______SYNOPSIS OF DEBATE ______(Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) ______Friday, January 05, 2018/ Pausha 15, 1939 (Saka) ______


MR. CHAIRMAN: Hon. Members, three of our colleagues, that too seniors, Dr. Karan Singh, Shri Janardan Dwivedi and Shri Parvez Hashmi, representing the National Capital Territory of will be retiring on the 27th of January, 2018, on completion of their term of office. Since their retirement will be during the intervening period between the conclusion of this Session and the commencement of the next Session, I take this opportunity, on the last day of this Session, to bid them farewell.

The retiring Members have contributed significantly to the deliberations of this House and the Parliamentary Committees and, in the process, to nurturing and strengthening our parliamentary democracy and in enhancing the dignity and prestige of this august House. I place on record my heartfelt appreciation for the valuable contributions and services rendered by them to our democracy and to the society at large.

I wish the retiring Members, Dr. Karan Singh, Shri Janardan Dwivedi and Shri Parvez Hashmi, all the best and also, I wish them ______This Synopsis is not an authoritative record of the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha. 197 good health, happiness, a modicum of leisure, and many more years of service to the nation.

THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION (SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD): Dr. Karan Singh is such a personality of our country who has been a versatile genius. Perhaps, his name has been recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records because he is the first person in the independent who became the Head of the State at the age of 18 years only. Probably, it is a unique example in itself. Many of our colleagues have celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in politics. But possibly, Dr. Sahab is celebrating his 68th or 69th anniversary in politics in politics. It is a pride for all of us. He is our such a colleague in this House who has also seen Mahatama Gandhi. He has got the chance to work with all the Prime Ministers of our country in some or other way, which is a great example.

I feel myself very fortunate as I know him right from my student life and we live in the same parliamentary constituency. It is also very joyful to me as we are together in this House.

He shouldered a very sensitive responsibility as the Head of the State at the age of 18 years only. He did serve in Rajya Sabha, he was the Member of Lok Sabha for five times. He served as Cabinet Minister in the Union Government. He was Ambassador of cabinet rank in United States of America in a very crucial time. He also served as Chancellors in many universities and he is a Doctorate too. He has also been awarded with so many honorary degrees. Apart from Padma Vibushan, he has also been awarded with National Integration Award and Best Parliamentarian Award. As far as I remember he never accepted his salary as a Union Minister from the Central Government. He has accomplished many achievements in his life. Though he came in power in a very tender age, he never led a voluptuous life till now. This is a great paradigm for today's leaders. Though he is retiring today but the people of Jammu & Kashmir will never let him retire. We wish him a good health and a happy life. We hope his guidance will be available to us later also. 198

Shri Janardan Dwivedi has been very studious since his student life. He was very active in socialist movement. He has been a student leader. He has been a very good teacher from 1968 to 1993. He served as a Lecturer, as a leader, as a Reader in . He served in various capacity in Congress Party. He has been the Member of Rajya Sabha for three terms. His services and contribution for the party and the public will be remembered ever.

Shri Parvez Hashmi is an aligarian. He has accomplished his education from Aligarh University. He has been a very studious student. He served in various capacity in Delhi Government. He has been the member of Rajya Sabha for two terms. He raised the voice of people very strongly. I hope he will be active in politics later also.

I wish the coming year may witness fortune and success for all of our three colleagues who are retiring today.

THE MINISTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE AND THE MINISTER OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND DEPUTY LEADER OF BJP IN RAJYA SABHA (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD): Today our three senior colleagues are retiring. I got first introduction with Dr. Karan Singh when I was a student of M.A. I came to know about political philosophy of Maharshi Aurobindo from the book written by him. I have witnessed dynamic personalities of Dr. Karan Singh at many occasions. Dr. Karan Singh has been very brilliant in studies. He has been a philosopher king. He is a complete personality. I on my own behalf and on behalf of Government wish him all the best. You carry on leading the country in the same way. I humbly request you to continue writing which will be a great contribution for the culture, tradition and literature of India.

Hon'ble Janardan Dwivediji is a senior leader of Congress party. I got acquainted with him after joining the House. He is a professor of Hindi. We do talk about politics but he has been very

199 much inclined towards Hindi. I request you to keep on contributing for the enrichment of Hindi.

