, Oct. S. 1B1. They northern wine-trimm- hat orchid lard for the season; i 6 in. wide; must measure up to the Permitting Ihem to recap front Mala twenty-fiv- hand-painte- regularly sold a e mero through the nan Ktrnando gateway Sample Each Free by Mall hats some for II. yard, qa dollar standsrd of Hpselslly priced this store, which means would metn that they would break up into With S3-- Skin Book oa rqu . Ad-- leghorns. at, yard fUC that the small band tad conduct a guerrilla war- poevcard Dept. T, Shepherd quality, the atyle, the workman- "Carleara. Millinery Section Second Floor. Plaid fare in the north. The only mtn or ea Seed throughout the world. In black ship must rank with that of- and white and brown fered aod white; all wool; 41 In. wide; elsewhere at Ave, seven usually S1.3S yard. For, AP OR EVEN TEN DOLLARS yard HJ)C MORE. Beginning Tomorrow (Mea Th House of Kuppenhelmer Kitty Kat Cloth produce aulla day), April 12, We Will new for u to ell at this desirable fabric to be that hit those high Inaugurate Oar found II til water la anadee. 40 in wide; mark of ours to a regularly. - dot We ll.Ti Temor- fm waat YOU to SEE them, row only, yard ff1 a to "Blue List" TaawT them, to TRY THKM OJ We will enumerate below some of our choice bargains containing several, special Thero Aro J wo Sides to the Cor- value every Sunday Be in Pianos and Player Pianos. These instrumenta are 11 We Are Living set Questionme Corset Itself in fine condition. sure to road this BLUE LIST. It will save you money. and Bow It a Fated PIANOS PIANO PLAYERS In the Age of pn:sri-cr- r í.las feh.n DIMM ntohej con- Choose a corset that will improve Rohlfing $100 Wetler $325 Footed, with tainer, foanterly priced at BI.75. your figure as much as will the Hingen fe Rosen. .$125 H.P. Nalaon $375 Impressions On sale Monday, while AS Gerhard $350 they last, avh JfOZ famous Beatty $175 Wegman nOCaiNtiHAM THA POT $450 ewpavrtty, brtgrht fkalgb, reg- Royal $225 Winter peat $500 alar aao value. Far OfQ To every person entering our atore between 9 and 10 o'clock Monday morning. April 2. we will sell a beau- WOMKN'K MIGHT GOWWR Of S&y imprsaasion of batiste and nainsook, daiaoly fro U tiful $350 Mahogany Piano for $1 53 cash. An artistu aom (ve, the A STYLISH SUIT with Vi oJronf .tcW Cbrveie a proBxessive owner. aee and TERMS TO SUIT YOU ON OTHER PIANOS OF CLOTHES thought . conveys the same 1. oink and you have chosen both wisely aad to the wearer. THE APPEARANCE OF ragatarly sold for SS. Ot AO well, for Frolaeet Corsets ra designed i Tatasetae at tasaty JENKINS PIANO CO. A MAN a great factor in hi uccss 91.70 on the correct Front Lace principle and At M. first sight you are judged vary often SsFNti Ml rsHIHTa Med hy there is a special model for every type 21 Texas St by the clothe you wear. If you want to ; of figure. Let ua fit you. aad the word convey the right US fBiRBjgsrg la Ua vvmrnurr ksnR impittawn, coree to easllty sllh la aertpes sad eejter Corset will take on an enttreJy new for your of next suit clothee. ssblaensi rsaaasrty sold the meaning to you. Price $3 )0. $.00 LJndayj-sBSB- il aad $6.50. r-z- LEVY GROCERY CO. All Othero -.:- $325 (Corset Sectian Sesead Floor. ) . xa ma aaa.-iAi- bu.il.no IMPICMATOK kuNk IN LUA AMO CEIXOM TEA avrTTKM INlUfl'tKTMsC MARKET MaWtsBNfswssawsl éal ... U eta. lib. Cava, easr.s.1 Mala. May oa Sala, tc s. T'tjXÉlrjtffrP? Mail gSMsod mk, caa, wtta cm area to YoAr. 9t yirwif pfctf rnUM AtiEMTa nut t i.tMit I ivu otVft faust mtMM vorncM I One. eaaea. ss) a ata tu, o SMI Osi its aasss) VMSjaaJ .fcinday. April II. 1915. EL PASO MORNNG TIMES

Trading Stamps Given With Every 10c Purchase EVERYBODY'S More Than 100 Hats For Street and Dress Half From Our Workrooms Exceptional Values From f10.00 to S18.50 Monday Choice At $7.50 m $10.00 AT $7.50 Is offered choice of AT $10.00 Are offered beautiful half a hundred Tailored and Semi-Dres- s Dress Hats Milan and Neapolitan Mats in the new straws and Hats. Models that present "That combinations. Cleverly designed Something Different" that has hats. Many are perfect adaptations made "Everybody's" Millinery of much higher priced hats. These prominent this season. Vslues are regular value up to and includ- that have sold regular up to ing $ 1 3. JO Hats. $18.50. The Peerless Corset For All Figures S3 9.75 $24.50 f14.30 $32.50 The Moat Appreciated Suits Dresses The Season's Front Lace Model and In- The effect of Its adoption Is an stantaneous and marvelous figure Bag Tops Improvement. Some women look Newest and Best Models many years younger as soon as In- cased in this much favored make- "the one of a kind" exclusive styles that appeal For the New Gate Top Bags. You can file so strongly to all good dressers, have been reduced make your own bags to match your (for quick selling) from 25 to suit or dress. Stiver plated ones here 40. at 95c and $1.25 these marked down Suits and Dresses you will doubtless find the very garment you It has many advantageous features, AMONGhad in mind. While it's early in the season for "mark-downs- ," such as have been made Real Pin Seal Bag in the New Shapes Are exclusive with the "La Camllle." on every Suit and Dress in our stock that sold above $25.00, we prefer to give our cus- The "Ventilo" feature In the back, Specially Priced at $1.95 and Up. the front shield feature, results In tomers the benefit of reductions at a time when they will be mostly appreciated. - greater comfort and range of ad- justment. We must insist that in order that all may derive the same benefit from these reductions, no FANS ! FANS ! garments will be laid away, reserved, seat on approval or credited after being selected and Comes In all the newest bust charged. White double gauze, All Ivory Fans with heights and hip lengths, fully boned hand painted, fancy Dresden ribbon, lace and prices range from $19.75 Check and $35.00 Silk and Wool $45.00 Finest carved bone sticks $2 trimmed, at 95c SS.00 Upwards. Serge Suits Poplin Suits Tailored Suits $14.50 $24.50 $32.50 Also Wool Poplins, some belted, This lot includes Mixtures, Shep- From Shepherd Checks, Silk and Unusual April Silk Offerings lined throughout with guaranteed herd Checks and Gabardines, Wool Poplins, Gabardines and Silks and Satins. long and short coats. Fancy Mixtures. 1000 Yards $1.50 Silk Poplins at Per Yd. 95c $50.00 to $69.50 Tailored Suits Comes in all the new and staple shades, such as Russian Violet, California Rosa, Tuxedo Brown, Dresses $19.75 - $39.75 Dresses $22.50 Grosille, Amber, Gettysburg Gray, Wistaria, Belgium Bliss, Leather, Battleship Gray, I i c í Sin. Brown ; 44 in. wide. On of the bast fabrics for Spring Coat Suits and Dresses. Silk Poplin, striped and ti wo MB ni uicc-pirc- c ouiu oi jiik dropun, Crepe de Chine, Crepe checked Silk Taffetas. Wool Poplin. Silk Taffeta. Serge. Gabar- Meteor and Pussy Willow Cheney's $1.25 Satin Stripe Faille, 79c Yard Cheney's Silk Habutai. $1.50 Par Yard. $25.00 values. dines and Checks. Many are exact copies Taffetas. $29.75 values. It In. wide, extra quality, with white hairline stripe, This much wanted fabric comes 43 inches wide In of European modela colors battleship gray, cardinal, sand, navy, Copen- guaranteed washable colors, flesh, light blue and hagen, golden brown, taupe, black and white, per white, very extensively used for summer undergar- Dresses $33.75 SKIRTS $4.95 and $5.95 Dresses $45.00 yd fSe ments, per yd Sl.SS Formerly priced up to $45.00, in Serges, Poplins, Prunella, Gab- Finest materials máde into dresses 27-in- Brocaded Crepe, mora than 50 different 75c Brocaded Crystal Craps, full yard wide, 35 dif- high, medium and normal waistline ardine, Chuddah Cloth and are employed in the manufacture of shades, good weight, with high lustre; quality usually ferent shades, in small and larga brocaded designs. effects. Beautiful styles. Checks, including extra sizes. these $59.75 values. 50c par yd. Special, par yd .15c par yd. 25c A Surprise in Wash Goods New Linens Sheer Summer Wash Fabrics, 20c and 25c Values Special Prices for Three Days 30 and 32 yi. Crepe Pliasc 1 32 inch Scotch Tissues 68 and 70 in. All Pure Unan Table Damask; regular $1.00 value. Monday, Tuesdsy and Wednesday, 38 and 40 Stripe Voiles 32 eh Fine Pis in. 15c yd. per yard f OC 30 in Fine Quality Linette 1 38 inch Leno Voiles $1.25 aad $1.35 Heavy Double Damask in floral and conventional designs. Monday, Tuesday and Qf 23c Per Yard 93c Per Yard Wednesday, per yard afsC Beautifully embroidered Crepes 70 and 72 in. All Pure Linen Heavy Doable Damask; For sheer figured and Voiles m dainty shade of For 36 and 36 in. Em- worth regular $1.65 and $1.75. For these three &1 A Voiles, Batistas, blue, also in combina broidered Voiles and naat pink and days, per yard ay A .JO stripe Crepes, etc., in a tion colors; 36 to 38 in. wide; dainty Embroidered large range of dainty regular 75c value. Organdies for blouses 22 and 24 in. All Linen Napkins in a large range of pat color combinations to Per yard 59c and dresses; worth terns; worth regular to $3.75 per dos. Three choose from. $1.25 a yard. days Special, per doz $2.89 Another 5ueg Monday ie the Forecast Imported Japanese Crepes for Dresses or Kimonos, in a large range of pat- In"Everybody' s" - terns to select from, and a Quality Superior to any ever shown in OC lifetime investment El fso st. par yard SWC Daylight Basement Salesroom Highest Sale Grade White, Cream A Ecru 0O fifí The The O.UU Of Factory Surplus Muslin Under- Wilton Rugs at $75,00 $5.50 Curtains, Pair Luxor garment continues at price sav- la a aptrtal Hale of laso Cartelas There are III ings of 25 to 50 per cent. ecru, IS offer the season's aswest patterns in Bigeluw's Ardebil Wilton 2 pairs of handsome while, eream and suitable til aay room, values up to Consisting of Reversible AJnsrtsev'a highest grade WlUoa Rug. for II. II Silk Dresses Haca la Petatea aad conventional Nets. CI untas. Merlina, afarqutaettee It will be ad- designs, at STft.S vantageous l Investigate these splendid values House Silk M sets line and Crepe de Uuaranlree) Drapery Dress BAGDAD WlliTON RUOS Specially suitable for ase Ortauaa's Mamies Htch lunee Chine Dresses shirred belt and with Jacobean a of green, krvwa. gold, blue aad rose, piala wsevee in designs - 2 5 furniture, also various la Chinee sileras. Mandarla Yellow or art tat u- opea-wer- k ; Ltaafy designs; the saasoa's Caa be utilised as a negligee, flare skirts While dresses last Sietes aad old Ruse, tall newest. II In SI AS yard kimono, ooverall-apro- alip-o- choice is offered at $5.55 9 house drees or a maternity gar- usee, ment ets differeal Made Children's Dollar Dresses "Ye Oide lyme" Mag Page f splendid washable fabrics la $27.50 Ajuninstar 9x12 "Everybody's" Own 79c Of Colonial days, by quaintly three qualities Rugs woven modern methods salaba Cotton Mattress $19.85 artistic for bad room aad breakfast rooms. Made of extra good quality gingham, long waist. belt perfect goods. II SS Rag Rug. Itll ft. double bed $1.50, I IIS Mag aug. la I ft. SS.4S fU5. and pocket trimmed; regu- deep pila. Oriental or Floral I t is Rag Hug it t ft. It lbs. with pretty lar $1.00 value 75 designs. Special at. . $19.56 Hag Rug. la n. SIS art licking Special II I fl.95 Sunday. April II. 1915. 4 EL PASO MORNtNC TIMES

"May Duffy's Do For Many Others, PINOS ALTOS CAMP "M for TOTS-I- T' GRAND LODGE OF What It Has Done For Me" When Have Corns"

a Iwalthy yMa-- III throw llniux' ONCE MORE ACTIVE "taaple aa aisla N; Never Palla, K. OF P. OF TEXAS ntf imw through Iho rl..n llm f , 4he body, ti atoes roor heart food 10 hnwr eaally Innlliwt iTfiiw of the and qqlrklv Any corn roma out when ami "Irrnd you put "flPTk IT ' on' And then when every "f Dnffg's I IN yotfre ron alona; for yeari tryint prnTU rXTaiip. KVM.X1PMKNT PROCBr.Ha wDi. wrkt im raarr wooitm ix may WML' prove particularly IN M-- - Mah PAMOl MIXIIll om firm time nurse XK mrvr.s- valnahlr In I Ik-- r. n. r of throat and MM mis inn DM1 f.flVRXTfON fWOMMKM. lung trouble-.-, a lltla an . la 'c3fasfV arli stale: in L, H RAVI-- . ffi LBftBBsV Manx Mailers af Interest aad laapoftaace The ino. Alloa, .ti.tr in minea ML aáHrsfaaaBLam M kir ia riaiaa far tnaiarra- "I feel It a duty lo tell everybody lha of active devebipinenl and allhouah Hon rrrataaral Heellac Place k Duffy . Purr Malt Whiskey haa hey hava not beca aoy more nal ItaM a dona me Pour yaara mo I became old atrlkea within the patl month or two Hv arria I o Aa ríate vary III Buffered for yaara with the .,1,11,10k la for irreal arlWlty when will & had rood Port Worth. April Worth m m the two milla arr com lung troulilr; In fart have loat two sla- hit o.meenirallo bare the honor of tba Orand plelert. nya T. 0. Plaher. the well known etttartalntnr lom, a nephew and niece with tha oi-- Knlfbta of Pythias of Teiaa, the malady Thr doctora told my minina cnalneer who la at the Haitel shot ntrna don Mr llsher is an authority o that rirth time the loral mores bare been tba family I could not possibly llva lha flatS itl.lini. bailor fairnvrly omned the boats or the rrand lodpe. First, to 17. winter through, t rend your advt. and silver mn mine and been auprhiiennv-- Just fire yaara after tba orranüsimu nf raaolvrd to try Ouffy'a, and It haa cer- nf Ihe i, liter, llalli, one of lh ml the arand lodpa of- - Trias, and when the tainly dona wondara for ma. I am ferred In Is lhal belnr bulll by the C. and number of lodfoi was less tMn a arore; I Minina company in conjunetmn with much ticttrr thnn hava been for again, to I nan, lha third time In IsaT, and and at Plnaa Alios, about wltea you're uo wran- - yaara, and na I hava taken no other siauber Wnrht. thlnr. sat mahis year ten miles north of livor f.ity. New Mei plnr up your toes n bindarea. smearlnr tba laat tune prior to this In lM. medicina Hut yotira. I feel All the credit It on (illlelie on salven that rub off or awell up the Mow the number of subordinate lodras in leo. will be Ihr old mill corn, la due lo Iuffy'a. May Duffy'a do for site, adjacent pastina on cotton plaatera thai make I near tha 40 to the anratnn mine, belnr corns pop eyed, tha rr and domain of Texas many olhera what It haa done for ma." ihe old aiaurniennr roar toa inmamhe Mtninc ('a. properly wiih ra.ors. Jahblnr them with kntvea and mark, a treat contrast to the number when (rtlgned) T A Hall, 412 uat Bt.. Tha C a: o. Mlntnr o Is operalinr ihr prnninr to the quick with aciaaors- - and the first maauni or the (rand rod re con- Mfx. T. A you RAIaL Rarbetnn. O. l.anasion mine, and tauber and Wrlrhl then put on I dropa or "OETS IT". vened al are the leaaeea of the of the and see your corn fall Fori Worth. propertlea rlaht it a Pythian company. just looks like a try It. Port Worth haa always been savannah i.opper The owner mirarle. fust or of the l.anasion mine (of the r:. at o. r:o. OKTH IT" never falla. No pain, no troa-hl- stronrhold. aad today the membership arc t ae it for aay eorn, callua, wart or Taxaa Is ser at Fori Worth Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey j and Arthur CKal of Parla. Taiaa bunion tha order in lar A Klauber Wrlphi have leased Ihe old Oil l than any bar cities of Texas. "IIKTS IT" sold br Ornaríais evorv of slater y l naaat a atlmulant, from MM, the old the 11M0 Par dis- ceutni'y ago, sella more widely made io the demand for hiiih trade Ionic free the llearal. and Sc bnttlr, or aent direct by K. Part of that may have been due to the and Grecian No. I (from lha- phenomenally a.awn-nc- Exercise Beauty. than any other woman 'a tonic. It can Injurious I, products contained In beverage whiskies, and aultable for tha irir which a lo., i.nicaa'i tinction tbe elty enjoys. Mere waa erected rich waa taken laat fall I, and the now be bad In tablet form aa well uae of Ihc delicate, thoMo who are not entirely well, .ml the aged who require rold Pythian temple, built for Pythian Pacific No. 1 The old 'illlelie mine tba first aa liquid, and every woman who n Ionia- stimulant to miilntiiln good health. It la truly a medicine for all purposes by lod-e- a or tbe order, erar Many thousands of ssoBsasi are now the deepeat worked property In Ihe en Wllllamn.' and tlien operations cased un from backache, headache, nervoua-neaa- , mankind, mukea the old feel young and the young strong and It the paying attention to phvaicaJ whbh keia lire Pinna Altos dtalrlcl. Ihe main shall til now. 11 will be 'operated by C. W. built in the world. And also enjoys pain at ahonld take thia You, culture aad tba proper exerciae of time, vlitorou. loo, cm lieln mu feci deep. This combination Illcks. Important oro bodies arc Indicated unique distinction or hsvinr tbe only Preacription " of Dr. Pierce'a. ,, corner-aton- was their bcacjy muaclea, where, thirty ycore mill a,f those Iwo mpanics not only in ihe worklnrn. Pythian templo whose Man v a woman is nervous and irri- ireat Ihelr own orea bul rto a arnera! eu Tombstone IHanriel. laid by tbe founder of tbe order, Justus aro or nrty yaara ago there waa no "Gel Duffy', .nd Keftp Well'' H. Hstnbone. That event occurred June a. table, feel dragged down and worn "in busineaa on thr orea of Ihe amall tiurlnr Iho paal week In the thought expended oa this science, Hold In HKA OKUT. Hewara of Tombstone ltM. Tho old bailldlnr waa replaced by out for no reaaon that ahe can think I.RlJ BOTTL.M Imltutlons. mine owners of the district, and II Is e district. Ihe Hunker HIM Mines Co.. which is quite nrrraaary to phyaicmJ a a more modern structure in tool, thourn of. ninety-nin- e per cent, of there pooled lhal It will rentier many of Ihoae Phelps A subsidiary company. waa preserved. Queen beauty. The reason tbe Greek, both In rtodre co's. tbe obi cornerstone ia tbe womanly organism procrlc hlrhly proilurllve, whoae orea has taken over the several proper- City lodre. Mo. BI. was orrsnlsed Aurust men and women, excelled in beautiful raerá it ''i Duffy's from yiMir loral druoglst. (rarer or are not or blrh enourh arado to ship lies or tha old Tombstone Consolidate,! 17. 177. and Bed Cross lodee. No. 14. on and symmetrical forma waa bacauet of which recrairea attention ; the weak back, per If supply you, SO. two lodges built jciTr drelcr, II M holllr. ha raaniil at Ihe prrsenl time. II will not only rnn- Co, has kept the l.ucky Cusi. February tStl. Those the attention they paid to tba proper dirxy apella and black circles about tba rllr us, r will oil you Hkrra lo get II. hut also the Pxthlsn temple anrt still retain tbe eye aym Go to eenirale, separate the metallic oreron, West Hide and Tranquility mines Other lodrea exerciae. Than, too, they ware are only piorna. the Medical booklet trer. contents, such as Ihe pnld, lnr, copper busy both above ownership of the bulldlnr. irregu- and below pround. The have been orrsnlied here, nut It was after- by coréete, shoes and tbe source of tronóle and correct the and load and allver. Moat of the ore plant on ihe la lar! aymptoma disappear. Duffy Whiskey N. T. hoistinr Touthnul wards deemed advantageous lo merre them Inconveniences of clothing Many tie, and other The Mull Co, Ilo healer. that will 60 treated are what are called nearinir completion anal was done. work la proares wllh the eitstlnr lodrea. and It women are ao held down by house- Linea kn tha face make women took "romplex orea," ronalallnr of aulphldea. aa slur rapidly on Ihe new mill. The North Loyalty to Hie has neon an eminent old order hold carea, ma- and they show the effect of unnatural rhaleopyrltr, Une hiendo and ralena, car- west is worklnr a small torce or men characteristic or Ihe Fort Worth Pythlans. by the burden of sufferings. and recognised throughout ternity 'utilfir was done Iwrore the plant- - aoi tx Inir polrt and allver. All Ihe men con ihe san filero mine Is belnr sampled. Tho and that Is cordially or by diaeaae of the feminine These symptoms Indicate Nature - ' ana supreme uoinsm that Pumh ami woody, and Ihe rcmilt wa- feed Waal with ihla enierprlae are Wlntera property Is belnr systematically the rrand domain ine function! that they cannot take proper needs help. Overwork, wrong dressing, Mr. i, i as well, one fact will sufficiently attest LIVESTOCK NOTES thai in, thlnkt la practically a mlnlnr men. A. C McCaarly la In rharae worked, partly camp exerciae. They ahonld start at once to lack of exerciae, and other causes hava Kod as alfalfa. under Ihe Markov that. There, are twenty-tw- living pas' instruction of the mill. He waa .for bell lease Work Is prorreaalnn also on grand chancellors who have attained thai take a woman's tonic which will build up been too much for Nature and outside merly mañanee roncen the Of aid be called upon to restore lie. i.i ii Prlrr for Pero Two of Ihc smelter and Imperial fiuard mill and It la expected rank by service in tbe grand domain. tha system and bring about a healthy must health traliti plant of the Mlntnr Co. to be In A five members of tbe Fort and strength. I pwens. romanche operation in another month. thst number are tona. This medicina ia not made ot of tort Mlnrklon. baa py. or Doctor Pierce Pnauslte Prescription THE 3.VI year al Silver lr. Miauber was formerly party Colorado capitalists Is In the Worth lodge. alcohol ia 'a OF SOUTHWEST sold Iwo old sierra lo luvrnporl Port Wairth hss always been a popular or any narcotic, but made exhaustion A i.aa-e- iperlniendent or ihe savannah copper field wllh a view to Investment relieves nervous and Irrita- al 144 around, and the aierrs will and the mooting place for the members or the entirely of roota and herbs concentrated Ik. Mr. Wrirhl Is an old man. camp Is prnrresslnr natlarirtorlly. bility and removes other distressing delivered this week. This bunch of mlnlnr order, ror all kinds of Pythian occasions and extracted with pare glycerine. due to disturbed conditions of aillo la aald In be ihe smnoiheai ami In formerly nf Ihe firm or Bell and Wrlrhl, atunes S. I'ouplas, manarer or the I'micrt city pledge that symptoms ,,n, and Ihe Enlrbls of this Thouaanda of women in America bare the delicate feminine organism. Ihe flneat iitii.ri of any herd of equal ix In, normally operated the bur mine and erde Extension Co., has Just visited Ihe the reputation will be fully I aaa- wen overcome their women are Invited consult Dr. t MM IIIIMI, MIX III XII II II II in this rountry in a Innir limo, mill al run.. Alloa, numen after them, properties of the company at Jerome, and maintained on the occasion of the Mfftringa, and bar Sick to ni ii fsaKLLI xi i un. 01 lIM'WfNITII and Mr. iiwona Is bring conrralulaled on wblrh profliired over million ovillara stales Ihst conditions were satisfactory. annual convention or the grand been cured of womanly ilia by Dr. Pierce by letter, fret. A book on (he price aeeiirrd which la bi ! ihe it fjtrruE rmli mwttc and several years The new mill will have and that ore Is lodge or Texas, which will begin bore Herce'e Favorite Prescription. Thia diaeaae of women aent free. Address hr rernrd for this aire afro. enourh beinr extracted and a capacity of fifty lona of ore a day sent to the 10 meet Mav It. medicina though started nearly half a Invalida' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y Adv. smelters all openllnr lodge a working body snd and will be one or Ha ever xponsos Hie the grand is Brrl .if ..ii 11,11. Producís Inlrrrsl Bin Garry Cao aty banco air iho flral kind al prewni time anrt for some deprecites any scheme or entertainment Arlaina (llalla t.rnvtrr Record Price The W. B. Mrrafelder erected in the aoulhweal. ao far aa known. lima In tho ruluro. The old fisher wlnr unci wllh the work or tho grand Peco- - Hlg ranrh. lorainl :t that fetes steers, tba Hereford on full reed In practical or the tur founts Tuns Losses miles norihwral of i.lovls. M., has been The huihllnr has Just been completed and was penetrated rrom Ihe work hart re and tore tbe programs are so kind, demonstration Industry tbat xi,- lodre. there tbe hog la ru i,., si,,,,, sold In I H. aod II. I.. liaveniKirl. or iho m i, innery la now belnr Installed, and cently at the level and round to arranged as to hinder Ihe work as little geiser lots and roiiowcd by will make northwest Texas great. It Is akeview. Tot. The ranch eompriaea aboul It will probably be ready lo run by the be rilled with water and muck, which haa as possible. That request or the grand enough to save all the waste. They have also a valuable demonstration that It pays an sections of whai was known first of June. The process lo be empina ad nearly rilled Ihe IBM ftlul station. lodge will be heei'od this year, and yet had plenty to eat all winter to keep them to grow the best. His sleers now on feed During Hi o lee year I be Mil This or as the santa land The laraer pnrllon la known as the "electrostatic of the Hufi will require Iwo weeks to clean out. The the program la one inU'nse interest to plump and growing. At the present time are splendid specimens or well bred est tie of the Shipley Urn mile enmpaux or Is anrt provided of Ihe tract ronroit wllh machine." anrt the dry pneumatic pump rich cornier ore bawly found on ihe Ijos the members the order. they are pushed to marketable condition Mr. Kelser owns a large herd or pure bred Mil wells, windmills and alnrave tanka. The An lhal all of the member of crating in tlx vlr.l of Clous. Hie fool level is excursion and will be ready late In May. Tbe steers Hererord cattle md Is leading In miking lap.'il par day ranih will be alnrked by Ita new Jlr lair puliation) acuor on fine rontinulnr and has been nil the grand lodre may hive Ihe chinee to hetw ownrri oro 150 In are fat enough even now to pass for rTiiLsb- northwest Texis center for blgh class IV, Un- and linprmert. around much like water systems, on for reel length, anrt lit ilrirtmr ten visit Iho Pythian home been arranged. AnaitM .'I. im; mil August lull. his sturr and a tyro In the would the- - ii complex orea this system haa riven for ions or blrh rrade ore I extracted and That will leave Fort Worth about noon. business cattle. ale of livestock by firm aiiiouiiu as export by in 37:,.ii. and in beauty of Hie trauiar Bin f aille Ralea at Plaluxlrw. bartter results in ailnr values than the old will be shipped lo ameller. The last II, and return In tbe late srternoon. piss them steers. But the 4.1 or end May they will be prize lions lay in tin- ran lhal Ihr sab--- were The Aoaley Land 4. i allb- enmpany. or wet ooneeniratlnr process, and as water tons rin per rent copper. An upril Other enirnainmenis win proviaeu of winners Keep your eyes open ror The Times ihi- w,u no momenu for ,nc mat the or inad in home people ami raiile ,,i Plallixlow. Tel.. Mils week. 1,00(1 Black Is scarce In Ihc dlatrlrl It la Ihe Ideal pm s being made and The ore Is continuing RS 1th're du" would dellgbt heart the most Rotary Edition. It will be a hummer and r. insumí in nrry county During Ihe past Aiiaus io Mniley cnunly at critical cattle judge I an International parlies nu. reta. The other eonrentrallnr plant, thai 10 of great value to El Paso. few alays Iba hi- made the hIIoxxmik ina nlrt Severil most Importinl matters are show. linn Ilao two ibwn near Dalharl of the Kmplre Zinc Co., Is 10 be The Herrrcn mine in the Hwnsbelm grsnd Whip' v vw heart r huyera W.4 rno elected eome before this session of tbe sales: l.lttletirlii. in kansaa al aod alrer t Kllver City. 10 which the mountains miles or The operations in ihe C. o. geiser Mlark Angu raiws and an hull', al sitn.rsi al Clari'mlun lo same huyera at ores will be etrbt east McNeil. lodge. feed Purgatoll Laxative and Purgative Syrup, tin nauieo uown company s is the o. no or a rich ut A as the Tem For young old. Drug per heart In adrtltlon. ii milieu, the InUI XI. i. Ijj rims near Ksielline al f7:.. All rrnin tint mjnea atrlke rold committee authorised al lots rrom year 10 year are carried on as md siores. Kc Adv. sale agrrcgailnr Ki;,mv. W II. Lertbeiicr. May by rravliy; the trtd Cleveland rroup, al Pi- ore, nhlrb Is said lo run rrom ) to Wo óle meoiimr of the rrand lodge, last rear. callle aold for la delivery. The or straight business. Mr. Kelser knows :ia heart of txx icsr old hairers al tso a flM.oon a nos Altos, nier the new Just per tain. A compressor wks recently ililpped to consider Ihe advisability establishing the Hiss Meima H en drtrisen, operatic so- 1 ror me grann game. heart. Ilbafl I'elllBTew, M lioail Of IWO' compleiod that Is about ten miles lonr. 10 the mine and Instilled permanent heailquarlers feeding But at the ssme time Mr. prano, will sing tonight at Campbell's Care. Tar-ol- - YV B lodge in Texas. That committee's report heifer- al a brad; ship Number of flattie In Htatr af Texas. Tin- i,, ply car will bo hauled bark lo The swlsshelui Mlnlnr Co.. manured by Kaiser's operations are Instructive, being 1 (AdverllseroenL) lex, yr. of i ear old haulers at will be submitted ror consldrrstlon. iwu There are heart of calilo In Ihe mine by mules This mill will prob- t 1.. reysarl. has also encountered rood eupreme S'si heart. II II id i laud. :W head Texas, which are valued at l...fi4,iioü. or An amendment 10 the constitu- i ably baie a capacity of ion ions a day. mtnersl showmr and the main tunnel is g minimum ror rank roes ..r two year oM helfera al a head, c this ..i; i ara beef calilo ami tion tbe number The same company completed tres- ihc Ida- ore body. Tho approval disap- i, un, uf i laud. II heart of two year-ol- valued al fl37.oa4.non, while l.ntvi.oon baa lis nearlnr Christmas will he submitted for or - II le over canyon mine is reported lo have born proval. This already been passed by heifer- at laa a heart. P Stanford, 10 enwa. which are worth 4M.SaM.ono. bridar the al Hanoi er lo purchased by bss heart r row al : a heart. Mr. I.nngmirr, The total numlMT of cowboy employed he mill site, xxhore another ine nay consolidated Copper enmpany the supreme lodge, but must be conrirmorl i I of the grand lodgea of onus at gjr, a heart. upnn or lanl will be erecta-d- . y a speciried majority a ranchas in ihe stale Talla are This will nrobabla effective. iJcl)0CT0Rti estimated at I7.MI0 be of ion tnns raparlty. before it becomes aod Halrv Pro. In, u. Probably wllh the recommendation or the lo. tattle a proposition will be William John, of K afford.. Arm who Nrix Khrrp tsbrarlaa Plan Adopted. Amnnr other tulnea nperallnr In Ihe rrand chancellor lha- - change the name or the home .mils mn aaros of alfalfa land and ha veara II haa been lha' in Alloa district an. silver Hill, oper submitted lo lur ruslom the A SURPRISE Pylhlan and Orphans' Home bren a Inn hav groxx.r Tur I bublbaf. of San Ana-- lo aprima of Texas for ahcep ated by Ihe Kraniom Broa., who are ahlp- from Widows' ama! year-- . Iielnie. ihe ha- - eome when to n plnr oro to to Pythian Home. niae shearers bi ihe ranchea lo shear the liourlas smelter, ruunlnr Important legislative matters will fsimars of Hie 'ilia valley an neat market alwep A new alyle haa now beam adopted nne and a half Other mimes robl The Manhat expected. By reason of SJBJ ire ir feed ,ii, hai prodm - In beef Hi, In lha It be submitted. It la Lfl rallb' anrt opinen drive ahcep in ihe tan mine, operated by A r FOR THIN WOMEN ror BmoxaamBSkim Cir.l JtJtJnOr aim rtalry Mr. Jiihu haa lieen Hastlnns the grost arressiblllly or Fort Worth prodtlrta null towns, where there are shearlna la ahlpmcnia unusually uxer Na brad of raiile the miiriis in this irk. inaklnr rerular to imita thr members of the order, an The questions gen pal xxiy the ahoarera have laa of copper aulphlale large attendance la anticipated. Many who answered below are year and he ha proveí! beyond a dnubl ihlnaa an arranged that the sheep he ore. The liolden eril In cbsrscter. the symptoms dis- cm company xxill some not hid the chinee or lhal if ih nila valley farmer xxill sheared apeedlly anrt then rrturnod to the lani Is developlnr the liopher here hive eases are given and the answers will ap lu alfalfé bax into beer or ami Mammmh mines, 10 see the Pythlin Home, and the excursión Ply in any case or rattle dairy ranchos- The shearers alao do Ihe work npealnr Into the will an a, Me,i at- similar nature. producía, lhal UI never have a hay more cheaply If Ihe aheep are nlrt working. II has a lhal will bo taken be Those wishing brou(ht bi mall to tbose snd even lo those who further idvlro. rree may o bi wrtxe like we ban' oti I1.1111I al ibnn. 00 the Matnmolh Th- Cell mine is traction irtdresa Ur Lewis Baker. College Bldg'. t silver have been there before, for the new dor- Ihe prawn tune When the Olla valley still college Ellxvood ats., Dayton. O.. enclos - belnr drvrloel ami yleldlnr hlrh mitory will be finished by that lime. ranrhei hln rhoire-- t alfaira hay for Pioneer Tria fctnrkaua Passes Away. silver ore. p. a. trig stamped envelope fo: ap l a Inn, he - f. rrade formcrh i,r There la ample accommodation at the reply, or not eiirariinr the W. farmer, one nf the pioneer alnrk hotels, any one full name and address must be full xalue ii in hia land. men l.radillle and later of San Pedro, Mexico, Fort Worth and desiring given, only of Tetas, aaed in. died at his home may R. F. Kerr, chair- but Initials or fictitious nsme in lias bren deyolopinr a rine copper reservations address will be my Wairlh few daya afro. Mr. committee, or Com- used in inswera. The pre Ulnlrrrd f aille on anulan Thlallr. waa one oí ihe oldest amen on llm bill for over a i car. ami has all man of hotel chimbar scrlptlons can be farmer aim merce building, or address the hotels di- rilled at any wellstneked I. t. Shirley, of Kataneia. N. M afier reshllntr In Pari Worth When lie ami alono driven a liuuiel over no fori lour. drug store Any druggist of up a rect. AH or the leading hotels ire on tbe or cm order vina r rforí lo kill in. hia family moved In Tarranl cuanty. In III. property Ii adjarrnt la. the silver Hill vary, wholesaler. m pe-- Kuroepsn plan, and tbe rales accord- wBfekvTH Ujr Itiiaoian now rultlvailna the i IM POM Wortli aa then but a military Is N prnperly The tunnel beinr driven 10 Tawiiiiir ' ing to the accommodations, rrom II to W ai rallb- reeii ip. earrie.l eiablea-- ail poat. He waa born In 4 13 and reared In cut a vein lhal outcrops lua-l- up the day per person. cjrlate. drams, wine of colrhlrum, one of raiile ihrauirh Ihr winier on tbialle Itnane cnunly, Tenneaaee. anal came lo N ler naif ounce; romp, ailrt lieaal of l,r-e- . uiili no hill. BBasK"" All of Ibe grand lodge meeting will be tluld blamwort. I oa--i other Texaa in ihe annua of laaia. After aoendtna Chamber BaaaVatfanL feed Mr .hirby ran a eiiltlvabir llimuilb three inoniba l.amar .mulle Uap Mines sihlpplna In the beaulirul and commodious r?fi!P rArdl0L. 0,'; ,nd ,yruP "rsapa in rounty, he went or i.. numere- Auditorium building. nd lha thlallr pal, b ami then harrowed it lu to l aonin cmmi) and take a leaipoonrul at resided there until Ilcrular shipments or The. program, as as determined mealtime and again before al lh.' nr., 'in, ami pul It In amnl ahap the fall of taso. Al thai limo ho ramo load far going to bed lo liver oren Kl follows for riiitinn and laklnr off ihr The j Tarranl rnunty are arrlnn at the Pnso smeller frían lhc oi ember Mlntnr Moaday. May M. 11. L.. I1 3 n,v lr,e" 10 uro dand leased and laomicil oranlio Y atsofll 7:30 p. in Special invention of tlu rüJ: fnt SC,D' r",n 'r Kt bild or ip r grand lodge. wllh numerous tonics, etr.. but In 1:01. iHrtdints aoulb sieins. a sintlon on p. Exemplification of Ihe vsln. do you th- t:lt ui secret Whit rrrommendT" southern Pacific railroad. ileneral I work. Worried Man writes: "Let me say that b II my condition siíaVüío recommending Manarer W. klnnaxn. In addiiion lo Ihe t.-- p. in .ifusir by Henrietta lodge male pustles and worries me. in yellow inlnyol ror the Ihr Isst year I seem to have been now. put seven rerulir produrinr rorn-t- is aihiinr core quartette m- rte WHEN lng old rapidly, though only 3S. My hlí..',"",..w0,, "' -' Pients arc DIGESTION machinery S3:, p. oniest rank teams rood with tke drllllnr with a new Ii rx in third quick, pleasant action r.r l tt.V). cup; and sleep do not recuperate my strength this plorlnr 'ha- lime lrat prise, Weatbrook hotel . remedy in snipping Itching, railing ruine below the aau n. iaj uu lately nave amy spells pre-e- company prlie. n. E.oK1,í"1I.ufr' hair worklnr. This is coin May trembling, headaches, loss or an petite " rle tbe Isosa'd of Kl , rucada. II. memory and vigor as nmhm. ..1... stockholders. 00 a. m. Jnini public meeting of the and hoelessness. Despondency IS or mi wurry uvar my condition are ever pre Jari with rail 1t A Charles women get i, ran, or BURDEN House. Mouse and Kin Tbamssnds Hun have been l.oaige and Temple I'yuuau Jen Hen tirano sent." aey tunc H. ling wnnrti-rru- results from a treatment t.liaiiiDor nf auditorium r'en Kinert. frill Becker ami sisters. cumiuerre Answer Cheer up. gel vaiin h 11 1;. yrars old and gaining In pupu James I Htephena. of Queen City lodge. well and Ibeu S-- wrttoa; , aoelatea. a four year lease and bond on consone your vitality uy proper, temper "Can you please pre-- ike Humbun anrt Haven lartiy every day presiding wnlrh relieve m, af mlnlnr claims at 11 lia- - le living. Oblalo ibree. grain cadouicne ,1",'"""" ew M coal them a penny to try II Invocation h distressing symptoms or kidney ami ainatiiio Mcilco The purchase nar will It you. Music. Pylhlan Home band iSDieis in aeaiea tuoea with rull direr When digestion is impaired you Ait.ouo, n hi'L- "" f"llow,n ...... can price la of which prr rent waa ha- or (11 lions, use them snd in agreeable, pleaa fws You will surprised and delighted at Addresses welcoaie; on behalf rroínó. m region of blaalrtor paid down. Work Is to al unce. toe nangi- your appearance or oí by Mayor T lng restorstlon should ensue lo your en n,"1'n start in when the Ihe rlly Forth Worth, f 1" bul r,,vl the Hlllaboru has prodm od Tyra: (bl on or Eleanor Temnlr tire satisfaction .unu.n..rV" """" "n,y nearly always look to a lazy liver district. New Mrnen. Its iffaa. It has behalf i"r nd """ odor Ptt,n and Ubi Bros, to Ik In . a 1,,lushing how Utile Mo. Pylhlan Sisters. Mrs. John Mrarldr. or limbs Hiltsrhrr ari' prrpartns mn additional rieah a. Mr. L. C. B. asks "Do yon ' Worklnr Ihr (.olden and bust develnpnsenl II hss required lu (c) on lie hair or Bed Cross and Queen City think It knob placers al Slap possible lo ua my weight rrom i ,r5Z" " f'lMsf rrom kid inik many of our thin patrons aiiraciive-- - lodges, 10yd n nuros. grind ispssaauia red mFS2' constipated bowels jack Hill, which ibex haxa sue pounds 10 abont taking ,bu,1'"r disorders should begin as the real cause is- - Hialina They us tbey seem live id Ileal Cross. Mo. 10 pounds?" reaarully fair .ave ral years durum dry nit Ii answer 11 is inkpoaalble to aay lableia. a very auecess thr be alii acting a riail. alleniion which 4. Music. Pythian Home band. Juat K1'1 10 araaon. Thry use Ibc tins aiua aano uau iltr. Hons1' ,ube "", When you think of the suffering after each meal from iuinnc-- diy cruah ihe never cnjoed and hid reeaed it rx 5. Hesuonsea: On behalf nf the ilrand mucn reaucr until erter "M ins machine and procesa, which so pert. Lodre. Hon. 8- - Patrick, grand chancellor. 'rung, bul t grain arboloue lab lots ahaiuld wis i. lie used 'ui in Ihe Altar placer- - in sonora. write lodax sauna semi me vaiur un behair or Urand Temple, I'ytntaa Killers according lu directions with racb Mrs. b. b. .. Heartburn, Bloating, Nausea, Headache, - sealed T ug( ,utf rroan it it Tha- machina lha yravei rraHi ir, linen! Wa Will Inillicdlllrlx sirs it snrnpsnire. 01 v came rt ora. past tube, obtainable al must any drug sa hr mrt ami send. c aloro, ir tba rieah is you ronstlpaiion iiertodlrslly snd mv aand lu Ihc dry ralirkat beds, so lhal ihe Ill I plain wrapper, surflrieni Or Whit- supreme roproaeniauve unnatural should no Pythian Hauiie band easily reduce as desired. wonder you have no interest in mealtime. boulders ara rleaued and elituliuied, Thay ney's Hierve A Flesh Builder lo five you xiusie. x'" ,hMU you prr the aaldilional riesb Ikal will aild so ruurh 10 to II a 1, ran, LaMtga convention SfcW- -' have purchased a Ik horse uwer raaailine Mrs. L. B. I 10 your at trac 11 earss In aome rasea It llama Excuralon to Pylhlan llnmr near wrttea: "What ran do for Soon you lose flesh and are in a run- na in. in ton lb.- machinery ami will use ins s bad rase of stomach, liver Tlkreo grain sulpharb tablets rial al.,00 lias been all lhal waa needed. wealberrurd s and bowel are 10 1 rouble My food ,'.'" moat efrscllvoi In re Ihe uld entine run the omprrssor. Mo. I Is lha general fleah builder. No. to ation of tba aaerot sours la stotnarh. rift down condition. You must help It la arid lar imrllrs s - for giving drvek.piueni work or Iks I'vihlan alelara and asanfarrina have heart burn, aod a run unromruri' removing owninr im- Intrr lo tba bual able feeling meals, id. aimpioms or languor, ele I cl- - 11, Or Johnson Jin, Aril. 41a, alone withoiil enlarging oibrr paria of the rani, oy Mranur rerapia no aa. ciuun-baf- arier runalipalaal at adxi.e you bsir tba Intervals, coaled tongue and bail lu ug,,,, taken in.- nlrt al Benson body say which one you prefer of iiintnerce audlhmaal. breath with raa-t- air.roni Nature correct such ailments ox.i snu'licr under May all tba nine sealed package. bauirt. II Wille lo us today before Ibis geoMroui Waoaaaday. ta base and ami start II la the - Answer uffei is withdrawn, aad awl your free lo 11 ma uraaa Loan coa- Tbousanda of people la this "W. Z." v.n -- that the near future 10 ireat their own oros as wrntlain country are an in ted as you are irs i hev .yoji a Trry so body can be raiment in plain wrapper by return and severe cough and cold wall as to neat custom ores. Kverylhtur la M-- I p m p. -- to got imsoedlata relief snd aad have not been mall C. L June a Co.. friend Bldr B to M at Oraad Lodge gradually rf able to gri anything to proiressmr the Johaaoa amp Vlmits. N. V. iilixanllou fert pennsaaat results, I adviae yon 1,, help ma II is properly nourished. In kriaione faursday. May U buy of your druggist a dollar package rakeuiui mi system tbr mines are nireuiely ui ' ae IOC rnl.aaa.iai - n.-- 'double rour abimarfc and rtlir larasj antl copper ore bodies, and the m urand nasi roovaaiuoav bowel uardl rn'.l ugh This p. ra, lo close Oraad con ass aa per directions md will xsiiish and vou v. suggests a kaaaas H directora of IM compaay are Latas claaand oa the again pm xtuuua ur tena Oi a u os al tha properly and hava purchased lum- lwolp.waBtt amaumy OHIni tie en.euiriiird easenra aaajktl fair trial ber and umber anal wilt puak work. The O. snd take nuur or two at 11.T roa at au. J. at aks. "I am thin aneular aaaab taken p, Thia ran I Arltun a Minina; Co . and What can I made into a rull plni of under ttred take to Improve any home in .,1 of oí Mr. Toot, la watrkinr health, airvnglheo arrv.a rup Pull i,. tkrer I U sasae Laaia aa Pass Creek hi, and lu. r.aa. use will bar shirts savd reed Bare a weigni about pounds " found Is a in aiaklnr a vertical abafl la prt Taaaav taking out pa u m. Anav.nr Take reaularlv alias u' drive laa 2t! paratioe lur lar amount H, Ttmt MjacaMaf faw reap amé asa I ' 5SBJ of a i lurala Uiree grain hyij nuilaiie ara Ibis sutaanar. The nia nn, r mi aayua. Teaao. AasrM le. ta a daiiginrui tmiei. oar rwaglau. with O O. innnaraaiaat af Or. Barilait. la also S ua Palo Duro Croak aurthweel uf biela aaaki msk, ra an, improve fui na si im for aslaaaalva work as. ewesas aswa i,, o aro Mat C O. kaiser rasad Ka rtvy ," " nii'iit . bad .v.- Uf at., Tha la livelier Iban fur ati asoatbs are built for buameaa Sltoa, shads, eo lha nervous uateia u iSL"? nd kroei aJaa. .uugi, racks, - uwd rtnllri. ? Wort baa boea ruunwl on lata Coiaovai- yards rusiveniosiUy placad oa lb stops aad PH M..HI llaulllll.- aaltb mine wbtch adjoins law old HOSTETTER'S ba protected by the high klU aa Ike north Anaao--i ...... --. .. - Bawus iba tinaiaainwoaJtk tos "I hava Mas) M lau rallad aalaw. la Tha yards ra doasa ua tba rsaa Ibraaajat to taking a toair fknk batldug ass arca raaap, la Corblse ' irsataaant is costal) aaxuea ball tea. sewed. vira a ease I km. v. uf uoiaima haiia The pruparty a o ituu af a rroup bare alfalfa, rs.ru. rottua saead awal .tlsrae grain hyp., auciiuT labliu uf bottfhl frvsni ia.lau I aery, lacea.- varraiy ad ruaJw Stomach aaw by Hiatier pssupla. and aavtral ami of iaia aaaajrtoieui cuaaasa 1 partan Bitters me 1 "le-ux- aMUra ia ikrvrhpwial ask ana worn a ZZTTL" antiseptic ask SBSMUVO kiaikaa uiili tar aa as mué kauwa bow as ...uih-1.- ran kaluary was rl suaaa 111 te miv,,,, tipiada aliar nadar IM ktosa Asia uvg aiuwr a two or Tak ItftM a fUUlm Today. B Bur It U W auu otaht tnTvlY... tha Ganulna. uf I'arkar x ska is Jxtat aaw ibero saw IN ... -- 7 jtÍTb- -' Jit j'rjr' isi- rrjair íntL'jI Sunday. April 11. 1915. EL PASO MORNINCi 11MES

