Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Branch

“Contributing to the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy”






About CPA Scotland Branch

Since its establishment in May 2000, CPA Scotland Branch has facilitated the needs of Members not only from the , but also from other Commonwealth legislatures. Since its beginning, the Branch has continued to build on links that have been established over the years and welcomed engagement with new partners.

Scotland Branch has sought opportunities to add value to links already established between Scotland and other Commonwealth countries. Activities reflect the objectives and priorities of the Scottish Parliament’s wider approach to the world and are consistent with the foreign policy of the . Wherever possible, CPA Scotland Branch seeks to compliment the work of the and other organisations within Scotland to promote Scotland and her people on the international stage.

CPA Scotland Branch organises and sponsors international conferences and seminars in the Scottish Parliament and arranges for Members to attend CPA conferences and take part in cross party visits to other legislatures.


Presidents: MSP Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament

Vice-Presidents: The Rt Hon MSP MSP

Executive Committee: MSP Margaret Mitchell MSP Tavish Scott MSP Sandra White MSP

Secretary: Margaret Neal UK and International Relations Office (UKIRO)



Highlights of 2012-13

 CPA Scotland Branch hosted the 42nd British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) Conference.  Stuart McMillan MSP and Margaret Mitchell MSP attended the he 43rd British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) Conference which took place in the Falkland Islands.  Patricia Ferguson MSP was elected to represent the British Islands and Mediterranean Region on the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Steering Group.  Annie Lennox OBE, CPA Scotland Branch Special Envoy met with MSPs involved in the Parliamentary Pairing Initiative with Malawi to exchange ideas and update each other on development work over the past year.  CPA Scotland Branch hosted an event in the Scottish Parliament to mark the bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone.  Murdo Fraser MSP attended commemorative events relating to the 30th Anniversary of the conclusion of the Falklands War.  24 inward visits to the Scottish Parliament by Commonwealth countries were hosted by the UK and International Relations Office.  15 places for Members to attend CPA conferences / seminars / events were supported by the CPA Scotland Branch.  Two members of staff from the National Assembly of Malawi undertook a four week internship in the Scottish Parliament.  The Branch supported Emily Shaw MSYP (Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament) to attend the Diamond Jubilee Youth Parliament.  MSP attended the 10th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar.  Outward and inward visits for Members of the Parliamentary Pairing Initiative took place in March 2013.


Delegates photographed following the opening ceremony of the BIMR Conference on Monday 11 June 2013 in the Debating Chamber,(front row from left to right: John Swinney MSP, Rt Hon Tricia Marwick MSP and Roberta Blackman-Woods MP). Introduction

1. Since the last AGM in June 2012, the CPA Scotland Branch Executive Committee (pictured, with the Branch President and Presiding Officer, the Rt Hon Tricia Marwick MSP centre, below) has developed a wide-ranging programme of activities which have sought to promote the Scottish Parliament on an international stage. The Branch has also sought to enable Members to develop and build upon links with Parliamentarians from across the Commonwealth and continued to foster links with civil society organisations with an interest in the Commonwealth.

2. The Branch Executive Committee has met formally on eight occasions since the last AGM which took place on 20 June 2012. Over the course of the past 12 months, the Committee has been engaged in supporting Members attend a range of international conferences, seminars and organised events within the Parliament notably, in relation to the bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone. As noted in the previous Annual Report, CPA Scotland Branch hosted the British Islands and Mediterranean Region conference which took place in the Scottish Parliament from 11-13 June 2012.

3. The Committee continues to recognise the difficult financial environment within which all public bodies are operating. Accordingly, CPA Scotland Branch has also been operating with a reduced budget with which to support its activities. CPA Scotland Branch will continue to look at ways of being flexible, innovative and collaborative in its working practices and to focus on the activities which deliver the greatest benefits to Members in pursuance of our objectives, at the best value.


Civil Society

4. The Scotland Branch continues to complement the Scottish Parliament’s Engagement Strategy by introducing new communities to the Scottish Parliament. CPA Scotland Branch hosted an event to co-incide with bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone resulting in around 70 guests visiting the Scottish Parliament and engaging with MSPs.

