Review Article

The genetic implication of scoliosis in : a review

Gang Liu1*, Jia Chen1*, Yangzhong Zhou2, Yuzhi Zuo1, Sen Liu1,2,3, Weisheng Chen1, Zhihong Wu2,3,4, Nan Wu1,2,3

1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China; 2Beijing Key Laboratory for Genetic Research of Skeletal Deformity, Beijing 100730, China; 3Research Center of Orthopedics/Rare Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China; 4Department of Central Laboratory, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China Contributions: (I) Conception and design: G Liu, J Chen, N Wu; (II) Administrative support: N Wu, Z Wu; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: Y Zhou, S Liu; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: Y Zuo, W Chen; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: G Liu, J Chen; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence to: Nan Wu. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, No. 1 Shuaifuyuan, Beijing 100730, China; Beijing Key Laboratory for Genetic Research of Skeletal Deformity, Beijing 100730, China. Email: [email protected]; Zhihong Wu. Beijing Key Laboratory for Genetic Research of Skeletal Deformity, Beijing 100730, China; Department of Central Laboratory, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, No. 1 Shuaifuyuan, Beijing 100730, China. Email: [email protected].

Abstract: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a kind of heritable connective tissue disorder, including blue sclerae, hearing loss, skeletal dysplasia causing fragility and deformities. It is typically caused by related , which could lead to bone formation abnormalities. Scoliosis is one of the most common and severe spinal phenotype which has been reported in approximately 26–74.5% of all OI patients. Recent breakthroughs have suggested that OI can be divided into more than 16 types based on genetic mutations with different degrees of scoliosis. In this review, we summarize the etiology of scoliosis in OI, especially the genetic studies of different types. We aim to provide a systematic review of the genetic etiology and clinical suggestions of scoliosis in OI.

Keywords: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI); scoliosis; bone formation; gene

Submitted Sep 06, 2016. Accepted for publication Aug 17, 2017. doi: 10.21037/jss.2017.10.01 View this article at: http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/jss.2017.10.01

Introduction unilateral spinal anesthesia (12), among which scoliosis is commonly seen. Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a kind of heritable skeletal According to previous investigations, the prevalence of dysplasia, which is often called “fragile bone”. It affects scoliosis in OI varies from 26% to 74.5% (2,3,5-7,11,13,14). about 1 in 5,000 to 20,000 births (1), and most cases are The severity and prevalence of scoliosis in different types caused by of collagen related , non-collagen of OI is various (Table 1), and the type III patients often genes account for less than 10% of OI patients (Table 1). had higher prevalence of severe scoliosis than type I and IV The classical phenotypes of OI include frequent long bone (2,3,6). fractures, vertebral compression fractures, , The outset years of scoliosis in OI cases ranged from blue sclera and dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) (11). Patients 2 to 65 years (15), always the spinal malformation progresses can also have other manifestations, such as scoliosis, rapidly after 5 years old or after the spinal curve exceeds

© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved. jss.amegroups.com J Spine Surg 2017;3(4):666-678 Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 3, No 4 December 2017 667 Reference (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) – (3) (2) (5) (6) (4) (3) (5) (6) (4) (3) (7) (8) (3) Scoliosis prevalence Scoliosis prevalence (total sample size) 10 [30] 17.6 [244] 19 [57] 36 [72] 39 [159] – 47 [100] 57 [7] 100 [8] 68 [81] 72 [18] 31.3 [147] 70 [10] 54 [59] 61 [21] 31.3 [16] 57 [42] 76.5 [17] 27.3 [11] Scoliosis rate progression per 1 degrees year – per 6 degrees year per 4 degrees year – – Vertebral Vertebral anomalies Codfish vertebrae (adults) Platyspondyly Codfish vertebrae; kyphoscoliosis; platyspondyly Codfish vertebrae Mild to moderate scoliosis Compression fractures Compression fractures; scoliosis Severity Mild, nondeforming Perinatal lethal Progressively deforming Moderately severe Moderate to severe Moderate to severe Phenotype blue sclerae, Fractures, and hearing loss often Fractures, succumb due to cardiopulmonary causes gray or blue Fractures, sclerae, short stature, often DI, “popcorn” sign of distal femoral growth plates on radiography Multiple phenotypes and with or without long bone di, frequent fractures scleral Variable hue, calcification of interosseous forearm membrane, radiodense metaphyseal band at plates of long growth , radial-head dislocation osteoid Increased volume, decreased bone formation parameters Protein defect Protein Matrix insufficiency Collagen structure Collagen structure Collagen structure Bril-marker of osteoblast, critical in bone formation PEDF 17q21.33 or 7q21.3 17q21.33 or 7q21.3 17q21.33 or 7q21.3 17q21.33 or 7q21.3 11p15.5 17p13.3

) ) ) ) ) ) COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 IFITM5 COL1A2 COL1A2 COL1A2 COL1A2 SERPINF1 Inheritance (gene) AD ( or AD ( or AD ( or AD ( or AD ( AR ( ) (continued) Classification of OI types and vertebral malformations e (OMIM Table 1 Table Typ I #166200 II #166210 III #259420 IV #166220 V #610967 VI #613982 1 Table

© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved. jss.amegroups.com J Spine Surg 2017;3(4):666-678 668 Liu et al. The genetic implication of scoliosis in OI Reference (3) – – – (9) – Scoliosis prevalence Scoliosis prevalence (total sample size) 40 [5] – – – 63 [38] – Scoliosis rate progression – – – – – – Vertebral Vertebral anomalies scoliosis Severe Severe scoliosis; could be similar to OI type II/III Kyphoscoliosis; may not have compression range fractures; of skeletal similar features to OI type II/III/ IV – – – Severity to Severe lethal to Severe lethal to Severe lethal Severe Moderately severe Moderate Phenotype Neonatal fractures, osteochondrodysplasia with rhizomelia, broad undertubulated long bones, frail ribs. White light gray or rarely, sclerae Neonatal fractures, osteochondrodysplasia with rhizomelia, broad undertubulated long bones, frail ribs. White light gray or rarely, sclerae Neonatal fractures, osteochondrodysplasia without rhizomelia, undertubulated broad long bones, frail ribs. light White or rarely, gray sclerae Blue sclerae, skin blisters and bullae at birth, inguinal hernia Phenotypes broadened, I with Bruck syndrome Delayed tooth eruption, midface hypoplasia, normal sclerae Protein defect Protein CRTAP P3H1 CyPB HSP47: collagen chaperone defects, delayed rate secretion FKBP65 osterix: Protein regulate osteoblast differentiation Locus 3p22.3 1p34.2 15q22.31 11q13.5 17q21.2 12q13.13 ) ) ) ) ) ) CRTAP PPIB SP7 LEPRE1 FKBP10 SERPINH1 Inheritance (gene) AR ( AR ( AR ( AR ( AR ( AR ( (continued) (continued)

Table 1 Table (OMIM) Type VII #610682 VIII #610915 IX #259440 X #613848 XI #610968 XII #613849 1 Table

© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved. jss.amegroups.com J Spine Surg 2017;3(4):666-678 Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 3, No 4 December 2017 669 - Reference – – – – – (10) – – Scoliosis prevalence Scoliosis prevalence (total sample size) – – – – – 100 [2] – – Scoliosis rate progression – – – – – – – – Vertebral Vertebral anomalies – – – – – Vertebral compression fractures, platyspondyly – – Severity Severe Moderate to severe Moderately severe, progressively deforming to Severe lethal – Mild Progressively deforming OMIM, online Mendelian inheritance in man. Phenotype Long bone deformities, wrists, elbows and interphalangeal joints hyperextensibility. Normal or blue sclerae, osteoporosis Early-onset osteoporosis and in utero Fractures after birth, beaded ribs, callus formation Bone fractures, joint hyperlaxity, and underdeveloped weak muscles of the lower extremities, and bowing of both and humeri, expressive speech comprehensive soft skin delay, – joint Progressive contractures Protein defect Protein C-Propeptide cleavage enzyme TRICB: regulate calcium release – DGKZ isoforms 1 in fiberblasts SPARC Plastin Lysyl 2 hydroxylase Locus 8p21.3 9q31.2 12q13.12 12q13.12 11p11.2 5q33.1 Xq23 3q24 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) WNT1 BMP1 WNT1 SPARC PLOD2 PLS3 TMEM38B CREB3L1 Inheritance (gene) AR ( AR ( AR ( AD ( AR ( AR ( XL ( AR ( (continued)

