Tim Ewart | 128 pages | 01 Mar 2016 | Carlton Books Ltd | 9780233004815 | English | London, United Kingdom The Queen, 94, is pictured on horseback in Windsor - CNN

Queen Elizabeth II 's ascension to the throne at just 25 years old in is certainly a Queen Elizabeth II story. Now one of the more compelling parts is back in the news again: The controversial last Queen Elizabeth II that sparked a giant feud between her husband Queen Elizabeth II Philip and the royal family. The Queen and Prince Philip had to decide on a surname to Queen Elizabeth II down to their descendents, debating between her name Windsorhis name Mountbattenor some Queen Elizabeth II of the two. More than six decades later, the effects of their decision are still playing out. If you've seen The Crown Queen Elizabeth II, then you know how much drama was behind that hyphenated surname. On February 6, — the same day that Elizabeth's father, King George VI, died — royal biographer Hugo Vickers notes that Elizabeth was asked by her Private Secretary at the time, Martin Charteris, about what name she would rule under also known as her "regnal name". Her response? Just like that the decision was made — no drama, no eyebrows raised. Her last name was a different story. Elizabeth's marriage to Prince Philip made the whole situation tricky. Elizabeth's last name was technically Windsor — the surname of the royal family that was established in Before that, royal family members were Queen Elizabeth II by the names of the countries where their relatives ruled, and sovereigns would take the name of their "House" from their father. And so, it became tradition that every royal would pass on the Windsor last name. Prince Philip was originally born "Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark" but his family was Queen Elizabeth II from Greece when he was just a baby. When he married Elizabeth inPhilip had to abandon his foreign titles, become a British citizen, and adopt a new surname all at once. He chose Mountbatten, the last name of his maternal grandparents. On the flip side though, Elizabeth was getting pressured by her husband to take his last name. And so, Elizabeth was torn between two traditions. Initially, she Queen Elizabeth II to go against Philip's wish, and in declared that the Windsor named would be carried with her. Reports indicate that Elizabeth's decision deeply upset the Duke, and prompted him to complain Queen Elizabeth II he was "nothing but a bloody amoeba" and was "the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children. Eight years of growing frustration later from Philip and his uncle, Louis Mountbatten, who also strongly disliked the decisionroyal couple reached a compromise. The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh declared together that they Queen Elizabeth II like their kids to have the last name Mountbatten-Windsor. The letter surname could get a little unwieldy, so it's also possible he may go by "Archie Sussex" in school, similar to how Harry was known as "Harry Wales" when he was growing up. And so, unless Prince Charles chooses a different name when he becomes king, the Mountbatten-Windsor will continue to be the royal family's official surname. Product Reviews. Home Ideas. United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. The royal family's last name was disputed when Queen Elizabeth II became the reigning monarch. Prince Philip insisted she take on his surname Mountbattenbut British officials and the monarchy wanted to continue using Windsor. Eventually, Elizabeth and Philip compromised on Mountbatten-Windsor in Queen Elizabeth II originally had the last name Windsor. Queen Elizabeth II rides in her coach on her coronation day June 2, Fox Photos. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Kayla Keegan News and Entertainment Editor Kayla Keegan covers all things in the entertainment, pop culture, and celebrity Queen Elizabeth II for Good Housekeeping. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this Queen Elizabeth II to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. More From The Royal Family. Ancestry of Elizabeth II | Familypedia | Fandom

In she surpassed Victoria to become the longest-reigning monarch in British history. She is the longest-reigning monarch in British history. Elizabeth was born into royalty as the daughter of the second son of King George V. Elizabeth was grounded in history by C. Marten, afterward provost of Eton Collegeand had instruction Queen Elizabeth II visiting teachers in music and languages. She is also a descendant of Queen Victoria. Her extensive family includes several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Early in Princess Elizabeth went with the king and queen to South Africa. After her return there was an announcement of her betrothal to her distant cousin Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten of the Royal Navyformerly Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. The marriage took place in Westminster Abbey on November 20, On the eve of the wedding her father, the king, conferred upon the bridegroom the titles of duke of Edinburgh, earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich. They took residence at Clarence House in London. In the summer of the health of King George VI entered into a serious decline, and Princess Elizabeth represented him at the Trooping the Colour and on various other state occasions. On October 7 she and her husband set out