Inward visits

5. UKIRO arranged 24 inward visits from across the Commonwealth during the period 10 June 2012 to 13 June 2013. This compares to 28 inward visits from Commonwealth countries in the previous year. A full list of these inward visits is attached at Annex A.

6. As has been reported in previous years, the approach of UKIRO in resourcing our more detailed inward visit programmes is to focus on those requests with a clear strategic or relationship development purpose to the visit. This appears to be an increasing trend now within other UK Parliaments and Assemblies too. The Parliament does of course always encourage visits, but in resource terms, some requests are often adequately handled through the facilitation of a private tour and short briefing on the Parliament, provided on UKIRO’s behalf by senior guides in Visitor Services.

7. The main areas of interest for inward visit programmes this year have been to gain an understanding of the changed composition of the Scottish Parliament since the 2011 election; to discuss political developments in Scotland; institutional management within a context of declining resources; how the Scottish Parliament engages with the public and how the Scottish Parliament uses information technology. There has also been a growing interest from inward delegations in meeting with members to discuss the Scottish referendum. It is expected that international interest will increase further in 2014 and 2015 as politicians seek to discuss this significant historical landmark with MSPs.

8. Over the course of the year the Parliament has received visits from many different countries and jurisdictions within the Commonwealth. This included visits from Alderney, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Falkland Islands Gibraltar, Guernsey, India, , Jersey, Malawi, Malta, Northern Ireland, Rwanda, St Helena, Wales, Westminster and Zambia.

David Livingstone event

9. On 27 March 2013, a Members’ Debate (Motion number S4M 05547 in the name of James Kelly MSP) about David Livingstone took place. As previously mentioned in paragraph 4, this Members’ Debate was followed by a reception hosted by the CPA Scotland Branch Executive Committee


10. As part of a wider programme to the Scottish Parliament, the CPA Scotland Branch Special Envoy, Annie Lennox OBE, spoke at a reception hosted by Members of the Branch Executive Committee in the Scottish Parliament. The Special Envoy spoke about her role in the SING Campaign which seeks to promote the interests of women and children in Africa who are living with the effects of HIV/AIDS and noted that Scots should be proud of their historic and sustained relationship with Africa.

Sandra White MSP pictured in the David Livingstone Room with guests during the David Livingstone event on 19 March 2013.

Outward visits

11. As well as organising programmes for inward visits, CPA Scotland Branch Members participated in 8 CPA related outward visits, conferences and seminars this year. In addition, the Branch supported a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament to attend the Diamond Jubilee Commonwealth Youth parliament which took place in London from 4-8 December 2012. A full list of outward visits in 2011-12 is detailed in Annex B.

58th CPA Annual Parliamentary Conference (CPC) – Colombo, Sri Lanka

12. The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) holds Plenary Conferences once per year, usually in August/September, to coincide with most member countries summer recesses. The devolved legislatures, all of which have active CPA Branches within the UK, were invited to send one delegate and also had the opportunity to send observers. The Scottish Parliament was also represented at the Society of Clerks-at-the- Table in Commonwealth Parliaments meeting in Colombo which runs in parallel with the Plenary Conference. The Clerk to the Scottish


Parliament’s Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee attended this meeting.

13. Duncan McNeil MSP and Tavish Scott MSP attended the Conference as observer and delegate respectively.

14. The theme for this year’s Plenary Conference was “Ensuring a Relevant Commonwealth for the Future”. The format for the Conference, involved an opening ceremony, regional group meetings, 10 themed workshops, 2 specific plenary sessions and a meeting of the General Assembly of the CPA. Several networking functions were also held outside of the main sessions.

(From left to right) Duncan McNeil MSP, Deputy Michael O’Hara (Guernsey), Rebecca Evans AM (Wales) and Tavish Scott MSP

15. The Conference was attended by over 650 parliamentarians and officials from all 9 regions of the Commonwealth, with 53 countries and 175 parliaments and legislatures represented. The conference provided an opportunity for parliamentarians across the Commonwealth to learn about the strengths and challenges of democratic governance.

