JGeomAnal DOI 10.1007/s12220-017-9957-2

The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

Per Åhag1 · Rafał Czy˙z2 · Lisa Hed1

Received: 11 July 2017 © The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract We study the geometry of m-regular domains within the Caffarelli– Nirenberg–Spruck model in terms of barrier functions, envelopes, exhaustion functions, and Jensen measures. We prove among other things that every m- hyperconvex domain admits an exhaustion function that is negative, smooth, strictly m-subharmonic, and has bounded m-Hessian .

Keywords Barrier function · Caffarelli–Nirenberg–Spruck model · Exhaustion function · m-subharmonic function · Jensen measure

Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 31C45 · 32F17 · 32U05; Secondary 31B25 · 32U10 · 32T35 · 46J10 · 46A20

1 Introduction

The geometry of the underlying space is usually essential when studying a given problem in analysis. The starting point of this paper is the model presented by Caf-

B Per Åhag [email protected] Rafał Czy˙z [email protected] Lisa Hed [email protected]

1 Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden 2 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Łojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków, Poland 123 P. Åhag et al. farelli et al. [16] in 1985 that makes it possible to investigate the transition between potential and pluripotential theories. Their construction relies on Gårding’s research on hyperbolic polynomials [27]. The authors of [16] also provided a very nice appli- cation to special Lagrangian geometry, which was in itself introduced as an example within calibrated geometry [30]. With the publications of [9], and [45], many ana- lysts and geometers became interested in the Caffarelli–Nirenberg–Spruck model. To mention some references [23,37,47,49,51,64,71]. A usual assumption in these stud- ies is that the underlying domain should admit a continuous exhaustion function that is m-subharmonic in the sense of Caffarelli et al. (see Sect. 2 for the definition of m-subharmonic functions). In this paper, we shall study the geometric properties of these domains. Let us now give a thorough background on the motivation behind this paper. It all starts with the following theorem:

Theorem A Assume that  is a bounded domain in RN ,N≥ 2. Then the following assertions are equivalent.

(1) ∂ is regular at every boundary point y0 ∈ ∂, in the sense that

lim PWB f (x) = f (y0), x→y0 x∈

for each continuous function f : ∂ → R.Here   PWB (x) = sup v(x) : v ∈ SH(), lim v(ζ) ≤ f (ξ), ∀ξ ∈ ∂ , f ζ→ξ ζ∈

and SH() is the space of subharmonic functions defined on ; (2) ∂ has a strong barrier at every point y0 ∈ ∂ that is subharmonic, i.e., there exists a subharmonic function u :  → R such that

lim u(x) = 0, x→y0 x∈


¯ lim sup u(x)<0 for all y ∈ \{y0}. x→y x∈

(3) ∂ has a weak barrier at every point y0 ∈ ∂ that is subharmonic, i.e., there exists a subharmonic function u :  → R such that u < 0on and

lim u(x) = 0. x→y0 x∈

(4)  admits an exhaustion function that is negative and subharmonic, i.e., there exists a non-constant function ψ :  → R such that for any c ∈ R the set 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

{x ∈  : ψ(x)

The idea of a regular boundary point can be traced back to 1911 and 1912 with the works of Zaremba [70] and Lebesgue [42], respectively, when they constructed examples that exhibit the existence of irregular points. A decade after these examples, Perron introduced in 1923 the celebrated envelope construction PWB f (see Condition (1)).TheworkonPWBf was later continued by Wiener [66–68], and in our setting concluded by Brelot [11] in 1939. The notion of barrier goes further back in time; it can be found in the work of Poincaré [53] from 1890. The implication (3) ⇒ (1) is due to Bouligand [10] who generalized a result of Lebesgue [43]. The equivalence with assertion (5) originates from the study of function algebras known as Choquet theory, which was developed in the 50’s and 60’s by Bauer, Bishop, Choquet, de Leeuw, and others (see e.g., [25,28,29] and the references therein). For a beautiful treatise on Choquet theory we highly recommend [48]. Inspired by the beauty of the equivalences in Theorem A, analysts started to inves- tigate these notions within the model introduced by Lelong [44] and Oka [50] in 1942, where subharmonic functions are changed to plurisubharmonic functions. The unit polydisc in Cn, n ≥ 2, shows that the notions of weak and strong barrier for plurisub- harmonic functions are not equivalent. Instead, we have Theorems B and C below, where we assume that n ≥ 2. If n = 1, then the two theorems become Theorem A since subharmonic functions are then the same as plurisubharmonic functions.

Theorem B Assume that  is a bounded domain in Cn,n≥ 2. Then the following assertions are equivalent.

(1) ∂ is B-regular at every boundary point z0 ∈ ∂, in the sense that

lim PB f (z) = f (z0), z→z0 z∈

for each continuous function f : ∂ → R.Here   PB (z) = sup v(z) : v ∈ PSH(), lim v(ζ) ≤ f (ξ), ∀ξ ∈ ∂ . f ζ→ξ ζ∈

Here PSH() is the space of plurisubharmonic functions defined on ; (2) ∂ has a strong barrier at every point that is plurisubharmonic; (3)  admits an exhaustion function ϕ that is negative, smooth, plurisubharmonic, and such that ϕ(z) −|z|2 is plurisubharmonic. (4) ∂ is equal to the Jensen boundary w.r.t. the Jensen measures generated by the cone of functions that are continuous on ¯ , and plurisubharmonic on . 123 P. Åhag et al.

In 1959, Bremermann [13] adopted the idea from assertion (1) in Theorem A to pluripotential theory (see (1) in Theorem B). He named his construction the Perron– Carathéodory function after the articles [15,54]. The name did not survive the passage of time, and now it is known as the Perron–Bremermann envelope. Drawing inspira- tion from Choquet theory, and its representing measures [28,29,56], Sibony proved Theorem B in the article [58], which was published in 1987. There he also put these conditions in connection with Catlin’s property (P), and the ∂¯-Neumann problem. The last condition in assertion (3) means that we have that

n ∂2ϕ 2 n α j α¯ k ≥|α| , for all α ∈ C . ∂z j ∂z¯k j,k=1

Hence, one can interpret ϕ as being uniformly strictly plurisubharmonic.

Theorem C Assume that  is a bounded domain in Cn,n≥ 2. Then the following assertions are equivalent.