Table 1 Table (OMIM) Type XIII #614856 XIV #615066 XV #615220 XVI #616229 XVII #616507 Others #300131 Others #601865 XL, x-linked; COL1A1, collagen, type I, alpha-1; COL1A2, OI, osteogenesis imperfecta; DI, dentinogenesis AD, autosomal dominant; AR, recessive; member F, clade serpin peptidase inhibitor, 5; SERPINF1, protein transmembrane interferon-induced IFITM5, protein; -associated type I, alpha-2; CRTAP, collagen, clade H, member 1; FKBP10, FK506- isomerase B; SERPINH1, serpin peptidase inhibitor, 1; PPIB, peptidyl-prolyl proteoglycan 1; LEPRE1, leucine- and proline-enriched pigment epithelium-derived factor; TRICB, trimeric intra PEDF, ifitm-like protein; 1; CyPB, cyclophilin B; Bril, bone-restricted 10; P3H1, prolyl3-hydroxylase binding protein acidic, cysteine-rich; protein, secreted cellular cation channel type B; SPARC,

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IFITM5 PEDF Osteoclast Bone resorption

Mesenchymal cell Osterix

Membrana interossea Bone mass Osteoclast


TRIC Golgi

Figure 1 The pathogenesis of different types of OI with scoliosis. OI, osteogenesis imperfecta; CyPB, cyclophilin B; SPARC, secreted protein, acidic, cysteine-rich; FKBP, FK506-binding protein; P3H1, prolyl3-hydroxylase 1; CRTAP, cartilage-associated protein; PEDF, pigment epithelium-derived factor; IFITM5, interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5.

50 degrees (16). Although scoliosis was rare before 6 years different types of OI (24). This review will be the first to give of age (17), some types of OI can also have scoliosis just an integrated genetic landscape and aim to provide a basic after born (18). knowledge of scoliosis in OI (25). The curvature of scoliosis in OI was different varying from 7 to 105 degrees (19). According to a national cross- Genetic variants and pathogenesis sectional study by Karbowski (14), 73.7% was mainly mild (<40 degrees), while 10.5% showed moderate (<60 degrees), There are 19 types of OI according to genetic variants, 9.2% severe (<80 degrees) and 6.6% very severe deformity the pathogenesis is not fully understood yet as shown in (>80 degrees). The vertebral deformities included codfish or Figure 1. Based on the mechanism, OI can be divided into wedge-shaped vertebrae (20) which were mostly common, five groups (26). According to previous research, all of the and platyspondylia. Another study indicated that there groups and 16 types of the 19 types were reported to be were four types of vertebral body deformities including manifest with scoliosis. biconcave, flattened, wedged and unclassifiable vertebrae. In the first group, OI is mainly caused by defects in The number of biconcave vertebrae (normally six or more) collagen synthesis, structure, or processing including type may indicate the severity and possibility of scoliosis (21). I–IV and XIII. Most of OI patients have mutations in type Although scoliosis develops indolently, once the I collagen related genes. Based on severity, OI is classified malformations evolve, they tend to be progressive and have into four types (27). As shown in Table 1, patients with OI numerous influence on the patients’ life, such as pulmonary type I to IV always have variants in either collagen, type I, function and height (22). The treatment is ineffective in alpha-1 (COL1A1) or collagen, type I, alpha-2 (COL1A2). severely affected individuals who have minimal cortical The production of type 1 collagen α1 or α2 chains would bone (23), so it is necessary to prevent spinal curvature decrease. Patients with type I OI always have lower bone progression before severe complications arise (16,17). We mineral density (BMD), thinner cortexes and reduced are going to explore the tendency and severity of scoliosis, trabecular number (28) which would cause vertebra and give some interventions before scoliosis progressing in compression fracture. Together with joint hypermobility,

© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved. jss.amegroups.com J Spine Surg 2017;3(4):666-678 Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 3, No 4 December 2017 671 patients manifested with scoliosis as shown in Table 2. Type of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5 (IFITM5) II OI is also caused by mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2, could cause autosomal-dominant OI V. IFITM5 has close but this type is always too lethal to observe bone change relationship with osteoblast, which may elucidate hyperplastic and scoliosis. Type III has severely deforming and higher callus formation and membrana interossea ossification of prevalence of scoliosis with vertebra compression and forearms after injury (65). Patients with scoliosis could have platyspondyly. Bisphosphonate treatment could decrease cystic lesions vertebral bodies or vedge-shaped compression Cobb angle progression rates in type III at early age (24). fractures (41). Connected with IFITM5, SERPINF1 which Type IV can also have vertebra compression and severe underlying OI type VI encodes protein pigment epithelium- scoliosis. OI type XIII is mainly caused by BMP1 defects derived factor (PEDF) (41). PEDF plays an important role which leads to retention of the C-propeptide (61). Scoliosis in osteoprotegerin/RANKLE-pathway (66). Some studies with umbilical hernia and platyspondyly were reported at had shown that decreased PEDF level may lead to activated early age (58). osteoclast increased and thus induced bone resorption In the second group, OI is mainly caused by defects (67,68). This type OI could have severe scoliosis (33). in collagen modification including type VII–IX, XIV and In the fifth group, OI is mainly caused by defects XVII. The collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation complex which in osteoblast development with collagen insufficiency consisted of three proteins in a 1:1:1 ratio of prolyl3- including type XII, XV and XVI. SP7 which encodes hydroxylase 1 (P3H1), cartilage-associated protein (CRTAP), protein Osterix is target gene of Wnt pathway. Scoliosis and cyclophilin B (CyPB) has a significant collagen post- in OI type XII with SP7 mutation was also reported (57), translational over-modification role (62). Each of those osteoblast development defects were considered to happen protein is encoded by CRTAP, LEPRE1 and PPIB. Defects in this progress. Both heterozygous and homozygous of these three genes which cause delay of collagen helix WNT1 mutations could lead to OI type XV. As a member folding could lead to OI type VII, VIII and IX (63). Defects of Wnt family, mutations of WNT1 could cause complex of secreted protein, acidic, cysteine-rich (SPARC) which signaling pathway defects in bone formation. In this type, encoded by SPARC also could lead to delay of collagen scoliosis with early onset osteoporosis was reported (18). folding, this type OI is considered to be type XVII (10). Type Just like WNT1, CREB3L1 mutation could also influence XIV is caused by TMEM38B mutations. The mechanism osteoblast development which may cause OI type XVI (69). has not been completely elucidated. According to recent But no scoliosis was reported yet. As OI type XVI, PLS3 studies, TMEM38B mutations could inhibit calcium mutation could lead to OI manifesting with osteoporosis release, abnormal calcium signaling would decrease and fractures (70). The exact mechanism is not known and osteoblast growth and differentiation (64). Meanwhile post- report with scoliosis was not found yet. translational modification of collagen would be influenced by calcium alteration of endoplasmic reticulum (26). In Mechanism of scoliosis those types, patients with scoliosis always have low BMD as shown in Table 2. The mechanism of scoliosis in OI has not been clarified, In the third group, OI is mainly caused by defects in it is thought that there are some triggering factors such collagen folding and cross-linking including type X, XI as vertebral microfractures caused by vertebral growth and type caused by PLOD2 mutation. OI type X is mainly plates injuries or bone fragility. Some other factors like caused by mutation of SERPINH1 which encodes HSP47. length inequality, pelvic obliquity, ligamentous laxity and HSP47 is important in stabilizing folded collagen and inter-vertebral disc abnormalities would lead to scoliotic transferring to Golgi (49). This type of OI could lead to progression. platyspondyly and scoliosis at early age. Like SERPINH1, The vertebral body malformation may cause abnormal FKBP10 is another important gene in procollagen spinal curve in OI. Wedged vertebrae had been reported in modification (9). Its deficiency could lead to OI type XI. OI patients representing kyphosis and quadriparesis (71). Associated with FKBP10, PLOD2 which encodes LH2 is Fragile bone and fracture could lead to deformities in some another gene which could cause OI (54). Scoliosis is also severe OI forms, for example scoliosis (72). Although this very common in both types. is very common in OI, scoliosis patients can have no spinal In the fourth group, OI is mainly caused by defects in fracture (32,59). bone mineralisation including type V and VI. Mutations Osteopenia is also very common in OI patients which