16. This was the first time that Tavish Scott MSP and Duncan McNeil MSP have attended a Commonwealth Plenary Conference. They both concluded that one of the main benefits of attending was the access to other parliamentarians to learn more about how democracy works in other places.


17. The 59th Commonwealth Plenary Conference will be hosted by the South Africa Branch from 28 August to 6 September 2013.

British Isles and Mediterranean Region (BIMR)

18. CPA Branches are currently grouped geographically into nine Commonwealth Regions for representation on the CPA International Executive Committee and for the organisation of regional conferences and seminars on parliamentary practice and procedure. The Regions are: Africa; Asia; Australia; British Isles and Mediterranean; Canada; Caribbean; Americas and Atlantic; India; and the Pacific and South-East Asia.

19. There are currently 13 Branches within the BIMR. These are Alderney, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Malta, Northern Ireland, Scotland, St Helena, UK and Wales.

20. CPA Scotland Branch hosted the BIMR Annual Conference 2012 from 11- 13 June 2012 and the Falkland Islands hosted the conference in February 2013.

Scotland 2012

21. CPA Scotland Branch hosted the BIMR Annual Conference 2012 from 11- 13 June 2012. Fifty seven delegates attended the conference.

22. The theme for the conference was “Making Parliaments Relevant”. Over the course of the conference, the relevance of Parliaments in the 21st Century was considered within the context of reducing financial resources, geo-political change and developments in the media.

23. Sessions explored the benefits of preventative spending, delivering services in the context of cost cutting, and speakers included: John Swinney MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth at the Scottish Government; Detective Chief Superintendent John Carnochan, Director of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit; Alice McKay, Professor of Economics at Caledonian University; Dr Philip Wilson, Senior Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow; and Art O’Leary, Secretary to the Constitutional Convention (the Republic of Ireland). Sandra White MSP and Patricia Ferguson MSP chaired the workshops which followed the plenary session.


BIMR Conference delegates pictured during the Irish experience workshop in Committee Room 4

24. Sir William Patey KCMG, former UK Ambassador to Afghanistan outlined his views on political change in the 21st Century. This session provided a fascinating insight into the complex issues which are prevalent in the Middle-east. The format was interview style, facilitated by Margaret Mitchell MSP and interspersed with questions from the delegates. Topics discussed included the Arab Spring, the conflict within Syria and post-war Iraq.

25. A panel session, chaired by Tavish Scott MSP was arranged to debate whether the media is taking democracy to new audiences. The panel members were former MSP John McAllion, Executive Editor of the Scotsman newspaper group, Bill Jamieson and freelance consultant and author, Carol Madison Graham. Dr Dimitri Christopoulos, Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of the West of England delivered a presentation on social media and political communication. This session explored and raised awareness of the many advantages and disadvantages to which parliamentarians could be exposed with the increased use of social media. Further information about the conference can be found by following the link to the CPA Scotland branch webpages below: eport.pdf

Falkland Islands 2013

26. The Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly hosted the BIMR Conference in Stanley from 11-14 February 2013.


27. The delegation from CPA Scotland Branch comprised Margaret Mitchell MSP and Stuart McMillan MSP (pictured on the previous page). There were 37 delegates and special guests from 11 legislatures within the BIMR including observers from Canada and Anguilla.

28. The theme of the conference was “Self-Determination and its Role in Self- Governance and Devolution”. This theme was relevant given that the Falkland Islands Government were holding a referendum in March 2013. The referendum question proposed by the Falklands Islands Assembly and adopted by the Executive Council was “Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?”.

29. Guest speakers were invited to address 3 of the 4 plenary sessions which were:

a) Self-determination and its role in self-governance and devolution; b) Arguments about self-determination; c) The right to self-determination is not curtailed by sovereignty claims; and d) Experiences in the development of greater regional and national autonomy

30. The Rt Hon Baroness Scotland QC addressed the first plenary session. In her speech she placed the right to self-determination within the international legal framework and gave examples of how fluid and varied a nation’s journey can be through different degrees of self-governance. Margaret Mitchell MSP chaired this plenary session.