on a highly successful tour of Canada and Queen Elizabeth II, D. Elizabeth, now queen, at once flew back to England. The first three months of her reign, the period of full mourning for her father, were passed in comparative seclusion. But in the Queen Elizabeth II, after she had moved Queen Elizabeth II Clarence House Queen Elizabeth II Buckingham Palace, she undertook the routine duties of the sovereign and Queen Elizabeth II out her first Queen Elizabeth II opening of Parliament on November 4, Her coronation was held at Westminster Abbey on June 2, Beginning in November the queen and the duke of Edinburgh made a six-month round-the-world tour of the Commonwealthwhich included the first visit to Australia and by a reigning British monarch. Inafter state visits to various European Queen Elizabeth II, she and the duke visited Canada and the United States. In she made the first royal British tour of the Indian subcontinent in 50 years, and she was also the first reigning British monarch to visit South America in and the Persian Gulf countries in On the accession of Queen Elizabeth, her son Prince Charles became heir apparent; he was named prince of Wales on July 26,and was so invested on July 1, In the s, however, the royal family faced a number of challenges. Moreover, Anne divorced, and a fire gutted the royal residence of Windsor Castle. The Queen Elizabeth II and later divorce of Charles and the immensely popular Diana further eroded support for the royal family, which Queen Elizabeth II viewed by some as antiquated and unfeeling. In line with her earlier attempts at modernizing the monarchythe queen subsequently sought Queen Elizabeth II present a less-stuffy Queen Elizabeth II less-traditional image of Queen Elizabeth II monarchy. These attempts were met with mixed success. In Elizabeth celebrated her 50th year on the throne. The following month she surpassed George III to become the second longest-reigning monarch in British history, behind Victoria. Also in May, Elizabeth made a historic trip to Irelandbecoming both the first British monarch to visit the Irish republic and the first to set foot in Ireland since Elizabeth is known to favour simplicity in court life and is also known to take a serious and informed interest in government business, aside from the traditional and ceremonial duties. Privately, she became a keen horsewoman; she keeps racehorses, frequently attends races, and periodically visits the Kentucky stud farms in the United States. Article Contents. Print print Print. Table Of Contents. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Top Questions. Elizabeth II was born on April 21,in London. Royal family portrait, Aug. Princess Anne is in the baby carriage. Elizabeth II in her coronation robes, photograph by Cecil Beaton, Queen Elizabeth II reading a speech from the throne at the state opening of Parliament, Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Queen Elizabeth II Cathedral for a service celebrating her Golden Jubilee in Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Eden resigned in Januarypartly because of ill health but chiefly because of…. In mid-May, Queen Elizabeth II undertook a four-day visit to Ireland, becoming both the first British monarch to visit the country in years and the first to visit it since it became an independent republic. History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened On This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email address. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Queen Elizabeth II. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Queen Elizabeth II: Latest news & updates - The Telegraph

Her father ascended the throne on the abdication of his brother King Edward VIII infrom which time she was the heir Queen Elizabeth II. She was educated privately at home and began to undertake public duties during the Second World Warserving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. She has reigned as a constitutional monarch through major political changes, such as devolution in the United Kingdomaccession of the United Kingdom to the European CommunitiesBrexitCanadian patriationand the decolonisation of Africa. Between andthe number of her realms varied as territories gained independence, and as realms, including South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon renamed Sri Lankabecame republics. Her many historic visits and meetings include a state visit to the Republic of Ireland and visits to or from five popes. Significant events have included her coronation in and the celebrations of her SilverGoldenand Diamond Jubilees in, andrespectively. Inshe became the first British monarch to reach a Sapphire Jubilee. She is the longest-lived and longest-reigning British Queen Elizabeth II. She is the longest-serving female head of state in world history, Queen Elizabeth II the world's oldest living monarchlongest-reigning current monarchand oldest and longest-serving current head of state. Elizabeth has occasionally faced republican sentiments and press criticism of the royal familyin particular after the breakdown of her children's marriages, her inand the death in of her former daughter-in-law Diana, Princess of Wales. However, support for the monarchy in the United Kingdom has been and remains consistently high, as does her personal popularity. She was delivered by Caesarean section at her maternal grandfather's London house: 17 Bruton StreetMayfair. Elizabeth's