MASMGNIVIRiS' TYPHUS RAVAGING Magnif icient Hair Easy to Best Laxative Soma Aitoniahmg Children Obtain Quickly Bnnty Secrwta JUMPS FROM TOMB For POPULATION SERBIA Whan yesar baby la cresa and ftet eaeiaa af reci.,,. Tin n..f HM. T. O. Only on ere ara la necei "Onyx?' Days F.llmlaalert the Araelreaxrat el sary to hcaufiry Iha akin and brute. It lo a ful matead of the happy, laughing lit (vteey -- rMBKweo r. sascrsap aa aaa Vale.fca nr. it. tararira r. .n.im ..ii of in. rtmparaM) toreltneaa tn a rmt iiiw irYrn niu. tie dear you are arcaitcmted to. in all ni vnarn ami tetress. lime a few will prove Its Ttot rom m iih try by PSaPtS. iSSlLY Sit u leant) short days' us THC probability Ihe digestion hoi -t JSi has become a rn By WIW VIUMKY TT. results stake up a mixture of one. niaras liRKtn mil The National Annual yoa of t. refine and one mince of aln iter an red and tke bowel i area at ten enuld tualit ee a dtrrerener of m a H iime inni of aler Ttri makea a seilny tkm. Orea a mild laiattve. dhapet t jflB nr Vpres, tn three inches in the growth of yoer cream which In be need very liberally TranawlMly al Malllklaedma r'hair In a res Ii ihe irritability and bring bark tan TwihaVsat Mearbi-rea- ptr weeks tlm and 4MM a every day This makes over a pint of cream, Hear af War superb improvement In IU vigor anil silky happy content of babyhood. I la Taelr nall tirina which n many lime mor iban you ordi very best IM'csrgnec you would perhaps wonder narllv pay for prepared rreem which do Tin laxative for children nhether a miracle had nol been suddenly not III la Dr. cerdweir syrup Pepsfn. be- performed. rive Iba desired results. Von won By BRETT By A Manges or this kind are no rind that every blemish cause ii coat taina no opiate or narcotic lAa asarlaled frees red apni freckle and Belgrade. April 10 All reports Indira! that most women do nol believe will disappear and leave the sblo pnre and New York. April 10. - Mascagai'a Itls" drug, la pleasant tatting and arts 'hem possible, yei the lhal If tl the typtiaa la gaining ground 1 proper fan remain clear aa Uly waa revived the other night, with enorita gen ii v. bal ttrrely. nitbntit griping at dreaded l JwIIk I 'he mean ara employed lhay are or Druggists throughout Servia, liver 100 doctors have 15th 16th 17th ni're likely in occur than not. The proper l.urretia Bori in the title role, at the other distress aell Dr. ijieanj. of rourae, are the conlrolling rector. MISS T. D. T Here la a wrinkle Metropolitan nnera nonie. tor laaaarliax caidweii s Syrup Pepsia at fifty canta died rrom II, as wall aa 89.000 of the popa B Thursday Friday Saturday Mere hair tonic, which are rnaunoaly sold formula which haa already become Bon. personally, and ror her alone, it waa and one dollar bottle For a rraa latían, mostly aromen. II was only a fes ASM asi m prepared form and usa, ara so famous because of Its quick action In ren- a triiimrti rial bottle write to Dr. w p. Cald- naonlbs ago that the disease waa brought ready lo dering the akin and often weak in puer and In Ingredients thai plump and vigorous, originally produced during the eompo- - well, 1st Washington St. Montlcello. Into the country, probably In neremher ii thereby eliminating all traces and Una or la remarkable how many of them are age. er's dlsaatroua tour or irui count rv in ML by the Austrian prisoners, with vermin ir mo ai au. ii you would OMIII a really Mli two lablesiutonfals of glycerine lober. 1901 "Iris" waa revived after flvei their clothing There rere over i.nrm and two nances of eiitol In a half pint of years' slumber because Mme. lames want wounded Austrian prisoner arter lha bat water. i lie resuii i a Besuitrut cream ed a Japanese part tor tie of Valjevo and Belgrade The. men Look for Details in Wi or wonderful absorbent qualities, nig and comparison with - Misa Farrar's i lo cío san in "Madam were taken Into the same hospitals with th nun- wnnaics, crow leei ana looseness 01 Hiitterfl y " Mine. Fames' race, trooDs and for by Ihe san a With pretty I may quote the description of hut one. Servian rared Wodnotdtkjr' Papers I flesh disappear in remarkably short tunc the or Mcnftl of and nurcs. Working In these The age popularity Caruso and and the mineen marvelous one doctors M difference in Ihe appearance of magntricrnt sunset efrect which wai the ait futurist hospital were tha women of the ruiintiy win ne quite startling. dramas that appeared for "one night only" or of opera'i chief charm "Iris" waa presented at Bologna. "They Come." a synthesis rrom wlvcx cabinet ministers, forelar toor-t- . of down to Irx tour times In inanimate things, is tne diplomatic representatives, - 11 Very by Nartnetti. "opus women, to EVII.INA Ii Development of the bnsi profitably u could have been left magnum wnicn ne seems to appreciate peasant woo were employed dc i ery orten possible. There la no absolute In the storehouse, bul here In a strange ihe cleaning, all of whom went tn the hos Lord & Toyor the most, believing, aa assurance or this, Is season waa he does, thai It from their hornea in the morning however. There dinger there the lovely faee. tbe baa a real vein of new theatrical sensibill- pltals In the use of vacuum cup, pumps ami the you thru charm, tke marvelous voice and and relumed to them in Ihe evening, and ft VHOLiSALS. DISTUBUTOKS. aaaaaTiaWaK exceptional He claims that by placing furniture every for dlsmrec like. The following inUlure Is safe and has dramatic ability of Señorita and other things In certain special noses notwithstanding effort been very successful. Tn half plni of hot Sort r unar the part as never before II had great effect ran lion before leaving Ihe liospttsl premise water, half cup of sugar and two been fitted. dramatic be had. In Ibis has been In way add a Therefore, as the new opera particular sense we aw eieht chairs of the disease carried this ounce ni ruenone. with which any ilrug was needed, the Metropolitan management napea an from the hospltala to the home. will Dissolve prooureo rtirferrni and armchair, whlcli to or cunning gist supply yoii. thoroughly "iris. arter having hern placed In various no owing the lack surrteieut and take two leaspoonruls ificr meals and But you cannot put lire Into a lifeless especially of uniforma, aoldlera who have score, sillona for the coming gueat. finally ne al on retiring. even Mr. Tosranlnl's genius came animated walked nut. been dismissed from the liostdtals and a a) e In Ihe staging as aa or and lights lowed to return to their home have been FRUIT wrll in the directum amy aoin cieviriy uisposen to create LAXATIVE FOR SICK CHILD Miss FO "IDLY Do not pinch out black the muaic could nol accomplish the mira- given the same clothing they ware when a complete illusion. o wonder Italy many heads. You ran remnve them wllhoul rail cle. There isn't a atraln of real Japine.se ta Joining ihe war. they cahxe into the hospital. This In by mualc from caaea already with In a few ralnutea sprinkling powdered the beginning to the end of It Is a distinct relief tn write that lha aaa doubtless tnrectrd nerniln on a hot wet sponge and rubbing us score, i ne opening and rioalng sun nas come the body parasite which carries Ihe typhus, the sets arc or circus to town. which able to lia GIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF Ibis on the blackheads. Then look In the best Its dramatic material Tented ss always In Madlon Square Oar and is dormant tor FIGS" tula." mirror and see the difference. This And the ilraina or scenic erreets Is a poor den. year's Barnum weeks. Ii comet to life ta soon as I tbts k Rallev s offer or only inicio know thai will really remove mneea. on wincn to lean. Is the same comes in rontacl with the heat Ihe In auiirul Itrad or hair quickly and with lil- blackheads, In the press room an inr wondrrhillv miruinrisiic In thl wav disease has been ilí: and do it almost instantly unusual unanlmltv affair of pink lemonade and' peanuts bodv. the CLF.VWsi Mil ii LITTLE geeled passes trouble, jim make up youraelf at home a a opinion was that propagated to distant villages, ao that STOMACH. food out of the bowels and a a ui expressed "na a pit'. nas aeiigniea our nearis since childhood. in few minim mixture of one ounce MRS. H. M. T. Is lo be regretted thai they aald, ' as thousands are dying on outlying farms, LIVER, now H WITH you hive a well. plaWul child again. When hi'lsquliiol with mm It that such beautiful art that II is always the same, yet ever delightfully Oil you could not get the epidl at the drug displayed by Borl was wasted on this new. which no efficient aid ran be sent by the NMatV. Ha llllle system Is lull or cold, throat sore, iml and hair a pint or water lor a full my ann government, owing the insurrirlency or has nay ue store, Dut serrctary will gel it and send wora. only a smaller pity that Mr At the Palace theater Mme. Bertha to alomlcli ache, diarrhoea. Indigestion, nit or rum if you wish. Instead or II you If you "Secretary to Botta. Mr. Dldur Kaltrn doctors, nurses, transportation rartliilee. W to will write, and Scotll should have Is appearing in a new one rolle remember a good liver and boael he ater and alcrilwil ant ani.tw ilsla lih. Valeaky Thompson Rldg., Chicago," labored to in melodrama and espenaiiv of tents and nothing: for Suratt. teiiously In this futile cause d.v usaip uymow. a Russian It Is built Fvery mother realhtee that this It Ihe rlrantng should always be the rirsl treat and enclose the price, firty cents. Bui an evening. Indeed. Is nol when on laoiating tne caaes. win mop railing, ills- lost Ihe "On Trial" manner it opens with be- im in given. iiair ilandriirr will tne mátenles art or señorita Borl. in al a The need or the latter Is urgent. The children's Ideal laxative tnd phyilr, ippear and Hie hair will grow with reinarka-nl- revolver shot, tails the atory of II and sup Millions or mothers keep JANET T. !. You probably don't reallte her youthful charm and genius, la to be end. on as high a note, compressed fled Cross sanltarv commission has cause they lor its pleasant taste and it "California rapidity. II Ik In racl a that dandrufr may now be dissolved sway seen. Into plied tlie necessary scientific knowledge. syrup or Figs'' handy, tlicy know a The hair roots ntilcklv lake on new life soap, no cuiupaci a lorm tnai toe inriu 'tumble surgeons and are orrertng never falla to effect a thorough "inside ugnr. completely. This Is nol done witit be in painting we. in this country, are ant one upop the heels of the the mirara their today saves a sick child tomorrow, ami and naturally enough, when this cause the permit er II. But nu un, me other. "The services lo go Into Ihe danger tone, even leanslng" iino-- alkali does not io ie niiurism io irenrn. as Vlrtlm'' would seem stark without griping nirertions for babies, rhlldfen or all ages occur. t any hair trouble Is bound you a cggol and bare wera haa been the chances cease, If writ dissolve leaapoonful of matter or fact. Hie words futurist and ii not ror Mme. consummate though it stated thai When your child Is croas. Irritable, and grown-u- are plainly on each bottle. lo tlua formula makes over a pint in hair a cup or water and use a head are tne inventions or vnunv kalfrh's art. of death are 00 per cent greater than or tin unequaled hot luiunsm os.ar Hammerstein's Illness, coming as reverían, or breath la bad, stomach sour, As your druggist a 50 cent halrgrowcr, and- coats wash, you will be surprised at Ihe splendid neurv son 01 tTay are In the 'renche. but unless the for bottle much leas a i.iews. ine nanaer Futurism It does with the news of s friendly look at Ihe tongue, mother: coated. of Syrup Figs." llian hair Ionic, and beside II results, i on can secure rrom your orug-gls- t Us more or a philosophy than an an. Any suit necessary lenta and clothing are to be had If "rallfornla of Beware nf la far more crfrctlw. io lovor ni a ssseis unui ne is able or commission a teasspoonrul or rallfornla svrup of sold here genuine, at small cost enough eggol to make cuviiy m me may use on me futurist rare his again. Immediately, the work the counierrelia ivt the over a thaunpoos. note, for business Is causing rail of any nominal reauli. Figs," and In a re all the foul, made by Fig syrup Company." dozen of !hcc it la as much a part or the drama mncn ror tnia operatic must hut hours "Calirumla I'lllt.lilTA .i. T. superfluous hair on c aa sympauiy revolu It has been siirpnstpd by the American constipated wane, bile undl- any rig a or poetry or painting. Tne maddest tionisi and of theaters. anur and itefuse oilier syrup with rontempl. woman is a hideous thing. Manv women MISS WAITINO Hydrollxed talc a indeed, are builder One of here that the u, S. collier Jason should futurists, nol French, but ine most lorcerui personalities In the the hesitate to use depilatories became the or- remarkable thing for escesslve poraplntlon laiians. particularly In the be sent upon such an errand or mercy. dinary sold tor drama. atrlcal business, Oscar HammerelelQ i Importance preparations this purpose of ihe L'se It liberally and you The very lalest event in the Italian r one This sanitary work Is or not injure the skin and leave a spot where ap- will rind you will no longer movement whose absence, even for ihe two n only to the whole er Ihe belligerents, hut School Beads Purchased. lhal suiter lurlst was Ihe performance of three the doctors have VITALRECORD.' plied, simply because ihe hair Is literally Irom the extreme wetness under Ihe arms. uaiiiSBii oiie aci tne ntner evening months sentenced tn all or the neutral alatea aa well. The Bn daedal Mra fo foe T'lmca In off. piays in nun aeep ms room, De 10. -- At rued They way to do I lo use rour dress shields and arm pits will be Rnlngna. Italy not one of them lasted io will reit. sailors who are handling the shipping at Austin. Texas, April the regular amiple sulfo .sortition, which Is Ihe only resh and dry and you will have no more longer than ten minutes. The easiest way shipping which goes to the whole) ninniniy meeting of ihe state hoard of Births. thing known that will simply dissolve away gowns ruined by perspiration. Hydrnllted tn obtain an Insiarht Into the movement CHURCH NOTICES or the world, will he liable to Infection education held today the board purchaaed MOLINA T4 Mr. and Mrs. Andres Molina, Ihe hair and leave Ihe akin son. while and can be obtained ai any drug store, it and these plays la to read tbese quotations and be the means or transmission of thla worth or various kinds of school mm rinrcnre, April I. a boy. Milium, m mis way no une can ever lell body i s disease aa the summer comoa on. also destroys perspiration and odora nun me iianan futurist manlfeslo Orchard Park Helhodlst. bonds ror Ihe benom of the permanent ALABOiY-T- o Mr. and Mrs. joae Alarron, win used an.vthlnr for rctmivlmr hair sim. completely. sued a year ago and printed In America sulfo M. E. school funds, also paid BtA.ono on bonds Pie solution can be obtained from d.v my iriencis. k. and V. Sein- Orchard Park church. Hadlork it wui ii im umtsi n. your In vaientmi street, or Washington already purchased, thus leaving thn amount druggist, but caae be hasn't It get MRS. B. O. F. Even the finest face pow prevlvs. In their "International Music and east park. Sunday THE lilt Mint or WAR. laoi Arlaona, April 7, a boy. Ihe sulfo powder, a. m. a. still due by Ihe for bond. lilntirtnann. which Is Ihe same Ihlnr, ders have always been too rhalky tor me. urams." scnuui, iv creaming services, ii m Ypres, April 1. Vpres Is still too ac- board hereto e.xeepi mat when applying II ynu wei II why I bad my own made, after my Here are naraa-ran- to or Ihe heavy Herman foro bought fltt.oM. The board also ! Heaths wlili a water. That's three from the cessible Ihe fire little It never rails to de- own formula. It la the utmost In powder e nave a profound Kvangrllral Lutheran. artillery lo be freely open to stranger not tended slate aid lo the towns of Invine x stroy all hair, m in inaniiesio dlsrust i. Mi' Hen Harria, 3t. April J. Fifth and and coarse, wiih the loveliness, exquisite In flnenesa and smooth- for the Ihealor of todav (verse, nrose and lio San Antonio atreet. Services eon eonnerled with the serious business In and Mineral Wells, each place getting Santa Fn. initial in Concordia cemetery. inmost rapidity and thoroughness, II ness, now ob- 10 never and and delicate in scent. It Is music) because it swings stupidly between ducted In Herman at 30. Sunday school. hand, yel If one did not know what the Ml April 10. Injures the most sensitive skin or tainable at all drug stores, as "Valosky nhoin- - roar was would -- leaves a historical reconstruction and ihe mini r.ugiian ana Herman, classes begin thundering all about he Al.l AHCO.N Infant of Mr. and Mra. Joae mark. Suratt Face Powder." graphlc reproduction of our daily life. It nlng at 9:U. not think or war. The tranquility of tha Allarmn, April lull Campbell. Burial In Is a minute, slow, analvtir and itiimeii inhabitants is so reassuring that a visitor Automobile Licenses. Concordia cemetery. April lo. meaier wnicn ai best belongs to lha age Church af St. Clement may walk around the great market piara 3IM al ador Oarav. Juarei. Mexico i s A Ysldora Besa. M, April 10. Btsj Buick, 7 passenger. and in the banquet even ui we isBTWBaaaa lamp. Montana with no thought that a shell Is likely to Hurlal In Concordia cemetery. April nation attend tblt and Campbell streets. Ilev. Henry the" very I B 51. Uig. Tltla outbreak la followed by nineteen Faster, Holy light upon spot. 3i w. tarrow. ock tlovernmant to. reasons why rector. communion. 1M a. m. A green up and inn, It J.no Aft, April 8, M K. COLUMBIANS HOLD Joseph Scott is one of tun best known the futurists exalt the variety Sunday school, a. 45 a. Morning Hammersmith bua drives lorn. im Dllvtr, in. prayer gome light S4UB w. I.. Foiieti, i psnn, Indian HI. In citizens of California. He was tor many inratcrs our vaudeville one of these rea with a. m. Evening ''Toaunles" pet out leisurely, lis Vrain. hurlal Concordia cemetery. sons is- us sermon. It prayer with pipas and take a the hal n.oiorcycie. April III. years president of the school board at Loa "The varlelv theater i horn loon s p. an. their turn around Angeles and was formerly president of the with us rrom electricity, has verv happily tered market house, whistling "It's a Lona .1408 i.. as. smelling, wit Texas. Kora, t CAHNKOAN A. It. C.arneean, St. April t. passenger. t i .os Angeles chamber or commerce, ni no masters, traditions or dogmas and is Wav to Tlooerarv." Hive. Uurttl In Evergreen cernen ry. INITIATION TODAY reputation long since extendod beyond the nurtured with swirt, everyday fact. It Piral Christian An nld man guiding a little vegetable 3t07-- A. Dimming 4 Bon, AS! W. Mia April id. confine. of the Golden stale, and he tvaa dealg with comic elTecta, erotic excitement Corner North Oregon and Franklin cart drawn by three noble Flemish dogs aourl, Kurd roadsier. siniWKITKKH Fdward W. Sehweiuer. . sometimes lievn called "California's great' and Imaginative amazement. It is the only streets. Perry J. nice, pastor. Services Slops snd looks admiringly after lli April s. County hospital. Burial In Can. He Is a ind force nooi which rsn be recommended lei tal- - sundav school al 0:30 a. m. Communion Phlegmatic boys In khaki, while from a Wr buy gold and silver bullion. Jonn rfnlla ceineiery, April 10. esi booster. pleasing Aprfl ful speaker and be la on the program to cnien youin and young men. It explains ai in 4.1. rcnowed immediately hv iho group of children playing in rronl of the son Assay Co., flhelrton Hotel (Adv.) McCftFl ltV William Mccreary. IJ, deliver an address at tnn cnainber or Com- in an incisive way me most abstract and preaching service. The hour of the eve market house some Flemish girls run up 0. hi... HI. Militáis Heights. Ounal In be JOSI PII I April II. M.OTT OF lis. WI.M KS TO merce 'dollar dinner" Mondav evening, tak- 'iiwuieuiai pronieins ann tne most com ning service win be 7 . matead of a to the soldiers and Invite inspection or a Guarding Aealnsl Bukonlr Plague. held in Concordia cemetery, I.r CEBKMOMKH: WVY Oil-O- r ing ror his "The Province of a plicated political situation o'clock, aa heretofore. aerlea or poalcards representing the dif- TOWN YlslTOHs. chamber or Commerce." The other speaker "For instance, a yesr ago at th Folies ferent phases of the destruction of the Bu Npeeial Wlrr fo Ihr ríete Marriage License. it rbia banquet will be Oeorge H. Maxwell, nergeres m ran, two danrers reproduced Austin Park Christian architectural jewel or Flanders, "Les Halles Aislln, April 10. Carrying oul the John MeCoy to Mary J. of Washington. D. executive director of tne waving discussion or Cambon ee." campaign of the extermination or rats at Dew ell. With Joseph Los- - C wllb Corner of Cebada and Montana streats. srotl, of Angeles, OH., the National Reclamation congress, who iiinacrieu-watrne- r on the Morocco and H. Allen, pastor. snnesrh helfrv of the market house border points to prevent the Introduction ii am mi- MF.niNA Bosaran Bamtres to or will speak on. our National nngo Services Bible school. nrriclatlAK as Iiead Ihe degree leani. Defense." i. quesuon, with a dance so llintagl 30 s. ni. Communion at 10:41, and preach has been reduced io two crumbling walls of bubonic plague In Texas. Stain Health Francisca Medina. ii i:s jesns Dalmuro to a diss or torly candidates will lie Initialed and lull of meaning that It amounted to ing al II a. m. and 7 n. in. Fndeavor that recall ancient towers along ihe Rhine f fh er Collins said today that guards and ni mi n.ai ai least a year s course in foreign pollrv ' at I.J0 p. in. A. Whitfield, leader. Ihe lefi wine or the building lies In a Inspectors are being Increased Ihe llnsn i mntales. with appruprlile ceremonies Inm inc local Taking cure ol Ihe Chlldrea I. al HKMMosii.i.A-lilvHBB- Hermo coodness gracious! It Is too bad that heap and the main ball, completely gutted Arturo cuiicil of thi knights or Columbus, the Mo a rent wo Jld .consciously be careless Inside, consista four blank walls. various ports of entry. The inspector In Mercer Hlverra. Christian Srlrare. of .nunc Pass, - cvercics beginning this aficinonti at J or the children. Joe A. nosmarln. Clark-so- through the windows or which daylight la been iloulikd si while al STliMiA sliiAl-L- r.iano io jui- Neb., use Fcley Honey and Tar tor Corner Mnntans and Stanton streets, rirsl seen every side. other porta tnrreatecl. lana Slralla. o clock al knlghls or Columbus hall. reader, s. T. Shirley. Sunday from tils two children tor croup, coughs and services. 11 iiuisine nits mciaiii iioiv nun. Deninn an Following He business session Mr. Scoll colds. He saya. "We are nevar without in. Sunday school, o so a. m. Improilsed counter under a little arcade will the honor guest at a banquet to be Foley's Honey and Tar In the house." A ENJOY LIFE! YOU on ihe or El Paaa SapUaL flanked either side hv debris given ibis evening at c :tu o'clock by Hie distressing cough, sleepless nights and raw, aal recent noiubardnienta. and facing Ihe roof Inriiuned lead to a n condi- Services Sunday school, 0 30 a local knight a. nr throat a. tn. less cathedral, little woman rslmly awaits GIRLS! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR Knlahl Columbus hall. tion In which Ihe rhild Is not able to reslat P. Hmith, superintendent. Preaching st the rare customer for her slock or fruit, contagious or Foley's s. m. and 7 K m Baptlilng an by Mr. Srotl, a or inrcrtiuua diseases. NEED d. at the gsthered from no one knows where or adilress number snort Honey and Is truly healing and prompt CASCAREIS close or service. young peo- will be made by local Ms lar evening The how. She reflects the mentality ol lha talks and in action. II rellevea coughs, colds, croup ple will have their regular service, 6:30 people or Flanders resigned, patient, con members for the piod of Ihe order. whooping cough. Owl Drug Co. (Ad- p. m. DANDERINE Uafl r.nd fluent, nair forgettui wnat rear is iikc ann NO DANDRUFF 25 CENT Members ol degree team, which will vertisement.) conduct ihe mutation, and prominent in III HAPPY! A IP CENT BOX hill's LIVER lubborn in tnetr determination to suck rrom n their firesides as long a nna alone liimhi.m knights Blsliee and Uougla.s. AMD BOWELS I rOM demlng M., Sen. J. I.. Hidalgo, operatic tenor, rrom treeti remains on top of another, civilians and Aria.; and silver Cltjr. and li HA IB LOMINC ? IK DBY. I'HIN how dull, railed hrntle and scraggy. Jutt oilier points, are exDacted to the the Grand Opera House, Mexico city, will MONTHS. unday school: Mrs carl zann soldiers I rencn and Hriii-- are frater Ol'T reach 10 Bible with and care city tins momtng lo participate In Ilia lata sing at Campbell's. Cafe tonight. (Adv.) superintendent: is, class, nreslded nising in Ihe middle or the market place I AIMUI. BBIMU BACK ITS COLOR molaten a cloth tianderlne over oy tne nev. sines Hanson; 11 a when ihe distant thunder strike up and full) draw it through your hair, taking public It AND Lt s i hi l IUU.V! HUM aTAV HI I ioi worship. soon after the first projectile arrives one small strand at a lime The errect misses the market ball, bul explodes la - will be light, flurry SICK, HEADACHY x amazing- your hair mi tBe very midst of a throng on the square wavy, an appearance oí peone ami 'and have tONMIItltll Mosl for Iba tune take to their Within minutes after an application abundance: an incomparable lustre, soft- Mcrvirca at the usual hours cellars ' in yuu The Utile fruit woman hurries out to Henderme cannot find a single ness and luxuriance. First Mataodlat EpMrspal help pick up the right victims, then poet trace of dandruff or railing hair urn your Oat s IS rem butilo or knowlton's nan Corner Lee and Montana streets. Herman calmly back to her fruit stand in the scalp will noi itch, but what will pleaae derln from any drug atore or toilet Porter, pastor. Sunday school at shadow of the principal target fur the you uioat will be after a lew weeks' uta. counter, and prove tbat your hair It ta Q tn C II. ADPieton, sunerlntndeni Herman artillery The etreeis an deserted. when you aee new nalr, rine and downy pretty tnd toft aa any that ll haa been Watson 's roce ies Morning worship at II o'clock. Kpworth the Herman artillery continue, us dull al rirsl r tun really new hair grow neglected or Injured by careless treatment r earur at o.io n. m. r.veninr worship al followed by brighter llmnderlng sharper, ma all ovar the aralp -- all- - you aurely ran have 7 Ml O were that's beautiful CIOCI. crackling reports, aa if the lighting you a striking all around ihe voirea ol A lutle Issndrrlne Immediately doubles hair and lota of It If Just try little Cbareh af Chriat. French three inchera. The duel never ihe beauty or your hair. !'o difference Danderlne. Are Famous for Quality The church of Cbrlsl will assemble Sun long, and when it ends Ypres romei out lay In the Courthouse ror regular servirea of ita cellars and roe a about what little The Bible lessons al 10 a m preaching business three la left for It lo do ta If Telephone 5151 Texas St. 210-21- 2 ai ii a. m. ana 7 jo p. m. nothing had happened. Altura Praakytrriaa WHEN YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Corner Malla and Bussell, Orsndvlew As the warm days approach, the desire for some- Hev. w. C. Baber. paator Preaching by al- ine pasuir ai n a m. ana 7 p. m. nun IF KIDNEYS ACT From tha aaat atop hare on thalr way to tha expoaltlon thla summer thing cool and refreshing increases. Sherbet is day school at i a. m Leonard Weal. you will want your home lo appear to tha beat adveníate. ways a welcome dessert. auperinienaeni Any cuas of palnUaf and papering attended to promptly. Eaat n Paa stadbaaist Eplseapa-corne- or Oram and Rivera airéela. II BAD TAKE SALTS TUTTLE PAINT A GLASS CO. We are just in receipt of a shipment of luscious P Bond, paator Sonday srbnol. ta a. m. Phonea Noa and tlS-Il- t N. Stanton St. Hugh T. Henry, upe run. ndeni I'rearli la Iff Island brand Pineapple, suitable for Sherbets, sal- Ing. II a. m and 7 4S p. m. Rpwortb eague, p in hiss asry i iiiuin. preai SAVS BALK AUK W A is VIM HA It. ads, etc. ll'a npringnme! clean our lorpid liver in junior league will organise al BSJLM MUM. loo Ml IN BULAT. and aluggub bowels with good, harmless ttttHH tttBita i an acid. No. 2 acarei.. They don't (ripe or slrfcaa Olva your tnaldea a good " spring cleaning' Tins. i5c 25c and rid your sa if of headaches, bihsuus Wben you wake up with backache and apella, dlaatavaa, aallownest, bad breath. r.pworlh league, 7 p. nv Preaching dull misery In tha kidney region It SAN ANTONIO a. aUxuarb eourneaa. gases, etr.' beer up! a in anil S p m At in. niirning hour meant you hará basa eating loo del a io .mi box from say drug alore ine nrv Hubert smith, prr.iding rid much meal, saya a auitsuriiy. Best cathartic for children iha El Paso diainct. will preeb. Meal tonus urle acid which uvrrwurka AND RETURN Usa IBkaait to their erfort to niter ii from he blood and Uatw taco ate sort of paralysed and luggy Wben your ktaae fgj The Boys and Girls Craast Visa Baptist Nlulea get sluggish and log yusu must relieve IcUlia and styles street. Met s Haas a. Has you relíete your bowels, re way. missionary unday school. p. as sanrlDS ail tha hodfa urlaout waste, else 30 Who Work B. M. Duncan, suparinlsadxvgl. Tais la ya hae barker tx tick Bsartarhr, duty 16 24. limit 26 $24.35 aejuarc Day." Bav. a. aieiia. you iivuiiit sours, tuagust la April to 11 yuu Kind our orase Study Cuuree In Oreara H y nepiiai luiseiuuery al Torre aa, coated, aad baa the asealbar la bad $13.00 Shorthand a grass l lonveoience That Maalee, will speak ai the (load of iha p rhruaiaiii latugea The urttas la Wells, CtraHfB ayeXam la thai oat basal avdsSplad teseoa Mid week prayer cloudy, full of lailntfl, (haaaals oftaa Sale April 22, April 24 Mineral Tex. servirá Ihursaay On Linit AND RETURN to hsnaa atualy. haeauaa of I ta at 7 at p. aa. J. A. Twiggs leaster. AM sad sore, water acalda atxd you are obliged y ana' aaxaa of axacutloa. asaavary aaaiikag Friday ai a p. aa. aaak rallef tare er Uvea tuasrs durtatr All Good on the Hamambsvr this la lava system Mra W. S Dap, preasdaat. kavivgl lauflist la ovar half of iha Comuirr-cia- l will Be held al tbia aius bsgsa-aua- g a gusa!, reiietii phiaii-iai- i lumia of tha I niled Btalaa and Miuda) April St or gal ft um yeas piurnierisi abuui Sunset Limited Canada, ao you are- .tiiu iha Uaat ateas af tea tain iafc a tabas aa wall aa tha aTiaaSaaC Park Baptist spoonful la s glaaa 9 water before break Satn Franciavco Pacific Drop ua liata you a day a aaa your kulneya will and Return $45.00 Texas a let ua aaad aial uta nan, B ooui. fast for tea and liat.ua slr.ei, A BAJsruc i rssMna rtucm. a as- - K C OrMfilb. a.pariatatidaal iban act ftae Tbia feat nee eelie u atada Loe Angeles and Return $35.00 hutg eervtee. II Mi ' u arid of gratara atxd juk. "YotAr Family tfxyatcian Will - rrta. a i.iia Ssvn RaxcomiaaBd a Trip to Mln- Haaial will urea. a A irberua rbolr will na Utbia. asad kaa baea uassl Dieo end Return $3040 eral Well. lead iba aaaair Jaatur I' l . I p. at. lor International A. at aiuggiaB te seta. Chair Car mmd Lo Mi. W. Uaytue aapi murusKiu anlar aideris. tssu axuirslise PwllBB Scrviss B V P. V. BI p as Mendd Iriberp. lha uruie aw ll an Matger límala. Utu On sstie dtuly limit threat months DALLAS UTTLL Hex K. SHREVEPORT. MLMPHLS, Business College Pi airkmg atrvtre. 7 at p. ta. A Miller III prva. a Aid avalas a ble savar lar regular atea CITY TICKET Of 206 OREGON STREET at. P. aawMia. and Jad it TFICE. ST. LOUIS. NEW ORLEANS faiMSial Tuesday ai as u an liars It is uttaiieetix. aanoi Injurs Mat weak a apa aervkce Waste adar at B eatS aaxtaVat a a)aUMBas. eHaraeaai liuata Sunday April 1919. EL PASO MORNING TIMES II.


Outlook I Good in Arizona. When Science Conflicto With Gospel. Southwest Prese. GLIMPSES OF THE PAST. itoNMTIONH In C ochase. Manta Cftiz. Olla. Green- - it aetontlflc friends are always ready with some Tha Chinese ar boycotting the Japs In Califor- ' diplomatic de Faassaa assssajp m est Ttsr Boai never fi explanation Bib la nia, as a protest against Japan's of Th Timos) Hi f les and Oraham counties, Arizona, have that conflicts with the and manda, they might (From the Fllss n rw. aa aw nú. nullifies It teachings They ara ready to prove by if they'd boycott them in China rw been so bright In all I he history of Arizona as they accomplish rtrsi.icanow something. Tucson (Aria) atar. TWENTY-FOU- TEARS AOO TODAY. nitl theories that the script urea are false from tTtmmi Ml m oaroxiw ara at this time. Much is the cheering report msde entire Doubtless the Chinese would be reel grateful All C IS Ufa" III fa Meneáis to Rsvelatlona. and Instead of being IIÉII by men who have teen over section, and It that any would them to Ia, an extended mx MoKNtm mni, n. rtso rrxas that of evolution. for information that enable H. Detwiler returned from trip royyiilN ADVESTtalNO ni.PSXSXXTaTIVgS: sounds Just like the reporta that come from other boycott the Jananes In China. But at this distance through republic of Mexico. And when It comes to the miracles that are en- the Ke TaeS--a C SaOtlUi Ssanal lam, W MWW portions of the great Southwest. with o. SiOatta sssriai m ii i!, Till i sssssa In It looks Ilka the Japs have China by the tall Mni countered holy writ science fairly revels In It J. Ia. MHUken returned from a visit to Durangn. m. VIH C llll Syartal Wr. Thlrrt Mltall " In Bantu Cruz county conditions ara highly sat- a down-hil- l pull Tiai mm Bams, nil Mit Jut Msns. T. at. ability to theorize them entirely out of existence. isfactory and little border city of Nogales Is Mexico. Sara I tort, the ex- oiim M.n-- .. J a Professor Camden M. Cobern. a Philadelphia annum ow ciiiii.m-- 4 taas. rtf. enjoying a real boom. Fully a dozen new houses Submarine stir the Imagljaatlon. and there's a, Qaiaajaw. M-- at. August Melsel Just returned from a pleasant trip ) f f plorer and archaeologist, who has just returned from something heroic In a crew going down under the rosrafiz on the Tin m 4a rouxiwi are now In course of construction snd contracts have linn swa- t- Palestine, I the latest learned gentleman to assault sea to fight an unseen enemy. Nevertheless, viewed to the City of Mexico It ta M pana Bisaane U been let during the past few days for 20 more, ft ta ta at paso Pas am at r- -a the leaching of God's holy word. as a sporting proposition, submarine attacks are the at ta ta m tHa.il tt Wwrmm t la said there Is not a single house for rent In Nogales. most cowardly of ever devised. County Judge Blacker issued s csll for the county a) Iwsasi H Professor Camden M. Cobern explain the smiting form warfare MUM paita .Jiaaii In Cochise county and In the city of Douglat Biabes (Arts.) Review commissioners to assemble on April 1. tmsrsirrioN IIATKS of the rock which Moses performed In the furnish- conditions sre Just as favorable. The Hhattuck-Arlzon- a The submarine method may appear cowardly, ing of gushing to as a was granted rti am m Mining company up waters the thirsty Israelites but It la none the lea effective. Merman y ta dem- Deputy County Clerk Escajeda a few Pally ae4 .i I ta has stsrted at full M trlrk rm the part of th great lawgiver. Moses knew days' leave of absence which he proposed to spend Pally aan.it. tiara ,.. I capacity and Is employing 100 men. The Copper onstrating that fact every day In her eubmarln pally as Bsadaj. ana the spring was there. He had been scouting around in the lower valley. Sunday Queen company is aleo Increasing Its output to practice on British vessel. Tha Tlnata. at In that vicinity and made the discovery beforehand. some extent. Tombstone has picked up wonderfully, Millard returned from Austin, where Ruch an explanation la pitiful In It very weak- Sliver City, always equal to tha occasion, out- Patterson the Phelps-Dodg- people having more than JO men he had been in attendance upon the state supreme seaansara take fall ta ratataa ikati rasar rasalarli an raaastte ness. Of course, Moses knew th rock contained shone herself In entertaining the big cattlemen's I at work In tha Bunker Hill property. Every house natffr Uw raaalnaaa aftVt to bat atari. water. Ood Inspired him with the knowledge and convention. There Is a community spirit there that court. On paatafrka aaMrsa la fall, la tatjai esawy MM tuta Sanaa In Tombstone Is reported occupied. nothing daunts. Hants Pa New Mexican. manar iw rat flrafl .w ratalaa.t lattar directed the blow that smote the rock in twain and Silver City Is one of llvest proposition Clardy. Blacker and James were busy liMBk Olla county Is enjoying great proaperlty and the the little Mesdame. Pkaaa'taiw. yrtaata kraarti ivMi, alia fna llaaa aaoaetflna released the cooling liquid for the rejuvenation of all pártanla Tall oyaralor wkkk iaal II ar wttat Sapartsvaif ymi Hty Is booming, on the southwestern map. Whatever the citizens of yesterday superintending the planting of tree in the Saaday little of Miami fireat construction aria and aonnartlana III ta atada. A (te It y at. and on weary and distressed Israel. that progressive burg do is always yard. afaronona and aaaW ha Miml.,f tlaeartauRU work Is progressing on the new International smelter little undertake to courthouse MM Man The progresa of ths Israelite across the Red sea Jaaraa Bta.rt and alll and Inspiration concentrator. These plants are done well. 5 .... Manayw was due to another provision of science, according to O. L. Parker, general agent of the Santa Fe rail- lt . Sartal r K aad Mall Room Mi 44a. an 4 Or Uayta. working right now almost to capacity. The Old way at Mexico City, arrived in El Paso. ha rarnar falla lo dallaar tha yaya yromytlr. aaUty at aaat fhe learned professor. The wind blowing from a "Start a meat farm," aald D. McDonald, of Dominion mine will be unwatcred and In operation I direction, as it blow but once In a century, Hereford, some months ago. This Injunction ap- taouialton certain El Paso and Brownaville. Texas, were abolished lha tiaadln. aaarartar of soon. pealed to all northwest Texas and eastern New Mex- wtrlrt aiar ayyaat In lha columna blew the water apart, and Israel crossed on dry as cattle inspecting' stations, no cattle having been at- - county Is reported In most excellent ico. It Is surprising to note In meat aaaa na tarni brautat la tha rirsham ground. the increase Imported from Mexico since the passage of the shape. Ooat ranchers of that section have a big animals from chickens to big fat steers in this And here la where science again makes a deadly territory the last few months. Roswell (N. M.) tariff bill. mohslr crop, which Is bringing a big price. In the New v Southwetrtern Progres. stumble. If the wind blew strong enough on that Dreyer little city of Hafford there Is an excellent chamber The community that grows a surplus of meat R. II. and J. H. Flanagan, both connected TheHouthweatern Development company, recently particular day to blow the aea dry, it would have with the Campbell real estate company, left for the of commerce, which Is Industriously promoting the will soon become Independent. The man who has organized Rozwell, N. M will engage In livestock most certainly blown the Israelites out of Palestine. east. publicity of the entire county. his smokehouse on his own premises nothing reeding on an extensive scale through the employ- And it la thus every time science seek to step has In Oreenlee county all the mining properties to fear from the manipulation of the big packing Dr. W. N. Vila was nominated to make the race ment of Irrigated farms In the production of feed In and discredit Almighty Ood It only makes the are working at least HO per cent of their former Interests. for mayor by the Republican party at a meeting crops, which will be fed on the premises to HveMtock. more evident its own pitiful weakness held night R. C. Llghtbody officiated as chair- - ' forces. The new smelter of the Arizona Copper last In choosing between the teschlng of the Holy man. company at Clifton Is now In full operation. The The Jitney bus has also benefited the struggling Tha Mañanea Consolidated Copper company now Bible and science It Is but the mere exerclas of faith, Shannon company, which closed down on Reptember newápaper owners in cities where there are street H. Breen and wife, who have been spending some haa a force of- - 400 men working In its prop-erte- and cnrtalnly normal man can have stronger faith in car lines. The car companies are advertising now. about 21, resumed operation about one month ago und now time In the city, left for Chicago. at Canant-a- , In the state of Sonora. These the old book, that is the only hope and anchor of Duncan (Arts.) News. has about 600 men working In the mines, smelter .Virtue always has Its reward. street men arc being utilized In keeping the minea In auch humanity, than In all the fine spun theories that But the FIFTEEN YEARS AGO TODAY. and concentrator. car companies are really putting up a fight condition that they may soon resume operations. elenco can never hope te adduce. The Bible point for The same conditions prevail throughout the min- Mrs. W. R. Grayson left for Mississippi on account to high and noble realm that science can never continued existence. The jitney is making Itself ing district of the state. Range and livestock In- felt in every city that has street car service. of the illness of her mother. It is reported that oil has been struck at Roose- hope to touch. t terests were never In better shape than at this time. velt. ..Arix., by the Tonto Basin fill company, which H. Ia. Detwiler and H. C. Jenkins' left for a busi- Wool Is bringing a big price. The earth is carrying An exchange says it Is no wonder the Austrians ness to California. began uperatlona In that field about two years aso. If ah Arizona business man Intends to sell out trip lots of moisture and crop conditions are first class. and Russians are fighting so hard In the Carpathian Last November a large volume of gas was encoun- his place of business and engage in some other passes, as the snow there is four feat deep. Enough In fact, general Arizona conditions are the best that J. A. Griggs arrived tn the city from Ca tered with multiplying signs of oil. The stratum of avocation, he must first publish notice of Ills in- to make any one mad. Douglas (Ariz.) Dispatch. Grandes for a short vialt has been known for years. But tX Russians appear to be the maddest, not- oil struck Is a amall one, but it la believed oil In tention to do so for a certain period in a newspaper, withstanding the faet their name Is Agsnt F. commercial quantities la but a little further down. and also post auch notice prominently about his tht middle Division B. Houghton of the Santa Fe The measure of the Oklahoma state legislator snow. They will leave for Albuquerque Saturday to hear Hon. W. premises. This Is a new law passed by the recent are crowding the Austrians out of the which provided under penalties that a straight should passes J. Bryan speak. by gov- Carpathian and are beginning to overrun the Petitions arc being circulated In Globe and other hereafter be legally recognized as heating a flush tn state legislature and has been approved the plains of Hungary. According an portions of nila county, Arizona, calling for a special the poker gamea of that state, failed to ernor. And while this is freak legislation with a to announcement of Superintendent become a Martin, G. H. Une. election to authorize the Issuance of bonds In the vengeance, it Is commendable In one respect It W. R. the railway which was tied law. The attempted legislation, however, serves to Old residents of Arizona are authority for the up because of a washout, would be open for through yum fZ&O.OOO. to man who of to be expended in road work show that Oklahoma is striving to Improve her leg- is calculated make the does not believe statement that never before have all kinds of flow- traffic by noon today. the next two or years. la in advertising one final to print- been seen In during three The Idea to islator are upon the watch tower with conning in- make contribution ers such lavish profusion on Easter sell a portion of the bonda authorized each year until er's Ink. day. As a result not only were the churches of Preliminary organisation of the Curtis club was strument tn hand eagerly scanning the horizon for many the Improvements contemplated are completed. Globe and Miami handsomely decorated, but effected at the courthouse last night by the election opportunity to better the conditions of the masses. private homes were adorned with a luxuriant show- of W. M. Stock well, a G. H. conductor, president, Judge Duval West, of Ban Antonio, having and Standardized poker would he an advantage, and ac- after ing of wild flowers. Miami (Arts.) Stiver Belt Richard Burg, The Old Yuma mine, located 14 miles west of his com mission as representa- cording to the "Oklahoma rules", would be an adver- executed the personal The state of Arizona baa had to much moisture the city of Tucson. Ariz., in the Tucson mountains, A of carpenters' union was to tisement whose brightnea would never become1 cor- tive of President Wilson In the territory controlled this winter that the wild flower crop Is said to be meeting the held haa been bonded by Colonel Kpea Randolph and by Oeneral Villa, haa sailed for Vera Crux, where he one of the prettiest on record. And wild flowers as perfect temporary organisation and transact some roded. business matters. President Jones presided, about aasociates and development work has been started will pay hi respects to General they grow In Whiskers Carranza. the southwest are always a beautiful forty-sk- x members being present to definitely determine the poMlbllltiea of the prop- According to a lata report from Washington, It is expected that Judge West' report will exert sight. erty. The ore la andeplte freely mineralized and President Wilson 1 not to tour Texas upon the occa- much Influence In shaping the final policy of the W. C. Rollins, a prominent mining man of Chi- i small values In gold, copper, molyb- Tuesday huahua, arrived in the city. arries a little sion of his vialt to the Panama-Pacifi- c exposition. Waahington government In dealing with the Mexican night several inches of snow fell, which may cause more damage to Cloudcroft cottage. denum and vanadium. There a possibility he will visit Kl upon situation. that Pao Monday the train up the mountain line made an at- James B. tazear, national bank examiner, left for hi return trip to Washington, but It looks as If tempt to go out to Russia, but was to do so. Alamogordo. Application for a United states farm demon- unable this city will be the only Texas city thu honored. Liquor is personal property and may be taxed Cloudcroft (N. M.) Cloudcrofter. strator for Kddy county. New Mexico, haa been V. Elmore, livestock agent of the Tcxaa ac Pa- And when the president see El Paso he will behold as such, even though the sals of liquor In the stats Cloudcroft ought to find some method of pre- J. made by wire. The matter came to focus In cific, left for a short visit to Chihuahua. a the llveat proposition In all Texas. of Arizona i prohibited, according to an opinion serving that aupply of snow and bring it out about Carlsbad when petitions were preaented to the the Fourth of July for the delectation of the army by tha state' attorney general. "Should the owner aaaea with gold rounty commissioners, who acted promptly by send- guests laden to induce his Islamic Majesty It begin to look a if New Tork courts are be- refuse to pay taxes on his liquor, the state possibly of who will at that time be frequenting El to renounce his project dispatching a mighty ing a telegram asking for the demonstrator of fleet and ginning to realise they have something of an ele- could seize the spirits and sell them outside ' the Paso's great playground. against Laondon." This Increases our growing dis- making appropriation necessary to the obtain him. phant vn their hands Irnhe parson of one Harry K. state," say the attorney general. trust of English news sources. The British censors Kddy county developing concealing it is faat as a farming and Thaw. When supreme court Justice begin to talk The United State stands for the "open door" In had been from us all the time. Tucson Mtock feeding China, and also for the open doer in diplomacy. It (Arts.) Star. Z. center. of the honor of the state demanding the liberation Report from Mexico indicate that Oeneral Car- hard to understand tha veil of secrecy that still The Turkish newspaper man ia certainly an tmag- - of Thaw, It is a pretty good Indication of weariness ranza' offlcera are becoming greatly dlssastisfled hide negotiations with China, conceal Ten acres of land located in the desert, seven Japans and Inative critter, and ia doing his level best to keep on the part of the courts and seems to point to the with the "first chief." And if this Is a true state- our own negotiations with Japan about the matter. miles northeast of Mesa. Ariz., has been planted in line with the noblest traditions of the press. return of Thaw to th state of New Hampshire. ment of the situation. It is easy to foresee what Is Tucson (Aria) Star. recently in oranges and grapefruit, one thousand The indication are there will be little Interference going to happen to First Chief Carranza. M being In de- Springer, N. boasts a Jack Johnson. He 1 a trees uaed. It mitrkt the beginning of an There it a charm about El Paso appeal with Japanese designs China. Th Japs are that registered, pure-bre- d Spsnlab jack and very useful experiment that will be eagerly watched In wire-le- a termined to dominate that country, rest of that with much force to every visitor. Tourists who atop An Italian priest who has Invented many and the to the community. It sema a ahame to nam a portion of Arizona, for If successful are thou- world 1 now too busy to any there here en route to California are not long In getting device has succeeded In intercepting message the interpaso serious useful member of the community for a pure-bre- d sands of acres that can thus be planted. Dr. K. W. hack, and many of them are becoming permanent with needles thrust Into a common potato. And objection. nigger that la absolutely of no use whatever: Albuquerque (N. M.) Herald. Wilbur la the moving spirit in the experiment. ve aee some big com- citizen. And there It a welcome her for all who now will probably wireless sjoqii An exchange say If Harry K. Thaw The original Jack Johnson is a pure-bre- d black choose to come. pany proceed to corner the potato crop. had H There will be a greater fruit and produce crop as much liberty as hs has notoriety he would be Texas Jack, so that the Now Mexico animal haa the freest man In United ex- In the Pecoa valley section of New Mexico year the States Uecent received a fitting cognomen. this The street of El Paao are soon to be decorated Hospital authorities throughout England have pressions from the Justices of New York courts In- ever before In the history of than that section Cold with necessary signs and number, It will be been Instructed to extend their facilities to the dicate that he Is likely to get his liberty, then per-ha- and Bryan says weather hat held fruit buds back until it is believed by the of April, Is pretty good he will get leas notoriety, much to the pleasure Secretary the Mexicans have expressed an innovation that will greatly pleas the stranger utmost first and that no regret for tearing down no danger is ahead for the Pecoa, Cot- of the average cltisen. Douglas (Arix.) Dispatch. the American flag from Peñasco or within our gatas and call down blessings on the indication that the real war a prophesied by Lord home of John B. McManua. Evidently valleya, Nw York made a great mistake when Thaw the they have tonwood but the orchsrdlats are taking no city la Juat about ready to begin. some regard for the especially In head of the official. Kitchener was stopped while on his .wsy out of the United truth, this instance. chances. Automatic alarms throughout that section Douglas (Ariz.) Dispatch. H states. Tbc probabilities arc he would have gotten ara act ready to give the warning which will put The first of May will aoon be around, and that Democrat have broken the last stronghold of" Secretary Bryan ought to send the editor of th i so far away he would have been of no further con- the smudge pots to burning if there la any serious I the time Kitchener haa declared" the real war In Socialism in the United State by electing the mayor Douglas Dispatch to Mexico City to avenge cern to this country. th fall of temperature. This ta expected to be a bum-le- r Knrope ia to start. II aald he did not know when and entire city Democratic Uckst In the city of Insults that are being conatantly heaped upon Amer- year for produce throughout end, It Mont. Socialism became so odorous and the southeastern New the war would but he did know would really Butte. rank and Krom a .Turkish newspaper two month old we icans there American nation generally. He Mexico. begin in May. In Butte It could no longer be tolerated. learn that "the Brittah government ha offered 2,000 would make the whole Mexican bunch hard to catch. POLLY AND HER PALS- -- Even Ma Gets Her Foot Into It! BySTaRETT