From left to right: Baroness Scotland Margaret Mitchell MSP and Simon Ross (Guernsey Clerk)

31. Professor Michael Keating addressed the second plenary session entitled “Arguments about Self-Determination”. He explained the different elements required for a nation to determine its own future, and the different ways in which this can occur. He concluded with a statement describing how, over time, a group can constitute itself as a people to determine their own future, so long as it can be demonstrated that there is a genuine desire to do so.

32. These plenary sessions were followed by two workshops, focusing on “The Challenges of Governance in Smaller Territories and Regions” and “Theories of Self-Determination: How have these theories been applied in recent years across the world and what are the international trends?”

33. The Hon Samantha Sacramento MP delivered a speech on behalf of Fabian Picardo, Chief Minister of Gibraltar, prior to the third plenary session entitled “The right to self- determination is not curtailed by sovereignty claims”. The presentation described Gibraltar’s own journey of self-determination, and the challenges faced by small states in exercising their right to decide their own political future.

34. The final open plenary discussed “Experiences in the Development of Greater Regional and National Autonomy”. This session enabled delegates to set out the position in relation to their own legislatures. It was an interesting experience for delegates to the conference to be able to compare the varying levels of devolved government that exists within the UK. It was also informative to learn how small jurisdictions such as the Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey, have a far higher level of autonomy in comparison with other legislatures within the region.


35. The Scotland Branch delegation attended a wreath laying ceremony at the Liberation monument to pay respects to all who had lost their lives during the 1982 conflict. Stuart McMillan MSP (pictured left) played a lament during a short ceremony which added poignancy to the occasion.

Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Steering Group

36. Patricia Ferguson MSP was elected to represent the British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) on the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Steering Group.

37. Ms Ferguson intends to establish and chair the BIMR Regional Steering Committee. The remit of this Committee will be agreed during the course of its first meeting which is scheduled to take place in London in July 2013. Each Branch within the BIMR has been asked to nominate a woman parliamentarian to join.

38. The purpose of this meeting would also be to map out future plans and in particular to discuss candidacies for the election of the CPA CWP Chairperson which will be held at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Johannesburg during the first week of September 2013.

CPA Parliamentary Seminars, Study Groups and other events

30th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Islands

39. The Falkland Islands Council invited CPA Scotland Branch to send a representative to attend the celebrations for the 30th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Islands from 10-16 June 2012. Murdo Fraser MSP represented the Scotland Branch.

50th CPA Canadian Regional Conference

40. Jacques Chagnon, President of the National Assembly of Québec, invited 6 observers from the British Islands and Mediterranean Region to take part in the 50th CPA Canadian Regional Conference from 15 July to 21 July. The Québec Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association hosted the conference. Alison McInnes MSP attended the Conference in Quebec City, as an observer. Topics discussed included: inter- parliamentary relations and the promotion of human rights; the impact of conventional and social media on parliamentary government and the role


of parliamentarians; and the participation of Aboriginal peoples in political and parliamentary life.

41. Ms McInnes attended a meeting of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP), Canada Region, which also took place during the Conference.

Conference on Gender and Politics

42. Margaret Mitchell MSP represented CPA Scotland Branch at the International Conference on Gender and Politics which took place in London from 6-8 November 2012. The Conference was organised by the United Kingdom Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA UK) and the British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

43. The overall aim of the Conference was to provide a platform for international parliamentarians to discuss matters in relation to gender and politics. The main objectives were to consider: case-studies of best practice; research and innovations for progressing gender equality in decision-making; the role of different stakeholders in encouraging women’s political participation; advancing the social, economic and political position of women through policy and legislation; the role of the media in gender and politics; the approach of different sectors in addressing gender imbalance; and policies and schemes which encourage women’s economic empowerment and address access to, quality and duration of, education for girls.

David Livingstone Memorial Service

44. On 19 March 2013, Margaret Mitchell MSP accompanied the Hon Canaan Kaphamtengo Yona MP and the Hon Albert Thindwa MP to attend the David Livingstone Memorial service which was held at Westminster Abbey followed by a reception hosted by the Rt Hon Michael Moore MP, Secretary of State for Scotland at Dover House, the Scotland office London headquarters. Her Excellency, Dr Joyce Banda, President of the Republic of Malawi attended both events.