(1)  is hyperconvex in the sense that it admits an exhaustion function that is negative and plurisubharmonic; (2) ∂ has a weak barrier at every point that is plurisubharmonic; (3)  admits an exhaustion function that is negative, smooth and strictly plurisubhar- monic; (4) For every z ∈ ∂, and every Jensen measure μ, which is generated by the cone of functions that are continuous on ¯ , and plurisubharmonic on , we have that μ is carried by ∂.

Historically, the notion of hyperconvexity was introduced by Stehlé in 1974 in connec- tion with the Serre conjecture, and later in 1981 Kerzman and Rosay [39] proved the equivalence of the three first assertions (see also [6]). Kerzman and Rosay also stud- ied which pseudoconvex domains are hyperconvex. We shall not address this question here (see e.g., the introduction of [5] for an up-to-date account of this question). Car- lehed et al. [17] showed in 1999 the equivalence between (1) and (4). In connection with Theorems B and C, we would like to mention the inspiring article [8] written by Błocki, the first part of which is a self-contained survey on plurisubharmonic barriers and exhaustion functions in complex domains. As we mentioned at the beginning of this exposé, the purpose of this paper is to study the geometry of the corresponding notions B-regular and hyperconvex domains within the Caffarelli–Nirenberg–Spruck model. More precisely, in Theorem 4.3,we prove what degenerates into Theorem B when m = n, and in Theorem 4.1, we prove what is Theorem C in the case m = n, except for the corresponding implication (1) ⇒ (3). This we prove in Sect. 5 due to the different techniques used, and the length of that proof. In the case when m = 1, our Theorems 4.3 and 4.1 (together with Theorem 5.4) merge into Theorem A above with N = 2n. This article is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we shall state the necessary def- initions and some preliminaries needed for this paper, and then in Sect. 3, we shall prove some basic facts about m-hyperconvex domains (Theorem 3.5). From Sect. 3, 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains and Theorem 3.5 we would like to emphasize property (3). Up until now authors have defined m-hyperconvex domains to be bounded domains that admit an exhaustion function that is negative, continuous, and m-subharmonic. We prove that the assump- tion of continuity is superfluous. This result is also the starting point of the proof of Theorem 5.4. In Sect. 4, we prove Theorems 4.3 and 4.1, as mentioned above, which correspond to Theorems B and C, respectively. We end this paper by show- ing that every m-hyperconvex domain admits a smooth and strictly m-subharmonic exhaustion function (Theorem 5.4; see implication (1) ⇒ (3) in Theorem C). We end this introduction by highlighting an opportunity for future studies related to this paper. As and pluripotential theory lives in symbiosis, Trudinger and Wang [60] draw their inspiration from the work of Caffarelli et al., and in 1999 they presented a model that makes it possible to study the transition between convex analysis and . For further information see e.g., [59–61,65]. As [63] indicates, further studies of the geometric properties of what could be named k-convex domains are of interest. We leave these questions to others. We want to thank Urban Cegrell, Per-Håkan Lundow, and Håkan Persson for inspiring discussions related to this paper. We are also grateful for the comments and suggestions given by the anonymous referee that helped with the presentation of the final version of this paper.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we shall present the necessary definitions and fundamental facts needed for the rest of this paper. For further information related to potential theory see e.g., [4, 24,41], and for more information about pluripotential theory see e.g., [22,40]. We also want to mention the highly acclaimed book written by Hörmander called “Notions of convexity”[36]. Abdullaev and Sadullaev [3] have written an article that can be used as an introduction to the Caffarelli–Nirenberg–Spruck model. We recommend also Lu’s doctoral thesis [46]. We would like to point out that m-subharmonic functions in the sense of Caffarelli et al. is not equivalent of being subharmonic on m-dimensional hyperplanes in Cn studies by others (see e.g., [1,2]). For other models in connection to plurisubharmonicity see e.g., [31–33]. n Let  ⊂ C be a bounded domain, 1 ≤ m ≤ n, and define C(1,1) to be the set of (1, 1)-forms with constant coefficients. With this notation we define   n−1 m n−m m = α ∈ C(1,1) : α ∧ β ≥ 0,...,α ∧ β ≥ 0 , where β = ddc|z|2 is the canonical Kähler form in Cn.

Definition 2.1 Assume that  ⊂ Cn is a bounded domain, and let u be a subharmonic function defined in . Then we say that u is m-subharmonic,1≤ m ≤ n,ifthe following inequality holds

c n−m dd u ∧ α1 ∧···∧αm−1 ∧ β ≥ 0, 123 P. Åhag et al. in the sense of currents for all α1,...,αm−1 ∈ m. With SHm() we denote the set of all m-subharmonic functions defined on . We say that a function u is strictly m- subharmonic if it is m-subharmonic on , and for every p ∈  there exists a constant 2 cp > 0 such that u(z) − cp|z| is m-subharmonic in a neighborhood of p. Remark From Definition 2.1 it follows that

PSH = SHn ⊂···⊂SH1 = SH.

In Theorem 2.2, we give a list of well-known properties that m-subharmonic func- tions enjoy. Theorem 2.2 Assume that  ⊂ Cn is a bounded domain, and 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Then we have that

(1) If u,v ∈ SHm(), then su + tv ∈ SHm(), for constants s, t ≥ 0; (2) If u,v ∈ SHm(), then max{u,v}∈SHm(); (3) If {uα} is a locally uniformly bounded family of functions from SHm(), then the upper semicontinuous regularization

∗ sup uα α

defines a m-subharmonic function; (4) If {u j } is a sequence of functions in SHm() such that u j u and there is a point z ∈  such that u(z)>−∞, then u ∈ SHm(); (5) If u ∈ SHm() and γ : R → R is a convex and nondecreasing function, then γ ◦ u ∈ SHm(); (6) If u ∈ SHm(), then the standard regularization given by the convolution u ρε is m-subharmonic in {z ∈  : dist(z,∂)>ε}. Here we have that

ρ = ε−2nρ z , ε ε

ρ : R+ → R+ is a smooth function such that ρ(z) = ρ(|z|) and

C exp 1 when t ∈[0, 1] ρ(t) = (1−t)2 t−1 0 when t ∈ (1, ∞),  2 n where C is a constant such that Cn ρ(|z| )β = 1; (7) If ω  ,u ∈ SHm(), v ∈ SHm(ω), and limz→w v(z) ≤ u(w) for all w ∈ ∂ω, then the function defined by