VMAOCNt taWj Ü5C - II I HaTT- ,'IH.AW izvoavl ITe0nW5á VIAL . IF tavt GoT k-- , rTíTuirOM (T lAJFLUtliftTsetliT - BiAL ifaJT M aJOTMiaI- 111 -f- tofteM UárV7ÑiaJ6 UP VCR- - n.y-aas-- 5T i I t'U l.iJ, Oa4 ! THt HMRT TblAKfc tai áCtaUió Nt tvtT I OP This UltU MtW Htftt Cirrw Uat i'k.TTm . ?Z Ir 11 Mt uH(r fflfT'? l HLxtfHfjJH Vfoüv adaSESM 1 FOLKS So Hf$ Of U.,- -I- W EeJiAftMlWl lAj A LKt- - W- H'AIK f4 U r C MUI R U f.TH . I Oit ...OCW ,,0 aadO 'I ... adiX BNnWDy LsM 7 VOID'S ? ittlT ) Ve- i rrm watch mc. nc kit Asi - r-- rJ i i lira r"lM'rii Mmry dPRMjcru.".r... I 601T4 RAvT. rtf i HTboP'. XT X I 5VraiP4Tt4lt I w.r sHL'l sss v .smw ii. vat. whhim assmu9 msv j i mm Wt. April it. II. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 7

"Two Bold. Bad Men" Is comedy In which SlJOt THEATER TOMORROW. part of Her Ladyship he Pssrs His Lord- invesilgatlnn metnwhiie He conreáis Ben Tiirpln. Charlie Chaplin's aide partner "A Theft a Ike n.n. ship hss been pampered by good fortune m a suit of armor that atsnda in tn IB "A Wight Out." is featured. until be lark real nobility of character, hall, where he can discover any sttempteo Painty romance in Its preseniatlen. an the kind that I capable of self tarrKlro. escape rrom lh house, and thti brrn Amusements , "THE GREAT SILENCE" exquisitely tinted miniature on ivory, "A She does not isrt thst he shell pm his thtt Rilph Vernon Is th thisr snd about Advertnemwi symmetry form, na to elope Lady WIGWAM Then in the nark" his of love te any violent teat, but thst snail with uenevieve. Is a in- three art photoplay of exceptional of and not s or tne manhood when th occa- Slrsnletgh's Is one of both dig- AT THE ALRAMSA TBI vVEKK. terest, filled dramatic, awirtness anion lltue demónstrala true ittttude with situations snd tingling vitality of intense drains. It are rare, but at nity gwneroilty. He prevent the eiop The UM Broi Uw Heart spec- sion demands occasion ind EDGAR JONES Marie's story "Nil" U stirring Incidents that grip the whole atmosphere haa tbe fascination or one comes Is while. inent nd hush up a scandal, but he nssts of 5 production O. C hold the attention at the hlgnest last thst worth i pin t; tator snd a time stories, the kind we used During s costume ball on New Year s Involved in difficulty rdmseir Formerly leading man st the Lund, to be reléala br tbe World irilm pitch. Francis X. Bitshmsn plsys the part t corporation, with Howard Ettabroot pUv-- 10 read long arter we ahouid have been in Eve this is sn unusually rins ensemble consequence. He shields Lady Uenevieve Orswford, In the of the hero with sn intensity bed. the kind holds n with a charm all on or tne when her finds togetper under prt of Ory, the of s love ror open an that light are dimmed the stroke alsier lhm with whom the Utile girl. M'llss IMS (alien born the snd own when we alt in the half shadow s pretty maid emerges the peculiar and areept "MEN OF THE or tbe rugged, strong, their hour, snd from rlrcumatanrea m love. character or picture shows snd watch the illuminated overhead clock to s. niter roses of toe new from the house rather man save b( iub-Je- hi the great MOUNTAINS" tt would dimrult to find bred screen. A very large pari of mis erreet is vesr. hopes, over himself revelation of truth that mignt more unliable for treat- This drams, by H. Tipton bright the sssembied tr A strong. 2 reel motion picture written Steck. due to rarerul treatment by Charles guests Lady Sinclair discovers Istsr on compromise tha young girl. The utter festurs. ment then this ilmple Idyll or the gold I the latest complete prise mystery play, he alway s heaiitlfie his subject and that" her pearl necklace I missing Lord SiranUIgh In time to prevent a per fields With iba sure touch or a mssier. to be released March 6 in conjunction rlrs "TWO BOLD, BAD MEN" Bret convincing pen pic- rarely jars us wtth inconsistencies. Strsntelgh 11 upon blmseir to dis- man tent rupture between him and i any Harte lives you with the short story In the Ladles' World tskes Featuring Men Tor pin. who tures or the Smith's pocket, A one the guestt. being Sinclair, all happily for Ibe maniv deserted claim. for April. The, magaxlne Is offering rasn delicately affeclionatn understanding cover which of there snd snd the people who live there; the school chil- pre em at tbe moment or tne lordimg and hi doubting lady. pyed Charlie Chaplin's elds prlxe for le beat written paragrspn. exists between wandering Lord Stranicign servants dren: the person; the stage roach incidents', Sinclair, one theft, ha taken th Jewels. H sends ror MacDerroott snd Miss Neabllt re beyond partner In "A Nlfht Out." the loves and jealousies: the heps and hap- missing in the magailnc story. and Lady of purest rrtendsntp, verging on Hie warmer sentiment but re- deteritve snd prspsrs for a general ciillrism In their riswles Interpreution. penings or th- Ilute town. John Landon, a young Alaskan, I presi- not carry all And when Smith's Pocket Is suddenly or strained by a philosophical attitude on th seirch, but decide to make a personal but they do tbe honor TOMORROW dent the Nugget iioid Mine corporation, I'dwird Eirle also Intensifies Interest py round to be rich, end N'llss Is by way or one of the in the suenes ele- richest ureal Inielllgent wort. "wini'i.rss rrrcitk." becoming an h Iress. we have all tbe the He Is a A Vttasrrsph rail- s a north. fearless, untamed char- i. Chsplln presented In "A Jitney sensallonsl ment of stirring drama. of the mining camps hartes It M'llss. Is s precocious child. .Her full acter The luro. of Elopement." A million Hughs In two rem road picture. name is Melissa Smith, her fsther having the outside world grip him tnd ne goes Tbtt It the liten success or tbs greatest Klosed-Krotc- railed to gal gold out of his claim, dies to the city, where he Is welcomed by h Chinning, comedian In the world. Nest Saturday and TUESDAY of despair ind drink. The girt la a lovable sn unscrupulous capitalist. Mundsy at th Rijou thestsr. savage, with strong likes snd dislikes- The Chsnninr. with hi dissolute mn, Arthur, Francis Bushman In parson distrusu her. ana has a blonde plots lo recoup bis lost rorlune through "THE GRK.YT RILF.NCF.' rlvsl (aged about 14V. You can Imagine Landon. M'llss to he s "pronounced brunette" such petulance wilfulness. Impetuosity snd The Alstkan, who hss never before been THE COLONIAL TEA WEDNESDAY rrartlness could only be ataorlitsd wtth In kv. is captivated by Channlng's daugh- "A PHANTOM THIEF." Union Suits dirk hair. However, M'llss Is a lovable ter. When she wed, tho Alaskan gives 521-2- 6 The Dramatic Mirror's ss well ss a rasclnatlng character and the her valuable shares or stock in his mine ROOM, FIRST NA. Prlss love episodes she has with Oray are ro as a wedding present, nhsnnlng gets Loysi scenario ptotur. msnttc and refreshing to transrer her shares to him, ecreuy Lund, the action then TIONAL BANK BUILDING. The producer. Mr. take trie to "wildcat" them on tne afreet. rrom Sevidi to- Southern California, snd by particular this allows or the introduction or msny discovers that Nugget stock u being Pronounced vivid scenes of Mexican lire. M'llss is aecratly peddled. Ha naces the deal to Channlng. SsSBBSBBBBBBfl T men to be the moat prac- nearly kldntpsd by traveling acrobit. whom he forces lo confess. The , At tbe end of ibe play her oil wells are shock or his exposure bring on stroke sT iJfl tical summer underwear burned, snd shs nearly loses her lire; tbe uu! Chinning die. Landon tell hi wire SUNDAY villain who has robbed her of the money Ibe whole story, (he Mr. but In Ser grief for MONDAY ever introduced. Is killed ana his perfidy discovered. her father rtruae to believe hi Oray mrrie M'llss after all. duplicity At Romantic snd beautiful settings; vigorous and denounce Landon. He leave iter ror TUESDAY acting snd Innnmersble incidental adven- the great alienees or the north. She already WEDNESDAY Made in loose fitting Union tures make "M'llss" a most affective has found that she really loves Landon. however, and when UNIQUE THURSDAY Suits, absolutely closed her brother reveal the whole mlserab story to ber sha de- The - FRIDAY MimiAL MASTER PICTURES. cides to follow- her crotch. Knee lengths end new program husband. Mutual Matter pictures, tbe Arthur, repenant, accompanies three-quart- peer In starts at the his sister Beess front "A Theft In lbs Dark" (Edlos) At Us Bijou Theater sleeveless, and without a plctureland, to Alaska, where he given Orecian tomorrow. There will be iwo or a man's work lengths and quarter sleeves. ttese pictures rhown every week one dsy and hippy, while Landon and Loyal fsch, one on Monday and one either Thurs- rind new and glorified love. web blood, over sll thst remains of her TODAY WEDNESDAY Fine checked nainsook and be well the strength snd tcnsclly of tbe day or Friday. A regular dsy will "The 'irrat Silence" wilt be shown st woven. wretched, broken victim Harry Myers, Rosemary Thehy. Hank Mann, Gertrude Selby. extra light weight soft cam- later ror the second one. "The tbe Wigwam Tuesday. she has one; It will bo Ruined, III body and mind. "The At the Unique Thursday snd Frldiy. BY A TABLE" bric. $1 the suit. Lost House" is the rirst broken "SAVED DREAM" "UNDER THE shown Mondsy. This Is a picture, Fool," M the last tries to break away from Two-pa- rt Two-re- o rret THE COMPELLING STORY Of "A FOOL . Ml II st. MAS Society Drama. Comedy Special. resturlng the little golden hslred rsvorlte. the association that bis wrecked and blast- "THE LOST eOl'SE," i f Ttnac was." iKHPit ni King Hag got hi Helen Leslie. Frank Lloyd. vi mían rush, who will be remembered ed lire. But II Is or no use. At the n ssw her wonderful portrsyal ss mi Silk striped madras in a by all who Porter Emerson Browne, who end be trie to crawl lo lbs of hi "THE STREETS OF "WHEN THE SPIDER ine nsugmer in tne u has been Richard Harding Dsvl' pel tory, "Tns most durable wearing cloth.. was at tbe Orecian sometime". hailed as "The" American dramatist, ac- enslave, while she laughs cruelly st the Last House," upon MAKE BELIEVE" TORE LOOSE" wblcb shown nothing his been placed in $2.00 the suit. ago. Miss Isb Is supported In this grest complished bis greatest success when be spectacle he presents. She sees screen, and It will be shown at the drenan A CUusty Comedy. A Itaemmle Drama. picture by a very strong cast. "Tbe Lost penned his daring, virile drama or a weak but what smusing In the pltirul (am- ss the first of the Mutual Mtsterpleiure House" Is an unusual picture. It's s pic- man and an unscrupulous vainptre-woma- biance of manhood that begs bar lo free put out by the Mutual Film corporation to of charm, romance and thrills; the him. ture rull "A Fool There Ws" or which tbe screen Its right the better motion pictures THURSDAY -- FRIDAY Fancy stripe crepe madras Interest In this drama never Hags for s for MONDAY from version bas been made by willlsm Fox, kiss me, my fool." she order; but s movement. For yesr announcement of s in moment, sad you'll be ralrly lined as s RawUnson, Annie l ittle colors that are fast. $2.50 vour seat when Miss Olsb leaps rrom s production extraordinary, released be strive to reach ber dde hs crumple book or plsy by Mr. Davu, who In Herbert "A FOOL THERE WAS" the building or a burning house. recently added new honor to ms "THE BLACK BOX" suit. cli- HilMavrda's Greatest Suc- This provides s particular!' thrilling record a s war corresponden!, ha been greatest Mystery of Robert max. The grest demand for tnee Mutual tn event in the world of books or tne The ricture osa. Adapted rrom Rudyard Master pictures everywhere makes It im- the ace. Pure silk in plain white. one ibsster, Kipling. The possible to bold them bare more than this is true also of the motion picture FATTY'S INFATUATION dsy. and Judging rrom the crowds else- of finest cloth garment that it is will the biggest draw- world. Interest in ihe announcement tne It-- Comedy ('Nnff Ned.) where, these prove or House" prove possible to make. $5.00 the ing card ever secured ror El peso. Attend release "The Lost tins. "The Vampire la a The production or thlt plsy wst directed the matinees. "Tbe Lost House" A yon come to see suit. entertainment. Snows will start on by W. C. Cibsnne. Lillian man pols picture will the even hour. Regular price. Dale heads the cast, and site Is supporter! TUESDAY a second time. by Wallace luid. Elmer Clirton. F. A. Tur- Cleo Madison, Jos King "A fool was, THE UNIQUE. D. Majestic there and he made ner and A. Sears, ill playsrs "WILD IRISH ROSE" prayer-- . Today you can see Harry Myers and in visualising the story of "The Lost his Rosemary Tbeby in a fesclnstlng t past or or Two-A- ct GoldnesI Isove Story- - rag; Dream," a pic- House" this mister the srt word Even ss yon and I to a and society drama, "Saved by a pic- if you like good acting, painting hss sflriwn hluiself is motion "A MIXED ELOPEMENT' a bone and hank of hair." ture you will enjoy adept. handsome scenes and a good story. King ture None of this dlitlnguisnea A Nestor Comedy, Baggot m "The Street or Make Believe." 3 author's ability to build lip' s cumulative, Admission, Cunte II of 26 I09-I- TEXAS ST. ronsedy or class, will also be on tbe interest continuing nárrame I lost signt A rtne Sunday bill, to he sure. or In handling this drama. The character Monday "The Black Box." with Herbert concept ion have that nlcn touch of dit RawUnson and Annie Little, will be bare tlnciirin which haa won Mr. Darn general as usual on Mondays. The grestest mys- commendation, and the thrilling ever for the screen by anion and tery picture mad pleturecque see pea In ill of ihe four parts E Phillips Oppenhelm. An comedy. CRAWFORD THEATER "Fatty's lnfstustlon,'' will be run with il tro enough in themselves to estibltsn tne Either ona of iho above picture worth the plsy't popularity. price Tuesday Cleo Madison and Joe king In Matinee Today "Wild Irish Roa." a t beautiful TURKEY IHNNER. JSC at 2:30. hive story, and you know what kind of With cranberry since and celery. Plenty Tonight at 8:30 love cleo Madison ran administer. A good for everybody. Weston's, 380 Sin Antonio The New Refreshment Parlor Nestor comedy goes wttn tins, ana every SI tAdvertisement.) one knows tlu-- are gooa. Most Attractive Place in Town Western Burlesque Wheel Wednesday "Under the Table," a two if you comedy special, a screaming You Won't be disappointed dine real uem 317 (Ad- Upstairs, ALHAMBRA Theatre Presenting rtmny. hilarious ana riaicuious t tho tods. San Antonio. Just lor fun; also an exciting dram en- vertisement.) Kefreahlng Drinks, Delicious Con- Century Maids" titled When the Solder Tore Loose-- fections. "20th Thursday and Friday "A Fool There STRAWBERRIES AXIS CREAM, lc "HessM, the Juggler" Was," Robert Hllllard's arretted success through the Box office Attraction Co. ThM up. Mlsirsgcdy u ovir. ..ybs Vsmplre" weiun s, 390 San Antonio St. (Adv.) DAINTY M 'NOIICS a rrom s - em- Hi looks down at Scenes"-5- adopted ttunytrn kipitng remarkable drama, in which Robert with Isj liisrrutsble smile ll:S0 to 1:M Ssc and Mo "Behind the pire." A picture you may not get to see Hard starred and achieved notsble su- Ibe huddled ihspe t ber reel. Tesrlng keep your eyes open for Th Time Orchsstrs 8:10 to 11:80 p. m unless you come cany, rnis piruira rouiu cre, a nation wide disc use inn i some corsage ne nununer ano PEOPLE MOSTLY be but two days at present, but crested crimson roses from her as Rotary Kdltion. it win You are invitad to dance If you like. obtained tbe time or Us presentation and had a Ibe like drops of of great value lo El Psso. GIRLS 50 PEOPLE the Unique management I endeavoring to csiten pelsli, crimson boos a return snowing. record breaking run al the Liberty theater, Tha Nicest People in Town Burlesque as it should be. New York City. LEW FIELOS LAST TIME Based J pon Kipling's poem and Burnes-Jone- Aro Our Patrons POPULAR PRICES . Tbe Alhambra will show for lb last famous painting, Mr. Browne has phone ssss Phone 6470 lime, today, that runniest or comedies, "uia succeeded in creating In "A Fool There Dutch," with Lew Field, or Weber Was" a work that, for daring originality At Tomor row OH! By the way No charge for Field In the tills role, upported by ss and sheer power sud muting qualiii. - sal 1 Dancing and the mask) la good. all sur casi. This play or Mr. Fields' is dues, in II own particular field of tne The GRECIAN Da v Only the greatest or his stage successes and dram, any play or recent year. It I mark his first sppearaoe on tne screen Ibe tile of man and a woman "OM Dutch" I sure enough run pro or sinister beauty jihI vampire heart. voker and made hundreds laugh lasi nigm, "The Fool" and "His Wife" are happily THE FINEST Bijou Theater sending them swsv rrom the Alnsmbra macriea ana living in a style cuniineusui am UTUAL thoroughly delighted with wiiat tbey had with bis Urge fortune it country bouse FIRST or PICTURES Week Of Features seen. Don't miss tbls last day's eshibliton st Larrbmoni. "Tbe Fool." at tbe begin ifM and com to the dsy shows, as sest. win nlng of the play. Is a virile, rtne naiured ASTER be scarce si sight. Shows stsrt l II a. m . nan, road of bis home, bis wife and lit THE EVER It II. 1:18. t.it. 4:00. 8:18, 1 . : He rhUd and devoted to wholesome sport Pi TODAY snd 10 p. m Admission cnria, adult Then comet ibe meeting with ih "Th GREAT 1 -0VIES HADE "HAM AMONG THE children, toe. Vampire" who la detuned lo ullitnauly REDSKINS" ruin and drlie him lo degraded death. HAN Y IÍS.II Bf.s, Al lUOt "The lite wiles of A a every root" it Mrl resist 44 99 The BIJou has booked feature lur Ibe sinuous, strangelv fascutaiing Vampire day UU week, including (.hrlle Chapllu But ah bides her lime knowing by an ex- House a two Lost in pari special Jim The I MONDAY rniiuea BY RICHARD HARDING DAVIS, I Ml KIM. hlopenirin" aeit naiurdey Tni is ttv perience, by Muled csrasrs, "A THEFT IN I II I DARK." latest success of the greatest comedian In that In the due course she will be able lo Till!: COliDKM HAIKKD I II I I A M ttlQW " AND Kdlaasa siaaterpicuc. tin world, and la said lo be better than band her vicuna lo her will. I'll l I UTAH LILLIAH UIOO A L It STAR CAST "The Cbaanplon. which was shown receñí "The Fool" la in emissary on in Impor It TUESDAY ly at lb Bijou lo capacity bouts. Today leni ro reign mission. an lbs (learner A RKMAKKABLJC I 'It II III. OK IyOVK th. Bijou has sn exoellent program, in- crossing over "Tbe Xaniptre." I ALHAMBRA Hroadway Sis Paasare." cluding Hamilton and Duncan in a gri la Sfat HUM. I.N. AND INTsCNKR INTKHEeJT. Julia Mwajma Gordon. ssrikiugty conceived seen, msnsgee la le, aiu il. I be seen very dsy tighten ber grip on hi airdy intuitu YOU'LL BE FAIRLY LIFTED FROM YOUR SEAT WHEN WEDNESDAY i"o not miss Ham and Bud al lb Bl.u - sature. By tbe lime luly is reai'BM "The MISS GISH LEAPS THROUGH THE FLAMES FROM THE JLuSLBt one day eely. Man" i completely t her feet snd ready Showing Today Hpectal releases. Special Tomorrow Edison ftur is S .t.i bT bidding Ui rtrrylbing. Is ber FOURTH STORY WINDOW OF A BURNING HOUSE three part. Tbivf in lbs Dark. ' a diplomatic No aims bs forgets bis duties, bis THURSDAY reaiurmg Man MeOergaotc v THE UNEXCELLED COMEDIAN advance la priesa. If and bu asm rirssr Tbs ami ne "M.V GIRXis." bas woven pll ihoui bun Uil nAibm A al abort of death ran brek Fva Ms child A asase Ss exerj any good influence ever irHT Regular FRIDAY eenaag saflasssia win bs ins last etatnrr him With curse and violence a repel GREAT' GREAT GREAT to wtthsss tits production of lb all N 1 HI BBAXD-I- ileirr ai tempi to bring him to bu senses. THE AKllll SSth Century Maids in Bebiad Usa axenrs a FIELDS "Tbs Vsaapir" and mile as sha LEW sbrui Lssfcn foanpauv lor th salir program .sanara tomorrow PICTURE hoi k I CAST I Tnm I AUTHOR tight wsss lb Western SurleeqtM Wheel aa her work progressing SATURDAY will offer the splendid agsressiioo Is Iwo Drink sad drugs sun further Ms ssw reseca Tías Morasen tsastor" end will uil. si "Tbs Samptres be heal, tm Vhartle ttaujtUtt" la ln My H.i. .in ssskes bis u and mid ailoseUser. II I, Tbs Brsatsv uf MsaSrr Ml sida Malte Theta Mutual Msvaaer 1'i.iuir " - "A JITNEY ELOPtMt.M Rstbe We Ire nd MO Boba Ssve scored tb- baguauiu of tbs tragic sad f Tbs Foartswai Crawl Mm bM-ai- MV.bM prr wataag fug Mutual Matttrr tto- - bnei in tnis bill and bsvs i rlol A TWO-REE- L SCREAM blsai Fool " Tbs "rsg sad t buna aad bank of Tttrtse uf Useae mm are: D. W irifflili. Morid Gswalcat "OLD DUTCH" hair" is whom ss mad prayer ' Maw-- k. h ausw ims esto tm sea The aosssos nsrch itit cloesi m ptom bs be ii. sapiNaal osslg 8 prtffUK. and tbsauasti. Uaird a riltlag clsasai aad eu big hand Uy with bun like s tigre with ber prey las THE SHOW THAT MADE MUJÜCrrtAUGH if A at Dlrwtlor. Two of lltssat ptawssr will ho ssWasss sastSa srassst HA5 Nat doubi s tassar gasllnes will witoeaa soul from hsr svu km) into ism ibis srtensoua'a abow. ibr bill s ssvsatb basvsa If the frowss bs is 83 Psast tBsalM)Sty ' NO 1 i M I IN Risa slid ebs at wskb is seas ss sltsraoun featulsd with jaasosai) sud wsskly ulaai. Showt Startll tv m.. 12:16, 1 ;30. 2i45. 4:00, 5:1 Ufa fortuna baa sli.d wy ah only SSM p. m. is tr res milium fruoj so Mat, s fabS cSaVScBSgasJ 6:30, 7:40, 6:80, 10:00 Juass. SBSI wanisi GRECIAN rtmoiui! usas AX DOaYT IT tus who in aio tlsse THE uThla siwhenb Iwsdssa m sisa trait sad aaaiu. 1 MM lsvr twi v IIK 18 wiui a uk .oiuio ai ib lawlm.i w ill Id Stash, lbs rests thai bind lbs tin IHT OMR TOMORROW ONE DAY ONLY ADULTS, 20c CHILDREN. 10c ah toatsvy put's ' atuMsrsbst Sb uirrely i ..u. rtiiiv sgriu.. ba asass st Wlgwaa la lbs iwo tniuu riu res UsaXS tisc JSl. "Ma of tas Mowai Uostuj si i lasts tit. mi it sit sauws law April It. 1015 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sondar.

Oan wnek nn the Me hrKk . ombmaiswi lorehtMtae saw aejartaaeni bnuae rnr May APRIL PROMISES TO ECLIPSE MARCH rrtna krnpp on scmrb II rao and Tntrd atreet la ravtdly gnMg - Maeeltlreat Hesae Is M.ak.tt.n Helgkl. klan - of the henrt"neat ivie. m Do You PLACE IN H Paao wilt he that or N. Vahteaomn at THE IDEAL HOME IN RECORD BREAKING ACTIVITY HetgtHa ween completed. It at a magnificent atrnrtnre or concrete am altireo. hnlli hi Hie panin mtaalnn atyie of arrMleelure. It will b provided witlt To OF EL PASO BUILDING OPERATIONS IN EL PASO a laltlo. or Inner rotirtyard. and will coat Want from galAM to w.om. ' Also development In the F.I Pao vaiteya la honra gag. During the paat ateeg tap immigration bureau at the Chamber of i.otnanerre took tep tn attract immiaranta Get Well? Involving Many Thousands of Dollars Recorded In large number, from kanaaa, by Transaction Into the agrlcnlliiral (tlatrlrta of tne Richmond Terrace alawt a repreaenlallve aim will deliver Ycm well until streets, During Past Week; Interest of Outside Capital Indicates llliiatrated lecture, on the valley and Ha can not get Here you will find the handsomest homes, the finest paved and Pr prodnrta. considered In ronneriiim with you can quit catching- cold can be had down town, Favorable Opinion of This City as Investment Field. the limitation or the great Hi" orandft sewerage, gas, electricity in fact, every convenience that peojoct, now appmaelnng completion AIo three or four times every location ail surroundings make Richmond Terrace the most ideal home of great Hnporlanre to the rarmer ar tne and the and arrangement made for the suipluaWM or season. One cold sets you place of El Paso. a county rartn advlaer. iieorre M. t.e begtn If April will equal ing and aelling humea and renting rióme, It to took at Raron. nf the land ai d back more than you can gain nucí in tun many of Have mbarked in build- rhalrman the splendid stowggf tir jjsreS ibrm of the of t . re- aa Vimernna committee chamber months. the matter .if iHMMinr c rmii-- wnien ing a aide line. attractive at a of tne com- in six US YOU me have sprung up m ti" alatea that meetina LET SHOW in pt rallhrtilly riirrwtl artlvlty in residence aldiiloti mittee in be held nexi Wdaagdg the ap fortify bnlliling Irarlr and Indirale no environs or Kl Paao and the progressive Peruna will your leaf I or tie- farm out" of a In are the aame are ointment eeiallat Hie health of a rlly a business, ronrerna whleh harking applleaimna have been system against colds. money improv-m- numner 'if shlch romnxiriai and induatrlal wm (lending large nni of In likely and under nmalderatlon will be permits Mirrfi rellpsa-- all rernrn iiieir additions and auppiyina lor with all modem for ilil ar and wer rar m exren of in equipping Ihem rarintiea expect great tlnng Ihla farm an aa M make them a .ni- "W from rom spending month iMt year, and tnt attractive Mr. I.e Baron. ' Ilia work al Hw. adviser." aid I.lffrr.-Mr- s. Boa A. kiss, of Kan- mean, anil ran iim.hi hut one thing, whien will e..n 1. in part in orrantnnr. the rann Richmond Terrace i i sas Clinton Placel, says. l that I'a o .my going rorwirn, ew fsuhurksa Rraert era In the different dltrlcl. and gelling illy tut beautiful addition. and pn rating that nreer of harmoninna Muring the paat week a new ntiurniii Ihern lo pull togetlier and work toretner I can cheerfully recommend and explain our prize offer of $3.230.00 to home builders in this wan up by won. and syminrtrlrsl rt'winpment whlrii hi ieort opened Sombrarlo for the common benefit and intepeal. Ife tn any one who Is troubled ranard her wonrlerriil growth in taw paat It l ton WM rive mllea from Ine city on the bow lo operate will learh farmera with cold Pe- and whtrli, aa a continuum Inipelm ant lirpjai wle of the interurban rleetnr ran model rarma of a few arre hv proee catching frequently. momentum will carry her forward to ner way, which riin trm Kl Paao eaet to of intensive agriculture rather than to runa Is the remedy for any one who Up an llir mart The firm announce that they are Lots $450 and destined ronmierrui Yieta. large rarma rarc.caly and looaely man has a chronic cough or rhronlc ca- - or Ike aelling ntimerotia lota and will altnrtly .ind iik im....ii- entire soulhweit. aged and conducted. He will alao ahnw up I. tin- n i Hun of numeroua noine tarrh. II will break Ihe babit "Business la satisfactory and It la 11 inn the rarmera how lo pick, park and market f;i the new re ait-- nil tii- - liana," the uaual fof Pasnana in renden Mien producía to the advantage. of catching cold.'' tinr i only la Kl booming brt nf an Kl rano man when ii ot Paao in thla "Also St Inlervala of every alt weea raíale way. many improvements are lila l asked: "Wtiai n doing?" or "How Inii neinr J I., ijtiirkaall, dlalrlrl farm agent al Warn are thlnga getting along'" The volume made at iiiarra, Mexico, arrnaa I he river. for the tate of Texaa. will villi Ibe tl I by mu- of trading.- as shown ly tne dally real ndef atiihorlied rxiiendmtre the I'a.n farm advlaer. an over th- - valleya and new slx bungalow on San Jose street nicipality of intrusa in gota, rnoiu tranrers. In erttvr and healthy. Omtrartor amino and confer with lh; irctnonalrator. In the Castle Heights addition for tl.oun. i ware or this illy haa a large para week property allied at many thou- Alao the farm demonalralor, from lime lo Hawkins Hnn. made the sale'. Jim ii at work putting down mllea pav- sand- nf dollar hanaeo liandt, and some of time, will call m dlffercnl profeaaora and M. It. ing installing a now aewnrage system. Miss Blsbec hai sold lo Thomas of the buylna l being none by outside and ejpert rroni the state A. and M. college, F;i The work haa been way two her residence Incaled at ill "forth Paso parties who are either seeking nnroes in under for for lntance, experts In horticulture, aoil. street. Consideration, Hawkins Broa. nr. wno. ine apirniii'i n'nntha and la being rapidly rushed lo com- dairying, etc., bring them int.. with CO. I'ann. teaming much L. II made ihe sale. MARR & Uileiion. JAMES field fr investment that Pain prevenía, our farmers, and thereby bring the William I.. Beed sold lo William I.. are laktna advantage nf the aame at a Plana have been completed and won college right to the farm." Mowers Ihe four mom bungalow, loll Successors to Austin At Marr Co. time when they ran Mill "get in on inn will begin al once on a handaoma and An activa market in real cátale la re- and t. block If, Orandvlew addition, situ ground floor." realdenre to bo built along the ported by the rirm of Hoaeborongh K aled at Ihe corner or Idalla and Mylei. .Not only are the real estate men buy Meaa for A. Hrtiwaru at a coat of U". Dyer. During the paat week the company Sales Agents aold the K.ckman building, at kanaaa and Should Not Feel nisroiiraged. 4350 Overland street, belonging to the city Na- ?o many people troubled with Indigestion 304 San Antonio Street (Capíes Building) Phone tional hank to II. r Semple for l:hnon. and ronatlpatlon have In en beperited by S -- ai" wa alan made of an undivided half taking Chamberlain's Tablrli that no one Interest in the Austin 4 Marr blocV al should feel discouraged who has not given EVERYBODY-I- them a trial. They contain no pepsin or union and Texta streeta. belonging to other digestive fermenta, but atrengthen It. C. Semple lo U. S. Htewart. for gsojuo. the stomach and enable it to perform Ita "Tne bttalnexa of our firm la aleadiiy functions naturally Obtainable every never arrald or breaking down the day I PLAYING ) Inrreaalng a the aprlng advance," said where. (Advert scnient walk rive mile. YOU PUT MONEY IN THE BANK W. H. Hawkins of the firm or llawkin That Is. the rive mile walk hullt him up. IF Bros, blond, gave AUCTION yesterday, "and the most marked KTSAWBKBBV NHORT CAKE, tar. stimulated him, oxygenlred bis feature of the situation Is Ibe strong de- htm strength so that lie could stand that Weston's, 3Í0 San Antonio S. (Adv.) ror WILL GROW INTO A FOR- mand for homes on tin- t night berore an audience and speak NOW IT and a de- - Heals by (lie nun - two hours with erfectiveness. plan." and transactions .Students and former students of nratigh- to inr the past week are as rec of reserve strength that rarnea reported follows: on s college, their brothers, sisters and very the reclina- or prAver. For YOU SOME DA Y D. V. mm. Ii. il D. tna auditor TUNE AND KEEP has sold to Ii. Held swnethearts danre nt Ryan's fiannng acad the we win by the guns we never at Kaat Boulevard It list 1 Hardwood, brick ri'i my April Ii. I'hone or call for invita Heserve Mr an orator, actor, sinirer. Herea r"'P I street, between Austin and Lee, ror gs.wai. tions. (Advertisement.) is a very necessary element of success. Hawkins Bros, made sate. ' ue is absolutely true. You are spending tbs ) the railroad companies touay toroin ir The above statement not tT-Jas- 0. Narvaei has botiKht or the Hawkins trainmen Ihe use of Intoxicants. Some money. money New Improvement company, lots 17 and IH, block ELBERT HUBBARD'S railroads extend the rule lo all employes. alone the money but the FUTURE of that That ii- -. Ibe i gl.uuu. The s.nrthwrslern railroad rirteen years of Kast Paso addition, ror any spending some day make a goodly sum Card These lota are on Bllta street. Hawkins WEEKLY SERMON ro Issued an order that trainman you are now would visiting a while on duty would be Bros, made the aale. saloon which insure you COMFORT IN YOUR OLD AGE Table; P B I I BKIIT III BBABI). dJsehargad. would W. Ii. Anderson lias sold lo n. B. Whlakev may make rea iignts loos irreeii. Regular price the north so reel of lots 10. II and Copyright, wis, by Newspaper Feature white, lights yellow, and blur the man s or protect your FAMILY should you die. e. nr i. LO block the Franklin Helgbts addition. service, inc. vision so that he sees seversl Hams where We 4 cent interest. $3-5- Consideration, I3.K0. Hawkins Bros, made Where there Is financial depression, eco there is onlv one. or perhaps he sees nn Make OUR bank YOUR bank. pay per PÍCtUr' the salo. nomic stress and physical wcirloeas there light at all when red Hgbls are dlspliyed Oar T. M. Johnson has bought or the Haw- Is often a craving for atenhollr stimulants Mink blurs tne mental vision ann may lie Is, or what Pries kins Improvement company, lots gt and It would seem but proper and right that make a man forget where block ItM. or the Cast Kl Paao addition, II people Interested In human sotternieal is doing. ;ii M reason-til- e of lKpior on a trainman ai.uoo. Bros. made, use their Influence toward Keen the smell for Hawkins the sale. of labor, right conditions offensive no many passensors, ,md lays Narvaex haa bought of the hours under 0. Hawkins Also, we shnold use our InMiienee in the man under suspicion o out of the & $1.85 Broa., :n AS. or lots and M. block the tiramj gvery way possible to air that more than sum or wide experience Ihe rule is irotna- American fleo. Trust view addition, for a living wgge Is paid. mtn operation m even- raiirojn in ine W. II. Hanford has sold to Mr. kingftnc muí inrreasn the "standard of life I nlled Stiles that drlnklnr men rannoi you lessen Hie raving Tur alcoholic üliinii- hope ror promotion and lliey may be tiSMsV disehiraed. And the "standard of lire" means He- snallv. however, a engineer who 35 Per Cent Off est AO Fomiture Thie Week. - ay In which the individual lives. eeasionilly breaks the rule Is not Savings Bank - Had Tuberculosis, If W! could main-i- so thai hiraed rormwun. tie is issen on in- ry workman might have a home with r:is run and put on a slow one. nho Is garden, a few fowls, and flower beds. taken orr the passenger and put on a --Now Insured willi hot and cold water In Ihe house, arid He mav be transferred to Ihe bathtub, there would result a marked yards, and perhaps he will rind himself nn WESTERN FURNITURE CO. When you know a man has been ar rrcaae in the uae of strong drinks. eiiuineer who Is arilnr aa fireman, and fected with tionsiiinpilon, and later ob- Any man ho gets his inspiration in the annie day he Is out of a Job enllretv. tained Insurance, it means that he has re in- or flowers, looking alter a lawn, and ir you want to get in me une oi pm Opposite Grecian Theater. covered his health, as In this cale: rilled with the love or home, will give motion, cut out slrona drink in 42 sterling Piare, Broaklya, Y. ' saloon absent treatment. form. Thil seems lo be the plun, com "Uenlleaaea I waa troubled wllk nlghl All of his spare momenis will be taken nion sense proposition. sweats, a severe and was very If he Is rilled with a desire ror the natural weak; having, la fart, abselutrly so am- gri or lire, be will not indulge In Tolil Thai There Waa No Cur for Mint. bition whatever. I consulted a physician, al ones. "fer surrering tor over twenty rears who told ates my luaga sere sffeeted. Nut Ibe bcnerita of sociability, the with 'indigestion and hiving some or Ihe satisfied. I went Is another darter. Mho gelling together of men where they talk best dnctors here tell roe there was nn care said that I wss In the rirwt .Isges sf laugh anil cuiiange nicas, and the ror me. ,hlnk II only right lo tell you Al this polal I started lo lake part that liquor plays in social festivities, for lb siko of other sufferer as well as Kill man 'a AMeralive. The sight sweals) musí mi tne otner haiut loiisiuer Ihe voiir own satisfaction tint a rem noun- WHY EXPERIMENT? alopped almost Isimedlalrl.i, m rough he ion. or ilhimberlaln'a Tablets not only relieved earn, looser sad gradiislly dlsspprsrrd. nrortunttel.v. the use or strong think me but cured me within two montns ai- My wrigkt Is asa 112 pounds, ssd say is no survival value. Bather, there is a thouch I am a man or i5 years, writes has prnnounred me perfectly sound penalty attached. Jul. Oroblen, Houilon. Texas, obtainable WHY TAKE CHANCES? u huh, together wllk the fart that I have assiiincii mat nn one win rtaim everywhere. (Advertisement.) lost bees accepted by two different in that a man Is a better man because he Why should you, Intelligent alek man or siiraare compaales tor Insurance, makes drinks, or thai be Is a worse man If he Miss sflma Hendrlcksen. cperilir so aie sure of nxy rallre rerovrry." (tbbrr-lale- Campbell s Cafe. vs. on. in. employ a doctor about whom you duet not. .rano, will sing tonight at Ihe habit or using alcoholic stimulants ( .dvc rl Iwmeni) know nothing;, or worae, traveling men who (Mrigavlll w. f.. t.i.l moderate quantities lends to grow. Alterative effarlcToua have nothing; al stake, no reputation and Krkmaa'a Ii most It fastens itself on the individual, and " Uulrh Protest to Germany. nothing to hack up or guarantee prom- - In bronchial catarrh ami severe throat and .i .i It gels the helt.-- of his will, their lung and paralyses his good Intentions, destroy his Sr. .4aoclrl Pre. arrectiona upbuilding the sis - laea?a Kl l' haa had mure than her ahare Contains nn harmful or halm forming ibiiioii, throttles his aiiimallou so that The Hague. April in. i ne nanessriasssa of the f of the country jumping from trugs. Accent no substituir, .small sue . erricleney Is reduced, and be becomes government hu handed lo liennanv a note pillar to poat, getting what they can I regular size. . Sold by leading drug of Utile worth to tin world if pixitest the sinking or the and gist!. ror or then may lose his and men Write booklet rei overlrs. lie ihximoii. whl-- h was sent to disappearing, leaving the aufferer' aadder Krkaaaa l.skorslor.i. I'hll.drlphl nt or a Job are shunneii by oilier men. Dutch steamship Medea, but wim r. It ta to ha hoped. Kelly g Pollard drug alore. knoliUurh They have iiollilng that Ihe world wants tlx- bottom off Hearhy Heart. Mann hv We own anil operate the only office In the city properly equipped drug store, Peoples drug store. I' he y cam in anything very orten that tin- Oarmaa ubmirlne Hie il wants done. ma a reply, ami u M.ifnl of Chronic, Neroua, Blood Special rriiineiii is coiisldei for the huí treatment and d Ihe penpie who can he depend Is thought probable hi minlalcriaj chiles IMaeaare. unr pnn llce la the largeat ever known or heard of here. Our ed on. here iHat II will orrer to pay an linleiniiilv are renaonahle and we have aomethlng to back up our prom-jaé- n When ton bealow a benefit on a victim In accordaiire with international law, but charge ' lie pay - Why . sin jig drink ha no power to this la dependent upon ine juuiriai ue- experiment? back ih.- debt In any form. clslon. heroines physically repulsive, care less In his dres. and In his speech. WE CURE UNCOMPLICATED CASES OF the wrong thing, and suneiinirs he does the wrong Hung grievously to our KI-- pain, opera- Kl In from one to three treatments without grest loss. He may commit crimes that FOR ACHING, tion or daiiKer, nnd no detention from buatneaa. til in in.- - U and his family in a pmable "TIZ" tags. i lOaUaSl In thirty mlnutea without doing an open operation, pos I Aim 'mm very young person, man or woman, with little IT any pain, and no detention from bualneea. uld do well to decide for himself, or 1IYDHOCELK In thirty nun mea, without pain or operation. tin .cir as lo the wisdom or indulging hi SORE, TIRED FEET KBCTAL. TKOUHL.KM v hunt cutting, ualng llgaturea or cautery, strong drink. 4s most people can't safe way seems to he in adopt tin- and without detention from inialneaa habit or lolsl abstinence, to build up le alth You don't have to stoop when a iMillit where stimulant, are neillM-- WK A It HOl.K OWNKKH OF Til K TENN INFILTRATION save money. ii. .le.i nor desired: to a point where good TIZ" MIK ii.MMta. PirEo ir. SI you cook on a I'll.Kal, in the Míale of Texaa. and any caae we accept on smt .n rniK Foil for waits apprlile health c saca t n t treatment we will guarantee to cure without the uee of the knife, cau- they could- if they both. tixot tery or carbolic acid injection, without pain, aloughlns or Met your pwaeurr through a lunar r AND i OHN-- other would adopt some good .org K veréis, in ibe open air idVn re complication The average caae can be cured with four evea the Individual from Ihe irmpUMioii "Garland" Cabinet Gas treatment Why aul.mlt to an operation or auffer longer T Our plan and stick to it. I indulging IB drink Range are reaaouabl and w aaaume the rtak. USO, eat fruits, wbetber trni have as charge all appetite for liquor or you haven't. i why not put this con- iliHTltrTI NH are reeponatble for more trouble of the urinary ir your mono ta sot propcro ov bsssssssj The ovens and the working top are all at just the right organ, all dlaeaaea combined, many are afflicted in will be drpreaaed, dull, heavy, Urea. than other and and servative' bank on your To relieve this faUgiud condition, ludul ta height to save all the extra work of stooping or lifting. are not aware of the fact becauee they do not real that the worst pay roll? Pay the teller gence In altinulanla la very natural caae. are the reault of an Injury. There are many doctora advertíalo alk out in ine ok-i- me piaviug oi themaelvea aa apeclallata who uae aound and other barbarous treat- so much each week or baseball, tramping through Ihe fold and And being "on the level" is an expression that yeara ago. WK ver in. mils inese inings in nn in. ment, discarded PUltK ANY CABS without cutting, month he will prove a Masíllale, and with iheni there la g sor applies to the whole stove when it comes to work- sounding or stretching. Why experiment? tval value in sound good dlgesiii. valued employe that you ven nl. and aaue'roiirlualutu. manship, convenience and economy. Neither of the above dlseaaes are ahteuable to home treatment. It stioiig dunk in. rt a.es the heart's anion, kg ágelas to take home treatment, or medical of any kind, with- the blood m the treatment can't afford to be lushci ihe far, csrrir "Garland1 is right clean-e- asy only proper office treat meut caa effect a cure. la am. and the man may think rapidly and The made it's easy to out istrtiaps clearly for a snort lime Then We treat each ease fur a aisled fee and effect a care la 'he short- t,. ...an. uiuddirn. inn. nam UKin to cook on saves gas and built to last. est possible time and st the lowest cost coaatsteat with good treatment. will go to work for vary, gad ssoes atiiuulsaia ar required he carry turn ajossy. M you are trying to get along with a stove a deposit pay in spi skins in public, the effective speak v.iu ran be happy footed just use ai. Com te Catarrh, Nervous Decline, Blood Poison and Special dollar and who have their nine, n HwumuiiiIv iii Us gad server suffer Wllk lender, that makes you kaait. sou who are able not only to make Til" and see stoop or that bakes interest. raw. su i Ulslered. uUru. Hred Diseases of Men. you 4' t . o. a sua the poorly or that's almost worn dom .ir invariably total abstainer. i... us fees. "Tit" sad oaly "TUT tasas out 't today . In Ulan i esa as he pass aad sareaeaa out af rtara. sal Garlands de U emj longer. Consuatatioti, Examination and Advice Free. start him tisde with .tlssulaats aa a isassaubasis. Sm be As soua as o put your test at "TS Of Doe Hours. S a aa. to 1 p. aw. laanSMa le tul. A Guaranty Fund Bank 3 pptí'c.arítni uf laishiaglífsvs tu Mow gusa your pavor, eld fret nasi. Hi. in. nisi processes avag rust up agaaaat gay .ka. ul o at) naiassal. sad k. may Thay want lo dsae Sir "Til" la laths sceae befur. la sudwaae wssri graad. "Til" Utstaatly atraaa vmii sil thr EL PASO GAS CO. Specialists s asa aoara aa gas asa. uutauaosa riadalMSU which puff up your International He flitter aa too Murk, or sags S9 reet aad cans sar. kSJisasveo. s.atug. Ser. tag erais Cel.. swssaag. aasgttj has, N. Oregon St. St S The gfaasalisl agaaSar ar aeasr ran osat haa af "TU" a gay arwg 428 (OVBt NIMTH i i mi m not afford to ituaulsta, ssva aa huaaisasi in of out of doors, wis si.urwu or. srest raid rtuwl "LasMrtT at lout aurfvsreia Uo It ii aa ase. Bataarh. Oeap. Rlv OraaMte Sauk US BVsas A as.. Kl Paso. Texas waasr and pss fusal M naatersiioa wit cub aiaha Suur.' aáaeai avers svlav. Disss, kwraaa ysar Pset are aever sssag IkMaf i WgS ssstSar was urn i aa au bother tar salt a hi liasy any aaur. READ THE TIMES CLAaSSlFlED PAGES FOR RESULTS Sanaa April II. lili. EL BAJO MORNING TIME iniMiimiiii DAVIS HEIRS CONKLIN TENDERS