Shri Gulam Nabiji has appropriately described hon'ble Hashmiji. He is a senior leader of Delhi. He is fast friend of Shri Vijay Goel. The important fact about Hashmi Sahab is that following study from Aligarh University, the party he joined he remained in the same party and in future also he remains there and progresses, this is my wish. I wish all the best to all the three members.

DR. KARAN SINGH: I headed my home state for 18 years. Fifty years ago I came to Delhi and joined Mrs. Gandhi’s Cabinet. Out of these 50 years, for 40 years, I have been a Member of Parliament. We have witnessed an explosion in media that has changed the complexion of our politics. Parliament has evolved over these 50 years but not all the changes have been positive. I must say earlier there used to be brilliant debates. This now seem to me becoming rare and disruptions are becoming more frequent. Parliamentary system should run according to the rules. In this vast time span I interacted with a number of political laureates from every corner of life. I had privilege of interacting all the Prime Ministers apart from other learned leaders from both the Houses. I took guidance from Pandit Nehru and Shastri ji. In spite of opinion differences, all leaders worked for building a new India. India is a unique and vast country with diversified culture. The truth is one and the wise called it by many names. God resides in all. Ours is an open society. I have received cooperation from my colleagues and secretariat and much has been said about me here. I thank all of you for this.

SHRI JANARDAN DWIVEDI: First of all, I thank all of you for your support and love. I have a different point of view. I am in the politics for last 57 years. We are supposed to follow the dignity of the organisation. We develop externally instead of internally, which is rather important. My background is very simple and I was expecting lots of challenges. I roamed with Vinoba ji. I spent many years with Lohia ji. I have respect for grass root leaders. Actual experience is 200 necessary to become a complete leader. We have a large area to work. We should work for the country across party lines. It is painful for me to witness the situation when we use our vocal power instead of our prudence power. I am little bit different.



1. Need to make Toll Plaza on National Highways Free due to Problems Faced by Travellers during Fog

SHRI RAM KUMAR KASHYAP: I want to draw the attention of the government to the problems being faced by the travellers and drivers due to dense fog. It is very dangerous to travel in this condition. Fog is causing accidents and we can see vehicles piling up near toll plazas. Unnecessary traffic jams are burning fuel which is harmful for human and environment. I, therefore, request the government to make these plazas toll-free wherever this condition of fog persists.

2. Killing of Innocent People

SHRI SANJIV KUMAR: Jharkhand police had staged a fake encounter of naxalites and killed 12 innocent poor people. Human Right Commission itself took cognizance of this incident and instructed the state government to present a report which is never done by the state government. Police is forcing and alluring poor people to surrender as naxalites. The incident of Bakoria encounter is shameful for humanity. Guilty people should be brought to books. I demand that this case may be handed over to the CBI for investigation.

DR. PRADEEP KUMAR BALMUCHU: There has been incidents of fake surrender and fake encounter of tribals in Jharkhand.


It is being done through a connivance. The tribals are not terrorist. A C.B.I. inquiry should be conducted in this regard.

(Several hon’ble Members associated.)

3. Need to improve the Public Health and Streamline the Clinic Establishments

SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN: Health is the fundamental right of the people and it is the responsibility of the Government to make the health care affordable. Government is now allowing private clinical establishments into health care sector. Health sector has become a remunerative business.