,  \ ω, ϕ = u on max{u,v}, on ω,

is m-subharmonic on ; 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

We shall need several different envelope constructions. We have gathered their definitions and notations in Definition 2.3. Definition 2.3 Assume that  ⊂ Cn is a bounded domain, and 1 ≤ m ≤ n. (a) For f ∈ C()¯ we define

S f (z) = sup {v(z) : v ∈ SHm(), v ≤ f } ,

and similarly   c ( ) = v( ) : v ∈ SH () ∩ C(),¯ v ≤ . S f z sup z m f

(b) If instead f ∈ C(∂), then we let   ∗ S f (z) = sup v(z) : v ∈ SHm(), v ≤ f on ∂ ,

and   c ( ) = v( ) : v ∈ SH () ∩ C(),¯ v ≤ ∂ . S f z sup z m f on

Remark Assume that m = 1. If  ⊂ Cn (=∼ R2n) is a regular domain in the sense of Theorem A, and if f ∈ C(∂), then PWB f (defined also in Theorem A) is the unique ¯ harmonic function on , continuous on , such that PWB f = f on ∂. Therefore, we have that S (z) = S (z), and Sc (z) = Sc (z). f PWB f f PWB f In Definition 2.4, we state the definition of relative extremal functions in our setting. Definition 2.4 Assume that E   is an open subset such that  \ E¯ is a regular domain in the sense of Theorem A. Then we make the following definitions

SE (z) = sup {v(z) : v ∈ SHm(), v ≤−1onE,v ≤ 0} , and   c ( ) = v( ) : v ∈ SH () ∩ C(),¯ v ≤− ,v ≤ . SE z sup z m 1onE 0

Remark From well-known potential theory, we have that if h E is the unique harmonic ¯ ¯ function defined on  \ E, continuous on  \ E, h E = 0on∂, h E =−1on∂ E, and if we set

¯ h E (z) if z ∈  \ E HE (z) = −1ifz ∈ E,

( ) = ( ) v ∈ SH () v ≤− then we have that SE z SHE z . To see it assume that m , 1on v ≤ v ≤ ¯ \ v ≤ ≤ E, 0, then h E on E and therefore HE , which means that SE SHE . On the other hand since S∗ ∈ SH () and S∗ ≤−1onE which implies that HE m HE

S∗ ≤ S ≤ S ≤ S∗ . HE E HE HE 123 P. Åhag et al.

Błocki’s generalization of Walsh’s celebrated Theorem [62], and an immediate consequence will be needed as well. Theorem 2.5 Let  be a bounded domain in Cn, and let f ∈ C()¯ .Ifforallw ∈ ∂ ¯ we have that limz→w S f (z) = f (w), then S f ∈ SHm() ∩ C(). Proof See Proposition 3.2 in [9].  A direct consequence of Theorem 2.5 is the following. Corollary 2.6 Let  be a bounded domain in Cn, and let f ∈ C()¯ .Ifforallw ∈ ∂ c ( ) = (w) c = ∈ SH () ∩ C()¯ we have that limz→w S f z f , then S f S f m . Proof First note that

c ≤ ≤ . S f S f f

Therefore, if

lim Sc (z) = f (w), z→w f holds for all w ∈ ∂, then

lim S f (z) = f (w). z→w ¯ Hence, by Theorem 2.5, we get that S f ∈ SHm() ∩ C(), which gives us that ≤ c = c  S f S f . Thus, S f S f . In Sect. 4, we shall make use of techniques from Choquet theory, in particular Jensen ¯ measures w.r.t. the cone SHm() ∩ C() of continuous functions. This is possible ¯ ¯ since SHm() ∩ C() contains the constant functions and separates points in C(). Our inspiration can be traced back to the works mentioned in the introduction, but maybe more to [17] and [35]. Definition 2.7 Let  be a bounded domain in Cn, and let μ be a non-negative regular Borel measure defined on ¯ . We say that μ is a Jensen measure with barycenter ¯ ¯ z0 ∈  w.r.t. SHm() ∩ C() if  ¯ u(z0) ≤ udμ for all u ∈ SHm() ∩ C() . ¯

J m Jensen boundary The set of such measures will be denoted by z0 . Furthermore, the J m w.r.t. z0 is defined as   ∂ = ∈ ¯ : J m ={δ } . J m z z z

Remark The Jensen boundary is another name for the Choquet boundary w.r.t. a given class of Jensen measures. For further information see e.g., [12,48]. 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

Remark There are many different spaces of Jensen measures introduced throughout the literature. Caution is advised.

The most important tool in working with Jensen measures is the Edwards’ duality theorem that origins from [25]. We only need a special case formulated in Theorem 2.8. For a proof, and a discussion, of Edwards’ theorem see [69](seealso[20,21,55]).

Theorem 2.8 (Edwards’ Theorem). Let  be a bounded domain in Cn, and let g be a real-valued lower semicontinuous function defined on ¯ . Then for every z ∈ ¯ we have that   c ( ) = {v( ) : v ∈ SH () ∩ C(),¯ v ≤ }= μ : μ ∈ J m . Sg z sup z m g inf gd z

We end this section with a convergence result.

n ¯ Theorem 2.9 Assume that  is a domain in C , and let {zn}⊂ be a sequence of points converging to z ∈ ¯ . Furthermore, for each n, let μ ∈ J m. Then there exists n zn {μ } μ ∈ J m {μ } ∗ a subsequence n j , and a measure z such that n j converges in the weak- topology to μ.

Proof The Banach–Alaoglu theorem says that the space of probability measures defined on ¯ is compact when equipped with the weak-∗ topology. This means that {μ } μ there is a subsequence n j that converges to a probability measure . It remains to μ ∈ J m ∈ SH () ∩ C()¯ show that z .Takeu m then  

udμ = lim udμn ≥ lim u(z j ) = u(z), j j j

μ ∈ J m  hence z .

3 Basic Properties of m-Hyperconvex Domains

The aim of this section is to introduce m-hyperconvex domains (Definition 3.1) within the Caffarelli–Nirenberg–Spruck model, and prove Theorem 3.5 .Ifm = 1, then the notion will be the same as regular domains (see assertion (4) in Theorem A in the introduction), and if m = n then it is the same as hyperconvex domains (see (1) in Theorem C).

Definition 3.1 Let  be a bounded domain in Cn. We say that  is m-hyperconvex if it admits an exhaustion function that is negative and m-subharmonic.