Porch, Lawn and SUE W. C. DAVIS HIS RESIGNATION Do You Know All That You Camp Furniture Lv3,.nT,,a ACOMINT1IM rfsLLgenoN or arrase in cm Ought to Know V SR.- - rSflaWaaBl Anrasjgcm OStTN. Prepara now to enjoy the RAVM. t of outdoor life. Sob About the carbons led beverages you drink or that your family drinks at homo or elaswhere) pleasure Sail eselaet w Darte, preslSsM sf the rjeraidrmeni enmasar, The tessd renmattea da ta ta pend- Particularly about what the children drink where so many of their psnnioa go in hot weather Ift (harrias sals. ing change Sn city gavei mem SStSR the many nice things we have man censen! nf the estate of his dead next You should know, if you value their health and your own, if you have sny regard for what hrolher. Henry l.ee Oat la. was yesterday was yesterday received tnd aereptecl wits by lha city council la special sta- id clean wholaaorno- - make life worth living in anasrM u usa rorty-nra- t district oo rerrel pure snd snd mk to laapas lets Armttronr i tion whea J. C. Coaklln nict named Mayor turtle Davis and Irma Louise!!Havls. nlíres KVtly'l "bodyguard" in Ihe repent cam- hot weather. and wards or W. C. Davis, and the da urn paign. Infer mas) Ihe roanril thai he will era ST Mas late Henry Lee Davit. The mil leave the service at g police of ncer oa petitions the court in appoint a receiver April It. Conkltn hat keen IB tne service far Davis1 property poidints. and atst several years and has always a HrbBL , - ' 4V4rÚcaSBHsPl MAIL of the property left hy N. been .' 'w'3 The value of the property lert by sad hard worker for the be Davis to bis daurhiers si the time of ORDERS teoe. Tree lert Ion Garbage. rut dram in n placed In the pena let ef 1 at m.ooo Tas rree collection or garbage in me city, Acrordinr to Ibe petuion, w. 0. Dsvlt except for animal dying on premises. Wat GIVEN was made rusrdlsn of the ihree daurhiers assured when tn ordinance bearing the and independent trustee and executor af emergency was approved adopt- or risos tnd the estate until the maturity ibe daugh- ed. The etty Inaugurated, at the PROMPT ters In the will of the lite it I,. Davit. The intienes win "pegacaraed all my property una my of Mayor Kelly, a Tree rollen ion ay sleet PHONE BUY M January I ItJt, and the erdintnes per- ATTENTION hree daurhiers Blanche lone Arrostren lavla. Mama Lucila Davis and Irms Louise petuates this ayatem. 3166 A CASE Davis," each to receive oae thlrd of the Amateurs Lease WehlBtea Perl estate. The Income from the estale wat to The El Pase Amateur Basebtfl league was FROM EL PASO TENT & AWNING COMPANY accrue to the heirs, tad the estate wat to granted a lette oa the bttehalt grounds PROMPT as remain near Intact and Individual as Washington park for every Sunday, Be- to statement tt YOUR possible keep it An annual ginning with April and Ueto-be- r CITY or the condition of the estate was provided, I. Including 3 4 San Francisco St. Phone 2044 end only such expenditures as should be I. July t and asplaest sr f ara alto DELIVERY DEALER aseaasary ror the upkeep af the daurhiers datat contracted for by the league. The Chamber af Commerce Nszt Door tnd the maintenance or the estate were to price to be paid the city It go per cent ne mane, n waa particularly specified in ef the gross gate receipts, tnd every data rSffihjfflj the wiu that ibe estate should not be It to pa used by the league uuieta w earner PrBSHtl BaaBHMtws eotntnrled with other property hnldlnrs or conditions prevent pitying t Duraenea wun nvinxirei The Southwestern reed and rutl com- The pension sllerea thai W. C, Davis, the pany given and wts the contract ror re roofing ruardltn executor, has failed to mtks the ror WANT LAND LAWS CHANGED. the annual statement of the conditions of sunset fire sutton lifli. tne estate and or expenditures rrom the Tas petition or property owners for a S Artttsa ClUieas Bwtlllaa Governor Is estate. sewer ettentlen to lb Old Tort Bliss vi- rlsse fcrleet la Lealsletlv Call. The salt is entered by Blanche lone Arm- cinity was grallled The rontrtrt with Ptioenlx. Arti.. April 10. A meetlne of ttronr Davis In hehair or herseir and her ft. I. Nefst in the sum of as7i for (boot luid leasers held today a coramiiirt sitters, who. to' the petition, srs the building it Donlphtn par or rirtsrn wn nataed to call on Ooraraor minors. i neir ' liner aisq August in, isno approved. Tho petition ho - ws of property Hunt and urge that remodel Ma lesiala- leavinr no widow. He had hee prorrrl owners In blocks IT. as aa Hy It snd Highisnd Park SAIiESnoOM OF TUK hckfPIKK BOTTUIfG WORKS. ilva rail to Dermlt laslalalloa iffee! Identifier! with many business en addition, to change Inr public lands, They desire a policy terprtaes tn this city, and was considered the ntme of Detroit adornad wnirn mate purcltaae or school worth about rrvooo at the time of his desllt. street to West Detroit street wss denied. land posilblr In order thai privileges un- W. C. Davit It one of El Paso's prominent Plere ire Street Pivemt! Attested. der the Roosevelt reservoir may be secured. business men. Interested hetvily in real The final estimate of the Southwestern The governor refused lonla-h- l to indicate estate In this district, and prominently Paving company for paving north uoresce The Empire Bottling Works hat nia answer 10 tne comminre wnuia Identified with tevertl local lodges tnd street. In the sum of sr,7t.t. the main- be. secret societies. tenance bond of the paving company and The ulan l of the i:on an ordinance aeeaptlng the ptvement. were soildated Minina; company at Hot tortas IN SORPO RATION CtHlgT. jiinnion was last sitstroyrri by fire approved and accepted by ihe council. Loss, tSD.ÜOU; no insurance.rut The plant has maintenance bond and to You raae.ro TruHll. Seat 1. R.rk PH. After Extends an Invitation net been operated Tor tne past two years. LrcePt.nc ordlnsnc he navinr of , Janata Olrand. formerly larrttortal One of the most unique sentences In the Porrino Dlax street were also approve, has been named Phoenix clly r history of the police court in thla city was and accepted. Take a few minutes to inspect our plant and observe the painstaking care, together by City Manafer Crtls- handed down retterdav afternoon hv Jndtre The street ordtxumre, which wat Intro- Shannon, when Francisco Trujlllo wat at- - duced for first reading one yetr ago and with the modern equipment, that is a protection to the absolute purity of the fin- ted a fine of inn divs on the rltv rock which rixrt the names of eonrilrtlng pile and to have his hair eut hy ihe offl- - streets, was reed the second and last limes ished product. lonaortai artist of the union. The yesterday snd approved. According 7 verdictli was rendered erter bad to tn Trullllo provisions been found anility or assaulting a small of the ordlnsnce 78 streets which have heretofore conflicted In name ; Mexican boy while under the Influence nf '. . marihuana, a Mexican drug, in a residence with other streets or have pern unnamed .. . .. II Stylish Straws on Third street Thursday night. are now definitely registered unrfir sat- names. r Acroroinr to witnesses. TruJlllo came isfactory Most of the chsnges Into the home or the boy and while si effect slreeis in outlying districts or the fiwttns to embrace the falher r ihe child. clly which were named originally hy ins accidentally cut the little fellow with s real eslsle firms placing them on ins The new rough braid in long knife which he carried In hit ttaeve. market. After hearing Hie testimony Judge Shannon self - conforming straws, derided that ir s rew Hicnee or hair were or STRAWSERRY SHORT CAKE, IS. light cut off the head the prisoner he would Weston's. 9) san made in extra weight not be subject to fits, such ts claimed, tnd Amonio si. aealrned officer Charley Henderson to offi straw. ciate p the rol.- or hirber convicted or sietiing about forty reel GRAPHIC Mad in and now rubber hate from a bulldinr under ACCOUNT rotular course or construction on ihe Mrsa, Do- tapering crown, in shapes mingo tiler was sentenced to thirty days on Ihe rock by Bjoth conservarlv and e. ple Judge Shannon At reset four different stories were told by OF MINE $2. $2.50. $3. $4. Didst Hait a the man, how he came to be In possession SWEEPING of the hose, none or which would novd water. The hots was round to have he BANKOKS T ho lightest longed to Contractor William and m nave neon sioren from meaa. and fineat hat mads. Mors the VOt Ni. AMERICAN TELLS EXPERIKVCE Ereslo MontlvaUe wis celeased with IN Our Dental ONE OF THE MOST HAXARDOl H durable than Panama and suspended fine hanginr over him, by Judge OtJTIKS IN WAR considered more stylish. $6, Miennon. aner neinr round guilty of reck ZONE. ess orivinr Nontivejies was drlv nr $7.50. $10. machine Oregon Work down street st a high rata Coadltlons of Great Severity Confront Me or speeo rnasy nignt and while attempt Who Face the Peril or Keeping Mina in to Into R Is SO food we guarantee every turn Han Antonio crasbrd into Arta rree From Ruíneos I luiler. PANAMAS South that an light post on sal It. We make thin, tight fu- electric the corner ir American hats, in new bit of rroni of the Plrst ailoaal bank htitidtng tías platas, also extract teeth with- ÁttocUled rVesi rorrrspoideare haps. $6. $7.50. $10. I 00 don. Mircb A out pain. It you want good, clean, ftTMAWKKanv SHORT CASTS, tw. It. mint Amenrsn who recently ror - lasting dental work without pala, Weston's, wo san tonto gi (Adv.) Utnad adventuroui aer- Children's Day at Empire Bottling Works. Every Youngster in El Paso were the jt vic as t member of Ihe crew of s mine- - LEGHORNS A rich tan. w can please you. r, seeds the muowln of L. EIGHTH BRIGADE SERVICES. account invited guests of Manager Gardner. niah shads, soft straw, con- one or ma trips out into th- North sea: MK Gold Crowns M. $4 and $5.00 order. You will proceed at once to sidered the newest thing in Bridge Work. U and Se.uo Chaplain Axloa Will Delirar Lecture ei ana win sweep the gres marked on Rubber Platee SS.00 and up Loyalty la Use riag. Ihe accompanying chart.' Thla wss the straw. $6.00. A special by ChapUla L. order which Silver Ftlttngs aso lecture I. Alton, stnl banuncrini inio ihe head Empire of the Twentieth v. s. infantry, on lively wind on a hliterlv nnld Beverages Painless attracting SSc Sunday 4 "Loyslty to the Flag" will be delivered to- morning at o'rlock Probably rew day and General j. j. Perthlng re of us on the atraggerint trawler si that hat paused to quested the several regimental commanders kour refTert ihtt the duly of HEW YORK PAINLESS and men lo sweeping the tea has been imposed upon Cost Us More Cost the Dealor Mors Cost You the IlATTERsOHIRTMitti attend the services In a body oy his morning. The ui aiscovery msde in ihe rsr east, lecture promises to be when Japan and Ruaala entered upon Sama as Inferior Brandti 103-11- 1 sn Interesting one and an cost. Always Twenty TEXAS ST DENTISTS added reeture iy wen or t S- ff win be aperlal modern naval nghtlng I- mualc furnished hy the lo the benefit of keenly interested eaVV Everywhere Flavors choir of the First Presbyterian church, discovery JV Mean spselatort. Tbst wss the nrfen. Oar. and Tesa Street. a solo by Parvta Wills stve value of the submsrlne mine. Japan Service for the sutb Infantry will be led the way tn the matter, but Rutáis, once held this morning al t o'clock sad for the wakened, followed with suih efficiency Sixteenth infantry at 8 .10 o'clock. Both of UMt al the final balance II was found thai ON THE TKM, THE Japan ELECTffJtí these services and Use lecture by Cbtpltin hat lost fen warships through mines ,,5rWaSaaaaWBasaH Axton will be held tn camp ana nusst rourttcn The mines had dune the tents it practically cotton. The same lecture snd service will at much harm in the respective be held for Ihe or navies ts the ships bad been sble to Inflict members the Twentieth upon esen omer mrantry al Fort Bliss at 10:0 o'clock Ibis morning. "Therefore, It was itaat wa were plunged into snowstorm to collect, ir uo.sibie. sny free mines which ihe gale might have Tw flrei Seturdiy. rpi inn me xrerk or shipping It lakes Fire originating hy rhlldren playing with a tight vessels to aSrvive the an to writer aim matches caused ittrm be turned in n smother which rise so quickly the rentnl stiiloo rrom Mu First street in these list nlghi o tn waters. In lbs winter months, e.neelallv tbout o'clock The rtre Ibe work goes on which tbretaaned to assume slarmtng nro amid eondluons of rretl portions, wss eitinrulshed on th. seventy, and our thipt frequently keen Of Ibe firemen with chamicéis Verv Utile the sea as mine sweepers when aa trawlers "",n,"r "tw onr m ioe resiorure. whirl tney would nee to shelter of iheir harbor. at occupied at Ihe lime by Manuela Oob "Our ship M on or the best of her III! staunch type, and she reeled tloag won- Explosion or an nil stove st ft Hidalgo derfully on Ihe Sunday morning. Some, lower pari or the where in Ibe darknets. to starboard then proved responsible for an .Urm L showed through Ibe whirling snow o clock i.,r., the IÜI yesierdty sritmoon. The Hgbis of ano i her vessel running on Ik SWBW occurreo trier rtsoiine bad been same course ' "u nr ourselves, snd tl llw " insiera oil aad same speed The came m while on of the occupants" of the Wu dawn and show reesuret aa education was attairiDiine i., ii.hi i, .. ea nr tt ae kla lo ut, and ihe .igniis more extensive than Is or dentistry I once much nntslhfa tn the ordinarv "Dr." It lakes '"uished before any iarte us damage waai made clear that in her we beheld about one fifth the Unas and prices correspond. All wars m say sseuih rroes full our seeepiu partner. Titer arts ta faU Slat eeespteted las anata te. Sa --titles ealy. rurious respect for her. she must know f. m s. rti sou Willi Aee, a, a NtOS DSCLAM tTION I ONTEST quita wen that at any moment her plung- Dr. Williams offeri you the experience of universities and seven consecutive years ing bees may uteri a mine and Dsn ihra fouimuou work on tat remarkable system would be Display virinc at bar mid of lbs drag tackle aad vacancies In Unit collagas m New System Dentists, Cor. El Pas aad San Antonio Sts Ability the latea. aa tas Nearly Siasvsta Ptrat Willi! Sash Bids Aerees the street Tress naswtln "Oar partner era en old friend aad knew DM marked the junior derliniiUon rgoieai of me wort Arrived si the appointed area, aetei Nafta lite One corner of the Factory, showing Electric Sterilizer Tho most modern and sanitary Bottling f Tars Ltdy asasatsass. Spaslah aad atrasas St thee. Sana Dvestfes Till the grammar school, held at the High little vessels ran close in and Ihe rear school sudliorium Isal night, a sumaer af was naked up It was bald work, even works in tho Southwest. siunrnis eininiimg eireptionsl ror trawlers. Thai marked ibe beginning oralorlral of the day The ability SBS Mtyfteld was lulls vessels separated, Willi swarded found Iheir r , i piece was rnosen disiaru iu nicely in the teeth 'irs snd ef lb wind, and started off The whole WE INVITE THE STRICTEST INVESTIGATION ts dry ithtels la ike siaie BBirajHB, wa carried through with conten at Austin. Texas: eeaaeay a word uttered, and loag s Seek aa ibt da Empire peril ka Bottling ear rasaasus aad ear sattbads of ttudaaM rtpated vrs wag asear Works Oa J liitaani was. asar raer ecur. of the ehsolaisly aere taSag ta BwdtcSae u ine runlrsl logrUln with a Bat af threes tuceiisla af rata, hall sad L. GARDNER, MANAGER. Snw, careful drag wat kepi If there T A THE FETC1 fee DssMaanber ' A Meaaaas tt Bags." war rreeea reel at ate treachet thai day. EL PASO, TEXAS Off William Mayrteld "The Divlataa of there were alte froten hands oa the test Wid Jr lJLt,o00 Tatas" l.rirrn ,uc, l diriiillini mil kuffsl cure for (soasáis Caravero-- aautoay's OttsstS Ms were our portion that Say The veseri With the null of Ihe is, llvr Wa I over Dees Body af Cesser " Sir and dtlva Stain tar that wwaderfol eurt. which .tiuimiiet her By as ttgaiure. Maye Staanee - "epariacas the of engines keeping ker duw ilka a our tuauers aipvuae tssai firms uno svmik pariKulars conreruiui Ibis deiuuctlws ikari ihe yuas dangers of lha aatfa. cautery sad csiSalt tt aw ye of a. io uusKuoee sod sffocts cure Gladlsttrs." half tide reck, wss never clear af the at resta tae asset VfetcS appear m the Japes tassaalat Pert Arthur t without Iota of liase sweeping step, "Ttst setae sweepers have woo recuswj tres huprri Tr- rrui, QrM atea Thus. rrtsh. twisav- - riir OetalU of are as' suck wcub mi itvs war Workm tae iva t coasirunum Hue of M mm over atr sows tad twirled aiung for tttalr service la wVib" Seeds cases cared, all walbiay sdveruaetaeola. John Burvslde E. Las." yuarurd secreu. bul II is sauouic J Uiai UMnsva hatua1 ' rhar-:l- r. - dec tbtlr cuna idol Ik taes st taeir iuIUoiw suj du.icrous iB ta ufawa seodtn us tttstr frteadt afflicted si User were arlos Parree siUum's " ;M casaos Iba lavesstoa of aa srullerr frank Baker wa arretted by Offt- - bbC rrfltaa s. oae It HRpreasesl with Ihe ureriatua Use I Why beaiutt or Elht- - Lsaoosa s niMjakgi, usry officer f isarverui army, leutssstsrl car 'oaoaou. yriwraiy pimea wiua ort A rare wus which fulfill latir aa u.Pitsrl OasU who luv keen na erinwooe ira Hon MBXSI wortiay id the clly jail Saber, it It charted, was kls idea for soase urns to the war live HÍS-ÍÍT- Happatess i32 prior wts in of Ibrouyli S sua AJssaader and US As soou as ta asee Uensusy Br tsw PoJV ra." at atwraaiea astee Ito ts saveatee at set iilfar Tsis tau on Sees Orewoer - firtttua i Basa at Care." tad jut before t skip kt va. rita t view u, ted nsat "Jtaterteea aad laisrsiRitxsl lull wbtes te a ! Assay i Jsuiswssl . Cea llkrteup tartas ll reaoVr ror ac Uss M bTrihaajr II was ea Bias ssaorror's kiiiaiü? sI sa ea sMBT laal It saella ktk JaSp inftXm INTERNATIONAL saasas asssr--- A tsmas rjareta-BWa- base Mm SaeavessaSS fVaa CtsevataejssVewev taai iu tint uukefara S& SPECIALISTS TW veauac ifveraooe. Baatfier of wtkBataSi lrsht--K- Batttt bafer the sjr wss dsn, tad Sarna forts wit tffeet loatorro t atvrtSBtjssaa (sataetiaev sh is she Sua d tskts. Jasas, asen asstswacsyaasi t aa $ oa i Tears) " whea the atar ees ills I aad tatsatad By lavs isal use tsf IS lisle at karauaa Bata M kaviDt voiueweras vpr Hi su Bates, Cerner Texas taja. Rte trass dstja, D yeas. arstai ir ssetrtaeti l frtataiili Bt Mam oevaey wtaauci Is taras f ta wf Tatty tae wta nrsi, istpaet lbs assrU pena irHad far Wu UTSAÑés tit stats art JtssVasss a he the ipiitira as awa atasteis Burisi keep our (pa apa far ts tsbss JskosS IBS TTStw stasislJf'ai atase jajá tkat iBsiiiksJst w a dsa a l sasrssdS asee a as BtaasSM ask play sa Ska aulvei sai ) larisssil laa utiesi is II eatery SSsilii It be Bavattaar sSS a ttasffsa aad Ssv. Meratsa O rvrlsr. ef tae teajeerwrt ksrta. suatas Ulleicaia It prove sstelf atuik atar paméú tJs Sf treat value t S rasa. Sunday. April II. 191 . ;o EL PA3Q MORNING TIMES , Visitors and the Public Generally Appreciate Our Wide Aisles as the Spring Days Grow Warmer' Silk Petticoats $1.49 Messaline Slips $3.95 - for Monday sillín All -- Ilk menmllne Moneay eelling w. offer on. lot of $4 Silk oiniseal rln rulrin pink. light blue. Avery MU m ''" Ha Basnet style, Every i FOR Hllp at radical reriurttoa. Shows represented. A remsrkahle While and Mais Trlmmod Kith lar. and QC Manor nnwtel, at ;$1.49 Insert loa. Choto. tjytn. '6a House a Cotirtr" To Over-Shado-w Our Wonderful Sales of April a Year Ago i Every Section of This Great Ready-to-We- ar Specialty Store Will Offer After-East- er Values Unequaled El Paso er After-East- er in After-Cast- Specials la S19.50 nd $22.50 Silk Specials in Mm. Dancing' Gowns Spring' Suits r. v naavai bvk. f $9.95, $15.75. $19.85 $14-85- . $18.95, $21.75 the s iter-East- Festivities, we offer special selling beginning Monday, we have FOR valuea in new creation, made of crepe de FOR 60 suit from our regular stocks, and chinea, taffeta, crepe meteor and new lace, net $15.75 them All new spring marked at radical reduction. and chiffon combination. Dainty imple frock in BIG value are the rule Monday, and the modela and made of dependable material in all wanted ahade and trimming. These value Dress section will attract unusual favored colors. No woman should miss this oppor- cannot be duplicated. attention because of this remarkable leader. tunity. Note the price: We have re --grouped some of our new spring Group A $12.50 and tí rv93 dresses and selected fifty for special selling Group A $17.50 and tí i a .65 $14.50 Danc'g Gowns J TE: beginning tomorrow. In the lot are ex- $19.50 Tailored Suits Group B $19.50 and d f j .75 quisite creations made of taffeta, crape de Group B $22.50 and tí Q .95 fM. $22.50 Danc'g Gowns chine and messaline in all the new colors. $25.00 Tailored Suits 4 Group C $25.00 to Regular $19.50 and tí 1 lT Group C $27.50 and tí Q f .75 S29.50 Danc'g Gowns $19M $22.50 value, for PJ "fJ $ 29. 5 O Tailored Suits tsrl On Sale Monday The New Vogue! Accessories New Tiling's Yon Will Want of Interest to Silk Skirts WHiteCoats All Women to Know About $3.95 a $4.95 $6.75 to $12.50 GOWN 8 New NEW NOVELTY PARASOLS $2.50 CREPE DE CHINE white is unprece- A. who new styles erepa In we continue the great Black HE demand for smart coat wonderful win of wa hable d. chine TOMORROW ranging In pries from $t.S0 to $15.00 pink white. Tailored atylaa with dented in the history of this atore. Our buyers and and larger crowd than ever are T each. In the collection are the very V, round and square neck allpov.r with long years of experience, have anticipated this In solid lace, em- sure to come. Early shopping is essential. newest "chin chin" Jap styles models. Trimmed with unusual and consequently are prepared for colors affects. In every broidery, ribbon and beading. Prices demand and Oriental SKIRTS New wide circular model with will show en- eass the values are unusual. moderate at &n QC AT $3.95 all emergencies. For Monday we an H 85 and 9a.r9 button down the front. Some with pocket and tirely new line of white Chinchilla and Boucle Coat in the very newest belted, flared and pocket trim- PULLMAN APRONS AND CASES 25c suspenders. Unmatchable value. UP A bis line of rubber lined Pull-roa- n KAYSKR'H sii.h Most $1.00 Call med model. We have never placed on display such aprons,- cases, sponge pur. hose, tourist aad for number 45. an all ailk SKIRTS AT $4.95 Deep shirred yoke effects with such moderate No wom- cloth bags. Cretonne, mercer tops Black only. attractive coat at price. waah with lisle and fret. jet button trimmings. Made with two pocket. complete without new white sed and silk covered. Wonderful vsuss at. the an's wardrobe is a eyJetfVfk J J QQ New idea in suspender and belts. coat. Pricea. $12.50. $9.95. Prices 25c to Don't miss this value at and COLORED slI.K HOSE AT 1.00 $4.95 $7.50 $6.75 NEW TOILET WATER Famous Hhown in all the new colors and See Windows Mary Oarsen product. Full lot s, black. Famous Oordoa Iye make. cut (lasa stoppers. $4 PA L4sle tops and feet. A dependable Prion Uta bottle Ot9U quality at, the Timely pair a $1.00 A Feature Beginning Monday of the Newest HTERLVM PHOTO FRAMES Bc New sterlum and white metal photo LAUNDERED COLLARS lac AND frames In big variety of shapes with SSc The new Tlppsrsry styles. Kreah velvet backs. Choice qp and Jaunty effects msde of linens. Monday HDC madras, pique and Unen in all aliea. Unequaled valuea at CIRCLE BROOCH PINS $1.0 The lie and 25c Wash Silk Blouses last brooch creation. Medium sise and platenold effects set with white and aVS NOVKITY HANDIlAfiN f colored brilliants. New smart creatlona of leather and Chole ., $100 allk In black and new colors. The 79c, 95c, ahapee 89c, $1.95 new email medium 49c, BEAD NECKLACES and canteen $2.95 FLOWER made of the finest leathers and silk. Fancy designs combined with gilt and Many with pretty Jewel set locks and WASH BLOUSES AT 49 All white or- WASH BLOUSES AT 89c A beautiful SILK BLOUSES AT $1.95 And .till the pearl heads. All perfumed. Patent handsomely equipped. 1'rlcee range geld plated fist n- rs. Shown In all demand these wonderful Blouses i un- from tl.ti down to as low gandie with pretty embroidered front and collection of white voile and organdie crea- for colors and wnito. Unusual $1.50 Monday lace trimmed collars. Long sleeves. Re tion, made with pretty embroidered de precedented. The collection include crepe value 50c de chinea, pongeea and candy stripe silk MIDDY RIXICSKH 8c and $1.4a A markable value Monday and signs on front. Neatly trim- CREPE DE CHINE CAMISOLES new ahowln of th. advanc. atyt in new style and colors, $1.50, An unusual display of the hew last, . Ideas for Spring and early Hummer while they at 49c med collar. Choice 89c at lace top, camisoles in flesh color only. wear. Made of fine all white Galatea, $1.95 Made of fine washable crepe da chine la a variety of n.w models Borne at- WASH BLOUSES AT 79c White organ- WASH BLOUSES AT 95c A large vari- with abort sleeves trimmed with dain- tractively trimmed with colors. Oth- SILK BLOUSES AT $2.95 A special table ty Val lace, ribbons and beading. die, lawn voile blouses, with ety of organdie, voile, embroidered voile, ers pocket trimmed and show th. new and of crepe chine, ailk, These are the garments so much In Every style de candy tripe Jap demand. Dainty spring side lacea. wanted lace col ailk in white, fig- - creations for hers. The prices are excep- embroidered front and trimmed eco and other material ilk, pongee and other silks in white, black and summer wear. Choice, tionally low 95c, Monday $1.50 at.. lar. Some have a touch of urea, tripe and new color. and colora. Plain tucked art ( gv m color. Extra special at ... . 79c Big value at 95c and button trimmed, at. . tws The Demonstrationj Last Week Beginning Feature Mondar W. Emphasized the Merits of See Our Dainty New The Latest Developements in The New Redfern Corsets UNDERMUSLINS After-East- er Millinery 75c, 95c $1.25 $3.00 to $10.00 White House has many time over demonstrated $15.00 to $25.00 all, your corset roust be comfortable if THE right to be "Called the Under muslin Store of T is a point of pride with the White House Millinery AFTER El Paao." For Monday we give further proof of our to be satisfactory. There is absolutely Salon to take a leaf from the future in the pre-a- supremacy. I just to wear no necessity for sacrificing your comfort UNDERMUSLINS AT 75c A special table of chemise, vance fashions that it proffers. This is accomplished by a faahionable" const shape your health is too combination, drawers, slips, corset covers, gown and our very close connections with the foremost milliner of embroidery trimmings. important. petticoat with pretty laca and the world. Also stripe, dotted and solid color crepe as jjj This doe not mean you cannot have both. You gown. Unmatchable values Monday, each . . . C Among the new conception secured for special dis- can in a REDFERN properly fitted for your indi- UNDERMUSLINS AT Mo One table of dainty new play Monday, will be clavar Hats for wear at the Panama-Pacifi- c corset covers, gowns, petticoats, slips, chemise, drawers Exposition. Also ultra-chi- c Hats of ma line, taf- vidual requirements, in our Corset section. and handsomely trimmed. In addition wa combinations feta. Georgette crepe. Raffia, etc., in new show new polka dot and all white crepe k g new REDFERN modal ara absolutely cor- thsma made specially for us. The gowns. Unusual values Tomorrow, each. . . . style, experienced J rect in point of and our FINE UNDERMUSLINS AT $1.26 A large showing of Than we must mention the distinctive and individual by personal fittings, can assure you com- fresh new garment, including gowns, combinations, cor styles in trimmed millinery, appropriate and serviceable fort, plus faahionable lines. set covers, slips, drawers, petticoats ana cnemiee wttn for every occasion. Drssay pkisns aad flower Hats., fine laca aad embroidery trimmings Also walking and tailored Hats, carriage and auto Hats, after- Ws have both lacs-fro- and lace-ba- ck model. Choice Monday .... $125 noon aad reception Hat Aad you will be surprised at You soId visit our corset section Monday. the moderate prices. m J See the Moth Proof Bags New White Petticoats 95c Sk If ahssluU protacttsa saslssi ssoth an ulnar v areata Ta teaal W Uarr rssetvss aooth.r salas sal of tasas woaeexful flare rsltliissla. jCsV naga la which to sack away your tura, rapa, wlat.r suits aad I ss as ash la essi Mas. ef ftas sssasesa an oa asarte an Sisean gas us la assorted atase, fries very seseareis, a. trims.. wttk lace an embroidery. 4 to II too fV JJi JHouse. Extraordinary valsas Monday at 7jC "e Store 0 Service" "Always Plan to Meet Your Friends in The White House ArcadeA Very Interesting Place to Wait Sunday. Aptfl II. 1915. FL PASO MORNING TTME3 IT SHAW & COMPANY "THE ORIGINAL PACKAGE HOUSE" FAMILY LIQUOR DEALERS m OUR SERVICE OUR BRANDS

We are catering to In soliciting your family trade and you business, we want to will find our service lay great stress on the all that you can de- quality of the Wines, sire. Call us up and Beers and Liquors your order will be that we offer you. attended to promptly and our busi- We have selected only the standard ness motto on every transaction is brands and you buy with our guaran Satisfaction or Money Back. tee SATISFACTION or Money Back. Family A specialty of ours and London A superior brand for we family Table a brand Dock "se. AO guarantee TSr special pnce.... Uaret gal. Sherry wvgal. Offices and Sales roomi of Shaw & Company, Catering Inclusively to Family Trade. WE FEATURE THE CELEBRATED MISSION VINTAGES OF PURE CALIFORNIA WfNES PHONE PHONE YOUR YOUR ORDERS ORDERS NO. NO. 2741 2741

OUR OUR DELIVERY DELIVERY SYSTEM SYSTEM is IS PERFECT PERFECT Interior View of Salesrooms Ladies Can Shop Hare Under Ideal Conditions. The El Paso Home of Houston Ice & Brewing Association's High Grade Beers

THINK THIS OVER r Bottles of By Our Ice Cold Own A IsfcÉnnBflnflH Delivered to Your Home 3 Houston Beer Messenger 50cl - CAN YOU BEAT IT? PHONE SHAW & COMPANY PHONE MnM 2741 414 NORTH OREGON STREET 414 2741 SaMltlQW. April II. 191). 12 EL PASO MORNtNG TIMES