10th Canadian Parliamentary Seminar

45. Jenny Marra MSP attended the 10th CPA Canadian Parliamentary Seminar in Ottawa from 2- 8 Hune 2013. The theme of the Seminar was ‘Strengthening Democracy and the Role of Parliamentarians: Challenges and Solutions’. The CPA Canada Branch and the CPA Secretariat co-host the Canadian Parliamentary Seminar on an annual basis. A visit report will be available on the CPA Scotland Branch pages of the Scottish Parliament’s website in due course.


Engagement with the National Assembly of Malawi

Technical Assistance Project Part 2 (TAP2)

46. The Rt Hon Alex Fergusson MSP and Sarah Boyack MSP and the Senior Assistant Clerk to the Finance Committee visited Malawi from 16-22 March. The overall aim of this visit was to continue to develop the relationship between the National Assembly of Malawi and the Scottish Parliament by implementing key components of the TAP 2 agreement as set out in the Scottish Parliament’s UK and International Strategy for the current Parliamentary session. The main focus of this visit was to deliver a workshop on Budget Scrutiny to MPs based on the Scottish Parliament’s model. During this visit members of the delegation also visited the constituencies of their pairs and attended the David Livingstone bi- centenary events in Lilongwe and Nkhata Bay. A short introduction on the parliamentarians’ role on scrutinising the impact of climate change was introduced to MPs during this visit.

Internship Programme

47. The CPA Scotland Branch has now firmly established an internship programme with the National Assembly of Malawi. The programme seeks to provide an annual placement, within the Scottish Parliament, for two Interns from the National Assembly of Malawi. During the month of March 2013, Hanna Majahanda and Francis Machado undertook a four week internship within the Scottish Parliament.

48. The internships involved work placements in a variety of departments within the Parliament including the UK and International Relations Office (UKIRO), Chamber Office, Official Report, Visitor Services, Committee Office, Education and Community Partnerships, Events and Exhibitions and SPICe. The focus of the internships was to provide an understanding of how the Scottish Parliament supports MSPs to carry out their parliamentary duties.

The Parliamentary Pairing initiative (PPI)

49. As previously mentioned, the Rt Hon Alex Fergusson MSP and Sarah Boyack MSP visited the constituencies of their Malawian partners during a visit to Malawi in March 2013. Sarah Boyack MSP visited the constituency of Christina Chiwoko MP in Mapuya North and Alex Fergusson MSP visited the Nkhata Bay South East constituency of Prof. David Mphande MP.

50. The Hon Albert Thindwa MP and Hon Canaan Kaphamtengo Yona MP, Members of the National Assembly of Malawi, were invited to visit the Scottish Parliament to undertake a 5 day study visit during the week commencing 18 March 2013. The overall aim of the visit was to introduce the Malawian MPs to the role of MSPs and to explain how MSPs engage with constituents particularly how the Scottish Parliament engages with


civil society. This visit also coincided with the events surrounding the bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone. These members were also involved in the Parliamentary Pairing Initiative and the MPs made a short visit to the constituency of their Scottish partner. Other aspects of the programme included work shadowing partners in the Scottish Parliament and a round table discussion with other Members of the PPI. Christina McKelvie MSP and Dr Richard Simpson MSP are paired with the aforementioned MPs.

51. Annie Lennox OBE, Special Envoy for CPA Scotland Branch on issues relating to women/children/HIV/AIDs in Africa met with MSPs involved with the Scottish PPI group to discuss matters of mutual interest concerning Malawi and other African countries.

52. Communications between Members from Scotland and Malawi continues to be an on-going issue. The Branch Executive Committee were aware many of the Parliamentary Pairs were currently inactive despite the pro- active efforts of MSPs to activate these relationships. The Malawian MPs intended to explore the possibility of establishing a PPI group, within the National Assembly of Malawi, to meet when Parliament was sitting and disseminate information to the group members.