Traditionally, in pluripotential theory, the exhaustion functions are assumed to be bounded. That assumption is obviously superfluous in Definition 3.1. Even though it should be mentioned once again that up until now authors have defined m-hyperconvex domains to be bounded domains that admit an exhaustion function that is negative, continuous, and m-subharmonic. We prove below in Theorem 3.5 that the assumption 123 P. Åhag et al. of continuity is not necessary. Before continuing with Theorem 3.5 let us demon- strate the concept of m-hyperconvexity in the following two examples. Example 3.2 demonstrates that Hartogs’ triangle is 1-hyperconvex, but not 2-hyperconvex.

Example 3.2 Set

 ={(z,w)∈ C2 :|z| < |w| < 1}.

This is Hartogs’ triangle, and it is not hyperconvex (Proposition 1 in [26]), but it is a regular domain. In other words, it is not 2-hyperconvex, but it is 1-hyperconvex. It is easy to see that   ϕ(z,w)= max log |w|, |z|2 −|w|2 is a negative, subharmonic (1-subharmonic) exhaustion function for . 

In Example 3.3, we construct a domain in C3 that is 2-hyperconvex, but not 3- hyperconvex.

n Example 3.3 For a given integer 1 ≤ k ≤ n,letϕk be the function defined on C by

2 2 n 2 ϕ (z ,...,z ) =|z | + ...+|z − | + 1 − |z | . k 1 n 1 n 1 k n

Then we have that ϕk is m-subharmonic function if, and only if, m ≤ k. Let us now consider the following domain:   n k = (z1,...,zn) ∈ C :|z1| < 1,...,|zn| < 1,ϕk(z)<1 .

This construction yields that k is a balanced Reinhardt domain that is not pseu- doconvex (see e.g., Theorem 1.11.13 in [38]). Furthermore, we have that k is k-hyperconvex, since

u(z1,...,zn) = max{|z1|,...,|zn|,ϕk(z)}−1 is a k-subharmonic exhaustion function. In particular, we get that for n = 3, and k = 2, 3 the domain 2 ⊂ C is 2-hyperconvex but not 3-hyperconvex. 

We shall need the following elementary lemma. For completeness we include a proof.

Lemma 3.4 Let χ : (−∞, 0) → (0, ∞) be an increasing and . Then for any a < b < 0 and x < 0 we have that

χ(b + x) − χ(a + x) ≤ χ(b) − χ(a). 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

Proof For x < 0, let us define  b+x θ( ) = χ  ( ) , x r t dt a+x χ  χ χ where r denotes the right derivative of (which exists since is convex). By our χ  assumptions, we know that r is a non-negative and nondecreasing function. There- fore, θ is also nondecreasing, and then for any x < 0 we have that

χ(b + x) − χ(a + x) = θ(x) ≤ θ(0) = χ(b) − χ(a).

The aim of this section is to prove the following theorem, especially property (3).

Theorem 3.5 Assume that , 1, and 2 are bounded m-hyperconvex domains in Cn,n≥ 2, 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Then we have the following. n (1) If 1 ∩ 2 is connected, then the domain 1 ∩ 2 is m-hyperconvex in C . 2n (2) The domain 1 × 2 is m-hyperconvex in C . (3) The domain  admits a negative exhaustion function that is strictly m- subharmonic on , and continuous on ¯ . (4) If  is a priori only a bounded domain in Cn such that for every z ∈ ∂there exists a neighborhood Uz such that ∩Uz is m-hyperconvex, then  is m-hyperconvex.

Proof Part (1) For each j = 1, 2, assume that ψ j ∈ SHm( j ) is a negative exhaus- tion function for the m-hyperconvex domain  j , j = 1, 2. Then max{ψ1,ψ2}∈ SHm(1 ∩ 2) is a negative exhaustion function for 1 ∩ 2. Thus, 1 ∩ 2 is m-hyperconvex in Cn. Part (2) This part is concluded by defining a negative exhaustion function by

ψ(z1, z2) = max{ψ1(z1), ψ2(z2)}∈SHm(1 × 2).

Part (3) The proof of this part is inspired by [19]. First, we shall prove that there exists a negative and continuous exhaustion function. We know that  always admits a bounded, negative, exhaustion function ϕ ∈ SHm().Fixw ∈  and r > 0 such that B(w, r)  , and note that there exists a constant M > 0 such that

Mϕ ≤ HB(w,r)

(the definition of HB(w,r) is in the remark after Definition 2.4). This construction implies that

0 = lim Mϕ(z) ≤ lim SH (w, ) (z) ≤ lim HB(w,r)(z) = 0. z→∂ z→∂ B r z→∂

Thanks to the generalized Walsh theorem (Theorem 2.5) we have that

= ∈ SH () ∩ C(),¯ SHB(w,r) SB(w,r) m 123 P. Åhag et al. and that SB(w,r) is a continuous exhaustion function. Next, we shall construct a continuous strictly m-subharmonic exhaustion function for . From the first part of this theorem, we know that there is a negative and con- ¯ tinuous exhaustion function u ∈ SHm() ∩ C() for . Choose M > 0 such that |z|2 − M ≤−1on, and define   |z|2 − M ψ (z) = max u(z), . j j

¯ Then ψ j ∈ SHm() ∩ C(), ψ j |∂ = 0, and ψ j < 0on.Ifwenowlet

∞ = 1 1 , ψ = ψ , a j j and a j j 2 max{sup(−ψ j ), 1} j=1  ψk = k ψ then j=1 a j j defines a decreasing sequence of continuous m-subharmonic functions on defined . We can conclude that ψ ∈ SHm(), since ψ(z)>−∞ for z ∈ . The continuity of ψ is obtained by the Weierstrass M-test. To see that ψ is strictly m-subharmonic, note that if ω  , then there exists an index jω such that on ω we have that

|z|2 − M ψ = for all j > jω. j j

This gives us that

jω ∞   |z|2 − M ψ = a ψ + a . j j j j j=1 j= jω+1

|z|2−M Since j is strictly plurisubharmonic, and therefore strictly m-subharmonic, we have that ψ is strictly m-subharmonic on . Finally, ψ is an exhaustion function for , since ψ j |∂ = 0 for all j. Part (4) The idea of the proof of this part is from [7].Bytheassumptionthereare ,..., ∂ ⊂ N ∩  neighborhoods Uz1 UzN such that j=1 Uz j , and each Uz j is m- :  →[−, ] hyperconvex. Let u j 1 0 be a negative and continuous m-subharmonic ∩   ∂ ⊂ N exhaustion function for Uz j .LetVj Uz j be such that j=1 Vj .For x < 0, we then define the following continuous functions   β(x) = max u (z) : z ∈ V¯ ∩ , j = 1,...,N, dist(z,∂)≤−x ,  j j  ¯ α(x) = min u j (z) : z ∈ Vj ∩ , j = 1,...,N, dist(z,∂)≤−x .