AikaM . Bap. A I.. Oka. Mr ft wttt be Mnasass ih m BJ B. linda rltib Ta Beta To Alpnse rnni. and Mr. Cantm o will M entertsneed hy Wm Mbel 'ñor mfimm a nah. Km. nrave. will ortatn ib Tmirenaw Hair Tinting I mhroldery ees. Mr t P Bsnsin WW laa renwtr di htl liiieSa of the Women a tlw ' rlub win raaea na waeaeaoey lis boato for " Ihe Hi.ii achnnL Mr. Will T OatSB laI in nm dnrtnr iba Made chara of the ororram. Wat eh la aa rol low l wm Easy T. ev The Rri,ir rM mi "Pair Darrodlf" Bauer tirdsy with MM Betrtee Bule. anr by club rhorua. wipj mi orwia iOCIETYr women nave out am paaso r thooan4a of sssr si the Miimiíiiniiiiiiiu;wwilig'MiiiinMB treaked and krar hair beaua tby ia "rrroae saaa" Baaar iHiiiiiuwwtMiiii knew of no abenlufly way in over- (hi Hills" Mra. D. M. knaltn wa in rleanani notaa af "Ovr Ihe vj."! or nam ana aairaciis- - N. Darte, seeoaasanied aa paaso by ' r the Ydtmf People Mi.atotvtry IWM r will be Itie reprodiirton or "mar va Mrs. KarM in of Trthttv MatbodUi rbnrr h on Prlday ""Át'r all. one or me ehier plaaaajraa renew. OOSard m eee without "Rnhyeiiai. M nunr pinnre. a Cantarais" IX bul lve mr dltins, at o cierre, ríe at bar home, loan lorin riaiaana la tkat of la aa anrarttva a Mra Ralph Henderarm and Mrs. J. J. Pen Mor wesr ease or feenron old or be airen on Tirdy cvflins lira awaakUaf a n. room or the Hotel irawt MUa Hoffmm. tit i.reldent. r.ned nner aa poealhle. mmpamen ny mm. nirumw. nor .peak un i en a al n'rlork In th 1H wait lo ni. ihe meetlnc to order and rnndnnd tna Brownalone" Hair main will help yon it) "The Mill Wheer Bauer Mor piar a par to asm la niwri'hr yaa, Paao del 'lorie Th,. klvn Thome read tbi "Phyiur' of th Worasli bualneaa aeton; Mlaa Mia in mat im emererner. With It ron ran Nor now my keees 10 wnai my bari Hie M depsrtment nb Mlaa Myrtle Boyd Mrs. Bolead OHchriat. acroaapani by Mra msd Mr it. the ertpmra leaaon and ton h up tb tray pota matan Uy --or yon nd nnrrh prernfion htnt to me etuoraawrii or an. BecouBfi wo hoye the corTort wnn im. "In rerMen oar MM. mKk ran In ñrar maman lar tima rra to your (S -- Vajbtssrancbea" Llsat Mm what I am. to thai in me be tree, i. nera been nanna ir 4ZsmB M whim wa. rtren al hare omai katr tkau rich, aon brown, ao murh to be ib. Ballade Dvorak tad 11 im worship my love den. the ona l. tha patt month, only part of ine avnd stylea the u paao Mian riooi law week, will na botaa Or, yon ran make it a kioawr Ml NelUa May Bown and Mr. Haver. Mb. bote were turnad In and th orrertna proper a Last attar ITijB me In Hie arternoon from Mack ir roa Ml ihu wltboul toe "Tha Word" And so ihrouyh lore anl worship M repeated. emotmred to more The money la Henar a and an eMllMtefMl W tbaa l. poaaiMUty or akMeriloo, rauure or oarm tlaor HM. n'rlork rereuii'in lo be applied to apeelal mtatlonary work. Mr Mr. Pesrre at rhe piano tw held hv the art department of trte to either hair or aealp. Brsna. J. led a very Tyrollume" Vaa du BUirker ciuk ihr ha" room of tna Harry Hendron in inir No prarrlona aajMrkMkoa la nee - For love I but the heerl Immortal lhirt wmn i in dltviiMloo of tna or ina whatever Mlaa Bryaa - Paao del Norte. tna alitn enaptr roaaary rem "Bmwnaiooa." To M eoapletoly known and ail tot- Hotel lady book. "Daybreak In th nark when u4 ikt (a) first Lara Vsa du "tucker A (tiren Tiiertay arter- brtiak or eomh n mtn tha hair. (b) Moontlrbt Van dn Strieker Lower pricea miulral will be ttnnt Ai in no ih hn.re. aerrso Better values I - I. laaapli kakft ha aant roa fctlss miss at she piano. I "ii ai a infnl onl ha I enter hesven. noon at itio iK.nr- or Mr. U flobinaon delieioua horn rake, candy and ror heaktat til Msrtia. Beraa Aid norlety made apon to caata. rnmi So tak ma. desr. and undaraiand mr In MorninaXil'- llelahl by In'" fee the rollo win Mlaaoa raoetpi of Canioneui io ruei: All aen Mra. lieaoarsoa, ara. nienmono ai w wnrtt. oí ilia Altara Park ProhvlerlAn rmirc) Hoffman, Tkfitnai, Ilkaveaa of lha laaaMM orur tore lila and Era and pUsts, And rrrely pardon It. becsuae conred, Mra. Bdward will enieriain al Mnrry, atyrd Brownalone." Two altea. Ike lt.no. -- Me Wlbrin noma roam. Mabl and Krneatine ret o cana with ts the Btrmanar Ann am rind in lovint thee, my baat. b on he aanv arternoon at her urouen, two abada oaa for aalawa or aaatBwa in rid re reranaon. Anna B Murry, Kra or Nirht" Van du Stueser Henrv van Dyka, in 'Tha Throe neat on Montana. ftorolky M. PrtadrlcluAn. Met brown, and tha other for dark brown (bT "Pound" Van du tlueker Wlnan. black. the piano Thinks." Hp. Main i.o1nian win rntertaui dame H N. Miller and I. J. Arara, and Mra Wilson. Miei Clara Basil st n- your hair- - 1. - aflernoon. The Myrtle Boyd. Meaara. I. Harry Handaraon Inalai on "Broarnaton'' at home. "Abanar' MStaair lj koiiM rt Wrdnedv memner or woman a iuo rnom. Beelsl Calendar or Hie rlub Will ktva William Walker. W. B. Harthman. W. W itt aaaafa. The Wl'i member, Pioare pnarmacai Co.. are: Masdaroaa n r. All or El Paso will be Interested in the an informal .lame m Hwlr club roonk P.dward, M. I. Burleann. Aubrey Brnrora. Preparad bx tha ken ion nojaon. Pjw MM MM bT, Covtaa-ton- - piano recital to be tiven Monday after- on Trmrade ntahi. N. Millar, ft. ft. rlauber. mint Ballard, t "T Hattard. Mlaaea lilt. Peck ami Bold and auaraataad M Paao by War Herman. noon by Mlaa Mettle Mae Bowen at The reneral board tiieellnk of tIM V Betty Mary ftmlth. Pearl pontford. II Aiken. Mra. Ralph Henderson la the direc i church. Tni ner nrut Co.. Mad other laadmr dealer o'clock ai he Piral christian W. C. A. will be held on ThurKlay after tor. or entertain-men- marli the opening the week' noon Th annual dnnontMilon or Mlaa Bawea-- Nealtal. I N. M.. Birthday Party. and a Mlaa Rowan one or n work and ethetlr di Fnllnwlnr ihe ororram ror fbe eonrert eehlte. nhv.ir! tramilla Mra. .HlAVlM. OC th Paao' yoisrwT aroompliahwd and uienteo r lha El Paao tsehooi ror Olfla will to be giren ny maa feiiu atar sowan Ralph Dimmett, Mra. tam ooodman. ... MA. ..Ml in. or B. the "sine' in N. M .. ws musicians rare trial la assured in ne arternoon rrom 4 to dauehtr Mr. and Mra. Jumé Bowen J. rtrmar. Mra. Howrea, Mra. W. It. amonr Hsrblts. ba airen on Monday arternoon al o'clock, at tna i. Another intereetins arenl of lb weak Il'laatlk al the V. M C A. iai ana 'rnia Loratt. Mlaa Hatlla Max Mra. I. C Kr..7"?c.ri.." Ja,,war tbVT hütv i.... ml Ml Kmilv Ormbee will entertain B. of tha Mra. 1. B. Keltner. Mra. D. R ano or IBe ilia local Robert chapter Taaiintaf, emvsiry naontw With a danr Friday nikltt to Honor united Daukbiara or tna confederacy; wilkea. Mra. rraa Bauer. Mra. Lea wiimot. sni hAJ-- n Tfie Hanr.' win De firen ai Mlaa Oertraae Lelrbton. Mra Ralph Moore, Taa norrae waa neauniuiiy y ÉÉMB aauut. of parent. Mr. and Mr. J violin, relio, mano Rudolf frlml white sad red the color sehsme I ifry home ihelr tiilt Mra. Arthur Plllabury, Mra. W. & Ream. . feraninma, In Mil- up. aa ..... nut Ihe (irn.khee al Mueller. iai Minonneie a. H. Kay, Mra. Mra. Br. T. rHJX BOURAUD'S on Prlday Ibi ulunl Baña Parole 0 Mra. r. utor. woie oacurawap, .mmm. . A Mirer lea will he flren It. W. Oraham. Mlaa Anna Lee Rlx and by the Hparne Home aaeoriaiion in l.a nanee de neamnlaellea Op. ta A mutual prorram. inmraporaao afioriiooti id Eaypilan Danee op. 44 Mra. B. L. Clemenfi. Mra. D. C Booth. Mra. of Mr Rnkar in Itirn csras ana iinw. ""''''" Oriental Crean? al the ln.me 'lank Hlavaeek. violin: l.oul R. B. r. Hirkioa. Mra. M. P. Carloek. Mra. The w. ;.ullT. I!. will meet on mtt L ...... BEAÜTIHEH land I'aik cells: nenia May Bowen. piano. oao. Taylor. Mrt. I. C. BehulMr. Mra. Paul ..mnrnnl in th lonr the aain afternoon In lb T. W. C. A. cen Ii. lire and bsiplneas and many return or tral room BerreuaO .T. Chopin Op. IW tas aay. Of the amaller rlub and orlefe thai Kftirte in Ob P. Cbopio men dnrlna Hie week: frherto C minor P. Chopin Op. Mr. kf.ll-- T. will be the no. te. ror rteuia May Bowen B. Kelly entertained the ladle of imU It kea Mr. I. Pain Mra C. ml Enir N.ni on Monday. Mlaa Mane III. tna at. mr tawteet efM yeer a3 rbe (4) Blave .. del rstrica uji yp. liMtuaiui tute O'Connor will be ihe lM,lea for the Hiin- Bonr .Trer Rlefo II te r it ii piw afternoon, ihi TIM oin Tha rooma were wee m ..i.tj "- - hlne Helner. on Tueiwlav ine Mr. Roy Ft. nana, baritone: Mra Real Kln'irBit f eiastier "lolly rtelatibor' f.irrt elub'' will mee Dana at tna piano JirfXUTrreWwTreUerr1n ero. Or I. A arr Mr II. RiiMlna on Tinxday. ine tt'or asaT te a lets afta with IV. hettia ft anat-- ' TueiMlay Brida elub will meet. (a) Air t, H. Bacb L4I. will a On Thursday ihe Eureka nub win meal (r.) A band lied B. Bchnmann were won by ro I chata. Thaphtet n"da tfatn. rftnM with Mr, r It Haln. Mra. Okpffk Taylor Uoiilii BVf'aret, cello; Nellie May Bowen Mlaa Batik Olddlns. Mrs. - C Wlleor Mrt. Goar.uo". Crneaa' H. Musllsr and Mrl. Ik will Bb the hoaie for the Hair and Hail Bargains R. DrueelL Mrs. i. MMBH fef Mm laeet keealfal of ail i. In A aae DaeerTraaat rprtio.aiar. Th I'Wnear frafit Rridte rlub. HMi " The Loretev Prant Llaft to those not plsy-nu- meet with Mr. Jam nowrn. ii. a (i aVprt were riven nr. (hi Poret Murmura Praaa Liatl tha lucky winner betnt Mrt. 1. w. r "Riroletto." paraDhrane by Brady and Mra. Edwin Mueller. Prant Llait Foftowlnr the ram rerreabmeola wars Nellie Mar Bowen. piano. All This VI. "this' hoatsss was attit led by ft) Rondo rrom the Sonata Mo. I On tSTkrBB, Mrs MuBdy. Mrs. t.' L. Van Beethoven ínry Walasb, Mrs. r. Tobta. Mrs. W. i. (b) Bailada Ant. Dvorak Week in Roe and Mra. Tim Sullivan. (r) Souvenir. Op. Franz Drdla Mrs. It Mlaa Frances Earle win entertain the club score, the second prise waa won by Frank Itlavarrk. violin; Nellie May Bowen B anee Party Saturday. Pearl Terry Miss Mabelle Brysn piano co Saturday s week. snd Charline Fot snd Myrtle Tatum the consolation prize. Followtnt VII. Nen's New Miases wss coneeno ror two piano, op. le rdw. Orler entertained a number of their flrl mends ra. Bray Heete. lha fkma s luncheon moon served. Nein May aowen and Kdwin u. anick SstuMsy art si u B. M. Brsy informally meyer. v. mu. . hnnrn oartv. Tne Mrs. entertained o Togs ,...i,. Jon- at brlil yesterday afternoon st her home Spring rooma were prettily decorsted with r Mrs. Lalta Entertain.. Kilter Weddlno Annlvanarv Cebjfcrated. Helen Henderson recelvad IBe priae oa north El Paso street. Sprint blossoms 11. quils. B. tne mem- Mr. and Mr. C. HolToway celrbrated tne mosi rame ana decorsted the rooms, snd Ihe color scheme Mrs. W. Latta entertained annlveraary on Friday for sseorlna; or Luncheon Bridge club their ellvaf weddlnr Hardy the consolallcsi. Delicious rsrrean-ment- of rresn and white was prettily displayed. bers the Saturday rvninr al ineir noma in tha 61. Reri cream, cske. candy Mrs. R. won the pnse ror nitnest yesterday afternoon at bar ranch home aiiartmant. conslatlnr of lea Tucker Ouantltlaa of rnnea and amllat vme deco- and punch ware served to tha followtnt rated the room rlrlt: Bdltb Msrvsy, Mlldrad Campion. Brldre wa played and th prliea ware Hrndarson. Miry rema, Aireen Ainiuenu. won by Mra. W C. KlutM. Mr. Frank At leen Morrlsa. Hssel Robinson, BWel Turner, Mr. F. N. Bulor and Mr. Charlea Amsiatter, Orace MeVeltb. TbulS Hardy, PASO RESIDENT SAVED FROM Nralli. Crosby, Lucila Ayera. EL many ivalyn Colllna, kva Mr. sad Mra. Hollow ay raaalved and Chsrllns ros. heatitirul rirte. aneonr ihae betnt a Mario Tatum lavalllera for Mra. Holloway and a flrer culler for Mr. Holloway. aent lo Pert Bliss Csaeert. fold by Mr. Molloway't lather, P. T. Joba Followtnt is the prorram for 10 oohcsn OPERATION DN STOMACH DY AKOZ ONE THAT'S DIFFERENT aon. of iromon, Ohio. .hi. .rt.Fonon at l it o'clock Tnoae preterit lo enjoy tha hnpliaiity by lbs Flftsenth cavslry band at Port Bllaa. riüh by and arrontrd them ihla aanlil hoat with CnlSf Itocco naata as muaww hoaleaa ware Dr. and Mrt. W. C. Klutu. "" nr. and Mra. Prank. Mr. and Mrt. Charlea orsya" ...... orsruiis M. Daley, ElectTician sit Cement Naaltt. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Plllabury. Mr. March, "Wsshlnrion J. If N. H. Overture. "Itunrarian comear Special Features and Mrs. f. Bulor, Mr. and Mra. Rodney Mineral Remember the Mr. and Mr. Paul Atklnaon, Mr. Trombone solo. "Cslrary" Plant, Praises and Mra. W. R. MeKenna. Mr. and Mra. R. Selection "AMIS" vrn L. Danialt. Mr. and Mra. W. 0. Dannla. wain wnher'i mviution a la Valse".. Remedy. Mr. and Mr. o. c. Richardion. Mlaa Hilda wer The Transposing Device and C. Blrmaat. Fantasia. "Crsme de Is Creme" ...Tobsnl Mra. Holloway wa tuiatad by bar Medli-y- . "Hita o. Lampe Mra. 0. C. Rlrhardion. follow-In- ir' "Akot saved me from an operation for Motor daiirhter. March, "Relittoao" Chsmnara Metronome r The the rarne a luncheon waa " trouble, ao why shouldn't I boast aerved. "SUV Spansled Banner. stomach Re-wi- nd it?" declared i. M. Daisy of BI Paso. Mr The Automatic aalsss. Vauafar School Girl.' Cluk. Miss Hsrper Daisy la employed sa an electrician tl A aoelal club amonr tka yountar aebool Harper ner sat Miss Xsthrina entertained tha El Paso cement Plant, and suffered rirla waa orraniied yeatarday ai tha boma MEN'S SUITS urday Brtdr club yesterday afternoon st or Evelyn on yesrs with stomach trouble, in s SOLD ON EAST PAYMENTS Mita Klllton Montana The spring stylos and her boms on Esat Boulevard. four name derided upon waa; "Danclnt Delicate All the now Tha rue sis of the arternoon were Miss few weeks. Akbt bad so completely re Dlmiried Dimpled Dointi." a plaaeant ahadea are here, at a saving of Edith Msloney. Mrs. V. E. Rsrrlo, Mlas atorad hit health tbsl he baa ttveo tka arternoon waa apent and dainty rerreah-mani- I Myrtle Nequln. Mlaa $5 suit to you. aur.maud rink. Mita rollo wins letter eervad. Tha marabera ara: Nellie a e.,,.. M....I. Ml.. MIMr.O WRttaftSUI. "For four years I heve had stomach ftmlth, Maria Data, Father Rica, rrancea Our prices for this wooki Mrt. Hsdley Bsndsra, Mrs. Ed Mitchell. Mra trouble so bad tbsl st limes I wss con- Dodte. Berta Hlllkardner, Maurlne Oarrett. o. Bsrsos. fined M hospitals In Nsw Meal 00 snd Oladya Clorfln. Lily Data, Natel Kinney. $13.50, $15, $17.50, $20 PaUowiaa the tame, a wncn- - - - Th.. 10M ma an on ration wis aH Music Gaby Lovetl, Fareneamp. Dunn's Store Auruata Tina son was served. only that wou'J help ate and f the thlnt Lane and Evelyn Blllaoa. Saturday a weak Mra I. a. Senders won tne pnte. after several doctora tain ine samo mini, Haael Kinney will ...... win ma.! An mu Sat 404 San Antonio Street entertain lha club. ...in I botan to believe they wars rlsht. Mtan urday afternoon with Mlaa Elisabeth Hall. .1. ... nalne evarv remedy tbat Mra. Vulllaume Balerialea. could tai hold of, snd my health wss Mra. B. D. Vulllaume, of canutillo, rave Camp Pire Ctrl la Meet. steadily lost snout aw vunwa e an Monday fsllint Kaeter err hunt recently to honor tome The Camp Fire Oirls win meal wettbt, ana asa no sppeuw iar enj 1. M. DALEY. Bt Y. W. C. A. of bar children friend of Paao. Lunch arternoon at l:K o'clock st lbs I wss In siors. oe tblnr drut waa eerved on tha lawn picnic atyle. Later central rooms. Mra H. T. Bowie win Bl Paso, one ana neera or use In years. A Hula contestlon of the kid- a topic will be on nitnt In tha arternoon. tha whittle waa blown the story tsllsr snd her Akot remedies I waa wllUnt to try say neys that I had Is also tone. Noibtnt by boaMat, TIME lha lha hitla onaa Mattered Ruth." thlnt. I tot S packets or ins internal I can say la too tood for Akos and ITS TO throurb the alfalfa in eearrh of Iba arta. powder. Tas mineral water made from It will be pleased to answer any Inquiry Mra. vulllaume waa indeed a rharmlnr newlaa Cúrele Meetlns made quite a Utue improvement in my In retard to this statement." noaieaa ami a moil enjoyable time waa Tha Sew in a circle or ine cuss ra one weak. The second week Akos proven la cnurcn met yes condition has sffectlvs Ireatlnt pent: Thoae mo tori n up from El Paao of the Trinity Nelhodlsl helped- mors and the third week I betas caass of rheumatism, liter snd bladder a: SILK HATS 50c Mrs. H. P. Msanatd at ner Jul, and Mr. Dan M, Jarknon and lerda with to my appetite back. I have now trouble, piles, ulcers, scssms snd other Mr. Orsndvtew. ret children. and Mra P. B. (lardner boms la 11 am a well man. II apent taken aloe weeka snd silments. Is sold In El Paso si PLANT ROSES and dauahier. Mra. E c French and aon. The arternoon waa pleasantly in nn artar eMec Is after and n.mrol eetlna other leadlns Mr. sew the boaieas served dainty re h... druttlata and Mra. Arthur Mauker and daurbter, ins and the heartiest meal; bare seined tl pounds where farther safes Mall on may be bed Mr. and Mra. A Nrlaon i Mr. n sslhissnls These pre seal wars: and hildrrn. in weltbt, and feel atronter than I hers retarding thla advertlaemeni Jk and if you are wiaa you will be aura to put in and Mr, c MrClaln and on. Mr. and Mra. Mrs. Barney Hushes. Mrs. W. H. Lsrs P. Jarkann and rhlldrn. Mlaa Lucy Mrs. A. W- Calloway. Mr, ñoñería, Miss werne. sir aun Mr rom c. I. and chil Dorothy Wlnnana, Mlaa Vera Ballard. Mra dren. Mr. and Mra J. W. Swank and aon l urrentine. Miss Amend treman, miss am Tí ma Hooffraan, Miaa Wilson. Mus Anna a. yk Potter Grown Roses of Laa crurea. Mr. and Mra. John Blnrbam i.aa crueea. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Brandt Murray. Wm Tha largeat variety in the S. W. to aalect (A or canutillo. Mra. Williamson of Caautiuo. vr ann Mra. John O'fthra or canutillo. Mlaa Meier Party to Bueee Taska r wt from, guaranteed A for Hueco ransa and to be atrong. I Helen rrshea, Mlaa Adelina Millar and Mt party left ihla moment Mianon Millar of canutillo. Mr. aad Mra. aanans laa ear aaa return ibis evenms W. c. Wilkin and children of Canutillo Tbote rsi'-'-" Ihe trip were Mr. sad Mr. and Mr. and Mra. Tim William and aon or , Mr, earn arm a. w Canutillo and Ruaaell Harney of U Paao. Mrs. Gertrude brdbellrr. Mr Btauloy John Anns Las RIs. Mlaa Floy peats PreUy Brtaae Party. Miss Lydla Penes, Meaara. Howard Meriei I Harry Uwatoy w Mra C-- M. Holloway and bar siarluvs k set shear. sad dauahier. I Payne. BUG' ra. cuy c. nicbardaoo, entertained al i. no, yeatarday afternoon al lha apart f STRAW HATS Cluk aaBaaa11 men l or Mra Holloway al the si. eia New keelal A of aebool stria met The rooma wm ailracUva la guauUUaa ur $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 number the BJ assaasssesnsnssaaww roaaa and rerna Mra p. h Wilkea. Mra terdar snaraaoa al lbs hoasa of Miss Mevaaa D. C Booth end Mra. W C kvslye Psafes oa aad orasaised s l.rne. Theee pleaaaul social club, tka aaaaa wui ha daotaad upon lated by Mr tt. w Desalt and Mra H st us aeat ssasilas Tha raiotkiri are. B. Centro uiiewiur the aaaaa a two Evelyn Payne. JaaspBlsa Pi sahaalirim. EdHb Scott. Rosa Darllos i our lunrbeoa waa aerveaj. The milled Eras Tsakersley. The That Home Mary as waa enjoyed Loaf Made ru i., included Mra. R. L. Davala. Mra 310 Son Street loa. Bvans wins W. h MrKeoaa, Mr Bd. I'luiub. Mra Antonio tha arternoon sad later nfrioaaiats E AttMtfulL Prop. were sarvea. Tha hosies Par aaal a turtle Baking Unnecessary Man u ata( Velea SEEDS astslaaiinia, annate trees the pares! mat FIELD nuirtiloue mA tinoaity toenusa-- r A baked "yeat to a turn" by way oae I to Pul Ha jeeat rwcaáred Mar aaarw stock of all kanda of aooda. ruina aai that haauufol Mia. M.ra- waa ska snaaaan See tan keep M aavd area niamuad Ría oa dlatUay at w T h.a WrsnH la sraaa4 pnnar sa rtlssa sweat fresa our U Brtdaw clab yaaiaraay sfteraoun st bm or wire aa for prioaa klaaoa a 14 11 ta 0..1 .oux 10 ouat the a ts raw labia. wat-TS- - NevaaU Tha (weats la aassV winner a cast aii ran have lo do la ral hflkaaV SbbbbbbV bar basas aa enourh Volea. With Bach cent aaaal at say osa M BBS miBtbsrs arara: ida snsater. or nur louauih wr laaue I .ole It la a 11., 11.11 Bollaran. Ruth Murrta. Storsarst well known fast thai . aerta tha aaaal MrOes. Tha prssaa wars asa hy Mlas Ethel uen.iuua oriua ai raaa wa are alaaatb as ascua, tiiua away tau Dietnoed ataa as AdvarOas rawfora and am tare rot HEID BROS. uur fountain. If ou anl an internal la i..ius lb aa aaa uMaBkaaks avaa V 4 1 coaraaa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL stop at Sooll While aad sal It. and aatda to tu MAY, GUAM, SEEDS FUEL AND BUILDERS' rears ta seat's kasha. Ba sear as sat seas arasneaiBsl IsBirraiiiia im. SUPPLIES Basase ana afl fcliaalakai isatail IMMkh aaa nt lbs sature rssniiy AM suoeuia end for Bar atuSaaia of Orauan CL prttja Utelr atetara atea A. BENSON at real aanaas ssvtnt 36 ue'e eoliara. bruihara. Co.. Brwadway. aajBssats Msjeent -t-aav.i aaaaa si ajea s uaaauat asaav &AJUNC COMFANT saw April 11 rasase at sau far aaaasb-- ii - ask kassaad sansa II Baas aba Basase Mm 1MB UR assart I V Sunday. April II. 1919. EL fASO MORNING TIMES PROTEST AGAINST SAGE TEA DANDY f Ttt DARKEN HAIR Your Eyes Are NEW MINING LAW Your WINE t OeSt YEA. YO. NCER! t BE TM Masters of Future U TIME ftAOE TEA ANO -- t I PHI R I MeQt'tTTEM LEAVE ran new AND N Sagoo Y WILL KNOW. STATIONERY vobk to ATTEND rnn r You ran turn gray, reded hair beautifully everything you do is helped or hindered, as the case may We have just recatead a complete assortment of the AS chairman of a local committee of the nark aad lustrous almost over night ir ' mining men who are operating In northern you'll get s bottle of "Wyeth's be, by the condition of your eyesight NEW STYLE CORRESPONDENCE PAPERS, in Mexico, A. J. McOuaners left for New York Saga and Sulphur Compound" at lay drug City yesterday afternoon to attend a meet store. Millions or homes of lots old, hite hades and shapes. Eg or conference at which a protest will Famous sage Tea Recipe are sold annually, regulations It doesn't pay to take chances with anything so precious be filed against the new mining says a druggist here, because recently ordered In effect hy the convention government of Mexico. At the New York It darkens Ike hair so naturally and evenly as your eyes. If you experience any of the ordinary symptoms conference a protest will be formulated that no one ran tell it has been applied. against tne new mining laws ana tne wasn These whose hair Is turning gray, be- of defective vision headachea. dizzineaa or smarting of the Ington government will he asked In use Its coming raded, dry. straggly and thin have eye you should consult a competent optometrist once. good offices to procure a modification a surprise awaiting them, because after at thereof one or two the gray van- provision mining applications hair "The of the new de ishes and your leeks become luxuriantly cree." said Mr. Msuuaiters, "providing for A little care t the right time often saves serious troubles the conriscatlon or the mines In derault or dark and beautiful all dandruff goes, payment or taxes Is reasonable enough, scalp Itching and railing hair stops. later on. and tne mining men are prepared to com- This Is the age af youth, dray haired, ply with the same. It Is the clause pro- unattractive rolks aren't wanted around, so viding ror continuous operation of tat gat busy with Wyeth's sage and Sulphur go I We qualified by long experience to examine mines and giving days after April tonight and you'll be delighted your are your In mat with MUb Bldg Handy. which to comply with the decree, dark, It'. we rind objectionable. In reel, our con- handsome hair and your youthful eyes and determine the nature and extent of any defects tention Is that in many instances condi- appearance within a few days. tions are such as to make It impracticable, which may exist. We employ only the most scientific methods ir not quite Impossible, literally to comply with this requirement. no drug or drops and never recommend glasses unless "A conrerenre or the leading mining men they actually needed. neer aim. The ladles motored oat there 1st at the Oem. Quick and polite ser- of the country who are Interested In Mexi- RAILROADS CANNOT are early in the morning and sTter spending t vice. Special today One half milk led can mines Is to b held In New York Ihe Jolly day. reiurasd to El Paso lata In toe spring chicken, country gravy, 3i cents. coming week, at which the entire situation evening. (Advertisement.) will be canvassed and the mining men will adopt whatever steps they may deem or Keep open best with a view procuring. If possible, Mrs. Hurtthal Heatrss. year eyes tor The Times a modification of the regulation " TAKE OFF TRAINS Mri. Joseph II. Hunthal. entertained al Rotary Edition. It win be a bummer ana il inner last evening at her Dome on Frutas of great value to El Peso. treat. IN THE COURTS. EL PASO OPTICAL CO. NEED American beauties formed the attractive week for Salt City points In tne can taa decoration on the table. Lake and were Mrs. Ooorge A. northwest to spend the summer. t ailed Stales District Court. TEXAS COMMISMOX 1ST t.lVF (.overs laid for 1). CJ IliirxthAl, rr Warrenson. Vs.; Mrs. J. n Henry Clayton, Judge.) BEFORE CURTAILMENT OF Sevan,' IB MADE. Hoberts, or Washington. O. C- Mis Mary Mrs. Stanley who was operated The United States vs. Brmahlc llores SERVICE STREET, NEAR OREGON Premier, of New York City, and Frank T. on at s local hospital the past week, is passing a I'nlted States money order with 108 TEXAS Pi of El Paso. doing soon to a forged material signature; indictment risler, nicely and will return her Special Wire to Time ffl home. found, deremtant arraigned, pleaded gullly Bu thr r.hnreh MSalral Planned. and sentenced to it days In the county jail. Austin. Texas, April to. An order was is- The ladles of the First Presbyterian The i niied Plates vs. filn iee. receiving sued today by the railroad commission Prank zwirk and daughter of Salt Lake having possession smoking church will give s musical on Thursday and In his or ariernoon at the home of Mrs. J. O. Barada. City, who has spent some time In the city opium; arraigned, pleaded guilty and sen- advising the railroads the stale that the 1131 Aritnna street. An Interesting program visiting relatives and friends, left Satur- tenced to pay a rine or AM. practice of discontinuing or abandoning day evening home. The vs. Flores, en- wag going home. 'I have no home,' he ,lo rheumatism, and has apparently tried Is being arranged. for their United States Lucas the operation or any regular passenger or gaging in business or retail liquor dealer CROSS WORK answered wearily, 'my bouse was In everything that Is sold anywhere for II. Miss Brick ta Entertain. Mrs. J. A. Potter has been spending tne without having paid special tax therefor; mixed train must slop at once. RED the enemy has destroyed It; my "II Is an interesting ran that in the Miss Madre Brick, will be the hostess for week her A. pleaded guilty and sentenced to rive months population of Servia men have always pre- past with mend, Mrs. Horace In Thai In the event any road desires to wife and children are dead.' Alter the tier Tuesday Bridge club An Tuesday arier- Lay. the county jail hikI fined glut). dominated considerably, and even this noon at her home on North Oregon street. The United Stales vs. Lucas Flores, hat abandon the operation or any train, name or Ihe place ror variety's sake, ami war. with Its hideous losses, will only ing In his possession smuggled mescal; ar or mixed, the or the com- that Is tho answer you will get seven balance the proportion of sesea." Miss Myrtle Salisbury of Phoenix, Arts., raigned, pleaded guilty and sentenced to consent VAST CEMETERY SOCIETY Is In the city on account of the times out of ten. One can only be silent PERSONALS. serious six momna' imprisonment. mission must first be obtained. before such sorrow. Illness of her sister, Mrs. Charles M. E. Burk vs. Darbyshlre-llarvl- e Iron A One Etreel of Anil Pass Bull. have up Mrs. Roy Bachman of San Diego, Cal., Machine company, damages "I been to Belgrade for thrrn stilt ror for Efforts of the state to prohibit the rail- daya to my nerves. Is spending some time In the city. personal Injuries; Judgment for plalntirr in real It a desolate roads from the promiscuous Issuance or city. Normally there are iw,noo Inhab- C. D. siun of gl.ooo. European Plan Mrs. Clausen and two children- - ama free passes, has put a damper upon the A WELL SCENES OE St I FERINti ARE itants; now there are about gooo returned. Mr. sad Mrs. W. L. Kemp, who have have been visiting the former's further operation or the health exhibit car BEYOND LOMO ENDURANCE, BAYS I worried the authorities until I got per- spent the winter ta El Paso, left the past Mrs. D. Wilkes, Forty first District Cauri. Running Water h. has returned lo (P. R. Price, Judge.) by the slate health department, declared ONE WOMAN AT FRONT mission to visit the ..palace. The enemy's her home In St. Louis, Ma. Bute Health officer W. B. Collins, who re- guns had got the range of It very well. Oval Keen vs. Texas A Pacific and Santa Moreover, an aviator's bomb had gone Fe railroads, damages; jury disagreed and turned today rrom Oalveslon, where be Cortxtpondrncr Mrs. Homer Wells, Sr., and Mrs. Homer on question re- Anocintrd Prrm through the roof of the library and wreck- dismissed. had a conference the of London, March Et. A young American ed the room. Wells. Jr., and baby of Clint spent Friday Blanche lone Armstrong Davis vs. w. C. campaign library and throne The HOTEL ALAMO suming the with President Hill woman who volunteered for service ss I chapel royal, which had been made a sort in the city with friends. Davis, suit for accounting and tppointinetit of the Oeneral Managers' association. two months ago FRECKLE-FAC- of a filed. Red Cross nurse In Servia of headquarters ror the enemy's pillagers, E receiver; has letters to friends In London, was written . in an Indescribable stale of chaos, V, S. El Mrs. Will MrConnell has as her guest her urging them against following her esain-nle- clothes, china, slurred birds, pictures, 314 Paw St cousin, Miss Clara Lowrance, of Dallas, Justice Courts. nerves state (James J. Murphy, Jmu-- unless Ihev are sure that their papers and thousands or other things were Texas, who Is on way to the exposi- the "Many her or peace and physique ran stand strain. littered about. In one corner was a col- Housekeeping, Suites Bring; Ugly Spots. tion. Stale Texas vs. Robert Williams, of the nurses collapse arter a Sun and Wind Oat bond proceedings; bond rixed atHOD. DARKEN GRAY volunteer lection of unnumborrd bottles of all sorts How to Remove Easily week or two." she says, "and the strong- of medicine Tor the cure of , quite sse shall rheumsttsm. PHONE 4245 Here's a chance. Hiss Freckle-face- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brown and son, and (James M. Heaver, Judge.) est of ui are certain that which the looters had brought rrom the nephew, Hamilton Blnklry, expect to A. have to give it up strer two or turen royal apartments the old king a to try a remedy tor freckles with the little F. Hodge vs. Remito Colonuo, suit on go li martyr guarantee of a reliable dealer that It leave soon for a visit to Tennessee, going debt; riled. EASY, SAFE months, or else mad. will not cost you a penny unless it re- overland m their touring car. Popular Dry Hoods Co. vs. K. C Morhouse, HAIR, "our hospital la not a large building, moves the freckles; while if it does suit on account, settled and dismissed. but we have 1.300 patients and have to Mlas Sarame Raynolds A. stolarorf vs. J. E. ilernandex, et. al.. inspect 600 rregh cases each day. Ihe con- give yon a clear complexion the ex- and her sister, forcible detainer; filed. , so pense trifling;. Mrs. Dudley Dean, arrived last night from gestion of the whole place Is terrible la San Diego, Cal., state or Texas vs. jesús renes, inert or major nceagtions frequently have to get to be guests of Mrs. Joshua over Something New Not that Simply an ounce of othlne Raynolds and Mrs. James 0. MrNarv. While M riled. be performed right In the wards with all double strength from Potter Drug; here Miss Raynolds will give s grand opera Gray Hahf Glossy, the other patients around. company or any druggist and a few concert on April at the El Paso theater. REALTY TRANSFERS. Tim "The hospital Is close to the railway, and applications should show you how Soft, Dark. men sent from the battlefields are brought easy Is to yourself of homely Jira. Rue Jackson left yesterday for Ala- in to be dressed before continuing their Important to rid the it in?) Frank Earl to R. B. Redlr, lots 6 lo 10, dress-la- get of com gordo to spend the week-en- agpo. journeys to other towns. I call the freckles and beautiful block 36. Altura Park addition; April 0. pain It are nine plexion. Rarely is more one company F.l you room the hall of In than Mrs. C. P. Plynn Altura Park Realty tu Paso If hair la gray, streaked with gray, or agony, and are benches all . unce case. left yesterday for her A, 38, tables there needed for the worst home In Kansas City, spending the F.lcctrir Hallway company, lot block prematurely gray, raded or falling on men wait- to after Altura Park addition; IM7.50. March 9. around which sit the other Be sure ask the druggist for the winter In El Paso, the guest of Mr. and simply apply Hair Color Restorer to ing to have their wounds dressed. double strength is Mrs. C. H. M. A. Kerf not Henry J. Kerfoot, loto 0 Puzzle as scalp, a few times, groans Solvers othlne this the Plynn. to hair and rubbing It In "The hall throbs with cries, and prescription sold under guarantee of lo 10, block 14o, Campbell addition; lo, Ac. gently with the ringer tips. Nothing, else shrieks of pain, rising sometimes to a money back if it fails to remove Mlaa Mary Prelsler and brother, Frank T. March . Is required. II Is wonderful as this simple crescendo tbat tho strongest nerves can- freckles. Premier, have returned from San Francisco. Awllda Kerfoot to Henry J. Kerioot. lots treatment makes your gray dark, sort not endure. Miss visit In El balr Prelsler will Paso berore lo 10, block 14s. Campbell addition; HO. flurry, silky, thick, giving the hair "We have seen none or the glory or war returning to her borne In New York City. Ac. April s. that fascinating and abundance only tne horror and suffering of the Mill company lo W. u. Ab dark, luster loo. But D. liovirnment soldier and the civil population, When sending in solution the Problem, solv- J. Roberts, of Washington, D. C, Is a bott, lots and 13. blork 43, Government which makes the hair so attractive. no can compensate ror to Second In an it or I am sure glory visitor the city for Indefinite length Hill addition; (Ami. March 18. Is not sticky messy; harmless. Also all this. To see tne ravages rnituren anu of time. H J. F. Mullln to w Ware, lots 17 and IS, stops dandruff, falling hair or itching the wounded men and the surrerlng wom ers MUST send in their 75. Grand View addition; Ir.soo. scalp. to gray chart in order that same may be Miss blork Guaranteed darken hair or en Is worse than any nightmare genius Minnie Zwlck, who has been visiting April v no charge. It. stay gray STORAGE In El Paso, Try Don't when could dream. left yesterday for Salt Lake Grand view iteaity company to j. r. will so easily darken your gray bale "I asked a man nearly cured when he checked at this office. If you send with- City. Miss Zwlck Is a Mullln. lots iü and . block 78, Grand View in your solution former El Paso girl Big bottle only 90c at Kelly A having lived a score years addition; swo. April T. Pollard Is Exclusively here of and hav- and PeoDle's Drag Stores. El Paso. Texas MASTER MASONS. ATTENTION I ing a host of friends. Grand View Realty company to I. P. out you will Mullln, lots n to 3. block so. Grand View folks supplied by mail. vo roo tened to meet at Masonic the chart aa have worked it same be disqual- Our Business addition. 11.000. April 7. Temple this afternoon at 1:15 o'clock to Winchester Coolry. administrator or the attend mo lunerai ui oui estate ot h. m Mutiny, to j. Lamar uavia William McOreery. ified. So send in your chart when you have it worked. Store your trunks and furniture lots g and blork 4. Mundy Heights addi- (AdverUsement) W M click, W. H. here. We Issue a Warehouse AN APPEAL TO WIVES tion: liso. July 4, Be aure to fill the right-han- d Receipt, relieving cus- Millard 1'aiterson tl.to I. ura Alexander, lots out blank in the lower comer thus our 6 7. 7, Magorrtn BREVITIES You and blork addition; ai.suo tomers of all responsibility. knew the terrible affliction that ataren 7. i Advertí escaseeta.) comes to many bornes from the result or Jay F. Knox to 8. I.. Harkett, tract or DR. SAMPLE, dentist. Sign MUIS Bldg. with your name and address, the amount you paid before WE ALSO PACK GOODS. a drinking husband or son. You kn w land being sections 4. 1i and 14. block 9 wagon of the money wasted on "Drink" thai Is township H, Texas A Pacific railway land Our will call. its-it- Bldg. needed In the home to purchase food and t6.uoo. April g. Or. Ebert. Dentist, Mills and when it was paid. r M. to clothing. ORRINE has saved thousands of Jin Heevrs Marion Robertson. PurgsUva tract or land being the east one half f $2.65 riBUATULL laxative and drinking men. Is a home EL STORAGE It treatment sad no. sr. Syrup. young and old. Drug stores, ate. PASO eaa given money section block 78. township t, Texas Eor be secretly. Your wUl be a rarine railway land; asei, r. Febru- refunded ir, alter a trial. It has tailed to ary ft. First Presbyteries. WAREHOUSE benefit. Coats only (1.00 a box Come In James Reeves to Marlon Robertson SI tao too and Boulevard. Hev. Charles L. The or No, Above Important, sad get a free booklet and let us tell you tract land being section in. block Morning wor Is tat 7 tos santa ra at. Pasas sis SANITARY Overslreel.paslor. Services: TO, township A or the good Is doing. Kelly i, Tesas PseHlc railway ship and sermon 10:45. Evening service orrine 4.C. m. at Pollard, Sheldon hotel building. lano, sssti, February at 7:44. Sabbath school al V:tO a. in. Endeavor at A.aA. To Búllelas Feraslla. sibrlatlan So Adhere It W. C. Shaw, to build a brick bungalow r losing sale or our stock or on tv so, tieaulae out iot.s ana in, uiocs Basset! add! roods, composed or Navajo Blankets. Man- - lion; If .000. ror Albert Bracler. to build a frame dwelling can and Indian Curios. Matures sate. 7 When you have finished your chart, mail on lots I and 13. block 03, Highland Park; Auction Sale Daily. to p. in.. Hlo urande or bring it jewelry and curio Co., one block rrom this office possible COUCH on Sea airee;. to as soon as and do not hold it over Union depot, Francisco time limit. Lenaweirs Tease Vou won't be disappointed ir you dine Disease trurka are at the Oem today. 317 Ban Antonio. (Ad- aad ulghi service Phone 1. vert! aeroee,t) Women Dr. Anas Heum. Buckler ate., ovsr Ellis. Keep your eyes open BARGAIN for The Timet Dr. Paget, ben list. Rob. Baa. Bldg. Rotary Edition. It will be a hummer and and Men of great value to El Paso. students and ronner students of Drsugn on's college, their brothers, sisters and LET US The season for light attire ha a come and U. UAIL YVBATHKB aUUXTOL sweethearts dance at Ryan's Dancing scad emy April 11. Phone or call ror Invita you those things The folio wtBar asesas. EQUIP want new in jewelry shows tas weather i loes. YOUR which will Hons that prevailed at the various weather add to your appearance and bureau tallóos throughout lbs United OFFICE WITH comfort. We are featuring splendid siaies ai a p. ax. seventy-lin- teen SIM lot nine, yeaieraay of Wiao every Good, well-mad- e Read the Bos ion Store BLUE LIST LINGERIE CLASPS strong, Sunday .(Advertisement. Couch, regular $4 value, Shaw-Walk- er FOR THE WOMEN MayTlsId. Ttvoll. Juarss. !!! one week, special Dr. opposite made la solid gold of substantial welgbt and Dr. needy lis Mills Bid.. Pkeae fast aplendld design, at the very reasonable price pee. attention dlsssaas of women; surgery. of ti t THE PAIR. it ABEI commercial bsehaage. Consult aría, interpreters and irana-1- Filing Cabinets S 71 S comercio, Juares, Max. $3.00 to $20.00 Abilene, clear ivv $2.65 Amarillo clear aw Aceordloa piesuag. ra suegiar stag. (Wood or Stl) Represents range Atlanta, pi .hit the of prices oa a large e. Ix'. l, IS variety of oa, cloudy Let u sell you Furniture Them Any rloiidv and Rugs We Have for Deliver, pi. cldg. Business, Large or Belts for Men Detroit, cloudy W 14 as ID IS $1.00 DOWN Dululh. dear ... W 14 U ag SJ a Small They cerne Us genuine laaiaer both piala El PASS, riser and isalveslba, cloud $1.00 A WEEK r walrus, with sou stiver and M-- gaald buckles, Havre, clear fiuTV!uacass, Bud and are a kind that stay put la fast, the i. k...iivUkt. clesr I reatar the atraía the tighter they hold. l.illle KoeA. pi rldy !SW Yours for Luugarte Clasps aad Bella, oa AOgrU. pi My. W Mew 'oaaeetM SsskSf. ak YOUNG CDRRAlfS We have oae o? tBs prMOesi be sag i as mm of las best Is satinas In El Paao for The A D. Foster Co. ' gats st low price owner seeds asestar, sag alieeli "fie ' FURNITURE CO. cheap Call see It for Wat fetor, u la the Hernial Bid i g sad will sell aad -- A. 9 A Bros., of nee MS Our weddlag rings happy ana ' yourself Cales Insure rr Legra Hart BOOK STORE t 4 1 307 S. EI Paao Street Buy from Young and Buy Leasswe4-- lease lvessger Lias reel 108 b cars. ussWeAe, jttiiailaii sad aato age for Leas. ttirvW-aarT- - USCl "fSTf" lt ir-

.. I I : I LB Saaaa Baaal aaaaal xí saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam BBaaasS I saas BaaaasBBaaaan I H I B I I a, A rfl I f 1915 14 . EL PASO MORNING TIMES IMIHMIM IIMH ORE STRIKE NEAR


RTfK.S our AN) r R ufo TO Wiiinf mm. : aval, ran tmrrawaaifath ana raepftBTV.

ay I.. H. DAVIR. In fh Trea Hermana mountain', about n ml la a aotithareal nf Dentina, eonaidera-bl- minina la vma on. A bl allver leal ore body aald t have been rerently found by J. w. Whitman. Uve nr. minima per Ion. allver ralnea prednniliiatlni a lock company componed of ii ij, nn.lv Oeorre E Oil. D. S lt.d)blii. V I HnH and nthera of ftemlnir ha been formed in develop the new property. to A party of minino men, inriudint John M. Riiliy. cif anta Rira, and oIbera, have Jual via lied the Alwood mine, two mllea aouth of l.ordaburi, and ll it rumored thai a deal may be on to lake over the prop- erty. The Alwood mine la located on a prominent dike runnlna in a aouthweat nnrtheaai rourae, aorne mile nnrth-eia- from Ihe Ktitity five mine. The dike la alrontly mlnenllaed. bein richer ai la alfalned. The main aban la 310 feet deep and haa four lévela, the prm rlpal wnrk heln done on the sit) fool leu-i- im lite aurrare there are aeveral mall prospect aharta and open roll. The ore orrtin In I flaaun fllllnr. and averavea about nine reel wide, with value, i la oo per ion, and In placea hlah la am per bm. The mine la equipped Co.. with a fnort hi. 1st j. i Wella la con. nil ltf ina enalneer for Ihe company. The orea Hit an- mular to ihoae or ihe I lM rin quality belnt copper lulphldea dlaaenilnated Why pay more? If you can be assured of correct style, unquestioned throuah the quartt, rarrytnf old and and a perfect fit at popular cost, why pay more? Suppose The Bonney mine, two mllea aouth of We the Atweiod, according- lo la all accofinla developing into a bonanza. In the No. I ahari a rroaarut haa run Into a vein of aulphldea carrying gold, illver ind cop Kirschbaum Clothes per. Drirtlng ha afanad on the t Pared This Tire level, several leaaei hire been lei and work will be proieruled on the property. $18, $20, $28 and up to $40 A large ample of the ore rrom the new cold-wat- er process; silk Suppose this tread which is menta. We spend on onedepsrtment $100,000 airlke hia been placed on eihlblt in the Pure woolens chemically tested; London shrunk by Hotel Flaber In El Plao by Tbomu LUfer. now double-thic- k were pared to the thinness yearly to seek out new improvements. nf l.nrdahttra. thread at points of strain ; hand-tailore- d in the vital parts. Rig Rulllon Shipment From of anti-ski- Do Mogollo. the usual you think that the Our tresd alwaysdouble-thic- k wwa a record aniprnent or liullloti grips would endure and the t'read enduro aa ins made from the Momllnn minina has been made still thicker on some sizes. ta Silver City, whenre It waa forwarded Panama and Bankok Straw Hats $1.50 now? Or would it resist puncture like thia hy ejpreaa to the San Frinclaro mini. It We have added an average of 14 to the conalaird of tt bar, weighing 3.600 pound-- , t matchless tread? ni'pn.xliriatrlv. and or tola) vain ,,r ..a,i, and up. thickness of our Inner Tubes. IW.OOO. It waa hiuled from the mine to thé Hats $5.00 and up. Suppose we used as some do one less rniirnan on auio irurka, and waa atronrlv And we are making our own fabric to se- The Mogollón camp has aub" ply of fabric. Suppose the whole tire were rrlbed Ihe aum or W.OOO for Imorovlna cure an extra strength. ihe road from the cimp to Silver city. made lighter. Could the tire stand use or ... ..i... niton i iwo new con Goodyear do now? titrating planta are to he rimii a winding and steep mountain roid. This Messrs. William Dnvls and son, E. K. with S00 Villa soldiers, was said to have misuse as tires Price Reduction by the Empire zinc company and the other mine and the Iron Mask In the Jarllla Davis, are in charge of operations. Theae moved south lale today after a brush wllh Suppose omitted other exclusiye by Bell A Wrlghl. on the gold properties mountains are two of the largest shippers gentlemen are producers or petroleum and the carranza forcea under Gen. Vlcejite we our Yet we have made big price reductions three lraeed and operated by Ihrm. The Kinplre of Iron ore In Mew Mexico, the latter contractora of Los Angeles and Wheeling. Devllla. Zinc concentrator will have a or shipping about four cars dally, both ship- W. Va. An advertisement ror blda lo do Three groups of Villa soldiers, about :nfl features: rapacity gome SS miles from tbe border, times in two years. Our last on February from 100 to am ton of ore per day The ping over tbe El Paao it Southwestern the work of sinking; a shaft on the mine men, remain Bell A Wright railroad. appears In the El Paso Tlmea Wednesdays according to the scouts, undCr the command Our feature concentrator will employ Bracamente, Romero and Arrióla. lat brought the total to That is largely ihe elertroatatlc procesa, it will also 1. T. Mace, or Blanca, Texas, Is In and Saturdays, which will Interest miners. of 45. a do sierra "On-Air- blow-out- s custom business for tbe other mines of El Paao rrom bis mines In tbe Allamorc Our " to save Seventy-fiv- Keep your eyes open far The Tlmea cure due to multiplied output. the camp. men are now em- ramp, in El. Paso county, Keep your eyes open for Tbe rimes ployed hy eastern near the Rotary Edition. It will be I Bummer a an rivets to combat loose the Rmillre enmnanv Tl, nn Texas A Piciric railroad. He brought In Rotary Edition. It will be a bummer ana Our rubber Today you are getting in Goodyear Fortified Wright rnncentralor will be rompleied some rine samples of ore found near tbe or great value lo El Paso. of great value to ElPaso. treads Jarrell strike by Mr. Enlgbt. The ore Is Tires the best value ever known in tire making. concentrator later on. (Vnrae h tiiaV. copper glance, disseminated In a calclte STRAWBERRY PIE, 10c. Carlsbad Farmers reed Cattle. 1 owner or Ihe Our base for security. Jim Crow and Carlisle mines gangue. and Is said to occur in a blanket Weston's, MO San Amonio St. (Adv.) The low price or nay In the Cirlabad In fhn Steeple Kork dlslrlrt, has lei the formation several hundred feet wide, run- past It contract or hauling ore from Ihe ning section of New Mexico during .the All others do omit them. All of them are is due to yourself that you get these tires. mines to eastward from the "Antiguo cave" Villa Troops Postpone Attack. rninean to Eaton Rowley. Recently Mr along a ridge of limestone. The only min- season has turned the attention of costly. One of them our "Op-Air- " cure They are saving millions of dollars and mil- Ltler waa In El Paao and exhibited some ing going on at present Ii on the By the A aeocto-fe- Preu Ihe farmers to feeding and growing stock. very gold ore rrom grown ncii his properly. group, where the new gtrlAe was Ban Antonio, Tex., April 10. Carranza au- There Is plenty or sheep and cattle costs us$450.000 yearly. lions of troubles to motor Charles Spence. or white rvakw i. ,ki made, rrom which one carinad has been on cheap grass that can be bought In the. ping about 37 carload" or shipped and one will be shipped thorities in Nuevo Laredo announced to- rail to cat the r arme bay and grain. Iron another night lhat all danger or an early Villa at- ra' But could Goodyear owners each year. irnm oia leiuiw jacket to El Paso soon. The bankera of tbe valley are strongly in car the '""" or mine tack upon ihr border city had been wnrka Ihe Colorado Fuel A iron The in In Mining Company In Rink or ravor of more stork on the farm, com Fortified Tires retain top ompany at shall nv the retreat Villa forces in mat mar- And men know thia. Last Pueblo. The ore Is hauled In rne urto .wining company, wnicn owns a territory, according to advices tonight Irotn mission firma and banks In the big iaimna two miles rrom the mini. . .v.. also lo help the farmer to place if we did not give siding group of minea aouth or Lordsburg, has Laredo. kets are ready year they bought about eight miles north or Carrlxoio A bout, completed the of a new They on re- get stock to eat whatever feed he has. tunnel la to be In erection based their statement the those extras? (JoodStcar run the hill rrom Ihe power plant, and expects to sink a shaft ports or. m ..hi-- , who aald no more than so on the whole It Is likely thit much or AKRON. OHIO one Goodyear tire for western base Ihe hill to Ihe ore bodv era to 1.000 Mining 600 or enemy ?5 stock produced in the Pecoi which will aave feet deep. The Orto the remained within miles will be a ronalderable haul down impany s main office la at Iiedlands. i:al. or Nuevo Laredo. Col. Rosallo Hernandea valley next fall and winter. We're Adding Fortified Tires every car in use. hy oar ture Betterments BUwovu by our "( car. Join these contented FtrttfM Lo,a Traa Instead of that, we are A,.,.. I InaaearltT by 1 tire users. Any dealer Puactur., and SkMlai-- by our double- - all the time adding better- - thick tread. will supply you. (233o) a

Mrs, lullllfl - Krance. The raeoRatHttUon r Poland The mother of W. T. Y.ung died In Mm would offer life ireat ad v aula -' of a burrer ALLIES SHOULD NOT between and I'ruaala. era! Well,, t rlday evening. Hi' funeral atatn Huli Tbr People Get What They Want ? MriH in- iiiiii in Allien ahould dcrnaml Iba neuiralliatlon of tint mull! Winchester. k n ranal, Teva her olil home. Mr. and Mr Young llir ilk that of the Suei. and lie in aly of I too ahould or roinplcled. irrivcd in Mineral Well Friday morning by which the alralta Jolnlns the Baltic to CRUSH GERMANS Un- Nora ea abuuld b declared free Republican Maarlty la Chicago 117,177. water. lit thr Amoriatr4 'rraa Neutrals mual be excluded from the Do They all ? prare and Want Cars Chlcaro. April to Thr official canvass of nrtotlatloni. other the Street the voir. casi at tail Tuesday's municipal aitbordluaied lo tbe elimination war, M. election, which urn concluded lidy. MOW! I - of the rallara of aald Ouyol. Thompson. Republican, II- IN EK KMIAIIIM. I.IHKR- Aa Turkey, tttere no thai William Halo IIEH II 1. II AN PEOPLE i lo lonter ealaia the M Swltzer, Democrat, by event lloberi - WIN IN I'lll-I- III aame objection aa formerly to the occupa a pluralltv t MT.Vft Thr .. rciurna Mill- tion or f:nnatanllnoile by Ruaala. gaie rhompaor a plurality nf UuH.aoi. ciilonlea mual be StvMMl up be- Associated Press firrspondencc. tween Ureal Hrltalii. Franco and Japan, he I nasa. Marrh It. U a lasting MM aald. lo br III lipas Hi'' allien mual not attempt Zloiitat lo Help Jras to Hemr In Palestine. The i. A in The Time recently to nail Herman people, according to EoillaR i federation, whoa contributor Mid: "let the while some of the owners of suburban additions helped WILL GIVE S1000 tbr object - lo obtain for the jewi-l- i people I Vyra (iuyot, public people have what they Want; if they want the jitnea. to pay of extending these suburban lines, rornirr mlnlalrr of a leiallv mm ured. publicly reeoimlxed the cost the work in France. in Palrallue, aaya In a la- let If FAIL to CURE any CANCEI or TUMM I home alatrmenl them have the jitnea." cost of operating them soon exhausted this. Then, to trait In an addrraa licrore llir National med liy the eierullvu council that II will baton rt P0IS0MS deep (landa m ittuaii U tail club In' said our or thr riral artlclca work Willi renewed lowarda thi keep these suburban lines operating, the street car S KNIFE. NO PAIN, or peace should br llir re- RoaJ, In view of the inn,nil. .in brought company had to take money from its downtown lines. NO PAT UNTIL CUNtO fusal to treat wtih any uirmiii r or ibe about by the war. The aialrui.nl followa There no argument about thia the people alwaya WRITTEN GUARANTEE homo of llnhenzollern. TtM Herman in pari: get what they want, but do the the Today it is doing the same thing. No XKay or other laiidewncra and manuracturtiri in men la aaxloua to help, aa people want jitne or tue far avrinair tumid hr reassured Uial Ibu desire aa Me- - In ita power. In auch meaaurra aa automobile at the expenae of the electric car aya-te- nakia curra Allies was mil to rrnah ihr licrtnan pro afreet ihr may be necraaary lo arcure for Jew a ? ANT TUMOR. IUMP OR plr, but. on Ihr contrary. In rtteud thr etiualily of civil and publica! with That ia the question. Lines to the suburbs are being operated at a loss, yet ih- - lip. ex- rlibls SORE "0 taca nl Ihr 'mi man', only at Ihr ihelr frllow ciiiacna in Ihoae or body la CANCER pense, or the ranilly. counirlca patrons of these lines are given to sub- l..u ruling where al prraenl rlfrbla denied transfers other UOfABE ROOK Sam free Tlie Imperial constitution h which tne audi are emperor In- - obtained unliiiiliri power ana Hi. ni i hey are alio prepared lo r Some urbs or onto the downtown and Juarez lines. The w any communication! that we have read have said liv Willi li I'ruaala had In come the dominant theniarlvoa lih atepa thai may street cars to these suburbs cars operated by thn ANY fair niuat lie aintinded, he aid Prussia be lakrn ror prevrnllng any Inaa of ruin. in effect that if the street cars would run oftener, they LUMP Mullid bv rrairlclvtl, Hie portinn or Maxnny ihruuRli iranaferencia or territory rrom street car company at a heavy loss have made it pos- - would get more patronage. If the street cars ran no WOMAN'S BREAST CANCER rued by I'ruaala In inn should he retiirn- oitn power lo anoEbrr a a rtesM or Ba is d to Saxony, almarlly the anaxation 01 war. further than the jitne automobiles, they could run sible for people to build homes where they could buy nni-- i be annul. .1 made a the ii and H neglaetad It almya nniaona daep (landa In lM Frankfort Further, num. dealrra. and parti- real estate a reasonable price, and still be in close free VOWS and the ltheni.li pi nvtnre and cularly al thia whrn Ihr fate of oftener than the jitnea do. If a street car coat no more at tbaamuit aa4 ULU SUICU.V. Paw curad at ball aulnnoinnua ruinrm prioe II oncer la . t iii.ll. Shun Imitator. AMraai We.iphalia drrlarrd states. amal! penplea h.'inir decided III a aenar than jitne bus, El Railway touch with their business and their friends. Without Thia would lake tbv leadership or Her wo a the Paao Electric Street Old Dr. Or Co. favorablts aa all hope, in rieednm. in lines, 4 Irt. C.ialiy 4 many front I'ruaala and ralabllah thr i.ur lia lot ally to company could fill every mile of these street car what of the suburbs) What jitne VTti'TJ .'mi or Hie reiterate undcvlailiiir the quarter its tracks ttiitthr RaliaMa. matea) Caacar oaeclaHst balance by removal menace en rrom IMag" of ihr will of a person. zioniai piofram aa tutela led ras with automobiles operate to the suburbs for five cent fares) Main Los Cat alntlr to via., lie- street cars. "747 4 749 St. Amala. 1 lie alliea. declared the apeaker. bad no trraaa contreaa. eatabllabment of a publicly recoirnlied. It'ially aacurad What jitne automobiles give you transfers downtown IIDLT MAIL TNII to CANCER teiriiorlal ambition- - in (ierrnaiiy apart miiom lit. fn.m the re filiation of Aleare Lorraine to hoiiH' lor Ilia Jewiah prnph- ui to other suburbs or to any other point in the city Hi tin- - objjaal Un couju ii k. and villi But if the El Paso Electric Railway company waa no cordially w.Tmltie fla- eonpt raim.i of other Jewlah bodlca, and will alao be (lad nf more atable than the "fair weather" jitnea, it would not Hie aaalalance of Jewa and Jrwiah run any cara at all. The El Paso Electric Railway com- Yes, El Paso CAN have the jitne cars if it wishes, rrnerally In any part of the pro but El Paso El Paso COULD rain f0 I'alvattna. aholhrr in ihe c.tab pany ia a stable, established institution. It does not does want them patron- of CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE naluneot arrlrulniral rolonlet, the de motor-me- ize mail order houses in Chicago and St. Louis for its velopiueni of Induafrlra, tho operate ita cars when and where it pleases the n Coanmlaaaon Mrrrlianta. of if it Hebrew aa a lit mi lanruair, tbe maid to take them. It does not turn a car back to the merchandise wanted to do it, but would the El We pat y hbrUemt prices oo fed rral and conatltulkunallat money. Irtianre or arboola, or lite rnuudation of a stay here keep big llebirw univarally. city for another load as soon as the last outbound pas- Paso stores and their stocks just to OfeBJ KaUutaal HuUdliur, 102 te.-i- tlank Pioneer 1'laxa. Phone MIS "Thr council thai there may be senger can be dumped out, and leave the people wait- supply you in an emergency) They couldn't afford to luany Jewa wbo, while not fully ahanm it. They would go where they could Jrwtab nailoual aainraiiona, ittsim in ing at its terminus until they grow desperate. It gives do get returns on abow thru aolldarilyr with their people ai.d their money. lo pronaita Ibalr aplniual. mln.ial and everybody the aame service, the same square deal. rconomlr mlaraala To autb Jewa n. council ap peala for tntiaiby and fur aueh co ofierailnti - fa) may be prepared to The El Paso Electric Railway company once had the Can you expect to ride on the jitne busses down- Al no period la Jewlah BJakiry waa town, on short hauls the moneymaking tbrm arealer seed hir uMfed n .hi and "soft thing" that the jitne automobiles now have. It the hauls rlKtPIIÜül KAN ANTONIO. TKXAü.HotelK I HO PICAN the council feela thai al the prraenl mo expect the Gunter then atreet car company to keep operated its cars on downtown streets, where the haul and up its Hotel Built for the Climate nienl irealer etuphaala ahould be laid on A the polola of union lhan on Iba pulula of was) short and the traffic heavy, but, the officials of the service to haul you once in awhile when you want to rTHX V TVHKiaJ MaiKrr Ultklal M.adqauarura T. F. A. A A. A. A. dirrrrtner II la III rarural bopr thai go to suburb where the jitnes 25 harnHiny and unny may be promoted w Electric Railway company, looking into the needs of a want cents fare ii the riaki of Iba Jewlah people." the distant future, and, believing that El Paveo would they will go at all? Oo you think it wise to keep continue the hearty support given to its Unas in the making your daily contribution towards crippling the began the expenditure of large the con- atreet cars) Oo you think El Paso would have grown I.oa April to past, sums on Aielea. haliaaar Avllea. last 1 former provlaionaJ luvernor of Lower Call struction of lines to the suburbs. as it haa in the 0 years without electric cars) Do ma ' u Ajfon. a lot and rancia mrouVr of a you think the jitnes would have done as much for El State National Bank bu ataf, wiw ara wanted there on lave of cuavntraay to Paao) I Ja--l AI'KIU ihaiae viulaU the neo Altl lalltK Hat iralily le of the tblird staiea. are aawja With the construction of theae lines, the real growth uoder arreal al Nan Uteao, ateuaed of In of El Paso began. Everybody this. These CAHTAb. aUKPl i a AMD FHOtTTB itmidanni ovaiiianmi witneaaaa. accord admits in lo tnforiuailoa ..... i by federal of lines cost money they cost LOTS OF MONEY and. It is time the citizens were thinking on this subject. hUssrss Paid Savings Accounts fl.era here today 0 Aviara and Alón. iih llarr VtM-P- ...i. lain teaerai maaairr of the Lo, Aa a k MuKEHt D. ITaaldC JOSEPH MAUOrriN. aWa Tiuvea. and etlvera. ware aaSeaeee) ML V tea Pi aldea I (.KOItUB D. KI.DHV aal.l.i D five troeiai iraaw Jury la o BAIÍW a rnarae im I J UIUCHRIST. AaaH Canli eanaaUltun throw f oi Caatu. Uva prcaeat diclavor al I I April II, 191 EL PASO MORNING TIMES 15 NEWSPAPER MAN AS THE OF PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR PARLIAMENTARIAN TAKES PLACE

INDIGESTION-IT- 'S FINE! geJtNT O TKXSft tKNATT. DANGEROUS CALOMEL Wields RS it I Tbrenjh Mrrniieus Sesslsa without Astral Be lag Tetra grasa a Stafle nrruioa Bje Meate.

