THE LORD’S – JOHN 19:16-25 May 12 & 13, 2018

REVIEW: John 19:5-15 TEXT: John 19:16-25

MEMORY VERSE: Genesis 3:15

The centurion and his soldiers were carrying out the decision/will of the High Priests. YET ultimately these wicked Jews were accomplishing God’s will. Pilate may have been the governor of Judea but it was God’s will being accomplished.

• God rules over the entire universe and was accomplishing His purposes in our Lord’s sacrifice. Romans 4:25; Romans 8:32 o WHY you may ask? It was so that we might be delivered from death and hell!

Isaiah 53 (approx. 700BC)

Verse 17. And He went out – would refer to coming out of Jerusalem to Golgotha (“Golgotha” is Hebrew, “Calvary” is the Gentile name). The Jews lost no time – the observance of Passover was at hand.

• Hebrews 13:10-14. Leviticus 16:27 was foreshadowed – outside the camp

Verse 18 fulfills prophecies:

1. Psalm 22:16-18. Approximately 1,000 years prior. Remember the Jewish form of was stoning, not crucifixion. BUT no word of God can fail and so Pilate gave orders that Jesus be crucified – the Roman form of execution – reserved for the worst of criminals.

2. Isaiah 53:9-12. Isaiah said, He was numbered with the transgressors. To the Jews, it was a declaration that Jesus was no better than the two criminals that were being crucified. Little did they know that what they were insisting on from malice-filled hearts was fulfilling another Messianic prophecy.

Why did God permit His Beloved to be treated so outrageously and then record it in Scripture to show us the place where they took Jesus? Answer: It was the place which was due us because of our sins – the place of shame, condemnation, and punishment.

Verses 19-20. He comes into death as King – King of the Jews. This was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin (verse 20).

Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. Hebrew: the Jews represent religion. Latin: the Romans represent the law. Greek: the “educated” represent learning and culture. IN EACH AREA, CHRIST IS KING!

• Religion: He is the final revelation of the One True God. Hebrews 1:2; John 14:9 • Science: He is the force behind all things. o Colossians 1:16-17. Hold Together (NASB), Consist, means to hold together. Christ is the Sustainer and Uniting Principle of the universe. Hebrews 1:3 • Jurisprudence: He is Supreme, the Law Giver and Judge.

Verse 21. Interesting that here is the first and only time they are called, the chief priests of the Jews.

• As if the Holy Spirit is saying God no longer held them as His priests, having rejected the One and only Messiah.

Verse 22. Pilate’s reply, What I have written I have written, shows his contempt for the Jews. Yet heaven was ruling and Pilate could not change what he had written that would be posted on the cross of our Lord. Luke 23:42-43

Verse 23-25. They had probably stripped Jesus as they nailed Him to the cross and now they turn their attention to His clothes to divide them.

• The tunic was a costly one – this speaks of Jesus’ righteousness. Isaiah 61:10 (PSALM 22)

Verse 25 – THEREFORE the soldiers did these things.

1. God directed every detail according to His will as we have seen repeatedly in the fulfilling of so much Scripture. 2. The Word of God cannot fail. 1,000 years before it had been predicted that these soldiers would divide the Lord’s garment and cast lots for His tunic. 3. The One on the cross was beyond the shadow of any doubt, the Messiah of Israel, the One of whom the prophets had written.

CONCLUSION: THREE DIED ON CALVARY. The Jews paid little attention to these two robbers. Their focus was on Jesus.

• You who are going to destroy the Temple and build it in three days, save yourself! • Come down from the cross if You are the Son of God. • He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ of God the Chosen One. • Let this Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.

As the two criminals who were crucified with Jesus heard these taunts they joined in the jeering. Matthew (27:44) tells us, the robbers who were crucified with Him also heaped insults on Him. Luke give us the words of one, Aren’t you the Christ? Save Yourself and us! Luke 23:39 THE LORD’S CRUCIFIXION – JOHN 19:16-25 May 12 & 13, 2018

But then something wonderful happened. It can only be described as a miracle as God did a work in one thief so that he began to think and at last began to understand the truth about himself and Jesus. Earlier he had been cursing. Now he turned to his companion and rebuked him for the evil things he now understood him to be speaking. “Don’t you fear God, since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” He then turned to Jesus and voiced his newfound faith, “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus said in quiet confidence, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

• Jesus shows us not only the way to be saved; He also gives us assurance of our salvation.

The believing thief did three things. First, he recognized his own need – his spiritual need and not just his physical need.

Second, having recognized that he was a sinner and needed a Savior, he recognized that Jesus was that Savior. He showed this by saying, “This man has done nothing wrong” and by referring to the coming of Christ in His “kingdom.”

Finally, having recognized his need of a Savior and that Jesus is that Savior, he committed himself to Christ personally. He said, “Jesus, remember ME when You come into Your kingdom.” And the Lord did remember him – remembered him on the spot, for He accepted him right then and promised that on that very day, after each had died, they would be together in paradise.

If you would have your sin on Christ rather than on yourself and therefore be able to receive the promise of being with Christ and God the Father eternally – you need to do what he did.

1. Admit your sin 2. See Jesus as your Savior 3. Commit yourself to Him personally. In other words, you cannot get to heaven on your own. You are a sinner and your record condemns you. You need Jesus as your Savior.