only sibling, Princess Margaretwas born in The two princesses were educated at home under the supervision of Queen Elizabeth II mother and their governessMarion Crawford. She has an air of authority and reflectiveness astonishing in an infant. During her grandfather's reign, Elizabeth was third in the Queen Elizabeth II of succession to the British thronebehind her uncle Edward and her father. Although her birth generated public interest, she was not expected to become queen, as Edward was still young and likely to marry and have children of his own, who would precede Elizabeth in the line of succession. Later that year, Edward abdicatedafter his Queen Elizabeth II marriage to divorced socialite Wallis Simpson provoked a constitutional crisis. If her parents had had a later son, he would have been heir apparent and above her in the line of succession, which was determined by male-preference primogeniture at the time. Elizabeth received private tuition in constitutional history from Henry MartenVice-Provost of Eton College[18] and learned French from a succession of native-speaking governesses. InElizabeth's parents toured Canada and the United States. As inwhen they had toured Australia and New Zealand, Elizabeth remained in Britain, since her father thought her too young to undertake public tours. Lord Hailsham [23] suggested that Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret should be evacuated to Canada to avoid the frequent aerial bombing. This Queen Elizabeth II rejected by their mother, who declared, "The Queen Elizabeth II won't go without me. I won't leave without the King. And the Queen Elizabeth II will never leave. Queen Elizabeth II know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well. InElizabeth undertook her first solo public appearance on a visit to the Grenadier Guardsof which she had been appointed Queen Elizabeth II the previous year. At the end of the war in Europe, on Victory in Queen Elizabeth II DayElizabeth and Margaret mingled anonymously with the celebratory crowds in the streets of London. Elizabeth later said in a rare interview, "We asked my parents if we could go out and see for ourselves. I remember we were terrified of being recognised I remember lines of unknown people linking arms and walking down Whitehallall of us just swept along on a tide of happiness and relief. During the war, plans were drawn up to quell Welsh nationalism by affiliating Elizabeth more closely with Wales. Proposals, such as appointing her Constable of Caernarfon Castle or a patron of Urdd Gobaith Cymru the Welsh League of Youthwere abandoned for several reasons, including Queen Elizabeth II of associating Elizabeth with conscientious objectors in the Urdd at a time when Britain was at war. Home SecretaryHerbert Morrison supported the idea, but the King rejected it because he felt such a title belonged solely to the wife of a Prince of Wales and the Prince of Wales had always been the heir apparent. Princess Elizabeth went in on her first overseas tour, accompanying her parents through southern Africa. During the tour, in a broadcast to the British Commonwealth on her 21st birthday, she made the following pledge: "I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong. Elizabeth met her future husband, Prince Philip of Greece and Denmarkin and After another meeting at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth in JulyElizabeth—though only 13 years old—said she fell in love with Philip, and they began to exchange letters. The engagement was not without controversy; Philip had no financial Queen Elizabeth II, was foreign-born though a British subject who had served in the Royal Navy throughout the Second World Warand had sisters who had married German noblemen with Nazi links. He was a prince without a home or kingdom. Some of the papers played long and loud tunes on the string of Philip's foreign origin. Before the marriage, Philip renounced his Greek and Danish titles, officially converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanismand adopted the style Lieutenant Philip Mountbattentaking the surname of his mother's British family. Elizabeth and Philip were married on 20 November at Westminster Abbey. They received 2, wedding gifts from around the world. Elizabeth gave birth to her first child, Prince Charleson 14 November One month earlier, the King had issued letters patent allowing her children to use the style and title of a royal prince or princess, to which they otherwise would not have been entitled as their father was no longer a royal prince. Following their wedding, the couple leased Windlesham Moornear Windsor Castleuntil July[50] when they took up residence at Clarence House in London. The children remained in Britain. DuringGeorge VI's health declined, and Elizabeth frequently stood in for him at public events. When she toured Canada and visited President Harry S. Queen Elizabeth II in Washington, D. On 6 Februarythey had just returned to Queen Elizabeth II Kenyan home, Sagana Lodgeafter a night spent at Treetops Hotelwhen word arrived of the death of the King and consequently Elizabeth's immediate accession to the throne. Philip broke the news to the new queen. With Elizabeth's accession, it seemed probable the royal house would bear the Duke of Edinburgh's name, in line with the custom of a wife taking her husband's surname on marriage. Philip suggested House of Edinburghafter his ducal title. The Duke