In Five Minutes! No Bp a ees I ware to far r- New Discovery! Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Like Calomel But Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sourness, Ceses, Austin. April in It has been declared, and nm without orne sustaining rrasnn, that a newspaper man. If ho is a sucre, Heartburn Food Fer- must hare a working knowledge on an Gripe, Salivate or You Sick Don't Lose a A or Stomach Misery Stops Acidity and subjects ami that he must be an authority Doesn't Make on many things. William rettus Hobby, lieutenant r mentation A Quick, Sure Stomach Relief. or the great state or Trias, is a Day's Work Harmless Liver Medicine for Men, Pleasant, living, breathing Illustration that Ihla tru- ism Is founded upon logic . For the first time alnrr the memory ot msn runneth not to the roniraiv. s senate Women, Children Read Guarantee! of Texas has completed the cyel ot S regular session without the presiding off rer thereof having been appealed from in his interpretation of the parliamentary I and if it laws that govern the most august body Ugh Calomel makes you sick. Its Liver Tone. Take a spoonful that assembles In Texas. doesn't straighten you right up and make QCUULm That rtovernor llobbv should com horrible' Take a dose of the dangerous through a fiery session with a clean slate you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go as far aa tali duties are concerned, is no drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a dark secret, nor dors ll nave about It any back to the store and get your money. Dod- aroma of mystery. He entered the orneo day s - or lieutenant governor with lean nands. work. Liver Tone is destroying the sale of lean hands ran easily mske a slate clean. son's Oorernor Hobby, the presiding orfleer Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which calomel because it is real liver medicine ; en- or the senate and the vicar general of tho oxerutrve department or the atate or Texas, causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, tirely vegetable, therefore it not salivate la a paradox In more ways than one. He can la Just like thousands of other men in when it comes into contact with sour bile i Texas tn many ways and in many ways no or make you sick. was a counterpart. cast in mold that has no crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when 1 one spoonful of Dodson's EAT THEM LIKE CANDY Physically he is strong, without hetnsj guarantee that robust in appearance. Mentally he is sien you feel that awful and cramping. without being hair triggered neusea Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to His position as mediator of ibe senate ot If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," clean your bowels of that sour bile Texas bss been one that demanded too work and display of powers or repression and action, if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated constipated waste which is clogging of acqtilesenre and aggression, nf and and appear headache, dizziness, -- acridity that must or you have coated making you feel miserable. You don't want a slow remedy whan your home keep it handy get a large fifty cent case In a mind that baa never observed your system and is a any drug store, then if should a deliberare and legislative body in ses- tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just I of Dodson's Liver stomach bad or an uncertain one or from and anyone sion, performing, with dignity combinen guarantee that a bottle harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you eat something which doesn't agree with them; if with dispatch, the dunes Involved upon try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver family feeling well, say the senate of Texas. The lieu- Tone will keep your entire must not injure it with drastic drugs. what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours tenant governor presides owr the senate, Tone tonight. fine for months. Give it to your children. giv-- yet he most preside and rule as Is dic- Pape's Diapepain is noted for its speed in I and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and tated by señale did not place Dim the that Here's my guarantee Go It ; they like its ing relief; its narmleasness; its certain, unfailing nausea; eructations of acid and undigested food in power. He must always be right, aa to any drug is harmless doesn't gripe and a majority sees tbe right, and he has hom- 50 action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes ing but the moral support and the benerit store and get a cent bottle of Dodson's pleasant taste. or dissembled doubt or a majority at any Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, in contact with the stomach, all such distress time. Should he traverse the proprieties made it vanishes. Its certainty and ease in one single "traverse" rre would be called as gastritis and other stomach trouble has promptness, upon to do penance and make amends, whole number could bo obtained Dy mul- against the ink. Just in proportion famous the world over. overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a reve- and this, too. without the assistance or any HAVOC WROUGHT BY tiplying his figures by thirty their arresis were more widely published extenuating circumstances other than good ir the thousand men whose replies wore ilian their acquittal, ime page of the Me- Keep this perfect stomach in your lation to those who try it. may was brought doctor rortune bring lo bis assistance. checked up, according lo Mr. conicrfoni. tropolitan Advertiser which ease a year de- That Governor Hobby has made good in many were, single. Forty-tw- per rem or inlo the would lake lo this trying position is no surprise lo those were buy- cipher. of the newspaper who have known the men owned their homes, or dent from the rart that It had been taken Cernían Socialista Divided oa War. craft RAILROAD STRIKE ing them. The cost per rem or "lemon k l.cmon. cuntan. III., attorneys By lilm ror years. That bo has risen to every strike for at point, control its front the sideboard and plied on the dining the Auooiated Pre demand than has been upon nim these their homes, and or the whole num- the road thai RAYMOND BELL Amsterdam, April in (via London). The made la the lawyer. "The mayor or room table. the natural realization of the eternal ber 91 per cent moved from I heir lowly asserted through Nleuwe Hotterdamsrhe Courant says that the loWS is ,i paid surgeon or the road, The thieves entered the residence signed by the German Socialists of things. That he baa found "U" domiciles lu even cheaper quarters. Twelve) 1 pamphlets by the or business or officials a back window, probably between ana Dr. lebknernt, (Jeorge l.edebour, Otto written fates at the end tne per rent of the strikers had to see inelr and the Inroiuts other 4 30 o'clock. When the family returned rirst session of the legislature, with a clean LSwS or UTB of the city depend to gome extent on tne Ruhle, rum Mehrlng and Rosa Luxem- slate to credit, lafWIMJ show home furniture and 10 per cent to seek charity. to the house at 415 they round the back have been circulated stating the bis possessing the love and LONG PERIOD OF IDLENESS) DI E average or railroad. It seems unlikely, on this con HOME ROBBED burg that affection of those whom he has been as- The period idlenes occasioned , door open, showing the exit of the thieves, proletaria does not agree with the war sec- TO LABOR DISPUTE. by the was one year. The witness nsctlon, thai honest mistakes were mad" sociated and the respect and admiration strike or or nr. ' and the contents of drawers and closets tion of the Socialist party and that protests of those who have watched his ascending claimed he had traced sixteen rasea In tho arresis n men out or war are In- that scattered over the house. The shenrr's against the enntlnuatlon the star. Is not due to chance, nor did the or to the and nine cases or In Ocrniany. By the rVeaa suicide strike office was Immediately notified and Depu- creasing pranka or fortune play a big pari tn tms datocisfed Insanity. Our "IITNEV Offer This and Je. ríñale. Hobby has been training, uncon- Chicago. April to. The havoe wrnugni en-- . I ties oood. Wren and Fulghem answered DON'T M1S8 THIS. Cut oul thla slip, rti.l IKS ENTER GRAND VIEW ADDI- Splendid Rheumatism - Mr. Gotnerrord of IIS catea the call. However, no trace of the thieves for sciously but nevertheless constantly, ror amung lire ao.txHi shopmen, whose strike stated that lose wltb Jc to Foley ft. Co.. Chicago, III., TION WHILE FAMILY ATTENDS Chamberlain's Liniment la the post he now holds and for the position of sinkers defended by himself, lis re- clearly. waa discovered on investigation. "I think Just against Ihe unes in any writing your name anil nidios ELKS CELEBRATION AT PARK. splendid lor rheumatism," writes Mrs. he has filled with such credit to tne stale Harrlman sulted in acquittals, "not through You will receive In relurn a trlaf package N. Y. been and honor lo bis own good name and 1911 was lost,' was sketched statistically to- or mine, on the of Eldrtdge, "It has used ror over rleveniest but merits nonunion Foley's Honey and Tar Com Students and of Draugn-on'- s by myseir and other members or my ramlly lustre of his own reputation, day before the United States commission cases. The appealed more tn pound, ror coughs, colds ttid croup; Foley or former students twenty years. Ihe arrests Daylight robbers entered the home college, brothers, and time and time again during tbe pasl six on Industrial relations. ihe news Instincts or than tha kidney Pills, ror pain in sides and back, their sisters Hobby lit the editors Raymond Bell Mgn Nations street In the dance at Ryan's Dancing acad- years and has always given the best of was born Moscow. Not tnst The was Frank ror dismissals, however, and the rart that rheumatism, backache, kldt ey and bladder it rweethearts The quick rrom pain fated illy where the fate of the mignty witness Comerford, it a orandvlew addition yesterday arternoon emy April It. Phone or call for invita- satisfaction." relief many years attorney ror the men. une of the men were received far lets ailments; anil oley Cathartic Tablets, which Liniment Is warrior or a rising hundred years ago Ch- during the absence of the family and se- (Advertise roent.) Chamberlain's arrords to publicity the of arrest wholesome and thoroughly lieanalng tions. alone worth many times the cost. Obtain- met and was overcome by Oenerala Janu- thousand blanks were tent at random than ract their iba rite, especially comforting to stout per- aso or thirty-fou- newspapers In cured about worth jewelry sod able everywherc- -l Advertí samen!. ) ary and February, but Moscow, m Hoik tbe strikers r months after Has don't attempt lo criticise tbe sona OwV Drug Co. (Advertisement.) good assortment of clothes. That they Miss 9elroa Hendrlcksen, operatic so- county, eaat Texas. And what Is more. strike. His figures, Mr. comerrord this connection it Just happened mat were preparing to take also the table sli- prano. wUl alng tonight at Campbell's Care. STRtWRF.HHIES AND CREAM. Mr. Hobby Is proud of his birthplace. He applied lo those inen. way." Tne witneas continued. Bi t K LIST every glories his good or being a thousand Read Ihe Hoaton Store ver, but were frightened away, wai evi (Advertisement.) San Antonio (Adv.) in fortune and he thought a fair survey or Yet public opinion was influence,! Sunday -l- Weston's. 30 St. native Texan and twice glories in the ract that ui"j AdvirlWcmeni.' that It was given unto blm lo be born in east Texas. As a boy he had tut.' usual run of mis- haps and misfortunes that attend tne sprouting period of boys who today are rowing into manhood In east Texas. He S shed when rtshtpg was good and he was never too lasy to dig for bait. He played, be frolicked, and bo whlled awav tne happy hours or youth with some hidden smbinons that were late in the day of life, - It were, always fertile soil. Hncreskful Newspaper Kxperieaee. Hobby baa Do college degree. But he Now's Tour has earned his recognition rrom the great Big Discount school or experience and taken his diplo- Chance to ma rrom the college or aucress. His edu- For Cash Furnish Your cation, so far as his school days are con cerned, ended when he finished the nign Home Cheap school of Houston, and it was men mat bis real education bagan. Upon the com- pletion or his school days be matriculated at the most powerful Institution or learn- ing known to man tbe newspaper gam. His rirst work was on the Houston Post, where his and stay and his plugging and plunging the line bard won ror him mat recogni- tion that worth ever wlna. From a pair of legs that had wings on them, ne soon went up the ladder post by post, rung by rung, to the managing editorship of toe Hearing the World's Greatest Artists newspaper where be first wrote copy. MUCH His worth was not long In attracting TOO Hit was no narrow rieid FURNITURE attention. ul endeavor. The people or Beaumont, real- Sing and Plap, An Every Day izing tic rrom Is benefits that accrue navinsr a newspaper worth wnire, conscripted nun. and lo. he found himself ihr head or tne Beaumont Enterprise, which place is still "FOUR FLOORS ano Pleasure With a OF HIGH GRADE GOODS" nis to nave 10 nnia. Mo heroics have been crowded in tne And we are going to reduce this Stock at an Enormous DISCOUNT FOR CASH. short and almost uneventful lire of the young and handsome- - also single lleuten ant governor of Texas. Ills career lias 0"' bren marked by meteors thai Hashed ror Victor-- Victrola a day then only lo fade and never more be seen He has not auught to sprinkle MONEY TALKS AND Ibe earth with star dust, nor nss ho or a deavored 10 sweep the dome or ne-- with slushy stuff. Hut he has ever ind unceasingly, doggedly and dcterininruiy NOW WE PROVE IT unauered each day aa that day came aim Columbia Grafonola h has won his right to each night pitrn his camp on the forward line in the battles By the Price and Quality. AH We Ask is For You to See the Goods. You Will Buy tor progress made, in urtiair or an en Over ninety per cent of all the world's best musical talent make Records EXCLUSIVELY j1! lightened civilization. the Victor and Columbia companies, in home only Whether You Need it Now or Months to Come. Hobby Is a democrat, both with capital for and can be heard your own on Victor and a small "d." He has an abiding iaiin and Columbia Records. i In the people he aerves, Just aa be lias an abiding faith In He' honesty sad a TWO CARS OF FINE DINING ROOM FURNITURE for selection. legrlty of tbe senate lie graces. He la a IMPORTANT Any Victrola or Grafonola will play both Victor and Columbia Records. inn model with an 200 NEW ICEBERG REFRIGERATORS The heaviest made Jackson setting. He Inspires tbe conn $6.50 up dente of those wiih whom lie comes in KITCHEN CABINETS The latest patterns, range up contact and holds with hoooa of steel the $16.00 arren urn of these with whom he has lunar CABINET BASE $6.50 up associated. Halher than being a driver STEEL RANGES of the senate, as s presiding officer. $18.00 up lias been a mrndlv aid to those elected GAS RANGES, new to Usa M'iite In transacting the bustnaaa $16.00 or that body. Parliamentary law lias as DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS, from Plain Oak for $8 50. to the finest Circassian man) phases aa a akein or tangled yam. Walnut but never has there been a time wiarn and Mahogany. patient will Hobby has nut been able to straighten oul tbe tangles in a way to Cooler Bsat Please even lite most exacting. Higher tribute could not be paid lo any man Dinars .. . 75c He has served his apprenticeship as pre- Box Meat Dinars, siding officer of the upper house or toe Texas legislature, sod of htm U ran no latether moal truthfully written he deserves tne I! eemiiuni well done, tnou good and faith Porch f ful servant ." Por he has kepi Ibe faun of Hiving $3.75 tbe fathers, that burns bnabilv in hi breast. mvMate. He baa kepi the prom Porch he made hi the great bod) of tierno Butte $8.85 MffntTTM s or who ailed tillo lu Ilia pres Laughing at funny monologa and dancing to perfect dance music is an enjoyable feature ent political estate. iu the last word sylla- common to every home where there is a laws i- ble and letter, and lo those who have Nuiles si - known him the longest aim n means those ujn who have lb dewpeel afrriiloo ror tum- Cata. Woven ba has risen to every demand mat oaa - $1.75 1 BiifAfffflnraim been made upon hHn In a manner that nss Victor- Victrola or a Columbia Grafonola Justified tbe estímate they made of turn Standard Sewing M a Is lias yeaa ibat base goa. ms His star la rising, in- - future is la tas Prices to $S0h-Ter- Per Week and Vp chinas at the same aster standi of tomorrow What the years wttl $15 $100 brius au i usa esa ea err i bul if those fat. who know Hobby the longest or tarree OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN MAKES PURCHASING EASY In their estimates of tbe man then laaMaxd IN OUR have Ibe people among whom he has lfd WE CARRY BOTH UNES MAKE COMPARISONS STORE A BARGAIN IN EVERY ARTICLE IN HOUSE Ü she dais of his Ufa cause 10 rejoice, ror THE Ida public rsreer bes bul loueaed la "The Largest Talking Match iste Hosjse in the Sosjthweet" plats to which II is dawlaaad to be carried

From a small bsguinuis um sal and t Tri-Sta- of tara reats ay baa al dad to all psns of te Co. to raauy Talking iba L'aited Slat. and foietga Machine 1106 N. 113 ÜUstoa Si. "colds Contar Texas and Stanton Streets patotar S? MH BBjbuussbis everywhere to up tack tutactlptton ADVERTISE IN THE BUGLE I Pit J?". - i m want on our Ba ran got I Wwlw awT D lllll THY A M) part. W CaWt 9m 1 nni wenwtoW WITH US. W ni a1 h niassjaair ta that BINGVILLE BUGLE AaVarttsmf. ratal farnlthed with treat heer. M, V t mhiMM took oren to raotoénV TOULL HAFT TO TACT OUW WOWI FOB IT Cnwrvte-htae- IfMs. W t Gtwninr. 1 Ap-e-ict- AOS-WH.- ' Oor w w Foo,n. with h.hound Hail cntcl TOTwefc DAY PWLLO "He OOPS AHC tm(P OOC- - TtlMCD Of ataña taW nr . rv ' -- l tmu rf AWO OH r' rVf5C IT'MIrt Tte ANKL6