MR. CHAIRMAN: Hon. Members, now we are coming to the conclusion of this Session. Hon. Prime Minister, hon. Leader of the House, hon. Leader of the Opposition, hon. Members of the House, it is an opportunity for all of us to review, recall and introspect about how all of us have conducted the proceedings of the House. As Chairman, this has been the first full Session for me. At the outset, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the hon. Members for your cooperation. Though the House could transact some important Business, it could have been better than what it proved to be. We are all important participants in the polity of our country. However, all of you would agree with me that though the Parliament is a political institution, it cannot be an extension of politics in its typical sense which is marked by deep divisions and acrimony. Sometimes it happens, but at the end of the day it is the general good of the country and the people. That should prevail. Parliament is an important institution for furthering the shared socio-economic goals of the nation which are critical to fulfilling the aspirations of the citizens who are the chief patrons of our parliamentary democracy. Our nation is 202 steadily evolving towards realizing its immense untapped potential. I have said in my first address to this august House that time is not on our side and we need to stretch ourselves to make-up for the missed opportunities and time. The legislatures of our country including the apex Parliament need to quickly evolve in the way we conduct our proceedings so as to meet the needs of our evolving nation. Having said so, this Session of the House has had its highs and lows. The high point being that both the sides of the House have reiterated their commitment to respect and uphold the high office of the hon. Prime Minister and the hon. former Prime Minister and other dignitaries. I sincerely hope that this spirit prevails in future as well. It is unfortunate that despite discharging its responsibilities to a great extent, the august House ends up losing some degree of the esteem of the people on account of disruptions and substantial loss of functional time. Intense and passionate submissions and debates are the order of democracy, but disruptions are certainly not. I urge upon the hon. Members to seriously introspect in this regard. Another high point of this Session being the way in which all sections of the House spoke in one voice and in a restrained way regarding Shri Kulbhushan Jadhav meeting his family members in a Pakistan Jail. This has been an exemplary case of Members going beyond party-lines on larger issue of common concern. I am glad to note that the leaders of all the parties in the House and the hon. Members as well were delighted over the positive media reports of the House creating a record of taking up all the listed Starred Questions on January 2, 2018 in the beginning of the year and after 15 long years. I am happy to note that there has been a certain degree of change in the way the proceedings were held in this august House, further to this exemplary performance. The need of the hour is to carry this spirit into the future. To give the hon. Members a brief statistical summary of the Business transacted during the 13 sittings of this Session, despite some disruptions and adjournments, 9 Government Bills were passed, 19 Private Members' Bills were introduced and one Private Member's Bill was discussed at length. The House also deliberated the important issues of the state of economy and employment generation besides the high levels of air pollution in Delhi.


Yesterday only we have witnessed how an in-depth analysis was made with regard to the economic situation of the country. During Short Duration Discussion, various sides of the House have made their contribution, highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of our economy and the Leader of the House has summed up the discussion and explained the actual position and the Government’s stand. That should be an ideal situation for all of us in future also to see that we discuss issues in-depth, at length, in a meaningful and a constructive manner.

During the five days when the Question Hour was taken up, 46 Starred questions were orally answered besides 51 Members making Zero Hour submissions and another 50 Members making Special Mentions on matters of public importance.

It is, however, a matter of deep discomfort that the House has lost 34 hours of valuable working time as against the period of 41 hours of Business transacted.

I am happy to inform the hon. Members that the Rajya Sabha Secretariat has brought out New Year Calendar, 2018, on a novel theme of the top leaders of various countries who had addressed the hon. Members of both Houses in the Central Hall of Parliament since 1955. The Calendar has photographs of 12 such leaders. I compliment the Secretary-General and his officers for this initiative.

Three hon. Members, namely, Dr. Karan Singh, Shri Janardan Dwivedi and Shri Parvez Hashmi, representing the National Capital Territory of Delhi would be retiring from this august House on the 27th of this month. We all would be missing their sagacious contributions to the proceedings of the House.

In the morning itself we have seen how excellently they made their final contribution in this House and the entire House heard them with rapt attention and we are all in full praise for the contribution they have made to the proceedings of this House. That must really 204 inspire us. The Parliamentarians, particularly, the youngsters should see to it that in future they also conduct themselves and get such acclamation by the House as well as the public also. I, on behalf of all the Members of this House, wish them a happy, healthy and meaningful times thereafter.

I am happy to place on record my sincere gratitude to the Leader of the House, Shri Arun Jaitley, who, from time to time, used to enlighten us and explain to us the Government’s point of view and also clarify, on certain important occasions, when certain issues were raised. I would also like to thank the Leader of the Opposition, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Ministers of Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Ananth Kumar and Shri Vijay Goel, the leaders of various parties and groups represented in this House for the cooperation and courtesies they have extended to me.

The Deputy Chairman has been a great source of support for me. I thank him and also the Members of the Panel of Vice-Chairmen and the officers and staff of the Secretariat for their help and cooperation. The Deputy Chairman takes most of it in the House. You know what I mean. He has the patience and perseverance also to conduct the House.

I wish all the Members and the people a Happy 2018, Happy Makar Sankranti, Happy Pongal, and Happy Bihu. Jai Hind.

(The National Song, “Vande Mataram” was played.)

The House adjourned sine die.

Desh Deepak Verma, Secretary-General. [email protected]