July 2004 1 #143 2 File 770:143 I’ve grown a beard! Fair Warning: Just thought you ought to know. I left my electric shaver behind in the hotel room on one of my business trips. The 143 hotel returned it to me in only three days, just long enough for Diana File 770:143 is edited by Mike Glyer to talk me into experi- at 705 Valley View Ave., Monrovia menting with a beard. CA 91016. File 770 is available for She still likes it — so news, artwork, arranged trades, or it’s staying! by subscription: $8 for 5 issues, $15 for 10 issues, air mail rate is $2.50. Telephone: (626) 305-1004 book proposal, Freemasonry for Dummies . I cross inside – plus a stem that extends along a E-Mail:
[email protected] was there to work on the Offshore Voluntary side street. The lobby of the main entrance is Compliance Initiative – whether that was also covered with ornamental marble, as is the “for dummies” depends on how you feel about hallway outside the Commissioner’s office people who use credit cards in a way that lets upstairs. All the other miles of corridors are Mike Glyer’s Editorial Notes the IRS trace their unreported income in Car- surprisingly plain, rather like a high school, ibbean bank accounts…. endless yellow walls punctuated by lots of “Watch out! All those pictures of the baby is That 2002 meeting was in the Service’s cheap wooden doors. Instead of name plaques, an early warning sign! Just before the end, New Carrollton, MD office (across town from employees are identified by laser printed signs Brian Earl Brown filled his fanzines with pic- where they used to hold Disclave, right?) Two taped to the doors.