complained, "I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children. The Queen asked them to wait for a year; in the words of Charteris, "the Queen was naturally sympathetic towards the Princess, but I think she thought—she hoped—given time, the affair would peter out. If Margaret had contracted a civil marriageshe would have been expected to renounce her right of succession. They divorced in ; she Queen Elizabeth II not remarry. Despite the death of Queen Mary on 24 March, the coronation on 2 June went ahead as planned, as Mary had asked before she died. From Elizabeth's birth onwards, the British Empire continued its transformation into the Commonwealth of Queen Elizabeth II. The proposal was never accepted and the following year France signed the Treaty of Romewhich established the European Economic Communitythe precursor to the European Union. Lord Mountbatten claimed the Queen was opposed to the invasion, though Eden denied it. Eden resigned two months later. The absence of a formal mechanism within the Conservative Party for choosing a leader meant that, following Eden's resignation, it fell to the Queen to decide whom to commission to form a government. The Suez crisis and the choice of Eden's successor led, into the first major personal criticism of the Queen. In a magazine, which he owned and edited, Queen Elizabeth II Lord Altrincham accused her of being "out of touch". In she made a state visit to the United States, where she addressed the United Nations General Assembly on behalf of the Commonwealth. On the same tour, she opened the 23rd Canadian Parliamentbecoming the first monarch of Canada to open a parliamentary session. She is impatient of the attitude towards her to treat her as She has indeed ' the heart and stomach of a man ' She loves her duty and means to be a Queen. Elizabeth's Queen Elizabeth II with Princes Andrew and Edwardin Queen Elizabeth IImark the only times she has not performed the State Opening of the British parliament during her reign. Her first royal walkabout, meeting ordinary members of the public, took place during a tour of Australia and New Zealand in The s and s saw an acceleration Queen Elizabeth II the decolonisation of Africa and the Caribbean. Over 20 countries Queen Elizabeth II independence from Britain as part of a planned transition to self-government. Inhowever, the Rhodesian Queen Elizabeth II Minister, Ian Smithin opposition to moves towards majority Queen Elizabeth II, unilaterally declared independence while expressing "loyalty and devotion" to Elizabeth. Although the Queen formally dismissed him, and the international community applied sanctions against Rhodesia, his regime survived for over a decade. In Februarythe British Prime Minister, Edward Heathadvised the Queen to call a general election in the middle of her tour of the Austronesian Pacific Rimrequiring her to fly back to Britain. Heath only resigned when discussions on forming a coalition foundered, after which the Queen asked the Leader of the OppositionLabour's Harold Wilsonto form a government. A year later, at the height of the Australian constitutional crisisthe Australian Prime Minister, Gough WhitlamQueen Elizabeth II dismissed from his post by Governor-General Sir John Kerrafter the Opposition-controlled Senate rejected Whitlam's budget proposals. She declined, saying she would not interfere in decisions reserved by the Constitution of Australia for the Governor-General. InElizabeth marked the Silver Jubilee of her accession. Parties and events took place throughout the Commonwealth, many coinciding with her associated national and Commonwealth tours. The celebrations re-affirmed the Queen's popularity, despite virtually coincident negative press coverage of Princess Margaret's separation from her husband. According to Paul Martin Sr. Trudeau said in his memoirs that the Queen favoured his attempt to reform the constitution and that he was impressed by "the grace she displayed in public" and "the wisdom she showed in Queen Elizabeth II. During the Trooping the Colour ceremony, six weeks before the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencersix shots were fired at the Queen from close range as she rode down The Mall, Londonon her horse, . Queen Elizabeth II later discovered the shots were blanks. The year-old assailant, Marcus Sarjeantwas sentenced to five years in prison and released after three. Months later, in October, the Queen was the subject of another attack while on a visit to DunedinNew Zealand. New Zealand Security Intelligence Service documents, declassified inrevealed that year-old Christopher John Lewis fired a shot with a. Two years into his Queen Elizabeth II, he attempted to escape a psychiatric hospital in order to assassinate Charles, who was visiting the country with Diana and their son Prince William. In a serious lapse of security, assistance only arrived after two calls to the Palace police switchboard. Queen Elizabeth II media interest in the opinions and private lives of the royal family during the s led to a series of sensational Queen Elizabeth II in the press, not all of which were entirely true. Don't worry if it's not true—so long as there's not too much of a fuss about it afterwards. The sources of the rumours included royal aide Michael Shea and Commonwealth Secretary-General Shridath Ramphalbut Shea claimed his remarks were taken out of context and embellished by speculation. By the end of the s, the Queen had become the target of satire.