From these definitions, it follows that α ≤ β, and limx→0− α(x) = 0. There- fore, there exists a convex, increasing function χ : (−∞, 0) → (0, ∞) such that limx→0− χ(x) =∞, and χ ◦ β ≤ χ ◦ α + 1 (see e.g., Lemma A2.4. in [7]). Hence, 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

|χ ◦ u j − χ ◦ uk|≤1onVj ∩ Vk ∩ .

For any ε>0 we have that

|χ(u j (z) − ε) − χ(uk(z) − ε)|≤1forz ∈ Vj ∩ Vk ∩ , (3.1) since χ is an increasing and convex function (see Lemma 3.4). Next, let V   V ,  j j = ,..., ¯ \ ⊂ N    j 1 N, be such that V j=1 Vj , for some open set V .For each j, take a smooth function ϕ j such that supp(ϕ j ) ⊂ Vj ,0 ≤ ϕ j ≤ 1, and ϕ = ¯  , > j 1 on a neighborhood of Vj . Furthermore, there are constants M1 M2 0 2 2 such that |z| − M1 ≤ 0on, and such that the functions ϕ j + M2(|z| − M1) are m-subharmonic for j = 1,...,N. Let us define

2 v j,ε(z) = χ(u j (z) − ε) + ϕ j (z) − 1 + M2(|z| − M1).

From (3.1) it then follows that

v ≤ v ∂ ∩ ¯  ∩ . j,ε k,ε on a neighborhood of Vj Vk (3.2)

Take yet another constant c such that   sup u j (z) : z ∈ V ∩ Vj , j = 1,...,N < c < 0 , (3.3) and define   2 vε(z) = max v j,ε(z), χ(c) − 1 + M2(|z| − M1) .

By (3.2), and (3.3), it follows that vε is a well-defined m-subharmonic function defined on . Finally note that, for c < −ε, the following function

vε(z) ψε(z) = − χ(−ε) 1

ψ ≤  ∈ ∂ ∩  is m-subharmonic, and ε 0on .Forz Vj , we have that

u j (z) = 0 and ϕ j (z) = 1, hence

2 v j,ε(z) χ(−ε) + M2(|z| − M1) M1 M2 ψε(z) ≥ − = − ≥− . χ(−ε) 1 χ(−ε) 1 χ(−ε) (3.4)

In addition, it holds that

N χ(c) − 1  ψε(z) ≤ − , z ∈ V \ V . χ(−ε) 1 j (3.5) j=1 123 P. Åhag et al.  ( , )  \ N Now fix a ball B z r V j=1 Vj .From(3.4), (3.5), and the fact that

lim χ(x) =∞ x→0− we have that

∗ (sup ψε) ≤ SB(z,r) ε

(see Definition 2.4). Thus,

lim S ( , )(ξ) = 0. ξ→∂ B z r

Theorem 2.5 (generalized Walsh’s theorem) gives us that ¯ SB(z,r) ∈ SHm() ∩ C(), and that SB(z,r) is the desired exhaustion function for . This ends the proof of Part (4), and this theorem. 

Remark Assume that  is bounded m-hyperconvex domain, and E   is an open subset such that  \ E¯ is a regular domain in the sense of Theorem A. Then we have that (1) Sc (z) = Sc (z), and E HE (2) S = Sc = Sc = S . E E HE HE To see that (1) holds, first note that it is clear that Sc (z) ≤ Sc (z). On the other hand, E HE since  is a m-hyperconvex domain it can be proved as in part (3) of Theorem 3.5 that Sc ∈ SH () ∩ C()¯ . Therefore, Sc (z) ≥ Sc (z). Property (2) follows from HE m E HE Theorem 2.5 together with the remark after Definition 2.4.

4 The Geometry of m-Regular Domains

In this section, we shall investigate the geometry of the corresponding notions of B-regular and hyperconvex domains within the Caffarelli–Nirenberg–Spruck model. More precisely, in Theorem 4.3, we prove what degenerates into Theorem B when m = n, and in Theorem 4.1, we prove what is Theorem C in the case m = n.

Theorem 4.1 Assume that  is a bounded domain in Cn,n≥ 2, 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Then the following assertions are equivalent. (1)  is m-hyperconvex in the sense of Definition 3.1; (2) ∂ has a weak barrier at every point that is m-subharmonic; (3)  admits an exhaustion function that is negative, smooth and strictly m- subharmonic; and ∈ ∂ μ ∈ J m (μ) ⊆ ∂ (4) For every z , and every z , we have that supp . 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

Proof The implications (1) ⇒ (2), and (3) ⇒ (1) are trivial. The implication (1) ⇒ (3) is postponed to Theorem 5.4 in Sect. 5. (2) ⇒ (1) : Let w ∈  and r > 0 be such that the ball B(w, r)  . Then by assumption, we have that for every z ∈ ∂ there exists a weak barrier uz at z that is m-subharmonic. Since there exists a constant Mz > 0 such that

Mzuz ≤ SB(w,r) it follows that

lim S (w, )(ξ) = 0. ξ→∂ B r

Thanks to the generalized Walsh theorem (Theorem 2.5), we know that SB(w,r) ∈ ¯ SHm() ∩ C(). Hence, SB(w,r) is an exhaustion function for . ¯ (1) ⇒ (4) : Assume that  is m-hyperconvex, and that u ∈ SHm() ∩ C() is an  ∈ ∂ μ ∈ J m exhaustion function for .Ifz , and z , then  0 = u(z) ≤ udμ ≤ 0.

This implies that supp(μ) ⊆ ∂, since u < 0on. ( ) ⇒ ( ) : (μ) ⊂ ∂ μ ∈ J m ∈ ∂ w ∈  4 1 Suppose that supp for all z , z .Let , r > 0, be such that the ball B(w, r)  , and let

Sc (z) = sup{ϕ(z) : ϕ ∈ SH () ∩ C(),¯ ϕ ≤ 0,ϕ ≤−1onB(w, r)} . B(w,r) m

From Edwards’ theorem (Theorem 2.8), it follows that     Sc (z) = inf −χ dμ : μ ∈ J m =−sup μ(B(w, r)) : μ ∈ J m . B(w,r) B(w,r) z z

We shall now prove that

lim Sc (ξ) = 0, ξ→∂ B(w,r) and this shall be done with a proof by contradiction. Assume the contrary, i.e., that there is a point z ∈ ∂ such that

lim Sc (ξ) < 0. B(w,r) ξ→z

Then we can find a sequence {zn}, that converges to z, and

Sc (z )<−ε for every n. B(w,r) n 123 P. Åhag et al.