bizness off very although he whisperd smith went to the co seat on , clean a new pin and si the jest pleasant, Satterday and judgin at to Ed Wilkms tnat ne o gil even wiau ft pleashure last got through and stood there with the condishion Bill was in when through Brown for that if it tuk him a from the Tloormop in her hands Cy come lm he arrove back home we persoom he THE BINGVILLE BOGLE the front gat and clumped up the Aprile hunderd yrt. But how did had pleasant time. AT . O with inurtaay aoout noon amne reiersuy a ALL. Z AtLyiHG DoNfc steps and acrott the piazzer his Weathersbys store your head feel Monday morning when Tto Leading Paper of tto Cownty muddy boots. dropped into Hen VaJAS - Hen that Sim Wllkint had told you woked up. Bill? rovHAOL.OPF WitH TmAT Bright. Bratfr, B.llico... Bu.tl.nf Letuhia dident say nothink at all to and told heal-- , him that if he (Htn) would drop down Mitt Jhronicia Watkint hat a ft V Cy. All she done was to haul off with ing in her ear. Everybuddy who has PLvümüP An C A WALLOP Cy Fools! to hit house that mornin ne wouia pay wit that floormop. and hit a wallop this sad newt tympythiset with, (V, him a grocery bill of $14 whitch Sim heard r.U, aa with Tn their ear.; .l.n. has owed Hen for 11 yrt. Phronicia ft is glad it aint knockin him bck down the steps into only Wes Woodruff otir expert hunter ft the Several Aprile Fool Jokes Playd in When Snide told Hen this Hen a heap. Then Letishla went into Snide couldnt trapper thot at a fox last wk ft misted without a word. Cy thort for lafft at him and said as I house Aprile fool outen him in tich it, but it wassent no wonder, being minni, ttia haH fttrltcW hv Our Midst the 1st. of tin Month make no can Kn a manner aa that, Snide dropt the the fox wat run nin. wet snooi is lightnin, but he finally figgerd out why to in but not runnin. How at tba heay evg oim oropa im almost ennythihg sett arto -S- Took the Jokes & Some tubleckt mat Imnrava Otala! MU nis wiic nia wiicu muí nc uw. ome aakt Hen why in Sam Hill He westnerioy prop oi our ac'" ik ear l.etishia spoke to Cy sinst. AS Hent and careless perton ij tint ' he diddent come around and eolleckt store says that some Diddint- - Aprile Fool Partick-ler- s Hen told Sim he lost two chekkera down to the store house now he goes in meek ss a lamb them $14 dollert? oeen mucn thort Snide was a tryin to play a and at a result there aint at tne Daca door ana nc anus cicans Below! him, but Sim said chekker playin goin on there evenings éaaaa m mi rr Immai tmtmnmt the mud offen his boots first. Aprile fool joke on mO ea a i4t no, Snide wassent, being as he had the sinst. . . up. Then Hen These is ill the pertonal breeta Thursday was $14 already to settle Being; at but Aprile if it was all the tame to Sim they whitch we can tWnk of at the present Lokal Items 1st, folks in Bingville had to have said lot more some could aettle up right then and there writing, but there w to a .h.;. I. ..I. A n,;U 4nrA inlw nn antne-- mnu f i ni aa hv next wit. Abs Snyder while foohn with his and he'd give Sim a reteeat in full. EDDYTORIUL ON APRILE. clac 4V a result tjtjke few posted. hound dog tother day palld the dogs buddy at a Then Sim said it wattent alM-h- tame Read the Bugle and keep ft happend doc turnd on Abe and bit jokes was piayea nereaooutt. Hen diddent If we haddent of jest tail and the Anrile fool to him being as sinst him on the ankle. Abe says he was Hank Drwberrv nlavd a the money he had invested m take a lnolr at the callender on Doolittle whitch we cal- - come for onlv nlavin with the doe but he foke on Abner $14 elsewhere and now he diddent Boogie offis it U . U -- h harflent nlavd the the wall of the puesses the dog was in ernest. Abe :,ki could pay ennytninx a comin down street know when he probably wouldnt have dawned on tavs doggone a dog tnat cant taxe a Hank he seen Ab on acct. Spring Mines a goin tne w sn ioke. to he told Lem who was U ,. an nrvrbmt at hlatelf that us that here it u nrsi up street to tell Ab that he (Hank) 1 Anrile. Some of the farmers hereabouts is he thet up the store two hours erliern wanted to see him down to Hen crosaern a Dear. how time engaged in repairing their fences. Hank he hur- ushual and went home Aint it jest tumble Weathersbys store, then Other Aprile fool Joket wat playd in why Well, nobuddy can say but what the the store and told Hen- if Ab Cleerance flics! Mv poodness erashious ried to Bingville, but these it the three best Doolittle come in there atkin for him to it no time a tall sinst T 4 rvnm ttvrlf nf manhooii on dont seem vmi hv tell Ab that he would find mm over to ta. last summer and now a whole yr or honnor left in your buxium you will O., whitch Hank went to your the P. after has flewd past and here it is glad call at this odia and pay up back the P. O. and told P. M. Higgint to tell Sossiety Sale of subscripshion. Now we shall see who Hepbum't blacksmith Snrinf aarin ! Ab he was in Bill is cowards in our midst who is not. thop and wanted to tec Ab, then Hank ttlaa Amaawla TVwherrv a ut to see Aprile - Well, we are glad f.ggs is more pientituuer in tting- went to Bill and told bim to tell Ab tie pie party at her home last Tuesf k luritina than 1 in our midst agin. Of all months nruM thv h...... 1.1 him in Hirv Hinea har. day afternoon between ft 5 whitch sinst this time nn of the yr we calkilate somehow or hare been at enny time ber thop, after whitch Hank went to wat a brillyunt affair. Several of the Useful yr. we persoom tne reason tor sea prct-e- we like Aprile the best. last the barber shop and waited. older rJingvtue sossiety wat ttther that this discrepancy is that our hens is Ur.ll L. mtxin rnm nil nlare tn and indulged in pie and coffee ft we nave prolificker hereto- Ik The aa For several months past laying more than tother hurrying to ketch up to Hank .Mhlal i,.rrnli,U eMta was o fore. Hen Weathersby only pays IS coffee was very good looked forrera to the arrival, and gimn more uuwn paiiucmi pretent taid the Utensils! per doz for eggs now, and unless they this time of yr with keen edged an- - cts minnit becuz he hat to walk with a cane but that they all agreed that had lolks stop unloading tneir eggs on et hetter me. Mri. Dewberry never general VOU - and cant walk very fait ennyhow, and It to a nounce to the aa miárllt S8V. Hen as they have been doing for the much of a trie maker she dont This last by the time he ketchd up to Hank in ii ennybuddy else peshially we lookt forrerd to it past wk or to Hen threatens to reduce Harvct shop he wat a good cal twet put enuff shortening in ber pie crust public of Bingville ft 10 per doz. winter when he had to clime outen the price to cts mad. dough. this bagan- - Several complaints has come to and 71.. IXttti. UoalHna will wive who happens to read thst l.e.,1 n the mnrnint? when it was 18 ut "What the tarnathion do you want to lately to the effeckt that Mrs. Eph to a few seleckt geats Monday nnd lasting all wk & have inad see me about?" sayt Ab to Hank. charade party nina next rf.crM hrlow cero Hipgint it to alow when the sorts the you at some aaae in n - Why I don t want to tee aoout i" I am going to hold my. annual Spring vertantly stept on a J unit 01 sioye- mail during Ephs absents that some- Hank, 'except to say whitch will be s nounced later. Millie her a hour or more nothin, sayt urnnH then we have nove a pn times it takta Aprile fool to your savs thit it the last party the will give CUaranc. Sal. nf add nnd nda tich while people who it expecting import- a summer .a.;. ....nn mnA that it will he verv ex - - mnA uriaht in our heart for Aprile. Then Hank bent up like a firtt ft artistlck S OUfe EXPERT ant mail lor instants has to watt. Mrs. laffin cloosive. A light collaahion will be aa coleckt at datt UlODfcOFF been out on trae II, la P M anrl aho squash and like to of butt hittelf Vt When we have .,. ...I mna a k Um..A .xff with hia rane and served. blacksmith shop in the course of a year. well, but when she stops to read all ..:i Birurvilles tiwt trvin to hunt un some news hit Hank a turrible wallop right on top Miaa Amelia Tucker. rain postal cards on both sides and aava a he thanks During thit sale all you haft to do is T- - the Bugle and it so gor-- the wnn n, a nuic id miM FOX LAST Wt:& MiSSEt items for every letter turrible critical to ot the head oreaain ia coming look at his hat and nearly causin Hank goodness that warm weather to cnoss to my shop nnal toll m what rammed cold that our Dretn wouia see and wonder what y if it it sealed it of the brain. Then Hank ttopt agin when there won't be to meno our whiskers and we in it. thit all taket time and folks it as she is yon want. Then I will tell you to go freeze fast to laffin and shuk his fist under Abs note aothial funckshion being c to keep rubbin our ears to gcttin outen pathientt. a almost wore out by one continuous the blacksmith shop where hed ner nnaer and told him if he wattent sich ole out behint sun rtgni Mrs. Uijah watkins burnt him a dum good thrashin round of pleashure. and soshial dootiet keep em from a lreezin ironing last Tuesday man he'd give - Binnville I dump everything I cant use into a very severe while him like that. tk. r.rnt aeaaon in on our head, then we nave yerna put her finger agin the iron for hittin when she 11 I U.nU mmlA that all Ah Annr aaa & victnitty. Amelia sayt tich a gay heap and yon will prnhnbly final wtsnt deep yern. wmt was. it for Aprile with a see n it not. it off and hit Hank another crack life hat begin to tell on her and will to haul warn are Inokinar foe in that pile Weil It seems good after being dennd U.,1, Wln.U. ,..ti hit w.trh in with his cane acrott the ahina wnitcn take ber several was to recoopcraic. inHnora all winter lontr to hear hit pants pocket like a blamed fool. made Hank dance around and holler un- juit pkk out what you want and bring m day put on a pr carolling their lays Well, tother he nf til he danced outen the thop and start- it in to roe sad I will tell you how the littel burds pants whiten had a hole in em and the Spisllil Notts ed hotne thinkin that datcreahioa was match ft Is worth to yon. Then if you and know that the hens is laying watch slipped tnrougn tne note ana éL. IuMm f waller We regret to report at we go to am that price perhaps I eggs. Its almost rejoovenatin to ...II. mi th rounri inH than Thursday evg Lem Brown, oar expert press with thit ishue of the Boogie dont want it at axideotaily oo it and bruk aee the buds begin to bust Tjpen Heck stept carpenter, playd a mean joke on Deacon that we aint got enny country corre- will com etowaa. to bloom agin. Its the crystal prooaoiy in worat aiso, Bradbury down to nen weauicrsoys spondence from surrounding towna to Thit heap contains, pleeea nf Iron, and the vilets being as It wont run sinsi. purchased a big long aecgar wk. ace the store. Lam give you thit odd aina nf belli ants, wngnn good for sore eyes to from Hen and talk out soma of the in- We don't know jest why that it but ft around we tea plow Wan wngnn bug- littel Iambs pnutcm for Lem side of k and put about baft a tear wa persoom the reason aint got mi thamt. ft th green and hear the warble A Lissn tpooafull of goaapowder testaste the toe-g- enny country correspondence to print gy ttrnt ft stksr sasnfnl nrtinknla to on tent in. of the kingfisher and the r tirMmm ah nf one moat saw and then filled up the rest with a it becua none aint been nuaaarant to wtibltn There Is a trip the piece of old gum overshoe cut up fine. Some wks yoa H notas thit wc have speckted dnisens made to correspondence hardly ennybuddy tot wto will find ana wmie mere When the Deacon cotas mao ane store quite a lot of country is co seat last vi be something in Thank goodness Aprjle here a new or of arum bota for $1.50. that eve and gut out his pip to tova in the Bugle and then there'll oth thit assortment whitch rln The srentel seffcrs feels good I - ..wma kr.M ui(1 akowed hu hoot tmoke Leas .he handed him the er wki that there aint none a tall Why they need. Nn gnnda awshttagtd or are ask? Aaser Wc dont on our feverd brow and it makes to hit naborí asad bragd about what a and says. it thit tonft knak. This tale will teat anan wk ha and a change, The Deacmi tad, know why It aa, oat it looxt to ut al- ... t lib a colt to draw Into our-- turrible big bargain got said only. If there ia ennythank left worth that annyWdv wat a fool to go the aecgar D"and thankt Lem kindly and most like fata, telf sich V full breth of fresh air pay three or M for a pr of gum boots lit h. The oder whitch emanaled from white after the sate is over I will load we dogged neer bust a lung. at Han WtatWsbyt Mora when they that teegar wat sometiuraa tur rmat tne k on a wagon and tato it to the co that everybuddy sway from the Dea- Personal Brills (iEJÍTRI. AKKILtl could gtt a pr jet aa guuu aa ana a.o drssv seat and tail it for Jttttfc ft probably HAIL . con. The Deacon top ota isnokus it call your attentate to a. I of W desire to invent the psrrtnda in mid real htetor. R..t th lit taasw Lam wae Ito Boots however ilttough a got kind pail fackt that the grata is gittin groat) the DsMscor the U tftai mí Betwixt Cy Hisklis the robber isa aaa was ao rottoa that around tb gilts. Lem atkt fast This tp trt is nitty n Ufa Spit k and the Deacon said at Lem stubbed foot totes a asa right how it tatted weaald ha a goad eat totter off ttnsn shan't astea ft. and hap puffin away. Wa off asad now ttoy teak bke a leave. was ha if ato roads waasent so offal muddy, they only coat All to noct the powder want off with Ywsna far aornp amn. m We pertoo the reason bast wa calkitete they'll dry op in Hum aecgar wae ia V at bscu they anal I worth a tipiothioa white the Cy ft lis wife LetísMa toal f.1 If the Deacons motsta. The Dettcuea fell Bud Hisscktey wbo aint quite right a tother moraaing whitch was heavd the in hia head tried to cm hit own hair ,uiu sp4 Han Watherby says b glad that over back.rtls with bit ia taw BILL HEPBURN wttncaMd by sotaa of (to aabers wto ae got usa bis feat dtddeut make asch a had Lam got bit baaraa as it will probaMy dust boa and tooa as told u atMMit W. bagan bolter that he was shot Then iob of it either Ito a wonder Bod Fancy lo - SBaa - ft ArtUtick Blaftomltft It aaeaaa Cy had been tVswnlowti told tp Dañosa tit wat ottry a J'"-- mm . aaa aat aalafc h.a abaetatt Lcti- - Ian aomcr. and darma Apr ass tool jeto atad the Oaacam past áüu iisjagra ear anisara aaia tod sajubUd ito lm traste. Sunday. April II. 191 V FX PASO MORNING TIMES 17 i m inn niiiii atasaje, sk m n w n it s Want Ads Are Truly Inseparable :tl Fumiahed Rooma For Rent Adv Rate Card. Waatad OpjKManitiee For Sale MUcellaneoua 8 3 Dial Wo4teee Wanted to Rent gas Al TTiMOBILK wt- - w mn-- husgtiotf, ELEGANTLY furnished room In new. mod l sew asn IP ynn ran to a new rsflroaat shop REFRIGERATOR and star heater tops recovered and made wksm k mt M aa. ilium, sell lots mope MO W. either fiirnlabed or unfumi'hed: malí em bungalow; private bath; breakfast, ir lit XW Ml MM) ilHlu. town wun growing pay mu ros snuum "cRA.VfRs' reliable, and ran every deairad Pbone SAM H wart aaeí f h i iiiIim, Trui Is a btg AUTO PAINTING Ca. fmilv. furnish A m hM pet moatn .cor Mere's 5c each Phone Imperial itorage. Ihel property will have ihe best of a mm FOR Dahlia bulbs, 410 Mills Bl. 3 - If ft ...... porat loo of railroad officials and jLC are no sick. Address Russell, rare Times FURNISHFD rooms. blocks rrnnt poela- lavestors are making money, solid,laiwian" reeaou- - Tr HI11HKST prices paid for okt fshloned jew tan rial town. Write us our propi Your Chance kaÍ.Í eaaaa, cheap. 318 San 3 or 4 room fur praaanaon, eWTMe MY l un Tahow elry. old gold and plated jewelrj l tw natss co.. nortn texis TO ADVEhTTklNG San Bl. ntahed oii or cottage for housekeeping. business taking up my time, f win Antonio. bougfil. Davla. tfff Franclsro ron RENT Well furnished rooma, close man entire t hedroornt. muat he close in and moder EtXttMAN Tapable sparlalty for all two mall order husrneMs. win bargain. 5111. no In ais N. Oregon St lleferencrs et new ann - rnR SALE Player ptano: Ph. WALL psper cleaned, II per room and up. ate, no cnildren: ici. niaie piriinmn, Texas, staple line on eirp- separately. Actus! stock, primed matter, lorsnon and price. R. 4MIL rare Times. changed. trfasan Aart I. Ill tlo nal terms; vacancy now; attractive mailing lists, ruts, ate., on hand value nt UY MARY JANE BREAD. 103 N. stanmn. contract ; así weekly for expanaes. about rrso All fiarle, easy sellers, big ONE very cloe ami delrsble room, IK Bldg . as Mllaa F. BUW Co., Ml Carlln money makers Willing tn lake stock. I FERTILIZER delivered Phone MS7. HIGHEST price psld for old fsshlnnad jew A partmenU For Rent Un private family. 3tT rrospect. Phone Cleveland. Ohio. will sell the entire business for cash or elry: old gold and plated Jewelry bought - am willing tn BICYCLE cheap. Phone . ttet i i sK tm tkaa m taw- d eacartty and assist Davis, tor Ban Francisco SI. in mi er for a reasonable time with inside I Y rurnlthert room, sleeping porch, to FematU Help Weated FOR rooms, bath, sleeping porcti, , MM " about the whore and GET MARRIED Real matrimonial paper RENT t gentlemen; no sick, Arlxona. Phone aii .i,...tm business Buy Miecellaneoua ' htillt-t- serv lit DHplw r to buy. advertising, Wanted to The Correspon- hot waier. festure. Janitor tdwrwna KRKS selling etc. published. Mailed free. Apartments. rita. No MM JSSlStld COMETI snil dent. Toledo. Ohio. Ire. walking distance. Carolina waoa accessor ea (not sold in THE LIPPMAN CO. WANTED New or second-han- automobile Phone ost. rOR HINT Furnished room, with board, es). Agents wanted m every cttx Bast on monthly payment for Jltne service; with of opposite library, 114 W. Franklin. Phone Trust Bldg. Phones WANTED To communicate owner APARTMENTS, I41S San Antonio corsets, niaajaat pronta, nxcepwnii oppor can rnnileh good rererencet. j. tun, care malo sky terrier. W. W. Oreek, Itrsj Ne- PICkRKI.L tits. tunlty to establish permanent business. Otvi POR SALE. Timas. 1909. SL Four rooms and hath; hot and cold DIMT.iT AD aPAOt . vada. Phone 4tTS w. references and experience. Catalogue at Moal complete modern grocery In San waier; Dirnlhad, If desired. Phone DOWNTOWN rooms, thoroughly rlesn. 0m rut ra, k dar. Mr Address Wade Corset Co., BU WANTED To buy lease on in or It room cheap, with or without housekeeping tot aark tsaartlon. s ma. terms In. Diego, Cal.: population 75,000: close In; best LIQUID snaps, toilet chemicals, accessories, M MIW1. MM tt "iJ Hon L, New York. treat; surrounded by best high class apart rooming house, north residence district, paper towels. Phone 4M. Juaret Com. Co. A part menu For Rent Far-- N. Stanton. Martini SIMMs Ids. tart.M- - Mm. te ments; sales over li.sro monthly: steadily well located, well furnished. J. 4elt, cara " CnatruU ti lug imw of 4ettw ."T.-- FREE to any woman, beautiful gold increasing: exposition open here an year. Times. NICELY furnnhed room, walking distance, i rradan MbtaM ta mm. dee. dinner aat for distributing 1 dosett no books; monthly expanse in private rsmlly: board tf desired. Phono BEADIMO KOTlCm. complexion soap free among frtetada; all raah; entire WANTED To buy horses, mares, mules MM. MM ImmMM. Ml rakes M; stork and invoice, Jan. I, RENT PI RMSIIFD Pan nailing natter. no money needed. Tyrrell Ward, rht Irtatl- - fixtures and ponies. V. L. Barnes, court House WANTE- Lace curtains to wash. Ph 3S78. re Jan. Will sail for M.ano rash or Invoice. ftU room flat, block north of peslofflce, oMFHRTAfu e sleeping rooms tuie, (.nirago compelled you mean Wagon Yard. Phone Thaa for rent. iMk, w '' Am to leave city, if IOS N. raring phtia; 1 bedrooma. Crawford Motrd rout 419 N. El Paso to IM N. Flor EL ssas-JS-TDK owner, P. 0. BUY MARY JANE BREAD. Stanton Piatt i.sniEH itnmaftlatalv. home work, eve business act quirk Addrena WANTED To buy second-han- tools and ler Flaft. enre labeling can as Box IM. San Diego. Cel. gama. H. Mobr. S. El Paao Bl. SAND delivered. Phone sts?. nings, filling, boxes: earn e and gravel Ñ! ; i - OAXMaR ROOafS Stanto rng. wa- 10 1S wewmy; no esprirnor no FURNIRIIBD. tfi 11HES BRANCH tng; steady, stamp. Erlna Specialtyai'w- .D rugs made new. Phone FOR RENT ter, rrte baths. 40c, II day; tt.M up weak. inclose ground-floo- 100 EMCxMTitaye IWecellaneoa 3 room will be vacant April in Co.. Toronto, Out. organised, proposition; To flat is par cent dividends M dsys possible; to MANICURING. 368 Myrtle Ave. rawford THeater Flats LARGE, airy rooms and sleeping porches, OFFICES money; ate WAN TED Bright bookkeeper, with eastern wans at once; quirg action on your FOR 8AI.E OR EXCHANGE-I- IS Overland, phone and also garage. IÚ07 Montana. Ph. IIM. D in limited number ahares at Sc share: 110 buys model to. practically new, for equity In experience; muat rapia figures. Moo stock Personals RENT To permanent couple. cool SUte experience fully and salary expected. par value stock: big advance in bungalow or well located kits Phone 797 lull one' large, and nicely rurnlahed aoon; selling Remit now. for apartment, front and bark housekeeping room. N. Oregon. UM- R . Times. fast. Write or Mta. furnished W maintain, bram WftcM M b talMMta J. E. care rree Information. Dividends declared soon. porphes, nice yard, private family, riione Bldg . 390 IS7 N. LARGE heaTroom, With No. 4 Lucerne BrlíífS ÍT (MmIm)-c- mi unmt sa WANTED English speaking woman for Amalgamated oil Co., till Colcord owns nlre, eomrorteble home, acres 437. Ochoa. den. general housework, one willing to stay Oklahoma. Okla. Ante end Acceaaoriea finest wheat land, near Pacirir coast, worth Apar tm nla. Pnone 4403. evenings. 830.000; Income 83.000 yearly; alto large SMALL apartment, balh. aleeplng porch.' mgnia; rvivrencaa laiuirvu. VV1 ivi tlO,000 scope bol service, close In, for lngs. Myrtle. Wt need fs.ee i to lo Increase bank account, good oupostiion. easy 10, gei water tunable ln of our business. Has been established slong with, will marry poor man If bright, couple or business woman, at 719 N. Santa Kl Puo Dn tall to three reafs and has splendid opportunl-tle- capable or man- Phone MIT. l..t Urug BUara. tmtwukwsrd Af""; WANTED Two hustlers ambltloua, honorable and F. RnuKrard Prefer man of good business Judg- aging property successfully. More par nen- part of his NICELY furnished apartment, eepingi "'sThlcnrtMu adasrusut mmxm it an sltlon; pay every day. Call 811 Mundy i ment who ran devote at least ian for any man answering quirk, inclos- expos m time to the business. Address B. 44M, care ing Sincere, B 440, porrh and bath adjoining, aoinn some roslsge. Address walking distance , no sick, N. El WANTED Mexican worn Tlmea. IMPERIAL GARAGE Farmlngdale. S. D. (General dellverlea not lire; ttlt an for klteneji and general housework answered!. Tms nonce it genuine. rato. Apply 05 Magoffin Ave. FOR' SALE Ladles and children's store, little Arlxona town, on biMiril Aparimenls Flneat In El Paso; THREE furnished rooms, private bath, In thriving UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. MATRIMONIAL paper, wealthiest and larg sleeping porch. S35f,. rooking general 170 miles from El Paso; no compe- summer rates; largv sleeping porches; Phone Male Help Wanted WANTED Women for and railroad. est on Pacific rout; descriptions or distance, tso w. housework to stay on puce, tail tit tition and will bear cloaest investigation: walking Botnevaru. month, Montana St. stock Invoice I4JX; March sales gl.ono; showing reliability COOK, white mm. boiel. Arlsons. selling. W. eMO, marriage testimonials FURNISHED apartment, 1409 Rio room. mine good reason for Address and service; paper free. Mrs. Bell, 151 Grande, sen ana iease botrd and Waitress, wra WANTED A nuraeglr! to take charge of care Timet. would furniture Ing house. New Mexico, 8 month, board seventh Ave.. Loa Angeles, i.ai. Phone 1717. wijtreti-mjj- baby; atay nignia preierrea. ueu tun and room. Combination TAILOR shop ror sala. Any offer taken. nming camp. New Mexico. ISO monti. Mesa Ave. camp. New Good leaae and splendid location. Muat a nay- - FURNISHED room In new home. gs an1 room. Chambermaid, HS ticneaiogies pirpaicu, uioiwan, lo tViard WANTED A good Mexl sell at once. Mrs. T. A. Stager, 38 Leon. rioweV. Colonial and Revolutionary re- - rarge. Phone 5549 'm...i... month, hoard and roMD. once, mo 1 7 Hup "M," good condition. i. hi can girl. Apply at lilt E. Apply mornings until and from 4 until FURNISHED anarlmenl for rent. Apply to FALL at MITCHELL, oranrte. at above Employment. address. Genealogy, 5A39 Rlppey St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ,. II. B. Stevens or pnone sxae. 803 San Francleco St. 16 years, OH the wanted Girl, about mother's FOR SALE LEASE The property of ACME SHEET METAL WORKS Chas. A helper, ism Brown si. Vinton Brick and Tile Co., located on the Bulck 1913 Kaiifrman. OHIO B. Moore. General sheet A., T. a 8. t. Hjr. its tnuea norm oi ci caso. Healing WANT piano Johnny L. C. Oreen. P. O. Box 7M. El itodeL metal contractor. and ventilating teacher. Write James Connors. 09 UDI A VP US' lit FRINO HOUSE. our specialty. Texas si., ti faso, icxaa. LARGE, 917 N. t Phone Mai. Pato, Texas. Phone siso. comrortahle bedroom. El Mao cook, restaurant, city. Houtrartrl, White steamer. Paso. WANTED Lady agent. Call at IN N. Flor IN X YEARS PAST Ihe Meal liquor SMALL, nicely furnished apartment Hotel ny. w omau, wii'r, uwa. anee. treatment has made respected men out of eSl, e aollcltor, city. me WHUT HOUSE CAFE Lorkle. Phone 5408. aver ino.son aopeieaa aruaaaras. neai B. ' PUIVEM- - CLEAMNO HOUSE Institute of Kl Psso (one of M lastitales). Former location of Three Nations. Ml Mills B,a- Situations Wanted Male Write. Phone 81(1 or 4SU. El Paso 81. Newly rurnisned, handsomely Phone BK ' decorated; spotless clean private bootha for expert automobile man desires position ACTIVE business man will Invest 31,000 In ALL ELECTRIC STARTING. ladles. JIM HOY. Prop. apartment, prívale bath, sleeping with some reliable garage and repair legitimate navlng business, with serv I.1GHT1NO AND IGNITION shop, in tne capacity oi toreman. i win ices; outside work preferred; must be clean SYSTEMS OUR SPECIALTY. FAMOUS Cntl. CLAIRVOYANT AMI and proritanie. o. taw. care limes. PALMIST. secure New Advice In bualness, sales and love. Call FRONT room, closo In. Phone tPTt. V SALESMEN and marchama, Biitton the agency for ihe new chemical FOR SALE Cheap, small second-han- store M san Antonio. system; cheaper and at aio han Amonio; inng ícese; goon iocs 37 refrigerator manager any or per INTERESTED in your future ' send birth-dat- Room end Board Offered colder than Ice : every uaer of Ice a lumbar vard or work in Hon for kind business, rent Its PAINT AND VARNISH 110 retail phono 8134-- and tor stamps for book, "Success, customer; laleal treat Invention; ornee; 9 years' experlenea in lumber month, IN CONNECTION. BUNNY Park, sample and bookkeeper, and can operate and How Attained." Trial reading rree. above the day. Send quick for business: I smoke aleeplng to all no- I s. eaguc. Box lit, Los Angeles, Cat. Housekeeping For and grime; porches terms to agents. Address Chemical typewriter; at present cmpiuycu, im La Paz Mexican Restaurant. Rooms rooms; southern exposure; hot Fernando stras change. Phone 5018. running and Refrigerating- System, San to tit N. Kansas St. MAIlltY Thousands, wesiiin, will marry Rent mid water: home rooking; tto a weak. The Bids Los Angeles. con- position -- p.v nraetleal refrigerating enai Beat Mexican Dishes In Town. soon: an ages, nationalities, religions most desirable location in Kl Pato for of taking charge or combi- descriptions rree. Western Club, Dept. 18, HENT- -a large front rooms, light valescents. Graduate nurse In attendance, neer. capable for or city. 4S07. nation water. Ire and light plant; 8 years- m Market. San Francisco. Cal. housekeeping, private latnity, wen iur splendid view the Phone Ml FOR SALE 4)' story concreto building and mho.!, light and water, connecting Tremont. Twenty minutes from Plata. WANTED We are now distributing a high experience in notei engineering wors. ao goon MILLS STREET. bath - aatoou ouatneaa in town in irrigates LET the National CnrresDondence club In rent reasonable. 101 Wyoming 81. grade, fast selling article, smaii, meoium- dress P. a Box Ml. dlatrlct. Addraaa 1. at. Perry, Box 391. Ft. troduce yon to congenial, refined men i.tiNV ALESCENT HOME FOR TUBERCU- sumner, PHONE M4. women, stamp ror par LOSIS accommodations, Olir proposition Is CHAUFFEUR and mechanic wants poalUon n. at. utid anywhere send ONE commodious, furnished housekeplng ulth Mrte line; very popular. r.milv- hat tn KitaH. ttculars. P. o. Box 45S, Akron, 0. room; ideal location, raring Sam Houaton hosp11.1l attention; rtttt reasonable. Park worthy of ihe rtreful comlderatlon of ue .rtu.li vara' TYPEWRITERS All makes, from 110 up. tn Mexico Cltyi'tlrat-claa- a references. para; reasonable, oava. and Frankfort Sis. Fort Buss car to door. most successiui saiegmaii aim " ence nepairing. rebuilding ano aupriiet. Re- ARK you lonely? Marry for wealth and Ph e 4081. young, bdy or girl can handle o. liara i ton 8747 inexperienced - iiu. built Typewriter Co., Mesa. Phone happiness; rellstile. confidential, early ONE commodious furnlslieil houSelieeping and make big money. Wrlta toda for per- t. marriage, paper, piainiy seaiea, toe. ROOM did hoard wonted In refined and con- general office OPPORTUNITY to buy real eatate and in- Aweney, Pomona. Cal. park: reasonable. Phone 3893. genial home by couple with baby; no Specialty. Co., Laurlum vat nerretsrv or man: faat surance business; office, futry '.for overland 1914 nioiffril. This YVllson, care ajre'. Superior accurate", o mm nice sale alck. Address Tlmea. and neat iuinihum. it equipped ios n. Stanton, rnone wi. car is the lines! snd most expensive evp ARE you liaDPV? Do you wish to marry LIGHT housekeeping rooms, close In care Times. hrnrtucpil hv Ihe Overlsnil comosnv: Send surnr Tor particulars or my plan: reasonable; no Invalids, ehl! too second-han- rurnp pleasanl; WsNTED Estímeles to sink shaft feet Spanish English PARTNER in new and senger; U. S. ilghtliig and strictly private. Pacific Social Circle. Box or pels. Phone 1044. the level; contractor re- wanted Position by tura ror one man, ror dren below ; a a ; business business starting system, and cost 31,75 and lis 17, los Aiigasrs, Lai. everything except power speeding orug ctara jaai oiji icuia well. Address R. 4574, care Times. ex- FOR convalescents, room, board and sleep- quired to furnish salary no object, must work. Address lis extras; run unly 4,000 miles and in moat on uu uMurci, cellent condition. Price cheap; terms spot SEND 10c for your name lypograved on Í5 housekeeping- rooms. Pin. in- 6318-- or ing porches. 1901 Arizona. Phone ISM. preperea to give cinufiaio s. campoeu. For SALE Heinlngton typewr:ler, visible. unen visiting at unless km n cash. Can be seen ana demonstration given neauiiriii ranis, vvoire appiy en rwivum 01. rooma, work- Mine at Lurrtibiii'g.N. M. For par Underwood, Rebuilt Type to. Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 408 Mesa. by appointment. Address H. B. G., rare Woire.Novciij printers, lias Bdwy., Denver c LARGE deatrable outaldt second Mining Co.. Redlands, Fuh BALK fas. Pbone 8747. housekeeping floor, summit Place, E. Missouri. ticulars address Octo Co.. 40 Mesa- - Phone 747. i imes. COMPLETELY furnished lit - wrttar WIDOWER hy death, age 4, worth AX) cal. - 80 NEAL'S, oi up WHAT have you to trade for automobile work done al Income 83,000, good homes, wanu wife 909 Monuna. j Mesa Ave. Rooma strictly JOHN NY I. C. OREEN wants work bo LXl'EHT repair rates. to date. Table class. Phone Met. beautifully rurnlahed apartment bouse? your own residence, 50 cents an hour; and companion. 1. 1., not 345, Denver. LOSS first Phone soil. your used cars repaired and sold on com- foh-he- 8 rooma and aleeplng porrh HOUSES MOVED. Phone 8U7. mission. List your cara with us ror quirk MADAM MAt'k, spiritual medium, clalrvoy rurnlahed for housekeeping. 709 N. ore BOYS with homes to carry routes. FOR sale cleaning establish- am. Advice on business arralrs, family gop.. Phone 171. wanted ment, doing 3063. ssles. All work guarantees mono ivw. Apply Tlmea office after 7 p. m. or before good business. Pnone Barry It Slgal. troubles, love, etc. was airas. 8 m Ask for Mr. Melton. Situation. Wanted Female FoR RENT Furnished room with light WE WANT to repair your radliors and MAltliY for wealth and happlneas. Relia- housekeeping privileges, isss iiatnpat t. ble paper, photos, rree. Messenger YOUNG high school and college grad lampa. We make and repair renders, with Ill Golden Hill. lady, servjee Box 584, Los Angeles, Cal. uste. with three rears' experience as ste BUY MARY JANE BREAD. 103 N. Stanton. tanks, hoods, etc. Quick and prices ana snip 1.0. lint SEEEEPING rooms, áleeping porch, on nographer and cashier, employed by large reasonable, ei raao naaiator MHliY anxious to marry range, Marlene, LEARN automobile driving 3S0 Texaa Phone SSlt "Air TeaL" rich Hundreds sink, gtt al tht 700H am healed rnu. board. 3M ProapecL .lorn-Ira- civil engineering, survey uauas corporation, out aesinng cuiagv Rooming Houses Sale Descriptions photos free sesled). The it. aiu tn El Peso. Best or refer- for and w. Main- ing; ir.ethods most practical; room and wishes position WANTED To rem a senger touring Unity. Grand Itaplds, Mien. aa- - ences given. Salary grs. Address D. 4M4 3 board while learning; many positions ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. car, in good condition, for ua or private for rent furnished housekeeping Live Stock For Sale ...... rn.ranlied: catalogue care Times. , M rooms; good transients; caah Il.eso family; careful driving and use of car FOR SAI ': iiBUiliigluii typewriter, viauie. rooms; prívale nam, rererenrea. pasea .iif.,.l.i 840. liebtiill Typewriter Co, 408 Mesa. Iree. national sc.iooi oi uiiiummi, WANTED Position by educated Spanish 14 rooms; Income 1100 W guaranteed. Give full particulars in first nao 4. PAS It RAGE Best alfalfa pasture In upper W. Angetes. 84 rooms; big sperisl bargain. Hurry! sao. I'tmne 9747. valley; plenty good water. Your horaea seventh, loa girl as governess or nouaemaia; can reply, n. care iimv- TWo large riirnlshed rooms and kitchen to stay at place SHACK FORD. will be given proper attention. E. T. Baker, muí. luuprtuina and subscription so references; wish L. THF. PASO AUTO AND Slfl'PI.Y CO. Con ta; ajeo nice sleeping room. 415 Call M ondosa, R. F. D. No. t James Marr k Co. II It Berilio, N. M. II, llnrs wnrgvrs: no DOOIOI'B. LOCH Juana Orchard's. and tubes. Tires forms. nin Phone Ysleta-- gress and Pullman tires prefi-rre- u nan mwiuajr u YOUR OPPORTUNITIES NOW nos- - rox, Call Amonio EMBHAIE and tunes cnangea iree; per cent ais completely housckeep Hot Trained on deer, wolf, bear; A BARGAIN Small rooming bouse for sale. cash. 318 Texaa St. ONE Urge furniahed bloodhounda: absolutely guaranteed; 5U LADY with little girl wants position si count for tug room, adjoining bath. 71 N. Oregon rut. prívale home or as man Ceil 410 Texas St. page illustrated catalogue M stamp Rock housekeeper in 4 passenger Chslm-er- ager of rooming or hotel; experi FOR SALE tl 1 bargain. I.I HD. massage. 9134 San Antonio. R. 5 wood Kennels, Lexington. Ky. in ... .. i... nnwarii nald larking signs, dig bouse "M." in s snspe-- extra saii.plBS. elc. Send ae enced, vis a. Missouri, rnone seas. Loet end Found trlbutlng booklets. and weed chains, owner leaving city. BUY MARY JANE BREAD. 103 N. Stanton inn sai l or Trade The best aiainps or price list paiu. widow with a well Address B. l ., care Times. rooms driving and riding mare in town, with all W. H. A cameo pin. Reward, pbone 1813. NICELY riirnlshed housekeeping Slupard's A ency. Lebanon, wants as LOST HA Hi MANUFACTURERS. 303 Myrtle Av 717 N. equipments. C. I'. Hosteller, 116 Durango Si. baved gin years old position MUSS, also alngle rooma. Virginia. good cook. Call tSDS CHAS. E. M weekly addressing, mailing housekeeper; at F mi st- ' Auto and carriage palming, automobile MANICURINO, 50c. IIH Texas. Room 4. circulars spare tune; circuii, iu"u. Wyoming For Sale Miaceiianeoua topa recovered and seal covers made to C. Fonda. KM 8. Broadway 4033. turns, toe. E. WANTED Position by young lady with 3 Texaa. Phone 7 BÍ Louis, Mo. for SALE Furniture of a bunga- For Rent MiacclUnaous years- experience in stenograpny ana bin low in district; very fine location Pet Stock tog. Phone 530. room 18. Altura WHECkEU Of broken Tramta slralgclened WANTED MM 0 Varn Ihe barber trade on paved street, consisting of 8 bedrooms, Brown Welding RENT greateat 1330. and welded, guaranteed Will. Tixg Barber college, worldjg one of the bedrooms alone cosí also - 3347. part or a new storage warehouse, centrally WANTED A genuine Chihuahua dog. Will Burton, Main St. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at II one complete !M in ranrlaro. Pnone Fret, catalogue by J. par day. fancy cloihea a special one bed on sleeping porch; located Cold Htorage apartmeiila connected pay good price for small animal 104 Mon Ladles' parlor suite, dining room and kliehen; In Si. Phone 5980. Dallaa, Texae. ty, 7sa-- MB CASH will buy a Saxon runabout thai tliecewith. Elevator. Easy of access and lana rootle parlor mere is a new 3100 VlciruU with tiito, condition; muat 1.0 limes for huddling products. Address y 86c a meats. 7 vege coat and la In fine i,.,, un dinner WANTED Position aa nurse girl or com about 840 of new records. These goods will sell thla week. A. 4A33, care Times. p. o. Box ser, El raso, or phono ttoe. 42 cake, See our spe- ton 84.10. Poultry and Egga tables etc panlon to Invalid; experienced. 30 E. invoice orar 81. Will take hair cials for breskiasi. BÉLMUNT CAFE. 0 cash, baUnce on tune; house rents tor IM keeping rooma. Wyo Missouri. 3B CLEAN bouse not BABY 3.000 WEEK, ban Anionlo. per month. For ISO cxlra will include Houses For Rent nuns CHIX, PER work. c. lé, linens, silver, cut glaaa. etc. There Is also R. C. R. I. Red. Bufr and Barred Rocks. evenings at home; everything chambermaid wanu Wrlta ago asu WEEKLY rare Tlmea. a new celling electric fan. See Alex ly gu HOUSEKEEPING rooma. sot Upson Phone Burr orplngiona and Black Langabana, 114 rurniBhed; no experience; no canvassing, Llcata. 307 National Rank Bldg. Phone Rubber CO., 399 S. El Pi per 100; Urge strsln s. r White Leghorns, Boyd H Brown, Flrai 5M7 I. pon i worry about capital. 46. Rem paid until May I. II? per 100, leftovers above breeda and i'fiiana. neo Agenta BRONSON'S AUTO REPAIll SHOP now lo HSKPO. rooms. 913 F MUaourl Phone 541S. crosses Urge breeds, 110 per Pm, prepaid FARMERS' ALFALFA CERTIFICATES buy caled 413 Myrtle. roil RENT. and guaranteed alive. Toulouse goose eggs, 1015 K 1 Runner duck calling alfalfa at Good 4 room house on 4 HOI ntkttl'INii rooms. Overland. ri pat label strain White mi salon pronosltlou for salesmen 11.000 per man pen county stranga MYRTLE TRAGI NO PLACE, AUTOMOBIl.:: NUMBERS Vel Texss j.id lots, with barns, sheds and lings, tto pei 100. spriugvale Poultry and on retail ireaa- - u. m. ventlon atartlea world, agents ama ts well aa gold or silver certificates. Ask dlery Co. other outbuildings, suitsble LIGHT housekeeping rooms 690 Upson. Slock Farm, Leon, Kan. Hotel Ten inexperienced man divida UoffX. Hot the rartners for tbeui. We also want an ai- ror dairy or ehleken ranch. mlmM rtlt M MA la tS rill' on the same plan aa HOUSEKEEPING rooms, til E. Missouri. Schléicha'r. raba warehouse built Juat outside rltv limits. UNIQUE a mmiater. atas nr the annex 10 the Bell school. Phone Slat. RAMSEY REALTY CO. CAFE cold hl.sk HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bit N Suuitun KMUNJC Sl.900 cash made. raid, banked by MAMMOTH It RKEYS Open afl nlgbl; K H meal ticket a. in M daya; 15.00 to dtu. A hot PUR SALE onyx soda fountain, i draft Al Ti) LAP ItOBES-W- esi Tetss Ssddiery Co. leu Kinds Sira berry I'lanU. meal in town, aw! av Antonio bl or cold running water nam equipment to tubas, vary cheap ror cash, or will sell 10 HOUSEKEEPING aulles 06 N. Oregon. We are shipping every day, and ran ar.y only M.S0. Self hatting. Ni W. s. Miller, you local liiteresU. boma al good parly on payments. lis Bicycles Motorcycles filrasa write for csislogue and mat ol).(j man for our til Dlumhlna- or waterworks reamrrd. Inves Uldg. end ing Red Feather Farm, Porlalee, N. M weekly jp tiart; no canvassing. Irooller trul Furmahed Rooma For Rent lists ligste Etclusive sale. Credit giran, tend I, room house, all modern, ll'sl Mrg. CO.. .iwgars w. SuCan grass BtU Hill. ru, no raonex. write utter or poetas too ay. PLANT pure Lulbork E Rio Grande. Apply 01 phone Mfg. CO.. ttou mag w celved. tl Psso Rubber I uni-- Moom. American hoga Allan Alien taieew. Badger Fuel Co. i nl iK'S , UI . oianion. por RENT Newly furnished front bed-1- ooking. wf agfnts WANTED Ileal live represents Ft UN TURE ror sale and house for rent. GUARANTEED fresh eggs, delivered, four iiaad. Proprietor. Sneriel N4ikee ,,,111, with dreselng room, bulll-l- 81. TOIL lives lo sell patented articles of urlt 711 N. Oregon Pbone 4793 or call after wash bowl, cold dyicn Phone by guarantee. Household AND eUUonary hot and one of those big meals, ittm barked BIHUANk FRUITING 3 pm...... r .r,H , In 1, ,,,,,,, u III, a EAT necessities that have never been offered be FOReot v ahí 1 pom Financial end lnvcetmenU i.Ht. IS a. rem Big VA1TU its hower: moderate price 10 permanent unfuu. Clear field opea pronta. Write SALS T J. P. POLLOCK. pUBTINE. CAL- WE CAN FIX IT SHOP Hotjees No ft Mfg. At Fleet Furnished For Rent young man or lady. sick. Phone MM. i''ieot. at once Berg Beard Co.. SEE IS If you have good nous to salt or Drive in and load Placa. Brooklyn. N. Y (ALE china cloael. gas on mortgage or col jirM iced yard NUlalT fOR Nice vitar wsni s loan chattel Viiiest tie meal in town. tt4 you business, rnraisiuag every hcaier and gat cook stove siso oinar lateral security turntable Loan Aasorie- WB atari in useful household article UELIUMTt l BOO kta. lion. 114 815 Trutl Bldg. IHE sntwer to the dating questions The Paraaola Covered and imps. red. withl ly operating our new 'system spacislty POR SALT Young chickens, biddies note wanted In WISMTU tad Bicycles Sold and liepalrtd. IOR RENT -- Ft RNMHFD HnLSE. DEL l 101 h BOARD. FIRST or Mrond inn et H. isndy raciones, noaw or smsu room mj batrluog eggs, also spietidid change 011 well located lots Louis lto KanaasT broilers; Iirea at itauucao ericas furnished house, (Varythlng New. l oDOINO o7 S. warn, no canvassing, opportunity iiirmnr fresh oow. aecuod calf. Phone Sato J. Car. ell. Herald bldg Pbone 147. M booklet free Hagadalis Co., Drawer K Baal PHONt ME ttlt no 11. ,n si tarage. tbO Plací for Your clean new tier itionlh MOTEL PAR M. Orange. FOR SALE Pillo, feathers, Ava. Phuns urn Money Leen Saletwaea Waated lira haitmAi riiraolura aaat a mal eavak FISH RAMSE1 at? Maaoffla to AGENTS to sail land. M par Trust bldg wanted stale alove. B tttl, rare Tlnvt MOTEL MERGER Now In charge of Mr. and , expaoaia span iltn any whan mail arre, orchards, i and 10 sere tracts. New ynericiui r uiaar r.a iarn - platos fully nothing ever or Mrs J. tv Bisnop Lsrar. wan luruiaocu , ... lateral securities, slao buy I Uu circulars farms and ranche, baiter weekly A tapio tv, good inducements W reasonable, F. lirbcn. list Auioutu rooma al reaaunabw ratee Eejuiiabln Loan Ass'n. Tm "ariey. - fered to public, rani tits Boule au sl on overland Si sunt iii agaota. Call or Ml. Hotel orudorff Apt No Naaly ruruiatasd. riaudaoinaiy Ua.raHJd t.sthmg faciililis Entrance addrtas near 6 Paau BL Yoti will find whai you ari tookttg ft iBrae days siniiltealy clean prívala buouia for Udlaa. ii -- page. wtrmrtlrmih BAM WAN. ciusirlilar. TOR REN T BY UHNER o the Cliaaiftoal FOR SALE M1I Hr NT Furnished, large froal room, Something new, fastasl Mllers and blue, good cjualli) no .n kne.a mi faiiuiy A new 1 room furulaheit bungalow, with mil W. A WILLIAMS. LET La IM YoL lfcl Ui I modern rnavenlancaa. rio as In, oppiiie tw Art sons or ttki auiilh alaappig porch. Highland Park. AuUkMi tala and coitutusaioa Broker. profílablé' buSn we give fur k Upson Ava Pboua all lint others rarontc Li... from scnool snd psvd itraal Csttelaud stiuari til iknTtae t ,nir sin to catdes Bldg. Weak. Addraaa truer (can ProducU Ca., MM acumfori ailtiMUia of man attu tmuiu blocks from street ear Apply at MM Baa talk auu frM. Grad I 00 bl o K FROM P O Third L. Limn; us. totuuiiauou Oiego si. or phaea alM rooms, S 4 uaU phyaniajta and irautao auraa m hace furnished tad unfurnished ettwa WV, Aatiata 81 50 week Hurry N ttsnmn (ever Ard.i . ABT1CLB uaed to every heaga. .rataaai tall to 7, auatlai to It ROOM bouae. completely furnished, 3 to Mat tit USX ICAfA. gpielal Prwllcc I iu.il. 4 BALE Uertrti Naisoaal cash register BOUT Hth N MCDIC AL ITITUT kepui( pon bes. I pun room, adjoin ririirad AucUuuaar. T fstavr HeraU Btdg El Paau. Taaaa tit LARgF light, well furntsned 1ÍI.OOIC IttoMMS. lotioiti.ti. iiiaep ior san rud family, , EfJH Bid. Flione IMtosv ins belli private reference, van. utaeaaea WANTED Parue. coming i" lot togel- -. Wanted to Rent No 7. Braaoa Apia Phoat las. ata ciKil an aMBbtoeg 1U AOCNTS few aaaole arttrla. MA. Ilk. . tury Dii Ui nary latei eu doirlua laii 1 rootti Hh c lMral. f By lady, hail or rasara Mih MINI Elegaalit furnfl.ed rnoaj nanear. III ha sallafied al itaata Rita Hoirl not Wan to ywiesj lattk 1"m.J I'm r la aw serial liaet .jñdypas. 1.1.,: uM.ai, to leal. BatkMM ' in aio s gataa Hide Hayaate I MM píllala neon aK jar that a- as- - P- as MMgayi II if in Mad. coneult U.U.. Ii iiLfuñii'sh'd u'l iluftlielffinf )2kmttÍMUw POR oALtVate. taah task and uaeay at to a m AU invlied 1 anua), c losa pega. 1 Treat raftatar. gMa. Want Ad iw the aliiakl Mf data aratacsar MB Í OvarlaaO. Cacoar of wtUtosna and Mfuiaua l utaaa MI 4. 1 18 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday. April 1. Real LasjraJ timlitm II This ! Yoer N. O B. F. M RARE RAM". SIN" FOR RALE OR TTtAtHL-O- ae 4 room cottar street, a alan nr naintlne RtnltleT. Boches. PMsJM. a (he aiaiaanai seat route of Two mom hitnMlowe. rort aooiersrsj, I Hi Tea arkana. Art.7 trarM ahosrt an. Will or full Mis earn; Mjóos aatt StjM. trade auto sasrss value for El lei to run ttpoa Ihe streets, alleys "Tr'ecmrt 'Ñntl f rarer nmn. Stf a 11. for of nr run. t roam lehlile dash htinasloe 4 mil lou. Peso resl ottale Would street r. Xllllia. VeaMlnr The man hora on mis oíste enoniri not in ma nütT savsmah at stnm auto wasf naaw rSar judge d Chaa tie ornfr. It. M. DoSley. 4 moma I, am mnm brief, nei Plain view, ao as 10 Ha eaally visible to S saaooiate Judges rtulre In aiimtilsaia hrmlrt cultivate hi lota. brlrk hónralo, si feet rroni. arlt. tne lleller is tnrtier nature and attoiilcl not tie ao sure porrh on Rrnwn S Tlst Snillheast i or nor fin aloop rort Boulevard, persons upon Ihe arrecil. Hie name of Precntrt No. lev El Psso Oas fJofnatny. thai h nltliro mual so aim Hie luaai, insr porch, nicely rurnl.he.l R E LYONS. Nst Rank Bldf ruaiMINO house, rkldian rsnoh or srarrten pera.! holding the license lo operlte llirn N. Oregon street, S. t Frudenthel. pre einava riaht First bus, at tat B Tbo poron or this Mr the! ate altniilil poní oli every mint for MM). oae Mock from ManbaUan wanted rn rieMaTS For Pecos valley whlrh name shall ba M lelleri Mina judre snd R. N. Ksvls. Clarence sai roar mches height asaoeli'-Judre- s. mm timo every Hay In uleni meditation 1 CORMIt "TS Mts. aataTftte, house end firrmtnro APART Mr' NT OI F. SITES. lands. What tare you 10 trader Addroaa la or mi son. Bant Roaeawaeser. aa aa the and Tara hiilklin aires, all for the price, MOo rash, MltM. rorner. N Paso St SMS) Mrs. N M. Mollowiy. SN Arroya . Id; To run upon inr streets, alleys naluro u m eitremelv mernetir fnnd ri st Hirh polillo of El Paso any so forronii mat It t an an. into nroeaaitjr hlrheat part of Altura balance monthly like real. aaslM. rorner. Mess Ave MM land Park clarea hi the city Pretlnel No. 17 a Co.. corner mi Rr 7AS1M. rorner. Sjoo motor bus with Ibe top up, between M. tor relmnrea .f mlnel, a clear montal vision Hut on n nxirt Mesa Ava. of Mam and Santa ra airéela. B. Dina" anil siicoraa i .o ivai new'brtik In Grand All desirable sites. In rood parte of rliy. RES city resldcncr In Meslco. finely fur and simup, unless the interior presiding Judge and H. ornd. or Aries, 4 rooraa. bath and VMsV: fine aleepina JAY F. KNOX COMPANY. two pianos and adiilac the lime la equipped with a llrbt nr nrnta Toa lm thin hlriholste Is lsre porrh, mshed. inctndlrtr kept at such h. Andreas. Wm. Mctsel. as aisoetif an onora-et- porch Ralanee of raa ranee. fine lots, MM Lobby Hotel phone ITT. autonaoblle, valued al Mtaso, lo Irsde ror which shall be burning limei rlvna enihttinua. ntoiiin erreened nrndorff so aa to well lujnt rear of said Jlldgoa and on wlilrh will succeed In apue nr IV. ivi parante per month rash, bslsnre juat aa real. up the valley fsrm land. Address Y. tne sesis to suitala the prop rlall Ibe . rare Times. bus. Tbe voters desirinr nanv ohaiirlea Thia inrliidea Mm Section Any person shall violate oaillon 10 Issue bonds for the purpose of i svhlrh bunaalow in Oolden It. who start the rovermnr planet, any of this ordinance shall no funds ror purihaalur rlty no Impulse a nulrli tompor and ardent nr.T RMAI I Htll II '"I Hill, all modern ronvenl-enees- LOTS In Morninr Side Helrhts or vslley provision nrovidlnr city Close-i- ror land Address T. cara ruilly of misdemeanor, and. upon ronvie bulldlnr sites and constrtirUnr love natura. 1AV I'AYMkMT fine lota, rsvi rash, business rorner. rentlna Mt4 for house. tan, ind permanent lm Any yon balan, o monthly. per month. Paya g per on pu'chse Times. linn lliereor. shall be punished by a Tine publlr rchoni buildlnrs The Mrthstnne la diamond alio tract want rent (WOO.iaii arhool of apart man; 10 per rent 1. H. (.Mil IN. pries. Terms. nit rirrrdlur two hundred dollars provemenls to public tiulldlnr Tha Want Ada mil tent rooms and Close to 14. Any bidding a hsve upon 1 per M Mills san Sertlon person license the city of Fl Paao, Tens, thill menta and sell at a ,ii,ru rartn linda. down and per rent Bldr. Phone Lenral Notices 51 to update a public automobile the city the following month. No Kitoreat or tasea JAS. 1. WATTS. in ihelr bsllots substantially bi.ihh mt. mitk I'oR awr. of El Paao at the time thia ordinance takes For Sale 41 Francisco BE IT ORDAIN Ef Y THE CITT CSJUNCll. erren, may surrender the sane- and shsn "UPON PROPOSITION TO ISSUE SONP Houwi 40 reel, north front, walk, St tne all paid OF THE CITY OF Bt PASO thereupon he entitled to credit for FOR THE PURPOSE OF Plllivillinil mm' ciirh snd psvlua no or value or tne portion inereon ron HALE- - ownor. I room tnodorn .Ml MONTANA VtIIF.ET Section I. That parson shsll drive uneipireo FOR ITHCHASINO CITY Pt'RI.IC SCtD" Br fOR RENT pro rated to tune in payment' ol hónralos. Jtial completed, heatlnr plant. HUM KiR Or will sell st sacririre. boaull roj el an automobile for hire or a motor armrdlnr RUII.DING SITES AND Cl INSTRUCTING CIT1 I. ON rul in defined upon or smnr the license roe provided herein. Any Per AND PERMS leased in porch, all bum in oofv bunaalow, Just BEAITIFn. MONTANA STREET. bunrslow. alaaaod sleeping us ss herelnsrior as PUBLIC SCHOOL RUII.D1NI1S f Alia sriionl, MOO Hon MI1M faat, on one porch, all modern rmpi ovemrnls, south the streets, slleys ami public ciscos of the sian operattnr an automobile such la TO PUBLIC SCIHHH f blocks vim rlaht airo, built riaht of Ihe best blocks, defined herein at tne tune this oriiinanre NENT IMPROVEMENTS lana. $r.tO rash huanre n.'iitliljr. and prtred Balance Ilka aouth front, aidewilks, curb and . (.ity 01 r.i rsao, leías, wiinout orai locur BUILDINGS OF THE CITY OF KL PASO. rtcht. per tha conditions hereinafter pre becomes errertlve under a public amo rent. Prtee (l,m lot. You know tor. under mobile license who shall not wish to com T" SALE 1 room bouse and lot. KxV ft theae re scribed a chauffcur'a certificate. ISSUANCE OF BONDS" fun IIS0 PER ACRE. barralna. (OSS ply with lie provisions of this ordinance "FOR For a qtUrk aaio mil take a aerond hand W. V. PAYNE, Sole OWNER WILL SAi .RIFKE Isrrs f story Section t. Thst when this ordinance opposed to issuance of bornla of the prettiest ranches Arent. 10 room 5 mayor a rom may surrender such public automobile And those the ford and torn raah lito no S57 J. von sena In the brlrk home, on full lota, sout'i into errect, tne man appoint of providing funds for pur- have ever oast corner, paved alreet, hardwood floors mission composed of three persons, sll of snd shall be entitled to a rerund for the purpose upper valley, and the soil Is of the value of his uneiplred pro chasing rlty publlr school bulldlnr altea POU SAL:--B- osvno In every room, atesm heetlnr plant, larre whom shsii be voters or trie licensed build- O. k and one or anan rs'od arcofdiiuT to tune. and ronslrurilng rlty public school tlally furnished. IftSL'RANCr. BIINOAI.OW ON MONTANA ST. porches, cost Itftoo. Can be bad for MeMO. city of El Pasa, whom improvements to pub- A. rare Timra. I ooaama skill In the drlvina snd uropeliiur Sertlon li. Soerlflc enumeration of regit ings and permanent 41. We write sll kinds of rsr. hsve in tho arn block on Montana latmns shall In no manner school of the City or El Paso. beautiful, modern and up m or automobiles, which commission ansu herein relieve lic bulldlnr" fire snd hiirclary insurance stows, date bunr be known as the Automobile Exammma surh motor busses herein mentioned rrom Texas, aball have upon Ihelr ballon Real Látate and Fire xfflda. with sll speriel features, heat reuersl rearulstlons of vehicles, so far as ihe rollowlnr oro',,:., II ln plant, etc. All lav ewwl fronlasre. Board. BONUS lili, ham Section 3. Any psrson desirinr s rnsur the same may be sppllrsble thereto ss UlNlN PROPOSITION Ttt ISSUE PI'KOIAI.IRT. Owner must sell one nr sll of them, ap such general rearulatlona sre now or may PltoVlDINO FUNT'S I 4árM. feur's ceriirirst lhall make written FOIl THE PURPOSE ui snd Ihe prlrea can quole you on these PHOnf: provided. In ( '' lll.i.l.R. homes plication to the said Board for an ei herearior be other ordinances FOR PURCHASING ITY PUBLIC SCHfx ? I ( K II o It II o M K S." are eiooodtnly low. Will tie the same, and otherwise man AND1 CONSTRUCTIV to KiR BY in Park ad- traína lion and snail deposit an elimination rerulatlnr BUILDING SITES PILLAR.lt III.MtV. I ll' INK 81 Uurkler Bldk Phone 4M. f lad quote prices and terms lo any hale owner orchard herein provided, ail sucb motor busses BUILDINGS AM' one A - dition, new rrame cottaae, a lots, plenty fee of M 50, and said board shall atttnin CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL Interested. chance to t a rood or sucn appuca shall be subject to the ssme rerulations IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC home rheap. outhouses,. rood fences, city wster, (Tne for ten data after tne ruina not PERMANENT ixuittry Hon and the payinoDl or surh reo. examina snd restrictions applicable thereto and SCHOOL BUILDINGS Ol' THE CITY OF EL W. PAYNE, Sole Arant. and truck; ll.wai, easy terma. Phone In conflict herewith, as are provided by 7AH or write Box 404, 11 paao. said applicant as to his t howled re or tne PASO TEXAS " r El tne various ordinances relative to vehicles snd I, L. MA Kit A :n., ordinances the city of Paso and "AGAINST ISSUANCE OF BONDS." 5 room or Use Stalo ol Texas trar-ri- automobiles in reneral. out from his rapte Rnlldlnt. Telephone risio modern house on Montana. lawi rerulatlnr 10. holding And each voter shall strike 1M) OK LAND, vehicles, and before aura Section Tbe or adjudication of bond-o- r ACRES 1 BOOM NEW Will finish, ttm walls, paint and com and rereivinr any subdlv.jlon of sny sec- ballot the .words. "For lisuanre biinhalow. N shall be required of section or one of the allow nlsrea of the valley on Rio (.ramie St., f7ofi block, plete, only am cash. E. A. Pond. JO chaurreur's rcrilftcites tion or ordinance lo be Invalid aoaii "Aralnst taiuanre al bonds," accordiiot front, south st. Phone ir.sn Residence phone to snow, upon such examination, a OMsrea ibis to vote or against the said hlalily improved, on macadam road and dsndy ysrd. walks and curb; sisnion or or laws not arrert the validity or sny other section aa be desires h. all In tnoslly In s MM. knowledge such ordinances and proposition. main dll cultivation, bunaalow features, heninr plant, laun- to a of seventy-riv- or sub division or a section, but sll other an No dry, A sufficient warrant rrade oí the results rsirs. I'rlre aidu sere. trsde. slated porch, etc real snap for per cent, shall also be required sections snd sub divisions of sections shan Upon the ascertainment CAHSItlY 4 NEEL, M.IWO. Easy terms. ind a be and remain in full force and errect. of ssld election, the action of tha city Phone afo. 10 demónstralo his ability to safely drive or Issuance ill Mills SI. W. F. PAYNE. motor ventcre ine crowueu por- Sectloa IT. All ordinances and parti council In orderlnr the of and tnrour ordinance in conrilct with thia bonds In passing the ordinance afore, M Mills Bldt. tions of the streeti of thai section of toe ordinance ind ur 11 shall be and the are hereby repealed said shall be declared to be ratified Real Estate Farms and rltr descubrí in section of an ordtu sime or B. V. HAMMETT SON, anee rerulatlnr traffic within the City or Insofar as In conrilct with thia ordinance not ratiried. arrordinr to the result tml Bloca. "LAFAYETTE PLACE." Ranchea uecemuer vt and no further. election, and the bonds shall be Issued or Hammrtt El Paso most El Paao. csssed and approved by besuttrul snburb. 1014; and when nick eiaminaUon aball nave Section II. This ordinance shall be in not Issued, as may be determined tbs Don't buy s home sue down the vslloy force and erf eel from and arter April Ü4, election M on until been passed by the applicant lucceaifuiiy, said t room adobe. 7H feet, you hsve seen "Lafayette place." as heroin required, the Slid board shsll in ML I hereby name and appoint the officers Tttlsross; cot lo sail; lot 401 Mesa Phone laSO. wrlilnr recommend to the Mayor tost ne Passed and approved thli 1st day or severally specified above to conduct the alone worth more. W. E. PAYNE. Sole Aent. be rrantod a chauffeur's certificate, and April, a. u. 1015 election in their respective precincts, and H.9I. GET out you raa Mayor mm a C. E. KELLY. Mayor. hoi. ling the elec- where tbe shall thereupon Issue or the places mentioned for room frsme. block from breathe. We have several cortirirste in worai sou urures suosiau- - City El Paao. tion, and the officers of the said election HfXI Hi hn A LAIR, Hione Itti. 8. W. lhops; rorerlosur; Itw 173 ACRK.S fine, rirat class sill land, about snap! In small tracts. tlally as follows: Attest o miles un the valley; all level, no rub-bl- C. W. FASSETT. Cily Clem. rash. 3ty aerea miles on county City of El Paso , 1 Honed In thli notice. I.S0n. or leveltDf to do; races on paved road road, level, sue ror Is to certify ( ) of Price onlv arwi neo aoo Can ...... lust rlrht Thli that It Is hereby directed thst this notice brick, half block to s home; si.oo. terms. has tucceisfully pissed the examination NOTICE OF ELECTION. elertlon shsll be published for thirty dsyi. oar line, ilirhland rsrk; 1A0 smaller tracts. Some lermi can be had on acres, house, ror t.ity 01 TO tma. tH provided rnaiirrours witmn ine RE HELD ON TUESDAY, THE 11TM exclusive of the date of publication and Real City Property down, mmilh rolnr to sou this quick; own- El Paso and is entitled to run and operito DAY OF MAY. A. D. 1015, TO DETERMINE shall be Estate C. BAILEY. Phone MM. of tbe day on whlrh said elertlon er needs money; Moo cash. motor busses and other public vehicles WHETHER OR NOT THE CITY OF EX held, in the otTtrlal newspaper ot the city 4 rooms. 9 blor.ita Alls Vlsla 10 u ros, In within the City or El I'sso, to WILL TAKE LOTS AS PAYMEN sll fruit snd subject PASO SHALL ISSUE CERTAIN BONDS FOR of El Paso, and a true ropy or this notice aihool. full loli south PART T on UP vslloy; 11,500. and laws, and such iswi 7 room Heis-ht- ordinances THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR or shall potted up for at leist front, hlthly Improved. home In Sunset M arrea upper valley to as may hereafter be passed. election be J.MIÍ. Pnre 17,000. snd ordinances PURCHASING CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL thirty days prior to tho due on which slid trade ror city property; trad- "" R1JILDINU SITES AND CONSTRUCTING red brlrk bunirslow. er ol we csn match you. Mayor." elertlon shall be held at Ihe several placs M.Wfi. ilxes CITY SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND PERMA dcsHrnatrti ror me with never occupied, modem, WHITE "ADEN REALTY CO., Attest: hereinbefore noiotnr liiiriraloir, tola, aouth NENT IMPROVEMENTS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL ssld election In each of the aforesaid elec- looping liorrn, I room basement, t 11, It, 13 Morran Bldr. ' BUILDINGS THE CITY EL limit. hiKhiv Improved. Phonn 154. 'city 'cierii."' OF OF PASO. tion precincts. i hot air heat; arnnml o PHONE 4ÍIM. pro- TEXAS. Given my hand ind official seal in to 3 lota; ldowalk blocks Alts Vlsts school, Section 4. Heron) the application under 'nial down. vided ror In Section 3 hereof shall be con- Proclamation of lac Mayer. the City or El Paso, Tens, on thli, tha 1st oniplcti'; paved street hair A (1A lots, room bouse, close or A. D.. MJM. 4 n lu on sidered by said Automobile Exsintninr WHEREAS, on day April. A. day April, block; bull! in reatures; r.. n Jtw Ihe 1st of C. E. KELLY. In. Wsa I4..V); red loiin. Board, the applicant shsll psy to tho City D., I1M5, the or !. lived N. ii.c city council tbe of El born Húmalo Stanton St. Phono ir.Mi iieKi,i..n,. r.Knn. 50, city Mavnr of r:llv Kl Paso. Texas. hold tor prnaaod brick now bimirilow, Clerk s fee of tí. ano said feet snail be Paso, Texas, at a meeting thereor, the nf nest duor tu. modern, MM. of the rernlar C. W. FASSETT, week. ii. i.i ,i Terina. A close In hlrh arliool; paid to Ibe members Exatiiiniur by the unanimous voM of the aldermen Attest: r t.yyi rash, bilsnee easy. Bo,ird as compensation for their services. City Clerk, City of El Paso, Tex. beauty. In the m il or present, there being four aldermen pres I.OOklNli Foil MCE HOME. Section 5. The word term "motor ent, finally passed adopted a dlsirlrl. CLOSE INT ahsll mean and Include any automo- and certain 1.(100. bus" ordinance and Is- - '. room hunss-low- , bile, truck or other trackless ordering authorizing tne San Anionio and coimn red brlrk MR. FARMER, automobile or coupon or To tha HtwtfT or CecuUbla ibaolutrly INVESTIGATE. vehicle enrarrd In tho buslnesi of carry usnre bonds said city ror Ttm SUt of TeiaU mf Ave., 4 room sleep south rronl. FOR SALE. upon tne the purpose of borrowing money upon tbe of El i'tavo Count;. UrMtiiis: modern; ai.7rai. terms. or 40 seres, 1110 per sere, M inr passrnrcrs for hire In and You are Heroby CosjunanMd Bummon J. A luar porrh; property 140 foot Kl of ihe said city, to be Hie to Iota, well locsled, sa , . aro public streets or Fsso, which Is held credit used for bv m&klnjE of onro deep; llnu ra"sh and 10 per varanl a r,...m. n .ImU. . 1. w arret slfaira, acres planted follow Five Dili DUbHeotioB thH cltftOfla ' rirat payineni ' now, 4 room sdobe honss, out or announced by sign, voice, wnunr inr purpose!, hundred In ufe woe far four uiki itt waks prnou to un, mil, or " eaah and a mem, modern, Montana St., v lots. Pries in- thousand dolían (500,000.00) : WHITE I'AhKN REALTY CO.. with bslhroom, sheet Iron device or advertisement or which is Uw rotum Ur hereof, in mmm uwiwir jMblUhM mouth. Some railroad or Kmc to ' operated or run over sny the purpose purchasing and pay In your rounly. to appear tba term (in-- . II IMS Mnraari Bld(. shed, nouses; ftow-In- tended be lor of at rutar ear lo.in will buy chicken or m.i nam alreet li 1540. pi particular street or route or to and from ing for city public school building sites, tho tllamoc court an rouuu. IIJKXi. hi, room rollajre. Boulevard: ina snd pond for your to ba bo ideo tb court bouse t Fort fine lo. up E. particular polnla or places. snd ror the erecting and cpnslructlnr of Jiuilrlal dlstriri. at 4 lota, on with J rauon, car S4.9U0, 1500 ducks; slsrned under P. Uiereof. in th titj of Id Paao, Tasas, on tha line; down, balance dam, located on lateral Section No person shsll operate or city public school buildings, and for con- rixim liotte and slevplnr monthly like rem. rood cause to be operated a motor bus or motor structing and on cling permanent Improve, Hrst Monday In May. IMS. tho ame being tlir wirrh; rorner lota olt and on travel road, near La 3rd day of May. 1913, then and there to anawer a other hars-al- busses upon the streets, alleys ind public menls 10 public school buildings of ihe petition filed to aatd court on tha )rd day of tills are beitia held tor .Mesa. This requires l street places of El aso, without first securinr Cltv of El Paso. Texas: A DHL a nunusarea on iiocjtri cIom- .. 11. 100 rash, with bslsnce to ilia, in suit, uie IXsi oarh; in h....i and This la a bargain. a license from tbe City Clerk or or court No, wliarotn Nan IVrteer Crabt). easy WAREHOUSE ON TRACT. (tilt. therefor It Is proposed lo issue a series bonds natd ll.ItT ear linea; terms, .'rank the city or El Pito, provided, however, In the sum last aforesaid for the purpose manley CVabb and T. H. c reerr are piamtim ly speaking, the collage I Near tinioii depot, leased at 11.100 a yesr. thii this license shall not be required of last aforesaid, which ssld ordinance and J, A. Duke and 8. U Fhelpa are dafandania ñamo, liul the land make Price 111. 50; sny old terms; lots consid- Dsllss; HW0; one third cash, balance 1. t NEWMAN INVESTMENT the chsuffcur immediately in cnarre adopted as aforesaid Is entitled ss follows: and aald petition alleging thst pi slut UT a ava the iDla s real tmy. ered up to M.Kai. and vara. such motor tma, unless he be the owner. lour no law aaira novemoer win. CAS8IDY It NEEL, lessee or proprietor thereor. "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE IS- made by J. A. Duka. payable to A. D Hamilton, MH COMPANY BONDS each for $Sv.00, due In 1. 3, I and 4 yearn alter Many people mual be close II Mills St. Phone M0. a room orlck on Nynle Ave., S7Vi ri. ; Section T. Before a license shall be SUANCE OF FOR THE PURPOSE Phone 5M. 100 San Antonio si. operate OF FUNDS FOR PURCHASING data iroyct tlvelv. all bearing Inter eat at tha rat. in on aicounl or their busi- aa,7w, wim aowii, naiance on lont lime. lo anv person to a motor bus PRIivnilMI of eight per cent, par ana uto from data, parable st ness, but the un. value or lino or motor bneaes upon the streets, CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING SITES Dallaa, Teaae, for aluc received ; that aald not makea the pure or a house alleys and public placea of the City of Kl AND CONSTRUCTING CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL are a1en In nan payment ror nection m i in htvh Tlila one la an Pasó, laid person shall rile wltb the city BUILDINGS AND PERMANENT IMPROVE- 14 of the public school Tanda situated In Kl Paao eieeptlonal ..if About a W 1H lots on Montana; $1,300. clerk or the city of Paso. Texas, a writ- MENTS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS muntv Teiaa. conTnad bv A. D. Bamllb iiitntite walk, and n monthly FORCEO SALK. ten application for tuch license, which ap- OF THE CITY OF EL PASO. TEXAS." ' aaid Duke, by dad recordad In book 24 V page of tha reewtta of Kl 1'aan in wtk'i irrtna; IIMi domt; 4 room One of Ihe prettiest hunirs-low- a 1. H. SMITH 4 SOrtS. plication shall state; Each of said Issues retained andTa,acknowledges name, and ad- series or of bonds to daad a vendor'a lien la brick, on ran. on Itlo iirande si. will (a) The residence business proposed to be Issued la to bear date on the In aald notes; that eame nuiuui a rtroilalon that :..:- Mo be aarri fired al s price of Phone Ml. Tcias St, SANTO dress of the applicant. day or as 'allure to. pay tho aAme or am Installment of in TOMAS FARMS 00. or vehicle! to oper-ste- delivery to purchaser or near 7 room I story liouar, close M.T50, on terms of :imi cssh. you 80 (b) Tbe number M as to .or est when due shall at Uta election nf tha holder will sell valley land In or licenses. thereto practicable, and Is near inter- or any one thnm mature all of in on lito iirande; in rood re with Ihe bslanre srrsns;ed to 40 acre tracts, per rem cssh, under such est from date at the rate of five per cent if aald notes nf - me. was pnre last lite It (c) The type or motor csr 10 be used, tald nolea and Uie fendor'a Hen shall become eiihlert pair; suit purrhsaer. balance to 8 yean. Will sell r 15 per com.) per annum, payable semi may ; The upatalra rent MUST MONEY. toretlier wlih the thereor, to foreclosure proceedings as the holder alert tear. tonina RAISE you land In slfatfa at 11.15 per annually snd Is to become absolutely dul Noto No due una year after date and ínter for aw month. I aun la Tbe owner will ásennos the factory number thereor snd tho county that WILL TRADE (rood lots, reasonably close arre or raw land at M5 per sere. license thereof. inn payable in rom years, subject to re on all four of aald nntaa han not been paid .bough planted with arara, flower this beeuiiriil m buiisa- No rmer aoll In Mesilla valley. riempiion. however, option said demand ha been made for same and the holdeis - un- III, no prupei ly. (d) The sealing capacity of such vehicles, at the of ami in Do not ilirow low, with hardwood floors, miyivvcu Two your serv- years of all of aald notes hare declared the tame doe ami automobiles at to their trsde raung. unless such city, arter the expiration of twenty provide par ad- id salde because vou think sll up io dsn- built in fes arrordirlr re- payable; that aald notea for io cant ice. See scaling rapacity luu been changed by from dale, and Hie said ordinance makes on the principal and litter ea duo aa at torne a this la an old house. Ask. tures, bsaemrnt snd rurnsce. tUAVEA.L fcjytHMAW. UROADDUS a LE BARON, modification, wmcn provision ror levying an ditional 1.750. on 9 corner lots In (iolden construction or in and coiiecunr foot that tbe same hare bona placed In the hands flTL t First National Rank Bldr. nually a Isx to pay the of W. as. Hunter, an attorney at law, for eollertlon .' mouth, in Hill. This home Is rsslly V, UrTMIaaaf H surriclunt interest eaah and I'll., lie IMS. on and to redeem at maturity the bonds that on January 11th. 1914 J. A. Duke tranaferrfl 4 room red a... .j hi if sold lieforn phone m L. rltiduiir worth Section 8. The aild application shall be issued by virtue thereor. And the sain aald land to 8. Phelpe by derd recorded In Book reaped brick ou cór- tin- I or ihia month we win 273. nag o Uia tUsomW of Kl Paao County. rottaitr. tit A (VMiD INVESTMENT A .irrompanied by a license rea or etroieea ordinance also It take Ted ner; so foot rrontaare. Itloe cut the price lo I4.MI0 Terms bunaa- provides that shall Texaa. subject to tha above mentioned notea and vehicle. iuch wnei ron e 11 rat street and lawn. Doe block S.1M rash, wltb bslsnre to suit low, modem. Iliat will rent for $40 per dollars for esch reel errect and be when has been atoo subject to money due tho state of Texas. month, only :i.wsi. 50ti cssh. easy. collected to be pliced m s fund to he tried by a majority vote of the legally pray Mbe court fl an ha to rar lute. Mo trouble to yuu. bslsnre BALL Fine in with puliré Fund, fund inalntiffs that defer ti died you. E. A. Pond, not N. sisnion. Phone i&aa for ranch Anions, known as Trsrrlc which qualified properly tax paylnr voters of the to appear and answer this petition, thai they hate snow Una to CLOSE IN. ,000 head of caitle. Will not sell shall be ror the purpose attorney's New a room Residence phone MM. rrsded used of enforcinr city who are legally qualified to vote at an Judgment fat their debt. Interest, fesa etM bunaalow. separan' Ihe provisions of this ordinance snd all election to not meta of eult and have foracloiare of their Hen on north of tracks; only M.M0. held determine whether or dejBrrihad INVESTMENT J. s. cnoztER. other ordinances rerulatlnr the operation the proposed thereby be is tha above tract of land and that tha NEWMAN essy terms. Rooms 701 3 1, bonds shall same ba decreed to ha sold according to law; that J Hlo ramie Bank Bldr of motor busses. sued, voting at an held 10 deter- M00 CASH, Phone Section 9. Upon trie or such ap- election the shcchT or other ofTtcor o in ut tne aald order nf COMPANY r. 2n minr not bonds he of property balance like rent, new room plication and the payment or such fees, mine whether or such Hull sals shall place the purchaser said sold rbone too Han Antonio. bunaalow in Alia Vista dn ... ACRES land, all fenced, to pro- Issued and that unless a majority of un.lar Ihe asl.l order ni salo in rood ranch and the mat Inr of bond hereinafter legally voting trn i. M iso. FOR LEASE per cent airiciiiiurai. al 17 per acre, one vided for, the city rlerk lhall issue a tí- so qualified voters, at the LET I HI 11.11 FOR YOU. cash, balance on no mv L. to a said election, shall vole in ra. or or lm- FIDS third eay 8 rense to the applicant operate motor titled to In law We will litrnlah the money unfurnished spsrlmem Joluision. jourdaiiton, Texas. bus or motor busses for s period or one proposition ror the Issuance, then the said Herein fall n ami ludid ror you. on your In The Lambeth. Upson Avs. yesr from the riltiuj of said application. Limits shall not be loaned, hut on uie con at lu aforesaid next regular una, thia writ, with kits or ours. Easy pay mem Most modern in Ibe city. o Section 10. No license of the- kind pro- trary, If the proposition for the Issuance your return thereon, showing how you have eiecuted plan. Four larra rooms, bath snd Want to Buy Real Estate vided ror In this ordinance shall be issued or sain nonas respectively snsu be sus MACON HCOTT REALTY CO., sll conveniences. unless the applicant therefor ahsll Hsve tained by s majority of said so legally Witness. Z. a. Eacajoda. clerk of the 34th distrt t "HtlMI.S l II It SI'.XtM.TY " HvlloAI.N wanted In 4 or 5 room voting csMirt of RI Paao Cemnty. 45 Mills Bld. Phone 557. brlrk riled with tbe city clerk s bond approved dualtried properly tax paylnr voters, (viven under my hand tig i .M k k house. Have ti lots, value and bal council, which snail be election, bonds and seal of aald court st let , n ovni li.eai by the city bond st tbe said then the laid off lea In Ihe city uf El Paav. Teiaa, thia. tha 3rd In .hi., rod snre rash to pay for same. See l otus executed by the applicant, together with shall be issued. day of April. ltlS. pressed brlrk buiiaaluw. in una ol Realty Co. Huweu, ,.' Herald Bldr. two or mora rood and sufrirleiii sureties NOW. THEREFORE, notice is hereby Hie ruoiri-a- location, aliiinal new. Phono i79l Ml Maaa, or executed by tha applicant and a solvent riven thai aa election fa all things held riark. District O Owner mual have aonie quirk in n W ui like .o buy u 4 or 3 room modern corporation. Incorporated under the lawi according 10 law win oe held ihe l y. and 3.76o uUI buy It. Terina can house, about 1100 or Moo down and bal' or the Slate 01 teiaa, or uavinr a peruiii of El Paao, and rn each and all voting Ma. tt 7fd be arransed. in, about I per month l. S. H., care 10 do business in the State or Texas, which precincts thereof on Tuesday, the 11th day r IT ATI IN BY PI ItUi'ATION i d iiiiikima aiie wanted aa part CLOSE IN ON MONTANA. Times. bond shall be In the suui of five thousand or May, A. 1015. ror the purpose Tluv mate of Texaa to tha H her Iff or any onelsble ror l., of tub of El Paso tmnty, Orstlng: ii.imii. ni on thia new room Innma dollars If such Hcrnse shall be tne mlitlng 10 the tax paylnr voters qualified low. Lnili or iaH'atry ma or any number or vehicles Mat Yon are Hereby t'onunandetd lo Hummon Carmen brlrk, leal THE NIFTIEST BUY IN CITY room Exchange Real Estate operation as aforesaid, the proposition whether or Wise by making publication of (bis citation anea 'd in v t be the sum of ten bi plant, a la. aleepliia p.nrli. every The than sit and shall in the aforesaid 'Kinds shall be Issued. each weak for four auoreualre wanfca prevtoua to luí- - city, will bunralow, with ronvenlenre. Ilia of vehicles nol the ortior. livrn er. lest iiii sscrlfloa for ll.SoO owner will be pleased hi show you. The thousand dollars It number and thereby enabling said legally qualified return ttST hereof In hhim 4 under such shall Lou Wanted Will pay rasb for number Is E. Rio Orando. E. A. Pond. to be operated license property tax so or re rour county, to sppear at regular term nf lmt (lovarn-me- rooms 1 aleepina Ml rive be than eleven; and payinr voters rainy corner In io and norrbea. rirat M N. St. Phone 1550. Residence exreed and less pudlate the action of the city council Bi the 65th district t Kl liso Stanton ba Hie sum of rifieeu af Hill. Lilt what yuu have si class, residence district. besulUul fiirnitute phone M5 whlrh bond shall la the Issuance of ssld bonds- baldea at the court house tliereof. in the etty once. Your own spsrtiuent and an Income of tao thousand dollars If Ilia number of vehicles ordering The El Pago. Tnaa. on tha first alun.uvi tn May III Q SOME (IOOD polls shall be opened snd ibe election held the aaaaa being the third day of May. I IMS. Mo dotan, balance like rem. will per month, ssuu caso mu TRADES. , to be operated under such license shall than mini SOUTHEAST CORNER N. ores-on- in tbe severs) precincts, as follows: there to answer a petltlmi filed in aald reavt on buy dsndy 4 room boiiH'. I i57lt feel on ten; and which bund shall ba payable votlnr inn frticrd lots on F. Rio orando St.. nalklnr distance rloae In. lake aa pari Msyor of City of El Paso, Texss, Precinct No. 1. ureers stable. Ill Weil tbe Jii.l la. ef AprU. ltflii. tn s aul and in itihm) mndition; only fl.7tu. la rooms, on sood business street. Will to the the .hjckrl f improved with two and one room payment of va UM Overland airee!, Wm. C. Bulrer, presumir tbe aakl caaurt Ne. ll.Tta down, ayu monthly, ror 4 riirnlshed and a money maker; rent only MO U.000 worth sod bis successors in office, for the Wise plalndfT. Is lno this brlrk. One of Hie prettiest apartment eaay 1. n. usurer, ous A. aunen, Is and arm... Wise room brick, near Ariaoua and i.oiloii per uioiiin, ivuo raau win sites caul property, balance and beneni of any and all persons, as his Judre snd rieiiitltf suas for divorce nllagUag that he la awuif. In the city, price. t Victor walks, iwoitli ri Ilj.too Some trade con tonus. An exceUem or their Inte reata nay appear, who snail Slot jr.. is aaswiaia Judres. luna fhle Inhabitant nf Uibt stela and oounty. aad At. retired, tun lot. n, d if you have rash, ISO feet deep. SS.4U0. A so room hotel, with hoi and cold t len balance no alley. stte. bava a cause or action against the princi- No. a I1T East Second street has laven iuch inhsMtant of the state for aewr tweje i:ul lo Use Precinct down, 115 monthly, for UtU aster, atesm best, sll outside moms, toim feet on W. San Antonio. pal in such bond, by virtue of 0. W. Emerson, prestdtnr Judge and Jesus nuutata and El Paao oounty far over ata aasntae UN principal next prsrsiltng ths filing of this getltaon. that 4 room home, shops, b"autiliillv rurnlslio.i. oris l:sai per monih VeSMI. Cut rom iitauo to of said or his or its Blancas, w. w. cuta, jonn Fura, aa asso- aad beautiful near employes. connec- tlvfeo.lsnt la absent from ttu itsle; far nanaa r St. ton Kill Iniy II. ta.''Ki, M.Ois) cash and monthly payinenta ILUM. Will trade ror income siula. servants or In ciate judres. proaarty, or busi tion with the operation of any such ve- a Hnom Brick. M.IOO on rorner. bunralows Precinct No. Central Fire J. M. B. M 1 Mai properly rde Ira. and which bond shall be condi- I station sat rroni. modem oa rsr line, nesr low t pay- L. McAfee, presiding and c. P Brail- - SOS Mass Avs. Phone SOSS a room bouse un 1 t tioned for the prompt and faithful ludre caaae of the cruet troa t asen and school. down bsjsars like rem which the Ed Louta Jean, aa t liiiaitoM Close Inl.'. Kacrillro room brlrk, With BAILEY LAND CO. Iota. E. Hlo crude m ment of all damatrei principal 00 itrom. llollmir. associate uf dafertdant aas cuiupeUed to leave and ces IN' IIKAst IN III Al ESTATE Will trade equity fur rood surh bond lhall la my civil mil in a court Judres living srtU bar. (1) Tfcat ant er about Mar MU Dear Maaa school; n.aun Want - Mi III it' II MAD1 E Mil house or bunralow. of competent jurtadlrtlisa be condemned Pre, in, No. Smith Virginia lelí defendant lgaa a rmra cf rruel treatotoSf Hawkins Broa to cullerl jour rents. 4410 street t InNMIll IIUN house wsni-e- to pay on account of Injury to Ibe person H. N. std pUtiiUf MUUstt ctaitiuuet and aaa randare.1 sou tor tiua 4 r ii home, on S. OMOON ST. parliueal site W. Austin, presiding Judre and C ttagaUwr It. ONE ullll.K THINO. In for 100 acre or property' of any person or peraoua by X. n.U.j ss huattauil st.d wlfs laaswg corner, Mo d. wii, Mo monthly, nesr sir han re Basarll. Jsrues Brown, C. W. Chruuey. xna an ar May More and Hi rooms, buck building, close If you're in Ihe tnsik, hx in lu upper valley, or will rraauu of the neajllranre of auca principal tai Meat Nth. ill! Besll arliool east frout, S5stM feel; income over any iltitia; Ihe real 'o or his lis sérvenla or employes plaintiff ward taaapaisana eaovaraatton between -- ; in. in estate trade in about M.70V worth of or areiits. No --US aa one aao Room Buck. S3. ISO Never a year. Price one line It will pay yuu tha operation or any Precinct Tayi it real sf deal aad IUsbmd vberstn arrangv tl.ltu noto third cash lo aee us sood city properly as part lu connection with and F. G. 1 nenia were being made for a flindaalMa meatbaa U . rloae ni; built for famtlii'S; i busy vehicles, any person having a before buytur We can ahow payment on apartment alia. surh and Lac ajela, as aaauclate ween defndani aad aald t aao, that ba N psi down, reuu for m monthly. CAS8IDY A NEEL. M,,i property thai will pay 10 rausa of action on such bond aa nereav en suma Use ths aaid room a; Two well located bunsaluws im ianl toU ins ror hciii ariuiroi. 110 vil Mills St. Phone asa per rent on the before provided efalnet tuch principal that tkm fatal the alto Ifwee werrted investment and several bulldlnr lots of Proem, i No - City hall and Ineraaae In value every rsred in trails for or room therein shall have the riaht ui Ids suit Gorrín. aaast aaa arasaau ka frNses risouentU (as n. hi. Vrsin. o room brick, day you own ll. See t to Join with auca principal aa to defend DasaaaaMnsT JtaSra and I W Aidoin rjr laailin aaa ana asas nawaai taan That iiuae. .lose In. Musi be A la aa. aa aaaaa 710 hii-.- l i ,n anta the apon such bond Suca Bedford. P. Colee, aa associate judges. nil. Veaiea Ota. ihe tth day af tl huh.. a sureties 10 a aafaaMlaet a kaejga Here It your rhsare for quo k a huh ana aa a vasaa- - Precinct No V Heat El Paao fire ataiiun. mil till. aWlad ef botad coouiiue auoaiauiiar -- aaa eases rare a ana m a im ate spat Hob: suualern I tone' wslkinf until 11 atiall have been ruliy Texas street C H. KoUe. presidm Judre rásala t tot side, ou I rust Bldr teUou Vincents Alvarado. I. aa baal raaraa aiih a mmm mimm Ikaa. pUUIlff. franm diuiue. north iwifi "SEE US." bul In no aveiil aball Ihe surety and I. Avuia, Bao ataaat aaax aotoat kl Ua rianana. uf aeld ataUaa KbW. (SSS down. SS0 nemllily. ..wn MS sure aa iiaota- - mora Teiiryuque. at associate ht ttu acres al par sere, rr Ilea laarana ior Judres. u" of aaid evsabaa: thst er must It. If uu doa'l in it miles upper valley for quick mount or suca aeaa. aneen prrcanrl No. S MM Alameda avenue (ad- -- aCi ana weH bna ws end tuajjasgajWad an some ossa elae mil sale, on pavrq road ba arRally araauatao. or par jacent lu Wm. a, jue Dunne. a Bsanee ef UI reMfce aaad had the aeneaal regaeu Hawklas Iros., the only firm in I IT arrea M miles up. sa piare ano loe auara Win Leu than ef baatog g pUue where eaea aaal iraereetWr B. nseat fee benseral and llln li impesm that gaTS rwss thai elves Ihelr entire atlru saraa In alfalfa. 9 room aaall Bar. 0. daea oWesutaat weedd itly Hon lo miden prupsrly house, tine land, ai ill Precinct Ro. fcnai and ahneet del). It a W k I s Haba. Maone ssu fli, H accept trade. FOR RENT or tale, Boulevard. John Harper. tirtiUMl i.'i ,aai acre ranch. Valvrrde al IMS upon tha atresia, alleys or public piscas ludre and A. II. Anderson R Y Aadersoa. Molilalia st ñu r lo room Use of El Paao uuiil he or II rouut) at M per acre. Ik, Cliy ahaU I red W. Bauer, as aaanriaia AI 111(1 II o.. luu ft on Molilalia run Use Cltv Clerk ol Judres. HlMlM HOMK 1 room frame. urraes. I FOR LOTS Iiaie rirat lauil Precinct No to Highland park fire sis T - ttu- cuy a new aa a una laeraam. aaueaaa twm mo.ta.ma a mtK tul. n.. rsay i. iin- of hi bond thai J. E Bis. bur. urealduir Judre aad vasatjaaaam ka kan aassMel (sua ta mihlu alkina diaiarue of !'( - J aA a ion aa ine boas aad u na. man Wyeth Doake. C. W. W I. Plant Sad Ibe luodasru tee approved Bret. Buie. aa wnaaaa I A Siialiai. (Saaat mm aaxa II batallera esrlsuti of Use city. Trata aeraaMttttaasaaud fjiawaw tas JUllyVfl ef natwssj tv lures paved street Will take litmn ml at raa. aaaastr proper east be converted into a very I ruuas house and baaeiurnt. aeU lasts pay- iilVlainsn Imttüm ITeclnet ho 11 Mis- deainbXe house vary locales! w part ieMdiW Tml persona. Soutbaaat corner "SL asaan. al saavtraeai al In riimiahed la i, and VsW. ment souri and Brown iiraeL h E Thoinasoa. JT"ta "5r J? Jáí Paav. Taaaa, ttskx tka SaJ lie rapenar auu aery runts, esarMraarsasas ar roiurn AMKY aptaS.. mnMtM east a preridinr judre and 8 T Turner. W. L. Trades We caa match you. asnal loci lr o FUSl National Baatk BM U It .hall Oataaa, 0. C Colea, aa aaaoclale jualrea. ajana oseta feas WW be .lad Ua 1IAVI TANDY HtM eft. .0 Precinct No. h praaars ,Vquo MS. a to auve or operate causa ui mm It a octavia street. Jos kvaaa reaiucsl sad pure Ml H Trust hid, Pboue arl4 any upon iwro sad asase omier ili run ii M mi m driven or uparatetl, iiaeior bus I atory artra. aaall built. Ba aaal . aj Ig. trrrrt, year uniasa aatare M feeee aárett a vane lal. aaasasa ovsar IUM a Price I is Mass rue a tenon rorner bi h is ia urr caul aruae oa )uair lavaal "''etlaWoJ ini SMeaw,neJe,"r " Vaa avtU rtiMl araai jrou ara toottaa for 7. meat; Maya of city urvapacij coa A Nil rea-- aorta any mm oa HOOM uouar. equity one or (a) Ye drive ar asirán ine UaaaUsaS far- - man Iva sMiraa la a trRan as lesa. M Mtasaassa alte y fur aicavsuara for a ev ekituj aay airean or public place lota I aw rasa. u. u. i a 8 sib i a Nti i mm usuaa or apar ass sal fcauiae fumlturs ut sntboa.1 asvuta eraKwfaa.il upon it MiUa m MM real catate Sas Ml. laaaaiai, H. a setae, so aa te U aJaMsiy vtatSkstraaaa lee J M Sunday. April 1 1. If 15. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 19