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1990 (31) 1993 (30) 2014 (41) 2013 (7) 1989 (39) 1993 (40) 1996 (36) 2015 (29) 1996 (34) 1996 (38) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. 2013 (8) Reference Wang Stover Willing Shapiro 1992 (32) Venturi 2006 (33) Wang Molyneux 1993 (35) Oliver Pruchno 1991 (37) Venturi 2006 (33) Lund Marini Marini Farber Semler 2012 (42); Cho 2012 (43); Shapiro et al. Rauch Venturi 2006 (33) Overlap phenotype hypermobility Joint Ligamentous laxity – Hypermobile joints – Joint laxity Basilar invagination Marked osteopenia Joint laxity – – – Hypermobility – of Regurgitation the tricuspid Joint hypermobility Joint – Onset age (years) 13 28 33 38 22 5 9 2 3 12 40 3 19 5 6.5 10 >5 3 Vertebral anomalies Vertebral compression Vertebra fracture Mild, <10° Mild Mild Mild – compression Vertebra 40° fracture, Vertebra minimal compression, scoliosis Moderate Marked Platyspondyly – prominent Severe, Mild compression Vertebra Small cystic lesions vertebral bodies Wedge–shaped Wedge–shaped compression fractures Severe OI type I I I I I I III III III III III III IV IV V V VI Inheritance Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous – Function Frameshift Splicing Frameshift Missense Missense Splicing Frameshift Deletion Missense Missense Missense Missense Frameshift Missense Missense 5' prime UTR – Mutation location c.700delG IVS26DS, G-A, +1 c.4358_4362delAATTC c.661G>T c.3421C>T IVS17+1G>A 562-BP DEL V255del c.4391T>C c.994G>A c.2461G>A c.2503G>T c.1964_1966del c.3028G>A c.1588G>A c.119C>T c.-14C>T – Gene COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A2 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 COL1A1 IFITM5 IFITM5 – (continued) Gene variants in different types of OI with scoliosis

Table 2 Table region 17q21.33 17q21.31-q22 17q21.3 17q21.3 17q21.3 17q21.3 17q21.31-q22 7q22.1 17q21.3 17q21.3 17q21.3 17q21.3 17q21.31-q22 17q21.3 11p15.5 11p15.5 – 2 Table