μ ∈ J m μ (B(w, r)) > ε We can find corresponding measures n zn such that n . By passing to a subsequence, Theorem 2.9 gives us that we can assume that μn converges in the ∗ μ ∈ J m weak- topology to a measure z .Lemma2.3in[17], implies then that  

μ(B(w, r)) = χ (w, ) dμ ≥ lim χ (w, ) dμn = lim μn(B(w, r)) > ε ≥ 0. B r n→∞ B r n→∞

μ ∈ J m This contradicts the assumption that z only has on the boundary. Hence, Corollary 2.6 gives us that

c ∈ SH () ∩ C(),¯ SB(w,r) m

c    and that SB(w,r) is an exhaustion function for . Thus, is m-hyperconvex. Before we can start with the proof of Theorem 4.3, we need the following corollary.

Corollary 4.2 Let  be a bounded m-hyperconvex domain in Cn, and let f ∈ C(∂). ¯ Then there exists a function u ∈ SHm() ∩ C() such that u = fon∂ if, and only if,   ( ) = μ : μ ∈ J m ∈ ∂. f z inf fd z for all z

¯ Proof Assume that f ∈ C(∂), and that u ∈ SHm() ∩ C() is such that u = f on ∂ ∈ ∂ μ ∈ J m .Letz , and z , then we have that  f (z) = u(z) ≤ udμ, which, together with Theorem 4.1, imply that     ( ) ≤ μ : μ ∈ J m = μ : μ ∈ J m . f z inf ud z inf fd z

δ ∈ J m Since z z we have that    μ : μ ∈ J m ≤ δ = ( ). inf fd z fd z f z

Hence,   ( ) = μ : μ ∈ J m ∈ ∂. f z inf ud z for z

¯ Conversely, extend f to a continuous function on  (for instance one can take PWB f , which was defined in Theorem A in the introduction) and for simplicity denote it also 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains by f . Since  is a m-hyperconvex domain then by Theorem 4.1 for any z ∈ ∂ and μ ∈ J m (μ) ⊆ ∂ any z it holds that supp ,sowehave   ( ) = μ : μ ∈ J m ∈ ∂. f z inf fd z for all z

Edwards’ theorem (Theorem 2.8) gives us now that   c ( ) = μ : μ ∈ J m , S f z inf fd z

c = ∂ ∈ ∂ and therefore S f f on . To conclude this proof, we shall prove that for z it holds that

c (ξ) = ( ). lim S f f z ξ→z

We shall argue by contradiction. Assume that

c (ξ) < ( ) ∈ ∂. lim S f f z for some z ξ→z

Then we can find an ε>0, and a sequence ξ j → z such that

c (ξ )< ( ) − ε . S f j f z for every j

Since, for every j, we have that   Sc (ξ ) = inf fdμ : μ ∈ J m f j ξ j there are measures μ ∈ J m such that j ξ j 

fdμ j < f (z) − ε.

By passing to a subsequence, and using Theorem 2.9, we can assume that μ j converges ∗ μ ∈ J m in the weak- topology to some z . Hence,  

fdμ = lim fdμ j < f (z) − ε. j

This contradicts the assumption that   ( ) = μ : μ ∈ J m . f z inf fd z

c ∈ SH () ∩ C()¯  Therefore, by Corollary 2.6, S f m , and the proof is finished. 123 P. Åhag et al.

Remark If  is a bounded domain that is not necessarily m-hyperconvex, then we have a similar result as in Corollary 4.2 namely that there exists a function u ∈ ¯ ¯ SHm() ∩ C() such that u = f on  if, and only if, there exists a continuous extension ϕ of f to ¯ such that   ϕ( ) = ϕ μ : μ ∈ J m . z inf d z

We end this section by proving Theorem 4.3, and its immediate consequence. We have decided to deviate in Theorem 4.3 the notation from Definition 2.3.Thisto simplify the comparison with Theorem B in the introduction.

Theorem 4.3 Assume that  is a bounded domain in Cn,n≥ 2, 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Then the following assertions are equivalent.

(1) ∂ is Bm-regular at every boundary point z0 ∈ ∂, in the sense that

m( ) = ( ), lim PB f z f z0 z→z0 z∈

for each continuous function f : ∂ → R.Here   PBm(z) = sup v(z) : v ∈ SH (), lim v(ζ) ≤ f (ξ), ∀ξ ∈ ∂ . f m ζ→ξ ζ∈

(2) ∂ has a strong barrier at every point that is m-subharmonic; (3)  admits an exhaustion function ϕ that is negative, smooth, m-subharmonic, and such that

2 ϕ(z) −|z| ∈ SHm() ; and

∂ = ∂J m in the sense of Definition . (4) z 2.7 Proof (1) ⇒ (2) : Fix z ∈ ∂, and let f be a continuous function on ∂ such that ( ) = (ξ) < ξ = m f z 0 and f 0for z. Then PB f is a strong barrier at z. ( ) ⇒ ( ) : ∈ C(∂) ( m)∗ 2 1 Let f . Then the upper semicontinuous regularization PB f is m-subharmonic, and by the generalized Walsh theorem (Theorem 2.5) it is sufficient to show that

lim PBm = f ξ→∂ f

m ∈ SH () ∩ C()¯ w ∈ ∂ ε> ∈ SH () to obtain that PB f m .Fix , and 0. Let uw m be a strong barrier at w that is m-subharmonic. Then there exists a constant M > 0 such that

∗ f (w) + Muw − ε ≤ f, on ∂, 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

(w) + − ε ≤ m and therefore we have that f Muw PB f . This gives us that

m(ξ) ≥ (w) − ε, lim PB f f ξ→w

m(ξ) = (w) and finally limξ→w PB f f . (1) ⇒ (4) : Fix z ∈ ∂.Let f be a continuous function on ∂ such that f (z) = 0 (ξ) < ξ = m ∈ SH () ∩ C()¯ m = ∂ and f 0for z. Then PB f m , and PB f f on .Let μ ∈ J m μ ¯ z then, since is a probability measure on , we have that   m( ) ≤ m μ ≤ m μ = m( ). PB f z PB f d max PB f d PB f z supp(μ)