1 El Paso Business Firms from A t(TZl

ACCOUNTANT. M. L. BT SWART KURNITURK THURSTON CO. III 'AY CASH and m ntoney on your plumb AUDIT KtM mg Alt pboa buy, mra and mot pack, saip and way. work. work gusrtnfeed. v cnj nmmi mu M7. PlaMMatj Co., good. si pub tit south on , ABT" A Staataa BE CLARENCE LONONBCKER. PhOB, 44. MB CAJU'KT atEKOVATOU. rirst national Bulk nklg. 1ST equipped storage warebous to th - ItU NANO A WELLBORN. Phone southwest, trarfc raenitte: low Inauraace AUDINU HACBIXEIl rsiea City Transfer Co. Pans MM. CHINA PACTTWQ. MOliE auaiNMoa- - numbing guaranteed. EL PASO TRUNB FACTORY Nw war. BURROUGHS waiter r. Ervin. l s. aiaaioa rnone in house, safest location; poelttvel d nuat far tale. Orders lowed Y alive quick SO rata. Pboae 104. DALTON A (Idiot Machine!. It Mini BL taken club prties a specialty. Prlcei being to opportunity, I'RiiNTi) PLUMBERS, TIt. Phone 1061 (leo. Cowherd, INTO Wyo Work guaranteed. reasonable Mra. STORE AND OFFICE nXTTTRKS. V tnln. Phone 440-- AD LKimO. tTKiNS, plnenhtag. pnon no ucniuM'a studio. Lucerne Apta. P. asm to advantage or conditions " S. D. BASSPORD. ucer.r an tbe Oaleway 4W take CO. Pboa MM, Co. molino Clta--I ippman't. Trim Hdt. BUSH PLUMBtNO lty Fixture Courteous treatment, ClAIRVOTANT prompt, efficient and honest atrvtro for ARCHTTKCTTB. outlined in Wants, honest prices. Ton Tex. Phon AMI. CLAIRVOYANT readings free. 110 Taxat that are the O. H. THORMAN CO.. PUBLIC stenographer dept. Draugbon't Btie-l- STOVE REPAIeUNQ. BtreeL College, lo Trust Bidg. Phone ttftt. Architect. STOVE RKPAIRINO New parts made and 4M Rxbm Banner Bide. CSJC AJI AND PRESSINO. VV) NAT. BANK BLDO. Phon IM. carried for all makes of L. J. U Paso. Ttxsa. UtO many gain success FIRST doves. Peeler, with D. A M. Iron Work, corner E. Phone tm. BRINO US roar eicuv to press only t'irth smi B. Florence Sis. Phone 344. cents a atuu laoreoaaa, in tutor, tj REAL ESTATE Oregon st. Phone MM STOVES taken down, furniture repaired, ART GOOD. UK a I. ESTATE. RENTALS AND INSURANCE, hnu scoold .roods packed by B. M. Lopei, nderson-Fille- Rlty Co. Real esut. S.L'. vrtle Ave. with Schaffer Purn. fxc. CUCVatRTS and Imi and MJk building, insurance inretunent. luten. nurtier tuoca. rnon en ill SPANISH LESSONS .rood: bawt, ream, dlk MMkarekMs. CORRUOATED steeL Dalle llinillm mm apes; Iran td tad mntiAti. Mexican drawn work er Myrtl. Sunt A Whit Mil Co. CONVERSATIONAL method Palmore college. Henry 8. Beteh. 104 mil. KKAIj estate agen otes. DANCING. EDUCATION AD. JBWELRY repairing. NEW And SECOND HAND CLOTHES SPANISH lessons Phone . ALL the latett dances taught in data and DRAUOHN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE - Book WATCHES REPAIRED RIOHT Expert watch private lessons. Ryan's Dancing Academy kaamn atenornhv. BnaMth ana En- ana jeweiry repairing, ait won guai 1. w M( Antonio. SHOrtv 0FFIC-Ag- Furnish competent eme help. teed. Snider Co., San REPAIR IN0IWÍDENT ASSAY o1 or llth. NEW AND HECOND HAND Hills. Button A White Mf ore and ehemloai enaly DEAD CATTLE Outranteee pom ions me mots GOODS shipper' tty college WML R. P. WATCHES cleaned Me, main spring! 50r, WANTED To bu Mina examined and reported upon. busin la tb Davla. All guns H. MM S. ti. 1414 144. Bidg. eryttaU tic. work guaranteed two Mobr. Bullían a specialty. Corner dead eat'.la, bortdt tad mule Manager. Pbonaa Trust wmy, nan work Jan year, oaaera jeweiry co.. An Mr F.I... AN SM Pranciaeo Chihuahua StY. U Tax. hauled away free 1'bont 74, imroedlately BL I. BROS. Phone 710. Frlaco. and Po. Mrs. Corrtngton. axpreulon. Buckler B.. M. ionio SANATORiUMA NtTRSERIER. TRANSA 8KAMOM AMA Y 00 altad UK. rrank FACIAL MAHBAUA .UNA likiAUOIM. EL PASO SANATORIUM FIB c ERA H. K. M. Manager. Auayera. dentists. 7 Sainton. El. PASO NURSERY CO., Inc. Frull and or- ule nurses. HtlM lll.M up. F.L PASO rhemlaw mining engineer. Agent tor EL PASO IRON AMD METAL CO.. .Sot Baa PiiMPROY'S TRANSFER CO.. SM and Facial massage, sctlp tretttnent. hair drees namental tree, shrubs, flowers and BIO 8. Oregon. Storage, baggag ore ahippera. M San St.. El Pato. OS A Bid. Antonio, doalere scrap iron, runner, tod Francisco First Nat. Bank Wdg. ing manicuring. I Buckler Ph Mil la plant:; roses our specialty. Nursery ind rrelghl Phone 1444. Teiu. P. O. Sot 97. Phone ttSB. copper, brats, bones, eic. Pboa SMB. greenhouses two block Alameda; phone transfer. DR. A. BURTON. SI Milla Bidg. Phone 107. at VOTED sMO. atore Kl cor- PEED ALAMEDA CO. prtee Flower lie t'onrecllunery, .MADE :N EL PASO Odvanlsed ateel. The RAN A98ATER8. CHKMISTS. METALLURGISTS THE JUNK payt Wgbest ner of Texa and Mesa; phone a. I SIiATORA National all kind of Junk, Alameda. 17. W. best made. Drllaa and MyrtM. lillis, crltrhett A Parvutoa. reoreaaotatlvei for first CLAYTON. OCAO and Flfit. for lilt l.lefgreen. Mgr. Sutton A While Mfg. Co. ore añwtar; umpire WALTER S. pnone aw. shippers lo El Pino and Phone IM. Phone ut for pur fd, alto control work a APENOSE. bay and grain. Prompt dllvary. ORNAMENTAL IRON. water. Me. El JMJTVE Nalton, Ftrii and 3L vraln. Phone TUIUUSa UA I MB. MEN. MANUFACTURERS or CITY N. We aollru the D atronare of attorneys. FOR ornamental Iron and 310N CO.. IM Btanloa. Phone lit: ILLINOIS BOTTLE AND Jl.'NK CO., wire work or ill Bout: western 40A N. OREOON. Louie, Phone 100. Corporation or individuals In any class of OQ. kind. legitimate investigations. Civil or criminal SadIWt Txat Saddlery toot B. overland Bt. Phone imi. iron no v.'ir works, 704 Texa. Pb. sow EL PASO S10N CO., 414 Me. Phon lt:ty. cases bandied by expert Investigators In the TYPEWRITER,. FITTING hECOMJ-RAN- ATTORNEYS. United Sutes and toxico. Roota 507, Two GABODINE KEY PAIN TINO AND PAPERING. UOODS EOR SALE Republics Lire mag. pnon 347 RUFU8 B. DANIEL. LAWYER B. 74c ; oil Me. Phon Mot. A. A. BERN, IBM Ban Antonio. Keys fitted. TON N. away your old . FIVE gal. gasoline EL PAINT CO.. IM Stanton. P. U47 WHY throw furniture when tor mechanic. Sunollea for all ma an sunt uuuoing. Phone THF. BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AOENfY. locas repaired rnon awe. we ere poaiiiveiy in wgaeet peyera tor machines. Rebuilt Typewriter CO., AM Mtsa. Investigation made In civil and criminal HAIR DRESSING. PACKING. second oanc lurnllure and bouaebold arti- Phone 2747. caaes. IM Nit. Bank Bidg. Phone 4406 LAP ROBES. cle? El Paao New and Second llaud Store. i ' Marnello GOODS Lli. me Mil. 400 S. El Pa0- HA1RDRES8INO. mnlcttrlnf and Lap West Saddlery Co. packed by Oelger bell the globe Rodrigue!. Roberta Robes Texts Transfer, Itortge. Ph. DOG FURNISHINGS. preparations. Mlaaes repairing. Mills Ph. sit. Agent Corona typewriter. Banner Bidg. basement. ror good any si LIVERY. I aJ you more your than nrm In the FurelshlDoe Wet Texts Saddlery Co. chauffeur and will nevar Co. 0f lob. city. Ml S. El Pato. Waatern furniture BARBECUED MEATS. HARNESS. LIVERY, boarding and sales stables. Pom i uon ItsT DRUG STORES. eroy'i El Paso Transfer Co., S. Sart as West Texas Saddlery Co. Oregon, pnone asas. PASTRY GOODS. t. A. Wtabar S Co. Maw 113 E. Overland, HOME MADE PASTRY, bat roll noon and location. formarle AND WOOL. MEDALS AND BADGES. LF. A WANT Ad and you BBOlLJgKB) S. El Pate, Wilt be pleased to welcome HIDES evening, largest ana best to loaf of bread. chauffeur vlll VSlsHUNAJty BLBCAONB. IM m p. never lac a joo. old customers and nW. Phone tan. U. S. REGULATION medals and pollc at me rure rood eatery Deader ior FIN N E0AN BROWN CO. Hide. wool.ne!ta os BL M. MORCASITAS 8 S. El Prop., san Antonio Phon MM. PR R. A. HlOtilNS. Phone MS. 106 South JOSR A. City retl eital. tallow, etc. EI Texas Albuquerque badges made to order. Paso 8L ees, Special OWL STORE. A. B. Ryan, ProprleaoT Pat. SAVINGS RANKS. Oregon Hospital for horses and dogs. food bou Mexican produce. Druo N. M. ; 6ouglas, Art..: Phoenti, Arlk.: tlea Beans and corn. 3S0 Ftrat Hal. Bank Open all night. Phones Chihuahua. Méx.; parral. Mes. MEN'S SHOES. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Bidg. Phone 9769. Arlt.; DON'T be uennr wise and T. BROWN, vetennsry Phon 17. Deposll your earn.ng' while they are for BOO Texas. Phone SM. A CO.-- Ul Texas Saddlery Co. DR. FREEDMAN. IOTA. horses, A. BBOWNSTEIN pIt, Legglegs Weat Mill Bidg. Ph. yours. You an b nk with us by mall. low, wool, etc. omc and warehouse ItOI . m. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Angeles. oioiwr, .ai iiauwoai oaoa. iu teaaa. MASi ii. Phon ii7. ocitvit k s. Antonio. WARNER'S DRUO CO. Telephone Texaa. Pb. Ml. Mita office Lo MERCANTILE AGENCIES. PIANOS. EMERSON HARE, general contractor and Prompt deliveries. BEwyia MACMiNxta. WAGON YARDS. builder; jobbing, plana and eatunatet. HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES. LOCAL MERCANTILE A0ENCY. H PASO PIANO CO., oldest house In Kl Paao Phone 2tt7. Reriorts and ratings of individuals, roller W. - Schutt, Prop. SM Texaa St SEWING machine for rent. Free. Stager, will save yon dollars. west Teiae Saddlery Co. tiona. Mmbura of tbe National Ataociatlon White and Htandtrd. Machlnee repaired. grdn. PILES CURED. All repair guaranteed. Needle for all LINE, the horse and cheaper BUSINESS COIXEOKS EMAN. Mat.. or machines. Rogers Co. TM. feed, better DRUO STORE. ICE AND FUEL. makes Fur. Ph. than H the rest. HORSES nd MI LES REXALIi Herald Bidg. any SCHOOL OP BUSINESS. 1100 REWARD for uncomplicated cat bought, sold and boarded. Thoroughbred MODERN oí "The Home School." MM W. Boulevard. RIO AND FUEL pu but wnuout use xnirs Jersey bull ror service Corner Overland Distilled Water. ligature, cauterymi! or carboho acid snd r.antpbeil Bit. Phon tM. Phone MM. All commercial subjects and Pur s.- tun SptrUah. Day and t aenooL Mary I. edles. 3T7 E. san Antonio. Phone isi or IM Put Distilled Water Ion. i tilth MOVIN0I Novlngl Call Odoro's Transfer Co. INTERN A1TONAL BPMClat.iaTn SAtEET METAL PRODUCTS. Mantón, I'rtnclptL Pnone Mao. corner WELDING. DRV GOODS. Tens and Mata, El Paao. Tat. AAa WHOLESALE and retail. Tank, culvartt. CASH REGISTERS. JEWELERS MUSIC suos, etc. ror cauttog. CORLISS cylinder and riywheel welded. Saddlery Co irrigation pip, ata Ban Glevee West Texas Hill. Sulton A White Mfg. Co. Phone 444. Brown welding Co.. Ml f rancisco. LOAN on diamond t 6 per cent. WALTER DAVIS Piano teacher; M month. NATIONAL rath register, new and second 90.000 TO or hand; easy payments. Repair work an EVERYTHING FOR THE HORSE. VVatches clewed, 50c; mMnaprfng. BOe; voice, to. fnon rent. electric pitting var metal la any tCMk SHEET METAL i Denver Jewelry Co., IM Ban flnlah. Southwestern Iron and Wlr sheet metal contractor supplle. A. 1. Strayer, Sale Agent, Ml warranted. 1. N. Corrlogion, violinist. Buckler B., ,v MyrUe, opp. Clip Hall. Phone MS. ataree Blanket west Tttat Stodlery Co. Antonio, wurwam Bid. iTru, ixa ei. rnon a soot. lex BL Phon MM. Whips West Tx Saddlery Co.

Do FUeSRAL SKMCMVK at VK FEDERAL COURT PROCEED INCH. here he attended a director' meeting of Legal preferred By fAc press ansirini.. Notices Utah Copper Attoctatmd the regional reeerve bank. pr" or legal THE STOCK MARKET wanttn pía NEW YORK STOI.K EKCH.ANOJC ímSi. SS -- Indlrlmeala Returaed and MeverM Ptoaa of "In Hie way or earnings," continued Mr. Western Union , irn iiy icoerai re Westing house F.toctrlc .....J...x.....1tl BKCLRITIE8. rve bnk lncresd about tt.tou.oou dur Uullty Recorded. Martinet, "the Hellas bank la making better Total sales ror the dy. 813,000 shares. In the last week, according to the state Several Indlciments and four pleas or progress than any other, and Is rendering Order executed ror cash In an ineni or tneir condition April laued by gullly were received By Judge Henry D. t splendid service to Its member banks. METAL MARKETS. New York Stock sachan gt . . uuicq iuuay. it a now Cltytnn. or to redera! district court ror The director are very optimistic over the Securities. RESOURCES. tbe western dlttrlct of yrstorday outlook, and they are fully convinced that station for automobile should be ber New Verb Mttol. A Curb com ana Txa reserve system rendering a iXSTEBBAY. Boston Ntw York stock. uota eerurirttet tSM.MO.ooo morning. In the lb court ad- ine is greet mltted, and prohibiting the use of public Ae Assectefed Pre AU Coppers. i snver irtrnoon help lo the business interests or the streets end alleys for repairing and work- Sy Arlaont iruiirr ihiiu, certifi journed, and moil of the court attaches stele isew Tor, pru iht" rr Quotations gladly rurnlahed. na untioitry coin 30.011,000 a help that will certainly lacrea rrom ing upon automobiles and other vehicles, oung, . iie pent their hour at Washington park year to year. be, and same Is hereby, amended so By (Ac trolytic, the Associated Prtu 1J.ITH. t.llHl4i CartlM Manning A C. Total . .IIMM.OOu witnessing the air and speed exhibition that hereafter said section shall read: New York, April id. Prorit taking of Bills the of the al- t iron unc banged. discounted and loans: under auspices Elk. "Section I. Thai all service stations and very broad and general character was Flrat National Bank Bidg." witnin yes- gasoline service most sole upon spec- naiuriiiea ll.r9.onn Bernabé Floret, who wta Indicted substations and stations the restraint further New York Sliver. El Paao. texas. Maturities within I RAILROAD TIME TABLES ulative m today. l.r,Hi..i terday morning on a charge or passing a for automobile or other vehlcl in the excesses the stork market A led Phone m. - TIms Ta Is s2. a. At Bu the asocie Press inner MMJSW United Stole money with sj. crts.iv, ilai at, city of El Paso, Texas, for supplying auto- tbe opening United States Steel was April 10 MarcantiM ppr, poatofrire order Mara l. lail. mobiles vehicle with gasoline the reature. Opening at a ad- New York. a forged signature, was arraigned or other rractlonal U per cent. Total M JSLOOO material tasasasiau ti shall be located within on or tbe follow- vance, it toon gained a full point M M, before the i. and plead gullly. He waa a. P. A B. bar llvr, WV4C- - investments .TIlJMO coiii ing districts, but- at speedily Fell back to MVs under the SSc. Duo from federal reserve to serve iwtnty on day in the '(a) On Tex street between Campbell weight or enornsoua orre rings. It close Mexican dollars, bank, manned Oovrnment bond stedy. Hems In transit D.IUV0.0O0 Paso county Jail. l:M.as. and Stanton atreels. was it to. a Joint loss, on dealings In excea strong. All other ptieurcee "(b) On the north side or Myrtl avenue or tMLooo abare. Railroad bonds Lucas Floret, one of th several Marra I TucuaKn-- faao Local ::::::::: tStt between Campbell and Stanton streets. Bethlehem fell back points In tbe TotM residents who were indicted by the grand or of Steel t El Pas BaaelUr Quolelloa. THE GRAIN MARKET reiourret .BMBJMeM 3s.au "(c) in that portion the city n Pato early dealing and increased this loss to 4 Daily.) Jury for Illegal liquor traffic, waa arraign- 81... 1 . Franclaoo or (Corrected LIABILITIES. Maaik Baas tt south ol San street tad west point. (Handy A Harmon quotation), ed on on or Illegally sae Santa Fe street, save and except on West Bar Mlver capn.i paid m MM.irr. iioo iwo count, telling I CalUiaalaa San Antonio street. The Marrtmans. tbe anthracites, Atchison. Dfrte. neserve deposll UM liquor and the otber or having smuggled ' "(d) On Mills street between Kansas and Canadian Pacific. Pennsylvania and New London lead. Ml 10. lederd reserve holes In elrcul- - v''1" meara) in Ills tuxsession. He plead guilty York Central rose to Uj points, but railed Pig leid. M uon each of the cbargea, and waa sentenced lZHtar U Wat ireeis. to bold. Rock laland'a feverlab course re- wire . All Suu DaUkM Tbl ordinance shall take erreet bar. other liabilities rive months imprisonment and a fine ÍUnloan atl III) flected next week's meeting or the r UU iSB Mexican Money M TOIM or lira) nn the rtrst and lo six months by rising almost tour points, all or B liabilities MA) .701 .000 BM SI Pa A ataja re BMg. which It subsequently hist. (ouotttloni Front tbe MeilcsnP.Amerlcsn Dold reserve ttalnst net ii.o.nn,. in on the second. ara. inaau Is per cent. ' otn Oae, charged with having In hi Arslea. Bonds were strong, but railed to keep Trading Compear.) By the I .socio ted PVet paca movement In Total Nacional and Bank of London bill. IHe. aan reserve against net liabilities mo possession smoking opium, was fined $Ui aasla, nvaat M:.St. with the docks. Chicago, April that spot nd per cenL Bl kl fas Psisaaest sales, par value, i,76l,uuo. Stat bills (federal), tic. May into til strong when be plead guilty. 1st U Nofl- K- 9m NOTICE. VIII deliveries were pessiug cash reserve Panama coupon and registered currency, 74c. would-b- or to- against liabilities alter .STKt It 17c. hand forced sellers wheel to per The Jury In the eaa or M. B. iwatwa..... Notice It hereby, given that the partner- H per rent on call .luring tbe weak. Mexican sliver paao. to about acting add cent gold reservo ara In si Burt uJSirto,Mtu?r .. day be extremely cautious net Derbyshire-Harvl- - ship or E. A Pumpbrey and H. Puffl- - Closing Mock prices were s Mexican silver hair dolltf, Mc. amount of federal reeerve note Ut agdntt tbe Iron A Ma- I. rollowc on bear new. In consequence the market M rey, the latter selling bit Interest to A. Alaska TOold JStt New eagle. 7. up last night. per cent. hlne company for 110.000 damages for eagtoi, rloaed y rompared with Blttlck. conducting a tire and supply Amalgamated Copper OM Corn nulshed to 0Vc down, oat SANm' personal Injuries, returned a verdict lor ttass k Bast name or Pumpbrey i WEEKLY STATKBMCYT. antn. business under tbe firm varying from !v.c decline to advine and the pialntlfr. granting htm 11.000. Burke Cltlt Tire aau supply Co., located at lit Texas Anasrlcan UVEBTOCK MARMSTS. provision at a rite of Mc slleged he waa II CSS I St., El Paso, Texas, baa by Hetining .. Bp 'A Asasetoled Pre that injured while la th trass 4 wat M.. been, mutual American stneiung and Wheal at the atari underwent a nlHMIIi uipiuy oi me company in an consent, dissolved. Do preferred Y.orh sUterueot of oeienoani h"Í Heflnlug Eert Worth Llvesteek. on tbe break, however, short who tried lo .Jf'T.U coadlflon Aritona mining camp, and thai the com ah accounts due ami owing in rtnn win American Sugar cover orrertngs to nave neeawet actual of rlearlnt house banks r.::::::::::Jg be paid by E. A. Pumpbrey. Anxrlran Tobacco Bt Win to I A Times round tar MMpatilaa show thai they nold pany wa liable to the sum aard foi April 10 Re nrlslnvlv small The Mav ODtlon In Dr E. A. PUMPHRBY. Aaaconda Mining ForttUlworth. Mor reserve in etrex of legd re permanent Injuries. M Nuil Atoe ... H. calm tan. MarketTo. kMIOr TOO tlrulsr bad bean absorbed In small lot! by J PUMPHRBY. Atchison blaber. ror - uulrtunenu This u a decreaM of wj.iuu Mataa,i3ít A. W. B1TTICE. 7.M: bulk. Market Mc higber ror houses which generally act aat et- rroM last week. The California Petroleum noara sMIeiueut rollowt. SAYS HE IS ILLEGALLY MELD. April 5. IMI. Canadian Paciric Actual cuudilinn HrTaSiaiisi sm Anglo French and t i iotral Leather cable report Ual tbe Loan, ele, M.MMH.BM; decrees mjm.- .si ajóla" ::::::::::::::mSk.. Chesapeake aud Otuo liády íeerTftear!!" wT7?ieMttw' Russian niel were stain stUcklng the M0. Brcuadtoe Guerra Beeke Liberty TarvagA Chicago Oreat Waeieru te ror me weea; oeei vmmim of CatMtaattnopI vrnded lo ease the . ateaaae tarpu rrodlags. I! DEALERS Chicago, Milwaukee and si Paul.. cows id aeirers tic highar ; bull wheat market darla me i ta I nour. Alleging that ttocundlno Uuerra bald M EL PASO CATTLE sturr tMpMcfile wa to be astU-i- attb u CBicaaxi Mad NarUrweitcrn higher; ceives trong. docker Adrteaopib an uck th county jail by Sbenrr Peyton Edward IMa.sk AND COMMISSION FIRMS. Chino Copper hither; calves strong. atadeea bad their efface Rervs ut federal r re ra:bank. ailt.MC napee IJMass. iiiegaiiy, corpus proceedings, ta Colorado Fuel and Iron Sheep No receipt. Corn sagged árly snd lata with wheat. 000; tncrette, MM. M0 re lar toa aijoed turnable Monday were as aa uria Celaradu tad Soulbera tne nuu war aaaaici bv tlie slow "P0-10- '"' wM.OMW Ifternoou yeder Pass atojsss Oinver and Rio Onad Oaleaf ÜveeUek. aat of caab daniao i. Covering 00 the deíraaSVlíf' day Inautuled lo the county court la be- reUUvaly M' or Do preferred Rrín mtddtTof tha.ntwkel cr?iTtMV,P,-,- - hair the piiaoaer Th petttloo tltogrs Manlier.' SocarliMs la tbe tie session. that Ouerra wss and by Advwice the provision uurkei could trld enteared Ittass. Jaaras Krte ui UrHIU' MI'MeMI. lucre Justice or tbe peao Ul Baa Ail on BUTTE P1CTUMTJL EtouMlsj be waned largely to the ipertod ' MaaM rtjSt.t' t tar lo 11 SLETMANT IN OenarM a charge or cairytos a H Oreat tkw of boiditg tbipmeats. Caah deeaaid ayiAriAMB; Mcreeee tit.oos, puto!. ws com Airto stag liímés. Nortbern pfd. Improved umiiinia. milled in the county Jail in Noribern Ore rtfs Mats 10B. Market needy. Ma from tbe aouth was said lo have default or Mr 0rt ntmr ti a goad Aggregat reserve, 000 fine or lioo. The petition t Ouggaoheloi Expluriliun 7 ura beef deer. MdM-t- western steer. falto aeai. till J71. forth that slle, IlUbala Central CVMlng Exce reaerve. i7jfu.Mu. daweat AU.- - lb justice of tbe pesce s. led M Man to, rMve. MJI4BS.7I. quotations wr a followt: ouUld ms Ptisisi alais, teas f Bstat tilai. mm Uurborough Metropolitan pfd. ... M. Sat. Tisrket dull Sheep, WVl-Ít- y, July ms jurisdiction in trying county Yaaurday launitratiaa Saris at ta (I.W. 1111. Susnaaery or court lottilratrao eppwr M tUaMLtt. lambs. stale beaks aed trui com case, gaxt for Uto or th .saetía, ra., aeiasa. Cosntnarce oat a batch 7.I0LM. peato tt reléale pri Ha, Üii.ni rkaiaBM of eal of in creator New York not included In oner. II i. aUMUs Pssi. til eateaty-r- t photograph. showMg viewa clearing nous Mats m sal; t&?ammm :::::::::::::: Hay, July, aorore J aan J j Dearer. , IIIa aat ! Las Cewt atrae Bull views of PV Lard Moj. io7. was oraaa. ft,al 1 a of tat Etepnant dam. farm Louisville tod NttbvlUl lathe imwslst ItA-i- July. um. lie cntrged with then of ever MM al mMMlii. will F aara! tar operations M ta El Peto tad Mesilla Mexican Petrol uu Tdtot f.ca trial la the district court Mato raMTSalTL tt 1i VULTt Miami Oopper SMCINBa B BSSWNSD. ibIw? tnrraaa at Tuatanr as a asaraa teteuN with Na, A It Tasa. atM vMlepa tad a number of view of El Paao Missouri. Kansas and BvBU Ttxa me Heeaipu. stttdy deadly weapon, tod lb ie entered wit tat ssaraei TIMA Floyd. of Buriato Mis,.un Pclf1c Saaaa' rash rerv in l UokMNO MAE aaM't ta fd deer. SIMM (Marl. UySt WetTs Bady Pewad to Bsssap M Judge tie.ver ceaaiderrd a preveoUMve laienaMart r SadYM. M. T. ia!v.Td)Tt agataat at retóte ir uquiiied of ta aropUfm ill, tS aaMkni!l ' ta liaeSTIaaaattl ReoMal Market Maadv Ti- -r, seuit barge. Tbe cae TbU aneara próvida isrtaiaaaaal for By Apeetel War I ftud yesterday Lsaai t a i oasv yaartlBf. MtoaMM. hurley. N M April w lyd Weekly ws swum ao ay a. P. WMdger, fsass. a. MleMtU. niotu. WoH. Ptoatol Sattow. and . looses, clubs end lo M years By A a Press KBRMjaj CITT MM about eaaptoyed aa bMMlB ld dieg. tatl Telle sluts aa satanauhllf .SIS aiutil u.vua au.l me rural BUt. pumpman, wa droaa- - New York. Aaril " aaara a toa hri.Higing to WMdger. vudevill is ess eaglaeer and lound " II WIU MM tlkt o Ve grapas fur IsetsMttdi mA 1SL mi Tata wail ateas helped lo this one r aCilto f In Ik uik tuirlcu SA -- hmn ui lb Parly ftrat dUirtrt eourt. altor sata yMiarday to make a aertea of M I th most sentetload vUhE iurkt weeks wsroed poulU-- ai'ich'sntw' atg atatt.ui al Bt MB MM MSMMV, as acuvuy. tan day trial, lb Jury ut Mm cat of elide, ble will IlktMrM toe Maree Us f u IttiMrn bout aatle sou Hurley Tburs tlMf?sMHsUur" h.c. V.CÍ1 Ovd ka agalaal lb Tata Pacific tad tur. m b atvea a a Mo arena day eveolna Si were the loaitoued tenia F railroad. digid and waa lis riawaitoa propxl. there will be ao BagCoMnMdid topptt The atkkape h not been rúñalas Mr B dvaac la a auna a. iei to us new rt- - attosad Keep wet sunt for sib sr. I dam May SMSIkl past ad Mr Wolfs ta Maae tlic Uire, lo(i ages which be uffred M MM ebipmeai aatvtoa, and Has pbalta tare seat M UM uf .ni over lb derwtueat raUroads ipr isl auiaaca and raaaial M lb BuXtaio ArTheto7 sZ !fiJL5!!,iI lw t?L"ich pfd lato to aba wuwauoa Ut search wBAMt MAULAS HBSSSYB SAME. ra. M By Asm Mated líethexrúeí PdatU 1. til pert, or Pre to MaaMg ta body wa bgua I inaawr. aaaaktanai growth of New York AMPS IB BM eaMMI U WoH had been m SM ana Ml lsMtkiP's trade a reie.ru.1 t TÍ!!r asMMMMaf eglsad ta lac No sales l aSswWrffij "Bq iMI" ' . rwd or brettod attxk red aprtag vV'bau lew. atatMM. ato. a-- ass at Myt, hair. M MM Beep year ye opea tor ilwiMnl bar tbM at 'wwa abawMf any MuNAxtANS AÍW .mi I aabaMWad additional (avurabla atore busto. doaa than otaer ORANt P'aiii IWT mi MM potato Al tbe Oca. BU notary EdHtua. It wlU be a AJabBMB. A bawtker Bve faaaWBrWr fimv pBMk0)4Mat I rfcHIJ M4 Pattt Mvttoea. rcaSü "l 'ivd ititirt. kiecl of ii rtAu M ti re ssjd net retara alb,r ituraed rrouDalUa. triv aatiy taaTSBMar). a 20 EL PASO MORNING TIMES SonrW. April II. 19 1 5.

T. H. ROGERS & CO. ) T- H- ROGERS & CO. "Prices on All Shelf Hardware, Tools, Stoves, Refrigerators and ( - - 108to112N.StantonSt 108 to 112 N. Stanton St EL paso, TEXAS ) House Furnishing Goods" Lower Than Ever Quoted Before ( el paso, TEXAS Rogers Entire Stock of Furniture Now On Sale WE ARE SHOVING IT OUT

This Quick Action Sale is Now the Talk of the City HARDWARE CARPET AND RUG DEPT. DEPT. SPECIALS SPECIALS 25 Ft One-hal- f Inch Guaranteed ra )P Hoie, Quick Action Sale Price OL.LO Spade, Iron Strong Steel Garden (Similar Bedsto Cut.) 6x9 Smyrna Rugs, Quick Action Quick Action Sale Price 50c Continuous post Iron Beds, full size, white Sale Price $4.95

Twelve-toot- h Wrought Steel Rake. enameled or brass finish. Quick Action Sale Price 49c Quick Action Sale Price $3.85 Go-Ca- rt Heavy Spading Fork with lone strap (Similar to Cut) 9x9 and Wool Fibre s f ferrule, Quick Action Sale Price 79c Rugs, Quick Action Sale Price. . pD.DD Collapsible Go-Ca- rt with rubber Long Handle Round Point Shovel, tires and hood, all complete. Quick Action Sale Price 79c Refrigerators A carload at Quick Action Sale Quick Action Sale 9x12 Grass Rugs, Quick Action Large sue Aluminum Rice Boiler, reg. $2.00 Price $3.95 Sale Price $8.85 value. Quick Action Sale Up From...... $5.35 Price $1.39 Lawn Mowers, Quick Action Sale Price, up from $3.65 LADIES SEWING TABLES Red Cedar Chests 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs, O All Steel Cot, Similar te Cut, Quick Moth, dust insect or Special - and proof, handy Quick Action Sale Price DlaC.OD The Famous Wizard Mop, with bottle of Quick Action Sale Hard- Action Sole wood, well finished, Price (To qp and handsome; rag. $11.00 value. Polish, Quick Action Sale Only awJ.CfO Quick Action Sale Price $1.39 folds 95c y jJJJ 50c Size Wizard Polish, Quick Action Hall Runner, 27 in. wide, Quick QQ Sale Price 39c Mattresses Quick Action Sale Price On Action Sale Price, yard OuC Screen Door Springs, Quick Action Quick Action Sale Special an Brass Curtain Rods Sale Price, each 5c 40 Pound, Pure White Cotton Springs Handsome brass extension Curtain Mattress, art Extra good quality, heavy link Rods, complete. Quick Printed Linoleum, Quick Action Grass Shear, Quick Action Sale Price, Sn Of Cg ticking $3.95 Springs, full size, reg. $5.50 value. . 4)0. OD Action Sale Price 7c Sale Price, square yard 45c If You're Not Ready For Your Furniture Yet Pay a Small Deposit and Let Us Deliver Later

1 jWsSSA nam n "Hardware and "Now or HIGH Never House Furnishing T. H. ROGERS STOCK At These Goods at Almost CLASS Greatly Reduced Your Own Prices" AT THE OLD STAND 108 TO 112 N. STANTON St, EL PASO, TEXAS Prices"

'Beautify Your Homes Now Make Them Comfortable and Attractive At Saving ill Many Instances FULLY ONE-HAL- F

nhi upun Hi quettiont tow uppernmal hr until aflrr iba ronrrrenrr peaeea upon lai arr una mal roau Tbla liilla Taxaa a hrdul or abaudeese utataiiij s aatate owned by tbe camera aa well aa in the li-- nuellon Ihein and Ibey bavr been certified lo Iba road prarnla dim. ulu It It about U .000.1)00. H waa tiajijajaal from Mi.ua 10 1110.000 ml lea of tale ajarafe RAILROAD AFFAIRS r olhr by Ajfil mm U On IS 1Mb ur April ' hartra A I'rnuly luir mala coniraen-- nmajlnlnb laiiurd Ibaro navar aa a oounrrnal aa as lar Ideal to traif bteuuta Iba luir, latea wUl be nrnipleted July I. ltd "J " f valuation, who If In of in addition in ittr ill abova ror bulattiaf 11 and tbal It laaiui out lb. rurvea and bvy eiulHUik Tb arara of vaiultyv im railwajrt nrfleer as forb1ciwjkacUve'aiíleitó herir CiaUfiralloo I flit 'h ihr iifuiUr tat undertaken by the inier nirniioiird. Ibr olbrra whlrb brra oparalad al a loaa and tbal no uwnu. la Iba titration now hi utdude, TCiat wiu urn puawaa atmultanroutly witb t.i.nai tun corva Ml rutmerrcr . oiniiuatinn. that of aa uiiplrlod. or al Inaal Iriiiporartlybaao ard fair arala of ral vbirb would ba proru-abl- or to rajetl the roela of tbla work, wbbvb the taaaa j. ..Tlainuia; lbs ' tual phvtlral valuation tbalr phyawal raltiauon ara iba M 10 ulnar roada ibr, tautr nr nuo ur II ru4 utintoiy would aaabaa tala on 10 br anawerad not only aa to tbla compara IK STATE OF TEXAS of tbt railroad property la in, lanía blriaiiasbani a Ailantlr. Iba Norfolk vr oí tailed UI baa aummonr.t a nayraber of 4 Soutbrm and tar I ir nan niabr a lliar. Tbar ara auny m Taaaa lively minor road, silt as te many tb ARMY ORDERS railroad - radwiri and Uilrriiatr Podru 4 Salt I railwaya It la rtm w ho wia ajuaieoa tbaaa ataaruaaaia and moat iniportanl ayataana lu ibe rottatry aud 1. ud.-- Ibry arrvr ao 1,1.1141 iba hiably many Balllloavt dot TNawae raasthwrre eulburlUri m aaaeuablr bar and Mal tara ait aatsU rail ad iinnoriam lutol.et af but tl trtre St tb f.iiuJ0lhi raaurod 'liat4' e"' " tbr dala lhai baa been of .111 noariiui una worb utay baa upaa ibr trton. April to Leave of aajajtaue terured about all in api tbal or Vahen Dtrartor Praaty evolved bat Mr,. i,ru, xv rau M4i Cover doarn 1. i aaeeeaitwait Tbeae Csami la Iba work 10 bo unaartabm rmurr ray ulaUun ano laiaiMao carrtar. arbarae of atablas teal valuatlona or half lor ait monllu U rrantad Piral Urut rreU u.uiuu kn. medical ji in lb Loaa Utalr I B Tweffib aHTMma aenrplr valuatlona barn made with BaaaV Star a doaaa of Ibe tanaUer uvea. It waa bit bdwardt. cavalry Uw her ut ttj Uroaa's Taaa lrw 10 ealabltabUf a tyaleaa af la Tba MluiaM la paraubal ap The New tarltaat. Taxaa 4 Mauro Ian idaa tbal three tañante ñatea would prttaal of abaaore ror two tfjOAMbt apoa ra- lllo ami appralaaanaot thai III Tu aa) ur ba Urnrrom ba purirnania or Mra M..11 i.n-- ii.n. ruibiarra UUbt oar nalea tracfe utoai of tba ixobliata that wlU aa tter duly witli lrkalileo r.aunaat W t.uiow.d on. ludiii ii serk. Sul ba ara Ira uf road Tba rirai waa rooalrui Ird withia law laai der oun tared ta every tavctaaa af tb rouatry area ted Major Howard C. Prase (captain or rora lb ai la about III ml lb at, awawaaape a drlinllrly eai ecu uiwa. M 11.11 II a adr and y4 lavaaltsatvon of Uw ...... arad II la to aatwer tb aaaiaraaji tajiitlasi to be atturaad a tfaitlitjtrb at Ttm rtaa aawd Um raah-rri- ,.r of wu bouabl al htra jafeatry .tp.it,, .m uv,m rtoaura ror laaa tauu.onu tourar rated rajreaaa la Mad la dareloe (bat hare praeeaied teat irte " tbr work ibai baa baae ritjllahrl i'a it alanoai ao to be l Ire - rrr--ai (Val reltable feria ara oaltla.il to head lay. II roal to build a mora aua 'arrear wiuun peal 11. cr aud rgdmur nortvrord. i.aardine lb raMt of rnaiaTaVTtaoa A te saafebje s TSleallaa af tas wary a erine a nitatver or jlui brtibaroay apenal .uaru.uun riawpaajr atartad to un. ka CoL Cbarta N. raaapauy anal uropartv of tbe railroad. Iba Oetaraoa. cavalry, la ra saeaei mtn t aw ran n build lor tbe railroad lalarr artille rrteiataraa r isamtsslna atutt. alao. urad rtwaa acuta aeritaa, effecUra Autruai weawsatea, eara Wii ae ma Taaaa BaUwej a a tal a a. lb csaauurtina r.a.pnjraa itje and valuation of tbe taltvwreyb "ate. a altvi IIM Tata of taaaa aaaaeat asar ia .aliad tor in tba dirr.uon. c.r prdát Laava of aaS 1 nut, a. ola Taaaa and a ibirit to ibr laaaratsaa aaabaiir wbat Solt, a it .baubr. inUSB af a win. h paea Inrousbruu llw. vial Tkor far lb pbtalial talualtuu aud tarrarul raar. tba vslaisSaaa Sivastun waa five a. aeat rvednjMiurui II - II SMSt-tS- rmeM ajk MRU IV tria. Midland Nrw Tv.ae aitual aiur of ta lainuaal- of al U by tbe taei niadH ta Tie work boa.. of oil, .vi, to .utulal uf' for duty Wi ih. t C tn dittaMu or aalualloa zrriun 1 af railroad la fata. H may be '.ti and Mr.iou aiul kaoae iij ..uib. in Iryt ibla i. piral orphV n forre la at at srastiy aipinSaS al urn leuutid W.ad atktaS kUatea ar.ordml mn Tbr prHiiuanary ikai beau by Uaa atad Brbj U llar will be browfbi l u....i fnur.. bait aaatad tuan of flaVar ruada. taaataU aa'abaaTaaaa repor once n la etévacaad tbal iba valuauou ilea faabar Sbae. iwsaral Laata of taaaa. r ror two at to "'mm -- r ,n.. eiiultt u abo iba ptiyahel ara 10 baa. iba la as of auaaa tu lajas of luuUISt sanansai bhwmh UlSlI .el aut ba aad eaatiaa iroaa stua railroad riedtv.uk H. avareaet, ajktar- - eases SbV ai uaUue of abata taaaa will awl be wed pub asta arbisja ansis ara ta ba raatbaS aad arta, ail of lb fetaajj. artsaiH aad real