Future Commonwealth Engagement

53. During the current year, the CPA Scotland Branch Executive Committee has reviewed the current workload and developed a programme of activities for 2013-14.

54. Given the close proximity to the tripartite elections (District, National Assembly and Presidential) which would take place in Malawi in May 2014 the Branch Executive Committee decided to postpone further visits to Malawi until after the Malawian elections in May 2014. It is the intention that Scotland Branch would assist with the delivery of post-election seminars.

55. The 44th British Islands and Mediterranean Region Conference will be held in Cardiff during June 2014. It is anticipated that four Members of the CPA Scotland Branch will be invited to attend the Conference.

56. Patricia Ferguson MSP will attend the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Steering Group meeting which will take place in Johannesburg on 1 September 2014.

57. The 59th Commonwealth Plenary Conference will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa from 28 August to 6 September 2013. The theme of the Conference will be Effective Solutions to Commonwealth Developmental Challenges. The new charter of Commonwealth principles will also be debated by parliamentarians during the Conference. More than 600 Parliamentarians and parliamentary officials are expected to attend.


58. It is expected that the 60th Commonwealth Plenary Conference will take place in Cameroon in late summer 2014. The dates have yet to be confirmed.

59. It is intended to invite two interns from the National Assembly of Malawi to visit the Scottish Parliament for 4 weeks in November 2013. The focus of this study visit will be post-election support for Members.

60. CPA Scotland Branch intend to mark the 2014 Commonwealth Games being held in Glasgow and are currently engaged in discussions regarding this.

Branch Finances – 2012/13

61. The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) had agreed that the CPA Scotland Branch budget for 2012-13 would be up to £52,250.

62. The annual budget of the Branch is expected to cover the annual membership fees of the CPA; the Branch’s attendance at the CPA Regional and Annual Conferences; resource costs required for visiting CPA parliamentarians; outward visits by the Branch; and any other activities. The annual budget runs from 1 April to 31 March.

63. As the Scotland Branch is wholly funded by the SPCB the accounts are audited along with the Corporate Body’s accounts. The Branch Accounts are attached at Annex C.

64. The 2012-13 budget is currently forecast to have a surplus of £7,341. A substantial proportion of the CPA Scotland Branch was due to be spent in the last quarter of the financial year. This surplus relates primarily to the costs of some 2012-13 activities decreasing upon receipt of final invoices and receipts.

65. The budget for the CPA Scotland Branch will be £51,500 in 2013-14.

66. For further information on any aspects of this report, please contact the Branch Secretary.

Margaret Neal Secretary Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Scotland Branch Room Q2.03 Queensberry House Scottish Parliament Telephone: 0131 348 5323


Annex A

Commonwealth Inward Visits Organised by UK and International Relations Office (UKIRO) from 10 June 2012 to 13 June 2013

LIST OF INWARD VISITS FROM 10 JUNE 2012 TO 13 JUNE 2013 Date of Visit Visitors Country

13/06/2013 Hon Fiona Simpson MP, Speaker of the Australia Queensland Parliament

His Excellency Williams Nkurunziza, High Rwanda 30/05/2013 Commissioner

20/05/2013 Delegation from National Defence College, India New Delhi 14/05/2013 Hon Jenny Gardiner MLC, Deputy Australia President of the Parliament of New South Wales 01/05/2013 The Hon Steve Rodan MHK, Speaker of Isle of Man the visyed with a delegation of Members 17/04/2013 Greg Aplin MP, Member of the New South Australia Wales Parliament 28/03/2013 Dr Mark Robinson MP, Deputy Speaker of Australia the Queensland Parliament 27/03/2013 Annie Lennox OBE, CPA Scotland Branch UK Special Envoy 19/03/2013 Her Excellency Joyce Banda, President Malawi

16/03/2013 Hon Albert Thindwa MP and Hon Canaan Malawi Kaphamtengo Yona MP, Members of the Scotland Malawi PPI Group at the National Assembly of Malawi 03/03/2013 Internship by officials of National Malawi Assembly of Malawi, Francis Machado and Hanna Majamanda 29/01/2013 Madame Pauline Marois, Premier of Canada Quebec 23/01/2013 His Excellency Bernard H Sande, High Malawi Commissioner