Thus, μ = δz. (4) ⇒ (1) : This follows from Corollary 4.2. ( ) ⇒ ( ) : ( ) =− | |2 ∂ ( ) = m( ) +| |2 1 3 Take f z 2 z on and set u z PB f z z . By Rich- berg’s approximation theorem, we can find a smooth function v that is m-subharmonic and

lim (u(ξ) − v(ξ)) = 0. ξ→∂

This implication is then concluded by letting ϕ(z) = v(z) +|z|2. Some comments on Richberg’s approximation theorem are in order. In our case, Demailly’s proof of Theorem 5.21 in [22] is valid. Richberg’s approximation theorem is valid in a much more abstract setting (see e.g., [33,52]). (3) ⇒ (1) : Let f ∈ C(∂), and let ε>0. Then there exists a smooth function g defined on a neighborhood of ¯ such that

f ≤ g ≤ f + ε, on ∂.

By assumption there exists a constant M > 0 such that g + Mϕ ∈ SHm(). Then we have that

g + Mϕ − ε ≤ f, on ∂.

+ ϕ − ε ≤ m  Hence, g M PB f in . This means that

m(ξ) ≥ (w) − ε ≥ (w) − ε w ∈ ∂, lim PB f g f for all ξ→w and therefore we get

lim PBm(ξ) = f (w). ξ→w f

m ∈ SH () ∩ C()¯  Thus, PB f m , by the generalized Walsh theorem (Theorem 2.5). 123 P. Åhag et al.

An immediate consequence of Theorem 4.3 is the following corollary.

Corollary 4.4 Let  be a bounded domain in Cn such that for every z ∈ ∂ there exists a neighborhood Uz such that  ∩ Uz is Bm-regular, then  is Bm-regular.

Proof Let z ∈ ∂, Uz be a neighborhood of z, and let uz be a strong barrier at z, that ¯ is m-subharmonic, and defined in some neighborhood of Uz ∩ .Nowletδ>0, be such that uz < −δ on ∂Uz ∩ . Then we can define a (global) strong barrier at z, that is m-subharmonic:

max{uz(w), −δ} if w ∈ Uz ∩ , vz(w) = −δ if w ∈  \ Uz.

5 The Existence of Smooth Exhaustion Functions

The purpose of this section is to prove the implication (1) ⇒ (3) in Theorem 4.1. That we shall do in Theorem 5.4. This section is based on the work of Cegrell [19], and therefore shall need a few additional preliminaries.

n Definition 5.1 Assume that  is a bounded domain in C , and let u ∈ SHm() ∩ L∞(). Then the m-Hessian measure of u is defined by

c m n−m Hm(u) = (dd u) ∧ β , where β = ddc|z|2.

Remark The m-Hessian measure is well-defined for much more general functions than needed in this section. For further information see e.g., [9].

For a bounded m-hyperconvex domain in Cn, we shall use the following notation    E0 () = ϕ ∈ SH () ∩ ∞() : ϕ ≤ , ϕ( ) = , (ϕ) < ∞ . m m L 0 lim z 0 Hm z→∂ 

In Theorem 5.4, we shall prove that a m-hyperconvex domain admits an exhaustion function that is smooth, and strictly m-subharmonic. Our method is that of approxima- tion. Therefore, we first need to prove a suitable approximation theorem. Theorem 5.2 was first proved in the case m = n by Cegrell [19]. If the approximating sequence {ψ j } is assumed to be only continuous on , then the corresponding result was proved by Cegrell [18, Theorem 2.1] in the case m = n, and Lu [46, Theorem 1.7.1] for general m. In connection with Theorem 5.2, we would like to make a remark on Theorem 6.1 in a recent paper by Harvey et al. [34]. There they prove a similar approximation theo- rem, but there is an essential difference. They assume that the underlying space should admit a negative exhaustion function that is C2-smooth, and strictly m-subharmonic. Thereafter, they prove that approximation is possible. Whereas we prove that smooth 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains approximation is always possible on an m-hyperconvex domain, i.e., there should only exist a negative exhaustion function. Thereafter, we prove the existence of a neg- ative and smooth exhaustion function that is strictly m-subharmonic, and has bounded m-Hessian measure. We believe that Theorem 5.2 is of interest in its own right. Theorem 5.2 Assume that  is a bounded m-hyperconvex domain in Cn. Then, for any negative m-subharmonic function u defined on , there exists a decreasing sequence {ψ }⊂E0 () ∩ C∞() ψ → →∞ j m such that j u, as j . Before proving Theorem 5.2, we need the following lemma. The proof is as in [19], and therefore it is omitted. Lemma 5.3 Let u,vbe smooth m-subharmonic functions in  and let ω be a neigh- borhood of the set {u = v}. Then there exists a smooth m-subharmonic function ϕ such that ϕ ≥ max{u,v} on  and ϕ = max{u,v} on  \ ω.

Now to the proof of Theorem 5.2.

Proof of Theorem 5.2 By Theorem 3.5, property (3), we can always find a continuous and negative exhaustion function α for  that is strictly m-subharmonic. ∈ E0 () ∩ C()¯ ( ( ))   We want to prove that for any u m with supp Hm u , and for ∈ ( , ) ψ ∈ E0 () ∩ C∞() any a 1 2 , there exists m such that

au ≤ ψ ≤ u. (5.1)

We shall do it in several steps. Step 1. Fix a constant s < 0 such that

supp(Hm(u))  0 ={z ∈  : α(z)

By using standard regularization by convolution (Theorem 2.2 (6)), we can construct φ a sequence j of smooth m-subharmonic functions decreasing to bu. Out of this ϕ { ≤ } sequence pick one function, 0, that is smooth in a neighborhood of the set 2u c , ϕ < ¯ and such that 0 u on 0. Next, define

{ ,ϕ + } { < }, max 2u 0 c on 2u c ϕ0 = 2u, on {2u ≥ c}.

ϕ ∈ E0 () ∩ C()¯ Then by construction, we have that 0 m . Furthermore, on a neighbor- ¯ ϕ = ϕ + hood of 0 we have 0 0 c, since < < + <ϕ + . 2u au bu c 0 c 123 P. Åhag et al.

