Update on the Corona in the Kingdom of June 4, 2021

As of today, the Swedish Public Health Authorities announced that 11 new deaths have been confirmed in the last 24 hours due to the Coronavirus. Since Covid-19 reached Sweden the total mortality rate is now 14,523 people. 1,078,062people have been confirmed infected and 7,508 people have been cared for or are being cared for in the intensive care unit. Right now, 171 people are in the intensive care unit, according to the Swedish intensive care register. Just over 47 percent of the adult population has received at least one dose of covid vaccine. More than two billion doses of covid vaccine have now been given worldwide, according to the AFP news agency and Johns Hopkins University. Six out of ten doses have been given in the world's three largest countries in terms of population; China (close to 705 million doses), the United States (just over 296 million doses) and India (221 million doses). China is also the country that vaccinates at the fastest rate, according to a compilation from AFP. In Europe, almost four out of ten have received at least one dose of vaccine. Germany is at the forefront of the vaccination process, followed by Italy and France and Spain. Six countries have not started vaccinating at all: North Korea, Haiti, Tanzania, Chad, Burundi and Eritrea. Israel is the country that has come the furthest, almost 60 percent of the population is fully vaccinated. The compilation shows large inequalities around the world. Only 0.3 percent of all doses have been given in the world's poorest countries, while over 40 percent have been given in the richest countries - even though they only account for 16 percent of the global population. The most widely used vaccine is Astra Zenecas, which has been given in 170 of the 215 countries where vaccination has started. Pfizer-Biontech's vaccine is used in at least 97 countries and Moderna's variant in at least 46. Russian Sputnik and the Chinese vaccines from Sinopharm and Sinovac are the variants most used in developing countries. Rich countries need to donate more covid vaccines and follow the US example of making the doses available immediately, says , senior adviser to the World Health Organization's Director General WHO.

The WHO urges rich countries to prioritize poorer countries over vaccinating less vulnerable groups, such as children.


So far, 150 million doses have been donated. But only a small percentage will be available during the summer when it is needed most. "We will need twice as much," Bruce Aylward told Reuters. As of today, Thursday, people born in in 1981 and earlier can book an appointment for vaccination. It writes SLL in a press release. Phase 4 of the vaccination began on 5 May in the Stockholm Region when people born in 1966 and earlier were given the opportunity to book a vaccine. They have since worked their way up in five-year intervals and now the booking opens for people born in 1981 and earlier. “It is really gratifying that according to plan we are now opening up for another new age group, this time people who were born in 1981 and earlier. The pace of vaccinations remains high, which is very important for us to be able to get out of the pandemic together. Already the first dose provides some protection against becoming seriously ill in covid-19, and therefore the pace is important”, says Magnus Thyberg, vaccine coordinator in the Stockholm Region, in the press release. As before, vaccination times are booked using the Always Open app, or via 1177's telephone booking. A quick test purchased from Wuhan gave incorrect answers. Now Region Skåne has stopped use, reports Sydsvenskan. The region has purchased 400,000 antigen tests manufactured by Wuhan Unscience Biotechnology for more than SEK 9 million. In a single nursing home, the test incorrectly indicated that 13 already vaccinated persons had covid-19. Extensive investigations have since shown that it was not due to incorrect use of the test or that the samples were stored incorrectly. When the test has been tried again, it has been shown that the accuracy is far below the 99.2 percent promised by the manufacturer. Magnus Rasmussen, infectious disease doctor and researcher at , points out that false positive answers entail both practical problems and risks: “If you think you have covid, you first suffer from restrictions in your life, such as . But then you come out and think you are immune without being. You may be waiting to be vaccinated in that belief, and risk getting the disease”, he tells the newspaper. No other region in Sweden has purchased tests of this type, according to Anne-Katrine Pesola, specialist in microbiology, at Skåne University Hospital. State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell tells Dagens Nyheter that we should expect continued homework this autumn. That will be one of the recommendations that will remain the longest, according to Tegnell. “Most of the legal strict restrictions aimed at businesses will be gone below what we call level 1. The recommendations to stay at home if you feel sick, go and test yourself if you have symptoms and to try to work from home, I think will remain the longest”, says the state epidemiologist.

Created by: Crisis Committee Monitoring and Taking the Required Procedures Regarding Coronavirus in Accredited Countries by the Embassy of Libya - Sweden Stockholm: June 4, 2021