23/01/2013 Five members of the Canada/UK Inter- Canada Parliamentary Association (Head of delegation: James Rajotte MP) 16/01/2013 Peter Dowling MP, Member of the Australia Queensland Parliament


14/12/2012 Mr Nitish Mishra, Indian Cabinet Minister India for Rural Development

08/11/2012 Hon John Hogg, President of the Australia Australian Senate

01/11/2012 Hon Raphael Trotman MP, Speaker of the Guyana National Assembly

15/10/2012 Her Excellency Aloun Ndombet-Assamba, Jamaica High Commissioner

05/10/2012 John Goss, former MP Australia

27/09/2012 Craig Baumann MP, member of the New Australia South Wales Parliament

06/09/2012 His Excellency Lt Col. (Rtd.) Bizwayo Zambia Newton Nkunika, High Commissioner

08/08/2012 Mr Murumba Werunga, Head of Centre for Kenya Parliamentary Studies and Training 10/06/2012 CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Multi-national Region Annual Conference


Annex B

Commonwealth Outward Visits Organised by UK and International Relations Office (UKIRO) from 10 June 2012 to 13 June 2013


Date of Visit Visit Country

02/06/2013 Jenny Marra MSP attended CPA Canada Canadian Parliamentary Seminar in Ottawa, ‘Strengthening Democracy and the Role of Parliamentarians: Challenges and Solutions’ 17/05/2013 Margaret Mitchell MSP joined an election Cayman Islands observing mission on behalf of CPA BIMR

15/03/2013 Sarah Boyack MSP and Alex Fergusson Malawi MSP visited the National Assembly of Malawi to deliver workshops as part of the Technical Assistance Programme and strengthen the Parliamentary Pairing Initiative 11/02/2013 Stuart McMillan MSP and Margaret Falkland Islands Mitchell MSP attended the 43rd CPA British Islands and Mediterranean Region Conference 04/12/2012 Emily Shaw MSYP attended the Jubilee London Youth Parliament hosted by the CPA

06/11/2012 Margaret Mitchell MSP attended CPA UK UK Branch Conference on Gender 09/09/2012 Duncan McNeil MSP and Tavish Scott Sri Lanka MSP attended the 58th Commonwealth plenary Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka. 16/07/2012 Alison McInnes MSP attended the 50th Canada CPA Canada Regional Conference in Quebec City as an observer 10/06/2012 Murdo Fraser MSP represented the Falkland Islands Scottish Parliament (under the auspices of CPA Scotland Branch) at the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the liberation of the islands


Annex C CPA Scotland Branch Finances: 2012-13

Date Activity Cost Balance Credits to the CPA Scotland Branch Account 2012-13 £52,500 April Climate Change Conference in £198 £52,698 Bangladesh May Return of deposit for interns £262 £52,960 accommodation Costs to the CPA Scotland Branch Account 10-16 June 30th anniversary of the £416 £52,544 liberation of the Falkland Islands 23-Jun Annual General Meeting £172 £52,372 15-20 July Canadian Regional Conference £2,926 £49,446

10-15 Sept 58th Annual Plenary £5,941 £43,505 Conference: Sri Lanka November Membership Fees £7,398 £36,107 6-8 International Parliamentary £890 £35,217 November Conference on Women and Politics - Westminster 4-7 5th Commonwealth Youth £252 £34,965 December Parliament 11-15 Attendance at the 43rd BIMR £5,696 £29,269 February Regional Conference, Falkland 2013 Islands. (Via Brize Norton) 1-29 March Intern Programme £5,021 £24,248 18-22 Technical Assistance £5,220 £19,028 March Programme - Parliamentary Pairing Initiative – inward visit (2 MPs) March Outward visit for 2 MSPs and 1 £7,133 £11,895 official to attend David Livingstone events in Malawi and meet with Malawian partner 19-Mar Attendance at Westminster £1,258 £10,637 Abbey David Livingstone Memorial service 27-Mar David Livingstone event £2,241 £8,396

On-going Hospitality £1,055 £7,341 Total £7,341