With the definition

ϕ˜0 = sup{v ∈ SHm() : v ≤ ϕ0 on 0,v ≤ 0}, we get that ϕ˜0 = S f , where

ϕ  , = 0 on 0 f ¯ h on  \ 0, is a continuous function. Here h is the unique harmonic function on  \ 0 that is continuous up to the boundary, h = ϕ0 on ∂0 and h = 0on∂. In fact the function h can be obtain as (see [4]) 

h(z) = sup θ(z) : θ ∈ SH1( \ 0), lim sup θ(z) ≤ ϕ0(ζ ), ∀ ζ ∈ ∂0 ∪ ∂ . z→ξ

Thanks to the generalized Walsh theorem (Theorem 2.5), we have that ϕ˜0 ∈ SHm()∩ C()¯ . Furthermore,

< + ≤ ϕ + = ϕ =˜ϕ <ϕ < ¯ . au bu c 0 c 0 0 0 u on 0

Thus, we see that ¯ au < ϕ˜0 < u on .

The set {au ≤ ϕ0}⊂{2u ≤ c} is compact, and therefore we have that ϕ0 is smooth in a neighborhood of {au ≤ ϕ0}.       Step 2. Let 0 be a given domain such that 0 0 . We shall construct functions ϕ1, ϕ˜1, and a domain 1 with the following properties;       ={α< } < (1) 0 1 and 1 s1 ,forsomes1 0; ϕ , ϕ˜ ∈ E0 () ∩ C()¯ (2) 1 1 m ; (3) ϕ0 = ϕ1 on 0; (4) au < ϕ˜1 < u on ; (5) ϕ1 =˜ϕ1 on 1; (6) {au ≤ ϕ1}  ; and (7) ϕ1 is smooth in a neighborhood of {au ≤ ϕ1}.

We start by taking s1 < 0 such that

   ={α< }  . 0 1 s1 and ϕ0 < au on ∂1. This is possible since the set {au ≤ ϕ0} is compact. Let 1 < b < a, and c < d < 0, with the properties that ¯ au < bu + d < ϕ˜0 on a neighborhood of 1. 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

φ Once again using standard approximation by convolutions, let j be a sequence of smooth m-subharmonic functions decreasing to bu + d. Take one function from this ϕ { ≤ } sequence, call it 1 , such that it is smooth in a neighborhood of 2u d , and

ϕ < ϕ˜ ¯ . 1 0 on 1

The definition

{ϕ, } { < }, ϕ = max 1 2u on 2u d 1 2u on {2u ≥ d}

ϕ ∈ E0 () ∩ C()¯ ϕ = ϕ { ≤ ϕ } yields that 1 m , and we have that 1 1 near au 1 . Take an open set W such that

{ <ϕ = ϕ }   { < (ϕ ,ϕ )}\¯ , au 0 1 W au min 0 1 0

ϕ ∈ E0 () ϕ <  therefore by Lemma 5.3 there exists 1 m such that 1 u on , and with  ϕ1 ≥ max{ϕ0,ϕ } with equality on 0. Furthermore, ϕ1 is smooth on W and ϕ1 = ϕ0 1 ¯ on 0. It also follows that ϕ1 is smooth near {au ≤ ϕ1} which contains 1, since ϕ = ϕ ϕ < ≤ ϕ ϕ ϕ 1 1 if 0 au 1. Both functions 0, and 1, are smooth near

{ ≤ ϕ }∩{ ≤ ϕ }. au 0 au 1

Let us define

ϕ˜1 = sup{v ∈ SHm() : v ≤ ϕ1 on 1,v ≤ 0}, ¯ then as in Step 1, it follows that ϕ˜1 ∈ SHm() ∩ C(). The constructions ϕ1, ϕ˜1 and 1 satisfy all the Conditions (1)–(7). Step 3.Nowif j  , then the function

ψ = ϕ ∈ E0 (). lim j m j→∞

Furthermore, ψ is smooth since for any domain ω   there exists jω such that on ∞ the set ω we have ψ = ϕ jω ∈ C . This ends the proof of (5.1). To finish the proof of this theorem, assume that u is a negative m-subharmonic function defined on . Theorem 1.7.1 in [46] implies that there exists a decreasing { }⊂E0 () ∩ C()¯ ( ( ))   → →∞ sequence u j m , supp Hm u j , such that u j u,as j . ψ ∈ E0 () ∩ C∞() Then by (5.1), there exists a sequence j m with

1 1 1 − u j ≤ ψ j ≤ 1 − u j , j + 1 j and the proof is finished.  123 P. Åhag et al.

We shall end this paper by proving the implication (1) ⇒ (3) in Theorem 4.1.

Theorem 5.4 Assume that  is a m-hyperconvex domain in Cn,n ≥ 2, 1 ≤ m ≤ n. Then  admits an exhaustion function that is negative, smooth, strictly m- subharmonic, and has bounded m-Hessian measure.

ψ ∈ E0 () ∩ C∞() Proof Theorem 5.2 implies that there exists a function m .Let M > 0 be a constant such that

|z|2 − M < −1on, and define   |z|2 − M ψ (z) = max ψ(z), ∈ E0 () ∩ C(). j j m

This construction also implies that ψ j is smooth outside a neighborhood ω of the set   |z|2 − M ψ(z) = . j

ϕ ∈ E0 () ∩ C∞() ϕ = ψ Lemma 5.3 implies that there exists j m such that j j outside ω. Now we choose a sequence a j ∈ (0, 1) such that the function

∞ ϕ = a j ϕ j j=1

E0 () is smooth, strictly m-subharmonic, and belongs to m . It is sufficient to take  1 a =  , where h = H (ϕ ). j 1 j m j j ϕ  , m ,  2 max j ∞ h j 1

Note here that |ϕ|≤1. The construction

n un = a j ϕ j j=1

∈ E0 () ϕ →∞ implies that un m , and un ,asn . Using standard arguments, and finally by passing to the limit with n, we arrive at ⎛ ⎞ m  ∞  1 ⎝ m ⎠ Hm(ϕ) ≤ a j Hm(ϕ j ) ≤ 1.   j=1 123 The Geometry of m-Hyperconvex Domains

Let us conclude this proof by motivating why ϕ is necessarily smooth, and strictly   m-subharmonic. Let   , then there exists an index jω such that on  we have that

|z|2 − M ϕ = for j > jω. j j

This gives us that

jω ∞ 2 |z| − M  ϕ = a ϕ + a on  . j j j j j=1 j= jω+1

Acknowledgements R. Czy˙z was partially supported by NCN Grant DEC-2013/08/A/ST1/00312.

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