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2010 (51) 2007 (47) 2011 (50) 2011 (45) et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. 2015 (44) Reference Balasubramanian et al. Amor Willaert 2009 (46) Cabral Dijk Van 2009 (48) Christiansen 2010 (49) Kelley Alanay Shaheen (52); Schwarze 2013 (9) Barnes 2012 (53); Puig- Hervás 2012 (54) Schwarze 2013 (9) Overlap phenotype Osteopenia Low BMD Osteopenia Osteopenia Hypermobility Osteopenia retardation Growth osteopenia Severe Osteopenia Osteopenia, wormian bones bones Wormian – – – – – – Onset age (years) 7 4.2 13* 6 4.5 1 22 – 6* 6 13 11 – 7 14 – 8 Vertebral anomalies Vertebral compression Vertebra mild fracture, compression Vertebra fracture Platyspondyly Platyspondyly Severe Platyspondyly Na vertebrae Wedge scoliosis Severe Compression – – fracture Vertebrae fracture Vertebrae – – OI type VII VII VIII VIII IX X XI XI XI XI XI Inheritance Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Heterozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Compound heterozygous Homozygous Function Nonsense Deletion Splicing Nonsense Nonsense Nonsense Frameshift Missense Frameshift Deletion Frameshift Frameshift Frameshift Frameshift Frameshift – Missense Frameshift Frameshift – Mutation location c.118G>T c.804_809delAGAAGT c.2055+18G>A c.1102C>T c.1656C>A c.451C>T c.556_559delAAGA c.233T>C c.122_156del c.321_353del c.831_832insC c.743dupC c.1271_1272delCCinsA c.948dupT c.14delG c.337G>A c.344G>A c.831dupC c.831dupC+c.948dupT c.1330C>T Gene CRTAP CRTAP LEPRE1 LEPRE1 PPIB SERPINH1 FKBP10 FKBP10 FKBP10 FKBP10 FKBP10 (continued) (continued)

Table 2 Table Chromosome region 3p22.3 3p22.3 1p34 1p34 15q21-q22 11q13.5 17q21.2 17q21.2 17q21.2 17q21.2 17q21.2 2 Table

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et al. et al. 2013 (18) 2015 (59) et al. 2016 (60) et al. 2015 (10) et al. et al. Reference Steinlein 2011 (55) Seyedhassani 2016 (56) Lapunzina 2010 (57) Martínez-Glez 2012 (58) Cho Lv Pyott Mendoza-Londono et al. Puig-Hervás 2012 (54) Overlap phenotype Hypermobile joints Joint contracture Pectus carinatum, wormian occipital bone Umbilical hernia, hyperextensibility of elbow, bone decreased wormian density, bones Umbilical hernia Osteoporosis Fractures Joint hypermobility, BMD decreased – Onset age (years) 43 7 8 15 & 5 12* 4.5 2* 19* 5 – Vertebral anomalies Vertebral – Kyphoscoliosis Mild scoliosis Platyspondyly Mild Slight – compression Vertebra fracture – OI type XI XI XII XIII XIII XIV XV XVII others Inheritance Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Compound heterozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Homozygous Function Nonsense Frameshift Frameshift Missense Missense Splicing Missense Nonsense Missense Missense Mutation location c.1207C>T c.976delA c.1052delA c.747C>G c.808A>G c.1297G>T c.455-7T>G c.893T>G c.884C>A c.497G>A c.787G>A c.1856G>A Gene FKBP10 FKBP10 SP7 BMP1 BMP1 TMEM38B WNT1 SPARC PLOD2 (continued)

Table 2 Table Chromosome region 17q21.2 17q21.2 12q13.13 8p21 8p21.3 9q31.2 12q13.1 5q33.1 3q24 IFITM5, interferon- cartilage-associated protein; *, month. OI, osteogenesis imperfecta; COL1A1, collagen, type I, alpha-1; COL1A2, alpha-2; CRTAP, clade H, isomerase B; SERPINH1, serpin peptidase inhibitor, 1; PPIB, peptidyl-prolyl proteoglycan 5; LEPRE1, leucine- and proline-enriched induced transmembrane protein acidic, cysteine-rich; BMD, bone mineral density. protein, secreted 10; SPARC, member 1; FKBP10, FK506-binding protein

© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved. jss.amegroups.com J Spine Surg 2017;3(4):666-678 Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 3, No 4 December 2017 675 might be the pathology of scoliosis because of vertebral Acknowledgements fragility (73). Some studies have shown the positive Funding: This research was funded by National Natural correlation of scoliosis with Z-score BMD and BMI (74). Science Foundation of China (81501852, 81472046, In Col1a1Jrt/+ mice model with OI and Ehlers-Danlos 81772299), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (7172175), Syndrome (EDS) (75), the scoliosis mice had lower BMD Beijing nova program (Z161100004916123), Beijing and bone mineral content (BMC) compared with age- nova program interdisciplinary collaborative project matched +/+ littermates which may lead to the early and (xxjc201717), 2016 Milstein Medical Asian American rapid progressive malformation of vertebrae body. Partnership Foundation Fellowship Award in Translational There were many other factors which may influence Medicine, The Central Level Public Interest Program for scoliosis in OI. According to a retrospective study (11), Scientific Research Institute (2016ZX310177), PUMC scoliosis was significantly associated with age, whereas other Youth Fund & the Fundamental Research Funds for the clinical characteristics such as gender, weight, SDI were not. Central Universities (3332016006), CAMS Initiative Fund In some cases (76), scoliosis and vertebral body compression for Medical Sciences (2016-I2M-3-003), the Distinguished only happened during growth. Engelbert (4) found that the Youth foundation of Peking Union Medical College age of first achieving scoliosis was associated with the age of Hospital (JQ201506), the 2016 PUMCH Science Fund for anti-gravity motor milestone, such as “supported sitting”. Junior Faculty (PUMCH-2016-1.1). The connection may be caused by mechanical loads change. Some other studies also shown that the prevalence of scoliosis at maturity was not influenced by bisphosphonate Footnote treatment history although the treatment could decrease the Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest progression (24). to declare. Another important reason is increased mechanical strains during childhood. Mechanical loads with osteopenia can cause bone remodeling and progressive deformations, References and the pedicle elongation is the most common result. 1. Byers PH, Steiner RD. Osteogenesis imperfecta. Annu Some OI cases with severe hyperlordosis had been Rev Med 1992;43:269-82. reported to be caused by lumbar pedicle elongation and 2. Arponen H, Mäkitie O, Waltimo-Sirén J. Association spondylolisthesis (77). Some other researchers proposed between joint hypermobility, scoliosis, and cranial base mechanostat model to illustrate bone deformations cause anomalies in paediatric Osteogenesis imperfecta patients: by mechanical forces (78). a retrospective cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskelet Joint hyperlaxity can lead to scoliosis and chest Disord 2014;15:428. malformations (73). In a subset of OI (79), patients with 3. Patel RM, Nagamani SC, Cuthbertson D, et al. A cross- OI/EDS can have scoliosis because of ligamentous laxity, sectional multicenter study of osteogenesis imperfecta in dislocations of other joints and mild osteopenia, with a North America - results from the linked clinical research few fractures. This may be caused by mutation of exon 6 centers. Clin Genet 2015;87:133-40. fromαchain which lead to N-propeptide retention. 4. Engelbert RH, Uiterwaal CS, van der Hulst A, et al. Scoliosis in children with osteogenesis imperfecta: influence of severity of disease and age of reaching motor Conclusions milestones. Eur Spine J 2003;12:130-4. Most of the types OI could manifest with scoliosis, with 5. Wekre LL, Kjensli A, Aasand K, et al. Spinal deformities type III patients have higher prevalence and type XV has and lung function in adults with osteogenesis imperfecta. the earliest scoliosis onset age. The exact mechanism of Clin Respir J 2014;8:437-43. scoliosis in OI is complex and has not been fully elucidated. 6. Anissipour AK, Hammerberg KW, Caudill A, et al. Behavior Based on current studies, scoliosis is mainly influenced by of scoliosis during growth in children with osteogenesis OI type, osteopenia, age, BMD, BMC, mechanical strains imperfecta. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2014;96:237-43. and ligamentous laxity. 7. Rauch F, Moffatt P, Cheung M, et al. Osteogenesis

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Cite this article as: Liu G, Chen J, Zhou Y, Zuo Y, Liu S, Chen W, Wu Z, Wu N. The genetic implication of scoliosis in osteogenesis imperfecta: a review. J Spine Surg 2017;3(4):666- 678. doi: 10.21037/jss.2017.10.01

© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved. jss.amegroups.com J Spine Surg 2017;3(4):666-678